Exercise how to understand your needs for parents. Training for parents "path of parental love"

These training exercises for parents of teenagers is a group psychological training aimed at the formation of a narrow or maximally general skill of communication between parents and children. The purpose of the training is to develop the competence of parents in communicating with adolescents.
Classes are held in groups of at least 10 people. A comfortable environment is needed, preferably a carpet, tables for writing and drawing classes.

In order to identify the request of the training participants and obtain additional information about them the trainer can conduct a preliminary questioning.

Questionnaire for parents

The purpose of the survey: To determine the degree of need for parental competence training.

Purpose of the training. Learning and acquiring skills to improve parent-child relationship.

FULL NAME.____________________________________________
Date of completion____________________________________

1. Have you ever participated in trainings?

2. Can you call your parenting fully competent?

3. Do you apply effective educational measures to your child?

4. Is it worth improving in parenting competence of parenthood?

5. Do you think that your child is interested in the peculiarities of the child-parent relationship?

6. Are you ready for constant and systematic work to receive positive result?

8. Do you have the opportunity during the week to allocate a day that you could devote to:

A) school B) a child

(specify the day ___________________)

9. Do you think that through the joint efforts of children, parents, teachers and psychologists, will we achieve positive changes in the system of educational influences?

The main form of meetings - practical work during which specific skills of interaction with children are worked out.
there are several options for games that can be used in one way or another. Those games are selected and held that to a large extent reflect the needs of the audience and contribute to the implementation of specific tasks. Some exercises are performed at each training and become a kind of group ritual, which contributes to its unity, creates a working atmosphere and a pleasant psychological climate.


How do we often want to see our child (especially a teenager)? (one volunteer and one assistant are selected, who are given scarves, a scarf, a rope, a belt. The trainer asks the assistant, according to the text, to tie with scarves, scarves, ribbons, etc. “reproduction channels”):

Mouth - so as not to swear and shout;

Eyes - so that they do not see the unworthy, do not express hatred, displeasure and evil, so that they do not cry;

Ears - so as not to hear too much;

Hands - so as not to fight;

Legs - so as not to kick, not to walk in bad companies;

Soul - so as not to suffer.

After completing the procedure for staging prohibitions (tying), the trainer addresses the participants with questions:

What can such a person do? Express your thoughts? - Mouth bound!

Observe, highlight the beautiful, respond? – reduced ability to react – eyes closed!

Create beauty, hug, express joy? - Hands tied!

Walk through life? (lightly push the bound, try to make it move) - fear, stiffness of movements!

Sympathize, rejoice, trust? - the soul is “silent”, chained!

After this exercise, it is useful to ask connected person about his feelings during the exercise. Parents must draw conclusions.

Exercise "5 situations"

It is necessary to write 5 life situations related to the child, “I feel good” and “I feel: causing feelings of bad”.
Discussion. Compare situations that cause certain feelings that parents have. Select those that occur most frequently.

Exercise "Without a mask"

The trainer distributes pre-prepared cards on which the beginning of the sentences is written, the participants must continue them. After everyone has answered, these cards are passed around in a clockwise direction until all parents have completed each sentence.
“I especially like it when ...”, “I sometimes ...”, “I think that the most important thing for my child ...”, “My child ...”, “What I really want sometimes is .. . ”,“ It’s embarrassing when I ... ”“ I think that the most important thing for me, as a parent ... ”,“ I am especially pleased ... ”,“ I feel embarrassed in front of a child when ... ”,“ Especially me …”, “What I would like to change in myself is…”, “When…”, “Sometimes a child doesn’t understand me because I…”, “It’s annoying that I… ".

It is useful to carry out this exercise at the end of all classes, slightly changing the beginning of sentences.

Exercise "Speaking - Listening"

Parents are divided into pairs. One participant will speak and the other will listen. The exercise takes place in three stages:

Stage 1. Within 5 minutes, the first participant (“the speaker”) reports their difficulties in communicating with the child. At the same time, he draws attention to those moments that give rise to these difficulties. The other parent is actively listening.
Stage 2. Both participants discuss what in the behavior of the listener helped to speak out, and what hindered. (1 minute).

Stage 3. Within 5 minutes, the first participant talks about their strengths in communicating with the child, about what helps to establish contact.
Then the participants switch roles. (This exercise helps parents rethink how they communicate with their child.)

Exercise "Communication"

Relieves tension in the group, predicts group dynamics.
Participants throw the ball or pass it to each other, first naming the name of the person to whom they threw the ball, and name the quality or state that unites them. “I agree”, but if I do not agree, then he says “I will think about it”.

At the end of the session, the participants of the training exchange their impressions in a circle.

Exercise "Snowflake of Individuality"

An exercise that shows that we are all different (everyone does a task and then shows that everyone has different snowflakes, i.e. everyone is individual). The trainer distributes squares of paper of the same size and color to all participants and takes it himself .. Gives instructions that everyone should follow the trainer without question. The trainer turns away and gives the task step by step while doing it himself: 1. Fold a piece of paper in half. 2. Tear off the top right corner. 3. Fold the sheet again and tear off the top left corner. 4. Refold the paper and tear off the lower right corner. 5. In last time fold the paper and tear off the bottom left corner. After that, the trainer turns to the audience and asks everyone to unfold their "snowflakes", pick them up and show them to everyone. Coach: Try to find a copy of your snowflake. She's gone! - In the same way, there are no identical children (teenagers, people). We are all individual!

« Orenburg shawl"- all snowflakes are attached to the board in the form of a handkerchief that can warm (mother's handkerchief?)

We return to the "snowflake" and consider the issue that the complexity of mutual understanding arises from the fact that everyone's perception is different. To demonstrate, you can play one of the following exercises:

1. Broken telephone (verbal information) - 4-5 people leave the audience, the coach reads out any text, then the 1st one comes in - the text is also read to him (he must remember and retell the content of the text to the next), everyone is invited in turn and everyone, having received oral information, he tries to pass it on to another in the form in which he remembered. Then the information is read again. Listeners discuss the situation (mutual understanding between parents and adolescents).

2. Non-verbal - facial expressions, gestures, etc. Students are divided into groups of three. They should take turns expressing their mood, state of facial expressions and gestures. Others must determine what the interlocutor was trying to "tell" them. Discuss your feelings. Have you been understood correctly? Was it difficult to understand?

Exercise "Tangle of Problems"

The ball of thread begins to wind around forefinger the one who first named the problem. Then everyone, in turn, who believes that such a problem really exists, winds a thread around their fingers, passing the ball to the opposite side or to a neighbor (preferably on the opposite side of the circle). So, with the enumeration of a number of problems, a “web” is formed, from which it is sometimes difficult to free oneself! There is a discussion!

Exercise "Family Sociogram"

Parents are given forms with a drawn circle (diameter 110 mm). The instruction is given: “A circle is drawn on the sheet in front of you. Draw in it yourself and your family members in the form of circles and sign their names. This technique well reveals family coalitions, subsystems, symbiotic relationships, as well as the influence of some family members on others.

Participants are invited to analyze their drawings in accordance with the interpretation of the methodology, if they wish to discuss them.

Exercise "Brainstorm"

The psychologist reads to parents various difficult life situations for which they most often turn to a psychologist. For example: “How to put a child to sleep if he does not want to?”; “How to respond to childhood fears (fear of separation, fear of strangers, scary dreams)?”; “Why is the child so harmful, will contradict everyone?”; “The child bullies everyone all the time, fights with everyone. What to do?"; “Child hides from parents bad marks. How to proceed?"; “The child constantly asks the parents for money. Should I give it to him or not?” etc. Based on the above recommendations and techniques, through discussion and brainstorming Parents themselves answer their questions. This exercise teaches parents to analyze the problems of their children, helps to look at them from the outside and find The right way solving difficult situations.

Exercise “Forecast”

Parents need to use the following algorithm "Problem - Search - Conclusion" to suggest how a certain event in a relationship can develop " Parent-Child". Common causes of conflicts are taken for discussion. In the work it is possible to use the six servants “What?, Who?, How?, Why?, Where?, When?”.

1 situation:

Problem- persistence of the parent in resolving the conflict situation. Search- group reasoning (answer options can be written on the board). Conclusion: breaking old relationship may take the whole teenage years and take the form of chronic conflict. Difficulties are growing, the conflict is deepening.

2 situation:

Problem parental despotism. Search- group discussion. Conclusion: despotism can cause in a teenager the desire to repay him for the suppression of the personality, to “recoup” on others, on the weak.

3 situation:

Problem- an abundance of prohibitions. Search- group discussion. Conclusion:- a teenager finds ways to get around them, begins to lie, adapt, pretend.

4 situation:

Problem- A teenager takes revenge on you. Search- group discussion. Conclusions:- look for the reason. Maybe it's because you haven't solved your own adult problems (divorce, etc.).

5 situation:

Problem- parents see a child in a teenager. Search- group discussion. Conclusion:“restructuring” of relations, the possibility of a way out of a conflict situation.

Exercise analysis:

1. What conclusions did you come to in the course of your work?

2. The suggestions of which parents, according to the forecasts and options for solving the problem, seemed effective to you?

Exercise "Step by step"

In order to adequately resolve the conflict in relations with a teenager, we must go through a number of stages. Psychologists offer you step by step to come to a constructive relationship. During the study of the stages, you can express your points of view and beliefs.

Steps out of conflict situations:

The first stage "Clarification"

1. First you need to listen to the child.

2. Clarify - what is the problem, what does he want or not want, what makes it difficult for him, what is important to him.

3. Convince the child that you heard his problem.

4. Tell the child more precisely about your desire and experience.

5. Understand what needs of the child are infringed.

6. Try to explain your ban in an accessible way.

The second stage “Bank of ideas”

1. Start with the question: “How can we be?”, “What should we do?”

2. We must give the child the first to express his decision, then offer his options.

3. Do not reject any, even absurd, proposals.

4. If there are many proposals, they can be written down on paper.

The third stage " Important choice

1. Conduct a joint discussion of proposals.

2. When discussing, create an atmosphere of trusting respect, taking into account mutual interests.

3. Identify and realize each other's true desires.

4. Emphasize how good it is to solve “difficult” issues together.

Fourth stage “Control”

1. If the child fails, it is better if he says so himself.

2. Understand, analyze with him what was the reason for the failure.

3. Encourage and inspire confidence that the child is able to cope with this task on his own.

Exercise analysis:

1. Have you used any conflict resolution technology with your child?

2. Which of the stages seemed more difficult to you?

3. What methods do you use to resolve conflicts in your family and can you say that you are achieving good results?

4. Do you listen to your child's opinion in a conflict situation?

Exercise "Good or Bad"

The exercise shows the role of the perceptual mindset (parents are offered photos of "bad" and "good" teenagers). They must describe from the photo the possible behavior of the teenager from the point of view of the parents, how he can study, etc., i.e. describe? Participants should be divided into groups (the number of photos - 5), given 10 minutes for discussion, then hear representatives from each group. After all groups give their characteristics, provide them with the opposite. Discuss their feelings while working on the photo and after they learned the "truth".

Exercise "Umbrella of qualities"

Parents in groups draw 4 umbrellas each: two umbrellas with positive qualities: their own and their child, the other two - with negative ones. At will, the qualities of parents and children are read out. There is a discussion: How did the parent feel when they completed the task? Then we build common umbrellas on a paper or dock and see which qualities are more. There is a discussion! This exercise helps to see positive qualities - to find "light" in the child's soul!

Exercise "Ways of expressing dissatisfaction with your child and ways of praise"

Parents stand in two circles (outer and inner) facing each other. Participants in the outer circle first scold and then praise their partner (then they switch roles). Discussion:

× what did you feel in the first and second cases?;

× what was more?;

× which was easier?;

× what did the partner do better?;

× conflict – whose problem is it?

Exercise "Parts of the whole"

Fragments of the photo are shown to the participants of the seminar. They should try to determine what is depicted on them. Discussion! Then a photograph is shown and it is concluded that, despite the fact that we are all different, it is necessary to see the whole (personality). Particulars often give a distorted view of the whole if they are "taken out of context" of the individual?

Exercise “Piggy bank of ideas for strengthening family traditions»

All participants write down on a piece of paper an idea that, in their opinion, contributes to strengthening the family and building relationships with children, and put it in a box or bag. Then, one by one, I pull out an idea, voice it and give an analysis (can such an idea be successful?). There is a discussion!

Exercise "Similarities and Differences"

Participants unite by 3 people, relying only on external similarities (color of clothes, eyes, hair, length of clothes, etc.) Within 10 minutes, find as many internal (interesting and unexpected) similarities and differences between themselves as possible and write them down on leaflet. Discussion (the word is given to each group): What similarities (differences) did you find among themselves? Do similarities (differences) hinder or help you communicate? What unites people - similarities or differences? How else can you call the difference between one person and another? Why do we appreciate each other - for the common or individual?

Exercise "Mirror"

Participants break up in pairs (preferably an adult + a child) and alternately (3 minutes each) act as a mirror, copying exactly all the movements and facial expressions of a partner. Possible options: going to the theater, doing sports, building a house, cooking dinner, dancing, etc. Discussion:

§ Was it difficult to follow the movements of the other? Why?

§ What did you feel when you definitely had to follow the movements of another?

§ What would you like to do in a situation where you are forced to do something that you do not want or cannot do?

Exercise "Immersion in childhood"

Everyone remembers and tells the most memorable moment from childhood (children talk about one of the upcoming events). Discussion:

§ What do the memories of children and adults have in common? (question for adults).

§ How did you assess this situation then and now? (question to children).

§ Can you understand your parents then?

§ What advice would you give them if you were their childhood friends?

Exercise "Letter"

Two groups (parents and children) write a letter to each other with wishes. Reading letters aloud. Statements after reading (optional). Exercise

"Auction of Ideas"

Discussion of intra-family situations:

  • The child offends the younger children in the house.
  • The son (daughter) is friends with the guys who do not like the parents, because. they swear, skip school.
  • Parents are dissatisfied with their child's performance in school.
  • A son (daughter) breaks his favorite vase or breaks a tape recorder ...
  • Son (daughter) does not want to go to school.
  • The son (daughter) began to talk rudely with his parents, constantly arguing, arguing ...

Exercise "I really want ..."

The exercise is performed in several stages.

1. All participants are given 1-2 forms in which they must complete the sentence “I really want ...”.

2. Two templates are hung on the board - the silhouettes of an adult and a child. Next to these silhouettes are attached completed forms of children and parents.

3. Forms are selected where the desires of children and parents coincide.

4. Mismatched desires are analyzed as follows: children analyze the desires of their parents and vice versa.

Key questions for analysis:

  • How can you help make your wish come true?
  • Is it even possible to fulfill this desire?
  • Does any desire infringe on your rights?

Each group expresses its point of view. Discussion contentious issues. The final stage exercises: all participants choose one of the analyzed desires and speak in a circle “To fulfill the desire …… I could ……”.

Exercise "Question to a neighbor"

The participants sit in a circle. Passing the ball to a neighbor, everyone asks any question. Sample questions: How do you feel? What interesting thing happened to you today (yesterday)? What makes your child happy?

Exercise "Helpline"

Participants “phone” each other in turn (children to parents and vice versa), naming a specific problem of rights and obligations in the family between children and parents.

Exercise "Associations"

Adults and children on separate sheets of paper write associations for several (optional) participants in the game. Associations should be played as the names of ancient Indian tribes and coincide with the personal perception of this or that person. For example: Crystal voice, High mountain, Clear stream, skillful hand etc. Leaves with inscriptions alternately (without witnesses) are laid out by the participants themselves in the places where their chosen ones are sitting. After getting acquainted with the "names" - discussion. Everyone reads their "names". Says what name you liked or disliked. Why? Any participant can ask questions: Who wrote this particular association? Why?

Exercise " Siamese twins»

Each couple (family) is given a large sheet of paper. One partner draws blindfolded, the other with open eyes controls his hand. Participants' hands are tied with a bandage or ribbon. Then there is an exchange of roles. Discussion:

1. Why did you choose this particular drawing?

2. Was it easy to complete the task with someone you trust?

Exercise " family history»

To conduct this game, children and parents were given the task at the previous lesson - to bring such an item that has long been kept in their family and is their pride. It can be a photograph, an old document, an award, a valuable item (or drawing of it), etc. Family heirlooms should be kept in bags or bags so that no one can see them.

Exercise "Cam"

Participants work in pairs (parent, child). Alternately, one tightly squeezes his fist, the other tries to open his partner's palm, using any methods (methods and methods of opening the fist are not discussed in advance). At the end of the game, each participant tells what method he chose to complete the task. Discussion:

1. What feelings did you experience when violence was applied to you (they tried to open your fist with force)?

2. What feelings did you experience when they tried to unclench your fist with persuasion, caress?

3. Why did you choose this way of doing the task?

4. What state of a person resembles a clenched fist?

5. What does a person expect when he experiences grief, trouble?

6. How else can you help a person survive unpleasant situations?

Exercise "Pressure"

Participants are divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 50-70 cm, stretch their arms at chest level and touch their palms. The task of each is to lightly press on the partner’s palms, changing roles.


§ How did you feel when you were pressured by another person?

§ How did you feel when you won?

§ In what situation did you feel more comfortable: when you pressed or when your partner pressed on your palms?

Exercise "Analysis of memories"

Parents sit in a circle and answer questions:

§ After whom did you name your child?

§ How did you imagine your child before birth?

§ Did it live up to your expectations?

§ How do you imagine your son (daughter) in 10 years?

§ What reasons allow you to believe that these expectations will come true?

Very often, the expectations of parents from children do not fully satisfy them: they dreamed of an intellectual, and the son has ordinary abilities, they saw the future athlete in the child, and he barely passed the standards, etc. How to come to terms with this situation? Where to look for the “guilty” of the fact that the ideal idea is far from the real one? Or maybe learn to accept the child as he is and, continuing to love him, contribute to his improvement?

Game - discussion "Where are you standing?"

Purpose: teaching to conduct a conflict-free discussion on the proposed topic, using knowledge, improving the ability to listen, hear and respect someone else's point of view, the ability to convince another. The audience is divided into two parts with the help of chalk, the signs “+” and “-“ are put down. Participants take a position of neutrality (outside the designated sides). The psychologist pronounces one or another pointed statement, the participants choose and stand on the positions “+” (agree) or “-” (disagree). If one of the participants is undecided, then it remains in a neutral position for the time being.

Sample statements:

1. Parents must always be responsible for the actions of their children.

2. If a child argues with his parents, he is ill-bred.

3. Protecting your child from all troubles is a parental duty!

4. Than more problems occurs in the life of a child, the more independent he will be in adulthood.

5. Each participant who has taken a position expresses his opinion accurately and concisely.

One side speaks first, then the other. Participants can change their minds and switch sides.

Exercise "Give Some Responsibility"

Each participant in the training is given a list of traits. Task: choose those qualities that bother you in your child and write them down on a separate piece of paper.

× Doesn't do homework

× Doesn't take care of pets

× Refuses collective games and affairs

× Leaves dirty dishes

× Has excessive demands on himself

× Does not understand the feelings and experiences of other people

× Watches a lot of TV

× Poor student

× Has low self-esteem

× Brings friends home when parents are away

× Runs away from home

× Fights with siblings

× Often argues with adults

× Refuses to comply with requests

× Has unwanted friends

× Often loses control

× Seems indifferent to others

× Being rude to teachers

× Often fights at school

× Often deliberately annoying adults

× Throws tantrums

× Not cleaning his room

× Little and restless sleep

× Requires money

× Asks a lot of questions, but rarely waits for answers

Distribute the selected qualities in the proposed table.

In the “List of events affecting your life and the life of the child” section, discuss each item with the child and draw up an agreement that takes into account the interests of both the child and yours.

For example: In the paragraph “Watches a lot of TV”, the joint agreement stipulates the topics and time of watching television programs. Particular attention should be paid to the consequences if the contract is violated in part or in whole. The types of consequences can be varied: sleep time (earlier), deprivation of entertainment television programs, etc.

For each item in the section “List of events affecting the life of the child”, an agreement is drawn up. Thus, parents begin to leave the solution of problems to the children themselves. The main thing is that the form of transfer is based on trust in the child, which will allow him to show interest in independent actions. If the reaction of the child is unexpected for you (irritation, refusal, please get rid of responsibility), then it is better to listen to the child calmly and gently repeat that this is exactly what you want to do.

Exercise "Curious and Elephant"

The trainer reads the text: “The elephant was put up for viewing at night and in a dark room. Curious crowds rushed there. Since it was dark, people could not see anything, then they began to feel him to imagine what he looked like. The elephant was huge, and therefore each of the visitors could feel only part of the animal and thus form their own idea of ​​it. One of the visitors grabbed the elephant by the leg and began to explain to everyone that the elephant looked like a huge column; another touched the tusks and said that the elephant is a sharp object; the third, taking the animal by the ear, decided that it resembled a fan; the fourth, who stroked the elephant's back, claimed that the elephant was as straight and flat as a couch.

Treat your teenager as a whole person!

psychological exercises for training

Training of interaction between parents and children "Learning to understand each other"

Rashkina Elena Alekseevna
DOU No. 3 of a compensating type for children with severe speech
disorders, teacher-psychologist of the 2nd category.

The issue of interaction and understanding of each other becomes more and more relevant within the family as the child grows up, and even more so if the child is a speech pathologist. The child grows up and changes, and the parent-child relationship should also change and develop. And for this it is necessary to learn to understand, look and see each other. The experience of working with the families of speech pathologists indicates the difficulties in establishing visual contact as a result of not accepting the child's problems. Group forms of work give unique opportunity remove the feeling of uniqueness, the uniqueness of their own difficulties, allow you to get feedback (both from adults and children) and look at your own pedagogical experience from a different point of view.

Target: increasing the psychological competence of parents in matters of education and development effective skills communication with children.

Training objectives:

  • strengthening the ability of parents to understand and empathize with the emotional world of their child, through the establishment of visual contact, physical contact, observation and joint activities;
  • change of inadequate parental positions;
  • optimization of forms of parental interaction in the process of raising children.

"Primary Group Code":

  • the subject of discussion is children and ways of interaction of parents with them;
  • all members of the group have the right to freely participate in the discussion, devoid of formalism and routine;
  • the leader is not an absolute authority, the only source information and judgments that must necessarily be accepted by all members of the group.
  • increasing parental competence in matters of education
  • org. correctional games with children aimed at the formation of a new type of relationship of equality and partnership - org. free games with children
  • productive activities where the functions of "leader" and "follower" are divided between parent and child.
  • stimulating the speech of children in the process of communicating with parents and other members of the group

Program idea: cooperation

  • development of cooperation skills with the child
  • recognition of the child's right to choose
  • development of communication skills

Group value:

  • see your child in communication with peers and other adults;
  • reflect on your position and style of interaction with the child
  • rallying DRO "We are a family"

Elements and techniques:

  • fairy tale therapy (reading and discussion, composing, drawing a fairy tale; working with metaphor)
  • play therapy (games and exercises, psycho-gymnastics, role-playing games)
  • art therapy (work with drawing, visualization of images)

Training is conducted 4 days (the first is organizational and diagnostic for parents; three days together with children, the fourth day is final with a tea ceremony). At the end of the training, individual consultations with parents are held.

The duration of one lesson is 60 minutes, the last day is 90 minutes.

Class structure:

  1. greetings
  2. warm-up
  3. general circle
  4. parting
  5. homework for adults

1 day (group of parents)

Material: Forms for each parent: “VRP”, “My family in the form of circles”, homework No. 1, scarf, 4 paintings “Type family education”, 4 proverbs, relaxation text “Clearance from anxiety”, invitation for classes for each DR couple, music. excerpt.

1. Greeting and introduction of the participants: everyone standing in a circle in turn says: “Hello, my name is ... Today I am like that ... (show their facial expressions or gestures emotional condition)».

The group replies, "Hello, ... Today ... is like this (displays the participant's actions)."

2. Discussion: " Group rules»:

  • open communication
  • activity
  • non-judgmental judgments
  • voluntary participation
  • Here and now

3. Talk: " Goals and objectives of the training»:

  • rule 3 P: acceptance, recognition, understanding
  • willingness to cooperate

Conditions and working hours: the next 3 days with children, homework, absences are undesirable, the last day is 90 minutes long. The training ends with a tea ceremony and gifts for the participants. The next day, an invitation and homework.

4. Expectations of participants from work.

5. Exercise “Braggathers” “I..., my child...” Each participant should describe himself and his child with 3 positive adjectives. The group responds to the participant: “We are happy for you!”

6. "Running":
  • Stand up and change places for those who have one child;
  • Get up and change places for those who have a good relationship with kids;
  • Get up and change places for those who often play with the child.

7. Questionnaire "Parent-Child Interaction" (Appendix 1)

8. "Proverbs" Division into 2 groups, each receives two proverbs, explaining what our ancestors had to introduce:

  • Without a root, grass does not grow.
  • We are not like children, but they are like us.
  • Mother's son, yes father's hunchback.
  • A word of praise is rotten.

9. "Good and bad." 4 pictures are offered - the type of education.

One team calls "+" of this type education, and the other "-". (Appendix 2). Discuss what challenges the child may face kindergarten.

10. Test "My family in the form of a circle" Discussion of the impression of each drawing.

11. Exercise "Hands": One of the participants stands in a circle, they blindfold him, give him a hand, based on tactile sensations, he must say which parent is "soft or strict ..."

12. Relaxation "Purification of anxiety" (Appendix 3)

13. Discussion of the lesson

14. Farewell "General circle", presentation of invitations to classes with children

D / s No. 1: Fill in the table: “What makes me sad in my child and makes me happy”

Annex 1

Parent-Child Interaction Questionnaire (PCR)

Instruction. Indicate the degree of agreement with the following statements on a 5-point system.

  • 5 - definitely yes (very strong agreement);
  • 4 - generally yes;
  • 3 - both yes and no;
  • 2 - rather no than yes;
  • 1 - no (absolutely disagree)
  1. If I demand something from a child, I will definitely achieve it.
  2. I always punish him for bad deeds.
  3. The child usually decides what clothes to wear.
  4. My child can safely be left unattended.
  5. The child can tell me about everything that happens to him.
  6. I don't think he will achieve anything in life.
  7. I often tell him what I don't like about him than what I like.
  8. We often do housework together.
  9. I am constantly worried about the health of the child.
  10. I feel that I am consistent in my demands.
  11. There are often conflicts in our family.
  12. I would like him to raise his children the same way as I do.
  13. A child rarely does what I ask for the first time.
  14. I very rarely scold him.
  15. I try to control all his actions and deeds.
  16. I think the most important thing for him is to listen to me.
  17. If he has a misfortune, first of all he shares with me.
  18. I do not share his hobbies.
  19. I do not consider the child as smart and capable as I would like.
  20. I can admit I was wrong and apologize to him.
  21. I often think that something terrible could happen to my child.
  22. It is difficult for me to predict my behavior towards him.
  23. My child's upbringing would have been much better if other family members hadn't interfered.
  24. I like our relationship with the child.
  25. At home, my child has more responsibilities than most of his friends.
  26. We have to apply physical punishment to him.
  27. He has to do as I say, even if he doesn't want to.
  28. I think I know better than him what he needs.
  29. I always sympathize with my child.
  30. I think I understand him.
  31. I would like to change a lot in it.
  32. Upon acceptance family decisions I always consider his opinion.
  33. I think that I anxious mom(anxious dad).
  34. My behavior is often unexpected for him.
  35. It happens that when I punish a child, my husband (wife, grandmother ...) begins to reproach me for being too strict.
  36. I think that in general I am raising my child correctly.
  37. I make a lot of demands on him.
  38. I am a gentle person by nature.
  39. I let him walk alone in the courtyard of the house.
  40. I strive to protect my child from difficulties and troubles.
  41. I do not allow the child to notice my weaknesses and shortcomings.
  42. I like his character.
  43. I often criticize small things.
  44. I am always willing to listen to him.
  45. I think it is my duty to protect him from all dangers.
  46. I punish him for the things that I do myself.
  47. Sometimes, I unwittingly set the child against other family members.
  48. I get tired of everyday communication with the child.
  49. I have to force him to do what he doesn't want to.
  50. I forgive him what others would punish him for.
  51. I would like to know everything about him: what he thinks about, how he treats others, what he dreams about, ...
  52. He chooses what to do at home in his free time.
  53. I think that for a child I am the most close person.
  54. I applaud his behaviour.
  55. I often express my dissatisfaction with him.
  56. I take part in the cases that the child comes up with.
  57. I often think that someone might offend him.
  58. It happens that I reproach and praise him, in essence, for one and the same thing.
  59. It happens that if I tell him one thing, then the husband (wife, grandmother ...) specifically says the opposite.
  60. It seems to me that my relationship with the child is better than in the families of most of my acquaintances.

Registration form

Full name _________________ Age ____ education _________

F.I. child_____________________ Age________

Points Points Points Points Points sum
1 13 25 37 49
2 14 26 38 50
3 15 27 39 51
4 16 28 40 52
5 17 29 41 53
6 18 30 42 54
7 19 31 43 55
8 20 32 44 56
9 21 33 45 57
10 22 34 46 58
11 23 35 47 59
12 24 36 48 60

Homework #1: Table

What makes me sad about my child What makes me happy in my child

Annex 2

Appendix 3

"Anxiety Cleansing"

Sometimes we get very tired, and then we want to relax ...

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and try to imagine unusual journey. All I'll say...

Let's collect the bag. Let's put everything that interferes in it: all insults, tears, quarrels, sadness, failures, disappointment... Let's tie it up and hit the road...

We left the house where you live, on a wide road ...

Our path is long, the road is hard, the bag presses on our shoulders, our arms and legs are tired and heavy. Oh-oh! How you want to relax! Let's do that. We take off the bag and lie down on the ground. Take a deep breath: inhale (hold for 3 seconds), exhale (hold for 3 seconds) - repeat 3 times. Breathe easily, evenly deeply ... Do you feel how the earth smells? The fresh smell of herbs, the aroma of flowers fills the breath. The earth takes away all fatigue, anxiety, resentment, fills the body with strength, freshness...

We must go further. Get up. Lift the bag, feel it become lighter... You are walking across the field among flowers, grasshoppers are chirping, bees are buzzing, birds are singing. Listen to these sounds... There is a clear stream ahead. The water in it is healing, tasty. You lean towards it, dip your palms into the water and drink this clean and cool water with pleasure. Feel how it spreads pleasantly throughout the body with coolness. It's nice and fresh inside, you feel lightness all over your body... Good! Enter the water. She pleasantly caresses the legs, relieves stress and fatigue. You jump from pebble to pebble, it is easy and joyful for you, the bag does not interfere at all, it has become even lighter ... Multi-colored splashes scatter and refresh your face, forehead, cheeks, neck, whole body with shiny droplets. Good-oh!

You easily crossed over to the other side. No obstacles are terrible!

On the smooth green grass stands a wonderful white house. The door is open and welcomes you in. There is a stove in front of you, you can dry off. You sit down next to her and look at the bright flames. They jump merrily while dancing; embers wink. Pleasant warmth caresses the face, hands, body, legs, ... It becomes cozy and calm. Good fire takes away all your sorrows, fatigue, sadness...

Look, your bag is empty... You leave the house. You are happy and relaxed. You breathe in with joy Fresh air. A light breeze caresses your hair, face, body. The body seems to dissolve in the air, becomes light and weightless. You feel very good. The breeze fills your bag with joy, kindness, love...

You will take all this wealth to your home and share it with your children, relatives and friends. (Pause at least 30 seconds)

Now you can open your eyes and smile - you are at home and you are loved.

2 day

Material: Audio cassette "Top-top, clap-clap" by E. Zheleznova, scarf, 7 multi-colored petals for each pair, gluing base and glue stick, colored pencils, paper, musical soft toy"Flower-seven-flower"

  1. Acquaintance of participants in a circle: “Hello, my name is Lena, and you? »
  2. Musical ex. “Well, everyone stood in a circle” aud. No. 3 Exercise. aimed at bringing the group together.
  3. Work in dr pair. “Tender words” An adult, turning to a child, says: “Seryozha, you ... (3 affectionate words)". The child then responds. So in a circle all the couples speak out.
  4. Musical ex. "Clap" aud. No. 5 The first verse, each participant shows on himself parts of the body according to the text of the song, and the second verse is work in a pair.
  5. "Guess the child by the face." Host: parent eyes closed one by one he feels the faces of the children, trying to guess his child. The exercise is done in silence.
  6. Exercise "Semitsvetik" Petals from a flower are scattered around the room. The participants of the couple must agree on who will collect the petals and who will stick them on the base.
  7. "Make a wish". Make wishes: child - 3, parent - 3, and one joint. Desire discussion.
  8. Joint drawing " magic flower».

Parent and child are given one sheet of paper for two and felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, crayons. Instruction: “Now you will agree on what material you will use when completing the task, and who will start drawing first. At my signal, the first one begins to draw, the other silently watches, trying to understand the idea. On the second signal, the second member of the pair completes the drawing.

  1. Thinking what magic power has? The degree of satisfaction with the joint work.
  2. Embracing Relaxation: "Flight of the Butterfly" (Appendix 4)
  3. Farewell: “I give you a flower, you are my best friend ... (flower - “I love you”)
  4. General circle: "Everyone, everyone, goodbye!"

Homework: "Composing a fairy tale about your child"

Appendix 4

Relaxation "Butterfly Flight"

Follow the movements of her wings. The movements of her wings are light and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that he is a butterfly. That he has beautiful and big wings… Feel your wings move slowly and smoothly up and down, up and down…

Enjoy the feeling of slowly and smoothly floating in the air. Now take a look at the motley meadow over which you are flying. Look how much is on it bright colors... Find with your eyes the most beautiful flower and gradually begin to approach him. Now you can even smell the fragrance of your flower. Slowly and smoothly land on the soft, fragrant center of the flower... look at it and the flowers around... Breathe in its scent again... and open your eyes.

Tell me about your feelings.

3 day

Material: a musical excerpt of instrumental music, pictograms (joy, resentment, fear, anger, surprise, fright), a split pictogram for each pair, glue stick, sheets of paper, pencils, an orange dummy (ball).

  1. Greeting in a circle at a non-verbal level: children and adults move around the room to the music, at the signal “hands” they stop and shake hands, “noses” rub their noses, “brows” rub their foreheads. At the end of the “circle” - they stand in a circle and say in chorus: “I will raise my hands up, hello, I will tell you all!”
  2. "The color of your mood" Close your eyes and imagine the color of your mood. The color of your (child) neighbor. The neighbor confirms or refutes the assumption. Clockwise action.
  3. "Without words" - an analogy of the game "We will not say what we saw, but we will show what we did." First two teams: children and parents, and then Dr. couple.
  4. Journey to the Rainbow City: an introduction to pictograms. I / U “Which (what), am I? " round.
  5. "Collect the pictogram" Each Dr. couple gets a pictogram cut into pieces and draws, and the other participants have to guess. Discussion “When am I or my child like this?”
  6. Parallel work: children draw “What I dream about”, and parents do the exercise: “Understand me, mom”. (Appendix 5) The cut table and it needs to be restored, correlating words and feelings. Upon completion of the work, adults voice the dream of the child according to his drawing
  7. I / y "Orange" Participants in a circle without the help of hands pass an orange.
  8. Musical ex. "Neighbours" aud. No. 23
  9. And / at "Compliment"
  10. General circle "Goodbye to everyone!"

Homework number 3: together with the child, remember your favorite game, in the next lesson, tell and prepare the attributes for the game.

Appendix 5

"Understand me"

The child is talking The child feels
Look, dad, I made a plane from a new constructor! Pride. Satisfaction.
I am not happy. I do not know what to do. Boredom, stumped.
All the children play, but I have no one to play with. Loneliness, abandonment.
I can do it. I don't need help. I'm old enough to do it myself. Confidence, independence.
Go away, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone. Pain, anger, feeling of not love.
I can not. I try, but it doesn't work. Is it worth trying? Frustration, desire to quit.
I am glad that my parents are you and dad, and not others. Appreciation, gratitude, joy.

Day 4

Material: scarf, candle, gifts for participants (soft hearts), pens for each adult.

  1. Greeting: "Hi, a kind person!" right, left, in the center of the circle.
  2. And / at “Guess the parent by the hand.” The child is given hands in turn, and he must guess the hand of his mother or father.
  3. And / at "Boastful". Every child should brag about his mother, tell everyone about her.
  4. Presentation of home games.
  5. "Straw in the wind" All adults stand in a circle, stretch their arms palms forward. A "straw" is selected from the children. She stands in a circle blindfolded. On the command of an adult: "Keep your feet on the floor and fall back" Participants carefully pass the "straw" around the circle.
  6. Reading fairy tales of parents to children
  7. The host's tale "About the tender Teplyshki" (K. Steiner)
  8. Candle farewell: “I want the flame of this candle to destroy all your sorrows and hardships, the warmth of this candle warmed your hearts and souls, its light illuminated your faces with a smile and love dr couple"I love you", wishes to the participants. And now let's mentally thank each other for the work, let's take a breath and put out the candle together.
  9. Gifts and tea for participants.
  10. “Continue the offer” (feedback on the work in the training).

From working in the training, I gained ___________
I like it ___________
I did not like ___________
Would you like to participate in trainings ___________
Your wishes to the presenter ___________


  1. Zheleznova E. "Top-top, clap-clap": outdoor games (for classes in dr groups), M., 2006 Audio recording.
  2. Kosyakova O.O. "Logopsychology", R-on-D., "Phoenix", 2007
  3. Kryazheva N. L. “We rejoice together”: the development of the emotional world of children, series: “Practical work”, Yekaterinburg, 2006
  4. Markovskaya I.M. "Training of interaction between parents and children": goals, objectives and basic principles, S.-P., 2005.
  5. Sakovich N.A. "The practice of fairy tale therapy": a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs, S.-P., 2005.
  6. Chernetskaya L.V. " Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten”, series: “I give my heart to children”, R-on-D., 2005.
  7. Chernyaeva S.A. "Psychotherapeutic Tales and Games". Series: "Art therapy", S.-P., 2004

This training system has been tested for two years. Classes were held both with parents, children of a mass kindergarten, and with parents and children of a compensatory type kindergarten. At the end of the training sessions, 100% of parents expressed their desire to further participate in such joint activities. The work on the first day made it possible to diagnose and self-diagnose the problems of family education and interaction within the family. The use of the author's figurative representation of the types of education helps parents understand and analyze positive and negative sides pedagogical influences of parents. Understand why their child experiences difficulties in adaptation, socialization in kindergarten.

From the feedback of participants in 2007:

Elena Z., 35 years old “I got acquainted with the methods of education, rethought my attitude towards the child”

Svetlana K., 30 years old “I realized that everyone has certain problems with the child, and not just me, and this makes it easier. It was very interesting to look at the pictures and immediately everything became clear.”

calls emotional response representation of “My family in the form of circles”, but not the procedure of the image itself, but the subsequent discussion by other participants: distances of communication, proximity, dominance, blurring of the representation of the family ...

Joint activities with children, and especially on the first day, allow you to see what position the parents take in communicating with the child (ex. "Semitsvetik", "Make a Wish", "Magic Flower") in 80% of cases, children dominate. Discussing this fact, many parents experience: shock, disappointment in themselves, realize their own failure and loss. 100% of adult participants find it difficult to perform exercises of the type "Bank of Strokes": "Boasts", "Tell me about yourself and the child", "Complement". In children, this percentage is significantly lower than 45%, this is due to the experience of participating in communicative games in the psychologist's classes, during the circle hour, and less exposure of children to various conventions. The third day allows you to establish contact on a non-verbal level, learn to understand the emotional state of another by facial expressions, gestures, expressive movements and activate the inner child of an adult. All groups of adults experience significant difficulties in correlating words and feelings, and therefore in understanding their child, another loved one. It is after the passage of this day that the participants have a community of “We”.

Participant 2008: Dmitry N., 34 “I liked that today in the training not only the child and I understand each other, but also the children and parents are very close”

Therefore, this particular day ends with compliments around the circle and muses. exercise "Neighbours": neighbors can be pushed, neighbors can be tickled, neighbors can be hugged.

It makes no sense to talk and describe the state of children, their eyes glow with joy, the opportunity to communicate and play with their loved ones.

Completion of work on the fourth day: receiving tactile sensations, once again working through the "Bank of Strokes", gaining confidence and support from adults, strong people. Presentation of homework: reading fairy tales for children and about children and games. 70% of participants have homework caused resistance (once; I don’t know how to compose fairy tales and never did it; we don’t play, but only walk; he runs, and I look; what if I do something wrong, ...) and 25% noted this fact in the questionnaire, how, what did not like. This may indicate that parents are already ready to participate in various activities and be led, but are not yet ready today to actively work on their problems.

Of course, whatever result is obtained, this is an occasion for further analysis and work. Everyone benefited: children, having received time to communicate and play with their parents, parents: “gained knowledge, a skill how to understand a child in a difficult situation and sort out the problem with him”, a psychologist: the opportunity to reflect own activities and improve your professional skills.

I study at the Pedagogical University, my future profession is a psychologist. Plans for such trainings are a real find for me
Thanks a lot for the tutorial. had to be carried out Parent meeting V unusual shape. This outline is very good.
I decided to open a psychological circle for junior classes. The problem with the lack of literature and funds for it has disappeared thanks to your website. Thank you very much!!! Of course, this kind of training brings a lot of benefits. Let our world be kinder and brighter, and we will help this!
E. Rashkina
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad my experience is useful to you. The author of the technique is T. V. Rumyantseva. Test "Circles of relationships", we work by analogy.

Larisa Dautova
Psychological training for parents: "If anything, I'm with you!"

Purpose: Actualization of the feeling of unity in the relationship between parents and children.


1. Improve the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of their child;

2. Help reduce emotional stress;

3. Mastering the techniques of interaction with the child

Training duration: 25-30 min

Materials and equipment: magnetic board, pencils, chamomile petals, prepared cards with statements, heart drawing (cut into 4 parts, tape, children's fairy tales.

Course of the training


Good evening dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training: "If anything, I'm with you!" Today we will communicate with you in close, family circle After all, kindergarten is one big, friendly family.

Probably nothing makes a person so strong feelings like his own children. How to find mutual language with your child, how to make sure that you and your child understand each other without words. This is what we will talk about today.

I suggest you participate in the games; somewhere we will discuss, somewhere we will try to take the place of our child.

I hope that you will understand your child even better, you will be even more sensitive to the experiences of your child, you will understand each other's interests even more.

So let's start by greeting each other.

Warm-up "Give a smile"

Participants stand in a circle, hold hands. Everyone in turn gives a smile to his neighbors on the left and right, it is important to look into each other's eyes.

1. Exercise "Word - Association"

Teacher-psychologist: "Now we will do a little warm-up, which will help you tune in to work together."

Together he suggests choosing a word for the word “ice cream” - an association (for example, “heat”). Further to the "heat" - "sea".

The host starts the game by saying the word “family”, the participant next to him takes a massage ball and pronounces his word - association. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

2. Exercise "Flower"


Folk wisdom says: "The sweetest sound for a person is his name." If you want to draw a person's attention to yourself, set him up for communication, then you should contact the person, the child by name. What do you name your child?

The Flower game will help you find the positive qualities of your child.

Instruction: I propose to make an entry in the petal. On it you write affectionate name your child and his positive qualities.

Conclusion: Look how affectionate and kind chamomile we got! Maybe some of the qualities you have coincided.


It was difficult?

How did this exercise make you feel?

Was it easy for you to complete? Why?

3. Exercise "How do you feel better?"

Psychologist: I invite parents (6 people) to team up in pairs and each pair overcome a short distance along the tape. I offer cards with statements with which you will accompany the movement of your partner - the “child”

Conditions for passing: one participant passes along the tape, and the other at this time accompanies his movement first with the words:

1. “Go, I told you, immediately, go right, as I tell you”, 2. “Maybe you won’t go, but suddenly you fall, you get even dirty.”

3. And the last: “It's all right, I'm walking next to you. You're doing well, you're going well, go ahead."

Conclusion: while doing the exercise, each of you was in the role of a child or in the role of a parent, how did you feel? In what role did you feel more comfortable, in the role of the child who walked, or the parent who accompanied. Which words prevented you from going, which, on the contrary, helped. Parents discuss their feelings.

4. Exercise "Reading a fairy tale"

Purpose: to show parents how important emotional contact with a child, and when talking with a child, when reading fiction etc

Let's see how we communicate with a child, how important it is for us to communicate with our children.

Three participants are offered children's books with fairy tales, the first participant reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, turning his back to his parents, the second - facing his parents, but without taking his eyes off the text, and the third - tells emotionally, using gestures and facial expressions, expressively, almost without looking into the text .

After reading, it is proposed to answer the questions: What did you feel when you were sitting with your back? And when did they not look at you at all? And did you like the emotionally expressive reading, eye to eye? The same goes for our interactions with our children.

5. Exercise "What do the children want?"

Note. For the exercise, you will need a drawing of the heart, cut into pieces. Each part is numbered - so that in the future it will be more convenient and easier to assemble the mosaic.

The word of the teacher-psychologist: “Imagine mentally that you have returned to childhood. You are 5-6 years old. Remember what you most wanted? Write it down in one sentence. Participants write down their answers on the pieces of hearts handed out to them, after which they read and analyze what they have written. Then the educational psychologist offers to assemble a mosaic from the received parts and concludes: “What children really want is a lot of love, warmth and affection.”

Final part.

Well, that's the end of our training. I would like him to help you in the upbringing of your children. In conclusion, I propose the exercise "Applause". Let's imagine a smile on one palm, and joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be firmly, firmly united with applause. Dear parents, our meeting showed how resourceful, caring and loving parents. Thank you.

Reflection of the participants of the training.

Related publications:

Psychological training "How to maintain the mental health of teachers" 1 The game "TELL ANOTHER COMPLIMENT" (association) All participants in the game are invited to take turns saying pleasant things to each other. Compliments can.

Psychological training for teachers "How to raise children so that they are happy?" It's no secret that the process of raising children is one of the most difficult processes that requires great emotional costs and knowledge. We.

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Psychological training for teachers "Secrets of the East". The purpose of the training: to improve the emotional state of the training participants; restore mental balance; relieve muscle tension.

Psychological training for parents of children of middle preschool age on communicative development "I understand you, mom" Psychological training with parents of children middle group conducted by Bychkas Larisa Viktorovna Theme "I understand you, mother" Purpose of the training:.

Training: "Effective interaction of parents with children"

aim of this training is the formation of skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development trusting relationship in family.

Pay parents;

Create conditions for easy communication;

Develop communication skills of participants, create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy and goodwill.



Topic: "Training of effective interaction between parents and children"

aim This training is the formation of skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development of trusting relationships in the family.

Pay parents;

Create conditions for easy communication;

Develop communication skills of participants, create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy and goodwill.

Course of the training

Exercise 1. "Introduction"

Choose the flower you like best.

Group members are offered flowers of different colors. Participants choose the flower that they liked best, best suited to their mood. On the petal writes his name in the form in which he wants. And their expectations from the upcoming training. This flower is the emblem of the participant and is kept until the end of the session. At the end of the session, each participant explains why he chose this particular flower and whether his supposed expectations were met.

Let's pretend that you are all... different flowers on the meadow.

The gentle sun shines. How do your heads turn for the sun?

And now a light breeze is blowing. How are your stems swinging?

The wind is picking up and clouds are appearing in the sky. A thunderstorm is approaching, the first drops of rain have fallen. What happens to flowers? Show.

But now the clouds are dissipating, the storm subsides, the sun is showing. The last droplets are dripping from your petals. Washed and fresh flowers stand in a clearing and smile at the sun.

Exercise 2

Each participant chooses a moth. Moths fly to the music, form groups by color, 6, 3, 2 participants each. Participants choose a partner for further work.

Game 3. "Your virtues"

The participants stand in a circle. Everyone tells his neighbor on the right about his merits. The one to whom they turn answers: “Yes, I have it, and I also ...” (calls positive quality his character). For example:

You have very kind eyes.

Yes, I have it, and I'm also very cheerful.

Exercise 4. "Broken Doll"

Not infrequently, parents are worried about the lack of assembly of children, their excessive activity. A balanced, joyful child suddenly becomes conflicted and restless. All these are signs of psycho-emotional stress, a consequence of some kind of childhood problem that adults have not yet figured out. How to help the child in these moments? The most correct thing is to teach him to help himself, that is, to acquaint him with the methods of self-regulation. Do the following exercise.

Sometimes toys break, but they can be helped. Depict a doll in which the ropes that fasten the head, neck, arms, legs broke off. She was all flustered. They don't want to play with her. Shake all the broken pieces at the same time. Now collect, strengthen the ropes - slowly, carefully connect the head and neck, straighten it. Now straighten your shoulders and secure your arms, breathe deeply. Straighten your legs. Everything - the doll was repaired, now she is beautiful again, everyone wants to play with her! Offer this exercise to your child at home if necessary.

Collage 5. "Share the Joy"

We all need attention from the people around us and don't want to feel " empty space". Children, all the more so, since they need to be aware of their significance. Children very often try to draw attention to themselves with their behavior.

Exercise "Hedgehog"

Target : Emotional support, establishing a trusting relationship between parents and children, acceptance of each other, tactile contact.

The exercise is carried out in pairs (parent and child). One of the pair "folds" into a ball and maintains position. The task of the second is to expand it, find an approach, create conditions under which the "hedgehog" wants to unwind itself, to establish mutual understanding. Forceful techniques, tickling, persuasion with words are prohibited. Then the participants switch roles. The exercise ends with a discussion.

  • How are you feeling?
  • Which role did you like best and why?
  • Where can these touches be used?

Exercise 7. "The heart of the family in the house"

The facilitator hangs an image of a heart on a stand or board and says: “This is the heart happy family. Please list the treasures of a happy family.” Participants (members of the same family) agree and write down on sticky notes what, in their opinion, should be placed in the heart of a happy family. Participants attach stickers to the "heart of a happy family." All answers must be read. The game is analyzed.

Exercise 9

Sit comfortably on the mats. If you want to clear your throat, do it now. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing, it is even, calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood. You are 5-6 years old. You are in kindergarten, look around.

Take a look at what surrounds you. The working day at the preschool ends, parents come for the children. Here the boy left, here the girl left, but they haven’t come for you yet. And now you're alone in the room. And what are you doing?

You hear your name. They came for you. Who is this? Now it's time to go back and when you're ready, open your eyes.

Reflection in a circle with pronunciation of feelings actualized in the exercise.

Method 9. “Flower expectation”.

Parents are invited to write on the color templates what they received

from training. Tell what they expected from the training and what they ended up with

got. Flower patterns are attached to a common wreath. expectations

there may be several.

Reflection lessons

Training for parents of young children

The optimal number of participants is 10-15 people.

All members of the group have the right to freely participate in the discussion.


1. Greeting.

Hello! We are glad that you took the time to come to this meeting, which we are holding in the form of training).

In the course of work, we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to: sign and attach business cards-badges so that everyone knows how to contact you.

2 . Goals and objectives of the training, organizational issues: operation mode.

Target: harmonization of the child-adult relationship.

Active listening, that is, being able to hear what the child wants to say to parents;

Awareness by parents of the features of the psychophysical development of children

Subject of discussion - children and ways of interaction with them parents.

At this meeting of ours, we will work on some very important points our interactions with children.

3. Adoption of norms and rules of group work

Right to own opinion

Statement regulation


Voluntary participation

Saying one by one

Rule "here and now"

4. Acquaintance.

Exercise "We are united with you ..."

Now we will pass in a circle such a toy (ball, soft toy), your task is: introduce yourself, say, whose parents are you and complete the following sentence:: "I think we are united with you..." (or phrase "My child...")

Each time the ball gets to a new participant until everyone gets the ball.

5. The main part.

Psychologists emphasize the importance early period for the further development of the child. E.O. Smirnova says:

“The first three years of a child's life leave an indelible mark not only in the memory of the parents, but also in the soul of the child. During this time, he has come a long way in his development. He is learning to see the world. Understand the meaning of surrounding objects and use them, communicate with people. It is in the first years that his attitude to people, to himself, to the world is laid. The first childhood impressions leave their mark on the future life of a person. After all, this is the beginning of all his future qualities and abilities.

Psychologist: Each of us LOVES and UNDERSTANDS our child. This ACCEPTANCE finds its expression in our mimic reaction to the actions of the child, in our gestures, in our reflections, in our words to the child,

Exercise "What is hidden in the name of my child" ("The Secret of the Name")

Parents are invited to name their child and describe him by the first letter of the name. For example: Zhenya is cheerful.

Exercise "Immersion in childhood"

Leading. Sit comfortably, put your feet on the floor so that they feel good support, lean back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is even and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to your childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You have fun, you walk down the street, and next to you is a loved one. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run away merrily forward, but not far, waiting for your loved one and again take his hand. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different, unfamiliar person. You turn around and see that your loved one is standing behind and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


Did you manage to plunge into childhood?

- Did you feel reliable shoulder accompanying you as a child?

What does “reliable shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

What did you want to do?

Psychologist: Often, parents and caregivers, making comments to babies in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell the child what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of the adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will the child do to the words: “Don’t come to the TV!”).

Appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. expect action, not inaction.

Exercise "Non-Children's Bans"

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one by one and tells him what they forbid him to do, which is what the participants most often tell their child. Wherein nylon tape they tie up that part of the body that was affected by the ban. For example: "Don't scream!" - the mouth is tied, "Don't run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have spoken, the seated person is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to get up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what you can do. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of the child:

What did you feel when "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

Which part of the body did you feel most restricted in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand?

What did you want to untie first?

What do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

Psychologist: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How to act as an adult in a given situation, it is up to him to decide. However, you can lose, as in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child's ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and life experience is negligible. Our task is task of adults surrounding the child - to help navigate in a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach them to understand the endless “don’t” and “can”! To teach this to children, teachers themselves need to be well versed in this.

I suggest you go group test "Do's and Don'ts".

Do's and Don'ts test

Punishment is impossible

Punishment possible

Child is sick

Before bedtime

Right after sleep

While eating

During class

During the game

Immediately following a mental or physical injury

The child sincerely tries to do something, but he does not succeed

The teacher is in a bad mood

After the test is completed, it is discussion :

When, in what situations is it possible and when not to punish a child?

In conclusion, teachers are invited cut off scissors column of the test “Punishment is possible”. ­

The rest as “reminders” can be used at work.

Psychologist: How much warmth of the heart is ruined because of the inability to understand the other and oneself. How many dramas, large and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, love. You also need to know how to love, and this skill is not given by mother nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is affection deficit. Parents sometimes do not find time, forget or maybe even hesitate to caress the child just like that, obeying some inner impulse. Fear of spoiling children causes parents to be overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, love.

Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper, in the center of which he writes the name of the child. On every ray of the sun, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written.

Psychologist: I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child about how you assessed his qualities - give the child warmth, affection and attention.

6. Summing up the work. Reflection.

What did you like most about our work, what did you not like?

- What feelings accompanied during the entire cycle of classes?

What information was the most relevant for you?