Exercises for parents parent child. Training for parents "When there are "difficult" parents in the family

Subject: "I want to understand my child."

Form of carrying out: Training for parents.

Audience: parents senior group

Number of participants: 12 persons


1. Expansion of contact between group teachers and parents.

2. Increasing the pedagogical culture of parents.

3. To acquaint parents with methods and techniques that contribute to the development of harmonious parent-child relationships.

4. Creation of a favorable emotional climate in the family.

Expected results:

Developing positive relationships between children and parents.

Exchange of experience between parents on the upbringing of their children.

Information- technical support:

Making posters with statements of prominent people about education, about the relationship between adults and children:

“Parents do not understand how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them” (F.E. Dzerzhinsky).

“Raise your children in virtue, it alone can give happiness”

(L. Beethoven).

“Children have their own special ability to see, think and feel, and there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability with ours” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).

“Every art, and the art of education too, aims to make up for what is lacking from nature” (Aristotle) .

“Then we pray to the gods for children, so that they reflect our adversaries and know how to give honor to a friend” (Sophocles) .

« The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.” (Oscar Wilde)

Materials and equipment: badges (according to the number of participants), tape recorder, musical recordings, paper f. A 4, pencils (felt-tip pens).

Carrying out logic:

Good evening, Dear Parents. I thank you for coming to our such an unusual meeting. Today we will communicate with you in close, family circle and we will try to learn a lot of new things both about ourselves and about our children.

Psychological training It is a training of the soul, mind and body. A person absorbs 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of work, we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to sign and attach business cards - badges, so that everyone knows how to contact you.


In each of us there are three people "Child, parent, adult." IN life situations we play different roles. Depending on the situation, we can either be a small child, or a strict parent, or reason like "adults". Here we will try to play, to realize these roles.

First, let's get to know each other.

1. Exercise "Binding thread". Participants call their names in a circle.

And now let's try to answer the question “What is communication, what should it be? ”(Answers of parents).

Communication and relationships with other people are born and developed in childhood. For a child, adults are a model in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually, they want to learn everything on own experience. He is especially attracted to those activities that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. Children always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish between good and bad, they tend to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love, calm, when adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he has a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can persist for a lifetime. During the development of a child's communication skills, great attention should be given to the formation personal qualities baby, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer those feelings to relationships with others.

Today we must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it manifests itself in the relationship of parents not only to him, but also to each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

2. Exercise "Parent and child."(You need to split into pairs). Let's try to consider the following situations:

1. On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in the only spring puddle, at the moment when the mother was talking with a friend who unexpectedly approached. Hint: speak on behalf of the child, voicing the possible course of his thoughts.

And the reaction of the mother when she saw the wet child ...

Summary. I think that a reminder of this opportunity for adults to penetrate into the world of children will help organize the process of education more competently, build interaction in the family more fruitfully.

2. Parent and child are selected.

Dear parents! You are in a hurry, ran to kindergarten for your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is naughty, does not want to get dressed.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

3. You are in the store and the child demands that you buy him another car or toy. Your actions? (the child is already on the verge of hysteria)

4. Do you Bad mood or you are late for work, brought the child to kindergarten, and he does not want to go to the group, he is naughty. Your actions?

5. The child has done something or got dirty, He must tell his mother this, knowing that his mother will swear. What is your reaction to the confession?

3. Exercise "Associations". Our goal is to educate happy child. Who can raise a happy child. Who it happy child? Who it effective parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instructions: The group is divided into 2 teams.

Team 1: Write your associations when you hear the word "happy child".

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word "effective parent"


The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for the child. The family has a huge influence on what the baby will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: "what my father and mother taught me."

Often, parents and caregivers, making comments to kids in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell the child what not to do. As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of the adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example: What will the child do to the words: “Do not come to the TV!”).

Appeal to the child should be positive, i.e., suggest a response action, and not inaction.

4. Exercise "Non-Children's Bans"

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one at a time and tells him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example: "Don't scream! "- the mouth is tied, "Do not run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have spoken, the seated person is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to get up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what you can do. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of the child:

What did you feel when "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

Which part of the body did you feel most restricted in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand?

What did you want to untie first?

What do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How to act as an adult in a given situation, it is up to him to decide. However, you can lose, as in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child's ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and life experience is negligible. Our task - the task of adults surrounding the child - is to help navigate in a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach them to understand the endless “don’t” and “can”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be well versed in this.

5. Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper, in the center of which he writes the name of the child. On every ray of the sun, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children. Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written. I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child about how you assessed his qualities - give the child warmth, affection and attention.


1. Galiguzova L. N. Smirnova E. O. The art of communication with a child from one to six years old. - M. : ARKTI, 2004.

2. Gippenreiter Yu. B. Communicate with the child. How? TC Sphere, 2001.

3. Gorshenina V. V. The system of work of the kindergarten for the prevention and overcoming of difficulties family education. Volgograd: Panorama, 2006.

4. Moskalyuk O. V., Pogontseva L. V. Pedagogy of mutual understanding. Activities with parents. - Volgograd, : 2008.

5. Tkacheva V. V. Harmonization of intra-family relations: dad, mom, me - Friendly family: workshop on the formation of adequate intra-family relations. - M.: 2000.

6. Shipitsina L. M., Zashchirinskaya O. V., Voronova A. P. Communication ABC: development of the child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers (for children from 3 to 6 years old) .- M .: Linka-Press, 2005.

Training: "Effective interaction of parents with children"

aim of this training is the formation of skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development trusting relationship in family.

Pay parents;

Create conditions for easy communication;

Develop communication skills of participants, create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy and goodwill.



Topic: "Training of effective interaction between parents and children"

aim This training is the formation of skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development of trusting relationships in the family.

Pay parents;

Create conditions for easy communication;

Develop communication skills of participants, create an atmosphere of emotional intimacy and goodwill.

Course of the training

Exercise 1. "Introduction"

Choose the flower you like best.

Group members are offered flowers of different colors. Participants choose the flower that they liked best, best suited to their mood. On the petal writes his name in the form in which he wants. And their expectations from the upcoming training. This flower is the emblem of the participant and is kept until the end of the session. At the end of the session, each participant explains why he chose this particular flower and whether his supposed expectations were met.

Let's pretend that you are all... different flowers on the meadow.

The gentle sun shines. How do your heads turn for the sun?

And now a light breeze is blowing. How are your stems swinging?

The wind is picking up and clouds are appearing in the sky. A thunderstorm is approaching, the first drops of rain have fallen. What happens to flowers? Show.

But now the clouds are dissipating, the storm subsides, the sun is showing. The last droplets are dripping from your petals. Washed and fresh flowers stand in a clearing and smile at the sun.

Exercise 2

Each participant chooses a moth. Moths fly to the music, form groups by color, 6, 3, 2 participants each. Participants choose a partner for further work.

Game 3. "Your virtues"

The participants stand in a circle. Everyone tells his neighbor on the right about his merits. The one to whom they turn answers: “Yes, I have it, and I also ...” (calls positive quality his character). For example:

You have very kind eyes.

Yes, I have it, and I'm also very cheerful.

Exercise 4. "Broken Doll"

Not infrequently, parents are worried about the lack of assembly of children, their excessive activity. A balanced, joyful child suddenly becomes conflicted and restless. All these are signs of psycho-emotional stress, a consequence of some kind of childhood problem that adults have not yet figured out. How to help the child in these moments? The most correct thing is to teach him to help himself, that is, to acquaint him with the methods of self-regulation. Do the following exercise.

Sometimes toys break, but they can be helped. Depict a doll in which the ropes that fasten the head, neck, arms, legs broke off. She was all flustered. They don't want to play with her. Shake all the broken pieces at the same time. Now collect, strengthen the ropes - slowly, carefully connect the head and neck, straighten it. Now straighten your shoulders and secure your arms, breathe deeply. Straighten your legs. Everything - the doll was repaired, now she is beautiful again, everyone wants to play with her! Offer this exercise to your child at home if necessary.

Collage 5. "Share the Joy"

We all need attention from the people around us and don't want to feel " empty space". Children, all the more so, since they need to be aware of their significance. Children very often try to draw attention to themselves with their behavior.

Exercise "Hedgehog"

Target : Emotional support, establishing a trusting relationship between parents and children, acceptance of each other, tactile contact.

The exercise is carried out in pairs (parent and child). One of the pair "folds" into a ball and maintains position. The task of the second is to expand it, find an approach, create conditions under which the "hedgehog" wants to unwind itself, to establish mutual understanding. Forceful techniques, tickling, persuasion with words are prohibited. Then the participants switch roles. The exercise ends with a discussion.

  • How are you feeling?
  • Which role did you like best and why?
  • Where can these touches be used?

Exercise 7. "The heart of the family in the house"

The facilitator hangs an image of a heart on a stand or board and says: “This is the heart happy family. Please list the treasures of a happy family.” Participants (members of the same family) agree and write down on sticky notes what, in their opinion, should be placed in the heart of a happy family. Participants attach stickers to the "heart of a happy family." All answers must be read. The game is analyzed.

Exercise 9

Sit comfortably on the mats. If you want to clear your throat, do it now. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing, it is even, calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood. You are 5-6 years old. You are in kindergarten, look around.

Take a look at what surrounds you. The working day at the preschool ends, parents come for the children. Here the boy left, here the girl left, but they haven’t come for you yet. And now you're alone in the room. And what are you doing?

You hear your name. They came for you. Who is this? Now it's time to go back and when you're ready, open your eyes.

Reflection in a circle with pronunciation of feelings actualized in the exercise.

Method 9. “Flower expectation”.

Parents are invited to write on the color templates what they received

from training. Tell what they expected from the training and what they ended up with

got. Flower patterns are attached to a common wreath. expectations

there may be several.

Reflection lessons

Members: group of parents preschool age 8-12 people.

Equipment: badges (according to the number of participants), magnetic board, projector, tape recorder, musical recordings, paper f. A4, pencils (felt-tip pens).

Time: 2–2.5 hours.

Location: music hall.

Course of the training

Light music sounds. Parents sit in a circle. The host approaches each of the parents, gets to know each other, draws up a “common business card” - writes the name of the parents on a large sheet (in the form of a flower).

Leading. Good evening dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will talk in a close, family circle.

Psychological training is the training of the soul, mind, body. A person absorbs 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of work, we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to: sign and attach business cards-badges so that everyone knows how to contact you.

Topic of today's training:"Path parental love».


Exercise " Kind warmth» (10 min.)

Target: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. “Heat” will go from me to the right (left), that is, I will lightly touch my neighbor’s shoulder with my shoulder , calling my name, written on a business card-badge, and remembering how affectionately they called me in childhood, my neighbor did the same - to the next one, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now the same, but with eyes closed. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the task?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Find a couple. (2 minutes.)

Let's fantasize: Warm autumn, foliage falls, colorful leaves lie on the ground. You walk through the forest, the leaves rustle under your feet. There is a beautiful lake in front of you, the water is shining, and you want to go on a boat and enjoy the smell of the forest, water and this beauty. Hoops are boats. To the music, you will walk along the shore of a wonderful lake, around which there is an autumn multi-colored forest, when the melody stops sounding, you need to choose a boat for yourself, their number is limited. Nobody should stay on the shore.

Questions: How did you feel while playing this game? What is your mood?

Main part


It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere that one should probably talk about the most important thing in the life of every person - about parental love. Everyone considers themselves loving parents, and this is quite natural. We really adore our children, and the best confirmation of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenthood is perhaps the most profound responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and educate their children, as well as to form in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication and relationships with other people are born and developed in childhood. For a child, adults are a model in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually, they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to those activities that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish between good and bad, they tend to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love, calm, when adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he has a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can persist for a lifetime. In the process of developing a child's communication skills, much attention must be paid to the formation of the child's personal qualities, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer those feelings to relationships with others.

Today we must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it manifests itself in the relationship of parents not only to him, but also to each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's go with you along the path of parental love.

The aim of the training is: contributing to the improvement parent-child relationship and the formation of skills for effective interaction.

Our task- show parents the degree of understanding of their child, help to better understand their relationship with children and emotionally enrich them.

Group rules.

Target: Emphasizing the participants on the observance of the rules of work in the group and the regulation of work.

Leading. The trainees do everything themselves. In order for our meeting to be productive, certain rules must be followed.

We will not judge each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust and openness. This will allow you to experiment without being shy about making mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets (can be written on the board), let's discuss and choose those that suit us for effective interaction:

  • Appeal by name, and to you.
  • Do not judge each other, do not discuss anyone.
  • Listen, don't interrupt.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Rule of participation - I take part in the games.
  • rule life buoy- if I find it difficult during the training, I can take a break (__times).
  • good mood rule.
  • ________ (training participants can add their own rules).

So, we have defined the rules of conduct at the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Exercise "My expectations"

Target: determining the expectations of participants from working in a group.

Leading. Dear parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a heart. Draw a symbol that characterizes your family and write down your hopes and expectations from our meeting on them. Next, you should voice them and attach them to the poster "Path of parental love", which shows a path stretching upwards from the house "Parental love" Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the path, near the house.

Picture 1.

Exercise "Immersion in childhood"

Quiet, light music sounds.

Leading. Sit comfortably, put your feet on the floor so that they feel good support, lean back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is even and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to your childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You have fun, you walk down the street, and next to you close person. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run away merrily forward, but not far, waiting for your loved one and again take his hand. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different, unfamiliar person. You turn around and see that your loved one is standing behind and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


- Did you manage to plunge into childhood?

- Did you feel reliable shoulder accompanying you as a child?

– What does “reliable shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

- What would you like to do?

Exercise "Role playing"

Task for group No. 1.(Time to complete - 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in the only spring puddle, at the moment when the mother was talking with a friend who unexpectedly approached. Hint: speak on behalf of the child, voicing the possible course of his thoughts.

And the reaction of the mother when she saw the wet child ...

Summary. I think that a reminder of this opportunity for adults to penetrate into the world of children will help organize the process of education more competently, build interaction in the family more fruitfully.

Task for group number 2.(Preparation time - 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to the kindergarten for your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is naughty, does not want to get dressed.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. Data role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about how I would react to the behavior of my child, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift the mood, relieve fatigue.

Music sounds. Parents together with the leader perform the "Dance of the Little Ducklings".

Exercise "Associations"(3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to raise a happy child. Who can raise a happy child. Who is a happy child? Who is an effective parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instructions: The group is divided into 2 teams.

Team 1: Write your associations when you hear the word "happy child".

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word "effective parent"


The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for the child. The family has a huge influence on what the baby will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: "what my father and mother taught me."

I invite you to watch the video "Happiness is simple"(Annex 1). The author of the video is Alisa Pashkova.


  • What do you feel now?
  • What feelings did you experience while watching the video?
  • Wanted to do something?
  • Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Leading: Often, parents and caregivers, making comments to kids in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell the child what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of the adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will the child do to the words: “Don’t come to the TV!”).

Appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. expect action, not inaction.

Exercise "Non-Children's Bans"

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one at a time and tells him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example: "Don't scream!" - the mouth is tied, "Don't run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have spoken, the seated person is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to get up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what you can do. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of the child:

- What did you feel when your "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

What part of the body did you feel most acutely limited in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

- What did you want to untie in the first place?

– What do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

What did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

- What did you want to do?

– Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

- What are your feelings now?

Leading: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How to act as an adult in a given situation, it is up to him to decide. However, you can play difficult situations, as in the theater, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child's ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and life experience is negligible. Our task is task of adults surrounding the child - to help navigate in a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach them to understand the endless “don’t” and “can”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be well versed in this.

Exercise "We forbid - we allow"

Three colored sheets are attached to the board, corresponding to the prohibited zones.

  • green symbolizes the zone " Absolute freedom»;
  • yellow - zone "Relative freedom";
  • red - "Forbidden" zone.

Participants are asked to make a list possible actions children, distributing them into three main areas. The resulting options are analyzed: parents, together with the leader (psychologist, teacher), predict possible situations and mistakes.

Leading: How much warmth of the heart is ruined because of the inability to understand the other and oneself. How many dramas, large and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, love. You also need to know how to love, and this skill is not given by mother nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is affection deficit. Parents sometimes do not find time, forget or maybe even hesitate to caress the child just like that, obeying some inner impulse. Fear of spoiling children causes parents to be overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, love.

Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper, in the center of which he writes the name of the child. On every ray of the sun, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written.

I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child about how you assessed his qualities - give the child warmth, affection and attention.


Leading. Our meeting is coming to an end, so let's determine if our expectations have come true. If so, you need to rearrange the stickers on the path of Parental love. The path of parental love does not end, walk with your children with love, care and hope. Bon Voyage!

At the end of the training, parents with the leader drink tea at the round table!

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Purpose: to help parents get to know each other better for successful interaction in the future.
Preparation: parents bring one family photo(if dad and mom, then 2 photos).
Those present take their places, forming one large circle. The teacher-psychologist informs the purpose of the training, invites parents to be frank, open, sincere.
The first task - "Introduction"
Each of the parents calls himself the way he would like to be addressed today, and writes down his name or first name and patronymic on a sheet prepared in advance by the teacher or purchased (the so-called bey-jik) and attaches it to his clothes.

SESSION № 2 "Values ​​in raising a child"

Purpose: to determine the true values ​​in your life and help realize your potential in raising a child.
1. Greeting
2. Exercise "Wastebasket"
On pieces of paper, write all those qualities that prevent you from effectively communicating with loved ones, and which you would like to get rid of. Once these qualities are recorded, think about what you would like to receive in return? Write down the desired qualities on paper. Throw papers with unnecessary qualities into the basket, and keep with the desired qualities.
3. Exercise "Scale of values"
Parents are invited on a horizontal straight line, symbolizing the scale of life values, to mark their values ​​that they have.
Then, on a 10-point system, evaluate the amount of time they invest in each direction:
work life store television children friends dacha.
The discussion for this exercise revolves around questions such as: “How much time do we spend with children? What emotional state are we in when interacting? What feelings does the child experience when communicating with us? What results do we expect with this approach to raising children?
4. Exercise "Future"
Parents are invited to answer the question: “How do you want your child to be in adult life? Record your answers in column 1. then fill in column #2 and #3.

The answer to the question: “What do you want your child to be like as an adult?” Personal assessments of the child that you use when communicating with him. Expressions that are most suitable for achieving the goal.
1 2 3

1) Borrow comfortable position. Close your eyes, do deep breath. Feel how the muscles of the face and neck relax, a pleasant relaxation descends on the shoulders and arms. You feel heaviness and complete relaxation in your hands. The muscles of the back, chest, abdomen are relaxed, the legs are motionless on the floor, they are also completely relaxed. You feel a pleasant relaxation throughout your body. Every cell in your body rests. You only think about pleasant things. Extraneous sounds for you, like the sound of rain, create a background for pleasant relaxation and rest. There comes a sense of calm and joy from the life that belongs to you.
2) On each subsequent day, you will feel more and more calm, confident. Inner peace will help you interact with your child, and if problems arise, you will calmly and balancedly solve them. There will be a desire to act and this desire will appear right now. You feel how the energy of love of life comes from you, new desires appear, joy from life itself. This feeling will always be with you.
7. Farewell.

SESSION №3 "Education of a respectful attitude towards the characteristics of another person"

Purpose: to educate respectful attitude to the characteristics of another person, as well as to learn to accept loved ones unconditionally.
1. Greeting
2. Exercise "Allow the other to be different"
An important role in the formation of a person's personality is played not only by the relationship in the family, but also by the innate features with which the child is born. There are nine such features; when educating, it is necessary to take them into account, and in no case should you try to change them, and even more so, do not blame the child for their manifestation.
1) Parents are offered a list innate qualities with which the child is born.
Analyzing and taking into account these qualities, parents draw up an individual portrait of their child with concrete examples various manifestations.
Activity level (the degree of hereditary motor activity that determines whether a child will be active or passive).
Rhythm (regularity or irregularity of such functions as hunger, type of food,
secretions, the rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle).
Approaching or moving away (a type of natural reaction of the child to stimuli such as-
unfamiliar food. toy or person).
Adaptability (the speed and ease with which a child is able to modify his behavior in response to a change in the environment)
Intensity (the amount of energy used in expressing emotions and moods).
Reactivity threshold (the level of stimulus intensity required to
required response).
The quality of mood (the predominance positive attitude, manifested as a joyful, pleasant, cheerful, friendly character, as opposed to a negative one, which manifests itself as an unpleasant, capricious, noisy, unfriendly character).
The ability to be distracted (characterizes the degree of influence of extraneous interference on the ability to concentrate on one's line of behavior).
Interval of attention and persistence (length of time during which the child is focused on vigorous activity, and duration of activity in case of obstacles).
2) Write down in a column those qualities of the child that do not suit the parents, and next to each such quality, write a positive interpretation of the same quality, i.e. what is good about this manifestation and where can it be used? For example, stubbornness, instead of a negative generally accepted interpretation, present this quality as the ability to say “no”, to object to authorities.
3) After all the qualities are positively interpreted, it is necessary to paint a new portrait of the child.
4) Compare these two descriptions, and choose which one you like best. Look at the child differently and allow him to be different.
3. Exercise "Become better"
1. On clean slate paper describe yourself:
* appearance;
* character traits;
* capabilities;
* knowledge;
* skills;
* what you are doing that you cannot do (all sorts of violations).
2. On another sheet, write the same, but slightly embellishing your dignity. Keep the second sheet for yourself and reread it. Improving your portrait is always useful!
4. Exercise "Unconditional acceptance"
In the already familiar relaxed state
Imagine one by one all the people you know - parents, husband of children, friends. Tell each of them: "I love you, of course, I accept you the way you are."
Find among the people you know to whom you cannot say this. Remember the people who, in your opinion, are unworthy of your support, in whom you do not see strengths who you cannot accept and love unconditionally. Try to understand what exactly hinders you, what demands you make to him, under what conditions you could say to him: "I accept you as you are."
Now put yourself in that person's shoes. Try to understand why he criticizes you or treats you badly? What happens in this person's life when he communicates with you? Does he understand the conditions and requirements that you set for him? Tell him the words: “I forgive you for ... and remove the condition that interferes with my unconditional love. Now I love you unconditionally and accept you just the way you are.”
Discussion: How many people have you found that you cannot love unconditionally?
5. Farewell.

ACTIVITY №4 "Listen actively - better understand children"

LESSON №5 "Feelings in a situation of success-failure"

Purpose: to learn to better understand the feelings of the child.
1. Greeting
2..Exercise "Do not misunderstand me"
The exercise is performed in pairs.
Part 1. Partner A talks about a situation where he was not up to par, (for example, he failed to cope with a report at work on time or reacted sharply to the child’s act, which led to conflict situation in family).
Partner B responds by using the expression:
"I've told you a thousand times that..."
"How many times do I have to tell you..."
"Is it hard for you to remember that..."
“You are the same as your mom (dad) ...”
Change roles after 5 minutes.
Part 2. Partner A tells the same situation, and partner B reacts using the following expressions:
"Tell me more about how it happened?"
"You are very smart, and I know that you will find a way out of this situation: What are you going to do?"
"How can I help you?"
"What will you do next time in a similar situation?"
In the discussion of this exercise, pay great attention to the feelings experienced by the participants in the first case and in the second. Then go to the analysis of specific situations from the experience of parents communicating with their children.
3. Exercise "My favorite things"
Get comfortable. Close your eyes (relaxation but the same pattern)
...Imagine that you are in your childhood. Before you is a child of 5-6 years old. Look carefully at how this little man looks like: what he is wearing, what the environment is around. Enter this image of a child and imagine that you are doing something: maybe you are drawing, sculpting, sewing a dress for a doll or something else ... You are passionate about this business, you are interested in doing what you love. Here one of the adults comes up to you and evaluates your work. Listen to the words that sound from the lips of an adult, and your feelings that you have in connection with this assessment ...
These feelings will remain there, in childhood, and we will gradually return to the present.
I will count from 5 to 1, with each count you will feel the approach of reality, along with this, a surge of vivacity, energy. On the count of 1, open your eyes.
In discussing this exercise, it is important to focus on:
1) What was the child doing?
2) Did the child receive a positive or negative assessment for his work?
3) Having become an adult, did you retain interest in the business that he was engaged in as a child?
4) Discuss the meaning of your own assessments of the child when he is busy with something, while great importance pay attention to the positive effect of a positive assessment for the development of interest in different types activities.
4. Parents write "History of their success" after completing the first cycle of classes in the "Parent-Child Relations Training" group.
5. The psychologist distributes memos with summary main themes. discussed in class and to which parents can refer at any time. This will help them remember the information and feel the atmosphere of the training when interacting in the family.

The practical lesson is aimed at the harmonious interaction of parents with their children.

The purpose of the practical lesson:

Boost parents' awareness of the peculiarities of raising preschool children;

To expand the ideas of parents about communication with the child; to introduce communication styles in the family;

To promote the establishment and development of partnership relations, understanding and cooperation between parents and the child.

Material: poster "Rules of work in a group", poster "Expectations", poster "Soul of a child", A4 sheets, pens, stickers - feathers, bows, information booklets for parents "Five ways to a child's heart, video.

Practical lesson-workshop of a psychologist with parents

1. Introduction

Family is the most important factor longevity and healthy life. The child receives the first life lessons in the family. His first teachers are his father and mother. The family gives the child the first ideas about good and evil, forms ideas about the norms of behavior in society. A child observing the relationship of father and mother in Everyday life, assimilates certain type relationship between a man and a woman. This model will determine further behavior child in society.

Our today's meeting is devoted to such a topic as: "Everything starts with the family: the child and society, the culture of communication."

I . Getting to know the participants

2. Exercise "Introduction"

Purpose: to promote the establishment of a friendly atmosphere in the group; set up parents for a dialogue; arouse in them positive opinions about their children; relieve emotional stress.

The progress of the exercise. Psychologist. For effective work I suggest that each parent give their name, the names and ages of their children. Each participant must complete one of the following sentences.

1. Two words to describe my child - ...

2. If my baby was a sound, it would sound like -...

3. What I like most about my child is ...

4. My child makes me laugh when - ...

A participant who has more than one child may apply one sentence at a time, speaking about each of them. Sentence endings can be funny. Each sentence is constructed in such a way that the statement is positive. This is a fun exercise. Parents say what comes to their mind, because no one writes anything down.

3. Expectations of participants. Exercise "Stork"

Before the start of the session, the psychologist attaches to the board a picture of a stork carrying a baby in its beak. Each participant receives a paper pen on which he is asked to write his expectations from the training.

After all participants have written down their expectations, they take turns approaching the stork, reading their hopes and sticking feathers on its wings.

4. Discussing group rules

Purpose: to direct participants to adhere to the rules of the group.

The progress of the exercise. Rules are essential to create an environment where each participant can speak frankly and express their feelings and views. So, I offer you, dear parents, the following rules:

1. Picture "Top" - to be active.

2. Picture "Ear" - listen and hear everyone.

3. Picture "People with thoughts" - speak in turn.

4. The picture "Two emoticons join hands" - we appreciate tolerance, accuracy, politeness.

5. Picture " Round table”- the world around us is seething, and we are“ here and now ”- we are learning.

6. The picture "Clock" is the time. We use it for ourselves most effectively.

Psychologist. Perhaps there will be additions? Do you agree and accept these rules?

II. Main part

Psychologist. Today we will discuss the secrets of effective communication between parents and children. And before moving on to the main content of the lesson, I will note three important points worth remembering.

First, there are no perfect parents. Parents are not gods, but living people with their weaknesses, moods, interests. Secondly, no matter what outstanding psychologist and teacher works with us, positive changes will come only when we begin to act, to use theory in practice. Thirdly, it is not by chance that our occupation is called that, because without creativity and feelings of the heart communication with children will not be effective.

Dear parents! What associations does the word “family” evoke in you?

What role does the family play for the child?

5. Exercise "Live House"

Purpose: to diagnose the subjective perception of the psychological space of family relations.

There is a sheet of paper in front of the participants. You need to write in a column the names of 7-8 people who affect their lives, draw a house next to it, which must have a foundation, walls, windows, a roof, an attic, a door, a chimney, a threshold, and give each part of the house a name specific person. Then the results are interpreted.

Foundation - positive value: the main material and spiritual support of the family, the one on whom everything rests; negative meaning: a person who is pressured by everyone.

Walls - the person who is responsible for emotional condition family and the author of the drawing directly.

Windows are the future, people from whom the motherland expects, on whom it places its hopes (normally - children).

The roof is a person in the family who pities and protects the author of the drawing, creates a sense of security.

Attic - symbolizes secret relationship, as well as the desire of the author to have a more trusting relationship with this person.

Doors - informational portal, the one who taught to build relationships with the world.

Conclusions. The methodology allows for a short time determine the role of the author of the drawing from each family member.

6. Exercise "Soul of a child"

Psychologist. This cup is the soul of a child. What would you like to see your child? What character traits should he have? What qualities would you like your child to have?

Task: parents should write on the “hearts” the qualities that they would like to endow their child with, then put them in a bowl.

Psychologist. See what a colorful, multifaceted soul we want to see in a child.

Reflection. How did this exercise make you feel?

7. Exercise "One day in the life of Masha"

During the reading of the story "One day in the life of Masha" (on the stand - the first poster with the image of a girl), the presenter tears off the horizontal strips from the poster with the image of a girl. (For convenience, it is better to make inconspicuous cuts on both sides of the poster.) After the end of the story, only torn pieces of paper remain from the poster.

There is a pause for emotional experience the content of the work. And after it - an active discussion:

Is this story true?

Are there situations like this in your child's life?

Have you thought about how your child feels in such situations?

What could have been done to all the heroes of the story so that what happened to the poster did not happen to the Machine with a soul? (At the same time, hang out a second solid poster.)

One day in the life of Masha

Today Masha woke up from the alarm clock. At first, she wanted to sleep a little more, but then she remembered yesterday: and a successful drawing in class, and praise from the nanny, and Olya's red boots, and new rhyme, which the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday ... And the main thing is that she never waited for her mother to come home from work, because her mother works so hard ... In addition, yesterday my mother was given a salary, and she and her ex school friend noted this in a cafe.

In the morning, my mother was not in the mood, I really wanted to sleep, and for some reason the hairstyle did not come out.

A blunder, a blunder, a blunder - light children's steps were heard in the corridor. “Now I’ll tell my mom everything! And about the teacher’s praise, and about Olya’s red boots, and about the new rhyme that the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday ... Let mom listen, now she will be delighted! - with a beaming smile, Masha ran to the kitchen, where her mother was already making breakfast.

Masha! How many times to say, do not walk barefoot around the apartment! Can't you wear slippers?! Mom's voice was stern. (Tear off the strip at the bottom of the poster.)

Masha obediently returned to the room and put on her slippers. “That's good, now I'll tell you everything,” she thought, and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Mom, mom, you know, yesterday ... - Masha began.

Masha, have you already washed your face? - Mom asked again sternly. (Tear off another strip of poster.)

Masha silently went to the bathroom. “Well, nothing, I’ll quickly wash up and immediately tell my mother about all my news,” the girl thought, not losing hope.

Mom, yesterday at a lesson in kindergarten .. - Masha began her story not very happily, - when Larisa Nikolaevna looked at my drawing ...

Masha, what is there again, can you really have problems with drawing? You draw at home all the time! (Tear off another strip of poster.)

I... I... drew, - for some reason Masha said even more sadly. Already no one remembered Olya's new red boots, about the rhymes that the teacher instructed to study ...

Masha! Are you ready? Why are you always messing around? How long can you wait?! It's time to leave the house! (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Yes, mommy, I’m already on my way, ”Masha said in a jerky voice and trudged sadly behind her mother.

It rained at night, and puddles appeared on the pavement - both round and oval, and such that they look like magical clouds ... “Mom, look, what a beautiful puddle!” Masha shouted joyfully at her mother's back. Mom, in a hurry, looked around and said: “There is already a kindergarten in sight. Run yourself, otherwise I'll be late for work with your puddles. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At the gates of the kindergarten, Masha met Olya, who was jumping over small puddles, holding her mother's hand. Olya's red boots sparkled so beautifully in the sun! “Maybe I’ll tell my mom about them tonight?” thought Masha.

Olya, smiling joyfully, ran up to Masha and began to tell how yesterday, together with her father and mother, she went to the park to treat the squirrels with nuts. Masha immediately remembered her yesterday evening: how she was waiting for her mother, how her father sat silently by the window, and she and her grandmother Nina, who came to visit, taught a rhyme ...

"Poem! It must be told to Larisa Nikolaevna!” Masha remembered. The girl was very happy when she saw her teacher in the group:

Larisa Nikolaevna! - Masha shouted loudly and ran up to her.

Masha, where is your dad or mom? Why did you come by yourself again? Children should not go to kindergarten alone! I told your parents about this. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Masha dejectedly undressed and went to the group. And then - breakfast, classes, a walk ... Things never came to rhymes. Masha decided to go to the teacher after dinner. But, sitting down to the table, Masha again remembered about her mother - the dishes seemed tasteless to the girl, the dinner seemed long, almost all the children went to the bedroom to go to bed, and Masha still had to eat and eat. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

After a quiet hour, Mashina, the group went to the dance club, but the girl's movements did not work out. The leader of the circle asked: “Masha, what is wrong with you? I don't recognize you today." Masha felt ashamed, but she could not do anything with herself ... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.) Dad took Masha from the kindergarten. She asked him about her mother, and he grunted angrily: “Your mother is at work! Get ready quickly, I have no time ... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At home, dad sat down at the TV with a bottle of beer and started watching some strange movie about monsters, which made Masha very scared. She ran to her room and sat quietly in a corner outside the door.

(Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Late in the evening, when Masha was getting ready for bed, her mother came home from work. She was in good mood because her boss praised her for her good work.

Masha heard her mother in the kitchen telling her father about this. Dad was pleased. Masha wanted to run out to her mother, but then she thought that her mother would have no time again ... Mom herself went into Masha's room:

Car! I missed you so much! Well, tell me about your drawing, about your rhyme. What's new today?

But Masha no longer wanted to talk about anything, she lay in bed, curled up in a ball, and quietly cried. Why? She didn't understand it...

8. Exercise "Parenting Styles"

Psychologist. Dear parents, now we will try to reflect with the help of pantomime and gestures one of parenting styles.

II - liberal;

III - democratic.

The remaining participants must determine which of the styles was demonstrated. Tips are given to help the participants - brief characteristics each of the styles.


- Which of the styles, in your opinion, is the most effective for education?

– What results, in your opinion, can be expected from each of them?

- Which of the styles is closest to you personally?

9. Exercise "I love my child"

Psychologist. Now close your eyes, imagine your child and decide for yourself: “I will love my child, even if he is not the best and does not tear the stars from the sky. I will love him even if he doesn't live up to my expectations. I will love him no matter what he is, no matter what he does. This does not mean that I will approve of any action. This means that I love her, even if her behavior should be better. I love simply because it is my son or daughter.”

Open your eyes.


How did you feel while doing this exercise?

Bottom line: the love of a child has not yet harmed any of them. There can't be much love. Remember: whatever the relationship in your families, they can get better.

10. Information booklets for parents "Five ways to the heart of a child"

Psychologist: Dear parents! Children feel love in different ways, but every baby needs it. There are 5 main ways parents show their love for their child (the psychologist gives recommendations):


words of encouragement;




Therefore, give your children love and gifts, and my gift for you will be watching the video "Parable of Love."

11. Exercise "Fulfillment of expectations"

Purpose: to determine whether the participants' expectations were met.

Dear parents, pay attention to the waiting list with the image of a stork with whom you worked at the beginning of the training and it will be determined to what extent everyone's expectations were met. (Sayings)

The stork carries a baby in its beak. The baby is associated with new life, something amazing, bright, always happy. Therefore, I suggest that you write wishes for yourself or the group on the bows and attach them to the image of the blanket in which the baby is wrapped.