White clay for the face: properties and applications. How to prepare a whitening white clay mask? White clay and honey mask

Also in Ancient Egypt women used clay as a means to improve the condition of their facial skin. This amazing natural absorbent component comes in several colors. White clay (kaolin) is one of the most common among them.

Useful properties of white clay

Kaolin is an environmentally friendly raw material that is widely used for facial care both in beauty salons and at home. The product has tonic and rejuvenating properties due to the high content of minerals and salts:

  • Silica saturates the skin useful substances, thereby ensuring its update.
  • Magnesium helps cells produce collagen, which maintains elasticity.
  • Zinc is an antioxidant that prevents cell aging and has drying properties.
  • Manganese relieves purulent inflammation.
  • Nitrogen stabilizes the production of subcutaneous sebum.
  • Calcium gives elasticity and softness.
  • Mineral salts regenerate cells and improve skin tone.

All substances in combination give clay the following properties:

  • Absorbent action. Clay particles draw toxins through the pores, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
  • Antiseptic properties. Kaolin brings harmful bacteria and microorganisms to the surface of the skin, preventing inflammatory purulent processes.
  • Analgesic effect. Clay compresses applied to the sore spot for a short time relieve pain syndrome.
  • Moisturizing effect. The substances included in the composition do not dry out the skin, but retain moisture in its cells as much as possible.
  • Whitening effect. Kaolin evens out complexion, lightens pigmentation, freckles and spots on the skin.
  • Regenerating property. The product helps remove the stratum corneum, helping the epidermis renew itself.

White clay is also used in the production of toothpastes, deodorants, dry shampoos, anti-inflammatory ointments, baby creams and powders.

Recipes for masks with products for facial beauty and health

You need to prepare cosmetics with clay in glass, enamel or ceramic containers. Otherwise, the minerals will react with the metal and be destroyed. You can use the masks discussed no more than 1-2 times a week, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Pure use

Kaolin in pure form best suited for oily skin with enlarged pores. Combine it with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, mix thoroughly and apply to the entire surface of the face, except for the area around the eyes. After 12 minutes, rinse off the dried mask with cool filtered water.

This product can also be used as a scrub. To do this, kaolin diluted with water does not need to be kept on the face. Apply it with rubbing movements massage lines for 5-8 minutes and then wash with cool water. After such a scrub, the complexion is evened out, and the skin becomes smooth and silky.

With the addition of other components

Kaolin mixed with other ingredients is suitable for any skin, even the most sensitive.

Acne mask

To prepare an effective cleansing mask, you will need:

  • Dry clay powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Alcohol solution - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Freshly squeezed aloe juice - 3 drops.

Mix the ingredients well and apply to the skin, paying attention to problem areas. After 10 minutes, the dried mask should be washed off with running water.

To obtain a solution, combine 1.5 tbsp. l. ethyl alcohol from 1 tbsp. l. filtered water.

From blackheads (comedones)

Required ingredients:

  • White clay - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Beat the egg white until foamy, add the clay and, while stirring, pour lemon juice into the resulting mass. The mixture should be applied to cleansed skin in two layers (the second is added after the first has dried). Wash off the mask after 15 minutes, then wait half an hour and lubricate your face with cream. The procedure is repeated every 2 days until the problem disappears completely.


To prepare the product you will need:

  • Dry clay - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

First combine kaolin and starch, and then add the remaining ingredients. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, wash with warm water.

There is an opinion that Cleopatra used kaolin masks to prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face and body.

Against premature skin aging

You can achieve a good tightening effect using clay diluted with a decoction of chamomile, lavender or sage flowers (the raw materials must be brought to a boil over low heat and used as intended) to a liquid paste. The product is applied to the entire surface of the face, focusing Special attention nasolabial folds and " crow's feet- wrinkles near the eyes. When the mixture dries, gently roll it with your fingertips, and then rinse your face with filtered water.


To quickly moisturize your skin and also get rid of the first signs of aging, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kaolin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Homemade cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all components (warm) and apply to clean skin faces. After 20–30 minutes, the composition will need to be washed off with water.


Required components:

  • White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Heat kefir and juice in a water bath. Then dilute the dry clay in the resulting mixture and apply it to the face for 15 minutes. After this, rinse off the mask with water diluted with linden infusion (use 1 cup of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of flowers).

For whitening age spots

You will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Clay - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley juice - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Orange essential oil - 2 drops.

A mixture of all components is applied thin layer over the entire face or just problem areas. To avoid irritation, the mask should not be kept on for long (maximum 10 minutes). The course of treatment is up to 3 months (provided that the product is used no more than 2 times a week).

From irritations

You will need:

  • Kaolin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Aloe juice - 2–3 drops.

The mask should be applied to a well-cleansed face and left on for up to half an hour. The composition should be washed off with warm water. After removing the product, it is recommended to blot off excess oil with paper napkins.

Whitening for freckles and inflammation marks

This product is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • White clay powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cucumber juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Strawberry juice - 1 tsp.
  • Currant juice - 1 tsp.

Dilute kaolin with cucumber and berry juice until a creamy consistency is formed. After applying the product to the skin, wait 12-15 minutes and then wash with cool water.

Whitening mask is prepared with the addition of strawberry juice

Application depending on skin type

Oily skin

  • To give the face freshness and matteness, the clay is diluted salicylic acid and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions. The resulting mask should be kept for no more than 10 minutes, and when strong burning sensation wash off immediately. At the end of the procedure, you will need to apply a cream for sensitive skin.
  • To prepare a mask against swelling, you will need clay (1 tbsp.), one egg white and low-fat kefir (2–3 tsp). It is recommended to apply the finished product for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • To use another effective mask you will need clay (1 tbsp), lemon juice (3 drops) and alcohol tincture of calendula (1 tbsp). The mixed components should be applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed with water and moisturized with cream.


  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. dry clay powder with 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese/sour cream/ goat milk and add 1 tsp. natural liquid honey and apply to face. The composition should be washed off with cool water 10 minutes after application. For better effect After the procedure, you can wipe the treated areas with a paper towel soaked in essential oil daisies.

The product can be used both to nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, and to care for the delicate skin of the neck, elbows and hands.

  • First 1 tbsp. l. mix kaolin thoroughly with 2 tsp. any vegetable oil, then boil 1 new jacket potato, mash until puree and add to the prepared mixture. If the mask turns out to be very thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of cow or goat milk. The exposure time of the product on the skin is 10 minutes. After this period, you should wash with running water.

Combined and normal

  • To achieve a uniform skin color, clay (1 tbsp.) is combined with kefir (1 tbsp.) and 3 drops of oil. tea tree. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer to the face, and after 12 minutes, washed off with cool water.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. kaolin with 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Then dilute the mixture with chopped fresh parsley to form a thick paste. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with distilled water.

Video: Preparation of the “Cleopatra mask” based on kaolin

Contraindications and possible harm

Like any remedy, kaolin has contraindications:

  • In its pure form, the product is not recommended for dry skin care. If it is combined, it is better to apply the clay only to problem areas.
  • Kaolin-based masks should not be used by people with open wounds, scars, cuts and abrasions on the face, otherwise it may cause allergic reactions and irritation.

At home, you should use only natural raw materials purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Clay found independently in nature can only worsen the condition of the skin, since its particles are absorbed from environment all kinds of poisons and chemicals.

White clay, or kaolin, is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade face masks as well as in cosmetics for facial skin care for various purposes. Kaolin perfectly cleanses the skin, whitens it, enriches it with minerals and makes the skin beautiful and pleasant from the first procedure.

Clay has been used by beauties to care for their beauty since time immemorial, oh its beneficial properties The ancient sages wrote. Years and centuries have passed, and fortunately we have not lost this knowledge and still use it today.

Cosmetic clay is one of those ingredients that have not only retained their popularity in folk medicine, it is very widely used in modern cosmetology. That is, there is no need to guess about its effects; clay has been studied many times and thoroughly. The good thing is that she still remains very accessible means, which any beauty can use.

What are the benefits of white clay for facial skin?

White cosmetic clay, perhaps the most popular of all (there is a hedgehog pink, blue, black, yellow and green), since it has wide range applications.

On the skin of the face, kaolin has the following effects:

  • Cleanses the skin At the same time, it dries out the epidermis very slightly from excess fat and impurities, not as pronounced as when using other types of cosmetic clay.
  • Whitens, helps get rid of age spots . It is no coincidence that white clay is one of the most important ingredients in skin whitening creams and masks; it brightens and gives freshness to the face.
  • Relieves inflammation, dries out pimples. This is one of the most affordable and natural remedies to fight acne.
  • Increases skin elasticity;
  • Tightens pores;
  • Improves blood circulation, as a result, the skin receives more nutrition and a healthy glow appears on the face.
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Improves and evens out complexion.

Indications and contraindications

Oddly enough, about who is shown different types cosmetic clay, and specifically white clay, is still under debate. Some say that it is not very drying, which means it is suitable for dry skin, others that it is for sensitive skin.

From all this, this is clear:

  1. White clay is most suitable for oily and combination skin.
  2. At the right combination ingredients in masks, it can be used on all types of epidermis.

That is, if you have oily skin, just dilute white clay in warm water and you will get good mask for face.

For dry skin– add different oils(for example olive, grape, argan, rosehip, wheat germ oil), yolk, sour cream, avocado, banana.

For sensitive- avocado, banana, cream, milk will do.

For rejuvenation– aloe, parsley, turmeric, strawberries, cocoa, honey.

Rules for using clay face masks

Before moving directly to the recipes, let’s note a few rules for using clay face masks:

  • Since the clay dries quickly, we recommend applying damp gauze on top or re-wetting your face with your hands from time to time.
  • The holding time for clay masks is usually 15-20 minutes, but it needs to be adjusted depending on the ingredients of the mask. If it contains acids, e.g. lemon juice or fruits - keep the mask for 10 minutes, if soft ingredients like avocado are used - you can wash off the mask after half an hour.
  • For normal skin– masks with clay should be done no more than 3 times a week, for dry ones – 1-2 times. If your skin is oily, you can do it every other day.

White clay face masks - recipes

  • Basic mask

If you have normal or oily skin, to feel the own skin all the benefits of white clay, just add a couple of spoons of kaolin warm water and apply to cleansed face. Place a damp piece of cloth on top or moisten the mask with your hands several times, as it begins to dry out too quickly.

  • Honey

Mask with honey Suitable for aging skin and for fighting acne. Mix 2 tablespoons of clay in warm water to the consistency of sour cream and add a teaspoon of honey. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • With kefir

Kefir masks are known for their anti-aging properties. You will need 2 heaped spoons of kaolin, 2 spoons of kefir and 1 spoon of banana puree. Mix everything and apply to cleansed face. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Suitable for all skin types.

  • Whitening mask with parsley and lemon

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of white clay, 2 tablespoons of parsley chopped in a blender, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything, apply to skin, keep for 10 minutes. Suitable for oily, combination and normal skin.

  • Aloe mask for acne

This mask has double action, aloe fights inflammation, clay cleanses pores, tightens them, dries out acne. Ingredients: 2 spoons of white clay, 1 spoon of aloe juice or pharmaceutical aloe vera gel. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with cool water.

  • For dry skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of kaolin, with egg yolk and 1 spoon olive oil. Apply to skin after cleansing. Keep for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

  • For aging skin

Mix 2 heaping tablespoons of white clay with two tablespoons of warm milk, add a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cocoa powder. If the skin is dry, add a little more wheat germ oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

  • Renewing peeling mask

Again we take 2 tablespoons of clay, only this time we mix it with 3 tablespoons of kiwi puree and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Fruit acids have a peeling effect, remove dead cells, and kaolin removes fat and tightens pores. This mask does not last long - only 10 minutes, washed off with cool water. Suitable for oily and normal skin. Not recommended for problematic and sensitive people.

  • For problem skin

2-3 tablespoons of white clay are diluted in a warm decoction of calendula, a spoonful of aloe juice or pharmaceutical aloe vera gel is added and the cleansing, soothing mask is ready. Relieves inflammation, treats acne and tightens pores. Keep the mask on for at least 20 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

Video: White clay acne mask recipe

As you have probably seen, white cosmetic clay is a fairly universal ingredient and, when combined correctly, is suitable for preparing face masks for all skin types.

The frantic pace of life negatively affects a person’s health, appearance, and psycho-emotional environment. Hair and skin suffer the most; we are interested in the second option. The epidermis loses its elasticity, the pores quickly become dirty, and purulent inflammation appears. Cope with cosmetic defects It is possible if you resort to the use of folk remedies. One of them is considered White clay, or kaolin.

Composition and benefits of white clay

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of kaolin. The composition includes many minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

So, white clay contains silicon. This element exfoliates keratinized particles of the epidermis, giving rise to the natural self-cleansing of the skin.

Magnesium enhances the production of collagen fibers, elastin and other compounds that are necessary to maintain turgor and water balance of facial skin.

Manganese cleanses pores, removes excess sebum, dust, and dead scales from them. Against this background, the activity of the secret glands is regulated, and the shine of the skin disappears.

Incoming aluminum is responsible for rapid cell regeneration. This substance tightens scars, eliminates purple spots from acne, and tightens pores if there is an existing problem.

With the systematic use of masks based on white clay, the face gets rid of excess pigmentation and becomes fresh. This quality is valued by people who are tired of struggling with gray or yellow skin undertones.

Useful properties of white clay

  1. Kaolin has the pleasant property of whitening the skin. For this reason, people with excess pigmentation and freckles should use white clay masks.
  2. The composition soothes irritated epidermis. It is useful to prepare home remedies from kaolin to cope with purulent pimples, inflammatory processes, rashes, acne, and open comedones.
  3. Antiseptic properties make it possible to use kaolin to treat dermatological problems that are accompanied by fungus.
  4. White clay is ideal for oily skin. It eliminates unsightly shine, narrows too wide pores and frees them from plugs. Kaolin normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Leading manufacturers of facial cosmetics prepare their products based on kaolin. It's all about the composition's ability to smooth out creases and facial wrinkles.
  6. Kaolin promotes increased release of elastin fibers and collagen. Against this background, the face is noticeably tightened, sagging disappears, and an oval is formed.
  7. At regular use kaolin, the face becomes distinct, the nasolabial folds and the rings of Venus on the neck disappear. For achievement desired result use white clay not only on the face, but also on the areas below.
  8. It will be useful for people who have addictions to tobacco or alcohol to know that clay improves complexion. As a result of 5-10 procedures, you will get rid of the earthy tone of your skin and make it ruddy and radiant.
  9. Kaolin is famous for providing the correct water balance. Clay also enhances the flow of collagen to skin cells, making it healthier on all fronts. The dermis begins to breathe and become noticeably younger.
  10. Cosmetologists advise people who live in environmentally unfavorable areas and southern regions to use clay. If you systematically use kaolin, you will protect the epidermis from harmful environmental factors and ultraviolet radiation.
  11. Kaolin has the ability to absorb impurities and draw toxins through the pores. As a result, toxic compounds do not accumulate in the skin, causing irritation and the formation of ulcers.
  12. Despite the positive effect on oily epidermis, the composition is used by people with sensitive skin. This becomes possible thanks to the optimal pH balance - 5 units.
  13. Clay has the ability to anesthetize damaged areas. It is widely used to treat closed wounds, bruises, swelling and other skin problems.
  14. Traditionally, clay is mixed with water, infused, then applied to the skin. You can enhance the positive effect and additionally moisturize the skin if you dilute kaolin with warm, full-fat milk.

Experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using white clay in special cases. These include:

  • open comedones;
  • systematic rashes;
  • acne;
  • general skin aging;
  • lack of moisture, dryness;
  • excessive fat content;
  • first signs of wrinkles;
  • age-related creases;
  • pigmentation, freckles;
  • blockage of sebaceous ducts;
  • gray or yellow tint skin.

Subtleties of using white clay

  1. As mentioned earlier, kaolin can be used for all skin types, including sensitive ones. However, before trying the product for the first time, do an allergy test. To do this, apply part of the mask to the crook of your elbow, wait a third of an hour, and rinse. If there is no rash or itching, proceed to basic manipulations.
  2. Cosmetic clay can be purchased at cosmetics stores and pharmacies. If desired, combine kaolin with blue, black, green, red or black clay. The main thing is to make sure that the composition suits your skin type.
  3. Before the procedure, remove makeup with a targeted toner. Steam the skin over steam bath, use a scrub to remove dead skin scales.
  4. After the preparatory activities, prepare clay or a mask based on it. Apply the composition in a thick layer, avoiding the area under the eyes. Wait for it to dry, then wash and sprinkle your face with thermal water.
  5. When all manipulations come to an end, wipe with cubes cosmetic ice. This will help close the pores and prevent them from becoming clogged in the future.

Basic principles of clay preparation

  1. Clay white will be most useful when used if you adhere to practical recommendations. It is important to prepare any cosmetic product based on the presented product in glass or ceramic containers.
  2. Metal utensils are absolutely not suitable for such manipulations. Such containers can enter into oxidative processes with active substances contained in the clay. As a result, the product becomes unusable.
  3. It is best to mix clay with purified water. There are no heavy impurities in such a liquid that could interfere with the positive effects of the composition. Mix the ingredients in such proportions that you get a creamy mass.
  4. The finished product must be distributed over a previously cleansed and steamed face. It is important to know that the composition is not recommended for use on the skin around the eyes. Use the mask immediately after preparation, otherwise it will harden.
  5. Please note that the product should not be used on open wounds, scratches or abrasions on the skin. It is allowed to use clay no more than 2 times a week. The total course should not exceed 12 procedures. Next, a month's break is required.
  6. After due date if necessary, the procedures can be repeated. If you follow simple rules, the result will not keep you waiting. At maximum short time the effective composition will cause an amazing effect.

  1. A set of procedures based on such a product will help to significantly transform the shape of your face. In addition, some of the wrinkles and creases will go away. The product actively affects the increase in collagen production in skin cells.
  2. To prepare an effective composition, you will need to combine equal parts of white clay and sea ​​buckthorn oil(35 ml of each composition). Add 1 drop of incense and neroli ether to the prepared mixture.
  3. You can compensate for the consistency of the mixture with homemade milk. The result should be a homogeneous paste. Treat your face ready-made remedy, wait at least 15 minutes. Wash your face as usual. The mask is suitable for any skin type depending on the essential oils.

White clay for skin cleansing

  1. The finished product has pronounced cleansing and antibacterial properties. The mask is suitable for representatives of the fair sex with wide pores, acne and frequent rashes. The product is effective against oily skin.
  2. Dissolve 60 g in a bowl. clay and a small amount of filtered water. Add 2 drops of geranium and lavender ether to the product. Dilute the product with lemon juice to achieve the required consistency.
  3. The mask is applied to the epidermis in a dense layer until completely dry. As a result, the product efficiently draws out excess subcutaneous fat. Pores are visibly tightened and cleansed. Stick to the course, use the product 2 times a week.

White clay for skin whitening

  1. To get rid of freckles or age spots, pass 1 cucumber through a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp using a gauze cloth. Add lemon juice of half the fruit and a small amount of white clay into the liquid.
  2. Mix the ingredients to form a paste-like mixture. Distribute the mask even layer over the face, leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face with cool water.

White clay is one of the unique cosmetic products. The composition is capable of showing visible result V various directions. The main factor remains compliance with the rules of use. Do not neglect the recommendations, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Video: miracle mask made of white clay

Over the years, irreversible processes occur in our body that have a detrimental effect on the skin of the face. A negative influences environment and stressful situations only make the situation worse. Correctly selected natural cosmetic will help preserve the youth and beauty of our skin for a long time.

One of the widely known natural ingredients is white clay, which is also called kaolin - in honor of the Chinese province of the same name, where its extensive deposits have long been discovered. Our ancestors also used white clay to cleanse and heal the entire body; today this material is widely used in cosmetology.

Composition and properties of white clay

This material contains the following elements:

☀ aluminum oxide

☀ silicon oxide

☀ silica

☀ calcium

☀ magnesium

Zinc is a natural antioxidant. It helps prevent cell aging, protects them from destruction, thereby affecting skin rejuvenating effect. In addition, zinc has a drying effect.

Magnesium is responsible for the production of collagen in the body's cells.

Calcium makes the skin soft and elastic.

But the main component in this chain is silica. It is this that promotes the rapid absorption by the body of all other elements beneficial to the human body. Its main function is to restore cell performance.

Rules for making clay masks

Is white clay used for acne or is a mask made from black clay for acne, preparation rules cosmetic product are approximately the same and boil down to the following:

A clay mask is prepared only in porcelain or ceramic dishes.

You cannot use boiling water to prepare a clay mask, as it will high temperature the biological activity of kaolin is lost. Therefore, the basis of such a mask is only warm or cool liquid.

Consistency of the product cosmetic procedure It should be thick, like sour cream or mayonnaise. The mask with kaolin should be elastic and not spread over the face.

Benefits of white clay for skin

White clay face masks have a simple effect on the skin magical action, transforming it beyond recognition:

☀ whitening: makes it almost invisible dark spots of various origins;

☀ have a calming effect on irritated and inflamed skin;

☀ anti-inflammatory: eliminate pimples and blackheads, act on the skin as a disinfectant and antiseptic;

☀ drying: remove sebaceous shine, narrow enlarged pores, improve the condition of oily skin, dry it;

☀ rejuvenating: smooth out wrinkles, age-related folds, smoothing the skin texture, making it elastic and firm, restoring the amount of collagen produced in cells;

☀ lifting (tightening): can make the facial contour clearer, help eliminate a double chin;

☀ improve complexion;

☀ normalize subcutaneous blood circulation, which provides the skin necessary nutrition and breathing (access to tissues of oxygen and beneficial elements improves);

☀ protect it from ultraviolet irradiation and other negative atmospheric factors;

☀ cleansing: absorb toxins, remove all kinds of skin “garbage” from the surface of the epidermis - dead cells, sebaceous deposits, atmospheric pollution;

☀ are used to care for sensitive skin, as it is one of the few substances that have a pH5 factor for the skin.

How to use clay face masks

Before moving directly to the recipes, let’s note a few rules for using clay face masks:

The holding time for clay masks is usually 15 - 20 minutes, but it needs to be adjusted depending on the ingredients of the mask. If it contains acids, for example, from lemon juice or fruit, keep the mask on for 10 minutes; if soft ingredients like avocado are used, you can wash off the mask after half an hour.

For normal skin, clay masks should be done no more than 3 times a week.

If your skin is oily, you can do it every other day.

Protect the skin around the eyes thick cream and clay is not applied to it.

After the mask has dried, it should not be washed with a napkin, so as not to injure the skin, but should be washed off carefully with warm water.

The strong drying effect of a clay mask requires subsequent application of cream to soften and nourish the skin.

White clay mask recipes

Whitening clay masks

To ensure that white clay for whitening your face has a more pronounced effect, treat your facial skin with a peeling agent before applying the mask.

To prepare the mask, grate the cucumber on a fine grater so that you get 2 - 3 tsp. mush. 2 - 2.5 tbsp. l. Mix kaolin with cucumber pulp, stir until the lumps completely disappear and apply for 20 - 25 minutes.

1 tablespoon of white clay diluted cucumber juice, or juice squeezed from parsley leaves until a thick mass forms. You can also use strawberry or strawberry juice. Add a few more drops of lemon juice to the mixture, apply to your face, and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Mask for oily skin types

Mix a tablespoon of white clay with sour milk or yogurt straight from the refrigerator. Add egg white, mix thoroughly again. Apply the creamy mixture to the skin, leave the mask on for ten minutes and rinse with cool water.

Cleansing white clay mask

Prepare a decoction of dried chamomile flowers. Take a little cooled broth and dilute white clay in it in a ratio of 1:1. The thickness of the mixture should resemble sour cream.

Pre-clean your face with lotion according to your skin type. Apply the mask in a thin layer and gently rub it into the skin with your fingers for 2-3 minutes. Leave the mixture on your face for another 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Classic white clay mask

Preparation and use: dilute a tablespoon of clay with chilled boiled water until a thick paste forms. Apply to face using a brush or cotton swab, avoiding the eye area. Wait until the mask dries and rinse off.

Tightening face mask

Dilute one small spoon of kaolin with sour cold milk to a creamy consistency. Stir the resulting mixture with one egg white and apply a generous layer to the face for ten minutes. After time, the white clay for the face is carefully washed off with cold water.

Nourishing white clay masks

Lavender essential oil (2 - 3 drops);

White clay (2 tablespoons);

Honey (1 teaspoon);

Yogurt (1 tbsp) (can be replaced with coconut or cow's milk);

A teaspoon of starch (rice, corn).

Mix everything. Apply to clean face for 10 - 12 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To prepare this mask you will need:

a tablespoon of cottage cheese;

a tablespoon of sour cream;

3-4 tablespoons of milk;

tablespoon white clay

All ingredients must be mixed and, stirring slowly, brought to a homogeneous mass. When the mask is ready, apply it to your face. You need to keep this mask for 8 - 10 minutes. Then the mask is thoroughly washed off with warm water. This kaolin mask guarantees soft and silky skin as a result.

White clay mask for acne


To provide the skin proper care, you must first test its condition, find out what type it belongs to, and based on this, choose suitable masks for face.

Remember that the procedures must be carried out in a complex, then the result will not be long in coming. Don't forget about constant care and proper nutrition!

Give your facial skin youth and elasticity long years possible not only with the help cosmetic preparations famous brands. Various masks, made independently, will bring a longer-term and deeper effect, relieving the skin of wrinkles, inflammation and dryness.

A huge variety of recipes for preparing such masks have been collected over the years with the help of women who are not indifferent to their appearance. So why not take advantage of the invaluable experience of generations to get your skin in order quickly, efficiently and with affordable means.

All about the benefits of white clay face masks

Porcelain clay - kaolin, can create amazing things. And she is endowed with these abilities because of her magical composition healing elements first discovered by the Chinese. Main properties of a white clay mask:

  • Calcium – nourishes the skin, restoring its softness and elasticity.
  • Zinc – relieves the face of wrinkles, having powerful anti-aging properties. It also helps the facial skin get rid of acne by drying greasy areas.
  • Magnesium – produces collagen activity, which is responsible for elasticity and youth.
  • Silica – is able to regenerate cell activity, preventing the destruction of the strength and smoothness of the skin.

With such a valuable composition, any white clay face mask will be able to:

  • Rid the skin of harmful environmental waste by absorbing all waste.
  • Whiten and moisturize the skin, thereby refreshing the entire appearance women.
  • Protect the skin from cold and renew epidermal cells.

A white clay face mask has no restrictions and is suitable for all skin types.

Homemade white clay face mask recipes

Among the many prescription options, it is worth focusing on the most popular and effective ones.

  • White clay and aloe juice mask

A white clay face mask that gets rid of acne requires combining 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kaolin and aloe juice, diluting the mixture with mineral water or milk. Apply on cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour, rinse. The acne mask will dry out, creating a feeling of tightness on the skin, which explains why therapeutic effect. She's filming inflammatory process, causing blackheads to mature faster and leave the pores. The frequency of use of the product is reduced to 1 time per week to avoid artificial drying of the skin. And if you want to moisturize your skin and get rid of fine wrinkles, then see the excellent recipes for homemade masks in the article.

  • White clay and turmeric mask

A rejuvenating mask using kaolin and turmeric will help smooth out fine wrinkles and refresh your facial skin, giving it a healthy tone. One tablespoon of porcelain clay is mixed with a quarter teaspoon of powdered turmeric, diluted clean water to obtain the required consistency. The applied mask is kept on the skin for half an hour, after which the face is cleansed with water. room temperature. The frequency of use of an anti-aging product with turmeric should not exceed two times a month.

  • White and blue clay mask

A mixed mask of white and blue clay consists of equal amounts of both ingredients, which are diluted with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Stays on the face for 15 minutes. Apply once per decade.

  • White clay and lemon juice mask

A white clay face mask with the addition of lemon will cleanse the skin, removing excess oil from the surface and getting rid of blackheads. Method of preparation: mix the juice of half a lemon with 2 tbsp. spoons of warm water, pour 3 tbsp into the liquid. spoons of kaolin. The result should be a homogeneous mass identical to liquid sour cream. A mask of white clay and lemon is kept on the skin until it feels tight, after which it is rinsed generously with water. The ideal frequency of use is three times a month.

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