Thin facial skin signs. Thin skin what to do. Skin atrophy

The young thin skin of the face delights with its porcelain color, its softness and velvety. With age, immune properties decrease, inflammation and irritation occur more often. For treatment and recovery, it is necessary to constantly protect the integuments from environment and low-quality cosmetics. A complex approach and the use of home cosmetics will improve the condition of the dermis.

Signs of thin skin

The reasons why the skin of the face has become thin may be hidden in adverse environmental factors, heredity, as well as improperly selected cosmetics, both caring and decorative.

It can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. Almost imperceptible pores;
  2. Even complexion with a slight blush;
  3. Vessels appear;
  4. Gets old faster, becomes flabby;
  5. Blushes, from changes in temperature and touch;
  6. Irritations occur regularly.

Rules for the care of thin skin

Proper care will help solve the problem of how to seal the integument. It is important to be attentive to the choice of ready-made and homemade cosmetics, to test in advance for possible allergies. Avoid salon procedures with aggressive compounds, as well as hardware cleanings.

Proper care consists in regular cleaning without the use of compounds with solid particles, acids. For toning, use tonics and lotions that do not contain alcohol. Herbal decoctions, clay masks will soothe the covers. For moisturizing, use oils of rice and wheat germ, peach and grapes.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Care for dry thin skin

The nuances of care are washing warm water, any procedures with steaming are excluded. You can not use and wiping with ice, drops adversely affect fragile vessels, lead to rosacea. Choose creams and emulsions with vegetable extracts, minerals and vitamins. Apply regularly for thin dry skin, nourishing masks with dairy products and seaweed. Do not forget to use a sunscreen emulsion all year round.

Care for sensitive thin skin

Gentle cleansing with micellar water, moisturizing with creams with simple ingredients. For sensitive skin, avoid using esters and acids. There are also contraindications for honey procedures and other bee products. Enriching the foundation with vegetable oils, you can thicken the skin, protect it from the environment. Introduce vitamins A, E and group B into the composition of caring cosmetics.

Care for problematic thin skin

When choosing products, you should avoid compositions with alkali, alcohol, acetylsalicylic acid, with strong fragrances, flavors and preservatives. For cleansing and freshness throughout the day, cleanse the face thermal water. For rashes and pustules, use bactericidal powders with zinc. Harm is possible from facial massage, and cold and hot compresses are also excluded.

The area of ​​the thinnest epidermis is often accompanied by dark circles, crow's feet and edema. For strengthening, it is worth using light vegetable oils, cream, sour cream in combination with fresh parsley, spinach, fennel. Apply decoction compresses once/twice a week medicinal herbs. Apply a moisturizing eyelid emulsion every evening. Regularly carry out strengthening exercises that prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Creams for thin skin

The composition is rich in minerals, vitamins that can strengthen thin integuments, improve turgor and elasticity, restore the lipid layer, provide deep hydration and toning all 24 hours.

The active composition fights aggressive environmental factors, special plant cells of youth prevent aging, improve microcirculation, preventing the appearance of rosacea.

Perfectly moisturizes and protects the thin epidermis thanks to the composition of vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and vitamins. The complexion improves, the facial vessels are strengthened.

Peeling thin skin

For deep cleansing and removal of dead skin cells, for thin skin it is absolutely impossible to use acid peeling or hardware peeling. After such procedures, allergies and irritations will appear more often, wounds and cracks will form. You can use folk recipes.

They clean well and do not irritate the integuments of chamomile grass, plantain and mint, kelp, the main thing is to grind to a powder consistency so as not to scratch the integuments. Apply only to damp skin, without rubbing and stretching the tissue.

Masks for thin skin at home

Regular comprehensive care at home allows you to protect the epidermis from adverse conditions environment. From natural products easy to find a recipe for each type. The immune properties of the integument are restored, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

Effect: even very thin skin needs constant cleansing, homemade recipes with antiseptic action will help to cope with infection and acne.


  • 10 gr. yeast;
  • 15 drops of calendula oil.

Production and application method: dilute the granules green tea, add healing flower oil. Wipe the face with thermal fluid, apply the composition along the lines of the lymph flow. Wash off after fifteen minutes.


Anti-wrinkle mask

Effect: you can always use proven folk methods to restore firmness and elasticity, smoothing all types of wrinkles. For long-term rejuvenation, a course of eight procedures is recommended.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • yolk.

Production and application method: combine all components, mix well to obtain a plastic, homogeneous mass. Remove make-up from the surface of the face, spread the mask, leave for fifteen / twenty minutes, then remove the remnants with a sponge.

Mask for thin dry skin

Effect: you can take care of thin facial skin with the help of home cosmetics. It will help to fill the deficiency of moisture and nutrients, improve complexion, make the skin less susceptible to temperature extremes and dry air.


  • 10 ml of aloe;
  • 10 ml wheat oil;
  • 5 ml of glycerin.

Production and method of application: mix the juice from the stalks of aloe with warm wheat oil and glycerin. Distribute the product with a brush after evening washing, leave for forty minutes, complete the caring procedure in the usual way.

Mask for thin sensitive skin

Effect: home remedies allow you to choose a hypoallergenic composition that does not provoke a skin reaction. Moisturizing composition refreshes and nourishes the face, protects against ultraviolet radiation.


  • 10 gr. Borodino bread;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 5 ml mango butter.

Production and method of application: pour the pulp with milk and knead well, add oil. Prepare the epidermis with thermal water, then distribute the composition. After resting for about twenty minutes, the remnants are easily removed with a napkin.

Starch mask

Effect: relieves wrinkles, has a lifting effect, prevents the manifestation of rosacea, improving lymphatic drainage. After 30, it is desirable to conduct a course for elasticity, prevention of sagging and loss of tone.


  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 10 ml cream;
  • 15 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: combine potato starch with cream, add vitamin. Spread along the massage lines in a thick layer, leave for half an hour. Rinse gently without stretching the covers.

cucumber mask

Effect: thin sensitive skin requires the use of the best ingredients. Perfectly moisturizes, relieves puffiness, eliminates peeling and dryness natural remedy.


  • 20 gr. cucumber pulp;
  • 10 ml of grape oil;
  • 5 gr. rye flour.

Production and method of application: chop cucumber in a blender, add oil and rye powder. Apply the mass in a dense layer, avoiding only contact with the mouth area. You can wash yourself after thirty minutes of action.

Avocado mask

Effect: provides a complex of vitamins, minerals and acids, softens and improves the elasticity of the cosmetic product. It is recommended to use to prepare the epidermis for temperature changes in winter.


  • half an avocado;
  • yolk.

Production and method of application: pass the exotic fruit through a meat grinder, add the yolk to the resulting puree. Distribute on the surface of the face, the duration of action is from twenty to forty minutes.

Parsley mask

Effect: the delicate skin of the eyelids requires especially careful care. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, relieve swelling and edema, folk recipes can be used.


  • 5 sprigs of parsley;
  • 10 gr. yogurt;
  • 20 drops of almond oil.

Production and method of application: crush fresh leaves in a mortar, add yogurt and stone oil. In the evening, after removing makeup, apply the product for thin skin with driving movements, describing a circle around the eyelid, leave for half an hour.

Spinach mask

Effect: helps whiten pigmentation, saturate tissues with vitamins, improve the color and density of the dermis.


  • 15 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: cut the spinach into small pieces, combine with oil. distribute green mass and leave for thirty-five minutes. Repeat facial treatment once a week.

Interesting video: Care teenage skin at home

Owners of dry skin have noticed more than once that their dermis is easily exposed to external factors. Many dermatologists and cosmetologists attribute this to the fact that this type of skin is usually too thin, so various kinds of wrinkles, peeling and similar problems can already arise in adolescence. Dry and thin skin of the body, face or hands requires special care. What owners need to know of this type And how to care for such a capricious dermis?

Thin skin is characterized by dryness and frequent irritations. It has one significant drawback, which is almost impossible to eliminate - more quickly aging, the appearance of wrinkles. Unlike other types of epidermis, it is less resistant to external factors, weather conditions, and therefore most often has a dull, fading appearance.

Nevertheless, the problems described above can be countered if you properly care for this type of epidermis. And the first thing you should pay attention to is hygiene. This applies not only to the dermis on the body, but also to the face. Skin contact with water can cause irritation, leading to peeling, inflammation and redness. To avoid this, it is recommended to use:

  • warm water room temperature, you can use slightly cool water, but in no case hot;
  • it is better to use boiled or melted water, as it has a more gentle effect on the epidermis than chlorinated water;
  • you can use decoctions of herbs, instead of water, chamomile, succession, St. John's wort, nettle are best suited for this.

Cool water not only has a more gentle effect on the skin, but also helps to avoid such trouble as capillaries.

The second, which is one of the main rules for people with thin body skin, is properly selected skincare products. In order not to aggravate the situation and not dry out the epidermis even more, it is recommended to choose natural cosmetics. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • shower gels, soap and means for washing should be chosen in accordance with the type of epidermis- give preference to series for a dry, sensitive type;
  • choose cosmetics without soap, that is, SLS;
  • soap is better to use in liquid form, as it has a smaller amount of alkali;
  • when choosing cosmetics, pay attention to pH, which should not be more than 5.5;
  • at hygiene procedures it is highly undesirable to use washcloths, especially hard ones, they can further damage the epidermis;
  • after water procedures be sure to use moisturizing cosmetics (milk, creams, gels or oils).

If you use body scrubs, then the abrasive particles should be very soft and small. It is better to use not even a scrub, but soft peeling or gommage.

Video "Common mistakes in the care of dry and thin skin"

How to avoid aggravation of the situation at different times of the year?

It's no secret to anyone that different time year, in different weather, human skin is exposed to external factors. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, which will help to avoid additional inflammation.

In summer, this is mandatory in daily ritual care should be present sunscreen , foam or emulsion.

Under influence sun rays the skin can get not only burns, which will bring a lot of inconvenience, but can also dry out. This will lead to even greater thinning, as a result, without going to a dermatologist it will not be easy to correct the situation.

In summer it is also recommended to cover the skin thin fabrics, such as chiffon or tulle, so as not to once again expose it to the sun. And on the beaches, use special tanning products, you can use a cheaper, but natural and effective remedy- olive oil.

In the winter season, as for the skin of the face, you need to use protective creams from the weather. You can also use any fat cream, for 10 - 15 minutes before going out into the cold. Due to the coating of the epidermis with a greasy film, dry skin will be protected from wind, frost and exposure to cold weather.

The lack of vitamins and other trace elements affects your skin

Don't forget the main thing. Your skin is the result of the work and health of internal organs and the whole organism.

Therefore, various kinds of pathologies, hormonal disruptions and restructuring, malnutrition, lack of sleep, as well as a lack of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements negatively affect our appearance.

Therefore, you need to monitor your body, eat right, doctors recommend that some representatives of the weaker sex go on a diet to cleanse the body.

The diet should contain a lot of fruits, vegetables, protein. It is also recommended to supplement vitamin complexes which will strengthen the entire body and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

What should the diet consist of?

Almost every dermatologist recommends reviewing your diet and adding the most suitable dishes. For this, fish and meat products must be included in daily meals. Fish is best boiled, as fried fish can contribute to the formation of inflammation, and cause clogged pores. And indeed, people with a specific type of epidermis are better off giving up this kind of junk food.

Meat is also best steamed or boiled, without the use of hot spices.

Dairy products must be present in the daily diet of people with thin body skin:

  • yogurts;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • ryazhenka.

This will strengthen the body as a whole and help remove negative bacteria from the intestines.

Do not forget about vitamins. Every day you need to consume 1 - 2 apples, which are rich in vitamins and other trace elements.

Remember that thin skin -this is not a sentence, and with proper care, it can shine with beauty, bewitch and be velvety. Moreover, today there are all possibilities for this, and cosmetic products makes it possible to choose the most suitable means.

Video "Why is the skin dry and thin?"

An informative video that will help you understand the reasons why the epidermis is dry and thin.

Owners of dry skin constantly struggle with its pallor, lethargy and peeling, fine wrinkles and closely spaced blood vessels. It is noteworthy that even in adolescence, the skin of this type is quickly covered with wrinkles that appear on the eyelids and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. As a person grows older, capillaries, spots and foci of peeling appear. In addition, all these defects in appearance become inflamed in the cold.

Such thin skin is unable to produce enough sebum, and because of this, it is constantly dry and dehydrated. This moment obliges to constantly nourish it, moisturize it, and provide delicate care.

For example, before going outside, you need to use moisturizing and nutrients in the form of masks or creams, emulsions and sprays.

Very dry and thin skin on the body and face also has its own advantages, which are tenderness and fine porosity.

And if you guarantee her proper care, then she will remain smooth, glowing with health from the inside and out. Again, a similar effect lasts up to a maximum of 25 years, after which foci of peeling, inflammation and fine wrinkles invariably appear on it.

How to properly care?

Rules for the care of thin and withered skin come down to the following:

  • It is not necessary to constantly use cleansers in the form of foams or gels. Cosmetics and dirt can simply be washed off with warm water, and instead of peeling, use a soft disposable cloth;
  • Make-up removal can be done using a specific cosmetic oil, which foams well, does not irritate or dry out the skin, is easily washed off and significantly moisturizes;
  • It is important for people with dry skin types to regularly use appropriate creams that contain urea and gammalinoleic acid. These components will help the dermis retain moisture and reduce the number of rough areas on it. It is advisable to make moisturizing and nourishing masks, buying ready-made or mixing them personally;
  • Thin skin on the face and body should be moistened and cleaned twice a day, at the same time it should be protected from direct sunlight, wind and extreme heat.

In general, you can take care of this type of skin according to the following algorithm:

  • In the morning: cleansing with warm water, toilet milk or cosmetic oil, wiping with lotion based on linden or flax seeds, moisturizing with cream;
  • During the day, dry dermis is moisturized with creams and milk at least once. Nutritious masks are made a couple of times a week;
  • In the evening, the skin of the face and the whole body is cleansed with the same soft cosmetic milk. If you have to deal with hard water, additional wiping with a non-alcoholic tonic is mandatory. It will eliminate the remnants of salts that dry out the dermis;
  • Before going to bed, a moisturizing cream with a deep nourishing effect is applied.

What should be given up?

What not to do if you have thin facial skin:

  • Often visit saunas and baths, engage in diaphoretic sports. If this is the case, sunscreen should be rubbed in before classes, and immediately after them, apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask;
  • Scrubs and peels are detrimental to dry skin;
  • There will be a complete rejection of masks and tonics based on alcohol;
  • IN winter time it is not recommended to change moisturizing cosmetics, since the dermis is already experiencing seasonal stress;
  • The protective capabilities of dry skin type are reduced due to improper care, constant exposure to the sun and heat. Take this into account in the course of your activities;
  • Additional dehydration is experienced by thin skin on the body and hands in the process of consuming alcohol, laxatives and diuretic drinks;
  • Air conditioners, heaters and indoor climate control devices have a drying effect.

In the case when the dermis on the face, hands and the whole body is constantly peeling off, it is recommended to always have with you: jojoba oil, panthenol ointment and chamomile tea bags.

First, it is enough to lubricate problem areas throughout the day, and apply steamed bags to flaky places.

From unconventional ways Humidification can recommend promenades in rainy and foggy weather.

Compiling for yourself comprehensive program how to care for the thin skin of your face, choose modern cosmetics and technologies. It is desirable that the selected products contain ceramides and liposomes.

Such ingredients help retain moisture in the dermis.

Homemade care products

We offer recipes for what you can and should do if you have thin skin under your eyes or all over your body:

  • It is very useful to make masks from raw yeast diluted with sour cream or cream;
  • Perfectly moisturizes the mask of tsp. condensed milk and the same amount of natural honey. It should be applied for 20-40 minutes;
  • Nutritious linen mask prepared as follows: a couple of tbsp. seed is boiled in two cups of water until completely boiled. The finished mass is applied to the skin under the eyes or to the place where a sign of peeling has formed. The mask must be applied in a hot state;
  • The following composition helps to adjust the water balance, and at the same time achieve an excellent nourishing and moisturizing effect: 1 fresh egg yolk, 0.5 tsp. buckwheat natural honey, a few drops of vegetable oil and 10 drops fresh juice lemon. Everything must be beaten to a foamy state, add 1 tsp. oat flour or ground flakes, apply to the skin until complete drying mixtures.

It is worth noting that each feature dry, sensitive and thin skin will accompany you all your life. You have to come to terms with them, and learn how to eliminate appearance flaws by using home and industrial cosmetics.

If you establish regular, complete and appropriate care for this type of dermis, then it will delight with its smoothness and silkiness until old age.

The young thin skin of the face delights with its porcelain color, its softness and velvety. With age, immune properties decrease, inflammation and irritation occur more often. For treatment and recovery, it is necessary to constantly protect the integument from the environment and low-quality cosmetics. An integrated approach and the use of home cosmetics will improve the condition of the dermis.

Signs of thin skin

The reasons why the skin of the face has become thin may be hidden in adverse environmental factors, heredity, as well as improperly selected cosmetics, both caring and decorative.

It can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. Almost imperceptible pores;
  2. Even complexion with a slight blush;
  3. Vessels appear;
  4. Gets old faster, becomes flabby;
  5. Blushes, from changes in temperature and touch;
  6. Irritations occur regularly.

Rules for the care of thin skin

Proper care will help solve the problem of how to seal the integument. It is important to be attentive to the choice of ready-made and homemade cosmetics, to test in advance for possible allergies. Avoid salon procedures with aggressive compositions, as well as hardware cleanings.

There is a tool that helps to quickly restore tired skin tone, radiance, get rid of wrinkles, even the deepest smoothes, and also relieves inflammation and tightens pores. This is an "innovative hyaluronic acid serum", which contains only 100% natural ingredients, and serum efficiency inno GIALURON proven clinically. Review: "... A week later, wrinkles around the eyes became noticeably smaller, the skin around them brightened. And after half a month, both circles and bags completely disappeared! Disappeared - that means without a trace! Crow's feet have practically disappeared, and larger wrinkles are noticeably " shrunken. "Oh, this is the result!..."

Proper care consists in regular cleaning without the use of compounds with solid particles, acids. For toning, use tonics and lotions that do not contain alcohol. Herbal decoctions, clay masks will soothe the covers. For moisturizing, use oils of rice and wheat germ, peach and grapes.

Care for dry thin skin

The nuances of care are washing with warm water, any procedures with steaming are excluded. You can not use and wiping with ice, drops adversely affect fragile vessels, lead to rosacea. Choose creams and emulsions with vegetable extracts, minerals and vitamins. Regularly apply for thin dry skin, nourishing masks with dairy products and algae. Do not forget to use a sunscreen emulsion all year round.

Care for sensitive thin skin

Gentle cleansing with micellar water, moisturizing with creams with simple ingredients. For sensitive skin, avoid using esters and acids. Contraindications also exist for honey procedures and other bee products. Enriching the foundation with vegetable oils, you can thicken the skin, protect it from the environment. Introduce vitamins A, E and group B into the composition of caring cosmetics.

Care for problematic thin skin

When choosing products, you should avoid compositions with alkali, alcohol, acetylsalicylic acid, with strong fragrances, flavors and preservatives. For washing and freshness throughout the day, cleanse your face with thermal water. For rashes and pustules, use bactericidal powders with zinc. Harm is possible from facial massage, and cold and hot compresses are also excluded.

The area of ​​the thinnest epidermis is often accompanied by dark circles, crow's feet and swelling. For strengthening, it is worth using light vegetable oils, cream, sour cream in combination with fresh parsley, spinach, fennel. Once / twice a week, apply compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs. Apply a moisturizing eyelid emulsion every evening. Regularly carry out strengthening exercises that prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Creams for thin skin

The composition is rich in minerals, vitamins that can strengthen thin integuments, improve turgor and elasticity, restore the lipid layer, provide deep hydration and toning all 24 hours.

The active composition fights aggressive environmental factors, special plant cells of youth prevent aging, improve microcirculation, preventing the appearance of rosacea.

Perfectly moisturizes and protects the thin epidermis thanks to the composition of vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and vitamins. The complexion improves, the facial vessels are strengthened.

Peeling thin skin

For deep cleansing and removal of dead skin cells, for thin skin it is absolutely impossible to use acid peeling or hardware peeling. After such procedures, allergies and irritations will appear more often, wounds and cracks will form. You can use folk recipes.

They clean well and do not irritate the integuments of chamomile grass, plantain and mint, kelp, the main thing is to grind to a powder consistency so as not to scratch the integuments. Apply only to damp skin, without rubbing and stretching the tissue.

Masks for thin skin at home

Regular comprehensive care at home helps protect the epidermis from adverse environmental conditions. From natural products, it is easy to find a recipe for each type. The immune properties of the integument are restored, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

Effect: even very thin skin needs constant cleansing, homemade recipes with antiseptic action will help to cope with infection and acne.


  • 10 gr. yeast;
  • 15 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: dilute the granules with green tea, add healing flower oil. Wipe the face with thermal fluid, apply the composition along the lines of the lymph flow. Wash off after fifteen minutes.


Anti-wrinkle mask

Effect: you can always use proven folk methods to restore firmness and elasticity, smooth out all types of wrinkles. For long-term rejuvenation, a course of eight procedures is recommended.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • yolk.

Production and application method: combine all components, mix well to obtain a plastic, homogeneous mass. Remove make-up from the surface of the face, spread the mask, leave for fifteen / twenty minutes, then remove the remnants with a sponge.

Mask for thin dry skin

Effect: you can take care of thin facial skin with the help of home cosmetics. It will help to fill the deficiency of moisture and nutrients, improve complexion, make the skin less susceptible to temperature extremes and dry air.


  • 10 ml of aloe;
  • 10 ml wheat oil;
  • 5 ml of glycerin.

Production and method of application: mix the juice from the stalks of aloe with warm wheat oil and glycerin. Distribute the product with a brush after evening washing, leave for forty minutes, complete the caring procedure in the usual way.

Mask for thin sensitive skin

Effect: home remedies allow you to choose a hypoallergenic composition that does not provoke a skin reaction. Moisturizing composition refreshes and nourishes the face, protects against ultraviolet radiation.


  • 10 gr. Borodino bread;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 5 ml mango butter.

Production and method of application: pour the pulp with milk and knead well, add oil. Prepare the epidermis with thermal water, then distribute the composition. After resting for about twenty minutes, the remnants are easily removed with a napkin.

Starch mask

Effect: relieves wrinkles, has a lifting effect, prevents the manifestation of rosacea, improving lymphatic drainage. After 30, it is desirable to conduct a course for elasticity, prevention of sagging and loss of tone.


  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 10 ml cream;
  • 15 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: combine potato starch with cream, add vitamin. Spread along the massage lines in a thick layer, leave for half an hour. Rinse gently without stretching the covers.

cucumber mask

Effect: thin sensitive skin requires the use of the best ingredients. Perfectly moisturizes, relieves puffiness, eliminates peeling and dryness natural remedy.


  • 20 gr. cucumber pulp;
  • 10 ml of grape oil;
  • 5 gr. rye flour.

Production and method of application: chop cucumber in a blender, add oil and rye powder. Apply the mass in a dense layer, avoiding only contact with the mouth area. You can wash yourself after thirty minutes of action.

Avocado mask

Effect: provides a complex of vitamins, minerals and acids, softens and improves the elasticity of the cosmetic product. It is recommended to use to prepare the epidermis for temperature changes in winter.


  • half an avocado;
  • yolk.

Production and method of application: pass the exotic fruit through a meat grinder, add the yolk to the resulting puree. Distribute on the surface of the face, the duration of action is from twenty to forty minutes.

Parsley mask

Effect: the delicate skin of the eyelids requires especially careful care. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, relieve swelling and edema, folk recipes can be used.


  • 5 sprigs of parsley;
  • 10 gr. yogurt;
  • 20 drops of almond oil.

Production and method of application: crush fresh leaves in a mortar, add yogurt and stone oil. In the evening, after removing makeup, apply the product for thin skin with driving movements, describing a circle around the eyelid, leave for half an hour.

Spinach mask

Effect: helps whiten pigmentation, saturate tissues with vitamins, improve the color and density of the dermis.


  • 15 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: cut the spinach into small pieces, combine with oil. Distribute the green mass and leave for thirty-five minutes. Repeat facial treatment once a week.

Interesting video: Care for teenage skin at home

Thin skin has a significant drawback - it is more susceptible to aging and wrinkles than other types of epidermis. Why is this happening? Thin in structure, such skin is prone to dryness and frequent irritation. It is more difficult for her to resist negative factors, because of which she often looks dull and tired, and she is quite early in the salon.

How to care for thin skin

However, these problems can be completely avoided if the person is provided with proper care and thereby prolong youth and attractiveness. Start with the basics - with washing. For thin skin, it is very important to know: for example, water should not be hot, but only cool. This will protect you from enlarged pores and capillaries.

Taking into account hypersensitivity thin skin, choose caring lotions and tonics. There is no alcohol in them, and scrubs should be as soft as possible, containing finely abrasive particles. The use of cosmetic ice for rubbing is contraindicated. But in the salon for this type of epidermis, you can easily pick up an effective, but gentle peeling.

Do thin skin need exfoliation?

Most with a superficial exfoliating composition. It may include acids such as pyruvic, citric, glycolic, lactic and others. Young ladies who want to remove deep comedones, small wrinkles and initial pigmentation should also have a bactericidal effect aimed at combating acne.

Of course, the cosmetologist will be able to make the most competent decision in choosing an exfoliation for thin skin. He is also competent when correction of age wrinkles and other problems with the epidermis is required.

Do not forget that there are effective masks

IN young age in the care of a thin type of skin, you can limit yourself to masks. Cucumber will help against dryness. For her, one fresh fruit is rubbed on a grater, the juice is squeezed out of the gruel and mixed with 1 table. l. honey and the same amount of cottage cheese. The composition is applied in an even layer, without affecting the eyelids. After 20 minutes, the face can be rinsed.

An excellent nourishing effect, and egg-oil is suitable for moisturizing and improving tone. For her, take a raw yolk, beat slightly and combine with 1 tsp. olive oil and a few drops of almond. Half an hour is kept on the face, and washed off with water at room temperature.

If you have thin covers on your face, the skin reacts with irritations to many factors: temperature changes, exposure to sunlight, even drinking an extra glass of wine will certainly affect its condition. What to do: thin facial skin requires special attention. The problem cannot be completely solved, but its manifestations can be reduced with the help of proper care. Its features should be studied by all beauties, because with age even normal skin will get thinner.

Covers consist of 3 main layers:

  • epidermis, which performs protective functions;
  • dermis containing collagen, vessels, muscles, nerves;
  • hypodermis, which is a layer of fat.

The top layer of the epidermis serves as a barrier to bacteria and viruses, while simultaneously retaining the necessary water. You act on it by applying moisturizers that prevent the formation of microcracks and reduce the risk of infections.

Features of the next layer, the dermis, in most cases determine the thickness of the skin. Geneticists say that heredity remains a decisive factor here: even if you do not yet suffer from cosmetic problems, the presence of a network of veins on the bends of the elbows and on back side palm says that care should be given special attention. If you do not take action, then the skin on the face will quickly lose its youth.

Age makes itself felt not only by slowing down cell division and a decrease in collagen production: the hypodermis layer also becomes thinner. This means that the skin will sag more, which, together with other changes, will lead to premature aging.

Do not rush to be upset: although it can be difficult to reverse the aging process, with the right care for thin skin on the face, you can prevent them. It is enough to correct habits, choose effective means, and you will do without expensive visits to salons.

The main factors that harm thin skin

In addition to genetics, the condition of the integument is influenced by additional factors that exacerbate the problem. To maintain youthful skin, pay attention to the following:

The effect of these factors becomes more noticeable when added to it reduced level estrogen. At the same time, the covers dry out, sag and become wrinkled, but the process can be stopped: give yourself proper care, get rid of bad habits, and the result will soon be noticeable.

You will learn about other mistakes that are made when caring for both thin skin of the face and other types from the video:

Homemade moisturizing masks

To improve your appearance, use affordable and effective home masks:

If your face has thin skin, then it needs moisture, so make these masks weekly.

The use of natural products will save the integument from the effects of flavorings and preservatives, but there are also negative side: Unlike purchase funds, masks do not pass tests for hypoallergenicity. Sensitivity is inherent in thin covers, and even cosmetics tested by dermatologists can present an unpleasant surprise. To ensure safety, apply the mixture to small plot in the ear area: if there are no negative reactions within 24 hours, you can make a mask.

Home remedies for problematic and thin skin

Thin skin on the face is combined with other problems, which complicates the situation: sensitive integument will not tolerate the effects of active substances used to combat acne. Still, it is possible to get a radiant look with the help of the following recipes:

Make masks weekly, as the key to the result is the regularity of application.

Important nuances: consult with a specialist

When you have thin skin, care for it should be systematic. After all, ultraviolet does not have its destructive effect in a day: the effect is cumulative. This means that you will have to apply protective equipment daily, and not just before visiting the beach. To get results, make your skincare and maintenance routines a regular habit, don't skip them out of laziness.

  • Features of thin skin
  • What harms thin skin
  • Rules for choosing cosmetics
  • Thin skin care
  • Cosmetics for thin skin

Features of thin skin

Thin skin is in a special position. After all, the characteristic “thin” refers not to the type and not to the temporary state of the skin, but to physiological characteristics her buildings.

Thin skin is vulnerable and sensitive © iStock

You can determine if you have thin skin by the following visual signs:

    pores are almost imperceptible;

    light tone, pale due to low level melanin;

    visible capillary network;

    the face turns red from touch and temperature changes;

    easily irritated.

Based on the above, it is clear that sensitive skin of the dry type is often thin. However, if you try hard, and oily skin can be thinned improper care and aggressive procedures.

“By diligently reducing oily skin, you run the risk of overdrying it up to dehydration. The process entails thinning of the skin, but it will still be denser than the skin, thin by nature. Prolonged misuse hormonal ointments and creams significantly thins any skin, so in no case do not use them without a doctor's prescription.

What harms thin skin

Thin skin does not tolerate aggression and reacts literally to any impact. Here are the factors that cause irritation, peeling, redness:

    ultraviolet radiation;

    wind and frost;

    temperature changes;

    tap water;

    inadequately selected cosmetics.

Thin skin is prone to early aging, especially in emotional people with active facial expressions, and requires careful care.

Rules for choosing cosmetics

In caring for thin skin, strictly follow these six rules.

  1. 1

    Give preference to lines for sensitive skin.

  2. 2

    Do not use soap for washing and make-up remover.

  3. 3

    Do not leave makeup on your face overnight.

  4. 4

    Do not use alcohol-based products.

  5. 5

    Apply creams twice a day.

  6. 6

    Apply daily sun protection even in winter.

Choose your exfoliators carefully. Acid peels undesirable, as well as scrubs with large abrasive particles.

Caring for thin skin should be delicate © iStock

Alexander Prokofiev explains: “Exfoliation is necessary to improve breathing and relief of the skin. If under normal and oily skin scrub can be used 1-2 times a week, thin skin is enough once every 7-10 days. At the same time, use gentle scrubs with polyethylene microgranules.

Thin skin care


Contact with tap water can cause a feeling of tightness and peeling. Remove makeup with a micellar formula or milk. If you are used to washing your face with water, use a cleansing cream-gel for sensitive skin.


Make sure that the formula does not contain alcohol, choose tonics with soothing and softening the skin plant extracts.

Hydration and nutrition

Simple moisturizing based on hydrofixators for thin skin is not enough. Look for nourishing formulas with oils, squalane, vitamin E, ceramides that strengthen the lipid mantle.

Many women suffer from the fact that the skin on their face is too sensitive. Such thin skin is prone to rapid aging, mimic wrinkles form faster on it, redness and irritation often appear. If nature has rewarded you with thin skin, what should you do? Proper care will help you avoid many problems and keep your skin young. We will tell you about all the rules in this article.

Signs of thin and sensitive skin

How can you tell if your skin is thin or not? Let's look at the main signs of thin skin. You have thin skin if:

  • After you wash your face, there is a feeling of tightness of the skin.
  • Often there is redness on the face, as well as itching and burning.
  • The skin is often flaky.
  • Often there is a negative reaction to cosmetics.

Important! If you're not sure, you can do a simple test. To do this, take a pen and draw the blunt end across your cheek:

  • If the pen mark disappears within 20 seconds, you have normal skin.
  • If stayed for more long period It means you have thin and sensitive skin.

Causes of thin skin

What are the causes of thinning of the skin?

  • Constant stress and emotional overstrain lead to negative consequences in the work of the whole organism, including the skin.
  • Hormonal disruptions can also lead to thinning of the skin.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics can cause significant damage to your skin.
  • The condition of the skin is also influenced by factors such as heredity, age-related changes.

Problem skin care

Care for thin skin of the face must be correct. First of all, it is daily care, which consists of several stages.


  • Wash your face in the morning with warm or cool water. It is desirable that it is not chlorinated. Sensitive skin reacts poorly to chlorine and hot water.
  • Process clean skin tonic.
  • Be sure to put on your face day cream. Choose a cream marked for sensitive skin. Use only quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.

Important! At different times of the year, depending on weather conditions, facial skin care should be different. Having mastered the simple rules, you can easily do it. You don't need to search long, all the information can be found in our archives:


  • Use to remove make-up cosmetic milk, micellar water or another product designed for this purpose.

Important! It is better not to remove makeup with ordinary tap water.

  • Tonic must be selected without alcohol content.
  • Apply nourishing night cream for sensitive skin.

Important! Do not forget to pamper your skin with pleasant and useful procedures and masks. Then the results will not be long in coming:

Apart from daily care for thin skin, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • Do not use ordinary soap, use a special gel or milk for washing.
  • Do not leave makeup on overnight.
  • Use creams and make masks regularly.
  • If you make masks, then remember that they should not contain alcohol-containing or aggressive components, such as mustard.

Important! It is advisable to test any mask for allergies.

  • Often problems with the skin are caused by beriberi, in particular a lack of B vitamins. Therefore, your best friends should be fruits, vegetables, nuts, bran. Spicy, fried, salty foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • Shouldn't be used cosmetic ice, herbal compresses, aromatherapy is also contraindicated for you.
  • Do not abuse the sauna bath procedures Limit your time in the sun.
  • Your best helper- this is a dream. During sleep, cells are renewed and repaired.
  • Try to control your facial expressions - do not squint your eyes, do not wrinkle your forehead.
  • Drink more water. Remember, a person should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, and in your case, 2 is better.
  • Try to protect your face from direct sunlight, use special sunscreen.
  • For peeling, choose products with artificial exfoliating microgranules that are less traumatic to the skin.

Factors affecting thin skin

Since we are talking about caring for thin facial skin, we should also mention that some factors negatively affect its condition and it is desirable to exclude them:

  • We have already mentioned that sensitive skin does not tolerate chlorinated water, so do not provoke it to irritation and wash your face with tap water. But if you cannot avoid contact with this, for example, when visiting the pool, then you need to apply a special water-repellent cream.
  • This skin does not like frequent shifts cosmetics. Experts recommend changing funds no more than once every 3 months.
  • Owners of thin skin are contraindicated in masks based on aloe, honey, as well as hormonal creams and ointments.
  • Nicotine also has a negative effect. Therefore, try not to stay in a smoky room for a long time.

Masks for thin skin

To maintain the youth and health of your face, you need to periodically make masks. Before the mask, experts recommend exfoliating, because after cleansing, the skin is more receptive to the nutritional properties of the substances that you apply to it.


This mask has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes and softens the skin:

  1. Put 30 grams of yeast in a small amount of milk. Add a few drops olive oil.
  2. Apply the mask and leave on for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rinse with boiled warm water.


To restore water balance, you can do the following:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of boiled water, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with cool boiled water.


Very helpful cucumber masks that moisturize the skin:

  1. Grate one fresh cucumber on a grater or scroll in a blender and squeeze the juice.
  2. Mix two tablespoons cucumber juice, one teaspoon of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of honey.
  3. Apply to face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.


Flax seed has a beneficial effect on any type of dermis:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of flax seeds.
  2. Boil until the mixture thickens.
  3. Cool the decoction and apply on the face for 40 minutes.
  4. Wash off with cool water.


Such a vitamin cocktail will provide your skin with nutrients and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of milk.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal to the mixture.
  3. Apply to face for 30-40 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

from spinach

Such a mask will saturate the face with vitamins, improve its color and remove age spots.

How to thicken the skin on the face and under the eyes: proper care and strengthening

based on 4 reviews

What if the skin is naturally thin and sensitive? How to preserve its beauty and attractiveness for many years? How to strengthen such skin, make it thicker and denser, and therefore younger and more elastic? All these topical issues will be revealed, be careful and remember!

What information will you learn:

Signs of thin skin

Sensitive and thin skin

With age, our skin type can change depending on lifestyle, climate, bad habits, dietary habits, professional conditions, cosmetics used, past diseases.

Thin facial skin can be easily tested with plain napkin. By applying it to the face, you will never see traces of fat, since this type is prone to excessive dryness. This condition is caused by a decrease or total absence workings sebum. It leads to loss of elasticity, firmness, premature aging and the appearance of a noticeable amount of wrinkles. Besides, this species skin is characterized by pronounced capillaries that can give the face a red and unhealthy tint due to the thinness of the epidermis.

As for the skin around the eyes, it is dry and thin in all women, without exception, due to the lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue. If with early age start the right care, you will save and also noticeably improve its condition for many years without the need to use radical and aggressive rejuvenation techniques.

Features of care for thin skin of the face and around the eyes

Thin skin requires regular care

The thin type of skin does not tolerate washing with soap, thinning and dehydrating even more each time. However, if you cannot do without this usual procedure, use soft water that has gone through the boiling process. Soap can be used once a week, not more often. As a cleaning agent, you can use egg yolk, rich in valuable vitamins and trace elements, crumb white bread, infused with milk, steamed cereals, sour cream.

It is best to lubricate the area around the eyes before washing. thin layer olive or any other vegetable-based oil.

Never rub or stretch such leather. Perform all movements easily and accurately, eliminating the appearance of irritation and wrinkles. Beauticians advise to clean it in the morning by special means in the form of milk, lotion, thermal water, not able to remove the lipid created overnight protective layer. They must be completely free of alcohols and components that dry the epidermis (acids, abrasives), otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Try to avoid being in the sun as ultraviolet is main reason dryness early aging and thinning of the skin layer.

If sun exposure is unavoidable, be sure to use protective equipment containing special filters that reflect directional rays and prevent the aggressive, destructive effects of the sun on the cells of the epidermis.

In winter, before going outside, be sure to lubricate the skin with nourishing creams containing a high percentage of fats and natural oils tightening and toning turgor.

Everyday evening massage of the face and the area around the eyes can significantly improve blood circulation and, as a result, the nutrition of thin skin. You need to perform it with your fingertips after cleansing the face and before applying caring cosmetics. Movements should be neat, light, directed from the middle of the face to the temples, that is, strictly along the massage lines.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, which is involved in the regeneration (renewal) of cells, improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, support of elasticity, appearance of elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and tightens turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of youth and beauty vitamin - E (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (repair damaged cells, prevent dryness, irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, healing, production of own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use.

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For owners of sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from the available ingredients 3 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, and also if they are applied to clean, makeup-free and pollution-free skin.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold in a pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and chopped parsley in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, turned into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Based on starch. Potato starch in the amount of 30 grams mixed with 15 ml of cream high fat content leave the mixture for 30 minutes. Then add to the composition 30 ml of vitamin E oil concentrate (in ampoules) and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint, parsley and mix thoroughly.

Do not forget that a varied diet, good sleep, healthy lifestyle life, giving up bad habits can positively affect the condition of your skin!

Receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, the skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

VIDEO: Mandatory steps for home care for thin, sensitive facial skin