What are 1 signs of pregnancy. Symptoms of conception by children of different sexes. Increased appetite is an important sign of pregnancy

Many families plan to give birth to a child and look forward to the moment when they can find out if the attempt was successful or not.

Women study all kinds of literature and try to find at least something about pregnancy and its signs. They listen with trepidation to their feelings. Can there be pregnancy without symptoms? Let's consider in more detail.

What are pregnancy symptoms?

Symptoms or signs of pregnancy are physiological changes, which women notice in themselves, being in an interesting position. Although they can not be called symptoms. This concept refers to diseases, not normal healthy condition women. In this article, we will use the term "signs of pregnancy" that occur in women on early stages.

Knowing the main symptoms, a woman can easily assume whether she is pregnant or not. You can confirm or refute your guesses with the help of tests and analyzes.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

According to statistics, 7 out of 100 girls note that their pregnancy proceeded without any signs. Although this statement cannot be considered reliable, because some symptoms can be confused with other processes occurring in the body.

Some women find out they are pregnant when they are three months old. And there are several reasons why expectant mothers claimed that the pregnancy proceeded without the first signs:

  • Menstruation can also be observed in the first two months of pregnancy, after the egg has been fertilized. If you are concerned about the condition of the baby in the womb, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • Changes taste sensations a woman can take for the whims or oddities of the body.
  • Frequent changes in the girl's mood are blamed on fatigue or hormonal surges.
  • Nausea in the morning is a negative reaction of the body to certain foods eaten last night, but not toxicosis, the girls are sure.
  • From the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy without symptoms is a rare occurrence. Maybe the symptoms are mild, but they are still there. And you have to listen to your body.

Is there a pregnancy without any symptoms at all? early dates? Certainly, complete absence symptoms are unlikely, especially in the first three months.

Asymptomatic pregnancy is a reality

A natural sign of pregnancy is a growing belly. It is by the presence of this change that pregnancy can be determined. On the other hand, not all expectant mothers have a pronounced increase in volume. As mentioned above, in the first trimester, menstruation may be present. Toxicosis, breast enlargement or swelling, weakness and drowsiness may not be felt at all.

Approximately 10 out of 100 women who have given birth will say with confidence that pregnancy without signs happens. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been identified. Most often, gynecologists are faced with cases of late pregnancy detection, when a woman comes to an appointment and complains of an enlarged belly and incomprehensible sensations.

Sometimes expectant mothers complain of minor ailments, such as morning sickness, whitish discharge and delay. But these signs are not accepted for pregnancy, but for a malfunction in the body.

Doctors advise to undergo examinations in a timely manner, to take tests in order to monitor their own health. Periodic examination will help prevent the development of various diseases and determine pregnancy in time. After all, women are often interested in the question, pregnancy without signs - is it possible? This can happen, but you don’t need to worry about this, each organism is individual and can specifically respond to conception.

No early signs

Some women may not notice changes at all - in this case, the pregnancy proceeds without signs. This applies to girls who normally had problems with the menstrual cycle, so it is sometimes difficult for them to realize that their body has become a place for the development of the fetus. The situation is explained at a later date when examined by a gynecologist.

On the 8-10th day after unprotected intercourse, the process of fertilization takes place in the body, after which the embryo is attached to the uterus. During this period, a woman may experience discharge similar to menstruation, so many mistakenly believe that conception has definitely not happened.

After the gynecologist nevertheless detects pregnancy, the woman begins to worry about the fact that there are no symptoms. But it normal. Yes, many girls feel sick at first, some eat chalk, others biscuits with ketchup, but this does not mean that all pregnant women should have such signs. There are no definitions of correct improper pregnancy. For each girl, this period will be held individually.

Is menstruation dangerous?

If pregnancy is established, and menstruation continues, then this is a cause for concern for doctors and future mother. Such cases are extremely rare. Early menstruation indicates the process of implantation or detachment gestational sac. In such cases, a woman has a thin spotting discharge with blood.

Pregnancy without symptoms is common early stages. For example, this happens when a fertilized egg does not have time to implant before the onset of menstruation. There may be slight delays - from 5 to 15 days. Delay without signs of pregnancy cannot be considered as confirmation or refutation of the fact of fertilization.

Refutation or confirmation?

Reliably determine pregnancy helps ultrasonography and certain analyses. But not every woman is ready to take paid tests, especially if everything is in order with her health.

In Brazil, there was a very interesting case. 27-year-old Fernanda Claudia gave birth to a daughter while swimming. The girl was born healthy, weighing about 3 kilograms. A woman after home sudden childbirth herself reached medical center and told her unusual story doctors. It turns out that she was unaware of her pregnancy until the moment she began to give birth. This case shocked the public and doctors.

It is important to remember that early pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound and hCG analysis. Gynecologists also recommend listening to the following tips:

  1. If there is a pulling sudden pain in the lower abdomen, then you need to see a specialist, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Pain may be evidence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, the occurrence inflammatory processes and uterine contractions. You do not need to self-medicate, because you do not know the exact causes of pain.
  2. If the pregnancy is confirmed, then it is advisable to reconsider all your life priorities and addictions. It is necessary to adjust the diet, because the food should be healthy. The complete rejection of bad habits which include smoking and alcohol.
  3. If you are worried about the fact that your pregnancy is proceeding without signs, then it is better to talk with a psychologist who will help you "recover yourself."
  4. Don't panic if your pregnancy is different. Each organism has its own physiological features, and his reaction to bearing a baby is difficult to predict.

The main thing!

Did you find out you are pregnant? And it doesn't matter early or late term whether it proceeds like everyone else or asymptomatically. It is important to remember only one thing - no stress and worries.

Take more time for yourself, relax, walk and breathe fresh air. Only the harmony of the physical and mental state will allow you to experience all the delights of motherhood, starting from the early stages of pregnancy.

For any woman, pregnancy is important event. Some have been waiting for this happy moment for years and listen to any changes in their body in the hope of giving birth. long-awaited baby, others are afraid to learn this news because of insecurity in their partner, casual unprotected contacts, etc. life situations may be different, but one moment unites everyone: it is important for every woman to catch the first signs of pregnancy as soon as possible and understand what has come interesting position.

The first symptoms of pregnancy that appear before the delay of menstruation are called subjective. Pregnancy itself after conception occurs within 7-10 days, so much time is needed to move the fertilized egg to the uterus.

From the moment of fixation of the fetal egg, they begin to be observed various changes in the body, signs appear that may indicate the likelihood of an interesting situation.

A single manifestation of one of the earliest signs of pregnancy does not give confidence in conception, but if a combination of two or more symptoms is observed, then it is already possible to tune in to expecting a baby.

Sleep disturbance

Behind Lately more and more doctors tend to consider sleep disturbance as one of the signs of pregnancy. Insomnia occurs in every second woman waiting for replenishment in the family, and is usually associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. There are also psychological and pathological causes such a state.


Nausea is one of the earliest, most common, and most common symptoms. Aversion to food may occur only in the morning or throughout the day, may alternate with a desire to eat something unusual or not eat at all.

Often, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, in which case a woman must make up for the loss of fluid and drink more clean water.

If nausea occurs more than 20 times a day, it is advisable to resort to the help of a doctor, it may be necessary to further monitor the state of health in a hospital.

Soreness in the lower abdomen

A few days after fertilization, some women may complain of drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which after 2-3 days pass without a trace. Sometimes the pain may be accompanied by scanty spotting, the duration of which is not more than 2 days. Such signs indicate the adaptation of the body to the presence of the embryo.

Pain in the lower back

Women who are preparing for childbirth for the first time complain about the occurrence of periodic pulling pains in the lumbar region. Pain is explained by the increase in the size of the uterus to accommodate the growing embryo and is observed throughout pregnancy.


The greatest number of complaints of migraine occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is due to an increase in blood volume and abrupt change hormonal background. An attack can begin suddenly from any stimulus or load.

Change in appetite

Often, the appearance and course of pregnancy is accompanied by a radical change in taste preferences. Once-familiar food suddenly seems completely unsuitable and even disgusting, and products that have never been used in the everyday diet are becoming more in demand.

Some from the first days of pregnancy may experience constant feeling hunger.

Emotionality, irritability

Hormonal changes in a woman against the background of other signs of pregnancy, of course, affect emotional sphere: continuous mood swings, anxiety, rage, irritability - all this is most pronounced in the first days and months of pregnancy.

These conditions are natural and temporary.

Sensitivity to odors

Almost all women notice increased sensitivity to smells in the early stages of pregnancy. It is believed that this factor causes nausea and vomiting. The perception of smells develops and proceeds differently for everyone: some react sharply to the aromas of perfumes, others to products.

Change in sex drive

Hormonal changes in the body with the onset of pregnancy can both strengthen sexual attraction, and be the reason for the rejection of intimacy.

In the second case, this may be due to the presence additional features pregnancy, such as nausea, insomnia, fatigue.

Other signs of pregnancy

These include an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, fever and chills, which are replaced several times a day. In rare cases, it may appear allergic reaction which did not exist before.

External symptoms and signs

Swelling of the face and limbs

Puffiness in the first months should not be. If, nevertheless, this phenomenon begins to appear before a period of 20 weeks, then this often indicates kidney disease or of cardio-vascular system, the development of which led to pregnancy.

In any case, upon occurrence similar signs a doctor's consultation is required.

There is a belief that if a girl has acne during pregnancy - sure sign the appearance of a girl, and if the skin remains clean, we are waiting for a boy. Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide.

One thing can be said with obvious certainty: the appearance of acne on the face is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and it is associated with active changes in the hormonal background. future mother.


Flatulence, or bloating, is another sign of pregnancy and can appear 7-14 days after conception. But this sign of a woman is rarely called, it begins to manifest itself especially clearly later - with the development of the fetus and the deterioration of the intestines.

breast augmentation

From the first weeks, women may notice breast enlargement, complain of pain or tingling in the mammary glands. This is easily explained by the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast and milk ducts, which is caused by an increase in estrogen and progesterone.

Often this physical sign before other women pay attention.

Darkening of the skin around the nipples

Simultaneously with breast enlargement, there may be a change in the color of the nipples, areola, the appearance of tubercles around the nipples (Montgomery's glands). The nipples themselves can react sharply to touch, women are able to feel pain and burning.

Facial redness

As a result of intensive blood circulation, a blush may appear on the face, more often it can be observed in the evening.

Other external signs

Additional signs of the birth of a new life may be an increase in the venous pattern on the chest, in the lower abdomen, a change in the color of the conditional line going down from the center of the navel is possible - it is pigmented and gradually darkens.

Physiological and laboratory changes

In addition to subjective symptoms, the presence or absence of pregnancy will help determine physiological signs and laboratory tests.

The main sign by which a woman most often determines that she is pregnant is a delay in menstruation. A slight delay does not indicate the presence of a situation, but if there were no previous hormonal disorders and there were no psycho-emotional disorders in the recent past, then, together with other signs, this may confirm the presence of a fetus.

Increase in basal body temperature

If in certain time menstruation does not occur, it makes sense to measure the internal (or basal) body temperature when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum for 5 minutes.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, if not observed, you can get wrong results.

  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, to remain as still as possible.
  • To obtain accurate data on the state of the body, temperature measurement takes place over several days at the same time.

If the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, you should contact a gynecologist. The chance of pregnancy is high.

With the onset of pregnancy in female body a special hormone begins to be produced - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is formed by the tissues of the fetus. This hormone preserves the fetus and affects the course of pregnancy.

Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be formed by the cells of the embryo 7-10 days after the fertilization of the egg at the time of attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. One of objective signs pregnancy is precisely the increase in chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined in the blood already on the 6-8th day from the intended conception.

The presence of hCG in the blood over 25 mU / ml indicates the presence of pregnancy, if this figure is slightly lower, a second analysis is needed. It is possible to speak unambiguously about the absence of a fetus with indicators less than 5 mU / ml. Increase hCG indicators lasts up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually decreases.

HCG analysis is the most exact method determination of pregnancy, terms and possible pathologies. For getting correct results analysis, it is important to follow several rules: it is better to analyze on the 3-5th day after the delay of menstruation or on the 12-14th day after the approximate date of conception; 4-6 hours before the analysis, it is advisable not to eat.

Symptoms of conception by children of different sexes

More or less reliably obtain data on what gender the child is, using medical methods.

  • Ultrasound is a planned examination, which is carried out no more than 3 times in 9 months of pregnancy (100% fidelity of the result).
  • Amiocentesis - analysis associated with piercing amniotic sac prescribed in case of fear of occurrence genetic disease, may have backfire for mother and baby (only for determining the sex of the child does not apply).
  • DNA test. Surprisingly, with the help of a DNA test, it is possible to determine the sex of a child from the mother's blood starting from the 40th day of pregnancy (100% certainty).
  • gender test. The sex of the child is determined in the same way as pregnancy is determined - using a test at home. It turns out that the sex hormones of the unborn baby are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. When urine is combined with the reagent, if the strip turns out to be green, we are waiting for a boy, and orange - a girl (data fidelity is 90%).

In addition to the above methods for determining the sex of a child, for centuries people have been trying to guess the sex of the unborn child on their own, coming up with signs that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day and are still used in determining sex.

Earliest signs of a boy being pregnant

It is possible to expect a boy according to the following signs:

  • if a woman has a sharp belly, the waist is preserved behind;
  • the baby in the stomach kicks hard and often;
  • constant desire to eat salty;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • clean, smooth skin faces;
  • The first months of pregnancy are easy.

The first signs of pregnancy for a girl in the early stages

The following notes are relevant:

  • deterioration in appearance, problems with the skin of the face;
  • if the stomach is encircling, there is no waist from the back;
  • darkening of the areola of the nipples;
  • The first months of pregnancy are difficult.


You can listen to subjective reasons pregnancy and assume its presence, but only physiological changes and medical tests. If you notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, immediately contact a specialist.

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman's life. Some carefully prepare for this, plan everything and look forward to it. For others, this may turn out to be an accident, but it is no less exciting and joyful than in cases where everything is thought out.

Nowadays, most women use pregnancy tests to verify this event. In addition, changes that begin in the body usually make themselves felt, which are recognized as the first signs of pregnancy.

Does everyone feel the symptoms of pregnancy?

Every woman has her individual characteristics. For some, everything is fully manifested possible signs. And someone, on the contrary, can feel only the most basic or not feel at all.

This is also the case with the question: when do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear? There are women in whom these signs became noticeable already at the end of the first week after conception (but more intuitively). Many feel characteristic changes closer to the month of the expected pregnancy. Sometimes these terms increase, and the woman feels that she is pregnant much later.

And yet, experts, answering the question: how many days after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear, they say that they cannot be detected earlier than ten days after conception. Most often it is two to three weeks.

It also happens that certain symptoms falsely indicate pregnancy, although they actually refer to something else.

It is important to comprehensively consider the signs in the first days of pregnancy, and not draw conclusions based on any one.

Of course, if we talk about reliability, then the most reliable ways definitions of pregnancy are a test and a visit to the gynecologist.

The most basic symptoms of pregnancy

Consider the most common symptoms that indicate the emergence of a new life in the female body.

What other symptoms can be observed in the first days?

  • Increased urination. When fertilized, the production process starts hCG hormone, resulting in increased blood supply to the pelvic area. Therefore, a woman feels the urge to empty Bladder even if it is not full enough. The frequency of such urges usually increases at night.
  • Fast fatiguability. The acceleration of metabolism, especially during the first pregnancy, can make a woman feel constant fatigue desire to fall asleep. This is a natural mobilization of the body's forces for the successful bearing and development of the fetus. Rest is essential during this time. And the combination of high fatigue with other symptoms is serious reason do a pregnancy test.
  • are changing taste preferences. An increase in hormone levels also leads to a change in taste and eating habits. Often women feel a metallic taste in their mouths. There may be a sharp desire to eat something (someone is drawn to sweet, someone to salty) or, conversely, favorite dish may stop liking it. Sometimes a woman has increased salivation.
  • The sense of smell changes. A pregnant woman often has an increased sensitivity to various kinds of odors. If she had not noticed many of them before, now she is trying to avoid them in every possible way. Moreover, the negative perception of some odors leads to nausea.
  • Headache, frequent change moods. Hormonal changes cannot but affect the psyche of a woman, her mood. That there is a feeling of boundless happiness, then suddenly tears come. A woman can become more vulnerable and anxious, irritable and demanding. Usually and headache appears more often.
  • Constipation, bloating. Due to the action of the hormone progesterone, work may deteriorate digestive system in particular the intestines. To help your body when this problem occurs, you need to consume more fluids (primarily water), foods containing fiber, use special preparations and do gymnastics. To perform the last two points, you must consult a doctor.
  • Decreased immunity, appearance colds and nasal congestion. The forces of the woman's body are directed to full development fetus, so susceptibility to various diseases rises. And the effect of hormones on the nasal passages leads to their congestion.
  • Acne. The sign is completely optional, but some women note its appearance during pregnancy. Sometimes he begins to bother even those who have not encountered acne before.
  • The vertical line going down from a navel darkens. This symptom can make itself felt both in the early stages and in the later period of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

It is not uncommon for a woman to have baby may become pregnant again. What symptoms indicate this?

  1. Reducing the amount of milk.
  2. Taste change breast milk, as a result of which the baby may refuse it.
  3. There is swelling of the breast, soreness of the nipples, as a result of which feeding causes discomfort.

The more characteristic features notices a woman, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy. But confirmation of any sensations and reactions should be reliable ways: passing the test and consulting a doctor to exclude the possibility of complications during pregnancy from the very first days.

Unfortunately, a woman cannot find out about her pregnancy directly at the moment of conception. It may take a couple of months before the first signs of pregnancy appear. In addition, since each organism is unique, changes in it will also manifest themselves in different ways. But anyway, before a week signs of conception can not be seen.

If there is a strong suspicion that conception might have occurred, waiting for the first delay can be too painful. I would like to verify this as soon as possible. However, the first week of pregnancy is determined quite approximately, because the body is still preparing for changes in the hormonal background, organs and systems. Therefore, even a pregnancy test in the first days after conception is practically useless. He can show reliable result just two weeks later.

The first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation 1

Duration menstrual cycle each woman is individual and averages 26-36 days. By marking the dates of the onset of menstruation on the calendar, you can always track the delay, which will be the first signal that conception has occurred. However, in women of childbearing age, menstrual irregularities are often found, so relying completely on the calendar in this issue not worth it. There are a number of signs that certain conditions may indicate pregnancy

An increase in the volume of the abdomen and the volume of the uterus.

An increase in the volume of the abdomen does not always indicate pregnancy, the gynecologist must probe exactly the uterus - if it has increased in size, this indicates the onset of pregnancy.

Breast enlargement and soreness.

The nipples may also increase in diameter and change their color to a darker one. This is how the breast begins to prepare for the future feeding of the baby. This symptom is found in about 70% of pregnant women. At the same time, it can indicate not only that pregnancy has come, but also about the approaching menstruation. Also, breast enlargement and swelling can sometimes occur as a result of taking birth control pills.

An increase in basal temperature above 37 degrees.

Basal temperature is measured in the rectum or vagina immediately after waking up. Its value above 37 degrees can last for the first few weeks until the placenta (the membrane that protects the fetus) starts its work. If a woman constantly maintains a temperature graph, then it will be easier for her to notice the changes that have occurred. An elevated basal body temperature may be accompanied by chills, drowsiness, and weakness, but over time, these symptoms disappear. It should be noted that the temperature does not rise above 37.2-37.3.

Work changes gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of toxicosis are easily confused with the usual food poisoning: diarrhea and vomiting at any time of the day, regardless of the food eaten. Constipation may also occur. This is explained by the fact that pregnancy provokes changes in the pelvic organs. Because of this, 2 weeks after conception, frequent urination may appear, especially at night. However, diseases can also be the cause of these symptoms.

Nausea and aversion to smells.

There are no clear time limits for toxicosis, so every woman can be tormented by nausea in different time days, not necessarily in the morning. Moreover, toxicosis can appear both a few days after conception, and a few months later. Many women find that smells that used to be their favorite can cause nausea.

Changing food habits.

These are the earliest symptoms of pregnancy that may appear before the onset of a delay. Previously loved dishes may seem tasteless, and unloved, on the contrary, appetizing, etc. Often there is a craving not only for some products, but also for their unusual combinations. An increase in appetite can also indicate early signs pregnancy, but nutrition should still remain moderate. The main attention should be paid to the usefulness of the diet.

pressure drop, fast fatiguability, drowsiness, fainting.

Apathy and weakness frequent signs early pregnancy, because the body goes into a new mode and learns to function differently. The pregnancy hormone, progesterone, which begins to be very actively released during this period, has a depressing effect on the psyche.

Basal temperature measurement 2

An increase in basal temperature is one of the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Therefore, its measurement can be very useful. Basal temperature is the temperature in the rectum or in the vagina, which is measured in the morning in a state of complete rest. Based on these indicators, an ovulation calendar is usually kept, because during its onset the temperature rises. So, before ovulation, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees, and then it rises by 0.6 degrees or more, i.e. turns out to be over 37 degrees. After ovulation is over, the temperature should drop. But if fertilization has occurred, this does not happen. At the moment of attachment of the embryo to the uterus, a sharp jump in basal temperature can occur.

Basal temperature is measured rectally, it is important to measure it in the morning after waking up, when the body is still at rest and has not had time to be exposed to external factors. It is better to start measurements on the first day of the cycle and do it every morning before getting out of bed. To measure basal body temperature you need at the same time using a constant mercury (5-10 minutes) or electronic (less desirable) thermometer. All indicators must be recorded.

Bleeding as a sign of pregnancy 3

Another early symptom of pregnancy is implantation bleeding (bleeding that occurs when the embryo is fixed in the uterine wall) bleeding, which occurs in about a quarter of women. This process is similar to menstruation, so many may confuse it, believing that there is actually no delay and pregnancy. That is why it is so important to distinguish one from the other. When a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine cavity, its mucosa is disturbed, as a result of which it can be damaged blood vessels in her. As a result, there are bloody issues similar to menses.

Implantation bleeding occurs about a week after conception, lasts a couple of hours, and usually stops immediately or comes back briefly. Such discharge, unlike menstrual flow, is minimal - it can be a few drops or spotting, noticeably different in color from menstrual blood, always without dark clots. And the most important difference is that implantation bleeding occurs 3-6 days before menstruation, which then does not appear on the due date according to the calendar.

Feeling sick as a sign of pregnancy 3

Many of the ailments associated with early pregnancy are temporary and should not cause much concern. For example, at this time, bloating, heartburn and constipation are often observed, which eventually go away on their own. Almost all pregnant women have a slight decrease in pressure and an increase in temperature up to 37.5 degrees. Common and pulling pain in the lower back.

Flatulence, constipation and diarrhea, which occur in a third of pregnant women in the early stages, are the result of changes in the hormonal background in their body. The hormone progesterone, which is produced in large quantities during pregnancy, slightly slows down the work of the gastrointestinal tract, from which its disorders occur. In addition, toxicosis of pregnant women is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which can occur at any time of the day. The changes in taste preferences, appearing during pregnancy, sometimes signal which vitamins and other useful material have now become the most important for the child.

The most obvious sign of early pregnancy

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period. But, given that a violation of the cycle can have a number of reasons, you cannot completely rely on this symptom. In this case, the delay should be the reason for visiting the gynecologist or at least buying a pregnancy test. If there are other first signs of pregnancy, then contacting medical institution already a must. If you don’t have “your” gynecologist yet, it’s time to find one. The list of doctors can be viewed on this.

Based on blood and urine tests, it will be known exactly whether pregnancy has occurred or not. To make the results more indicative, you can wait a few days after the delay occurs. However, there is a way to find out about pregnancy at the earliest possible time - by the hormone hCG pregnancy (chorionic gonadotropin), which is determined in the blood from the second week after conception. At a three-week period, an ultrasound shows the fetus.

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