Pregnancy and sports in the first trimester. Choosing a sport for pregnant women: basic rules. Water activities during pregnancy

Importance exercise on early dates pregnancy has long received its evidence. To the question of whether sports are needed during pregnancy, leading experts give a positive answer. The main thing is to understand what activities will not harm the expectant mother and her baby. Pregnancy is not a disease, so even if a woman has not been involved in sports before, this period can be the beginning of an active life.

Advantages of playing sports during the period of bearing a child

IN modern world every woman in position has a chance to try out specialized comprehensive programs developed by leading gynecologists and teachers. According to its structure, physical activity during pregnancy is aimed at improving the general well-being of the expectant mother. An important fact will be the development of muscles, which will later participate in birth process and weight control for 9 months.

Previously, women who were expecting an addition to the family were recommended by doctors to have a permanent and preferential state of rest. On this moment opinion has changed radically. Over the past 40 years, scientific researchers have been able to prove that exercise during early pregnancy not only fails to negative impact per child, but also increase the efficiency of a woman in a position.

Scientists were able to prove that sports for a lady in a position at moderate standards are capable of:

  • improve work digestive tract;
  • normalize the metabolism in the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stabilize the general condition;
  • ensure proper oxygenation of the child's body;
  • protect against swelling later dates pregnancy;
  • reduce the number of stretch marks or protect the expectant mother from their appearance;
  • charge with positive emotions.

The sports side of a woman's life will help keep the body in great shape. Prepared for labor activity the process will be easier to endure, and the young mother will be able to restore her figure much faster after the birth of the long-awaited child.

How do I know if I can start training?

In some situations, physical activity during pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is also recommended by many leading experts. If, before the onset of a happy time, a woman professionally exercises in the early stages should become less productive than before.

The training program will need to be adjusted in connection with the new situation. In other cases, it is necessary to appoint a consultation with a qualified instructor who is able to develop an individual training program based on the data obtained after the conversation.

Having made sure that a sports orientation during the bearing of a baby is possible and recommended by experts, expectant mothers begin to think which direction is better to choose in the near future.

Doctors focus the attention of pregnant women on several well-known sports that are well suited for any period of gestation:

  • Swimming lessons. This will become best method in the fight against excessive stress on the spine and joints. A set of exercises in water strengthens muscle mass, and also allows the body to relax and get rid of tension.
  • Special fitness that will prepare the body for the birth process and improve the flexibility of all muscles.

  • Yoga or Pilates exercises aimed at stretching, controlling the respiratory process, so important in childbirth, and improving general condition women. Almost all yoga schools teach a course of special classes for expectant mothers, during pregnancy they will not become a problem in this direction. The doctor who future mother will choose for a consultation on sports issues, will have to choose a feasible load for the body. To do this, he may need current analyzes and conclusions of specialists of various directions passed over the past months. In the early stages of pregnancy, what is possible, what cannot be strictly determined by the doctor, it is not worth doing an independent appointment.

Nuances and details in the classroom

A woman must understand that pregnancy - individual process Therefore, not everyone is recommended the same exercises. Before you start exercising, you should meet with your doctor to determine which sport during pregnancy would be ideal for you. Given the dynamic development of society, interest groups gather with ease and abound with a variety of programs for every taste. If you have the slightest doubt, you can seek advice from a personal trainer.

Having decided on the regimen, one should not forget that the exercises that are allowed to be performed in the first months will be strictly prohibited in the later stages due to the growing belly. Over time, the instructor will have to find a worthy gentle replacement for them.

General rules for pregnant women

  • It is strictly forbidden to overheat, this will contribute to disturbances in the baby's blood supply.
  • Too much effort in stretching exercises can lead to sprains due to the action of relaxin.
  • If the doctor leading the woman in position diagnosed anemia, multiple pregnancy or possible threat interruption, then even charging during pregnancy becomes a controversial issue.
  • It is not recommended for women at any stage of pregnancy to visit stuffy gyms without a proper ventilation system.
  • Cardio loads during the period of bearing a baby must be deleted from the exercise program, since the heart is already subject to a double load.

The main goal is to avoid physical activity capable of injuring the expectant mother or causing her to fall. Therefore, it is better to postpone the sections of basketball, riding and snowboarding to a later date, and return to them only after the baby is born.

How much time to devote to sports?

For women who have not previously been actively involved in sports, physical activity during pregnancy should not exceed 30 minutes a day 3 times a week, especially in the first trimester. More frequent workouts can become additional stress for the body, which is still only being rebuilt under new stage life.

A good initial workout would be walking, preferably in a park area. There, the expectant mother will be able to stretch her upper and lower limbs with a light charge. In the future, in agreement with the attending physician, running during pregnancy is also possible.

Physical exercise when health problems are detected

So, we found out that women in position are not forbidden to play sports at all, despite even the early stages of pregnancy. What is possible and what is impossible is determined only by specialists. If the expectant mother suddenly had problems with thyroid gland, blood vessels, heart, spine or too rapid weight gain, then active exercises should be abandoned for a while.

Permission for any kind physical activities in this case, only the doctor observing the pregnancy and the obstetrician-gynecologist can give.

Characteristics of exercise in early pregnancy

In order for classes to be carried out with benefits for health, body and muscle mass, they should be done regularly, that is, at least twice a week. Only in this case the body will be in the required tone. Infrequent physical activity during pregnancy will cause more stress than good for the expectant mother.

Classes should be started at least two hours after the last meal, and do not forget about replenishing the oxygen deficiency in the room or gym.

The developed set of exercises should give only pleasure and charge, as well as contribute to the desire to engage in further. Overwork is strictly prohibited for mother and her future baby did not feel any discomfort that could adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Only if all the above rules and recommendations are followed, physical activity will bring benefits and significant results that will help in the process of childbirth.

When a woman finds out about her interesting position, then she is seized with joy and mild anxiety because it needs to be completely revised. own image life and diet. If the expectant mother is accustomed to high physical exertion and cannot imagine her day without playing sports, then it will be quite difficult for her to abandon the usual rhythm of training. And naturally the question arises whether sports are useful during pregnancy, and what will happen if you do sports in the first trimester.

Is it possible to play sports during early pregnancy

The first trimester is especially difficult for women, because the body is undergoing major changes and is preparing for the gradual growth of the fetus. It is quite difficult for expectant mothers to get used to their new position and figure out what can and cannot be done.

Excessive physical activity in the early stages must be completely excluded, because at this time the embryo is only fixed in the uterus, and the most important systems of its organs are formed. Any sudden movement and the slightest injury can cause a violation of these processes and lead to such undesirable consequences like miscarriage, bleeding, development various pathologies at the fetus.

In order for training not to be dangerous for the health of the crumbs, it is necessary to reduce the load as much as possible, and in the first weeks of pregnancy, completely abandon any sport. by the most right decision there will be classes with a highly qualified trainer who knows all the intricacies of the exercises and will be able to compose a complex individually.

What is the danger of sports during pregnancy

Physical activity in some cases can be dangerous, both for the woman herself and for her unborn baby. For example, jogging can cause problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. vascular system. The fact is that during pregnancy, the heartbeat increases significantly, and the pressure also rises, since the body must henceforth support the life of the fetus.

But gymnastics can even lead to rupture and sprain. In pregnant women in large numbers the hormone relaxin is produced, which significantly softens the ligaments and bone tissues, and any load can result in injury. No less dangerous for the expectant mother are jumping, somersaults and even cycling. Scuba diving can even provoke a miscarriage.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications to doing any kind of sports. It is necessary to completely abandon physical activity for women who are expecting the appearance of twins or triplets. If the expectant mother has previously had an abortion, then training can cause the same misfortune. Also, you can not attend classes during a break. membranes at the slightest risk early birth or hemorrhages, misplaced placenta, etc.

What sport is possible during pregnancy

When it has already become known what you definitely cannot do, you need to figure out what the best sport will be during pregnancy, and what kind of activities will help you keep yourself in shape throughout the entire gestation period.

First of all, it should be said about swimming. A visit to the pool will help not only to work out most muscle groups at the same time, but also to relax, spend time alone with your own thoughts. This type sports activities helps at least temporarily relieve the load on the spine, as well as train the press and legs.

Yoga will be just as beneficial. Of course, you will have to exclude a lot of exercises, but classes will provide an excellent opportunity to relax and, moreover, not to lose a good physical form. It is allowed to attend fitness training and perform various exercises on the fitball.

Regardless of which sport a woman prefers, it is necessary to ensure that the room is spacious and fresh. And if we are talking about the pool, it is better not to save on the choice of an institution and monitor the purity of the water, as there is a risk of infection entering the body.

Gymnastics and sports for pregnant women: exercises

The best solution, of course, is special gymnastics for expectant mothers. In order to understand which exercises should be given preference, you should familiarize yourself with this complex:

  • Walking. The first thirty seconds you need to move in a circle with the usual measured step, the next - on your toes. Six repetitions are enough for one session.
  • Rotations. The woman should place her legs slightly narrower than her shoulders and alternately rotate her arms for two minutes.
  • Waves. The starting position should be exactly the same as in the previous exercise. It is necessary to slightly raise the left leg, hold it in the air and put it on the floor, then lift the right leg. Ten repetitions will be enough.
  • Half squat. future mommy should be placed near the chair, put the legs a little wider than the shoulders and begin to slowly squat until the buttocks touch a hard surface. It is advisable not to do more than ten repetitions in one workout.
  • Tilts. A fairly simple exercise for the muscles of the lower back. Need to become in comfortable posture and repeat torso to the sides fifteen times.
  • Ups. The woman should lie down on the gymnastic mat with her back and bend her knees. After that, you should, slowly, raise your legs alternately and lower them to the floor.

These exercises can be done even at home free time. But future mothers should take into account that from the second trimester it is forbidden to engage in lying on their backs, and from the third, any inclinations must be excluded.

So, even during pregnancy, you need to devote time to physical activity. But they should be as safe as possible and bring pleasure to the woman herself.

As most of us know, pregnancy is not a disease, and if it proceeds without complications, then you can try to maintain your usual lifestyle - for example, continue to play your favorite sport. But this question requires special approach which we will discuss in this section.

Expectant mothers need to do gymnastics. The detrimental effect of hypodynamia (lack of physical activity) on the course of pregnancy and fetal development has long been proven. But, despite this, in obstetric practice there are conditions in which any physical activity is contraindicated for a woman. As a rule, the obstetrician-gynecologist informs her about this.

When to say "no"

The expectant mother needs to know that any physical activity is contraindicated:

  • at acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as influenza, SARS, exacerbation of gastritis;
  • at increased tone uterus, spotting from the genital tract, which are evidence of a threatened abortion;
  • with a pronounced toxicosis of the onset of pregnancy (uncontrollable vomiting);
  • with gestosis of pregnancy, manifested by an increase blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, edema;
  • in the presence of miscarriages in the past;
  • with polyhydramnios;
  • with systematically appearing cramping pains after classes.

Thus, only women with an uncomplicated pregnancy can do gymnastics.

How to "secure"?

Be sure to check with your doctor before starting classes. If there are no contraindications, the question arises: what classes to attend? Today, almost every fitness club offers classes for expectant mothers. There are also many schools in which a woman is prepared for upcoming birth. In every specific case the approach must be individual.

If last time if you played sports in physical education classes at school or occasionally attended classes in a fitness club, then in your case the choice is small: or physiotherapy according to the method for pregnant women, or relaxation and breathing trainings. The rest of the classes, most likely, will be too difficult for you, and therefore unsafe. If you've been hitting the gym regularly and want to continue exercising while you're pregnant, there's a much wider range of activities you can afford. However, remember that it is advisable to attend only specialized training for pregnant women. They are more adequate in terms of load, and they do not include exercises that are not recommended for expectant mothers.

Individual training is preferable to group training. Only in this way will you get the level of load that is appropriate for you. Group classes should vary by trimester. The safest trimester for exercising is the second. You should not do it yourself according to books or other manuals, because there are many exercises that are undesirable during pregnancy.

"Black list"

So, what exercises and activities are not recommended for a pregnant woman?

First of all, expectant mother jumping and vibration are contraindicated, tk. placental abruption may occur miscarriage. Therefore, all high-impact aerobics (with jumps), belly dance (belly dancing) - due to the abundance of specific shaking, equestrian sports are excluded.

Avoid exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure, because. this impairs the nutrition of the fetus and can provoke an abortion. These include abdominal exercises, especially lifting both legs up from a supine position; exercises that cause straining or holding your breath. To avoid straining, try changing the starting position or reducing the load. Also, intra-abdominal pressure increases when cycling and exercising on a regular exercise bike. Suitable for 5 pregnant women only recumbent bike(with back).

In the body during pregnancy, the secretion of relaxin increases - a hormone that softens the ligaments of the pelvis and allows them to stretch elastically: this is necessary for normal delivery. Unfortunately, relaxin does not act selectively, but on all ligaments at once and, consequently, on the joints. Therefore, in order to avoid injury, maximum joint flexion and extension is not allowed, dumbbells weighing more than 1 kg are prohibited, bowling and stretching exercises are not allowed.

Of course, all high-intensity workouts are postponed indefinitely, they are also not recommended during breastfeeding. These activities include cycling (group training on bicycles), training ( group lesson on treadmills), interval lesson (a combination of power and aerobic exercise), running.

During pregnancy, coordination of movements is disturbed, therefore, all activities and exercises that are difficult from a coordination point of view are not recommended. These include: bosu class (training on a soft hemispherical bosu platform), dance lessons and classical aerobics with complex choreography, balance exercises from Pilates and yoga.

Due to the high trauma and intensity, all team sports are excluded: volleyball, basketball, football. You should also not play badminton, golf and tennis. Pregnant women are generally not recommended to raise their arms above their shoulders.

Avoid exercises with a starting position on the stomach. During the lesson, it is necessary to alternate starting positions and not lie on your back for more than 5 minutes. If during gymnastics in the supine position you experience dizziness, weakness, rapid breathing, discomfort- perhaps this is the syndrome of the inferior vena cava (compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus). This happens if you lie on your back for a long time in the later stages. If such symptoms are indeed associated with the inferior vena cava, simply roll over on your side. For prevention similar condition it is better to perform exercises lying on an inclined plane so that the head is higher than the legs.

If you are doing yoga, be careful with inverted poses and do not do twists.

All traumatic sports are expressly prohibited: skiing, snowboard, roller and regular skates.

Remember, gymnastics during pregnancy is necessary in order to adapt the woman's body to a new state for him and prepare for childbirth. Therefore, physiotherapy exercises in medical institutions or individual sessions with an experienced instructor on a special program.

Pulse under control

To properly dose the load and avoid overload, you need to monitor the pulse. The easiest way is to count the pulse on your own during the lesson. It is convenient to do this in this way: find the pulse on the arm or on the neck, count in 10 seconds, then multiply by b. Pulse during exercise should not exceed 60% of the pulse of maximum oxygen consumption (P O2 max) in the first trimester and 65-70% in the second and third trimesters. P O2 max can be calculated using the formula 220 - age. For example, if you are 25 years old, then 220-25=195, 195x0.6=117. This means that the pulse should not exceed 117 beats per minute in the first trimester in a 25-year-old woman. In order not to interrupt your workout and not to carry out such complex calculations, you can use heart rate monitors. They consist of two parts - a belt that is worn on the chest and reads your pulse directly from the heart, and a watch that is worn on the arm and displays your pulse throughout the workout. You enter the maximum allowable heart rate into the heart monitor's memory in advance, and if you exceed it, the watch will notify you with a sound signal. In addition to the pulse, also focus on your feelings.

Take care of yourself

During the lesson, you should not overheat, so you should not dress too warmly, do not practice in poorly ventilated, stuffy rooms. Do not tolerate thirst: if during gymnastics you feel thirsty, drink non-carbonated water room temperature. You need to do it regularly - 2-3 times a week. Training less than once a week from time to time will do more harm than good - such loads are more traumatic.

The first excitement from the news of the pregnancy passed and a lot of questions arose about lifestyle and making the necessary adjustments: is it worth playing sports? What exercises should be avoided? Is there a difference in recommendations regarding trimesters?

The benefits of sports during pregnancy

Sport - is life. And this statement is most appropriate for women who carry a child under their hearts. Moderate physical activity affects the health of mother and child in the best possible way:

  • Tone: muscles, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are prepared for the load caused by weight gain and the birth process itself. Reduces the likelihood of ruptures and birth injuries.
  • Improved metabolic processes: the work of the digestive tract, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems is stabilized.
  • Improves blood circulation and, accordingly, the supply of oxygen to the fetus.
  • The psycho-emotional state is normalized, which means jumps hormonal background don't affect mood as much.
  • Reduced attacks of toxicosis, as excess fluid is excreted from the body.
  • Body stays tight- and this means a young mother will return to shape much faster after childbirth.

Reference! A set of exercises for pregnant women can be performed anywhere: at home, in the gym or on a walk in the park.

Sports for pregnant women:

The fact that sport is useful is an indisputable fact, but as one quote says, “everything is poison, and everything is medicine.” It all depends on the intensity, type and amount of exercise. Recommendations for the intensity of physical activity vary depending on the trimester.

- in the first trimester

Most women who find out about their “interesting position” make one of two common mistakes associated with physical activity:

  1. Complete rejection of the variety. Any movement is perceived by the expectant mother as a risk of harm long-awaited baby. All movements are kept to a minimum. Whenever possible, a woman prefers to sit or lie down so as not to disturb and “shake” the child once again.
  2. Practice at the same pace.“If my belly is not visible yet, then I can not stop,” the woman believes and continues to lift the “iron” in the gym, go in for horseback riding or other extreme sports, completely unaware of the risks for the intrauterine development of the baby.

The basic rule of the first trimester is moderation and control of well-being. Starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, it is worth moderating the ardor and reducing the intensity of physical activity to the required minimum so as not to drive your body into a state of even more stress. The ideal option there will be walking, pilates, yoga, fitball classes and an aerobic complex for pregnant women.

At the same time, it is important to understand that the degree of load and the number of classes for a woman with and without experience of intense physical activity will be different. However, both in the first and in the second case, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to bring the number of sports activities to the optimal level.

- second trimester

As practice shows, most women think about going in for sports in the second trimester. Awareness of your new position comes, toxicosis lets go and it becomes a little easier to act, even despite the rounded tummy. If you are one of these young ladies, then adhere to the following rules:

  • Comfortable pace- Do the exercises at your own pace. If you feel short of breath, feel dizzy, or feel nauseous, stop exercising.
  • Practice with an instructor- so you can be sure that you are doing everything right. In addition, collective activities cheer up and relieve fears and clamps associated with the upcoming birth.

Important! If every time after physical activity you feel very unwell, consult your doctor and ask him to choose another set of exercises for you.

- third trimester

In the third trimester, you may feel that big belly makes your movements clumsy and uncoordinated. However, this is not a reason to abandon the usual activity. The main thing is to adjust the classes taking into account your current state:

  • Do not abuse stretching exercises and complex yoga asanas. During this period, the ligaments and tendons are greatly softened, and, accordingly, the risk of stretching and tissue ruptures increases.
  • Watch your breath and heartbeat. Since a large belly significantly increases body weight, after a few movements, severe shortness of breath and cardiopalmus. Try to avoid such moments. Breathing should be measured, and the heart rate should not exceed 120 beats per minute.

What sports are prohibited for pregnant women?

The following types of activities can harm both the health of the expectant mother and her child, and, accordingly, you will have to give them up for the next nine months.

  • Shaking and vibration. Intensive aerobics with jumping and stepper, belly dancing, equestrian sports. All these activities shake the body, and shaking can lead to placental abruption and miscarriage.
  • Strength exercises for the press. Overstrain of the abdominal muscles and constant straining increase the risk of fetal hypoxia and intrauterine developmental abnormalities.
  • Weight lifting and stretching exercises. The ban is due to increased production of relaxin - a hormone that softens the ligaments of the pelvis and allows them to stretch during childbirth. Since the hormone does not act selectively, but on the whole body at once, there is a risk of joint sprains and dislocations.

Important! On recent months pregnancy, it is not allowed to lift objects whose weight exceeds 1 kg.

  • Exercises for reaction and coordination of movements. As the abdomen grows, the center of gravity shifts, and accordingly, it will be almost impossible to perform the exercises correctly.
  • Injurious activity: all kinds of martial arts, basketball, extreme sports. All types of physical activity associated with the likelihood of injury and bruises in the stomach should be excluded.

Rules for sports during pregnancy

So that playing sports brings not only a sense of satisfaction from the fulfillment of duty, but also real benefit they need to be properly organized. The following rules will help you with this:

  1. Avoid overheating- do not exercise in the sun, and also avoid profuse sweating and shortness of breath. This dehydrates the body and harms the baby.
  2. Drink more fluids. The second rule follows directly from the first. Pure drinking water speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body.
  3. Start your morning with sports. The optimal time for classes is 2 hours after breakfast.
  4. Listen to your well-being. If you feel drawing pains in the lower abdomen - stop exercising and report your discomfort to the doctor.

Note! There is an opinion that the days on which menstruation used to occur are the most dangerous period in terms of abortion. These days it is better to replace classes with a walk.


The physical activity of the future mother can have a very fruitful effect on both the state of her body and the health of the baby. It will be much easier for a prepared woman to give birth, and then, to restore her usual physical form.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Any woman who was actively involved in sports before pregnancy will become interested, but what should she do now, when a tiny man has appeared under her heart? Any woman who has not been involved in sports, but thinks about her and her baby's health, about how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed, how to quickly get in shape after the birth of a child, will also think: maybe go in for sports now? But what kind of sport is right? Are there contraindications? This is our next article.

What is the benefit of sports during pregnancy?

If there are no contraindications, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sports exercises will only benefit. It has already been proven that regular exercise during pregnancy contributes to the favorable course of childbirth, the reduction of postpartum complications, and the reduction of perineal tears. During pregnancy, moderately active physical activity has a positive effect on the health of not only the mother, but also the child. Often, with a sedentary lifestyle, stagnant processes occur in a woman's body. In this case, physical activity is simply necessary, because it improves blood circulation and cell nutrition, as a result of which, getting required amount oxygen and nutrients the fetus develops properly.

A significant plus in favor of playing sports is that properly selected and carefully planned loads can save a pregnant woman from morning sickness.

What types of physical activity are contraindicated?

Naturally, and every woman understands this, not all sports are equally useful and allowed during pregnancy. There can be no talk of any boxing, parachuting or horseback riding! These species are strictly prohibited during childbearing. The reason for the ban is a high probability of injury, but a woman, at this stage, should protect herself from falls, concussions, hypothermia and overheating.

There are some other sports on the "black" list:

  • step and dance aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • sprinting and long-distance running;
  • diving (deep-sea diving), diving, water skiing;
  • skiing;
  • group sports;
  • cross-country cycling;
  • weight lifting;

Also, any exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, any sharp movements, strong stretching, “inverted” yoga asanas, sudden movements and swings in swimming, a strong back bend are prohibited.

What loads are allowed?

One of the very first recommendations for physical activity will be this: walk more. Pregnant women are advised to take small walks several times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that her shoes are comfortable and of high quality. . Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but very effective exercises are allowed to absolutely everyone, regardless of their training and well-being. Of course, an exception may be women who, due to the threat of miscarriage, are prescribed bed rest.

It is also useful for pregnant women to walk up the stairs. Try not to use the elevator. And if you live on the lower floors, then you can just walk back and forth several times a day. The main condition - do not rush, breathe evenly and calmly, do not open your mouth.

With regard to real sports, it is necessary to take into account an important aspect. If you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, now is the time to slow down and switch to a gentle regime. If only now decided to make friends with physical activity, then do not give all your best. Start small and gradually, within reasonable limits, increase the load.

Naturally, swimming, yoga, special gymnastics for pregnant women are in the first positions in terms of usefulness and permissibility during pregnancy. Swimming is very beneficial for both mother and baby. Exercises in water unload the spine, strengthen the muscles of the back and chest, massage tissues, and improve blood circulation. Effect ( good mood, improved well-being, disappearance of edema, muscle tone, etc.) you will feel after a few sessions. Many pregnant women after training note that their appetite has improved and even the phenomena of toxicosis have disappeared. Swimming is great way keep your body in good shape and a great opportunity to put it in order after the baby is born. Swimming eliminates the risk of falling, overheating, dehydration, excessive stress on the joints. The only points to remember when going to the pool:

  • make sure that the water in it is clean;
  • do not go diving, however, we wrote about this above.

Yoga is also great for practicing during pregnancy. Almost all of its varieties are suitable for this, but it’s still better if you do special exercises adapted for pregnant women. Such yoga will not harm either mother or baby, it does not have inverted poses and exercises that must be performed while lying on your back. Another argument in favor of yoga is that during the exercises a lot of time is devoted to breathing and relaxation. This has a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby (proper breathing improves blood circulation and he receives more oxygen), and also prepares the mother for childbirth (at this stage, controlled specific breathing helps to ease contractions, feel less pain during expulsion of the fetus). When performing the complex, try to have something close by that, if necessary, you could rely on. Do not stretch the ligaments too much and do not strain the abdominal wall.

Gymnastics for pregnant women was developed by instructors taking into account the special needs and characteristics of women during the period of bearing children. These exercises are aimed at training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, muscles involved in childbirth, to strengthen the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, posture alignment. This is an excellent exercise for pregnant women, which will make the muscles flexible. As a rule, complexes for pregnant women include Kegel exercises, thanks to which the muscles that take direct participation in the birth process. Agree, the load on the muscles of the perineum during childbirth is serious. Often, gymnastics for pregnant women involves exercises on a fitball (a large inflatable ball). Such training is aimed at maintaining and increasing the level of preparedness of the cardiovascular system, developing strength and flexibility, reducing back pain, reducing pressure, improving blood circulation and overall well-being in general.

Other workouts include Pilates. It is not contraindicated in pregnant women. On the contrary, Pilates develops the pelvic floor muscles that are actively involved in the process of childbirth, teaches correct breathing. During classes, the blood supply to the fetus improves, which has a very positive effect on intrauterine development baby.

What is permissible from standard sports? Well, like tennis. True, you should not grab a racket if you have never played tennis before. Postpone this activity postpartum period. But if you have been actively involved in this sport for long period, then with the onset of pregnancy, you can safely continue training. True, the key word here is "calmly" - no sudden movements, shocks and overheating. Under the condition of reducing the load and with the permission of the doctor, tennis can be practiced for up to 4-5 months.

We will classify the following sports as "permissible". This:

  • Jogging (at a calm pace, in comfortable shoes and clothes; sometimes it is better to switch to fast walking; control breathing and general well-being; if you used to run, then until the middle of pregnancy you can not part with it);
  • Cycling (allowed with some reservations: the tracks must be smooth, safe, you can only do it if you have a rich experience in training, pick up a “ladies' bike” with a soft wide saddle);
  • Skiing (if you have experience skiing, subject to reduced intensity and with the permission of a doctor, you can do it throughout your pregnancy, but not in high altitude conditions, as there is a lack of oxygen and a high probability of falls).

Good - little by little or be careful

For training, a pregnant woman needs to choose a comfortable and quality clothes and shoes. She should be comfortable and free: nothing should hinder her movements.

Experts point out that the most optimal time for sports - the second trimester. In the first, there is a risk of a threat spontaneous abortion. Therefore, while the baby is attached to the wall of the uterus, while his organs and systems are being formed, it is better not to give the body excessive stress. And it is usually recommended to stop classes at the end of the 8th month.

If during class you notice headache, circulatory problems, shortness of breath or severe pain in the muscles - stop exercising. Consult with a competent doctor and instructor and adjust your loads together.

Contraindications for sports during pregnancy are:

  • chronic,
  • placenta previa,
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system,
  • toxicosis,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • purulent processes, etc.

Do not forget the most important rule: everything should be a pleasure, without violence against the body. The benefit will be only if the sport brings moral and physical satisfaction. best score the correctness of your actions - a sense of comfort, good health, strong and great mood.

Especially for- Elena Kichak