How to cheer yourself up for New Year's Eve. We reveal the secrets of how to cheer up the New Year's mood

Choose cards with a New Year's theme, sign each one and safely send it all over the world. Just the realization that a message written on paper is rushing to your friends should make you happy and add 100 points to the anticipation of the holiday.

2. Learn or compose a New Year's song

Learning the words to Jingle Bells, Christmas Is All Around, or other Christmas and New Year carols and singing them daily at home and on the road will lift your spirits. And having come up with new song, you can surprise your friends.

3. Bake cookies

It doesn't matter whether you've done this before or not. Gather a big group, take the first recipe you like - and go ahead!

4. Play Secret Santa

Colleagues, classmates or a group of friends are ideal. Big family? Great. Decide on a budget and use your imagination: New Year everyone wants something original. You can play on the Secret Santa website.

And if you don’t want to use the Internet, play offline. Lifehacker has collected the rules in a separate article.

The purchasing process alone will already fill your head with warm thoughts about the upcoming holidays. And there’s no need to talk about the wearing itself!

6. Read

Bestsellers such as “The Night Before Christmas”, “The Polar Express”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” will help you feel that very New Year's atmosphere. Don't forget the blanket and hot chocolate!

7. Start the countdown

Have a calendar where you can cross off days. The main thing is that the anticipation of the holiday does not become more pleasant than the holiday itself.

8. Set Christmas wallpaper

We look at the screen of a smartphone or computer more often than in the mirror. In our case, it’s worth making this an advantage: New Year’s wallpaper will add an atmosphere of magic to your life.

9. Attend pre-holiday events

No, we are not talking about feasts with indecent amounts of alcohol, but about entertainment events for children and adults. You just have to search a little on the Internet, and it will immediately become clear where you can spend the next weekend and activate your Christmas mood.

Even if the advice is banal, it works 100%. The smell of pine, unpacking boxes of toys, buying garlands and decorations - the New Year simply must come in the coming days! By the way, choosing a Christmas tree is an art.

11. Take a walk along the main streets

The administration decorates the city not only so that we can admire the lights from the windows of cars and buses. So take some time and walk through the center: it’s amazingly beautiful there!

12. Buy gifts for your loved ones

It's a pleasant process. In addition, if you hurry, you can catch good discounts. This also lifts the mood.

13. And to myself

Why not? Is everything really just different? You can give something to the most important and beloved person in this life. Although small, but nice gift will brighten up your anticipation of the holiday.

14. Get out the Christmas bedding

Falling asleep and waking up among snowflakes, Christmas trees and New Year's toys is a pleasure. You can check.

15. Build a snowman

Remember your childhood and take one of the next weekends active games. Upon returning home, the holiday table will become your dream, at least until the next snack.

Shopping centers are just a treasure during the New Year's Eve! Everything shines: walls, ceilings, shop windows. Celebrate the New Year with new clothes! How do you like this motto?

17. Make Christmas decorations

Have you already bought the spruce tree, but only balls from IKEA decorate it? Not our option.

18. And a New Year’s suit for the child

And now the task is more difficult: to make sure that the child comes to the holiday in the most interesting outfit.

19. Write a letter to Santa Claus

So what, it’s already over twenty! Santa Claus has his own mail. And there is an address: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus Post Office.

There are no special rules. Just write a letter, add stamps and drop it in the mailbox. And then wait for a miracle. What if Santa Claus reads the letter and grants his wish?

20. Go to Veliky Ustyug

An amazing trip for several days to the homeland of Santa Claus. This way, by the way, the letter can be sent faster.

21. Or on any other trip

In winter you don’t always want to go north. What can I say, I rarely want to go north. But you can start the New Year with other pleasant trips. For example, to warm countries. Let your plans give you a New Year's mood and a feeling of pleasant anticipation.

So what? Many people do this. Can't look at magical grandfather- become one yourself.

23. Give tangerines to others

At least this is a good deed and interesting experience. Surprise your friends or colleagues, or better yet - strangers. Practice shows: if you make others happy, you make yourself happy.

24. Have a photo shoot

This works great. The atmosphere in any photo studio will make even those who hate it want a New Year. In addition, these are memorable photographs, which are always nice to receive.

25. Listen to music

You probably thought we would forget about it, but no! Music works wonders, so a New Year's playlist is a must for creating and maintaining a New Year's mood.

26. Surround yourself with New Year's scents

Or just winter ones. Tangerines, cinnamon, anise, cloves, pine needles - these smells will definitely remind you New Year's stories childhood, and a warm mood is guaranteed.

27. Decorate your home

You can't do without this either. We spend half our lives at work ( workplace, by the way, we also recommend decorating), and half - at home. Let a holiday await us at home, then the mood will be the same.

30. Plan for the New Year

What you invest in is what you expect. Let's plan the menu, program, gifts and the whole New Year's Eve today. The more we prepare, the more long-awaited the holiday will be!

If you ask different people, what is the New Year's mood, then you can hear different answers. Some people are happy when they simply see a Christmas tree and smell it, while others are happy to think that they don’t have to go to work for 10 whole days, or at least a week - New Year holidays Ours have now become quite long. Whether it’s good or bad, everyone also has their own opinion on this question, but today we’re not talking about that.

What's the New Year without the appropriate mood? We invite you to talk about how you can create a New Year’s mood, how to make sure that on this wonderful fabulous holiday feel real winter happiness.

For most people, the New Year’s mood is associated precisely with the anticipation of the holiday - it’s still wonderful that many of us, back in Soviet times, were accustomed to expecting fairy tales and miracles from the New Year. Someone associated this with children's matinees, decorations at school and kindergarten, with a New Year tree, which everyone decorated together, and of course, with tangerines and oranges - in those days we only had them on holidays.

But the most important thing is when you look forward to a miracle and believe that something magical will definitely happen. Having become adults, we retained this feeling in our subconscious, and we still feel joyful excitement when we see Christmas trees being sold on the streets, buildings decorated with garlands; people buy gifts, toys and other New Year's attributes; when we sign New Year cards and we tell ourselves that in the New Year we will definitely become better and happier.

New Year's depression

However, in our time, not all people are in the New Year's mood, and this is especially problematic for those who have worked all year, built a career and strived up the career ladder - such people often experience real depression on New Year's Eve. Those who were not eager to go anywhere, but simply carried out their routine work throughout the past year, also feel sad and not in the mood for the New Year - they often don’t want to celebrate at all, but look happy people can cause them irritation and even anger: how can they laugh when there are so many problems and misfortunes around?

It has been noticed that housewives who have children have the least problems with the New Year's mood: they are not bored - they are busy all the time. They buy gifts and Christmas decorations, create Christmas costumes for children and outfits for themselves, exchange recipes for holiday foods with other mothers - in general, they prepare for the holiday in full.

But what should those who cannot escape from their work and work problems do, and transfer them to their relationships with their family? It’s probably worth remembering that problems, if we take them too seriously, tend to “drag” others, even more serious ones, so there is a risk of making the “black streak” even darker - do we really need this?

Don't give in bad mood and darken the New Year's holiday for yourself and others: difficulties are always temporary - if you find something to do and take responsibility for preparing the New Year, they begin to resolve themselves, and the mood becomes New Year's.

There are many recommendations on how to create a New Year's mood. For example, you can start with decoration home interior, but before that it’s a good idea to take part in decorating the office, or other place where you work: nothing helps team unity like collaboration, requiring the manifestation of creative abilities.

Fruit replicas can paint any interior, but you can also take real fruits and even decorate them by spraying them with gold or silver spray paint. To do this, you need to take fruits whose peel is not eaten: these are bananas, pomegranates, tangerines, etc. - they can be hung on a Christmas tree, placed in vases, etc.

Uplifting others

However, raising the New Year's mood, as well as starting to prepare for the holiday, can be different: it has been proven that when you try to lift the spirits of others, you don’t notice how you yourself become joyful and happy - a simple but effective method. Today it is customary to send virtual cards- you can do this too, but no one has yet canceled real New Year's cards, bright and glossy, with the smell of printing inks - when we pick up such a card, we feel that we are holding a piece of the holiday.

Imagine how you will feel if you write at least 10 congratulations - sincerely and from the heart! – to your friends, relatives and acquaintances?

We decorate the New Year tree and give gifts

A great way to cheer yourself up and make it New Year's is decorating the Christmas tree. This can be done several times: first at work, then at home, and you can also help decorate the Christmas tree for your parents, aunties, girlfriends and friends - with what more Christmas trees you decorate, the better. Some experts have noticed that hanging shiny toys and glowing garlands on branches has an anti-stress effect on people - no sedatives are needed.
It’s good if you decorate the Christmas tree to match your favorite one New Year's music: there are many wonderful ones New Year's songs, both domestic and foreign performers, who really lift your spirits - turn up the music louder, and don’t be afraid to disturb your neighbors - of course, until 11 pm.

Candlesticks for New Year's mood

Try making your own candlesticks for different New Year's candles– from glass jars or glasses, painting them different colors, or from small birch logs, drilling holes in them. Or you can make them from sea shells - such candlesticks will be ideal for the coming year.

Gifts for the mood

If you bought gifts for your family, friends and loved ones, start decorating them: take a special shiny colorful paper, ribbons and bows, and decorate them the way you want - the New Year’s mood immediately rises after such pleasant work.

A new outfit will help lift your spirits

A new festive bright outfit helps to create a New Year's mood, and no one will argue with it. Be sure to get yours in order appearance: you can do this at home or in a salon - if necessary, get your hair cut and dyed, be sure to - beautiful manicure; choose for yourself suitable masks for face and body, take a bath with essential oils - it is generally advisable to take such baths daily during the week before New Year.

However, the most the best way Creating a New Year's mood is considered the choice of a new outfit. It's time to buy that dress and those chic shoes that you've been dreaming of for a long time, and it doesn't matter that you have temporary financial difficulties": chic things do not have to be expensive - the main thing is that they are “yours.” In addition, if you choose an inexpensive suit matching accessories, it will look amazing on you, and those around you will admire you and wonder: how did you do it?

Focus on yourself

Well, what should you do if you are very tired, and you just can’t accomplish your plans, the New Year’s mood is “at zero”, and for some reason your family doesn’t help you? In such situations, most women decide that they can handle everything themselves, and begin to run around sales in search of gifts, carry groceries from the supermarket, and arrange in the apartment general cleaning, and on January 31, delicious dishes are prepared all day - to surprise guests and receive well-deserved praise. In the evening, they wearily sit down at the table, drink champagne and eat their fill - there is no energy left for fun and dancing. So is this behavior worth praise?

It turns out that we forget about ourselves, and then we get offended by our loved ones, and we think: how tired of all this - and who came up with this New Year? However, no one forces you to “pull” everything pre-holiday chores: Why bother yourself just because “it’s supposed to be that way”? Take a break right before the holiday - you can even go for a couple of days to visit a friend you haven’t seen for a long time, or just go shopping - for fun, and not to frantically buy discounted products and souvenirs.

To make your mood truly New Year’s and festive, you don’t have to put everything on your fragile shoulders. Entrust the decoration of your home to your family - let them do it in their own way, and everything will turn out as it should - you just have to try. And you can refuse to prepare snacks and luxurious dishes, but at the same time treat yourself to a wonderful and fun party– there is a simple recipe for this.

Buy a few good alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, quality cheese and fruit, and let your guests bring the rest of the dishes: they will do it with pleasure if you promise them a competition for the best New Year's food - any housewife will be happy to show others her talents and receive a small but pleasant prize.

If you manage to have a good rest before the holiday, then you will be in the most New Year's mood, and you will be able to “infect” everyone around you with joy and fun - and this costs more than the most gorgeous dress and the most abundant festive table. May the New Year's mood always be with you, and then the whole coming year will be successful, prosperous and happy for you!

If you, like Scrooge from “A Christmas Story,” have lost faith in real miracles and don’t feel the spirit of the approaching holiday, so when you see Christmas tree and the thought that you will soon have to be captured for several days by drunk people and bowls of Olivier salad makes you feel bad, we advise you to read our material, where we share the main tips on how to restore faith in the magic of New Year's Eve.

Tip 1: You need a silly sweater with deer or winter patterns.

If you love movies, you must remember that the heroes of many American films about Christmas wore ridiculous clothes for the celebration. stretched sweater, knitted by a beloved grandmother or bought on sale at a local mall, not high heels and short skirt. In order to feel at home, at least for one evening, in comfort and in the warm atmosphere of the holiday (especially if you are celebrating it away from home), be sure to replace Nice dress a sweater dear to your heart, comfortable jeans, fur Ugg boots, and when the chimes strike, instead of an elegant champagne flute, take a capacious mug and pour freshly brewed cocoa into it without any regret. Without comfort and home environment, you will not be able to properly feel the spirit of this holiday.

Of course, you will never decorate your home the way the owners of large shopping centers and stores do. Lush Christmas tree, hung bright toys, a statue of Santa Claus in the middle of the store's lobby, decorated snowflakes posted throughout the store - sometimes you want to look at it for hours. A trip to beautifully decorated stores will help you get back into the holiday spirit. It would be great if they sell relevant themed products: socks with a snowman, Christmas decorations, cozy slippers with snowflakes or mugs with Santa Claus. Having seen enough of the New Year's paraphernalia, you will definitely be imbued with the spirit of the holiday.

As a child, New Year was the most long-awaited holiday. And most importantly winter fun all the children had sleds. Remember how on a December evening after school you ran to ride the local roller coaster. Gather a group of friends and go ahead and remember childhood fun. Just imagine: a winter evening, after sledding or skiing, you return home and brew yourself a cup delicious tea or cocoa, turn on a movie about Christmas or New Year and enjoy plunging into the past. Along with your childhood memories and the winter season, faith in miracles and New Year's fairy tales returns.

Can't get into the holiday spirit? Perhaps you need a role model! It will be best if you recharge yourself in the New Year's mood from close friend, for whom New Year is holiday No. 1, or from your relative - what if love for this holiday is in your blood? If it happens that all the people around you are quite skeptical about this event, take an example from public people. For example, scroll through celebrities’ Instagrams, look at how joyfully they decorate Christmas trees in their homes and prepare a festive dinner.

Great if you have nephews or younger brothers with your sisters, take them by the hand - and forward to New Year's performance. When else will you have the opportunity to dance around the Christmas tree, chat with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, and make a New Year's wish! A huge plus A sweet gift will add to the festive mood - can anything bring us back to childhood faster than sweet candies in the form of a Christmas tree decoration or a snowman?

This is one of the most anticipated holidays. All people are bustling around, choosing gifts for loved ones, preparing delicious dishes. Often, due to such worries, the mood before the holiday itself is lost. Fortunately, this can be easily fixed. There are several ways to create a festive New Year's mood.

Christmas tree

The most important thing that every home should have is a Christmas tree. By decorating it on the eve with your family, you can not only create good mood, but also make it truly festive.

You can decorate it with ready-made toys, but it’s more interesting to make them yourself. For example, cut out snowflakes, stars, snowmen, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, small Christmas trees, deer, red bows and much more from paper. Thus, we create a New Year's mood with our own hands. Children will be happy to take part in this.

Having decorated the Christmas tree, be sure to finally hang it on it. glowing garlands. Solemnly turn them on and enjoy the atmosphere. It is better, of course, to put live Christmas tree, which will bring the smell of forest and freshness into the house. But nature preservers can opt for artificial ones.


How to create a New Year's mood? A great way is to decorate your home yourself. To do this, you can make decorations with your own hands. The easiest thing is snowflakes. It's very easy to make them. For this you will need white or multi-colored paper.

You need to cut a square out of it and fold it in half. And then two more times to form a thin cone. Next, you should start making cuts in the form of small rhombuses, circles or triangles on the folded edges, and trim the edge around the circumference in the form of teeth or waves. When this piece of paper is laid out, it should resemble a snowflake. If there are doubts about the correct cuts, then the usual with a simple pencil You can make a preliminary sketch of the future snowflake.

and glass

How to create a New Year's mood in your home? You can also decorate the windows, especially if there is no snow behind them. Special cans with artificial substitute. You need to attach a stencil of the desired design to the window and paint it over with a spray can. An imitation of frosty natural patterns appears on the glass. It looks very beautiful, elegant and festive. This decoration can be used on interior glass doors, balcony doors, refrigerators (easy to clean), and kitchen glass furniture. It's not only natural imitation frost and snow outside the window, but also the opportunity to create a New Year's mood in the house. And for all its residents.

Glowing garlands can be used by anyone and will certainly make them feel festive. This is an indispensable element in New Year celebrations. Now on the market you can buy different color, shape, length of the garland. They can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also balconies, windows, walls, furniture, in a word, anything. The main thing is that it looks harmonious in the interior. In houses with balconies, many interesting figures are used. Which? For example, an inflatable Santa Claus who climbs onto the balcony. It looks original and funny. There may be other options. Let's say Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Santa Claus on a sleigh with deer, statues of snowmen, hares, elves.

Original serving of dishes

How to create a New Year's mood? We'll find out now. It takes a lot of time to prepare food for festive table. In most cases, people lose their New Year's spirit due to fatigue. But if you cook unusual dishes, then you can turn this process into the creation of masterpieces that will delight all guests.

For example, decorate a sliced ​​cheese in the shape of a Christmas tree. To do this you will need a large skewer, hard cheese, a small piece of boiled carrot, and herbs. The cheese should be cut into thin slices in the form of triangles or diamonds. Place the skewer vertically on a piece of boiled carrot (in the shape of a circle). Then put the cheese on it so that the sharp ends fold like Christmas tree branches. You should cut a star out of boiled carrots onto the top. Decorate a plate with finely chopped herbs around the Christmas tree.

Salads can be laid out in the shape of an animal, which will be a symbol of the coming year. For example, a snake, horses or monkeys. The snake can be decorated with olives, cut into thin circles, and the horse's head can be made with grated carrots. The main thing in this matter is creativity and imagination.

Desserts can be served as numbers the coming year. You can also decorate a cake. Nowadays you can bake a cake yourself or order it from professional confectioners. Additionally, you can decorate it with figures of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other characters. Here's how to get into the New Year's mood.

Edible balls

You can also arrange snacks in an interesting way. For example, you can prepare a cheese snack in the form of balls that decorate a Christmas tree. To do this, process cheese is grated on a fine grater, mixed with boiled chicken eggs(previously crushed in the same way), season it all with mayonnaise. You can add salt, pepper and garlic to taste. Next, you need to form small round balls from the resulting mass. You can roll them in chopped dill or crab sticks. This snack can be made unusual if you put hazelnuts or olives inside these balls. If you are wondering how to create a New Year's mood, then preparing original snacks will help you in this matter.

Fireworks and drinks

Pyrotechnics can also lift your spirits. With the help of fireworks you can create a New Year's atmosphere. But they must be used with extreme caution.

Drinks are equally important. After all, if you choose low-quality alcohol, you can not only ruin your mood, but also your health. You can prepare various cocktails. Of course, champagne, which is opened when the chimes strike, is indispensable. This traditional moment, which will not leave anyone indifferent and, naturally, will improve your mood. A champagne bottle and glasses can be decorated with original star applications. An easy and simple way to cheer up the New Year's mood.

Holiday for a child

This is much easier with adults. Rest a little, drink a glass of champagne, and your mood is normal. It's more difficult with children. How to create a New Year's mood for a child? For example, make a holiday for him by staging a scene with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Adults must first decide on the issue of costumes. It will be very difficult to find them on New Year's Eve. Next, you should perform an interesting performance for the child. You can tell a story about the life of Santa Claus and give the child a gift.

Adults can also improve their mood in this way. To please your child, you can ask all guests to come in certain outfits. For example, someone will dress up as an angel, a bunny, a snowman, a Christmas tree or another character. The scenario can be thought out in poems. It will be much more interesting. It is important to choose a role for the child. This will help him feel “in business” and give him responsibility and courage. Sketch scenes often include “evil” characters. This will help both make the child laugh and teach him to distinguish bad from good.


Now it’s clear how to create a New Year’s mood at home with your own hands. As you can see, there are a lot of options. It's better to use everything at once.


As a child, you looked forward to the New Year, dreaming of fairy tales and miracles. But with age, sometimes the ability to sincerely enjoy the holiday and dream is lost. But in vain! After all, the New Year is always something unusual and magical. To create the mood and feeling of the holiday, you need to act yourself and create a New Year's miracle with your own hands.


Prepare your home for the holidays. A festive mood is created by various attributes - a decorated Christmas tree, candles, snowflakes on the windows, a wreath of spruce branches, decorated with toys and bells, tinsel on the cornices, various decorative items for interior decoration. Show your imagination and your apartment will turn into a cozy one fairytale house.

Take yourself shopping. Walk through shops decorated with burning garlands, Christmas trees and New Year's toys will definitely set you up for upcoming holiday. Buy a couple of new toys for your Christmas tree. Let this become a pleasant tradition in your family - for example, buy one every year beautiful ball, which will become a symbol of happiness in the new year. You do not have festive dress? A great excuse to go shopping with a friend, and then celebrate your purchase in a quiet cafe with a cup of aromatic coffee and dream about New Year's miracles.

Think about gifts for your family and friends. It's always a pleasure to choose gifts. After all, you want to bring joy to your loved ones! If you have time, wrap the gifts yourself and attach them to Greeting Cards made by your own. Such creative process, will undoubtedly lift your spirits.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with your family, think ahead holiday program. Agree that just the thought that it will be as usual and boring as always will not improve your mood. Therefore, come up with a script, competitions, congratulations for all invited guests.

IN free time arrange a trip to the cinema for the New Year's premiere, a visit to the skating rink, go to a cafe with friends and talk about dreams and plans for the new year, take a walk through the evening city covered with snow, admire the lights of the lanterns illuminating the falling snow, and the shop windows decorated with lights. Remember that we create our own mood and everything is in our hands.

Related article

Find out how to create a New Year's mood for yourself and your loved ones!

1. Decorate your home. Fairy lights, colorful balls, tinsel are indispensable attributes of the holiday that will quickly put you in the right mood. It will be especially great if you make home decorations with your own hands, taking the rest of the family members as your assistants: cut out snowflakes, make a garland from colored paper, make beautiful bouquet from spruce branches and so on in the same spirit.

2. Holiday baking. It’s simply impossible to indulge in melancholy when the house is filled with the aroma of gingerbread! Browse the Internet, cookbooks, and magazines for holiday baking recipes and get into the kitchen!

3. For gifts! Approach the process creatively: think carefully about what you will give and to whom, how you will pack the gift, how you will give it... Imagine how much joy you will bring to a loved one, not only giving him what he had long wanted, but also putting a piece of his warmth into him!

4. Cinematography to the rescue! A movie about the holiday will help you create a New Year's mood. Using the Internet and/or the advice of friends, choose an interesting movie and watch it on a free evening.

5. Let's go for a walk! Before the holidays in all cities, the main streets are decorated with garlands and lights; in many, they are building ice towns... Go for a walk in the evening: looking at the decorated Christmas trees, wonderful ice figures, shimmering lights, it is simply impossible not to be inspired by the holiday.

6. Magical sounds of music. The New Year's playlist is not only "Jingle Bells" and "Happy" New Year". Dilute your winter playlist with old USSR New Year's songs, Catholic and Orthodox Christmas songs, American pop New Year's songs of the last century

7. Do charity work. If you have never done this before, now is the time to start. With the help of the city's charitable organizations, find the addresses of lonely pensioners and congratulate them on the holiday, donate unnecessary things to an orphanage...

8. Make a list. Even two. Take Blank sheet paper and pencil and think about what good things happened to you in the past last year. Don’t be shy, praise yourself, remember everything, everything, everything! Great? Then let's continue. We take another sheet of paper and write what we want to achieve in the new, 2015, year. Now let’s put our list away. Next New Year, look into it and see what you accomplished and what you didn’t.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: How to create a truly New Year's mood

New Year is one festive night. But you can extend the fun if you think of creative activities for the January holidays. In addition, you can immerse yourself in the holiday atmosphere in advance. Creating a truly New Year's mood is quite simple.


May there still be plenty of time before the New Year. Start creating festive mood using the appropriate attributes. Think about what exactly you associate with the New Year. Maybe it's hot cinnamon baked goods, ginger tea, ice skating, Christmas markets, bed sheets With New Year's motives, candles, pine scent or tangerines.

Surround yourself with the holiday spirit. Place screensavers with New Year's scenes on your computer and phone. Listen holiday songs, change the ringtone to a song that you associate with the main holiday. Watch New Year's comedies and cartoons.

To create a truly New Year's mood, sometimes it is worth remembering your childhood. Cut out a few snowflakes from colored paper and write a letter to Santa Claus. Draw the symbols of the departing and coming year. Make New Year's decorations - garlands from paper and Christmas balls own design.

New Year is not only a holiday and many days off. This is also a reason to start new life. Take stock of this year and start planning for the coming one. Decide on your annual and monthly goals, remember the most significant events recent period, look at your photos.

To create a truly New Year's mood, start preparing for the holiday. Buy gifts for your loved ones and friends, sign postcards. Think over your look for the holiday, choose clothes, hairstyle and makeup. Compose holiday menu and figure out what you will do on . Sometimes anticipating the holiday and preparing for it bring no less pleasure than the New Year itself.

Video on the topic

Tip 5: 10 simple things that will create a New Year's mood

New Year is coming, but you are not in the New Year mood? As they say, everything is in our hands. Here's what you can do to get in the mood for a fun New Year's holiday.

1. Upload New Year’s music to your phone or tablet, as well as to your social network page.

2. Set a New Year's ringtone to ring your phone.

3. Come up with a special dish for the New Year's table. It must be unusual!

4. Even if you have a lot of decorations for the Christmas tree, buy a couple more.

5. If you know how to do something, make New Year's decorations for your home (knit a napkin, make a Christmas tree, toys, a garland, etc.). If you don’t know how to do anything, rejoice, because the New Year holidays are a good time to start creating! Find a simple master on the Internet, master the most simple crafts, and more difficult ones can be done on weekends in early January. By the way, I can recommend making a snowman out of a sock. I described how to make it in an article earlier and I can confidently say that this is a very simple craft.

6. Buy more tangerines and eat them! You can do it alone, but it’s better in good company, while watching a New Year’s movie!

7. Make a list New Year's gifts. It is not necessary to give something very expensive, but it is important that the gift makes you happy.

8. Stock up on sweets and champagne for New Year's table. New year's night This is not the time to deny yourself some good candy.

9. Take photos outside. Now that snow has already fallen in many areas, you can find truly magical landscapes. Well, if it’s warm here, even more so, take pictures and brag about the warm New Year’s weather on social networks. Let others envy you.

You can also arrange winter photo shoot. And you shouldn’t take pictures on the street, like some people, in or dresses. Emphasize all the beauty of December with warm feminine or sporty outfits, as well as bright knitted accessories.

10. Go ice skating, skiing or sledding with family or friends. Play in the snow and make a real snowman!

And of course, at the end of December, put up the Christmas tree and decorate it. And on December 31, call your friends and congratulate them on the holiday. By the way, this is a good time to renew old friendships.

Tip 6: How to create a festive New Year's mood

New Year is coming soon, but you’re feeling blue and not having any time for fun? Don't be upset - attract the magic of the winter celebrations and create a festive mood for yourself. To do this, you need to fill the space around you with anchor associations.

You will need

  • essential oils, orange, cloves


Start preparing for the holiday in advance. Think over the menu, outfit, decide on gifts for family and friends.

Take a walk in the evening along the city streets, go to the shops. Illumination, beautiful shop windows and New Year theme should put you in a festive mood.

There is no need to put off buying gifts and New Year's decorations. Buying everything at once in a large shopping center is not a bad idea, but it’s too trivial. Stretch out the pleasure - get ready for New Year's holidays gradually, anticipating the joy of celebration.

Don't limit yourself to installing one Christmas tree, decorate the whole house. Buy new Christmas tree decorations, hang garlands, front door hang a Christmas wreath.

Organize watching New Year and Christmas films. This great way spend the evening with your family. Upload your favorite New Year's music to your player. It will help you relax and get in the mood for the holidays.

Fill your home New Year's scents. Essential oils citrus fruits, cinnamon and cloves will help you. Can be done natural flavor. To do this, take an orange, wash it and use a knife to make small indentations throughout the fruit. Stick a clove into the resulting holes and place the fruit on a saucer. This fragrance can be placed on a shelf in your room and you can enjoy the natural New Year’s aroma throughout the holidays.