Labor activity symptoms in primiparas. Noticeable weight loss. Is it necessary to have signs of approaching labor?

Generic activity is a process that depends on individual characteristics female body. Every responsible woman in labor should know and understand about the onset of the first harbingers of childbirth.

Women report the onset of childbirth, the so-called "harbingers". Their appearance is very easy to recognize, so it is important to remember the main symptoms. Of course, each of them can manifest itself in different ways, because everything depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism.

It is also noted that the intensity of the sensations of "harbingers" can be felt less and more strongly, depending on the state of health of the woman, the number of births in a row, the sex of the unborn child, and the preparation of the woman in labor.


Important: Progesterone is a hormone that ruled the entire period of a woman's pregnancy, at the end deadline is running decline, giving way to estrogen. Hormonal and nervous system by all means signals a woman about the onset of childbirth.

There are several main "harbingers" that all women in labor are guided by:

  • lowering the abdomen below the usual level
  • expansion of the pelvic bones and muscle pain in the perineum, slowing down movement and making it painful
  • cramps in the limbs, severe swelling and numbness of the arms and legs
  • training bouts
  • frequent bowel movements
  • discharge of cork and amniotic fluid

Video: Harbingers of childbirth

When should labor begin?

Doctors noted that the normal prenatal period begins at 38 weeks, i.e. from 38 weeks from conception, you can already expect the first precursors. Since that time, one can count intrauterine child fully developed and mature. Childbirth can occur in any of the weeks: on the 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st and 42nd.

due date calculation

Important: But do not worry too much, as the body will certainly begin to report an imminent birth with all its might.

Gynecologists set the approximate date of birth at the fortieth week, since this is the most auspicious time. If the gestation period continues for more than 42 weeks, then the child is called "postterm" and this can be detrimental to his health.

Video: How to determine the date of birth?

How long before birth do contractions start?

It is intended by nature that the child does not experience any difficulties and is fully provided with the necessary substances in the womb. So nature took care of the mother, giving her the opportunity to prepare the pelvic muscles for upcoming birth. It is this "preparation" that is called "training bouts."

exercises for pregnant women

Important: Training contractions of varying intensity can accompany the entire pregnancy. As a result, by the time of delivery, the muscles become more elastic, and the cervix is ​​significantly shortened, giving the baby the opportunity to be born.

It is not uncommon for doctors to call such contractions "Breston Hicks contractions." They are distinguished by a significant contraction of the muscles in a period of time of one to two minutes. As a rule, such contractions can be expected from the twentieth week of pregnancy. Many women may not even realize that they experienced training contractions. This is because the stomach at the twentieth week is quite small, which means that the muscles are not too stretched.

lessons in the pool

For more later dates, a woman may feel:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • uterine tone
  • hardening of the abdomen
  • aching pain in lower back

breathing exercises

Important: If the pain lasts no more than two minutes and quietly disappears, and you feel good, there is no reason to worry!

The human pain threshold is varied and depends only on individual characteristics. So, women either feel them or do not notice them at all. But if you still feel discomfort try to get rid of them:

  • take a walk on fresh air engage other muscle groups
  • lie down, put a pillow under your feet, try to relax and rest
  • ask loved one do a light back massage
  • try relaxing breathing exercises
  • take a warm shower
  • brew herbal or green tea

rest and relaxation

Important: The closer the due date, the stronger and more unpleasant the sensations moving down the abdomen can be.

Be careful and accurately recognize labor pains among training contractions. If the pain does not go away after two, maximum - three minutes, and comes after a time with greater intensity - you should consult a doctor!

Video: Training fights

How does labor begin in primiparas, sensations

The expectation of the first child for every woman is associated with strong excitement and upcoming unrest. The ignorance of the upcoming sensations both frightens and inspires a woman. As a rule, by the end of the term, women in labor are already tired of their weight, serious condition, they are reluctant to move and complain of a lot of discomfort.

primiparous woman

Important: We can say with confidence that every primiparous woman is not ready for the pain that she will experience. but all future sensations can still be experienced if you prepare yourself and set yourself up correctly.

Excessive nervousness, fear, fear of the future and unpreparedness knock a woman out of a calm and balanced state, leaving her thoughts and body in suspense. Today there are many ways and modern techniques aimed at reducing discomfort:

  • breathing exercises
  • special postures and exercises
  • massages and relaxation

Every primiparous mother must know that childbirth is preceded by several basic actions:

  1. The passage of the mucous plug, which clogged the cervix from the penetration of infection into it. It looks different, but basically it has the size of no more than a coin and a jelly-like structure of a yellowish tint with blood splashes.
  2. Irregular training contractions differing in duration and intensity. They can catch a woman at any time of the day: day and night. If you feel a constant return of pain with occasional breaks, don't bother to find a piece of paper and write down each interval: pain (duration) - rest (duration). If the "rest" becomes five minutes and regular - go to the hospital
  3. The lowering of the abdomen can be both noticeable and completely incomprehensible. The stomach does not fall sharply and it is impossible to feel it. The symptom has its name because the uterus tenses, hardens, becomes heavier and due to this, the fetus pulls the stomach down
  4. A decrease in fetal activity often indicates that the baby is preparing to be born.
  5. Colon cleansing - clear sign before labor activity. The body begins to prepare and makes it easier for itself, displacing extra masses from the intestine. It often happens that women suffer from constipation, and in last days suddenly rarely comes liquid stool

preparation for first birth

Important: If you feel prenatal symptoms, do not try to ignore them. Going to the hospital, try to have a bite to eat, even if you don’t feel like it - soon you won’t have time for food at all, and oh, how useful your energy will be! Do not lift heavy or carry bags with things on your own!

Video: First birth. Preparation

How does labor begin in multiparous? Why does the second birth start earlier?

Multiparous mothers are distinguished by self-confidence and a sufficient store of knowledge, experience and skills. Such women are distinguished by self-confidence and significant restraint. Multiparous are sensitive to their even the smallest sensations. IN right time they know for sure that it is time to go to the hospital and do not give in to panic.

multiparous woman

The difference between the second birth may be the untimely birth of a child prematurely. Labor in multiparous women can begin at 34 weeks. All this is due to the fact that the muscles and cervix are stretched and easily endure the familiar process. The female body tolerates hormonal surges more easily.

Symptoms of the harbingers of childbirth in those who give birth a second time are very similar to the symptoms of primiparas. The only thing is that they can be stronger or brighter only because a woman knows them and consciously feels:

  • excessive emotionality, nervousness and abrupt shifts sentiments
  • not significant weight loss, no more than three kilograms
  • lowering of the abdomen a week or several days before the upcoming birth
  • reduced swelling of the hands and feet
  • pain due to the expansion of the pelvic bones
  • body cleansing: frequent urination, loose stools, vomiting

preparation for childbirth

Important: Each symptom occurs with a different intensity for each woman. It all depends on the sensitivity emotional state and health status.

Video: Second birth. What are the differences from the first?

How does preterm labor begin?

Premature birth is always a struggle for survival. The reasons for such births can be different:

  • endocrine diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • genital infections
  • somatic infections
  • pathologies and malformations, anomalies
  • genetic diseases
  • various complications of pregnancy
  • back and abdomen injuries
  • early age of the woman in labor (up to 18 years)
  • disastrous living conditions
  • inadequate nutrition
  • bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol
  • physical work
  • carrying weights
  • stress

premature baby

Each reason corresponds different terms premature birth. Childbirth from 22 weeks to 27 most often ends with the death of the fetus. All because having a weight of 500 grams or more, the child is simply not able to survive. If the child survives, he has a huge chance of remaining disabled for the rest of his life.

Childbirth from 28 weeks to 33 weeks allows the child to survive with proper care and provision. The weight of the child ranges from 1 kilogram to 1800 grams. At this age, the baby has sufficiently developed lungs and medical preparations able to fully support it. Childbirth from 34 weeks is almost not dangerous. Such a child born in a maternity hospital will remain completely healthy and provided with the necessary care.

premature birth

Preterm labor most often begins with unexplained abdominal and lower back pain. A woman cannot tolerate such sensations and they have the character of contractions. It is not uncommon for women in labor to notice the discharge of the mucous plug on early dates pregnancy, which also suggests that the birth will be premature. Once labor has begun, there is no way to stop it. Therefore, you need to urgently contact the hospital for help.

Video: Symptoms and causes of preterm labor

The stomach has dropped: when will the birth begin?

A huge belly by the end of pregnancy gives a woman a lot of inconvenience:

  • back and lower back pain
  • labored breathing
  • slow motion
  • heartburn
  • pinching of the nerves of the upper extremities due to heavy weight and load on the spine
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet
  • constipation

drooping belly

Usually the stomach "falls" slowly, he begins to do this a few weeks before the birth itself. And if this is not noticeable visually, then you can recognize it with sensations - you can:

  • heartburn disappears or becomes less noticeable
  • it becomes easier to breathe
  • belching is eliminated
  • decreased appetite

Important: The prolapse of the abdomen is due to the placement of a child with a “presenting” head. The uterus descends and prepares for childbirth.

drooping belly last month pregnancy

If you notice a drooping belly, try to change your lifestyle:

  • do not carry bags and packages
  • rest more and be in a horizontal position
  • ask loved ones to give you massages
  • relax your muscles and do not do any exercise

Important: Watch your feelings, a lowered stomach is not yet a sign of urgent hospitalization. Expect regular contractions.

Video: Pregnancy. Prolapse of the abdomen

What to do if contractions start at home?

Most often, contractions do not occur in the maternity hospital on a cozy bed, but in completely unforeseen situations, even in a dream. If you feel that contractions have come (you will recognize them anyway), try not to panic and find the most comfortable position for yourself. Place pillows under your head and back and try to time your contractions with a timer.

light contractions

The acceptable period is 5 minutes of rest and 2 minutes of contractions. With such a symptom, you should take a bag prepared in advance to the hospital and go to the hospital with your husband or mother. If you live far from the hospital, call a taxi or an ambulance.

strong contractions

Important: For some, the “doggie” pose helps, when a woman rests her elbows and knees on the bed or floor. You can simply bend over, resting your hands on the table and wait for a favorable time for hospitalization.

Video: What to do if contractions start?

Why doesn't labor start?

The “pregnant” state very often annoys women and sometimes just drives them crazy, so many women are tormented by the question: “When will childbirth come and why does it not start?”. Labor is a natural process and its speed depends only on the needs of the child and your health.

in anticipation of childbirth

Any non-traditional or medical intervention is not required. To help a woman reproach the natural process for favorable timely childbirth, if they have not come on time, will help:

  • nipple massage
  • sex on last dates
  • not intensive charging
  • climbing stairs
  • eat ginger
  • acupressure
  • enema

Video: How to speed up childbirth without harm to health?

It is impossible to determine the time of your birth with extreme accuracy, you can only feel the approaching event in advance and fully prepare for the event. It is noticed that the date of birth can significantly depend on who you expect: a boy or a girl. After all, in most cases, girls are born earlier due date and boys later. In any situation, be attentive to your feelings and do not stop taking care of your health.

Video: 10 main harbingers of childbirth

Signs of the onset of childbirth, many women begin to see literally in every minor detail already from the beginning of the third trimester (having read about premature birth). And every little thing calls stressful situation. But if the mother is worried, the child is also bad. Therefore, it is worth knowing the reliable, and not the probable, first signs of childbirth. Believe me, it is impossible not to notice them even for primiparas. Let's consider each feature in more detail.


The first contractions are very similar to the pain that many women feel in the first days of menstruation. It's quite bearable drawing pains lower abdomen. Others may experience nagging pain in the lumbar region. It is very important to be able to distinguish real, true contractions from preparatory ones that do not lead to the opening of the cervix. With true contractions, the baby's head and near amniotic sac(until it bursts) put pressure on the cervix, under which it opens. And when the opening reaches 10 centimeters (opening 10 fingers - as obstetricians-gynecologists say), you can start pushing. But back to the question of the difference between contractions. False contractions are not regular, occur periodically, infrequently and have a very short duration. If you are in doubt whether you have already started labor or not yet, try drinking a No-Shpy pill or even just lie down or take warm bath. If this is a false alarm, then very soon the state of health will return to normal.

Outflow of amniotic fluid

In an ideal situation, amniotic fluid should pour out closer to the beginning of the attempts, that is, when the cervical dilatation is almost complete - and this is by no means the first sign of childbirth in this case. But it is worth noting that water is often poured out before the contractions begin, and even if they do not start on their own, they are called in the hospital by medication, since the child cannot stay in the uterus for a long time without water, the longer the anhydrous period, the higher the risk of problems. in the fetus, penetration of infection to it. However, in some cases, the doctor may special tool open the fetal bladder, so in certain situations you can speed up the birth process.

By the way, the water can leave at any time, and the rupture of the fetal bladder can be small, and therefore the leakage of water is almost imperceptible. If on ultrasound the doctor diagnoses oligohydramnios, and the woman notices the corresponding discharge is transparent or greenish, it is necessary to do special test to accurately determine whether it is water or not. Do such a test in a hospital if necessary. They try to keep pregnancy as long as possible, because the longer the gestation period, the more likely it is that the child will be born full-fledged.

The above two points are always present in childbirth. We will also describe the likely first signs of labor so that you have an idea about them. However, when they occur, it is not worth it to “blow the alarm” and urgently go to the hospital.

1. Departure of the mucous plug from the cervix.

This mucous "lump" protects the uterus from penetration of infection into it, that is, it plays a protective barrier role. The cork can come off both 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor, and with the onset of true contractions. It is possible not to notice the passage of the mucous plug only if this occurs precisely in childbirth, since it does not leave quickly, gradually. The allocation is quite large. The mucus is thick, stretchy, and may contain streaks of blood.

2. Reducing the height of the fundus of the uterus."Belly dropped" - they say experienced moms, which means you will become a mother very soon. Yes, this is understandable ... The stomach drops due to the fact that the head of the child or another presenting part enters deeper into the pelvis. This happens at 35-40 weeks. Visually, this may not be too noticeable, however future mom begins to feel more comfortable, as the uterus stops pressing hard on the diaphragm, the symptoms of heartburn disappear, breathe and be in sitting position becomes easier.

3. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urination may become more frequent. Often these signs of childbirth appear in primiparous and multiparous women just before the onset of contractions or even when the cervix begins to open. It is believed that in this way the body gets rid of the "superfluous". But it can also be because of eating before the very birth. However, these symptoms may indicate both a rotavirus infection and poisoning. It is necessary to ensure that dehydration does not occur, drink often, but very little.

4. Weight is reduced by 1-2 kilograms. This is again due to getting rid of excess fluid. Such signs of childbirth in multiparous and primiparas are not uncommon. If a woman has a scale at home and weighs herself regularly, she will definitely notice this “weight loss”. Edema also subsides, respectively.

5. The child begins to move less often. This is due to the fact that there is already very little space in the uterus for a grown baby. Such a decline in activity is usually observed a few days before delivery. However, if a woman observes less than 10 series of movements per day, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, perhaps the child has hypoxia.

6. The instinct of "nesting". If during the whole pregnancy women observe a decline in activity, lethargy. Many prefer to move less, apathy occurs, then a few days before the birth, the woman wakes up with extraordinary activity. I want to make a rearrangement in the apartment, make general cleaning, go to the store to purchase children's things, even make repairs! And this is quite normal, in this way a woman unconsciously creates best conditions for the life of a child.

Easy childbirth!

Pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy, as a rule, look forward to the approaching date of delivery. For many, the question of what is still considered signs of the onset of childbirth has not yet been finally resolved.

One experienced friend says one thing, the other - another, and in the special literature - the third information. You get confused here ... And it becomes scary: “What if I don’t understand that this is childbirth, that it’s time to go to the hospital? No matter what happens."

Such thoughts appear because, due to scattered reviews of experienced friends or after reading special literature, the difference preparatory stages(harbingers) of childbirth from true signs their start.

In this article about the signs of the onset of labor, an answer will be given to the maximum questions that a pregnant woman has about the onset birth process. In order for all issues to be resolved, fears dissipated without a trace, and only the expectation of the happiness of motherhood remains.

Causes and mechanisms of the onset of labor

From about 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for childbirth.

The main triggers for the onset of labor are:

  • Hormonal changes in the body of a woman in labor. The production of progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, decreases. There is a stimulation of the production of a complex of estrogens - female sex hormones that stimulate labor activity;
  • Contractile readiness of the uterus. The muscle fibers of the uterus (myometrium) fully mature. Increases the sensitivity of the muscles of the uterus to oxytocin - a hormone that is the main stimulator of uterine contraction and all labor activity. In the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus loses its ability to stretch freely. As a result of mechanical irritation of the uterus by the lowered head of the baby and an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood that stimulate labor activity, an increased contractile readiness of the uterus is formed and it begins to contract;
  • Maturity of the placenta. The placenta is the so-called children's place in the uterus. Through the placenta, the organisms of the mother and child are connected, the nutrition of the fetus is carried out. The body already “knows” that the placenta has fulfilled its function and will soon become unnecessary. There are natural processes of aging and destruction (degeneration) in a fully mature placenta;
  • Fruit maturity. The limiting accumulation in the body of the fetus of metabolic products, a decrease in volume and a decrease in the rate of formation amniotic fluid does not allow to maintain exchange processes at the same level.

All of the above reasons and factors are closely interrelated. It is their implementation in the complex that triggers the mechanism for the onset of labor.

Possible signs of childbirth (harbingers)

Harbingers of childbirth are a number of signs that are observed in a pregnant woman in advance, a few weeks or days before the cherished event. They indicate the readiness of the female body for the process of childbearing. Depending on the characteristics of the woman's body, the combination of these signs will be in each specific case strictly individual.

So, first things first. One of the first signs of approaching labor is decreased fetal activity. Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman may notice that the number has decreased and they have become less intense. Since the baby has grown enough, and there is little free space left in the uterus, it physical activity difficult.

You know, there is life situation when it is crowded in a room or, for example, in a trolley bus. We then say: "It's so crowded here that you can't turn around." Or don't move. This is the situation with the baby. He, too, does not turn around, does not move.

The abdomen drops, the pelvic bones diverge.

This happens when the baby goes down, preparing to pass through the birth canal. At this time, his head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. The bottom of the uterus (its highest part) is shifted downwards. In primiparous this probable sign may appear 2 weeks before the onset of labor. For mothers who have already experienced the joy of motherhood - a few days before the cherished event, but more often immediately before childbirth.

The pregnant uterus, having fallen down, no longer presses so hard on the diaphragm. At the same time, women say that it becomes easier for them to breathe, heartburn practically does not bother. Although outwardly lowered belly, not everyone notices on their own.

Since the baby's head descends and puts pressure on the pelvic bones, a pregnant woman gait changes. In gynecology, this is called "proud gait." The woman takes her shoulders and shoulder blades backwards, the center of gravity shifts, and the pregnant woman begins to walk, swaying slightly.

Due to excessive pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic organs (intestines, bladder) the frequency of urination and the urge to defecate changes. A woman feels more often the urge to urinate, less often, but there is even urinary incontinence. Due to mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls, constipation occurs a few days before childbirth. And sometimes it may not be constipation, but diarrhea.

Before childbirth volume increases vaginal discharge due to hormonal changes. They become less sticky. Sometimes women may confuse this discharge with amniotic fluid leakage. To differentiate discharges in the hospital, special tests are carried out.

What do you need to know about this? If the gestational age is more than 37 weeks or there are prerequisites for premature or rapid delivery, then if abundant vaginal discharge is detected, you should urgently go to the hospital.

Test with a sterile gauze cut

If the discharge is not very much, but more than usual, a simple test can be performed at home using a sterile gauze cut folded in several layers. Amniotic fluid is usually clear and quickly absorbed without leaving any residue. Allocations are absorbed poorly, often staining gauze.

This test is simple, but involves a subjective assessment of the results. And here, not every woman can figure it out on her own. Therefore, it is better to contact the hospital for timely diagnosis.

If the doctor confirms that it is just a discharge, you will be safely sent home. But if it turns out that it's leaking amniotic fluid, then you did the right thing by contacting the hospital as soon as possible. Long anhydrous period very dangerous for the health of the baby.

Before childbirth future mommy may mark weight loss(from 1 to 2 kg). Due to the influence of the changed hormonal background the body gets rid of excess fluid. This happens a few days before delivery.

false contractions

False (training, preparatory) contractions can begin from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy and periodically occur until childbirth. The closer to the date of birth, the more often the uterus comes to increased tone. Expectant mothers describe this as a “hardening” uterus. At the same time, pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen, less often in the lower back, sometimes girdle pain bothers (from the sacrum to the pubis). The intensity of the pain can be compared with the sensations during menstruation.

False contractions, unlike true contractions, are short (40-60 seconds) and do not have a clear regularity. One more distinctive feature false contractions is their disappearance after a change in the position of the pregnant woman or a short rest.

Training contractions do not lead to the opening of the cervix of the uterus, but accelerate its maturation and prepare the muscles of the uterus for the forthcoming active contractile activity during childbirth. Be sure to inform your doctor about the occurrence of such a harbinger as training contractions.

Due to all the above factors, change in the cervix. Mainly under the influence of estrogens, the cervical canal shortens by the time labor begins. The cervix itself softens and opens about one centimeter (“misses one finger,” as OB/GYNs say). Despite the fact that only a doctor can fix this sign during examination, a woman needs to know this important harbinger.

Because the cervix opens up a little, mucus plug comes out, which throughout the pregnancy performed a protective function. That is, this cork prevented the penetration of infections into the uterus. Mucus plug is a thick light mucous secret, sometimes with the inclusion of blood streaks. Sometimes there is a blockage light brown. The cork may come off entirely. In some cases, it departs in portions.

When exactly does the mucus plug come off?

The timing of the onset of this symptom can vary from 2 weeks or several hours before the onset of labor. If you notice that the mucous plug has come off, you should inform the gynecologist observing you about this.

Very often I come across the fact that women in the later stages get tired of pregnancy, it’s hard for them, they are looking forward to the delivery date. But at the same time, many expectant mothers have emotional lift on the eve of childbirth. Women actively prepare their home for the arrival of a new family member (laundry, cleaning, furniture rearrangement and even minor repairs).

By analogy with the animal world, this strangeness is explained by the instinct of "nesting". And if you suddenly feel any of the manifestations of this “nesting instinct”, for example, you urgently want to rearrange something in the apartment, then consider this also a harbinger early start cherished event.

Reliable signs of childbirth

These include the appearance of regular contractions (true) and the outflow of amniotic fluid. It is impossible to establish a causal relationship between them. What is primary and what is secondary cannot be clearly stated. In each case, the onset of labor activity proceeds individually.


The occurrence of regular contractions underlies the onset of labor. True contractions determine the first stage of labor, when the cervix opens. The strength of the contraction the woman in labor cannot control. Thanks to contractions, the cervix softens, smoothes, and the cervix opens up to 10 cm (full dilation). The uterus and vagina are connected, forming a single birth canal, through which the baby passes, being born (II stage of labor).

It is sometimes difficult for primiparas to distinguish between false and true contractions. There has already been a description of false contractions above. Now let's talk in more detail about true contractions.

There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In primiparas, these pains often begin in the lower back. Their duration and intensity increases. And most importantly, there is a clear regularity of their occurrence.

Many people ask the question: “How often do contractions need to go to the hospital?” Only the doctor who observes you can clearly give an answer. In multiparous women, childbirth is faster. They should not stay at home with contractions. As you felt the contractions - rather in the hospital.

In primiparas, the first stage of labor is longer (12 hours on average). In principle, they can wait at home for a while with contractions, but first you need to consult with your gynecologist on this issue. But it's better to go to the hospital as soon as you make sure that these are real and not false contractions.

I will provide a table (more clearly) of the average duration and frequency of contractions.

Temporal characteristics of labor activity

Outflow of amniotic fluid

First, the anterior amniotic fluid drains. The anterior amniotic fluid is that part of the water that, when entering the dense ring of the pelvic bones, remains in the fetal bladder along with the head of the fetus. The volume of anterior amniotic fluid may be different. And they can pour out at once or in small portions.

In a normal pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is colorless, odorless, may have white inclusions (particles of cheese-like lubrication of the fetus). Greenish, fetid, with an admixture of meconium (fetal feces), amniotic fluid occurs during pathological pregnancy.

As a rule, the membrane of the fetal bladder ruptures with the outflow of anterior amniotic fluid in the first stage of labor when the cervix is ​​dilated by 3-7 cm.

It happens that the amniotic fluid leaves before the appearance of regular contractions and the necessary opening of the cervix. In any case, with the outflow of amniotic fluid, a woman should immediately go to the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists. A long waterless period (more than 6 hours) is a threat of infection of the child.

Advice for moms-to-be in late pregnancy

Better in advance. Wherever you go or don’t go, always carry your pregnancy documents with you ( exchange card). It's more reliable. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment of the onset of labor. But, having an exchange card with you, wherever you find signs of the onset of childbirth, you will always be ready to urgently contact the maternity hospital and avoid unnecessary worries.

The first signs of childbirth in nulliparous women are no different from those that occur in multiparous women. The only difference is that in the latter, labor activity usually begins suddenly, and the birth itself takes place much faster.

What signs of childbirth in primiparas need to be taken into account, how exactly to figure out that the child is ready to be born soon?

1. Departure of the mucous plug. This is due to the maturation and the beginning of the opening of the cervix, disclosure internal os. Sometimes this happens very early, up to 28 weeks. This is due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency. These harbingers of childbirth in primiparas do not go unnoticed by doctors. And if a woman for a period, for example, at 27-28 weeks, noticed herself with abundant mucous discharge, she must definitely inform the doctor about this as soon as possible. He, in turn, must appoint a measurement of the cervix. If you do not notice this in time serious threat premature birth, do not put a pessary ring, you can give birth in a few days ...
It happens that the mucous plug leaves 2-4 weeks before the birth. But this is rather an exception.

2. Increased frequency or appearance of training contractions. They differ from the real ones in that they are irregular, short-lived, they are easy to remove with the help of folk and medications, and their intensity does not increase. These signs of impending labor in nulliparous women often cause women to visit the maternity hospital or women's consultation, as they believe that this is already childbirth and are very afraid of the birth of a child right at home. In fact, you can not rush, if it is not entirely clear whether there are signs early delivery in primogeniture, whether the contractions are real or false. Since no one doubts the truth of real contractions, at least if they last more than 1-2 hours, then you can not be afraid to be late and not understand. Moreover, the period of contractions in a woman giving birth for the first time is usually at least 8 hours. But in multiparous, the signs of childbirth in the form of true contractions last less. So they better hurry up a little. Along with pain in the abdomen, pain usually appears in the lumbar region, girdle.

3. Descent or leakage of amniotic fluid. Sometimes it happens before the fight even starts. However, if the period is more than 37-38 weeks, even a slight leak is a reason to go to the hospital. Childbirth will be stimulated if necessary. And if the child's condition is unimportant - perhaps even procesarean. Normally, the water leaves already during childbirth, closer to the straining period. But sometimes, if the amniotic sac is flat, doctors open it with a special tool to speed up the process of opening the cervix.

4. Diarrhea, sometimes vomiting. This is a kind of cleansing of the body. Many women experience vomiting already during the period of contractions. In general, this is the norm, if it does not greatly worsen the woman's well-being and doctors have no doubt that this is not poisoning. And not an intestinal infection.

5. Strong physical activity of the child. In the last 2-3 weeks, the baby may be quieter due to the fact that he simply does not have room to maneuver, but during the period of contractions, especially at the very beginning, he begins to move actively. Perhaps this is due to the mental arousal of a woman. But sometimes this behavior of the child may be associated with some kind of inconvenience for him. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor about this.

6. Ripening of the cervix. In primiparas, signs of the onset of labor at 38 weeks of this kind appear mainly in those who have already been diagnosed with a short or softened neck during pregnancy. The rest have this process usually passes very quickly, within a few days or hours. And signs of the onset of labor in primiparas at 40 weeks can only appear. However, a long and dense cervix is ​​not at all a reason to think that the pregnancy will be postponed. It all depends on the hormonal background of the woman, the changes that are triggered there.

Shortly before the long-awaited first meeting with her baby, the expectant mother shows some sensations and signs that indicate the approach of childbirth. They are called harbingers. It is especially important to know about them for those women who are pregnant for the first time in order to properly prepare for the upcoming event.

What are the harbingers of childbirth

This is the name given to a series of sensations and symptoms that different periods experiences the primogeniture. According to this or that harbinger, a woman can approximately determine how soon labor will begin and decide on a trip to the hospital. It is worth noting that distinguish a large number of signs, but this does not mean that any primipara will necessarily experience them all. Each week of gestation is characterized by its own harbingers of childbirth.

How to understand that a primipara has started contractions

So called the feeling of pain that accompanies the process of opening the cervix. Many primiparas take training fights for real ones and go to the hospital. You can tell them apart if you learn to listen to your body well. Before that, in primiparas, they have a mucous plug, but if this happened, for example, simultaneously with urination, it may remain invisible. Then there is already a pulling and aching pain.

Labor pain is recognized not only by the occurrence pain, but also by the feeling of contraction of the uterus, "petrification". The pain resembles that which a woman experiences during menstruation, begins in the lower back, diverges to the sides, and then to the stomach. Gradually, it increases significantly, it is difficult to endure it. There are such signs of the onset of labor in primiparas:

  • labor pains do not end, which is completely uncharacteristic for training;
  • the time interval between them is constantly shortening;
  • pain with each contraction increases, its duration increases.

Characteristic signs of childbirth during the first pregnancy weekly

Their list is very large. For some women, it is not enough to know about the harbingers of childbirth in primiparas, so they look for other signs, become overly superstitious and wary. In fact, you need to understand what symptoms can appear on recent weeks pregnancy and be prepared for it. As a rule, their number increases gradually, if childbirth does not occur. Some primiparous harbingers do not exist at all, especially multiparous ones, while others show one or more. This is influenced individual characteristics body:

  • age of the primiparous;
  • list of chronic and previously transferred diseases;
  • body structure;
  • state internal organs, reproductive system.

Harbingers of childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation


  1. This is the week when the belly drops before childbirth in primiparas, its shape changes. This is very visible in the photo. The uterus moves into the pelvic area. At the same time, a woman breathes much easier, her heartburn finally disappears. Previously, by the shape of the abdomen, they even tried to determine who would be born: a boy or a girl.
  2. The pressure on the intestines and bladder increases, so the pregnant woman goes to the toilet more often.
  3. The body weight of the primipara decreases. Weight does not increase anymore because a lot of fluid comes out of the body.
  4. Pelvic bones expand, which is accompanied by discomfort, and sometimes severe pain.
  5. The center of gravity is transferred, so the gait changes. People around say that the woman began to look different.

38 weeks pregnant

At this time, such harbingers of childbirth in primiparas may appear:

  • a slight increase in the volume of secretions;
  • periodically the stomach aches and pulls;
  • the mammary glands become even larger, colostrum is possible;
  • movements are felt less and less;
  • this week, a mucous plug may already stand out, which indicates the onset of labor in the coming days (this is normal, the fetus is already fully full-term).

39 weeks pregnant

Characteristic harbingers of childbirth in primiparas:

  1. The mood of a woman changes often and strongly. She feels the instinct of "nesting". Pregnant women, for example, carefully clean the house, prepare children's things. This change indicates that the first signs of childbirth in primiparas will appear very soon.
  2. Training prenatal contractions begin. As a rule, this happens at 39 weeks, but sometimes the harbingers of childbirth appear earlier. Contractions are irregular. Taking a bath helps relieve pain warm water. Some, on the advice of a doctor, take No-shpu.
  3. Vaginal discharge is profuse and may be either clear or beige colour, milky, light brown, sometimes with bloody streaks.
  4. Constipation stops.
  5. At this time, the mucous plug often leaves, which indicates the birth of a baby within two to seven days.
  6. The weight of the primipara becomes less by a kilogram and a half.

40 weeks pregnant

If a woman has reached this period, then she will feel such harbingers of an early birth in primiparas:

  1. Appetite suddenly disappears, there is almost no desire. Weight by this time is reduced by another one or two kilograms.
  2. The cervix becomes soft and short, however, this symptom is noticeable only to the doctor, the woman will not be able to feel it. On examination, a specialist can also determine that the fetal head has become in the small pelvis.
  3. The child is already very large. In the uterus, he is cramped, so he moves much less. Only rare jolts and kicks will be felt. Just before giving birth, the baby may become, on the contrary, overly active.
  4. There may be leakage of amniotic fluid, which must be reported to the doctor.
  5. A woman has loose stools (diarrhea), sometimes there are bouts of vomiting. So the body reacts to the upcoming stress and tries to “bring out” everything superfluous from itself in order to more easily transfer the load. Often these symptoms are a sign that labor will begin in a couple of days.
  6. The mucous plug should come off completely or in parts. After that, it is not recommended to take a bath or swim in open places, so as not to catch the infection.
  7. The last symptoms before childbirth are contractions, regular and painful. Gradually they increase, and the gap between them is reduced. Then the amniotic fluid leaves, which indicates the beginning of labor. If this does not happen, the doctor can pierce the fetal bladder, this is quite acceptable.

What to do if there are signs of an approaching birth

Many people want to get to the hospital as soon as possible, but this is an unnecessary worry. The appearance and strengthening of the harbingers of childbirth suggests that they will occur no later than in a week or two. From now on, you need to behave more correctly: rest a lot, do not lift weights, spend time in the fresh air. Moderates will benefit physical exercise, walking. When real contractions begin and their frequency decreases, you should go to the hospital. If the waters have receded, it is advisable to get to the maternity facility as quickly as possible.

There is always a risk of preterm labor, so you should contact your doctor immediately, regardless of the gestational age, if you notice that:

  • vaginal bleeding has begun;
  • the color of the departed waters is not transparent or pinkish, but yellow, green or any other uncharacteristic;
  • the child has completely stopped moving in the stomach, does not respond to your touch;
  • attempts began;
  • vomiting lasts more than a few hours;
  • unusually strong or sharp pain in the abdomen, back, other parts of the body.

Video: how childbirth begins in primiparas