How to dress for a nightclub. Club style

The history of the club style

In the mid-twentieth century, when club culture began to develop, a new trend in fashion appeared. And this was quite understandable and natural. The first nightclubs appeared in America in the 30s. Magnificent receptions, which were organized mainly for adults, became uninteresting and boring for young people. They needed communication in an interesting circle of friends. This place became the nightclub - the birth of club fashion . Young people who came here to relax could freely communicate with each other, relax and dance. Free communication required light, comfortable and sexy clothing. These criteria laid down the basis of club style. Not everyone reacted well to the appearance of clubs. In Paris they came into fashion in the 50s. And in Russia they were legally recognized only in the 70s. England is currently considered the leader of club culture.

The main directions of club style

To get into the club, it is not only important, but it is also necessary to behave accordingly in order to attract the views of others and earn authority from them. To do this, it is important to determine the trends in club fashion.

One of the most frequently encountered areas is casual. It is ideal for nightclubs. He is distinguished by his bright and simple clothes. Casual fans prefer distressed jeans, often decorated with stripes. They will be complemented by bright T-shirts or untucked shirts. , bracelets will decorate both boys and girls. And stylish shoes will complete the look.

For lovers of flirting, we can recommend clothes in the style sexy. This clothing has the purpose of attracting the gaze of the opposite sex. Small tight dresses or shorts should not restrict movement. They favorably emphasize the advantages of the figure, but do not look vulgar. “unspoken” sexuality than an open and visible body. Bright jewelry perfectly complements the style.

Ambiguous about direction grunge. This look is created by a combination of worn and torn clothes. Slightly disheveled hair creates a unique hairstyle. Gray calm makeup does not allow any bright colors on the face. Plain, dull clothes are both practical and the image is created.

Clubwear for girls

For girls, club style implies beauty, sexuality and comfort while dancing. Their clothes are distinguished by tight-fitting styles, which favorably emphasize youth and freshness. Colors must be chosen bright. Fabrics can be translucent, with sparkles, and bright prints. Clothes should be open and loose so that it does not get hot during dancing. Shoes with high heels will make girls even slimmer.

A stylish accessory for the club? Why not wear bright glasses?

Hat in addition to a unisex stretch tank top? It doesn't get any cooler!

Club style for guys

Club style for men suggests convenience and individuality. First of all, clothes should be clean and well ironed. Young people feel comfortable in loose jeans and shirts, although lately you can meet guys in baggy pants and a jumper or tunic. But the accessories are given great importance. Having a belt and watch is an indispensable attribute of club parties.

  • If you decide to visit a club, find out if they have a dress code.
  • For a club style, you can choose clothes made of latex, leather, nylon, velvet.
  • The main thing in club style is not the manner of dressing, but self-confidence.

Create your own unique club look and be the most stylish and beautiful!

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Are you planning a holiday at the club? Then the choice suitable outfit for this event - one of important tasks. After all, for most girls, how they look is very important. And in order to feel confident in the club and have fun, you need to choose the appropriate clothes.

So, if you want to be the center of attention, but at the same time not look too provocative and vulgar, then opt for stylish, sophisticated, but at the same time, comfortable clothes. Clothing that will not hinder your movements and will highlight all the advantages of your figure. Clothes that will help you relax well and leave the people present in the club happy pleasant impression about you.

The main rules for choosing clothes for the club:

  • It's better to wear something light to a club party. No long sleeves or thick fabrics. Even in winter you will be hot in the club. After all, club life is, first of all, a movement.

In a nightclub you dance and move a lot, so your clothes should not be too hot

  • An outfit with glitter or slight shimmer will look impressive. This choice will make you stand out from the club crowd.

  • Of course, color matters. IN dark clothes Surely no one will notice you. Imagine: a club, music, darkness moving through the hall light rays and you are somewhere there, in a black outfit. Therefore, be sure to choose bright colors for the club.

In ultraviolet rays, light-colored outfits become very bright and attract attention to you

  • Would be appropriate at a party various accessories. For example, beautiful jewelry that will effectively complement your overall look. Or, a belt that will draw the eye to your waist. What you shouldn't take to the club is expensive jewelry with precious stones or gold items. They will simply be inappropriate in this situation. And yet, in hot movements, such accessories are easy to lose.

What shoes should a girl choose for a club?

Probably, when choosing, you still need to give preference to comfortable shoes. When going to a club party, you must remember that you will have to be on your feet and moving almost the entire night. Naturally, no one says to go to a party in sneakers or slippers, but in high-heeled shoes you are unlikely to be able to completely relax and unwind. At least your feet won't thank you in the morning. Many people give such advice, but in reality every girl will want to wear sexy platform shoes and high heels. Many famous designers have not left the platform alone for several seasons and continue to present models on the catwalks in shoes that every girl would want to own.

Shoes should be in harmony with the clothes you have chosen and create a complete image of a club outfit. It will look beautiful patent leather shoes, as well as shoes with bright shimmer. Small heel, wedges or platform shoes - the main thing is that you are comfortable.

What dress should a girl wear to a club?

Choosing evening dress It's better to stick to the dress. And if you choose it correctly, it will give you more femininity and sophistication, and you will definitely catch the eye of a handsome guy. But the dress should be comfortable and not too short. This look can be complemented with an elegant handbag.

Which skirt or trousers should a girl wear to a club?

Another suitable option for a nightclub is trousers or a skirt, which will look beautiful with a smart, bright blouse. Very tight pants or the skirt is not for the club. In them you just have to sit at a table and sadly watch what is happening. After all, moving in such things will be completely inconvenient, and also risky.

When choosing trousers, try to sit down and stand up in them so that you feel really comfortable in them

What should a girl wear to the club to hide her figure flaws?

The combination of leggings with loose tunic or a shirt-dress. This option is perfect for those who want to hide the imperfections of their figure in the abdomen and hips.

What shorts should a girl wear to the club?

If you are slim Beautiful legs, then feel free to wear short shorts. They can be combined with a dressy top or a sexy chiffon blouse.

What should a girl wear to a club theme party?

Nightclubs quite often hold theme nights, then announcing crazy pajama parties, then pirate parties, then a retro evening. Depending on the topic, you should choose suitable clothes. In this case, it will probably be even easier to decide on an outfit than just for going to a club. The theme determines your clothing, but don't lose your style, add your own twist while complying with the dress code.

In a nightclub you will have fun, have fun and meet handsome guys. And guys prefer well-groomed and neat girls. It’s only pleasant to flirt with such cute creatures. Therefore, no matter what style of clothing you choose, remember that the outfit should be clean and neat.

Create your own individual and unique sophisticated style for a club party. Beautifully styled hair, unobtrusive neutral makeup with expressive eyes and a mystery in your gaze - and you will definitely conquer the one you noticed at the party.

Do you want there to always be a place for celebration and entertainment in your life? Then be sure to buy club clothes, then you will definitely have a reason to wear them!

Every fashionista's wardrobe must certainly have clubwear. You probably already guessed what it is. These are clothes for leisure, entertainment, in other words, these are clothes for various parties.

Clubwear for party

Girls visit clubs to have a good time, dance, have fun, relax, and maybe even flirt and meet a guy. Therefore, club wear for a party should be attractive and noticeable. Most importantly, it should set you apart from the crowd, show that you are special.

The outfit you choose simply must be fashionable and stylish. However, in addition, do not forget that you should be comfortable in it. Clothes should not restrict movement; you are not going to just sit at a table all evening, are you? Even if you don't want to dance, then from slow dance You certainly won’t refuse a handsome guy!

Therefore, when choosing, take a kind of “test drive”: raise your arms high (what if your gentleman turns out to be very tall?), evaluate how much the skirt or dress rises. You don't want your panties to become the subject of discussion among guys and envious girlfriends, do you?

It’s still better if the length of the clothes is not very short. In addition, the skirt should not be too tight, otherwise fast dances will take place without your participation.

Club style approves of revealing outfits, where else than here you can show all the guys an elegant body, beautiful slender legs and elastic, lush breasts? If, unfortunately, your figure is still far from ideal, do not be sad, then the chosen outfit for the party should emphasize your main advantages of your figure. The main thing is that it emphasizes your individuality, attractiveness and sex appeal.

Clubwear: dress, skirt, top

A short, sexy, off-the-shoulder dress would be perfect for a party. Stylists claim that it not only emphasizes the décolleté area, but also visually makes the legs longer. In a word, in such an outfit you will not go unnoticed!

A tandem would be no less successful: a short skirt and a bright top. The shoulders can also be open. To complete the look, complement it with some stylish jewelry.

No less fashionable will be tight-fitting trousers of any length with an elegant top embroidered with sequins. Complete the outfit with beautiful high-heeled sandals in silver or gold.

A good option for party wear is short shorts (however, keep in mind that they will look luxurious if you have beautiful, slender legs, without scratches or bruises). As a top, you can choose a smart top classic length. An elongated top or an airy chiffon tunic will look no less beneficial.

Couturiers offer girls laconic, tight-fitting dresses that emphasize smooth lines as a club outfit. female figure. However, again they will look beautiful on a good figure. The length can be different: mini, midi, maxi.

It is advisable to choose dresses made from natural fabrics, for example, cotton, silk. It would seem nothing special. Simple cut, monochrome fabrics and still you will look great! This is exactly the case when simplicity is luxury. Remember, for example, the small black dress! To compensate for the laconicism, use accessories!

During the show of the collections on the catwalks, you could see, in addition to the classic little black dress, also little dress white and yellow color. This year for clubwear Models in black and white are also very popular. A successful addition would be a luxurious and glamorous handbag, as well as elbow-length gloves made of transparent fabric.

For those who value, above all, comfort and practicality, designers offer the following club wear for parties in 2019: a shirt dress made of linen or cotton fabric with stripes, tunics and leggings.

Dresses made of light chiffon with a high waistline do not lose their relevance. Cocktail outfits are also a good option for club wear for a party. To understand exactly what you want, look through the collections of fashion designers.

However, please note that such club party wear is intended exclusively for special occasions, for example, a corporate event, a visit to a reputable casino or a nightclub and casino. Fashionistas should know that a cocktail dress is usually worn for events that start before seven in the evening.

Fabrics for clubwear

To make your look look luxurious, choose clothes from exquisite, expensive fabrics: lace, velvet, silk. And further important rule, the shorter the cocktail dress, the more closed the bodice should be, and vice versa.

Remember that club style is not strict. It allows you to make bold experiments: combine different styles, play with accessories, creating your own, sophisticated and unique style. We are sure that you will bask in compliments and admiring glances from your fans! It’s so nice to conquer men’s hearts!

Color solutions

Girls can look stylish and attractive thanks to the variety of shades and prints. The choice depends on the style of the item and the details of the image. Wearing a chiffon jumpsuit, a girl will look chic in emerald and turquoise color. You can also wear a guipure blouse or an asymmetrical bodice.

Kokte silk satin dress models and leather leggings should have a light matte shade to emphasize the girl’s grace.

Do you want to attract the attention of everyone who will be present at the party? Then feel free to wear a red dress that suits your figure, decorated with lace in the chest area. This will add a touch of romance and playfulness to the image.

Limitations in choosing colors for club party No. Experiment with glitter, crystals, beads, animal print and leather appliques. Brave beauties can wear a guipure corset in a passionate shade.

The main thing is to choose the top of your outfit wisely. In this case, the bottom should be restrained. Jewelry is only laconic and monochromatic, because the main emphasis is on one element of clothing.

Depending on the season, you can wear both boots and shoes for a club outfit. The key detail is the high heel.

Clubwear options: photos

Any fashionista keeps a couple of “highlights” in her wardrobe for unbridled fun: relaxation, entertainment, parties.

Why do you go to clubs? Of course, for a great time, dancing, entertainment, and perhaps a new acquaintance with your future soul mate. This means that clubwear should be bright, uniquely making you stand out from the crowd.

This category of your clothing must correspond to fashion trends and your personal style. Do not choose styles that restrict your movements, because this will make your behavior constrained and timid, which will greatly spoil the first impression.

Features and fabrics for clubwear

For a luxurious look, it is customary to choose exquisite expensive fabrics: velvet, silk, different kinds lace. Such fabrics are decorated with a lot of sparkles, rhinestones, mirror beads and sequins.

Choosing an outfit has two fundamental principles:
  • When choosing a “mini” length, make sure that the bodice is sufficiently closed and vice versa. Attractiveness and brightness should not turn into vulgarity and visual accessibility, because every girl should have a mystery.
  • When choosing a short dress, plain fabrics and the absence of frilly prints will be preferable. In the case of elongated models, it is worth looking for fabrics rich in different colors and multiple additions in the form of stones, appliqués, draperies and others.

If a combination of a top and a skirt is being considered, then choose the simplest possible style of top, created from a fairly bright and shiny fabric. Shorts and jeans, as a rule, do not go well with pretentious club life, but are acceptable in more discreet places.

And the undoubted favorite, available to every club diva - and in many cases with an inflated platform. There is only one rule - the brighter the better.

Fashionable colors of clubwear

Clubwear for girls differs not only in a variety of styles and variations of various combinations, but also in colors. Much depends on the type of item chosen and its combinations with other details of the image. Thus, turquoise and emerald shades are in perfect harmony in models of chiffon jumpsuits framed with guipure, the basis of which is an asymmetrical bodice. Often this option is complemented by bright silver guipure inserts.

Don't forget about the black classics, but made from the right type fabrics. made of satin and popular leather leggings should have matte shine to maintain the grace of their owner.

A dress for a party can also be made in romantic style. For example, a red, form-fitting dress, decorated with a row of lace along the chest area. Such lace creates the illusion of a small sleeve, which gives the girl an undeniable playfulness.

There are no limits in the club world. You can experiment with animal prints, leather appliqués or sparkling crystals. Bright, contrasting guipure corsets are the choice for the most daring girls.

Remember the main detail - when choosing a bright top, use a discreet bottom and plain jewelry without unnecessary pretentiousness. The entire emphasis should be on one element of clothing.

Party dresses and skirts

The magic wand is everyone's favorite. Suitable for any event, anywhere and at any time of the year. Change your accessories from bright plastic to thin precious chains, and the look will change from an acidic clubber to a sophisticated party queen.

If you have problems choosing a dress, suitable option set and top. Classic cuts are always perfectly combined with each other, which means that the mistake of “combining incompatible things” will bypass you. When wearing a combo, be careful when dancing, because the most important things must be carefully hidden.

Clubwear: blouses, tops, corsets

At the top of fashion trends are bright and interesting tops made of leather, openwork fabrics and light chiffon. For more elegant girls who find it difficult to switch from office style, translucent blouses are suitable.

When choosing such outfit elements, consider:

  • The musical direction of the establishment where you plan to spend the upcoming evening, the nature of the upcoming party.
  • Your top should be lightweight, ideally not contain synthetic materials. This prevents excessive sweating and discomfort in movement.
  • If you spend such evenings very actively, give up long sleeves and all kinds of necklines, even the thinnest and low ones.
  • A top or corset is acceptable even in winter, because it’s easy to leave everything unnecessary in the dressing room.
  • Ultraviolet light will favorably highlight your shape if the corset is snow-white.

A simple bottom, be it trousers or a skirt, should be complemented by an incredibly catchy top. Bright snake prints on corsets, lots of studs and rhinestones on sheer blouses and even short tunics completely covered in sequins.

The latest fashion trend in club life is lightweight tops in acid shades with sheer inserts. Ladies with curvaceous it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of styles: hide flaws and show advantages. Possessing full figure, do not wear tops with thin straps, they will unfavorably emphasize the fullness of your arms, while distracting attention from the décolleté area.

Clubwear: trousers, shorts

Among trouser options they are especially popular. Bright models created from chiffon and lace materials look great on any figure. In such styles it is easy to place accents using belts, large bracelets and thin capes.

Which are in every girl’s wardrobe, can also serve as the basis for an image. Models with scuffs, bright prints, or styles that are very tapered at the bottom are preferred. Wear colorful belts and belts for a refreshing splash of color. everyday option. A pair of jeans, a belt and shoes chosen in contrast will visually give you a few centimeters in height, and long legs have never bothered anyone.

Shoes and accessories for clubwear

Depending on the time of year, these can be either shoes or boots. The most important detail is a high heel, in the most extreme version - pumps.

Fashion moves and accessories change at the speed of light. Now anyone can choose their image. For girls with voluminous hair, bright headbands and large hairpins are suitable, and for those who prefer to pin up their ponytails and all kinds of buns, large earrings are recommended for a bright accent.

Belts and bracelets should be wide, because a thin chain is unlikely to be noticed in the dark, and even during a dance. The same applies to beads, necklaces and other jewelry in the neck area.

Interesting solutions included classic bow ties, ties and suspenders, which complement shiny and acidic clothing options. Many, having made this choice, wear large glasses in classic black frames with transparent lenses.

It is worth noting that at summer parties there are often ankle bracelets: from thin chains with small amulets to thick plastic rings. Such options are only permissible for single-color classic shoes, and will not be combined with bright shoes, decorated with spikes along the entire heel.

The last highlight was undoubtedly invented by the most romantic natures among the female sex. A silk scarf neatly tied around the wrist. Even in the most daring embodiment, such a detail will attract the attention of those who are looking for tenderness and long-awaited love.

Going to a club is a great way to relax, have fun, recover from a work week and meet friends. Regardless of the venue and the occasion of the party, the clothes you select for it will focus on festive style and comfort, so that your evening outfit will captivate you while dancing, and not force you to sit modestly at a table in the farthest corner.

Clubwear should emphasize your individuality and attractiveness, not restrict your movements and not look too revealing, otherwise you risk seeing misunderstanding in the eyes of your friends and attracting annoying dance companions. And yet, club wear differs from everyday wear in that you can afford more: wear a shorter dress or a top with an open back, go a little overboard with jewelry and don’t be shy about bright colors.

How to dress a girl in a club to look bright and sexy, but not vulgar. This is of course a question that deserves more detailed consideration. A club is a place where things lavishly decorated with sequins and rhinestones are more than acceptable, since in the spotlight these things have a mesmerizing effect.

What rules should a girl follow to look good?

Below are not even rules, but simply recommendations. They will be useful if you are going to look unique and feel comfortable doing it.

  • Preference should be given light fabrics, and tight outfits with long sleeves worth saving for other places. Still, warming yourself up when going to a club is not a good idea.
  • Dark colors are clearly not suitable for a darkened environment, especially if you want to stand out and attract attention. Preference should be given not only to bright colors, but also to other unusual solutions. For example, clothes can be decorated with rhinestones, ornaments or sequins. The main thing is that the attire does not look banal or, even worse, overly tacky.
  • We must not forget about accessories. Inappropriate expensive jewelry, but original and interesting jewelry can really refresh the look.
  • You need to understand the difference between seductive beauty and frivolous attire. If your goal is not quick and dubious acquaintances, then you should not choose overly provocative clothing.

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How not to dress for a club

  1. Even if you have the most beautiful figure in the world, never wear skirts or dresses that look more like long tops. Don't show yours to anyone beautiful buttocks. If you want to look sexy, do it with style, and leave some room for men's imagination.
  2. At the same time, there is no need to hide your charms too much, you are not going to dinner with your grandmother. The main thing is to maintain a certain balance, you need to open one thing, if your legs are open, your chest is closed, if your back is open, your chest is also closed.
  3. Despite the fact that many clubs are quite loyal to jeans, however, there is no need to wear them when preparing to go to the club. This is still casual wear, not club wear. A dress or skirt is always the best choice, but if you still want to wear jeans, keep them black and fitted.

So, what outfits should a girl choose for going to the club, see below.

Dress for going to the club photo

When choosing an outfit for your future party, avoid vulgar models. For many years, femininity was valued over naked sex appeal. Consider the nature of the event, the surrounding audience and the individual characteristics of your appearance.

The magic wand is everyone's favorite little black dress. Suitable for any event, anywhere and at any time of the year. Change your accessories from bright plastic to thin precious chains, and the look will change from an acidic clubber to a sophisticated party queen.

Combining sparkles, sequins and beaded embroidery, you risk being called tacky. Therefore, feel the right measure when choosing a combination.

How to dress for a party and not let it happen fatal mistakes? A few classic tricks:

  • If you are unsure of your figure, try on bandage dresses with large drapery.
  • Dilute plain dresses with bright accessories to avoid a faded look.
  • When choosing a light outfit, ultra is not acceptable short length and a deep neckline. By blending in with your base skin tone, you will look almost naked.

Skirt for going to the club photo

There are countless looks with a skirt, and for a club finding a suitable outfit with it is not a problem. Most often at parties they prefer to wear a mini length in combination with high heels, which emphasizes the beauty of your slender legs. However, the effectiveness of the image depends not only on the length of the skirt, but also on its decor. A skirt with feathers looks very cool, giving it a light, weightless volume. A fringed skirt will make your look dynamic and flowy. A tight-fitting leather skirt with metallic decor in the form of zippers, rivets and spikes would also be appropriate. And a skirt embroidered with sequins, beads or rhinestones, which would be superfluous in an everyday set, will add shine and radiance to the look. Can be worn on top beautiful top or a colorful blouse.

Fashionable little things 2017

Skinny jeans or trousers for going to the club photo

Skinny jeans or trousers. Can be leather or fabric. You should definitely choose a top to go with your trousers. simple style, richly trimmed with rhinestones, beads or sequins, stiletto heels, a stylish belt that can be tied in various ways, for example, with a bow or jacket. Contrasting combinations are relevant, for example the classic version of black and white or black and red. Don't forget about a clutch or a tiny handbag-purse, matched in the same color to one of the outfits or to match the pattern.

Leggings or shorts for going to the club photo

Leather leggings are a classic at any party. In combination with any catchy top they create the image of a bright disco diva. Even in combination with a classic black top, you will gracefully dance like a catwoman, shimmering in the rays of the spotlights.

And finally, a summer classic - shorts. Large draperies of the lower borders, fringe, all kinds of metal details and pockets embroidered with incredible paintings. Easily combined with any type of top, but they are the most dangerous bottom option. Not recommended for owners of very plump women and, on the contrary, very skinny legs. Very pale girls should also avoid this choice so as not to look like a “black sheep.”

Shoes and accessories for going to the club photo

The famous and unique Coco Chanel went crazy from the abundance of jewelry. A large number of decorations also look original in a nightclub, giving the image a special effect. You should not wear expensive jewelry, because it is very easy to lose it in the rhythm of the dance. But flirty earrings, cute bracelets and other jewelry on the neck, wrist, ankles and fingers would be very appropriate. Don't forget to decorate your hair with a hairpin if you have gorgeous long hair. Also take care of a handbag that is suitable for visiting the club. It can be an envelope bag, a clutch, or even a miniature handbag, which should fit a minimum of cosmetics, mobile phone, wallet and keys. The guards will not inspect such a handbag at the entrance, and it is very convenient to carry.

Shoes should be comfortable and at the same time beautiful. Of course, if you plan to dance all night until you drop, you should lower the heel height, but if you plan to sit at a bar, dance a few dances and then go home, high heels or stilettos are just right. It is appropriate to wear sandals, ballet flats, wedge or heeled shoes, boots or ankle boots to the club.

How a girl should dress at a club is up to the girl herself, but sometimes an incorrectly chosen look can lead to unpleasant consequences. The chosen club image should maximally identify the girl’s desires and expectations.

And do not forget that you are a woman, and this means that you must have an impeccable image, regardless of the situation.

Many young people still have a vague idea of ​​the meaning hidden in the concept of a dress code when visiting nightclubs. When going through face control, the visitor must demonstrate his adequacy and neatness, and bad taste and vulgarity cannot be hidden by any labels.

In order to dress correctly, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to the party. If you definitely want to stand out, you will need unusual clothes for a nightclub. But it should be borne in mind that the face control available in most of these establishments meticulously ensures that only the most beautiful and stylish (from their point of view) get inside. For this reason, some, even the most beloved and convenient things, will have to be abandoned.

Taboos for visiting the club:

  • Heavily worn or shapeless items.
  • Sportswear and shoes.

An excessive desire to stand out can lead to women's clothing for the club it will be really noticeable, but only in terms of excessive shockingness and bad taste. Even if a girl in such an outfit gets inside a nightclub, she will, of course, attract some attention, but this will not make her a star, but, most likely, on the contrary, will cause ridicule and puzzled looks.

Recommendations for choosing clothes, shoes and accessories for a nightclub

Before a girl dresses for a club, it is important to understand that clothes should fit perfectly to the figure, emphasizing all the advantages of its owner. You can attract attention with trousers with an interesting cut or a voluminous skirt. In order not to rack your brains about what a girl should wear to a nightclub, you can buy a fashionable dress or a stylish jumpsuit, and this clothing option will be an excellent win-win option.

The color of the outfit, by the way, is not so important. If you choose a black jumpsuit, set or dress, then their cut and style must be very intricate, otherwise in the twilight of the club the girl risks becoming an invisible man. Therefore, it is important not only to think about how you can dress for a club, but also to complement your clothes with bright accents. A shiny skirt or dress with sequins also has an advantage.

Used in many nightclubs ultraviolet illumination, thanks to which the figures of the dancers do not turn into a shapeless dark mass, moving chaotically to the music. In such lighting, white things acquire new shades, and this provides an additional opportunity to attract attention to yourself. However, you don’t have to dress completely in white. How should a girl dress to a club to look attractive? It is better to choose a white part of clothing specifically for the part of your figure that is most attractive to you.


For a girl best outfit than a dress, for visiting a nightclub there is no. For every representative of the fair sex, these clothes will become a winning option provided that the style is chosen correctly, so it is important not only to choose dresses for a club in a photo in a fashion magazine, but also to imagine them on your figure. At the same time, the length of the dress for a nightclub also needs to be chosen wisely. For example, minidresses that are too short may look somewhat vulgar, and attention to the hostess may take on undesirable shades.

On the contrary, dresses to the toes make the image very sophisticated, but can make the girl in it seem overly withdrawn and strict, creating a vacuum of communication around her. In addition, it is more difficult to dance energetically in a long dress. Therefore, for entertainment in a nightclub, it is best to use a dress just above the knee length . Look at the photos of outfits for the nightclub - in too short dresses the girl looks like someone looking for adventure, and in a mid-length dress, the beauty attracts everyone's attention with her elegance and mystery. From the point of view of styles, recommendations are unnecessary: ​​it is better to follow fashion trends in this regard, without forgetting that the most fashionable dress should fit well.


If you couldn’t find a dress suitable for a party, then don’t be too upset about such a trifle, because you can go there in a skirt or trousers.

Of course, these items also need to be selected. For example, the skirt should be the same length as the failed dress. True, her extended version it doesn’t look so strict compared to a dress, especially if it goes higher a smart shirt, blouse or even a T-shirt. But here the mutual combination of top and bottom becomes important. Without relying on your own taste, you can, in the end, consult your friends about this.

Pants and shorts

If trousers are chosen, they should not be too strict, like work ones, or simple, like those worn every day, this is especially important for jeans. It is better not to use trousers that are too tight, which will impede movement during dancing, or to choose stretch denim , since club clothes for girls should be as comfortable as possible. , and combine them with tops, blouses, shirts, vests and jackets. If you use jeans, they should be decorated with accessories, for example, a large belt buckle or complement the ensemble with a bright neckerchief.

Extremely short shorts will immediately add sexuality to the image, and not as vulgar as in the case of a miniskirt, but rather creating intrigue. But this option is acceptable only for girls with long legs and an ideal figure. It is better to use shorts made of thick, tight fabric in a nightclub, since sports shorts would obviously be out of place here. They can be supplemented a tight-fitting T-shirt, a translucent blouse, or a tunic that almost completely covers the shorts. Any club clothing store will certainly provide you with such clothes, because this is an ideal option for any party. In specialized stores you can buy clubwear that matches the latest fashion trends, and you don’t have to search for it yourself suitable options– in most cases, sellers will help make the image for a nightclub interesting and fashionable.

Not all girls have a figure close to ideal, and they have to think about how, for example, to cover up their not-so-successful hips or belly. Suitable for them tight-fitting tights, leggings or trousers, and for the top you can choose a tunic or long shirt with a checkered pattern.


When creating an attractive image for the club, you should correctly place the accents. Since women's club style is somewhat different from business clothes, when going to a party, you can safely wear any chains, bracelets, earrings and rings. But here, too, moderation should be observed so as not to become like the magpie, which also loves everything shiny and bright. It is best if the decorations match each other in style. Although you can come up with an interesting mixture of jewelry styles - a kind of eclecticism.

An important element of the costume is the handbag. It is a handbag, not a trunk, in which we carry many things to study or work. The ideal option would be clutch(or reticule - in the French style) - a miniature handbag, brightly colored and variously decorated.


We have already gone through possible clothing options for going to a nightclub. But why not go there barefoot? To create the image of a club character, the shoes have vital importance, becoming its highlight. At the same time, sandals, shoes or boots can be in harmony with the set, or, on the contrary, they can stand out from the image on purpose, thereby drawing attention to the legs. At the same time, incredibly high heels will not always be the best solution, since you can sit and show off at a table with a cocktail in them, but you can hardly expect the same success on the dance floor.

Very comfortable as in ordinary life, and for dancing, casual and sport shoes such as flip-flops, ballet shoes, sneakers or sneakers, still not suitable for a nightclub. And not only because its owner will look “not very good”, but simply because it is unlikely that it will be possible to penetrate there due to the barrier in the form of face control.

The most convenient and suitable for the occasion can be considered classic low-heeled pumps or beautiful wedge sandals.

How to dress for a club as a mature woman?

Not only young people go to nightclubs, but also more mature people. And in order not to stand out too much from the crowd, especially older women, you need to know how to dress fashionably and stylishly at a club, because this is a chance to increase your self-esteem, and maybe even seduce someone younger. When going to a nightclub, a woman should dress appropriately for her age. Agree that a 40-year-old woman dressed in a miniskirt and top will look, at least, funny. It suits her better dress middle length with deep neckline, and with a fairly well-preserved figure, jeans may also be suitable.

It's better to wear black clothes. This universal classic color hides figure flaws better than others, and it’s easier to choose any accessories with different styles, colors and textures for black things. Ideal option is black clothes, accompanied by silver accessories in the form of a belt, earrings, handbag or shoes.

You can also choose clothes with muted soft tones and no aggressive patterns. And for those who don’t know how to dress for a woman in a club in winter, we can give one piece of advice - choose stylish clothes, no sweaters or casual sweaters. Even if you think it’s too cold outside, it’s better to order a taxi, and then you won’t have to wear warm tights, winter boots and other paraphernalia for cold nights.

Smart casual style for men

Girls never get bored in nightclubs, because men are also regulars at such establishments. Therefore, let’s talk about how a guy should dress for a club. For modern parties in nightclubs, the smart casual style has become very fashionable, implying usage comfortable clothes . Keeping style, you can wear trousers classic cut or jeans, a classic shirt or T-shirt, adding a stylish jacket, jumper or cardigan. The latter should be made of dense, thin knitwear. Clothes should not be baggy - on the contrary, they should emphasize best qualities male figure.

Before dressing properly for a club, a man must understand that he office clothes It’s worth keeping it out of the closet this evening. The jacket is of particular importance in men's club attire. For night entertainment you should get plain, checkered or striped fitted blazer. The sleeves of the jacket can be rolled up, giving your image some carelessness; its owner will resemble a stylish dandy.

Accessories can be stylish leather belt, neckerchief, beautiful watch, fashionable tie. Many famous products are suitable as shoes. brands, but not sneakers.

Each club dictates its own rules to visitors. There are clubs that tell you what to wear, setting a certain dress code. Some are satisfied themed parties and also present a specific list of requirements for appearance. Therefore, first it is better to find out all the requirements of the club for the clothing of visitors in order to fully prepare for the party.

How should a girl dress for a club? The answer to this question is not so complicated. IN general case, there aren't any strict rules by choice of clothing. For example, if the club dictates a strict dress code, then you can wear any clothes that:

  • will emphasize the dignity of the figure;
  • will not hinder movement;
  • will not cause discomfort (for example, a short skirt that constantly rides up to expose intimate parts girls, example in the photo below).

This is the kind of uncomfortable situation that can happen during a dance if you wear a very short skirt or dress to a nightclub.

One of the main rules is that clothes must be clean and ironed.

After choosing clothes, it is worth conducting a special “test drive”, checking the clothes for compatibility with the three rules listed above.

  1. Look in the mirror, your beautiful breasts should definitely be emphasized White T-shirt or a blouse with a neckline on the chest.
  2. Turn on the music and move in front of the mirror, imitating dances of different rhythms. You should be comfortable.
  3. Raise your arms as high as possible, while your skirt should still remain in place if you don’t want your red thong to become the subject of discussion among your friends and club visitors.

Getting dressed is one thing, you also need to put on makeup. A few words about makeup. When going to the club, pay special attention to the process of applying cosmetics. It should be shiny, but not variegated. For example, proper evening makeup involves the use of shimmering powder, sparkling shadows with glitter and bright lipstick. In the photo below you can see examples of makeup for going to a nightclub.


Shoes at a party should emphasize nice legs girls. Therefore, it must be clean and tidy. No scratches or scuffs! Try to wear only comfortable shoes, no stilettos, they are not intended for dancing. It’s better to go to a nightclub - these ankle boots are comfortable for dancing, and in the fall or spring they will keep a woman’s feet warm. An example photo from a nightclub.

In the photo, the girl on the far left and right are dancing in ankle boots, and the girl in the middle is wearing high heels thin heels. Who do you think will get tired faster?

Stylish look

We've figured out how to dress properly for a nightclub, now let's take a quick look.

You will need the following things:

  • White blouse or tank top
  • Black skirt
  • Dark tights
  • Black ankle boots
  • Clutch

According to a sociological survey, the combination of the listed things is preferred by the majority of girls, because considers them affordable, fashionable, stylish, and most importantly comfortable, which is important for going to a nightclub.

In summer tight tights can be replaced with thinner ones. And in winter, on the contrary, to denser ones. The same goes for ankle boots, insulated in winter, summer option in summer. In spring and autumn you should prefer summer option, otherwise it will be too hot for your feet on the dance floor. Example stylish look in the photo below.

The presented image is certainly not a panacea and the light does not converge on it. Every girl has the right to look original and the way she wants. However, do not forget about the rules. Here is another list of rules for how a girl should dress in a club:

  • Add some lightness to your look. Leave long sleeve dresses in your wardrobe.
  • An image of only dark shades will make you look like a gray mouse in a darkened club environment. Choose bright colors, add rhinestones, ornaments, and sequins to your look. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise instead of a bright image you will get a ridiculous one.
  • When going to the club, leave expensive jewelry at home, they are not appropriate, use original jewelry, it will add its own zest to your image.
  • Understanding the difference between frivolous attire and seductive beauty - important point! If your goal is not to make a quick and dubious acquaintance, then draw a clear line between these concepts and exclude overly provocative clothes from your choice.

How to dress for a club as a fat girl

A plump girl should prefer clothes that will hide her flaws or, on the contrary, emphasize her curvaceous shape. Lately, many fashion stylists have been actively promoting plus-size models. Women parade on the catwalks in tight, medium-length dresses, leggings and a mesh T-shirt. See the photo below for sample images.

It all depends on your complexes. Do you consider your curves an asset? Then put on a tight red dress and hit the dance floor. Are you shy? Then choose dark dress feel freer and go to the club, burn extra calories so you don’t feel embarrassed anymore.

It is better for a plump girl to wear comfortable shoes in a nightclub, no high heels and especially stilettos. Excess weight combined with active movements Wearing high heels will contribute to the rapid loss of strength.

Today's article on the Stuchka website is dedicated to a wardrobe, and not a simple one, but a groovy one. We answer this question today.

Today's life (especially young life) is full of exciting holidays and parties. Therefore, it is very important to know what will be appropriate to wear in a particular occasion. Besides, fashion is a capricious lady. What was great solution a year ago, may even be considered funny today.

What to wear to a nightclub: the basics

What comes to mind when they say “nightclub”? I bet you: darkness, bright rays of light, movement, people. And how to stand out from this darkness and crowd of people? That's right, with the help of your appearance. That is why club clothes should be very noticeable.

If you want to blend in with the crowd, wear dark. Otherwise, stock up things with glitter, embroidery with steel threads and all that stuff. Give preference bright colors.

Don't forget that nightclubs often use ultraviolet lamps, which make white(and generally light, but less) fabric glows. Use it.

What to wear to the club today? Of course, bright clothes!

Accessories- Another your weapon. A stylish belt will emphasize your waist, playful earrings will add coquetry to you, and several thin bracelets will emphasize your fragility. At a disco, jewelry will never be superfluous (after all, you should shine!), but expensive jewelry with diamonds is definitely not worth wearing to a club. Losing an earring or breaking a chain in a club is no big deal, it will be very disappointing afterwards, right?

Now about shoesconvenience

What to wear to a nightclub for a girl: examples

So, we figured out the color and other things. But what exactly should you wear to a nightclub? It’s easier for young men in this regard - they have little choice. For the club they will need jeans or trousers, as well as a T-shirt, shirt or even a jumper. But with girls it’s more interesting - for them the set of club clothes can be very diverse.

So, what should a girl wear to a nightclub? The website offers you five win-win options:

1. Little shorts and quite long tight T-shirt or tunic. It will work out well if the tunic almost covers the shorts - this gives the image a special charm. This option is ideal for slender, fragile girls.

Club kit: shorts and alcoholic T-shirt

2. Tight pants and top, embroidered with beads or something similar. It would be a great idea to add a shiny belt and high-heeled shoes (sandals) to your trousers.

3. Skirt and topa win-win. If you have a short multi-layered (fluffy) skirt, you are guaranteed a mischievous look at a party. And shiny thin bracelets (about five pieces) will be that very necessary highlight.

Unusual skirt for a nightclub

4. Dresses- tight and not very tight - will never cease to be relevant at a party. The main requirement for a dress here is a short length. You should always remember that wearing a dress below the knee to a nightclub is a bad idea. In this case, you will inexorably feel like you are in a case. .

What to wear to an expensive club: sparkling dresses

5. Leggings(or tight pants) and a spacious shirt-dress(preferably in a large checkered pattern). This option is especially good for those who do not want to show off their body. Don't know, or your tummy? Then this option is for you!

What to wear to the club to hide your fatness: leggings and tunic

The club is not an expensive restaurant, in which your clothes will be closely examined, assessing the amount of money paid for them. Regardless of whether it was purchased clothing in Kemerovo or in Milan, it is suitable for a nightclub. The main thing is that it fits perfectly and does not cause discomfort.

Don't overheat!

Nightclubs are designed for the presence of a large number of people. And the temperature there is appropriate. Therefore, when choosing, do not stop your choice on woolen items. Do not wear blouses with sleeves, and tights under trousers are generally a terrible idea. You don’t want to be covered in sweat after just a few minutes of being on the dance floor, do you?

Number of naked body

They mostly go to clubs look at others and show yourself. It is believed that the more attractive, sexier and more attractive you look to the opposite sex, the better. Therefore, many believe that you need to wear the most revealing outfits to a nightclub.

This is true if you are looking for a companion for the night and entertainment with him. If short affairs are not for you, try not to let your outfit be too frivolous or provocative.

What to wear to a private club for a fashionable girl

Also, remember that the club is crowded and usually crowded. That's why to avoid tactile contacts it won't work for sure. When choosing what to wear to the club, think about your comfort. If you expose this part of your body, will you be comfortable if someone unfamiliar (even inadvertently) touches it? If so, feel free to bare it!

In conclusion I will say: in the club, as elsewhere, your appearance and neatness are very important. Purchased dresses in Kemerovo can look much better than expensive Milanese ones if you accidentally spilled a bowl of soup on them before going out. Well, who would enjoy being next to dirty people? Therefore, when choosing what to wear to a nightclub, opt for smart clothes. Who cares that this clothes costs a lot of money if there is a bowl of soup or a hole on it?

Pestova Vasilisa - especially for the Stuchka website

Each club dictates its own rules to visitors. There are clubs that tell you what to wear, setting a certain dress code. Some organize themed parties and also have a specific list of appearance requirements. Therefore, first it is better to find out all the requirements of the club for the clothing of visitors in order to fully prepare for the party.

How should a girl dress for a club? The answer to this question is not so complicated. In general, there are no strict rules for choosing clothes. For example, if the club dictates a strict dress code, then you can wear any clothes that:

  • will emphasize the dignity of the figure;
  • will not hinder movement;
  • will not cause discomfort (for example, a short skirt that constantly rides up exposing the girl’s private parts, example in the photo below).

This is the kind of uncomfortable situation that can happen during a dance if you wear too much clothing. short skirt or a dress to a nightclub

One of the main rules is that clothes must be clean and ironed.

After choosing clothes, it is worth conducting a special “test drive”, checking the clothes for compatibility with the three rules listed above.

  1. Look in the mirror, your beautiful breasts should definitely be emphasized by a white T-shirt or blouse with a neckline on the chest.
  2. Turn on the music and move in front of the mirror, imitating dances of different rhythms. You should be comfortable.
  3. Raise your arms as high as possible, while your skirt should still remain in place if you don’t want your red thong to become the subject of discussion among your friends and club visitors.

Getting dressed is one thing, you also need to put on makeup. A few words about makeup. When going to the club, pay special attention to the process of applying cosmetics. It should be shiny, but not variegated. For example, proper evening makeup involves the use of shimmering powder, sparkling shadows with glitter and bright lipstick. In the photo below you can see examples of makeup for going to a nightclub.


Shoes at a party should highlight the girl’s beautiful legs. Therefore, it must be clean and tidy. No scratches or scuffs! Try to wear only comfortable shoes to the club, no stilettos, they are not intended for dancing. It’s better to go to a nightclub - these ankle boots are comfortable for dancing, and in the fall or spring they will keep a woman’s feet warm. An example photo from a nightclub.

In the photo, the girl on the far left and right are dancing in ankle boots, and the girl in the middle is wearing thin-heeled shoes. Who do you think will get tired faster?

Stylish look

We've figured out how to dress properly for a nightclub, now let's take a quick look.

You will need the following things:

  • White blouse or tank top
  • Black skirt
  • Dark tights
  • Black ankle boots
  • Clutch

According to a sociological survey, the combination of the listed things is preferred by the majority of girls, because considers them affordable, fashionable, stylish, and most importantly comfortable, which is important for going to a nightclub.

In summer, thick tights can be replaced with thinner ones. And in winter, on the contrary, to denser ones. The same goes for ankle boots, insulated in winter, and a summer option in summer. In spring and autumn, you should prefer the summer option, otherwise your feet will be too hot on the dance floor. An example of a stylish look in the photo below.

The presented image is certainly not a panacea and the light does not converge on it. Every girl has the right to look original and the way she wants. However, do not forget about the rules. Here is another list of rules for how a girl should dress in a club:

  • Add some lightness to your look. Leave long sleeve dresses in your wardrobe.
  • An image from one dark shades will make you a gray mouse in the darkened atmosphere of the club. Choose bright colors, add rhinestones, ornaments, and sequins to your look. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise instead bright image get ridiculous.
  • When going to the club, leave expensive jewelry at home, they are not appropriate, use original jewelry, it will add its own zest to your image.
  • Understanding the difference between a frivolous outfit and seductive beauty is an important point! If your goal is not to make a quick and dubious acquaintance, then draw a clear line between these concepts and exclude overly provocative clothes from your choice.

How to dress for a club as a fat girl

A plump girl should prefer clothes that will hide her flaws or, on the contrary, emphasize her curvaceous shape. Lately, many fashion stylists have been actively promoting plus-size models. Women parade on the catwalks in tight, medium-length dresses, leggings and a mesh T-shirt. See the photo below for sample images.

It all depends on your complexes. Do you consider your curves an asset? Then put on a tight red dress and hit the dance floor. Are you shy? Then choose a dark dress that is looser and go to the club, burn extra calories so that you are no longer embarrassed.

Shoes in a nightclub plump girl It’s better to wear something comfortable, no high heels and especially stilettos. Excess weight in combination with active movements in high heels will contribute to the rapid loss of strength.