A project in a group preparatory to school on the topic “Day of National Unity. Calendar - thematic planning in the preparatory group Topic of the week: "National Unity Day" senior preschool age

Choosing a heater for your home today is practically no problem - there is a huge range of them on the market for every taste and budget: for floors and walls, for indoor and outdoor use, based on various components. On the other hand, choosing something specific in such a wide variety is not so easy, and many buyers choose the easiest way for themselves - focusing on the best price for themselves.

But in some cases, when choosing any materials for the home, special care must be taken. For example, if a family has an allergy or someone has a too sensitive body that reacts to any changes in the microclimate, the presence of artificial materials, etc.

Due to its affordability, more and more buyers choose heaters artificial origin. Sellers, as well as manufacturers, can give many weighty arguments in favor of choosing such a thermal insulation material. But do not forget that the composition of artificial insulation, as a rule, includes various harmful substances that can cause severe allergies even in people who have not previously had such reactions.

Cadmium, xylene, polyvinyl chloride, toluene, lead and other harmful components have a harmful effect on the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, upper respiratory tract, nervous system, work of the cardiac system, skin, etc. The composition of heat-insulating boards made from synthetic components may also include isocyanates, styrene, bromine-containing components, which, in excess or with constant exposure to the human body, can cause disturbances of varying degrees in the functioning of the respiratory system (up to the development of asthma), cardio - vascular system, the occurrence of thrombosis, various dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Photo courtesy of Solntse Group

In this regard, it is quite logical that more and more often users, faced with the need to choose insulation for their home, pay attention not only to the price factor, but also to quality parameters. The composition of the thermal insulation material, as well as its safety for human health, become one of the key selection criteria.

Choosing a hypoallergenic thermal insulation material

Consider the most popular types of heaters - what components are used in them. This will help determine the safest option if you have to choose an environmentally friendly and health-friendly insulation.

So, in basalt slabs, bituminous, carbamide or phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binding element, which are recognized not only as toxic, but also as carcinogens.

On the basis of the same binding components, the process of manufacturing fiberglass, mineral wool takes place.

Another popular group of heaters is based on expanded polystyrene, for the manufacture of which vinylbenzene, phenylethylene and other harmful compounds and substances are used. Such compounds become especially dangerous when ignited, when they begin to actively release toxic substances into the air.

So how to be? Isn't it worthy alternative inexpensive and effective insulators that would not have such a harmful effect on the human body?

Photo courtesy of Solntse Group

We can boldly and confidently say that there is such an option! Pay attention to the group of heaters natural origin, among which soft fiberboard is especially favorably distinguished. Fibreboards have a composition that is 100% natural and harmless to health (only coniferous wood that has undergone special treatment, rich in natural resin used as the main binding element). There are no artificial additives and impurities, toxic adhesives and components.

Steico and Skano soft fiber boards are a relatively new product on the market of thermal insulation materials, rapidly gaining popularity due to their excellent technical and operational properties and characteristics. It is durable, reliable, highly effective, and most importantly - non-toxic, hypoallergenic and 100% safe!

Allergy to glass wool (insulation)

Of course, suspicions of an allergen first of all fall on the smallest dust formed when working with mineral wool. But is it? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Mineral wool is a glass melt rocks or slag in the form of a thin fiber bonded with binders based on phenolic compounds. When examining cotton wool under a microscope, individual thin glass fibers can be clearly distinguished. It is they who, easily crumbling from touch, cause the familiar to all builders pruritus.

According to doctors, glass, even in this form, cannot cause allergies, and discomfort on the skin is nothing more than the smallest wounds that appear from contact with cotton wool fibers, sharp as needles. From this we can draw an important conclusion: if glass wool does not cause allergies, then its constituent fibers irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

The appearance of allergic reactions to glass wool

Phenols are substances that are found in many products, however, it is in mineral wool that this substance is found a large number of. In the human body, there are mechanisms for the processing of phenols, but when an excess amount of them enters the body, the body cannot cope. Possessing unique properties, phenolic compounds are highly soluble in organic solvents and are sharply acidic.

The binders that make up mineral wool, based on phenolic compounds, can cause allergic reactions, and not only. The first signs of an allergy to phenolic compounds may be the following symptoms: redness of the face and ears (most often one ear suddenly turns red), dark circles under the eyes, skin itching and redness of the skin, manifested mainly when eating.

Photo: Skin rashes with glass wool allergy

Glass wool allergy treatment

To date, there is only one effective method treatment of phenol allergy, and is the use of a drug based on a special enzyme that breaks down phenol. There is also another method, but due to its low efficiency, it is used extremely rarely.

The essence of the method is the complete rejection of products containing phenol, namely: apples, bananas, broccoli, tomatoes, dried fruits. Since with such a diet, the body loses not only phenol, but also many useful substances contained in these products, it cannot be an effective method in the treatment of allergies.

How to protect yourself from an allergy to glass wool?

The first at risk are workers in the relevant production and builders involved in mineral wool insulation. The use of respirators and special clothing provides excellent protection against direct exposure to mineral wool on exposed skin and mucous membranes.

Dust remaining in hard-to-reach places after installing cotton wool should be removed using vacuum cleaners with moisture filters, which will collect the maximum number of microscopic dust particles that cause irritation.

It is also worth mentioning how to relieve itching after direct contact with mineral wool. Immediately after finishing work, you need to take a cool shower without rubbing, but simply rinsing the affected skin. Rubbing the body with a towel is not worth it, as this can lead to even more itching. Next move the shower can be carried out using a washcloth and shower gel.

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Allergy to glass wool

Glass wool, how to wash it off the skin of the hands?

Glass wool is an unpleasant phenomenon, I know myself, try to work with gloves next time, and in protective equipment, I always wear 2 pairs of protective gloves, so for sure.

If it happened that glass wool particles and crystals got in, then it can be washed off by washing your hands with ordinary laundry soap, you can also sprinkle with a little “comet” or “myth” cleaning powder, yes any, it will do a little, then any foam sponge is taken, and and circular arms the palm rubs for about five minutes but not much, and that's it. After doing this procedure, 2-3 times your hands will be without glass wool fibers! This method helped me more than once, both against glass wool and against, engine oil and not only, fuel oil, etc. Good luck.

The best way to protect against glass wool is not to mess with it at all! If I had my way, I would categorically ban this material, because.

people's health is more expensive and there are alternative ways of warming. But in our country, for some reason, every boss considers people to be expendable, they don’t care about our health, the main thing is to save money in their favor. Dear Colleagues!

I not only ask, but I urge you - please refuse ANY work that is harmful to your health. You have every right to do so. Yes, I know that there is always “this work cannot be postponed”. And you have to choose either health, or a bonus, salary, or even loss of a job. Trust me, after suffering a serious injury at work, you will think very differently.

The first rule when glass wool gets on the body: do not scratch!

The second rule: do not go to bed not washed after getting glass wool. Otherwise, the whole body will then itch.

To wash off, you need to rinse with water.

Helps well handwash clothes. Rubbing clothes, you remove pieces of fiberglass from the skin of the palms and arms, and immediately relief.

You can also anoint the affected areas with aftershave foam - it alleviates annoying itching.

Be sure to take a shower with laundry soap.

And don't touch your eyes!

When working with glass wool, it is imperative to work with special gloves for it, as glass wool is made from finely ground glass and is very dangerous not only for hands, but also for the whole body, since it does not remain on the skin but digs into it, so you can wash off the remnants with running water but for a few minutes do not rub your hands together, anoint with hand cream and turn ...

Try not to touch the "affected" areas of the body at all. Do not scratch them, otherwise small particles of sharp glass will penetrate deeper into the skin.

If you accidentally get glass wool in your eyes, do not rinse them immediately.

At first, blink frequently, and only after 30 minutes, the eyes can be rinsed with water.

To wash glass wool off your body, treat it with a strong pressure of a cold shower without auxiliary products like soap and washcloths. Then dry yourself without using towels, and repeat the procedure with a shower and dry again in the same way.

Now you can take a shower with soap and a washcloth, and use a towel after.

Glass wool is washed off things in about 3-4 washes. Wash things with glass needles separately from others and with gloves.

If you work with glass wool, do not forget about overalls.

How to clean hands after contact with fiberglass?

Are there any methods to quickly get rid of fiberglass on the skin?

To clean the skin as soon as possible after contact with glass wool, it is recommended to follow a few simple steps.

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How to get rid of itching after working with glass wool?

First you need to try to minimize the contact of open areas of the body with glass wool.

That is, these open areas of the body should be as small as possible.

Therefore, use work clothes, gloves, tie your head with a scarf or wear a hat. Tuck trousers into socks, and use closed shoes - boots, boots. Protect your face with a respirator or mask. After work, take off your clothes carefully, trying to wrap its working surface inside.

Be sure to take a shower after taking off your clothes. It is necessary to wash off as much as possible with running water all the “needles” that could penetrate through the clothes. Wash your body with your hands from top to bottom, the longer the better. And only then you can wash with a washcloth.

When working with glass wool, be sure to wear protective clothing to keep everything covered.

If glass wool fibers get on the skin, it is necessary to take a cold shower, and so that the pressure is strong. You can buy an ointment at the Taiga Smolka pharmacy, it relieves itching well, although not all pharmacies sell it.

After a shower, on dry skin, where there is severe itching from glass wool, stick and immediately tear off a wide adhesive tape. Repeat a couple of times. Really helps!

Allergy to glass wool (insulation)

Of course, suspicions of an allergen first of all fall on the smallest dust formed when working with mineral wool. But is it?

Let's consider this question in more detail.

Mineral wool. Its composition and the influence of components on human health

Mineral wool is a melt of glass, rocks or slag in the form of a thin fiber, held together with binders on ...

causes of childhood allergies

Thanks for the interesting questions. I will answer them in two articles.

Here I would like to focus on mineral wool.


Once upon a time, when dinosaurs had just died out, and I was a boy, and you, Evgenia, are much younger than now (I just don’t know your age), thermal insulation materials were used in construction, which raised very big questions about their safety for health .

Unfortunately, even now I don’t know exactly why phenolic binders were used in the production of glass wool, but this was its most significant minus. By the way, phenolic binders are used as part of the glue in the production of plywood, chipboard, MDF, that is, medium density boards, linoleum. In order to reduce the negative effect of these chemical components on health, plywood, chipboard, MDF are very tightly covered with plastic, veneer, paint, etc.

Since then, time has passed and the bourgeois have learned to make glass wool without binders.

That is, its fibers have become so thin and delicate that they do not differ much from ordinary cotton wool, and do not fall apart. Such cotton wool has become an environmentally friendly product, that is, it contains modified glass, which cannot cause allergies.

If I understand correctly, glass wool is a very thin fiber of glass. I believe they are made from molten glass. Imagine how we bite into a caramel candy and the thinnest thread of caramel is pulled out from us.

I examined the cotton wool fibers through a microscope (children's), and it seems that my guess is correct. So. These fibers are very fragile. With any movement, they break, producing almost microscopic fragments. Moreover, the cotton wool is so magnificent that when you simply press it, take it in your hand, tear it off the ground, lean it against the wall or do other physical actions above it, it rises into the air, even a whole fountain of these debris is shot, taking the form of dust.

Hence a very important conclusion.

If glass wool does not cause allergies, it irritates all parts of the human body, including internal ones, which somehow come into contact with it. If you put a piece of cotton wool on your wrist (don't do it, believe me, I did) the wrist becomes covered with a rash and begins to itch. However, this is not an allergy.

These, it seems, are the smallest wounds that are left on the body by glass wool fibers, sharp as needles. Washing the affected area with cold water and soap is best. I have…


Better not breathe if the house is insulated with mineral wool

At the end of March, the Independent Press Center in Moscow hosted a round table on the safety of building materials. A new construction season begins, which can bring people not only the joy of a housewarming party, but also the bitterness of serious illnesses. Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. "IN Lately a large number of people whose homes have been overhauled, with symptoms of allergies, bronchial asthma or bronchitis, are starting to turn to hospitals, - said one of the participants in the event, Dmitry Vinogradov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, pulmonologist of the 1st Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov. All participants of the round table agreed that one of the main causes of respiratory diseases is the "respirable" dust caused by asbestos and mineral wool.

Fortunately, asbestos is not commonly used in construction and renovation today. But mineral wool is everywhere. Mineral wool is used for insulation of walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, loggias, attics, as well as sound insulation. Mineral wool is available in foil, in the form of sandwich panels, cords, cylinders or mats, and is sold in the form of rolls and plates.

Installation and fastening of mineral wool (including with the help of glue) is carried out both inside and outside the premises. In Russia, there are quite a few plants that have established the production of mineral wool, in particular, a similar enterprise operates in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Region.

You can buy mineral wool at any hardware store. The price of mineral wool depends on weight, density, composition, thermal conductivity. Naturally, the brand of the manufacturer also affects the cost of mineral wool, the most common of which are rockwool (rockwool), ursa (ursa), isover (izover), knauf (knauf), technonikol (technonikol).

Which minvata is better? The participants of the round table unanimously declared: none. Unfortunately, today few people know that mineral wool is a very dangerous, poisonous and insidious insulation. Sergey Fateev (building portal SNRP.RU) said that the smallest particles of mineral wool fibers inhaled by a person cause serious harm to the body - up to cancer. Moreover, the phenol-formaldehyde resins used in this insulation as a binder are of great danger. These substances release free phenol and formaldehyde, which can provoke inflammation of the skin, mucous membranes, and even nervous disorders.

“In Western countries, much more harmless substances are used in the production of mineral wool, for example, limestone, while in Russia, slags from the metallurgical industry are used to save money,” said Sergey Fateev. And representatives of the environmental organization "Green Wave" said that they intend to study modern brands of mineral wool for their safety for people and the environment, and demand that officials impose a ban on harmful materials.

According to some participants of the round table, the widespread use of mineral wool is very similar to the story of the so-called "phenolic" houses. In the late 1960s and early 70s, high-rise buildings began to be built throughout our country, adding phenol-formaldehyde resins (now used in mineral wool) to concrete. A huge scandal erupted in the late 80s, when it became known how poisonous these residential buildings had become.

The inhabitants of these houses chronic diseases respiratory tract, cardiovascular and digestive system, liver, kidneys, eyes. Among the residents of "phenolic" houses, statistics reveal an increased number of deaths from cancer.

Is history repeating itself? Quite possible, say the participants. Mineral wool today is installed in many residential and office buildings, including private buildings. Toxic dust that exudes phenols and formaldehydes, plus rodents that carry infection, so loving such an environment, all these factors cannot but affect people's health. Chemical components in the air are absorbed and accumulated in the human body, leading to a decrease in efficiency, fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and with prolonged exposure - to malignant neoplasms.

The construction season is just beginning, so people who order construction or repair work need to make sure that their housing and work premises meet all environmental standards in advance. But if fate has settled a person in a building whose walls, floors or ceilings are insulated with mineral wool, then it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and carry out wet cleaning, the participants of the round table are sure. This way you can reduce the impact of toxic dust and reduce the concentration of chemical components in the air.

Monday Date: 26/10/2015 – 30/10/2015

Purpose: To expand pupils' ideas about home country, O public holidays; arouse interest in the history of their country; to cultivate a sense of pride in their country, love for it. To acquaint with the history of Russia, the coat of arms, the flag and the melody of the anthem.

Final event: "Friendship is our strength" .

Joint activity of the educator with pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work educator with pupils

Conversation "Day of national unity" To expand the ideas of pupils about the national holiday, to tell about the history of its occurrence, about the significance of this holiday for people.

Work in the corner of nature: "Learning to keep order" The ability to use rational methods of work to maintain cleanliness in a corner of nature.

D / and according to FEMP: "Math Lotto" - the ability of pupils to put signs. On the development of speech: an exercise "Say it right" Exercise Roma, Egor S., Egor P. in the selection of antonyms and synonyms for adjectives and verbs, the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

Musical development: according to the plan of the music director. See Attachment. Lesson number 7.

cognitive development (social world): Subject: "What peoples live in Russia" . Literature: p. 47 N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova

Program content: To acquaint pupils with the multinational composition of the population of Russia. Cultivate respectful, friendly feelings towards people different nationalities. Ways: conversation, questions - answers, looking at illustrations of the peoples of Russia, their folk costumes, physical education, conversation, summing up the GCD. Means: illustrations depicting people in national costumes, dishes of national cuisine different peoples, illustrations or handicrafts, globe.

Speech development: (reading fiction). Topic: Reading a poem by V. Stepanov « Russian family» . Literature: printout. Program content: to expand children's ideas about the territory of Russia, the peoples of its inhabitants;

To cultivate respect for the various nationalities of Russia, their culture, language; To promote the development of the ability to perceive the figurative content of the work; comprehend the characters, the idea; consolidate knowledge of the genre features of the work (fairy tale, story, poem); form speech patterns. Ways: a conversation about Russia, about the peoples inhabiting it; viewing the map of the world, Russia; reading a poem, talking about what was read, looking at dolls from a set "National costumes" ; learning proverbs about friendship. Summing up directly educational activities. Tools: map of the world, Russia, dolls from the set "National costumes" , multimedia equipment (projector, screen). a book with a poem.


Observation of the weather - strengthening the ability of pupils to identify and reflect the state of the weather in speech, to characterize the changes that have occurred over certain period time, mark them on the weather calendar. mobile game "Fox and Hares" - to form ideas about the lifestyle and habits of animals;

Work "Let's put the toys away together!" nurture behavior and positive relationships between children; ability to work together.

C / r game - to form the ability to unite in the game, distribute roles. On the development of OD: an exercise "Circus performers" Exercise Sasha L, Dasha, Danila, Nikita M. in jumping over a long rope. Promote the development of leg muscles and endurance.

Reading fiction: on the topic "History of our Motherland" . Poem by I. Ageeva "Russian flag - tricolor" - Raise a sense of pride in one's country.

Didactic game to get acquainted with the outside world "Lay Down the Flag" - to form ideas about the symbols of Russia, the ability to fold the flag in the correct sequence.

Independent physical activity - the ability to independently organize outdoor games, use a variety of sports attributes in p / and. For artistic and aesthetic development:

The ability to draw a human figure, the reproduction in the drawing of the features of the external structure of people. Strengthen the ability to mix paints to obtain desired color, correctly work with the brush. Dima N., Sasha L.

Tuesday 27. 10. 2015

Album review "Symbols of Russia" - invite children to consider an album with the state symbols of Russia, tell how our symbols differ from others.

Work "Restoration of worn copies of books" - the ability to choose rational methods of work; cultivate industriousness. Musical - didactic games "Violin, cello, double bass" - the development of timbre and pitch hearing of children, the ability to find cards with the image of musical instruments that sounded in fragments of plays, to choose the appropriate characters. On familiarization with the environment: D / and "Name the clothes" To consolidate the knowledge of children about the life, clothes of the Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvashs. To cultivate respect for the culture of other peoples, a cognitive interest in their native land. Katya P, Masha, Danila.

Program content, methodological techniques

GCD Physical development: No. 8 p. 33 T.M. Bondarenko. Program content: exercise in walking with a change in direction of movement at the signal of the educator. Develop the skill of landing on half-bent legs while jumping from the bench. To promote the development of coordination of movements in exercises with the ball. 1. Introduction. Walking in a column one at a time with a change in direction of movement, running with stepping over objects. 2. The main part. ORU without items. OD: 1. Jumping from a height (40cm) on mat. 2. Beating the ball with one hand in place and moving forward .. 3. Stepping through three hoops. 3. Final part: Outdoor game "Obstacle Track" . Ways: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Means: benches, balls, hoops.

cognitive development (FEMP) No. 117 p. 196 L.N. Korotovskikh. Program content: to consolidate the skills of dividing the subject into two equal parts; to consolidate the ability of children to measure objects using a ruler; introduce the ancient measures of length. Methods: three-part warm-up, work in notebooks (graphic dictation) , discussion of dividing a square into 4 parts, showing, explaining, physical education, showing measurements using a ruler of an object, summing up the GCD. Tools: small items, pencils, squares, scissors, strips of paper, books, rulers, notebooks.

Speech development: Russian retelling folk tale "The Fox and the Crane" Literature: p. 72 Aji Program content: to form the ability to expressively retell a fairy tale, use words and expressions from the text of a fairy tale. To activate in speech the use of verbs used in the fairy tale. Exercise children in the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives. Methods: showing illustrations for a fairy tale, the first reading of the fairy tale by the teacher, explanation of incomprehensible words, question-answer, re-reading by the teacher, word games(formation of the comparative degree of adjectives, the genitive case of the plural, verbs of the 1st person of the plural, finger gymnastics, summing up the GCD Means: a book with a fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane" .


Watching animals on the street. To promote the development of interest in our smaller brothers.

Di "Peoples of Russia" - tell about the people who glorified Russia, that the Russian Federation is a huge multinational country. The ability to determine the nationality of a person by a costume. Labor: we maintain order on the veranda. Build awareness of order. Ability to organize activities to restore order, choose rational methods of work

mobile game "Stop" the ability to listen to the sound of words; exercise in independent naming of words.

SD: To form the ability to independently organize games, develop a sense of collectivism. The ability to use their motor experience in organizing recreation.

Problematic situation: Sasha still hasn't learned how to tie his shoelaces. Nikita is screaming in the dressing room. – Ha-ha look, soon in go to school, and she doesn’t know how to tie her shoelaces, Katya silently approached and helped Sasha. Whose action is right? Why?

Didactic game: "Man and Animal" to promote the development of the ability to compare and generalize; develop an ecological culture.

C / r games: To promote a wider use of knowledge about the surrounding life in games, the ability to organize a game, choose a place, unite in subgroups.

SD: the ability of children to independently organize games, find an activity of interest, use a variety of attributes.

According to FEMP: d/i "Make a Pattern" - exercise Dasha, Maxim F, Nikita P. in drawing up a pattern from friends geometric shapes on the plane in accordance with the oral instruction, reflecting the relative position of the figures.

Wednesday 28. 10. 2015

Joint activity of the educator and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the educator with pupils

Conversation "Minin and Pozharsky" to expand the ideas of pupils about their native country, public holidays. Contribute to the formation vocabulary pupils. Di "Who is an excellent student - a pedestrian" - reinforce children's knowledge of the rules traffic. Ability to cross the road correctly.

C / r game: The ability of children to play together, prepare the environment for the game, select attributes. According to FEMP: Exercise Dima, Dasha in the ordinal count within 20., Correctly pronounce ordinal numbers.

Program content, methodological techniques

Modeling: Theme: "Sculpting a human figure in motion" Literature: p. 52 T.S. Komarova Program content: to teach pupils to convey the relative size of parts of a human figure and changes in their position during movement (running, running, dancing). To form the ability to sculpt from a whole piece of plasticine. To consolidate the ability to firmly establish the figure on the stand. Ways: examining the finished sample, showing illustrations depicting a person, finger gymnastics, explanation, conversation, physical education, independent productive activities of pupils, summing up the GCD. Means: porcelain or ceramic figurines depicting people in motion, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, illustrations of a person, toothpicks, paper and cloth napkins.

Speech development (Literacy) Subject: "Soft Sign" Literature: No. 1 p. 77 Bondarenko T.M. Program content: introduce children to the letter soft sign, teach them to read words with this letter: continue to form new words, come up with names for objects with unusual functions, form a quick reaction to a word, the ability to answer accurately and quickly, master the construction of words. Ways: acquaintance with a soft sign, comparing words by ear, comparing words by sound and style, reading a poem, highlighting words in which a soft sign is written at the end, reading a table, physical education, game exercise "Who's doing what?" , exercise "Word Auction" , summarizing GCD. Means: split alphabet, plot pictures, syllabary table, V. Voskobovich's game "read 2" on blue balloons..

Drawing Theme: "A Flock of Sparrows" page 48 G.S. Shvaiko. Program content: to teach to convey in the drawing the pose of a pecking sparrow; place several birds on a piece of paper, independently determine their size; consolidate drawing and coloring skills with a weak pencil pressure and strokes different nature when depicting the plumage of birds, encourage children to enrich the content of the picture by making additions to it. Methods: showing illustrations, teacher's story about a sparrow, questions and answers, physical education, productive activities of children, finger gymnastics, continued productive activity children, summarizing GCD. Means: illustrations depicting pecking sparrows, a sheet for showing image methods, a sample, chips by the number of children, albums, colored pencils, simple pencils.


Observation: puddles after frost. Draw the attention of children to the ice formed in the puddles; help formulate a conclusion about the relationship between ice formation and low t air.

Labor: winterization of trees and shrubs. The ability of children to insulate trees and shrubs, to talk about the purpose of this labor operation. Mobile game "Bird Flight" - To improve game actions, to form the ability to compare their actions with the rules.

S/r game Ability to take on a role, conduct role-playing dialogues

By musical development: To develop a sense of rhythm in Maxim F, Vadim in dance improvisations.

Experience "First Frost" - familiarization of children with the principle of the experiment, to show how it is possible to identify the dependence of the state of water on t air. Help draw a conclusion.

Didactic game "Trees of our forests" The ability of pupils

SDA: The ability of children to independently organize games, find an occupation of interest, use sports attributes in motor activities. Acquaintance with others: didactic game "Find the mistake" - fix with Yegor S., Danila the names of the peoples of the near abroad.

Thursday 29. 10. 2015

Joint activity of the educator and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the educator with pupils

MORNING Examination of illustrations and reproductions of paintings about native nature. Reading a poem "Where does the Motherland begin?" consider illustrations about native nature. Raise interest in reading fiction.

Work in a corner of nature: washing plants.

The ability of children, when choosing a method for removing dust from plants, to focus on its features appearance, buildings.

Didactic game "Help Fedora" develop color vision in children. The ability to correlate colors of dissimilar objects. Individual work on the development of motor skills "Mosaic" promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in Dima N, Roma, Egor P.

Program content, methodological techniques The ability to independently determine the need

cognitive development (FEMP) No. 118 p. 197L. N. Korotovskikh. Program content: to teach pupils to divide objects into four equal and unequal parts; to acquaint with hourglasses and ordinary clocks; exercise in recreating the image in its parts. Methods: work with labyrinth cards, work with logical squares, physical education, work in a notebook, an explanation of dividing the circle into 4 equal parts, the teacher's story about the clock, drawing up simple images from details, a game "Columbus egg" , summarizing GCD. Tools: Maze cards, pencils, logic squares, exercise books, circles, sundial pattern, hourglass, clock faces with arrows, game "Columbus egg" (per child).

Musical development: According to the plan of the music director. See Attachment. #8

Physical development (on air): p. 82 T.M. Bondarenko. Program content: Exercise in walking and uniform running with flexible fixation of turns, instill in children the spirit of competition, friendly relations during the game. 1. Introductory part: Walking and running evenly, perform clear turns, walking and running on toes and heels, exercise "walking - bearish" , running with high knees. 2. Main body: Outdoor game "The Enchanted Castle" , "Hare without a lair" , "Traffic light" , "Crows and Sparrows" . 3. Final part: a sedentary game "Find an item" . Ways: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Means: tambourine, balls, cubes, skittles.


Observation chestnut in late autumn. The ability to recognize the chestnut by the characteristic features of the structure. The ability to compose a story about what happens to a tree in different seasons. Plot - role-playing game The ability of children to independently distribute roles in the game. Labor: Maintaining order on the veranda - the ability of children to organize group activities

to restore order on the veranda.

mobile game "Ball Trap" The ability to throw the ball from various starting positions and dodge it in the game. According to FEMP: Count how many birches are on our site. Contribute to the development of counting skills in Yaroslav, Danila, Egor P.

an evening walk

Cotton labor: "Pallet washing" form the prerequisites for labor activity.

Didactic game "Choose a Word" to consolidate the ability to compose stories from pictures, select words similar in sound. Building material games: "House of Kindness" to promote the development of constructive skills: to teach how to create a collective building from a large building material, agree on the progress of the work.

S/r game "Hometown Journey" expanding children's ideas about their hometown, talk about memorable places. Ability to take on a role, conduct role-playing dialogues.

On the development of speech: To consolidate the ability to identify a soft sign in a word with Katya P, Egor S., Sasha L.

Friday 30. 10. 2015

Joint activity of the educator and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the educator with pupils

Conversation “What is the friendship of peoples? to consolidate the knowledge that people of different nationalities live in Russia. Didactic game "When does it happen?" - the ability of children to distinguish signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of the different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities. Board game "Lay down the coat of arms" The ability to put together a whole picture from parts. Deepen and clarify children's knowledge about their country.

mobile game "Wolf in the Den" - ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jump.

For artistic and aesthetic development: Continue to develop with Dasha, Egor S., Egor P., the ability to cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle, cutting off the corners; educate the safe handling of scissors.

Program content, methodological techniques

Artistic development (application) Subject: "Festive round dance" Literature: p. 57 T.S. Komarov. Program content: to teach children to compose an image of a person from the details of the application, to find a place for their work among others. The ability to select images that are successfully combined in color when gluing figures onto a common sheet. Help develop a sense of composition and color.

Ways: a story - a conversation about parts of the human body, a show from illustrations, finger gymnastics, independent productive work of children, drawing up a collective composition, summing up the GCD. Means: illustrations depicting people, colored paper, scissors, brushes, glue (for each student), napkins, sample.

Physical development. Literature: No. 1 p. 34 T.M. Bondarenko Program content: Exercise walking with high knees, dribbling in motion, crawling on all fours, in balance. 1. Introduction. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, hands on the belt, running at an average pace of up to 1.5 minutes, switching to normal walking. 2. The main part. Outdoor switchgear with tapes. OD: 1. Dribbling in a straight line and sideways (basketball version). 2. Crawling on all fours on the gymnastic bench. 3. Walking on the rail of the gymnastic bench, arms above your head. 3. Final part: outdoor game "Hunters and Hares" , walking.

Ways: indication, explanation, demonstration of exercises. Means: ribbons, balls, gymnastic bench.

cognitive development (natural world) . Theme: Story "On Ecological Pyramids" Literature: p. 61 Bondarenko T.M.

Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​​​the relationship between the inhabitants of the forest - plants and animals, their food addiction from each other; consolidate children's knowledge of ecological pyramids. Methods: conversation, questions - answers, riddles, teacher's story, drawing up an ecological pyramid, a game, summing up the GCD. Tools: a set of paper strips different lengths depicting spikelets, grass, hares, wolves, mice and owls.


Observation of the work of adults - to expand the ideas of preschoolers about the variety of labor operations in the garden, offer to remember why they trim trees, bring to the understanding that people work hard and take care of plants so that they give a good harvest in summer.

  • mobile game "Owl" - to improve the ability of children to act in accordance with the rules, to accurately perform labor actions.

Labor: harvesting rowan. The ability of children to properly collect mountain ash for feeding birds in winter.

SDA: The ability of pupils to independently organize outdoor games .. On the development of OD: Exercise Maxim F., Egor S., Dasha in jumping through the cords (on right and left legs).

an evening walk

Final event: game - quiz "Friendship is our strength" Introduce preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle. Build friendships among children. Cultivate a sense of mutual support. storage "Portrait of my friend" - The ability of children to draw a portrait, convey facial features in the drawing, correctly position parts of the face, use various methods of painting when drawing.

Di: "What is the same?" - to promote the development of visual attention and memory, coherent speech of pupils. On the development of speech: Repeat with Maxim S,

Nikita M. tongue twisters for sound automation [e] And [T].

Interaction with parents

Provide information on a topic "Day of national unity" . Offer to consider at home photographs where children are depicted in kindergarten. Provide advice to parents “We raise children to be kind and sympathetic” . Read poems with children, stories about the homeland, about the friendship of peoples. Individual consultations at the request of parents.

game situation "We teach Pinocchio to observe the rules of personal hygiene" - encourage children to apply knowledge about the rules of personal hygiene. The ability to explain the essence and meaning of these rules and norms of behavior, to offer a scheme of behavior in a particular situation. Exercise "Visiting Moidodyr" to form in children cultural hygiene skills, a conscious attitude to their appearance and health. Ability to properly wash, use personal hygiene items.

Organization of the development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group premises)

Add the coat of arms of Russia to the group; the coat of arms of Arzamas, the flag of Russia, illustrations about the modern achievements of Russia, didactic games: "Symbols of Russia" , "Costumes of the peoples of Russia" , illustrations, manuals "What are you" , "We are all different" ; reproductions and paintings about native nature, encyclopedias, albums about the history of our country, illustrations about the holiday; attributes to the plot - role playing, illustrations "Minin and Pozharsky" . Contribute material for the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils.

Calendar - thematic planning in the preparatory group "Stars"

Topic of the week: "National Unity Day" senior preschool age

Date of: _ 03 month: NOVEMBER day of the week And : THURSDAY 2016 __

Reception of children in a group or on the street (depending on the weather).

Conversations with parents and children about well-being or current problems.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Children's independent play. __________________ Labor assignments. Planned individual work. ___________

Morning exercises: complex no. "Gloomy cloud"; "The giraffe has spots everywhere"; "Running Frog"...

Game activity: D / I "My Motherland - Russia" - Recall with children the symbols of Russia, poems about Russia. -Repeat the children's home address. - Conversation on the topic: "Is it possible strangers give your home address? Conversation: “Where does the Motherland begin?”

« Good morning." Five Minute Health:

________ articulatory gymnastics, finger games, elements of psycho-gymnastics. _____

Joint activity on the theme of the week (preliminary work): _________________

Conversation with children “My native country is wide” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the power and wealth of Russia. Consideration of illustrations of different climatic zones of Russia. Listening to the song "Where the Motherland Begins" P / I "Carousel"

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast. Cultural and hygienic skills. Self service . Canteen duty. Formation of a food culture._____________________________________

Preparation for NOD. Formation of workplace preparation skills.

Between GCD - outdoor games, exercises for the prevention of posture disorders, flat feet, visual impairment.


Individual work

1. Speech development (speech development, ZKR, preparation for literacy) Source: (Zatulina G.Ya p. 168) "The development of speech of preschoolers prepared by the gr. GEF"

on the theme "My home is Russia!"

Program content: to consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about Russia, to give an idea of ​​​​what the Motherland is, to teach to maintain a conversation on a certain topic, answering questions, telling, to cultivate love for their Motherland. - Listening to the anthem, standing. Conversation on the topic: “Why is the anthem listened to while standing?” - Narrative and display of symbolism. - Children's stories about their small homeland (about the village). - The story and display of arts and crafts.

Dictionary : planet Earth, country, state, Russia, Russia, Motherland, president, Moscow, capital, flag, state, anthem, coat of arms, street, house, yard, square, avenue, park, alley, monument, square, attraction, theater, museum, residents, Russian, citizens, love, remember, build, build, big, friendly, strong, kind, independent, invincible, multinational, beautiful, big, crowded, cozy, beloved, native, Russian.

2. Physical development (Physical culture)

(on the street) Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten.

Complex №5 (November) page 111

Tasks: - exercise children in running with a change of direction on a signal, in long jumps from a place, in dribbling the ball and passing it to each other in motion. P / I “Swipe the ball”, “Who is next?”

Individual work

on the topic: "Russia is proud of them."

Form gender, family, citizenship.

Conversation "Big and small Motherland"

Manager Nastya Bogd., Matvey G., Milana G., Makar B., Cyril D, Kira. P., Veronica K., Maria B., Anna A., Vladika Kudr.

Conversation on the topic:

"We live in Russia!";

"Symbols of the country of Russia"

Examining the illustrations

and albums with symbols.

Individual work:

At the center of activity

Examining the paintings "History of Russia" - continue to introduce children to the history of the country.

Executive: Timosha R, Venya Ch., Sonya R, Nastya K., Dima K.

Preparing for a walk (development of self-service skills)

____________________________ Walk card №3 NOVEMBER _____________________

Return from a walk. hygiene procedures. Education of self-care skills. Education of a culture of communication .

_________________________ Summary of the first half of the day ____________________________

Dinner : Shaping food culture rules . Preparation for sleep , air baths, ___ barefoot massage paths. Reading fiction . ____

__ Day dream. gradual rise , lazy gymnastics. hardening procedures . __

afternoon tea : hygiene procedures. Education of self-care skills. ___________________ Formation of food culture rules. ____________________________


Individual work

3. Physical development

(Physical culture) 16:25 (in the hall) carried out according to the plan of the music director

Individual work

Learn proverbs and sayings about the Motherland with children: Everyone has their own side.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Love for the motherland does not burn on fire and

does not sink on water, etc.

Be able to interpret proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. Manager Anya A., Katya T., Dima K.,

Vladika Kudr.

Individual work

on the development of speech (the formation of adjectives from nouns).

Managed by Milan G., Nastya Bush., Matvey G., Yarik D., Katya T., Gleba K., Rita A, Vasya V., Nastya Bogd..

Cooperative activity

Subject : Reading thin. literature on the theme of the week. Reading the book by T. Shorygina "Native Tales"

Duty in a corner of nature - continue to teach children how to care for indoor plants.

Consolidation of the skills of maintaining a calendar of nature: continue to teach children to make notes on the state of the weather, to develop coherent speech.

"Circle of good memories" Preparing for dinner. Dinner.______________

Observation of an inanimate object. Examination of shrubs on the site. What is the name of the shrub? Why shrubs and not a tree? How are they similar and how are they different? (By outward signs) To teach children to think, to develop observation, curiosity, to cultivate love for nature, their native land. - Learn to reason.

P/I "The Bear and the Bees"

Municipal educational institution Chastinskaya secondary school
methodological council of the school
"____" _____________ 2010
I approve:
head teacher
______________ N.N. Selivanova
"____" _____________ 2010
Calendar - thematic planning
on the subject of technology in the 7th grade
technology teacher
Bushueva Ksenia Olegovna
With. Frequent, 2010
Conceptual part: Service labor is integral part educational field "Technology". The course program is based on the program approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation taking into account the educational and material base of the workshops, the teaching aids available in them and the trends in their development.
The purpose of the course: to prepare students for independent working life in a market economy.
This implies:
the formation in students of the qualities of a creatively thinking, active personality, which are necessary for activity in new socio-economic conditions,
the formation of knowledge and skills to use the means and ways of converting materials into the final consumer product in conditions of limited resources and freedom of choice,
formation creative attitude to the quality of work,
development of versatile personality traits.
Course objectives:
formation of polytechnical knowledge and ecological culture,
improving the practical skills and abilities of students in economic management household, preparation and storage of products, home care,
familiarization with various types of arts and crafts, folk art and crafts,
development of artistic initiative,
fostering the habit of cleanliness, conscious compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules at home and at work,
fostering respect for folk traditions and customs.
Educational and methodical set on technology for grade 7:
Program: Simonenko V. D. Technology. Primary and basic general education programs. – M.: Ventana – Graf, 2010.
Textbook: Technology. Service labor: Grade 7: a textbook for students of educational institutions / [N. V. Sinitsa, O. V. Taburchak, O. A. Kozhina, and others]; ed. V. D. Simonenko. - 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2010.-176 p.: ill.
Additional literature:
for the teacher:
V. N. Chernyakova. Methods of teaching the course technology of fabric processing grade 5-9 - M .: Education, 2002.
E. M. Muraviev, V. D. Simonenko. General principles of technology teaching methodology - Bryansk, 2000.
L. D. Karachevtseva, O. P. Vlasenko. Technology grades 5-9. Additional and entertaining materials. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
for students:
Fabric processing technology grade 7-9 (Chernyakova V.N. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2000).
Number of hours per year: 52
Number of hours per quarter: I - 8 hours, II - 16 hours, III - 20 hours, IV - 8 hours.
Number of tests: 4
Number of practical and laboratory works: 24
Content part.
Exemplary thematic plan for grade 7
Lesson No. Title common theme Number of hours Topic of the lesson Content of the topic Practical and laboratory work Types of knowledge control on the topic
1-2 Introductory lesson. Primary briefing of students on labor protection. Rules of conduct in the office "Technology"
Instruction on labor protection for students in a sewing workshop
Work plan for academic year- Survey.
Project activity 4 3-4 2 Creative project. Directions in which you can choose a creative project
Project content
Execution sequence creative project- Task card
5-6 2 Stages of a creative project. The essence of the stages of a creative project
Making a creative project - Implementation of the project during the school year.
Cooking 6 7-8 2 Physiology of nutrition.
Meat. Briefing on the protection of ore during culinary work.
The influence of microorganisms on food products, the role of minerals in the life of the body.
Meat products, types of meat, signs of good quality meat.
P.R.: Cooking borscht.
front poll.
9-10 2 Flour products.
Dairy products.
Tools, fixtures and products for the preparation of flour products. Technology of preparation of dishes from unleavened dough.
Dishes from fermented milk products. Fruits and berries. Sweet dishes.
P.R.: Cooking homemade cookies.
P.R.: Cooking cottage cheese pancakes and apple mousse. Testing.
11-12 2
Home canning.
Preparing lunch on the go. The main methods of preserving fruits, preserving fruits with sugar.
Hiking trip, an approximate calculation of food in a trip for one person, the rules of behavior in nature. P.R.: Making jam from apples.
- Testing.
front poll.
Materials science 4 13-14 2 Chemical fibers. Technology of production of chemical fibers, properties of chemical fibers. Non-woven material made of chemical fibers. LR: Determination of the composition of tissues and the study of their properties. Task card.
15-16 2 Care of clothing made of chemical fibers. Care symbols L.R.: A study of care symbols for chemical fiber textiles. Task card.
Machine learning 4 17-18 2 Zigzag stitch.
Adaptations to sewing machine. Instruction on labor protection when working with fabric and iron.
The use of zigzag stitching in products.
Buttonhole sewing, button sewing, hemming blind seam. P.R.: Performing a zigzag stitch pattern.
front poll.
19-20 2 Machine stitches Classification machine seams. P.R.: Making a sample of machine seams. Task card.
Design and modeling of a shoulder product 8 21-22 2 Silhouette and style in clothes.
Taking measurements to build the basis of the drawing of the shoulder product with one-piece sleeve. Silhouette in clothes, the concept of style, the requirements for clothing.
Rules for taking measurements, necessary measurements.
P.R.: Taking measurements to build the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Testing. Card - task.
23-24 2 Construction of the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1: 4 Allowances for free fitting, construction of the basis. P.R.: Building the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1:4 25-26 2 Modeling a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Changing the length of the product, the shape of the neckline, coquette modeling, artistic design of clothes. P.R.: Modeling of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. 27-28 2 Preparing the pattern. P.R.: Building the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1: 1 Manufacturing technology garment 16 29-30 2 Cutting products. The sequence of preparing fabric for cutting, the rules for laying out patterns on fabric, the rules for cutting, duplication of parts, P.R .: Cutting products. 31-32 2 Fitting. Preparation of the product for fitting, elimination of defects. P.R.: Fitting. 33-34 2 Processing darts, shoulder and side cuts. Processing of darts, the middle seam of the back, shoulder seams and bottom sleeves. P.R.: Processing of tucks, shoulder and side cuts. 35-36 2 Processing cuts of the neck and armholes of the product. Methods for processing the neck and armholes P.R.: Processing the neck and armholes. 37-38 2 Processing of the lower cut of the product. Types of processing of the lower cut of the product. P.R.: Processing of the lower cut of the product. 39-40 2 Second fitting. Elimination of defects. P.R.: Fitting. 41-42 2 Finishing the product. Buttonhole sewing, cleaning, wet-heat treatment of the product, sewing on accessories. P.R.: Final finishing of the product. 43-44 2 Refinement of the product. P.R.: Refinement of the product. Decorative and applied art. Crochet. 4 45-46 2 Tools and materials. The main types of loops. Types of hooks, exercises in making loops with a crochet. Knitting patterned fabric. P.R.: Knitting a single crochet different ways. Task card. 47-48 2 Knitting in a circle. Methods of knitting in a circle. P.R.: Performing tight knitting in a circle. Residential building interior. 2 49-50
Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment. The role of indoor plants in human life, care for indoor plants, varieties of indoor plants. P.R.: Transplantation of indoor plants. Questionnaire card. Girl hygiene. 2 51-52 Skin and eyes of a girl. Hygiene of vision, rules for skin care around the eyes, individual skin care. P.R.: Fresh face masks. Lesson number Expected results
1-2 Know the rules of TB. Know how to put them into practice.
3-4 Know the direction, content, sequence of the creative project.
5-6 Have an idea about the essence of the stages of a creative project, be able to draw up a creative project.
7-8 Know the briefing on labor protection during culinary work, the influence of microorganisms on food products, the role of minerals in human life. Know how to cook borscht.
9-10 To know the tools, fixtures and products for the preparation of flour products, the technology for preparing dishes from unleavened dough. Know how to make homemade cookies. To have an idea about dishes from fermented milk products. Be able to cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese and apple mousse.
11-12 Know the basic methods of canning. Know how to make apple jam. Have an idea about a tourist trip. Be able to roughly calculate the food in the campaign for one person.
13-14 Know the production technology, the properties of chemical fibers. Be able to determine the composition of tissues.
15-16 Know the symbols for the care of chemical fiber clothing.
17-18 Know the briefing on labor protection when working with fabric and iron. Know how to do a zigzag stitch. Knowledge of sewing machine accessories.
19-20 Know the classification of machine seams. Know how to make machine seams.
21-22 Have ideas about the silhouette and style of clothing. Know the rules for taking measurements. Know how to take measurements.
23-24 Be able to build a drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve on a scale of 1:4.
25-26 Have an idea about modeling a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Be able to model a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve.
27-28 Be able to build a drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve on a scale of 1: 1.
29-30 Have an idea about the cutting of the product. Know how to cut.
31-32 Have an idea about the fitting.
33-34 Be able to handle tucks, shoulder and side cuts.
35-36 Be able to handle the neck and armhole.
37-38 Be able to handle bottom cut products.
39-40 Be able to eliminate defects.
41-42 Have an idea about the final finish of the product.
43-44 Have ideas about product development.
45-46 Know the tools and materials for crochet. Be able to knit a single crochet in various ways.
47-48 Know how to knit in the round. Know how to knit tightly in a circle.
49-50 Have an idea about indoor plants in the interior of the apartment. Know how to transplant indoor plants.
51-52 Know about the girl's skin and eyes. Have an idea about face masks.

Plan of activities with children in preparation for Day of national unity.

Comprehensive and thematic planning of work on the topic "Day of National Unity"

Target: Formation of patriotism in children.


  • Expanding children's understanding of national holidays.

  • Raising love and respect for Russian national heroes.

  • Development of children's skills in productive and other types of children's activities.

  • Involving parents in active cooperation.




1 junior

"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • City of sand.

Interaction with family

Group tutors

1 junior

  • Looking at family photos.

  • Examination of albums, postcards, illustrations
"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • Reading fiction, listening to music.

  • Drawing "Nature of the native land", "Animals of the native land".

  • City of sand.

  • Russian folk outdoor games.
P / n: "Games with balloons”, “Colored cars”, “Carousels”.

Interaction with family

Update of the information stand on the topic: "What can you tell a child about the Day of National Unity."

Group tutors

second junior

  • Looking at family photos.

  • Examination of albums, postcards, illustrations
"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • Reading fiction, listening to music.

  • Drawing "Nature of the native land", "Animals of the native land".

  • City of sand.

  • Russian folk outdoor games.
P / s: "Games with balloons", "Colored cars", "Carousels".

Interaction with family

Update of the information stand on the topic: "What can you tell a child about the Day of National Unity."

Group tutors


- Conversations with children about the history of the holiday: "Day of National Unity".

  • Examination of albums, postcards, illustrations
"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • Reading fiction, listening to music.

  • Drawing "Nature of the native land", "Animals of the native land".

  • City of sand.
P / s: "Games with balloons", "Colored cars", "Carousels".

  • Examination of the map of the Motherland.

  • Russian folk outdoor games.
Interaction with family

Update of the information stand on the topic: "What can you tell a child about the Day of National Unity."

Joint visits to parks.

Group tutors


  • Examination of albums, postcards, illustrations
"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • Reading fiction, listening to music.

  • Drawing "Nature of the native land", "Animals of the native land".

  • City of sand.

  • D / and: “My address”, “How many floors are there in the house”, “Tell me differently”, “I'm walking around the city”, “Where is what?”.

" Library".

  • P / s: "Games with balloons", "Colored cars", "Carousels".

  • Visit to the children's library

  • Examination of illustrations, albums "Russia is my Motherland", "Moscow".

  • Conversations with children "Coat of arms", "Flag of Russia", "From the history of Russia".

  • Reading fiction "My country" by V. Lebedev - Kumach, "Motherland" by Alexandrov, etc.

  • Exhibition of children's drawings "My Motherland".

  • Application "Russian flag".

  • Production of a thematic album.

  • Examination of the map of the Motherland.

  • Russian folk outdoor games.
Interaction with family

Update of the information stand on the topic: "What can you tell a child about the Day of National Unity."

Visiting Parents with Children: State Museums

Joint visits to parks.

Group tutors

preschool group

- Conversations with children about the history of the holiday: "Day of National Unity."

  • Conversations with children "My native land", "Nature of the native land", "Famous people of the native land", "The land in which we live", "What the monuments tell about", "Natural wealth of our land", "Streets of our city" , "My native street".

  • Examination of albums, postcards, illustrations
"Bryansk and Bryansk region".

  • Examining the map of the native land.

  • Compilation of stories "Why I love my city."

  • Making a folder-movement "Love and know your land".

  • Reading fiction, listening to music.

  • Drawing "Nature of the native land", "Animals of the native land".

  • City of sand.

  • Production of thematic albums.

  • D / and: “My address”, “How many floors are there in the house”, “Tell me differently”,
“I’m walking around the city”, “Where is what?”.

  • C / r game "Shop", "Traveling around the native land",
" Library".

  • P / s: "Games with balloons", "Colored cars", "Carousels".

  • Visit to the children's library

  • Examination of illustrations, albums "Russia is my Motherland", "Moscow".

  • Conversations with children "Coat of arms", "Flag of Russia", "From the history of Russia".

  • Reading fiction "My country" by V. Lebedev - Kumach, "Motherland" by Alexandrov, etc.

  • Exhibition of children's drawings "My Motherland".

  • Application "Russian flag".

  • Production of a thematic album.

  • Examination of the map of the Motherland.

  • Russian folk outdoor games.
Interaction with family

Update of the information stand on the topic: "What can you tell a child about the Day of National Unity."

Visiting Parents with Children: State Museums

Joint visits to parks.

Group tutors

Sample theme day senior group


Morning exercises/

(Educational area"Health")

Canteen duty.

Tasks: to form socio-cultural (the ability to act in the field of labor relations in accordance with personal and social benefits, possession of the ethics of labor relations) and communicative (ownership of methods joint activities in the group) competencies.

(Educational area "Communication", "Socialization")

What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow up

And the birches along which

next to mom we go ...

On November 4, our entire country will celebrate National Unity Day. Do you want to know what kind of holiday it is?

At all times, Russian people loved their homeland. They composed songs, proverbs and poems about her, in the name of native side performed feats.

Try to find the right beautiful words for the word Motherland (glorious, strong, rich, beloved, wonderful).

This monument stands in Moscow on Red Square (point to the photo of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

On its pedestal are inscribed the words: "Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky." These people saved their country from the enemies who took it over.

The peoples of Russia did not always live in unity. Unfortunately, throughout history, Russia has been tested many times for strength, more than once experienced times when its unity was violated, when enmity and hunger reigned in the country. 400 years ago, enemy invasions ravaged the country to the ground. The Russian land was occupied by the Polish enemies. It seemed that the Russian state was dead and would never regain its former power. But the Russian people could not and did not want to put up with the death of their state.

Autumn in Nizhny Novgorod Zemsky headman Kuzma Minin began to gather an army to fight the enemies.

Friends and brothers! Holy Rus' is dying! he said. - Let's help, brothers, the homeland of the saint!

One of the best military leaders of that time, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, known for his courage and honesty, was called to command the militia.

Can it be argued that the people passionately love their homeland?

What words can you call Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky?

That's right, brave, courageous, persistent, brave, strong.

For almost a year the Russian people gathered forces, and finally, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky set out for Moscow. The battle for the capital was stubborn and bloody. With an oath "Let's die for Holy Rus'!" the militias fought bravely and won. This glorious victory made November 4 forever unforgettable for us.

Here are the heroes - the deliverers of Russia: the common man Kuzma Minin and the voivode Prince Dmitry Pozharsky (point to the portraits of Minin and Pozharsky). They managed to gather people for battle and liberated Moscow from enemies. Soon, the whole Russian land was cleared of foreign invaders. So, in difficult times, the best features of the Russian people appeared: resilience, courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland, readiness to sacrifice one's life for her sake.

Now we celebrate the Day of the People's Militia as our well-deserved holiday. And we just as passionately love our Motherland and are ready to stand up for it.

Remember: we need to stick together, help each other, be able to forgive, forget insults, - the teacher sums up the lesson of patriotism.

The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!

We do not need indifferent in life!

Anger, resentment from the kindergarten drive!

Individual work

Purpose: to learn to select synonyms.



  1. (Educational area "Communication")

  • Conversations with children "My native land", "Nature of the native land", "Famous people of the native land", "The land in which we live", "What the monuments tell about", "Natural wealth of our land", "Streets of our city" , "My native street".

  • Compilation of stories "Why I love my city."

    Tasks: to cultivate a sense of pride, love for the native land (“Socialization”);

    to acquaint with the native village (“Knowledge”); to form initial views about the native land, its history and culture (“Knowledge”);

    to expand ideas about the types of transport and its purpose (Knowledge "); to expand ideas about the rules of conduct in the village, the elementary rules of the road (“Socialization”), (“Safety”); expand ideas about professions (“Knowledge”);

    to summarize the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of their native land ("Knowledge"); to develop interest in the study of the native land, the ability to draw conclusions ("Knowledge"); to form a conscious action towards the nature of the native land, the desire to protect and protect it ("Knowledge");

    develop free communication with adults and children ("Communication"); continue to develop interest and love for music ("Music");

    improve motor skills and abilities of children ("Physical culture"); fixing the count to five (Cognition);

    depict objects by creating distinct forms, choosing colors, carefully painting (“Knowledge”); teach how to hold scissors correctly and be able to cut them in a straight line, diagonally (square, rectangle) (“Knowledge”); to attach to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste ("Fiction")

    2. Drawing

    (Educational area " Artistic creativity»)

    "Nature of the native land",

    Purpose: to form the ability to convey in the drawing the beauty of the nature of the native land. To develop the ability of children to reflect in the drawings their impressions of observing autumn nature, to convey the color of autumn on a clear day: bright foliage of various colors, leaf fall; Continue to teach children to compose a plot drawing - place objects on a wide strip of land closer and further, fill the entire sheet of paper with an image; develop the ability of children to evaluate the work of their peers, highlighting the most interesting visual solutions in them; express aesthetic assessments and judgments.

    3.Physical culture.

    (Educational area "Physical culture")

    (according to the specialist's plan)


    Sun watching.

    Objectives: to teach children to determine the position of the sun at the beginning and end of a walk, to establish its dependence on the season.

    Labor activity "We cover the flower garden"

    (Educational area "Labor")

    Objectives: to introduce children to a new labor operation to prepare the site for winter, to talk about its purpose. Cultivate industriousness.

    Mobile game "Pass the ball"

    The game of low mobility "Find where it is hidden."

    (Educational area "Physical culture", "Safety")

    Individual work "Improving walking on the territory of the site"

    Goals: develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles.


    Independent play activity children.

    After sleep.

    Reading fiction

    (Educational area "Reading fiction", "Socialization")

    K. Ushinsky: "Our Fatherland" (excerpt)

    Our fatherland, our motherland is Mother Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us; and mother - because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned her language, how a mother protects and protects us from all enemies ... There are many good states and lands in the world and besides Russia, but a person has one mother - he has one homeland.

    Why do we call Russia our fatherland?

    Why do we call Russia our motherland?

    Why do we call her mother?

    Listening: Struve G. "My Russia" in audio recording.

    (Educational area "Music")

    Objectives: fostering a sense of patriotism in children through musical culture.

    Circle work in subgroups

    Ballroom sports. dancing / "Good World"

    (according to the specialist's plan) (according to the specialist's plan)

    Role-playing game: "Defenders"

    (Educational area "Socialization", "Security", "Communication")

    Objectives: to cultivate a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland, the desire to become its defender.

    Individual work "Who needs what"

    Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate objects of labor with the name of people's professions.



    (Educational area "Cognition", "Communication")

    Objectives: to teach children during observation to find answers to questions about the characteristic features of the appearance, habits, behavior of birds, to identify similarities and differences.

    Labor activity "Cleaning on the site"

    (Educational area "Labor")

    Objectives: to support the aspiration of children to work for own will. Cultivate industriousness.

    Mobile game "Wolf in the ditch"

    (Educational area "Physical culture", "Safety")

    (Educational area "Physical culture", "Safety")

    Individual work

    Objectives: to practice jumping rope.


    Independent play activities of children.

    19.00 - leaving the children home