Caring for dry skin: advice from a cosmetologist and folk recipes. Rating of the best creams for dry skin in Russian pharmacies

Any modern woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and eye-catching. This largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face, which daily takes on the invisible blow of external and internal factors: poor ecology, stress, overwork, poor nutrition, containing excess fats and preservatives, etc. Dry and sensitive skin types especially suffer. To protect it and maintain youth it is necessary comprehensive care: deep cleansing, restoration of damaged areas, intensive nutrition and moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis.

To solve these problems, cosmetologists offer a huge range of different products, including face cream, designed specifically to solve a whole range of problems characteristic of of this type skin.

Features of the skin

Cosmetologists and dermatologists divide the skin into several types and subtypes. One of the most in need of care and protection is dry sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to external irritants (water with impurities, cold air, snow and wind) and to internal changes(stress, poor quality food, hormonal surge, etc.). This occurs due to disrupted hydrobalance in all layers of the skin, as a result of which the cells lose a large amount of moisture and cease to function normally. Also, such skin does not work properly sebaceous glands, due to which the natural protective barrier is destroyed. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: from excessive dryness and flaky epidermis to incessant itching.

Thin sensitive skin, prone to redness, irritation, swelling and excessive dryness, is usually found in women of the winter color type with bright face and requires increased attention in the form of nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks.

Causes of dryness

Sensitive skin can become a result of one or a symbiosis of factors. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • aggressive weather conditions ( excessive dryness or air humidity, low and high temperatures, wind, snow);
  • insufficient water intake;
  • negative effects of UV rays;
  • side effects taking medications;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • state of vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamins is typical for many regions of our country;
  • not gentle on skin cosmetic procedures(cryoprocedures, peeling, scrub, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • “unhealthy” food in the form of processed foods and fast food;
  • hormonal age-related or periodic changes in the body.

Due to these reasons, inflammatory reactions begin in the skin in the form of redness, rash, itching or swelling. The skin capillaries increase along with the thinning of the walls, so the network of subcutaneous vessels (rosacea) becomes visible. The natural protective barrier ceases to function normally, so the skin becomes more vulnerable to external irritants. Transepidermal water loss increases, as a result of which all layers of the integument become withered, dry and prematurely mature.

What should be included in the funds

The windows of shops and pharmacies are replete with offers of various cosmetics, including creams from world famous and not so famous famous brands. To choose the best cream for dry and sensitive skin, you need to carefully read the composition. A product designed to solve cosmetic problems will contain the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid– this substance is famous for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and tightening properties;
  • collagen– a component for actively combating the processes of withering and aging: activates metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation;
  • glycerol– famous for its moisturizing effect. Our grandmothers have long used this substance to combat dry skin;
  • panthenol– restores, soothes, heals, relieves inflammation and protects against excessive evaporation;
  • various extracts and extracts useful plants , which penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturate the cells various acids And nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, making the skin soft, but firm, elastic and velvety.
  • vitamins– necessary for activating the local immune system and intensive nutrition.

Cream for dry skin should not contain overly aggressive chemicals that can aggravate the negative effects of irritating factors:

  • alcohol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • silicone;
  • matting agents, etc.

How to choose cosmetics

Those with dry and sensitive skin need to follow some recommendations when choosing cosmetics.

  • Observe Golden Rule Regarding the shelf life: “the less, the better.” Products containing large amounts of natural substances are not subject to long-term storage, but is optimal for dehydrated skin.
  • If possible, use testers. This good way check the body for an allergic reaction and compatibility with this cream.
  • Do not purchase a cream that contains beeswax, as it can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin in the form of many unpleasant symptoms.
  • It is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream popular brand, tested by time, experience and with many positive reviews.
  • When choosing, you must read the instructions or directions on the package, where it is written certain type skin for which this cosmetic product is intended.
  • It would be optimal to purchase a cream for hypersensitive skin at a pharmacy kiosk, where the products undergo dermatological control.
  • Texture day cream applied under makeup, should be quickly absorbed and not leave greasy shine or feeling sticky.
  • A nourishing night cream with a denser oily structure should contain various nourishing, caring and restorative substances.
  • Excessive amounts of fragrances can cause an allergic reaction, so preference should be given to products that have a delicate, subtle aroma.
  • During periods of excessive sun activity (spring and summer), it is necessary to choose a cream with high protection against UV rays (SPF factor must be at least 8).

Rating of the best brands

As a result of extensive monitoring of reviews from grateful users and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists, a rating was compiled best brands creams for sensitive and dry skin. Let's take a closer look at some of the tools.


Aqualan is a line of Finnish-made creams developed by scientists for sensitive, dry skin suffering from psoriasis and dermatitis. These creams are very popular among the population all over the world and are suitable for consumers of any age, including newborns. Sold exclusively in pharmacies.

The composition of these products does not contain fragrances, fragrances or dyes, but is rich in moisturizing components. The cream is easily absorbed and does not leave greasy marks or sticky film on the surface of the skin. Depending on your skin type (oily, sensitive or dry), the manufacturer recommends different compositions of this cream.

  • "Aqualan plus" Designed for dry and very dry skin, it is instantly absorbed, actively moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis, restoring after phototherapy procedures for those suffering from psoriasis and protecting the epidermis from UV rays.
  • "Aqualan L" Recommended for dry and sensitive skin, contains up to 65% water. Natural components nourish, restore and normalize intercellular metabolism and hydrobalance in all layers of the skin.

Natura Siberica

Domestic brand products Natura Siberica It quickly gained the trust of Russian users and continues to gain popularity in the consumer market of the CIS countries and Europe. The creams of this company are developed using trendy and latest technologies using components of natural herbs growing in Siberia.

Cream for application to dry skin daytime“Nutrition and Moisturizing” contains Manchurian aralia extract and does not contain harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances and mineral oils.

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E moisturize, nourish and fight signs of premature aging of the skin, making it elastic and firm. SPF factor 20 creates an effective barrier against solar radiation. Plant ingredients retain moisture, normalizing metabolic processes.


Cosmetic products Physiogel contains a “smart” formula that restores the protective barrier with the help of a lipid layer on the skin, retaining moisture inside and activating the process of self-hydration in cells. The composition contains ceramide3, squalene, glycerin, shea butter and other beneficial substances.

Light consistency absorbs quickly without clogging pores and moisturizes for a long time, giving a charge of vivacity and good mood.


Cream-gel "Aisida" from a Russian company specializing in the production of cosmetics for problem skin, effectively affects dry and sensitive type, helps to get rid of many obsessive problems of the epidermis. The non-hormonal product consists of natural ingredients and has an anti-allergic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It also helps to increase metabolic processes, rejuvenates and has antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

"Nutritic Intense"

Nourishing cream "Nutritic Intense" contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Waters and lipids that have a beneficial effect, moisturize and restore even the driest and most sensitive skin. The product fights unpleasant sensations tightness, burning, itching and a “dry shell” sensation. Works perfectly as a daily makeup product.


"Losterin" is a non-irritating cream that fights skin diseases and improves the condition of the epidermis. Does not contain hormonal substances, fragrances or dyes, therefore suitable for the most sensitive skin. Natural ingredients moisturize, nourish, restore and improve complexion.

After just one use, you can notice positive changes: the skin becomes smoother, tighter, radiant with health and vitality.

For a review of creams for very dry skin, see the following video.

Home Recipes

Currently considered trendy various means, caring for dry and sensitive skin, made independently at home. Let's get acquainted with the most popular recipes for homemade creams.


It is necessary to pour boiling water (a spoon into half a glass) over dried chamomile flowers and leave for an hour. Combine the strained infusion with a spoonful of melted glycerin butter, castor oil and a few drops of orange or geranium ether.

This tool Stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Leaves skin incredibly soft and radiant from within.


Mix a spoonful of butter with a small amount of grated apple and a teaspoon of honey heated in a water bath. It is stored for only a few days, but it has an amazing effect: the face becomes moisturized and velvety. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Cream for dry and sensitive skin may contain the following components:

  • keratolytics– substances that soften and remove dead scales: lactic, citric, malic acid, salicylic acid, urea, resorcinol;
  • nutrients and regenerating substances: vitamins A, B, E, C, K, PP, d-panthenol;
  • antipruritic and anti-inflammatory substances: deresined naphthalan, Birch tar, zinc pyrithione, extracts of speedwell, lemon balm, oregano, juniper, pine needles, burdock, willow bark, nettle;
  • humectants: olive, almond, sea buckthorn, sunflower, linseed oil, bear, badger, sheep fats, lanolin, hyaluronic acid.

But the main component of any cream for dry skin is humecants (hydratants). These are substances that retain moisture on the surface of the skin and prevent its dehydration. Humecanths are divided into hygroscopic and film-forming.

Hygroscopic humecants bind and hold water molecules deep in the skin. These include collagen, hyaluronic, lactic and pyrrolidonecarboxylic acids, urea. They care for the skin at deep levels through superficial (creams) or deep (injections) applications.

Oils, fats, and waxes are humecants that form a hydrophobic film on the surface of the skin. Among film-forming hydrants Of particular note is glycerin, a mixture of alcohols and fatty acids used as a base for creams. Glycerin promotes cell renewal, prevents skin dehydration, makes it velvety, and regulates metabolic processes.

Keratolytictherapy necessary for very dry skin, especially with severe peeling. However, for sensitive skin, mechanical scrubbing or peeling with fruit acids is contraindicated, as these methods injure the skin, making it even more sensitive. You can gently and carefully get rid of keratinized scales using creams that contain urea, salicylic, boric or glycolic acid. However, in addition to the keratolytic effect, these drugs have a drying effect, so after using them it is necessary to apply a moisturizing mask or cream to the skin.

Regular skin care products may contain one ingredient, but a cream for very dry skin usually contains several active ingredients. Creams such as “Losterin” have a multidirectional effect, simultaneously eliminating flaking, itching, inflammation, nourishing and restoring the skin. This is especially true for xeroderma of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, when inflammation, itching and cracks appear in addition to the feeling of dehydrated skin. In addition, with severe xerosis, the skin becomes very sensitive even to dry air, wind, water, not to mention cosmetics. Therefore, a therapeutic cream for very dry skin should have a soothing and desensitizing effect.

With xeroderma of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, skin itching is observed, due to which the skin is injured, cracks, wounds, and scratches appear. Skin in this condition is much more difficult to treat, and therapy may include not only the use of external agents, but also drugs for internal reception and physical therapy. However, if you start antipruritictherapy immediately, most problems can be avoided.

Zinc, naphthalene and tar external preparations have a calming effect. CreamsWithcontentzinc among other things, they soften the skin, making it more susceptible to the action of other substances, so it is advisable to use them in combination with preparations that contain nourishing and moisturizing components.

Tarcreams for xeroderma, use with great caution, as tar dries the skin. To relieve itching, a small amount of the cream of the lowest concentration (0.5%) is applied to the affected area. Tar (juniper, birch, pine, coal) contains more than 10,000 active ingredients that not only relieve itching, but also normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Tar cream can either improve or worsen the condition of dry skin, so at the first negative reaction, stop taking it.

CreamsWithNaftalanoil widely used in dermatology, including for the treatment of xeroderma. Preparations with naphthalan relieve itching, reduce the level of inflammation, sanitize and anesthetize the area of ​​skin to which the cream was applied. Naftalan oil is part of the cream "Losterin".

Creams that contain: ceramides– waxy fatty substances that are produced by the body. Ceramides, together with fatty acids, are part of sebum, forming a protective film on the skin. With a lack of these lipids, the skin reacts sharply negatively to tap water, sun, frost and other weather conditions; without them, the skin dries, loses elasticity and ages quickly.

Currently, ceramides for cosmetics are synthesized from rice grains and soybean oil; they are introduced into creams along with herbal extracts and vegetable oils, which helps moisturize the skin and activate its metabolic and regenerative processes. In addition, cermids are also used to care for the scalp and hair - lipids strengthen and strengthen the surface layer of hair, preventing damage.

Royalmilk- another product of natural origin recommended for deep nutrition with xeroderma. Royal jelly consists of water, proteins, carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose), vitamins (A, C, D, E, H, PP and group B), free fatty acids (stearic, decenoic, palmitic, succinic, lactic, pyruvic ), hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estradiol), mineral salts and trace elements.

Creams with royal jelly used to care for very dry, irritation-prone, and aging skin. Milk improves cellular metabolism and blood circulation in the skin, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, promotes cell renewal and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

IN Lately appeared creamsWithextractsnailmucin(mucus). Thanks to its powerful regenerative and moisturizing properties, the cream is suitable for treating even very irritated, flaky, cracked skin. Cosmetic mucin is taken from snails of the Helix Aspersa species. Under its influence, collagen and elastin begin to be produced in the skin, the effect of free radicals is neutralized, inflammation is reduced, and hydration is normalized.

The powerful effect of mucin cream is explained by the composition of the organic substance. Yes, it includes allantoin– a powerful antioxidant that helps normalize skin composition. In addition, allantoin also has regenerative properties - in snails it helps restore the shell; in relation to humans, the antioxidant tightens and heals even deep cracks. In addition to allantoin, mucin contains antimicrobial and copper peptides, which have a resolving and sanitizing effect, vitamins A, C and E, as well as collagen and elastin, thanks to which firmness and elasticity are restored to dry skin.

Suitable for instant hydration creamsAndgelsWithaloefaith– a herbal plant widely used in cosmetology and medicine. The plant pulp contains polysaccharides, prostaglandins, glycoproteins, flavonoids, resins, bitterness, phenolic compounds, hormone-like substances, essential oils and many other components, including vitamins (A, C, B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc).

Preparations with aloe vera not only moisturize, but also soothe the skin, neutralize inflammation and relieve irritation that accompanies xeroderma. When used systematically, gels and creams with aloe vera help restore natural skin hydration, which means they can be used to prevent seasonal xeroderma. Also, under the influence of the plant extract, the production of elastin and collagen is restored. Aloe juice relieves redness and normalizes skin pigmentation, and also protects it from ultraviolet radiation.

CreamWithmumiyo used for deep nourishment of dry skin. Mumiyo is an organic-mineral substance, in the formation of which plants, animals, microorganisms, even soil and rocks. In medicine and cosmetology, purified mumiyo is used, which is a thick, homogeneous mass of brown or black color, with a bitter taste and spicy smell. The nutritional, regenerative, rejuvenating and metabolism-normalizing properties of mumiyo are based on the content of amino acids, fatty and organic acids, phospholipids, resins and resin-like substances, essential oils, tannins, enzymes, steroids, flavonoids, coumarins. Shilajit also contains a complex of vitamins and more than 60 macro- and microelements.

Creams with mumiyo have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antibacterial effect. The use of this substance stimulates the epithelization of damaged skin and the production of collagen, which is necessary for dry skin.

Kartalinovayaointment indicated for use when various problems with the skin, including xeroderma. It is made from solid oil, salicylic acid, chamomile and string extracts, eucalyptus and lavender oils. It also contains honey and vitamins A and D. The ointment not only removes dead scales of the epidermis, but also deeply nourishes, moisturizes and renews skin cells.

How to find the best moisturizer for dry skin? Just pay attention to the composition of the cream. For example, the cream “Losterin” contains 6 active ingredients. Urea deeply moisturizes the skin, salicylic acid and sophora carbonate extract have a good keratolytic (exfoliating) effect, d-panthenol and almond oil nourish, moisturize the skin and promote enhanced cell regeneration. “Losterin” also has a bactericidal effect, which is so necessary for irritated skin that is prone to microtraumas and cracks. The bactericidal effect is achieved thanks to the action of deresined naphthalan, a valuable petroleum product that has long been used to treat skin diseases. Naftalan also has a desensitizing, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and calming effect.

Let's start the review with two pieces of news. According to tradition, one of them is bad, the other is good. Let's start with the first one - it is impossible to change your skin type, since it is genetically determined (DNA). However, people have learned to change the color of their eyes and hair. This means that the second news is good - proper care and well-chosen decorative cosmetics will save your life from one beauty problem. In our case, the solution lies in simple things- nutrition and maximum hydration.

Useful components

To find effective remedy For dry skin, you need to carefully read the ingredients. The basis of the formula of any product must include:

  • acids: hyaluronic (1%), salicylic (1%) and glycolic (15%);
  • elastin and collagen;
  • glycerol;
  • depanthenol;
  • animal fats;
  • SPF filters;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins E and C (it is better if they are both in one product);
  • oils;
  • herbal extracts: fig, olive, chamomile, celandine, cucumber and calendula;
  • ceramides;
  • squalane

You shouldn’t look away, much less buy products that contain at least one of the following components:

  • mineral oil;
  • alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium laureth sulfate;
  • lavender extracts, tea tree, mint and seaweed;
  • triethanolamine.

Fortunately, the list of prohibited substances is not that long. Therefore, if you do not want to be disappointed in the product you purchased, be sure to remember and look for them in the composition. And for those who do not trust cosmetic brands, we offer several useful recipes for home remedies that have been tested by many women.

Dry facial skin: self-care

1. For cleansing.

Take 1/4 tbsp. milk and cream, add 2 tbsp. l. dry (preferably fresh) pharmaceutical chamomile, stir and send to heat on steam bath within 30 minutes. After 2 hours, strain. Apply the resulting soothing milk to your face using circular massaging movements and rinse with warm water. Leftovers can be transferred to a sterile container. Store in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

2. Moisturizing mask.

Mash the ripe avocado to the consistency of porridge. Add 20 g of honey, the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of milk and stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to your face and neck, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

3. Super soft cream.

Mix with one tablespoon coconut oil 1 tsp each honey and lemon juice. Circular movements spread the composition over the skin in a thin layer, and after 30 minutes (or you can leave it on for an hour) rinse with warm water.

For those who do not have time to prepare folk remedies for dry skin, we suggest going to the most trusted place where you can find effective products best brands peace. That is, to the pharmacy.

Pharmacy products for dry skin

Sometimes medications can cope with the task better than expensive cosmetics. Don't believe me? Here is a list of verified and effective products that can work miracles:

  • "F 99" - originally a cream based on vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acids was intended for the treatment of dermatitis and eczema. But it turned out that the formula has a number of other positive properties. Firstly, it works great against flaking. Secondly, it returns firmness and elasticity to the dehydrated dermis. Price - about 140 rubles.
  • "Arnica" - an ointment known to many for its ability to resolve hematomas and bruises. This automatically means that the product helps improve lymph and blood circulation and has regenerating and soothing properties. As you guessed, "Arnica" is excellent a budget option, which will help restore tone and cope with facial wrinkles. Price - about 220 rubles.
  • "Dardia Lipo" - according to customers, one of the best means for dry facial skin. The cream will quickly get rid of peeling thanks to the lactate and glycerin it contains. And lipid balance will be supported by cetearyl ethylhexanoate and triglycerides. Price - from 200 rubles.

Decorative cosmetics

In this regard, with oily dermis, it’s at least a little simpler: a mattifying product - and the makeup is flawless. But if she is dehydrated, and even with flaking, choosing a foundation turns into a real nightmare. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. There are at least five proven foundations for dry skin in the world:

  1. Face & Body Foundation from MAC - translucent coverage fits perfectly and has a satin finish. Disadvantage: it will not provide significant masking, but if your goal is to make the tone as natural as possible, then you simply cannot find a better one.
  2. All Day Luminous Weightless Foundation from NARS - noticeably moisturizes, applies well and is very long-lasting. Even at the most hot weather it will not spread or “float”. Cons: completely matte finish, so should be used for evening makeup.
  3. Synchro Skin Glow Luminizing Foundation from Shiseido - according to customers, the best foundation for dry skin that can replace a moisturizer. Within 8 hours, your dermis will feel comfortable: a satin finish, excellent shading and no hint of clogged pores.


Cosmetologists put them on a par with caring cosmetics. It’s not surprising, because a simple express procedure in as soon as possible will noticeably reduce the depth facial wrinkles, cope with irritation and inflammation, and also improve skin quality. Below is a list of proven masks that have proven their effectiveness not in words, but in deeds.

1. Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque from Dermalogica.

Many admitted that at first they are captivated by the pleasant aroma and texture. The composition is based on tocopherol and provitamin B, which perfectly restore the health of epidermal tissue. The high concentration of antioxidants supports the natural process of elastin and collagen production. In addition, a slight whitening effect is observed.

2. Hydrating Kiwi Mask.

Reviews of the product for dry skin from the Darphin company claim that the tonic result is noticeable after the first use. The moisturizing properties of the product are simply brilliant - the silk texture is quickly absorbed without leaving any residue, resulting in a healthy glow and softness. The composition itself is also impressive: shea butter is responsible for hydration, and vitamin E, mango and kiwi extracts act as antioxidants.


According to numerous enthusiastic comments, the most effective in this category were following products:

Three best serums for dry skin types

Light in texture and amazingly effective in impact. Over the past few years, serums have become popular beauty products in cosmetics brands. However, many are sure that they are “heavy artillery”; and you need to start using them no earlier than 35 years old. We hasten to dissuade you! Serums are not only appropriate, but also very useful for young dermis.

So, here are three proven products for dry skin:

  1. Japan Gals Pure beau essence from Japonica - thanks to the presence of hyaluronic acid, the product provides hydration at the cellular level, increases elasticity and eliminates flaking.
  2. Ultra HD Skin Booster from Make Up For Ever - guarantees 20 times nutrition due to the content of polysaccharides. It’s no wonder that many famous makeup artists have this product.
  3. Smoothing Face Serum - Dr. Konopka is an inexpensive serum based on wheat germ oil, tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition contains everything that is necessary to enhance the process of cell regeneration and maximum hydration.


Toning is one of the the most important stages care, which is recommended to be carried out immediately after washing. Depending on the type of dermis, this category of products performs many functions: cleanses the surface of the skin from the residue of gels and foams for washing, tightens pores, moisturizes or mattifies, saturates useful substances, and also helps the following skin care products to be better absorbed.

For example, a tonic for dry facial skin from the French brand La Roche-Posay, thanks to its physiological pH level, will soothe irritation and reduce the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

A product from the Vichy company based on thermal water will help maintain natural hydrobalance. The main advantage is not only toning - the formula is able to remove the remains of even the most long lasting makeup.

Dry skin will thank you if you spritz your face with Lush toner throughout the day, which, among other things, has a stunning floral scent of lavender and rose.

Best cleansing product

Efficient persons reviews recognized the foam. Among the assortment presented on the cosmetic market, customers named the product from the domestic brand “Natura Siberica” as one of the best. Despite the very delicate, almost airy texture, the formula foams perfectly and provides deep cleansing. Unique composition Gently removes dead cells from the epidermis and promotes toning. Women note that in the morning the product will help the skin wake up, and in the evening it will gently soothe it, relieve irritation, making it smooth and matte.

The foam is easily washed off with warm water and does not leave any feeling of tightness or stickiness.

Rules for caring for dry skin

Here are some tips to help you achieve good result:

  • Wash your face in the evenings. In the morning, you remove the fat that the skin produces overnight, thereby depriving the epidermis of its protective layer and becoming vulnerable to exposure. external factors.
  • Eliminate the use of hot water - only room temperature.
  • No soap.
  • Don't rub your face with a towel. It is enough to blot away any remaining moisture.
  • Study the composition carefully. Products for dry and sensitive skin should not contain alcohol.
  • Discreet and intelligent use decorative cosmetics.
  • Do not go to bed with makeup on (applies to any type of dermis).
  • Proper nutrition- an important point in care.
  • Take a course of multivitamins twice a year.
  • Visit chlorinated pools and saunas less often.
  • Adjust drinking regime. Remember the golden rule - at least two liters of water per day.

And finally...

Regardless of the causes and general condition of dry dermis, it needs to be cared for more intensively than other types. It is not recommended to put everything off and sound the alarm when the face becomes covered with peeling, and merciless “crow’s feet” appear in the corners of the eyes. All owners of dry skin should understand and adhere to one rule: regularity is the best guarantee in this difficult struggle for beauty.

If the problem with dryness does not go away for a long time, then it is better to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Professionals will conduct an appropriate examination and prescribe a course of treatment.

Dry skin type can cause many problems for its owners. Dry skin is more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. If you don't hydrate dehydrated skin enough, the first signs of aging may appear much earlier than other skin types. Therefore, caring for dry skin must include hydration and nutrition.

Dry skin care

Caring for dry skin is different from caring for oily or combination skin. You can't care for the same different types skin and expect the same result. But the sequence of stages of care is always the same. It's worth starting with cleansing.

Cleansing dry facial skin

Washing dry skin requires careful selection of cleansers. By washing with hard tap water, we risk further drying out already dehydrated, sensitive skin. Korean foams and washing gels for dry skin come to the rescue. Thanks to carefully selected recipes without the use of alcohol and other ingredients that irritate the skin, as well as a delicate but effective action And natural ingredients In its composition, washing dry skin turns into not only a pleasant, but also a useful procedure.

What ingredients are usually included in Korean foams and gels for washing?

    Oils - dissolve excess sebum in pores, moisturize and nourish

    Soapwort extract - cleanses well, softens and soothes dry skin

    Rose water extract - refreshes, cools, heals wounds, soothes the skin

    New Zealand flax Harakeke - soothes, intensely nourishes with moisture and retains it in the cells for a long time, prevents dryness, makes the skin soft to the touch

Moisturizing dry facial skin

    Toner for dry skin

Regardless of what foam you used while washing your face, even if it was super-moisturizing, it is not enough. After washing, any skin loses moisture in a matter of seconds. And especially dry, because it absorbs moisture like a sponge. Therefore, it is important to replenish moisture at this stage with a hydrating toner.

All Korean toners have a pronounced moisturizing effect. Toners with hyaluronic acid, lotus or rose extracts, snail mucus and aloe are good for dry skin.

  • Emulsion for dry skin

After the toner, the emulsion will help to “seal” moisture into the skin for a long time. The main function of this product is to moisturize the skin as quickly and deeply as possible.

  • Essence for dry skin

Korean women's secret weapon in caring for dry and sensitive skin is essences. Due to their light watery texture, essences do not clog pores and are excellent for moisturizing and nourishing dehydrated skin.

The essence penetrates deeper layers, deeply moisturizes and improves general state skin. It acts as a link between the stage of hydration and nutrition. The essence is applied after cleansing the skin and using the emulsion, but before the serum and cream.

Additional care

  • Serum and ampoule for dry skin

If you feel that for some reason your skin lacks hydration or needs to solve another problem, use a course of serum or a set of ampoules. Serums and ampoules are highly active products, that is, the concentration of active substances in these products is higher than in any other. Therefore, it is recommended to use serums and ampoules for a course of 1-2 weeks.

  • Mask for dry skin

Korean face masks can tidy up even the driest and most sensitive skin in just 20-30 minutes and give your face a rested and healthy look. At regular use Using masks, you can completely forget about many problems.

  • Nourishment for dry skin

Often, a light emulsion or essence is enough for dry skin, but when the skin requires increased attention, for example, during the cold season, Korean moisturizing and nourishing creams come to the rescue.

Korean creams for dry skin have a light texture, do not clog pores, but at the same time deeply moisturize and nourish sensitive and dehydrated skin. Common components of such creams: aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, collagen, thermal water, birch sap and other natural moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Remember! Proper care for dry skin will help you look attractive and prolong your youth.! In our catalog you can choose high-quality korean remedies for dry and sensitive skin.

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Dry skin of the face and body can bring a lot of inconvenience to its owners - peeling and itching, a feeling of tightness. These are all symptoms that may indicate that you have dry skin and need to urgently start caring for it accordingly.

Dry skin is not a problem at all In terms of rashes or acne, the skin looks matte and soft. But because inability to retain moisture, she is very sensitive to influence environment, therefore, it requires attention - proper cleansing, protection, moisturizing.

Sudden decreased functioning of the sebaceous glands(as a result the skin becomes dry) may occur due to metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, etc. In any case, there are reliable ways to deal with such skin and make it beautiful and radiant. Let's dive into simple rules dry skin care!

Air conditioners and heaters dry out the indoor air too much. Connect a special air humidifier at home or simply install a bowl of water near the battery or heater.

Such a vessel can be beautifully decorated with fresh or artificial flowers. It will be both good for the skin and beautiful!

Forget about these cleansers:

Soap, alcohol and products containing fragrances, are contraindicated for dry facial skin. Gel, foam or milk should be hypoallergenic and very soft. Look at the composition!

Only warm

Cold and hot water dry out the skin! Therefore, wash only warm. The same goes for showering - after all, your skin type usually extends to the rest of your body.

If you want to avoid the feeling of skin tightness throughout your body, do not get carried away with a boiling shower - in general you should spend no more than 10 minutes in water, and then be sure to rinse the skin with flower water or herbal decoction to even out the PH of the skin after tap water.

Do not use tap water!

Try to wash your face whenever possible soft water, usually tap water dries the skin too much and can cause irritation. Use for washing mineral water or herbal infusions.

Dry facial skin may be a consequence of excessive exposure to chemicals

Washing powders, detergents and air fresheners - all household chemicals can make our skin dry, especially if you often use these products without gloves.

As for the face, in this case chemistry can be called any cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, that contains toxic artificial preservatives (nipazole and paraform, etc.) are all mass-market cosmetics.

Oils to the rescue!

You can even use baby oils to care for dry skin - do a gentle facial and body massage with them every day. Natural products also moisturize and nourish the skin well. vegetable oils.

Cocoa, shea butter, avocado, coconut, macadamia, sasanqua, apricot, jojoba, evening primrose, black cumin, and wheat germ oils are ideal for dry skin. Use these oils as a base, to which you can add a few drops of essential oil (2-3 drops per 30-50 ml). For thin dry skin Sandalwood, rose, neroli, carrot, jasmine, adana, ylang-ylang oils are suitable.

ATTENTION: Just under no circumstances apply essential oils directly to the skin - their concentration is too strong and can cause dryness and irritation.

Read the labels!

Preferred Ingredients for Dry Skin:

  1. Ceramides. (Helps skin retain water and soothe dry skin. Synthetic ceramides can mimic natural substances in the top layer of skin that help retain moisture).
  2. D-panthenol and squalene.
  3. Hyaluronic acid.
  4. Aloe vera.

All these components help retain moisture in the skin.

Eat and drink

To keep dry skin looking better and not dry out, drink more water and include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids(fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed and safflower oil).

As well as products containing essential for the skin vitamins A(liver, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, spinach and parsley), IN(dairy products, fish, brown rice, grain bread, melon, green apples and cabbage), E(seeds and nuts, cucumbers, broccoli, radishes, potatoes), F(fish, corn, vegetable oils, grains, black currants).

Moisturizing cream

After washing and cleansing your face (and body), you should apply a moisturizer specifically for dry skin. Apply it to damp skin - it will work much better this way!

If you regularly moisturize and nourish your skin, and at the same time eat right, then no peeling will occur. But if this problem nevertheless overtakes you, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

To eliminate flaking, creams based on fat based, for example on natural oil- creates a waterproof barrier between skin and air environment so that moisture does not evaporate from the skin.

ADVICE: IN extreme cases you can use a cream with a small (0.5%) content hydrocortisone- but remember that this is not cosmetic, but remedy, they need to grease their face 1 per day for 2 weeks, not more.

Makeup removers

Before cleansing your pores, you need to wash off your makeup every evening, and if you have dry skin, it’s best to do this hydrophilic oil. It gently removes all makeup (even eye and BB cream) and does not dry out the skin.

Hydrophilic oil you can buy and you can do it yourself to ensure there are no preservatives.

To do this you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • Polysorbate 80 (10%).
  • Rice bran oil (20%).
  • Peach oil (40%).
  • Sweet almond oil (30%).
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil.

PREPARATION: Pour the components in the above sequence and mix thoroughly, stirring until a homogeneous buttery white milk is formed. It is recommended to apply with dry hands to a dry face to remove makeup, and then rinse with water. The skin is then ready for more deep cleansing por.

Don't get carried away with scrubs!

Dry skin does not tolerate mechanical influence - therefore, you need to choose only gentle scrubs, with small grains, and you also need to clean them for no more than a minute - this is enough to remove the upper stratum corneum. Scrub is recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a week.

Masks for dry skin


  • 1 tbsp. spoon aloe vera gel
  • 1 mashed avocado
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese

APPLICATION: Grind the avocado in a blender or mash in a mortar until creamy. Add curd and aloe vera gel. If not ready gel, then you can replace it with fresh aloe juice. Mix all ingredients and apply evenly to face for 20 minutes. Then carefully rinse off warm water.


  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1. tsp. liquid honey
  • 1 yolk

APPLICATION: Mix the components and apply with a cotton swab to the face in several layers (2-3). Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If you use the mask 1-2 times a week, it will eliminate skin flaking and tightness.

Features in cold and heat

In the hot season, dry skin should be better protected from ultraviolet radiation, as we know it is thinner, so the product must be selected accordingly, stronger. When it's hot use thermal water to moisturize your face.

Dry air and lower temperatures in winter reduce our skin's production of lipids, which are supposed to form a protective film and retain moisture. This is why in winter, skin of any type becomes drier, not to mention skin that is initially prone to dryness.

ADVICE: In winter it is advisable to apply under makeup thick fatty creams , which would protect the skin from drying out in the cold.

Natural cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin requires like no other careful attitude. Therefore, in order not to harm it, choose natural cosmetics.

Most of the products, some of which we described above, can be made independently at home from ingredients purchased at the pharmacy and at the market. If you do not want to waste time on such experiments, then you will have to buy cosmetics that are more expensive than those presented in the mass market.

IMPORTANT! The base should contain the above ingredients: urea, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, natural plant and essential oils. Such cosmetics can be sold in pharmacies or in specialized online and offline stores.