Fat girls without clothes. Fat women: beauty against stereotypes

Experts say that fashion repeats itself every 70 years. Since the heyday and glory of the brightest blonde of the last century, a full-blooded actress in body, Marilyn Monroe has just passed this cherished period. And plump girls, fat models with curvy bodies, whom glamorous fashionistas sometimes disparagingly call “fat ducks,” began their triumphant ascent to the capricious Olympus of Fashion, Fame and Recognition!

Thin women will soon stop dictating their ideals to the whole world. Gay fashion designers, who adore thin, slender, guitar-stringed fashion models because they look very much like young boys, will finally fade into the background, if not sink into oblivion altogether.

Thank God and sanity returning to humanity, hundreds of millions of women who modern fashion declared “outside the fashion law” on skinny young ladies, they will again gain confidence in their own sexual attractiveness and beauty, the right to the love of men.

After all, you must admit that not all girls in their youth resemble the skeleton of a dried roach; many young and beautiful, healthy, charming young ladies weigh 70, 80, 90 or even 100 kilograms. That does not prevent them from having a special charm, a kind of grace, and delighting men.

And even girls who are thin and scrawny in their youth, after the birth of one or two children, begin to steadily gain weight - and this is normal, this is provided by Mother Nature herself, that a woman-mother should have a reserve in her body nutrients to have the strength to put their offspring on their feet.

Fashion is for thin, “slender” fashion models until they lose their pulse from anorexia and bulimia, which has been imposed on all women in the world for 20 years now from TV screens and fashion covers. women's magazines"trendsetters" (80% - people with non-traditional sexual orientation), clearly ignored the reality in which normal - plump and fat women of average and heavy weight live, forcing all ladies to comb their hair to their own comb with the help of various and mostly useless, and sometimes harmful, diets.

Fat model Tara Lynn revolutionized the fashion world - thanks to her, fat women gained the right to sexuality!

In fact, before the appearance of the world's fattest model, Tara Lynn Wilson, on the cover of ELLE magazine in March, another model, Nancy Hazen, was the first "fat swallow" in the fashion world to risk appearing completely naked on CBS's Insider.

Nancy Hazen's weight is 76 kilograms. And her weight is much closer to the average American, Russian or Italian woman, who usually weigh 70-100 kilograms.

Also, the breast size of the very first fat model in the world does not fit into the modest sizes prescribed by bloodthirsty fashion designers from zero to eight. The average size The average breast of an earthly woman is size 10 - 14, and breasts with sizes from 0 to 8 are mainly “worn” only by high school girls and girls with poor health.

But if fashion model Nancy Hazen influenced the minds of viewers locally - the program was seen only by residents of the USA, then Tara Lynn Wilson had the honor of pleasantly shocking the whole world.

Her gorgeous photo on the cover of French ELLE went around the whole world, and first of all shocked the editors of the American magazine ELLE, which was against such extreme experiments.

However, consumers liked it! curvy girls and fat women looking at full forms Tara Lynn also felt sexually attractive and desirable to men. And men all over the world, in the comments to Tara’s photo, express their genuine admiration for real, luxurious beauty blooming with health flesh.

Italians, French, Russians, Americans consider this bbw fashion model charming! And how right they are!

Fat women in the history of culture and fashion

Fat girls always, in all eras, they inspired the greatest artists to create masterpieces of art. Remember the seductive sculptures Ancient Greece and Rome, the same unsurpassed and by no means thin Venus de Milo.

Rubens's women, who were more than "overweight" by modern standards, excited the flesh and excited the mind of not only Rubens, but also Raphael, MichelAngelo, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Yes, the standard of all modern blondes is the unsurpassed and unforgettable catwoman, the sex woman, Marilyn Monroe was a fatty! She wore size 14 clothes with a height of only 162 cm, and at the same time was and is still considered perfect beauty for all time!

By the way, the scandalous American model Anna Nicole Smith was also the owner magnificent forms, as well as Bill Clinton's assistant Monica Lewinsky, as well as the mega-languid and super-sexy Monica Bellucci. Angelina Jolie, by the way, also doesn’t look like a runt at all.

So why if full figure for a woman this is the norm normal life, why are fashion designers, directors, producers, editors of fashion newspapers and television programs against chubby ladies?

The answer lies on the surface: fashion overweight women economically unprofitable! If we recognize the right of fat girls to sexuality, then what should we do with the super-profitable diet corporations, dietary nutrition, products and cosmetics for weight loss?

Nowadays Envy - driving force trade women's products, which are dominated by various weight loss products. Who will buy them, who will need tons of articles about diets and miracle cures from “ excess weight"What if the fashion industry officially recognizes fat girls' right to sexuality?

Unfortunately, manufacturers of goods and services for women still cannot understand that they can earn good money without trying to turn an overweight woman into a hanger, but simply satisfying their needs for fashionable and comfortable clothes, beautiful cosmetics, accessories decorating the body.

Which fat women, plump women, “dumplings” are sexy?

Like any thin woman, a plump girl is sexy if she in any way resembles... a child, a teenager. This turns men on very much. Female sexuality does not necessarily mean a thin figure - it can be childish look, cute face shape, long flowing girl hair, thin ankle...

Like any girl, a sexy lady is one who lives in harmony with her body and considers herself sexy, regardless of the canons of fashion and the opinions of other people.

It’s not for nothing that people say that thin, scrawny ladies are most often hysterical people who love to scandalize to their heart’s content and wrap other people’s nerves around their dystrophic fist. Fat girls are usually very good-natured and hospitable creatures who warm everyone around with their warmth.

This is understandable - women with a powerful fat reserve in purely physical terms have much more strength, and therefore they are an order of magnitude more optimistic and positive than those madams whose not only mental, but also physical strength is exhausted.

Tell me, please, who will be turned on by the skinny dystrophic model Isabelle Caro, who at 27 years old weighs 27 kilograms? No one will be aroused by this resemblance of a person, this skeleton belly with skin-covered ribs sticking to it! After all, what is not healthy is ugly.

Healthy woman always sexy, regardless of height, weight and physique. As Nancy Hazen said: “Every woman can be happy and sexy at any weight and size!”

Let it be so!

Let Tara Lynn be the first recognized fat world-class model - the first swallow, followed by other curvaceous beauties who will delight us, ordinary people, not only by the charm of harmonious facial features, but also by the special grace of a plump, healthy female body.

And the remaining 10% hide it. Is there any truth to this joke? We asked fans of plump ladies to respond to men's forums. It turned out that there really are a lot of them! Here's what they say.

Alexander, 27 years old:
I don’t understand people who don’t like chubby chicks. And no need to say that they are loose. Do you like Monica Bellucci? And she is by no means skinny. Have you seen her photoshoots? Where is the looseness? I am for feminine forms without looseness and cellulite. There are such fat women, which is just a sight for sore eyes. But everything should be in moderation.

Evgeniy, 18 years old:
And where did this opinion come from that if a woman is curvy, then she must have cellulite and be very fat. For some reason, we have this opinion, but here around me every day I see young ladies with bodies that are never loose - but at the same time with muscles, with smooth skin, it looks very cute, in my opinion. The issue of looseness is a matter of nutrition (the ratio of foods), cellulite also happens to skinny people. And a woman simply must have big breasts and butt. I also noticed that fat ladies Always younger face look, and have fewer wrinkles on their face. So if a woman is not embarrassed by her weight, then I think that she is very suitable as a life partner.

Kirill, 34 years old:
In my opinion there is different types fullness, and I treat curvy women differently. There are plump-curvy ones - it’s very beautiful and sexy, and there are square ones-without-curves. Everything about them is big and square. Everyone's tastes are different.

I like curvy women more than skinny ones. But the main thing is that a plump and curvy woman does not become square.

Victor, 43 years old:
I think that a woman of size 50 - many people consider this size already fat - is absolutely nothing. Better than size forty. I have never fallen for skinny women, they seem like teenagers to me, and their figures, as a rule, are teenage with undeveloped and very small breasts. It would be better to be a size 50 than to sleep with a teenager.

Anatoly, 30 years old:
But it seems to me that everything depends on charm, on femininity. I have a friend, Rubens would be happy - she is always well-groomed, always has a manicure, pedicure, hair removal, fashionable haircut, and dresses beautifully. And there are simply a lot of men who admire her. She radiates sexuality, she is confident... And there are skinny women who have melancholy, anger, dissatisfaction in their eyes...

In general, it seems to me fat women more cheerful and bright, there is something exciting about them.

Artem, 40 years old:
Yes, they really do! Moreover, “serious” such crumpets have more than one name. Well, 110 kg with a height of 155 cm - kind of my size. Well, like it! I can’t explain this in any way, just as you can’t explain why it’s accepted thin women consider the standard of beauty, and stigmatize the fat.

Andrey, 29 years old:
It's hard to say why you don't like skinny people. Well, they don't put it in. There is no attraction, no spark. But I’m ready to “tear apart” the “donut” (not just any one, of course, but the one I liked). In a good way, of course, to tear to pieces.

Alexander, 35 years old:
I don’t remember who wrote: “Men pretend that they like thin women, dry wines and a life full of adventures. In fact, they love fat women, sweet wines and a quiet life.”

I think many men like buns, remember our history: village women have always been in shape, ruddy and healthy, or rather hefty.

Maxim, 37 years old:
For some reason they still don’t marry models. Personally, my ideas about female beauty were formed quite a long time ago. Everything comes from Freud, from youth. I really liked Fedoseeva Shukshina (“Stoves of the bench”, “Kalina Krasnaya”). Here, after all, a lot depends not only on centimeters or kilograms - grace, gait. It happens that a village woman walks - it’s like a swan is swimming. And if you look at the “model” with a can of beer, you’ll want to puke.

Andrey, 28 years old:
Needless to say, it’s sad that most men often forget that plump women can sometimes outshine even the most show-off fashion model. Well, yes, a beautiful stylish figure, but what’s in the soul, in the character?

Puffy women are distinguished by the fact that, unlike slender ones, they know how to truly love; they are softer, kinder, and more natural. Personally, I am drawn specifically to fat and chubby women, but I simply don’t recognize all this thinness.

Alexander, 22 years old:
It seems to me that it’s different for everyone, some like larger forms, others like, as they say, to “feel” a woman. Just when you hug plump girl She's so soft and cuddly. I want to eat it. Although my psychologist friend said that everything is simpler, it’s just that overweight women have more pronounced sexual characteristics, and we males are attracted to this on a subconscious level.
I don’t know whether this is true or not, but still I want to find a chubby girlfriend, although love is not chosen, love is found.

Alexey, 31 years old:
I like everything about plus size women! Well, plump women are simply beautiful in their own right! Everything about them is beautiful: their breasts, their tummy, their ass, and their plump legs in stockings - wow! Sexy and exciting.

Stanislav, 20 years old:
I add to your love for donuts. Let me add: the moral oppression of fat women forces them to be more adaptable. This means that they not only have a softer body, but also a softer character; it is easier to communicate with them and to live with them.

Andrey, 42 years old:
Fat girls are appetizing, sexy, cute, and there is no better sex than them. As we say, a woman without a belly is like a house without wardrobe.

Dmitry, 29 years old:
I have ex-wife I was 46 kg, and I always liked girls in the body, but I was young, stupid, shy. “What will your friends say?” I myself am thin and not very tall. But what could be better than a soft, warm body? It will keep you warm in winter and hide in the shade in summer. Okay, this is a joke.

I really like tall, plump women with hips, a tummy and divine breasts. Maybe someday I will find my happiness!

Skinny slender girls Today they are considered almost the standard of beauty throughout the world. At the same time, being overweight causes only the most negative reaction - irritation, condemnation and cruel ridicule. Why fat woman looks like a loser in the eyes of society? Let's try to figure it out.

Beauty standards and obese women

A number of states simply need to maintain the myth of ideal parameters figures - this allows not only to control the consciousness of society, but also to impose the necessary stereotypes, as well as to sell special products, for example, vitamins for weight loss, foods high in sugar, clothes in classic small sizes.

Since childhood, we grow up in an environment that literally hammers into our heads that being fat is bad. Overweight children evoke the most unpleasant emotions in us, and it is difficult for us to really explain where they come from. However, this does not stop most schoolchildren from turning fat classmates into objects of cruel bullying.

But once you look at the dolls that most girls play with, the question immediately arises: what was the manufacturer thinking when creating them? We, of course, mean the ill-fated Barbie doll, whose parameters drove (and continue to drive) millions crazy young girls worldwide. A few years ago, scientists even conducted research and found that a woman with the parameters of a Barbie doll could not live full life– such a girl would be forced to move exclusively on all fours!

Beauty standards throughout human history changed a huge number of times. And if in the times of Rubens and Rembrandt fat woman with obvious folds on the sides, wide hips, and what today everyone squeamishly calls cellulite, a tummy and a double chin - was considered a real goddess, then 400 years later the ballerina Anna Pavlova inspired women to bandage their breasts so that they would appear as flat and graceful as those of a dancer.

Then the sexy Marilyn Monroe appeared and her sensual forms replaced the skinny ones in my head. True, not for long, because already in the 60s the super skinny Twiggy burst onto the catwalk, whose graceful parameters drive crazy not only hippie youths with fluff over their lips, but also bearded rockers.

Today we are experiencing absolutely new stage understanding and acceptance female beauty. Plus-size models are increasingly appearing on screens, as well as such bright celebrities as Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, the ageless Monica Bellucci, the red-haired beast Christina Hendricks and the talented Lena Dunham.

From hatred to love: female plumpness reveals a secret

Obesity is often associated with illness. But this is absolutely not true! Overweight people, just like thin people, can be active, healthy image life, exercise, regularly enjoy sex and give birth to healthy children.

Fat woman You don’t have to feel inferior or humiliated because of your non-standard clothing size. This stereotype sits in the heads of those who look at a fat girl with condemnation and at the same time... (attention!)... with fear. Yes, yes, people who do not accept and actively express their negativity towards more fat people in fact, it is terribly afraid to be in their place.

It's easier to be like everyone else. Buy standard sizes and not being different from others is normal. But having cellulite, wearing a clothing size above 46 and still feeling beautiful and confident - this requires inner strength. Take a look at Pierce Brosnan's wife, Keely Shaye Smith. What an unfortunate fat girl, isn't she? In the photo you can see with the naked eye that the poor thing is suffering from her extra pounds on the waist every day.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - a hackneyed phrase, but how clearly it conveys the essence of the very concept of beauty and attractiveness. There are hundreds of millions of women in the world and each of them is unique and beautiful in their own way. It doesn't matter how old you are, how big your waist is, or how many calories you eat every day. Your body is worthy of love and respect.

The quality of the photo depends on the experience of the artist and the relaxedness of the model. If two conditions are met, then even plump models will look slimmer. But there is also certain rules, which regulate poses for photo shoots for plus-size girls. We will consider posing options in the article.

Do you want to look beautiful in the photo?

If you are the owner of curvy figures, then you do not have to deny yourself the pleasure of being photographed. Years pass, but the memory of them can be captured. Don't be ashamed of yourself and look at catwalk models with sadness. You are also a model, but unique.

The success of a photo shoot will depend not only on appearance model, but its openness, natural state of peace, self-confidence. Tune in positive result in your head, but knowing the basics of proper posing in front of the lens won’t hurt you.

Portrait rules

The portrait should highlight the features of the model’s face and décolleté. The shot is close-up, the lens can add a couple of kilograms. Therefore, the photographer should take pictures from above, but in no case from below.

To avoid the double chin effect, you must:

  • sit half-turned towards the camera;
  • raise your head a little and tilt it back slightly (do not overdo it so that the photo does not show that you did this intentionally);
  • give in top part bodies forward - there will be an emphasis on the face, which will stretch out a little;
  • owners long hair they should be loosened over the shoulders to also lengthen the oval. If the portrait is made half-turned, the hair can be thrown to one side, covering the cheek close to the lens;
  • try to avoid straight lines in posing in front of the camera, there must be a slight deflection of the body or a bias to the side;
  • play of light and shadow, if studio shooting - bright accent given to the center of the face, the contours are slightly darkened to hide plump cheeks, a second chin, to make the oval more elongated.

Regular photo standing, sitting or lying down

Many ladies of piquant shapes refuse to be photographed in full height, collecting only pictures along the chest line into her album. If you choose the right posture, you can remove the wrinkles on the stomach, lengthen the legs, reduce the volume of the hips, make more attractive than hands even in short sleeves.

Standing angle

Fat girls always try to shrink, slouch, thinking that this way they will be smaller. A correct posture for a photo shoot - this is:

Poses for plump women sitting

When the model sits down on a chair, sofa, armchair, her body becomes shorter and wider, especially if you turn full face.

Half-squat pose

Correct posing consists of the following nuances:

  1. Sit half-turned without touching your back. The back is straight, the shoulders are laid back. Tilt your head slightly to the side and lift it up. You can throw your legs on top of each other or raise one on a bench and leave the other below. In this case, the body should be straight or slightly reclined back to avoid creases in the abdomen.
  2. The chair can only be used as a support - stand with your back to it, rest your hands behind your back, and sit down slightly or bend one leg at the knees and leave the other straight. In a sitting position, do not allow your body to point directly towards the camera.
  3. Use accessories to cover up sitting position stomach. Soft toy, pillows will distract attention from problem areas.
  4. Chubby girls at a photo shoot should try their hand at lying down, especially on their stomachs. This pose will add some spice to your photos. So that the photo does not seem vulgar, you can wear a beautiful evening or home outfit. It all depends on the theme of the photo shoot.

“Little Mermaid Pose” for sitting photos

The key to success is, of course, the right outfit, hairstyle, and makeup. Without this, even the brightest model with correct proportions the body may turn out poorly in the photo.

There is no need to sympathize with them - you can only envy them!

Do real women simply have to have appetizing curves? Are fat people better in bed? Very satisfied with our intimate life plump representatives of the fair sex are sure that this is so. It turns out that thin friends are far from them in many respects. “A little body” is extremely important and even necessary to be able to enjoy intimacy with a man. Not only the ladies themselves speak about this, but also their partners, and even... scientists.

Contrary to popular belief, the roundness of the silhouette (which - attention! - is not at all synonymous with large overweight and especially obesity) is not at all a reason for shame and embarrassment. Women with large busts and full butts tend to feel sexy and know how to use it in the bedroom. Sexually plump women are, of course, more pleasant to the touch, more visually attractive, and also much more daring compared to “boned” beauties. Hard to believe? Here are 7 tested and objective reasons, according to which plump women are better in bed. Maybe it's time to stop starving yourself and gain some weight?

1. Fat girls and women in bed are like a soft pillow

Most bed positions require direct contact of the partners' pelvic bones. If a woman has virtually no fatty tissue, the man is forced to hit his partner’s bones quite painfully - not a pleasant sensation. Intimate contact loses intensity because the man, for his own safety, slows down the pace. Fat women are better for such intercourse, since their fat “cushions” the shock. Thanks to this, the man is not distracted by unpleasant “side” sensations, the act of love can last longer and bring much greater satisfaction to both parties.

2. Men are attracted to them on a subconscious level.

Fashion and means mass media they are trying to convince us that men much prefer the thinnest women with model bodies. In fact, everything is far from the case, if not the other way around. Researchers have long proven that men are subconsciously interested in partners with stronger bodies. Full the better what them wide hips and large breasts involuntarily encourage the stronger sex to reproduce. After all, they are a sign that a woman will cope perfectly with the birth and feeding of possible heirs. This is very attractive to men, even if they don't realize it.

3. Full body - more surface for maneuver

Sexologists agree that skinny women never become as attractive to men as their larger girlfriends. Fat in bed are good because there is always something to grab onto and afford much more. A curvy woman is a great opportunity to play with her breasts, buttocks, stomach, legs. Men love to touch them, knead them, and kiss them. Not to mention the so-called Spanish sex that a girl with small breasted, or rather, her partner cannot afford it.

4. Men like certain specific sounds.

What is it about we're talking about and what does it have to do with the structure of the body? It turns out that there is a lot. Many men admit that they are even more turned on by the sound that appears at the moment active movement two bodies. A man's thighs coming into contact with our buttocks (in a rear position) produce a characteristic slap. Also, the “waves” formed by the partner’s body do their job, and in the case of very slim figure such a specific effect is unattainable.

5. Fat people have fewer inhibitions about sex.

They say that the more fat tissue, the less self-confidence. In very many cases this is absolutely not the case. From the observations of sexologists, it follows that ladies with a more curvaceous physique in bed, as a rule, are much more open to new experiences and experiments. If people who are fat in bed feel that they really like a man and care about him, then they are able to generously reward him for this. Without being embarrassed at all, they show themselves to their partner in all sorts of positions, without removing his hands and lips from places that are theoretically less attractive than others. They love all of themselves. It is enough to pay a little attention to them - and any doubts and prohibitions disappear - unlike thin women who are constantly not satisfied with something and who strive to appear to their partners only from angles that are favorable to them.

6. Fat girls look very feminine in bed

Theoretically, by definition, absolutely everyone should look feminine. However, men who have had experience of close relationships with thin houses do not hide their disappointment. In their opinion, a body devoid of pleasant feminine roundness can, during intimate communication, be associated, rather, with someone like younger brother, and not with a sexy female partner. After all flat chest and buttocks are attributes of the male gender. Men appreciate a situation where you don’t have to think about who’s in this moment lies beneath them and you can completely surrender to pleasure. If this is not the case, contact may be uncomfortable and even stressful.

7. Fat people are better in bed because they're more fun.

Few people are aware of this, but a smile and a good attitude are the best aphrodisiac. Many argue that women with the greatest sense of humor can boast of curvy figure. It is not entirely clear what this is connected with, but it is quite possible that it is so. Maybe because they have developed immunity against the sidelong and mocking glances of their puny friends? Or maybe because they don’t diet themselves, don’t give up the joys of life and know how to appreciate their curves? Laughter is useful during intimate contacts, because it can relieve tension, soften awkward situations, and help you relax. After all, sex shouldn't be a boring commitment and a challenge. nervous system, but with joy and positivity. And it is a plump partner in bed who can become his generous source.