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"Used" blood retains a bluish tint until the carbon dioxide contained in hemoglobin is again replaced by oxygen in the lungs.

Causes of cyanosis and diseases in which the skin turns blue

Cyanosis occurs when there is an excess of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood. This occurs when there is a violation of gas exchange in the lungs (the replacement of oxygen contained in the blood with carbon dioxide stops) or when arterial and venous blood mix.

Very often cyanosis is a symptom dangerous disease heart, such as congenital heart disease. The symptom is characteristic only for "blue" heart defects. In addition, cyanosis is also manifested in heart failure.

In addition, bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes causes respiratory failure. Cyanosis is observed in chronic lung diseases, due to which, due to the compaction of the lung tissue, the diffusion of gases (gas exchange) is disturbed.

A mild form of cyanosis manifests itself in violation of blood circulation, which is based on a slowdown in blood flow and an increase in the amount of hemoglobin combined with carbon dioxide in the blood.

With polycythemia, the level of red blood cells in the blood increases, which contributes to the thickening of the blood and staining of the skin in Blue colour. This form of cyanosis is dangerous, because it can cause various complications.

Impaired function blood vessels at the point where the arterioles pass into the capillaries, causes the contraction of the arteries and the expansion of the veins, which makes it difficult for blood to flow to the heart. Especially often for this reason, the palms and soles turn blue (acrocyanosis).

Cyanosis can also manifest itself in the presence of certain external factors, for example, in the cold season. On the legs, there are clearly defined or vague blue spots. Often this is accompanied by a violation of hormonal metabolism and the presence of excess weight.

Cyanosis can also occur in newborns. It usually occurs due to underdevelopment respiratory system of the newborn.

Prolonged exposure to high altitude can also lead to the development of cyanosis. It's normal defensive reaction organism. The fact is that with an insufficient amount of oxygen in the body, the level of red blood cells rises. This condition is called polyglobulia. It does not pose a health risk and does not require special treatment.

Cyanosis can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Questions and answers on the topic "Cyanosis"

My daughter is 10 years old, although she rarely gets sick, but there are complications in the form of obstruction. With severe attacks, blue appeared under the nose, but not over the entire nasolabial fold, but along the nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Now the child is healthy, but after visiting the water park she again noticed this blueness, of course she swam very actively and climbed and rolled down the slides, but there was no shortness of breath, she did not complain about the lack of air, she said that she felt great and was ready to run to the slides again . I didn’t let it in, because K. This fact frightened me very much, and began to observe, after a minute the blue began to disappear and then a healthy skin color returned. But still I ask you to comment on this situation. For information, when obstructions were observed by a cardiologist for a year, after which he removed us from the register, asthma was also not confirmed and was also removed from the register. What then does this blue say?

Why does the face turn blue

face diagnostics

A person can “tell” a lot about the state of health long before you feel your illness and go to the clinic to take a bunch of all kinds of tests. The science by which one can determine the disease by looking at our face is called physiognomy. It may seem to many that this is some kind of modern technique, but by no means. Physiognomy was studied and successfully used by the great Aristotle. And the thing is that almost any disease leaves its “trace” on the face of the patient.

Doctor Pirogov at one time even compiled a “facial” atlas, which was called “The Face of the Patient”. Pirogov said that each disease is reflected by its own, individual "imprint" on the face.

But, alas, for some reason this method of diagnostics in medicine did not take root in our country. But it has become widespread in the East. Physiognomy is especially popular among doctors in China and Korea. In these countries, almost every physician carefully examines the patient's face when making a diagnosis.

By what signs on the face can our diseases be recognized? Let's look at a few of these "fingerprints" on the example of the most common diseases.

Heart and circulatory system

A deep elongated nasolabial fold may indicate violations in the work of the heart. This is a clear sign of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs. Cardiac neurosis is expressed in the narrow back of the nose, while myocardial infarction can be identified by a violation of sensitivity in the skin area between the chin and lower lip. And the presence deep wrinkles between the lip and nose already speaks of a defect in the heart valve.

If a person's lips turn blue periodically, this is a signal of incipient heart failure and serious reason to see a doctor.

The wings of the nose can also tell about heart problems. In this case, they acquire a blue-red color. Meanwhile, by the pallor of the ears with a pronounced waxy tint, one can judge a violation of blood circulation.

Hint of early circulatory disorders in young age is premature graying of the hair.

About the high level blood pressure may signal a red bumpy nose streaked with blood vessels. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red color of the nose. It is very important to pay attention to whiskey. If the temporal artery protrudes very strongly, has sharp contours, and you periodically experience reddening of the face, this also indicates a frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure. In this case, the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis is very high.

Diseases of the heart are also reflected in the cheeks. Namely: sunken left cheek- a signal about the malfunction of our "engine". A short neck also indicates possible prerequisites for heart failure. In addition, the owner of such a neck may be threatened by the prospect of early sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Below I present a brief guide to the diseases reflected on our face.

Quick reference guide for facial diagnostics

Tumor development. The complexion has an earthy hue.

Mitral heart disease - reflected on the cheeks and lips. The cheeks become red and the lips have a bluish color.

Pulmonary pathology or asthma - with a tendency to these diseases, a person has excessively long fluffy eyelashes.

Diseases associated with metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract are manifested by flabbiness of the skin.

Gastritis and stomach ulcer. A signal for these diseases are dry lips with seizures in the corners of the mouth.

Disorders of the endocrine system: the face will be wrinkled even in young people.

Increased pressure and a tendency to stroke is reflected by the capillary mesh on the cheeks.

Chronic pain syndrome- a clear crease between the eyebrows, combined with tightly compressed lips.

Renal pathology. Its presence can be judged by the appearance of yellowish-brown pigment spots on the face.

Oncology. The signal of this formidable disease will be underlip. In this case, it seems to sink, that is, the volume upper lip more than the bottom.

kidney disease or Bladder: bags and dark circles appear under the eyes.

A symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology is a bluish pallor of the face.

A sign of tuberculosis is a waxy complexion.

Inflammation of the adenoids, sinusitis. When these diseases occur, a person's mouth is always involuntarily ajar.

Nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue: the whites of the eyes are dotted with red streaks.

Depression manifests itself on the face in the form of lowered corners of the mouth and eyes.

Severe mental illness, up to schizophrenia. The face of such a person resembles a mask. At the same time, facial expressions absolutely do not correspond to the events taking place.

The tendency to alcoholism is the presence of a large number of transverse wrinkles on the forehead, which resembles an "accordion". The manner of raising eyebrows is also characteristic, as if a person is surprised.

When studying your face, it is useful to pay attention to the hair, as their condition is also a good "barometer" of the state of health. For example, strong fallout hair is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity. This happens on the background of a serious illness. Greasy hair resembling tow - a direct sign of diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as endocrine disorders. If the hair is brittle, the metabolic function may be impaired, and the body lacks vitamins.

Quite a few useful information keep the lips of a person. Their size, shape, surface, color and shape can tell a lot.

For example, the large intestine is projected onto the lip line: thin, tightly compressed lips indicate chronic colitis.

If the lips crack or jams appear - hypovitaminosis, kidney problems.

Dryness and roughness of the lips indicate dehydration or stress.

With anemia, the lips are pale.

In diseases of the liver - yellowish.

In cardiac disorders due to lack of oxygen, the lips turn blue.

If the lips are dry, chapped, rough, this indicates dehydration. Nervousness, anxiety, and fear can also be the cause of dry, trembling lips.

If there are a lot of light brown specks on the lips, this indicates poor digestion, chronic indigestion.

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Cyanosis: what is it, causes, symptoms and forms, treatment

cyanosis - clinical sign a number of pathologies in which the skin of patients acquire a blue color. The reason for such changes is the accumulation in the blood of deoxyhemoglobin - hemoglobin, which gave oxygen to the tissues. Blood depleted of oxygen becomes dark, translucent through the skin and makes it cyanotic. This is most clearly seen in places with thinned skin - on the face and ears.

Cyanosis occurs in individuals with circulatory disorders leading to generalized or local hypoxemia.

With insufficient blood filling of the capillaries, acrocyanosis develops, which is manifested by cyanosis of the skin of the fingers and toes, the tip of the nose. This term, translated from ancient Greek, means "dark blue limb."

The severity of cyanosis varies from a barely noticeable cyanosis to a purple color of the skin. Temporary cyanosis occurs when excessive physical activity, persistent cyanosis - with long-term cardiac or pulmonary diseases.


Central cyanosis is diffuse in nature and the maximum severity. It develops with weak blood arterialization, leading to hypoxia. In the lungs, gas exchange is disturbed, an excess of carbon dioxide accumulates in the arterial blood, which is clinically manifested by blue conjunctiva of the eyes, palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks, and facial skin. Qualitative and quantitative changes in hemoglobin in the blood lead to a violation of its transport function and hypoxia.

manifestations of cyanosis in adults and children

Acrocyanosis is localized on the feet, hands, nose, ears, lips. Peripheral cyanosis is considered a normal variant in the first days of a newborn's life. Its origin is easily explained by the incompletely eliminated germinal type of blood circulation, especially in premature babies. The cyanosis of the skin is aggravated by swaddling, feeding, crying, and anxiety. When the baby is fully adapted to the outside world, cyanosis will disappear.

  • Permanent and transient, occurring with low blood glucose or inflammation of the meninges,
  • Total or general
  • Regional or local: perioral, distal,
  • isolated.

Local cyanosis develops in places with the largest number of blood vessels, perioral - around the mouth, periorbital - around the eyes. Cyanosis of any part of the human body can appear with pulmonary and cardiac pathologies.

There are several types of cyanosis by origin:

  1. The respiratory type is caused by an insufficient volume of oxygen in the lungs and a violation of the transport chain of its supply to cells and tissues. It develops when there is a complete or partial violation of the movement of air through the respiratory tract.
  2. Cardiac type - insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues leads to oxygen deficiency and blue skin.
  3. The cerebral type develops when the blood loses its ability to attach oxygen to hemoglobin and deliver it to the brain cells.
  4. The metabolic type develops when there is a violation of the absorption of oxygen by tissues.

Respiratory cyanosis disappears 10 minutes after oxygen therapy, all other types persist for a long time. Massage of the earlobe helps to get rid of acrocyanosis.


With dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, the blood cannot fully deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, which leads to the development of hypoxia. At the same time, cyanosis appears against the background of fatigue, fatigue, headache, insomnia, chest pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and disorientation.

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of various diseases internal organs:

  • Heart and blood vessels - heart defects, ischemic heart disease, pulmonary embolism, varicose veins and atherosclerosis,
  • Blood - polycythemia and anemia,
  • Respiratory system - pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, bronchiolitis, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, infection, COPD, pulmonary emphysema, breath holding, croup, foreign bodies, inflammation of the epiglottis,
  • Poisoning with poisons or medicines - nitrites, phenacetin, nitrobenzene-containing drugs, sulfonamides, aniline, sedatives, alcohol,
  • drug overdose,
  • Convulsions that last a long time
  • epilepsy,
  • Anaphylactic shock, angioedema,
  • food poisoning,
  • Especially dangerous infections - cholera, plague,
  • Small intestine carcinoid.

There are congenital family forms methemoglobinemia with autosomal recessive inheritance.

In healthy people, cyanosis can occur during hypothermia, in high altitude conditions, in a stuffy unventilated room, during a flight without oxygen equipment.


characteristic areas of cyanosis

Cyanosis is a symptom of life-threatening diseases. With central cyanosis, the skin of the periorbital and perioral region first turns blue, then it spreads to areas of the body with the most thin skin. Peripheral cyanosis is most pronounced in areas remote from the heart. It is often associated with swelling and swelling of the neck veins.

Depending on the time of occurrence, cyanosis is acute, subacute and chronic.

Cyanosis does not adversely affect the general well-being of patients, but in combination with other signs of the underlying pathology, it becomes a reason to consult a doctor. If cyanosis occurs suddenly, grows rapidly and has a significant degree of severity, then it requires emergency care.

Cyanosis, depending on the etiology of the disease, is accompanied by various symptoms: severe cough, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, fever, and other signs of intoxication.

  • Cyanosis in bronchopulmonary diseases is manifested by a purple tint of the skin and mucous membranes and is combined with shortness of breath, wet cough, fever, sweating, wet rales. These symptoms are characteristic of an asthma attack, acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, pneumonia. With PE, intense cyanosis develops against the background of chest pain and shortness of breath, and with pulmonary infarction, it is combined with hemoptysis. Sharp cyanosis and severe shortness of breath are signs of tuberculosis and lung carcinomatosis. Patients with similar symptoms require urgent hospitalization and respiratory resuscitation.
  • In heart disease, cyanosis is one of the main symptoms. It is combined with shortness of breath, characteristic auscultatory data, wet rales, hemoptysis. Cyanosis in heart defects is accompanied by secondary erythrocytosis, an increase in hematocrit, and the development of capillary stasis. In patients, there is a deformation of the fingers, like drumsticks and nails, like watch glasses.

cyanosis in a newborn with a heart defect and the characteristic structure of the fingers of an adult with an untreated defect

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child occurs both in the norm and in pathology. In newborns, the skin is so thin that blood vessels can be seen through it. Severe, persistent cyanosis requires an urgent referral to a pediatrician.

Cyanosis is not subject to special treatment. When it appears, oxygen therapy is carried out and the main treatment is enhanced. Therapy is considered effective in reducing the severity of cyanosis and its disappearance.

In the absence of timely and effective treatment of diseases manifested by cyanosis, patients develop a disorder nervous system, the overall resistance of the body decreases, sleep and appetite are disturbed, in severe cases a person may fall into a coma. This condition requires urgent medical care in the intensive care unit.


Diagnosis of diseases manifested by cyanosis begins with listening to complaints and taking an anamnesis. The patient is found out when the cyanosis of the skin appeared, under what circumstances cyanosis arose, whether it is permanent or paroxysmal. Then determine the localization of cyanosis and specify how its shade changes during the day.

After a conversation with the patient, a general examination begins, the severity of his condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. The doctor performs auscultation of the heart and lungs.

Then they move on to laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. General blood test,
  2. Analysis of the gas composition of arterial blood,
  3. Pulse oximetry - a pulse oximeter is put on the patient's finger, which determines blood oxygen saturation in a few seconds,
  4. Determination of blood flow velocity
  5. Examination of the functions of the heart and lungs,
  6. The study of gases of exhaled air - capnography,
  7. electrocardiography,
  8. Radiography of organs chest,
  9. Computed tomography of the chest,
  10. Cardiac catheterization.

Features of treatment

Treatment of cyanosis is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that provoked blue skin. If the patient becomes difficult to breathe, the respiratory rate exceeds 60 breaths per minute, he sits hunched over, loses his appetite, becomes irritable and does not sleep well, you should consult a doctor.

If cyanosis of the lips, palpitations, fever, cough, blue nails and difficulty breathing appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy can reduce the blueness of the skin. Blood oxygen saturation is achieved by using an oxygen mask or tent.

IN complex treatment respiratory and heart failure, accompanied by hypoxia, oxygen therapy is mandatory. Inhalation of oxygen through a mask helps to improve the general condition and well-being of patients. Cyanotic seizures that occur during physical work or against a background of fever disappear after a short inhalation of oxygen.

The closed oxygen tent is the most expedient method of oxygen therapy, allowing you to adjust the gas mixture and the pressure of the injected oxygen. Oxygen can also be administered through an oxygen tank, mask, pillow, or tube. Centralized oxygen supply is carried out with the use of artificial lung ventilation.

An oxygen cocktail eliminates cyanosis and other consequences of hypoxia. It improves the quality of life for many patients, restores strength, saturates cells with oxygen, improves metabolism, attention and reaction speed. An oxygen cocktail is a thick foam filled with oxygen molecules. With the help of a special oxygen cartridge, juices, fruit drinks and syrups are enriched with oxygen not only in medical institutions, but also at home.

Currently, oxygen concentrates produced in Europe, America and Asia are very popular. They are highly reliable, stable in operation, almost silent, and have a long service life. Portable oxygen concentrates, which provide patients with the comfort of moving and maintaining a mobile lifestyle, deserve special attention.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy is aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to the body and its delivery to the tissues. To do this, patients are prescribed drugs that enhance pulmonary and cardiac activity, normalize blood flow through the vessels, improve the rheological properties of blood, and enhance erythropoiesis.

To reduce the cyanosis of the skin, patients are prescribed:

  • Bronchodilators - Salbutamol, Clenbuterol, Berodual,
  • Antihypoxants - "Actovegin", "Preductal", "Trimetazidine",
  • Respiratory analeptics - "Etimizol", "Cititon",
  • Cardiac glycosides - "Strophanthin", "Korglikon",
  • Anticoagulants - "Warfarin", "Fragmin",
  • Neuroprotectors - Piracetam, Phezam, Cerebrolysin,
  • Vitamins.

If the cause of cyanosis is heart disease, it is often possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgery.

Oxygen cocktails are also taken to prevent hypoxia in people at risk and with chronic heart and lung diseases. To improve the quality of life and prevent the onset of old age, you should perform elementary rules and recommendations: treat chronic diseases in time, lead a healthy lifestyle, walk a lot in the fresh air, maintain your health and love yourself.

Why does the skin turn blue

Cyanosis is the bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes, which is directly related to the state of the capillary network. Cyanosis can occur when the level of hemoglobin in the blood, saturated with oxygen, falls below 85 percent. The degree of severity of cyanosis is affected by the amount of hemoglobin unsaturated with oxygen, the thickness of the skin, the density of the capillary subcutaneous network.

Syndrome of respiratory disorders in the newborn

Cyanosis is difficult to distinguish in patients suffering from severe anemia, as well as in patients with symptoms of polycythemia.

Types of cyanosis

According to the level of distribution, it is customary to distinguish cyanosis:

  • regional, which occurs periorally (around the mouth), at the nasolabial triangle, on the tip of the nose, on the lips, earlobes, hands, tongue, feet;
  • total.

Usually cyanosis is observed in diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In the case of lung disease, cyanosis occurs due to the passage of blood through areas of the lungs that are not sufficiently ventilated. This leads to an increase in the level of unsaturated hemoglobin. In the case of congenital heart disease, the cause of cyanosis is associated with intracardiac mixing of arterial and venous blood.

Peripheral cyanosis usually occurs due to a decrease in peripheral blood flow, which leads to an increase in the amount of unsaturated hemoglobin in the blood. In a healthy person, cyanosis may appear at high altitudes, where the amount of oxygen in the inhaled air is reduced.

Features of central cyanosis

Central or arterial cyanosis is a condition in which there is less than 85 percent oxygen in the circulating blood. When the parts of the body are warmed, their redness does not occur, and in the case of pressure on the skin, a bluish spot appears. The central type of cyanosis is divided into methemoglobin and hemoglobin types.

Hemoglobin cyanosis is most often encountered with the development of severe right ventricular failure, when there is a discharge of blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the left. Cyanosis, which is more pronounced on the arms than on the legs, indicates that there has been a rearrangement of large arteries and a severely narrowed aorta.

Cyanosis in the respiratory system

Cyanosis can appear in case of damage to the respiratory system. This happens when:

  • difficulty breathing due to constriction respiratory tract;
  • restriction of the respiratory surface of the lungs;
  • violation of respiratory movements;
  • respiratory center injury.

In this case, the severity of cyanosis depends on the severity of the lesion.

Typically, such cyanosis is observed with a syndrome of respiratory disorders in a newborn, with pneumonia, pneumothorax, atelectasis, and croup.

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Why does the skin turn blue?

Diagnosis and treatment of cyanosis

Folk methods of treatment

Cyanosis is a skin disease in which it becomes bluish. It appears due to an increase in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which is deprived of oxygen. Occurs at a hemoglobin concentration of more than 50 g / l, despite the fact that the norm is 30 g / l. Cyanosis is popularly known as bluish disease. With this disease, the skin and mucous membranes become bluish, because of this, the name is bluish disease.

Cyanosis is a skin disease in which it becomes bluish

This disease is divided into peripheral and central. Depending on the site of manifestation, there is cyanosis of the skin, cyanosis of the face, cyanosis of the lips or nasolabial triangle. The duration of the disease depends on the cause of the occurrence, in people with heart defects, bluishness disappears only after surgery.

Symptoms of cyanosis

A symptom of cyanosis is the blueness of certain areas of the skin, such as:

  • skin of hands and feet
  • belly
  • heads
  • auricles

Cyanosis is a sign of a great many different diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems:

  • If cyanosis is due to hypothermia, it appears on the fingers and toes due to poor blood flow.
  • If, due to diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems, then all parts of the body become bluish.

In children, cyanosis develops in stages, and in the presence of respiratory infection may occur immediately. If the cause is not hypothermia, then immediately consult a doctor to diagnose the exact causes of the disease.

Causes of the disease

So, what is it that causes this disease? Central cyanosis occurs due to a small amount of oxygen entering the blood. This is affected by such diseases: heart disease, respiratory diseases. The skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic. The cause can also be poisoning and intoxication, in connection with which methemoglobin is formed.

Peripheral cyanosis is a bluish skin of the face or extremities, appears due to circulatory disorders, this is also affected by thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Occasionally, this ailment appears due to hypothermia.

Cyanosis, which is caused by diseases of the respiratory system, appears with poor gas exchange in the lungs, the skin and mucous membranes become purple. It occurs in patients with bronchial asthma and acute bronchiolitis, which leads to impaired bronchial patency. Such cyanosis is accompanied by sweat, shortness of breath, wet cough, high temperature.

Due to acute cyanosis, thrombosis occurs in the pulmonary artery system, due to which circulatory disorders occur. In patients with chronic lung disease, cyanosis shows an increase in respiratory failure.

Cyanosis is treated with an oxygen mask, which helps to saturate the blood with the necessary oxygen.

Cyanosis of the skin can be caused by serious violations and diseases:

  • foreign bodies
  • tumors
  • various diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • microcirculation disorders (acrocyanosis)
  • pulmonary bleeding
  • pneumonia
  • tuberculosis
  • breast deformity

Cyanosis of the extremities with edema present is a sign of venous insufficiency. Spots on the face and trunk may indicate acute pancreatitis. Cyanosis on the feet is a sign of circulatory disorders. Cyanosis of the extremities is also characteristic of Raynaud's disease.

You will not be able to find out the exact cause without the help of a specialist.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle - bluishness around the mouth and nose. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in a child indicates neuralgia and heart and lung defects. Do not forget that in many cases, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can also be in healthy babies, since the skin of children at an early age is thin and venous plexuses can be seen through it.

The remaining causes are not much different from cyanosis of the skin. In adults, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle occurs due to cardiovascular insufficiency and various diseases of the respiratory system. Cyanosis of the cervix in a woman may well be a sign of pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment of cyanosis

When diagnosing cyanosis, immediately pay attention to a number of indicators:

  • the duration of the first symptoms
  • taking medications that can lower hemoglobin derivatives
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems indicate central cyanosis

Massage the limbs of the arms and legs, thus the skin blood flow becomes faster and the peripheral cyanosis disappears, unlike the central one. To recognize the disease, it is also necessary to take a blood test.

First of all, you need to undergo an examination and identify the causes of the disease. Treat cyanosis in general with an oxygen mask or oxygen tent, which helps to saturate the blood with the necessary oxygen. The more effective this method is, the faster the bluishness of the skin will decrease.

But do not forget that initially it is worth treating the disease that caused cyanosis. The attending physician will be able to determine the exact cause of cyanosis and prescribe medications and drugs necessary to eliminate or alleviate the very cause of cyanosis.

Massage can be quite effective in some cases.

Folk methods of treatment

Horse chestnut tincture will help cure cyanosis

Folk remedies have long been the most effective and did not have side effects, here are the most effective of them.

  • If the disease appeared due to poor circulation, make a mask of aloe juice and honey. Dilute aloe juice and honey in half and spread on the area where the bluishness has appeared. Leave a minute. Suitable for both children and adults.
  • It is also worth preparing a tincture of horse chestnut fruits. The fruits must be insisted in cold water about an hour, boil, drink 12 days half an hour before meals, three times a day, one tablespoon.

To avoid cyanosis or prevent its further manifestation, monitor the health of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. Walk outdoors more often exercise, get out into the woods and out of town, and at the first manifestations of the disease, do not delay going to the doctor to make sure that everything is in order and there is no reason to panic. The consequences of prolonged cyanosis and its manifestations can cost you your life. You are alone and you should not risk your health due to lack of time or laziness. Only you can ensure a long and healthy life!

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Definition of disease by face

Everyone's skin is different. The color and condition of the skin is influenced by many factors: profession, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity. But the main factor in skin color changes are acute and chronic diseases.

On appearance skin diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases are reflected. Sometimes these diseases are reflected on the skin at the beginning of the disease, and in other cases - before its appearance, and then the necessary measures can be taken in time.

To recognize some of these signals, you don’t even need special knowledge, just look at the suffering person carefully. Sometimes a mother senses a baby's health problems before the baby starts acting up or has a fever. If the person sitting next to you on the plane suddenly turns green in the face, this means that he will soon have an attack of "air sickness", despite the fact that he himself is not sick yet. In more cases, you can not do without the help of a doctor.

What can you tell by the color of your skin? There are general patterns. In Chinese medicine, for example, among the "unhealthy colors" of the face there are indicators of pain (white, green and black), absence (white) and fullness (yellow and red). A person who has suddenly turned pale is usually said to have no face on him. Each of these five colors refers to some organ and season of the year: the heart and the beginning of summer are red, the lungs and autumn are white, the kidneys and winter are black, the end of summer and the spleen are yellow, spring and liver are green.

Modern medicine in diagnostics considers yellow, white, red, green and blue colors.

RED color indicates overheating of the body as a result of fever and associated infectious diseases. It may also indicate carbon monoxide poisoning. Signals about heart disease and blood vessels.

WHITE, aka PALE, color warns of lung pathology, anemia, stroke or heart attack.

BLUE color occurs as a result of oxygen starvation, lung diseases. Face earthy gray speaks of gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, constipation, and dark - about kidney disease or bladder infection.

The most dangerous is the GREEN complexion, it signals the complications of gallstone disease and may even indicate cirrhosis of the liver or cancer.

Those who have a YELLOW face suffer from diseases of the spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder.

Of great importance are the shades of the skin of the face.

If the skin is yellow, orange or lemon, pay attention to the adrenal glands. The skin acquires such a shade due to a lack of adrenal hormones. Seek help from an endocrinologist.

With a white or pale skin tone, you need to pay attention to metabolism, nutrition, blood composition, digestion, lungs, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system. The cause of pallor can be anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood), and metabolic disorders, and indigestion, when iron is poorly absorbed. Also, pallor can result from a lack of thyroid hormones, low blood pressure, lung disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, aortic stenosis, or left ventricular failure. Paleness can also appear from cold, fear, pain or swelling.

If the face is red, pay attention to body temperature, blood, cardiovascular system.

In the case when the whole face has become red, you need:

First of all, check the cardiovascular system, as well as do a blood test. Redness on the face may occur due to disorders in the work of the heart, an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, or an increase in blood pressure;

Possible carbon monoxide poisoning, fever due to an infectious disease, alcohol poisoning, atropine, acetone, or hallucinogenic drugs.

With a bluish tint to the skin of the face, pay attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Consult with a cardiologist. This color indicates that there is not enough oxygen in the blood due to problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Among the diseases may be heart disease, and pneumothorax, and pulmonary emphysema, and thromboembolism. The face can also turn blue in a healthy person who is high in the mountains.

A dark skin tone with a black tint indicates problems with the genitourinary system. Visit a urologist to check your bladder and kidneys.

A gray tone to the skin of the face usually indicates problems with digestion. Gastritis, constipation, problems with the stomach or intestines give an earthy - gray tint to the skin of the face. Due to malnutrition, complexion also deteriorates. A gastroenterologist will help you solve all these problems. Due to smoking and stress, the skin can also turn gray.

If the skin has a greenish tint, pay attention to the liver, gallbladder, oncology. Green is no less dangerous than blue. It often indicates complications of cholelithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver, and even cancer. But do not be afraid in advance, it is better to hurry to get an examination by a doctor. By the way, a greenish skin tone in a healthy person gives fluorescent lighting.

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What does the complexion say?

The skin of people is different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Occupation, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity leave their mark.

Unfortunately, quite often the cause of an unhealthy complexion: red, yellow or gray, are acute and chronic diseases.

Problems in the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems inevitably affect our appearance. Distress signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

We can recognize some of these signals on our own, without special knowledge. It may be enough just to look closely at a person to determine the cause of his suffering.

The mother understands that the child has a fever, even before he had time to complain of malaise or began to act up. An attack of “airsickness” in an airplane sitting next to you in the cabin can also be easily “diagnosed” before a neighbor really gets sick - after all, everyone knows that a person, unlike plants, when he feels good, does not happen green. But there are cases and more difficult, when you can not do without the help of a doctor.

I must say that people learned to recognize the disease by complexion a long time ago, back in the days of Aristotle and Hippocrates. The achievements of Eastern healers are especially impressive.

For example, in China, already at the beginning of the first millennium, a diagnosis was made by complexion. And the predictions of the ancient Aesculapius came true with a high degree of probability. The art of reading in the face was called "Xian-Ming" and was practiced by the great masters of their craft, who kept it a deep secret and only verbally transmitted their experience to the most gifted students. Now forgotten traditions are being revived.

What is meant by "unhealthy complexion"?

Let's start with general patterns. You can often hear that a person has an unhealthy complexion. This is a rather vague concept, since there are many “flowers of unhealthy”.

For example, in Chinese medicine there are five of them: green, white and black are indicators of pain, yellow and red symbolize fullness, white - absence.

Not without reason, at the sight of a very pale person, we exclaim: “Yes, there is no face on you!”.

Each of the five colors corresponds to an organ and season of the year.

Red - the heart and the beginning of summer, white - lungs and autumn, black - winter and kidneys, yellow - the end of summer and the spleen, green - spring and liver.

Reading the diagnosis

For modern doctors, only four colors are diagnostically significant - RED, YELLOW, BLUE and WHITE. Here's what they can tell us.

  • overheating of the body
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • lung disease,
  • oxygen starvation.
  • anemia,
  • lung pathology,
  • stroke or heart attack.

However, other colors are also important. For example, a dark complexion is a sign of kidney disease, bladder infection.

Earthy gray indicates frequent constipation and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for the appearance of an earthy complexion can also be a lack of fluid in the body.

The appearance of a gray color can be due not only to diseases, but also to the impact of addictions on the skin of the face. Excessive addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and junk food, a sedentary lifestyle, tension and stress can also cause your skin to gradually lose its healthy color and turn gray.

Green is the most dangerous color, often in such cases, doctors diagnose complications of cholelithiasis in a patient, and sometimes cirrhosis of the liver and even cancer. This symptom clearly indicates the need to visit a specialist gastroenterologist.

Not only skin color matters

You can learn a lot of important things by carefully examining individual fragments of your face. Their coloring allows you to recognize the disease more accurately.

  • Blue-red coloration of the cheeks - heart failure.
  • White spots on the cheeks - persistent lowering of blood pressure.
  • Unhealthy blush on the cheeks - asthma, bronchitis, lack of vitamin C in the body.
  • Symmetrical redness or whitening of the cheeks near the nose - lack of iron, digestive disorders.
  • Bright red lips - respiratory diseases, increased blood pressure.
  • "Bluish" lips - disturbances in the work of the heart, lack of oxygen.
  • Dark purple lips - an excess of cholesterol in the body.
  • Dark circles under the eyes - nervous disorders.
  • Blue circles under the eyes - a violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation. Malfunctions in the work of the genital organs.
  • Red color of the nose - disturbances in the work of the heart, high blood pressure.
  • Blue-red nose - low blood pressure.
  • Red streaks on the nose - gastritis.
  • White spots on the nose - lung disease.
  • Severe pallor of the lower and upper turbinates - pneumonia.
  • Pale auricles with a characteristic waxy tint - circulatory disorders.
  • Pale color of the tongue - anemia.
  • The blue color of the tongue is a malfunction in the work of the heart.
  • Yellow color of the tongue - violations in the liver.

Of course, everything that has been said here should not be taken as a diagnosis and an immediate guide to action. These are only indirect indications of possible problems in your body, and an unhealthy complexion should be taken only as an excuse to visit a doctor.

The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a thorough examination.

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Skin color of the face: red, yellow, pale, gray, sallow. Causes, diagnosis.

The beauty of a person is judged by his face: the cut and symmetry of the eyes, the shape of the nose and eyebrows, the fullness of the lips - all this should add up to a holistic and harmonious picture, then the person will be considered pretty or beautiful. The color of the skin of the face is something on the basis of which we judge the health: our own or another person.

A change in skin color in medicine is called dyschromia. It occurs most often due to some kind of internal disease (we will look at them below), and a cosmetologist or dermatologist is the last specialist to visit about this.

A change in complexion towards a paler or redder should serve as a basis for grabbing a tonometer and then counting your own pulse instead of grasping cosmetic corrective agents. If you describe the color as yellow, green or bluish, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor: conditions that change the complexion to such shades are life-threatening.

About skin

The human skin is an organ with the most large area. On average, in an adult, it takes 2 square meters, and its total mass is more than 10 kilograms. The main task of the skin, available from birth: to protect the underlying tissues from the penetration of microbes and chemicals into them. In addition, it protects them from high and low temperatures, ultraviolet and other rays, for which the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are clearly not designed. The skin also performs other very important functions: it participates in respiration, thermoregulation, synthesizes some vitamins, enzymes and bioactive substances, conveys information about pain, tactile sensations and temperature to the spinal cord. It can absorb substances applied to it, delivering them to the systemic circulation.

From 3-4 months of life, another important function of the integumentary tissue, which is related to our topic, develops - excretory. The skin removes part of the products, both formed during the normal functioning of organs, and arising from the neutralization of toxins by our main "filters".

The color of a person's face depends on:

  • combinations of pigments in it;
  • thickness of the stratum corneum;
  • the depth of the vessels in it and their filling;
  • on the rate of metabolism in the body.

Changing each of the parameters leads to a change in complexion. Let's consider all this in more detail.

Skin structure

Our covering tissue, the skin, consists of two layers. The top layer is called the epidermis. This is the same epithelium as the one that forms all the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Its difference is in the number of cell layers. The latter, gradually turning into dead plates from the lower layer to the upper one, still remain on the surface of the skin and protect it from adverse external influences. Between the usual cells of the epidermis are those that, being the owners of the coloring pigment, provide the skin with brownish and yellowish shades.

The deep layer of the integument is represented by the dermis. There are fibers from proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the possibility of straightening it when forming a fold from it. The intercellular substance located between them is responsible for moisturizing the skin and the ability to properly “cooperate” with the mimic muscles - to straighten without the formation of wrinkles after demonstrating another emotion.

The dermis is that layer of the skin that contains blood vessels: many blood vessels and some lymphatic ones. The hemoglobin in them gives the cover a pink color.


Healthy color is provided by a combination of four pigments:


It's a pigment Brown. Its task is to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays that are dangerous for their oncogenicity, the ability to cause burns and oxidative stress (and with it early aging). Therefore, when exposed to the sun, our cover becomes brown, and people living in conditions of increased solar activity are the owners of swarthy or even black skin.

Melanin is produced in special cells of the epidermis - melanocytes. Through special processes, vesicles with pigment are delivered to other cells - keratinocytes, where they accumulate. Some of it is dissolved in the dermis.

The accumulation of vesicles with melanin in the main cells of the skin is dictated not only by genetic, but also by constitutional factors. So, some localizations darken strongly under the influence of ultraviolet rays, while others remain practically unchanged, while others are brown, regardless of radiation. Genetics, on the other hand, “dictates” to some people in spring and summer to become very swarthy. Others - this disorder is called albinism - do not sunbathe under any circumstances, preserving their milky White color skin.

The process of formation and accumulation of melanin is regulated by two main enzymes - copper-containing and zinc-dependent. With a deficiency in the body of each of them, there is nothing to absorb ultraviolet rays.


This is the name of the yellow pigment dissolved in the dermis of the skin. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effects of oxygen radicals. The same is found in carrots and some algae, from where, when they are eaten, it penetrates into the skin.

In the Caucasian race, carotene is almost invisible - it is hidden by melanin. But in the Mongoloids, it is visible and stains their skin yellowish.

Hemoglobin and its types

This pigment is not located in the skin itself, but in the vessels lying in the dermis. Its main task is to carry oxygen to the tissues, and take carbon dioxide from them. When it transports oxygen (it's called oxyhemoglobin), it's pink. When hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide, it stains blood vessels dark red or bluish. How much hemoglobin present in the vessels will stain the skin will depend on:

  • the number of blood vessels in the skin;
  • proximity of dermal capillaries to the surface layer of the skin;
  • filling of these capillaries, which depends on the pressure in the larger arteries. This is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and the hormone system. The filling of small vessels of the skin is also affected by the amount of fluid in the vascular bed;
  • thickness of the stratum corneum.

pathological pigments

The skin can be dyed not only by those available in physiological conditions pigments, but also those substances that penetrate here in pathology. Sometimes these are pathological substances - such as iodine or silver. But more often these are products formed from hemoglobin:

  1. Bilirubin, which is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells. There is a lot of it in the body either when large quantities of red blood cells are destroyed at once, or when hemoglobin metabolism in the liver is disturbed. It turns the skin yellow and the resulting condition is called jaundice. We'll talk more below.
  2. Saturated dark, almost blue skin color occurs when human hemoglobin changes its structure, becoming methemoglobin. Such a substance, having iron of a different valency in its composition, does not tolerate oxygen, and if there is a lot of it in the vessels, it is deadly.
  3. Brown color can be caused not only by the accumulation of melanin. This shade of the skin acquires as a result genetic disease called "porphyria", when sunlight enters the hemoglobin that is in the process of transformation, contained in the vessels of the skin.

Thus, skin color depends on the combination of coloring pigments in different layers of the skin, as well as its thickness. An even complexion is obtained when all parameters - the saturation of pigments, the thickness of the stratum corneum, and the distribution of blood vessels - are the same in any areas.

  • the work of the autonomic nervous system (it is she who regulates the lumen of the vessels);
  • quality of facial skin care;
  • human lifestyle: nutrition, bad habits;
  • ecological situation of the place of residence;
  • chronic diseases.

Color darkening

This word can describe the complexion in various diseases.

Adrenal insufficiency

A uniformly dark complexion, when the skin can be described as bronze or too dark, is characteristic of adrenal insufficiency - usually primary, when the paired endocrine organ itself suffers. In this case, it will not be the face that will darken at first, but the parts of the body that are not protected by clothing, those that rub against the details of clothing and those that are already pigmented (the areola, genitals, armpits). In addition, there will be weight loss, indigestion, and sometimes changes in the sexual sphere.


When dark coloring covers the face not evenly, but with blurry brown spots, this indicates increased work. thyroid gland. Additional signs that speak in her favor will be a rapid, felt heartbeat, skin hot to the touch, irritability, increased appetite and, at the same time, weight loss.

Spots in hyperthyroidism must be distinguished from lentigo or chloasma - areas of melanin accumulation that occur due to other reasons. In both of these cases, there will be no changes in the general condition - only areas of darker skin will appear. And they, unlike spots in hyperthyroidism, will not change their shape and color.

Hepatic pathologies

If not the whole face darkens, but only the area near the hair, this indicates in favor of liver diseases. In this case, a person may notice a decrease in appetite, a desire to sleep longer, an aversion to fatty foods, and bleeding when brushing teeth or more abundant periods. If there is at least 1 more symptom, in addition to areas of darkening of the face, contact a general practitioner or gastroenterologist, take a “liver test” analysis.

Bacterial endocarditis

The word "dark color" can also be used to describe light brown, which is also called "coffee with milk". This complexion is characteristic of prolonged septic endocarditis, a disease in which bacteria settle on the valves of the heart, leading to the development of polypous overlays and ulcers here.

This pathology is characterized by a slow deterioration in the condition of a person who has long been diagnosed with valvular heart disease. He starts to get tired faster, more often he wants to lie down. Discomfort or slight pain appears in the heart. The same vague and unexpressed pains are noted in the joints.

Body temperature rises: usually to low numbers, with chilling and palpitations. Later, it rises to 39 degrees, chills appear, the person sweats a lot. Sometimes the temperature immediately rises to high numbers, an attack of the heartbeat develops, then one or the other composition hurts. In some cases, the temperature remains elevated to 37.8 for a long time, and against this background, its “jumps” up to 39 and above are periodically noted.

Septic endocarditis is a life-threatening disease: masses of the endocardium “processed” by bacteria “fly off” from the valves, which were located here in the form of polyps. Such emboli are able to clog the vessels of organs: the brain, kidneys, spleen, limbs, skin. Kidney damage is manifested by darkening of urine, the appearance of blood in it, a decrease in its amount. With an embolism of the cerebral vessels, clouding of consciousness, dizziness, double vision, muscle twitching or convulsions occur. There may be a sudden loss of consciousness with respiratory failure, which leads to death if help is not provided urgently.

Bleeding occurs in the skin, which looks like blood soaks in larger or smaller areas (bruises irregular shape), the center of which is whitish. They do not rise above the skin, and often affect only the skin of the legs and the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. Also, the disease is characterized by such a symptom - the appearance on the palms or soles of red dense and painful nodules, which resolve after 2-3 days.


Here, grayish-brown or dark brown spots merging with each other appear on the skin, which can serve as a reason for making a preliminary diagnosis of chronic adrenal insufficiency. An accurate diagnosis is made with a skin biopsy in stained areas, when deposits of hemosiderin and melanin are detected here.

Early systemic scleroderma

Here, at first, numbness, coldness of the hands appear, accompanied by a feeling of crawling "goosebumps". These symptoms have been disturbing the patient for several years, without being supplemented by anything else. Then on the hands, face and feet, or only in a separate localization appear dark spots. They are dense, seem to consist of thick skin, spread to free areas, hinder movements by the mimic muscles of the face. The diagnosis is made by the determination in the blood of antibodies to RNA polymerase, topoisomerase I or histone (one of the types of antibodies is detected in each patient), as well as antinuclear factor (it is determined in 90-95%).

tardive cutaneous porphyria

With the development of this disease after exposure to the sun, as well as when drinking alcohol, blisters appear on open areas of the body, the skin becomes brittle and fragile, darkens, but may also lighten. After the slightest injury to the skin, the same thing happens. The conjunctiva of the eyes swells and turns red, while the throat does not turn red, there are no other symptoms of a cold. Ultrasound shows damage to the liver.

This is how variegated porphyria manifests itself. Only doctors distinguish them.

Neurofibromatosis Recklinghausen

In this case, a brown spot of various diameters (“coffee with milk” colors) appears on the body - one or many. The disease debuts in childhood. It is also characterized by premature puberty, high blood pressure.

Similar symptoms are also characteristic of two other diseases that manifest themselves with childhood- Watson's syndrome and Albright's syndrome. Only doctors can tell them apart.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome

appear on the skin dark brown spots with a clear border. Papules that have an elevation above the skin, whose color is variegated, can also develop. There are usually no other complaints.

Syndrome "leopard"

Spots are found everywhere on the skin, having dark brown color. And although other symptoms are not subjectively disturbing, various types of changes are noted during the ECG. Ultrasound of the heart reveals a decrease in the lumen (stenosis) of the pulmonary artery.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Multiple dark brown spots appear on the lips and fingers. Besides, periodic pains in a stomach (closer to a navel) disturb. When examined by a gastroenterologist or during an X-ray examination of the intestine with a preliminary intake of contrast (barium), polyposis of the small intestine is detected.

blackening of the face

If the skin has turned black, this is a sign that you need to urgently see a doctor, as this is dangerous. Such staining may appear with the following diseases.

Meningococcal infection

This life-threatening disease most often affects children: in adults, the meningococcus bacterium most often does not cause illness, but forms a carrier state by settling in the nose (such people are contagious to their loved ones without knowing it).

The disease occurs acutely: the body temperature rises, spots appear on the skin. At first they may be red, then they turn purple, brown or black, merge. Without emergency medical care, the rash merges, forming large areas of black color, while the person becomes lethargic, drowsy, there may be vomiting, after which it does not get better. An ambulance should be called as soon as possible.

kidney disease

If a person develops infection kidneys or bladder, he may develop a black coloration of the skin of the face - mainly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheekbones and the root of the nose. Additional symptoms include discoloration of urine, back pain, nausea, fever, and painful urination.


This is a disease when there is not enough B vitamins in the body, especially vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). It usually occurs after an intestinal infection, against the background of chronic alcohol consumption, with frequent exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun or solarium, and also when a person develops increased losses of this vitamin during pregnancy, lactation, or heavy work due to chronic malnutrition.

The main symptoms of the disease will be: general weakness, burning sensation in the mouth, "goosebumps", periodically "running" on the hands, persistent diarrhea and pain in the abdomen. On the skin of the face and exposed parts of the body, red spots or blisters with a cloudy liquid first appear, then a dark color appears here. The skin in these places is shelled.

In addition to skin manifestations, a person notes mental status disorders: fatigue, depression, sometimes - psychosis with hallucinations.

Pigmented xeroderma

This is a hereditary disease in which the integumentary tissue is hypersensitive to ultraviolet rays. When exposed to this radiation, areas of redness appear on the skin of open areas, including the face, spider veins and large, merging dark spots dark, almost black.

Excessive melanoblastosis

It appears in newborns. At the same time, lesions of the nervous system come to the fore: drowsiness, vomiting not associated with food, strabismus, low tone of the hands, and some others. This is due to the deposition of melanin in the nuclei of the cranial nerves. The same pigment is deposited in the skin, which turns it black.

Occupational melasma

If a person works with oil distillation products (tar, pitch) for a long time, substances are absorbed into the skin that enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation on it.

Blue face

Blue color accompanies either life-threatening heart or lung diseases, or covers the face when taking certain drugs.

Blue face as a result of treatment

A drug such as Kordaron can stain the face blue. In this case, you need to consult a cardiologist about reducing the dosage of the medication.

The second reason for ceruloderm (as doctors call blue skin) is the use of silver preparations, mainly for antiseptic purposes, for example, with a runny nose. Also sick people involved in the processing of silver. This condition is called argyria and usually leads to damage to the bone marrow, eyes, kidney failure and damage to the nervous system - silver salts accumulate not only in the skin, but also in all internal organs, vessel walls, mucous membranes, sclera of the eyes, and remain there for the entire life.

If a person stops taking medicines containing silver salts, the symptoms of damage to the internal organs will go away, but the blue color of the skin will remain.


This is the state when normal hemoglobin is replaced by a modified one - methemoglobin, in which iron is not two-, but trivalent, and cannot carry oxygen. This disease most often appears when poisoning with hemolytic poisons. For example, it occurs with an overdose of Paracetamol, the use of long-stored Phenacetin and sulfonamides, as well as in cases where a large amount of nitrates and nitrites are ingested (they are found in well and tap water, in canned meat, in fruits fertilized with nitrate-nitrite fertilizers and vegetables). There are also hereditary forms pathology.

In any form of the disease, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • the skin acquires a gray-blue tint;
  • the nail phalanges do not change their shape (with damage to the heart or lungs, the nail-bearing phalanges expand, acquiring the appearance of "drumsticks");
  • physical activity is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue;
  • frequent and severe headaches.

Cardiopulmonary diseases

These pathologies cause both generalized cyanosis, when the whole body acquires a bluish tint, and regional cyanosis, manifested by blue skin under the nails, tip of the nose, lips and nasolabial triangle.

This condition develops in various diseases:

  • Heart failure. In this case, there are pains in the heart during physical exertion, shortness of breath at rest, aggravated by physical exertion, edema, localized mainly on the legs. By ECG or ultrasound of the heart, you can determine the disease that caused this pathology.
  • An asthma attack. Here, the appearance of an attack can be associated with a meeting with an allergen (for example, plant pollen or household chemicals), there is a dry cough, it becomes difficult to exhale, sometimes wheezing is heard from afar.
  • Pneumonia. It is not always, but often manifested by cough and fever. In addition, there is shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, weakness, nausea.
  • Cyanotic variant of erythrocytosis.
  • Tuberculosis. At the same time, a cough is noted: it is dry, sometimes a certain amount of mucous sputum is released during a cough attack. The temperature rises to low (up to 38 degrees) numbers, weakness and fatigue are noted.
  • Pulmonary embolism: when one or more branches of the vessel that goes from the heart to the lungs, "congestion" or blockage is formed by a blood clot, fat, gas, or masses detached from the inflamed heart valves. The disease develops abruptly: often after straining or performing heavy physical work in a person with varicose veins, heart defects or aneurysm, weakness, shortness of breath with a feeling of lack of air appear sharply. A little later, a cough and pain in one of the halves of the chest joins.
  • Any form of shock, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Shock can develop with significant dehydration, ingestion of a large number of bacteria, blood loss, severe pain during trauma, anaphylaxis.
  • Heart defects. Often subjectively felt only fast fatiguability, there may be rhythm disturbances, headaches. The upper half of the body may differ in color from the lower.
  • Chronic bronchitis. It is manifested by cough, fever, sometimes - a feeling of lack of air. If this disease has existed in a person for a long time, his fingers change: the nail phalanges thicken, becoming like “drumsticks”. The nails also change: they become dull, furrows cover them (they call such nails "watch glasses").
  • Pleurisy. This condition develops after suffering pneumonia. It is characterized not only by the development of cyanotic skin coloration, but also by a repeated increase in body temperature that has already returned to normal, chest pain when breathing, chills, weakness, and night sweats.
  • Pneumothorax. This term characterizes the condition when, due to an injury to the lung, air enters the cavity surrounding it. If the amount of air increases, then the lung itself and the heart lying nearby are squeezed by it. Is it dangerous. Pathology develops acutely, usually after physical effort or a coughing fit. Severe pain appears on the side of the damaged lung, which increases with deep breath, coughing and movement. There is also shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air.

Redness of the skin

A red complexion is not always a sign of alcohol abuse, as previously thought. This is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure), which may accompany hypertension, develop as a result of diseases of the kidneys or adrenal glands. Reddening of the face develops against the background of a headache, "flies" before the eyes, pain in the heart.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens in people with stove heating, located in an unventilated room.
  • Erythrocytosis, in which there is too much hemoglobin and red blood cells, which does not improve oxygen transport at all, but is dangerous in terms of increasing thrombosis. Here the face and shoulders are bright red. This is aggravated after taking a bath, and with it, itchiness appears.
  • Allergic reactions: to medicines, food, household chemicals, the introduction of worms into the intestines and other things. In addition to redness, there is often also a dry cough, sneezing, and there may be diarrhea. Improvement is observed if the action of the allergen is eliminated.
  • Rosacea. Initially, the skin turns red only on the action of heat or cold, gradually the face ceases to return to its normal color. Usually, pathology develops in women during menopause. It must be distinguished from the reddening of the face characteristic of this period, which accompanies the feeling of "tide".
  • Tuberculosis. Here the cheeks are constantly red, but this color is not bright. In addition, the nasolabial triangle is bluish in color, there is also a cough, constantly fever; the person sweats a lot.
  • Scarlet fever: the face turns red, and the nasolabial triangle becomes pale. In addition, the temperature rises, and a red rash spreads throughout the body.
  • Pneumonia when one cheek turns red. There is also a feeling of difficulty breathing, coughing, weakness, fever.
  • Sinusitis. One cheek is also painted here - on the side of the lesion. At the same time, the head hurts, the temperature is elevated, the nose is blocked, and when it is instilled, a large amount of secretion is released, often mucopurulent.
  • Both cheeks and the back of the nose turn red with a disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Redness of the cheeks against the background of an intestinal infection or acute respiratory infections in a child is a sign that the underlying disease in him was complicated by the development of acetonemic syndrome. This is a state when the body uses not glucose as energy substrates, but fats, the breakdown products of which have a toxic effect on the brain.
  • A large dose of atropine or scopolamine for this person.
  • Poisoning with hallucinogens.

Also, the face - especially if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia - changes its color to red with any illness that is accompanied by fever.

earthy color

If the face suddenly acquired an unhealthy sallow color, this may indicate chronic lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, unbalanced diet, excessive sunburn and smoking. But most often this shade indicates a pathology. For example:

  • Poor thyroid function. In this case, the face becomes not only dull, but also swollen. At the same time, the skin is dry, and the hair is brittle, split and fall out. There is also excess weight with reduced appetite and poor nutrition.
  • Oncological disease (cancer) of any localization, including leukemia.
  • HIV infections. At the same time, the staging of the disease is noted: at first, a slightly elevated temperature lasts for several months, then it increases and a large number of lymph nodes begin to be felt. Only then the color of the skin fades, a person often begins to suffer from pneumonia, each small violation of the integrity of the skin heals for a long time, long-term illnesses develop, the cause of which cannot be found immediately.
  • Sepsis (blood poisoning). In this case, at first there are symptoms of some bacterial disease: inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, festering wounds, abscess, osteomyelitis, sinusitis, and so on. Then, after a short-term improvement, the temperature rises again, weakness, headache and nausea appear. This is complemented by symptoms of kidney or liver damage.


Pale or unhealthy white color speaks of various diseases in which:

a) acute or chronic blood loss is noted:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;

b) skin vessels spasmed so that there was enough blood for the central organs:

  • angina;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • heart defects;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • fat embolism;

c) diseases that occur with intoxication, due to which vasospasm occurs: SARS (especially influenza), an asthma attack, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;

d) there is not enough melanin, due to which the skin becomes more “transparent”. If this occurs throughout the skin, melanin is also lacking in the iris of the eye, then this is albinism or phenylketonuria. With the appearance of individual white spots on the skin, we can talk about vitiligo - a disease that has many causes;

e) deficiency of substances from which hemoglobin is formed: iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, proteins, glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These are different types of anemia - deficient and hypoplastic. The latter may occur due to kidney disease;

f) vegetative regulation of vessels is disturbed (vegetative-vascular dystonia). This can be said if pale color occurs with stress, fear, nervous experiences;

g) hormonal regulation of vascular tone is disturbed: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;

h) edema, due to which the vessels of the skin are poorly visible: hypothyroidism, kidney disease, loss of proteins in exudative enteropathy, burns, malabsorption syndrome.

gray face

Grey colour described under the following conditions:

  • Leukemia. These pathologies are very insidious, masquerading as SARS: weakness, drowsiness appear, body temperature rises. Most often they are detected when a complete blood count is prescribed.
  • Diseases digestive system: pancreatitis, cholecystitis. At the same time, nausea, bloating, stool disorders, pain in the upper abdomen when consuming spicy, smoked or fatty foods, alcohol are noted.
  • Smoking and stress.
  • After severe illness.

Green or olive skin color

Olive or green complexion of the skin is characteristic of:

  • severe intoxication, especially with acute respiratory infections and poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver (but it can also be earthy and the color of wet asphalt, and during exacerbation it can also be lemon yellow);
  • kidney diseases.


Diseases in which a yellow complexion is observed have a common name - jaundice. This color is sometimes given by carotene if a person has overeaten carrots. In this case, only the palms and feet are painted. In other cases, yellowness is obtained when too much bilirubin is formed - a product that is formed from the hemoglobin of red blood cells, and then is metabolized in the liver. A lot of bilirubin is obtained, either when a lot of red blood cells break down, or when the liver is disturbed.

Erythrocytes disintegrate either due to the weakness of their own membrane, or when a substance enters the blood (for example, anti-Rh antibodies or poisons) that destroys blood cells. Conditions caused by a violation of the membrane have a common name - hemolytic jaundice. There are many types of them, which only a hematologist can distinguish. Poisoning with hemolytic poisons is carried out by toxicologists who have an artificial kidney apparatus in their arsenal. When red blood cells are destroyed due to burns, treatment takes place in the Combustiology Units.

There is another type of jaundice - caused by diseases of the liver and biliary tract:

  • blockage of the bile ducts by tumors, stones or inflammation;
  • Gilbert's syndrome;
  • hepatitis: viral, toxic (including medicinal), alcoholic;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Jaundice will also manifest itself as inflammation of the pancreas, directly related to the liver and gallbladder.

Bilirubin is a dangerous substance that can destroy the brain. Therefore, when yellowness of the skin appears, it is urgent to call " ambulance". With his own strength, a person can only drink " Activated carbon"or other sorbent preparation. It is also important to tell doctors what you have eaten or drunk. In this case, the further health of a person depends on the urgency of the assistance provided by toxicologists.


How to determine what caused the change in complexion, the therapist will say. When prescribing his own tests or recommending a consultation with a narrower specialist, he will proceed from the new shade of your cover.

So, with pallor of the face, you will be assigned:

  • a general blood test with the obligatory determination of reticulocytes - the ancestors of erythrocytes;
  • osmotic resistance of erythrocytes;
  • coagulogram;
  • liver tests.

If you are concerned about yellowness, the therapist refers to an infectious disease specialist, and he, focusing on the history of your life and this disease, as well as ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, liver tests and markers for viral hepatitis, decides whether he, a gastroenterologist or a hematologist, should treat you.

An olive complexion requires the attention of a gastroenterologist who will examine, feel and listen to your stomach, prescribe an abdominal ultrasound (it is performed after preparation) and FEGDS (here you will have to swallow the probe).

Black or blue shades that arose overnight, especially if they have a feeling of lack of air, require an ambulance call. These specialists will figure out who should advise or treat you. If you are concerned about black spots, but there are no other symptoms, it is advisable to contact the staff of the Department of Dermatology for a consultation.

The reasons for the red color will help cardiologists determine. A tonometer for measuring pressure and ECG will come to the aid of these doctors. They will also likely need an ultrasound of your kidneys and adrenal glands to find out the cause of the high blood pressure, as well as an ultrasound of your heart.

How to restore color to the face

A healthy color will be if you follow the rules for maintaining the requirements of your physical body:

  • No smoking.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Do not eat junk food: many diseases come from careless eating and harmful foods.
  • Eat more vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Drink at least 30 ml / kg of body weight. Water is needed for the normal functioning of enzymes, on which all processes in the body depend.
  • In spring and autumn, consult with a therapist about the advisability of taking vitamin tablets.

If your complexion has changed, you should not trust cosmetic sites that say how well miracle masks or procedures will help improve your complexion. The fact is that a change in the color of the integumentary tissue is a distress signal that our self-renewing organism gives. If he could speak, he would say the following: “Start helping me, remove the interfering factor - and I will recover myself.

Then, if there is a desire, go to a beautician or do home mask but first, take measures to eliminate the disease. Do not put off a visit to a specialist for the most extreme case: doctors are not magicians, and if the disease has already affected several organs, then it is more and more difficult to save them.

Treatment for discolored facial skin depends on the cause of the condition. It is completely different, and without looking at the person and not listening to his complaints, it is difficult to say anything about his treatment even to the most venerable professor.

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You keep looking into the mirror - vainly trying to understand why your skin has become gray, painful in appearance, has lost its natural pinkish-matte shade, has ceased to be elastic, smooth and fresh. Perhaps the reason is in the lifestyle, or maybe some diseases are to blame. Now let's try to figure out why the color of your face suddenly turned gray.

crazy health

Let's start with health problems that can affect the complexion.

Digestive failure

Often a grayish face is the first "swallow" announcing problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Especially if it is pancreatitis and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

But, perhaps, everything is not so scary, because the complexion can become earthy when you abuse antibiotics, for example, the same “antidiarrheal” chloramphenicol. Just give up harmful drugs and "graying" will quickly pass.

If the complexion is gray, you should first of all contact a dermatologist.

Enlarged epidermis

The epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the “last barrier” before outside world. If the body's metabolism is disturbed, too much fat may begin to be produced. It will stick together dead skin particles and prevent them from peeling off calmly. So the epidermis will “get fat”. Peeling helps to remove the problem (at least temporarily). But be aware - too frequent peels skin color will be even more damaged, its lipid balance will be disturbed.

The face can turn gray in women with any type of skin (oily, combination, dry).


The skin can become dull and gray in color if the thyroid gland does not produce hormones in the right amount. Other typical signs such problems are brittle nails and falling hair.

To determine exactly why your face turned gray, your doctor may prescribe you to undergo an examination of the internal organs and do biochemical analysis blood.

Are you addicted to cigarettes and still live in an ecological disaster zone in a metropolis? In this case, the gray color and facial sagging is easy to explain. Quit smoking and get out into nature more often. Then the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood will decrease, the blood vessels will expand, the pores will be cleared, and the skin will breathe easier. Gradually, the gray color will go away, and with it wrinkles, sunken cheeks, increased dryness and other unattractive things will disappear. external signs smoker.

If quitting smoking is an impossible task for you, then in cosmetics and food, lean on foods rich in antioxidants that neutralize nicotine well. In this case, your face will not turn gray.

Or maybe there are other reasons:

You eat wrong

Eat whatever and when you need to. You eat before bed. Love to eat on the go. But have you forgotten that a man is what he eats? We are all literally made up of what we eat. You can't joke about this.

You torture yourself with starvation diets

A slender figure is certainly good, but with a gray complexion, it will be of little use. Try not to depend on newfangled diets and get everything you need from food, even if it adds a little fat to your thighs.

You are addicted to coffee

Too much caffeine ages the skin and makes it dull.

Do you like hot drinks?

In order for your skin color to become one of the 50 shades of gray, regular consumption of “harmless” light beer is enough.

You're head over heels in stress

You live a life filled with stress, nervousness, unnecessary experiences. Here, perhaps, you can not do without a psychologist. It will help to reconsider priorities, remove everything that puts too much pressure on the psyche, and at the same time makes skin color bad.

You sleep little

You don't get enough sleep, you go to bed too late. This disrupts the natural cycle of skin regeneration, and the face turns gray. Fixing such a problem is easy. Just before going to bed, take a bath, walk in the fresh air and go to bed no later than 11.

You are "hypodynamic"

You fell victim to the epidemic of the digital age - a sedentary lifestyle, or scientifically speaking, physical inactivity. This means that because of long sittings, your spinal and cervical nerves are compressed, the blood supply to your head is disrupted. Massage helps to solve this problem. Also, you will have to go on a low-fat diet. social networks. Well, the body is in business - do exercises, jog in the morning, visit the "rocking chair": then the color of your skin will become "sexy" again.

You are in love with tan

You abuse artificial and natural sunburn. An excess of ultraviolet radiation makes the skin flabby, covers with senile pigmentation, dehydrates and deprives of freshness.

You take little care of your skin

Start regularly using moisturizers, use suitable tonic products. Don't forget to protect your skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Scrub it at least once a week to remove all dead skin cells and remove excess sebum. Be sure to apply whitening and nourishing masks.

It is advisable to turn to professionals. They may recommend:

    Chemical (superficial) peeling. Chemistry in this case is various acids(fruit, glycolic, enzyme).

    Ultrasonic peeling. Ultrasound absolutely painlessly removes dead cells.

    Facial massage. It will eliminate tension in the occipital and cervical regions, make the skin more elastic, and restore its normal tone.

    Ozone therapy. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is well oxygenated.

Ultrasonic peeling can restore the beauty of the skin

arrow_left Ultrasonic peeling can restore the beauty of the skin

Always wash off all makeup before going to bed. And in the morning, before applying makeup, be sure to use some kind of tonic.

Old age and winter

Winter with skin is merciless: the cold wind dries them, the batteries in warm rooms are also busy with the same. Lack of sunlight and beriberi complete the job.

Or maybe you're just getting old. Cell regeneration slows down, menopause sets in, the skin becomes drier, its color fades ... But life goes on. The cosmetic and wellness treatments just mentioned will help you rejuvenate your skin.

Do not try to "mask" the dullness of the face with blush or foundation. There will be little sense from this, and in addition the skin will begin to peel off, yellowish pigmentation may appear.

Diet against gray

Grayness will be driven away:

    Foods with vitamin A. There is a lot of it in oily sea fish, eggs, milk, carrots and citrus fruits.

    Foods rich in vitamin E. These are nuts, oats, vegetable oil, soy, corn and peas.

    The use of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Also be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
(6-8 glasses). It is best that it be mineral, and not boiled tap water. It is also advisable to drink green tea extract.

Remove sausages, mayonnaise, hot spices and fried foods from your diet. Don't drink sparkling water. Give preference to sweets natural products such as honey and chocolate. But exclude lollipops and cream cakes from your diet.

Folk remedies

All means are not that in this article, even in the middle hand, a digital library cannot be placed. Therefore, below are just a few of the most effective.

Carrot mask

    Grate some carrots on a fine grater.

    You mix one tablespoon of it with egg yolk and a spoonful of just cooked mashed potatoes.

    The resulting mixture is applied to the face.

    Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

    And finally, you wash your face (with cool water).

Black tea

    Add a teaspoon of black tea to a glass of boiling water.

    In the resulting drink you put a few rowan berries (dried) and a couple of nettle leaves (also dried).

    You leave it to stand.

    Strain after 20 minutes.

    Wash your face with this tincture every day for 2 weeks.

Beer based mask

    A quarter cup of warm beer is mixed with one egg yolk.

    Add one tablespoon of potato flour and the same amount of grated carrots to the mixture.

    The resulting mushy mass is applied for 20 minutes on the face.

    Rinse off (preferably also with warm beer), rinse your face with cool water.

peach mask

    The pulp of a ripe peach is kneaded and mixed with a teaspoon oat flour. If your skin is very dry, add another teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    The resulting creamy mass is applied to the face.

    Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

These folk methods will restore your natural beauty, freshness, shine and smile to your face.

The skin has many functions. It is both a protector, and a thermoregulator, and an absorbent, and an indicator of the state of our body. Rash, pimples, swelling, redness, changes in smell can be caused by malnutrition, the use of various medications, infection, allergies ... But in the end, the reason is always the same - a crisis in the body.

By where exactly skin problems appeared, one can judge which internal organ needs help.


Violation of the work of almost any internal organ affects the blood circulation in the human body and, as a result, the complexion.

A yellowish complexion indicates diseases of the spleen and stomach.

Green color appears when stagnation has formed in one of the organs. Often a green tint of the skin indicates a violation of the liver. Pallor often accompanies a breakdown, anemia, general malaise.

A reddish skin tone can be caused by overheating of the body or circulatory stagnation, fever, and sometimes - in combination with other symptoms - and heart disease.


If they occur on the back, this indicates a malfunction in the lungs and kidneys, if in the chest area - about disorders in the lungs and heart, on the forehead - about lethargy of the intestines, on the cheeks - about diseased lungs, on the nose - about weakness of the heart, around mouth - you should pay attention to the genitals.

Circles under the eyes

Puffiness and blue circles under the eyes indicate dysfunction of the reproductive system, and bags brown shade- about a diseased liver. Those who have dark circles around their eyes should pay attention to their nervous system.


Moles and warts are considered signs of an overabundance of certain substances in the human body. According to Chinese doctors, the formation of warts contributes to an excess of protein and animal fats.


A deep wrinkle between the eyes indicates disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and liver. In the old days, they said about such people: "This person is a solid diseased liver."

saggy lips

The upper lip signals the state of the stomach, the lower one - the large and small intestines. If the lips appear saggy, this indicates poor digestion.

Bright red lips indicate high blood pressure and respiratory problems. Dark purple lips are an indicator of an excess of cholesterol in the body, and pale lips are a sign that the body lacks oxygen.

The skin is the open book of our body. The main thing is to learn to read, and having mastered the letter, use it properly. If you have skin problems, it does not mean that you are sick. Perhaps this is just a warning about a disease that will arise later. But heed this warning and seek the advice of a doctor - it is necessary.

Matte, smooth and beautiful skin faces are the dream of any of us. We dream of dreaming, but in reality, sometimes, looking in the mirror, we get upset. The color of the face is not always pleasing. What makes skin look dull? Why does it take on an earthy hue? And most importantly, how to deal with it?

Reasons for changing skin tone

An earthy complexion very often indicates a serious malfunction in the work of internal organs. Therefore, your first priority is to undergo a medical examination, because beauty is inseparable from health. Also, the causes of the problem can be malnutrition and addictions.

Smoking, alcohol, sweet, fatty, spicy foods, coffee and a sedentary lifestyle worsen both the color of the skin and the body's resistance to disease in general. You can maintain attractiveness only if you are responsible for your health and devote enough time to facial care.

Fast color recovery

Often we remember the skin “on the night before Christmas”, that is, on the eve of the holidays, when urgently, in a few days, we need to put ourselves in order. To return quickly skin beautiful shade drink carrot juice. Just one glass a day - and in a week and a half you will look fresher.

How to restore the beauty of the skin?

Try to eat as much seafood as possible. You need vitamins and essential fatty acids. So, fish, nuts, spinach, new potatoes, broccoli and olive oil should always be present in your diet.

Don't forget about water! It is pure water that our body needs. You need to drink it 1.5-2 liters a day.

Dehydration and an earthy complexion go hand in hand. And Special attention pay attention to the quality of the liquid used. If you can't buy purified water or bring it from a spring, then use the good old way: freeze it in the refrigerator, let's melt and drink.

Pamper your skin with calendula infusion olive oil, beetroot juice, watermelon and melon masks. They are able to restore the radiant color and beauty of the skin in a month.

The beer mask has a very good effect on the complexion. To prepare it, mix a quarter cup of beer, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. potato flour and the same amount of grated carrots. All such masks are applied for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off.

Any change in skin tone, if it did not occur under the influence of sunlight, is a serious signal of a malfunction of the internal organs.

So, for example, in case of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, the shade of the face may change from healthy to gray, turn blue - in case of impaired blood circulation, diseases of the cardiovascular system or respiratory failure, in addition, a purple hue indicates congenital heart diseases, and yellow - o liver diseases.

Gray skin of the face - a disease or a consequence of bad habits

A sharp and noticeable change in the complexion from natural and healthy to gray is most often a sign of a malfunction. digestive system. IN best case, the face may turn gray against the background of banal constipation or malnutrition, at worst - due to gastritis or the development of a stomach ulcer. It is hardly possible to independently diagnose the disease on the basis of dyschronia alone, therefore it is better in this situation to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

Besides, gray skin Face disease does not always portend. Often associated with smoking sedentary work and constant stress in people, blood circulation is disturbed and blood vessels narrow, which is also manifested by a deterioration in complexion.

Earthy shade and a sharp darkening of the skin - pancreatic disease or oncology

Changes of this kind indicate more serious diseases. Often, of course, an earthy hue appears with diseases of the pancreas, adrenal glands, or against the background of long-term use of antibiotics, but if such options are excluded, then the best recommendation in this case would be to contact modern medicine. Diagnosis of the disease on the skin and on the basis of the examinations carried out will allow you to correctly and accurately determine the cause of the change in complexion, as well as timely diagnose the disease that provoked it.

Blue skin color - cyanosis disease

The skin acquires a cyanotic, and sometimes a dark purple hue with insufficient oxygenation of the blood and slowing of blood circulation. Such symptoms indicate cyanosis - a disease that combines many disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Sometimes, cyanosis occurs against the background of hypothermia. Then blue tint acquire mainly limbs as a result of a deterioration in blood circulation in damaged areas.

Bruises on the skin - diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems

It is in the form of the formation of bluish areas and blue areas of the mucous membranes that diseases such as heart disease and gas exchange disorders in the lungs make themselves felt. Such changes, however, can provoke the formation of methemoglobin against the background of intoxication and poisoning.

Cyanosis - purple skin disease

The appearance of dark shades or spots on the face and body (purple or cast iron) indicates increased airiness of the lungs, sclerosis of the pulmonary artery or birth defect hearts. In any case, if you find any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Vasculitis is a disease of blood vessels in the skin

This disease involves damage to the blood vessels and tissues of the damaged organ. If the vessels of the skin are affected, then the main symptoms of the disease will be redness, rash and itching. Vasculitis can also affect the circulatory system of the brain, which causes stroke, heart, which increases the risk of heart attack, etc. Quite often, small hemorrhages under the skin are a sign of vasculitis in other organs.

Back to main symptoms this disease include: general weakness, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, rash and itching, joint pain.

A similar syndrome can also occur with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases that are characterized by connective tissue damage.

Couperose is a vascular disease of the skin

Couperosis appears in the form of a small red vascular network or the so-called "spiders" on the cheeks, chin and nose with the expansion of blood vessels against the background of increased blood circulation. At the same time, the connective tissue squeezes the vessels from the outside, which makes them more visible on the face. This disease occurs among the elderly, as well as among the owners of thin and sensitive skin.

Couperosis can be treated either in a beauty parlor, or folk methods. Although the first method allows you to get rid of the signs of rosacea in the shortest possible time. But in the absence of funds or opportunities - facial massage. So you can normalize blood circulation and tone the vessels and muscles of the face. In addition, supplement your diet with foods or dietary supplements saturated with vitamins C, P, K, antioxidants, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids - they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help normalize blood circulation.

Yellow skin - liver disease

Most often, yellowing of the face and body is accompanied by a change in the shade of the eye sclera, mucous membranes, especially under the tongue, feet and palms. At the same time, the color of urine changes - it acquires a rich dark shade.

Such changes most often occur against the background of an increase in the level of carotene or bilirubin. In the first case, yellow skin can become when diets consisting of oranges or carrots are observed for a long time. If these did not occur, then most likely the matter is an increase in the content of bilirubin, a bile pigment that appears as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. The latter is responsible for saturating the blood with oxygen and transporting nutrients not only to skin cells, but throughout the body. When there is a decrease in hemoglobin and an increase in bilirubin, changes occur not only in the layers of the dermis, but also in the liver. Then there is the risk of jaundice. In addition, yellowness may indicate diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, the formation of cysts, as well as disorders of the gallbladder and biliary tract.