How to apply peeling on the face. What peeling to choose and how often to carry it out? Home peeling for the face from black dots

The condition of the skin of the face is "sick" question every girl and woman. One does not like dry skin in her own opinion, the other does not like black dots on the skin of her face.

And how many women - there will be so many opinions about skin condition. Let's talk about how to properly care for your skin. There are many ways to clean and maintain. Now let's talk about one of them.

general information

First of all, you should understand what is peeling? This removal is the most suitable for you dead superficial skin cells. A skin cell lives for 28 days. After that, it is required to remove them, avoiding clogging of the pores with dead cells.

Mechanical peeling, physical or skin scrubbing is quite harsh on the skin. You can also clean it with softer methods, using chemical peeling.

It is possible to buy preparations for cleaning the skin in a pharmacy, buy it. But you need to know exactly your skin type. Contact a beautician to determine. Most likely to be recommended for any skin type retinoic ointment (isotretinoin).

With oily skin, it will be added salicylic acid.

There are small pustules and blackheads, will be added povidone-iodine and, perhaps retasol.

For dry skin type, moisturizing and nutritious cream for skin treatment after retinoic ointment.

Can it be done at home?

Remember that a visit to a cosmetologist is mandatory. Only a specialist will be able to accurately select the most suitable method for you from a large list (more than 50 types) of skin cleansing recipes.

At home, skin cleansing can be done using various scrubs and cleansing masks. They may include calcium chloride purchased in a pharmacy in ampoules, acetyl tablets salicylic acid, salt. Here are a few recipes and the rules for applying them, using which you can easily clean your skin.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the creams that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin, and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


How to do chemical peeling faces at home? For gentle treatment of the skin of the face, simple formulations can be prepared.

Keep in mind that scrubs are more aggressive on the skin than peels.


Suitable for any woman in the absence of manifestations allergies for honey or. Crush three aspirin tablets, add about 1/2 teaspoon of water. Mix thoroughly and add a spoonful of honey to this gruel.

Infuse for 8-10 minutes and apply the composition on the skin of the face with a hand movement in a circle.

Through 5 minutes do a light two-minute massage and wash your face warm water.

The scrub will have a cleansing effect, remove cells old skin, promotes a rush of blood to the skin of the face.

Sodium chloride

Perhaps the most simple and extremely effective scrub for home use. A teaspoon of salt is mixed with sour cream (about a tablespoon).

A swab is applied to the face, the skin of which must first be clean and steam. After a light two-minute massage, wash off the scrub with cool water and treat with a nourishing cream.

Please note: Do not use salt scrub if you have pimples or skin irritation.

Calcium chloride

The list of funds needed for this procedure is very small. This is an ampoule of calcium chloride and ordinary baby soap . Calcium chloride is applied repeatedly, time is maintained for the already applied layer to dry.

After applying 4-6 layers, lather the pads of your fingers and massage the skin until spools until you hear a characteristic creak. Remove the rest of the product with a tissue and apply after 10-15 minutes. nourishing mask.

Salicylic acid

sparing peeling using 15-20% salicylic solution.

Apply to cleansed skin and keep for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Deep using 25-30% salicylic acid solution. Reduce exposure time to 10 minutes.

Activated carbon

crystals gelatin dilute in a small amount (2-3 tablespoons) of water and add half a tablet activated carbon ground into powder. Apply a warm composition to the skin with a brush. After drying, remove the entire film.


Most in demand and popular is a peeling based on retinol. This is the so-called yellow peeling". The name is derived from the characteristic color medicinal product used in skin cleansing. Do not confuse retinol and retinoic peeling And.

What is the difference? Even many cosmetologists do not see significant differences and call the cleaning procedure something retinol, That rethien peeling. Meanwhile, the composition of the preparation for retinol peeling contains vitamin A.

As part of retinoic, contains retinoic acid(derivative of vitamin A). Due to this, at the same 7% concentration, retinoic peeling much more powerful by effect.

Attention: for peeling based on retinoic acid, contact the salon. This peeling is more aggressive, it is better to carry it out under the supervision of a specialist.

For chemical cleaning of the skin Houses it is recommended to stop at . This method has more good points when using the drug. Among them:

Indications and contraindications

Chemical peel shown in the following cases:

  • various dermatitis;
  • the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • facial skin pigmentation;
  • manifestations of skin laxity.

Forbidden carry out such peels if:

  • liver disease;
  • with exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • active stage of acne;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • taking medications that are incompatible with the composition of the peeling preparation.

Among the ready-made peelings on sale are the following:

How to use them at home? The order of peeling at home is no different from the procedure in a beauty salon. Therefore, we emphasize once again - beautician consultation is required.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed of makeup. A preparation solution is applied. May feel light burning. This normal reaction. Then the drug itself is applied.

After a short time (from 15 to 45 minutes), apply neutralizer. The exposure time of the mask depends on the magnitude of the desired result and ranges from a quarter of an hour to half a day. The concentration of the drug will also have an effect. After holding the required time, it is washed off with water.

Skin care after

After the peeling, it is recommended to choose gentle creams for facial skin care. Protect skin from direct sun rays , using wide-brimmed hats to avoid burns and subsequent appearance scars.

Learn also about a few taboos that will help your skin. to avoid rapid aging . What is not recommended to do with your skin:

Pick up the most suitable for you way to cleanse the skin. Cleanse and protect your face properly. And your skin will be the envy of those around you.

You can learn how to make a chemical facial peel at home from the video:

Hello everyone. Do you want to give your skin a youthful, fresh glow? In this article, you will find many recipes on how to do face peeling at home.

Cosmetic procedure with improvised means

Exfoliation of the top layer of the skin is peeling. This manipulation will help get rid of dead cells of the epidermis, acne, narrow pores, remove wrinkles, freckles, pigmentation.

Proper peeling eliminate most of the problems of the epidermis. If you do it at home, you can carry out two types: mechanical (gommage, scrub) and exfoliation with acids.

Chemical exfoliation, that is, with acids, has 3 types of penetration depth into the epidermis:

  • Surface - up to 0.06 mm
  • Medium - up to 0.45 mm
  • Deep - up to 0.6 mm

At home, you can make a mechanical one using ground coffee, salt, cereals and much more.

Home chemical peeling is carried out using natural and chemical acids. For example, fruit. How to make it?

  • Ordinary fruits, vegetables, berries are taken, chopped, mixed with yogurt or sour cream, applied like a mask.
  • Before applying the mask, the skin is steamed, then the fruit mixture is applied, washed off after 10-20 minutes.
  • After that, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

The session is carried out 1 time in 10 days, after an allergy test.

Folk methods

To bring the skin in order, there are excellent recipes that allow you to restore youth to the skin without going to the salon. Have you tried yet? Get started as soon as you read this article.

For dry skin: take 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, pour milk. Hold until a thick mass is obtained, apply on the face with massaging movements for 20 minutes.

For normal skin . Mash 2 parts of red currant, 1 part of grapes, mix with yogurt.

Another effective recipe: take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of orange peel and oatmeal, pour milk until a thick paste forms. Keep on the face for no more than 10 minutes.

For oily: repeat the procedure every 3 days.

Stir the yolk, 1 tsp. crushed into powder eggshell, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. Massaging, cover the skin of the face, hold for 5 minutes.

Moisten cotton wool with fresh lemon juice, sprinkle granulated sugar, treat the surface with massage movements.

For combined epidermis baking soda recipe:

Mix oatmeal with honey, yolk, add a pinch of soda.

good effect gives cosmetic clay to which lemon juice is added.

For aging epidermis:

  • 1 tsp lemon peel,
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal flakes,
  • 1 tbsp not thick sour cream
  • 1 yolk

Apply for 10 minutes.

Treatments with medicines

  1. Purchase calcium chloride from the pharmacy.
  2. Do a practice test. Light tingling is considered normal.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in chloride, wipe your face 4-6 times.
  4. Wait for the mask to dry.
  5. Wash with baby soap.
  6. Apply moisturizer.

From acne, blackheads, to rejuvenate the epidermis, 6 procedures must be done. Calcium chloride will help to acquire velvety skin of the face, no worse than after salon procedures. The effect will be noticeable after the first session.

Many women use salicylic peels.

Crush 2 aspirin tablets, add 1 teaspoon of water and honey. Wash off with a solution of soda: 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. Then rinse your face with plain water.

Effective remedy with aspirin.

  1. Grind 3 aspirin tablets,
  2. Pour in lemon juice until liquid
  3. Apply to face, keep for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Wash off with soda solution.

Excellent reviews deserved a recipe with bodyaga.

  1. Bodyagi (2 tsp) grind into powder, mix with 3% peroxide (1 tsp), (just do not inhale bodyagi powder).
  2. Apply to face, hold for 10 minutes. Do not overdo it so as not to get burned.
  3. After drying, rinse off, apply cream.

Powerful exfoliating treatment with bodyaga, leads to the following positive effects:

  • The production of sebaceous secretion is normalized;
  • Pores are cleansed, acne disappears;
  • Stretch marks, scars disappear;
  • The skin becomes young fresh look;
  • Increases the elasticity of the epidermis.

Due to the aggressiveness of the mask, it can be applied once every 30 days.

Effective chemical treatment

Glycolic peeling refreshes the complexion, evens out the skin due to the fact that glycolic acid corrodes the upper layers of the epidermis. As a result, you get rid of acne, fine wrinkles, excess pigment.

How to do? For surface cleaning, 40% acid is taken. Just lubricate the face, leave for 8 minutes, rinse with water. It can be carried out once a week, but first you need to accustom the skin to glycolic acid, lubricating the skin with a cream with this acid.

(In summer, manipulation cannot be carried out, only in autumn and winter).

It turns out that glycolic acid is found in grapes. Light peeling can be done with grape juice.

magic citrus

Peeling skin acids - an ancient method of rejuvenation. If you are oily thick skin try doing it regularly lemon peeling. After just a few sessions, you will notice positive results.

It's all about the acids found in magical citrus. Residents of big cities should definitely take advantage of amazing properties this product.

The best recipes for any type of epidermis

Keep the resulting mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes.

  1. Take orange and lemon juice in equal parts, add a bag of gelatin, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath.
  2. It will take 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 tbsp. juice and wheat bran.
  3. Take 2 tbsp. rosehip oils, olive oil, lemon juice. Warm up a little, apply to the skin.
  4. Don't miss the season fresh cucumbers, prepare a healing mixture of 2 tbsp. l. cucumber puree, 1 tsp juice, 1 yolk.
  5. The skin will freshen up right before your eyes if you prepare coffee peeling:
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed coffee beans;
  • 1 tsp juice;
  • 1 tbsp washing gel.

Almond for beauty

Almond scrub is made with chopped almonds:

  • powder 6-8 nuts;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 tsp sour cream.

Apply the composition on the face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with massaging movements.

The action of this scrub is fundamentally different from almond peeling. Deep peeling with mandelic acid It affects the deep layers of the epidermis.

If you want to keep your skin in good condition without surgical methods, then settle for an almond cleansing. It is better to trust a professional cosmetologist, but an almond scrub can be made at home.

In the life of every woman there comes a period when she is puzzled by the issue of maintaining beauty and youth. How to maintain elasticity, velvety skin. Now the beauty industry offers wide range means and procedures for maintaining the beauty of a woman. One of these actively offered and used procedures is chemical peeling of the skin of the face and body.

- This is the process of applying a special composition to the skin, which contributes to the burning of the upper layers of the skin, which leads to a natural renewal of the epithelium.

Despite the fact that chemical peeling is no longer a novelty, and can be found in any beauty salon, however, not all girls have the means and opportunity to visit salons to receive this procedure.

Therefore, the most inventive girls have learned how to do chemical peeling at home. But, before you decide to carry out such a procedure at home, you should familiarize yourself with the types of peeling, and the method that suits your skin type.

Types of chemical peels

There is a peeling procedure for the face, back, hips, and in principle, it can be done on any area. skin in different parts the body has a different density, the skin of the face is very delicate and thin, on the hips, it is more dense. Accordingly, the recipes for cleansing the skin of the face are different. Thus, three types can be distinguished: deep, median, superficial.

What is this procedure for?

  • Facial rejuvenation;
  • Solving the problem of pigmentation;
  • Normalize the structure of the sebaceous glands;
  • And in general, it helps to make the skin soft, removes minor imperfections.

The main types of facial peeling

So, let's look at the main types.

Superficial peeling of the face

This type Peeling is actively used by women who are faced with the first wrinkles. This option is the most benign. When carrying out surface peeling of the face, glycolic, fruit or lactic acid is used. Helps with acne, pigmentation.

Surface peeling of the face has a number of advantages, such as: it does not require anesthesia, the procedure is painless, there is no recovery period.

Median peeling

People with problematic skin are recommended to use this type of facial cleansing. But, don't use it if your skin is dry. The composition includes trichloroacetic acid. It also helps to remove age spots, smooth wrinkles, and restore radiance to your skin.

Deep chemical peel

Deep peeling is considered the most effective. He removes mimic wrinkles on long term. But at the same time, this type of peeling leaves a third-degree burn. Thus, it acts on a deeper level of the dermis. When it is carried out, phenol is used.

This option has its pros and cons. Of the benefits, this is the result immediately after the session, a long-lasting effect, no need to specially prepare yourself for this, skin rejuvenation.

Of the minuses, this is, of course, the toxicity of the drug, which is used for deep chemical peeling. Also, redness of the skin, and severe peeling. Despite the fact that the result from this type is achieved in one session, the recovery period takes longer.

Preparing for a chemical peel

If you decide to carry out superficial peeling. then you just need to remove all makeup. And to clean the skin of dirt, for this it is enough to use a tonic or lotion.

Preparation for medium and deep chemical peels, more serious. Because, when using medium peeling, within 4-5 days, your skin will be slightly flaky, but if you follow all the recommendations, it will soon pass.

What you need to do before conducting a median and chemical peel:

  • The specialist must first level the stratum corneum, for this it is necessary to carry out a series of micro-peeling procedures, using a cream based on glycol and fruit acids.
  • In order to avoid hyperpigmentation, after using peeling, a skin whitening procedure is performed.
  • If you have skin problems, such as viral diseases (herpes), then in order to avoid recurrence, you should take a course of antiviral therapy.

These types of peeling can only be carried out by a specialist! Otherwise, you can just get serious consequences ( chemical burn), in an attempt to carry out a similar cleansing of the face at home, on their own. Post-peel skin care procedures that promote speedy recovery include skin treatment fat cream, healing ointment, as well as the mandatory use SPF protection. And best of all, carry out these procedures in the autumn or winter period when the sun is not as active.

How to choose a chemical peel?

Before peeling at home, you should decide which peel is preferable for you, chemical or you can still get by with mechanical.

Mechanical peeling are scrubs or gommages. If you have problematic youthful skin, then you can use this type almost every day, the main thing is to avoid inflamed areas. If you are 20-30 years old, and you are the owner of dry skin, then it is better to use gommage with a frequency of once a week. After 30 years, if you have a normal or fat type skin, you can use gommages and scrubs all the time, with dry skin, it is better to completely abandon this type of peeling.

Chemical peel products have aggressive impact on the skin, so experts recommend using them only from the age of 25.

Salicylic and (Jessner Peels) are not as aggressive, so they can be used for problematic skin.

Jessner chemical peel (video):

If you have oily or problematic skin, then from the age of 25 you can use TCA peeling.

Starting from the age of 35, it is proposed to carry out retinoic peeling. If your skin is thick and porous, you can use a TCA peel of 25% or more, but only a specialist can do it.

normal type skin. With this type of skin, in principle, any non-aggressive cleaning procedures are suitable, if the skin is aged, then you can use special means. Frequency - 2 times a week.

Dry skin. For of this type, suitable peeling from glycolic and mandelic acids. This peeling will help keep the skin moisturized, and it can be done every week, in a course.

Oily and dull skin. Such skin is suitable for mechanical cleansing of the skin of the face, simply exfoliation. Sometimes you can resort to dry cleaning but not aggressive.

Peeling at home

Facial cleansing at home is different in that, in principle, eliminates the possibility of burns. Also, it can be carried out by any woman, without special training. The main thing is to clearly follow the instructions and familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Usually, peeling at home involves masks, or recipes that contain fruit acids, and enzymes that help remove dead skin cells.

Chemical face peeling - procedure (video):

It can also be used for more effective procedure facial peeling, devices for home use:

  • Ultrasonic device Gezatone KUS 2000;
  • Massager for ultrasonic cleaning faces of the house Gezatone Ionic-Ultrasonic m360;
  • brushings;
  • Vacuum cleaner Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner.

Important(!), before carrying out the peeling procedure at home, it is still worth seeking advice from a beautician. It is also worth remembering that facial cleansing by chemical means makes the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, so it is not recommended to carry out this procedure in summer period. If you decide to peel in the summer, then the mandatory use of SPF protection is at least 40.

Chemical peeling of the skin of the face, not only cleanses the skin, but also promotes rejuvenation, removes or compares scars, acne spots, brightens age spots, tightens pores, removes sebaceous plugs, in general, improves work metabolic processes and skin renewal.

Chemical peel contraindications

There are a number of contraindications for using chemical peels.

Chemical peeling is strictly not recommended for skin hypersensitivity to components, inflammation, thin skin, with neoplasms, herpes in the active stage, pregnancy, skin diseases at the time of exacerbation, problems of the cardiovascular system, rosacea or mesh on the face.

Before starting the procedure for cleansing the skin of the face, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction.

In order to prevent a burn, take and apply the solution in a thin layer, evenly over the skin area.

A special composition, you can either buy it ready-made in the store, or make it yourself.

Facial cleansing at home

The most common and affordable chemical peeling of facial skin at home is based on salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid.

Salicylic acid is isolated from willow bark. natural remedy has unique effective properties. Salicylic is a powerful antiseptic and also removes dead cells epithelium, and penetrating deep into the pores, it is able to inhibit the production of sebum. Helps to produce collagen, which is responsible for skin tone and elasticity.

Salicylic peeling.

Facial cleansing at home, salicylic acid can also be divided into two types of chemical peels.

Superficial peeling uses 15% acid solution. Such kind of fit problematic skin suffering from various rashes. Time - up to 15 minutes.

Median peeling already requires 25-30% in its composition. This cleansing whitens the skin, and removes fine wrinkles.

Recipe for the preparation of the composition for dry and sensitive skin:

  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • 1 tbsp fat cream;
  • Mix the aspirin well, and then add and mix with a spoonful of fat cream.

Recipe for oily and problem skin:

  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • 1 tablespoon of water;
  • A pinch of salt and honey;
  • Again, crushed aspirin should be mixed with a spoonful of water, salt and honey.

Stage of the procedure:

  1. Cleanse the skin using a toner or lotion. Check that there are no makeup residues on the face. For a stronger result, you can make a softening nourishing mask. After that, clean your face with an antiseptic.
  2. Gently spread the resulting peeling mixture over the skin. If you are cleaning your face at home, then avoid the area around the eyes. Record the required time.
  3. After completing the procedure, rinse your face with water room temperature. And wipe again with an antiseptic. Do not go outside immediately after peeling, you risk introducing bacteria into open pores.

Here are some reviews after doing this type of peeling at home:

- Elena: “I had a problem - the skin on my elbows was constantly peeling off. Searched the entire Internet, looking for ideal remedy for the skin of the elbows, I came across recipes for peeling with salicylic acid. Two weeks after the procedure, the peeling was gone. The skin became soft and smooth. Now sometimes I spend peeling with a 2% solution of salicylic acid. I don't do it during the summer. Salicylic peeling and active sun are incompatible.”

— Maria: “This type of peeling is best suited to owners oily skin. It can harm dry skin, because salicylic acid dries the skin very much. It’s better to try the composition on the skin of the elbow first, for about 15 minutes. I, by myself, make a very simple version. I soak an aspirin tablet, after crushing it into powder. Then I mix it with a teaspoon of sour cream (you can use honey). It turns out the consistency for the mask. I evenly distribute it over the face, and leave it for 30 minutes. The effect is less noticeable acne marks, the skin is smooth, clean pores.

Consequences of chemical peeling of the skin

Carrying out such peeling can be considered one of the first steps in skin care. The consequences after such a chemical peeling procedure are rarely negative (although this is not excluded). Facial cleansing with peeling makes the skin healthy, refreshes the color, gives tone and radiance. If for some reason you can't afford to have this procedure in the salon, then such a simple skin care recipe at home can keep your skin young and well-groomed. The result may be weaker than in the salon, but with the constant implementation of this procedure at home, you will see the effectiveness of such care. And your skin will thank you!

Chemical peeling at home for the face is not a myth, but a reality. In the salon, such a procedure will be expensive, but at home you can do such a peeling simply and much cheaper.

There are a huge number of ways and recipes, you just need to choose the one that will satisfy all the requirements and wishes.

Why do you need a chemical peel at home?

Many people ask the question - why do you need it at home?

First of all, it is needed to save money, since in the salon such a procedure can cost you several thousand rubles.

Sunanda Chew


Any chemical peel solution you can purchase for home use, will provide very light exfoliation with minimal effectiveness. This is a useful cleanse. However, every chemical peel has the potential risk of complications such as pigmentation or scarring, and these risks are much higher when a chemical peel is performed by someone without proper training and skin care experience. I recommend that you seek the advice of a board-certified doctor who specializes in facial treatments to assess your specific concerns and choose the treatment that will provide you with the results you desire.

There are a lot of peels. This is a great way to refresh and tighten the skin of the face. But ... remember the precautions and follow the recommendations - and then you can achieve excellent results at home and with the help of inexpensive improvised means.

Let's figure out what peeling is and.
Peeling- This is the cleansing or exfoliation of the surface layer of the skin. Includes a large number of procedures that can be done both at home and in the salon. There are several types of peeling: according to the depth of action and the method of exposure.
The deeper the skin layers are affected, the more dangerous procedure: superficial, middle and deep peeling. Superficial - exfoliates only thin layer skin. Used to improve skin color age spots, toning and clearing acne. Use masks, scrubs, fruit acids. Medium and deep peeling involves exposure to strong acids to cleanse the deeper subcutaneous layers. After such procedures, it takes time for the skin to recover. The procedure is dangerous because it can leave scars on the skin. Used for wrinkles and sagging skin.
According to the method of exposure, chemical, mechanical and peeling with the use of physical effects are distinguished. At home, you can only do chemical peeling, it includes the biological effect of masks and herbal raw materials (phytohommage). Mechanical - brossage, dermoplaning, microdermabrasion and dermabrasion. Hardware peeling - ultrasound, laser, electric current.

Do peeling at home You can use a peeling mask. They will include the smallest particles of salt, almond bran, crushed eggshells - all remove dead cells of the stratum corneum and renew the skin. You can do peeling yourself at home, for this you first need to prepare the skin and mask for the procedure. It is also advised to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin A (carrots, parsley, green onion). And remember that each substance used has its own characteristics.

Do a face peel

  1. Make a prescription mask and test for inside forearms for allergies.
  2. Do a thorough cleansing, degreasing with cosmetic soap(sindet) and dry the skin with a tissue.
  3. It will be good to perform and hot.
  4. Apply peeling to the skin with your hand or a special wide brush. If the skin is rough, you can do a light facial massage: brush along the cosmetic lines (from the nose, chin and middle of the forehead to the ears).
  5. moisten cotton pads olive oil and put it on your eyes.
  6. Cover your face with a gauze pad.
  7. Carry out the procedure according to the prescription.
  8. Remove the remains of the mask with a cotton sponge moistened with water or warm water with gentle movements.
  9. Make a cool compress of green tea or string, you can apply a cooling gel with chamomile extract.

When applying masks for peeling, juices of plants and fruits containing a large percentage of acids are used. It must be remembered that peeling procedures should not be carried out frequently, since the skin receives strong impact and redness and burning may occur. 10-15 procedures are enough. For simple exfoliation use every 7-15 days.

Peeling recipes at home

Almond body peeling

cleansing body peel | almonds, rose oil | normal skin

Mix a glass of ground almonds with rose oil to make a thick paste. Massage it into the skin of the whole body, and then take a shower. Rose oil is known to help maintain the natural tone of the skin and promote skin cell regeneration. She will look healthy and radiant.

5 minutes | | 2010-08-16

Coffee peeling cream

cleansing face peel | coffee | normal skin

For cleansing and moisturizing once a week, carry out coffee peeling. Make coffee grounds and mix in equal proportions with moisturizer. Apply to the face with massaging movements, wash off the residue after 6 minutes.
8 minutes | | 2010-09-13

Their bran peeling mask

whitening face peel | bran | normal skin

2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat bran are mixed with a small amount of cold boiled water. The resulting slurry is rubbed into the skin for 2-3 minutes. face light massaging movements. Then wash off with cool water. Bran cleanses well, softens and slightly whitens the skin.

Oatmeal Peeling Mask

cleansing face peel | oatmeal | normal skin

2 tbsp. dilute tablespoons of oatmeal with cold boiled water to the consistency of gruel, which is applied to the skin of the face. After 2-3 minutes, a light massage is done and the oatmeal is washed off with cool water.

5 minutes | | 2010-09-13

Rice bran for cleansing dry skin

cleansing face peel | rice | dry

Pour half a glass of rice bran with warm water and stir until the consistency of gruel. This mass is applied to the skin of the face and kept for 10 minutes. Then the face is lightly massaged and rinsed with warm water. This cleansing treatment leaves the skin soft and supple.

5 minutes | site | 2011-02-04

Peeling with oatmeal

cleansing face peel | oatmeal, lemon, kefir | oily skin

Add 1 teaspoon to one glass of oatmeal baking soda mix well and store in a tightly sealed container. glassware. To 1 tbsp. add a little low-fat kefir or yogurt to a spoonful of this mixture, stir to the consistency of gruel and rub it with massaging movements into the skin of the face. Then wash off with warm boiled water and rinse your face with cold, acidified lemon juice.

15 minutes | site | 2011-04-24

Peeling for oily skin

cleansing face peel | oat flakes, grapes | oily skin

Ground oatmeal is mixed with crushed green grapes to the consistency of a thick slurry. It is applied to the skin of the face and rubbed with circular massaging movements. Then wash off with warm boiled water and rinse your face with cold. This procedure well cleanses and tightens pores, gives oily skin freshness and elasticity.

20 minutes | site | 2011-04-24

Cleansing oily skin with salt

cleansing face peel | salt | oily skin

For oily skin, it is useful to cleanse it with coarsely ground moistened table salt. It removes dead skin particles and rejuvenates the skin. You can also do salt procedures 2-3 times a week: moisten a damp cotton swab with soapy foam, sprinkle with table salt and wipe your face in a circular motion. Then they wash with warm water.

3 minutes | site | 2011-04-24

Body peeling soap

cleansing body peel | coffee, soap base, hemp oil | oily skin

Per 100 grams transparent soap base add 1 tbsp. spoon ground coffee and hemp oil 1/3 tsp. Such soap can not be sprinkled with alcohol so that the foam is a decoration. You can also add coffee beans for decoration. The aroma of soap will be better if you pour ground coffee
boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. After that drain the excess
water, and put the thick in a hot base. This soap will invigorate and give a peeling effect.

1 hour | | 2011-09-03

Corn and almond flour for problem skin

cleansing facial peel | cornmeal, almonds | problem skin

3 art. spoons of cornmeal and 1 tbsp. spoon of sweet almond flour mixed with hot water to the consistency of porridge. The slurry is applied to dry sensitive skin she gently cleanses and gives beneficial features almond skin cells. Use as follows: apply the gruel evenly on the face, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Rice peeling for problem skin with acne

cleansing face peel | rice flour, soda, kefir | problem skin

Into a glass rice flour add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix thoroughly, close tightly in a glass container. To cleanse the face 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this mixture is diluted with kefir to the consistency of gruel. It is applied to the face with a cotton swab, massaging the skin in circular motions. After 2-3 minutes, the mass is washed off with warm water. This procedure well cleanses and rejuvenates oily skin with punctate acne.

5 minutes | site | 2012-02-28

Deep cleansing of oily skin with acne (home peeling)

cleansing face peel | oatmeal, milk | problem skin

Turn oatmeal into powder using a coffee grinder. Turn the powder into a paste, for this, add baking soda and boric acid, in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per glass of cereal. This mixture will keep for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Before applying the mask, to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pasta add warm milk. A thick layer is applied to the face and massaged with fingertips in a circular motion until the mass begins to easily fall off or slide. Do not do more than 2-3 times a week.