Whitening age spots advice from healers. Mask of fresh cucumber. Cream for whitening "Clinicians Complex"

Smooth, beautiful colour skin is the dream of many women, but not everyone can boast of it. Very often pigmentation appears on a pretty, female face - dark, shapeless, randomly scattered spots of various sizes. Some people have very few of them, and some of them cover their entire face. If it's a few pretty freckles on the nose that only show up in the spring for a short period of time, it doesn't become a problem. But large, bright dark shade rashes spoil appearance and bring a lot of pain. In such cases, the question is how to get rid of age spots becomes relevant and requires an effective solution. First you need to figure out what kind of rashes cover the face.

Types of age spots

Different types of age spots on the face require a different attitude. Their nature, appearance, causes of occurrence will influence the choice of method for their elimination. Therefore, it is so important to be able to determine what kind of pigmentation you have to fight.

  • Chloasma

Chloasma - dark brown spots different shapes and size, with a smooth surface and sharp boundaries. Most often they appear on the face of women during pregnancy and do not require any elimination measures, since after the birth of the baby they safely disappear.

If these age spots are in no way connected with pregnancy, you must definitely go through medical examination for internal diseases.

The reasons for their appearance can be serious gynecological problems, too long use of contraceptives, impaired liver function, uncontrolled exposure to the sun. After a course of treatment and elimination, the causes of chloasma disappear and do not require additional cosmetic intervention.

  • Lentigo

Lentigo - very dense black-brown or brown spots on the face, which protrude above the skin with tubercles. They have sharp outlines and the most different sizes, poured out both in small quantities and in whole islands. Such age spots are caused by age-related processes occurring in the human body. Lentigo can be:

childish(appears up to 10 years, and then disappears on its own);

senile(occurs in older people, sometimes reaching a size of up to 2 cm in diameter).

Lentigo does not require treatment in childhood, and after 50 years they are successfully removed cosmetic procedures in salons.

Moles are age spots on the face of various shapes and sizes. They can be congenital or acquired during life. Reddish or pale pink are difficult to treat, as they are formed due to blood vessels and lymph nodes. The darker, brown, almost black color is due to the accumulation of melanocytes - a separate group of cells. They cannot be removed at home. Even in a beauty parlor, you may be denied procedures for their removal, as this is fraught with serious health consequences.

  • Freckles

Someone thinks that freckles, these small, smooth age spots, decorate female face. But if there are too many of them and they are in no hurry to leave their homes even in the cold season, women will do everything to get rid of them. The reason for their appearance is the intense effect of sunlight and other ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Most often they occur in brown-haired or blonde women. Freckles appear in spring and remain on the face until autumn. In winter, they turn pale or disappear. very difficult, but they can be significantly lightened and made almost invisible. You can prevent their appearance by limiting the access of ultraviolet radiation to the skin.

This review allows you to determine what kind of age spots on your face are bothering you, what are the causes of their occurrence and whether it is possible to fight them with at least some methods. Modern cosmetology and traditional medicine offers many ways to eliminate them, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing.

Cosmetic procedures in the fight against pigmentation

by the most right decision problems with age spots will seek help from professionals. Modern cosmetology has a large arsenal of techniques and procedures that can carefully, without harm and health consequences, remove almost any type of pigmentation. Before this, a planned medical examination is carried out for the presence of contraindications, to determine the type of spot and identify the factors that provoked its appearance. Only then is a procedure offered.

  • The removal of age spots is very much in demand today. laser, which destroys the bonds between pigment molecules without affecting healthy areas of the skin, making spots much lighter. Several procedures may be prescribed depending on the depth of the vessels and other features of the skin. It is believed that this method is the most effective and safe.
  • Another unique and quite popular technology for getting rid of pigmentation is. This is where the skin is exposed to the combined energy of light and heat. With this procedure, you can quickly and effectively lighten any age spots.
  • Whitening peel removes the surface layer of the epidermis, causing the cells to intensively renew themselves. The result is light, uniform, healthy skin without pigmentation. The salon can offer several types of peeling, each of which will be effective in its own way in the fight against freckles and lentigo. Ultrasonic involves the introduction of whitening preparations under the skin. laser practically removes the entire upper layer of the epidermis, stimulating the growth of new cells, but is a very traumatic and painful method. Chemical peeling involves the application of an active substance (chemical) to the skin, which quickly and effectively exfoliates the top layer of the skin.
  • Cryotherapy- treatment of pigment spots with liquid nitrogen.

Each cosmetology salon has its own bank of services for the removal of age spots using chemicals and hardware cosmetology. What will be offered to you will depend on your state of health and the type of pigmentation. If it is not too pronounced and is not caused by serious internal diseases, you can turn to folk remedies for help, which never fail and save even in such situations.

Folk methods for whitening age spots

Folk remedies effectively help whiten the skin at home, leaving no chance of pigmentation. In order to bring the complexion in order, to make it even, bright and beautiful, there are many recipes, each of which is good in its own way. To achieve what you want, you will have to stock up on medicinal herbs, essential and cosmetic oils, as well as use the usual food available in the kitchen.

  • Compresses

If you regularly make whitening facial compresses at home, you can make even the darkest freckles invisible. To do this, gauze cloth is moistened in a decoction of herbs, yogurt, lemon juice or some other active liquid and applied to the face for 10 minutes. If you repeat this procedure every two days, after a couple of weeks you will rejoice at your reflection in the mirror, as the results will be obvious.

  • Lotions

Some medicinal herbs have a pronounced whitening effect, therefore, on their basis, lotions can be made at home to lighten age spots. To do this, you need to prepare an infusion or decoction of licorice, yarrow, dandelion, parsley or bearberry. If you wash them or wipe your face twice a day, the effect will not be long in coming.

  • Lotions

The same herbs that whitening lotions are made from can be used as lotions. For this fresh leaves medicinal plant crushed and applied for 20 minutes in the form of an application to the pigment spot, which you want to get rid of. This tool can be used every other day.

  • masks

One of the most effective and highly sought-after folk remedies for lightening age spots are homemade. They are easy to prepare, the ingredients can be found in any refrigerator, they are always at hand, and the pigmentation actually disappears quickly and quite easily. But without regularity, the spots can return again, so the results can only be achieved by the constancy of such procedures.

  • Oils

Some whitening folk remedies are prepared on the basis of cosmetic oils. Works particularly well with jojoba pigmentation. And if you add essential oils with anti-pigmentation properties to masks and tonics, the results will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures. The esters of oregano, birch, turmeric, patchouli, mint, black pepper, sandalwood, rosemary and eucalyptus are distinguished by this action.

You can try different methods and products for skin whitening and lightening age spots at home. The main thing is to find the only recipe that really works for you. After all, the effect of ingredients on pigmentation is largely determined by individual characteristics skin. The regularity of procedures, perseverance and patience in achieving the intended goal will eventually be rewarded.

Masks against age spots

Home masks for lightening freckles, lentigo and chloasma are recommended to be done twice a week. Previously, each composition must be tested on a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (wrist, elbow, behind the ear) in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

You can leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes, wash it off with either a decoction of herbs or filtered water. room temperature. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a whitening cream on the face and not go outside for an hour.

  • Pepper

Peel sweet pepper from grains, pass through a meat grinder and, without losing a drop of precious juice, apply the resulting mass on the face, avoiding contact with the eyes.

  • Parsley + honey + lemon

2 tbsp. lies. chopped parsley mixed with the same amount of warm, brought to a liquid state of honey and fresh lemon juice. One of the best natural skin whiteners is lemon, so actively use its juice and zest to lighten age spots.

  • Yeast + lemon + milk

25 g of pressed yeast diluted with 1 tbsp. lies. warm homemade milk, leave for half an hour. After that, add 1 teaspoon to them. lies. fresh juice from a lemon.

Cucumber is the second most effective natural skin whitener after lemon. It can be used in pure form, but can be added to other components. Grate the peeled cucumber on a grater and mix with various auxiliary ingredients in equal amounts. This vegetable goes well with olive oil, regular store cream, lemon juice.

  • Black currant + viburnum + honey

Skip viburnum berries and black currant through a grinder. Squeeze the juice out of them using gauze. 2 table. lies. the resulting liquid mixed with 1 teaspoon. lies. warm honey. In the resulting mixture, gauze is wetted and applied to age spots.

  • Onion juice + honey

Pass the onion through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice with a gauze cloth. 1 st. lies. onion juice mix with the same amount of liquid warm honey (for dry skin) or 6% table vinegar (for).

  • With horseradish

1 st. lies. grated or minced horseradish mix with the same amount of applesauce.

2 tbsp. lies. crushed raw potatoes(grated or minced) mixed with 1 tsp. lies. olive oil, 1 tbsp. lies. warm homemade milk and 1 tsp. lies. almond bran.

According to doctors, age spots in themselves are not a disease, they arise as a result of various processes occurring in human body and affecting the distribution of melanin (a substance responsible for skin color) in a certain area of ​​​​the skin.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Before you whiten the resulting age spots on the face, you need to find out the exact cause of their appearance.

Experts say that spots appear due to the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy. In this case, the occurrence of spots is associated with a general restructuring female body. Before whitening age spots, a pregnant woman needs to visit a gynecologist.
  • Heredity. If the parents or grandparents of the patient have such spots, of any size, it is likely that the person has been born with genetic predisposition to the appearance of pigmentation on the face.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This is especially common in women during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of a protective cream.
  • Stress, depression, general depression of the psyche.
  • mechanical injury.
  • Congenital (acquired) pathology of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, digestive system.
  • Deficiency in the body of enzymes and other substances responsible for normal condition skin cover.

Why do age spots appear on the body

The main causes of pigmentation on the body are in many ways similar to the causes of age spots on the face:

  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Lack or excess in the body of certain hormones;
  • Abuse of exposure to the sun;
  • Injuries and microtraumas of the skin.

Pimples on the neck

If age spots are localized on the neck, they most often occur due to a lack of vital vitamins and minerals in the body.

Pigmented spots on the back

Dark patches of skin on the back usually indicate that the body is producing too much melanin.

In order to choose the best option for skin whitening and removal of age spots, you need to determine the cause of their occurrence.

Pigment spots on legs

If dark spots appear on the legs, they are caused by circulatory problems (attention: do not confuse spots with vascular network!), hormonal imbalance, lack of vitamins, hereditary predisposition to neoplasms.

Pigment spots on the hands

Attention: if the patient has a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases, in case of any moles and (or) age spots on the hands, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, an oncologist.

Maybe, the best option getting rid of the stain - its surgical removal.

Age spots after sunburn - features

Before whitening small and medium age spots, you need to identify their cause.

Spots often occur after a natural tan or a long stay in the solarium. In this case, they are caused by exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays.

If the patient has a genetic predisposition to the appearance of moles and age spots, to prevent the occurrence of moles and melanomas, sun exposure should be reduced. You also need to use the sun protective cream before and after sun exposure.

Age spots during pregnancy - features

If age spots on the body (but most often on the face) occur in a woman during the period of bearing a child, special treatment for such spots is not required. In this case, darkening of the skin in some places is caused by hormonal changes in the body, and after childbirth, the problem will gradually disappear.

How to remove age spots on the face with salon procedures:

In addition to operational methods, there are several effective ways removal of age spots on the hands:

  • Deep peeling. This procedure is performed at the appointment of a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Fulfill deep peeling skin at home is not recommended, because peeling products can provoke allergic reactions, up to Quincke's edema;
  • Usage special creams based on drugs that remove excess melanin from the body;
  • The use of anti-aging masks based on drugs;
  • Spot lightening with hydrogen peroxide.

If they are localized on the face and have a medium (large) size, women often decide to eliminate this problem with the help of salon procedures.

Laser removal of age spots

The laser is very popular.

Laser correction is one of the most effective methods.

This method is especially well suited if the appearance of darkened areas is associated with age-related changes in the body, and other methods have not brought the desired result.

Phototherapy for age spots

You can also lighten darkening with the use of flashes. This method is called phototherapy. Two to five sessions of phototherapy are required to obtain significant results.

You can lighten dark areas with a flash.

If necessary, the course of treatment should be repeated after 3-4 months. Usually, after phototherapy, the skin tends to darken even more, but then gradually becomes lighter, and the spots completely or almost completely disappear.

Fractional thermolysis

An effective method of combating excessive production of melanin is the method of fractional thermolysis.

The main advantage of this method of getting rid of age spots on the face and body is that this method does not involve direct contact of any medical instruments with the patient's skin, so there is no risk of transmission of any skin infections.


For small to medium sized stains light brown enough deep or superficial peeling.

The main advantage of this method is its relative availability and low cost. The main disadvantage of peeling is skin contact with chemicals that can provoke irritation and allergic reactions.

The chemical peel procedure is inexpensive and effective method skin whitening

The cost of treatment in the salon

The cost of treating pigmented skin areas using salon procedures is:

  • Mesotherapy method: 6,000 - 17,000 rubles;
  • Microdermabrasion method: from 3500 rubles;
  • Laser correction method: 9000 rubles and more, in accordance with the number and size of pigmented areas;
  • Chemical peeling method: 4000 - 10 000 rubles, in accordance with the medicine used.

How to get rid of age spots on the face at home. Folk recipes

IN traditional medicine brightening masks are widely used. Most often, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese) and the juice of some plants (parsley, lemon) are used as active ingredients in such masks.

Traditional medicine is effective in dealing with spots of small and medium sizes.

Attention: masks based on the above components brighten the skin, but do not eliminate main reason pigmentation - excessive production of melanin. In the presence of large spots, it is recommended to use pharmacy products in addition to masks.

Pharmaceutical preparations for age spots

How to whiten age spots, you can find in any pharmacy. Experts say the drugs traditionally used by doctors to treat excess melanin production are easily tolerated and have no side effects.

  • Achromin from age spots. Cream with a whitening effect "Achromin" effectively fights stains caused by the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. Most patients say that this drug not only removes existing stains, but also prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • Melanative from age spots . Cream "Melanativ" reduces the production of melanin and, thereby, eliminates one of the main causes of age spots. Those who have used this cream for medicinal purposes claim that after one or more courses of treatment, age spots gradually lighten, and new ones no longer appear. The cost of the drug is about 700 rubles;
  • clotrimazole from age spots. Ointment "Clotrimazole" effectively fights against skin diseases diverse nature: fungus, eczema, atopic dermatitis. Patients who have used this ointment for the treatment of the above disorders note that clotrimazole not only helps to get rid of the underlying disease, but also helps to lighten the skin and the disappearance of pigmented areas;
  • neoton from age spots . Cream "Neoton" brightens the skin and makes its tone more even. Patients who used the Neoton cream for the treatment of age spots claim that with the systematic use of the cream, the spots gradually lighten, and then completely disappear, the skin color evens out and becomes healthy;
  • Skinoren from age spots. Also effective is the tool "Skinoren". This remedy successfully fights skin diseases various etiologies, helps to get rid of youthful acne and freckles, brightens pigmented areas. Experts say that the use this tool evens out skin tone and promotes brightening skin;
  • Achroactive from age spots. Remedy"Achroactive" activates the body's defenses and inhibits the production of melanin. Patients recognize that the systematic use of Achroactive effectively helps in the fight against skin diseases of various nature, including age spots and freckles;
  • Cream Clearvin from age spots. Cream "Klirvin" deeply cleanses the skin and promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Doctors say that after applying the cream, the skin begins to look younger and lighter;
  • Evinal cream from age spots. Cream "Evinal" contains minerals necessary for healthy skin. Patients believe that the cream promotes deep cleansing and regeneration of skin cells;
  • Ansil from age spots. Ansil therapeutic agent brightens the skin and at the same time has a moisturizing effect. Experts say that age spots under the influence of this remedy do not always completely disappear, but always lighten;
  • Milk skin from age spots in a pharmacy. Also very popular pharmacy remedy"Milk Skin". Cream "Milk Skin" quickly removes age spots of various origins due to the fact that it contains a special type of beneficial mushrooms.

"Milk Skin" is a very effective tool in the fight against hard-to-remove medium and large dark stains;

  • Askorutin from age spots. Ascorutin tablets are effective if the appearance of age spots is caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. Askorutin compensates for the deficiency of vitamins;
  • Arbutin from age spots. medical drug"Arbutin" is made on the basis of plant substances that naturally whiten pigment spots on the skin. The drug brightens spots, as a result of the application, the production of melanin decreases;
  • Badyaga from age spots. Badyaga is also successfully used to combat age spots. Experts write that the effectiveness of badyagi is due to the fact that this drug contributes to deep cleansing of the skin.


Cosmetologists acknowledge that effective remedy fight against age spots - salon or home peeling.

Peeling should not be used if the skin is inflamed or irritated, as its constituent chemicals can cause unwanted reactions.

Cosmetic creams and concentrates

Cream Vichy from age spots

Cream "Vichy" reduces the production of melanin in the body. It not only masks age spots, but effectively eliminates the main cause of their appearance. Patients call this cream "one of the most effective remedies."

Concentrate for lightening age spots Faberlik

For maximum lightening of stains different size etiology, a brightening concentrate from the cosmetic company Faberlik is also successfully used. According to experts, this medicine successfully brightens the skin, gives it healthy color and helps to reduce the level of melanin in the body.

Inblanc for age spots

Cosmetic product Inblanc prevents hyperpigmentation of the skin and promotes the elimination of spots. Experts and patients claim that this remedy is highly effective.

Whitening masks with hydrogen peroxide

  • Recipe 1. Here effective recipe masks for oily skin. It is necessary to dilute 50 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide in half a teaspoon of ammonia. The resulting composition is applied to the spots twice a day, the duration of one session is up to 15 minutes. Instead of ammonia, the use of lemon juice is allowed;
  • Recipe 2. Another option for a whitening mask is to dilute 15 drops of cottage cheese in one tablespoon ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. This composition must be left on the skin for 15 minutes;
  • Recipe 3. Another option is to dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Treat stains, leave for seven minutes, rinse with water at room temperature;
  • Recipe 4. This mask is also effective: mix a teaspoon of grated baby soap with lemon juice and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to pigmented areas and wash off after 15 minutes;
  • Recipe 5. Another recipe is to mix 100 g of liquid honey and freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon. Stir, treat stains, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse and apply as usual nutritious cream. Keep refrigerated. If there are signs of aging and wilting, you can add vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and sugar.

Zinc ointment for age spots

Zinc ointment evens out skin tone. According to doctors, she has almost no side effects and also has high efficiency.

Before using any pharmaceutical preparations to whiten age spots, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because the medicine has a number of side effects.

Parsley mask for age spots

How to whiten age spots, herbalists can tell. The most commonly used herbal ingredients for this purpose are parsley and lemon juice.

Parsley infusion is prepared as follows: a bunch of fresh parsley is crushed and poured with boiling water. The infusion is left for three hours, and then the surface of the face is wiped in the morning and evening.

How to apply lemon for age spots on the face

Regularly rubbing the face with fresh lemon juice can make the spots almost invisible. The juice is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 and the face is wiped with this solution.

Precautions When Using Home Whitening Methods

Before whitening age spots of various origins at home, you need to consult with your doctor. There are a large number of recipes that tell how to spend this procedure at home.

When using any of the recipes, the following precautions must be carefully observed:

  • In the event of an allergy, irritation, rash, accompanied by itching, treatment should be stopped immediately;
  • Before using any drug, you should carefully read the instructions, study possible side effects;
  • It is recommended to conduct a preliminary allergy test: apply a small amount of the product to the skin and observe the skin reaction over the next day. If there are no signs of allergic reactions, the drug can be used in accordance with the instructions.

If you do not abuse exposure to the sun, lead healthy lifestyle life and leave bad habits, you will have to think about how to whiten age spots less often

Useful video materials on how to whiten the skin of the face and get rid of age spots

How to whiten the skin of the face. Mask recipes:

How to get rid of age spots with a starch and honey mask:

Of course, we all want to have an impeccable appearance, and this largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face. healthy and well-groomed skin It is a guarantee of self-confidence and the sympathy of others.

In this article:

What is the care product used for?

Whitening face cream is needed in order to freckles. In addition, it helps to even out the tone of the face, give the skin a healthy tone or lighten a tan.

Why do age spots occur?

The color of the dermis depends on the presence of a special pigment - melanin. It is thanks to him that our skin is covered with a tan. But at the same time, it can also do a bad job: where its concentration is especially high, spots appear.

The reasons for the appearance of unwanted spots must be clarified with a dermatologist, because this may be the result of a disruption in the work of the endocrine glands.

Quite often in women of mature age on the face and hands there is excessive pigmentation - lentigo. These are small brown spots that many would like to get rid of.

During pregnancy, some women experience dark spots on their face, called chloasma. Such pigmentation may be associated with a violation of metabolism and the endocrine system, including the ovaries, thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.

How not to remember the "kisses of the sun." With the beginning of spring and increased solar activity on the faces fair-skinned women freckles wake up.

Sometimes there are very few of them, and sometimes they cover almost the entire face. In this case, some women prefer to get rid of them.

To prevent skin cancer, melanoma, in summer it is very important to protect the dermis from excessive amounts of ultraviolet rays. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 10.

What makes whitening products work?

Among active ingredients The most common components of skin care cosmetics are:

  • fruit acid, which cleanses the skin of dead cells, saturates it with vitamins, moisturizes and elasticity will come;
  • glycolic acid promotes healing if there is an inflammatory process. Normalizes work sebaceous glands and exfoliates the upper "waste" layer of the skin;
  • lactic (kojic) acid helps reduce the amount of melanin in the dermis and activates the skin regeneration process;
  • Hydroquinone is a powerful antioxidant, that is, a substance that cleanses our body of toxic substances. Hydroquinone, among other things, reduces the production of melanin;
  • retinol promotes the active formation of collagen protein, which is responsible for skin elasticity;
  • beta-carotene protects the dermis from overly active sunlight and helps to avoid sunburn;
  • arbutin inhibits the production of melanin, moisturizes the skin and has an antibacterial effect;
  • glutathione is a very strong bleach for the dermis and a powerful antioxidant;
  • vitamins A, B3, C brighten the skin and restore it;
  • mercury. Yes, you didn't think so. Although it is a very toxic substance, it can be added to some creams in microdoses. Mercury hinders melanin production, however, this component may not be suitable for many women: pregnant women, nursing mothers and women with sensitive skin should avoid such a care product.

Choosing a whitening cream

There is a suitable cream for every skin type. Read the label carefully. Because, for example, the composition of the product may include salicylic alcohol, which is not suitable for.

Pay attention to the expiration date and remember that after the package is opened, the shelf life is greatly reduced.

Check that the cream does not have very strong odor or was too bright.

This indicates a high concentration of dyes and chemical flavors, which is completely useless.

How should the care product be applied?

There are several basic rules:

  • before using the cream, apply it on the bend of the elbow (where the skin is especially delicate) and leave for half an hour. If an allergic reaction does not appear, you can safely use the remedy;
  • clean your face from make-up;
  • apply the cream at night (30-40 minutes before bedtime). Whitening cream will not interfere with the "work" of other care products.

The best time to use the cream is autumn and winter. Why is that? Because the dermis after applying this product becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

How long can the cream be used?

In order to remove very dark spots, You can apply the product every day until the desired result is achieved. If the spots are not many and they are not very noticeable, then use bleach twice a week.

Average The result will be noticeable in two months. But if you want to continue the procedures, then first take a break for one month. After the end of the whitening course, your dermis will need increased care: moisturize and nourish the skin.

Rating funds

Based on the reviews of women, we have selected the best whitening creams for detailed consideration.

Mask Miracle Glow. The country of origin is the USA. The composition includes a special Omegalight complex with linoleic acid, Chinese cordyceps (plant root), kaolin white clay, lactic acid, essential oils and hyperonyl alcohol. The mask actively whitens the skin and prevents re-pigmentation.

Restores damaged skin and nourishes it. Advantages: suitable for all skin types, for pregnant women. Does not cause allergies. The effect appears after a short time (three to four weeks). Cons: None found.

Achromin Cream. Country of origin - Bulgaria. Ingredients: gluconic acid, beta-carotene, licorice root extract. Advantages: removes very dark age spots and freckles. Protects the dermis from aggressive ultraviolet radiation. Cons: May cause allergies. Cream Achromin is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Himalaya cream. Country of origin - UAE. Ingredients: extract of rose, mandarin, aloe vera, walnut. Whitens, nourishes and restores the dermis. Advantages: completely natural ingredients. Does not cause allergies. Disadvantages: very dark spots do not completely disappear, only brighten.

Cream Floresan "White linen". Country of origin - Russia. Ingredients: vitamin C, fruit acids, cucumber extract, flax seeds, green tea. Vitamin C prevents the formation of melanin, and natural ingredients moisturize the skin and saturate it with microelements. Advantages: natural ingredients, does not cause allergies. Low price. Disadvantages: weak whitening effect.

Whitening Serum Biotherm White Detox. The country of origin is France. Ingredients: Vitamin C, kiwi extract. Reduces the production of melanin and removes toxic substances from the body, due to which the skin acquires healthy look. Advantages: effective in the fight against age spots and freckles. Helps to regenerate the skin. Disadvantages: not found.

Yves cream Saint Laurent SPF-12 Temps Majeur. The country of origin is France. Ingredients: It has a triple effect: whitens, moisturizes, protects from ultraviolet radiation. Advantages: strong whitening effect. Actively regenerates the skin. Disadvantages: high cost.

For a budget option for whitening, you can pay attention to pharmacy products:

  • hydroquinone stops the production of melanin, but can cause inflammation on the skin;
  • retinol restores the dermis and gives the face even shade. But the remedy acts slowly (from 4 to 12 months). During the period of use of retinol, the face should be especially protected from ultraviolet radiation, to achieve the desired result;
  • vitamin C helps to remove age spots;
  • vitamin E "freezes" the growth of melanin;
  • Vitamin A evens out skin tone.

Mask Recipes

Many women are wondering how to whiten their face at home quickly. Therefore, we will present you with several recipes.

Mask with lanolin


  • lanolin (20 gr);
  • finely chopped cucumber (1 tablespoon);
  • (40 gr).

Mode of application:

Warm up the lanolin, mix with the rest of the ingredients and keep in a water bath for 1 hour, covered with a lid. Then cool the mixture and stir. Keep 40 minutes.

Cucumber mask


  • grated cucumber (2 tablespoons);
  • sour cream (2 teaspoons);
  • finely chopped parsley (4 teaspoons);
  • lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

Mode of application:

Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face, leaving for half an hour. Wash off with a damp cloth.

Mask with lemon


  • lemon juice (10 ml)
  • almond oil(50 gr)
  • chamomile decoction (20 ml)
  • glycerin (15 gr);
  • (5 drops);

Mode of application:

Heat up almond oil and add all ingredients. Heat the mixture in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and mix. Apply to face, leave for 30 minutes. wash away warm water.

Whitening mask with parsley


  • chopped parsley (4 teaspoons);
  • lemon juice (1 teaspoon);
  • honey (2 teaspoons).

Mode of application:

Add all the ingredients to the chopped parsley in a blender and mix. Leave on face for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Dark spots- this is hyperpigmentation of the skin caused by an uneven distribution of melanin pigment in the skin. As a result, the skin becomes darker in places. More often increased pigmentation worries women after 40 years and during pregnancy, lactation. This is due to hormonal changes in the body during these periods of life.

Before you try get rid of age spots, with the help of whitening procedures and creams, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. Cause the appearance of age spots on the face can be internal problems body and external factors.

Causes of age spots

Internal causes

  • Internal diseases of the biliary tract and liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genital organs
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body hormonal contraceptives pregnancy, lactation, menopause, thyroid dysfunction)
  • Lack of certain elements in the body (vitamin C, folic acid)

External causes

  • Excessive sun exposure, skin damage caused by sunburn
  • Post-traumatic (after improper use of scrubs and peels, squeezing acne, potent cauterizing agents)
  • Use of creams containing skin irritants
  • Applying perfumes, colognes, essential oils on open areas of the body, especially in sunny weather

What to do? Remedy action plan

First, deal with internal problems.

  • Pay attention to the presence of symptoms of the diseases listed above. If yes, then consultation is required. good doctor, because without eliminating the root cause of the appearance of age spots, the result of local bleaching and cosmetic procedures will be temporary, and in the worst case, you can even aggravate the situation.
  • Normalize hormonal balance. In the case of pregnancy and lactation, whitening creams can be used only after consulting a gynecologist, because. creams may contain components that can adversely affect the development of the fetus and change the composition of milk.
  • Eliminate deficiency folic acid and vitamin C (increase your intake of lemons, cabbage, fresh herbs, spinach).
  • try to avoid excessive exposure to the sun and use sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF of at least 40), because. from exposure to sunlight, age spots, of any origin, increase in size and become more noticeable.

Often hyperpigmentation appears after a summer holiday in hot countries. In this case, try to quickly get rid of them with whitening creams and masks. A self-tanner will help temporarily mask this skin defect.

Procedures and ways to get rid of age spots

You can remove or reduce hyperpigmentation of the skin on the face with the help of salon peels, whitening creams and folk remedies in the form of local whitening masks.

Whitening creams

Most commonly used in cosmetic practice whitening creams, the main active ingredient of which is a toxic substance - hydroquinone or its derivative, hydroquinone glycoside (the usual safe concentration is 1-2%). Among them are such popular whitening creams as Achromin, Achroactive, Roc, Lierac.

Considering hydroquinone toxicity, products containing hydroquinone should be used with caution, watching for a possible allergic skin reaction. Pregnant and lactating such drugs are contraindicated. Hydroquinone-containing drugs should not be used long time. The dates must be indicated on the packages.

natural masks

Traditional medicine offers many ways to get rid of freckles and even persistent age spots with the help of natural whitening face masks. Natural components of whitening masks are available, effective, act more gently, so it is better to start skin whitening at home with them.

Has a whitening effect such gifts of nature as lemon, sweet pepper, red and black currants, parsley (both leaves and roots are suitable), fresh cucumber, melon, dandelion. They are applied by local applications in the form of gruel or freshly squeezed juice. After drying, after 20-30 minutes, wash off with water or water diluted with lemon juice.

General rules for the use of whitening masks

When applying whitening procedures at home, you must follow some simple rules, namely:

  • Be sure to cleanse your face of impurities before the procedure.
  • Use only fresh, quality products
  • Avoid areas around the eyes and lips
  • It is advisable to be in a state of relaxation and rest during the procedure.
  • At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream.
  • carry out whitening procedures in the evening, because. after them, the face should be protected from exposure to sunlight or in autumn winter period.
  • during the day, be sure to use sunscreen, because. the skin becomes more receptive to ultraviolet radiation

The best recipes for whitening masks

An old recipe for a mask with cottage cheese

To one tablespoon of cottage cheese, add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of ammonia. With regular use, it effectively brightens age spots.

Whitening, yeast mask with grapefruit and lemon

Take 15-20 grams of brewer's yeast, add 1 teaspoon of grapefruit and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Whitening mask with lemon and honey

Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey or flour ( suitable wheat or potato) in a ratio of 1:1. Carry on the face, cover from above thick cloth. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water. With rosacea, it is better not to use honey.

Dandelion flower whitening mask

Pour 1 tablespoon of dandelion flowers with 100 ml of boiling water. Insist on a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool the resulting mixture and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. The remaining infusion is useful for wiping the face.

Parsley whitening mask

Finely chop a bunch of fresh parsley, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist on a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture, cool to a pleasant temperature. Soak a gauze pad in the solution and place it on your face. Periodically moisten it in the decoction again. Rinse your face with cool water after 20 minutes.

Linden Blossom Whitening Mask

Pour 1 tablespoon of linden flowers into 1 cup of boiling water. Insist on a water bath for 10 minutes. Wipe the skin with lemon juice and apply the chilled mass on the face.

Curdled milk mask

This mask is good for dry skin. Instead of curdled milk, you can use yogurt or kefir obtained with the help of Tibetan milk mushroom. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water diluted with lemon juice.

Whitening mask from currant berries

Mash 1 tablespoon of unripe blackcurrants, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass to the pigment spot. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with water diluted with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Ancient mask from age spots from fresh cabbage

Take white cabbage leaves (the white ones closest to the stalk). Finely chop and mix with butter in a ratio of 1:1, add a little boiled, chilled. Pound to a state of sour cream. Apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes. wash away
cool water.

Age spots whitening mask

Grate 1 teaspoon of horseradish root, add 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar, 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Apply the product locally, on age spots. Wash off with cool water after 20 minutes.

Don't expect pigmentation to disappear after just one mask. The result, as a rule, becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks. But it's worth it, the reward will be a clean, fresh face.

Facial peeling

If they don't help whitening creams and folk remedies Might be worth using a professional cosmetic peeling faces. Cosmetologists promise a general face lifting effect, as well as getting rid of freckles, age spots, scars, wrinkles, acne and other cosmetic problems. The cosmetologist will select for you the necessary facial peeling, depending on the type and problems of the skin.

Peelings are different, but most often salons offer chemical peeling, peeling glycolic, retinol, fruit acids, ultrasonic, laser, enzyme peels, depending on how it is done.

The meaning of any peeling is in the necrosis and removal of the surface layer of the skin. This causes increased renewal, growth of young cells of the epidermis. As a result, the skin becomes brighter, more uniform and healthier.

Peelings are usually carried out in the autumn-winter period, because. after them, for 2-3 months, direct Sun rays. Although cosmetologists say that there is superficial peels that can be done all year round.

Chemical peel exfoliates the uppermost layer of the skin, due to the impact on the epidermis with special chemicals. Skin preparation is required before peeling. The method is quite effective.

At ultrasonic peeling , special whitening preparations are introduced into the skin. For achievement visible result it is recommended to carry out 8-10 procedures.

Laser peeling the most effective, but also the most damaging to the skin. After it is required rehabilitation period and special care.

Glycolic peeling less traumatic, but also quite effective.

Best Recipes

March 9, 2018

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast perfect tone faces.

But do not despair ahead of time, because below you will find recipes to help get rid of age spots and anticipate their appearance, including products that everyone has in their arsenal.

Many people face the problem of age spots. If you hate freckles on your face or have age spots on your hands or elsewhere, you can get rid of them with proven home remedies.
In this post, you will find 11 ways to remove age spots at home.

Why do age spots appear?

The main causes of age spots can be sun exposure, age-related changes, chronic liver and kidney diseases, acne effects, pregnancy, skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis), vitamin imbalance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, age spots on the neck, face and hands appear under the influence of ultraviolet rays, as well as when the hormonal background of the female body changes.
Often, such defects are formed in the fairer sex after 40-50 years due to aging of the epidermis and when using low-quality cosmetics.

Brown spots are a change in the skin due to an increased accumulation of melanin in certain areas of the dermis.

If the spots are inflamed, sore, or itchy, this could be a sign of an allergy or oncology. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out possible diseases.
If age spots have changed in size or color, you should also see a doctor, as this could be a sign of skin cancer.

If discomfort missing, you can use natural remedies clarification. But for maximum effect and prevention of their appearance in the future, it is better to approach this issue comprehensively - to engage in a complete recovery of the body.

How to whiten age spots?

Before starting the procedure, it is better to clean the skin soft scrub from a mixture of salt or sugar with any vegetable oil. This peeling is applied to skin light massaging movements (except for the area around the eyes) and washed off with warm water.

After it, the skin is ready for the next stage - lightening.

Before applying the product to the face, be sure to check the skin for allergic reactions. To do this, smear them small plot delicate skin of the forearm and observe the reaction during the day.

1. Lemon

Lemons are high in ascorbic acid, which naturally slows down the process of producing coloring pigment. Regular cosmetic procedures based on lemon juice can effectively combat the appearance of age spots on any skin type.

Lemon contains pectins, vitamins (B, A, P), flavonoids, natural sugars and organic acids that are useful for skin beauty.

Lemon juice holds the record for its whitening properties. It is suitable for cleansing, disinfecting and whitening the skin. But be careful if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

It is usually advised to wipe the problem areas on the body with lemon juice in its pure form, but it is also made from it. various masks by mixing with other ingredients. The juice is squeezed out and combined with the rest of the ingredients of the recipe just before the procedure.

Mix lemon juice with sour cream or honey in a 1:1 ratio and apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse.
An option with water is also possible: mix lemon juice and water in a ratio of 3: 1, wipe your face 3 times a day.

In the process of bleaching pigmentation with lemon juice, it is important to avoid increased ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is recommended to carry out whitening procedures in winter, in early spring and late autumn.

2. Soda

Soda (sodium bicarbonate) is considered effective and fast way getting rid of age spots, but do not forget about possible harm, the likelihood of which increases with improper use of soda or non-compliance with the recipe for the preparation of cosmetics based on it - it dries the skin very much.

So get ready to combine it with moisturizing treatments. And when making masks and wipes, avoid delicate skin in the eyelid area.

You should also know that soda is food, washing and caustic. Baking soda has the lowest alkaline activity. For all procedures, you should use it.

Soda can be used in combination with lemon or water. Mix it with lemon juice in equal parts, wipe your face 1 time in 2 days. If you have dry or sensitive skin 1-2 times a week is sufficient.

Mix baking soda with a few drops of water to form a paste. Apply to problem areas, then rinse with water.

Castor oil in combination with baking soda, it can also be very helpful in combating skin pigmentation. Add to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil quite a bit of soda - at the tip of a teaspoon. Apply to problem area. Seal the top with a bactericidal patch and leave overnight.
The course is designed for 2 months.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe juice successfully copes with both age spots and other skin problems, including burns. Most often, people use Aloe Vera, which is also called tree or Barbados.
The composition of the plant includes more than 200 components that improve skin cover. This plant perfectly moisturizes, tightens and smoothes the skin, evens out its color, protects from ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing the appearance of pigmentation.

Apply the pulp from the aloe leaf to the affected areas, massage for a few minutes with your fingertips - 2 times a day.
After that, wipe your face with a clean piece of cloth dipped in warm water.
In addition, you can add vitamins and oils, which also help to brighten the skin. A little effort and patience - and the spots on the face will disappear.

If you do not have access to fresh juice from aloe vera, you can buy it in a health food store or in the market. This will work just as well.

4. Bow

Contains sulfur and vitamin C, renews the skin, eliminates age spots, smoothes wrinkles, fights acne and other skin imperfections.

Apply the juice of half an onion to your face. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse cold water.

Chop or chop the onion in a blender and wrap in cheesecloth to squeeze out the juice. Mix equal parts onion juice and apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab on the age spots.
Leave the juice on the skin for 30 minutes.
Repeat daily until spots disappear.

5. Garlic

Garlic contains a huge amount of essential oils that perfectly brighten the skin. Cut a peeled clove in half and rub it on your face several times a day.

6. Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar evens out the tone of the face, makes the skin smooth. Vinegar is one of the main ingredients for many home remedies, including those for age spots! Apply a little apple cider vinegar directly on the stain and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Only use this once a day as apple cider vinegar can dry out your skin a lot. You should see improvement within a few weeks.

To improve the effect, mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part onion juice (which you can get by mashing chopped onions through a sieve) and apply to the spots.

7. Kefir/Yogurt

Kefir is one of the most popular and fast-acting folk remedies in the fight against age spots. Thanks to the presence a large number useful nutrients, he is an indispensable assistant both in maintaining immune system the human body and the treatment of various diseases, as well as in cosmetic purposes.
The composition includes a lot of healthy fats, enzymes, bacteria and vitamins, as well as lactic acid, which has whitening properties and the ability to gradually reduce pigmentation.
In addition, it has tonic and nourishing properties that are so beneficial for the skin.

Daily wiping of problem areas cotton pad, moistened with ordinary kefir, for two weeks will also give great result.

Yogurt also contains lactic acid, which helps to renew the skin, disinfect and get rid of pigmentation.
Apply to face for 20 minutes Special attention problem areas, rinse with warm water.

Or mix equal amounts of honey and yogurt and apply directly to the pigment spot. Leave on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off.
Do this twice a day.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric, despite its Orange color, is famous for its whitening properties. Mix it with natural orange juice in a ratio of 1:1, heat it up and apply to the skin.

9. Berry juice

Remove dark spots with the power of fruit enzymes

Berry juice contains a high content of vitamin C. A handful of viburnum, cranberries, black or red currants are suitable for lightening the skin. Squeeze out the juice from the berries, soak gauze in it and make a compress on your face for 15 minutes, then wash your face.

Make berry puree . Apply the paste on your face, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and rub with diluted lemon juice.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

One of the most effective means, allowing to lighten age spots and make them almost invisible, is hydrogen peroxide.

To do this, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of 1 teaspoon of small chips of baby soap without fragrance, a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1-2 drops of ammonia. This mask is suitable for oily and combination skin.

In the event that the skin of the face is dry, then hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with lemon juice and heavy cream or olive oil.

The resulting mixture cotton swab Apply pointwise to areas with hyperpigmentation for 10-15 minutes. Feelings should be comfortable. If the skin starts to tingle, then better mask delete. After the end of the procedure, wipe the face with a tonic to restore the skin's PH balance and apply a caring cream, which should have a high sun protection factor.

If the last rule is neglected, then the pigmentation on the face will not only not disappear, but may even intensify, since it is the sun that is the main provocateur of its appearance.

11. Aspirin

Dilute 10 crushed aspirin tablets in 100 ml of water. Wash your face 3 times a week. Take a 3-day break every 7 days.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots?

Many factors that cause skin pigmentation can be avoided with balanced nutrition and preventive measures.

  • Rule out possible diseases, as they will contribute to the formation of new age spots and worsen health.
  • Moisturize your skin regularly and drink enough water.
  • Try not to be under the sun during the hot period from 11:00 to 16:00.
  • enjoy sunscreen not only while on the beach, but also for a walk around the city.

  • Avoid tanning - it leads to the formation of stains and early aging.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C, A and E, as well as dietary meat and dairy products.
  • Eliminate fatty and fried foods, sugar and other unhealthy foods, as they worsen the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.
  • Give up bad habits, strengthen your immune system, walk more and get positive emotions, and then you will have healthy body, and spirit.

If home remedies do not help, consult a dermatologist. Your doctor may recommend a chemical peel or laser treatment.
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