Enzyme peel or chemical peel which is better. Cosmetics for enzyme peeling at home. Contraindications and Precautions for Enzyme Peeling

Peeling helps to make the skin more youthful, radiant, elastic.

Each salon offers a choice of several types of such a procedure. You need to decide: which one to choose?

One of the types of procedure is enzyme, which is especially popular. What is it, what are the indications and contraindications for enzymatic (enzymatic) facial peeling, we will describe further.

This treatment is gentle, performed using enzymes and is suitable for any skin. In the process of carrying out, secretions of sebaceous and sweat glands, protein pollution, dead cells of the epidermis.

Enzymes stimulate flow chemical reactions As a result, complex substances are broken down into elements that are easily absorbed by the body. They dissolve dead skin cells and are an alternative to abrasive exfoliants and highly concentrated acids used in chemical peels.

This anti-aging procedure is recommended for women with oily or combination skin, twice a week. At sensitive skin can be used no more than once every 10 days. With more frequent use the skin looks dull and drier due to the removal of the protective layer. Peeling can be done in the salon or at home.

The effect of the salon will be higher, since more active funds. Having decided to carry out such a procedure at home, necessary drugs can be bought at a cosmetic store or salon.

Mechanism of action

In the stratum corneum of the epidermis are proteolytic enzymes that affect the rate of chemical reactions. They accept Active participation in the renewal of the epidermis by splitting proteins. The ongoing aging processes are accompanied by a loss of moisture and a slowdown in the renewal of epidermal cells. There is a thickening of the upper layer, dirt accumulates on the surface, the skin becomes dull and uneven.

The enzymes in the enzyme peel break down chemical bonds which makes it easier to exfoliate dead epithelium. Such manipulation affects only the stratum corneum, without penetrating deep. Removal of the top layer enhances skin cell renewal.

Manipulation is not dangerous, does not cause mechanical damage does not leave redness.

The most popular ingredients are:

  • blueberry;
  • pumpkin;
  • pomegranate;
  • a pineapple;
  • papaya.

Types of enzymes

Enzymes for the procedure can be of bacterial, animal or plant origin.

The most popular are:

  • papain (isolated from papaya: leaves, fruits, peel, has antimicrobial properties, eliminates dead cells, eliminates inflammation, regulates functions sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of comedones and acne);
  • pepsin (obtained from the gastric mucosa of farm animals: sheep, calves, pigs);
  • travasa (produce bacteria, has a whitening, exfoliating, loosening effect);
  • subtilisin (produced by bacteria, the action is stronger than that of papain);
  • lysozyme (derived from egg white, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, activates the immune system);
  • sorbain (obtained from papaya and lemon, eliminates dead cells, enhances metabolic processes in skin cells);
  • bromelain (obtained from papaya, wild lemon, pineapple, eliminates inflammation, relieves acne, acne);
  • trypsin (obtained from the pancreas of cattle, eliminates inflammation, relieves edema).

Advantages and disadvantages

The manipulation is gentle and sparing, there are almost no contraindications to its implementation.

Main advantages:

  • removal of dead cells;
  • stimulation of new cell growth;
  • increased tone;
  • skin texture improvement,
  • prevention of the formation of wrinkles;
  • elimination of mimic wrinkles;
  • smoothing age wrinkles;
  • softening dry skin;
  • the onset of a rapid effect;
  • redness reduction;
  • removal of toxins from the surface of the skin;
  • cleansing and narrowing of pores;
  • prevention of acne;
  • removal of unwanted pigmentation;
  • the ability to use throughout the year;
  • application for hands and body;
  • use during pregnancy;
  • does not damage the skin.

Among the shortcomings can be noted:

  • it is impossible to eliminate scars or deep wrinkles;
  • possible complications;
  • frequent use is unacceptable.

Indications and contraindications

The basis for conducting are:

  • any type of skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • acne and consequences;
  • shallow superficial wrinkles;
  • irregularities;
  • comedones;
  • dull skin;
  • decrease in turgor;
  • pollution;
  • the appearance of phytoaging;
  • preparation for other procedures.

Few contraindications:

  • acute skin diseases;
  • intolerance to components;
  • diseases associated with a decrease in immunity (including diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • after sunburn;
  • active form of herpes;
  • existing damage.

Preparing for a session

Before visiting beauty salon skin needs preparation:

  • do not use products containing acids and retinol;
  • a day before the procedure, refrain from depilation;
  • 4 days before the procedure laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, peeling should be abandoned.

Stages of the procedure in the salon

If the manipulation is performed for the first time, a test is required to determine the sensitivity. The prepared composition is applied to the inside of the forearm, left for 10 minutes. If there are no changes, you can proceed with the manipulation.

Enzyme peeling can be in a tube (ready-made) or in powder (prepared before use, diluted is not subject to storage).

With the help of cleansers, make-up is removed, using lotion to tone the skin. The enzyme composition is applied sequentially to the face, including the neck, décolleté area and left for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the result you want to get).

The face is covered with a film or a towel soaked in warm water. Sometimes a massage is done on top of the composition. After the set time has passed, the composition is washed off. To do this, use warm water or alkaline neutralizers for peels that contain acids. A tonic is applied to the skin.

Then a mask is applied, taking into account the problem that needs to be solved. Possible use active serums. The next step is to apply a cream according to the type of skin (preferably with UV protection).

Post-procedure care

Special care is not required, it is better to use boiled water for washing. It is recommended to defend against direct sun rays. It is necessary during the entire course for skin care to use moisturizing and sunscreen(SPF 15 or more).

During this period, you can not touch your face with your hands, it is better to refuse to use foundation, refrain from using a large amount of cosmetics.


The skin becomes hydrated and radiant. Color evens out, brightens dark spots. On aging skin noticeable rejuvenation: her tone rises, she becomes elastic and toned.here).

This procedure can be carried out as a preparation for more serious laser skin resurfacing, microcrystalline dermabrasion (learn how to do it). It goes well with darsonvalization of the face (how to do it, go in).

Quantity and average prices

The course requires 5-8 sessions (depending on the condition of the skin).

To obtain the desired effect, professional enzymatic peels (with acids in their composition) are carried out once every 7-10 days in a course of 8-10 procedures. A second course can be taken after 6 months.

The cost of peeling in the salon ranges from 500 to 3500 rubles.

The price is affected by:

  • the area of ​​the problem zone, its location;
  • brand of composition used;
  • beauty salon category.

One session is not enough, you need to spend at least four. On average, the cost of the course costs 7 - 9 thousand rubles.

Today, the question of how to stay young and healthy over the years is very relevant. Women and men are ready to take advantage of the various procedures offered by beauty salons in order to preserve the youthfulness of the face. Everyone wants to be young both in soul and body.

Enzyme peeling

In beauty salons, among other services, you can find such a type of service as enzyme peeling.

As for the soul - this is a question from the category of philosophy, pedagogy and psychology - this is something that cannot be “touched”, but you can feel it. And the youth of the body is just something that you can not only touch with your hands, but also see and even influence. Consider the question of how to prolong the youth of the face.

It's no secret that over the years, every emotion leaves its mark on our face in the form of wrinkles, but the wrong daily routine or diet, our heredity, as well as solar exposure, working conditions, lifestyle are also able to leave their mark on the face in the form of age spots, peeling and deep wrinkles.

What is an enzyme peel?

If there are minor skin defects on the face, if there is a need to refresh or brighten the skin of the face, then enzyme peeling comes to the rescue, which is based on the processes that take place in our body.

People with dry, sensitive skin are especially in need of enzyme peeling. For these skin types, all scrubs and chemical peels are very aggressive.

Enzyme peeling or as it is also called enzymatic peeling is superficial peeling, based on the effect on the upper layers of the skin with active substances - enzymes. This procedure belongs to the category of gentle procedures that are suitable for all skin types.

The procedure is designed to cleanse the skin of the face from protein impurities, secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as remove dead cells stratum corneum of the epidermis. Enzymatic peeling is needed for young skin to cleanse, moisturize and protect. Mature skin - to stimulate renewal processes, restore skin tone and color.

The basis of the mixture used for the enzyme peel procedure are fruits such as papaya, blueberries, pineapple and pomegranate. Cosmetologists often use this species gentle peeling when performing salon procedures.

Cosmetic clinics often combine enzymes with certain acids. This mixture is applied both to sensitive skin and to such sensitive areas of the face as the eyelids, neck and décolleté. For mature skin cosmetologists recommend combining enzymes with components such as lactic acid - to give the skin healthy shine and elasticity, as well as grape extract, which acts as an antioxidant. For oily skin, it is recommended to combine enzymes with salicylic acid.

To apply this procedure on your own, without contacting specialists, you can use the products that cosmetic companies produce for home use.

Cosmetics for enzyme peeling at home

Light brown with gray cream mousse. The product should be applied to previously cleansed facial skin. thin layer. After application, you will not experience any discomfort. After 5-10 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water. You will feel that the skin of the face has become smoother and the complexion more even. The mask is suitable for oily skin.

Effect: dead cells are removed, the pores are narrowed.

Organique Enzymatic Peeling & Herbal- the product is produced in small batches, so it will not be easy to purchase it. The mask consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Recommended for all skin types, provided that it does not have active rashes.

After applying a thin layer to clean skin, you may feel a slight tingling sensation. The mask does not irritate the skin, it only contributes to the splitting of the keratinized layer of the skin, removing peeling, pollution, acne marks.

After the first use, you will notice positive results. It is recommended to wash off the peeling after 5 minutes. Remember that cosmetologists recommend using such peeling no more than 2 times a week. Because the consistency is similar to the consistency of thick clay masks, therefore it is washed off with little difficulty, therefore, after the main layer of the mask has been removed with warm water, the rest can be removed with a cellulose sponge or muslin cloth.

Effect: the pores are narrowed, the skin is cleansed, there is no peeling, spots on the skin become invisible or barely noticeable. Apply 1-2 times a week.

- This is a remedy with papaya enzyme. Recommended as a firming treatment for couperose skin and as an exfoliating treatment for all other skin types. Apply a thin layer on previously cleansed face and leave for 15-20 minutes. IN beauty salon this mask is applied for 30 minutes and massage is carried out - for the massage procedure you need professional approach. Do not massage yourself. Highly Recommended this mask for dry and sensitive types skin.

Salicylic Enzyme Peeling StopProblem - the mask includes salicylic acid and enzymes, which gently exfoliates the upper layers of the skin, cleanses the pores, and regulates the production of sebum which prevents the appearance of acne on the skin.

Peeling "I am the most"- contains papain, aloe extract, vitamins C, F and E, sea minerals. Great option for dry skin. As an additional result of the procedure: relieves irritation and soothes.

- contains enzymes and natural preservatives. The mask has a gel-like texture. Evens out skin tone, relief. Gently cleanses the skin. Recommended for oily skin types.

GiGi Peeling Gel- contains lipase, amylase, protease and papain, as well as citric acid, urea and vitamin C. Due to this composition, more cleansing, whitening and exfoliation are carried out more efficiently, because. components of the composition penetrate deeper. More suitable for salon procedures, and not for home use.

Klapp- despite the fact that the tool belongs to professional tools, it can also be used at home. The composition includes a cellular extract of thyme.

When choosing an enzyme peel, remember that such cosmetic products have a very gentle, mild effect and, with the help of them, it is impossible to solve such problems as deep scars, intensely colored pigment spots.

Enzyme peeling for young skin is especially useful as cosmetic care for oily and problematic skin, it helps to remove keratinized scales, as well as cleanse the pores of excess sebum, which prevents the appearance of acne and blackheads.

For mature skin, such a procedure, carried out regularly, helps to even out the skin relief, refreshes the complexion due to the stimulation of skin renewal processes. Ideal for people with dark skin, because them deep peeling contraindicated.

1. If you are peeling in the evening, then be sure to clean your face from dirt and cosmetics. If you carry out the procedure in the morning, it is enough for you to wash yourself with water.

2. The product is applied to the face according to massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes of the mouth.

3. The product should be left on the face not Furthermore, the time indicated in the instructions for peeling, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

4. Enzyme peeling is best applied warm hands on the heated (water) skin of the face. After applying the product, the face can be covered with a warm, damp towel or film.

5. After you have washed off the peeling, it is advisable to apply a mask corresponding to the type of skin, or apply serum or nutritious cream.

6. After the mixture has been washed off to the face, it is not recommended to touch it throughout the day.

7. For oily and problem skin this procedure can be used 2-3 times a week. For normal, combination and mature skin - it is recommended to apply the procedure no more than 1 time per week.

For dry and sensitive skin, the peeling procedure should be carried out no more than once every 7-10 days.

For owners of oily or problematic skin, peeling can be used as a prophylactic against acne and comedones from adolescence.

For owners of dry or normal skin - peeling is recommended from the age of 25.
It is impossible to carry out the procedure of enzyme peeling immediately after invasive procedures(laser resurfacing, dermabrasion). The skin should fully recover after the procedures.

Despite the fact that enzymatic peeling is a gentle way of cleaning, it is still an effect on the skin of the face. Love yourself, treat your skin with care, and it will delight you with both color and its healthy glow.

Carrying out the procedure

Our skin has a pronounced stratum corneum - a layer of dead cells that stick together into scales, compressed and create a reliable barrier between the body and the external environment.

Enzymes are protein molecules, which are also called enzymes, and which accelerate the flow of biochemical cleavage reactions in the body.

With regard to the skin, they destroy (or split) the molecules of the substance that holds the scales of the stratum corneum of the epidermis together and accelerate the renewal of skin cells. And this happens without the use of scrub granules that exfoliate the skin and aggressive substances such as acids.

Together with the exfoliated epidermis, pigmentation foci, fine wrinkles disappear, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are cleaned, and the pores are freed from pollution.

Compared with acid peels enzyme peels are gentler and do not have as many side effects.

Can also be used at home to solve everyday problems skin, to enhance the effect of care products, as well as to maintain the effect of salon procedures, such as mechanical cleaning, all kinds of peels, etc.

Enzymes for application

For the production of products for enzyme peeling, vegetable raw materials are used. Most often, enzymes are isolated from fruits, in which enzymes are found in large quantities.

The enzyme is isolated from the peel, leaves and fruits of papaya. The main mechanism of action of papain is the breakdown of proteins into smaller fragments.

Hence the main directions of its use:

In cosmetology, papain is used for:

  • gentle exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin
    deep cleansing of the skin and enhancing the effect of care procedures;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes, edema, scarring after injuries, plastic and reconstructive operations;
  • care of the scalp with its increased fat content, oily seborrhea;
  • care for oily skin, prevention of acne and comedones;
  • treatment of freckles and pigmentation.

Trypsin is produced by cells in the pancreas of animals. Unlike other enzymes, trypsin is successfully used to reduce swelling around the eyes after injuries and operations on the eyeball and eyelids.

The safest of all enzymes. It is inactive against healthy cells and tissues, as they contain inhibitors (enzyme activity blockers) of trypsin.

It is with bromelain that the legend is connected that eating pineapples will allow you to lose weight. The truth is that ripe pineapples contain a small amount of bromelain only in the hard core, almost none of it remains in the pulp. Its highest concentration is found in the stems, leaves, and unripe fruits of pineapple, papaya, and wild lemon.

Benefits of Bromelain:

  • accelerates the healing of burns, cuts, ulcers and wounds;
  • V complex treatment allergies as an immunomodulatory agent;
  • reduces itching and inflammation in places of insect bites;
  • slows down hair growth;
  • reduces the severity of inflammation and the number of acne and pimples in acne.


  • thick oily or combination skin prone to acne;
  • enlarged pores, which are often clogged with the formation of black dots;
  • loose skin, on which foundation and powder do not fit well;
  • sensitive skin with a tendency to redness and irritation;
  • freckles and age spots that need to be lightened.

At the middle and deep peels under the influence of chemical agents, the destruction of living skin cells occurs at various depths. Find out how it's done.

Chemical peel calcium chloride cleanses even the deepest layers of the epidermis, and brightens the skin. The main component of peeling is a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride. .


  • exacerbation of acne with an increase in the number of purulent elements;
  • manifestations herpetic infection, the presence of warts, molluscum contagiosum on the skin;
  • wounds, scratches, abrasions and cuts on the skin in the area of ​​​​the intended application of the peeling preparation;
  • bacterial and fungal diseases skin;
  • allergy to any of the components of the drug.

Combined drugs

Enzyme peeling is superficial, therefore it is quite possible to do it yourself. Cosmetics are now available for home use, and for salon procedures.

Most drugs are combined and contain, in addition to enzymes, retinol or fruit acids.

The most affordable and easy to use at home is Stopproblem Enzymatic Salicylic Peeling.

In addition to enzymes, the composition of the drug includes salicylic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pores and the activity of the sebaceous glands. It can be used at any age to renew the skin, treat acne, eliminate skin hypersensitivity and dehydration.

This peeling will be useful for rosacea. Enzymatic salicylic peeling will not affect the dilated vessels themselves. But by reducing the sensitivity of the skin to external factors and increase the level of skin hydration intensity of redness and severity vascular network decreases.

How the remedy is applied

  • Method 1. It is described in the annotation to the drug.

Enzymatic salicylic peeling is applied to cleansed facial skin with a thin even layer for 8-15 minutes. Over time, the drug is washed off with water. A skin care cream can be applied to the skin. During the presence of the enzyme salicylic peeling quite intense burning and itching can be felt on the skin, which are normal reaction and do not require immediate rinsing of the drug.

  • Method 2. It is intended for those who want to get the maximum effect from a simple remedy.

To do this, the first few times it is worth doing the procedure according to the standard scheme described in the first method and making sure that the skin tolerates peeling well. For the procedure, in addition to the drug, you will also need cling film. From the film you need to cut a mask with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Or you can use three strips of film 10 cm wide and long enough to cover your face with a margin. The first strip covers the forehead, the second goes to the nose and cheeks, the third covers the mouth and chin.

The drug is applied to the skin with a thin layer and closed with a film for 15-25 minutes. Contact with the drug on the skin of the lips in most people can cause a slight burning sensation, but serious problems does not provoke.

After washing, any moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the skin according to skin type. The price averages 150 rubles.Volume 100 ml.

Enzyme peeling "I am the" can also be used on its own. It is formulated for dry and sensitive skin, but can be used for normal to oily skin. In addition to papain, the composition of the product includes sea minerals, vitamins E, C and F, as well as aloe extract, which perfectly relieves irritation.

Mirra drug

One of the few peels that contain only enzymes. The composition contains the enzyme papain, there are no parabens, and the preservatives used are chaton and sharomix are environmentally friendly.

It has a gel-like consistency, therefore it does not flow even if during the procedure you want to continue doing household chores.

Mode of application

The gel is applied to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. During the procedure, there may be a burning or itching of the skin that does not require emergency rinsing. The price of such peeling is about 333 rubles. Volume 50 ml.

Video: Peeling from Oriflame

professional tools


The peeling gel contains several enzymes at once: papain, lipase, protease and amylase. In addition, it also contains vitamin C, lemon acid and urea for deeper exfoliation, pronounced softening and whitening of the skin. It can be used not only on the face, but also for peeling the skin of the hands, neck, décolleté and body.

How the remedy is applied

  • Method 1. Regular enzymatic peeling.

To do this, a small amount of gel is applied to cleansed skin and left for 10-15 minutes. Then the gel is washed off with water and any moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face.

To enhance the exfoliating, softening and whitening effects, the peeling gel can be applied to previously cleansed and steamed facial skin for 10 minutes. This option is ideal for preparing the skin for skin care procedures.

  • Method 3. Enzyme peeling combined with massage.

The gel has a consistency that allows you to massage up to 40 minutes. This allows simultaneous peeling and massage, which prepares the skin much better for subsequent care procedures and saves time, contributes to less skin irritation, since there is no need to wash off the peeling agent and massage cream with water once again. The price is about 2600 rubles. Packing 150 ml.

According to cosmetologists, fractional laser rejuvenation- worthy, safe alternative to biorevitalization hyaluronic acid or surgical facelift faces. Details in the article.

What are fillers, what is their popularity based on? Are there any contraindications to the filling procedure? Find out the answers.


Enzyme gel Janssen contains an enzyme of bacterial origin - subtilisin. Designed for sensitive skin. It is used in a special way: it is applied to the skin and is not washed off, but is rubbed off with hands or a napkin until a slightly shiny skin appears.

In salons, such a gel is often used as a pre-treatment. And at home, it is recommended to use it in courses of 14 days for maximum renewal, skin lifting, smoothing and improving its color. order gel price 3400 rubles. Volume 200 ml.

Salon procedures

If indicated, enzyme peeling can also be performed in the salon. Unlike home use, in the salon or beauty parlor, you can use drugs with greater efficiency and penetration depth. Often they contain acids in their composition and require the use of a neutralizer.

How does she get through

Stage 1. Preparatory. At this stage, the face is cleansed of makeup and impurities. After washing, a special adaptogen solution can be applied to the skin, which prepares the skin for peeling, is an excellent prevention of the development of redness after the procedure, and facilitates the processes of cell and tissue recovery.

Stage 2. Application of an enzyme preparation. Enzyme gel or cream is applied to the skin for 10-30 minutes, depending on the type of skin, the severity of defects. At this time there may be discomfort type of burning or tingling from slight to pronounced.

Enzyme peeling agent, depending on the presence of acids and their concentration, can simply be washed off with water, can roll off with the remains of desquamated epithelium, can first be neutralized with a neutralizer, and then washed off.

Stage 3. Final. After the second stage, any procedure of the type mechanical cleaning, treatments aimed at lifting, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. If no procedures are planned, then a specially selected product for nutrition or moisturizing is applied to the skin. Prices for the procedure of enzyme peeling in the salon range from 500 to 2500 rubles.

Video: The course of the procedure

Do-it-yourself enzyme peeling after epilation

As can be seen from the above prices for drugs, it is expensive to use them for the body, arms or legs. At the same time, this is the most effective way to significantly slow down hair growth after epilation and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. There is a way out - to prepare a preparation for peeling at home.

Fortunately, all the components for its preparation can now be easily bought in online stores for soap makers and cooking. home cosmetics. And such shops work with all corners of Russia and the CIS countries, sending their goods by mail.

Why does it work?

The effect of slowing down hair growth is achieved due to the fact that the papain enzyme passes through the hair follicle to the injured hair papilla (the place where the growing hair receives nutrients and oxygen for growth) and further destroys it.

Therefore, the hair follicle needs more time to recover and start growing a new hair. That is why hair follicles must be treated with an after-epilation agent, and not after shaving.

The effect of preventing ingrown hairs is achieved due to the effect of exfoliation of the stratum corneum of epidermal cells, including the area of ​​the mouths of the hair follicles, because the mouths do not overgrow, and new hairs easily come to the surface of the skin.

How to cook

So, we need:

  • 100 ml water room temperature(not cold!!!);
  • ascorbic acid 1 ampoule 1 ml-5% (sold in any pharmacy without a prescription);
  • papain 2 grams (sold in online stores of components for home cosmetics)
  • guar gum on the tip of a knife (also sold in online stores for making cosmetics at home).

In this recipe, ascorbic acid activates the action of papain, which is most active in acidic environment, and guar gum serves as a thickener so that our home peeling did not spread, it was convenient to apply, and so that the product penetrated well into the mouths of the hair follicles, from where the hair was removed.

All components are added to water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the peeling preparation turned out to be too liquid, then the gums can be added a little more, until the jelly is thick.

It is not worth preparing a lot of the drug at once, since there is no preservative in the composition, and it quickly deteriorates even in the refrigerator. 100 ml of the drug is more than enough for the shins, forearms and armpits in several layers for two to three days.

If after this period something remains, then it is better to throw away these residues so as not to provoke a bacterial rash on the skin.

Mode of application

After removing the hair with the root (epilator, wax or sugar), the product is applied in several layers: applied, waited until it dries, applied again. It is convenient to use a brush for application, but a cotton pad can also be used.

To slow down hair growth, it is enough to apply the drug immediately after epilation. To prevent ingrown hairs, the drug must be reapplied on the second and third day after the procedure.

As a result, after application, on the second day, inflammation in the areas of injured hair follicles is much less pronounced. Hair begins to grow much later, the number of ingrown hairs is significantly reduced, especially those in the place of which pustules, abscesses or dark spots form.

The most pronounced effect can be observed after 4-5 hair removal with its use.

procedure gas-liquid peeling.

Phenol peeling provides exfoliation, stimulates the synthesis of proteins and glycosaminoglycans, thereby increasing strength. The price of peeling using phenol varies between 3-5 thousand rubles, see all prices.

Enzymatic (enzymatic) peeling helps to significantly improve the condition skin, has rejuvenating properties and effective lifting effect. This procedure is gradually gaining more and more popularity among women who want to "renew" the skin of the face, make it supple and even. Enzyme peeling can be performed at home, if you follow certain rules phased cleansing of the face, which you will learn about from this article.

It is well known that dead cells, remnants of sebum (sebum) and dirt gradually accumulate on the surface of the epidermis. As a result, a layer of keratinized scales appears on the face, which prevents normal air exchange, impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the regeneration of the skin, makes the relief uneven, and the complexion grayish and dull. More often, inflammatory processes appear, accompanied by the appearance of a small rash, acne or blackheads on the skin. Not everyone regularly cleanses their skin with homemade coffee grounds, oatmeal, or sea salt scrubs. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an exfoliation course at least once a year in order to improve the skin, stimulate metabolic processes occurring in the layers of the skin.

Thoroughly cleanse problematic skin and you can improve its condition with the help of acid peeling. For example, superficial fruit peeling with lactic acid, glycolic or mandelic acid evens out the relief, improves complexion, whitens age spots and post-acne by several tones, eliminates comedones (black dots). If there are noticeable scars on the problem skin, focal hyperpigmentation, inflammatory processes often develop, then we can recommend a deep chemical peeling. In this case, salicylic or retinoic acid (yellow peeling) is used. In some cases, it is sufficient to apply median peeling with calcium chloride.

However, for many women, even superficial peeling of the facial skin with acids is contraindicated, as it appears severe irritation, an allergic reaction, there is rosacea or rosacea on the skin. In addition, not all women can afford to spend quite a tangible amount for exfoliation sessions in a beauty parlor. Enzyme peeling is indicated for any type of skin and the procedure can be performed at home, and the active substance during the procedure is not acid, but special proteolytic enzymes.

These enzymes affect the structural chemical bonds of epithelial desmosomes, weakening the adhesion of corneocytes. As a result, the skin protein keratin is split, keratinized scales are easily exfoliated and the layers of the epidermis with living cells are renewed faster. After the procedure, the skin does not peel off, there is no hyperemia (redness, spots) and, most importantly, a 2-3 week period of post-peeling rehabilitation is not needed, as is the case with an acid analogue of exfoliation. At the same time, regeneration is perfectly stimulated, the skin relief is evened out, it acquires a healthy and even color. Enzyme peeling will not harm the health of the skin, even if it is quite sensitive or broken capillaries are visible on the surface, there is rosacea, telangiectasia.

Material navigation:


Bromelain (Bromelain). Found in pineapple fruit. Perfectly exfoliates dead cells, gives anti-inflammatory, lipolytic, immunomodulatory properties, relieves swelling.

Papain (Papain). Contained in the milky juice of papaya (melon tree). Delicately removes the layer of keratinized scales, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and has an antimicrobial effect.

Arbutin (Arbutin).
Contained in the leaves of blueberries, lingonberries, bearberries. Delicate exfoliation of dead cells, evens out the skin texture, has a whitening effect. Excellent analogue of kojic acid.

Actinidin (Aktinidin). Contained in kiwi fruits. Quickly cleanses the epidermis from the layer of keratinized scales, improves air exchange and blood microcirculation

Sorbain (Sorbain). Papaya Enzyme Blend and lemon juice. Whitens, smoothes, improves the structure of problem skin.

Contained in the juice of leaves and stems of figs. Accelerates regeneration, quickly cleanses the skin of dead cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Pancreatin (Pancreatin).
Obtained from the pancreas of pigs. Effectively exfoliates dead skin cells, has an amylolytic, proteolytic, lipolytic effect on the skin layers.

Pepsin (Persinum). Obtained from the gastric mucosa of calves, sheep, pigs. very quickly breaks down protein structures to peptides, cleanses, evens out the skin, improves complexion.

Lysozyme (muramidase, Lysozyme). Derived from protein chicken eggs. It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect on the skin, smoothes the epidermis and improves its condition.

Trypsin. Obtained from the pancreas of cattle. Prevents the appearance of acne, pimples, and also improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, cleanses the skin.


Travaza (sutilains).
Produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Pronounced exfoliating and whitening effect. Perfectly evens out, improves the relief of the skin of the face.

Subtilisin (subtilisin). produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Quickly destroys the layer of keratinized scales. Improves the condition of problematic, often inflamed skin.


▪ photodermatitis, contact dermatitis;

▪ chronic dermatosis;

▪ individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug;

▪ signs of herpes on the face;

▪ open wounds and active inflammation on the skin;

heat body;

▪ diabetes mellitus.


▪ 1-2 times a year as a preventive measure (especially if you do not regularly use mechanical peeling scrubs);

▪ very oily problematic skin (moisturizing, normalization of sebum secretion);

▪ dry skin prone to frequent peeling;

▪ chronic inflammatory processes (acne, acne, rash);

▪ mouths of hair follicles (comedones, milia) are constantly polluted;

▪ aging skin, the appearance of fine wrinkles;

▪ to lighten age spots, freckles, post-acne;

▪ uneven skin texture, dull or grayish color;

▪ allergic reaction to the components of the drug;

▪ violation of blood microcirculation.


Although facial cleansing with protease enzymes is considered more in a safe way skin exfoliation than acid peeling, be sure to consult a dermatologist before home procedures so that the specialist excludes the possibility of an allergic reaction and other possible contraindications.

Pre-peel preparation.
It is not necessary, but it is useful to cleanse the face with a scrub made of natural ingredients a week before the procedure, including abrasive particles and a softening base (if there are no contraindications!). Oily skin can be cleaned with a coffee scrub, if the skin is combination, then add a thicker emollient base to the coffee scrub. And for dry skin, you can choose a recipe for a cane sugar scrub (grains are almost dissolved in a thick base, but not completely before exfoliation). If the skin is very sensitive and prone to irritation, then you can use a soft scrub (gommage) without abrasive particles.

On the day of the procedure (in the evening).
Completely cleanse your face of makeup and accumulated dirt with cotton pad moistened with cleansing gel or foam. It is useful to do a facial massage along the massage lines (5-10 minutes)

For enzyme peeling, special compositions are sold (it is best to choose in tubes that are already ready for application after depressurization). Apply with a clean cosmetic brush the composition to the skin in next sequence: forehead and temples, cheeks, chin, cheekbones, nose, eyelids, lips, neck (enzymes are not recommended around the eyes and mouth, although many plant enzymes do not cause a reaction to tender thin skin). The face can be covered with a clean soft towel moistened with warm water (heat and humidity are a favorable environment for the active work of enzymes). Enzyme mask should be on the face for about 10-15 minutes, although in some cases it is desirable to keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.

Not required, although now there are peeling "cocktails", which, in addition to proteolytic enzymes, may include one or more acids. In this case, after the procedure, it will be necessary to neutralize the action of the acid with an alkaline neutralizer so as not to get a chemical burn. If the product contains only enzymes, then it is enough to simply wash your face with warm water after the procedure.

Post-peel care.
You can apply a moisturizing, nourishing mask on your face, although it is quite enough to use your evening skin-soothing cream.

The whole course: 6-8 procedures, a break between procedures: at least a week. During this period, it is advisable to use sunscreen if enzyme peeling is performed in late spring or summer.


- photo: face before and after peeling


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Enzyme peeling is a superficial cleansing of the skin using natural enzymes. The role of catalysts is played by natural components similar in composition to the substances of the cells of the epidermis. Professional cosmetic procedure costs from 300 to 5000 rubles. At the same time, such enzyme peeling can be done at home. special cosmetics, or prepare the remedy yourself.

Enzymatic peeling is performed to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, allowing living cells to function better. During the peeling process, the pores are cleansed of pollution, black spots are eliminated, and the skin texture is evened out. Unlike other types of peeling, enzyme peeling is the safest, but no less effective. Catalysts have a protein structure similar to human cell proteins. Skin renewal takes place naturally, enzymes only contribute to this.

The composition of enzymes

Cosmetics use one or more catalysts. Enzyme peel includes:

Operating principle

Protein catalysts are divided into several classes. Their action is aimed at accelerating processes at the cellular level or slowing down. Enzyme peeling contains catalysts that affect the rate of breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The epidermis contains its own enzymes that are involved in the formation of new cells, nutrition, maturation, and the separation of dead cells. The removal of the keratinized layer occurs due to the destruction of protein bonds. Living cells cease to hold them, the scales exfoliate. In young years, all these processes occur in the body quickly, imperceptibly to the person himself.
However, over time, the activity of its own enzymes decreases. The surface layer of the skin becomes rougher, dirt accumulates in the pores. Living cells do not receive good nutrition, the skin fades, wrinkles, enlarged pores and other defects appear.

Enzymatic peeling promotes the breakdown of a protein - keratin. Dead cells are quickly removed, living cells are saturated with oxygen, metabolism improves. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, with an even relief, healthy color face without fine lines.

Indications for the procedure

Enzyme peeling solves many skin problems:


Enzyme peeling is contraindicated in a number of cases:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin - abrasions, wounds, cuts, bruises;
  • herpes;
  • warts;
  • fungal, bacterial skin diseases;
  • allergic rashes;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • inflamed acne;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases that reduce immunity.

How often can an enzyme peel be done?

The frequency of procedures depends on the condition of the skin. Up to 30 years, enzyme peeling is carried out according to the indications of a cosmetologist, with excessive oily skin. Impact fruit acid considered the most safe method skin cleansing. After 30 years, it is recommended to use enzyme peeling 2 times a month. After 40, the need for peeling increases to 1 time per week.

In addition, the condition of the skin is taken into account. With dry, sensitive, it is enough to do an enzyme peel once every 2 weeks. For normal, combined - the frequency of procedures is similar. At bold type skin - 1 time per week. Excessively get involved in peeling is not worth it. Firstly, frequent procedures dehydrate the epidermis. Secondly, the natural enzymes of skin cells will cease to perform their functions.

Enzymatic peeling for the face at home

Salon peeling procedure is characterized by the use of more strong drugs. The effect is much higher than home procedures. At the same time, the means for an independent procedure are safer, do not require the control of a cosmetologist.

Home enzyme peeling - instructions

Soothe the skin with a nourishing, moisturizing cream. After the procedure, a tingling, burning sensation will be felt for some time. The skin will become slightly pinkish. This indicates that the enzyme peel is actively working.

Where to buy effective enzyme peeling, can I find it in a pharmacy

A peeling agent can be bought at a pharmacy. They differ in price, effectiveness, composition. Before you go shopping, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the action active components who is capable of what. There is an enzyme peeling in a pharmacy from 180 rubles. up to 5000 r. On the Internet on official sites you can find more expensive products. Even buy professional peeling. In this case, it is advisable to consult a beautician.

Salicylic enzyme peel

The active components are enzyme enzymes, salicylic acid has an additional effect. Its main purpose is to narrow the pores, normalize the processes of the sebaceous glands, restore the water balance, and activate the cells. In addition, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, regenerating. It quickly softens the keratinized layer of the endometrium, contributes to its rapid removal.

  • during pregnancy;
  • when feeding;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • after visiting the solarium;
  • with sunburn.

Stopproblem - enzyme peeling at home

The cosmetic product contains catalysts, salicylic acid. It is allowed to use enzyme peeling at any age. Effective remedy in the treatment of acne. Eliminates hypersensitivity skin, restores water balance. It is used to reduce the manifestations of rosacea. Enzyme peeling is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Apply a thin layer to cleansed skin. Leave the enzyme peel for 15 minutes. For extremely sensitive skin, 7 minutes is enough. Wash off with warm water. Apply a nourishing cream.
  2. Deeper enzyme peeling is recommended after several regular procedures. To determine the reaction of the skin to active ingredients. The skin is preliminarily cleansed, enzyme peeling is evenly distributed. From above cover the face with cling film with cutouts for the mouth, nose, eyes. Leave for 20 minutes.

The cost of the drug in a pharmacy is about 200 rubles.

Enzymatic Peeling Mask

Currently, the following products are especially popular among women:

Janssen Enzyme Peeling Mask (Jansen)

The composition includes active enzymes bromelain, papain, kaolin. The drug is produced in Germany. Enzyme peeling improves blood microcirculation, evens out skin texture, removes minor defects, smoothes wrinkles. The powder is mixed with an activator, containing sea ​​salt. Apply to the skin. Withstand enzyme peeling for 20 minutes. Wash off with plenty warm water. The cost of the drug is from 2000 rubles.

Danne Enzymatic Peeling Mask

Available in 3 variations. Each of them has its own characteristics. One mask has a light effect - eliminates fine wrinkles, age spots, blackheads, acne.

The second mask has a deeper effect - it fights against deep wrinkles, flabbiness, low tone skin cover.

The third mask is used for a clear violation of blood microcirculation. With rosacea, rosacea, post-acne, hyperpigmentation. The cost of the drug is from 2000 rubles. In the salon, enzyme peeling using cosmetics from this company will cost 7,000 rubles.

Enzymatic peel Mirra

The active ingredient is natural ingredient papain. No preservatives, toxic substances. It acts gently, but in the process of peeling, a burning sensation is felt. Itching on the skin, redness is observed. Enzyme peeling is applied for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water in large numbers. The cost is over 350 rubles.

Enzymatic peeling gel

The product is suitable for all skin types. It has a gentle effect, designed for easy cleansing of the skin. Does not affect deep layers. Apply to clean, steamed skin enzyme gel. Massage with light movements, rinse with water. The gel contains abrasive particles that accelerate the process of rejection of dead cells, remove fat, dirt from enlarged pores. Among this category of drugs, the most popular are: