Accurate harbingers of childbirth in multiparous. Discharge of existing amniotic fluid. The main distinguishing features of real contractions from false ones

During pregnancy, a lot of effort is spent on determining the term and specifying the date of the baby's birth. However, it is quite difficult to accurately predict the day of the long-awaited event. Starting from 35-36 weeks, you should already be ready to go to the hospital at any moment. The body of a woman is designed in such a way that the body gives certain signals that childbirth is approaching. In multiparous women, as a rule, the precursors practically do not differ from the signs of the imminent birth of a baby in those ladies who will only become mothers for the first time.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

A number of signs by which you can understand that the body is signaling the imminent birth of a baby are listed below and relate to various aspects.

Prolapse of the abdomen

Abdominal prolapse is usually observed a few days before childbirth. However, this does not happen to everyone. This phenomenon has its advantages and disadvantages. In connection with breathing, the pressure on the stomach, which is manifested by heartburn and lack of appetite, will be relieved. At the same time, shortness of breath will not be so strong, and the pain under the ribs will recede slightly.

But for those who experience more discomfort from insomnia, for sure the lowering of the abdomen will only bring more trouble. With this position to find comfortable posture for a night's rest seems difficult.

Mucus discharge

In women who have already given birth to a child, all manifestations imminent attack birth process are developing more rapidly. If a mucus plug can go away a week before the onset of labor in a primipara, then this situation will hardly affect you. Most likely, you will give birth a couple of days (or even hours) after the discharge of mucus.

The appearance of jelly-like clots indicates that the cervix is ​​​​opening.

The mucous plug looks like a transparent clot resembling jelly. It happens that the whole cork leaves at once, in other cases it happens in parts. The color of the clot can be:

  • transparent;
  • cream;
  • brown.

It also sometimes contains blood streaks.


Here you have some advantage over those who give birth for the first time. Because you've experienced all of this before, you know exactly what to expect and what it means. However, even a woman who already has experience in bearing a baby is able to confuse Braxton-Hicks contractions with real ones.

Training and true fights have several differences. It's time to go to the hospital if:

  • a change in body position does not bring any relief;
  • the regularity of contractions increases;
  • the time intervals between them become shorter;
  • the duration of the contractions is increasing.

In the case of this kind of contractions, expect the baby to be born in 6-8 hours. There is one more feature that you can be sure of their authenticity by discovering during fights. These are related brown discharge from the genitals.

Drainage of amniotic fluid

This is one of the most accurate forerunners. early delivery. Sometimes a woman's water does not leave until the very birth process. Then doctors artificially start the process of their discharge - they pierce the fetal bladder.

This scenario is more common in those who give birth for the first time. In multiparous bubbles, as a rule, bursts itself. It happens painlessly, but often suddenly. Even at night, a woman's water can break. It happens that when bursting amniotic sac a characteristic cotton of a deaf nature is heard.

Departure intensity amniotic fluid also differs. Water can pour out in streams at once, and it happens that they just leak. In any case, the trip to the hospital cannot be postponed, you need to go right away.

The nature of the activity of the fetus

Some features of the child's mobility also serve as a sign of the approach important event. IN last days life in the womb, the child becomes inactive, as if he is stocking up on energy. Later, on the contrary, he becomes very mobile.

An unexpected burst of energy

Out of nowhere, suddenly a whole storm wakes up in a woman vital energy. And all this, despite the fact that only yesterday she hardly felt able to walk to the next room. At this time, they usually do not sit still, and they persistently try to occupy themselves with something. As a rule, they occupy themselves with preparing the house for the birth of the baby. This phenomenon is also called nesting instinct.

Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

Such negative manifestations are explained by the fact that the body seeks to cleanse itself before upcoming birth and “throws out” hormones into the blood that provoke labor. Visiting the toilet often before childbirth is not a single one. It is characterized by a large amount of excreted feces.

Be attentive to your body, watch, perhaps there are other harbingers of the birth process. Women often mistake these symptoms for poisoning.

Slight weight loss

Provided that a woman is regularly weighed and is well aware of the dynamics of changes in her body weight, she may notice a sudden weight loss of a couple of kilograms. There is also a slight decrease in the severity of edema.


If the discharge has become profuse, it is possible that you will give birth soon.


Often, before childbirth, women experience pain of a dull nature. In this case, the pain can manifest itself periodically or linearly, without stopping.


Chills are a common occurrence before childbirth or even at the beginning of the birth process itself.

Lack of appetite

Women often do not want to eat before giving birth. This natural phenomenon. The body itself seeks to reduce the amount of food that a pregnant woman consumes.

Changeable mood

Emotional instability is the most natural manifestation of the approach of childbirth. This is due to a large number of hormones, they "rage" in the body of a woman and are responsible for stimulating the birth process.

Second birth: features

If a woman already has the experience of having a baby, then the second time it will be much easier. This is especially true for those who have a time interval between the first and second births of no more than five years. This is due to the fact that a woman’s body “remembers” well what to do and reacts quickly.

Sometimes the second birth can be more difficult than the first. This occurs in those who gave birth more than ten years ago and now, due to some age-related changes childbearing is more difficult.

Periods of childbirth

The uterus consists of the body and the cervix. The cervix contains the cervical canal, which has two os:

  • interior;
  • outer.

The internal os enters the cavity of the reproductive organ, and the external os enters the vagina.

Childbirth is divided into three periods:

  • disclosure period;
  • period of exile;
  • postpartum period.

First period: dilatation of the cervix

The first period is different for those who give birth for the first time and for those who do it again.

  1. At the primipara.

When labor begins, the internal pressure in the uterus increases, the longitudinal muscles contract and the circular muscles relax. The cervix is ​​shortened, smoothed out. Gradually unfolds internal os and then outer. The reproductive system operates on the principle of a funnel. All this takes 9-11 hours.

  1. In a multiparous.

In women who already have experience of pregnancy, this all happens at the same time. That is, the cervix shortens and the uterus flattens as the internal and external os open. In this case, much less time is required (6-7 hours).

Cervical dilatation is also affected by movement amniotic fluid V lower part fetal bladder. Its rupture occurs when the cervix is ​​7-8 centimeters dilated. For multiparous, this figure decreases to 5-6 cm.

Second period: expulsion of the fetus

The period begins from the moment the pharynx is fully opened and ends with the birth of the baby. In addition to uterine contractions - contractions - the woman now experiences pushing. They are a complex of contractions of the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and pelvic muscles. Their intensity is relatively regulated by the mother herself. This mechanism of the birth process functions to ensure the progress of the baby through the birth canal.

The experience of childbirth in a woman makes it possible to reduce pain and accelerate the progress of the child through the birth canal. Accordingly, the duration of exile is reduced in those who have already given birth. It is 15-30 minutes, while in primiparas, the duration of the exile period reaches one to two hours.

However, women with a history of childbirth may experience a problem associated with weakness of the abdominal muscles, provoked by previous births. In this case, the attempts are not intense enough to push the fetus out. Often this affects those who give birth for the third time or the 4th, etc...

Third period (postpartum)

This period is characterized by the shortest duration and is approximately 10-15 minutes. Here are present afterpains aimed at separating the placenta and fetal membranes from the uterine wall and isolating the placenta. Among the features of the period is the release of blood, on average its volume is 250 ml. A discharge of more than 400 ml is already outside the normal range and is considered a violation.

In women giving birth to the 3rd, 4th and subsequent times, there is increased risk hypotonic or atonic bleeding. This is due to the fact that the uterus wears out and loses its ability to contract.

The optimal time interval between births

According to WHO, the most suitable time interval for a woman's body between births is approximately 2-2.5 years. During this time, the woman's body just has time to recover and stock up essential vitamins and micronutrients. And at the same time, the body still “remembers” the birth process and remains well prepared for it.

When the interval between childbirth is less than two years, a woman's body does not have time to accumulate all the necessary substances. This can provoke some fetal disorders, there is even a possibility of developing malnutrition. Also, in the case of such a break, the level of hemoglobin in a woman is lowered. This is due primarily to severe blood loss.

A prolonged break between births (this is considered a gap of 10 years or more) can also negatively affect a second pregnancy. In this case, the problem lies in the insufficient blood supply to the reproductive organ - the uterus. Possibly acquired pathologies aggravate the problem reproductive system. There are a number of disorders that do not belong to diseases of a sexual nature, but nevertheless have no less bad influence for the course of pregnancy. Among them:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • arterial hypertension and others.

With age, as a rule, the number of acquired diseases increases, and body functions become less active.

Childbirth after caesarean section

Before deciding on another child after the caesarean section should wait at least two years. By giving birth before the expiration of this period, you incur the danger of a divergence of the seam. At the same time, the tactics labor activity depends on the following factors:

  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the number of caesarean sections carried out;
  • weight of the baby;
  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • scar condition.

Women who give birth again after a caesarean section are hospitalized for a period of 37-38 weeks. They are closely monitored and, in the event of violations, an urgent delivery is carried out by the operative method.

The second birth is often much easier for women than the first. This is due to the preparedness of the body for labor. However, this does not apply to everyone. The individual characteristics of each organism and the interval between births have a significant impact on the course of pregnancy. A second pregnancy after 10 years or more is equivalent to the first.

As for pregnancy and childbirth for the third and subsequent times, there is a considerable risk of complications. Many of them are related to the wear and tear of the reproductive system.

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Women who give birth more than once feel much more confident, because they already know what their feelings mean, they know when it's time to turn to the doctor, etc. But at the same time, it is no secret that the second and subsequent births can begin a little ahead of time, so multiparous women should pay special attention to all signs of an impending birth in order to get to the hospital by the due date.

Despite a common misconception, the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous, as well as in those giving birth for the first time, do not yet mean that a woman will give birth in the next few hours or even a day. This is absolutely no reason to panic, and not even a signal that it's time to go to the hospital. The harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women oblige them only to be more attentive to their condition, to listen to their feelings, perhaps to warn the next of kin that they should be on the alert: after all, some of them will have to take care of the older child, and who -something to accompany the pregnant woman to the hospital when the time comes.

The earliest harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women:

· Reducing the weight of a pregnant woman. If a woman regularly attends women's consultation, 2-3 weeks before the birth, the schedule of her weighing will show that she has stopped gaining weight, or even lost some weight. Weight loss up to two kilograms is considered normal. This is a natural reaction of the body, which is trying to facilitate the process of the upcoming birth;

· Mood swings. An endless fatigue rolls over a woman, a desire to give birth as soon as possible, then suddenly “attacks” of inexplicable cheerfulness begin, a desire to clean everything up and prepare the house for the baby to appear. This behavior is quite scientific explanation: certain neuroendocrine processes take place in the body before childbirth, provoking such changes.

The indicated harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women may not draw the attention of the pregnant woman herself, because the mood during pregnancy was already subject to frequent shifts, and weight in the last 2-3 weeks future mommy may no longer be in control.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous, appearing 5-7 days before childbirth:

· Moving the fetus to the lower abdomen. This is noticeable even in appearance women: the belly becomes much lower, which indicates the imminent birth of the baby;

· Relief of breathing. On different terms, depending on the size of the abdomen, pregnant women report difficulty in breathing. This is due to the fact that the growing fetus puts pressure on the diaphragm. And when, a few days before the birth, the fetus goes down, the respiratory organs are again able to function in their normal mode;

· Pain in the lower back. They are connected not only with the lowering of the child down, but also with the fact that the bones are being prepared for childbirth;

· Frequent visits to the toilet. And how in a small way, which is associated with increasing pressure on bladder, and in a big way, due to the release of the hormone of childbirth by the body.

Listed harbingers of childbirthin multiparous women, they should encourage the pregnant woman to be constantly on the alert, to be ready at any time to go to the hospital. It is best if at this moment all things and documents are already collected.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous: when you need to go to the hospital

Perhaps during your first pregnancy you might not have noticed such phenomena. special attention. But now, already having some experience, it is worth being prepared for the fact that when the following signs immediately go to the hospital, since the second and subsequent births are quite often rapid.

· Cork. The moment of its departure ranges from several days to several hours before the onset of childbirth. However, it is better for a multiparous woman to focus on a shorter period and not to postpone a trip to the hospital. The passage of the mucous plug is associated with the opening of the cervix - surest sign started childbirth. The greater the weight of the unborn child, the more likely the pregnant woman to notice the process of cork discharge. Although it is not uncommon for her to go out, for example, when visiting the toilet, and this fact remains completely unnoticed;

· Irregular fetal movements. If used to be a woman I could already determine the daily routine of my baby - when he sleeps, and when he walks - then about a day before the birth, this order is violated. The child can either constantly actively move, or on for a long time quiet down, trying a rhythm suitable for birth;

· Loss of appetite. This is a kind defensive reaction body preparing for childbirth. This phenomenon is quite normal and a pregnant woman should not force herself to take food through force;

· Pain in the lower abdomen. Such harbingers of labor in multiparous women cause a more adequate reaction than in those who give birth for the first time. This is due to the fact that a woman who has already given birth realizes that these pains indicate the onset of labor, while those giving birth for the first time begin to panic that something wrong is happening to them or to the child;

· Departure of amniotic fluid. In women who are not giving birth for the first time, the water may break even before the onset of contractions. It can be either a slight leak or a sharp, complete leakage of amniotic fluid. It is best if by this time the woman will already be in the hospital, otherwise you should go there immediately!

· . It is quite easy for a woman giving birth again to distinguish real contractions from false ones. So she will not panic in vain, but she will also delay the moment of departure to the maternity hospital. It is especially worth hurrying if contractions are accompanied by brownish discharge from the birth canal.

What are the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women at 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks, what can and should the expectant mother pay attention to? What are the features of the course of pregnancy on this period interested in obstetricians and gynecologists?

Many women know that even with an absolutely full-term pregnancy, childbirth can begin a little earlier. Even 3 weeks before the expected due date based on obstetric term pregnancy.

And when the 35th or 36th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women may already appear. Although, there are women who do not notice them at all. So what are these signs?

1. The level of the bottom of the uterus becomes lower. More typical for the first pregnancy, this kind of signs of childbirth in multiparous women may be absent. That is, their stomach can drop even a few hours before birth. And sometimes even in childbirth.

During this period, the uterus, which during pregnancy was in abdominal cavity descends into the pelvis. It becomes easier to breathe and eat, heartburn does not torment so much, the uterus stops squeezing the lungs and stomach. Less pleasant companions of lowering the abdomen are frequent urination, which is in no way associated with diseases of the urinary system, daily stools can become liquid, which often leads to exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and before childbirth, this is especially unpleasant in all plans. This is because the drooping uterus is now starting to compress the lower bowel and bladder.

2. Another one characteristic symptoms approaching childbirth can be called the discharge of the mucous plug. Normally, the 38th week of pregnancy gives such characteristic harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women. The cervix is ​​maturing. The body begins preparing for childbirth by changing the hormonal background: the hormone progesterone, which maintains pregnancy, is replaced by the hormone estrogen, which softens the cervix and prepares it for pregnancy. normal course childbirth. The cervix, reliably protected by a “plug” of mucus during pregnancy, begins to open slightly, and a small lump of mucus comes out of the vagina. It is this process that is called "discharge of the mucous plug."

Normally, this is a clear, thick mucous discharge, approximately equal to one tablespoon in volume. It may be pinkish, or streaked with blood. Also, the mucous plug can appear from the vagina in parts within a few days. It is important not to confuse the discharge of the mucous plug with bleeding associated with placental abruption. In this case, bright scarlet blood is released, not just streaks in the mucus.

3. Harbingers of beginning labor in multiparous women at week 40 are training contractions. They are also called false. But doctors prefer the name - preparatory.

A smart organism knows what will happen to it in the near future and wants to “work out” a little. False contractions may appear during the last week before childbirth. Training contractions are usually irregular: your stomach may “stiffen”, as if the tone of the uterus, or contract several times a day for a couple of hours. Don't worry, it's not childbirth yet.

Labor pains usually come at intervals of 20-25 minutes at the very beginning. And their intensity is constantly growing. And if you take a couple of antispasmodic pills, warm bath or try to sleep - spasms will not disappear.

Medical consultation is necessary only in case of painful and prolonged training contractions that prevent a woman from sleeping and cause severe discomfort. If you just endure them, you can literally run out of steam for childbirth, and then such a complication as weakness of labor activity is likely to occur - this is an indication for drug stimulation, which is quite painful, and in case of protracted labor and a serious condition of the fetus - to an emergency caesarean section.

Inexperienced future parents usually look forward to meeting the baby, and consider that when the 39th week of pregnancy or even the 40th week of pregnancy has already begun, the harbingers of childbirth are the reason to immediately pack up and go to the hospital. However, normally, such phenomena as the discharge of a mucous plug or training contractions are only a sign that everything is in order with the body, the right processes preparations for childbirth go according to a plan created by nature. Childbirth is close, but this "close" can take a period of time from a few days to a couple of weeks. The main thing in these last weeks is less worries and worries, more pleasant thoughts about a close meeting with the dearest person in your life.

Other possible harbingers of early labor in multiparous women at 37 weeks and later:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in the pelvis due to its expansion;
  • the desire to wash the dishes, clean up, make repairs, buy more for the baby.
This question, perhaps, worries any pregnant woman, and the closer the X hour, the greater this anxiety. Listening to their feelings, catching any symptoms, pregnant women spend recent weeks pregnancy.

For many, curiosity about how childbirth begins wakes up almost with the first positive test for pregnancy, and does not let go until the birth of the child.

Let's see what are the harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, and when you can say that this is the beginning of childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth

Already from the 18-20th week of pregnancy, women begin to notice that the uterus periodically comes into tone. This is a painless feeling of tension in the uterus, while on palpation you can notice that the stomach hardens and tenses. It's not even a fight...

Signs of impending labor usually appear about a month - 2 weeks before the event itself, and can cause a lot of anxiety. In nulliparous women, they usually appear earlier than in repeated births, but they are less pronounced; in multiparous women, they can appear only a few days, almost immediately before childbirth.

Harbingers of childbirth is a complex of symptoms, which is a kind of replaying events and establishing the necessary connections in the body of the expectant mother, which will provide normal course childbirth.

In many ways, the nervous system of a woman is responsible for the development of childbirth, and in order for everything to end successfully, it is necessary that the appropriate neural connections be established, the so-called dominant of childbirth is formed. It is clear that if a woman has already given birth, it happens faster, according to a previously worked out scenario, and the shorter the interval between births, the easier it happens. This is why second births are shorter, and the birth warning is also shorter and more pronounced.

When do the harbingers of childbirth begin? They usually occur at 37-38-39-40 weeks of pregnancy.

How long do the harbingers of childbirth last? Usually they continue until the onset of labor, and this can happen in a month, and in 2 weeks, and in a couple of days.

So, what does it mean that labor will begin soon? What are the harbingers of childbirth?

Weight loss before childbirth

Women can lose up to 2 kg of weight 1-2 weeks before giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, the amount of progesterone in the blood decreases and the amount of estrogen increases. Progesterone promotes fluid retention in the body, and when its level drops, the fluid is excreted, the woman loses weight. These are the most early signs childbirth.

Lowering of the abdomen

Lowering of the abdomen during pregnancy is a symptom that is not always noticed. In recent weeks, the baby takes up so much space in the uterus that his ass can literally rest against the ribs, preventing the mother from breathing, bending over, and even causing pain. But a few days before the birth, his head is pressed against the bones of the pelvis, which causes the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth. These signs of childbirth are especially noticeable in primiparas; during the second and third births, the child can descend immediately before the event itself.

Signs of a lowering of the abdomen are easier breathing, a feeling that it has become lower and interferes less, and at the same time this can cause some other kind of discomfort. The head presses on the bladder, and you constantly run to the toilet, at the same time it can be difficult to go in a big way, constipation may bother you.

If you notice these symptoms, this does not mean that labor will begin tomorrow, lowering of the abdomen can occur even a month before the event itself, these are the first signals of the approach significant date, one of the earliest to appear.

Mood change

For most women, the occurrence of apathy, feelings of fatigue, a desire to sleep before childbirth is characteristic. Some ladies, on the contrary, are too active and for the tenth time stroke the diapers and sort out the contents of the bag for the maternity hospital (nesting syndrome).

Both options are normal, it is better to obey your desires. If you want to sleep - sleep, gain strength, they will be needed very soon.

Allocations, cork discharge before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervical canal is closed by a mucous plug, this thick mucus, which closes the cervix with a lump and prevents the penetration of infections to the fetus.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth begins in advance. First, it shortens and smoothes, gradually its channel opens slightly, this is called the maturation of the cervix. By childbirth, it will become completely soft and smoothed, this preparatory opening of the cervix during pregnancy is provided just by training contractions, and only a mature cervix will enable childbirth to develop normally.

I must say that in re-pregnant women, the discovery occurs literally before the birth itself or even with their onset. In primigravidas, the opening of the cervix by 2 fingers may already be by the time of admission to the maternity hospital, in advance, even before the onset of active labor, for them this process is extended in time and begins in advance.

Signs of the opening of the cervix - discharge from the genital tract. Allocations are due to the discharge of the mucous plug. Even if the mucus plug has moved away, it is impossible to predict when labor will begin. The cork before childbirth is a lump of mucus, up to one and a half to two centimeters in diameter, it can be different color, and transparent, and yellowish, and brown, and even streaked with scarlet blood. These are all normal options.

The cork leaves in different ways, for someone it takes several days, and then there is a mucous-bloody discharge, for someone it leaves at the same time. Most often, childbirth begins within the next week after the appearance of these secretions.

Appetite disorder

More often, the appetite is disturbed 1-2 days before the birth, there is no desire to eat anything. This is normal and you don't have to force yourself.

The subsidence of the child's motor activity

The child before childbirth for two - three weeks moves less and less. Sometimes there is no movement for 6-7 hours in a row, which makes the mother worry, but is everything in order with the child. The absence of movements is due to the fact that the child simply has nowhere to turn around, it becomes very crowded in the uterus.

unnecessarily restless child before childbirth - a reason for consulting a gynecologist, it is possible intrauterine hypoxia fetus.

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Nausea is not the most pleasant harbinger of childbirth, and the happiness that it comes just before the very birth and not for everyone. But some women have not only nausea, but also vomiting.

Diarrhea is somewhat more common and may be a couple of days before delivery.

All these not the most pleasant symptoms are a kind of release of the road for the baby, the intestines must be empty before childbirth so as not to interfere with the child's passage through the birth canal, and nature has taken care of this.

Pain in the perineum, pain in the sacrum and pubis

Lowering the baby's head down, the divergence of the pelvic bones cause pain in this area.

false contractions

Pre-delivery contractions, or false contractions, are uterine contractions that closely resemble real contractions. Quite often, at the first birth, they mislead the pregnant woman and force her to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Even before labor begins, false contractions can debilitate nervous system if taken seriously. Yes, this is a signal of imminent labor, but not yet labor, it may be another two weeks before you give birth.

What are they, training contractions before childbirth?

These are uterine contractions, somewhat painful, the pain resembles that which sometimes worries during menstruation, this is not the feeling that the stomach is pulling, which happened before, but real pain, coming in attacks, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, growing in a wave and releasing.

But it is not so strong and long-lasting that you experience real discomfort, you may well continue to go about your business, despite its presence.

If this is just a warning about an imminent birth, the contractions are intermittent and not regular. They can disturb at various intervals (5-15 minutes) for several hours and stop completely, as if nothing had happened.

To understand whether these are contractions or not, it is enough just to note the time between them. If they do not increase in duration and the intervals remain erratic and long, this is not childbirth.

If this is your first pregnancy and you don't have to go to the hospital more than an hour you don't have to go there immediately. Childbirth for the first time lasts long enough, and even if you make a mistake, a disaster will not happen. Try taking a warm bath, taking a nosh-py tablet, and going to bed. Most likely, you will fall asleep peacefully.

Sometimes false contractions turn into real labor. The gaps shorten, the contractions intensify and lengthen, and then for sure - it's time to go to the hospital.

What harbingers of childbirth speak of danger and require immediate treatment in the hospital?

- Harbingers of preterm labor are similar to those described above. Development similar symptoms before 35 weeks, an urgent reason to consult a gynecologist. Premature opening of the cervix and labor activity can develop in the middle of pregnancy when it fails due to injuries during abortions, operations and previous births.

The appearance of pure scarlet blood from the genital tract, at any time, is a threat to the life of the child.

The appearance of leakage of amniotic fluid. This feeling of dampness watery discharge that increases with movement. If you notice this, you should consult a doctor immediately, the risk of infection of the uterine cavity and fetus. Wearing a white fabric pad helps to distinguish the leakage of water, it is easy to assess the nature of the discharge on it, the amniotic fluid does not smell, usually transparent. May be brown (very bad symptom) or green from an admixture of meconium (also very bad).

Signs of the onset of labor

But how does the birth itself begin? Then you will smile, remembering how you were afraid to miss this moment, but not now, now this is probably one of the main fears, and it seems that you can miss the birth. Do not worry, childbirth is something that you definitely will not be able to oversleep.

What determines the onset of labor?

Of course, on whether you and the child are ready for them. The maturation of the cervix, the formation of the necessary nerve connections and hormonal background leading to the onset of labor symptoms.

The first signs of incipient labor may appear at 37 to 42 weeks, if labor does not begin on time, doctors try to speed up the onset of labor.

Usually the second birth begins earlier. If childbirth does not begin in any way, measures are taken to prepare the cervix. Very often, sex brings great benefits, there are more than enough cases when after sex childbirth began.

What time does labor start?

Oddly enough, most babies choose to be born at night. This is due to the daily fluctuations of hormones in a woman's blood, their optimal level usually occurs in the early morning hours, which is why childbirth begins at night.

Are there any differences in how labor activity develops during different kinds? Yes, I have. And it depends on many factors, for example, on how much time has passed between births, at what time they began.

How do they start premature birth? Usually, if the first symptoms of preterm labor are contractions, and if the woman goes to the hospital on time, this is regarded as a threat of preterm labor and in most cases it is possible to stop labor if the cervical dilatation has not gone too far.

It is much sadder if premature birth begins with the outflow of amniotic fluid. With severe prematurity, pregnancy can be prolonged for several days or even weeks, but in most cases the child is born.

How and when does the first birth begin?

The first birth often begins at 40 weeks or more, and is preceded by a fairly long warning period. Most often, the harbingers smoothly turn into labor, having managed to spoil the nerves of the future mother a lot before that and forcing them to turn to gynecologists more than once with suspicion of the onset of childbirth.

How does the second, third birth begin?

Usually at an earlier date than the first, 38-40 weeks, and develop more rapidly. The period of precursors is either bright short, a few days, or completely absent.

How to recognize the onset of labor is usually before future mother the question is not even worth it, she remembers how it happens. Struggles are not the only possible variant start of childbirth. The beginning of childbirth can be different ...

The transition of the harbingers of childbirth into labor activity. The frequency of contractions before childbirth increases, their strength increases, the intervals shorten and become rhythmic.

Independent occurrence of generic activity. Contractions begin regularly from the very beginning and gradually intensify.

Premature discharge of amniotic fluid. I must say that the onset of childbirth is usually easily recognized by a woman, and at the same time there is always a great emotional upsurge, composure and a willingness to fight arise, you will experience joy and relief at the same time. And of course, there will be a feeling of anxiety and fear, how else? Even the beginning of the second birth is a step into the unknown.

Let's look at all the signs of the onset of labor.

The transition of harbingers of childbirth, false contractions, into real contractions

You may have experienced false contractions for a week or two, but they never became regular, they went away completely. But this time it won't be like that. The first signs of the onset of labor are a reduction in the intervals between contractions and their intensification, they become longer. If during false contractions you could go to bed and fall asleep peacefully, you could be distracted from them by business - if this is the beginning of childbirth - the contractions will take all your attention.

If this is the beginning of labor, how does the contractions develop? If during training fights it is difficult to call them painful, how to understand that childbirth has begun is not difficult: the pain becomes severe. This pain is no longer like menstruation. This is pressure in the lumbar region, extending to the lower abdomen, with dull aching sensations that get stronger and then let go. There is no pain in between. At first, such contractions are short, 10-15 seconds, but with the development of childbirth, they become more frequent and longer.

When the intervals between them do not exceed 10 minutes, and they themselves last 40-50 seconds, this is already an active labor activity, you definitely need to urgently see a doctor.

Although the first birth usually lasts at least 12 hours, agree that it is better to arrive earlier than late, it's time to call ambulance and go to the hospital.

Independent occurrence of labor activity

Most often, with repeated births, the period of precursors of childbirth is very short, and childbirth can begin literally immediately. The body is already ready, the reasons for the onset of labor are the formed generic dominant in the woman’s brain, and during repeated births, the memory of her is still alive after the first birth, when there is a script, the performance develops quickly.

And the task of how to determine the onset of labor during repeated childbirth is no longer worth it, the woman knows all the sensations, she perfectly remembers the symptoms.

The contractions do not start strong at first, but they grow very quickly, it is impossible to miss the onset of childbirth, and you need to go to the hospital as quickly as possible, often such births are very fast. If the birth starts suddenly, if the birth started at home, this is a reason to quit everything, you will have time to do everything later. Take with you documents, a bottle of water (simple, without gas), and urgently go to the hospital, without waiting for your husband to come home from work, etc.

You will not need things at first, you can bring them tomorrow.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid

If the water begins to leak or pour out before the start of contractions, such an outpouring is called premature. Even if you have a full-term pregnancy, the beginning of labor with the outflow of amniotic fluid is not very good, especially if the birth is the first. A period without water for more than 6 hours is called a long period. waterless period in such a situation, the child is at risk intrauterine infection. Thus, even the leakage of amniotic fluid is a reason to urgently go to the maternity hospital, even if the water has poured out, but there are no contractions.

At the end of pregnancy, the fetal head descends into the small pelvis, and presses on the bladder, which is why many women have a problem with urination. Not only do you want to run to the toilet often, there may also be urinary incontinence. In such a situation, how to understand whether the onset of labor is the leakage of water or just incontinence?

Everything is very simple, you must wear panty liner. It must be either simple white fabric or a pad with a non-mesh surface, then the nature of the discharge can be easily assessed. Amniotic fluid from urine is very easy to distinguish.

How does the water leave? There may be two options.

They can move away at once, 150-200 ml of liquid will pour out onto your legs. Your task is to evaluate their character in order to tell the doctor about it. Normal amniotic fluid is clear and odorless. In the presence of green amniotic fluid, bad smell from them, their brown color, it is necessary to tell the doctor about this, you can be sure that you will be asked about this. The discharge of amniotic fluid may be accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

How to find out about the onset of labor if the water just leaks, but there are no contractions? Is it water or just secretions? Tighten your stomach, slightly strain. If at the same time you feel an increase in discharge, do not hesitate, this is amniotic fluid, and you need to go to the hospital.

When the gestational age is already long, it has exceeded 40 weeks, and there are not even harbingers of childbirth, impatience, fatigue and irritability appear. I really want the birth to start faster, and women begin to use different methods their accelerations, for example, start rearranging furniture at home, develop violent activity in the physical plane, lead an active sexual life. This all helps to bring the onset of labor closer, but at the same time it is tiring, the best thing to do before childbirth is to sleep more. No need to induce labor the time will come, and they will begin, no one is still pregnant.

If you are worried about why labor is not starting, ask your gynecologist about it. A mistake in the term is quite likely, for example, especially if the first ultrasound was only in the second trimester.

If it is necessary to accelerate the approach of childbirth with medical point vision, they will do it medical methods doctors, and your task is to know the signs of the onset of labor and determine in a timely manner that they have begun, and get to the hospital on time.

Multiparous women are usually well aware of the signs of impending labor, but determining that the time of the birth of the baby is approaching is not as easy as it seems. In addition, in the same woman, pregnancy can proceed differently each time, so the experience previous pregnancies may not help.

Harbingers and characteristic signs of childbirth in multiparous at 36, 37, 38 and 39 weeks

36 weeks is the most early term normal delivery, and 39 is the latest. If at this time did not appear characteristics the approaching birth of the baby or they appeared earlier, then you should think about the pathology.

Usually, a woman who is already familiar with the state of pregnancy can determine the approach of childbirth. It should be remembered that the harbingers are not yet the beginning of childbirth, but only a signal that they will begin in the next few days.

An unmistakable sign of an imminent birth is a prolapse of the abdomen. The fetus prepares for birth and moves closer to the cervix, so the uterine fundus descends. At the same time, the woman feels that it has become easier for her to breathe, heartburn has decreased or completely disappeared, but urination has become more frequent.

To make sure that the stomach is lowering, you need to measure the distance between the chest and the stomach with the palm of your hand. During pregnancy, it is smaller than the palm, when childbirth is approaching, it increases. The prolapse of the abdomen occurs in about a week or one and a half to an hour X.

Another sign is the discharge of the cork. The mucous plug in the vagina protects the unborn baby from the penetration of infections, isolating the uterus from the external environment. At various diseases the cervix and vagina, it can be formed incorrectly, which will lead to infection of the fetus.

That is why various infections of the genital organs must be treated before pregnancy.

A few days before childbirth, the mucous plug loses its importance and moves outward in the form copious discharge- colorless, yellow or even streaked with blood.

Training contractions begin approximately three weeks before delivery. Unlike real contractions, they are irregular. Normally, they do not cause pain, their main task is to prepare the muscles of the abdomen and uterus for labor. That is why they are called training.

The child's behavior changes. At this moment he is already large in size, so it is difficult for him to move. The movements of the baby subside for a while, and then sharply increase. It is necessary to monitor the activity of the fetus - its complete cessation indicates hypoxia, which means that you should immediately consult a doctor.

The mother's behavior also changes. She becomes restless, sleep is disturbed, nervousness and irritability appear. Her behavior is greatly influenced by the nesting instinct - a woman experiences an obsessive need to prepare a children's room, put things in order, and hide from prying eyes.

There are other harbingers of childbirth that you should pay attention to:

  • weight loss;
  • pain in the pubic joint;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • release of colostrum;
  • loss of appetite;
  • stool disorder.

At repeated pregnancies many of these processes are faster, and a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that she will start giving birth earlier than the previous time.

When are the precursors in multiparous women not to be confused with the onset of labor?

It is important to remember that the harbingers are not yet the beginning of childbirth. To distinguish the harbingers from the onset of childbirth, when it is time to urgently go to the hospital, you need to know the signs of the onset of childbirth.

The first sign that the harbingers have ended and childbirth has begun is the discharge of the waters. The amniotic fluid, in which the fetus is located before birth, supports its vital activity, but before childbirth, there is no need for them.

They are allocated at once in a large portion, without any pain. Sometimes you can hear a deaf pop with which the amniotic sac bursts.

In order not to confuse the passage of the cork (a few days) with the passage of water (a few hours before the birth), it is important to know that they look different. Cork is thick mucous secretions, water is liquid, and there are many more of them.

The discharge of water means that the process has begun, and if the woman is not yet in the hospital, she must be taken there immediately. After the water breaks, you need to monitor the intensity and regularity of contractions so that everything goes well.

contractions. Unlike training contractions, labor contractions are intense and regular and can be painful. Usually, training contractions become generic after the water breaks.

In multiparous contractions usually differ great strength, and the process of giving birth to a baby proceeds quickly.

However, it is important to prevent weakness in labor (although this condition is more common in multiparous women).

The activity of the baby by the hour of X increases greatly, but in this case it is impossible to accurately determine the moment at which the prenatal activity was replaced by generic activity - this is an individual feature of each woman and each baby.

It is important to remember that excessive activity is a sign of a hypoxic condition, and its absence is a dangerous symptom that suggests that a woman may not be able to give birth without a caesarean section.

The psychological moment is also important. In the behavior of the mother, the so-called dominant of childbirth is formed. Anxiety and nervousness increase, sometimes taking on grotesque forms, when a woman's behavior becomes hysterical.

Her attention is completely focused on the birth of the baby, she cannot be distracted by other events. Perhaps the appearance of obsessions, inadequate behavior, which the woman herself will not be able to understand after childbirth.

A woman who is already familiar with childbirth can more soberly assess her condition, but this is not an axiom.

Features of the course of the second and subsequent births

The main feature of childbirth, if they are not the first, is the rapid flow of the birth process. Especially if the age difference between the children is small.

In this case, the period of training bouts is rather short, and may start late, sometimes simultaneously with the lowering of the abdomen. Then contractions quickly become regular, labor activity develops actively, and childbirth occurs quickly.

The intensity of pain does not depend on the number of births, it can be higher or lower than in previous times.

Another factor that does not depend on the number of births is changes in the activity of the baby and the degree of prolapse of the abdomen. This individual characteristics baby, which manifest differently each pregnancy.

The psychological aspect is very dependent on how the previous birth went. If they passed easily, then the woman will feel more confident than the first time, behave calmer, be less afraid and correctly assess her condition. But if the first birth of a woman was difficult, then everything will be quite the opposite - in such an environment, giving birth a second time is much harder.

Except good points, there are also dangers that are caused precisely by the second or subsequent pregnancy. The most common of these is Rhesus conflict. This is the condition that occurs when the mother negative Rh factor and the child is positive. In this case, antibodies to the Rh factor are produced in the mother's body. During the first pregnancy, they do not have much effect, but during subsequent pregnancies, they disrupt the development of the fetus.

If the first birth took place by caesarean section, then in this case the woman's body is much less prepared for repeated childbirth than it was before the first. In this case, the contractions may be weaker, the training contractions turn into labor contractions with a delay, and there is a danger of weak labor activity.

Complications after the first pregnancy can cause even more severe consequences during next birth. Possible late discharge of the cork, risk of hypoxia, weakening or sudden stop of labor activity, strong pain, complications on other organs.

If a woman has several fetuses, her age is more than 30 years old, infections were not cured in time, a difficult pregnancy and complications in childbirth are possible. That is why before planning pregnancy, including repeated, and during it, it is necessary to be examined for various infections.

Pregnancy, threatening complications, requires very careful monitoring of doctors in order to reduce possible risks and ensure the birth healthy child. During childbirth, it is also required increased attention to respond promptly to any dangerous symptoms and prevent the development of complications.


Re-pregnancy in healthy women proceeds more easily than the first, since the body has already undergone such changes, and mental attitude women are more calm. But complications during the first pregnancy can lead to the fact that the second and subsequent births will lead to even more serious consequences.

A little additional information on the topic of the article - in the next video.