Royal jelly for beauty and youth

- a product of beekeeping. More precisely, it is the milk that bees feed their babies when they are in infancy. You can imagine how useful and powerful this product is. Indeed, due to it, a small larva grows into an adult bee, that is, it goes through all stages of the development of an individual, while receiving the most necessary substances for life.

It must be said that royal jelly not fully explored by scientists. It is almost certainly known that there are proteins, fats, fatty acids, trace elements. However, many plants and other products can boast of these components, then why does the action of royal jelly differ more visible results? Scientists came to the conclusion that the very unexplored part of the composition of this wonderful healing product just affects the final result.

Composition of royal jelly

royal jelly contains proteins similar in composition to blood plasma proteins. Carbohydrates are easily digestible, such as fructose and glucose. It also contains a number of vitamins, including common and rare ones - E, PP and pantothenic acid. Lipins, sterides, the hormones tostosterone and progesterone, as well as germicidin, thanks to which royal jelly microorganisms cannot develop, complement this rosy picture. Based on this information, it can be said that royal jelly is a truly exceptional product for human health.

It balances the hormonal balance of the whole organism, destroys pathogenic bacteria, quickly regulates metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level.

The use of royal jelly.
Treatment with royal jelly: recipes

And preparations containing it are used in medicine, the cosmetic industry and the production of dietary supplements. People actively use this product at home to solve various problems with health and appearance.

Diseases in the treatment of which royal jelly is traditionally used:

angina pectoris
Usually prescribed 10-15 mg royal jelly, the number of receptions from two to four times a day. Take the remedy for at least two weeks, if necessary, you can take up to four weeks.

Exhaustion of the body, menopause
Under these conditions, it is recommended to take royal jelly with honey: 100g honey plus 2g milk. Everything is mixed and taken in the morning, 1 teaspoon.

High or low pressure
For these problems, take royal jelly under the tongue - 20 mg daily for three weeks, one-day intake - 3 times.

Flu Prevention
A whole range of beekeeping products is used here: honey, perga, pollen and royal jelly with glucose: 5 g of honey with bee bread (ratio 2: 1), 10 g of pollen and 0.07 g of milk. Taken in the morning, under the tongue for three weeks.
Another recipe will help protect against the flu: taking royal jelly 20-40 mg under the tongue 3 times a day. Reception lasts 2-3 weeks. You can also use milk in a mixture with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20 (alcohol should be a strength of 45 degrees). This remedy is taken before meals, 5-10 drops.

Arthritis of the lower extremities
accepted royal jelly: 10-20 mg 2 times a day under the tongue.

Support for a young body
used royal jelly mixed with honey and flower pollen. When using this remedy, the problems that arise during the onset of puberty are removed, this period passes more calmly.

Premature and newborn babies
At this age drugs royal jelly it is recommended to give in the form of suppositories - no more than 2.5 mg per day. The course of admission is from a week to two.

Just here it would be appropriate to say that when choosing a dose, it is necessary to approach each person individually. After the first dose, it is imperative to follow the reaction of the body, and only after that make a decision to continue treatment with bee products.

Diseases of the kidneys and stomach
Mixture of honey royal jelly(200 g of honey and 4 g of raw milk) mix and place in the refrigerator under a tight lid. The jar must be glass. Take this remedy 1 teaspoon twice a day about an hour before meals, while keeping it under the tongue until completely dissolved. It is not necessary to take it in the evening, as the remedy brings a lot of energy, and sleep will be restless. As soon as one cooked serving is over, you need to take a break in taking the remedy for 7 days. Then prepare the second portion, repeat the reception, again take a break. The third time, half the serving will be enough, after taking it, the course of treatment ends.
This remedy is also very effective in neurasthenia and anemia.

Other diseases for which there is a positive effect of use of royal jelly: rheumatic diseases nervous system, neuroses, neuritis, polyneuritis and other diseases of the nervous system.

Royal jelly in cosmetology for face and body

A very simple procedure will help turn your usual face and body cream much more effective - you just need to add 30-50g of royal jelly to it. True, you already need to store such a cream in the refrigerator, and before using them, make a hot compress on your face with decoctions of medicinal herbs. With the help of a three-minute compress, the pores of the skin will open, and the cream will be absorbed much better, bringing into the skin beneficial features royal jelly. As a result, the skin will become more elastic and rejuvenated.

Universal face and neck mask with royal jelly

Mix 100 g of warm honey (it is better to heat it in a water bath) and 100 ml royal jelly, add 20 ml of decoction medicinal herb(it is better to take a celandine or a series). The herb must be infused for 24 days. Stir the mass until it cools and thickens. Apply immediately thin layer on the face and neck. After a half-hour procedure, wash off the mask with warm, then cool water. They say - who makes a similar mask for the face and neck twice a week, he will never grow old.

And they also say that if you combine masks and creams with a reception royal jelly inside, then a long and healthy life and lovely appearance will be provided.

Contraindications to the use of royal jelly

Royal jelly is contraindicated in case of allergy to bee products, as well as in acute infectious diseases, various tumors and problems with the adrenal glands. If there is a predisposition to arterial hypertension and increased blood clotting, drugs containing royal jelly must be taken with caution.

In some cases, there may be a sleep disorder, rapid pulse, dry mouth may occur. With these signs, it is necessary to reduce the rate of the drug, or stop it if the symptoms do not disappear.

Royal jelly is best taken in the morning and not late in the evening, because it can cause an agitated state and lead to

Problematic skin is a generic name for various defects, these include: acne, scarring, inflammation, peeling, vascular network on the surface of the epidermis and age spots.

Problems may arise in people with different type skin, it depends on many factors: ranging from malnutrition and emotional stress, serious violations in work internal systems organism. a huge role plays general state, the level of natural protection, but people with dry sensitive and oily skin are most often affected by such problems.

Dry sensitive skin most susceptible to environmental influences, adversely affect wind, frost, direct Sun rays. Skin of this type can react sharply to a change in facial cosmetics, a person constantly experiences a feeling of dryness, tightness after washing with water. Irritation can even be caused by contact with sharp clothing or contact with male bristles. Local reaction manifests itself in the form of a rash, peeling, inflammation.

Facial skin care should be comprehensive and permanent, it is long and laborious process but the end justifies the means. The result of the work done will be beautiful well-groomed face, the use of royal jelly will help with this.

The benefits of royal jelly

"Royal jelly" for the face is a biological stimulant, it contains many components that are essential for normal state skin, these include: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids.

Regular use of beauty products with the addition of a bee product will help bring dry skin back to life. Due to the regulatory functions, milk has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, capillary blood circulation improves, the epidermis receives much more useful substances, respectively, the level of dryness decreases.

perfectly increases the resistance of the epidermis to environmental influences. Applying facial masks at home with royal jelly, you will get rid of peeling and irritation, the feeling of dryness after washing will disappear, the skin will shine with new colors, it will become more even with a pleasant ruddy tint.

Royal jelly intensively fights wrinkles, which appear quite early in people with dry skin. The components of the bee product penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, provoke additional production of collagen, which is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Recipes for cosmetics for dry problem skin

It is recommended to perform nourishing face masks at home 2-3 times a week, with such regularity the skin will receive everything essential vitamins and nutrients. Masks should be alternated, this will provide the skin with a variety of substances. Before cosmetic procedures, the face must be steamed, so the effect will be more noticeable. Wash off the masks with warm water, after the procedure it is recommended to apply a moisturizing face cream.

For the preparation of funds, you must use only natural ingredients thus reducing the risk of allergies.

Nourishing mask with chicken yolk and honey

  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 g of royal jelly.

Apply the mixture on the face and do not rinse until a film forms. This mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins. Recommended for intense peeling and dryness of the face. disappears after the procedure. unpleasant feeling tightness.

Oatmeal mask

Stabilizes the pH of the skin, helps to eliminate peeling, rough areas.

You need to connect:

  • 1.5 st. l. crushed oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 g of royal jelly.

Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is obtained and place on the face. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a damp towel, wash off the residue with warm water.

Mask with yogurt and cucumber

It helps to cope with irritation, reduces sensitivity. Moisturizes and nourishes.


  • 2 tbsp. l. grated cucumber;
  • 1 st. l. natural yogurt;
  • 1 ml of royal jelly.

Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency, place on the face and take a horizontal position for a quarter of an hour.

Oily skin problems

Oily skin has the following problems:

  • enlarged pores;
  • untidy oily sheen;
  • regular rashes;
  • inflammation;
  • pore blockage.

These problems are experienced by almost all boys and girls during transition period, becoming hormonal background. Some take this fact for granted and do nothing to fix the problems, but these problems can and should be dealt with!

Regular rashes on the face and inflammatory processes can leave an indelible mark in the form of scars and scars, so skin problems must be addressed promptly at any age, and not just wait out an unfavorable period.

Causes of problems and methods for their solution

Due to increased excretion sebaceous glands, the risk of blockage of enlarged pores increases, this is an extremely favorable environment for the development of infection, therefore oily skin needs regular cleansing with facial cleansers, various scrubs and masks.

Concomitant factors - keratinized cells of the epidermis, decorative cosmetics, household dust. Facial hygiene should be carefully monitored, be sure to remove residues decorative cosmetics before bedtime. It is strictly contraindicated to squeeze black dots, acne.

In the case when thorough facial care at home does not bring desired results, it is worth paying attention to more serious reasons, it's malfunctioning digestive tract, inadequate cleaning of the body by the liver and impaired metabolism.

The hormonal background plays an important role in the occurrence of such problems, it is not without reason that such problems manifest themselves in transitional age and during pregnancy when work hormonal system undergoing major changes

Impact of royal jelly

"Royal jelly" for the face is used to correct metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, it reduces the intensity of subcutaneous fat production, while gently nourishing and moisturizing the skin, has a strong antibacterial effect, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying on the surface of the skin.

Purchased cosmetic products for cleansing can have the opposite effect, namely, when the skin dries out, the secretion of subcutaneous fat will double, so it is much more useful to use masks prepared at home.

Recipes of cosmetics for oily problem skin

Before applying any mask, it is necessary to cleanse the face by washing and steam it a little, so the pores will expand, the skin will become softer. At the end of the procedure, the products should be washed off with warm water, be sure to apply light cream for the skin.

Mask with tomato and bran

Mix tomato pulp with a small amount of wheat bran and 1 g of royal jelly. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. After 2-3 procedures, fading is observed inflammatory processes on the face, the number of acne nodules decreases, the pores tighten, the skin dries up and is deeply cleansed, the oily sheen disappears.

Green tea mask

It is necessary to crush green leaf tea to a powder state, pour in 2 tbsp. l. kefir, add 1 g of royal jelly. Put the mass on your face for 15 minutes. Has a tonic effect matte shade. Recommended for localization of acne and narrowing of pores.

Anti-acne lotion

Stir 1 tsp. honey in 100 ml of warm boiled water, pour 1 tsp. infusion of calendula, add 2 ml of royal jelly. Wash your face at least 2 times a day. You can store this lotion for three days in the refrigerator.

Toning mask

Ideal for older women. Tightens, strengthens, helps reduce wrinkles. Take 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg white and 1 g of royal jelly. It is necessary to mix everything until a homogeneous mass and apply there. Wash off after 20 minutes. The mask perfectly tones the skin, successfully narrows enlarged pores.

Before using mask recipes, be sure to make sure that there are no contraindications and allergies to each component of the cosmetic product.

Problematic skin is in dire need of a full-fledged comprehensive care. Cosmetic products with the addition of royal jelly are ideal for regular use in the absence of allergies. The bee product can be added to any skin care products suitable for your type.

It is worth noting that masks should be chosen according to age, as in adolescence all cosmetic procedures are aimed at gentle cleaning of the epidermis, moderate nutrition and hydration, while the skin in adulthood needs more intense hydration, stimulation of production natural collagen. In accordance with these criteria, it is necessary to select components for masks.

Royal jelly has been used in cosmetology for a long time, although even now this gift of nature has not been fully studied. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, hormones, minerals and other useful substances, so royal jelly is used for skin and hair care. This natural component allows you to fight wrinkles and restore shine and beauty to your hair, which is why it is so popular among the fair sex.

Royal jelly is a substance that looks like sour cream, which is produced by bees to feed the queen, drones and larvae. In terms of the composition of biologically active substances, royal jelly surpasses even honey, which is why it is often used in cosmetics for the face and hair.

This natural substance, which is also called royal jelly, contains in large quantities:

  • proteins (lysine, proline and others);
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus);
  • carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, sucrose);
  • vitamins (group B, ascorbic acid, retinol);
  • organic and nucleic acids;
  • hormones and other biologically active substances.

Royal jelly is 65% water and 15% proteins, which are structurally very similar to human plasma proteins. Due to this, it is well absorbed by the body.

Royal jelly holds the record for the content of vitamins B5 and B7. These two vitamins improve the condition of nails, rejuvenate skin and strengthen hair. They also have anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. At the cellular level, they stimulate the production of collagen, which helps to smooth out deep and superficial wrinkles.

Royal jelly for face care

Royal jelly has long been used by women for skin rejuvenation. The vitamins B5 and B7 contained in it, as well as other components, help to tighten the skin and straighten wrinkles. Royal jelly has such an effect on the skin:

  • stimulates the production of collagen;
  • moisturizes the epidermis;
  • nourishes with essential trace elements and vitamins;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • starts the regeneration processes;
  • tightens the contours of the face;

Masks with royal jelly have a lifting effect, so they are great for women over 30, but the use of homemade cosmetics based on this natural component will help solve other skin problems. Royal jelly will help get rid of acne and other inflammatory processes excessive dryness or oily sheen epidermis.

Using home remedies with royal jelly will rejuvenate the skin, give it a healthy and fresh look. The skin will become smooth and elastic, and the contours of the face will be clear. The easiest way to use royal jelly in skin care is as follows: mix 20 gr. means with 100 gr. usual cream. Apply the cream as usual in the morning and evening.

Homemade mask recipes

In cosmetology, royal jelly is very popular, and recipes for homemade masks are simple. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to purchased expensive cosmetics, as they have an excellent lifting effect.

With honey and milk

To prepare the mask, mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey with ¼ teaspoon of royal jelly. Add 1 tablespoon of warm milk to the bee products mixture. It is advisable to take homemade milk, which contains vitamins, minerals and other useful material, and not just a powder of chemical origin.

Apply the prepared mixture on the pre-cleansed skin of the face and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards. Gels and soap should not be used to wash off the mask. This mask can also be used for hand care. The skin on the hands will become velvety and smooth, and the nails will stop breaking and acquire an attractive shine.

With apricot oil

To prepare this mask, it is better to take royal jelly in powder. According to home recipe, you will need 0.5 tsp. this component. Add 1 tbsp to it. apricot oil, honey and decoction of chamomile. Apply the mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

The mask has nourishing and moisturizing properties, so it is great for wilted and tired skin. The home remedy smoothes wrinkles on the face and around the eyes, and also helps fight other age-related changes. Remains should be removed with a cotton swab. After the procedure, use herbal lotion to enhance the effect.

with potatoes

To fight the first deep wrinkles use a potato mask. You need to do the following:

  1. Boil a couple of potatoes.
  2. Mash them into a puree and let cool until warm.
  3. Add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cream and 10 gr. mother's milk.
  4. Apply mixture even layer to problem areas.
  5. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Simple and affordable facelift is not inferior to effectiveness salon procedures, but keep in mind that masks need to be done regularly: from disposable home remedy the situation will not change fundamentally.

With honey and glycerin

A mask based on glycerin, royal jelly and honey will help restore youth to your skin. 1 tsp glycerine rub with the same amount of honey. After that, add 1 tsp. royal jelly and 2 tbsp. warm water. To get the mixture to a “working” consistency, add a little oatmeal to it.

Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes and then wash off. Already after the first procedure, you will notice that the skin has tightened, and fine wrinkles have straightened out.

If you decide to use royal jelly in cosmetics at home, consider the following:

  • for the preparation of masks, take porcelain and glassware, since the oxidation process will begin in metal dishes, and harmful substances will be released;
  • store such cosmetics should be in the refrigerator so that royal jelly does not lose its beneficial properties.

If you care about your beauty, take royal jelly not only externally, but also internally. Mix natural gift with honey in equal proportions. Put a teaspoon of the mixture under the tongue and suck. Do this in the morning before breakfast.

Royal jelly for hair care

Due to the high content of biologically active substances, royal jelly is also used for hair. The presence of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances has such an effect on the hair:

  • strengthens the bulbs;
  • nourishes the follicles with vitamins and minerals;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and so on.

As a result of using this natural component, the hair becomes silky and healthy. Home masks will allow you to forget about brittleness and hair loss. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will help to overcome dandruff. Fatty unpleasant shine or dryness will no longer make itself felt.

Mask with honey and herbs

Take half a glass of royal jelly and honey. Honey must first be heated, but not much. At high temperatures it loses its useful properties. Add to the mixture useful decoction strings (it must be prepared in advance). A decoction of the string can be replaced with infusion or decoction of chamomile.

Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, rubbing into the roots. Cover with a bag and a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The medical prescription hair can be used for face care.

Mask with burdock oil

Strengthen and restore hair healthy look help home cosmetic product on the basis of royal jelly and burdock oil. Take two tablespoons of burdock oil and honey. Add 2 ml of royal jelly to them and egg yolk. Apply the mixture to curls Special attention giving to the roots. Wrap your head in warmth and leave for an hour. When rinsing, use warm water and shampoo.

The fair sex use royal jelly for skin and hair. natural gift allows them to remain beautiful, attractive and young. You can apply ointment, cream, tonic or masks based on this component and forget about the advent of old age.

Mankind has already received countless gifts from nature, but it still generously continues to make priceless gifts. Many manufacturers cosmetic products took bee products as the basis for the preparation of their cosmetics and created excellent facilities for body, face and hair care, among which cosmetics with royal jelly (this is a unique product produced by nurse bees in order to feed the “queen of evidence” - the queen bee) is especially popular.

It must be said that royal jelly appeared in cosmetics relatively recently (only a few decades ago), but it is already widely used both in home and industrial cosmetics. It is included in anti-aging creams and skin lotions produced by the Russian company Honey Technologies, in addition, it can be found in the composition of the cream, which is produced by the Merry Hornet family apiary.

The uniqueness and healing power of the product

Naturally, all the strength of this product lies in its composition, because royal jelly is a hormonal creamy product, which (except for natural hormonal substances that do not cause allergies) includes amino acids, protein compounds, a large number of useful trace elements, vitamins and carbohydrates. And recently, scientists were able to determine that it contains a small amount of deoxyribonucleic acid.

You can buy royal jelly from us by calling one of the phones:


The widespread use of royal jelly in cosmetology is based on the fact that the composition of this product can activate the processes of internal regeneration. human body. Active ingredients deeply penetrate the skin, moisturizing it from the inside. They literally “embed” into the skin, stimulate the regeneration of new cells, and also improve the immune defense of the epidermis. In addition to all this, increased synthesis of epidermal cells leads to smoothing of wrinkles, normalization of skin color and slowing down all the processes of its aging.

Indications for use in cosmetology

"Royal jelly" (this is the second name of this product, which he received due to the fact that bees use it only to feed their uterus) is used to solve the following cosmetic problems:

  • signs age-related changes skin;
  • acne, the appearance of "black dots" (closed comedones), seborrhea;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, lichen) - for the treatment of such problems, cosmetologists recommend using vitamins with royal jelly (vitamins mean mixing this product with infusions of medicinal plants or other bee products);
  • dark spots;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • soft tissue ptosis.

"Royal" hair care

In hair care, "royal jelly" is simply an indispensable product, because products based on it help to strengthen hair follicles, improve the structure of each hair, give them smoothness and shine (some women's reviews indicate that royal jelly for hair can also be used as a laminating agent) and even treat dandruff. Hair cosmetics based on it can either be bought at ready-made or cook it yourself (for self cooking cosmetics, royal jelly must be bought in its native form). The composition of the hair care mask, in addition to the main ingredient, may include:

  1. yolk;
  2. sour cream;
  3. herbal decoctions (each person chooses the composition of herbal components on their own, focusing on their hair type);
  4. kefir.
It is advised to keep the mask of these ingredients from one to three hours, since all the beneficial substances must have time to be absorbed into the skin and scalp, and you can do it after each shampoo. To obtain a more pronounced effect, beekeepers recommend adding a small amount of “royal jelly” to shampoo or balm, however, after enriching industrial production with this beekeeping product, they will have to be stored in the refrigerator.

Benefits for the face and body

It should be said right away that royal jelly in cosmetology is successfully used not only in anti-aging, but also in anti-cellulite creams. It is possible that its anti-cellulite effect will be less pronounced than the anti-aging effect (of course, with regular use, the effect will be more pronounced), but about stretch marks and local body fat you won't have to worry.

It is best to make your own cream with royal jelly, because the main ingredient is included in factory-made products. minimum quantity, and with self-shooting mixing of ingredients, the concentration of the active substance can be controlled independently. The shelf life of such creams, of course, will be small, but the effect appears almost immediately.

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • a little main ingredient (about 10 grams);
  • cacao butter;
  • 25 ml of olive oil;
  • beeswax.
First, wax is heated in a water bath, then cocoa butter is added to it and olive oil. This whole mixture is whipped with a blender until thick, after which the rest of the ingredients are added to it and everything mixes well (some women advise adding a few drops of rose oil to the cream for smell). You need to store such cosmetics in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to use it within two weeks. worry about short term storage of products is not worth it, because the cream can be applied to the whole body.

In addition, royal jelly for the face can be used in in kind(not mixing with anything). To do this, apply a little product to the skin (it has the consistency of sour cream) and gently “drive” it into the epidermis with your fingertips. Such manipulations should be repeated about three times a week (it is not advisable to use such a cream every day due to the high concentration of active substances in the product).

You can order royal jelly by phone:

Royal jelly should be in every woman’s “beauty bag”, because according to recent research, this product can turn back the clock, especially since it is often used for internal use (skin and hair will also benefit from this).

Love: “My acquaintance with this product began with a factory-made shampoo, in which it was included. I really liked the way it fluffed up my hair and I used it for about six months until a friend suggested I buy a native product. I ordered it from a friend of the beekeeper and began to add to regular shampoo on one's own. I am just delighted with the results, because the length of my curls has increased by 10 cm in just two months. I advise everyone.

  • Precautionary measures

What is royal jelly

This amazing substance in ancient times was considered the elixir of longevity: honey collectors discovered that the queen bee (or queen) lives much longer than worker bees, eating exclusively royal jelly. And relatively recently, having studied its composition and properties, scientists have come to the conclusion that "royal jelly" (English royal jelly) is really capable of prolonging youth and beauty.

Royal jelly is the secret of the jaw glands of bees, which is a highly concentrated mixture nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They feed the larvae in the first three days of life, and the queen bee - all the time.

Fresh royal jelly is called native, for more long-term storage and further use, it is adsorbed, turning into powder.

The composition of royal jelly

“Royal jelly does not consist of carbohydrates, like honey, but mostly of protein,” says Vladimir Viktorovich Chub, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Faculty of Biology Moscow State University and speaker of the Garnier brand. - In 2016, data was published that it also contains the substance royalactin (English royalactin). If you replace it with another protein, the queen from the larva will not work. And if you feed it to another insect, then it will grow twice as large as its usual size.

Useful properties of royal jelly

The valuable properties of royal jelly have already been proven and widely used. When taken orally (capsules, powder, alcohol solution) it works as a natural biostimulant and is capable of:

    reduce physical fatigue and increase endurance;

    strengthen immunity;

    relieve nervous tension;

    raise vitality and fertility;

    activate metabolism;

    improve the functioning of the heart, liver and digestive organs, strengthen blood vessels;

    restore the functions of the endocrine glands;

    promote healing and regeneration of tissues (including bone);

    fight microbial and bacterial infection;

    stimulate detoxification processes.

The use of royal jelly in cosmetics

In pharmacology and cosmetics, milk processed in a special way is more often used. This cosmetic ingredient:

    stimulates the production of collagen, smoothes wrinkles;

    accelerates cell regeneration;

    moisturizes the skin and increases its turgor;

    has antiseptic and antioxidant action;

    fights inflammation, acne and post-acne;

    soothes, heals;

    strengthens the protective barrier of the epidermis.

Recall that royal jelly on the labels is usually indicated in English - royal jelly. And you can find it in such means as:

Precautionary measures

Cosmetic products with royal jelly are different high efficiency And a wide range applications, but should be used with caution. Like all bee products, milk can cause allergies. And besides, it has a high biological activity.

Refrain from cosmetics with royal jelly if you have:

    allergy to honey;

    acute infectious disease;

    disease of the adrenal cortex;

    increased blood clotting;

    arterial hypertension.

Overview of products with royal jelly in the composition

Intensive regenerating cream for dry skin type Nutrix Royal, Lancôme

In addition to royal jelly, the formula includes vitamin C as an antioxidant and extract hazelnut. These ingredients nourish the skin, restore lipid balance, improve metabolic processes. The Physio Peel complex helps to gently exfoliate dead skin cells.

Revitalizing cream-oil for damaged and split ends Botanic Therapy "Royal Jelly and Propolis", Garnier

Proteins of royal jelly bring back to life weakened as a result of heat styling, frequent clarification or unfavorable weather conditions hair. The tool makes the strands silky, facilitates combing.