Childhood obesity: how to prevent and how to fight? Childhood obesity. How to deal with the disease

This is a chronic metabolic disorder that results in the accumulation of fat mass under the skin in large quantities. We can talk about it when the child’s weight is 15% higher than what is considered normal for his age, and the body mass index is 30 points higher.

According to research, approximately every 15th child suffers from this problem. According to the same information, children living in cities are more susceptible to it than their rural peers. It is important to note that many adults who suffer from obesity developed the disease while they were still young. childhood.

There are 4 degrees of obesity in children:

  • In the first case, the deviation in body weight exceeds the maximum permissible value by 15-24%. It is at this stage that the disease is most often diagnosed.
  • The second degree is assigned when the norm is exceeded by 25-50%. In such a situation, the child already experiences noticeable discomfort and the first health problems against this background.
  • We can talk about the third degree if the weight is more than expected at a particular age and at certain growth by 50-100%. At this stage, a serious and comprehensive approach to treatment is required.
  • The last, fourth degree of the disease makes itself felt when the norm is exceeded by 100% or more. This stage is characterized by severe complications such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.
To clarify the degree of obesity, doctors, in addition to everything else, also take into account the volume of the hips, waist, chest, fat thickness and current height. Thanks to timely and complete diagnosis, signs of obesity in 80% of all cases are detected at degrees I-II.
Obesity in children can be primary, associated with external causes, and secondary, caused by some malfunction of the body and independent of the children themselves.

Causes of obesity in children and adolescents

Overall they are very similar - this unhealthy image life, low physical activity, consumption of high-calorie, fatty foods, addiction to fast foods. The disease can occur due to an increase in the nutritional value of the diet and a sharp increase in the level of consumed simple carbohydrates, which are practically not transformed into energy and are deposited under the skin.

Why is a child obese?

If speak about infant, then the first thing that comes to mind is bad heredity. Scientists have proven that in approximately 30% of cases obesity is transmitted through genes. But often the parents themselves are to blame for this, as they are in a hurry to introduce complementary foods and do it incorrectly - either overfeeding or incorrectly calculating the intervals between meals. Force feeding is especially dangerous when the baby is not hungry, but parents think differently.

Here are some more good reasons:

  1. Low physical activity. This is relevant for children who, for example, do not attend kindergarten or are on homeschooling, they rarely walk outside with their peers. If they exercise, the risk is markedly reduced.
  2. Abuse of sweets. Children have a real sweet tooth, most often they treat themselves to something every day - candy, cookies, ice cream, halva and other goodies. Naturally, all this is very high in calories, and when the nutritional value of the diet is exceeded, subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited.
  3. Incorrect power supply. Not all schools now provide children with a full breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. As a result, they are forced to survive on dry sandwiches, cold food, or even go hungry until they return home. Such long breaks lead to a sharp jump in blood sugar levels and metabolic disorders, which is one of the main factors in the development of obesity.

Causes of obesity in teenagers

Ages 12-16 greatest danger presents a problematic puberty. In girls, the functioning of the ovaries may be disrupted and the level of male hormones may increase, which may lead to the accumulation of fat. It should not be excluded possible problems with the thyroid gland, for example hypothyroidism or hyperinsulinism, which in adolescence occurs quite often, especially in boys.

The following reasons should be considered in more detail:

  • Unhealthy diet. Those who eat a lot of fatty meat, fish, dairy products, are fond of fried and flour products, and love fast food should be careful.
  • Metabolic disease. It can be caused by any organ diseases digestive system- pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, gastritis, biliary dyskinesia. In this case, digestion and absorption of food slows down, which leads to slow accumulation of fat.
  • Inactive lifestyle. Modern children prefer computer games to walks on fresh air. In this case, the calories eaten are slowly consumed, transforming over time into fat.
  • Stress. This reason is relevant because it often leads to increased blood sugar levels and increased hunger. Teenagers often try to eat away unpleasant emotions with sweets. And considering that this is the most difficult age in life, which involves a lot of experiences, over-consumption of tasty foods is a common practice, and how can you avoid storing fats?
Among the secondary factors predisposing to the development of diseases, chronic lack of sleep and the use of psychotropic drugs should be highlighted.

Diagnosis of obesity in children and adolescents

Making a diagnosis is not particularly difficult; difficulties can arise only when determining one or another degree of the disease. You can suspect it if you have a large, slightly protruding belly, a double chin, chubby arms, shoulders and legs. Before the age of about 5 years, this phenomenon is usually considered normal, but if it does not go away, then there is a reason to consult a doctor.

Among the most common symptoms are:

  1. Overweight. The child develops a thick layer of fat, wrinkles appear on the body and even noticeable stretch marks.
  2. Shortness of breath during physical activity. When obesity occurs, children often have difficulty climbing stairs and playing sports, even when walking slowly.
  3. Increased sweating . It can be explained by hypertension and increased blood sugar, which almost always accompany excess weight. As a result, the child sweats a lot both in winter and in summer, this is especially acute during active movements.
  4. Apathy. The patient's performance decreases, the desire to play with other children and play sports disappears, and problems with sleep arise.
  5. Joint diseases. Because of excess weight the load on them increases significantly, which can activate the process of destruction of cartilage, inflammation of the synovial fluid, pain in the knees, elbows and hips.
  6. Puberty disorder. This symptom is typical for adolescents aged 12 to 15 years. It manifests itself in the absence of menstruation or its interrupted cycle, increased body hairiness, if we're talking about about girls, numerous ovarian cysts (polycystic disease), altered hormonal levels.
  7. Inguinal hernia. It does not always develop, but for this a child with overweight There are all the reasons - metabolic disorders, possible constipation, increased load on the intestines.
  8. Frequent bouts of binge eating. In this case, children will indulge in sweets and baked goods, eat larger portions and eat meals a little more often.
Particular attention is paid to the child’s weight, suitability for his current age and height. It must be weighed and measured to determine the volume of the chest, hips, and waist. Until he reaches the age of 17, tables with weight standards are relevant, where it is indicated for both boys and girls.

From 1 month to 3 years, you need to focus on the following numbers:

From 3 years to 10 years, normal weight is:

And this is the normal body weight at the age of 10-17 years:

In addition to the tables, you need to consult a gastroenterologist, geneticist, endocrinologist, nutritionist and pediatric neurologist. Making a diagnosis is impossible without biochemical analysis blood. It is necessary to determine the level of sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, triglycerides, and protein. IN mandatory Liver tests are taken and the body's tolerance to glucose is studied. If we are talking about teenagers, then most often the hormonal background is also examined - the amount of prolactin, estradiol, TSH, cortisol in the blood.

Features of the treatment of obesity in children and adolescents

It must be comprehensive and may include a strict diet limiting simple carbohydrates and fats, physical activity, psychological assistance, medical supplies and folk remedies. The main goal is to restore metabolic processes, reduce appetite, start the process of breaking down adipose tissue. If the cause of the disease is diabetes, then insulin or tablets that lower glucose levels are prescribed.

Children under 12 years old should not be prescribed tablets. First of all, patients are prescribed proper nutrition and calculate caloric intake, which at this age should be approximately 1950 kcal. The eighth diet for obese children is selected.

When treating obesity in children, the following methods are relevant:

  • Nutrition. It is necessary to give up simple carbohydrates or limit their consumption as much as possible - sugar and sugar-based products, potatoes, pasta, noodles. All sugary drinks and store-bought juices, fatty meats and dairy products should be excluded from the menu. It is necessary to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, with the exception of grapes and bananas, which contain too many calories. You need to eat small meals, 5-6 times a day, and you should definitely drink more water.
  • Healing procedures. Regular gymnastics, contrast showers, physiotherapy and reflexology, massage will help. These methods are relevant only for stages 1 and 2 of the disease, when the symptoms are not pronounced.
  • Homeopathic remedies. The most effective drugs are Antimonium Crudum, Hepel, Testis Compositum, Graphites Cosmoplex S. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks, after which a break is taken for several months. Both tablets and drops are taken an hour before meals. They should not be used by children under one year of age.
For teenagers, first of all, just as in the case of children, it is recommended to reconsider their diet. Such children are prescribed diet No. 8, which requires the consumption of cereals, lean fish and the same meat, bread with bran, vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, green tea.

Active physical exercise, exercise therapy complex, evening walks before bed. An excellent option is to sign up for a sports section, preferably a swimming pool. Homeopathic medicines are also necessary. Considering that teenagers often have unstable emotional condition, you can’t do without psychological help. With parental permission, overeating can be coded.

It is not excluded drug treatment, which is most often resorted to only for grade 3 obesity. The doctor may prescribe the drugs Metformin, Orlistat, Sibutramine, Phentermine.

In addition to all this, folk remedies will not be superfluous. A mixture of Alexandria leaf, dried figs and dried apricots is quite good; 50 g of each of these ingredients is taken. All this is crushed and the finished mass is consumed in 1 tsp. for breakfast and dinner daily. This must be done for a month, after which the course must be interrupted for a week.

Another healthy recipe when there is teenage obesity: mix St. John's wort, birch buds and chamomile (25 g each). Pour hot water (400 ml) over the herbs, let them steep for a day and give the child 200 ml before bedtime along with honey (1 tsp).

Prevention of obesity in children and adolescents

Everything should come down to consuming no more than 1500-2500 kcal, depending on the age, weight and lifestyle of the child.

Meals need to be divided, the optimal number of meals per day is 5-6 times, with a break between them for 2-3 hours.

It is also important to drink at least 1 liter of water and not indulge in sweets and fatty foods.

The key to success is increased physical activity; running, swimming, cycling and other sports will help reduce the risk of obesity.

It is very important to monitor hormonal levels, metabolism and mental state child. It is necessary to weigh yourself in a timely manner and monitor your body mass index, focusing on the tables indicated in the article just above.

How to treat obesity in children - watch the video:

Obesity is very serious illness, which requires immediate contact with a specialist and treatment. The sooner it is started, the greater the chances of a successful recovery!

The main cause of childhood obesity is the fact that the child consumes more calories than his body needs to provide food. full development and life activity. As a result, excess calories accumulate in the body in the form of fat deposits.

As a rule, children consume as much food as they need. But today there is enough a large number of factors that disrupt the natural mechanism of metabolism in the body (metabolism) and the child’s appetite.

Obesity and child physical health

The main danger of obesity for physical health child is that excessive body weight with a huge statistical probability will remain for the rest of his life and this problem will be a huge risk of developing diseases of cardio-vascular system etc. At the same time, there is also an immediate danger to the child’s health: according to some experts, children with excessive body weight are more susceptible to pneumonia (pneumonia) than their peers with normal weight. Because they eat a lot of sweets, they are much more likely to develop tooth decay. Fat children are much less physically active than children of normal weight, making it much more difficult to burn calories and worsen their physical condition.

Obesity is a psychological and social risk factor

Social isolation is a particular danger for obese children. Children with excessive body weight often become the object of ridicule and bullying from their peers, which depresses them even more. When such children become teenagers, they are usually very shy, have low self-esteem, and lack self-confidence. But it is in adolescence the need for meaningful communication and relationships is especially important.

“Family” overeating

The habit of overeating in the family, due to which the child loses the sense of the real need for food, is the most common cause of childhood obesity. The family diet may be dominated by “harmful” foods (fatty foods, sugars) or it is simply customary to consume a very large amount of food.

If a child becomes overweight, first of all you need to pay attention to nutrition: how parents and other family members eat (there is a high probability that they also have problems with body weight). To normalize a child’s weight, the whole family must adhere to healthy eating rules.

Eating “through force”

If a child is taught to finish all the food on his plate, regardless of appetite and needs, this can also cause excessive weight gain. That is, by forcing a child to always eat more than he needs, he begins to consume more food in order to please his parents or loved ones.

Comfort food

There are times when a child begins to consume food in response to severe anxiety or worry. In this case, food acts as a sedative rather than a source of necessary energy and nutritional components. As a result, after some time, the child may develop the habit of consuming large amounts of food.

Medical reasons

In some cases, children may develop diseases that lead to obesity. This factor should only be taken into account if the child shows any other signs of health problems, or when diets and other healthy lifestyle recommendations do not help.


All family members must adhere to healthy eating rules.

You should always be guided by the child's appetite and energy needs; never force him to eat “through force” (the child will never go hungry).

Never use food as a form of punishment or reward. This approach in the child's mind can give food an emotional connotation, which can lead to more problems with nutrition.

Help your child lose weight


To establish a child’s diet and regimen, first of all, it is necessary to exclude all “dead” foods (high in calories and low in nutritional components): sugar, sweets and sugary drinks, any confectionery, flour products. Sweets can be replaced with fresh fruit. You also need to make sure that your child drinks instead of sweet drinks (store-bought juices, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.) plain water or freshly squeezed diluted in water fruit juice(no added sugar). As a rule, such simple changes in diet lead to normalization of body weight.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the method of cooking. Note that any fats (butter and vegetable oil, lard, etc.) contain a large amount of calories. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the fat content in dishes as much as possible, and also eliminate fatty foods from the diet. You should also exclude all fried foods from your diet (they can be replaced with baked, grilled foods). It is not recommended to use different seasonings and sauces in dishes.

If restricting the diet does not allow the child to get enough, the diet should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits. This will make it possible to saturate the body and avoid excessive weight gain.

Physical activity

The more physical activity a child has, the more calories he burns, including “extra” fat. The child should be forced to walk, and not ride in a mobile chair, and any physical activity should be encouraged. At an older age, children should engage in some kind of active sport for which they are more inclined. If a child has excessive body weight, he should be selected for a type of physical activity or sport that has the least competitive factor (cycling, swimming, dancing, etc.).

Support from family and friends

For a child to successfully fight excess body weight, he should never feel isolated from others. The rules of healthy eating must be followed by the whole family (this will not harm anyone). It is necessary to introduce into the daily routine physical exercise. The most important thing is that the child should not perceive the diet as a punishment. Children should feel the love and care of loved ones, no matter what - this the best remedy achieving success!

Over the past few years, various medical and public health organizations have become increasingly concerned about the development of a veritable “epidemic” of childhood obesity.

But excess weight in a child not only contributes to the deterioration of health in childhood, but also leads to the development of quite serious problems in many social spheres of life when such children reach adulthood.

According to researchers, the factors that directly influence the appearance of excess weight in a child are varied: genetic predisposition, and consumption of too many calories, but with low nutritional value food, and a minimum level of physical activity.

Consequences of the problem of childhood obesity

Children with excessive overweight often face social and emotional challenges that can have far-reaching consequences on their quality of life.

Bullying. A child who is overweight or obese is often the target of both psychological and physical bullying. A 2004 study published in the journal Pediatrics found that these children are more likely to be the target of rumors, ridicule, nicknames, or physical harm than their normal-weight peers.

Anxiety. Excessive weight can also lead to increased anxiety in children. This statement is supported by a 2010 study published in the French journal Obesity, which states that children who experience ridicule from peers at school or from family members begin to position themselves as isolated from others, which leads to the development of social anxiety or phobias. .

Academic problems. A child’s difficulties with social interaction with peers, combined with low self-esteem, can play a negative role in mastering school material and getting high grades. Academic achievement may take a backseat as a child struggles with growing anxiety, social isolation, or other psychological issues.

“Such students have a much lower chance of entering higher education. educational institution after leaving school,” according to a 2007 study.

Depression. Dissatisfaction with oneself and a decrease in self-esteem often lead to the development of depression in a child, which is a serious mental illness that affects all aspects of a child’s life. Such children are characterized by long-term closed states without showing any emotions, stopping visiting thematic sections and giving up their favorite hobbies, which can contribute to complete social isolation.

Obese children are more likely to have problems with drugs and disorders during adolescence eating behavior, in which depression plays a key role.

Proper nutrition for obesity in children

Breakfast. Perhaps you think that the best solution in this situation, would skip breakfast to reduce the child's total calories!? However, according to authoritative nutritionists, skipping one of the main meals, on the contrary, will contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss. Therefore, give your child a couple of fruits, such as bananas, so that he can enjoy them on the way to school.

Dinner. Good way help your child do right choice healthy food for lunch is to pack it himself at home, instead of buying it himself from the nearest store from school. For example, this could be a sandwich of lean meat and low-fat cheese on whole grain bread, 0% fat cottage cheese or yogurt. For liquid, place a bottle of water in your school bag, which can be sweetened with a little lemon juice.

Afternoon snack. It should not include foods high in fat and calories. The best option would be self-cooking low-fat dairy or .

Dinner. One of the most simple ways make dinner healthier for your child and your entire family by preparing your own food at home using only natural ingredients. Instead of immediately replacing your baby’s usual high-calorie foods with salads or, do it gradually, instilling healthy eating habits in the family. Meat dishes try to cook with minced chicken or beef using a grill, add more spices to it, for example, parsley, pepper, garlic.

Snacks. As paradoxical as it sounds, using snacks between main meals will help your appetite, but only if he chooses to do so. healthy foods. Make sure the meals are nutritious and low in sugar and fat. For example, baked whole-grain crackers are a good alternative to chips, and a fresh vegetable salad based on... natural yogurt will fill him up well until his next meal.

Exercise program for adolescents with obesity problems

Reducing your daily calorie intake is not the only way help your child lose excess weight. It is equally important to interest and accustom him to regular physical training.

Parents should choose exercises that are appropriate to the child's current skill level. This will gradually lead him to more difficult and intense loads. Exercise for 30 to 60 minutes every day of the week if possible.


Start with a combination of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercises (jumping, walking in place, walking sideways to the right and left), static and dynamic stretches (alternate leg lunges, shoulder rolls back) and strength movements (shoulder raises, squats, push-ups) . This stage is very important for obese children to properly warm up the muscles, which will help prevent injury and increase muscle strength and flexibility. Warm-up should last from 5 to 10 minutes.

Aerobic exercise

The three main elements of fitness include endurance, strength and flexibility. Endurance develops in children who regularly participate in aerobic activity. For example, this could be walking, running or cycling, each of which can be done both in your own home (if available) and in the fresh air.

One more good option children's activity is dancing. Always start slowly and gradually increase the pace. In fact, it's a way to show your child that exercise can be fun too. Go to the park to roller skate or go to the skating rink. Create walking routes that go through hilly areas, which will help build your endurance.

Jumping forces the muscles of the whole body to work and burns a large number of calories in a short period of time. Of course, due to excess body weight, the child may have difficulty with the duration of the jumps. Don’t worry, start jumping even for 5 seconds, but gradually increase the duration of the approach.

Strength exercises

This type of training is carried out on a day free from aerobic exercise (previous point). Strength exercises help increase muscle mass. The thing is that a muscle cell burns several times more calories than fat, so this will allow the child to quickly adjust his weight.

Before starting any strength training exercise, children must learn correct technique its implementation. Try the following loading variations: push-ups, leg lunges, crunches, dumbbell curls, quad crawls, and lateral raises. Each exercise consists of 10 – 15 repetitions.

Flexibility exercises

No less important, in addition to aerobic and strength training are exercises that develop flexibility. Stretching movements of the body help improve a child's mobility by forcing muscles and joints to move through their full range. Performed at the end of each lesson.

Pull your feet with your fingertips, pull your shoulders back, bend over different sides- These are simple exercises that your child can do to increase body flexibility. But remember that the stretching itself should not reach the point of discomfort. Each stretch should be held for 10 to 30 seconds.

Warning: Before starting any treatment for an overweight child, his parents should consult a pediatrician.

Talking to children about excess weight can be a sensitive topic for them, regardless of age. So it can be tempting to avoid this conversation, even if you are genuinely concerned about your baby's physical and emotional health.

Although this topic may be uncomfortable for you, the sooner you decide to discuss it, the sooner you can help your child take steps to correct the situation. Ignoring the problem will not solve it on its own; as a result, your child will get older, and it will become much more difficult to achieve a positive result later, although it is possible.

Also keep in mind that untreated obese children are more likely to be overweight as adults, making them more vulnerable to terrible diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart attack.

1. Become your child's ally.

Always try to be honest with your children about their weight if they ask you to do so. If your child is concerned about their weight, tell them you want to help and you will work together to achieve results.

Then propose and discuss with him some options for your future joint actions. For example, master the secrets of cooking to learn more about healthy ways cooking your favorite dishes. Walk around grocery stores together and choose a new fruit (such as ) or vegetable to use in the recipe.

Buy pedometers for everyone in your family and set a goal for everyone to walk a certain number of steps per day. Involving your child in the decision-making process about their situation helps them take responsibility for their health and build self-confidence.

2. Be good example for imitation.

When it comes to children and obesity, what you do is always more important than what you say. Parents are the first role models for children! This is confirmed by a study in which 70% of children answered that the most important factor for them is the actions of their parents.

Children build their attitude towards food based on the principle of their own parents, therefore, if they like to eat in restaurants fast food unhealthy food, then the child will develop with the same habits, which will later be very difficult to eradicate.

3. Start with installation healthy habits right now.

Remember – it’s never too late to join the canons of healthy eating! You may not have always lived the right lifestyle in the past, but today is a fresh start. Improving your own life will help inspire your child to do the same.

Make all the fundamental changes in a few small steps. Gradually clear your home of all unwanted food items. Look in your refrigerator and remove anything high in saturated fat and sugar. Don't allow yourself to buy unhealthy food. Stock up on options such as low-fat yogurt, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, crackers (whole grain), low-fat cottage cheese, and peanut butter.

4. Don't make critical comments about your child's weight.

Criticizing children about their weight is one of the worst things adults can do!

5. Talk to your children about issues that may affect their weight.

Excess weight can be a symptom of a deeper problem in the child, so parents need to be sure to know how your child behaves at school and in society. The same loneliness for many children is the root cause of weight gain.

Therefore, parents need to interest and encourage their baby to participate in various activities. Attending a school disco or volunteering will help him become more active and meet many people who share his interests.

A child may also overeat in response to unresolved issues in their family, such as parental discord or financial problems.

6. Don't force your children to give up their favorite foods completely.

Creating a healthy approach to eating is a much more effective solution than restricting food. But this does not mean that your child can never enjoy cake on his birthday or other holiday.

It is better to teach him to enjoy his favorite treats, and not eat them instantly. Talk about how even sweets can be part of proper diet, if they are consumed in reasonable quantities.

7. Try to eat together as a family.

There is evidence that in families where adults share meals with children, the problem of childhood obesity is virtually non-existent. This is due to the fact that at a common table the child absorbs food more measuredly, which makes him feel full earlier and stop eating.

8. Don't force children to follow a strict training plan.

Parents who encourage physical activity in the family as a natural part of life and do not make it a chore have children who cope with the problem of obesity faster. Instead of forcing your child, consider taking a cross-country walk together.

9. Make sure your child gets enough sleep.

More and more researchers have now come to the conclusion that lack of sleep is closely linked to the problem of weight gain and other medical diseases. So always make sure your baby gets enough sleep every night.

Of course, individual needs vary, but general guidelines look like this:

  • Ages 1 – 3 years: 13 to 14 hours of sleep
  • 3 – 5 years: from 11 to 12 hours
  • 5 – 12 years: from 9 to 10 hours
  • 12 – 18 years: at least 8.5 hours per day

To help your child receive required quantity night's rest, ask him to turn off the computer, cell phone or TV at least two hours before bed. Artificial light from electrical appliances stimulates the brain and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Also, remember that the more time your child spends watching TV or on the computer, the less time he will spend interacting positively with his family or doing activities. physical activity.

10. Let your child know that you love him in any way.

Remember that you will achieve your long-term goals faster if your child feels how much you love him.

For several decades now, scientists have observed an increase in the number of children who are overweight. Doctors and nutritionists pay particular attention to this serious problem, since obesity leads to serious consequences. And in almost all cases, this is a struggle with excess weight throughout adult life.

Obesity is a chronic disease that is caused by metabolic imbalance and is accompanied by the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

Adipose tissue in the human body is not always formed intensively. The first build-up occurs from the day the baby is born until 9 months. Up to 5 years, fat growth stabilizes. The next growth period is 5-7 years. The final stage is at the age of puberty of the body and its complete restructuring - from 12 to 17 years.

Therefore, doctors distinguish three critical period diseases:

  1. up to 3 years – early childhood;
  2. 5-7 years – junior school age;
  3. 12-17 years – adolescence.


There is no single and generally accepted taxonomy of this disease. Doctors use several types of classifications. According to one of them, obesity is classified as follows.

  • Primary

- idiopathic, exogenous-constitutional - associated with hereditary predisposition;
— nutritional – associated with poor nutrition.

  • Secondary (symptomatic)

- associated with a gene defect;
- cerebral;
- endocrine;
- medicinal.

  • Mixed

Includes elements from the first and second groups.

Based on excess body weight relative to normal weight, three degrees of obesity can be distinguished:

  • 1st degree – excess weight above normal levels by 10-29%;
  • 2 degrees – excess weight above normal levels by 30-49%;
  • Grade 3 – excess weight above normal by more than 50%.

Causes of obesity at an early age

Only an endocrinologist can correctly identify the causes of the disease. There are two main factors that influence the development of pathology in children:

  1. Nutritional (problems are caused by unbalanced nutrition and low mobility).
  2. Endocrine (problems caused by impaired activity endocrine system).

The prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is due to metabolic disorders and low activity. Energy imbalance is associated with uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods and excessively low energy expenditure.

Without realizing all the harm, children eat unlimited amounts of baked goods, sweets, and fast food, washed down with carbonated drinks.

It is important! Physical inactivity is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of children suffering from excess weight. Modern children prefer sitting in front of the computer, TV and gadgets to playing outdoor games.

“Family syndrome” as a cause of the disease is no less common. Obesity in both parents gives an 80% guarantee that the same disease will appear in the child.

There is a high likelihood of developing obesity in newborn babies weighing over 4 kg, as well as in babies who quickly gain weight in the first two years of life. Early introduction of complementary foods (before 6 months) and cessation of breastfeeding are also possible reasons diseases.

There are a number of reasons for excessive weight gain in children associated with developmental pathologies:

  • congenital hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones);
  • pathology of the adrenal glands (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome);
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain, traumatic brain injuries, tumors that lead to disruption of the pituitary gland;
  • adipose-genital dystrophy.

Psycho-emotional reasons often contribute to metabolic disorders. This could be a constant hostile atmosphere at school, severe stress caused by the loss of loved ones, or the shock of the child witnessing a crime.

Possible consequences and complications

Obesity in childhood always provokes the frequent development of multiple concomitant diseases. This increases the risk of disability and premature death.

What does obesity lead to in childhood and adolescence?

  • to diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, stroke, angina, cardiac ischemia);
  • to diseases gastrointestinal tract(inflammation of the pancreas, duodenum, gastritis, liver failure, hemorrhoids, constipation);
  • to diseases of the endocrine system (disorders of the pancreas, adrenal glands and thyroid gland);
  • to diseases of the musculoskeletal system (deformation of bones and joints, the appearance of flat feet, varicose veins on the legs);
  • To mental illness(night apnea syndrome, sleep disorders, psychosocial disorders);
  • to a decrease in male reproductive function and female infertility in the future.


Only doctors can determine obesity in a child, but parents should be the first to notice warning signs diseases. To do this, it is important to observe the child’s lifestyle, his mobility and physical activity, and changes in his figure.

Symptoms of obesity in an infant:

  • overweight;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • constipation

Symptoms of obesity in a young child school age(5-7 years):

  • overweight;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath when walking and exercising;
  • deformation of the figure in the abdomen, hips, arms and shoulders (accumulation of adipose tissue);
  • frequent increase in blood pressure.

Symptoms of obesity in adolescents 12-17 years old:

  • more pronounced, all of the above, symptoms;
  • fatigue;
  • in girls - menstrual irregularities;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent swelling of the arms and legs, aching pain in the joints;
  • depressive states.

How to diagnose the disease?

The reason to consult a doctor will be the observations of attentive parents who can detect the first alarming symptoms obesity in a child. The doctor begins the diagnosis by collecting information about the child (feeding methods up to one year, current nutritional habits, lifestyle, level of physical fitness, chronic diseases).

The next step in objective diagnosis is the collection of anthropometric data: waist circumference, hip circumference, body weight. Based on these indicators, the doctor calculates the child’s body mass index (BMI) and compares it using special centile tables developed by WHO.

Shall we count? BMI makes it easy to determine the degree of complexity of the disease and is calculated using the following formula: BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m²).

Based on the obtained index value, the degree of obesity can be determined. The following table will help with this.

To determine the causes of the disease, the pediatrician may prescribe the following tests:

  • Blood chemistry. It allows you to determine the amount of glucose in the blood, cholesterol, and uric acid. The level of ALT and AST proteins (transaminases in the blood) will determine the condition of the liver.
  • Hormone level analysis different types in blood and urine. Prescribed if the doctor suspects the development of obesity on a hormonal background. The level of insulin, cortisol, TSH, estradiol and other hormones is determined.

To clarify the diagnosis, they may also refer you for additional examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • CT, MRI and EEG of the brain (if pathology of the pituitary gland is suspected).


Having determined the cause of obesity, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment, which necessarily includes the following:

  1. Nutrition correction and individual diet.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Drug therapy.
  4. Surgical treatment (if necessary).

Nutrition correction

A pediatric nutritionist will help you adjust your diet correctly. Its goal will be to slow down the process of formation of subcutaneous fat and stimulate the removal of already accumulated reserves. The diet for an obese child should be as varied and balanced as possible. You also need to remember that diets are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

Nutrition for obese children involves split meals 6-7 times a day in small portions. It is better to take breaks between meals no longer than 3 hours. Basic high-calorie meals make up the diet in the first half of the day, during the period of greatest activity. For breakfast and lunch, meat and fish dishes must be prepared from low-fat varieties.

Among dairy products, fermented milk with a low fat content is preferable. Every day, calcium is included in the diet in the form of cottage cheese.

Since carbohydrates are the main source of body fat, it is recommended to exclude white bread, sugar, juices, carbonated drinks, pasta, jam and sweets.

Important! When preparing food, it is necessary to minimize the process of frying in oil. Products can be boiled, steamed, stewed and eaten fresh.

Effective dietary food was developed by the Soviet nutritionist M. Pevzner. In order to treat obesity in children and adolescents, he created diet number 8, which is still successfully practiced by doctors today. The diet has been developed in several menu options, alternating which will completely balance the body’s intake of essential substances.

Table number 8 consists of the following basic products:

  • bread with bran or wholemeal – 100-170 g per day;
  • low-fat fermented milk products – 180-200 g per day;
  • lean meat, poultry, lean fish – 150-180 g per day;
  • soups with a small amount of potatoes - up to 220 g serving;
  • from cereals only millet, buckwheat and barley - up to 200 g of porridge per day;
  • all vegetables in unlimited quantities different ways preparations;
  • fruits, preferably unsweetened – up to 400 g per day.
  • tea, uzvar and juices without sugar.

Here is one of the menu options for diet No. 8, designed to help a child with obesity:

  • 1st breakfast – 8.00

Prepared with water, tea without sugar, apple.

  • 2nd breakfast – 11.00

Apple and fresh cabbage salad, boiled egg, rosehip infusion.

  • Lunch – 13.00

Vegetable soup or cabbage soup, stewed cabbage with boiled meat or fish, dried fruit compote.

  • Afternoon snack – 16.00

Cottage cheese with kefir.

  • Dinner – 19.00

Boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil. Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir.

All recipes for preparing dishes for obese children take into account almost complete absence salt, sweet and butter, so children find it too strict, bland and tasteless.

To improve the child’s psychological mood when eating, parents are advised to use all their imagination and creatively transform the served dishes. These can be cartoon figures, patterns and other details from the products. Bright and juicy vegetables will always come to the rescue.


Mandatory part complex treatment Obesity in childhood is caused by physical activity. The attending physician will prescribe the necessary exercise therapy complex, which will promote weight loss.

In addition, recommendations for obese children include sports clubs, walking in any weather in the fresh air, swimming, cycling, and massage. Sports should be regular. Resourceful parents even come up with punishments in the form of exercises (10 push-ups, 30 squats, etc.) so that the load is daily.

Interesting! Drawing with chalk on asphalt is a simple, but very useful activity. After all, when drawing, a child squats and moves on his haunches.

Drug therapy

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe drug treatment only for 3rd degree obesity. This is due to the fact that all drugs that suppress appetite and reduce weight are contraindicated in children under 15 years of age.

Modern methods of treating obesity in children are based on non-drug therapy. Often, homeopathic medicines that are less dangerous for the child’s body are included in the treatment complex.


There are particularly severe cases of the disease when there is a need surgical intervention(extreme obesity or life-threatening conditions caused by its complications). Then doctors can use surgery.

Treatment of obesity with the help of surgery (bariatrics) is still being improved, but doctors are already practicing more than 40 types of bariatric surgeries that help eliminate the consequences of obesity in children.

Obesity prevention

The problem of obesity in children can make itself felt even during pregnancy, so experts recommend starting prevention even before birth. The expectant mother should take care of the full balanced diet and remember the dangers of overeating.

Basic preventive measures, designed to prevent obesity in children and adolescents, boils down to the following steps.

  • Proper diet

It includes a balanced diet, adherence to an hourly diet and the exclusion of harmful foods and drinks from the menu.

  • Active lifestyle

Provides for maintaining healthy image life, physical education, sports and outdoor games, limiting sitting in front of a computer or TV.

  • Psycho-emotional background

When a child is obese, the psychological situation among his loved ones is very important. An overweight teenager may often become depressed, which will only worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, all possible support and positive attitude of parents is important. Not just advice on what to do and how, but motivation through personal examples.

Childhood obesity is a very serious problem. This is a disease that will definitely make itself felt in a young and mature age. Parents must be very attentive to the child and must teach him to behave the right image life. Well, this will be the key to his safety and good health.