Urinalysis relative density. Casts in the urine are possible causes. What is the density of urine

Determines the condition of the urinary system, identifies disturbances in the functioning of other internal organs. The key indicator is the specific gravity of urine or its relative density.

A deviation from the norm to a greater or lesser extent indicates a violation of the functional abilities of the organ. Based on the results of the study, doctors judge how well the kidneys filter and remove urine.

Regardless of the amount of fluid you drink, all metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys. If an insufficient amount of water enters the body, the specific gravity of urine increases, and urine is oversaturated with minerals. The doctor diagnoses hypersthenuria. If a person drinks too much liquid, hyposthenuria occurs. The liquid contains a small amount of dry residue, the density decreases.

If the fluid concentration is normal, the kidneys work without failure. It is easy to determine why the relative density of urine changes if you know.

The process of urine appearance

Glomerular capillaries are involved in the process of fluid formation; blood is filtered through them. Large cells should not penetrate into the capsule glomeruli:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • glycogens.

This liquid is similar in composition to blood plasma.

The fluid follows the nephron tubule and enters the renal tubules. At this stage, beneficial substances are absorbed back into the blood. Secondary urine remains; it contains breakdown products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is eliminated from the body during urination.

The dry residue consists of the following components:

  • urea;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates;
  • ammonia ions;

Substances are harmful to the body and must be eliminated.

Normal specific gravity of urine

If the specific gravity of urine is normal, this indicates that the kidneys are successfully coping with the dilution function. This indicator is affected by air temperature environment, individual characteristics and the needs of the body.

Depending on these factors, the amount of metabolic products in secondary urine changes. The indicator changes many times during the day: after each meal and liquid.

The indicator is affected by increased sweating in hot weather, after sports or during illness. Liquid is also released in the form of sweat with each exhalation.

The relative density of urine normally ranges from 1.015 to 1.025. The morning fluid level remains at 1.02, what does this mean? The increased relative density of urine increases in the morning due to the lack of fluid intake and its retention in the body (lack of urination, slow sweating and breathing).

Towards evening, the weight of the dry residue decreases. The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, since morning urine best characterizes the functionality of the kidneys, regardless of external factors.

In children, the norm is different. U infant the value should not be less than 1.010. The indicator is compared with an adult over 12 years of age.

How is the analysis carried out?

To determine the specific gravity of urine, a special device is used - a urometer. The laboratory technician takes a certain amount of material and pours it into the cylinder along the walls so that it does not foam. The device is placed in special liquid, the diameter of the urometer is larger than the diameter of the cylinder. Density is determined using the instrument scale.

If the patient cannot independently provide material for analysis of the specific gravity of urine, this happens in some diseases, the collection is carried out with a catheter. To carry out the study, a few drops of liquid are needed. It is easy to dilute it in distilled water and calculate the specific gravity using the modified formula.

This is what a Urometer looks like for determining the specific gravity of urine

If you couldn't take required amount urine, then it is examined as follows:

  • a drop of liquid is added to a mixture of chloroform and benzene and placed in a cylinder;
  • if a drop floats to the surface, the relative density is reduced, and if it falls to the bottom, it is increased.

To bring a drop of urine to the center of the cylinder, the proportions of the substances are changed. The specific gravity of the urine will be equal to the specific gravity of the solution.

Increased specific gravity of urine

When pathological processes appear in the body, the density of the liquid changes. Causes of hypersthenuria:

  • endocrine disorder;
  • renal failure;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Any of the factors listed above leads to the problem; the disease entails a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body.

Regardless of gender, the specific gravity of urine is increased for the following reasons:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • taking some medicines(antibiotics);
  • pregnancy period;
  • mechanical damage to the abdominal organs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • for diseases that provoke large loss of fluid.

If hypersthenuria has been determined in a child, this is due to poor nutrition, birth defects, acquired diseases. Often infants suffer infectious diseases due to weak, not yet formed immune system. Diarrhea and vomiting increase the amount of dry matter.

It is also necessary to determine the functionality of the kidneys when diabetes mellitus. During the disease, the amount of protein in urine and the weight of the dry residue increase.

In addition to quantitative indicators, the laboratory assistant also analyzes the qualitative indicators of the liquid. When making a diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints. Low density is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • deterioration general condition body, drowsiness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • dark color urine;
  • small volume of fluid released;
  • swelling.

Increased density of urine appears for physiological and pathological reasons. In the first case we're talking about about insufficient water intake into the body. The situation does not require drug treatment, it’s easy to lower the rate by changing your diet.

In the second case, high specific gravity is the cause of diseases of the endocrine or urinary system, which requires therapeutic treatment to avoid complications.

Reduced specific gravity of urine

Low specific gravity of urine appears after illness. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended during and after gastrointestinal diseases. Do not worry if the indicator decreases in hot weather or after taking diuretics or laxatives.

Diseases leading to a decrease in the specific gravity of urine:

  • pathologies of the urinary system of an acute and chronic nature;
  • starvation, lack nutrients;
  • diabetes insipidus in patients suffering from diseases of the nervous system;

  • diabetes insipidus during pregnancy;
  • diabetes insipidus of nephrogenic origin;
  • diabetes insipidus of a neurogenic nature, leading to dehydration;
  • interstitial type nephritis;
  • tubular lesions;
  • involuntary polydipsia;
  • alcohol abuse.

During diabetes insipidus, the body is able to secrete 10 times more urine, so the specific gravity is lower than normal. A decrease in the indicator occurs due to improper functioning of the hypothalamus, disruption of the release of peptide hormone, as well as vasopressin. The latter is responsible for maintaining fluid in the body.

If the patient has a large amount of hormones, this leads to increased absorption of water in the body, the concentration of urine will decrease.

If the specific gravity of urine is low, the kidneys cannot filter out harmful substances, which leads to slagging and poisoning of the body.

Relative density of urine is an indicator that carries the maximum amount of information about the state of the human urinary system. Doctors determine the condition of the kidneys and bladder using several parameters. Low specific gravity of urine, the patient needs to review the diet and undergo additional tests.

Urine tests for specific gravity should be carried out twice a year: in winter and summer time when the body is exposed to viruses and bacteria.

The patient is required to undergo preventive examinations every year, the condition of the internal organs must be monitored. The health of the bladder, kidneys and tubules requires attention from the patient and the attending physician.

The patient must introduce a rule into his life: drink clean water in the amount of 2 liters per day. Consuming water evenly room temperature will help bring your kidneys back to normal. The amount of caffeine should be reduced, drink 1 cup of coffee every 3 days.

Specific gravity is one of physical indicators, appearing in the result. The reasons for its deviation from the norm may be dietary features. However, sometimes an increase or decrease in urine density requires special samples to identify the presence of pathology.

Specific gravity of urine - what is it?

The fluid removed from the body is secondary urine. Unlike primary plasma (similar in composition to blood plasma), it does not contain useful substances. It consists only of excess fluid and waste products (urea, acids, urobilin and salts - chlorides, sulfates and phosphates).

Healthy kidneys must cope with the task of removing metabolic products when both small and significant amounts of fluid enter the body. In the first case, the urine should become denser, and in the second, diluted.

The specific gravity (density) of urine is a value that characterizes the ability of the kidneys to ensure a constant mass of excreted metabolic waste for any volume of secondary urine.

Norms for adults and children

The total volume of fluid involved in metabolic processes, is not a constant value. Factors such as:

  • air temperature;
  • drinking regime;
  • current time of day;
  • the presence of salty or spicy foods on the menu;
  • the amount of fluid released by sweating and breathing.

However, normally in an adult, variations should fall within the range of 1.014-1.025 g/liter (normostenuria).

During pregnancy, the range of daily values ​​can be wider - 1.003-1.035. The reasons for this are partly toxicosis, nausea and vomiting, which causes dehydration.

If there is a deviation of the indicator (in the analysis form –), the following is distinguished:

  • – SG fluctuations within limited limits – 1.010-1.012;
  • hyposthenuria– decrease in SG less than 1.010 (1.008);
  • hypersthenuria– increase in SG to 1.025 (1.030) and higher.

An increase in density can also be initiated by factors such as:

  • presence of sugar in the blood– 1% per 0.004 g/liter;
  • presence of protein in urine– 3g/liter of protein corresponds to an increase in SG by 0.001.

Normal specific gravity values ​​for children can be summarized in the table:

IN general case Exceeding the norm for children is a specific gravity value of 1.020 g/liter.

Reasons for the increase in specific gravity

All existing reasons If the urine density indicator goes beyond the normal range, it can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first factors independent of gender and age include:

  • a feature of the drinking regime, expressed in insufficient fluid consumption during the day:
  • taking in significant doses of drugs that are actively excreted in urine: (or rather, certain groups of diuretics that help increase the excretion of urea and other substances along with urine), as well as antibiotics;
  • dehydration caused by frequent vomiting or diarrhea, as well as profuse sweating in hot weather or during intense physical exercise;
  • burns of large areas of the body and injuries to the abdominal area - naturally, both of these conditions require therapy, but the mechanism for the appearance of hypersthenuria here is generally natural.

Among the diseases that can cause changes in the laboratory indicator SG are:

  • heart failure, with accompanying edematous manifestations;
  • diabetes mellitus, accompanied by a high concentration of sugar in urine;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys or lower urinary system;
  • or, on the contrary, start;
  • (hypersthenuria is combined with oliguria - a decrease in the amount of urine);
  • diseases accompanied by ().
  • endocrine pathologies.

Hypersthenuria in pregnant women

Laboratory indicators in women during pregnancy can differ significantly from the norm, both due to physiological and reasons requiring treatment. An increase in specific density may appear due to such phenomena as:

  • toxicosis and accompanying dehydration, as well as disturbance of water-salt balance;
  • gestosis (preeclampsia) - an increase in the specific gravity of urine occurs in conditions of extensive edema, a small volume of urine excreted and the presence of large quantity squirrel.

Hypersthenuria in children

Impressive figures characterizing this indicator can occur in children, both against the background common reasons, and have specific prerequisites:

  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the urinary organs;
  • frequent poisoning and gastrointestinal infections leading to diarrhea and vomiting.
  • in infants, an increase in the specific gravity of urine may be associated with the characteristics of the mother’s diet - an excess of animal proteins in it, fatty foods, offal.

Reasons for the decrease in specific gravity

A change in the indicator should not cause concern if the decrease occurred under the following conditions:

  • abundant fluid intake into the body;
  • taking short-term groups of diuretics (although this may require consulting a doctor);
  • a diet lacking variety and characterized by insufficient protein intake. This also includes prolonged fasting and dystrophic conditions.

In the presence of pathological process urine becomes less dense in the absence of excessive (but not pathological) drinking regimen.

This can happen under the following conditions:

  • involuntary polydipsia - excessive fluid consumption not caused by physiological needs. The disorder often accompanies mental disorders or diabetes insipidus;
  • central or renal diabetes insipidus;
  • diseases of the central nervous system – encephalitis, meningitis;
  • chronic renal failure;

In turn, provoke the development of diabetes insipidus various types can:

  • hereditary pathological preconditions;
  • head injuries and surgical interventions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms in brain tissue, accompanied by metastases;
  • , including .

Features in pregnant women and children

In newborns, the specific gravity of urine often does not exceed 1.015-1.017. This value is considered normal during the first month of a child’s life.

Women during pregnancy may experience transient diabetes insipidus syndrome. It either does not require treatment at all, or allows symptomatic therapy similar to the central syndrome. If it is of a nervous nature, consultation with a psychiatrist may be required.

Diagnostic methods

It is not possible to accurately determine specific gravity due to the fact that the concentration of substances dissolved in urine can vary significantly during the day. He is not able to differentiate the cause of the violation that has arisen. The poet applies the following types functional studies:

  • - a type of diagnosis during which the ability of the kidneys to excrete fluid, as well as concentrate and dilute urine, is determined. It is carried out without changing the drinking regime and consists of collecting 8 portions of urine per knock (after 3 hours). For each portion, the volume of urine and its specific gravity are measured. The result of the analysis will be the scatter of density figures per day and the difference between daytime and nighttime diuresis. Further tests are prescribed only if the result of the Zimnitsky test is questionable or if obvious deviations are detected;
  • concentration test (with dry eating)– carried out with the elimination of liquid foods and drinks from the patient’s diet. Collect several daily portions of urine from 9 to 21 pm and one at night. The test is not always advisable and has contraindications;
  • dilution test– This tests the ability of the kidneys to dilute urine in case of excess fluid intake. To do this, the person being examined needs to drink a certain amount of water, calculated based on his body weight. There are groups of patients in whom the study is carried out with caution or is completely contraindicated.

The specific gravity of urine is an indicator to which a common person rarely shows increased interest. However, it can also be a source of information necessary for the doctor when assessing kidney function, and sometimes when diagnosing kidney failure. renal pathologies.

Diagnosis of each disease begins with laboratory tests. One of the most informative indicators of the study is the relative density of urine. When the specific gravity of urine is significantly lower than normal, doctors insist on further diagnosis using modern methods examinations. The reasons for this condition must be established, because many of them threaten human health and even life.

What is low urine specific gravity

Relative density is a parameter by which the functional activity of the kidneys is assessed by the concentration and dilution of urine. The amount of fluid circulating throughout the body is variable. Its volumes decrease and increase depending on many factors:

  • ambient temperature;
  • amount of liquid in the diet;
  • time of day;
  • eating salty or spice-rich foods;
  • with profuse sweating when playing sports.

Normally functioning kidneys cope with the function of filtration and excretion, regardless of the volume of fluid - metabolic products should not accumulate in the human blood. If there is a small amount of water in the body, then the secondary urine turns out to be concentrated, compacted, and of a rich dark color. In medicine, this condition is called hypersthenuria, or increased relative density of urine.

As the amount of fluid in the body increases, additional stress is placed on the kidneys. The first priority is to filter the blood from accumulated harmful products breakdown of substances:

  • Urea and its chemical compounds.
  • Chlorides, sulfates, ammonia.
  • Creatinine.

In the next stage of urination, the kidneys remove a large volume of water from the body to reduce the load on the body. cardiovascular system And internal organs. The resulting urine is almost colorless, because the concentration of dry residue in it is extremely low. This condition is called hyposthenuria, or reduced relative density of urine.

If hyposthenuria is caused natural causes(drinking fluids in hot weather), then there is no cause for concern. But there are diseases in which low specific gravity of urine is regularly detected according to the results of the study.

You can read more about the specific gravity of urine.

Using a urometer, the specific gravity of urine is determined

Why does the specific gravity of urine decrease?

Primary urine is formed during the process of blood filtration by single-layer capillary cells under a pressure of 70 mmHg. Art. In the renal tubules, the reabsorption of useful substances from primary urine occurs back into the blood flowing through the capillaries. The reabsorption process occurs due to the functional activity of renal tubular epithelial cells. In just one day, about two liters of secondary urine are formed from 150 liters of primary urine.

The main reason for the decrease in the relative density of urine is a violation of the production of vasopressin, a peptide hormone of the hypothalamus. For example, with some types of diabetes insipidus, the daily volume of urine excreted by a person reaches 20 liters when the norm is 1.5 liters. This happens due to practically complete absence vasopressin in the body.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) accumulates in the pituitary gland and then enters the bloodstream. Its main functions:

  • narrowing of the lumens of veins and arteries;
  • preservation of fluid in the human body.

Antidiuretic hormone increases fluid reabsorption, increases urine concentration, and reduces its volume. By regulating the amount of water in the human body, vasopressin increases the permeability of fluid in the kidney tubules.

The content of solids in urine is not a constant value and is directly dependent on the composition of the blood plasma. This process is regulated by nervous and humoral mechanisms. With an increase in salt content, the production of vasopressin increases, which enters the kidneys with the blood and increases the reabsorption of fluid from primary urine. The concentration of secondary urine increases, along with it all harmful substances are removed from the body, and only a small amount of liquid.

If the blood contains a large amount of fluid, the concentration of antidiuretic hormone decreases, as does reabsorption. Secondary urine consists of a small amount of solids dissolved in a large volume of water.

How is low urine specific gravity determined?

The fact that a person has a reduced relative density of urine is often revealed when diagnosing diseases that are in no way related to the urinary system. Determination of specific gravity occurs as a result of carrying out general analysis urine, along with the content of leukocytes and products of protein metabolism. But it is difficult to overestimate the information content of the indicator - with its help, doctors detect severe pathologies that require urgent treatment.

As a rule, low specific gravity of urine is determined when performing functional tests:

  • Volhart's test.

Carrying out such measurements helps to obtain more accurate results of relative density and even approximately determine the cause of hyposthenuria. For example, if the indicator decreases to 0.01, we can talk about isosthenuria, which occurs when the kidney shrinks. Isosthenuria is diagnosed in a person whose kidneys have completely lost the ability to concentrate and remove urine from the body.

The main tool when conducting functional tests is a urometer.

The research is carried out in several stages:

  1. The urine sample is placed in a cylinder. If a small amount of foam appears, get rid of it using filter paper.
  2. With a little effort, the urometer is immersed in urine. The device should not come into contact with the walls of the cylinder - this will distort the research results.
  3. After the urometer oscillations disappear, the relative density along the border of the lower meniscus is measured.

To get more exact result It is important to take into account the ambient temperature, using an average of 15°C as a basis.

By the way, today you can successfully measure the specific gravity of urine at home using multi-indicator test strips. If a person has diabetes insipidus, frequent determination of urine density is required to monitor the progress of therapy. Test strips make the patient’s life much easier, because his health condition does not always allow him to leave the house.

Causes of decreased relative density of urine

The specific gravity of urine is reduced when the density level drops to 1.01. This condition signals a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. The ability to filter out harmful substances is significantly reduced, which can lead to slagging in the body and the occurrence of numerous complications.
But such an indicator is sometimes taken as the norm. For example, in pregnant women, hyposthenuria often develops due to toxicosis. In this condition, women sometimes experience disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, which cause fluid retention in the body. Expectant mothers suffer from urinary disorders - urine is released frequently, but in small portions.

A decrease in the relative density of urine in pregnant women also occurs for the following reasons:

  • Kidney disorders. When carrying a child, many factors arise that reduce the ability of the kidney to actively function. This is a growing uterus, squeezing the pelvic organs. The circulatory system also expands, which increases the load on the kidneys.
  • Change hormonal levels. Increased production of female sex hormones causes a certain imbalance of other biologically active substances.

Immediately after the baby is born, the first urine sample is taken to assess kidney function and general health. As a rule, the specific gravity of a newborn’s urine does not exceed 1.015-1.017. Such indicators persist during the first month of life, and then begin to increase with changes in diet. Hyposthenuria in infants is considered normal and does not require medical intervention.

Read more about reducing the specific gravity of urine in children.

Hyposthenuria is observed in healthy people who consumed significant amounts of liquid or foods with a diuretic effect (watermelon, melon). Adherents of a monotonous diet are diagnosed with a decrease in urine density - a lack of protein products in the diet occurs. Use of diuretics in treatment various diseases also leads to hyposthenuria, but this condition is usually corrected by changing diuretics or reducing their dosage. The concentration of solids in secondary urine decreases with the resolution of edema or increased sweat production due to colds.

It is extremely important to distinguish between physiological and pathological causes decrease in specific gravity of urine. Kidney pathologies lead to impaired filtration of chemical compounds, so a decrease in the density of urine develops not because of the large volume of fluid consumed, but as a result of diseases of the urinary system.

If, during functional tests, a monotonous relative density of urine is recorded during the day, the doctor will definitely prescribe further studies.

Diseases in which the specific gravity of urine decreases

There are three main types of pathologies in which the production of vasopressin is reduced and fluid reabsorption does not occur. With each urination, a large volume of urine with a low concentration of urea and its salts is released. Such diseases include:

  • involuntary polydipsia;
  • neurogenic diabetes insipidus;
  • nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

When diagnosing low density urine, doctors suspect the development of these particular diseases, especially if the patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • The occurrence of edema of various localizations.
  • Pain in the abdomen and lower back.
  • The urine became darker in color and contained blood.
  • Decreased urine volume with each urination.
  • Drowsiness, insomnia, weakness, and apathy often occur.

Accession bacterial infection bladder leads to an expansion of symptoms: pain appears when urinating, the temperature rises, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur.

Polydipsia causes a decrease in the specific gravity of urine


Polydipsia is a disease that causes severe thirst. To satisfy it, a person drinks a huge amount of liquid, far exceeding the physiological need. The kidneys filter out increased volumes of blood, resulting in unconcentrated urine.

Involuntary polydipsia is diagnosed in people whose mental condition extremely unstable. To determine the disease, a patient interview and the results of the relative density of urine are usually sufficient.

Neurogenic diabetes insipidus

The main symptoms of neurogenic diabetes insipidus are constant feeling thirst and frequent urination. The disease develops when there is insufficient production of vasopressin by the hypothalamus. What factors may cause pathology:

  • head injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • consequences of surgical operations;
  • congenital pathologies.

The absence of antidiuretic hormone leads to fluid loss with the formation of highly dilute urine. A person strives to replenish the loss by consuming large volumes of fluid, but the absence of vasopressin in the body leads to a vicious circle.

Disruption of the hypothalamus leads to a decrease in the specific gravity of urine

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

The disease develops when the kidney is unable to respond to vasopressin. This may be due to the use of certain medications, as well as:

  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Sickle cell anemia.
  • Congenital kidney pathologies.

If the cause of diabetes has not been established during diagnosis, then idiopathic diabetes insipidus is determined.

If the specific gravity of urine decreases, further careful examination is required. This means that there is a hidden pathology in the body, and it requires urgent medical or surgical treatment.

Today, in order to assess a person’s health status and diagnose any illness, it is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory tests. One of the simplest and most informative is a urine test; based on its results, you can recognize not only the presence of ailments of the urinary system, but also other pathologies and abnormalities in a person.

When assessing the material under study, the relative density of urine (its specific gravity) is of no small importance. Using this parameter, you can determine how actively and fully the kidneys function, whether the processes of accumulation, filtration and excretion of urine occur correctly in the body.

Why is this parameter needed, what is the normal density of urine, and what pathologies can a deviation of the level from the normative values ​​indicate? Let's look at it in detail in this article.

What is the specific gravity of urine?

The specific gravity (relative density) of urine is a parameter that shows the accumulation of components dissolved in it: uric acid and urea, salts, etc., compared to the total amount of urine excreted at one time. In other words, this indicator reflects the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine and dilute it.

Many people, seeing unfamiliar symbols on the analysis form, want to know what they mean. The question often arises, what is sg in urine analysis. The SG value is used to indicate the density or specific gravity of the liquid in question. Therefore, in laboratory conditions, the parameter we are considering is often recorded as a urine test sg.

Today, determining the density of urine is not difficult. For this, the laboratory uses a special device, a urometer (hydrometer), with divisions of 1,000-1,060. To determine the specific gravity in urine, the material being tested is placed in a specialized cylinder, the foam that appears is removed with filter paper (if necessary), then the specialist evaluates and records the position of the lower meniscus of the device and the scale that advises it.

This will be the final figure for the specific gravity of urine as a result of the analysis.

Normal urine density

In a healthy adult, the relative specific gravity of urine (density) can range from 1.018 to 1.025. In children under 12 years of age, the specific gravity of urine is considered normal if it is within the range of 1.012-1.020.

The normal specific gravity of urine does not differ between women and men; however, during pregnancy, it is considered normal indicator in the range of 1.003-1.035. Moreover, expectant mothers may often experience a low specific gravity of urine, especially in the first half of pregnancy, when many experience toxicosis, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration.

It should be noted that the density of urine normally changes noticeably throughout the day in all people. This is due to the fact that new metabolic products are formed in the body, the volume of fluid consumed and excreted may change, and moisture loss also occurs through sweating and even breathing.

But, one way or another, the result obtained must be within the established limits of urine density.

Cases when a significantly reduced or increased density urine in a patient are considered as disorders requiring detailed consideration.

The relative density of urine is increased, what does this mean?

When the specific gravity of urine exceeds the maximum permissible value for healthy people (1.025 for adults and 1.020 for children), experts speak of a violation of the concentration of the kidneys. For this condition it is often used medical term hypersthenuria.

Hypersthenuria is an increase in the sg density of urine to 1.030 or more. With this condition, as a rule, a significant concentration of various elements is observed in the urine, including salts, proteins and glucose.

Reasons why urine has increased density:

Often found by appearance patient that the specific gravity in the urine is increased is almost impossible, except in cases where severe edema forms throughout the body due to cardiovascular insufficiency. Basically, it is possible to establish the deviation of an indicator only after conducting a clinical examination of urine (namely, a urine specific gravity test).

Low urine density

A decrease in the relative specific gravity of urine is characterized by the release of a large amount of water.

Hyposthenuria is noticeable decrease specific gravity of urine to 1.010 or lower, often due to disruption of the renal tubules, which concentrate the glomerular filtrate.

This condition can occur in children of the 1st year of life, and it does not indicate unhealthy organs or systems in children.

In adults, low specific gravity of urine is caused by the following pathological factors:

  • Renal failure in the chronic cycle;
  • “Insipidus” diabetes (central, nephrogenic, idiopathic), when urine sg can be less than 1.005 g/l;
  • Chronic nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) or pyelonephritis (bacterial disease, inflammation of the renal pelvis, parenchyma, calyces);
  • Renal cysts;
  • Disruption of the full functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, resulting in a lack of the special hormone vasopressin, which is responsible for the absorption of water in the renal tubules. This disorder results in the production of urine that is too dilute and has low density;
  • Incorrect use of diuretics;
  • Excessively copious drinking regime, passion for consuming all kinds of drinks throughout the day;
  • Prolonged fasting, nutritional dystrophy, lack of nutrients, and following a “no protein” diet can lead to a significant change in urine density downward.

It happens that a decrease in the urine indicator in question occurs if the patient abuses alcoholic drinks, especially for men who like to drink beer too often. It should be noted that as soon as a person stops drinking alcohol, or normalizes his diet, the indicator soon returns to normal.

Hypersthenuria and hyposthenuria, what they are, is more or less clear. But how to discover pathological changes in your body, causing an increase/decrease in urine density?

Additional Research

It should be noted that based on a single change in the indicator, one can only conditionally suspect something is wrong in the renal concentration ability. To make the assessment more reliable, the patient is asked to retake the sg urine test for normal, or diagnostic test urine according to Zimnitsky, when diurnal fluctuations in density are assessed. During the day, a person collects approximately 8 portions of urine at regular intervals (~every 3 hours). Then, using the device, the difference between daytime and nighttime diuresis is determined. There should be a discrepancy of approximately 30% in different time days.

Also, to confirm fluctuations when the specific gravity of urine is increased/decreased, several other types of functional tests can be used. For example, a dry food test (or it is called a concentration test). The essence of the study is to change the patient's diet. All foods with a large amount of liquid (soups, compotes, teas, etc.) are excluded from the menu for the day, and the consumption of the liquid itself should be reduced to a few sips per day.

This routine is quite difficult for many patients, but with this method it will be easier for doctors to assess the physiological parameters and relative density of urine. If, after a day, the indicator remains low (within 1.015-1.017 g/l), it means that the kidneys are still not coping with their ability to properly concentrate urine before excreting it. If the result shows that after such a “dry” test method, the density of urine is increased or close to normal, then the kidneys are functioning as they should.

Sometimes I use a sample with water load, which also allows you to assess the concentration ability of the kidneys.

What to do if there are deviations from the norm?

If renal disorders are detected, it is advisable to admit the patient to a hospital for further examination and treatment. The patient must be at least under careful observation nephrologist (urologist, therapist or endocrinologist).

Patients suffering from diabetes must, like no one else, take responsibility for any changes in the density of urine and follow all the recommendations and advice of the doctor, since diabetes can lead to the rapid development of renal pathologies and make their further treatment difficult.

There are no fundamental treatment tactics for deviations in the specific gravity indicator. It all depends on identifying the cause and neglect of the diseased organ. Subsequently, in individually, the doctor prescribes medications and a set of therapeutic measures that will help influence and eliminate the original source of the disease.

In case of renal failure, a prerequisite for treatment is adherence to a gentle diet and healthy image life. Otherwise, successful treatment may take a very long time. long time. The patient is advised to exclude spicy, smoked foods, pickles and all kinds of culinary “spices” from the menu. You shouldn’t even mention giving up alcohol and tobacco, it goes without saying. Restoring or normalizing water balance (or, conversely, limiting water consumption) plays an important role.

If hypersthenuria/hyposthenuria is observed in a patient for a long time (a chronically recurring phenomenon), the patient is registered and a systemic examination is discussed every quarter (3 months).

If a person cares about his health, he probably regularly visits the doctor and undergoes the necessary laboratory research, incl. checks the specific gravity of urine. After all, early diagnosis of kidney disease increases the likelihood of a speedy cure and prevents the risk of unpleasant symptoms and all sorts of complications.

Take care of your health!

During a general urine test, doctors evaluate the excreted fluid using many indicators. Only A complex approach helps determine if there are any malfunctions urinary tract whether the inflammatory process is developing, whether urine formation is in order.

An important element of diagnosis is the density of urine. The norm and deviations allow you to figure out whether the kidneys are working correctly, whether there are disorders in the body in which natural filters have to use additional compensatory mechanisms. Helpful information will be useful for people of different genders and ages to maintain urinary tract health.

What does urine density mean?

Second title important indicator- specific gravity of urine. The relative density of urine shows the concentration of substances dissolved in the liquid.

The higher the percentage of salts, nitrogenous substances, sugar, protein, bilirubin, and certain types of cells (bacteria, white and red blood cells), the greater the density of the excreted fluid. As the indicator decreases, the density correspondingly decreases.

The specific gravity of urine is measured in g/liter. For adults there are normative indicators. The density of urine in children is also displayed in a separate table in the “Indicators” section.

Why is it measured?

Determining the specific gravity of urine is a quick, easy way to find out how your kidneys are handling filtration and excretion. harmful substances. If the functioning is disrupted, the ratio between water (normally 97%) and components that need to be disposed of to prevent intoxication is disrupted.

The following are excreted from the body in urine:

  • hippuric and uric acids;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates;
  • phosphates;
  • toxins;
  • remnants of medicines.

The urologist prescribes an additional urine test according to Zimnitsky if the development of certain pathologies is suspected:

  • decrease or increase in blood sodium levels;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the heart muscle, pronounced swelling, problems with blood vessels;
  • infectious kidney diseases;
  • states of shock;
  • over or under hydration;
  • development of diabetes insipidus with damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.

On a note! Many patients ask why a general urine test is not enough to determine density. Doctors warn: the density of urine can change during the day depending on the types of food, volume of liquid, medication, and other factors. For this reason, collecting urine in eight (or more) jars throughout the day reflects the real picture of the specific gravity of the excreted liquid.

Indicators: norm and deviations

In adults, the density of urine varies depending on the action of various factors, but the values ​​​​should not go beyond certain limits. A noticeable deviation confirms the development of pathological processes.

The norm is from 1003 to 1035 g/l, fluctuations up or down require a repeat urine test according to Zimnitsky to find out the exact picture of the concentration of substances in urine. The same indicators are used to assess kidney function in adolescents.

Causes of increased specific gravity of urine

Increased density of urine, a higher concentration of salts, breakdown products, and certain cells is observed in the following cases:

  • violation of the drinking regime: less than normal fluid consumption per day;
  • diabetes;
  • high dosage of drugs, active ingredients which are excreted in urine: antibiotics;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • dehydration due to diarrhea, frequent vomiting, active sweating.

Probable reasons for low performance

Diseases and provoking factors:

  • drinking plenty of water, especially over a long period;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • reception of certain types;

Treatment of diseases

Correction of the relative density of urine is possible when the cause behind which the deviations appeared is eliminated. It is important to know what diseases or factors led to a decrease or increase in the concentration of solutes and cells in urine.

During diagnosis, the urologist finds out provoking factors, identifies underlying pathologies, and develops a treatment regimen. Required individual approach to the patient, taking into account the degree of deviation from the norm.

Sometimes it's enough simple measures so that the performance becomes optimal again:

  • change in drinking regime;
  • replenishment of fluid loss in the heat, when active activities sports;
  • avoiding excess consumption of medications;
  • normalization of work digestive tract to prevent disorders that cause dehydration.

Find out about characteristic symptoms and methods in adults and children.

Effective methods of treating acute kidney pyelonephritis are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how to properly prepare chamomile infusion and how to use it to treat kidney and bladder diseases.

When diseases are detected, medications are prescribed depending on the form and type of pathology:

  • at inflammatory processes V bladder, kidneys, when antibiotics of certain groups are required, compounds that improve fluid outflow;
  • in case of renal failure, a set of measures is needed, including hemosorption and purification of the blood from toxins using special devices;
  • with sugar and diabetes insipidus the help of an endocrinologist is required, taking certain medications to correct insulin levels, normalize the functioning of organs suffering due to chronic pathology;
  • Herbal diuretics (drugs with a diuretic effect) are indicated for problems with urine excretion. The best option is compositions without irritating synthetic substances: , ;
  • vitamins, restorative compounds to increase resistance to infections. All vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements are selected by a urologist: It is important to know not only the density of urine, but also other indicators of urine analysis in order to find the optimal remedy.

Important! It is prohibited to uncontrollably take diuretic medications to dilute urine and accelerate the outflow of fluid, even on the basis natural ingredients. Incorrect selection of diuretics often causes heart problems, a sharp decrease in blood pressure or hypertensive crisis, impaired renal function, and deviations in water and electrolyte balance. Loop, thiazide, osmotic, potassium-sparing diuretics require careful handling and precise dosage.

Urine density in children

The specific gravity of urine depends on age. The table contains data for children from the neonatal period to 12 years.

If abnormalities are detected, parents should show the child to a urologist, conduct an additional examination, and be sure to collect the child to clarify the indicators. It is important to know: if a nursing mother eats a lot of fatty foods, meat, and offal, then the specific gravity of urine will often be higher than it should be; if a large amount of fruits and vegetables is included in the diet, the density of urine will be lower.

Specific gravity of urine in children and adults - important element diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system. If there is a noticeable deviation from the norm, it is necessary to continue the examination, be sure to take a urine test using the Zimnitsky method, analyze the diet, drinking regimen, and the names of the medications the patient is taking. After clarifying the diagnosis, you should not delay the start of treatment: often running forms pathologies develop into chronic renal failure, complications develop and regular hemodialysis is required.

At the first signs of a change in the color of urine, you should contact a specialist, since the color of urine is one of the main signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys. From the following video you can learn about the norms of various urine tests, including urine density, the causes of changes and the treatment of pathologies: