The specific gravity of urine is reduced causes. Neurogenic diabetes insipidus. bacteria in urine

Determines the state of the urinary system, reveals violations in the work of others internal organs. The key indicator is the specific gravity of urine or its relative density.

Deviation from the norm up or down indicates a violation of the functional abilities of the organ. According to the results of the study, doctors judge how well the kidneys filter and remove urine.

Regardless of the amount of fluid drunk, all metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys. If the body has received an insufficient amount of water, the specific gravity of urine increases, urine is oversaturated with minerals. The doctor diagnoses hyperstenuria. If a person drinks an excessive amount of liquid, hypostenuria is observed. The liquid contains a small amount of dry residue, the density decreases.

If the fluid concentration is normal, the kidneys work without failure. It is easy to determine why the relative density of urine changes if you know.

The process of making urine

Glomerular capillaries are involved in the formation of fluid, blood is filtered through them. Large cells should not penetrate into the glomeruli of the capsule:

  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • glycogens.

This fluid is similar in composition to blood plasma.

The fluid follows the tubule of the nephron and enters the renal tubules. At this stage useful material absorbed back into the blood. Secondary urine remains, it contains the decay products of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is excreted from the body during urination.

The dry residue consists of the following components:

  • urea;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates;
  • ammonia ions;

Substances are harmful to the body and must be eliminated.

Specific gravity of urine

If the specific gravity of urine is normal, this indicates that the kidneys are successfully coping with the dilution function. This parameter is affected by the air temperature. environment, individual characteristics and body needs.

Depending on these factors, the amount of metabolic products in the secondary urine changes. The indicator changes during the day a large number of times: after each meal and liquid.

The indicator is affected by increased sweating in hot weather, after playing sports or during illness. The fluid is released in the form of sweat, with each exhalation.

The relative density of urine normally ranges from 1.015 to 1.025. Morning fluid stays at 1.02, what does that mean? The increased relative density of urine in the morning increases due to the lack of fluid intake, its retention in the body (lack of urination, slow sweating and breathing).

Toward evening, the weight of the dry residue decreases. The analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach, since morning urine best characterizes the functionality of the kidneys, regardless of external factors.

In children, the rate is different. At baby the value must not be less than 1.010. The indicator is compared with an adult over 12 years of age.

How is the analysis carried out?

For determining specific gravity urine using a special device - a urometer. The laboratory assistant takes a certain amount of material and pours it into the cylinder along the walls so that it does not foam. The device is placed in special liquid, the diameter of the urometer is larger than the diameter of the cylinder. Density is determined by the scale of the device.

If the patient cannot independently pass the material for the analysis of the specific gravity of urine, this happens with some diseases, the sampling is performed by a catheter. For the study, a few drops of liquid are needed. It is easy to dilute it in distilled water and calculate the specific gravity using the modified formula.

This is how the Urometer looks like to determine the specific gravity of urine

If unable to take required amount urine, then it is examined as follows:

  • a drop of liquid is added to a mixture of chloroform and benzene and placed in a cylinder;
  • if a drop floats to the surface, the relative density is lowered, and if it falls to the bottom, it is increased.

To bring a drop of urine to the center of the cylinder, the proportions of substances are changed. The specific gravity of urine will be equal to the specific gravity of the solution.

Increased specific gravity of urine

When pathological processes fluid density changes in the body. Causes of hyperstenuria:

Any of the above factors leads to a problem, the disease entails a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body.

Regardless of gender, the specific gravity of urine is increased for the following reasons:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics);
  • period of pregnancy;
  • mechanical damage to organs abdominal cavity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • with diseases that provoke a large loss of fluid.

If hyperstenuria has been identified in a child, this is due to malnutrition, birth defects acquired diseases. Often, infants suffer from infectious diseases due to a weak, not yet formed immune system. Diarrhea and vomiting increase the amount of dry residue.

It is also necessary to determine the functionality of the kidneys in diabetes mellitus. During the disease, the amount of protein in urine, the weight of the dry residue increases.

In addition to quantitative, the laboratory assistant also analyzes the qualitative indicators of the liquid. When making a diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the complaints of patients. Low density is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • worsening general condition body, drowsiness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • bad smell;
  • dark color of urine;
  • a small amount of liquid released;
  • swelling.

Increased urine density appears for physiological and pathological reasons. In the first case we are talking about insufficient intake of water in the body. The situation does not require drug treatment, lowering the rate is easy by changing the diet.

In the second case, a high specific gravity is the cause of diseases of the endocrine or urinary system; in order to avoid complications, it requires therapeutic treatment.

Decreased specific gravity of urine

A low specific gravity of urine manifests itself after past illnesses. Plentiful drinking is recommended during and after diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not worry if the indicator decreases in hot weather or after taking diuretics, laxatives.

Diseases leading to a decrease in the specific gravity of urine:

  • pathology of the organs of the urinary system of acute and chronic nature;
  • starvation, lack of nutrients;
  • diabetes insipidus in patients suffering from diseases nervous system;

  • diabetes insipidus during pregnancy;
  • diabetes insipidus of nephrogenic origin;
  • diabetes insipidus of a neurogenic nature, leading to dehydration;
  • interstitial type nephritis;
  • tubular lesions;
  • involuntary polydipsia;
  • alcohol abuse.

During not diabetes the body is able to excrete 10 times more urine, so the specific gravity is below normal. A decrease in the indicator occurs with improper functioning of the hypothalamus, a violation of the release of the peptide hormone, as well as vasopressin. The latter is responsible for maintaining fluid in the body.

If the patient has a large amount of hormones, this leads to increased absorption of water in the body, the urine concentration will decrease.

If the specific gravity of the urine is low, the kidneys cannot filter harmful substances, this leads to slagging and poisoning of the body.

Relative density urine is an indicator that carries the maximum information about the state of the human urinary system. Doctors determine the condition of the kidneys and Bladder on several parameters. Low specific gravity of urine, the patient needs to review the diet, undergo additional tests.

Urinalysis for specific gravity should be carried out twice a year: in winter and summer time when the body is exposed to viruses and bacteria.

The patient is obliged to undergo preventive examinations every year, the condition of the internal organs must be monitored. The health of the bladder, kidneys and tubules requires attention from the patient and the attending physician.

The patient is obliged to introduce a rule into his life: to drink clean water in the amount of 2 liters per day. Balanced water intake room temperature will bring the kidneys back to normal. The amount of caffeine should be reduced by drinking 1 cup of coffee every 3 days.

The specific gravity (second name - relative density) of urine is an indicator that characterizes the work of the kidneys and makes it possible to assess how well they cope with the filtering function and excretion of unnecessary compounds from the body. By studying the density of the biological fluid, the laboratory assistant determines what is the content in it:

  • Creatinine.
  • Urea.
  • uric acid.
  • sodium and potassium salts.

It is by the values ​​of these parameters that the above criterion is calculated.

Specific gravity of urine: normal indicators for men, women and children

Determination of the density of urine is carried out in a laboratory using a special device - urometer. In order for the data obtained to be true, the patient must correctly collect material for the study (do not drink alcohol the day before, a lot of liquid).

Slight fluctuations in the parameter during the day is a normal physiological reaction. This is due to changes that occur during eating, drinking water, doing hard physical work, resting, sweating, etc. different conditions kidneys healthy person excrete urine, the density of which is normally equal to from 1.010 to 1.028.

In men and women who do not have diseases of the urinary system, with moderate physical activity The specific gravity of morning urine is usually from 1.015 to 1.020. As for children, their figure may be slightly lower.

For children, the norm option is from 1.003 to 1.025. In the first week of life, the specific gravity of the urine of the child should be within up to 1.018, starting from the second week and until the end of the second year - from 1.002 to 1.004.

Later, the indicator begins to rise and, during normal kidney function, is already from 1.010 to 1.017. In children 4-5 years of age, the density is 1,012-1,020 . For children over 10 years old, it should be in the range from 1.011 to 1.025.

Causes of a decrease in the specific gravity of urine

If the density of the biological fluid is below normal, they talk about hypostenuria. This does not necessarily mean that the person is sick. Physicians are aware of cases where such a deviation was the result of the patient drinking an excessive amount of liquid shortly before the laboratory test.

Also, the use of any diuretic drugs leads to hypostenuria. The doctor must be warned about this factor in advance so that the data obtained are not misinterpreted.

What diseases cause a decrease in the specific gravity of urine

If we talk about the pathological causes of hypostenuria, they are as follows:

  • Diabetes.
  • Polydipsia (usually seen in people with unstable mentality)
  • Neurogenic and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
  • Inflammation of the renal tubules.
  • The presence in the body of unresolved infiltrates.
  • Untreated or complicated pyelonephritis.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Compliance with an overly strict diet, lack of vitamins, trace elements and minerals in the diet.
  • The presence of nodular formations on the renal tissues.
  • Hormonal failure (typical for women of childbearing age, as well as during menopause).

Many patients with a significant decrease in the described indicator complain of:

  • The appearance of edema different parts body, limbs.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  • Decrease / increase in the volume of urine separated.

All these symptoms indicate problems with the kidneys, so when they appear, you should contact a qualified doctor as soon as possible and undergo an examination.

What to do with a low specific gravity of urine

If the specific gravity of urine is much lower than normal, first of all, it is necessary retake laboratory tests. Be sure to take a responsible attitude to the re-collection of biological fluid, on the eve of the diagnosis, do not drink too much fluid. If other indicators are normal, then most likely the person does not have any kidney disease.

If, in addition to low density, other deviations in laboratory analyzes are observed, it is mandatory comprehensive examination. What it will include, the therapist or urologist must decide. Usually, patients are given referrals for a Zimnitsky analysis, which allows you to establish differences in urine density in different time days.

Specific gravity of urine during pregnancy

It is considered normal if the relative density of urine in future mother is from 1.010 to 1.029. The parameter reduction is provided by:

  • Excessive fluid intake.
  • Edema.
  • Hormonal surges.
  • Kidney pathologies (nephropathy)
  • Toxicosis.
  • Frequent urination.

If the criterion, on the contrary, is increased in a pregnant woman, the gynecologist may assume the presence of:

  • Diabetes.
  • Fluid deficiency, dehydration.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys.
  • Severe toxicosis / gestosis.

The expectant mother should not worry if the results of the analysis were unsatisfactory. The analysis should be retaken as soon as possible. Only if the re-diagnosis confirms the concerns that have arisen, the measures necessary to determine the cause of the condition will be carried out.

The specific gravity of urine is increased - causes and what to do

An increase in the specific gravity of urine in medicine is called hyperstenuria. Usually this problem develops against the background of a decrease in the amount of separated biological fluid. It can be provoked by:

  • Severe vomiting, nausea.
  • Inadequate fluid intake, dehydration.
  • The introduction of a radiopaque substance into the patient's body on the eve of a laboratory study.
  • Proteinuria (presence of protein) in nephrotic syndrome.
  • Diabetes.
  • Taking large doses of antibiotics.
  • Inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.

Hyperstenuria is characterized by symptoms such as:

  1. Discomfort in the abdomen.
  2. Pain in the lower back.
  3. The formation of edema for unknown reasons.
  4. A sharp decrease in single portions of excreted urine.
  5. Weakness, fatigue.

With hyperstenuria, as with hypostenuria, the patient should undergo a Zimnitsky test to understand if there are abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and get complete picture their functioning.

Various studies are used to diagnose human health. Urinalysis is one of the most informative assessment methods. In the course of it, various indicators are evaluated, according to the values ​​of which various pathology.

norma specific gravity can be called one of those important parameters, which define when examining urine duringgeneral analysis. can be upgraded or downgraded for a variety of reasons. Any deviation of the indicator requires attention and clarification of the cause.

What is meant by specific gravity

Specific gravity of urine means how densely dissolved substances are present in it. Various salts, acids and other decay products are excreted in the urine. The more they are in urine, the denser it is.

What does he say density? Thanks to this indicator, the filtering function of the kidneys and their ability to dilute urine are evaluated. A decrease in density may indicate renal failure, and an increase in insufficient urine output.

If significant deviations are identified, additional body diagnostics and analyzereason for this condition. Kidney dysfunction affects the entire body and causes serious complications.

Urinalysis, urine density, as one of its parameters

Characteristics of the composition and appearance urine can give a lot of data about a person's health. The most basic analysis is a general urine test. During urinalysis study the parameters - color, smell, content of salts, acids and other substances.

One of the parameters is the specific gravity or urine density . This indicator measured using a special device called a urometer.Unit of measurementurine density is g/litre.

General analysis urine is the main type of research. Other, narrower analyzes can be used to refine its results:

  • Zemnitsky method. With its help, the ability of the kidneys to filter, excrete and dilute urine is established. For analysis, a sample is collected during the day at regular intervals in separate jars;
  • the concentration method consists in severe liquid restriction and collection of samples during days . There are contraindications;
  • dilution method is to study the dilution function of the kidneys with increased fluid intake. Dosage liquids selected depending on masses body. There are also contraindications.

Rules for preparing for urine analysis in adults (men, women, pregnant women)

It is very important to properly prepare and collect the sample forurinalysis. This will give you the most reliable results analysis.

The preparation is as follows:

  • a day before collection, refuse coloring foods, salty, fatty and spicy foods;
  • avoid physical activity;
  • give up alcohol;
  • cancel appointment medications. In case of impossibility of cancellation, warn the doctor about it.
  • must be carried out before collection. hygiene procedures and wash the genitals;
  • women to use a tampon in case strong secretions or menstruation;
  • prepare a sterile container for sample collection;
  • start urinating into the toilet, through interval stop in 2-3 seconds and collect the average portion in a container, then you can again urinate into the toilet;
  • urine collected in the morning on an empty stomach is best suited for analysis. IN last resort, it is necessary to collect a sample no earlier than 5-6 hours after the last urination;
  • a urine sample must be submitted for examination no later than 1-2 hours after collection. Long term storage unacceptable and leads to the unsuitability of urine.

Tips for preparing your child for a urine test

Rules for the preparation and delivery of a urine sample for study in adults and children are almost the same. The slight difference lies in the collection. At small children who do not yet know how to go to the potty on their own, urine is collected using a special urinal. It can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Collection from a baby potty, diapers and diapers is strictly prohibited. With such a collection, bacteria, particles of dirt and fibers enter the urine, which ultimately leads to a distortion of the results.

Indicator norms

The norms of the specific gravity of substances in the urine are not permanent. What do they depend on? For standards It is influenced not only by age and gender factors, but also by many others:

  • ambient temperature level;
  • the amount of liquid drunk;
  • Times of Day;
  • excess salt or spices in food;
  • the volume of water that is excreted through sweat and breath.

Despite this, there are certain ranges of values ​​for different ages which assess the work of the kidneys.

In men

The norms of different indicators of urine have differences between men and women. Typically, men use less fluids throughout the day. For this reason, the density of their urine is slightly higher. Norma in men is a value of 1.020 - 1.040 g / liter.

Among women

Among women this indicator almost no is different from the male. By nature, women monitor their harmony and health, so they drink more fluids. Therefore, the norm for them is considered to be a value in the range from 1.003 to 1.025 g / liter.

In pregnant women

During pregnancy frequent occurrences become toxicosis, nausea and frequent vomiting leading to fluid loss. Or vice versa swelling. As a result, the specific gravity of urine can change significantly in different sides V certain periods course of pregnancy.

Range normal density in pregnant women slightly wider than women in general. It varies from 1.001 to 1.035 gr/litre.

Children's indicators

In children, there are large differences in the density index depending on age:

  • after birth - 1.007 - 1.017 g / liter;
  • up to six months - 1.003 - 1.005 g / liter;
  • up to 1 year - 1.005 - 1.015 g / liter;
  • up to 3 years - 1.010 - 1.018 g / liter;
  • up to 5 years - 1.013 - 1.020 g / liter;
  • up to 12 years - 1.009 - 1.025 g / liter

Indicators for the elderly

With age, changes occur in the body. The functions of almost all organs are reduced and slowed down metabolic processes. This also applies to the work of the kidneys. The ability of the kidneys to filter decreases, which leads to an increase in the density of urine. The norm of the indicator in the elderly is considered to be a value from 1.01 to 1.04 g / liter.


With an increase in density above the maximum permissible values, a certain state of the body occurs, which is called hyperstenuria th. It is marked at increase specific gravity of urine above the norm already at a value of 1.04 g / liter.

Symptoms hyperstenuria are the following signs:

  • reduction in the number and size of portions of urine;
  • darkening;
  • the appearance of clots or sediment;
  • appearance pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • swelling of the whole body.

Causes in adults

All causes contributing to the development of hyperstenuria can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first type includes:

  • a small amount of fluid consumed;
  • taking medications (laxatives, antibiotics);
  • heavy sweating in hot weather or during physical activity;
  • dehydration as a result of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • severe body burns.

In these cases, it is necessary to replenish the fluid supply in the body, which will help reduce relative density substances in the urine.

Hyperstenuria can occur as a result of the development of certain pathologies. The second group of factors includes such diseases:

  • heart failure, which is accompanied by edema;
  • diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by high concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • the presence of diseases inflammation in the urinary system and kidneys;
  • acute or chronic form glomerulonephritis;
  • development of oliguria;
  • pathologies that cause excess protein concentration in urine;
  • work disruption thyroid gland(For example, hypothyroidism).

In children

Many parents, seeing in the results of the analysis thatdensity of urine in children elevated a, don't know what does this meanand what to do. The phenomenon of hyperstenuria can be diagnosed even in kids. Its symptoms are similar to those in adults. Among the reasons are:

  • pathologies of the congenital or acquired nature of the urinary tract;
  • frequent cases of poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • in very small breasts children increased level density may occur due to an excess of fatty and protein foods in the mother's diet.

In the elderly

Hyperstenuria often occurs in the elderly of people due to decreased kidney function. As a result, the filtration capacity of glomerular filtration decreases and resistance in the kidney vessels increases. All this leads to saturation urine output in the elderly is reduced.


With a strong decrease in the level of urine density a state arises hypostenuria . IN this case there is an increased urination , severe discoloration of urine, possible swelling. Too low specific gravity of urine is noted at the values ​​​​of the indicator below normal at a value of 1 g / liter.

Causes of a decrease in density in adults

There are certain causes of low urine density:

  • use a large number liquids;
  • reception diuretics;
  • severe food restrictions, strict diets, starvation.

Reducing water consumption and normalizing nutrition contribute to the fact that the proportion returns to normal without additional treatment.

The danger should be caused by hypostenuria, which occurs against the background of pathologies:

  • psychological illnesses accompanied by a great feeling of thirst;
  • diabetes insipidus type;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis);
  • kidney failure;
  • amyloidosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney tumors;
  • infectious diseases.

In this case, hypostenuria is a symptom of the underlying disease, and treatment should be directed to the main cause.

Why does the density decrease in a child?

In children celebrated after birth decreased urine density . It refers to normal phenomenon during the first month of life. Subsequently, this indicator returns to normal.

If a low level of density is diagnosed in older children, then to begin with, they monitor the dynamics indicator for some period of time. In case of permanent low level density The child has a thorough examination and identification of the cause is required. The most common source of the condition is kidney failure.

Factors for Decreased Urinary Density in the Elderly

It is not uncommon to reduction in allowable specific gravity of urinein older people. Age changes affect all organs, including the urinary tract. With age, a person's immunity and body resistance to various diseases decreases.

Factors in the development of hypostenuria can be:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • prostatitis;
  • gout;
  • diabetes ;
  • urolithiasis, etc.

Strong deviations from the norms of the specific gravity of urine should alert a person. Hyperstenuria and hypostenuria can cause serious complications, so it requires consultation with a nephrologist or urologist. Initially, you should consult a therapist.

IN without fail it is necessary to establish the exact cause of deviations in the density of urine. Therapy is selected depending on the identified disease.

A prerequisite is the observance of a dietary diet:

  • refusal of fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • compliance drinking regime.

Diet helps to speed up the healing process and improve the patient's condition. In addition, the advice of a doctor can be called:

  • regular visit doctor to assess the state of health;
  • conducting healthy lifestyle;
  • analysis at least 2 times a year;
  • Seek medical attention immediately after the onset unpleasant symptoms or problems with urination.


Not all people know what's happened density of urinewhat diseasesit changes and for what it is defined. Specific gravity is one of the main indicators of urine, on the basis of which the functional abilities of the kidneys are determined.

If, during a medical examination, the doctor notices that the patient is dehydrated, or, conversely, the tissues are swollen from excessive accumulation of fluid, he will definitely give a direction to do a general urine test. The density of urine is one of the indicators of this analysis. According to him, the doctor can judge how well the kidneys are doing their job, that is, dilute the urine with liquid.

One of the main tasks performed by the kidneys in the body of adults and children is blood filtration. When liquid tissue flows through them, they screen out and excrete unnecessary elements in the urine. Urine is ninety-seven percent water. The rest is nitrogenous breakdown products of proteins (urea, creatinine, indican, uric and hippuric acids, etc.), as well as salts, including sulfates, phosphates, chlorides.

If the work of some organs and systems fails, the balance between the components that fail is disturbed. Therefore, studying the density of urine is a quick, simple and convenient way find out if the kidneys use any compensatory mechanisms in their work. Therefore, about relative weight urine, the doctor needs to know if he suspects the patient has the following problems:

  • Insufficient or excessive hydration.
  • Violations in the work of the circulatory system and the heart muscle.
  • shock states.
  • Renal failure.
  • Renal infectious diseases.
  • Infectious diseases of the urethra.
  • Hyponatremia - low sodium levels in the blood.
  • Hypernatremia - high levels of sodium in the blood.

A urinalysis should be done if diabetes insipidus is suspected. With this disease, the pituitary gland or hypothalamus fails, due to which an insufficient amount of the hormone vasopressin, which regulates the functioning of the kidneys, enters the bloodstream. The disease is accompanied frequent urination, excretion of an increased amount of dilute urine and constant thirst.

What is the density of urine?

Urinary density analysis measures the ability of the kidneys to increase and decrease the specific gravity of urine. This analysis is integral part general urinalysis, as well as urinalysis according to Zimnitsky.

According to the density of the urine of adults and children, one can judge the content or concentration of various dissolved substances in it. In most cases, density is determined using an instrument such as a refractometer. It allows you to find out the density of urine under a directed beam of light. This method is much more reliable than the float method, which measures density by the speed at which the liquid pushes the float to the surface.

The normal density of urine is 1005-1030 g / l. These figures are compared with the density of distilled water, which is 1000 g / l. Based on this, the relative density of urine can never be less than a thousand grams per liter, since it is water with substances dissolved in it that increase its density.

The density of urine in children depends on age. The kidneys of young children are not yet able to strongly concentrate urine, so their indicators are less than those of adults, and are:

  • in newborns: from 1001 to 1005 g / l;
  • 6 months: 1005 to 1015 g/l;
  • up to 2 years: from 1004 to 1006 g/l;
  • from 2 to 5 years: from 1012 to 1020 g/l;
  • from 5 to 12 years: from 1011 to 1025 g/l;
  • over 12 years old and adults: from 1010 to 1020 g / l.

During breastfeeding in babies, the specific gravity of urine may increase if the mother eats a lot of fatty and meaty foods. Conversely, the specific gravity of urine infants decreases if a woman during lactation consumes increased amount vegetables and fruits.

The specific gravity of urine in women is less than in men. But during pregnancy, the specific gravity of urine in women varies greatly and ranges from 1003 to 1035 g / l.

These fluctuations depend on many factors, which can even include the weather and time of year, as well as what phase of pregnancy the woman is in. In the first half of pregnancy, if a woman has toxicosis, the urine density is greatly reduced. Also, this indicator will be below the norm if a pregnant woman has an increased level of protein in her blood or has diabetes.

Hyperstenuria and hypostenuria

The norm of urine is a relative state, since during the day in the body of adults and children there are constant slight fluctuations in its specific gravity. This is caused by normal physiological processes in the body, which are normal and natural. Its density largely depends on food, fluids drunk, sweating throughout the day.

In adults and children pathological causes increased density of urine (a condition called hyperstenuria) are:

  • Dehydration, which occurs due to too little fluid intake, vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, the kidneys do everything possible measures in order to return as much water as possible to the blood to maintain normal blood circulation and blood pressure. This means that a reduced proportion of water, which is excreted by the kidneys to remove unnecessary substances, increases the proportion of dissolved substances in the urine, the density of which becomes higher than normal.
  • Another reason that the specific gravity of urine is higher than normal is heart failure. Due to the fact that the heart cannot cope with the load and pumps a smaller volume of blood, the required volume of blood does not enter the kidneys. The body reacts to this and turns on the mechanism for maintaining normal blood pressure: the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated, which forces the kidneys to return as much water as possible back into the circulatory system.
  • In diabetes, the specific gravity of urine is higher than normal due to increased excretion of glucose in the urine.
  • Parkhon's syndrome (syndrome of inadequate secretion of the hormone vasopressin).

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure are the reason that the specific gravity of urine becomes higher than 1030 g / l. The reason for the high density of urine in adults and children may be treatment with antibiotics, diuretics, an infectious disease of the kidneys. In pregnant women, the density of urine may be increased due to toxicosis.

Diabetes insipidus, renal failure, acute renal tubular injury may be the cause when the specific gravity of the urine is below 1010 g/L. The cause of hypostenuria (urine has a low density) may be taking diuretics, drinking plenty of water.

Urine color and density

The approximate density of urine can be determined independently: by color. Also pay attention to this indicator during the analysis. Light yellow color is considered normal. Therefore, if the liquid is almost transparent (the color of water), dark yellow, red and especially black, you should urgently consult a doctor to determine the cause. It should be noted that even the urine that has normal color, can hide serious deviations in a state of health (only special tests can detect them).

Concepts such as the color and density of urine are closely related: how darker color urine, the higher its relative density. Normally, urine should retain a transparent color throughout the entire period of its storage. Nevertheless, you should not be scared right away, since a cloudy color occurs when the material is not taken correctly, when mucus or cellular debris got into the urine.

The cause of cloudy urine in adults and children may be the following situations:

  • The presence of red blood cells in the urine, which is observed in kidney disease, urolithiasis, bladder cancer, prostatitis.
  • White blood cells in the urine, which is a consequence of cystitis, pyelonephritis and some other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • An increased number of bacteria in the urinary tract.

Also, cloudy urine may be due to a high number of epithelial cells, the cause of which may be the above diseases. Big number precipitated salts - urates, oxalates, phosphates, is also the reason that the relative density of urine becomes higher than normal and is characterized by a cloudy color.

How to collect urine

The convenience of urinalysis lies in the fact that the collection of material for analysis is an absolutely painless procedure, so even those patients who are afraid of the sight of blood agree to it without any problems. However, there are rules that must be followed in order to get reliable results.

The patient must be familiar with the list of medications and products that should be avoided before taking the test. This list must be provided by the attending physician. If other tests, such as x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging, are scheduled, they should be canceled at least three days before urine collection.

A week before the test, it is best to eat a balanced diet. Be sure to exclude from your diet foods that can stain urine (blackberries, beets, carrots, rhubarb, beans).

For analysis, it is necessary to pass approximately one hundred grams of urine. If you are going to analyze specifically for the density of urine, it is advisable to collect the very first urine, since at this time the highest concentration of substances in the solution. Before collecting the material, you need to wash the genitals well. This is to prevent bacteria from entering the collected urine: They may start to multiply.

Urine should be delivered to the clinic for examination as soon as possible (it should still be warm). This will give you the most accurate results. If this is not done, the urine will begin to disintegrate, which will distort the results.

Also, the doctor may prescribe an analysis according to Zimnitsky, which involves collecting urine throughout the day. In this case, the rules for collecting material are somewhat different, and the doctor must tell about them. This method for determining the density of urine is considered the most accurate, since the density of urine is subject to daily fluctuations, and this analysis involves collecting urine every three hours.

If the interpretation of the analysis is negative, urine for control will need to be taken again.. A urinalysis is usually ordered along with a blood test. Therefore, the doctor, when interpreting the data, will take into account the results of a general blood test. If studies show abnormalities, other tests will need to be done to determine the cause. Then, based on the results of the data obtained, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Examination of the body, both in pathological disorders and in prevention, always begins with laboratory research. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor can determine whether the patient has deviations in the functioning of the organs. Urinalysis is an informative method for diagnosing diseases not only of the urinary, but also of other body systems. There are certain norms of values ​​that vary depending on the gender and age of the patient. An important indicator is the specific gravity of urine and its deviation from the norm in women indicates a violation of the functioning of the kidneys.

The specific gravity (density) of urine is an indicator that is used to assess the ability of the kidneys to concentrate substances. Also abbreviated as SG in the analysis form. The process of urine formation takes place in several stages:

  1. Blood entering the glomeruli is filtered through the membrane. At this stage, the main part of the moisture and soluble chemical elements, both useful and harmful, are lost. Products formed during filtration (salt, glucose, water, toxins, etc.) enter a specific capsule and are called primary urine.
  2. Reabsorption is the movement of substances from the tubules of the kidneys into the circulatory system (capillaries). At this stage, the beneficial elements that make up the primary urine are returned to the blood vessels.
  3. Tubular secretion is a process during which hydrogen and potassium ions, ammonia compounds and part of drugs are transported into the primary urine. As a result of reabsorption and secretion of primary urine, secondary urine is formed. This stage is important in the process of maintaining the acid-base balance of the body. In adults, the volume of secondary urine per day normally ranges from 1.5 to 2 liters.

It does not matter how much liquid a person drinks during the day, all metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys. With reduced water intake, urine is enriched with mineral compounds. That is, the specific gravity of urine is increased, this condition is called hyperstenuria. With abundant water consumption, the level of mineral compounds is reduced. As part of urine, in addition to metabolic products, excess fluid is excreted. The urine concentration becomes low and this condition is called hypostenuria.

The process of studying the specific gravity of urine

Urine analysis for specific gravity is carried out using a measuring device urometer or hydrometer. The research process begins with the fact that the biological material is poured into a cylinder. When foam is formed, it is removed with a special filter paper. Then the urine container is immersed in the liquid. The relative density value is determined by the level of the lower meniscus of the hydrometer scale. It is important that the walls of the vessel do not come into contact with the measuring device.

In some diseases of the urinary system, biological material is collected using a catheter. In this case, the studied urine is measured in drops, which are preliminarily diluted with distilled water. After the study of the specific gravity, the concentration of the dilution of the test liquid is taken into account. If the volume of the collected biological material is not enough for the analysis, then both quantitative and qualitative indicators are studied.

In the process of research, a composition of benzene and chloroform is placed in the container. Then the biological material is added dropwise. If the specific gravity of urine is higher than normal, then the sample will be distributed at the bottom of the container. At reduced value density, the test material will focus on the surface. By adding benzene and chloroform, a state is reached where the sample is located in the middle of the liquid level. The density of urine will be equal to the specific gravity of the solution, determined by the measuring device. In the study, the results are corrected taking into account the air temperature.

The norm of the specific gravity of urine in women

SG in the analysis of urine characterizes the ability of the kidneys to concentrate the constituent chemical elements. The specific gravity of urine depends on several factors. The density of urine is an indicator that changes many times during the day. The following factors influence the value of the specific gravity:

  • intake of spicy, fried, fatty and salty foods;
  • change in fluid intake;
  • increased sweating (high air temperature, pathological disorders);
  • removal of moisture from the body with rapid breathing.

The specific gravity of urine, its norm in women and the reasons for the deviation do not differ from male indicators. The value only changes in childhood. The relative density of urine normally ranges from 1.015 to 1.028. In children, the specific gravity is less, but in the process of growing up the body, it increases.

The relative density is always increased in the first portion of urine after waking up and is as close as possible to the upper limit of normal. This pattern is due to the fact that at night the process of removing moisture from the body is reduced and the content of substances in urine is increased. That is why it is recommended to take the morning portion of urine for research, since it most reliably allows you to assess the concentration function of the kidneys. During the day, as a rule, the saturation of urine with minerals decreases, which is mainly caused by fluid intake and this factor is taken into account when deciphering.

Causes of an increase in the specific gravity of urine

An increase in the density of urine is noted, as a rule, with pathological disorders. Hyperstenuria caused by diseases of the urinary system is characterized by the presence of severe swelling. In some endocrine pathologies, the density of urine increases significantly relative to normal indicators. In this case, the relationship between the violation of the process of producing thyroid hormones and a decrease in the fluid content in the body is determined.

Also, an increase in the density of urine is noted with traumatic injuries of the abdominal organs and intestinal obstruction. An increase in the specific gravity in the biological material also occurs with profuse blood loss, dehydration of the body, and extensive burn conditions. The reason for the increase in the density of urine can be toxicosis in pregnant women. Long-term antibiotic therapy also contributes to an increase in urine concentration.

The interpretation of the results of the study should be carried out by the doctor, since an assessment of the indicators in the aggregate is required to determine the cause of hyperstenuria. If the increase in specific gravity is caused by pathological disorders, then therapeutic intervention is required. At physiological reasons increase in density, it is necessary to normalize the mode and the indicator stabilizes on its own. Regardless of the etiology of development, hyperstenuria is manifested by common symptoms:

  • decrease in the amount of fluid excreted during urination;
  • dark urine;
  • the presence of a specific pungent odor;
  • pronounced edema, localized in various parts body;
  • increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen.

If the cause of hyperstenuria is diabetes mellitus, then when deciphering the results, the doctor will determine the increase in glucose levels. With a simultaneous increase in protein and specific gravity, additional examinations are required to verify the diagnosis and most accurately assess the correct functioning of the kidneys.

Causes of a decrease in the specific gravity of urine

As a rule, when infectious diseases or pathologies digestive tract, patients are advised to drink fluids in increased volumes. Strengthening the drinking regime contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body and replenishes the supply of lost moisture. Often the change causes hypostenuria, that is, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine.

When deciphering the results of the study, this factor is taken into account. In this case, the value of urine density below the norm is considered a natural physiological deviation.

The reasons for the downward deviation of the specific gravity indicator, which do not require therapeutic intervention, also include the consumption of large volumes of fluid during high temperatures air and treatment by some medicines(diuretics). Pathologies in which the development of hypostenuria is characteristic are: neurogenic and nephrogenic (renal) diabetes insipidus, diseases of the urinary system in chronic and acute form, as well as diabetes insipidus of nervous etiology and pregnant women.

In neurogenic diabetes insipidus, there is a deviation in the production of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone). In the absence of adequate therapy, a person is noted for stable dehydration. The progression of nephrogenic diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a pathological disturbance of the cellular structures of the distal segment of the nephron tubules. The deviation develops as a result of the fact that the parts of the kidneys stop responding to vasopressin. A feature of diabetes insipidus during pregnancy is that it disappears on its own after childbirth.

Chronic diseases of the urinary system organs are accompanied by a violation of the correct performance of the filtration function of the kidneys and the removal of fluid from the body. For acute inflammatory processes, for example, pyelonephritis, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine occurs due to damage to the tubules of the kidneys. The causes of the development of diabetes insipidus of nervous etiology are prolonged depressive disorders and severe emotional upheavals. Most often, a decrease in the specific gravity of urine is caused by hormonal changes and pathologies of the urinary system.

If, when deciphering the results of a urine test, the doctor sees that the density indicator is lower or higher than normal, then hypostenuria or hyperstenuria is diagnosed. Both conditions require a detailed diagnosis to determine the cause of the deviation and assess the functioning of the kidneys. In some cases, to stabilize the level of specific gravity, it is enough to normalize the diet and fluid intake. If the cause of the deviation is a pathological disorder, then a therapeutic intervention is required, which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.