How to properly feed kittens. Two cats in the house: rules and tips for living together

Not enough regularly, you need to properly feed your pets. Proper nutrition is a key issue in animal care. Veterinarians do not get tired of repeating: what you feed, you will get; What is the diet, such is the health of the pet. What does "right" mean?
The menu for cats / cats, since we are talking about them, is significantly different in different ages. What will benefit and is vital for a kitten (for example, milk) is likely to harm, cause an upset stomach in an adult. Therefore, out of a good hundred recommendations of specialists, we will select only those that relate to " tender age» - a 2-month-old kitten.

Why is it so important to properly feed a 2-month-old kitten?

  • This is the age when the baby full life mother's milk is no longer enough. healthy babies more and more energetic, inquisitive, playful. They spend more and more energy and calories, which requires compensation.
  • body (skeleton, internal organs, muscular system) in murmurs is formed around the first year of life. And a healthy “set” directly depends on what the kitten eats. What the cat eats determines how often you will have to deal with the veterinarian afterwards.
  • Immunity in cats, like in children, is absorbed with mother's milk. So, if you feed the mother cat correctly, the question of what to feed the kitten in one month, as a rule, does not arise. Mom does this on her own. The transition to independent nutrition is usually stressful for a small organism. And at first, food should be less traumatic, more like delicious mother's milk and just as rich, balanced. Apart from nutrients include a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of immunity.

If the feeding is correct, then the baby will grow up healthy, look happy and gain weight day by day.

First, decide what you want to treat: natural food or professional food? Mixed food, according to feline nutritionists - bad option for cat/cat. Sprinkling “for smell” healthy oatmeal with fragrant “crackers” of ready-made food and feeding it to your pet, you will most likely get two or even three problems. The fact is that the cat's body tunes in one way or another, that is, a diet. Mixture often causes a negative reaction: disorder gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and pain, loss of appetite. The transition from "artificial" food to natural is often accompanied by the same (temporary, though) problem.

If you want to understand what to feed a kitten for 2 months and how to feed, let's look at the features of each of these diets, natural food and specialized food.

Features of specialized feed

Such nutrition has many advantages, if you do not save money and focus on professional feeds - premium and super premium class. A quality manufacturer takes into account many cat features— age, physiological, psychological; constitution, lifestyle, and even gender. The gradation of dry food is very fractional. Food for thoroughbred cats (, Persian, etc.) and others. For active and neutered animals. For the elderly and young. No line is complete without dry and wet food for kittens 2 months and older. It contains more calcium, protein, its own vitamin and mineral complex. And for kittens there is more than one feeding option. You can find dry food for kittens up to one year old; food for kittens from 1 month to 4, there are even powdered milk formulas for babies in transition period. Nice business! No worries about what to feed a month old kitten, let alone a 3 month old kitten.

No need to mess with cereals and broths, calculate calories, buy supplements and vitamin preparations, come up with a menu for tomorrow. Others have done everything for you. Just follow their advice on how much your pet should eat.

How much should a kitten be fed?

On the back of the package you will always find a table with a daily allowance. The norms may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, as well as the composition of the feed.

By the way, about the composition. Be sure to watch it. The inventors of cheap mass feed use almost no meat. Its “analogue” is minced meat from bones, skins and even feathers. Do not disdain dyes and flavors. In addition, our pets are fed too many mineral salts. The benefits of such nutrition are doubtful, and the harm is obvious. Poor-quality feed is low-nutrient, it is worth feeding once, the animal requires food again and again, but most importantly, a bad product causes kidney and liver diseases. Save on food, you will go broke on the veterinarian.

So, how much specialized food should a kitten eat per day? The amount depends on the weight of the cat. The recommended diet is 75% dry food, 25% wet food. There will be no harm if the amount of wet food (pouch or jar) is half daily dose. Often, puzzling over what to feed kittens at 1 month old, the owners mix dry and wet food in one plate. We do not recommend doing this. Better let's separate. Ideally, wet food should have a comfortable warm temperature. If it is slightly warmed up (up to 38-40 degrees), it becomes more fragrant.

For feeding, it is better to use a low, wide container that is convenient for the kitten. Vitamin and mineral complexes, additives are not needed. Only in certain cases, on the advice of a veterinarian.
Important! The pet should always have access to a container with clean, not cold water. Dehydration is a mortal enemy. If a kitten eats "drying", his body definitely needs four times more moisture. Sometimes you have to hear that animals are smart! - they find the liquid themselves. Climb into the bathtub or kitchen sink, lick water from the walls ... Moisture with residue household chemicals- Is it necessary to feed the cat?

How many times a day should you feed?

Often, on average 5-6 times a day, in small portions. By six months, reduce to three times. Adult cats are recommended to be fed twice a day. In general, the diet is considered correct if the kitten is well-fed, but the skeleton is easily palpable, looks healthy, the coat is shiny, and the weight increases with growth.

Natural food: how to feed?

The worst mistake ever we are talking about natural feeding - these are pieces from the master's table. Our food is unacceptable for animals, especially babies. Salt, in the amount that we are used to, will be a death blow to their kidneys. Pepper, spices, without which almost none of our dishes can do, are a dangerous trick for a small liver. Smoked, salty, spicy, sweet - should not be present on the kitten's table. This is a slow poison or a gun that will definitely fire in a few years - urolithiasis, an enlarged liver, and more.

Are you leaning towards natural food? Approach it like an adult. The cat should grow up as an omnivore, try different things, and not be limited to one product. Argument that wild cats in nature, they have a mono-power, does not stand up to criticism. If rural hunters who catch mice cover the body's needs for protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, then where can you get a fresh mouse for a city dweller? ..

What can / should a kitten eat 3 months and younger?

  • Meat daily. Lean beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Boiled, raw or scalded. Chopped into small pieces or ground into minced meat.
  • Meat offal: heart, liver, lungs, chicken stomachs. Ground or finely chopped, boiled or scalded.
  • Milk, of course, every day. This is the foundation children's diet. Later, there will come a time when the body will not absorb this product well. The teenager himself will refuse it. And for up to four months, this source of calcium is simply necessary.
  • Fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese diluted with milk, fat-free sour cream.
  • Fish fillet, occasionally, no more than once a week. And only boiled. Raw fish (worms) and in large quantities (fluoride) are contraindicated.
  • Eggs, quite often. Raw (whole, whipping the yolk with the protein, or just the yolk) or boiled. Alone or with milk.
  • Liquid cereals in milk or meat broth with the addition of meat. Oatmeal, cereals, buckwheat, rice, millet.
  • Vegetables, raw and cooked. A kitten, of course, will not gnaw carrots, but you can chop a little bit into meat pies, cereals. By the way, it is better not to practice potatoes: starch is poorly digested.
  • A drop of vegetable oil per day to improve digestion.
  • Ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens.

By the way, about the kitten 1.5 months. What to feed this baby? You can - ready-made baby food in jars - a mixture of meat and vegetables. Pates without salt, with vitamin supplements, made from quality products.

What should not be fed to a kitten (cat, cat)?

  • Pork (risk of contracting worms), generally fatty meat.
  • Sharp, tubular bones (risk of injury, choking).
  • Salted, spicy, smoked, fried, sweet, homemade canned food and sausage.

Delicious recipe from the cat Vaska

Milk, raw yolk, cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients by eye to get a thin porridge. Very useful, tasty little thing for a 2-month-old kitten.

Useful video

This article will help you learn how to properly feed a kitten, calculate the diet, do not give junk food.

Find out what kind of food a small organism should receive in order for it to grow into a big handsome cat or cat.

  • How many times a day to feed a kitten
  • The right foods in the diet
  • What to feed a monthly kitten
  • What not to give
  • Features of the diet by month
  • Ready food for kittens

What dangers lie in wait for kittens in a bowl?

  • unbalanced diet

Improper feeding affects the growth and development of the baby, leads to external defects And internal problems and sometimes even fatal.

  • ill-chosen food

Wrong choice of prepared foods, natural nutrition, causing allergic reactions- all this also negatively affects the growing body.

It is also important not to forget about a certain feeding regimen that is different from the schedule of an adult cat. Scary? Don't be shy, we'll figure it out!

Kitten feeding regimen

To begin with, it is important to understand WHEN to introduce complementary foods and how often to feed the kitten. Of course, you can navigate by the kitten's hungry look, but it's better not to wake up the beast in it, and 3-4 weeks after birth, start gradually feeding the baby.

By 4 weeks of age, you need to develop a stable meal schedule.

The baby should receive additional feeding 4-7 times a day.

But there are stalemate situations when kittens need additional feeding much more often.

How many times a day to feed a kitten:

  • age up to 2 weeks - 10 times a day (with the capture of the night);
  • feeding a monthly kitten - 8 times a day (with the capture of the night);
  • 1 - 2 months - 7 times a day (night is already excluded);
  • 2 - 3 months - 6 times a day;
  • 4 months - 5 months - 5 times a day;
  • 5 - 9 months - 4 times a day;
  • 9 - 12 months - 3 times a day;
  • feeding kittens from the age of 1 year becomes two meals a day (for example, 9:00 - 21:00).

How much food to give a kitten:

  • Age 1 week - 30 ml per 100 g of kitten's weight;
  • 2 weeks - 38 ml per 100 g of kitten's weight;
  • 3 weeks - 48 ml per 100 g of kitten's weight;
  • 4 weeks and beyond - 48-53 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight.

How much per day should a kitten get?

  • At 1.5 months, the baby needs about 120 grams of food per day;
  • We feed a two-month-old kitten more - 160-180 grams per day;
  • During active growth(3 months - 6 months) the daily feed intake is 180-240 grams, while meat is at least 40 grams;
  • A six-month-old baby needs up to 180 grams of food per day;
  • At 10-12 months, the period when the kitten's activity decreases, the daily food intake is 150-200 grams.

It is important to give vitamins to your pet. Read what vitamins to choose for a kitten.

What foods can you feed a kitten

Remember that the food that you put in the kitten's bowl should never be hot or cold. It is optimal if the food is room temperature.

It is important to remember the consistency of food - it is better if the first portions are mushy, not containing hard pieces. At home, a blender or an ordinary grater for milking vegetables will help with this.

So, what to feed a kitten:

  • Meat. It can be raw, boiled, frozen and scalded. 60-80% of a kitten's daily diet is lean meat. What kind of meat is suitable for a kitten - see the table below;

  • Liver. Suggested every 1-2 weeks;
  • Kashi. IN pure form a kitten is unlikely to be interested in them, but the addition of meat or vegetables radically changes the matter. Mix cereals with meat in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • Vegetables. Fresh or boiled;
  • Eggs. What do kittens eat from eggs? Exceptionally yolk. Raw yolk is useful to give a kitten once a week. Special attention pay attention to quail eggs- they are very useful and it is quail that can be given whole, without separating the protein from the yolk;
  • Dairy products with low fat content;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Oil. Experts recommend to refrain from vegetable oil, replacing it with vaseline.

What to feed a monthly kitten (up to 1 month)

A well-fed kitten either sleeps peacefully or quietly sucks a cat. But if the kittens crawl around the mother, refuse the nipple, squeak and grab the outstretched finger - these are signs that the child wants to eat.

Where to start feeding complete feeding week pet?

Prepare a bottle with a pacifier, a dropper or syringe without a needle, and a special mixture designed to replace cat's milk for a week-old kitten.

Here are a few simple recipes- how to feed small kittens at home:

  1. Raw egg yolk + half a liter of concentrated milk
  2. Dry yeast (2.5 g) + whole milk powder (15 g) + whole cow's milk(50 gr)
  3. hard boiled egg + beaten egg white + vegetable oil(1g) + grape sugar (4g)
  4. Half egg yolk + corn oil(teaspoon) + whole milk (50 ml)

These and other recipes will also come in handy if the kitten grows up without a cat-mother and (correctly), its feeding is entirely up to you.

What foods should not be fed to a kitten

  • Dry or wet food. There is no unanimity on this issue, rely on your own prudence and intuition. Therefore, here we put a question mark - ?
  • Cow's milk. It is better to replace it with goat - it is not so fat for the baby's digestion. If you can’t get goat milk, then for very small kittens in pet stores you can buy special powdered milk.
  • High fat dairy products
  • Fish. In principle, fish can not be given to babies at all, but theoretically sea fish is not harmful. Freshwater is banned, especially raw, as it provokes the formation urolithiasis and can become a source of infection with worms
  • Salt, spices
  • Sausages
  • Potatoes are completely indigestible in the stomach domestic cat, so it is not given in any form
  • Legumes. Soy, peas, beans are not absorbed by the intestines and as a result we get bloating and fermentation in the intestines
  • Cheese - because of its fat content
  • Pork
  • Sweets
  • Chocolate. This particular sweet contains theobromine, a poison that causes severe poisoning in cats, death
  • flour
  • Mixed food is bad for kittens

More about what not to feed.

Is it possible to give a kitten - food table

Product Is it possible to give a kitten
Banana No
Borsch No
Broccoli Yes
Buckwheat Yes
Baby food Yes
Potato No
Kefir Yes
Food for adult cats No
Semolina No
Milk No
Carrot Yes
Oatmeal Yes
Cucumber Yes
Liver Yes
Tomato Yes
Rice Yes
Fish No
Ryazhenka Yes
Sour cream No
Soup Yes
Raw meat Yes
Cottage cheese Yes
Grass No
ground meat Yes
Bread No
Chocolate No
Apple Yes
Egg Yes

Features of the diet by month

Features of feeding a kitten aged 2 - 4 months

By this age, the kitten's teeth have already erupted and it is time to transfer it to autonomous food, teaching it to eat and drink from bowls on its own. The growth of the kitten is very active, its skeleton is formed and strengthened, the gastrointestinal tract is finally formed. What to feed a kitten at 2 months? The nutrition of the baby should be maximally fortified and especially rich in protein.

Features of feeding a kitten aged 4 - 6 months

At this age, the baby is actively gaining weight, so you need to make sure that the basis of the diet is not foods that are deposited in fat, but those that increase muscle mass.

The baby's jaw has already formed and pieces of meat, beef or chicken offal can be given not ground, but cut into pieces. What else do kittens eat at this age? It is recommended to gradually add fermented baked milk or yogurt to low-fat dairy products.

Features of feeding a kitten aged 6 - 10 months

During this period, the daily number of feedings is actively reduced. The growth of the kitten becomes not so noticeable, but it is already being drawn taste preferences. Do not indulge the feline whims and do not give your teenager forbidden foods and food from the table. At this age, it is already possible to treat your pet with low-fat sea fish from time to time.

Read What should be in a veterinary first aid kit at home.

Consequences of malnutrition

Proper nutrition of kittens = the future health of the cat.

It was not without reason that at the beginning of the article we focused on how important it is for a kitten to receive a balanced diet.

Violation of the balance of nutrients (microelements, vitamins, etc.) leads to serious problems animal health:

  • Diabetes

Kittens sometimes have so-called juvenile diabetes. There are individuals genetically predisposed to it, so do not wake up famously and do not provoke the manifestation of the disease by malnutrition

  • feline beriberi

- lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) leads to a deterioration in the quality of wool, irreversible changes in the muscles and the development of infertility in the future.

- lack of vitamin C undermines immune system, can lead to scurvy;

- vitamin D is responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism and prevents the development of rickets;

— deficiency of vitamin A leads to disorders of digestion and development of reproductive organs.

  • Allergy
  • poisoning

As we wrote above, there are foods that are literally poison for a cat (chocolate, onion, garlic). And it's good if liquid stool- this is the only and quickly stopped symptom of poisoning. Often, the use of these products can be fatal for a pet.

Of course, this is not the whole list of problems that threaten the baby, but we have identified the main positions.

Read also about how to feed:

  • British cat;
  • Scottish;
  • maine coon;
  • Persian;
  • Siamese;
  • Abyssinian;
  • bengali
  • sphinx.

Ready-made food for kittens

Is it better to feed kittens - dry food or natural food? The question is difficult. To feed a kitten with ready-made food or not to feed - Shakespeare's passions have been boiling for more than one year. Probably, if we assume that good and responsible manufacturers have put all the necessary trace elements, minerals, vitamins and supplements in a jar or bag of food, then feeding with ready-made feeds is the place to be, moreover, it makes life easier for the owner of the kitten. And the reviews of veterinarians about such feeding at home are positive.

But if you choose such a light option, then you simply have to learn a few important rules:

  1. The main rule is called "either-or". Or ready-made food - or natural feeding. You can't mix. Absolutely impossible. Not even a bit! Natural food and prepared food are digested differently. The first is digested even without heavy drinking, and the digestion of dry food requires a lot of moisture, without which fermentolysis does not begin. If you change the types of food, then the stomach and intestines of the kitten will not have time to rebuild, and as a result - hello, gastroenteritis, coprostasis (intestinal obstruction) and other troubles

  2. Can a kitten only eat one food? Need to! Having chosen a ready-made food for a kitten, do not change it (food) for another. Each brand has its own blend and balanced composition. Making a cocktail out of feed, we risk introducing an imbalance and, as a result, we will get a strange picture in the kitten for calcium, say, or for amino acids.
  3. Do not buy mass-market food for a kitten - only specialized food for kittens and only the highest class (holistic, super-premium, premium food). What is below is not food, but fast food, these bright and cheap jars will bring nothing but problems

Kitten diets from Eukanuba Puppy & Junior Small Breed, Hill's Science Plan Puppy & Kitten, Royal Canin Size Nutrition Mini Junior and many others are well-deservedly popular.

But if the picture is clear with elite feeds, then super-premium or premium class feeds require a more thorough analysis. Let's look at a few examples.

Dry food for kittens

Almo Nature dry food for kittens

This dry food is very close to V.I.P. This Italian diet is based on chicken meat and its derivatives. Animal protein accounts for 53%, another 14% is non-allergenic rice.

There are not many shortcomings of this feed - only the high, perhaps, the price.

The best price in the Staraya Farm online store.

Acana Super Premium Kitten Food

Today Akana offers dishes in three flavors:

  • chicken;
  • fish;
  • lamb.

Benefits of Akana Kitten Food:

  • Balanced Diet
  • The absence of cereals in the composition
  • No dyes or artificial additives

Disadvantages of Akana kitten food:

  • Narrow range of flavors
  • Lack of preventive diets

Buy food on Zoopassage.

Dry food Royal Canin for kittens

Premium class in kitten nutrition is the best of the worst and it is important to remember that the absence of the prefix "super" indicates that the quality of the feed of this type softly say "not very". But let's be objective.

Benefits of Royal Canin kitten food:

  • Low price;
  • Veterinary ruler;
  • Wide flavor range;
  • Availability for sale.

Buy by best price in the online store Old Farm.

Disadvantages of Royal Canin kitten food:

  • Low quality;
  • Doubtful composition;
  • The manufacturer, Mars, specializes in economy class feed. It's a hint.

Cat or cat: how to determine the gender

Video about proper feeding at home

Menu selection

This moment can be complicated by the fact that it is not always possible to ask the previous owners what the kitten is used to eating (for example, if the baby is picked up on the street).

But, as already mentioned, in no case should you offer a fluffy baby anything, so you will have to choose the food of a two-month-old kitten based on 3 principles:

  • Natural food.
  • Ready food.
  • Mixed food.

What kind of feeding to choose - each owner is free to decide on his own, but it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing food for a kitten in more detail.

natural food

If it is decided that a kitten at 2 months old will be fed in the form of homemade food, it is important to understand that dishes prepared for oneself will absolutely not work, and an individual menu will need to be selected.

The baby's nutrition should be varied, natural (without chemicals) and always fresh, but even in this case, it may be necessary to introduce vitamins separately into food.

So what kind of food to cook fluffy pet if the owner chose to feed the kitten at 2 months with homemade food? The choice here is not small, therefore, if desired, it is quite realistic to provide a newly-minted family member with a varied diet:

  • lean meat boiled after freezing (beef, chicken, turkey, veal), which is better to grind into minced meat or chop as much as possible, because a kitten at 2 months will not yet cope with large pieces;
  • boiled low-fat sea fish, previously cleaned of bones and scales (useful, but you should not feed your baby with it more than 1-2 times a week);
  • lactic acid products (cream, tender curd, natural yogurt, sour cream, etc.) are very useful for a growing organism as a source of calcium;
  • mashed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage) a kitten at 2 months old may not appreciate it in its pure form, but adding them to cereals, minced meat or broths is usually welcomed or "not noticed" by babies;
  • sprouted grass (oats, wheat) is useful not only for the vitamins it contains, but also helps to cleanse the stomach of accumulated wool;
  • egg yolk (the kitten will eat it with pleasure, but 0.5 yolk per week will be enough) - an excellent "supplier" of vitamin E;
  • vegetable oil (half a teaspoon a week) or brewer's yeast diluted in water will make the fluffy coat shiny.
  • any bones (this is fraught with gastrointestinal injuries);
  • legumes (bloating);
  • chicken skin (not digested in the stomach);
  • whole milk (provokes indigestion and is not absorbed by the body);
  • raw egg white(prevents the absorption of vitamin B, can be a source of salmonella and E. coli, which are also dangerous for cats);
  • fatty fish and meat (indigestion);
  • smoked meats, salty and spicy foods, sausages;
  • sweets;
  • human vitamins;
  • liver and kidneys in large quantities (in addition to the benefits, these filter organs already contain harmful toxins);
  • raw fish (a kitten can become infected with helminths from a sick fish).

Important: if a Scottish kitten has appeared in the house, it is also contraindicated for feeding in in large numbers products containing calcium (this is fraught with strengthening the ear cartilage and straightening the shells).

Ready feed

For many, it is very convenient that you can feed a kitten at 2 months with ready-made purchased food - dry or wet. Significantly saves time, no need to cook and make a special menu for the pet. But even here there are nuances.

Chasing financial gain, negligent owners acquire for their pussies cheap, but at the same time useless (and even harmful!) Food containing production waste and salt that are unnecessary for the cat's body, provoking urolithiasis.

And only premium feeds can fully saturate a growing organism from the age of 2 months. essential vitamins and micronutrients.

But not every owner can afford to buy such cat food all the time because of the high cost. If financial question- not a question, then the owner should keep in mind:

  • A kitten can get used to ready-made food, and the transfer to another food will sometimes be feasible only with the help of a last resort - a starvation ration.
  • Do not mix dry food with wet food in the same bowl! Their digestion time is different, and it will be very difficult for a small stomach to cope.
  • If dry food kibbles are large, a kitten at 2 months old should receive them dissolved in water to the consistency of porridge.
  • The introduction of new foods or the transition from dry to wet (and vice versa) should be smooth, the first time you need to give little by little, with constant monitoring of the pet's reaction.

Important! When buying food for a kitten at 2 months and up to a year, you need to make sure that there is a mark “for kittens”.

Mixed type of feeding

Mixed nutrition still causes a lot of controversy regarding its usefulness. There are 2 opposing views on this:

  • Such feeding is ideal, because a kitten already from 2 months obviously receives absolutely everything useful material necessary for growth and development (some from ready-made feeds, others from natural food).
  • Mixed nutrition of a 2-month-old kitten is harmful, because the same vitamins are often found in both ready-made feeds and products. Such a "layering" of the same utilities as a result leads to the fact that the kitten "earns" hypervitaminosis.

Both judgments are correct in their own way, so the best way out is to seek advice from a veterinarian, because experts always advise feeding a kitten at 2 months, based on the results of an individual examination of the pet.

Importance of water

A kitten at 2 months, as well as an adult cat, should always have access to water. Drinking should not be drawn from the tap, the best is the usual drinking water. Feeding a pet with dry food requires the implementation of this rule doubly, because with constant “drying”, the kitten will experience a special thirst.

If you start feeding a kitten properly at 2 months old, the pet is simply doomed to grow up healthy, beautiful and energetic. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that everything necessary for a fulfilling life is laid down in early age, and this statement has the most direct relation not only to people, but also to animals too.

The growth period of a kitten is of particular importance. It is now that all the foundations are being laid with which he will spend the rest of his life. Usually, up to 8-10 weeks, babies spend with their mother, in their own nest, and only then they begin to leave it and disperse to their new owners. That is why, when we are invited to a breeder, kittens (2 months old) are waiting for us there. What to feed and how to care for are the first two questions that a new owner has. Today we will try to fully reveal the topics of feeding and vaccinating your baby.

Every loving host should know how kittens develop (2 months old). What to feed them, we will figure out a little later, but for now let's determine how to assess the normal growth rate and when to sound the alarm. It is very important to weigh your pet daily. Normal increase in weight - 10-30 g per day. If your kitten has not recovered or lost weight in a week, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian. Depending on the breed, the weight of a kitten at 2 months may vary, but on average it should be approximately 600 g. From 4 months, it will be possible to switch to weekly weighing.

If the first complementary foods were carried out mainly at the expense of baby food Now it's time to introduce new feeds. So, you have kittens (2 months), how to feed them? Gradually add to diet solid food. It can be finely chopped meat, porridge, vegetables, mashed fish. It is very good if the food is natural. Having decided to transfer the baby to ready-made feeds, be sure to pay attention to trademark. Only super-premium food can be rated as suitable for a fragile child's body. At the same time, dry food is not suitable for such crumbs - only canned food can be used.

Feeding a kitten (2 months old) should be as natural as possible for its biological needs. In nature, a cat first feeds her children with milk, then begins to bring birds and rodents. This is exactly what should happen in captivity, only dietary changes are best made as smooth as possible. It will take a kitten about two weeks to get used to the "new products". At this age, the baby is actively developing and growing, and he should receive 120-150 g of food per day. You should give him 30-40 grams of meat per day. If the baby refuses to eat, then you should immediately show it to the veterinarian.

Like all babies, kittens eat little and often (2 months). What to feed them and how? You can not organize feeding as if you are dealing with adult cat. The daily portion of food exposed in the morning is not a suitable option if we are dealing with a kitten. The child should share daily allowance feed for five times. The menu should be as diverse as possible. The diet is built with an eye on individual characteristics and the size of your pet. The most important thing is that the bowl should be constantly pure water for drinking. Kitten food should be fresh every time, at room temperature. During breaks, you can leave a small amount of food in the bowl, as the baby can approach the cup up to 20 times a day.

We have already mentioned how many times to feed a kitten (2 months). Only if you are very busy, you can immediately leave him food for the whole day, but it is advisable to give him fresh food every time (4-5 times a day). After eating, all babies need to rest, and your kitten is no exception. Therefore, do not play with him immediately after a meal, digestion of food at this age is a very important process, and excess activity can only harm.

Usually everyone thinks very useful product for kittens milk, but it is not. However, you can give fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. Cream is also perfect, they must be pampered by the baby, but they should be introduced into the diet in small quantities. For full growth and development, cereals are also necessary. Therefore, cook different cereals for your baby every day (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Meat can be mixed into the porridge so that the kitten begins to eat more willingly. It will also be very good to prepare a vegetable mixture with meat. To do this, boil cauliflower, carrots and green beans until soft and purée. Fish should be given only in exceptional cases, not more than once a month. In addition, do not forget to buy special vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens. Now you know how to feed a Scottish kitten (2 months). Everyone can make the right diet for the baby. Even if you have never kept cats, you can easily cope with this. Let's find out now if the feeding of kittens of other breeds is different.

Milk is an unsuitable food for all breeds of cats, without exception. But British babies eat milk porridge with great pleasure. Hercules, semolina or buckwheat will do. Very helpful any dairy products, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sometimes a little sour cream. Cream (10%) two to three times a week will be very helpful. Once every two or three days, you can give an egg yolk.

Many experts advise feeding kittens boiled low-fat fish. Prepare soups for your pet, in which you can add finely chopped meat, grated cheese, liver, beef heart. Chicken meat, boiled and chopped, is also perfect. As you can see, there are no special differences, any breed of cat can be fed approximately according to the same scheme. But if there is intolerance to products by representatives of your particular breed, the breeder must warn about this. When feeding with natural food, vitamin supplements are given to kittens daily: Beofar, Kitzim, Farmovit, Doctor Zoo.

Should kittens be vaccinated at 2 months or wait a little longer? This question often arises before the owners. On the one hand, while children's body protects maternal immunity. On the other hand, it is weakening every day, which means that there is big risk catch a dangerous disease. Many experts advise to put the first complex vaccine a week after you took the baby home. This time is enough for him to survive the stress and endure the procedure more easily.

Regardless of breed, a kitten should receive a vaccine from a number of dangerous diseases. These are distemper and leukemia, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis. At the same time, the rabies vaccination for a fragile organism is still too difficult, it will be given when it reaches the age of 6-8 months, after the change of teeth.

Vaccination for kittens at 2 months old should only be given by a veterinarian. You may want to consider having a doctor make home visits so your baby doesn't experience excess stress, but it is not recommended to independently choose a vaccine. After the vaccination is made, it is required to organize a three-week quarantine. During this period, you need to provide the baby with a home regimen and regularly monitor his condition. If the vaccine is tolerated normally, it is followed by a revaccination. This scheme allows you to provide protection against formidable diseases in 99% of cases. Separately, at the request of the owners, vaccination against chlamydia and ringworm is done. Further, vaccination should be carried out annually,

to renew the body's defenses.

Before vaccination, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. To do this, just watch him. He should be cheerful and active, have a good appetite. Body temperature should not exceed 38.5 degrees. Before vaccination, the kitten must be given antihelminthic drugs. After 10 days you can go to the doctor. After vaccination, the baby needs enhanced monitoring. Any deviation in behavior is a reason to immediately contact your doctor. It can be food refusal or lethargy, convulsions, vomiting, and more. Do not forget that the choice of a veterinarian is often decisive, so pay attention to the status of the clinic and the experience of the doctor. It is better if, having attached to one specialist, you will be observed by him for the rest of your life.

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The growth period of a kitten is of particular importance. It is now that all the foundations are being laid with which he will spend the rest of his life. Usually, up to 8-10 weeks, babies spend with their mother, in their own nest, and only then they begin to leave it and disperse to their new owners. That is why, when we are invited to a breeder, kittens (2 months old) are waiting for us there. What to feed and how to care for are the first two questions that a new owner has. Today we will try to fully reveal the topics of feeding and vaccinating your baby.

Control of growth and development

Every loving owner should know how kittens develop (2 months). What to feed them, we will figure out a little later, but for now let's determine how to assess the normal growth rate and when to sound the alarm. It is very important to weigh your pet daily. Normal weight gain is 10-30 g per day. If your kitten has not recovered or lost weight in a week, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian. Depending on the breed, the weight of a kitten at 2 months may vary, but on average it should be approximately 600 g. From 4 months, it will be possible to switch to weekly weighing.

Features of feeding

If the first complementary foods were carried out mainly at the expense of baby food, now the time has come for the introduction of new feeds. So, you have kittens (2 months), how to feed them? Gradually add solid foods to your diet. It can be finely chopped meat, porridge, vegetables, mashed fish. It is very good if the food is natural. Having decided to transfer the baby to ready-made feeds, be sure to pay attention to the brand. Only super-premium food can be rated as suitable for a fragile child's body. At the same time, dry food is not suitable for such crumbs - only canned food can be used.

What not to feed a kitten

How to change your diet

(2 months) should be as natural as possible for his biological needs. In nature, a cat first feeds her children with milk, then begins to bring birds and rodents. This is exactly what should happen in captivity, only dietary changes are best made as smooth as possible. It will take a kitten about two weeks to get used to the "new products". At this age, the baby is actively developing and growing, and he should receive 120-150 g of food per day. You should give him 30-40 grams of meat per day. If the baby refuses to eat, then you should immediately show it to the veterinarian.


Like all babies, kittens eat little and often (2 months). What to feed them and how? You can not organize feeding as if you are dealing with an adult cat. The daily portion of food exposed in the morning is not a suitable option if we are dealing with a kitten. The baby should divide the daily intake of food into five times. The menu should be as diverse as possible. is built with an eye on the individual characteristics and size of your pet. The most important thing is that the bowl should always have clean water to drink. Kitten food should be fresh every time, at room temperature. During breaks, you can leave a small amount of food in the bowl, as the baby can approach the cup up to 20 times a day.

Kitten behavior after feeding

We have already mentioned how many times to feed a kitten (2 months). Only if you are very busy, you can immediately leave him food for the whole day, but it is advisable to give him fresh food every time (4-5 times a day). After eating, all babies need to rest, and your kitten is no exception. Therefore, do not play with him immediately after a meal, digestion of food at this age is a very important process, and excess activity can only harm.

What to feed (2 months)

Usually everyone considers milk to be a very useful product for kittens, but this is not so. However, you can give fat-free kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. Cream is also perfect, they must be pampered by the baby, but they should be introduced into the diet in small quantities. For full growth and development, cereals are also necessary. Therefore, cook different cereals for your baby every day (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Meat can be mixed into the porridge so that the kitten begins to eat more willingly. It will also be very good to prepare a vegetable mixture with meat. To do this, boil the cauliflower, carrots and green beans until soft and mash. Fish should be given only in exceptional cases, not more than once a month. In addition, do not forget to buy special vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens. Now you know how to feed a Scottish kitten (2 months). Everyone can make the right diet for the baby. Even if you have never kept cats, you can easily cope with this. Let's find out now if the feeding of kittens of other breeds is different.

How does a British kitten (2 months old) eat?

Milk is an unsuitable food for all breeds of cats, without exception. But British babies eat milk porridge with great pleasure. Hercules, semolina or buckwheat will do. Any fermented milk products are very useful, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sometimes a little sour cream. Cream (10%) two to three times a week will be very helpful. Once every two or three days, you can give an egg yolk.

Many experts advise feeding kittens boiled low-fat fish. Prepare soups for your pet, in which you can add finely chopped meat, grated cheese, liver, beef heart. Chicken meat, boiled and chopped, is also perfect. As you can see, there are no special differences, any breed of cat can be fed approximately according to the same scheme. But if there is intolerance to products by representatives of your particular breed, the breeder must warn about this. When feeding with natural food, vitamin supplements are given to kittens daily: Beofar, Kitzim, Farmovit, Doctor Zoo.

First vaccinations

Should kittens be vaccinated at 2 months or wait a little longer? This question often arises before the owners. On the one hand, while the child's body protects maternal immunity. On the other hand, it is weakening every day, which means that there is a big risk of catching a dangerous disease. Many experts advise to put the first complex vaccine a week after you took the baby home. This time is enough for him to survive the stress and endure the procedure more easily.

Regardless of breed, a kitten must receive a vaccine against a number of dangerous diseases. These are distemper and leukemia, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis. At the same time, it is still too heavy for a fragile organism, it will be placed when it reaches the age of 6-8 months, after a change of teeth.

Vaccination for kittens at 2 months old should only be given by a veterinarian. You may want to consider having a doctor make home visits so your baby is not overstressed, but it is not recommended to make your own choice of vaccine. After the vaccination is made, it is required to organize a three-week quarantine. During this period, you need to provide the baby with a home regimen and regularly monitor his condition. If the vaccine is tolerated normally, it is followed by a revaccination. This scheme allows you to provide protection against formidable diseases in 99% of cases. Separately, at the request of the owners, vaccination against chlamydia and ringworm is done. Further, vaccination should be carried out annually in order to renew the body's defenses.

What to remember

Before vaccination, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. To do this, just watch him. He should be cheerful and active, have a good appetite. Body temperature should not exceed 38.5 degrees. Before vaccination, the kitten must be given antihelminthic drugs. After 10 days you can go to the doctor. After vaccination, the baby needs enhanced monitoring. Any deviation in behavior is a reason to immediately contact your doctor. It can be food refusal or lethargy, convulsions, vomiting, and more. Do not forget that the choice of a veterinarian is often decisive, so pay attention to the status of the clinic and the experience of the doctor. It is better if, having attached to one specialist, you will be observed by him for the rest of your life.

Talk about how your kitten is developing. What changes occur to him in the second month of life?

The fifth week of a kitten's life is the first step towards independence. The cat starts everything less attention to give to her kittens, she does not feed them at the first call, resting more and more from them. At this time, it is time to start active complementary foods. Use wet food. You can try to accustom them to dry food: first soak it in water so that it is not so hard for the kittens to eat it, and then add less and less less water. So the kittens will more easily accept dry food, and their stomach will be able to adapt to new food more easily.
Kittens need to be fed 5-6 times a day.

It is necessary for each kitten to put a separate bowl of food. And remember that water must be freely available at all times. Kittens already go to the tray on their own and spend a lot of time in games. The eyes of the kittens begin to acquire their natural color in the future, and the coat becomes thicker, the undercoat grows. At this time, you can carry out the first deworming, rid the kitten of worms.

The sixth week is already a month and a half of the kitten's life. Kittens during this period already wash themselves, go to the tray and spend a lot of time in games.

At this time, the cat actively teaches kittens the tricks and laws of life, socialization and communication with a person, so it is not recommended to wean them from their mother at this time. You can start accustoming to the scratching post. Worth showing kittens veterinarian to plan your vaccination schedule.

Seven weeks is the time when a cat refuses to feed her kittens. Help the cat and diversify the nutrition of kittens with industrial food. Kittens are very active. Their sight, hearing and sense of smell are already quite like those of adult animals. They know how to hunt and understand the basic rules of behavior with each other and with a person. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the stool of kittens so that they do not have an upset stomach.

Eight weeks. The kittens are already two months old and completely independent from their mother in terms of food. This period is the most active in their life. Kittens are everywhere at the same time and are very curious. Their safety must be carefully monitored. This is the time of the first vaccination. It is necessary to accustom the kitten to hygiene: comb it more often, wipe the soiled places with a damp cloth, clean the eyes and ears if necessary.

The ninth week is not too different from the previous one. Kittens play a lot and learn about the world. You can start teaching them names. To get the kittens to sleep more at night, play with them in the evening: this way they will get tired and will be able to disturb you less. This week is indicative after vaccination. Watch the kittens, their behavior and stool. If you have any questions, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Ten weeks. The kitten is completely independent. He manifests his own character, individual habits begin to form - where to sleep, what to play. The owner should spend more time with the kittens, accustoming them to the rules of behavior: that you can not scratch, attack a person. At the same time, screaming and physically punishing kittens is strictly prohibited.

Eleven weeks is a period of continued growth and knowledge of the world. Continue to feed the kittens a variety of meals, but you can reduce the number of meals to three or four. Keep a close eye on the kittens, close windows and doors, always look under your feet. Do not leave electrical devices unattended. Kittens should have enough toys and a few scratching posts.

The twelfth week - three months - can be the time when the kitten leaves the parental home and goes to new owners. The character, habits and personality of a small cat are already formed. The kitten is completely independent and independent, has all the necessary knowledge and skills and no longer needs maternal care.

This is the time when you need to give the kitten a second deworming and another examination by the veterinarian. The kitten can purr, show love and affection. He is still very active and curious, but he already knows about the rules of behavior in this world. He has formed the color of the eyes and has all the milk teeth. The kitten is cheerful, but continues to actively develop and grow. You should not stop communicating and actively playing with the kitten so that he grows up active and friendly.