How can you congratulate the newlyweds at a wedding in an original way? Why is it convenient to give money for a wedding? Song congratulations on the wedding

An invitation to a wedding has been received, and a lot of questions immediately arise: what to wear, what to give as a gift, and no less. important question How to congratulate the newlyweds so that it is not banal, sincere and not like other congratulations. What to wear and give as a gift for a wedding, these issues will be resolved over time, but how to congratulate the newlyweds so that it is original, memorable and with humor is not an easy task.

During a wedding, so many solemn, significant, touching things happen that it wouldn’t hurt to dilute all these, sometimes even boring moments of the holiday, speeches, parting words, with a fresh stream of humor. And what if not cool and funny congratulations, cause laughter from the newlyweds and guests, and even indulgent smiles on the faces of the older generation. Or tell funny jokes about the bride and groom.

The wedding congratulations below, let’s say right away, are not suitable for relatives of the older generation: parents of the bride and groom, grandparents. Usually, they have no time for laughter, they send their children into adult, family life, and naturally worry and worry about how the young people’s life together will turn out, how long will love cement their union, how the couple will cope with financial, economic and everyday problems, which are often found in any newly created family.

In their congratulations, they try to include useful instructions, parting words and wishes, which, it seems to them, will be able to protect the young spouses from mistakes. This is understandable; for them, a wedding is a very important moment not only in the lives of their children, but also in their lives.

Our wedding congratulations are suitable for friends of the bride and groom, their young relatives, in general, for everyone who believes that a wedding is not a reason for worries and thoughts, but a joyful and cheerful event that should be remembered as the most shining moment in the life of the future family.

What do you want at a wedding?

And we don't know how to start.

Lots of joy, health,

(Drink cow's milk)

Many beautiful children for you

To mom - sweet, to dad - strong,

Don't forget about your friends

Invite us to visit,

Let there be less troubles

And don't quarrel at lunch

Read smart books

And get things done.

Well, in general, good luck to you,

You need to believe in miracles!

Hymen did not eat, did not sleep -
Marriage bonds forged.
He tried, he groaned,
I wanted to please you!

So that your marriage union
distinguished by the strength of the bonds,
Hymen, family god,
I worked as hard as I could!

In the marriage alloy he put
And patience and strength,
Lots of joy and happiness
Understanding, participation.

And also hope, faith,
And trust, beyond measure,
Joint plans and works,
Interesting adventures.

The zealous god mixed
In the bonds of marriage, everything I could,
And, as the order requires,
These bonds are your reward!

On this day and at this hour
Your family was born -
Young, united, Newly minted!

I wish you happiness and many years to come,
Let love, advice reign,
Let them not be a burden to you
God Hymen's bonds!

We, guys, are coming to your wedding
They came running without looking back.
Take a look with a keen eye
For the bride and groom.

Together “BITTER!” thunder in bass
And then like divers
Find yourself drunk
On Sunday under the table.

We eat and go for a walk.
Congratulations on your wedding!
And we wish the family love,
The matter of marriage is not easy.

We want to wish you
Smile more often
And into each other every day
Falling in love again

Always share equally
Joys, worries
And add as much strength as possible
Work for the storks!

Groom, to honeyed lips
Kiss the bride up to a hundred times!
Let at least a hundred years pass,
Let them not lose their feelings honey!

The honeymoon will pass
Why don’t you see, in a sweet year,
And may this year lengthen
A string of decades!

May your life be honeyed,
Always happy and new,
Let him not get tired of beckoning you,
But it won’t become cloying for you!

Let everything be easy and smooth,
And may it always be sweet for you
And only today let you only
Everyone shouts tirelessly: “Bitter!”

On your wedding day we want to tell you
Words of parting words and wishes:
So that you don't lose love,
Prepare dinner from confessions,

For dinner - a fiery cocktail,
From kisses and hugs,
And instead of breakfast - bed
And an hour of active physical exercise. classes.

And let romance, friends,
Doesn't leave you over the years
And your daughters and sons
They love you and are proud of you!

Bride and groom, happy wedding day
We would like to congratulate you today
And a very useful gift
Add to the words of wishes!

May it be “bitter” for you at the wedding,
And life together is only sweet!
We wish you love, friendship, happiness,
Success in everything and prosperity!

A simple recipe for family happiness:
Take love as a basis
Mix the beating of hearts with love,
Severely weeding out betrayals.

Prepare the filling from songs, flowers,
From tender joint dawns.
So that this common pie is not soggy,

Bake with passion and light!

Be healthy, live richly,

As much as your salary allows you.
But know that the salary is never enough
Shake all your ancestors - they will give you more.

You have twice as many parents,
Love them more, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers -
Give birth to boys, give birth to girls.

But parents get bored with children
Throw them to the grandmothers - they will educate them.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that there is no marriage in your marriage!

You are so suitable for each other
Everyone happily acknowledged this!
Hymen's bonds are invisible,
What tied you together.

Love, harmony and tenderness
They will keep you warm in cold and bad weather.
Let the golden rings become
The key to loyalty and happiness!

May your union bring joy
And delights family life!
Live happily and together.
Look forward with optimism!

Let there be harmony and tenderness in the house,
Cozy, warm atmosphere,
Friends and family will support
Have a successful career!

May the sun please you on your wedding day,
Or luckily it’s raining -
It doesn’t matter, let the newlyweds
Good luck in family life!

We wish you love, hope,
Have a prosperous bright future.
Have a great experience
From one-on-one meetings between spouses!

Original, touching congratulations for a wedding are wonderful, but sometimes you want to be a little “naughty” in your congratulations, because a wedding is not only a solemn event, but also the beginning of a happy sex life, and after the wedding feast - the first the wedding night. Even if she is not the first, then the married one is the first. And there will be nothing indecent in wedding congratulations that hint at sex and everything connected with it.

Cool congratulations on the wedding o...

Wedding, doves, priest,
Vows, rings and veils,
The dress's price tag is round
And my pockets are empty.

You are no longer someone nearby,
And the bride and groom.
There's no need to hide now,
There is an apartment for two.

Sharpen it sharper
You are a chisel and a chisel.
Relatives are waiting and you will soon
Finally, multiply.

Not just to continue the family line,

People are getting married in Russia.
Not to give birth, I’ll give a lot,
They got married in our homeland!..

But if you don't want it, marriage
To turn into a chain of fights,
Love each other at night -
Give birth to your own baby!

Let the child be yours
From porridges yogurt is strong,

When you get married, dear ones, take heart:
Now multiply “in captivity”!

We wish you to get drunk on this day,
Get lost in your apartment,
Friends and family are unrecognizable
And you can't find your bed!

To formalize the marriage deed.
It finally happened
This fact is irreparable!
Now the task is more difficult

For both family and friends:
Still unknown to science
To have children, grandchildren,
When only a pager with a phone
Served as a connection for two lovers!

And congratulations on your wedding,
We wish you a wedding portrait
Carry with you everywhere,
So as not to be afraid of each other,
If you happen to meet,
In a newly built nest!

We want the music to sound
So that the two of you don't get bored.
Let there be twins to begin with -
We'll bring you a stroller.

We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And this is what we most importantly wish:
Advice to you, happiness and love.

Let your wedding congratulations not go unnoticed at wedding feast, and will cause cheerful smiles, and even friendly laughter from the guests!

A wedding ceremony usually takes place once in a person’s life, so it should be top level. Unusual congratulations newlyweds are remembered for more long term than the most expensive gift, so all those invited before the celebration think about how to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding. In order to please the bride and groom at the celebration, it is advisable to use your imagination, inventing extraordinary congratulations. Let's talk about original wishes young people at a wedding.

Options for original congratulations on your wedding day

Those guests who are remembered at a wedding are those who express their most heartfelt wishes to the newlyweds. Only a few say congratulations in an unusual and creative way, but there are many options for self-expression:

  • For example, you don’t have to have great talent to congratulate the newlyweds on poetic form. If desired, it is easy to remake a well-known song and such a congratulation will be a pleasant surprise for the newlyweds.
  • Or make a fun photo collage by choosing interesting photos newlyweds in different periods life, starting from infancy. Come up with funny comments for them, choose cheerful music, and give to newlyweds cheerful congratulations, which will lift the spirits of everyone present for a long time.
  • An interesting congratulation would be the wishes recorded on video from strangers whom you meet on the street and ask to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding.

Fantasize - and an original idea will definitely come to you!

Beautiful words in poetry and prose

Wishes to newlyweds in prose - this is the most common type solemn speech at a wedding, because not everyone decides to write poetry, and a custom poem is expensive. Wishes in prose should not be too long. In order not to lose the attention of those present, the speech should not last more than 1-2 minutes. Usually, solemn congratulations ends with the presentation of a gift that adds significance to the words spoken. We offer several ideas for a formal speech in prose that the newlyweds will definitely like:

  1. If you ask the most different people, what's happened marriage, then we will hear many opinions. Some will say that this is the duty of the young before God. Another will assume that this is only one month of love and subsequent ones long years monotonous existence. Someone will add that marriage is a gift of fate. Each of them will be right, because the union of two people is what they think about it. I wish you to think about love, happiness and joy all the time, so that your union will be amazing for everyone!
  2. One wise man said: “There are many who seek in the world, but few who find.” You are the most happy people, because they were able to find each other. Let your family hearth burn with an unquenchable flame, illuminating your family life with the light of fidelity and love.
  3. On your wedding day you were told and given a lot of good things. But you received the most valuable prize from the Sun. It gave a piece of its love, from which you created a family hearth. Keep this gift throughout your life so that any wind of change does not extinguish your love, but only ignite it even more!

How to congratulate newlyweds at a wedding with poetry? Yes, very simple! We offer several poems that you can use in your ceremonial speech:

The groom is like a swan - strong, slender!
So noble and smart!
I chose a girlfriend to match myself,
To love until the end of time.
We wish you good luck and patience,
Happy life and victories!
And most importantly - family love,
Love and advice to you!

Young and innocent, like two doves,
And life ahead is a clean slate!
We wish life to give you a smile
And a flower blossomed on the leaf!
Take care of him, care for him, cherish him,
After all, this is a symbol of a strong family!
Grow together, water together,
After all, this is the only way you will be happy!

All your life, just walk next to me,
Remaining faithful to each other.
Don't allow an evil look
Do not know long-lasting grievances.
May the sun always shine on you.
And the days will be cloudless!

Never part,
May your hearts love you deeply!

Short wedding congratulations

Talk at the wedding beautiful toasts or how to present an envelope with money in an original way. You can sign a postcard with already ready congratulations, but it’s better if you congratulate the newlyweds in your own words. It is not necessary to speak beautifully or at length. Let your wish be short - it will not lose its relevance because it is not for nothing that they say: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” Examples of short wishes:

On this day I can say one thing,
This is a serious step, I understand.
I just want to wish you happiness,
I congratulate you with all my heart!

A family was born, like a new star in the sky.
Congratulations, friends, and remember that a wedding is forever!

You connected your hearts
Into a reliable and lasting union.
We wish you to keep your love
And they were proud of the strength of the bonds!

Cool congratulations in your own words

If you are not a fan of memorized prose or other people's poems, congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding in your own words. Tell the bride and groom the most important thing that is on your soul, and if the words are cheerful, then not only the newlyweds, but also the guests will receive your speech with delight. The main thing is to rehearse the phrases in advance so that you don’t blush, stutter or get nervous at the holiday. It is better to write the text on a piece of paper or learn the wish by heart.

We offer examples funny texts in your own words for the newlyweds:

  • Chinese philosopher Confucius said: “Happiness is being understood.” Now this statement is as relevant as it was many centuries ago. I want to wish the young people love and mutual understanding so that they always feel respect and support for each other.
  • We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding! We wish your life to be neither bitter nor sweet, but in moderation: with sourness, pepper and zest!
  • In the ocean of married life family union- this is a ship. The wife is the helm of the ship, and the husband is the sail. I would like to wish the bride to always find the right course, and the groom - wisdom and endurance. May your family's caravel always find a calm flow, and even if there is bad weather overboard, may love, peace, and tranquility always reign on the deck of your ship!

What is an unusual way to congratulate newlyweds from their parents?

At their children's wedding, parents are the most honored guests. And their congratulations act as a kind of parting word for future family life. In order for the wishes to be original and remembered for a long time, parents should prepare in advance. And from us - a few examples sincere congratulations newlyweds:

  • Dear children! We see happy smiles on your faces. Let good mood never leaves you, and the happiness that overwhelms you now will last forever! We wish you to walk the path called family life with dignity, which is still unknown, but so interesting!
  • All parents are happy for their children when they are happy. And we rejoice, because you have found each other and found love. Let them shout at you at your wedding: “Bitter!”, and we wish that bitter days never come to life, and happiness settles in your home forever!
  • Wedding day is magical time when all wishes come true. We want to wish that there is a lot of love, mutual understanding and respect in your life. If you achieve harmony in your relationship, then all other desires will definitely be fulfilled! May you live happily ever after!

Video: ideas for creative congratulations

It doesn't really matter how much creative words will be said at the wedding, the main thing is that they are said with all my heart. If you have not yet decided on the option to congratulate the newlyweds, then watch the video in which they prepare funny wishes for the bride and groom:

A wedding celebration is rich in beautiful, very touching and memorable moments. Often, not only professionals, but also the guests themselves, who come up with ideas for dear to my heart newlyweds, unusual congratulations.

We offer several options - original congratulations - wedding gifts, which will be a wonderful addition to the useful and cash gifts to the heroes of the occasion

Original congratulations to the newlyweds "Capsule of Love" .

This is a touching and beautiful moment at a wedding, in order to emphasize its significance and solemnity, you need to prepare for it in advance: select lyrical background music, prepare the “capsule” itself (it can be a chest with a lock, a cute piggy bank or a hermetically sealed vase), paper, pens and the text with which this ritual will be accompanied.

The creation of a “love capsule” by newlyweds can become a separate issue entertainment program, or maybe it will become a beautiful occasion for a toast and be organized not by the host, but by one of your close friends or relatives, like original congratulations with the presentation of a gift. It is better to spend it in the second feast, when the traditional toasts and rituals are over.

The lead to this congratulation can be short story that every year of married life should be celebrated as a kind of personal anniversary: ​​the first anniversary is called “ chintz wedding", the fifth is wooden. But the tenth anniversary of married life is... How do the young husband and wife today imagine their life together in ten years? What will they become and how will they feel towards each other? Let both answer this question in writing, and what they write down will be kept in a “time capsule” for the next ten years. It is better, so that the newlyweds do not interfere or embarrass each other, organize the writing of their forecast-wishes by the bride and groom in turn, and at this time occupy their other half with any wedding entertainment.

For example, while the groom is writing, the bride can be invited, since it is the woman who creates the atmosphere in the house, to learn one of the “recipes family happiness", and even cook it (you will need salt or sand different colors, coffee beans, a glass of red wine, rose petals and beautiful dishes)

- Recipe for family happiness

“We take three heaping tablespoons of optimism, add to them a large handful of faith and five teaspoons of patience, and a pinch of respect and trust. We throw the seeds of fidelity onto this fertile soil. We generously fill all this with love and decorate it with petals of kind attention. Ready mixture Serve at any time of the day with a side dish of smiles and compliments.”

- Important dates

Then, having taken the bride’s word that she will follow this recipe in her family life, we send her to write a letter and entertain the groom. Here you can talk about the most important wedding dates, because men risk forgetting about this and thus offending their beloved wife. You can give him a reminder about wedding anniversaries and gifts that are recommended to be given to everyone, some can be voiced. For example, on the fifth anniversary life together - « wooden wedding" - they will be good exquisite accessories, trimmed with birch bark, for the night table of his beloved wife. But on " pink wedding“, that is, after 10 years of marriage, the husband traditionally gives his wife a bouquet of eleven roses, ten of which are red (they symbolize love), and one is white. This is the color of hope for an equally happy married life in future.

Then the newlyweds, to the applause of the guests, pack both messages and seal them in a “love capsule”, which can be opened exactly 10 years later. And, of course, happy birthday to the family and a toast to love!!

Congratulations-game "Talisman with magic beads for the newlywed."

This general thing is appropriate for small celebrations, otherwise it will be too long.

For this game - congratulations will be big and beautiful beads by the number of guests and fishing line. When making a toast, each speaker strings one bead onto a fishing line. And so on until you get a real necklace. These beads, charged with the goodwill and heartfelt wishes of all the guests, are then given to the groom, who places them around the bride's neck.

You can come up with this gift nice wish about the beads protecting the young from all troubles, and helping the young wife in difficult moments gain strength and wisdom.

General congratulations at the wedding "From heart to heart."

For this surprise - congratulations - gift, you need to prepare a large cardboard heart, which is decorated with the inscription of the names of young people (Maria + Victor), their portraits and a beautiful wedding background (cupids, doves, flowers). Such a heart can be specially ordered at any salon that provides printing services. In the “set” for the big heart, miniature hearts are prepared, on which several can fit kind words to lovers. You'll have to stock up on double-sided tape.

Secretly from the newlyweds, the host or one of the friends hands out small hearts, and the guests write their wishes on them. The hearts are picturesquely attached to the large heart using tape so that the main surface is closed. A big heart acquires convexity, volume, and in itself becomes an interesting decoration wedding hall. At the end of the celebration, this heart is given to the newlyweds, with the most Best wishes and recommendations to peel off all the hearts and read all the warm words at the same time, because only after peeling off all the miniature notes will the newlyweds discover that they are hiding one heart for two.

Original gift "Calendar sheet".

By organizing this, any presenter can decorate his program with a memorable, beautiful moment, but it will be even more touching if one of the young people’s loved ones starts it, especially since organizing it is quite simple - you will need a tear-off calendar and beautiful frame(a calendar sheet with the wedding date is beautifully glued into the frame).

When presenting this gift, you can emphasize that from this moment on, an ordinary calendar sheet becomes their family heirloom. It’s worth reading out the times of sunrise and sunset, the length of the day, decorating this essentially banal information with a romantic flair: “Years will pass. You look at this yellowed piece of paper and remember that the first day of your life together lasted... hours... minutes. And only for you the sun rose at ... o'clock and set - to your pleasure! - at... o'clock. And this piece of paper will remind you of all of us, your relatives and guests!” At this moment, a toast about future happy years married life.

It would be great to add to this family gift a beautiful folder or album, prepared specifically for everyone present to write down their wishes to the newlyweds. This can be done throughout the evening - the host officially invites guests to this action and shows a place where they can safely make their recording.

"A gift that lasts a lifetime"

At the end of the event, the presenter takes out a box. This box contains beautiful shots. On each frame, the guest must write his most sincere wishes young. When everyone has written, the bridesmaids fasten the frames together satin ribbon(the holes will be prepared in advance). The ribbon of wishes is wound onto a reel and ceremonially presented to the newlyweds. Spouses throughout their lives, if the wish comes true, untie the frame; if not, then they have something to strive for. For example: the mother of the bride wished to give birth young beautiful daughter. When the spouses have a girl, they untie the frame or put a tick on the ribbon with the note: “done”

A wedding is a grand event! Preparation takes a lot of time, money and nerves. Moreover, not only the parents, the bride and groom and all the relatives are fussing, but also everyone invited. After all, every guest should express their congratulations. But not everyone knows how to do this in an original way. Banal words with wishes of love and fidelity are already boring. A good option- sketches of congratulations for the wedding. They need to be prepared in advance; props, costumes and assistants may be needed.

Originality in everything

The wedding day usually begins nervously and tensely. The newlyweds and organizers worry and fuss to make sure everything goes at the highest level. But as soon as the guests and heroes of the occasion cross the threshold of the room in which the feast will take place, the mood rises and all fears disappear. Much depends on the design of the hall; the decorations set the tone for the entire event. Balloons, ribbons, garlands, flowers - all this will create an atmosphere of celebration and fun! And scenes for the wedding in the form of congratulations will complement the picture.

We issue banknotes

You can amuse the newlyweds and guests with a scene with an ATM. Of course, you don't need a real iron unit. It’s easy to make an “ATM” from a refrigerator box. The process is simple: cover the box with paper or plain wallpaper, come up with interesting name jar. Be sure to make an imitation of the keyboard, screen and hole for issuing money. At the same time, you can present your gift with the help of such a wedding congratulations scene. Cool words and the decorations will delight the newlyweds!

Let's start the fun

Now the ATM from a huge box is ready, and it is solemnly brought into the hall. Climb inside unnoticed and start the scene. The presenter invites the young people to the ATM and explains that this miracle of technology issues banknotes only for fulfilling tasks and promises. The presenter asks you to put your eye to a special scanner on the ATM to identify the bank client. The man from the box says in a menacing voice: “It’s not good to spy, he’s already a married man!”

After passing the identification procedure, the ATM reports the task: “If you want to get money, press the “Stash” button.” This is the kind of banknote that the husband undertakes to give to his wife every day for lipstick!” The ATM dispenses large bills. People of any age will enjoy such funny scenes of congratulations for a wedding.

If the wife promises to give her husband a certain amount for screws and screws once a week, she is allowed to click the “Give money” button. A man puts money into a hole in a box, if the young people answer - yes!

The last task, in order to receive the coveted banknotes, is the ritual dance of the heroes of the occasion around the ATM. The presenter shows them funny movements that attract money into the house.

Notes of the East

A wedding congratulations scene from friends should be funny. The presenter announces that the Sheikh of Alibabania himself, Jafarin Kabelin Ismailovsky, came to congratulate the newlyweds. The sheikh enters, hung with jewelry, wrapped in beautiful fabrics. Behind him are the concubines - dressed up friends of the groom, in scarves with their faces covered or, conversely, with bright makeup.

The sheikh says congratulations in broken Russian and invites the groom to choose any beauty from the harem as a gift. Each of the concubines comes out, introduces herself and shows her skills in dancing and singing. Sheikh: “The first beauty of the harem is Zarema, she sings like a nightingale.” Zarema performs chanson. “The second concubine is a striptease star and oriental dances", says the sheikh. The next lady performs a belly dance to the Kalinka-Malinka.

The eastern man continues the performance: “My third woman cooks like a goddess, bring in her noble pastries and grapes with kiwi and pineapple!”

You can come up with a couple more talented images of concubines, but you shouldn’t drag it out too much. In the end, the groom refuses the gift, since his wife is better than all the concubines in the world! This wedding congratulations scene from friends will please the public.

Important messages

It would be very interesting if postal workers came to congratulate the newlyweds. Two guests, dressed in postman costumes with heavy bags at the ready, enter the hall. They brought urgent telegrams for the young family from various authorities. The postmen, having introduced themselves, read out the messages with expression. These are intriguing sketches of congratulations for a wedding; funny and unusual telegram texts keep everyone in suspense until the sender’s name is read out.

  1. “Beloved and only one, how many years we have lived together. The fun and joy that I gave you is now beyond my control. We say goodbye to you forever today! Remember me at least sometimes, but never come back! We had a good time together... Your single life.” After last sentence You can hear a lot of interesting comments from guests! It will be a lot of fun.
  2. We notify you that a new and sweet period begins in the life of the family ... (last name) - Honeymoon. Russian Beekeeping Department."

Such funny telegram wedding congratulations go off with a bang. You don’t have to learn the text by heart; improvisation is welcome here. Here are a couple more examples.

  1. At the request of superiors, the most the best place reserved for a newlywed citizen. Maternity hospital of the city N".
  2. “Dear bride! Your individual order has been completed, you can pick up the product called “Hedgehog Mittens” at Studio No. 1. At any time convenient for you.”
  3. The shoe shop in your area congratulates you on your marriage and wishes your husband never to be under the thumb.


In addition to the main gift, you can give the newlyweds a few small things they need in the household and play it all off as wedding congratulation scenes. Those congratulating you can dress up as merchants or sellers in aprons. The presenter says that rent retail space very expensive, and traders are forced to walk the streets or hold fairs anywhere. Kind sellers of goods necessary for family life came to congratulate the newlyweds. Several guests come out and put a bag with gifts in the middle, take turns presenting surprises and saying wishes:

  • I give you a glass mug so that you can love each other for a hundred years;
  • Here are some lace booties for you, so that children don’t go barefoot;
  • I give you a bronze nail so that you will never be apart;
  • I give you exquisite soap so that your life will be fragrant and sweet;
  • there you are fresh cabbage so that the refrigerator is not empty.

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a wedding message. Not everyone can come up with funny mini-plays in the form of a skit. However, a simple, but cheerful and kind farewell message will be appreciated by everyone present.

An oligarch is coming to us

Funny sketches of congratulations for a wedding can end with an increase in finances family budget! For congratulations from the oligarch you will need a respectable size, pot-bellied man. If there is no such person among the guests, you can attach a false belly to someone, add a crimson jacket, a huge chain around their neck, and give a man purse to their hands. The result will be a funny image of a “new Russian from the 90s.” This respectable uncle enters the hall, he is flanked by guards, and the presenter announces: “No one should move, a very special person came to visit us.” important person. The security is inadequate, they might start shooting champagne! Now let’s all silently listen to the congratulations and applaud the important guest!”

This will be an original wedding greeting in the form of a scene. The oligarch approaches the newlyweds, greets them and informs them that he must check whether the groom has chosen a business bride. The bride is given a broom and dustpan, and the oligarch begins to take money out of all his pockets and throw it on the floor. The bride must sweep up every single ruble. This is how rich people waste money these days!


A little humorous mysticism can be added to wedding evening. This is a very original wedding greeting in the form of a scene. An artistic guest will be required, who will be dressed up as a clairvoyant. Any paraphernalia will do. Hang everything you have on hand:

  • costume jewelry;
  • toy spiders, rats, snakes;
  • crystal ball, broom;
  • scarves, cards.

A dressed-up woman enters the hall: “Hello guests and newlyweds! A vision of your celebration came to me, and I hurried here. I want to show you how much you love each other and make your dream come true - to read your partner’s thoughts!”

The bride and groom are given pens and sheets of paper and asked to write down three lines from their favorite songs. As soon as this task is completed, the leaves are handed over to the clairvoyant.

Such sketches of congratulations for the wedding first keep the audience in suspense, and then wild laughter is heard. The presenter begins to ask strange woman questions, and she, pretending to go into a trance, reads the answers from the sheets.

  • What did the groom think when he first saw his chosen one?
  • The bride's first thought after the marriage proposal was made to her?
  • How does the groom feel after meeting his future mother-in-law?
  • What did the bride think after the first kiss?
  • What song was their first dance to?
  • What is the groom thinking about now?
  • What are your thoughts on this moment spinning in the bride's head?

Such funny wedding congratulation scenes are best done at the end of the evening, when the guests are already tipsy.

A minute of childhood

Usually there are a lot of kids at a wedding who also want to congratulate the newlyweds. You can learn a fun dance or song with your children. The whole team will go to the middle of the hall and present their musical surprise with inspiration. Organize a real flash mob, led by little invitees.

The children go out into the middle of the hall and say that they are already tired of listening to the shouts of “Bitter”. Those guests who perfectly repeat their fiery movements will receive sweet candies! Let the kids show simple movements, but it will all look very comical.

This could be a wedding greeting from friends. The newlyweds will be very pleased to see funny scenes.

Flower garden

Friends can prepare small scenes in advance. If this is not possible, you can learn one line at a time during the celebration. Prepare costumes of flowers or just wreaths of artificial plants and fruits. The host announces that the basket of flowers and fruits has been delivered to the newlyweds’ table. At this moment, guests in suits enter the hall. It will work out original congratulation scene for a wedding. Participants can deliberately lisp, burr, hold onto their skirt with one hand, or even climb onto a chair, pretending to be children.

  • “I am fragrant grapes, I am very glad to congratulate you! You have lived together for a hundred years and are still blooming like roses!”
  • “I am a tender, lilac rose, very beautiful, healthy! I wish you the same flowers and long-term maternity leave!”
  • “I am simple, but useful, beautiful and always appropriate. Let me always be in the vase and in the medicine cabinet; you can drink tea with me. Who am I, this “cute girl?” Well, of course - chamomile!

It’s very nice to receive wedding congratulations from friends, funny scenes or just a few kind words. The main thing is that they are sincere.

We create our own fun

A wedding should definitely be fun! After all, lovers will remember this day forever. While watching the video, they will remember these happy moments. Therefore, wedding scenes in the form of congratulations are simply necessary. Apply a little imagination and desire - then you will get a wonderful, lively celebration.

You will find many options for wedding congratulations in this article.

When your loved ones invite you to a wedding, you understand that you want to tell them your most sincere and good wishes. But you can’t always come up with a suitable congratulation yourself.

Congratulations on your wedding day are beautiful, original in prose, poetry, SMS

Undoubtedly, your congratulations will depend on the newlyweds: it is your child or girlfriend, the newlyweds are young or old. Based on the character of the newlyweds, you will also choose the right words.

  • Your congratulations may be romantic and beautiful in words or prose.

Live in wealth in a comfortable home,
Where there will be peace and respect.
Happy wedding day to you! From us with love
Please accept these congratulations

Fate brought you together forever
The two halves suddenly became whole.
Carry warmth through the years,
Let no sorrow touch you.

Keep your family, peace and happiness,
Let love not leave you.
Let all bad weather go away,
Let them not lose the sparkle in their eyes!

Our dear newlyweds, you look incredible today happy! Your eyes light up when you look at each other. We want to wish you not to lose this spark in your eyes. Let even in 20 years, looking at each other, you feel the same happiness and joy as you do now!

If your young ones have a sense of humor, then you can choose simpler, but vitally familiar words of congratulations.

We wish you a long and joyful life:
The wife should be cheerful, and the husband should be made to laugh!
And in life family soul don't grow old:
The wife needs to be beautiful, and the husband wants to be beautiful!

And we must, of course, give birth and raise:
For the wife to become a mother, and for the husband to plow!
But in general we wish, well what can we say,
The wife should be loved, and the husband should love!

You can be among the first to congratulate if you just send a short SMS. The SMS will remain in the phone’s memory, which means young people will be able to re-read it and will remember your sincere words.

Live joyfully for many years,
It is true to love and to be loved,
In life you don’t know misfortune and grief -
This is what I want to wish you.

Well, that means it’s like this: without verbosity I -
I wish you to live and live,
And also happiness and health,
To treasure this life

We congratulate you on your wedding,
We are urgently sending you an order:
May life be all honey,
So that my wife gives birth to a son,
So that the husband does not go to the left,
To love one wife!

Funny wedding day greetings

Newlyweds love to have fun at their wedding, so amuse them with such funny congratulations.

It's time to grumble and pet,
Cooking, darning and washing,
Getting along with other people's relatives
And lie to close relatives,

Expect misfortune from the first birth
And be jealous until you turn blue,
But they say it's happiness
So be happy too!

The wedding is in full swing,
Guests in a wedding frenzy,
This is where the story ends...
You will remember the order:
Wife - respect husband
And don’t scold idlely!
Well, what about the husband - to be with his wife

And don’t run after someone else!
To live life like this,
We need to wet the letter!
And to finish drinking,
We need to sweeten it up somehow!


The husband is a horse, the wife is a horse.
I wish for order,
So that the horse is smooth,
So that the horse is like fire,

So that we can go together in harness,
The cart had what it needed,
So that the road is long,
And the team is not lazy.

Congratulations on the wedding of sister, brother

Sisters and brothers are very close people. I want to say the kindest and most reverent words to such people. Congratulate your loved one brother pleasant, but at the same time, strong masculine words:

Dear brother, tell your wife:
Let her not think - getting married is like going to heaven.
Let him take care of you and love you deeply,
And even more likely he will delight us with a baby.
I miss my cute little kids so much
And I promise to babysit my nephews.
I will read books to them and take them for walks,
Just don’t hand over more of them right away,
than five at once!

I'm incredibly happy for you!
Congratulations on your wedding day!
After all, you are my best brother in the world -
I wish you everything.

Let the house be in abundance,
And children's laughter is heard.
Sweet, sweet love to you -
May success await your family!

Sister You can congratulate more touchingly and sentimentally:

My dear and beloved sister!
On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years,
And, like today, your blood was excited!

Let your hearts beat loudly in unison!
Let all your dreams come true!
And never forget your sister!
I want you to be happy with your husband!

I wish my beloved sister,
The only one, the unique one,
Always be the same beautiful
Like on your wedding day - happy.

For your spouse to love you,
I appreciated your virtues,
I wish you happiness with all my heart,
May luck be with you!

Congratulations on the wedding of a friend, friend

When congratulating your friends on their wedding day, be sincere and don’t be shy to talk about how much you love them.

My dear friend,
Today you became a wife,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May your husband love you like this!

Unprecedented success in life,
Don't be upset at all,
I wish you small children,
They are always a joy for everyone!

And let everything in this world
You couldn't find a happier family
I wish you throughout this life
Walk by the hand all the time!

You are the best girlfriend in the world,
And what I'm most sure of is
You will be a good and faithful wife
For my beloved husband.

I wish my husband never to be stingy:
So that she can walk in minks and sables,
I want your husband to be proud of you,
And just to carry it in your arms all your life.

Now I want to address the groom:
Love and cherish your spouse.
You are just lucky that you decided to get married
Today on best friend mine.

Congratulations for friend usually characterized by less display of feelings and greater display of humor:

Hello, congratulations on your wedding day!
You, my friend, are no longer a bachelor...
I could go for walks any way I wanted!
Now you are a HUSBAND, now you are nothing.

Friend, we have so much with you
I had a chance to survive!
We knew no peace
And they knew how to be friends!

And on your wedding day, my friend,
I would wish you
So that my beloved wife
You have become a support!

Friend, of course you will
The best father!
Your union will be eternal,
And happy is your home!

Congratulations on your wedding from your godparents

Godparents are spiritual fathers and mothers. Their words are usually imbued with warmth and real kindness towards their godchildren. These words can be in poetry or prose.

Congratulations, friends!
I'm the godfather, I'm happy,
That you have found each other!
Together so that you can get through

The path to the wedding is golden
Warming each other with warmth
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that the kids are good

I congratulate you, children, on your wedding.,
I wish you the warmth of home!
As godmother, I bless you,
May your love bloom more!

I wish you parental happiness,
Good luck and good luck in everything!
And life's storms and bad weather
Let them go around your common sweet home!

My dear goddaughter! I'm so glad that you're marrying someone like that wonderful person. I wish to be ideal wife, a wonderful, caring mother, create strong family, cozy hearth. Always be, my baby, as charming, beautiful, and loved as you were on this fabulous wedding day!

When presenting a gift, the congratulations should be short and concise. All my prepared poems and beautiful words you will say when you propose a toast.

There may be many guests at a wedding who will languish in anticipation until everyone says everything they want.

Therefore, when presenting a gift, congratulate and say a few main words:

  • Congratulations, my dears. Always love and understand each other!
  • We are very happy for you. Congratulations! Be always happy together!

If you wish, you can highlight your gift. If it's a thing, you can say what it is. Or you can say that it will be a surprise for them when they open it themselves.

Our dear children!
Be the best in the world.
If you got married, don't fight.
Fall in love more deeply every day.

We wish you happiness, children.
And congratulations again.
Let there be your union
An example of family ties!

The day you become a husband,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Be caring, strong and smart
And protect the family from adversity.

So that your wife loves you tenderly,
Because we love you, son.
So that fate protects your feelings,
There were smoother roads, so there were more roads.

There are a huge number of congratulations on the wedding. The main thing is that your words are sincere. Then it will no longer matter to the young whether these are prepared poems or spontaneous words.

Video: Incredibly touching wedding congratulations from parents 8541