Prevention of hysteria in children. Prevention and treatment of hysterical neurosis. How is the behavior of a child prone to tantrums corrected?

In hysterical neurosis in children, it is noted abrupt change moods: the child laughs and cries, screams, shows aggression during an attack. Children during this period do not control own behavior. An attack develops as a response to an irritating factor, and its intensity increases at the moment when the environment begins to pay attention to the patient. Tantrums are treated through behavior modification.

Causes of hysteria in children

Hysteria in children develops under the influence of the following factors:

  • age;
  • external influence;
  • features of education.

Children in the first and third years of life show negative attitude to those around you. During these periods, the baby is often stubborn, refusing to fulfill the requests of the parents, does not obey them. Such behavior does not indicate a mental disorder, but characterizes the formation of a personality.

The following factors can provoke hysteria during transitional periods:

The main reason for the development of neurosis in children are errors in education. Pressure from parents causes internal conflict. Children try to adapt to such living conditions or resist it, which causes increased nervous tension. Hysterical attacks are also caused by inconsistent behavior of parents. For example, if the mother forbids something, and the father allows it, then the child develops an internal conflict again, because the children do not understand the demands of adults on how to do the right thing.

The appearance of hysteria may be due to the desire to imitate peers. If one baby starts screaming loudly, then the second one will most likely begin to behave in a similar way.

Symptoms of tantrums in children

Symptoms and treatment hysterical neurosis in children are determined depending on the age and individual characteristics of the patient.

If a person is characterized by increased suggestibility, then such a child has seizures more often.

In the first year of life, hysterical neurosis manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the body is tense;
  • eyes close, but there are no tears;
  • fists are clenched;
  • children knock, bite, scratch.

After the attack is over, the patient's condition returns to normal.

At three years, the clinical picture of hysteria is more pronounced character. During an attack, children fall to the floor, bending their backs into an arc, hitting their heads against surrounding objects. The child has hysterical laughter, which disappears after the normalization of the condition. Short-term cessation of breathing, impaired coordination and convulsions are also noted.

At the end of an attack of hysteria in children, the symptoms of the disorder manifest themselves in the form of dizziness and nausea.

In older age, the nature and severity clinical picture is changing. Hysteria in a teenager manifests itself in the form of:

  • increased vulnerability, emotionality;
  • complaints about non-existent pathologies;
  • fantasy.

This behavior is explained by the desire of a teenager to attract attention. Otherwise, hysterical neurosis proceeds in a similar way as.

Prevention and treatment of hysterical neurosis

Tantrums in adolescents and children are temporary and are due to the peculiarities of the development of the psyche at this age. Therefore, specific therapy of neurosis in this case not carried out. Children cease to be hysterical when the age crisis passes.

  • balance the rest regime and normalize sleep;
  • communicate with children, listening to experiences;
  • provide a choice of actions;
  • explain the reasons for the ban.

Parents with hysterical neurosis in babies and adolescents need to remain calm and not punish for such behavior.

It is also important not to give in to the demands of children in a tantrum, since the manifestation of weakness in one of the parents, grandparents will be a signal to the child that in this way he can get what is required. Realizing that adults stand their ground, children, as a rule, become calmer and the number of tantrums is significantly reduced.


Most tantrums in a child do not give complications. At this point, patients control their behavior, so they cannot cause serious harm to their own body. However, if a hysterical fit occurs frequently, and parents do not take appropriate measures, then children have difficulty adapting to a new society. Perhaps the development of depression and neurological disorders: deafness and blindness (including complete), cognitive decline.

Hysterical neurosis in children is temporary and is more often due to the peculiarities of the development of the psyche in children. certain period. There is no specific treatment for this disorder. If necessary, parents can give the child a soothing herbal remedy.

- states of extreme agitation, accompanied by a sharp change in mood, screaming, loss of self-control. Occur involuntarily. The child cries, falls to the floor, arches the body in an arc, beats his head, knocks his fists on the surface. The reaction develops on the basis of negative emotions - irritation, indignation, despair, increases with increased attention surrounding, attempts to calm the baby. Diagnosis is carried out by a child psychiatrist, psychologist. The main research method is a clinical conversation. The frequency of attacks, the severity of symptoms are adjusted by behavioral techniques. Parent education is done through counseling.

    In medicine, the term "hysteria" describes a nervous attack, a state of mental, motor excitement with tears, screams, convulsions. In colloquial vocabulary, this concept is used to denote capricious, planned, manipulative behavior. The main difference between true hysteria and whims is involuntariness: the child cannot independently launch, control the course and completion of the reaction. Hysterical attacks are observed in 90% of children from 1 to 3 years. The peak period is the crisis of three years of age (2-3 years), the daily frequency of seizures reaches 10-15. By the age of 4, the risk of tantrums is reduced, the child completely masters speech, is able to express emotions verbally.

    Causes of tantrums in children

    During age crises the first year and three years, children actively show negativism in relation to the requirements of their parents, become stubborn, try to defend their desires, become obstinate, contradict the rules and traditions of the family. Tantrums are signs transitional phase development. Causes - situations that provoke anger, anger, the need for resistance:

    The basis of children's tantrums is the functional immaturity of brain structures, psychophysiological changes crisis period development. The maturation of brain structures occurs from the lower sections to the higher ones - from the subcortical structures to the cortex. When a hysteria is formed, nervous excitement accumulates, stress hormones are produced. The limbic system is activated - the emotion of anger arises, vegetative reactions are stimulated (muscles tighten, heart rate, breathing become more frequent). The chain of physiological processes does not include the activation of the cortex - there is no assessment of the situation, no choice of actions. Hysteria develops in waves: anger and rage increase sharply, at the peak they are replaced by grief, gradually the emotional attack weakens, it becomes ordinary crying.

    Symptoms of tantrums in children

    By the age of 1, children begin to demonstrate independence - curiosity and a desire for research increase. Needs become conscious, desires determine the behavior of babies. Obstacles, prohibitions provoke hysterical reactions. The beginning is accompanied by loud crying, screaming. The child tenses, closes his eyes, but there are no tears. High muscle tone is replaced by impulsive movements - the baby clenches his fists, knocks on the surrounding surfaces. When an adult approaches, it scratches, bites, fights. Gradually, the reactions of anger fade. The child cries, tears flow profusely, the muscles relax. After a tantrum, there are signs of fatigue, fatigue.

    Three-year-old children are experiencing a crisis characterized by the desire to act, to establish rules, to dominate. Are getting more complicated social relations, speech is actively developing. Resistance to adults is manifested verbally and in behavior. Tantrums are provoked by prohibitions, refusals, and demands. The attack is characterized by a variety of symptoms: three-year-olds fall more often, hit their heads, bite furniture upholstery with their teeth. Major seizures are accompanied by convulsions, "hysterical bridge" (arching of the torso in an arc), short-term respiratory arrest. After an attack, the child cries for a long time, complains of dizziness, nausea, pain from bruises, scratches.


    Tantrums in children have physical and mental complications. The first occur after falls, hitting the head on the floor, walls, furniture. Babies get bruises and scratches. An incorrect reaction of parents to a tantrum reinforces this way of behavior - the child begins to consciously copy attacks in order to achieve goals. TO adolescence hysterical character traits are formed: demonstrativeness, egocentrism, the desire to attract attention, dependence on the opinions of others. Unacceptable behavior (crying, screaming, throwing back the head) is transformed into a conversion disorder (hysterical neurosis), manifested by the loss of physiological functions during emotional experiences.


    In most cases, tantrums are a symptom of crisis stages of development. Emotional attacks are corrected by parents independently. The question of contacting doctors arises if the child loses consciousness, holds his breath for a long time, causes damage to himself and others, suffers from nightmares, fears, sudden changes mood, experiencing nausea, pain after a hysterical seizure. Diagnosis is performed by a pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist. Clinical and physical methods are used:

    • Conversation. The doctor interviews the parents: collects an anamnesis, specifies the time of onset of tantrums, frequency, duration of attacks. Finds out the presence of convulsions, respiratory arrest, fainting, sleep disorders, digestion. The psychologist determines the style of education, the nature of situations that provoke attacks.
    • observation. At the consultation, the doctor evaluates the behavior, emotional reactions of the child. He notes manifestations of stubbornness, negativism to the comments and requests of adults - signs of an age crisis.
    • Inspection. With severe symptoms, the neurologist examines the formation of motor skills, reflexes. Conducts differential diagnosis, excluding the pathology of the nervous system as the cause of seizures with convulsions, loss of consciousness. If necessary, he prescribes instrumental examinations (MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the vessels of the head).

    Treating tantrums in children

    Age-related hysteria is a temporary phenomenon. Special therapy for children is not required, emotional-behavioral disorders disappear after the end of the crisis. Parents are assigned a consultation with a psychologist. The specialist talks about the mechanisms that form the basis transition period, methods of correction of seizures, gives individual recommendations on the organization of the child's free time, necessary changes education. Here are some ways to prevent tantrums:

    • Proper rest. The balance of the processes of excitation-inhibition of the CNS is maintained by a rational alternation of relaxation and activity. Good sleep is important, outdoor games on fresh air, creative pursuits requiring the inclusion of cognitive processes.
    • Voice the child's feelings. It is useful to talk with the baby about experiences, feelings, current state. Conversations will develop the ability to explain verbally, to understand emotions.
    • Possibility of choice. Children should be given the opportunity to make their own decisions. In situations where there is more than one course of action, parents are encouraged to let the child make the choice.
    • Explain the reasons for the ban. It is important to talk about the reasons for the restrictions: danger to health, harm to a person, the importance of performing other activities. Explanations create a relationship of equality, not subordination.

    Tantrums begin unexpectedly, the affect quickly builds up, reaching a peak. Parents need to know about the principles of behavior that can reduce the duration and severity of seizures. Often used techniques that do not bring results - persuasion, abuse, threats, violent actions. The recommendations of psychologists are as follows:

    • Stay calm. You should not show irritation, anger in response to a child's hysteria. It is important to remain calm while being in the field of view of the child. The absence of an adult can frighten, intensify the reaction of hysteria.
    • Don't give in. Cannot be changed decision(prohibition, refusal), which has become external cause tantrums. Concessions to the demands of the child reinforce screaming, crying as a way to get what you want.
    • Don't punish. Swearing, spanking, threats do not calm the child, but can be perceived as signs of attention (tantrums will develop if it is lacking). The best option is to ignore the behavior of the baby, doing your own thing.
    • Establish tactile contact. After the peak of affect, it is desirable to hug, stroke, kiss the child. Soft touches allow him to calm down faster.

    Forecast and prevention

    The prognosis of tantrums in children is favorable, the attacks end on their own by the age of four. Prevention is based on observing the daily routine, rational organization of leisure, building friendly and respectful relationship with baby. It is important to talk “on an equal footing”, explain the reasons for the prohibitions, demonstrate by your own example adherence to the rules of conduct and rituals. physical activity change rest, evenly distribute meals - the baby should not feel hungry, tired, bored. It is worth paying attention to the emotional state of the child, find out the causes of resentment, whims, aggression, and discuss them.

Hysteria in children is manifested by various affective states. Alternating malice, anger, laughter through tears, and other theatrical manifestations are often attributed to the child's desire to attract additional attention to himself. However, sudden onset and prolonged hysteria can provoke seizures, convulsions, paralysis of the limbs, stuttering, etc.

Experts consider the causes of hysteria to be:

  • individual characteristics development of the psyche;
  • tendency to "theatrical" behavior;
  • sudden severe stress;
  • prolonged, prolonged stress.

Hysteria in a child can stop spontaneously, for example, if a calm, non-conflict and friendly atmosphere reigns in the family. And vice versa, constant quarrels parents or even reminders of difficult events in a child's life can provoke hysteria.


The characteristic signs of a child's hysterical warehouse are such traits of his character as:

  • increased vulnerability;
  • emotionality;
  • desire to stand out, to be in the center of attention;
  • demonstration of oneself is usually accompanied by somatic, non-existent diseases;
  • the desire to deliberately embellish events;
  • the desire to show oneself in public in the most unexpected way;
  • groundless slander;
  • inflating invented events, etc.

A child, falling into hysteria, can wave his arms, move his legs, cry, scream, laugh at the same time. The condition can be complicated by convulsions, stuttering, paralysis of the arms and legs, and refusal to stand or sit.

Despite the rather threatening picture, hysteria, like any somatic disorder, is cured surprisingly simply, often by simple suggestion. We will talk about this later.

Diagnosis of hysteria in children

Diagnosing hysteria in children is not difficult - here the question is different. Often, the symptoms that appear with hysteria can be characteristic features another, more serious illness. For example, these symptoms include:

  • chills;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • various pain etc.

The specialist will find out whether the listed phenomena are signs of hysteria or whether they indicate any other disease. Only on the basis of the diagnosis will be recommended treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms. The child may initially be examined by a pediatrician, and if necessary, referred for a consultation with a neurologist. The general prognosis of the disease is quite favorable, and with the strict implementation of all prescriptions and recommendations of doctors, hysteria is treated quite quickly, leaving no consequences and complications.


Basically, hysteria is cured without consequences in the later life of the child. Severe, advanced cases of hysteria can give complications:

  • neurological disorders - deafness, blindness, unsteady gait, speech problems, memory loss, etc .;
  • difficulties of adaptation in society;
  • depression, depression.


What can you do

It has already been said above that hysteria can be cured quite simply, but no doctor will give you guarantees that there will be no relapses. One of the methods of treatment can be called a simple suggestion. That is, the child needs to clearly explain the unacceptability of his inappropriate behavior. educational process plays huge role in the treatment of hysteria. Parents of kids with a hysterical temperament should be especially scrupulous and organized in matters of education.

What does a doctor do

In some cases, the placebo effect is used to treat hysteria, that is, false injections are given that “calm down” the child. In very rare cases, inpatient treatment is prescribed, which does not last long, only a few days. All measures taken, as a rule, give a good result.

All recommendations are given by a doctor who, based on the examination and history taking, diagnosed your baby with hysteria, thereby excluding the presence of other diseases with similar symptoms. Don't be tempted to treat hysteria on your own. You may not notice the development of other diseases. It is better to play it safe and see a doctor than to miss the time when the disease can be cured on it. initial stage. You should follow all the recommendations given by the doctor, and then the hysteria quickly passes, leaving no consequences and complications.


Prevention of hysteria is to protect the child from factors that traumatize his psyche, some kind of irritants or relatives sick with hysteria. In a word, everything that can provoke a relapse of the disease in a baby. A calm and benevolent atmosphere should be created where the child is. None stressful situations, quarrels, clarification of relations between parents or family members, the child should not observe.

In a quiet and calm environment, all the symptoms of hysteria quickly pass, smooth out. negative memories the baby, and he again becomes cheerful and cheerful. A small caveat should be made. In very rare cases, the characteristics of the character of the baby dictate their conditions - simple measures prevention is not enough. Then it is recommended for some time to place the baby in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. It will be a few days, during which there will be a positive trend and the child will be discharged.

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Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about hysteria in children. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at the level of “36.6”.

Find out what can cause the disease, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what are the signs by which you can determine the malaise. And what tests will help to identify the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease as hysteria in children. Specify what effective first aid should be. What to treat: choose medications or folk methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of hysteria in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent hysteria in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of hysteria in children. How do the signs of the disease in children at 1.2 and 3 years old differ from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best way to treat hysteria in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and be in good shape!

Most painful experiences parents are associated with moments when children get out of control and behave inappropriately, especially in the presence of strangers. Situations when a child’s tantrum is so intense that the baby throws himself at people, harms himself, does not hear the words addressed to him, can infuriate even the most balanced mother. Coping with such attacks can be difficult, their causes may not be obvious, it is not always possible to react calmly - all this causes confusion, indignation of parents, and does not solve the problem in any way.

To understand why a child is hysterical, it is enough to look at the features of his development. The kid goes from one crisis to another almost without a break, nervous system experiences tremendous stress, during the first years of life the child receives and processes a huge amount of information, learns how to interact with loved ones “from scratch”.

As a rule, a child's tantrum passes through three stages: screams, motor expression, and finally an inconsolable sob. Through all stages, the child ignores the words, actions, requests of the parents, behaves aggressively, swings his limbs, tries to fight, falls on the asphalt. An unpleasant sight familiar to most parents.

Psychologists identify the following sources of hysterical seizures:

  • imperfection emotional sphere, If we are talking about a peanut under two years old;
  • Crises: one year, three years;
  • Inability to talk about their desires, verbally express dissatisfaction;
  • Poor health, hunger, fatigue, desire to sleep, go to the toilet;
  • A state of nervous overexcitation;
  • Stress, family problems, major life changes;
  • Copying the behavior of adults or other children;
  • desire to receive parental attention due to the lack of time devoted to the baby, when he feels unnecessary, unloved;
  • Negative emotions as a response to any actions of adults or a child (offended that they didn’t give a toy, didn’t buy sweets, they force them to leave the playground);
  • Short-sighted behavior of relatives: excessive guardianship, inconsistency of requirements, excessive severity, or vice versa, lack of boundaries;
  • Individual features of the nervous system.

The peculiarity of tantrums and their difference from whims lies in involuntary and complete lack of control. The famous doctor Komarovsky notes that children deliberately resort to whims for any reason, trying to get what they want. Tantrums happen from the inability to control their emotions.

How to behave - age-related features of tantrums

Children's tantrums proceed in different ways and require different responses - this is influenced by age, mental characteristics, and circumstances. What should be taken into account by adults dealing with hysterical children of different ages?

  • The behavior of a child of 2 years old begins to become conscious. A one and a half year old peanut comprehends the meaning of prohibitions, gradually mastering a simple trick to get what you want - whims. Trying to break through the wall of all kinds of “no”, the baby experiences serious frustration. He is seized by a storm of emotions, but he is not yet able to control them, which leads to tantrums.

An adult needs to remember that babies at 2 years old, even in a calm state, are not always able to obey, succumb to persuasion, and accept instructions. In an attack, the baby will not hear you all the more. Therefore, you need to ensure his safety and wait until the baby calms down. For some children, hugs help, for others, it is important that the mother is simply there, or holding the hand. The third subside on the hands. Do not be afraid and headlong to fulfill the requirement of a little stubborn. Adults should be firm, calm and confident in their rightness.

If a scandal occurs in a public place, leave it as soon as possible and act as you act in similar cases alone. The reactions of strangers around you will break against the wall of your confidence if you yourself understand that you are doing everything right. Feeling an unbearable desire to yell at the brawler or vice versa to give in to him, do deep breath and count to five.

In moments of children's tantrums, parents also experience a range of unpleasant feelings: shame, confusion, helplessness, guilt, anger. Thus, the adult himself falls into the state of the child. Discovering in myself negative emotions in the midst of a scandal, take them for granted, to which you have every right, but do not forget that it is in your power to control yourself, your reactions, behavior, words.

  • The crisis of three years leaves its imprints on the behavior of the crumbs - there is an awareness of oneself as a separate person. Usually, tantrums in a child of 3 years old pass under the motto "I don't want and I won't." The little rebel refuses all requests, behaves willfully, shamelessly, stubbornly. The baby is hysterical due to lack of experience, inability to communicate differently, inability to cope with their own emotional state. Such behavior is quite normal and, with the right approach of parents, disappears after a few weeks.

What should parents do if their offspring throws tantrums at 3 years old? Do not try to swear or try to negotiate with a baby who is in a hysterical fit. Wait out this one difficult moment while maintaining maximum peace of mind. Resist the temptation to stop everything immediately by giving the screamer what you want - the parental decision should remain unchanged, then the baby will quickly realize that scandals do not work, and will stop using them, but instead will learn to negotiate. If the situation happened in a crowded place, take the child aside, hug. When you see that the baby is calming down, switch his attention to something else: offer to do something he loves, go home to play. It is imperative to talk with the children about what happened: at home, in a calm atmosphere, discuss what happened, listen to the child and try to understand. Tell us what emotions such incidents evoke in you, make it clear that this is not the way of communication that will help you get what you want.

If the tantrum happened at home, the wisest thing to do would be to ignore the yelling. Calmly tell the child that you will talk after he calms down, and continue to go about your business.

Usually parents see in advance that the baby is in bad mood and is in a mood to show off. In such cases, focus on conflict prevention - avoid overwork, avoid public places if possible, put the offspring in a situation of choice, depriving him of the chance to resist you with a firm "no".

Approaching the age of four, the kids become more accommodating, you can build a full-fledged dialogue with them, discuss each other's expectations, and find a compromise solution. Whims and tantrums stop by themselves, becoming unnecessary.

  • If four-year-olds still have regular tantrums, pay attention to the family environment and your parenting line. A preschooler needs the unity of the requirements and sanctions from all adults, clearly defined rules of conduct, a set of immutable "possible" and "impossible". Parents themselves must demonstrate the relationships and ways of interaction that they expect from their offspring. Reason to visit pediatric neurologist could be the following warning signs: more frequent scandals, their aggressiveness, duration, physiological manifestations such as holding your breath, a sharp involuntary fall on your back, loss of consciousness, the appearance of nightmares.

A child of any age must be taught to negotiate and find a way out of difficult situations together. Children learn the fastest by watching close adults, so the wisest tactic of parents is to positive example control of their own emotions. It is impossible to punish kids for tantrums, such measures will lead to a deterioration in relations and psychological trauma to the child.

Preventive measures

Faced with children's hysteria for the first time, adults ask themselves difficult questions- how to wean a child from tantrums, reduce their number and intensity, teach a child self-control and safe expression of feelings? Child psychologists recommend focusing on conflict prevention, creating an environment in which kids simply do not need to fight:

Introduce kids to alternative ways expressions of anger: you can tear paper, draw angry scribbles, hit a pillow or shout at it, stomp your feet or growl. But the most main way it is safe to express your anger - to put it into words. This can and should be taught to a toddler from early childhood.

  • Prepare for significant changes in advance: talk about soon start kindergarten, moving, vacation, dad's business trip;
  • Tell the plan for the day, evening, “after sleep”, so that the baby knows what to expect;
  • Hear and respect the child, respond to his needs, spend enough time together; pay attention to the quality of communication, use family rituals- Reading before bed, cooking breakfast together, afternoon board game;
  • It is correct to behave when approaching a “storm” - offer the crumbs to drink, eat, go to the toilet, hug, gently divert his attention to something interesting or to upcoming activity. “I see that you are tired, we need to walk a little to the car, and then we will go home and play together.”

Looking for the most effective ways in the fight against tantrums, sensitive parents use all available sources of information: advice from a psychologist, educators, friends, their own ideas, “adjust” recommendations to the individual characteristics of their baby. Children are different, every situation requires special approach and sometimes the solution comes at the most unexpected moment.

Universal ways to repay tantrums

What to do if it was not possible to prevent hysteria, and the catastrophe is already in full swing? Below are expert tips on how to respond to a child’s tantrums in order to extinguish them as quickly as possible, get out of them with minimal losses for their own and children's psyche.

If you couldn’t restrain yourself, and you still screamed or hit the baby in your hearts, ask for forgiveness when the passions subside, explain how you felt, and tell the baby that you are very sorry that you could not cope with your emotions. Thus, you will maintain closeness with the child, teach him to admit his mistakes, regret, apologize.

Every parent has experienced this unpleasant phenomenon - child hysteria. Someone prefers to ignore the children, others begin to get annoyed and loudly scold the screaming child. But child psychologists are asking parents to be careful: there are two types of child tantrums, each of which requires a radically different parental response. And it is important to be able to distinguish between them.

Hysteria of the upper brain (upper floor)

This type of childish tantrum is generated by momentary emotions, strong dissatisfaction, or a desire to immediately get what is yours. In other words, this is the same unpleasant situation when your child suddenly stands in the middle of the store, screaming and stomping their feet, insistently demanding to buy him new doll or radio-controlled car. This hysteria is a banal attempt to manipulate a parent in order to achieve what they want. It arises in the upper part of the brain and is completely controlled by the child himself.

In such a tantrum, the child is in complete control of himself, he is perfectly aware of what is happening around him, because the reason for the hysteria of the upper floor is his own decision to arrange it. Even if it doesn’t seem so to the parent from the outside, but in this situation, his child is completely adequate. This is easy to check: buy your child the desired toy, and in a split second he will become calm again, and his mood will return to full normal.

The hysteria of the upper floor is a kind of moral terrorism, for the resolution of which there are only two ways:

  1. Agree and give the child what he requires.
  2. Ignore the tantrum so that the child understands that his performance has no audience.

Psychologists advise calmly treating children's tantrums of this kind. Keep your composure, stay cool. Do not go along with the child so that he does not use such a “dirty trick” in the future to easily and unconditionally achieve his goals. In a calm tone, explain to him that at the moment you cannot fulfill his desire. Give weighty arguments, tell why you refuse, for example, to buy a new typewriter. The child must learn that there is simply no possibility for the realization of his momentary desire. And that you don't just refuse him to get your way.

The child will almost certainly calm down quickly if you do the following:

  1. Explain to him that you perfectly understand his desires.
  2. Give reasonable reasons for refusal.
  3. Emphasize the abnormality of his behavior and promise appropriate punishment.
  4. Offer a deal: You will buy your child a car or a doll as soon as possible.

“This doll is really very beautiful and I can perfectly understand why you want her so much. But now we don't have extra money we can't buy it today. You are behaving very ugly, I am ashamed of you. If you do not calm down, then I will have to punish you, and then this weekend you will not go to the circus. If you calm down and understand that you are behaving terribly now, then we will buy you a doll as soon as we have money for it.

If your child, despite all your logical arguments and calm tone, continues to rage and demand his own, then be sure to fulfill the promised punishment. And convey to him the important idea that now he will never get what he wants. And it's entirely his fault!

The child must realize that not all of his desires must be instantly realized, but if he is patient and learns to behave adequately, then in the end he will get what he wants.

Hysteria of the lower brain (lower floor)

Unlike the hysteria of the first type, the hysteria of the lower floor is a phenomenon generated by the temporary inadequacy of the child. Strong negative emotions or experiences overwhelm him so much that he loses the ability to think sensibly or to impute parental words. This type of tantrum covers the lower part of the brain, completely blocks the ability to self-control and blocks access to the upper part.

The children's hysteria of the lower floor resembles a state of passion when top part brain just shuts down thinking process blocked. At these moments, the child's brain functions in a completely different way, and any of your words simply will not reach his consciousness. The only way to stop this type of tantrum is to relieve mental stress so that the child can recover faster.

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It is useless to scold a child, shame him or scream at a tantrum of the lower floor! The child will still not be able to understand you.

It is important to help the child get out of a state of real hysteria so that he cannot injure himself or cause serious harm to someone (something). Remember that the child is now completely inadequate! You can not ignore his condition, leave him alone in the room or walk away with a detached look.

When any sound arguments and logic are powerless, then act in a fundamentally different way:

  • Take the child in your arms, hold him tightly to you;
  • Quietly and affectionately address him, convince your child that now everything is fine;
  • It is better to take the child away from the place where he began to have an attack of hysteria;
  • Soothe him tactilely: affectionate strokes and gentle hugs are often very effective.

The first priority is the need to return the child to a state of healthy adequacy. And only after he has fully come to his senses, it is already possible to begin to conduct a calm dialogue. Do not shame the child and do not try to scold him, because the tantrum can be repeated. The task of parents is to find out the reasons why the outbreak of hysteria occurred.

A child who has been overcome by the hysteria of the lower floor, first of all, needs comfort and parental affection!

“Are you so desperate to finish your lunch? Didn't you like porridge that much? Or were you already full and didn't want to eat up? No need to be so upset, you could just say that you were already full. Come on, you will tell dad and me when you no longer want to eat, and we will not force you. Okay, are we in agreement?"

A parent must understand that there is a significant difference between when a child is hysterical because of his whims and when he is seriously depressed and upset. It is difficult for an adult to descend to the level of his child. But sometimes Small child can really get very upset because of an insignificant incident or trifle, even fall into a state of bitter melancholy. After the child calms down and his upper brain is able to function normally, the parent should try to calmly talk with the child, call for a response dialogue, calling on the child to reason logically.

“Even if the food did not seem very tasty to you or if you are already full, then you should not behave in this way. This is very ugly! After all, I tried and prepared for you. You could just say you're not hungry, I wouldn't force you to eat. You can’t lose your temper if you just don’t like something.”

It is at this moment, when the child has previously been understood by you, has received his share of comfort and sympathy, that you can carry out sparing educational measures. The upper part of the brain is no longer blocked, the tantrum is over, and the child becomes receptive to your words and instructions.

How to Quickly Recognize the Right Type of Tantrum

Not every parent has the skills of a subtle psychologist, so sometimes it can be very difficult to determine the type of childish hysteria unfolding before your eyes. And there are difficulties with the choice of their own response. But you can distinguish tantrums by a number of nuances.

False Hysteria:

  • Do you notice that screaming baby listens and understands you;
  • The child quickly calms down after threats of punishment;
  • The child can be distracted or spoken to, switch his attention;
  • It turns out to agree with the child;
  • Hysteria is more demonstrative.

True Hysteria:

  • The child does not understand your words, as if he does not hear you;
  • He does not calm down even after you promised to fulfill his desire;
  • The child tries to harm you or himself, tries to break something, hit someone;
  • He cannot control his body, and if there is speech, it is incoherent;
  • Hysteria resembles a state of passion.

Remember: sometimes even an adult has a hard time coping with his emotions, and for small child this is often not possible at all.

How to find out the causes of tantrums and be able to instantly warn them?

All parents periodically face the problem of children's tantrums - tears, screams, wallowing on the floor in in public places put moms and dads in a dead end. So that your life does not turn into a complete nightmare, and your child stops seeking his own with the help of tears, psychologist Victoria Lyuborevich-Torkhova talks about effective methods dealing with child tantrums

Moms take note!

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