How can you prevent pregnancy. Way. Hormonal spiral. Method thirteenth: hormone injections

There are moments when, in a fit of passion, there is no time to think about contraceptives and protection. Our article will help with tips, the use of which will reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

We will talk about methods for preventing pregnancy within 24 hours, both folk remedies and pharmaceutical contraceptives, talk about the consequences of some of the methods, and take a brief tour of emergency pharmaceutical contraceptives.

The most effective home remedy for pregnancy

The most effective home remedy for 24 hours after the end of the PA.

This method includes both mechanical and chemical effects on the microflora of the vagina and spermatozoa.

  1. The main thing to do is to wash and rinse the vagina with a syringe with warm water, and preferably with a spermicidal solution.
  2. On the Internet, they also advise washing with their urine. This procedure must be done immediately after the end of sex, but this method is quite dangerous and ineffective. Urine, as a breakdown product of substances used by the body, contains ammonia and creatinine. And this method involves the return of substances that the body itself rejects back. With regular repetition of this procedure, there is a risk of acquiring serious diseases.
  3. Another type of douching is acidic water. After completion of sexual intercourse, when using warm water and citric acid, juice or vinegar should carry out the procedure. Exposure to these components destroys spermatozoa that die in an acidic environment. The disadvantage of this method is that it can seriously damage the microflora of the vagina, provoke irritation, an allergic reaction and various diseases. When using this method, one condition must be met. PA should not be completed in the woman's vagina, that is, ejaculation occurred after the removal of the male genital organ. The effect of this method is manifested in 3 cases out of 10, according to statistics.
  4. Douching with potassium permanganate immediately after the completion of sexual intercourse is also popular. Potassium permanganate is mixed with warm boiled water in the ratio: 1 teaspoon per 1 liter. This method helps only in case of exact observance of proportions. With an inaccurate ratio of components, the solution can turn out to be rather weak and have no effect on spermatozoa, or at an increased concentration, you can get a burn of the vaginal mucosa.
  5. Aspirin douching is also common. For this method, dilute aspirin tablets in warm water and inject the solution after intercourse. Due to the acid contained in the tablets and the collision of the vaginal membrane with it, the environment changes and the spermatozoa die. This method can also be hazardous to health and carry consequences in the form of various diseases.
  6. Douching with St. John's wort, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, is not little known, but its effectiveness as a contraceptive is negligible.

Drugs used after intercourse

Thanks to modern research the pharmaceutical industry invented 2 main options emergency contraception after unprotected intercourse.

Scientists involved in the development of these drugs have created several types of emergency contraceptives that help avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Based on oral and vaginal contraceptives emergency action using high doses of progesterone. This is a hormone that affects changes in the lining of the uterus and blocks the release of an egg from the ovary. In oral contraceptives, this hormone is used in the smallest quantities.

It should be noted that the frequent use of such drugs threatens to disrupt the functioning of the ovaries.

But it can be found in the following tablets:

  • "Postinor". Method of application: 1 tablet after PA within 48 hours, after 12 hours after taking the first dose, you need to drink another one. This medicine can only help if taken within 72 hours.
  • "Escapel" should be taken no later than 96 hours after PA.

Antigestagens - drugs containing a small dosage of antiprogesterone. They are a fairly effective method of protection after PA. Antiprogesterone is contained in these drugs:

  • "Agest" - endowed with an action that prevents ovulation and fertilization. This remedy is used within 72 hours after PA.

Candles to prevent pregnancy before PA

In the common people, these candles are called spermicides. It is worth starting with the fact that the candle should be placed just before the start of the PA, giving it the opportunity to dissolve in the woman's vagina and release substances that will eliminate the activity of sperm, decreasing the gums.

Candles spermicides

There are no suppositories that are used after PA to eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy. When a candle penetrates into the vagina after PA, spermatozoa pass into the uterine cavity much faster than the candle begins to act.

Candles differ in the concentration of nonoxynolone or non-alkonium chloride and the type of carrier substance. Like any other contraceptive, it is better to choose individually, with your gynecologist. To monitor the diversity of drugs, you can also turn to the Internet.

The choice of a contraceptive drug occurs after a complete examination, testing and the individual characteristics of the patient. After a thorough analysis of the results of examinations, the doctor can choose a method of protection.

It is important to remember that candles for abortion do not exist.

Folk ways to prevent pregnancy

There are a huge number of methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy with folk remedies. Some of them can help, and some harm the body, will not produce the desired effect, so as not to try your luck, you should get acquainted with the main ones.

The most effective and common physical and chemical methods include the following:

  1. PPA (coitus interruptus). This method consists in removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation, but this is not always effective, because a small amount of sperm comes out of the head of the partner’s penis along with the lubricant produced, and the production of only one active sperm is sufficient for fertilization.
  2. Also, there is a method that suggests taking a hot bath to a partner before starting the PA. At a water temperature of at least 40 degrees, most spermatozoa lose their vigor, which reduces the possibility of fertilizing an egg. But there is a risk, because the part remains active and capable of action.
  3. After intercourse, a woman needs to take a hot bath. The procedure should be carried out by pouring a liter of a mixture of boiled water and mustard powder. It is necessary to carefully use this method, because with a strong concentration of mustard powder, you can get an allergic reaction and burns.
  4. Calculation of days according to the calendar of the menstrual cycle. This method is also called the Ogino method. In honor of the doctor who invented it. The bottom line is that 8 days a month, you should refrain from PA. Also, the ovulation period can be determined by measuring basal body temperature.

Herbal infusions

Brewing herbs is one of the most ancient and widespread among our ancestors method of protection after PA. But here it is important to be able to brew and insist correctly in order to avoid side effects. It is also important whether any of the herbs are contraindicated for you and whether they will harm your body.

  1. Rowan flowers are a rather old contraceptive, but ineffective, like most folk methods. The recipe for an infusion of rowan flowers is as follows: you need to mix a tablespoon of rowan and pour a glass of boiling water. Hold this decoction for 1 hour under the lid, and then strain. Usually they drink it 3 times a day after meals, but do not forget that mountain ash leads to increased blood clotting.
  2. Also common is the recipe for infusion on pomegranate peels. Crusts and membranes are poured with boiling water and infused until tender. Then comes the course of the use of this infusion.


Aspirin is used as a contraceptive before and after sexual intercourse. They came to its use due to the fact of the existence of acetylsalicylic acid in its composition, which, by violating the microflora of the vagina, kills a favorable environment for spermatozoa.

Aspirin, as described above, after PA is used in the form of a solution that is injected into the vagina with a douche. Before PA Aspirin in the form of a tablet is inserted into the vaginal opening 15 minutes before the start of PA.

This method is very dangerous for a woman's health and in some cases leads to serious consequences in the form of health problems, according to statistics, it has the desired effect in 1 in 10 cases.

Exposure to laundry soap and lemon acid

Laundry soap or a slice of lemon, like aspirin, should be placed in the vagina for 15-20 minutes before PA, this method can turn out very badly and provide you with worries in the form of sexual illness. It also does not give full confidence that the sperm has not lost its properties and activity after application. this tool.

Emergency contraceptive methods

There are in the world various methods emergency contraception, but not all of them are effective and safe. It is worth remembering that folk methods can lead to problems with women's health and reproductive function, and the frequent use of pharmaceuticals promises a violation hormonal background and early menopause. Do not forget about sexual infections that can be picked up in the absence of a contraceptive.

Unexpected situations are different, but you should not neglect your health and take care of yourself. In case of intimacy that did not take place with a permanent partner, you should immediately contact a gynecologist and take tests (smear, blood, etc.)

The article we provided talked about the known and effective methods of emergency contraception, using them, undoubtedly, the risk of unwanted pregnancy will decrease. You should still do a test after a few days to make sure that there is no fertilized egg.

IN next video with Elena Malysheva you will learn about the pros and cons of emergency contraception:

In many developing countries, including, unfortunately, ours, abortion continues to be one of the most widely used ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But why is this happening? Either this is a lack of elementary sexual education, or an absolutely disregard for one’s health, or echoes of old Soviet statements such as “there is no sex in our country”, which prevent parents from telling their children about the rules of safe sexual behavior correctly and without shame. But still, most likely there is an influence of all the factors listed above in the complex.

According to statistics, in every fifth woman, abortion leads to infertility. Even if you do not take into account the enormous number of other complications that occur after and during the abortion, the risk of infertility should be enough to make you wonder if the game is worth the candle.

Modern medicine offers a grandiose arsenal of ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In order not to regret what you have done in the future (we mean abortion), you just need to decide on the method of contraception that suits you personally.

Let's start with the reliability of existing methods.

Reliability of methods of contraception:

Method of contraception Degree of reliability
Interrupted sexual intercourse 80% - 85%
calendar method(safe days method) * 80% - 90%
Method for measuring basal temperature * 80% - 90%
Vaginal douching 10% - 15%
Condom 90% - 95%
Diaphragm (vaginal cap) 90% - 95%
Intrauterine devices (spirals) 90% - 92%
Hormonal intrauterine devices (spirals) 90% - 97%
Chemical contraception (creams, suppositories, tampons) 79% - 90%
Hormonal pills (oral contraception) 96,5% - 97%
Hormonal injections 96,5% - 97%
Hormonal implants 99% - 99,8%
Hormonal ring NovaRing 99%
Evra hormonal contraceptive patch 99,4%
Medical sterilization 99,8% - 99,9%
Emergency postcoital contraception -

* this degree of reliability is only possible with a regular menstrual cycle.

Coitus interruptus

The correct technique for using this method is as follows: the man must remove the penis from the woman's vagina just before ejaculation (ejaculation). The very same ejaculation can occur anywhere, but not in the woman's vagina.

The popularity of this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is understandable. It does not require material costs, does not reduce the sensitivity of the sexual organs of partners during the act. However, it has much more negative sides than positive ones. First, the method is very unreliable. This is explained by the fact that the “lubricating” (pre-seminal) fluid that is released from a man during sexual intercourse contains from 10 to 20 million spermatozoa, which is more than enough to fertilize an egg. And even if you are sure that your partner superbly controls the process of ejaculation, then no man can control the release of the “lubricating” fluid (except perhaps for a few yogis in distant India, and even then it is unlikely). Secondly, the long-term use of this method of protection negatively affects the psychological state of partners, since the interruption of sexual intercourse is not physiological. Many studies have proven that regular absence natural satisfaction can lead to sexual coldness in women, impotence in men and a sharp decrease in sexual desire in both partners. Thirdly, coitus interruptus will never protect you from sexually transmitted diseases, as well as AIDS and viral hepatitis. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use this method for casual sexual intercourse.

Calendar method ("safe days" method)

The calendar method belongs to the group natural methods preventing unwanted pregnancy. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a woman is able to conceive only for a few days after the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation) - that is, during the life of the egg. Theoretically, ovulation occurs in the middle of the monthly cycle - approximately on its 11-15th day. It is this period of time that is considered favorable for conception, and the rest of the time a woman is not capable of conception. But this is only theoretical. A regular 28-day menstrual cycle with ovulation in its middle occurs in only 30% of women. And this is more the exception than the rule. It is also necessary to take into account that the spermatozoa in the woman's vagina can remain viable for up to 9 days. And if ovulation occurs during this period, then be sure that they will not miss theirs. The calendar method is very "time-consuming", since in order to correctly calculate safe days, a woman must be aware of any changes in her menstrual cycle, that is, regularly keep records for at least last year. Agree, not every woman is capable of such a feat.

But let's not talk about sad things, because nothing is impossible in our life. And if you really want to use this method of contraception, then use it. Its effectiveness directly depends on your organization and the availability of elementary mathematical skills.

How do you calculate "safe" days?

First, it must be clearly understood that the first day of the menstrual cycle is considered the day of the onset of menstruation (discharge). The last day is the first day of the next and nothing else.

For clarity and ease of counting the days you are interested in, make a table. In the first column, enter the month, in the second - the date of the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and in the third - its duration.

Month Date of the first day of the cycle Cycle duration
January 10 -
February 7 28
March 5 26
April 1 27
May 1 30
June 29 28
July 27 29
August 27 30
September 24 28
October 21 28
November 18 27
December 13 29

In this case, the data in the table shows that the shortest cycle is twenty-six days (March), and the longest is thirty days (August). That is, there is no clear regularity in the duration of the menstrual cycle.

In a short (26-day) cycle, ovulation occurs approximately fourteen days before the onset of menstruation - on the 12th day of the cycle. Considering possible deviations the onset of ovulation within 3 days in one direction or another, we can conclude that the period possible conception in each cycle of the specified duration is in the range from the 9th to the 15th day.

In a long (30-day) cycle, ovulation also occurs 14 days before menstruation, that is, on the 16th day. Possible three-day deviations do not go away and they must also be taken into account. In this case, the period of probable conception is in the range from the 13th to the 19th day of the menstrual cycle.

Even with such a slight variability of the menstrual cycle (the difference between the length of the longest and shortest cycles is only 4 days), it becomes impossible to predict the length of the next one. Therefore, the woman in the example we have described must assume that ovulation can occur between days 9 and 19 of the cycle. And if we additionally take into account the viability of spermatozoa and the possible re-ovulation with an active sexual life, then there will be practically no “safe” days left.

So we repeat: effective use this method of contraception is possible only with a regular menstrual cycle with a predictable time of ovulation.

Method for measuring basal temperature

This method also applies to natural ways pregnancy planning. Its essence is as follows. Before ovulation, the basal temperature is kept at a lower level due to the action of estrogen, after ovulation, progesterone raises the temperature by more high level. A rise in basal temperature means that ovulation has already taken place. When measuring basal temperature, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. take your temperature at the same time every morning without getting out of bed
  2. temperature should be measured throughout the cycle, including during menstruation
  3. the duration of the measurement should be the same each time (for example, when using a conventional glass thermometer - 5 minutes)
  4. throughout the cycle you need to use the same thermometer.

Standard temperature rise type clearly shows the level low temperatures, then a sharp rise of at least two tenths of a degree and the next level high temperatures, which remains until the end of the current loop. The difference between the average temperature of the second and first phases of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4-0.5 degrees.

The effectiveness of this method is enhanced by its complex use with the calendar method described above.

disadvantage all of the above methods natural protection from unwanted pregnancy, in addition to their low efficiency, is also high risk infection with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and viral hepatitis.

Vaginal douching

The essence of this method is to influence the spermatozoa already present in the woman's vagina with various chemicals capable of killing them. Various antiseptic agents are often used, for example, miramistin, chlorhexidine and others. In fact, these substances are not able to protect you from an unwanted pregnancy due to the fact that, once: spermatozoa are extremely mobile, two: there are an unusually large number of them, three: they can hide in the mucus of the cervical canal, which makes them inaccessible to disinfectants.

It is the above listed reasons that determine the low efficiency of this method.

It is also necessary to remember that frequent exposure to drugs that are aggressive towards microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa leads to a violation of the normal composition of the microflora and the development of a subsequent condition called dysbacteriosis. Wherein reproductive system women colonize microorganisms, which are normally either very small or should not exist at all (for example, fungi of the genus Candida).


The mechanism of action of a condom as a means of contraception is to create a mechanical barrier to the penetration of sperm into the vagina. Therefore, the complete inefficiency of using this means of protection is observed only when it is damaged. It should be borne in mind that the resulting defect can be quite small and it is often almost impossible to notice it.

To reduce the risk of damage to the condom during its use, certain rules must be followed. Firstly, you must not roll out the condom before putting it on the penis, secondly, do not try to check its integrity in any way (for example, by inflating or filling it with water), as this significantly increases the risk of damage, and thirdly, you must not use additional lubricants at the same time as condoms oil based, since they can reduce the strength of latex - it is permissible to use lubricants only on water based Fourth, you must strictly follow the instructions for using a condom.

remember, that correct use a condom will not only protect you from unwanted pregnancy in 90% - 95% of cases, but will also reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases by 90%.

Diaphragm (vaginal cap)

The diaphragm is the female version of the condom. It also consists of the finest latex. Before using the vaginal cap, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since the effectiveness of the use of the diaphragm directly depends on the correct choice of its size, which must clearly correspond to the size of the vagina and cervix. The vaginal cap, like the condom, creates a mechanical obstacle to spermatozoa, but, unlike the latter, does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The negative aspect of this method of contraception, in addition to its inability to protect against infections, is also the need for a correct insertion of the cap into the vagina. Agree that not every woman and not the first time will be able to do it right.

Intrauterine devices (spirals)

The contraceptive effect of the spiral is due to the following. The leg of the intrauterine device consists of copper, which, released into the uterine cavity, creates an environment impossible for the existence of spermatozoa and the egg. Also, copper provokes the development of a local aseptic (without the participation of pathogens) inflammatory reaction, which, in turn, does not allow the spermatozoa and the egg to function fully. The effectiveness of this method of contraception is on average 80%.

As with any method of contraception, the use of an IUD has its pros and cons.

Let's start with positive sides:

  • The IUD begins to act immediately after the introduction and does not require the use of additional methods of contraception;
  • The installation of an IUD implies a long-term contraceptive effect (up to 6 years) and the removal of the spiral is performed more often not because of its expiration date, but more often because of the woman's desire to become pregnant;
  • The ability to conceive is restored immediately after the removal of the spiral from the uterine cavity.

TO negative The parties to the use of the IUD include the following:

  • Availability foreign body in the uterine cavity - it is always an open entrance gate for infection;
  • When using this method of contraception, a regular (at least once every six months) examination by a gynecologist is necessary;
  • The presence of an IUD can cause an increase in the abundance of menstrual flow, as well as provoke their soreness;
  • IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • The use of an IUD is not recommended for nulliparous women.

Also, before using the spiral, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, who will determine the presence of contraindications to the installation of the spiral (for example, the spiral cannot be installed if the woman has any infection of the genital area).

One of the most unpleasant consequences use of this method of contraception is an increased risk of developing ectopic pregnancy after removing the coil. Many studies have shown that the risk of an ectopic pregnancy in women who use spirals is 4 times higher.

Hormonal intrauterine devices (spirals)

Hormonal intrauterine devices differ from the usual ones in that, in addition to the copper component, they also contain the hormone levonorgestrel, which prevents pregnancy. That is, the action of the hormone is added to the effect of local inflammation, which determines the higher efficiency of the method compared to the use of conventional spirals.

There are no fundamental differences in contraindications, positive and negative effects of the hormonal spiral in comparison with the use of the usual one. The only thing a woman needs to know is that the ability to conceive after the removal of the hormonal coil can be restored for a longer time. So, 6 months after its removal, pregnancy occurs in 50% of women, and a year later, almost all women are already capable of conception (98%).

Chemical contraception (creams, suppositories, tampons)

Chemical contraception combines several effects: contraceptive, antimicrobial and antiviral. These drugs contain antiseptic substances that actively affect both spermatozoa and pathogens. infectious diseases including viruses. But, unfortunately, the use of this method in monomode (without the parallel use of other means) is far from always effective.

When using them, it must be remembered that the acid, which is chemical contraceptives, is neutralized when interacting with alkali, which causes a decrease in the effect up to its complete disappearance. That is why before and after sexual intercourse using chemical contraceptives, you can not use soap (soap has an alkaline reaction).

Again, it is known from practice that the duration of action of candles and creams is much shorter than the manufacturer claims on the package. Therefore, before the next sexual intercourse (even if it occurs after a short period of time after the previous one), it is recommended to introduce a new suppository or portion of cream. This nuance does not apply to contraceptive tampons. Their action lasts from 12 to 16 hours.

This method is convenient for women who are breastfeeding, since the substance contained in the contraceptive has only a local effect and does not enter the bloodstream, and, accordingly, into breast milk.

Negative Consequence frequent use chemical contraception (as well as douching) is a violation of the normal composition vaginal microflora with the formation of dysbacteriosis.

Hormonal pills

This method of contraception was discovered not so long ago, but its appearance opened new era in solving the problem of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The essence of hormonal contraception is to prevent ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. And if the egg does not appear in the field of view of the sperm, then they sit idle, unable to fertilize it.

The effectiveness of hormonal contraception, when used correctly, approaches 100%, but it must be remembered that the use hormonal pills does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Rules for choosing a hormonal contraceptive

Most the right way choice of oral contraceptive is a visit to the gynecologist. He will be able to comprehensively assess the state of your health, take into account all possible contraindications, and then advise a hormonal contraceptive that will the best way You fit.

To date, there are the following groups of oral contraceptives:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives(COOK)- these drugs contain both gestagens and estrogens. Depending on the dose of hormones, drugs are divided into groups:
    • Microdosed COCs. They contain the smallest dose of hormones and are therefore indicated for young nulliparous women who have a regular sex life.
    • Low-dose COCs. The dose of hormones is slightly higher than in the preparations of the previous group. Shown to the same group of women in case of ineffectiveness (ovulation did occur) of microdosed COCs
    • Medium dose COCs. This group of drugs contains an average dose of hormones. Shown to women giving birth, leading a regular sex life.
    • High-dose COCs. These drugs have found application not so much as contraceptives, as a means for the treatment of hormonal diseases. Their use in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy is recommended for women who have given birth in case of ineffectiveness of all groups of drugs listed above.
  2. Gestagen oral contraceptives
    These contraceptives can be used by women after childbirth during lactation, as well as in case of contraindications to taking COCs. Also, this group of drugs is successfully used to treat gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis).

The effectiveness of the contraceptive effect hormonal drugs directly depends on the correctness of their application. Tablets should be drunk strictly according to the scheme indicated in the instructions, at the same time of the day.

It must be remembered that in the first month of taking the drug, the contraceptive effect is incomplete, since at this time the body "gets used" to the new conditions of functioning. Accordingly, in the first month it is recommended to additionally use any other means of protection.

Some drugs (painkillers, antibiotics, etc.) can reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, therefore, in this case also need to use additional protection.

Even if you have chosen the right contraceptive drug on your own and you do not experience any disturbances in well-being and side effects, a visit to the gynecologist is still unavoidable, since it is necessary to determine how effectively the drug you have chosen blocks ovulation. And only a specialist can evaluate this by conducting an ultrasound examination on the 11-13th day of the menstrual cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to behave in case of missing the next pill from the package?

The tablet must be taken as soon as possible. If less than 12 hours have passed since the due time of taking, then just take another pill and don’t worry about anything else. In this case, the contraceptive effect of the drug is not reduced. Take the next pill as soon as possible (the sooner the better). If more than 12, and even more so 24 hours have passed, then it is necessary before the start new packaging use additional protective equipment, as the risk of pregnancy is increased.

What to do if observed side effects and their intensity greatly affects your well-being?

If you experience pronounced side effects while taking the drug (intense headache, increased pressure, depressed mood, sudden weight gain), then, most likely, the drug does not suit you and you need to change it to another, lower-dose one.

What to do if spotting occurs between periods?

This also means that the drug is not suitable for you and you need to change it to another, higher dose.

What to do if menstruation week break Have you started taking hormonal contraceptives?

This means that the dose of hormones that the selected drug contains is too high for you. It is necessary to change the contraceptive to a drug containing a lower dose of hormones.

How long can hormone pills be taken?

Since hormonal contraception to some extent still disrupts the activity of the ovaries, it is recommended to take drugs without interruption for no more than 2-3 years. After that, you need to take a break for at least six months. During this time, the ovaries fully restore their function.

Once again, a reminder: only a specialist gynecologist can choose the most correct drug. But if you decide to do it yourself, then read the instructions for use very carefully. Only strict adherence to it will provide a reliable contraceptive effect and minimize the risk of side effects. If you feel unwell while taking this medicine, contact your doctor immediately.

Hormonal injections

The essence of the method is as follows. The drugs used for this type of contraception contain the hormone levonorgestrel, which, after administration, is gradually released, as a result of which its constant concentration in the blood is maintained for 2-3 months. This is a method of long-term contraception.

As well as when taking pills, for 20-30 days after the first injection, the contraceptive effect is incomplete and during this period the use of additional protective equipment is recommended.

The negative effect of this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is the effect of "inhibition" of ovarian function. It is because of this that hormonal injections can only be used by women who have given birth. As with the choice of hormonal pills, it is first necessary to visit a gynecologist to assess the state of health, identify concomitant diseases and determine contraindications to the use of the method.

Hormonal implants

Implantation of hormonal capsules refers to long-term methods of contraception. The mechanism of action is the same as that of hormonal injections: the gradual release of hormones while maintaining their constant concentration in the blood. A feature of this method is that it provides a full-fledged contraceptive effect for 5 years.

Implants can only be used by women who have given birth, since the “inhibition” of ovarian function when using this method is quite intense, and in nulliparous young girls there is a high risk of not restoring childbearing function after the end of the drug. The capsule is injected subcutaneously into the upper arm, forearm, inner thigh or lower abdomen (optional).

Hormonal ring NovaRing (NovaRing)

A hormone ring is a contraceptive that is inserted into a woman's vagina. The action of NuvaRing is the daily release of microdoses of hormones that prevent the onset of ovulation. Unlike hormonal pills, injections, and implants, hormones released from the ring act predominantly locally. This reduces the risk of side effects that can occur with the systemic effect of hormones on the body. In addition, the concentration of hormones released from the ring is much less than in the most low-dose COCs.

NuvaRing is inserted into the woman's vagina from the 1st to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. Due to its elasticity, it occupies the most comfortable position, adapting to individual characteristics woman's vagina. The term of the contraceptive effect of the ring is 21 days, that is, in the next menstrual cycle, the introduction of a new ring is necessary.

The disadvantage of the method is that the ring does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Contraceptive hormonal patch Evra (Evra)

The contraceptive patch Evra (Evra) is a method of long-term hormonal contraception. The patch is glued to the skin once a week, after this period it must be changed. The effect of the patch, as well as other methods of long-term contraception, is the gradual release of hormones into the blood that prevent ovulation.

One of the main positive effects of the Evra patch is its convenience. It is firmly attached to the skin, does not peel off under the influence of water, does not lose its properties when exposed to sunlight. A patch is glued to choose from on the buttocks, abdomen, shoulder blade or shoulder.

The side effects of the Evra patch are the same as those of microdosed COCs. If you opted for this method of contraception, you must also first visit a gynecologist to assess the presence of possible contraindications.

Medical sterilization

This radical method contraception, which can only be used by women who are 100% sure that they will never want to get pregnant again. The essence of the method is the intersection of both fallopian tubes. This makes it impossible for the egg and sperm to meet.

Restoration of natural reproductive function after medical sterilization impossible.

Medical sterilization can be carried out in several ways:

  • ordinary surgery with a cut in the abdomen. It is for the purpose of sterilization that it is rarely used due to the long recovery period and the subsequent presence of a scar at the incision site.
  • laparoscopic method. The operation is carried out not through an incision, but through a puncture of the anterior abdominal wall under the control of optical instruments. Less traumatic surgery recovery period short, scars at the puncture sites are almost invisible
  • culdoscopic method. The operation is performed through a puncture in the posterior wall of the vagina. This is the most progressive method, since the number of complications is minimal, and there are no scars at all.

Men can also use the method of medical sterilization. To achieve a contraceptive effect, the vas deferens are simply tied up, as a result of which spermatozoa cannot leave the testicles. The operation is performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

Emergency contraception (after intercourse)

Emergency (postcoital, emergency contraception), unlike planned, is used immediately after intercourse or during the first 1-3 days after it. The essence of this method of contraception is to prevent the processes of fertilization of the egg and / or implantation gestational sac due to inhibition of ovulation, disruption of egg transport and / or changes in the structure of the endometrium (uterine mucosa).

The most reliable and popular method of emergency contraception in our time is a single (or divided into two doses) administration of a drug containing 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. This method of contraception can be used after unprotected intercourse (including after rape), in case of violation of the integrity of the condom, missing three or more tablets of combined oral contraceptives, prolapse of the intrauterine device and in other similar circumstances, accompanied by increased risk development of an unwanted pregnancy.

The greatest effectiveness of emergency contraceptives is noted if they are taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, the effectiveness remains acceptable up to 72 hours after intercourse and decreases sharply at a later period. It is important to understand that levonorgestrel-based emergency contraceptives are not abortion drugs and can only work until the egg has implanted into the wall of the uterine cavity. Therefore, the use of emergency contraception in women with a confirmed pregnancy is meaningless.

Levonorgestrel, which is part of emergency contraceptives, does not pose a danger to an embryo that has passed the implantation stage, therefore, it is not necessary to terminate a pregnancy that occurred while taking an emergency contraceptive, for fear of developing malformations in the fetus.

Preparations for emergency contraception are intended only for use in an "emergency" situation and are not suitable for regular use as planned contraception, since, firstly, their effectiveness with constant use is much lower than the effectiveness of modern planned contraceptives, and secondly, regular use of emergency contraceptives can cause menstrual irregularities.


Childbirth is an exclusive function of the female body, and in no case should it be treated negligently. In order for your pregnancy to be desirable and timely, choose the method of contraception that suits you. It is not recommended to use methods whose efficiency is below 50-60%.

Sex is not only pleasant moments, but also a great responsibility for yourself, your partner and future offspring. Early abortions and multiple miscarriages negatively affect female body. For this reason, it is very important to know from adolescence how to protect yourself properly and what methods of contraception exist.

Modern methods of contraception

IN modern world There are several ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Some of them will help protect against sexually transmitted diseases, as well as normalize the menstrual cycle.

To avoid accidental " fly in" You can use:

  1. barrier method;
  2. birth control pills;
  3. local contraceptives;
  4. Navy ( intrauterine device) and others hormonal agents;
  5. interruption of sexual intercourse;
  6. calendar method;
  7. sterilization.

Each of these funds has its own positive sides and disadvantages. The method chosen depends on the age and marital status women.

barrier method

Currently the most effective and inexpensive way for girls, family people and those who do not have a permanent sexual partner, is a condom. Only he can protect against AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned offspring.

Naturally, if the condom is properly protected: before the start of the act, it is whole, dressed in compliance with all the rules and does not break in the process. The downside can be called a decrease in sensitivity in both partners. In some cases, with insufficient lubrication in the vagina, erosion and mechanical damage may occur.

The second barrier protector is the vaginal cap. With it, any girl can feel protected during sex. Before sexual intercourse, the agent is installed in such a way that it closes the entrance to the cervix.

As a result, a mechanical barrier arises in the way of spermatozoa. Caps are produced by numbers and can be used repeatedly. They partially protect against sexually transmitted diseases and do not disrupt the hormonal background. It is advisable to use them for those who have a permanent sexual partner.

The disadvantages include the initial inconvenience during installation, but over time you can get the hang of it and the problem will be solved by itself. At first, there may be discomfort from being inside a foreign body.

Contraceptive hormonal pills

At present this technique recognized as the most effective of all existing contraceptive methods. Regular intake of drugs helps a woman to be 99% sure of her security. There are many different drugs in this area, but it is desirable that the appointment was handled by a doctor.

When selecting funds, consider:

  • age;
  • the presence of children;
  • bad habits.

Proper protection hormonal contraceptives simply, most importantly, take the pills regularly according to the prescribed scheme. For the first week, it is recommended to insure with some other means, but in the future the need for this will disappear.

During the use of tablets, the menstrual cycle is normalized, menstruation is less painful, the condition of the skin and hair improves, acne disappears.

Almost everyone can take such pills, but the individual characteristics of each woman should be taken into account. Within six months after childbirth, they are not recommended to drink. Women over 35 should also be careful, especially if they smoke or have a tendency to develop neoplasms.

The pills have side effects, but they appear very rarely. These include frequent headaches, weight gain, hormonal disbalance. After stopping the drugs, there is a high probability of becoming pregnant, so if you do not plan to give birth, you should be very careful.

Such drugs should not be taken by people who have problems in the endocrine system, with the digestive tract, liver and kidneys.

Local contraceptives

Chemical contraception is called means containing active substances that destroy spermatozoa. It can be suppositories, tablets, ointments and films. They are administered each time immediately before sexual intercourse. After that, you can no longer get up and wash. One candle or tablet is designed for one intercourse, the second time the candle will have to be inserted again. The degree of protection is low, but there are many disadvantages.

First, it is hygienic inconvenience. Secondly, an allergy may occur and the microflora of the vagina may be disturbed, which will lead to the development of thrush and colpitis. Thirdly, the price and the need to use additional methods contraception.

IUDs and other hormonal agents

Hormone therapy includes not only oral contraceptives, but also intrauterine devices, various patches and capsules sewn under the skin. All of them dosed out hormones in the body of a woman. The advantage of these methods is the minimal participation in the process.

The IUD is placed for a period of at least 3 years, it is not cheap, but if you calculate how much you have to pay for other contraceptives during this period, you get a completely different result. In addition, you don’t have to worry every day whether you took a pill or not?

Side effects are minimal, but menstruation returns to normal and is less painful. For each woman, the spiral is selected individually. They are not recommended to be installed for women who have not given birth and for those who do not have a permanent partner.

One hormonal injection will provide protection for 2-3 months. During the period of its action, you will not be able to get pregnant. The hormonal patch is designed for 2-3 weeks, then it is peeled off and a 7-day break is taken. In both cases, at the end of the action of the drugs, the probability of fertilization is high. In addition, the patch can be accidentally washed off or caught on clothing and torn off.

IN Lately subcutaneous capsules became popular. The tool is sewn under the shoulder blade and is valid for 5 years. Like any medicinal product capsules have contraindications and side effects.

Physiological technique and interruption of sexual intercourse

Some people think that the calendar of critical days will help to prevent pregnancy correctly. It is generally accepted that in women's monthly cycle Only 7 days that fall on ovulation are considered “dangerous": the egg cell lives for 2 days, the sperm cell lives for 5.

Calculate the day "X" will help basal measurement temperature. The technique works if your periods are regular, and there are no failures. The risk of not guessing with the days is very high.

The method of interrupting sexual intercourse is quite simple, but ineffective. The bottom line is to have time to remove the genital organ from the vagina before the onset of ejaculation. But it should be taken into account that in male lubricant live spermatozoa are already present.

In addition, you can simply not have time, and constant pressure won't let you relax completely. As a result, a man may develop a complex, and women are unlikely to like sharp jumps.


Most effective method, which with 100% probability will allow you to no longer think about the issue of unwanted offspring - this is sterilization. In women, tubes are tied up, thus creating an artificial obstruction. For men, the seminal canals are cut, and the spermatozoa no longer enter the seminal fluid.

The method is very peculiar, therefore it is carried out only with the full consent of the patient or by medical indicators. Sterilization can be performed by persons over 35 years of age and having 2 or more children. They resort to it in extreme cases.

How and when to protect yourself?

If you are determined not to have children in the near future, then you need to protect yourself every time you decide to have sex. Be sure to use protective equipment during casual sexual intercourse and if you have several partners. Girls can be protected correctly with the help of barrier agents and oral contraceptives.


One of the most affordable and reliable means of contraception is a condom. It is a latex product with a space at the top (to collect sperm). This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is suitable for representatives of the younger generation or those who do not have a permanent partner. It is impossible not to note the great advantage of the condom: it protects against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. The disadvantages of a condom include a decrease in the sensitivity of the genital organs when using it. How does a condom protect against unwanted pregnancy? In sexual intercourse between partners, an egg and a sperm are involved, during intercourse of which the fertilization of the egg occurs. The fertilized egg eventually develops into a baby. The condom makes it impossible for male sperm to enter the vagina, thereby protecting the woman from pregnancy.

The second most important way to combat unwanted pregnancy are birth control pills. A significant disadvantage of this method of protection is the regular intake of the pill at the same time. Skipping it increases the risk unplanned pregnancy. The advantage of this method of contraception is the correction of the hormonal background of a woman. About which birth control pills to choose, it is better to ask a gynecologist. What is the essence of contraception when taking pills? And the fact that, thanks to the use of a contraceptive, ovulation of the egg does not occur, which means that the sperm has nothing to fertilize.

An intrauterine device will also help prevent unwanted pregnancy. True, this method of protection is not suitable for everyone. nulliparous women, as well as women with gynecological diseases it is better to forget about such a method of protection. The hormonal intrauterine device is good to use for menopausal women. Thanks to this spiral, menopause in women over 40 years old passes without complications.

Spermicidal agents for irregular sexual intimacy also have a place to be. They are produced in the form of tablets, suppositories, gels, ointments and suppositories. They need to be inserted into the vagina about half an hour before sexual intercourse. The action of spermicidal agents is reduced to the fact that they create an acidic environment where spermatozoa die. Significant disadvantages of this protection include possible appearance allergic reaction using.

The birth of a child is a real miracle, but only if it is desired. So that an unplanned pregnancy does not spoil the plans of young people, forcing them to choose between a family and creating a career, one must always remember about contraception.

Many couples do not attach due importance to the choice of method of contraception. Often such negligence leads to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The birth of an unwanted child. In Russia, even now, the most common method of family planning is abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy can lead to many serious health problems, including infertility and serious illness.
  2. Danger of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Many diseases without proper treatment turn into chronic form and can lead to severe complications.

Possession of information on how to protect yourself correctly prevents many problems, allows you to maintain your health and the ability to create complete family at the time it is needed.

How contraceptives work

Contraceptives are drugs used to protect against pregnancy. All methods of protection are based on simple principle- do not allow the egg and sperm to meet, blocking the process of conception (barrier), and not allow the egg to mature in the body of a woman (hormonal).

Contraceptive methods

Everyone can determine for themselves how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by studying the features of use and the degree of reliability of the methods of contraception used.

Means Efficiency
Sterilization 99,9-100%
Birth control pills 99-100%
Navy 99%
Contraceptive patch 92-99%
Contraceptive rings 92-99%
Hormonal injections 97%
Diaphragm 92-96%
Condom 85-90%
Symptothermal method 70-75%
Spermicides 65-70%
cervical cap 75%

Contraceptive patch

This method serves as a physical barrier against the penetration of spermatozoa to the uterus. The device looks like elastic band with a diameter of 50-100 mm with a springy rim. The device is placed on the cervix a few hours before sexual intercourse.

The size of the diaphragm is selected individually after examination by a gynecologist. The advantages of the method are protection against sexually transmitted infections and repeated use.

  • Insufficient efficiency;
  • The need to insert and remove the device and care for it;
  • Not recommended for nulliparous women;
  • Cannot be used during menstruation.

Intrauterine device

An IUD is a 25-35 mm plastic T-shaped device that is placed inside the uterus. It works on the same principle as other physical barriers, preventing the penetration of sperm and further fertilization of the egg. The material from which modern spirals are made significantly increases their reliability compared to other means.

Navy Advantages:

  • Efficiency up to 99%;
  • Long service life (about 10 years);
  • No side effects compared to other hormonal agents;
  • Instant Recovery reproductive function after removal.

Cons of using:

  • The procedure is carried out only by a doctor;
  • Suitable only for women who have given birth;
  • There is a risk of developing inflammation;
  • Lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Pain and aggravation menstrual bleeding the first time after installation;
  • In rare cases, the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • High risk of spiral loss, especially on critical days and during active sports.

Symptothermal method

This is a method of natural family planning, which includes calendar, temperature, cervical methods. Based on the calculation of the probable day of ovulation and the most auspicious days for conception. To do this, a woman maintains a graph for at least 3 cycles in which she notes the basal temperature data. Usually, before ovulation, its value decreases, and after it increases by 0.4 degrees.

Supplement the study of monitoring the state of the cervical fluid. On dangerous days, the amount of secretions increases, they acquire a liquid, and then a stretchy structure.

The positive side of this approach is absolute accessibility. Weaknesses - time costs, the need for abstinence on dangerous days, insufficient reliability.


The barrier type of protection is based on chemical attack on spermatozoa in order to prevent entry from the inside of the uterus. This group of drugs includes gels, foams, creams, suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina 15 minutes before intercourse using an applicator.

The reliability of this method is quite low, the number of unplanned pregnancies with this method of protection reaches 35%. Therefore, spermicides are recommended to be used in combination with other barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap.

Along with the lack of effectiveness, funds can cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina, causing itching and irritation.

Sterilization operations

Sometimes, when deciding how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, some people resort to a cardinal method - sterilization: vasectomy (in men) or tubal ligation (in women).

A vasectomy is an operation to remove part of the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the seminal fluid. Interference can be both reversible and irreversible. During temporary sterilization, only the clamp is installed on the seminal canal without its removal. But return childbearing function it will be possible only within 5 years, later it will be impossible.

The advantages of the method are high efficiency, full preservation of sexual function, no effect on the functioning of the body. But it is worth knowing that after this procedure, the chances of becoming a father are minimized. Therefore, the method is recommended for men who already have children. As with any surgical interventions after the operation, complications (suppuration, inflammation) are possible. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the effect occurs only after 1-2 months.

Female sterilization is the creation of artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the meeting of sperm and egg is impossible. The operation is performed by laparoscopy with minimal incisions. Several types of sterilization are carried out: tubal ligation, cauterization or pinching with special clothespins.

The method has maximum protection against unplanned pregnancy, but in practice there are rare cases of conception with ligated tubes. Sterilization does not affect the menstrual cycle and hormonal functions of the body. The main disadvantage of this method of contraception is its irreversibility. But if you want to have children in the future, assisted reproductive technologies can come to the rescue. With artificial conception, a woman is able to bear and give birth to a child.

The impact of contraception on health

Every adult must know how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. The active use of contraceptives as a method of family planning is an important factor in reducing the number of abortions and the associated health risks.

A great influence on the body of a woman is hormonal contraceptives: pills, injections, patches. Negative Consequences taking these contraceptives are associated with the wrong selection of drugs and the lack of consideration of existing contraindications. The hormones that make up their composition can adversely affect blood clotting, causing big risk the occurrence of thrombi.

Also, experts have established some connection between taking hormonal pills and the development of breast and cervical cancer. However, their use significantly reduces the likelihood of ovarian cancer.

Many modern tools bring undoubted benefits healthy women. The drugs are able to improve the quality of the menstrual cycle, regulating it, preventing pain, mood swings.

Choosing the Right Method

A wide range of methods of protection can confuse a woman. When deciding how to prevent pregnancy, it is worth considering the reliability of the remedy, the likely side effects, and the features of use. Here are some conditions that you should pay attention to, giving preference to the most popular methods:

  • In the absence of a regular sexual life or permanent partner it is recommended to use condoms. Along with protection from conception, this is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Barrier protective equipment (IUD, caps, diaphragms) can only be used by women who have given birth.
  • The choice of hormonal contraceptives should be done together with a specialist (gynecologist or endocrinologist).

A competent approach to the issue of choosing contraception provides effective protection from accidental pregnancy and related negative consequences.