Pomegranate masks: to make the face shine with youth. Things to consider when using pomegranate peels for skin. Pomegranate mask for normal skin

Interesting and important stuff on the topic: "pomegranate wrinkle mask" with full description and accessible language.

  • The benefits of pomegranate masks
  • Application features
  • Recipe Overview

Pomegranate is a very tasty and unusual tropical fruit, consisting of hundreds of crispy, juicy, mouth-watering grains. It has long been considered a medicinal fruit, as with regular use it slows down the aging process in the body and improves blood circulation.

Even then, in antiquity, its cosmetic properties were also noticed. Rejuvenating pomegranate face mask, prepared at home, can transform appearance even the most problematic skin.

The benefits of pomegranate masks

Very useful mask for the face from pomegranate has a wonderful effect on the skin, due to its composition. This fruit and its juice contain various vitamins, tannins, amino acids, mineral elements. Each of them contributes to the rejuvenation and treatment of the skin:

  • ascorbic acid(vitamin C) fights signs of aging, eliminates fine wrinkles, stimulates rejuvenation processes, accelerates collagen synthesis, increases cellular immunity;
  • subgroup B vitamins make the skin soft, youthful elastic, smooth, accelerate many metabolic processes, eliminate post-acne and acne due to the constant renewal of skin cells;
  • niacin(vitam.PP) stimulates, tones, improves complexion, smoothes even the smallest wrinkles;
  • calcium has anti-inflammatory properties, activates the recovery processes in cells;
  • potassium + magnesium= normalization of intercellular metabolism, formation of new cells, strengthening of vessel walls;
  • iron tones, tightens, moisturizes, participates in hematopoiesis;
  • phosphorus soothes tired skin;
  • amino acids dry pimples and treat acne.

With such a wide range useful properties, a pomegranate face mask can be a real salvation for the most problematic skin. A bunch of cosmetic defects(permanent greasy shine, yellowness, post-acne, acne, acne) under its active influence are eliminated quickly, easily and without consequences. To enjoy, and not be disappointed with the effect of the mask, you need to take into account a few nuances in its preparation at home.

Application features

Since this is not an ordinary fruit (in botany, it is actually a berry), pomegranate for the face must be able to use. The grains will be used, which will need to be ground, and the juice, which is easy to squeeze. On the one hand, the features of using such masks are simple and not much different from the preparation of other homemade cosmetics, and yet you need to know some of the nuances and follow the recommendations.

  1. Indications for the use of pomegranate masks: withering, mature, wrinkled, oily, problem skin, acne, pigmentation, yellowness skin.
  2. Contraindications: allergic reaction to pomegranate juice, neoplasms, extensive open wounds on the face, inflammatory and infectious diseases skin.
  3. Duration of action: no more than 20 minutes - for oily and problematic skin, no more than 7-10 - for dry and flaky skin.
  4. Pomegranate seeds are best crushed and turned into pulp with a blender.
  5. To prepare masks, you need to choose a juicy, ripe fruit.
  6. Pomegranate mask can only be used on clean skin.
  7. Frequency of application - 2 times a week. You can wash your face with pomegranate juice at least every day if you have problematic or oily skin.

A pomegranate mask prepared in accordance with these recommendations will transform the skin after the first application, restoring youth and radiance to it. If you do such cosmetics regularly, you will soon do without expensive serums and creams from stores. Now your epidermis will be provided with all the substances it needs. What problem the mask will solve depends primarily on the recipe you choose.

Recipe Overview

Cosmetic homemade face masks with pomegranate for the most part have a wide spectrum of action on any type of skin. However, additional ingredients in their composition determine their narrower focus, enhancing or weakening beneficial features this unusual fruit-berry. What kind of problem this or that mask solves is usually indicated in the recipe.

For oily skin

  • From greasy shine

Crushed pomegranate seeds (1 tablespoon) are mixed with 1 whipped egg white. Such a pomegranate mask for oily skin controls the work of the sebaceous glands and prevents the release of excess sebaceous secretion. The result is a clean, dried epidermis.

  • For acne

Mix pomegranate juice (1 tablespoon), ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon), low-fat sour cream (3 tablespoons). In cosmetology, pomegranate juice for the face is considered one of the best anti-inflammatory and disinfectants, as it contains a lot of organic acids. Therefore, it turns out very effective masks against pimples and acne.

For dry skin

  • Anti-aging

Pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) is mixed with high-fat sour cream or cream (1 tablespoon) and cosmetic oil jojoba (1 teaspoon).

  • From peeling

Mix pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) with fat milk (1 tablespoon), any moisturizer (0.5 teaspoon), 1 egg yolk. Use these pomegranate masks in the cold season - and they will become a real protection from winds and frost.

For normal skin

  • Nutritious

Pomegranate juice is mixed in equal amounts with natural (necessarily unrefined) olive oil. Just like grains, pomegranate juice for facial skin is not only rejuvenation, but also year-round nutrition for the most useful vitamins and micronutrients.

  • Improves complexion

Pomegranate pulp (1 tablespoon) is mixed with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

Now you can check on your own practice how useful and effective pomegranate is for facial skin by preparing the most various masks. Their correct and regular use is the key to solving many problems. cosmetic problems. Be sure to use these properties of it to look stunning and get rid of unnecessary complexes.

Dear readers, do you like to take care of yourself? What do you apply? Where do you go? I don’t often go to salons, but I really like to pamper myself at home, as they say. We experiment a lot with our daughters, we use many recipes. Some of them have become favorites. I talk about them on my blog. Let's talk today about pomegranate masks. Have you ever used them? If not, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to them.

Of course, many ready-made masks we can buy in a store or pharmacy, but the most effective ones are, of course, homemade masks. Indeed, in this case, you can follow the composition, and be sure that only useful and high-quality ingredients are inside.

I wrote about the benefits of pomegranate on my blog. Information about its beneficial properties can be found in the article Pomegranate. Beneficial features. Contraindications and there was also an article Pomegranate juice - the king of vitamins. Benefit and harm. There is also information about contraindications. Be attentive to your health. And in the article you will find many tips on how to choose it, store it, how to quickly clean the pomegranate, and apply it for health.

Useful properties of pomegranate for facial skin.

If you are not allergic to pomegranate or other unpleasant diseases, you can begin to rejuvenate the skin. It has long been known that pomegranate tightens our skin and significantly improves complexion.

Even in ancient times, pomegranate juice was called the "elixir of youth." It got its name because of its rich chemical composition: the amount of vitamins and trace elements in it is very large.

Cosmetologists around the world say that the use of pomegranate juice masks helps to restore the structure of our cells and preserve it for a long time. Therefore, more and more often you can see beautiful jars of creams on which pomegranates are painted on the shelves in the store.

What problems will pomegranate masks help us solve?

  • Remove peeling;
  • Smooth out wrinkles;
  • Put away dark spots under the eyes;
  • Get rid of freckles;
  • Deal with problem skin. Pimples and acne will no longer bother you.

Please note that pomegranate gently and gently cleanses the top layer of the skin, so for those girls who want to get rid of freckles, it is simply necessary.

Pomegranate mask recipes for all skin types.

The list of problems that pomegranate helps to cope with can be continued if you combine all the ingredients correctly and expand your knowledge in the field of medicine and cosmetology. So, pomegranate masks suitable for any type of skin.

There are several proven recipes that are categorized by skin type:

Draw your attention: To quickly peel a pomegranate and get pomegranate juice without problems and pain, watch the video on how to peel a pomegranate.

Pomegranate mask for oily skin- for the mask you need a whole pomegranate. First you need to clean and grind the entire peel (for example, in a coffee grinder). You can also use a grater. Squeeze out the juice from the berries - we only need a tablespoon. Next, you need to beat the egg white and mix with the juice. This mask is worn for 20 to 30 minutes. At the same time, before the procedure, you should definitely cleanse the skin: it is best to use a scrub. Rinse everything off with cool water.

To constantly maintain this type of skin in normal condition- You can simply wipe your face with pomegranate juice. However, such a procedure is a daily one, and it needs to be done in courses: we do it for 1 month, then 2 weeks for rest.

Recipe for a nourishing pomegranate mask for normal skin.

Cosmetologists advise doing a moisturizing mask 2 times a month: mix half a glass of kefir, 3 tablespoons of mashed pomegranate seeds (your favorite coffee grinder will come to your aid) and 2 teaspoons of honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the face. The procedure takes 20 minutes. Rinse everything off with cool water. Of course, this mask can be used in the absence of allergies to honey and pomegranate.

Mask for dry skin from pomegranate and sour cream at home

Sour cream is taken in equal proportions (it is necessary to take a product with a higher fat content) and pomegranate juice. 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil is added to them. The resulting mask is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off. warm water.

We treat and nourish the skin of the face with grenades.

Nourishing masks will help not only keep the skin in good shape, but also cope with aesthetic and medical problems:

Nourishing pomegranate anti-wrinkle mask: many are afraid of this change, but its appearance can be noticeably delayed. To do this, you need to try the following mask: egg white is whipped into foam and mashed pomegranate berries are added to it (you will need half of the fruit). You need to apply such a mask for half an hour so that the skin is saturated with useful substances.

Pomegranate mask for freckles: to cleanse the skin and make it beautiful, you can prepare a mask with pomegranate and oatmeal: pomegranate seeds are crushed to make 3 tbsp. spoons, they add a glass of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir and honey. The effect is very fast, so the procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

Recipe medical mask from pomegranate against acne and acne: you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice, add 2 tbsp. chopped pistachios and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. After applying the resulting mask, the face is gently massaged with fingertips for about 2 minutes, and then the remnants are removed.

Special moment: for your skin to be beautiful.

The water you wash with should be soft so as not to injure the skin. It is best to wash with a decoction of herbs. Don't be lazy. Do it. Choose your favorite herbs. It can be: cornflower, chamomile or string. Then the effect will be much better.

Taking care of yourself every day, you can see the results after a few sessions. The main thing is the desire to make your skin healthy and yourself happy.

In the meantime, you are applying masks, listen to good music. My soulful gift for you Il Divo Caruso My favorite musicians, an amazing international project with a surprisingly touching composition.

I wish you all joy, pleasant moments. Make time for yourself. Pamper yourself. You deserve it!

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Hello dear readers. Today I want to tell you about pomegranate masks, which are used to maintain and preserve the beauty of facial skin. And also pomegranate juice helps us get rid of many skin problems on the face. Of course, you ask, why is pomegranate so useful for facial skin? Yes, in modern home cosmetology what is not used for the face. Now it's time for the pomegranate.

On the blog, I already wrote about the benefits of pomegranate juice for women, men and children, you can read everything in the article "Pomegranate juice, vitamins, benefits". And also from the article you will learn how to choose and store pomegranate juice. Today we will talk about how to apply pomegranate juice for the face.

Pomegranate for the face.

Pomegranate tightens and rejuvenates the skin and improves complexion. If you are not allergic to either pomegranate juice or pomegranate itself, then you can safely apply it to your face.

It is not for nothing that pomegranate is considered the “elixir of youth”, because it has a rich composition, contains a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Cosmetologists often advise pomegranate as good remedy skin care products to preserve and restore the structure of our skin cells.

  • Pomegranate, and in particular pomegranate juice, helps to remove freckles from the skin of the face, helps to remove dark circles under the eyes.
  • Pomegranate contains vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process of skin cells.
  • Pomegranate helps to smooth fine wrinkles on the face.
  • Pomegranate removes peeling from the skin of the face, and of course helps to solve problems with pimples.
  • Pomegranate very gently removes the top layer of dead cells, so if you use pomegranate you will not regret it.

But, I draw your attention to the fact that before using pomegranate for the face, you need to test whether you are allergic to pomegranate and pomegranate juice. And also before applying each mask, test it on the skin, be sure. Apply part of the mask or pomegranate juice to the skin, hold and see if you have any redness or irritation on the skin.

Also, keep the pomegranate mask on the skin for no more than 15 minutes. Wash off the pomegranate mask with a decoction of herbs or water.

Since pomegranate juice does not take much to prepare the mask, pomegranate seeds can be mashed and squeezed through cheesecloth.

Face masks with pomegranate. The best recipes.

If you decide to make yourself a face mask with pomegranate juice, then it must be fresh, that is, freshly prepared. You understand for yourself that from packs and boxes better juice do not use.

Face mask for dry skin with pomegranate.

  • 1 teaspoon pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream
  • 0.5 tsp olive oil

To prepare a pomegranate mask, we will need rustic sour cream and pomegranate juice, olive oil. All components of the mask must be fresh, they are combined and mixed, applied to the skin of the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with water. This mask helps to even out complexion, nourishes the skin of the face, moisturizes.

Rustic sour cream renders good action on the skin, especially good effect for dry skin. On the blog I have an article about the benefits of sour cream for the face and the use of sour cream in masks, everything can be read in the article "Sour cream for the face".

Face mask with pomegranate for oily skin.

  • 1 st. a spoonful of pomegranate juice
  • 1 egg white

If you have oily skin on your face, it doesn’t matter, there is a wonderful pomegranate juice and egg white mask. The mask narrows the pores on the face, removes excessive fat content skin. Of course, for best effect You can exfoliate your skin before applying the mask. Mix pomegranate juice with protein and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with water.

Pomegranate mask for normal skin.

  • 1 teaspoon pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon of kefir
  • 0.5 tsp honey

Pomegranate juice is mixed with kefir and honey, applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

But, in order to wash off the mask from the face, you can use a decoction of herbs. Suitable decoction of calendula or decoction of chamomile.

Pomegranate face mask for wrinkles.

  • 1 teaspoon pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

Great for aging skin suitable mask from pomegranate juice, honey and olive oil. All components are mixed and applied for 15 minutes on cleansed skin. Washes off with water or a decoction of herbs.

On my blog, I have an article “Homemade face masks for wrinkles”. The article has a lot available recipes how to get rid of wrinkles using homemade products.

Face mask with pomegranate.

  • 1 teaspoon pomegranate juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream

In order to brighten the skin of the face, prepare for yourself a mask of lemon juice, pomegranate and sour cream. The mask will help brighten and even out skin tone. Useful mask for those who want to get rid of freckles. Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with water or a decoction of herbs.

I also know that pomegranate seeds are ground into a coffee grinder and a scrub is made from them, in my opinion such a scrub is too rough for the skin of the face, such a scrub can injure the skin. That's why I don't write recipes.

And how to quickly clean a pomegranate, I suggest you watch a video clip.

Pomegranate masks smooth wrinkles, relieve skin from excessive pigmentation, regulate activity sebaceous glands. In addition, home remedies eliminate peeling, promote the natural self-cleansing of the dermis, and regenerate new skin cells. At regular use strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents premature aging, scars are smoothed out. Face acquires healthy look, which is considered a definite plus in the frantic pace of life.

Features of using pomegranate face masks

  1. Buying a pomegranate Choose dense, weighty pomegranates, pay attention to the peel. In quality fruits, the grains stick out under the shell that fits them. The pomegranate skin should be matte and uniform. If, when buying, you notice that the grains are not printed, the pomegranate has not yet ripened. Do not buy soft fruits, they are damaged or rotten.
  2. Pomegranate preparation. For masks, pomegranate juice is used, it must first be squeezed out. Often, peel or seeds ground in a coffee grinder are added to home-made compositions. Depending on the chosen recipe, the main component should be pre-prepared (squeeze, grate, chop, etc.).
  3. Facial skin preparation. Pomegranate masks are distributed on clean skin. Therefore, scrub your face in advance or wash your face with a targeted action gel. If you have fat type skin, do steam bath which will open the pores. The mask is removed clean water, the procedure can be completed by wiping with ice or washing with mineral water (with gas). Do not remove the product with gels or foams.
  4. Course duration. Before the first procedure, an allergy test is done. The main focus of pomegranate-based products is considered to be complete skin rejuvenation. If you do not have individual intolerance, prepare masks for 3-4 months with an interval of 3 days. Then take a break of 20 days, resume therapy.

face masks for oily skin

Salt and grapes

  1. Separate a third of the pomegranate seeds, do not wash them. Place in a blender, turn into a pulp with absorbent particles. Now do the same with 50 gr. grapes.
  2. Connect the components, add 45 gr. fat sour cream and 10 gr. rock salt. Steam the skin, scoop the composition with a brush, apply to the face. Rub in with massaging movements, remove after 25 minutes.

Milk and honey

  1. Take a bunch of oat bran, pour it with warm milk to make porridge. Wait for the moment when the composition absorbs the liquid. Add 30 ml. pomegranate juice, 40 gr. honey.
  2. Steam the skin of the face, make a mask. Perform a light massage, cover with plastic wrap. Hold for a third of an hour, wash off after this time.

Egg white and pomegranate peel

  1. Remove the peel from a quarter of the pomegranate, rinse it, grate it. Mix with 1 egg white, add a pinch of soda and 20 gr. honey. Bring the composition to homogeneity.
  2. Take a steam bath, open the pores. Scoop up the product with a brush, spread over the face. Do not touch the area around the eyes. Keep the remedy for half an hour.

Sour cream and pomegranate juice

  1. Connect 60 gr. fat sour cream with 20 gr. cornstarch, add the yolk. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of the pomegranate, mix into the total mass. Transfer the composition to a saucepan, heat it up.
  2. Apply the product on the face, massage in circular motions for 5 minutes. Then leave the mask to act, half an hour is enough for this. Wash off with cool water.

homemade rose petal face masks

Bran and milk

  1. Warm up convenient way 70 ml. fat milk, pour 30 gr. wheat bran and 20 gr. oatmeal. Leave the product for a quarter of an hour.
  2. After a specified time, enter a spoonful of honey, 35 ml. pomegranate juice, 1 egg. The mask is ready for distribution, then massage the skin in circular motions.
  3. After exfoliation, it is necessary to withstand the product for another 30 minutes. You can then rinse. Finish the procedure by wiping with cosmetic ice.

pomegranate oil and ginger

  1. To prepare the oil, you need to grind a quarter of the pomegranate fruit with a blender, then pour 100 ml. hot vegetable oil. The product is infused in a dark bottle for 3 days, then filtered.
  2. Measure out 40 ml., add 20 ml to the oil. grated ginger root or replace the last component with seasoning (5 gr.). Enter the yolk, mix until smooth.
  3. Make a mask, massage your face before exposure. Leave the composition to act for half an hour. Remove with warm water and lemon juice. Spend following procedure in 3 days.

Cinnamon and activated charcoal

  1. Charcoal has absorbent properties, so it is advisable to make a mask for oily skin. Mash 6 tablets into powder, pour 2 gr. cinnamon, dilute 30 ml. warm water.
  2. Grind a handful of pomegranate seeds with a coffee grinder or blender, add to the general composition. Start distribution, touch the area under the eyes, hold for 20 minutes.

how to take care of oily skin

Olive oil and gelatin

  1. Dilute 15 gr. gelatin with water or chamomile broth, insist until the crystals dissolve. After 20 minutes, add 25 ml. pomegranate juice and 10 ml. olive oil.
  2. Cleanse your face with foam or gel, pat dry. Scoop products with a brush, cover the wings of the nose, forehead, chin with the composition. Hold for half an hour, rinse.

Lemon juice and almonds

  1. Cut the lemon into 2 parts, squeeze the juice from each, and grate the zest of one section. Combine the juice with chopped peel, add 10 gr. gelatin and a pinch of mustard.
  2. Roast the almonds in a dry frying pan. After 5 minutes, fold into a blender or meat grinder to get fine crumbs. Add nuts to lemon, pour in 40 ml. pomegranate juice.
  3. Wash your face, exfoliate. Apply the composition to the skin Special attention wings of the nose, forehead, chin, cheeks, neck. Leave the composition for 35 minutes, rinse.

Potatoes and corn oil

  1. Grate a large potato tuber without removing the skin. Throw on a sieve, squeeze out the juice. Stir in 30 ml. corn oil, 20 ml. lemon juice, 40 gr. crushed pomegranate peel.
  2. Heat the mask to 55 degrees, let it cool down to an acceptable temperature. Apply on face, massage well. Hold for a third of an hour.
  3. You don't have to juice the potatoes, use the pulp as the main ingredient. You can also replace the pomegranate peel with crushed citrus fruit seeds.

how to rejuvenate the skin of the face folk remedies

Milk and face cream

  1. Take the peel from 1/3 of the pomegranate, throw it into a blender. You will receive a crumb, which must be combined with a nourishing face cream. Get a paste.
  2. In another bowl, mix 55 ml. hot milk with 20 gr. gelatin. Mix the composition to the first mass, make a mask. Rub it into the skin for 5 minutes, then soak for another half hour.

Chicken yolk and sour cream

  1. Take 60 gr. fat sour cream (from 20%). Enter a few chicken yolks and 1 protein. Separately prepare pomegranate oil from citrus juice and vegetable oil. Measure 30 ml., Add to sour cream.
  2. The mask is best done for skin prone to dryness and flaking. Apply the product in circular motions, rub in for 5 minutes. Then leave to act for another quarter of an hour.

Cognac and honey

  1. Dissolve 50 gr. honey, combine it with 50 ml. pomegranate juice obtained along with the seeds (grinding in a blender). Pour into the mass of 35 ml. cognac.
  2. Dip the sponge into the liquid, wipe the skin with it. Then apply the rest of the composition on the neck and entire face. Hold under the film for 25 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Dear readers, do you like to take care of yourself? What do you apply? Where do you go? I don’t often go to salons, but I really like to pamper myself at home, as they say. We experiment a lot with our daughters, we use many recipes. Some of them have become favorites. I talk about them on my blog. Let's talk today about pomegranate masks. Have you ever used them? If not, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to them.

Of course, we can buy many ready-made masks in a store or pharmacy, but the most effective ones are, of course, homemade masks. Indeed, in this case, you can follow the composition, and be sure that only useful and high-quality ingredients are inside.

I wrote about the benefits of pomegranate on my blog. Information about its beneficial properties can be found in the article and there was also an article. There is also information about contraindications. Be attentive to your health. And in the article you will find many tips on how to choose it, store it, how to quickly clean the pomegranate, and apply it for health.

Useful properties of pomegranate for facial skin.

If you do not have a pomegranate allergy or other unpleasant diseases, you can proceed to skin rejuvenation. It has long been known that pomegranate tightens our skin and significantly improves complexion.

Even in ancient times, pomegranate juice was called the "elixir of youth." It received such a name because of its rich chemical composition: the amount of vitamins and trace elements in it is very large.

Cosmetologists around the world say that the use of pomegranate juice masks helps to restore the structure of our cells and preserve it for a long time. Therefore, more and more often you can see beautiful jars of creams on which pomegranates are painted on the shelves in the store.

What problems will pomegranate masks help us solve?

  • Remove peeling;
  • Smooth out wrinkles;
  • Remove dark spots under the eyes;
  • Get rid of freckles;
  • Deal with problem skin. Pimples and acne will no longer bother you.

Please note that pomegranate gently and gently cleanses the top layer of the skin, so for those girls who want to get rid of freckles, it is simply necessary.

Pomegranate mask recipes for all skin types.

The list of problems that pomegranate helps to cope with can be continued if you combine all the ingredients correctly and expand your knowledge in the field of medicine and cosmetology. So, pomegranate masks are suitable for any type of skin.

There are several proven recipes that are categorized by skin type:

Draw your attention : To quickly peel a pomegranate and get pomegranate juice without problems and pain, watch the video on how to peel a pomegranate.

Pomegranate mask for oily skin - for the mask you need a whole pomegranate. First you need to clean and grind the entire peel (for example, in a coffee grinder). You can also use a grater. Squeeze out the juice from the berries - we only need a tablespoon. Next, you need to beat the egg white and mix with the juice. This mask is worn for 20 to 30 minutes. At the same time, before the procedure, you should definitely cleanse the skin: it is best to use a scrub. Rinse everything off with cool water.

To constantly maintain this type of skin in a normal state, you can simply wipe your face with pomegranate juice. However, such a procedure is a daily one, and it needs to be done in courses: we do it for 1 month, then 2 weeks for rest.

Recipe for a nourishing pomegranate mask for normal skin.

Cosmetologists advise doing a moisturizing mask 2 times a month: mix half a glass of kefir, 3 tablespoons of mashed pomegranate seeds (your favorite coffee grinder will come to your aid) and 2 teaspoons of honey. Everything is mixed and applied to the face. The procedure takes 20 minutes. Rinse everything off with cool water. Of course, this mask can be used in the absence of allergies to honey and pomegranate.

Mask for dry skin from pomegranate and sour cream at home

Sour cream is taken in equal proportions (it is necessary to take a product with a higher fat content) and pomegranate juice. 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil is added to them. The resulting mask is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

We treat and nourish the skin of the face with grenades.

Nourishing masks will help not only keep the skin in good shape, but also cope with aesthetic and medical problems:

Nourishing pomegranate anti-wrinkle mask : many are afraid of this change, but its appearance can be noticeably delayed. To do this, you need to try the following mask: egg white is whipped into foam and mashed pomegranate berries are added to it (you will need half of the fruit). You need to apply such a mask for half an hour so that the skin is saturated with useful substances.

Pomegranate mask for freckles : to cleanse the skin and make it beautiful, you can prepare a mask with pomegranate and oatmeal: pomegranate seeds are crushed to make 3 tbsp. spoons, they add a glass of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir and honey. The effect is very fast, so the procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

Pomegranate Healing Mask Recipe for Acne and Acne : you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of pomegranate juice, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped pistachios and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. After applying the resulting mask, the face is gently massaged with fingertips for about 2 minutes, and then the remnants are removed.

Special moment: for your skin to be beautiful.

The water you wash with should be soft so as not to injure the skin. It is best to wash with a decoction of herbs. Don't be lazy. Do it. Choose your favorite herbs. It can be: cornflower, chamomile or string. Then the effect will be much better.

Taking care of yourself every day, you can see the results after a few sessions. The main thing is the desire to make your skin healthy and yourself happy.

In the meantime, you are applying masks, listen to good music. My heartfelt gift for you Il Divo Caruso My favorite musicians, an amazing international project with a surprisingly touching composition.

I wish you all joy, pleasant moments. Make time for yourself. Pamper yourself. You deserve it!

Dear readers, I propose to talk today about beauty. Do you love taking care of yourself? Hope so. How often do you use everything that gives us ...

Pomegranate face masks- home cosmetics for facial care, the main component of which is pomegranate.

Cosmetic properties of pomegranate

Pomegranate juice is considered one of the healthiest. The fact is that it contains all the necessary substances for normal operation. human body. What are these substances. Firstly, these are fifteen amino acids, the four most important vitamins: P - for vascular health, B6 - for nervous system, C - to increase the body's defenses and B12 - to improve blood formation.

Concerning cosmetic properties, then they cannot be counted. Pomegranate is primarily known for its rejuvenating effect. Pomegranate oil perfectly improves skin microcirculation - thanks to the stimulation of collagen synthesis. Pomegranate also contains folic acid and antioxidants that protect against harmful effects the surrounding world, namely ultraviolet rays, bad ecology, etc.

As for antioxidants, in terms of their amount, pomegranate significantly exceeds such "record holders" as green tea, grapes and blueberries. According to experts from the University of Wisconsin, pomegranate is more effective than these plants.

Pomegranate extract will help those who suffer from freckles and skin pigmentation. Pomegranate has pronounced bleaching properties. It also helps fight acne and blackheads - the eternal problems of oily facial skin.

So the pomegranate renders three important type skin effects:

  • Mitigation. Pomegranate perfectly softens the skin - thanks to the oil that penetrates deep into the skin and retains moisture, preventing dehydration. Pomegranate oil owes this effect to substances such as pinicylic acid and omega-5.
  • Protection. The next positive effect is protective properties oils. Plant extract enhances the effect of sunscreen cosmetics, effectively protecting the skin from harmful influence ultraviolet. The creators of cosmetics state: if you add to sunscreen pomegranate extract, the product becomes 20 percent more effective.
  • Rejuvenation. As you know, bad ecology, the sun, dirt and dust reduce the level of collagen in the skin cells, which causes wrinkles, the skin sags, and its condition worsens. Thanks to his unique composition pomegranate increases the elasticity of the skin, causing the tissue to shrink. Pomegranate oil stimulates cell renewal, making the skin look great.

Face masks

Mask for aging skin

Since pomegranate has pronounced anti-aging properties, this mask is recommended for those who do not want to age and are ready to try folk cosmetology recipes, finding the strength and time for this.

To 2 tablespoons of pomegranate juice, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (previously filled with warm milk). Apply the mass on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with water room temperature.

Oily Skin Recipes

The easiest recipe for oily skin care is to wipe it with pomegranate juice in the morning and evening. This procedure not only reduces oiliness and eliminates acne, but also has a whitening effect, and also significantly improves complexion.

Also, owners of oily skin should try the following mask. Grind the peel of one pomegranate (for example, grate on a fine grater), add 1 tablespoon of pomegranate juice, as well as egg white (beat first). Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse off cold water.

Scrub mask with cleansing effect

Dry the pomegranate seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder (but not into powder!). Take 1 tablespoon of seeds, add to them 0.5 teaspoon of salt (necessarily fine grinding!), 2 tablespoons of milk, foam or gel for washing (which you usually use to cleanse your face). Mix the ingredients, apply face light massage movements. Massage your face for a few minutes. Then wash off the scrub mask with cool water.

Scrub for oily skin

Grind (for example, in a coffee grinder) 2 tablespoons of pistachios (pre-peel). Add to them 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of pomegranate juice. Mix the components, apply on a pre-moistened face. Massage your skin for a couple of minutes. Finally rinse with cool water.

Mask for dry skin

1 tablespoon of pomegranate juice must be mixed in equal parts with sour cream or heavy cream, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply the cream that you usually use.

Another mask for dry skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of pomegranate juice with 1 egg yolk, add 0.5 teaspoon of nourishing cream and 1 tablespoon of high-fat milk. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water.

Whitening mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of pomegranate juice, 1 tablespoon of sour cream (preferably not very high fat content), pour in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mass on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Use cool water to wash off the mask.


  • Gnome's involuntary gift, beauty portal myCharm.ru

One of the most healing fruits - pomegranate - is also an effective natural cosmetic product. It is especially useful for the skin of the face.

How pomegranate is used for the face, what properties it has and what benefits it can bring to the face - we read in today's article.

Pomegranate for the face: cosmetic properties.

  • Pomegranate juice contains all the most necessary for the body, and hence the skin, substances. These are 15 amino acids, iron, potassium, vitamins B6, B12, C and P. Folic acid and a significant amount of antioxidants present in the juice of this fruit contribute to the protection and renewal of the skin. Therefore, during the period of active exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it is useful to do protective masks from pomegranate for the face.
  • Acids such as pinicylic and omega-3 help to soften the skin. The oil, which contains these substances, helps to retain moisture inside the skin, thus preventing dehydration.
  • Useful material, present in pomegranate juice, accelerate the production of collagen, so its use in anti-aging masks gives a tremendous result.
  • Pomegranate juice is one of the best means for oily skin, especially if it is prone to irritation and rashes. Using the juice of this fruit, you can completely remove acne.
  • Among other things, pomegranate face masks have a whitening effect, allow you to hide freckles and age spots.
  • IN natural recipes for skin care, not only pomegranate juice is used, but also its peel and even seeds. Products using these components are effective and, moreover, soft scrubs.

In the absence of individual allergic reactions pomegranate face masks have practically no contraindications. Enriched with juice ready-made creams, and also connect with other natural products. It is also used in pure form if the skin is not very sensitive.

Pomegranate for the face: natural recipes.

Recipe 1.An anti-aging, wrinkle-smoothing mask made with pomegranate juice according to the recipe: combine 2 tablespoons of juice, a teaspoon of honey, oatmeal (previously steamed in milk) and olive oil. Lubricate the face with this mixture, keep it for 15 minutes, wash.

Recipe 2. Promotes rejuvenation facial skin and such a mask: combine half a glass of pomegranate juice, 2 tablespoons of kefir and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder. This tool is applied to the face, without using the areas around the eyes and lips, then washed.

Recipe 3. Mask for oily skin prepared according to the following recipe: pomegranate peel is crushed and combined with beaten egg white and a spoonful of pomegranate juice. The mixed mass is applied to the skin for 15 minutes and washed off.

Recipe 4. Moisturizes and nourishes dry skin such a mask: pomegranate juice is combined with fatty sour cream and used as other similar means.

Recipe 5. They also make pomegranates: the seeds of this fruit are slightly crushed in a coffee grinder, combined with salt and cleanser (for 2 tablespoons cosmetic product take 1 spoon of ground bones and a teaspoon of salt). Using gentle massage movements, the scrub is applied to the face, after a few minutes they are washed with water at room temperature. Such a tool will not only cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics, but also relieve it of black spots.

Recipe 6. Good ones are made on the basis of pomegranate juice and seeds, green tea and lemon juice. This mask, in addition, makes the skin fresher and improves its color. To prepare it, mix 4 teaspoons of pomegranate juice, 3 tablespoons of fresh green tea and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and pomegranate seeds. This mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes, after which they wash.

Recipe 7. can be prepared according to this recipe: combine 2 tablespoons of pomegranate juice, a spoonful of sour cream and a teaspoon of lemon juice. A thoroughly mixed mask is applied to the face and washed after 15 minutes.

Recipe 8. and you can even out the color of the skin if you regularly wipe it with pure pomegranate juice. It is not recommended to use pomegranate for the face in this way for owners of dry skin.

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Pomegranate face masks

The pomegranate or pomegranate is the fruit of the pomegranate plant, which grows in tropical and subtropical regions. Its flowers are elongated, red-orange in color, and the fruits are dark ruby, with a sweet and sour taste. A pomegranate can contain up to a thousand grains, so in ancient times the fruit was considered a symbol of fertility and wealth. The useful property of the pomegranate also consisted in its use as a remedy for insomnia and a dye for natural fabrics and wool.

Properties and composition of pomegranate

Its beneficial properties were known even in Ancient Egypt in the 15th century BC the pulp of the fruit is mentioned as an excellent tool for prolonging youth, beauty and health. Its action is often associated with the fight against acne and acne yu, as well as with the elimination of traces of them (post-acne), since pomegranate helps to restore the skin and whitens it.

The calorie content of the pomegranate is low - only 83 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. In juice, they are even less - 64 kcal per 100 grams. The fruit is rich in carbohydrates, monosaccharides and water - about 81 grams out of 100. Pomegranate perfectly quenches thirst, awakens appetite, helps in the production of hemoglobin and promotes the formation of red blood cells. Due to the latter property, the fruits are recommended for use by the elderly and those who have recently undergone surgery. An infusion of flowers and fruits has long been excellent tool to stop the bleeding.

Pomegranate juice promotes blood formation and is recommended for diseases blood vessels, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs, as well as to normalize blood circulation, protect against scurvy, cancer, indigestion and headaches. For women, pomegranate is useful in that it facilitates the passage of menopause and depression. Children are not forgotten either: recent studies have shown that children who eat fruit are distinguished by a huge reserve of strength and quick wits.

But in addition to being consumed internally, pomegranate can also be used externally by adding pulp and pomegranate juice to masks and creams. The value of the fruit is difficult to overestimate, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins useful for the skin, acids and tannins.

The composition of the pomegranate

1. Vitamin C helps fight signs of aging and eliminate fine lines. It stimulates the processes of rejuvenation and skin renewal, enhancing the synthesis of collagen and increases immune functions skin cells.

2. B vitamins help fight the first signs of aging, provide softness and smoothness to the skin and speed up metabolic processes. They also help with problematic skin, eliminating traces of acne and pimples due to skin renewal.

3. Vitamin PP has a stimulating effect, smoothes wrinkles and improves skin color.

4. Calcium has an anti-inflammatory effect, takes an active part in the formation of new cells and regulates the recovery process.

5. Potassium and magnesium are necessary for anyone who cares about the condition of their skin. They normalize intercellular metabolism, help form new cells and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

6. Iron tones the skin, tightens the face and moisturizes.

In addition, the pomegranate contains a large amount of organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric and boric), several types of salts and tannins, which are responsible for cell repair, and also have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Using pomegranate, you can make the skin smooth and radiant, getting rid of problematic rashes and the first wrinkles forever.

Indications and contraindications for masks with pomegranate


Pomegranate is especially useful for skin that has begun to age: it increases the amount of collagen, the substance responsible for skin elasticity and youth. Also, the pomegranate pulp helps to restore the top layer of the skin, accelerates the healing of wounds.

But this does not mean that it cannot be used for oily or problem skin. On the contrary, the beneficial properties of the fruit will help dry the skin, soften it and smooth it, as well as tighten the oval of the face and save you from acne (acne) and post-acne marks left after it. For achievement desired effect it is worth using pomegranate along with other ingredients that will enhance its properties. For dry skin, honey, sour cream, kefir or vegetable oil will be useful, for oily skin - egg white, lemon juice, clay and oatmeal. Problem skin will be delighted with the bread crumb and seasonal fruits.

Masks of pomegranate juice, pulp and peel universal cosmetic product able to meet the needs of people with different types skin.


1. Individual intolerance
2. Skin damage
3. Neoplasms
4. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Applying pomegranate face masks

When choosing a pomegranate, special attention should be paid to the peel: it should be uniform and dry and tightly fit the grains so that they show through under it. If the peel is smooth, the fruit is underripe. Ripe pomegranate is firm to the touch. Do not take a soft fruit - it probably began to rot or was damaged during transportation.

Before using the fruit, peel it from the skin and separate the grains. Squeezing the juice out of a pomegranate can seem like a daunting process, but don't despair: use a masher to mash the seeds into pulp.

Before applying the pomegranate face mask, clean your face with a facial cleanser or mild soap. If desired, you should use a scrub or take a steam bath to open the pores. Rinse off the mask with plain water, you can use mineral water without gas or boiled. Do not use cleansers and detergents at the end of the procedure.

You need to apply the mask not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté, which also need nutrition. After applying the mask, lie down for the prescribed time, completely relaxing and closing your eyes. The muscles of the face will completely relax, and the beneficial elements will be absorbed into the skin.

If the skin is oily, then the simplest remedy is to wash your face with pomegranate juice every day in the evening. After applying the liquid with cotton wool, wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You only need to use natural juice, not packaged - sugar and preservatives are often added to the latter. Beneficial substances will enter the skin directly, which will give a stronger and more lasting effect. In the same way, you can use the pulp of the fruit in its pure form.

Pomegranate face mask recipes at home

Pomegranate mask for oily skin with egg white

Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
Pomegranate peel - 1 tbsp.
1 egg white.

Crush the grains into gruel, and chop the skin or grate it on a fine grater. Separate the protein from the yolk and beat it into a foam, it will take at least 5 minutes. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture on your face and neck. Hold for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

Action: the mask tightens the skin, eliminates oily sheen, smoothes wrinkles and renews cells.

Indication: for oily skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Pomegranate, Hazelnut and Lemon Scrub Mask

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
Chopped hazelnuts - 2 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Finely grind the hazelnuts, almost into flour, and mix them with pomegranate pulp and lemon juice. Apply the mixture on wet skin and massage it in for 2-3 minutes. Then leave for 10 minutes and rinse.

Action: The mask acts as a scrub, cleansing the top layer of the skin and making it softer and more receptive to subsequent masks.


Application: 1-2 times a week.

Face mask with pomegranate, jojoba oil and sour cream

Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
High-fat sour cream or cream - 1 tbsp.
Jojoba oil - 1 tsp

Mix pomegranate, sour cream and butter, mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply to wet skin and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

Action: The mask softens and nourishes the skin, making it more elastic and firm.

Indication: for dry and aging skin.

Application: 2-3 times a week.

pomegranate mask, egg yolk, milk and cream

Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
Milk - 1 tbsp.
Any nourishing cream - 0.5 tsp
1 egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients, apply on dry skin of the face and hold for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can use any cream suitable for your skin.
Action: The mask smoothes, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin.

Indication: for dry skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Face mask of pomegranate peel and sour cream

Pomegranate pulp - 3 tbsp.
Peel of half a pomegranate
Fatty sour cream - 5 tbsp.
If desired, you can add 2-3 drops of an essential oil suitable for your skin type.

Grate the pomegranate peel on a fine grater and mix with pomegranate pulp and sour cream, add essential oil. Apply to face, neck and décolleté, leave on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Action: the mask perfectly softens the skin, whitens it a little and moisturizes.

Indications: for dry and sensitive skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Mask of pomegranate, sour cream and cinnamon

Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
Sour cream high fat content for dry and reduced fat content for oily - 3 tbsp.

Mash the pomegranate seeds until pureed. Mix with ground cinnamon, add to sour cream and stir. Apply to clean dry face and wait 10-12 minutes, then rinse and apply moisturizer.

Action: the mask softens, smoothes the skin and nourishes it.

Indications: for all skin types with signs of aging.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Pomegranate and olive oil mask

Pomegranate juice - 1 tbsp.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp.

Mash the pomegranate, squeeze the juice out of the gruel and mix it with the oil. Apply to wet skin, gently massaging it, and leave for half an hour. Then wipe off the residue with a dry cloth and leave overnight.

Action: The mask nourishes the skin, smoothes and moisturizes.

Indications: for dry skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask of pomegranate, cottage cheese and honey

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
Soft fat-free cottage cheese or natural yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tsp

Mash pomegranate and mix with honey and cottage cheese. Apply the mass on the face and neck, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Action: the mask softens and moisturizes the skin, dries it and helps to get rid of fine wrinkles.

Indications: for skin of any type that has begun to fade.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask of pomegranate, honey and vegetable oil

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil (olive, almond or wheat germ oil) - 1 tsp

Mash the pomegranate seeds and mix with oil and honey into a homogeneous mass. Apply the mask on clean skin of the face and neck, wait half an hour and wipe off the residue with paper napkin. Do not wash, so as not to erase the remaining layer.

Action: the mask cleanses, soothes and renews the skin, softening it.

Indications: for any skin type.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Pomegranate Acne Mask with Clay, Egg White and essential oils rosemary and tea tree

Green or White clay- 1 tbsp.
1 egg white
Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
Rosemary essential oil - 3 drops
Tea tree essential oil - 3 drops

Dilute the clay with water to a thick porridge. Do not overfill with water so that the mass does not turn out to be too liquid. Beat the protein and add the pomegranate pulp and essential oils to it. Then mix the resulting mass with clay, mix thoroughly and apply on a dry face. Wait 5 minutes, then apply another layer, wait 10-15 minutes until complete drying rinse with warm water and apply thin layer nourishing cream.
Action: the mask pulls everything out of the skin harmful substances, renews the top layer, dries the skin, tightens pores and removes oily sheen.

Indications: for oily and problematic skin.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Pomegranate face mask with honey, yolk, wheat germ oil and oatmeal

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tsp
Wheat germ oil - 1 tsp
1 yolk
Oatmeal (or cereals) - 1 tbsp.
Some milk.

Pour oat flour milk and leave to swell. If there is no flour, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and use them. Crush the pomegranate pulp, mix it with honey, yolk, flakes and vegetable oil and stir. Apply to cleansed face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

Action: the mask will soften the skin, tighten it and enhance regeneration, ridding the skin of minor imperfections.

Indications: for all skin types, especially dry.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

mask from pomegranate peels and pulp with egg white and cottage cheese

1 egg white.
Soft cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.

Separate the protein from the yolk and beat with foam (at least 3-5 minutes). Mash the pomegranate seeds, finely chop its peel and mix everything with cottage cheese and protein. Apply to the face and neck and lie down for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the face with an ice cube.

Action: the mask smoothes, deeply cleanses the face and tightens enlarged pores.

Indications: for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Application: 2 times per week.

Mask of pomegranate juice, honey and lemon

Pomegranate juice - 2 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Liquid honey - 2 tsp

Mix pomegranate and lemon juice with honey. Apply to clean skin, patting lightly to keep fingers sticking and peeling off. Hold the mask for 25 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Action: the mask has a firming and nourishing effect, besides, it dries the skin a little, relieving it of oily sheen.

Indications: For oily skin prone to acne and oily sheen.

Application: 2 times per week.

Scrub mask of pomegranate, salt and sour cream

Pomegranate pulp - 1 tbsp.
Ground pomegranate seeds - 1 tsp
Finely ground salt - 0.5 tsp
Low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp.
Grapes - 7 pieces

Grind pomegranate seeds in a coffee grinder to a coarse powder and mix with coarse iodized salt. Add sour cream and pomegranate pulp, squeeze the juice from the grapes. Apply to the skin, massaging it thoroughly, then leave for 15 minutes, massage again and rinse.

Action: This mask will perfectly cleanse the skin, conduct a small massage and remove the top layer of dead cells. After its application, the skin will become incredibly soft, delicate and smooth, and it will also restore a fresh color.

Indications: for all skin types.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Pomegranate juice face mask with kiwi, strawberry and banana

1 kiwi
Several strawberries
half a banana
Pomegranate juice - 3 tbsp.

Mash fruit into a porridge, add pomegranate juice, mix and apply on face. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Action: vitamin mask useful in the cold season, as an additional source of skin nutrition with essential vitamins.

Indications: for any skin type.

Application: 2-3 times a week.

Pomegranate, Lemon and Cucumber Juice Face Mask

Pomegranate juice - 3 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
1 small cucumber

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, squeeze out the water and mix with lemon and pomegranate juice. Soak a gauze in the solution and apply it on your face. Wait 15 minutes, then remove the gauze and rinse your face with cold water. You can add a few drops of rose oil to the water.
Action: the mask whitens the skin, eliminating age spots and freckles.

Indications: for skin prone to pigmentation.

Application: 1 time per week.

Invigorating face mask with pomegranate, lemon juice and green tea

Pomegranate juice - 5 tsp
Ground pomegranate seeds - 2 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
Brewed green tea- 3 tsp

Grind pomegranate seeds, squeeze required amount juice, and brew green tea. Mix juice, seeds and tea, apply to the skin, massage a little and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with the remaining green tea.

Action: the mask tones, refreshes, softens and whitens the skin, reduces pores.

Indications: for sluggish atonic skin prone to pigmentation and enlarged pores.

Application: 1-2 times a week.

Face mask with pomegranate juice, honey and kefir

Low-fat kefir - 1/3 cup.
Liquid honey - 3 tbsp.
Pomegranate juice - 3 tbsp.

Mix pomegranate juice with honey and kefir. Mix well and apply on face, neck and décolleté for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and rub your skin with an ice cube. You can use a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs.

Action: the mask helps to cleanse the skin, whiten it and soften it.

Indications: for dry, aging skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Purifying mask with pomegranate for oily skin with oil grape seeds, tea tree and lavender essential oils

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
3 drops tea tree oil
2 drops of lavender oil
Grape seed oil - 0.5 tsp

Mix all the oils and heat in a water bath to room temperature. Add pomegranate pulp, stir and apply to skin. Massage the skin, trying to rub the mask and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water, then rinse with cold and warm again.

Action: the mask effectively helps to cleanse the face, dry pimples and get rid of oily sheen.

Indications: for problematic oily skin prone to acne and inflamed elements.

Application: 1 time per week.

Mask of pomegranate, red wine, clay, honey and coconut milk

Pomegranate pulp - 2 tbsp.
Red wine (preferably dry) - 1 tbsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
Cosmetic clay - 3 tbsp.
Coconut milk - 0.5 tbsp.
Can be used instead of coconut milk regular milk reduced fat content.

mix cosmetic clay with water until a slurry is obtained. Do not overfill the water so that the clay does not become too liquid. Add pomegranate pulp, wine, honey and milk. Mix thoroughly and apply on face and neck. Wait 15 minutes and wash off.
Action: the mask rejuvenates the face, smoothes wrinkles and soothes the skin.

Indications: for sensitive, aging skin.

Application: 2 times per week.

Pomegranate and ginger mask

Pomegranate juice - 2 tbsp.
Ginger root - 3 tbsp.

Grind ginger root to a floury consistency, add pomegranate juice, mix thoroughly and apply on the face and décolleté. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cold water.

Action: the mask rejuvenates the face, smoothes wrinkles, has antiseptic properties.

Indications: for aging and problem skin.