How to determine oxygen starvation in the fetus. Consequences for the child. Causes of hypoxia

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Until the baby is born, his lungs are filled with fluid, and oxygen does not flow through them. The fetus receives oxygen through the placenta, which receives it from the blood of a pregnant woman. And if a failure occurs in any area, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the fetus is difficult, it begins to develop intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Today, this phenomenon is observed in about a tenth of pregnancies and childbirth. And even high level medical knowledge and measures taken to eliminate hypoxia are not able to reduce the number of cases of this pathology. What are the causes of this phenomenon and how to prevent it?

What is intrauterine hypoxia?

The word hypoxia refers to a state of lack of oxygen in the tissues and cells of the body, in which their normal functioning is impossible. This pathology can also occur in early dates pregnancy, and just before childbirth, as well as interfere with their favorable course.

Hypoxia itself is not a disease, it is a condition that has led to a number of changes in the body of a woman or fetus. All these changes lead to a lack of oxygen, resulting in disturbances in the functioning of organs and, as a result, the development of various defects. According to the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision, ICD 10 intrauterine hypoxia fetus assigned code 036.

Intrauterine hypoxia: classification

According to the rate of development, severity of manifestations and duration of exposure, the following degrees of intrauterine fetal hypoxia are distinguished:


Intrauterine fetal hypoxia that occurs during childbirth is called acute. Usually, all children in the process of birth experience some oxygen deficiency and are quite well adapted to this temporary phenomenon; this will practically not affect the health of the unborn baby. However, in case of complications of the birth process, hypoxia can be very dangerous.

Acute intrauterine hypoxia occurs when:

Rapid childbirth;
with prolonged squeezing of the head during childbirth;
prolapse of the umbilical cord;
with prolonged childbirth;
bleeding and other complications.

Sometimes acute hypoxia can also be observed during pregnancy, when the uterus ruptures or the placenta begins to exfoliate, resulting in a threat of disruption of the vital important organs fetus. Severe hypoxia is accompanied by necrosis, blockage of blood vessels and leads to an irreparable result.

If oxygen stops flowing to the fetus, asphyxia occurs, that is, suffocation. With such a diagnosis, in order to save the life of the child, an emergency operation should be performed immediately to remove the child.

Chronic intrauterine hypoxia develops gradually, long time during the course of pregnancy. This occurs in cases where the pregnant woman was not under the supervision of a doctor, was not examined and was not treated.

Lack of oxygen in different dates pregnancy has a different effect on the fetus. In the early stages, when all the organs of the unborn child are laid, hypoxia can lead to abnormalities in the development of the embryo, including its brain. At the end of pregnancy, hypoxia causes fetal growth retardation, affects the central nervous system, and leads to a decrease in the adaptive capacity of the child. In severe hypoxia, it may be necessary to conduct early caesarean section.

combination of acute and chronic hypoxia can lead to the most serious complications.

The consequences of intrauterine hypoxia can be very different:

If hypoxia was noted during childbirth, the child may swallow amniotic fluid, which can lead to his death;
in case of chronic hypoxia in the absence of appropriate treatment, the child may experience a developmental delay, health problems in the future;
in especially difficult cases, there is a risk of intrauterine death of the fetus.


Signs of intrauterine hypoxia appear depending on the duration and degree of oxygen deficiency:

On initial stage there is an increase in the fetal heart rate, restless behavior, increase motor activity;
in severe hypoxia, the heartbeat slows down and the heart sounds are muffled, the fetal activity decreases, the fetal movements slow down;
appearance in amniotic fluid ah meconium, or the original feces of the child, in this case the water becomes brown-green.

If up to three fetal movements per hour are observed, the heart rate is below one hundred beats per minute or above 160 - there is cause for concern.


Numerous factors can cause fetal hypoxia:

1. First of all, the causes of intrauterine fetal hypoxia are maternal diseases:

Anemia, that is low level hemoglobin, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body is disrupted;
respiratory diseases;
various diseases kidneys;
severe toxicosis;
metabolic and hormonal disorders.

2. Various pathologies fetus:

Hemolytic disease, Rhesus conflict;
intrauterine infection;
birth defects development;
prolonged squeezing of the fetal head during childbirth;
violation of the blood supply to the placenta.

3. Violations during childbirth:

Prolongation of pregnancy;
premature birth or their threat;
malpresentation fetus;
pathology in the development of the placenta;
multiple or multiple births;
the use of anesthesia;
other complications during childbirth.

The cause of intrauterine hypoxia can be psychological factor. At stressful conditions, excitement, fear, the woman's breathing is disturbed, she begins to breathe less often, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the fetus is also disturbed.


In the early stages, hypoxia is almost impossible to detect. If a pregnant woman has diseases that we indicated above, then we can make an assumption about possible problems supplying the fetus with oxygen. But after the woman began to feel the movement of the fetus in the uterus, one can judge the condition of the child by his activity.

At the beginning of the development of hypoxia, fetal movements become active, sharp, sometimes a woman even experiences severe pain. With the further development of hypoxia, the movements of the child become already sluggish, sometimes they can stop being observed. You should immediately tell the doctor about this and undergo an examination. And starting from 28 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend that a woman keep a diary in which it is necessary to note the activity of the fetus. If a woman notices that in the last twelve hours the child has moved less than ten times, she needs to tell the doctor about this. Doctors, in turn, use the following methods to assess the condition of the fetus:

Listening to the fetal heart sounds with a stethoscope, if the heart rhythm, tone, noises cause concern to the doctor, further examination is carried out.
Cardiotocography, in which the study is carried out using special equipment with an ultrasonic sensor. The sensor allows you to record indicators on paper for subsequent analysis and determination possible deviations in heart rate.
Dopplerometry - allows you to evaluate the process of blood circulation, to identify the nature of the changes.
Fetal ECG - will provide information about the condition of the fetus.
Conducting a laboratory examination.
If intrauterine hypoxia is suspected, it is necessary to analyze the amniotic fluid. With a lack of oxygen, the muscles of the child's rectum involuntarily contract, and the feces enter the amniotic fluid. If it is present, the whole tactics of childbirth will change.

With various complications during childbirth, a diagnostic method such as amnioscopy is used. This method involves the study of blood taken from the skin of the baby's head during childbirth.

For more complete picture the state of the fetus usually use several methods of research at the same time.

Modern diagnostics allows you to accurately identify the problem and determine best ways its elimination. The expectant mother should not panic in vain, but if there are reasons for concern, you can’t hesitate, in this case it’s better to play it safe.

Treatment of intrauterine hypoxia

The sooner the presence of fetal oxygen starvation is detected, the more effective the treatment will be and the fewer complications can be expected.

If there is no indication for immediate fetal extraction, therapy is prescribed. Treatment of intrauterine fetal hypoxia consists in getting rid of the cause that led to this condition, as well as subsequent therapy for the manifestations of hypoxia. First of all, drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at improving blood circulation in the placenta, to stimulate metabolic processes between the fetus and mother, drugs to improve the supply of oxygen to the fetus. For a woman, the main thing is to be at peace, to observe bed rest and follow all doctor's recommendations.

The obstetrician-gynecologist who takes delivery regularly listens to the baby's heartbeat. If positive changes do not occur after the treatment, oxygen starvation the fetus grows, then after a period of 28 weeks of pregnancy, doctors may raise the question of performing a caesarean section.

The state of the newborn in the first minute of life is assessed by ten-point scale Apgar. A score below five points indicates the child's hypoxia. The newborn is first cleaned Airways from the liquid, warm, if necessary, resuscitation measures are taken.

After the child's condition has stabilized, with intrauterine hypoxia, the newborn is placed in a pressure chamber, in which comfortable conditions for the development of the child, and begin further therapy. In the first month, the child is easily excitable, sometimes, on the contrary, lethargy is noted. But there has been an improvement since then.

At the age of six months, the symptoms of hypoxia may return, convulsions may appear, the duration of this period will depend on the magnitude of the damage to the child's brain.


Every expectant mother should think not only about herself, but also about the future baby, and know how to prevent intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Even during the first examination by a gynecologist when registering, you need to tell him about all the diseases you have had, about your current state of health. The best prevention intrauterine hypoxia is:

Healthy sleep;
complete rest;
getting rid of all bad habits;
exclusion of exposure to harmful factors: cigarette smoke, change of time zones, climate;
healthy lifestyle life;
take regular walks fresh air;
balanced diet, products with iron content should become mandatory on your table;
mandatory early registration and regular visits to the doctor;
avoid stressful situations;
moderate physical activity, swimming lessons are useful;
in order to prevent hypoxia, you can perform breathing exercises or singing, to practice breathing;
preparation for pregnancy;
right choice delivery method;
taking care of your health, timely treatment diseases.

Restoring the health of a child born with hypoxia

To restore the health of a child born with hypoxia, it is necessary:

Observation by a neurologist in order to detect the appearance in time possible pathologies and provide appropriate treatment.
the atmosphere in the house should be calm;
comfortable temperature regime so as not to expose the child to either hypothermia or overheating;
it is better to refrain from swaddling and allow the child to move freely;
take care of breastfeeding, which should last as long as possible;
do to the child special massage, gymnastics, herbal baths;
in more complex cases, carry out the treatment prescribed by a specialist, special massages, physiotherapy, treatment by highly specialized specialists.

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother lives in the hope that her baby will be born healthy. But sometimes something goes wrong, and the incomprehensible diagnosis of "hypoxia", made to the baby even before the birth, completely knocks the woman out of balance. However, in most cases, help qualified specialists, adequate treatment and a confident attitude of the mother can direct the development of the situation in a positive direction. Read about the symptoms, consequences and prevention of fetal hypoxia in the article.

The term "hypoxia" means oxygen deficiency, respectively, the diagnosis of "fetal hypoxia of the fetus" indicates that the unborn child is in dire need of this valuable gas. The baby’s respiratory organs, which are in the growth stage, have nowhere to get oxygen from, and if they have managed to form by the time hypoxia develops, they are not able to fully function.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia is a severe pathology, which, under certain circumstances, manifests itself not only in the first trimester, but also on the eve of childbirth. Moreover, the lack of oxygen sometimes becomes a real obstacle to a successful delivery.

Fetal hypoxia: types

The features of the course of the pathological condition gave reason to divide it into two types.

Chronic fetal hypoxia

Under this diagnosis, the prolonged existence of the fetus in conditions of oxygen deficiency is hidden. Such a condition develops if, for some reason, the pregnant woman did not register on time (and, of course, was deprived medical supervision) or due to untimely detection and treatment of pathology. In this state, the fetus can be for several days, weeks or months.

The consequences of this type of hypoxia for the fetus at the beginning of gestation are all kinds of disorders in the laying of organ systems, as well as a delay in the formation of the embryo as a whole. Chronic violation of later dates pregnancy is more at risk dangerous complications for the baby. Among them:

  • serious disorders of the central nervous system;
  • anomalies of physical ontogenesis;
  • growth retardation;
  • low ability to adapt outside world in a newborn;
  • refusal to eat, anxiety and nervous system disorders in an infant.

Acute fetal hypoxia

This type of disorder is characterized by sudden development and can occur during the period of gestation, as well as during labor activity. This disturbance cannot be corrected by therapeutic interventions as it lasts only a few minutes or limited quantity hours. The pregnant woman will immediately have an emergency delivery, otherwise the consequences of such fetal hypoxia for the child are the most unfavorable - the slightest delay will cost him his life. Acute and prolonged lack of oxygen irreversibly suppresses the activity of the fetal brain and becomes the result of intrauterine asphyxia.

Even if the baby is removed on time, there will be no full confidence in the good state of his health. Sometimes the consequences of hypoxia and asphyxia of the fetus leave the child for 5-6 years of his life. In other cases, a complex of internal disorders due to hypoxia makes the child dependent on permanent treatment until the end of life.

What is the danger of fetal hypoxia

Pathology can cause all kinds of diseases in a child. We list the most serious and severe consequences pathologies:

  1. Cardinal disorders in the area of ​​the brain.
  2. Accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the brain.
  3. Dropsy of the brain.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. Anomalies of development internal organs.
  6. Hemorrhage in the brain.
  7. Cerebral palsy.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia during pregnancy, with an unfortunate set of circumstances, dooms to childhood disability, backwardness in mental development and poor ability to adapt in society.

Causes of fetal hypoxia

There are many factors that can somehow "block" the access of a valuable substance to the fetus. To initiate chronic hypoxia can:

  • diseases of a woman related to the respiratory, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems;
  • pathologies of fetal development (infections, incompatibility with the mother by Rhesus blood);
  • pathological location of the umbilical cord (for example, it fell out, squeezed due to the presentation of the fetus, tied into a knot), which disrupts blood flow;
  • severe and prolonged course of toxicosis;
  • excessive volume of amniotic fluid;
  • pregnancy with two or more fetuses;
  • delayed pregnancy;
  • stay of a pregnant woman in stressful conditions;
  • depression in the expectant mother (being depressed, the woman breathes less often, so the baby does not breathe enough with her);
  • tight umbilical cord around the neck of the child;
  • placental abruption, rapid or too long labor;
  • inappropriate anesthesia during childbirth.

Hypoxia of the fetus and newborn

The dangerous factors that we discussed above can cause not only internal disturbance, but also asphyxia of the baby at the time of birth. A newborn baby is considered within 7 days after birth. Now all the organs of a small person undergo the so-called strength test. If the mother was diagnosed with hypoxia before the birth of the baby, the same trouble can await the baby after birth.

When a child suffocates in the mother's womb, he tries with all his might to make up for this deficit, so he begins to breathe through the hole in the glottis. Consequently, foreign substances penetrate there in the form of mucus, blood and amniotic fluid, which during childbirth will clog the child's respiratory organs and cause asphyxia - simply put, they will suffocate the baby. That is why such children are watched very closely in the first days of their life.

By severity, fetal hypoxia is divided into moderate and severe. The condition of the child is assessed after birth, focusing on the standard indicators of the Apgar scale. The scale consists of five indicators, each of which is rated from 0 to 2 points.

When the baby was just born, his condition is immediately subjected to a general assessment, and after 5 minutes they are examined again. If the child "gains" from 8 to 10 points, he is considered healthy, that is, he did not have hypoxia during childbirth. A score of 4 - 7 points indicates moderate hypoxia, and indicators within 0 - 3 points give doctors reason to talk about severe hypoxia and suffocation of the newborn.

Symptoms of fetal hypoxia

It is impossible to diagnose fetal hypoxia in early pregnancy without special equipment (Doppler and ultrasound) - the fetus is still very small, so it cannot “tell” the mother how bad it is.

Regular and unscheduled examinations become an effective way out of the situation. The reason for visiting the antenatal clinic chronic diseases pregnant woman and her unsatisfactory state of health.

As the tummy increases, the mother should take constant control of the baby's movement. The technique of 10 movements will help a woman to suspect the development of pathology on her own. It consists in the following: waking up in the morning, the mother begins to count how many times her baby moves during the day. The movements are divided into series and there should be at least 10 such series per day. For example, you feel the baby “knocking” inside and this continues for 1-2 minutes - this is the first series, after a while the movements are repeated - the second series and so on. If there are less than 10 such series, this is a clear sign of fetal hypoxia.

Turbidity of the amniotic fluid indicates acute intrauterine hypoxia, which is determined using laboratory analysis.

How to determine fetal hypoxia

At the heart of all effective ways diagnosis lies full examination future mother by a doctor during a scheduled or unscheduled examination. The gynecologist will listen to the fetal heartbeat and determine its frequency. The slow heartbeat of the crumbs is a reason for an additional examination.

To study the baby's heart rate more accurately, they use the method of cardiotocography - ECG for the fetus.

Signs of fetal hypoxia according to CTG are as follows:

  • the number of heartbeats is reduced or absent altogether;
  • too frequent heartbeat of the child against the background of his own stirring and involuntary uterine tone.

Another effective diagnostic method hypoxia - intrauterine (doppler) ultrasonography, through which the overall picture of blood flow in the uterus is assessed. Also, the diagnostician will certainly testify to fetal hypoxia on a conventional ultrasound scan, if it detects abnormalities in the development of the placenta, it is too rapid formation or aging, excessively thin or thick walls.

In addition, the presence of hypoxia will help confirm blood tests. The pathology will be indicated by a high level of enzymes in the blood, fat oxidation products, etc.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia

You can hope to get rid of the pathology if the oxygen deficiency was detected in a timely manner and the patient has no indications for emergency delivery through a caesarean section.

What to do with fetal hypoxia worries every pregnant woman who has heard such a diagnosis. The mother is required to be calm and willing to cooperate with the attending physician in everything. To begin with, doctors will try to block the influence of the disease or condition of the mother, which was the impetus for the development of complications.

The severity of oxygen starvation depends on what the treatment will be - inpatient or outpatient. The main points of the therapeutic program are the following conditions:

  1. Calmness and bed rest.
  2. Taking medications that stimulate the unhindered access of oxygen to the child.
  3. Drinking oxygenated water.

Fetal hypoxia and childbirth

Fetal hypoxia can manifest itself not only in late pregnancy, but also directly during childbirth. At the birth of a child, doctors regularly evaluate the nature of his heartbeat. A cause for concern is the development of an increase or slowdown in cardiac activity.

The severity of bradycardia and tachycardia during childbirth may vary. At the beginning of labor, oxygen deficiency in the fetus is indicated by bradycardia of about 100 beats per minute, and in the second period - 98 beats. With hypoxia, as a reaction to each contraction, a decrease in the frequency of heart beats up to 50 times per minute is observed.

How to avoid fetal hypoxia

The responsibility for the likelihood of intrauterine oxygen starvation in a child lies largely with his mother. In order not to face such a serious complication during pregnancy, a woman should lead the most correct lifestyle. Let us briefly list the main measures to prevent fetal hypoxia during pregnancy. Briefly, because you most likely will not learn anything new - everyone knows about the rules of a healthy lifestyle. So, expectant mother need to:

  • give up bad habits once and for all (for example, forget what cigarettes are);
  • spend a lot of time outdoors. remember, that perfect place for walking is away from busy roads;
  • make a healthy and balanced diet with the indispensable presence of iron-containing foods;
  • come to all scheduled check-ups, as well as visit women's consultation unscheduled, if something worries;
  • inform the gynecologist about all chronic diseases;
  • monitor the quality of your breathing. If any appear warning signs(for example, shortness of breath), immediately consult a doctor for clarification of the situation;
  • with the permission of the doctor, master the complex of respiratory gymnastics and regularly perform it;
  • get enough sleep and enough rest during the day.

No matter how strange it may sound, but during pregnancy a woman should think and take care not about the baby growing inside her, but about herself. The future mother, in fact, is a mirror that projects all the features of her well-being onto the fetus. The healthier a woman is, the more favorable conditions her baby will have for growth and development. Be healthy!

While in the womb, the baby cannot breathe on its own, as its lungs will only expand after birth. Oxygen is essential for the body to full development and further functioning of its organs.

This vital substance of the child during pregnancy is provided by the placenta, which is enriched with oxygen from the mother's blood. If this transportation is disturbed, fetal hypoxia begins during pregnancy - oxygen starvation of a small organism. The disease is quite common, but dangerous if no measures are taken.

It is possible to restore and improve the condition of the fetus during hypoxia only if it is recognized in time.

  • Symptoms in the early stages

The difficulty is that in the early stages of pregnancy, it is not detected. The doctor can only assume this disease if the mother is diagnosed. That's why initial signs fetal hypoxia is determined only on special equipment for examinations. In particular, ultrasound and Doppler are used for this purpose (a method for detecting a heartbeat in a fetus).

  • Self-diagnosis

Many mothers, worrying about the condition of their baby, want to know how to determine fetal hypoxia on their own and at what time it can be done. This becomes possible only at the 18th week or even later, when the baby's movements are felt. A woman should be observant during this period and notice how and when the baby usually moves. The first sign of hypoxia is a decrease in its activity, movements become rare, lethargic, barely noticeable. If such a symptom is present, it is necessary to tell the doctor who is observing you about it.

  • Laboratory diagnostics

A decrease in the activity of the child in the womb may be a sign of other abnormalities in its development. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, an additional examination is required, which can detect more than clear signs fetal hypoxia.

  1. Ultrasound: physical data is not normal (weight and size is smaller), there is a developmental delay, premature ripening placenta, the presence of too thin or too thick walls;
  2. Dopplerometry: blood flow disturbances in uterine arteries and placenta, bradycardia (slow heart rate).
  3. Cardiotocography (indicated in the documents as CTG and performed only after the 30th week) often gives incorrect results, therefore, to confirm the data, it is done several times.
  4. Sometimes amnioscopy is used, which reveals the state of the amniotic fluid, which gives sufficiently reliable data on whether it is possible to speak of hypoxia in this or that case: in the presence of this disease, they become cloudy.

For greater confidence in the diagnosis of a pregnant woman, a number of blood tests can be prescribed - hormonal and biochemical. If they find a high concentration of enzymes, fat oxidation products, such results will also indicate a disease.

Treatment of intrauterine hypoxia

Timely diagnosis and the lack of indications for an immediate caesarean section (in which cases it is done, read) will allow for the treatment of hypoxia during pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of the baby getting sick after birth.

For this, a whole range of activities is carried out:

  1. Establish the cause of the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  2. Remove it immediately if possible. If it is a matter of a woman's failure to comply with elementary recommendations during pregnancy, they explain to her how this all can end. regular walks, good food, full sleep, the absence of bad habits can save the baby from this problem. If some disease of the mother became the cause and its treatment is possible in this position, all possible measures to get rid of it.
  3. If necessary, bed rest is prescribed, which helps to improve the blood supply to the uterus.
  4. Medicines are prescribed: no-shpu, brikanil, suppositories with papaverine, ginipral (they reduce uterine contractility); reopoliglyukin, aspirin, chimes (restore blood circulation); Essentiale Forte, Lipostabil (improve cell permeability to oxygen); , glutamine and ascorbic acid, glucose solution (to restore impaired metabolism);
  5. It is recommended to drink water enriched with oxygen.

Sometimes even complex therapy with fetal hypoxia is ineffective. And if the fetus has already reached viability, the doctors decide to carry out an emergency delivery. In order not to lead to such an outcome and not risk the health of your own baby, it is better to warn him in advance with preventive measures.


Effective prevention hypoxia during pregnancy includes a whole range of measures that will help to avoid the disease and its consequences. The expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • spend a lot of time in fresh, clean air (preferably away from chemical plants and highways);
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • keep your doctor informed of all your past and present illnesses;
  • eat right, including iron-rich foods in your diet;
  • master breathing exercises;
  • fully rest;
  • sleep at least 8-9 hours a day;
  • do not overwork;
  • avoid stress and nervous experiences.

All these recommendations on how to avoid fetal hypoxia during pregnancy are very important to follow for absolutely all women, regardless of whether they are at risk or not. By observing them, you can endure strong baby without any developmental delays. If you take it lightly, dangerous consequences cannot be avoided.

Dangerous consequences of hypoxia during pregnancy

Consequences different forms oxygen starvation of the fetus may not be the same.

Chronic hypoxia

Untimely diagnosis and lack of treatment of pathology leads to prolonged oxygen starvation, which is called chronic fetal hypoxia. The consequences are the saddest picture:

  • the formation of fetal organs is disrupted;
  • deviations in the development of the embryo;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • growth retardation (violation of physical development);
  • poor adaptation of the child to life outside the womb.

Newborns with chronic hypoxia will have poor appetite, he will be restless, the autonomic nervous system will be severely damaged.

Acute hypoxia

Acute hypoxia the fetus is not conducive to therapeutic intervention. If the child is already viable, an emergency operation is performed to extract the fetus. If this is not done in time, prolonged oxygen starvation will lead to the death of brain cells and to (breathing disorders).

A pregnant woman should take care of both the baby and herself, since his condition also depends on the state of her health, diet and diet. Want to endure, give birth and grow healthy strong man- then save him from intrauterine oxygen starvation.

Many people know about the dangers and consequences of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, so the fear of hearing such a diagnosis is fully justified. Any expectant mother can panic, imagining that her baby does not have enough oxygen. But is it all that scary? What signs indicate fetal hypoxia and is it possible to prevent this phenomenon?

Fetal hypoxia and its forms

baby in period prenatal development receives oxygen from the mother's blood through the placenta. If its intake is disturbed, then fetal hypoxia occurs, which adversely affects the formation and development of its organs and systems, as well as general condition baby.

Quite often, oxygen starvation is associated with fetoplacental insufficiency - a phenomenon that characterizes the occurrence of disturbances in the structure and functioning of the placenta. As a result, feeding and breathing of the fetus is complicated.

A small short-term hypoxia is usually not dangerous for the fetus. But prolonged or acute lack of oxygen can lead to irreversible consequences.
Alcohol consumption leads to the development of chronic fetal hypoxia

Hypoxia can occur throughout pregnancy:

  • in the first months, oxygen starvation usually causes disturbances in the formation of important organs in the fetus (most often the nervous system);
  • in the later stages, the lack of oxygen also adversely affects the development of the baby and often leads to the need for a caesarean section long before the appointed date;
  • oxygen starvation can develop during childbirth. If hypoxia is prolonged, it poses a serious danger to the life and health of the child. In severe form, this is asphyxia, that is, strangulation of the fetus.

There are forms of hypoxia:

  • chronic - occurs with a prolonged lack of oxygen in the fetus. She can be provoked severe toxicosis, impaired functioning of the placenta, smoking and alcohol consumption by the mother, etc. Hypoxia develops gradually, intensifying over time;
  • acute lack of oxygen occurs as a result of complications in late pregnancy and during childbirth. Oxygen starvation occurs abruptly and develops rapidly. Treatment is most often not possible. An urgent delivery is required.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The causes of chronic hypoxia include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired functioning of the placenta);
  • intrauterine infections and fetal malformations;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the internal organs of the mother;
  • low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman;
  • diabetes;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • experiencing stress;
  • abnormal presentation of the fetus.

Cord entanglement can provoke acute fetal hypoxia

Acute hypoxia can lead to:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • placental abruption;
  • uterine rupture;
  • cord entanglement;
  • weak generic activity;
  • rapid birth.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

It is extremely difficult to detect hypoxia in the first months of pregnancy. Only a few objective factors (low hemoglobin, diabetes, smoking, etc.) can suggest its presence.

A reliable diagnosis can be made after 18 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to move in the uterus. The greatest suspicion is caused by a change in his motor activity, a rapid or slow heartbeat.

The expectant mother needs to pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • prolonged absence of baby movements;
  • increased activity of the fetus (frequent movements);
  • change in the nature of the motor activity of the child. For example, the movements were rare, and then suddenly became more frequent. Or, on the contrary, the baby was actively moving, and then suddenly stopped.

In all of these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
CTG is performed several times during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and during childbirth

Diagnostic methods

Hypoxia is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound - performed after 18 weeks of pregnancy;
  • CTG (cardiotocography) - is carried out after 30 weeks of pregnancy and in childbirth and consists in recording and analyzing the heart rate of the fetus in motion, at rest, during contractions;
  • dopplerometry - is a type ultrasound diagnostics and is carried out after 18 weeks of pregnancy in the direction of a doctor. The intensity of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus, uterus and placenta is assessed;
  • amnioscopy - is carried out in the later stages (after 37 weeks) by introducing a special device - an amnioscope - through the cervix. The method allows you to assess the state of amniotic fluid (quantity, color and the presence of impurities in them) and the fetal bladder.

Indicators that indicate oxygen deficiency:

  • fruit size and weight less than normal, characteristic for this period pregnancy, which indicates developmental delay;
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • violation of the fetal heartbeat;
  • violation of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and umbilical cord;
  • the color of the amniotic fluid is green, it contains meconium (usually diagnosed during childbirth).

Consequences of oxygen starvation of the fetus

Acute hypoxia is more dangerous because it develops rapidly. In the absence of measures to eliminate it, with a high degree of probability, suffocation and death of the fetus may occur.

To others dangerous consequences acute oxygen deficiency can be attributed to:

  • nerve cell death and pathological changes in the tissues of the brain, which leads to a lag in intellectual and speech development;
  • hemorrhage in various organs.

Consequences of chronic hypoxia:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • developmental delay before and after birth;
  • violation of the respiratory system of the baby;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorder in a child;
  • difficulties in adapting the newborn to living conditions.

Video: lecture on hypoxia and its consequences

Prediction of the consequences of oxygen starvation of a child

The consequences of hypoxia are diagnosed during childbirth using the Apgar scale. If the child's condition is estimated from 4 to 6 points in the first minute and 8 points or more - in the fifth minute, then this indicates moderate oxygen deficiency. Lower ratings can have severe consequences.

In the first years of life, the baby may appear:

  • hyperactivity;
  • neurological diseases;
  • lag in growth, weight and development of cognitive processes;
  • mental disorders, etc.

For treatment, special massage, physical education, medical preparations. Most often when close supervision And proper treatment the health of the child during the first year of life improves.

How is hypoxia treated?

Depending on the degree and causes of hypoxia, treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis. Measures are being taken to improve blood circulation in the placenta, reduce the tone of the uterus, and enhance metabolic processes.

The expectant mother needs to make adjustments to her lifestyle:

If the measures taken are ineffective and hypoxia persists, then early delivery is indicated (for a period of more than 28 weeks).

With prolonged hypoxia, medications are prescribed:

  • vitamins E, C, B6;
  • Eufillin;
  • Ginipral and others.

In a situation of acute oxygen deficiency, glucose, insulin, calcium gluconate, etc. are often administered, oxygen is inhaled using a mask.

Photo gallery: drugs for the treatment of oxygen deficiency in the fetus

Curantil is a drug used to improve blood circulation Actovegin is a drug with an antihypoxic effect that activates the delivery and absorption of oxygen and glucose by cells of various organs and tissues Trental improves blood microcirculation
Ginipral - a drug to relax the myometrium of muscle tissue and reduce pressure in the uterine cavity
No-Shpa is used to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus

Hypoxia is a pathological condition characterized by oxygen deficiency. This condition is associated with an insufficient supply of oxygen from the outside or with violations of the utilization process at the cellular level.

Fetal hypoxia during pregnancy occurs as a result of a prolonged lack of oxygen.

What is fetal hypoxia

During pregnancy, the need for blood oxygen saturation increases. The lack of this element can adversely affect both your body and the child.

This pathological condition occurs different reasons. With a prolonged lack of oxygen, oxygen starvation develops.

The child's body compensates for this deficiency with its own resources, namely: the heart rate increases (for better blood flow).

There are two types of oxygen starvation. They differ in the duration and period of development of the pathology. There are:

  1. Sharp look;

It rarely develops during pregnancy. Acute fetal hypoxia usually occurs during childbirth.

A factor that contributes to the development of this pathology is a chronic lack of oxygen earlier. This type threatens the child's life.

  1. Chronic.

This species develops against the background of a complicated course of pregnancy, as a result of prolonged oxygen starvation. Subsequently, this may affect mental and physical development.

  • In chronic hypoxia, the fetus is in a state of oxygen starvation for a long time;

This state occurs when severe course pregnancy, noncompliance right image life during pregnancy, chronic stress of the expectant mother.

  • Chronic oxygen starvation is dangerous both in the early and late periods;

Therefore, it is so important from the very beginning of pregnancy to monitor your diet, control the main tests: blood, urine, lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • Intrauterine fetal hypoxia in the early stages can cause developmental delay. Indeed, during this period, the formation of all internal organs occurs;
  • If oxygen deficiency appeared at a later date, this may affect nervous system fetus;
  • Late fetal hypoxia can provoke growth retardation, poor adaptation of the child, anxiety and nervous disorders;

Such a child after birth can be extremely whiny, strive to constantly be in your arms and suffer from disturbing sleep.

  • Acute hypoxia that occurs during childbirth usually lasts from a few minutes to several hours. If an emergency cesarean is not done at this moment, then this can cost the child his life;
  • Acute and prolonged oxygen deficiency leads to intrauterine asphyxia.

Therefore, it is so important to prepare well for childbirth, breathe correctly during contractions and not agree to additional stimulation measures.

Any stimulation knocks down the natural course of childbirth and no one will give you a guarantee how the child will react to the pill or injection.

Preparing for natural childbirth we are engaged in the online course Easy childbirth >>>

The best remedy for all unwanted diseases is prevention.

Healthy lifestyle, activities special gymnastics for pregnant, proper nutrition, will help to avoid many pathological conditions and diseases.

Signs of hypoxia

How to determine fetal hypoxia?

A pregnant woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of her unborn child. Therefore, during this wonderful period, expectant mothers especially carefully listen to their feelings.

But signs of fetal hypoxia in the early stages are difficult to detect.

Know! A doctor can suspect the development of pathology by looking at the results of a blood test. They will show signs of anemia (low hemoglobin).

  1. The reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor may be the poor health of the pregnant woman;
  2. And at a later date - low fetal activity. If the child began to move less, his pushes and movements are almost imperceptible, then this serious reason see a doctor.

The doctor, in addition to blood tests, prescribes an ultrasound.

  • Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the development of the fetus (its height, weight, volume). The condition of the placenta is also checked;
  • Intrauterine ultrasound (dopplerography) allows you to assess the condition uterine blood flow. Circulatory disorders in the uterus and placenta - indicate a lack of oxygen;
  • The doctor also notes the degree of maturity of the placenta. The presence of pathology may indicate premature aging placenta, too thin or thick walls;
  • In the third trimester, cardiotocography (CTG) is prescribed to diagnose the condition of the fetus. Fetal hypoxia according to CTG is determined by the number of heartbeats (rare or, conversely, too frequent).

Symptoms and consequences of fetal hypoxia largely depend on the severity of the pathology.

Causes of hypoxia

The reasons for oxygen starvation can be different. Most often, hypoxia appears due to low hemoglobin (due to anemia. There is an article on this site on the site Low hemoglobin during pregnancy >>>)).

But there are other reasons as well. Namely:

  1. diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels in a pregnant woman;
  2. the presence of infections or viruses in the mother's body;
  3. prolonged and severe toxicosis (see article Preeclampsia during pregnancy >>>);
  4. polyhydramnios;
  5. multiple pregnancy;
  6. Rh-conflict of mother and child;
  7. pathological location of the umbilical cord, cord entanglement;
  8. aging or premature abruption of the placenta;
  9. prolonged exposure to stress, depressive disorders;
  10. delayed pregnancy;
  11. prolonged childbirth.

After detecting a pathology, the doctor prescribes treatment. Treatment depends on the severity of hypoxia. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary. But most often prescribed treatment at home.

Prevention of hypoxia

How to avoid fetal hypoxia?

stick the following rules. This is something that is available to every woman and often requires only your time and a little persistence.

Learn more about how to behave recent weeks pregnancy, prepare for childbirth and cope with anxiety before upcoming birth, we speak within the framework of the course Five steps to a successful childbirth >>>

  • First, about bad habits must be immediately forgotten;

Smoking and alcohol inflict irreparable harm baby's health.

When a pregnant woman smokes, fetal vasospasm occurs. Nicotine contributes to the thinning of the placenta, increasing the risk of its detachment. Difficulty getting oxygen to the uterus and baby.

  • You need to walk in the fresh air as often as possible;

It is desirable that these walks be in a park or in a forest where the air is cleaner. It is also recommended to constantly ventilate the room. Even in cold weather. It is especially useful to air the room before going to bed.

  • Proper nutrition is very important for a pregnant woman;

But, in addition to avoiding heavy food for the stomach (spicy, fatty and sweet foods), it is important that the diet of the expectant mother is healthy and varied.

The use of the same dishes can lead to a lack of important vitamins and nutrients.

Be sure to include foods rich in iron in your diet. These include: liver sea ​​kale, apples, buckwheat, peas, pumpkin seeds, almonds, beans, prunes, raisins, dried apricots, chocolate.

  • We must not forget about water. Drinking enough water will help to avoid swelling (read more about this in the article Edema during pregnancy >>>);
  • Sports and gymnastics will help to avoid many pathologies and diseases;

The main rule is that the loads should be moderate. You can choose the sport that you like best. For example, yoga for pregnant women, swimming, etc.

  • But apart from physical activity It is important for the expectant mother to have a good rest. Healthy sleep allows you to restore energy, as well as get rid of worries and stress.

The consequences of hypoxia for a child can be very different. It is better to pay more attention to prevention and tune in to the good.