Flax seed from fetal hypoxia. How to diagnose fetal oxygen starvation? Manifestations of hypoxia during pregnancy

Prevention of the occurrence of oxygen starvation of the fetus and other pathologies of the course of pregnancy is its proper planning.

How to avoid? If you undergo an examination before conception and treat all existing diseases, then the risk of hypoxia will significantly decrease.

Another important point in the prevention of hypoxia - conducting healthy lifestyle life of parents before conception and during gestation.

A pregnant woman must definitely give up smoking, alcohol, eat right, have a good rest, maintain physical activity, but not overwork. Stress and anxiety should be avoided. The health of the unborn child directly depends on the health of the mother.

If a woman has an incurable chronic disease, then she needs to inform her doctor so that he knows about it. possible problems during pregnancy and could take timely necessary actions for their elimination.

Well help for the prevention of hypoxia long walks on fresh air, breathing exercises, airing the room where the woman is. After all, in order for the child inside the womb to receive enough oxygen, a woman needs to inhale more of this gas.

In urban conditions, this is not always possible, because the air in cities is saturated with carbon dioxide, an oxygen antagonist. Therefore, it is better to walk in city parks, near water bodies, and go out of town.

Aqua gymnastics has proven itself positively. This is the most safe view sports for pregnant women. Water will help to relax and relieve stress, tones and uplifts the mood. Exercises in water will help improve blood circulation, the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and improve metabolism.

Classes in the pool train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, saturate the blood with oxygen, which serves as a good prevention of hypoxia. Also, exercises will help relieve the load from the spine, which is very important during pregnancy, train many muscles, including the back, abs, and hips.

For the timely detection of hypoxia, it is important to take all prescribed tests on time, monitor the health of a pregnant woman and consult a doctor.


What does this lead to in the future?

With absence timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, long-term oxygen starvation can lead to the following consequences:

  • In the first trimester, the slowdown and fading of pregnancy;
  • Improper formation of systems and organs of the child;
  • Fetal retardation in development and growth;
  • CNS lesions;
  • Decreased function of adaptation of the newborn to the environment.

In our following material you will find

acute form

The occurrence of an acute form of oxygen starvation occurs suddenly and develops rapidly. Development takes place over several hours.

You can suspect hypoxia that has arisen during delivery:

  • If the amniotic fluid has greenish color, they are cloudy with an admixture of the child's feces - meconium.
  • With a severe oxygen deficiency in the blood of the fetus, the child's circulatory system redistributes oxygen so that it enters the most important organs. As a result, bowel function decreases and stool out into the amniotic fluid. IN normal flow, the baby first defecates after birth.

  • If the child's heart rate first increases sharply (up to 170 beats per minute and above), and then decreases (up to 120 beats per minute and below).

The rhythm becomes weak, the heartbeat is muffled, arrhythmic.


The most common causes of acute oxygen deficiency in the fetus during labor activity I can be:

  • Premature placental abruption
  • Most often occurs with preeclampsia - prolonged high blood pressure in a woman

  • The uterus ruptures during childbirth
  • With pathological changes in the walls of the uterus or by mechanical damage). In this case, the fetus, along with the placenta, will enter the abdominal cavity mother and dies within minutes.

  • Difficult delivery with difficult exit of the child
  • The baby's head is squeezed for a long time, especially if the baby is overweight

  • Clamping of the umbilical cord
  • It is most often caused by repeated entanglement of the umbilical cord, especially around the baby's neck. In this case, asphyxia may develop.

  • Prolonged labor, low labor activity.


Treatment of acute hypoxia depends on the causes of its occurrence. In any case, urgent medical intervention, usually surgery, is required.

If an acute form of the disorder occurs during pregnancy, it is urgent to take the pregnant woman to the hospital.

To improve her condition, you can use intravenous administration of glucose, vitamins, stimulants respiratory function.

In acute fetal hypoxia that occurs during childbirth, it is necessary:

  • If possible, eliminate the cause that caused this condition
  • For example, to stimulate childbirth with their protracted nature, or to perform an emergency operation.

  • Provide the necessary resuscitation for the newborn immediately after birth.

In an infant with acute hypoxia, asphyxia usually occurs - lack of breathing. Oxygen starvation causes the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the organs and tissues of the newborn, slowing down breathing and heartbeat until they stop.

In the future, the child is placed under the control of specialists, examinations are prescribed to detect affected organs, systems, tissues due to oxygen deficiency.


Acute development of hypoxia in case of failure emergency assistance can lead to the death of a child.

The consequences of acute oxygen starvation that occurs during childbirth are assessed using the Apgar scale. The lower the scores on this scale, the greater the likelihood of pathologies and health disorders in the newborn.

The consequences of oxygen starvation can be expressed by the following pathologies

  • CNS lesions in a child
  • The lack of oxygen leads to the death of nerve cells, which, as you know, are not restored.

  • Ischemic diseases of organs and tissues
  • Who have suffered due to oxygen deficiency;

  • Hemorrhages in various organs
  • Increased risk sudden death baby


It is impossible to predict the occurrence of an acute form of hypoxia. However, steps can be taken to reduce the risk of developing this pathology.

Prevention of acute oxygen deficiency is proper preparation to pregnancy and childbirth, prevention of chronic hypoxia. Moderate physical activity and a healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of complications in childbirth, and, consequently, the occurrence of hypoxia.

It is important to choose an experienced obstetrician who will take care of the birth. Inform him about the course of pregnancy, problems during its period, existing diseases that can cause complications in childbirth.

The doctor will help you correct solution about how to resolve childbirth or provide timely assistance in case of problem situations.

Peace, only peace! Fetal defense mechanisms

Despite the fact that fetal hypoxia is a fairly common diagnosis, do not worry ahead of time. Of course, oxygen starvation is very harmful to the child, but there is no need to panic ahead of time. After all, nature provides for compensatory-adaptive reactions of the fetus. They are expressed by such physiological features:

  • Increased heart rate to 130-160 beats per minute,
  • Blood contains a lot of fetal hemoglobin, up to 70% of the total volume,
  • There is a significant oxygen capacity of the blood,
  • the cardiovascular system of the fetus is designed so that almost all organs receive mixed blood

This ensures a slower decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood during hypoxia.

When oxygen starvation occurs, the stroke volume of the heart increases, the heart rate and circulating blood volume increase, the blood supply changes so that the main volume of blood enters the vital organs - the brain, heart, lungs - and blood circulation in the skin, muscles, and intestines decreases.

The stress that occurs in the fetus during hypoxia activates the body's systems, causes the release of glucocorticosteroids, which increase the stability of cell membranes.

Thus, at the first stage of hypoxia, the fetus is quite capable of maintaining the required level of oxygen in the tissues. And only with prolonged oxygen deficiency, the fetus's adaptive mechanisms are depleted, and decompensation develops, which means that oxygen starvation of cells occurs.

The main thing for a pregnant woman is to remain calm, not to succumb to emotions. After all, the health of both mother and child depends on the emotional state.

It is important to study all available information on hypoxia during pregnancy, to know its symptoms and to be prepared for the occurrence of this problem. Then it will be possible to identify the violation in time and eliminate it even before the appearance of serious consequences.

Video about prevention methods

From the following video you will learn how you can increase the flow of oxygen to your baby.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia- a pathology characterized by a lack of oxygen in the body of the unborn child. Deficiency of this chemical element leads to disturbances in cell metabolism, and later to their death. Fetal hypoxia is the cause of intrauterine growth retardation and development of the unborn child, congenital anomalies central nervous system and death of the baby.

Diagnosis of oxygen starvation of the fetus is one of the main tasks of each appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Timely detected pathology provides selection proper treatment and prevention of severe complications.

Fetal blood supply

In the womb of the mother's body, the lungs of the unborn child are in a collapsed state and do not participate in the act of breathing. The supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide is provided by the vessels of the umbilical cord. It contains two arteries that carry venous blood (poor in oxygen), and one vein that carries arterial blood(rich in oxygen).

One end of the umbilical cord faces the fetus and is fixed in its anterior abdominal wall. The opposite part of the arteries and veins is connected to the vessels of the placenta. Then they decrease in diameter and flow into the capillaries of the villi. This place is the point of intersection of the uterine (maternal) and placental (fetal) vessels. It is here that gas exchange is realized between the blood of the expectant mother and the child.

The pathological process in any of these areas leads to hypoxia of the unborn child. Most often, the lesion occurs at the level of the uterine and placental vessels at their junction. Also, fetal hypoxia can be associated with extragenital pathology of the mother, leading to insufficient blood supply.


Doctors classify fetal hypoxia according to several criteria. According to the time of development of the process, acute and chronic types of pathology are distinguished.

Acute fetal hypoxia develops over a short period of time, from several minutes to several hours. It is usually associated with placental abruption or vascular thrombosis. With absence medical care acute oxygen starvation often ends with intrauterine fetal death.

Chronic hypoxia fetus - a long process that develops over several days or weeks. This type of oxygen starvation usually occurs against the background of concomitant pathology - anemia, preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus. Constant hypoxia is the cause of intrauterine growth retardation (hypotrophy) and pathologies of the central nervous system of the unborn child.

Depending on the level of injury, the following types hypoxia:

Hypoxic. Occurs with pathologies of the vessels of the placenta or uterus. Also given type oxygen deprivation may be associated with comorbidities mother.

Hemic. Occurs with pathologies of the fetal blood system, when its red blood cells cannot bind oxygen. The most striking example of this type of hypoxia is hemolytic disease.

Circulatory. The type of oxygen starvation is associated with lesions of the vessels of the umbilical cord or fetus. With this type of pathology, the placental blood supply is not disturbed. Circulatory hypoxia occurs with congenital heart defects of the fetus, as well as with clamping of the arteries and veins of the umbilical cord.

Fabric. A rare type of fetal hypoxia associated with metabolic disorders in the body of the unborn child. Typically, tissue oxygen starvation occurs in congenital pathologies of enzyme systems.

Depending on the severity of the course, there is a third classification of fetal hypoxia. The functional or compensated form of oxygen starvation is the easiest, it does not lead to disturbances in the body of the unborn child.

Metabolic or subcompensated form is characterized by metabolic disorders, accumulation harmful products. However, this type of hypoxia is reversible. With the timely provision of medical care, the birth of a completely healthy child is possible.

The destructive or decompensated form is the most severe fetal hypoxia. It is accompanied by irreversible processes in the body of the unborn child, pathologies in the central nervous system and other anatomical structures.

Doctors also distinguish primary hypoxia, which occurs before the 16th week of pregnancy, and secondary, which develops at a later date.


There are many reasons that cause intrauterine fetal hypoxia. The most common of these include the following factors:

Gestational arterial hypertension (late preeclampsia)

This pathology is due to improper development uteroplacental vessels after 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. To restore blood flow, the woman's body reflexively increases blood pressure. For a while, this measure is effective.

However, with an increase blood pressure there is a spasm of the vessels of the uterus and placenta. Reducing the diameter of the arteries leads to a decrease in blood flow in them and to chronic fetal hypoxia.

To the symptoms late preeclampsia pregnant women include an increase in blood pressure, swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine. Usually, the first signs of arterial hypertension occur after 32 weeks of the gestation period. More early start clinical manifestations talking about severe course pathology.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta

Premature abruption of the placenta most often occurs during childbirth, but it can be observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy. This pathology is the most common cause acute fetal hypoxia.

The pathogenesis of placental abruption is associated with its improper fixation, structural anomalies, increased emotional or physical stress. Sometimes this disorder occurs with a lack of progesterone. Detachment of more than half of the area of ​​the placenta leads to instant death of the fetus.

Symptoms premature detachment placenta is uterine bleeding and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. If these signs are present, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical help.


Anemia is a lack of hemoglobin in a unit of blood. Most often, expectant mothers are prone to the development of an iron deficiency type of this pathology. Less often, anemia occurs against the background of a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, with bleeding or a disease accompanied by the breakdown of red blood cells (malaria).

The main consequence of anemia is chronic fetal hypoxia. The main symptoms of pathology on the part of the mother include dizziness, nausea, weakness, pallor of the skin, fainting.

Infectious diseases

Viral and bacterial diseases are a risk factor for intrauterine fetal hypoxia. Some infections affect the homeostasis system, causing pathologies of the blood coagulation system. Diseases contribute to the formation of microthrombi that clog the lumen of the uterine and placental vessels.

Also, the infectious disease itself can cause a state of intoxication that reduces oxygen in the blood. Prolonged high fever is the cause of fetal hypoxia.

Multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins or triplets, the likelihood of intrauterine fetal hypoxia increases significantly. This feature associated with an increase in oxygen demand due to distribution among several fruits.

Fetal movements / when to worry?


During ultrasound using a doppler sensor, doctors distinguish three degrees of fetoplacental insufficiency:
  • Type 1a oxygen starvation of the fetus is accompanied by impaired blood supply in the uteroplacental vessels;
  • 1b type of oxygen starvation of the unborn child is characterized by pathologies of blood flow in the fetal-placental area;
  • 2 degree of fetal hypoxia is characterized by impaired blood flow in both systems, but they are in a state of compensation;
  • 3 degree of oxygen starvation of the fetus is accompanied by a violation in any of these systems, accompanied by a threat to the life of the fetus.


The symptoms of fetal hypoxia are subjective, they cannot speak with absolute certainty about the presence of pathology. That is why expectant mothers should not miss scheduled examinations and consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Light and average degree fetal hypoxia usually does not manifest itself. On later dates pregnancy future mother may note a change in the nature of fetal movements. In the acute form of the pathology, the baby begins to move intensively, in the chronic type of hypoxia, its activity can be reduced.

Severe decompensated form of oxygen starvation of the fetus often manifests itself intrauterine delay growth and development of the unborn child. That is why the expectant mother may notice a slow increase in the girth of the abdomen and a lag in the height of the uterine fundus from the gestational age.

For self-diagnosis of fetal hypoxia, the expectant mother can try to listen to his heartbeat with a phonendoscope. This method is possible only after the 20th week of pregnancy. Normal value the pulse of the unborn child lies in the range from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

An increase in heart rate often accompanies acute fetal hypoxia. A pulse less than 120 beats per minute can be observed with chronic oxygen starvation of the unborn child.


Various instrumental research methods are used to diagnose the condition of the unborn child. The simplest of them is ultrasound. Using ultrasound, the doctor can indirectly judge the presence or absence of fetal hypoxia.

Ultrasound equipment allows you to see the structure of the placenta, detect foci of detachment, its aging, and measure the thickness of the organ. Also, specialists can visualize the body of the fetus for the presence of congenital pathologies heart and blood vessels, as well as the correspondence of its size to the gestational age.

Gives a more accurate picture of the state of the fetal blood supply. This diagnostic method is based on the presence of a special sensor that reads information about the direction and speed of fluid flow in the vessels.

Using dopplerometry, doctors can visualize blood flow in all vessels of the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord, and fetus. The instrumental research method allows you to establish the degree of fetal hypoxia and make a prediction about the further course of pregnancy.

Cardiotocography - method instrumental diagnostics fetal condition. CTG allows you to indirectly judge the presence or absence of hypoxia in the unborn child. The principle of operation of this equipment is to register the baby's heart rate in response to stimuli.

In the presence of hypoxia, the rhythm of the heart rate is monotonous, the average pulse is less than 120 or more than 160 beats per minute. Normally, a child should not register decelerations - periods of a decrease in heart rate by 30 or more beats per minute for a period of more than 30 seconds.


Treatment of fetal hypoxia depends on the cause that caused it. In the presence of a subcompensated and decompensated form of oxygen starvation of the unborn child, a woman needs hospitalization. Under strict indications, premature delivery is possible.

The main principles of treatment of intrauterine fetal hypoxia is the resumption of normal blood circulation. For this, the expectant mother is introduced medicines, expanding the lumen of blood vessels (, Eufillin). Also, pregnant women are shown taking drugs that improve tissue metabolism ().

In the presence of uterine hypertonicity, the use of myotropic agents is indicated (,). Also, all expectant mothers are recommended the introduction of B vitamins, which improve the rheological properties of blood.

If the expectant mother has a specific disease, she is shown a special therapy aimed at its treatment or compensation. Deficiency anemia should be treated with iron supplements, folic acid and vitamin B12. For the treatment of gestational arterial hypertension, the use of Methyldopa and.


Acute fetal hypoxia is a risk factor for intrauterine fetal death. The chronic type of lack of oxygen can cause various consequences. Most often, severe fetal hypoxia is the cause of a delay in the development of its growth and development. It also increases the likelihood of congenital pathologies of the central nervous system. Cells of the brain and spinal cord are most sensitive to oxygen deficiency.

Children suffering from hypoxia during intrauterine life may differ from their peers. This pathology is the cause of mental retardation and mental development, brain diseases. Quite often, after birth, such children are restless, in the future they are difficult to learn.


In order to prevent fetal hypoxia, the expectant mother is advised to lead a healthy lifestyle. A pregnant woman should exclude smoking and alcohol, emotional stress and hard physical labor. Her diet should include a variety of wholesome foods enriched with all vitamins and minerals.

The basis for the prevention of fetal oxygen starvation is pregnancy planning. Before conceiving a future mother, it is recommended to compensate for all chronic pathologies get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Hypoxia during childbirth

Fetal asphyxia- an acute state of lack of oxygen during childbirth with the preservation of cardiac activity, this term is synonymous with hypoxia. Usually, the pathology occurs due to a violation of uterine contractions, trauma, clinical narrow pelvis. Fetal hypoxia during childbirth can also be caused misuse medical means.

Fetal hypoxia at birth is diagnosed using the CTG apparatus. Its consequences are possible complications on the central nervous system and in potential fetal death. To treat oxygen starvation of the unborn child, contractions should be normalized or an emergency caesarean section should be performed.

Intrauterine fetal hypoxia is a dangerous process, which, unfortunately, is very common. The consequences of hypoxia can adversely affect the development of the fetus and its activity. internal organs. The life and health of the unborn child largely depends on timely diagnosis and treatment.

Waiting for a miracle

Pregnancy is a very exciting and joyful time for every woman. But to the joyful anticipation of the birth of a baby, worries about his health are added. On expectant mother lies heavy burden responsibility. For nine months, it develops and grows new life. The health of an unborn baby directly depends on the well-being of his mother.

There are many recommendations on how to monitor your health during pregnancy. This applies to nutrition, lifestyle, emotional stress and much more. Failure to comply with these simple rules can lead to adverse consequences and damage the health of the fetus.

One of these consequences could be intrauterine hypoxia, entailing disturbances in the development of the fetus and, in some cases, the fading of pregnancy. To avoid this, the expectant mother needs to carefully study the risk factors that await her during pregnancy and try to prevent their occurrence.

What is hypoxia

"Hypoxia" is an ancient Greek word that literally translates as "low oxygen". This term refers to the oxygen starvation experienced by the body or its individual organs due to the influence of certain factors.

With prolonged oxygen starvation, irreversible morphological processes occur in the human body. They change the structure of tissues and organs and disrupt their functional abilities. With oxygen starvation of the fetus, the process of formation of internal organs slows down and is disrupted, the child may be born with a lag in the development of vital systems or die. These are the consequences of intrauterine hypoxia. The heart, kidneys, liver and central nervous system are most susceptible to hypoxia.

Oxygen deficiency can accompany any disease or occur as an independent process, leading to defects in internal organs. For this reason, hypoxia cannot be classified as a disease, it is a pathological process, the same as inflammation or dystrophy.

Symptoms of fetal hypoxia

It is noted that in the first three months of pregnancy, oxygen starvation develops quite rarely. Most often this can happen in the second and third trimester. This is due to the fact that with the growth of the fetus, an increase in its need for oxygen occurs, and under some adverse circumstances, the body of a pregnant woman cannot cope with this task.

Oxygen deficiency in a baby is difficult to detect without diagnostic tests, especially on early dates pregnancy. But there are some signs of intrauterine hypoxia, which should become alarm signal for the expectant mother.

The first thing to pay attention to is the activity of the fetus. The norm is about ten movements per day. On initial stages hypoxia, the baby begins to feel discomfort, so it is overly active. With more prolonged lack oxygen, the number of perturbations decreases. In addition, intrauterine hypoxia can be characterized by frequent fetal hiccups.

If the deviation of the number of perturbations from the norm and frequent hiccups not related to physical activity expectant mother or being in an uncomfortable position, is required in as soon as possible contact a specialist who will identify the cause of this behavior of the fetus and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.


The causes of intrauterine fetal hypoxia may be different. These include diseases that a pregnant woman suffers from, pathologies of the placenta, infection,

Of the maternal diseases leading to fetal hypoxia, the following can be distinguished:

In addition, the health of the baby is affected bad habits that the expectant mother suffers from. Prevention of intrauterine hypoxia includes a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol. Any deviation from generally accepted norms course of pregnancy. Such deviations can be detachment and premature aging placenta, gestation of the fetus or increased uterine tone.

Another factor that entails is the incompatibility of the Rh factor of the mother and child. This incompatibility can lead to hemolytic disease fetus, which is often accompanied by hypoxia. In addition to the above factors, the impact can have a mechanical effect on the fetus - entanglement with the umbilical cord, squeezing the head during childbirth, and so on.

The causes of intrauterine hypoxia can also become the causes of other, no less serious complications. To avoid adverse effects on the development of the fetus, the expectant mother must be observed by a qualified specialist throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Types of fetal hypoxia

Depending on how long oxygen starvation lasts, intrauterine hypoxia has two forms: acute and chronic. Acute hypoxia is characterized by a sharp decrease in incoming oxygen. Most often acute form occurs during the process of childbirth or with abundant uterine bleeding. Chronic intrauterine hypoxia is formed over a long period of time, gradually disrupting the development of the fetus.

The degree of progression of oxygen starvation

Three degrees of development of fetal hypoxia have been identified. Initially, the fetus, not having received the required amount of oxygen, tries to compensate for its lack. The first degree is compensation for the lack of oxygen. In the body of the baby, changes begin to occur, aimed at increasing the volume of incoming oxygen. The level of a hormone that increases the tone of blood vessels, cortisol, is rising. Enhanced Level cortisol stimulates an increase in the volume of blood that circulates through the vessels, and an increase in heart rate. The composition of the blood changes: the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells increases. In addition, it is noted increased activity baby. He begins to move more intensively and make respiratory movements, despite the closed glottis.

At the second stage of partial compensation, the protective functions of the body determine the priority organs that are supplied with oxygen in the first place. Such organs are the heart and brain, respectively, other organs (kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal tract) receive blood that is poor in oxygen, which leads to disturbances in their development and work. Lack of oxygen also leads to the breakdown of glucose. This contributes to a decrease in the energy reserve in the cells of the body and metabolic disorders.

Chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia also has a third stage of progression - decompensation. Externally, the stage manifests itself as a decrease in fetal activity and a decrease in heart rate. Job defense mechanisms, aimed at providing organs with oxygen, fails. Cortisol is produced in insufficient quantities, respectively, the blood flow slows down and decreases. The blood is saturated with carbon dioxide, blood clotting is disturbed, which leads to the formation of blood clots and bleeding.

Diagnostic measures

Methods of instrumental diagnostics help to determine the presence and degree of oxygen starvation. The first such method is cardiotocography (CTG). This diagnostic method is completely safe. The cardiotocography apparatus continuously records the fetal heart rate and uterine contractions. A tachogram is displayed using the ultrasound graph. This is a graph that reflects the number of contractions of the heart muscle over a given period of time. measures pressure fluctuations and uterine tone, displaying a hysterogram - a graph of the muscular activity of the uterus. CTG counts the number of movements and allows you to track the dependence of the heart rate on the activity of the fetus.

Starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination with dopplerography is possible. This method is aimed at studying the blood flow from the mother to the placenta and from the placenta to the fetus and allows you to detect violations of the uteroplacental circulation. By using this method diagnostics can also determine the quality amniotic fluid.

In addition to the above methods, the specialist listens to the fetal heart to assess its work using an obstetric stethoscope. However, this method is inaccurate, therefore, if a heart abnormality is suspected, the doctor directs the pregnant woman to undergo CTG and ultrasound.


Treatment of intrauterine hypoxia requires observation of a pregnant woman in a hospital. The woman is provided with complete rest and a therapeutic method of treatment is prescribed, which is aimed not only at enriching the blood with oxygen, but also at identifying true reason occurrence of hypoxia. As a rule, abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, such as intrauterine fetal hypoxia, are the consequences or symptoms of a disease.

The doctor prescribes pregnant drugs that reduce blood viscosity, improve blood flow from the mother to the placenta, and normalize the metabolism between mother and fetus. The appointment of other drugs and procedures depends on the cause of hypoxia, if it is identified, and is aimed at eliminating this cause.

With positive dynamics, the patient is discharged and given recommendations for the prevention of hypoxia. These include outdoor walks, reduced physical activity, giving up bad habits and keeping certain rules in nutrition. If the treatment was ineffective, and oxygen deficiency persists, surgical removal of the fetus is required. If the gestational age exceeds twenty-eight weeks, the doctor prescribes an operation - a caesarean section.


There are a number of simple recommendations, the observance of which will help reduce the risk of oxygen deficiency in the baby. Before planning a pregnancy, a woman needs to treat chronic diseases, get rid of bad habits. When pregnancy occurs, it is important to register with a medical institution at an early stage. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor, take tests and do ultrasound. This will ensure control over the health of the pregnant woman and the baby, and, therefore, will help to avoid the development of possible pathological conditions fetus.

An important aspect in the prevention of intrauterine hypoxia is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You need to spend a lot of time outdoors, sleep eight hours a day, balance your diet.

During pregnancy, you need to replenish the supply of vitamins and nutrients, the level of which decreases due to the additional load on the body. Maintain normal levels of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. It is especially important to control the iron content in the blood, as it low level leads to anemia - one of the main causes of hypoxia. Vitamin preparations should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.


The consequences of intrauterine hypoxia depend on its type. Chronic hypoxia, which began in early pregnancy, when the formation of the vital systems of the fetus is just beginning, can lead to the formation birth defects. Hypoxia, transferred in late pregnancy, can cause a delay in fetal development, and also leads to ischemia and necrosis of individual organs. A newborn baby often has a lack of height and weight, as well as a difficult adaptation period (restructuring of the body in a new environment). In the future, oxygen starvation experienced in the womb can cause diseases such as epilepsy and cerebral palsy.

Acute intrauterine hypoxia of the child leads to ischemia and tissue necrosis. If acute hypoxia arose during childbirth, there are several possible consequences, depending on the cause of oxygen starvation:

  1. The baby's airways are not completely cleared of amniotic fluid. IN this case possible development of pneumonia, in the worst case - death of the child from suffocation.
  2. Loss of a large volume of blood. The newborn develops hemorrhagic shock, which disrupts the mechanisms of all systems. Under such circumstances, there is a threat to the life of not only the baby, but also the mother.

After the birth of a baby who has undergone hypoxia in the womb, he needs constant monitoring qualified specialists. The consequences of oxygen starvation may not appear in the first days of life, but much later. Therefore, it is very important to monitor changes and anomalies in the development of the baby in order to identify and prevent the development of adverse effects of hypoxia.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy is a fairly common complication that can form at any stage of gestation. The pathological process, as a result of which the supply of oxygen is disturbed, threatens the life of the child, affects the physical and mental development.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus: symptoms

Suspicion of a lack of oxygen in early pregnancy occurs when anemia is detected. The lack of hemoglobin in the bloodstream affects the child's breathing. Iron-containing preparations are prescribed to restore these blood cells.

Later, at 16-18 weeks, when the mother feels the baby move, it is possible to determine the oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy by increasing motor activity or, conversely, too low. It is necessary to notice such symptoms and consult a doctor in a timely manner for further diagnosis.

Signs that you should pay attention to during instrumental examinations:

  1. Ultrasound measures the weight, height and volumetric indicators of the baby. In case of significant deviations from the norm, additional studies are prescribed to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  2. Dopplerometry helps to determine the disturbed blood flow in the arteries of the mother-placenta-fetus. Slow heartbeat (bradycardia) indicates a long-term pathology when the embryo has exhausted its resources to provide internal organs.
  3. Amnioscopy reveals impurities of meconium in the amniotic fluid.
On examination, the doctor listens to the heart rhythm, bradycardia or tachycardia becomes the reason for the appointment of additional tests. In the later stages, a lack of oxygen is also determined by a decrease in the movement of the baby.

Causes of oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy

There are two types of oxygen starvation - chronic and acute. With prolonged hypoxia, the infant long time feels a lack of substance, so it is important to determine the pathological process in a timely manner in order to avoid developmental delay.

The acute type of pathology is characterized by a sudden appearance, often in the process of labor.

The reasons for the formation can be associated both with the health of the expectant mother and with the presentation of the embryo:

  • reduced amount of hemoglobin in the blood - anemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases that cause breathing difficulties - bronchitis, asthma or allergies caused by a runny nose;
  • heart disease and vascular pathology;
  • chronic diseases - diabetes mellitus, kidney failure;
  • urinary infections;
  • conception of more than one fetus;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • increased or decreased content of amniotic fluid.
The incorrect position of the baby inside the womb is caused by the entanglement of the umbilical cord, which can provoke squeezing and a decrease in blood circulation. Postponement and prolonged difficult childbirth can cause hypoxia. At this stage, it is important that doctors promptly provide emergency assistance, prevented suffocation and saved the life of the newborn.

Why is fetal oxygen starvation dangerous?

The initial onset of hypoxia is characterized by a rapid heartbeat, as the body activates compensatory capabilities. Thus, blood flow is normalized in order to supply oxygen to vital organs.

The consequences depend on the time of occurrence and the duration of the process in the embryo. In the first trimester, lack of oxygen causes developmental delay.
The formation of internal organs, the brain occurs with a delay. Developmental delay is most dangerous for the central nervous system; protective properties baby, there is a risk of congenital malformations.

The chronic type of pathology disrupts blood circulation, increases vascular permeability, and the blood becomes thicker, which threatens with thrombosis.

An acute lack of oxygen during labor can be fatal. Children are born weak, with serious neurological pathologies in the future.

Timely treatment and the help of doctors is the main factor in restoring the respiratory function of the baby.

How to treat oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy?

With fetal hypoxia, treatment involves not only taking medications but also a change in the way of life of a woman. Bed rest, walks in the fresh air, nutrition adjustments, a rational change of sleep and activity should become the main basis during the period of bearing a baby.

Diagnosing a severe form of hypoxia must be treated in a hospital setting to ensure complete rest. First of all, specialists try to identify the cause of the pathology, which will help to prescribe drugs more purposefully.

Upon detection high blood pressure use drugs with the effect of stabilizing blood pressure. Therapy infectious diseases based on anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.

  • decrease in uterine tone;
  • blood thinning;
  • restoration of blood flow;
  • improved metabolism;
  • increased permeability of blood vessels and tissue cells.
If before 30 weeks, after a course of therapeutic actions, there is no improvement, a decision is made on emergency delivery by caesarean section.

In order to prevent the pathological process, it is recommended to plan conception, undergo examinations for the presence of infectious diseases. When forming a chronic disease in a future mother, it is necessary to consult with specialists and follow the advice of doctors.

Fetal hypoxia is an intrauterine syndrome characterized by multiple disorders of internal organs and systems caused by oxygen starvation of the fetus. Perinatal hypoxia is one of the most common obstetric pathologies in Russia: up to 10.5% of newborns suffer from certain manifestations of oxygen starvation.

Source: mamitips.com

Causes and risk factors

Fetal hypoxia is a manifestation of various pathological processes in the body of the mother or the unborn child. The risk group includes women suffering from anemia and diabetes mellitus, severe forms of preeclampsia, acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Contact with toxic substances, living in an ecologically unfavorable area, bad habits of the mother also negatively affect the placental circulation.

On the part of the fetus, the following factors provoking hypoxia are distinguished:

  • malformations and anomalies of development;
  • intrauterine infections (toxoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis);
  • prolonged squeezing of the head during childbirth;
  • hemolytic disease in Rh-conflict.
Insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues of the fetus triggers a cascade of pathological processes that provoke the appearance of congenital pathologies and the general lag of the child in mental and physical development.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus also occurs with violations placental blood flow associated with complications of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anomalies in the structure of the umbilical cord;
  • repeated entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child's neck;
  • overwearing;
  • prolapse or compression of the umbilical cord;
  • prolonged or rapid childbirth;
  • risk of preterm birth.

Source: dobrenok.com


Depending on the duration of the course, two forms of fetal hypoxia are distinguished - acute and chronic. Acute hypoxic conditions usually develop as a result of pathological childbirth, less often during pregnancy in the case of placental abruption and uterine rupture. The rapidly growing inhibition of the functions of vital organs poses a threat to the life of the child.

Chronic fetal hypoxia during pregnancy develops over time. Insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the fetus triggers a cascade of pathological processes that provoke the appearance of congenital pathologies and the general lag of the child in mental and physical development. The first reaction of the body to oxygen deficiency is the centralization and redistribution of blood flow in favor of the brain, which creates the prerequisites for ischemic changes in tissues. Reactive release of vasoactive adrenal hormones early stages hypoxia leads to gradual depletion of the medulla and cortex and secretory insufficiency, followed by the development of bradycardia and arterial hypotension. Reduced tone precapillaries and arterioles contributes to the expansion of peripheral vessels and the appearance of capillary circulation disorders, which are expressed in slowing blood flow, increasing blood viscosity and reducing the intensity of gas exchange. Violation of the trophism of the vascular walls increases the permeability of the cell walls, creating conditions for the development of hemoconcentration, hypovolemia, internal hemorrhages and tissue edema. The accumulation of underoxidized metabolic products causes respiratory metabolic acidosis and activates lipid peroxidation, during which toxic free radicals are released.

With the timely completion of planned diagnostic procedures during pregnancy, there is a chance to preserve the fetus and minimize damage to the health of the child.

Severity pathological changes in chronic perinatal hypoxia, it depends on the duration and intensity of oxygen deficiency, as well as on the adaptive capabilities of the body. In obstetric practice, compensated, subcompensated and decompensated hypoxic conditions are distinguished. Compensated fetal hypoxia during pregnancy does not cause serious damage to the health of the child, but the likelihood of the birth of absolutely healthy children after prenatal period hypoxia is estimated at 4%.