How to make a dog out of your hands. New Year's toy dog ​​with their own hands. Step-by-step technique of weaving a dachshund from beads

There is an opinion that in new year's eve on the table or on the Christmas tree, there must be a symbol of the coming year. According to many beliefs, this is how the owners lure his favor for the entire “term of government”. The patron of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. Of course, by November, a myriad of various dogs appeared on store shelves, but it’s much more pleasant to make this “amulet” with your own hands. New Year's crafts for the year of the dog presented in this article will be a great decoration for an apartment or table.

New Year's Paper Dog

One of the most simple crafts- from paper. Only fantasy can become a limitation for such creativity. paper dogs can be twisted, folded, painted, cut or glued. It is not necessary to stop at plain paper- color or packaging will also be good material for future creation. You can even make a postcard with dog ears - such original gift, put to each guest near the plate, will undoubtedly please and make you smile!

Crafts from disposable tableware

Of course, it is customary to put the best, most beautiful dishes on the New Year's table, but this does not mean that disposable dishes cannot come in handy. A pair of markers, scissors, glue - and now plastic plates and glasses look fervently with dog eyes. It will not take much time to paint and glue the dishes, but it will even be possible to decorate part of the wall or curtain with dogs.

Toilet paper rolls are turning into...

It is quite possible that at the most necessary moment no plastic plates or beautiful paper will not be in the house. But bright New Year's crafts for the year of the dog can even be made from rolls from toilet paper. The remaining sleeve will be an excellent frame for the body, and paws and a muzzle can be cut out of cardboard or other sleeves. Such a toy will be voluminous and, if desired, it can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Origami dog

For art lovers, the “harder” way out will be origami. The diagram in the photo clearly demonstrates how to fold a charming doggie - a symbol of the year. The resulting model will have to be painted a little and the beautiful decoration is ready.

Funny dog ​​applications

Another kind of New Year's crafts will be the application. This is where the real scope for the imagination. On the main background, in addition to the dog itself, you can stick houses, a bowl, plants or some christmas accessory like Christmas balls. A small child can do such work in a kindergarten - the application will definitely please not only himself, but also his friends, and educators will surely appreciate the beauty and fantasy.

Dogs made of fabric and felt

More difficult option- sew a dog out of fabric or. In this case, more time and perseverance will be required. Below are several varieties of dogs. A master class on making them will be a great pastime for the guests of the holiday before the chiming clock!

Agree on New Year always want something special. Something that will be remembered for a long time and leave behind a trail of pleasant memories. So why don't you make your own symbol of the year - a dog? It will definitely bring good luck!

New Year 2018 will be the year yellow dog- This great occasion choose the color of the material for crafts in advance. Just imagine how surprised your relatives, loved ones and friends will be, having received such an exclusive souvenir from you! Handmade is now at the peak of popularity, so cute do-it-yourself dogs will give the holiday a warm and cozy atmosphere.

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We have prepared the easiest master classes on making dogs with our own hands, which even a beginner in needlework can repeat.

Option 1. Plasticine dog

There is nothing easier than making a plasticine dog!

Since the material is very plastic, you can easily give it the desired shape. You will need plasticine different colors, preferably realistic shades.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take three small pieces of plasticine. For example, brown, white and black. Let the brown material become the "base" of the dog. Divide it into three parts. Roll the first into a small ball. Divide the second into 5 small slices, and then roll them into balls. As you may have guessed, this will be the nose and paws of the dog.
  2. Take a very tiny piece of black plasticine and make a ball out of it. Attach it to one of the small brown pieces. You will get a cute dog nose!
  3. Make 2 small circles white material. These will be the eyes of the toy. Separate 2 small pieces from the black plasticine again, roll them into balls and attach them to the white circles. The eyes are ready!
  4. Your dog now has a body, eyes, nose, and legs. Next you need to make the ears and tail. To do this, take the remaining (third) part of the plasticine, divide it into three pieces. Blind from them oblong parts that will act as a tail and ears.

You should get something like this!

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

And here is a video tutorial that will make you a professional in modeling plasticine dogs!

Option 2. Paper and cardboard toy

Handmade gives you the opportunity to experiment and make crafts for the New Year from the simplest materials at hand. Among them, cardboard and paper are very popular. So do not rush to throw away the packaging from the new TV or shoe box. Let's make a cool dog out of them for the New Year 2018!

Dog on an old disk

You will need thick cardboard old disk, scissors, glue and markers.

Here's what to do:

  • Draw the details of this dog on the cardboard. Just draw them while looking at the screen, and then carefully cut them out with scissors.
  • Glue the parts to the disk (as shown in the picture below) and decorate them with felt-tip pens to your liking.


Another very interesting option making a toy dog!

Use the ready-made "layout"! Print one of the blanks you like on the printer and carefully fold them according to the scheme.

As you can see, all the details are already colored, so you don't have to paint them. By the way, if you contact a copy center with a request to print a pattern, then you can ask to increase it to the desired size.

More ways to make a dog out of paper

Well, what about without the old good origami? Three simple video tutorial describe in detail all the stages of manufacturing such toys. By the way, if you have a child, he will certainly be interested in the creative process!

Option 3. Craft from buttons

Looks bright, but done quickly! Solid pluses.

You will need rhinestones, beads, buttons - any decorations to your taste. You can make both a plain craft and a multi-colored dog for the New Year.

Draw with a pencil on a sheet of cardboard or paper the outline of your future dog. Then, using a glue gun, glue the buttons, beads and rhinestones without going beyond the outline.

It will turn out very unusual!

Option 4. Crochet a toy

Crocheting is one of the most fun types of needlework! By the way, ready-made toys can decorate the house on New Year's Eve.

Of course, you will need some basic knitting knowledge, but even if you are new to this business, do not be discouraged. Diagrams, pictures, and videos will help you figure out what's what.

Let's start with preparatory phase. You will need:

  1. Yarn of different colors. Your imagination will allow you to do really unusual toy! Do not be afraid of bright and even flashy colors - they will give the product a "zest".
  2. Suitable hook. It is selected according to the thickness of the threads of your yarn. If you cannot choose the size yourself, then ask for advice at a specialized store that sells needlework supplies. You will certainly be given valuable advice.
  3. Filler. It can be cotton wool, synthetic winterizer and even cereals (which is pre-calcined in the oven). The most practical option for stuffing is synthetic winterizer.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Glue.
  6. beads or any other small parts, which will act as an eye and decoration.

After you have prepared everything you need, decide on the size of the toy and you can start creating crafts!

Maximum useful information you can learn about crocheting dogs from the video. Visual master class will allow you to quickly understand all the intricacies of crocheting.

It is possible that you will like this needlework so much that you decide to take it seriously!

  1. Video tutorial on crocheting a dog.

2. Video tutorial on amigurumi crochet.

We can't help but focus on amazing technology Japanese art called amigurumi. Crafts are made from colored yarn, and the simplest knitting method is used - in a spiral.

The "chip" of amigurumi is that the toy is made in parts. Small details are knitted separately from each other, and then connected. To give "weight" to the product, pieces of plastic are placed in the limbs of the toy along with the filler (paralon or cotton wool).

And for experienced craftswomen We have several knitting patterns!

And a few more photo ideas for knitted dogs. Agree, one of these toys will be the most memorable gift for the New Year!

Option 5. Tilda dog

The best crafts for the New Year just can not be imagined!

First, let's figure out what a tilde is. This is a rag toy with smooth outlines. There are no unnecessary details in it, and calm shades are chosen for its manufacture. Faces and muzzles of such rag dolls also very conditional.

In order to make a tilde dog with your own hands, you need a pattern.

You will need:

  1. Two pieces of fabric (medium size). The cuts should be different sizes.
  2. Pins.
  3. Threads.
  4. Needle.
  5. A small piece of fabric for the nose of the future dog. This detail is optional - be guided by your taste.
  6. Lace.
  7. Filler. Experts recommend filling the toy with padding polyester, as it is considered one of the most practical materials.

Now you need a pattern. It depicts all the details of the future dog. Print it out on A4 paper.

We proceed directly to sewing toys. Carefully cut out the details with scissors. The pattern says how many copies of this or that part of the tilde you need to cut.

It is better to sew a dog from a light fabric.

Fold the fabric in half and pin the paper details of the future dog to it with pins. Carefully pin the head, ears, torso and paws.

Then circle each detail along the contour. There is an important nuance here: if you need to make some part of the dog's body in four copies, then circle it along the pattern on a piece of fabric folded in half. Then slightly shift your pattern and circle again. Now you will have four parts.

After you have circled all the parts future toy, remove paper patterns. Do not unfold fabric folded in half.

You just need to carefully pin the circled parts with pins. Do as shown in the photo.

Pay attention to the dotted and solid lines on the pattern.

On solid lines, you need to start up a machine line, and on dotted lines, a line is not needed at all.

In the next step, you need to cut out all the details from the fabric. It is necessary to leave an allowance of approximately 5 millimeters!

After that, the pieces are sewn machine seam. Do not forget to sew up the place in the tuck area.

Now all stitched elements need to be turned right side out. It is convenient to do this through the left holes.

The paper pattern must be reattached to the paws and ears of the tilde dog. Mark the cuts and make cuts in the fabric, cutting only the top layer (this is important!).

Take a plastic tube and use it to turn each piece inside out. Then fill them with padding polyester using the same plastic tube.

In those places where the incision is located, the fabric is sutured by hand.

Once this is done, you will immediately begin to distinguish all the details of the tilde dog. Now you just need to connect them to each other.

Start with the muzzle - secure it with pins in Right place and then sew by hand with blind stitches. We perform the same actions with the ears and paws of the tilde.

By the way, here is a little trick! If you do not firmly sew the dog's limbs to the body, then the paws will freely fall and rise.

If you want, you can decorate the toy by sewing a nose or a heart on it.

The next step will be the manufacture of clothes for our crafts. For a dress, it is better to take a brighter fabric.

From the colored fabric, we need to cut two identical rectangles.

Size of the first: 15 cm by 23 cm;

Second size: 6 cm by 45 cm.

The piece that is more authentic is a skirt. Step back 1 cm from the top edge of the skirt and make 2 parallel stitches. The distance between them should be 7 millimeters.

Then gently pull on the 2 lower threads - this way you will get a gather on the skirt. The length of the top edge of the skirt should correspond to the length of the bottom edge the top of the dress. You need to sew them to each other with a machine seam.

Then sew on the lace top edge dress and sew it inside out. Turn the dress right side out.

If you want, you can make sleeves with an apron too!

The finished dress must be put on the tilde dog. The seam should be located on the back of the toy.

That's all! Beauty, right?

What do you think of this toy?

Here are some more photos finished products. Let them be your inspiration.

Creating a variety of figures using the origami technique is available to almost everyone. At the same time, even beginners can create a lot of crafts. Origami paper can be folded various crafts including figurines of animals. At the same time, a simple square is able to turn into cranes, cats, dogs and other little animals. In this master class, I will show 10 options and schemes for adding a dog using origami paper technique - how to do it yourself with step-by-step photos.

Especially such crafts are relevant before the New Year. The time is coming when the world will be ruled by yellow earth dog. And this animal is the symbol and talisman of 2018.

Paper origami dog - master classes

01. Brown origami dog

To create it, you need to take:

  • 2 square brown sheets of paper (single-sided);
  • black marker;
  • glue stick.

From one brown square we will make the head of the dog, and from the second - the body.

Let's start with the head. To create it, fold the sheet along two diagonals. After that, leave the workpiece folded in the form of a triangle.

Bend the bottom corner from the top layer of the triangle up.

To form the ears of the dog, you need to bend the side corners.

Now they need to be straightened in the form of rhombuses.

Bend the top of the workpiece down a little.

In order for the dog to get a nose, it is necessary bottom corner ok bend it up a bit.

We fold our workpiece along middle line, it turns out the dog's head in profile.

Now take another square and start creating the torso. To do this, fold the sheet diagonally.

On the underside of the resulting triangle, we outline the middle with a fold.

Now we form the tail of the dog. To do this, bend the right corner.

We turn the folded corner outward, we get a white tail.

We bend the left side of the triangle to the middle, focusing on the previously made fold on the underside.

We bend the upper part of the body blank to the left in the form of a triangle.

Carefully turn the blank so that the dog's breast is white.

Using glue, fix the head to the body.

Draw the eyes of the dog with a black marker.

Our first origami paper dog is ready.

02. Origami fox terrier dog - diagram

Creating crafts in the form of animals is interesting not only for children. Dog lovers will surely enjoy making crafts in the form of a fox terrier. This dog breed is friendly, great with children and energetic.

It has quite characteristic shapes, which allows you to embody this dog in the form of origami crafts. Step by step manufacturing fox terrier is given in this master class.

To create a dog, take:

  • paper in the form of a square;
  • black marker.

First, bend the sheet along two diagonals.

Now fold the side corners (oppositely located) to the center.

One corner should become the tail of the dog. To do this, bend the left corner a little to the side, it should protrude beyond the limits of our workpiece. And on the right side we bend a small corner inward. From this side we will form the muzzle of the dog.

We fold the workpiece in half. So we make the body of the fox terrier.

The top layer needs to be bent in the form of a triangle to the left and up.

Now fold the top left corner reverse side.

Let's turn the dog blank to the other side.

Here we must repeat all the steps, but in a mirror image. Therefore, we bend the corner to the right and up.

Now the bent corner needs to be bent in the opposite direction. So the contours of our dog have already been outlined.

To form a muzzle, it is necessary to straighten the inner fold outward at the bottom.

Bend the dog's ears down on both sides.

It remains to draw a nose and eyes for our fox terrier.

The origami dog is ready.

03. Origami box in the shape of a dog

How to make such detailed master class see here.

04. Origami dog from a banknote

A small dog made of banknotes is a symbol of well-being and endless cash flow to the house. From a bill you can make a small dog using the origami technique. Let it not be yellow or earthy, but it will definitely protect financial stability and happiness in the house. Usually dogs live for this and live next to people in order to serve as a reliable guard.

You can make an origami dog using the method proposed below in just a few steps. The result is a small sleeping puppy. Toddlers will love this kind of creativity.

To model a small dog, prepare:

  • bill;
  • black half bead;
  • pencil.

How to make an origami dog out of money step by step:

01. Start folding money from a horizontal position.

02. A similar scheme is designed for a square, not a rectangle. But it makes no sense to cut a bill, because they have a certain value, this is money that, if desired, can be used for its intended purpose. To immediately ask square outline, direct the two narrow sides of the rectangle to the center vertically.

03. In this position, continue to make bends. Bend horizontally the resulting triangle-book, smooth out the resulting narrow rectangle.

04. Unfold the previous fold. But the bill must remain folded in the form of a square. Bend two side adjacent corners by about 1 cm, highlighting small right-angled triangles.

05. Then bend the bottom corner on the other side, but more deeply, by about 2 cm. But do not dock the bottom side with the center.

06. And fold the remaining top corner. The resulting triangle should be beveled. Start turning the paper from the center, and step back a little from the side.

07. Bend the resulting structure horizontally in the center. All corners should remain folded in the previously described method.

08. Turn one side of the resulting workpiece to the side, highlighting the triangular fragment. Place your finger on top between the layers of folded paper and turn the side towards you, straightening the triangle.

Thus, two parts of the dog figurine will appear in front of you - the back with a tail and the front (head with ears).

09. Grab the sharp tips of the ears and spread them apart. The figurine is now fully assembled. Banknote, folded several times, holds its shape well, so you do not have to use glue. The figurine of the dog seems to be lying and resting, with its head bowed to the side.

10. Now you can make a face on the triangle. To do this, we prepared a simple pencil and a half-bead (it is better that it be on an adhesive basis). Draw carefully with a pencil closed eyes(if desired, in the future, a thin line can be eliminated with an eraser). Glue on the black nose. A cute dog - a talisman of happiness and well-being is ready.

Craft origami from a banknote is interesting view creativity, which attracts with its simplicity and the possibility of non-standard use of money. The author of this master class is Elena Nikolaeva.

To create it, let's take:

  • square brown sheet of paper;
  • black marker.

We perform diagonal addition.

We unfold and fold the side corners to the intended diagonal fold. As a result, the preparation of the future dog should take the form of a diamond.

Fold the top corner down.

Let's turn the piece over to the other side.

The bottom corner needs to be bent up.

We bend the side corners to the middle, this is required in order to outline the fold lines.

We bend the side corners, and turn the workpiece itself over to the other side. On this side there will be a muzzle of a dog.

We wrap the bottom corner up a little, this will be the nose of our dog.

Let's start shaping the ears. To do this, we bend the side corners down, while focusing on the previously made vertical fold lines.

We make a symmetrical fold on the other side. So we outlined the ears of our dog.

Let's unfold the craft again on the other side. Here we will continue the formation of the ears, as well as the tail.

The protruding corners of the ears need to be bent to a vertical line.

After that, the made triangle needs to be straightened and smoothed.

We do the same with the other side. The dog's ears are ready.

Let's do the ponytail. To do this, a vertically located triangle needs to be bent to the left.

Then we bend its upper edge down.

We form the inner fold.

On front side crafts draw eyes and a nose with a black marker.

Our origami dog is ready!

This craft can be done with a child very easily and simply. Little book lovers will love this cute bookmark. see here.

Video lessons

Paper bite dog

Easy origami for kids

Dogs in the technique of modular origami

How to make an origami paper dog

60 cool ideas to create a dog with your own hands - a symbol of 2018.

2018 New Year is coming soon. This means that it is time to get ready for the upcoming event with might and main, for example, to prepare homemade gifts. Do-it-yourself dog - what could be better as a souvenir for an upcoming event?

Now many have already begun to prepare for the holiday, which I strongly advise you to do as well. In this article you will find many representatives of the canine world of the most different breeds and from a variety of materials.

This post is so detailed that I would be very surprised if you do not find what you are looking for. This year will be special for me, since I was born exactly two Eastern calendar cycles ago, also in the year of the dog. So I'll try not to lose face and collect as much as possible more ideas. There will be warm and soft toys, pillows, crafts, even elements of home comfort.

DOG WITH YOUR HANDS: a symbol of the New Year 2018 with photos and master classes

To make a dog yourself with your own hands, you will not need any special skills or hard-to-find materials. Almost everything is clear from the master classes, and sometimes even from the photos themselves. The main thing is to be patient and do something really sensible.
By the way, a dog can be presented not only for the New Year. After all, this creature is the personification of loyalty and devotion, so by presenting it, you seem to want to strengthen the connection with the person to whom you decided to make such a surprise.


To create a dog costume, it is not necessary to sew a full-fledged outfit for going out. It is enough for him to acquire, for example, a cool mask of this fluffy creature. It can be printed on a color printer or used as a template for cutting out felt.

If you want to make the image complete, then I advise you to take a closer look at the following simple ideas for the holiday. From what and how can you make a cute costume for the New Year for a child and not only?

Look at the girl: on her fluffy tutu skirt, which is supplemented fishnet top, striped tights and headband with textile ears. Two cute ponytails will help complete the look. A small nose is drawn on the nose.

It is easy to make a tutu skirt yourself, for this you will need a large number of translucent fabric, which will need to be folded in several layers and gathered at the top with an elastic band.

For a boy, you can adapt a fluffy pajama suit (for example, a Japanese kigurumi) or sew it like her own. For such an outfit, only approximate body parameters (the height of the child and the waist circumference) are useful, so even a not very experienced seamstress can handle the creation.

Want to make things easier? Make a cap with ears, the process of creating which is described below. Take fur, fleece or velor for her. Velsoft will also work if you can handle it (it stretches quite a lot).

Other options for hats can be seen in the following pictures. For example, such a hat can be a good alternative to the previous option. She needs fleece with a long pile.

In the future, a similar hat can be worn on the street as the main headgear. At the same time, for such a hat it will be enough to choose a T-shirt and pants (skirt) in the color of the dog. The image will be almost complete.

Another headdress is sewn according to the same patterns, but the muzzle here is completely different, as well as the ears. Fleece here can be taken with a much shorter pile.

How about flirtatious DOG HAT ? Choose some cartoon character and make a catchy addition to your look.

Cut out the base circle thick cardboard.
Cut out a circle from the fabric, one and a half to two times larger than the base in diameter, pull it together with a “forward needle” seam laid along the edge. Put a solid base inside.
By a similar principle, make the top of the cylinder.

Side: cut a long strip of thick cardboard and cover it with fabric so that the edges do not stick out. Connect at the back with a hidden seam.
Sew or glue upper part hats to the sidewall so that the side fits snugly against the top and forms a cylinder. Attach the design to the bottom base and decorate the hat.

You can attach this to your hair with hairpins or a headband.

You can also sew the ears on the rim, for this you will need the rim itself and ear patterns. The first option is more complicated, it implies that the inner part will be somewhat smaller than the outer one. To create it is best to use fur or fleece.

But the ears are simpler.

To look believable, take regular gloves in the color you want and some felt. Cut out the details of future paws from felt and attach them with a thin layer of glue or thread. You can make such gloves in just 10-20 minutes!

. Crafts from improvised materials and not only

We got the costume, but what about crafts with the Earthy Yellow Dog? We will make them in a variety of ways. paper postcards and souvenirs, even matchboxes - all this will be used and will please with its unusual appearance.

1. Paper fantasies: postcards and origami

From cardboard and paper, you can make postcards and original origami. How do you like this cartoon dog? It can be printed and circled to create your own original postcard. Congratulations can be written both on the card itself, and attached to the inside of the text part as a separate layer.

The second option with a simpler form looks no less original. And if you try, then such a dog can also be made with a surprise: if you pull the tongue, the ears will open.

Try to transfer this doggy to felt. So it will last much longer than the paper version and it can be used even after the New Year.

The next dog can be used as a bookmark for books, which will certainly come in handy on the farm. Make it from a regular square of paper.

From such paper dogs you can create a New Year's Christmas garland, which will remind you of the symbol of the year.

But as follows, you can fold napkins on holiday table. This form is quite stable, but at the same time does not take much time to assemble. Fans of Scotch Terriers will especially appreciate it.

The latest in this series is a very cute and inventive dog: it is made from a matchbox, and a heartfelt message is left inside. A series of such boxes will make all your relatives and friends happier. If you cover the boxes with a special varnish for paper, then even snow and rain will not be terrible for such a gift (although you should not wash it anyway).

2. Wooden doggies

Warm material that is impossible better fit to welcome the upcoming New Year. Make a plywood key holder or some kind of hanger for dog things. Woodworking skills, dog carving templates and acrylic paints with specialized varnish for wood.

As children, many of us made plywood toys. This hobby can be turned into something more by making a full-fledged home sculpture.

And here it is completely children's way prepare for the holiday: a dog with movable legs, which can be made from cardboard or plywood.

3. Christmas toys

In fact, you can hang almost anything on a Christmas tree. For example, I decorate a green tree with small soft toys- Purchased and made by myself. Try to sew the dogs you see below. They can literally be reduced from the photo and get ready-made patterns.

A great way to surprise friends and family will be hand-painted Christmas tree balls. To do this, buy plain round balls and acrylic paints.

4. Apply polymer clay and plasticine

Many children really like to create figures from plasticine, dough or polymer clay(by the way, according to the presented MK, you can do both). But it develops fine motor skills and in many ways it has a very positive effect on the child's psyche. Therefore, when preparing for the New Year, we will take into account this important factor and blind some cute dogs.

The production of such figures is generally the same, but has some differences. If you are good at modeling techniques, then you can immediately proceed to something like the dog below.

If you still consider yourself a beginner, then start with simpler forms that can be repeated right behind the photo, as in the picture below. Very cute pit bull turned out)

Pug is also not inferior to his brother. Thanks to its simplest form it will be possible even for very young children.

With the next three step by step master classes you will create several dogs of completely different breeds. All of them can be done with children.
A souvenir can either be close to real-life dogs or have the appearance of a cartoon character (in the second case, it may turn out to be even more interesting).

. How to sew a dog out of fabric: cute patterns

Stitched dogs will be popular not only on the eve of new year holidays, but also in the future.

1. Soft toys

A fabric dog can be sewn in a variety of ways. How do you like the dog below? It is more like a hyena, but due to the similarity with the desired character, it looks very attractive.

You will definitely like the avant-garde pattern characters that you can see below. They have very large heads and small bodies, making these dogs look childishly clumsy and naive. The effect is achieved with a very wide insert in the head and rather modest side parts.

The classic dog in the next version is made of faux fur and stands on 4 legs, unlike most of the previously mentioned dogs. On New Year's Eve, she can sew a Christmas red cap and a scarf.

In our selection there is a place even for author's dolls-toys with author's patterns. Just look at this adorable basset! The author (Alisa Shangina) even came up with a description for it: "The world is beautiful, like a basset." The nose of the dog is felted from dry wool, but it can also be cut out separately, highlighting the corresponding part on the pattern of the muzzle.

If you do not like the soul in dolmatians, then the next idea new year surprise you will definitely like it. Patterns enough high level but the result is just amazing. Stock up on white fleece, white and black thread and beads for the eyes. Don't forget the black marker.

To sew such a dog better with hands, because you just have to be a virtuoso sewing machine to grind the details of such a dog well.

A tilde dog can be made according to the following patterns. For her, take a thin cotton fabric. character fit dress, pants - whatever you want.

A square-headed dog can be made even without ready-made patterns(create them yourself), if you look closely at its structure.

If you have a few pieces of leather in stock, then create a small dog out of them.

2. Let's use socks

Socks are good because there is a huge selection of colors even in small shops(as opposed to the same fabrics). So feel free to go to the store for a new pair of socks and create adorable babies.

Both options New Year's dogs sewn according to the same principle, but the result is completely different. The first dog is very bright and cheerful, while the second is restrained and concise, it can be presented even to a serious man.

What can be done from nylon tights! A pair of pugs for inspiration from Lyudmila Tkachenko. They are made by the method of tightening and further coloring.

3. We create from felt

Pugs are incredibly charming representatives of the canine kingdom. To make such a doggie, you will need several colors of thick felt and thread in the color of the fabric. Then this symbol of the year can be turned not only into a keychain, but also into a brooch, a magnet, or simply left as a soft souvenir. Please note: clothes are sewn over an already finished body.

The Scottish Terrier breed inspires designers and creatives to create a wide variety of crafts with it. Below it is proposed to make a puppy and an adult version of this wonderful dog.

Continuing the series of flat felt toys, it is impossible to pass by this dog. It is sewn a little more complicated than the previous options.

Well, how to get past this charming boule? Try to make it too.

Chihuahua fridge magnet can also be made from felt. Threads are not needed here - just stock up on transparent glue and scissors.

4. Pillows with dogs

Decorative pillows can not only lie on sofas. This dachshund, for example, props up the door and protects from drafts. You can sew it according to the indicated patterns, increasing the animal to the right sizes and stretching it in the center. The body can also be made up of many patches.

Two dachshund girlfriends are good for daytime relaxation, and at the same time as a hug toy for a child.

Do you want more ideas? On the next selection, there are more than enough of them! It is easy and quick to sew them, but each one can be presented for the New Year and not only. Use them in the car or at home.

. Other gifts with the symbol of the year

If you want to surprise your loved ones not only original toys and key chains, then you can make a set of potholders for them. Decorate them as your fantasy tells.

When creating a souvenir, you can also take into account your favorite breed, to which the gifted one gravitates.

1. Dogs made of wool

They can be felted from dry wool, and fasteners for a brooch or magnet can be glued or sewn on the back.

2. Threads and pom-poms

Filament pompoms make very believable dogs. To create pompoms, you will need special devices or two circles of very thick cardboard, on which threads will be wound. After winding in several layers, cut the threads along the outer edge and thread the other thread through the rings, tightening it properly to make a knot.

The most important thing is to learn how to make high-quality pompoms. And of them, with the help of various variations of sizes and additional elements you can get a variety of figures.

3. Experiments with coffee beans

Funny doggies can also be made from scattered coffee beans. To do this, you only need to outline the contours of the dog and cover the entire surface inside with glue. So you can take the child and make a beautiful festive panel.

4 Bottle dogs

Often, schools and kindergartens require crafts from recycled materials. Bottles are perfect here. In addition to the base plastic bottles you can make wool and other decorative elements. You can put colorful glass balls or something similar inside the bottle to make it look more festive.

5. Roll up the towel

A universal gift that is in no way inferior to the store version. Thin mohair towels are suitable for it, but thicker options with wider edges can be used. One towel is indispensable: for a believable image, ears made of pieces of felt, a nose, eyes and a ribbon will come in handy.

And a few more ways to festively roll up a towel. Not only in the form of a dog, but also in the form of other representatives of the fauna surrounding us.

I saved the juiciest for last) Just take a look at this amazing lamp in the shape of a dog, which you can create yourself. This masterpiece will worthy gift for your relatives.

. Knitted dogs with knitting needles and crochet: video mk

Since knitting is not such a fast and simple thing, I decided to make a selection of video tutorials on this topic.

First of all, I suggest you knit baby booties (this is done with knitting needles). If you or your family members have Small child then it would make a great gift.

But the next three dogs are knitted with the help of many of your favorite crochet hooks. It turns out completely different and unlike each other dogs, each of which claims to be the author's toy (which costs a lot of money in stores). Thanks to the detailed MK, you will learn how to make exactly the same dogs.
The first of them is made of fluffy yarn, which makes the dogs very soft. The rest are made from ordinary thread but also have their own charm.

The next two dogs are knitted according to the principle of amigurumi, a type of knitting that is very popular now. Thanks to him, you can create very cute creatures.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva