Smokey makeup. Fashionable technique for Smokey Eyes eye makeup, its features. Tools and materials

Of all existing technology smoky eyes the most popular, since it is suitable for girls of any color type in one color or another. Smokey eye makeup is also universal because it is appropriate for... different time days - a light daytime smokey eye is done in calmer colors than an evening one.

It’s not difficult to make such a make-up; at first, you can use tips from professional makeup artists or follow step-by-step instructions. It is very important to purchase basic set to create a smoky eye - a high-quality shading brush, a black pencil and a set of three shades of eyeshadow, depending on eye color.

The basic principle of smoky eyes is perfect even tone faces and an expressive “haze” in the eyes, this is how the name of this technique is translated from English - smoky makeup. Sharp transitions between shades - main feature poorly done makeup, so it’s worth practicing the technique very carefully.

You can practice at the beginning by making non-classical evening smoky eyes in black tones, and more suitable for every day - colored ones: for example, bronze for green eyes or purple for blue eyes. After mastering the basic principles of this technique, you can and should begin various experiments with shades and textures of shadows, each time getting an incredibly attractive, beautiful image.

We should not forget that if you have brightly painted eyes, you cannot use red or other bright lipstick; your lips should not draw attention to themselves. Using red lipstick will make the make-up in this case provocative and even a little vulgar.

Option for the perfect smokey makeup look for every day

There is a reason to do a beautiful makeup every day, but girls are not always able to devote enough time to this action. In this case, daytime smoky makeup will be especially useful, which can be easily done in a matter of minutes. The technique in this version of the smokey eye is the same as in the standard classic one - the darkest tone near the eyelash growth area and careful shading of the color. A special feature of smoky eyes in this case is the decorative cosmetics used, namely long-lasting gel-like shadows.

Smoky makeup for every day can be presented step by step as follows:

This one is practically light invisible makeup smoky eyes will make your eyes very expressive. Beautiful universal option makeup that can be done both for work and for study, it is not flashy and harmonizes with any style of clothing, and it does not take much time to create.

How to create a spectacular fatal look

When choosing a make-up for “going out”, professional makeup artists Almost unanimously it is recommended to go with the smokey ice option. It is smoky makeup that will allow you to create a memorable and provocative image of a fatal beauty. Evening smokey eye makeup is usually done in classic black and gray tones, however, other types are also acceptable. For example, a color option - blue or deep purple will also look great. When creating a makeup look for the evening, it is important to remember to use super-resistant cosmetics that will not crumble or “blur” throughout the entire event.

Smokey eye makeup in the evening version - stages of creation:

  • Thoroughly cleanse your face and apply a makeup base after your usual skincare products.
  • Using a sponge or large brush, spread the foundation evenly over your face.
  • Conceal visible skin imperfections with a corrective product suitable color, cover dark circles under the eyes with concealer.
  • If desired, sculpt the face with bronzer or special powder, darkening individual areas.
  • For greater durability, cover the moving eyelid with a shadow base.
  • Give the perfect matte finish to your face by powdering your skin, as well as your eyelids and eyelashes.
  • Using a soft black pencil, draw arrows along the top and lower eyelid, so that the eye is completely encircled.
  • Using a brush, gently blend the pencil line, correct technique at this stage it is to work out the line at the outer borders, that is, you need to “pull out” the color with a brush, creating a soft gradient.
  • Cover the entire moving eyelid with shadows of three shades (from light gray to dark graphite): near the eyelashes with the darkest tone, under the eyebrows with the lightest shade. The main rule of smokey is no clear boundaries between colors, only smooth transitions!
  • Use a thin brush to paint the outer edge of the lower eyelid with the darkest shadows.
  • Apply black eyeliner to the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid and the space between the eyelashes.
  • Smoky makeup puts the main emphasis on the eyes, so the eyelashes must also be intensively painted with black mascara in several layers. It is permissible to glue several bunches of false eyelashes at the outer edge of the eyes.
  • Apply long-lasting matte nude lipstick to your lips; all red, burgundy and cherry shades are best left for another occasion.

As a rule, makeup artists recommend matte shadows to create a spectacular haze; evening make-up allows you to use other types of shadows: shimmering, pearlescent, but in small quantities. Also, do not forget that when applying large quantity highly pigmented eyeshadows on the eyelids, they may crumble slightly during the makeup process, so you can put halves under the lower eyelids cotton pads or even apply Foundation this area last.

Smokey eye makeup is created for those who are used to charming men at first sight. Only this technique of applying shadows can create a truly attractive look. The unprecedented popularity of “smoky eyes” can also be explained by the fact that such a make-up suits all women without exception. In order to achieve a fatal, bewitching look, you only need one thing: master the application technique by choosing the right shades and their intensity.

Features of smokey eye makeup

What is smokey eye makeup? What are its main differences from the others? To begin with, it should be said that “smoky eyes” literally translates as “smoky eyes.” This name fully justifies itself, because this technique involves careful shading of shadows, thanks to which a languid and smoky look. In addition, this method of applying shadows makes the eye line more expressive and defined. Even deep-set and small eyes will look brighter.

The “smoky eye” technique will also be an excellent choice for those who want to correct the shape of the eyes, in particular, visually raise the corners, hide small wrinkles, make fixed eyelids higher, and visually “spread” the eyes.

This make up has one more feature: to create it you can use shadows of a variety of shades. The opinion that only black shadows are suitable for smoky eyes is wrong. Dark eyes are the most common, no doubt about it, but they are far from the only option. Violet, turquoise, pearlescent, lavender, violet, gold, pink and blue shades are suitable for smokey eyes. Graphite-colored shadows look great.

Smokey eye makeup technique

In order for your eyes to look the way you intended, you first need to make sure that you have not only all the necessary knowledge, but also the “tools”.

Required accessories:

  1. High quality foundation.
  2. Black pencil or liquid eyeliner.
  3. Shadows of 3 shades.
  4. Make up brushes (angled, flat and sponge eyelid brush).
  5. Cotton sponges and swabs.
  6. Mascara.

Smokey eye makeup: sequence of execution

  1. Any make-up, including “smoky eye”, should begin with preparing the skin. For this purpose, foundations and correctors are used.
  2. The next step is to use eyeliner or eyeliner. Preference is still given to pencils, since eyeliner will not allow you to achieve a “smoky effect.”
  3. The line drawn with a pencil should be slightly raised at the outer corner of the eye and directed towards the temples. Its thickness should exceed the thickness of the line at the inner corner.
  4. The line of the lower eyelid is also worked out with a pencil. The resulting strip should be thinner than the one that runs along the upper eyelid.
  5. Both lines should be shaded.
  6. The line of shadows approaches. The shadows should be close to each other in color. No contrast! All transitions should be as smooth as possible. It’s great if the shadows match the pencil.
  7. The darkest shadows are applied in a thick layer to the upper eyelid. Application method: from outer corner to inner corner. The same shadows are used to outline the contour, emphasizing the arc in the eye socket.
  8. Now you should apply shadow to the lower eyelid. This should be done so that the intensity of the color decreases as it approaches the inner corner.
  9. Lighter shadows are applied from the folds of the eyelids up to the eyebrows.
  10. We shade all the boundaries.
  11. At the end you need to apply mascara. Mascara should be applied quite thickly. The outer corners of the eyes need to be painted especially intensely.

The proposed technique for performing “smoky eyes”, of course, is not the only one. However, it is used most often. There are other options for this makeup. For example, if you use classic model, instead of the usual black shadows, you can use a thicker line drawn with a pencil. This black stripe is shaded upward along the moving eyelid. This operation is best performed with the pads of your fingers, without resorting to the use of applicators or brushes. By the way, some makeup artists even draw a line with a pencil only at the very end, after applying the shadows.

Smokey eye makeup: step-by-step execution in photographs

“Smoky Ice” is a great option for both everyday and evening look. Of course, for an everyday option, you should choose calmer and softer tones that will not attract undue attention to yourself, distracting you from work and other matters. An excellent option would be to use gray-brown tones. This color scheme can be used by a woman with any color type and eye color. In this case, it is better to refrain from drawing bright arrows.

Gray-brown “smoky ice”: step-by-step instructions

We prepare makeup brushes, mascara, light milky and brown-gray shadows, brown pencil soft tones.

Step one. We apply the base for future shadows on the moving eyelids and a small amount on the lower eyelash growth lines.

Step two. Take the prepared pencil and draw the lower and top lines eyelash growth. The lines can be made quite wide and not necessarily neat and clear, since in the future they will need to be shaded.

Step three. Take a small eye brush and start blending the eyeliner up and down. The result should be a “smoky” line.

Step four. Using a spatula brush, apply shadow to the area of ​​the eye where the pencil was shaded. This should be done with patting movements.

Step five. Now you will need a barrel brush, with which you need to carefully shade all the upper edges of the shadows. This should be done so that the color changes its intensity towards a decrease (darker tones on the moving eyelid and lighter tones in the crease and on the surface of the fixed eyelid).

Step six. Apply shadows of a light milky shade under the eyebrow. After this, you should evaluate the result obtained. If the main shadows turn out to be too dark, you can use the same “barrel” and light shadows to correct the unsuccessful areas.

Step seven. Let's take mascara. Apply to eyelashes. We repeat again.

Classic “Smoky Ice”: step-by-step instructions

The classic “smoky eye” is one that is based on the use of black shadows. Most suitable for evening events.

Step 1. Apply the base to the fold and moving eyelid.

Step 2. Draw an arrow along the upper eyelid along the eyelash growth line. We also draw the lower eyelid, but only to the middle of the eye.

Steps 3-4. We draw the arrow to the outer corner and draw the crease of the eyelid with a pencil. After this, all pencil lines should be carefully shaded.

Steps 5-6. Take black shadows and use a brush to apply them to the lines drawn with a pencil. To prevent shadows from crumbling, it is better to apply them with patting movements. If the look turns out to be too dark, you can add some gray shadows.

Steps 7-8. Now you need to fill all the voids on the moving eyelid. To do this, you should shade the bottom line and connect it with the outer corner.

If desired, you can apply a small amount of mother-of-pearl to the brow area and inner corner. Paint your eyelashes twice and your makeup is ready!

Let's look at another series of step-by-step instructions:

In order for your seductive image not to seem sloppy and vulgar, you need to adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  • Firstly, do not forget about harmony. If you are using bright makeup eyes, then for lips it is better to choose lipstick or gloss of a neutral shade.
  • Second, study the shape and fit of your eyes. If your “mirrors of the soul” are located too close to each other, then the dark pencil line should not reach the end of the inner corner. If you neglect this rule, the eyes will appear even closer to each other. It is better to apply light shadows to this part.
  • Thirdly, always use only soft pencils; they are easier to shade. If possible, it is better not to use liquid eyeliner.
  • Fourthly, mascara should have the effect of increasing volume and length.
  • Fifthly, when choosing the shade of eye shadow, pay attention to your eye color and skin type. So, for example, dark-skinned girls need to pay attention to brown and olive tones. Girls with fair skin can safely experiment with purple, cornflower blue, lilac, and blue shades.

It is very important to take into account the color of the eyes themselves. Green eyes“make friends” with golden, chocolate, purple and green shades. Blue eyes will “give preference” to pale pink, bright blue, coal black, lavender, lilac, gold, silver and brown makeup. Shadows opposite in tone to the iris will make blue eyes especially expressive. "Brown eyes" with dark skin They can use olive and brown shadows, with light ones - lilac or cornflower blue. The lucky ones are the owners gray eyes. In their case, you can use any shadows.

Possible mistakes

As you know, everything is good in moderation. This statement also applies to makeup. Especially if you are planning such a noticeable and self-sufficient eye makeup as “smoky ice”. As mentioned above, this makeup allows you to use a variety of shades. However, if you plan to apply overly bright colors, you should be extremely careful. Too much blue or purple-plum eyeshadow can make your look look sick.

The same applies to excessive enthusiasm for black pencils and shadows. If you draw a line that is too thick or apply too much shadow, you can get a “raccoon or panda effect.” The sequence of applying makeup is also very important. Make-up should always begin with the eyes, so that dirty circles do not form around them later. foundation creams and powder.

An unusual and mesmerizing smokey eye is a popular makeup option. It is recommended for any eye color, but differs in certain features. When creating a smokey eye for blue eyes, you need to take into account the tonality skin and shade of hair. The makeup done should match the chosen outfit and also suit the occasion.

When done correctly, you can create a stunning look that will highlight the shape and shade of your eyes and disguise imperfections. Smokey eye is a trendy makeup that is especially suitable for blue eyes.

Makeup Features

In its classic version, smokey eye makeup came into fashion at the beginning of the last century. It was used to embody the image of a femme fatale - a vamp. This make-up added a bit of drama to the look.

This type of makeup was created for special occasions, but can also be used as everyday option. In this case, you will need shadows of softer shades.

This technique cannot always be performed in dark ash tones. You can use greenish, gray, deep purple and chocolate shades. Use blue colors with caution as this may create a bruising effect.

Advice!With this make-up option, dark shadows often fall off and create bluish marks under the eyes. To prevent this, you need to distribute a small amount of special powder under the eyelids, and then brush off with a wide brush along with the remnants of the shadows.

General rules for creating makeup

To ensure that bright makeup can be used during the day, you should follow some recommendations:

  • The lighter the shade of your skin, hair and eyes, the lighter your color palette should be.

Advice! Black colors are suitable only for bright brunettes, while pale blondes are better off using steel, brown or gray shades. Girls with red hair can try warm green tones, while brown-haired girls can decorate with smoky makeup with dark blue shadows.

Creation technique

Beautiful varieties of smokey eye makeup for blue eyes can be seen in the photo. This design is made using a special technique. For high-quality application of cosmetics, you need to take into account certain rules:

  • Do not use brightly colored lipstick.
  • Must be perfect shape eyebrows
  • Blush should be chosen in soft tones.

Advice! Lips should not look flashy. Lipsticks with a matte tone and all kinds of lip glosses will look great. Beige color and pale pink are an excellent makeup solution for every day.

What colors are suitable for blue eyes?

Carrying out unusual makeup, you should take care about the choice the right color decorative cosmetics. For blue eyes, pale pink, lilac, gold, taupe and lavender palettes are recommended.

The right choice of shadows

To bring a mysterious image to life, the colors of the shadows must match not only the eye tone, but also the skin tone and a certain shade of curls.

Blue eyes have different shades, taking into account which suitable shadows are selected:

Advice!Eyes and shadows should not match in color. Green shades with eyeliner will not suit blue-eyed girls. Universal color For blue eyes, lilac is considered.

Which cosmetics to choose?

Plays a key role in creating the perfect make-up right choice cosmetics.

Before deciding how to make a smokey eye for blue eyes, you need to choose the following set of cosmetics:

  1. Foundation and powder that matches your skin tone.
  2. Three colors suitable shadows.
  3. Pencils or special shadows for coloring eyebrows.
  4. Soft pencil for eyeliner.
  5. A set of various brushes and mascara.

The classic version of this make-up is done with a black pencil. It is recommended for brunettes with gray-blue or blue eyes, while blondes should choose a pencil brown tint or gray-black.

When choosing suitable shadows, hair color is important. If the strands are light, then you should not choose too dark palettes.

Advice! Makeup in unusual technique Smokey eyes are made with a special pencil, not eyeliner. Since smoky make-up will not work with smooth and clear lines.

Varieties of Smokey Ice

Smokey eyes makeup is versatile. It suits women of different color types. In addition, it looks good at any time of the day. In this case, the daytime option is carried out in more gentle tones than evening.

Evening option

Smoky makeup is suitable for parties and various festive events. It allows you to create the image of a languid beauty with a fatal look.

Evening makeup is done in traditional gray and black tones. But you can use other types. Rich purple and blue shades look great. When creating such makeup, you should take care of long-lasting cosmetics that will not fall off during the entire holiday.

Evening smokey ice is produced in the following sequence:

  • Apply base or foundation.
  • It is recommended to cover the moving eyelid with an eyeshadow base.
  • For creating matte surface The skin of the eyelids and eyelashes should be lightly powdered.
  • Using a soft black pencil, arrows are drawn along the eyelids.
  • Arrows made with a pencil are shaded with a brush. This stretches the color a little and creates a smooth gradient.
  • The moving eyelid is painted with shadows various shades from light gray to dark graphite. Most dark tone used near the eyelashes, and light under the eyebrows. There should be no clear transitions between colors.

Evening option Smokey Eyes blue tones. Step 1-4
  • The darkest tone is used to paint the outer edges of the lower eyelids.
  • Black eyeliner is used to paint the space between the eyelashes on the lower eyelids.
  • Eyelashes are painted over with black mascara in several passes.
  • For lips, use nude lipstick.

Advice!For a spectacular haze, use matte shadows. Pearlescent or shimmering ones can also be used, but in small quantities.

Casual style

In a matter of minutes, you can create a daytime smokey eye for blue eyes. The technique differs little from classic version. But in this case it is worth using long-lasting gel shadows.

Smoky make-up for every day is performed as follows:

  • The texture and complexion are evened out using foundation.
  • Cheekbones can be highlighted with a neutral shade of blush.
  • Using a black pencil, an arrow is drawn along the upper eyelid, which thickens towards the outer edge.
  • The pencil can be shaded using beige-bronze shadows. The shadow can be applied to the eyelid with your finger, and shading is done with a special brush.
  • The outer edge of the lower eyelid is highlighted with the same color.
  • Mascara is applied to the eyelashes, and nude lipstick is applied to the lips.

Daytime makeup. Step 5-6

This type of makeup makes your look more expressive. It can be worn for school or work with any style of clothing.

Advice! To create the most open-minded It is recommended to use an eyelash curler. Eyebrows should also be neat and well-groomed.

Preparing the skin for makeup

Before you start doing the smokey eye, which is done step by step, you should do special preparation for makeup for blue eyes.

On a painted face, all roughness and irregularities become more noticeable. You should carefully choose a foundation that should not differ much from the color of the skin.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of foundation for blondes with pale or too light skin.

Before applying smoky makeup, you need to prepare your skin. The following actions are performed:

  • Apply daytime to clean skin moisturizing cream .
  • Distributed thin layer foundation, and also apply transparent powder.

All these steps must be performed for any type of makeup: both evening and daytime.

Smokey eye makeup for blue eyes

Advice! For girls with small eyes, it is not recommended to use dark shadows or pencil to focus attention on the inner corners of the eyes. In this case, the outer corners of the eyes should remain as dark as possible.

Stages of performing smokey eye makeup

After preparatory stage You can move on to basic makeup. To create a stylish and spectacular makeup no need to use shadows dark shades.

Makeup consists of the following stages:

  • Eyeliner in progress. It can be done using cosmetic pencil or a flat brush with shadows. Can not use liquid eyeliner, which only draws sharp lines. The contour on the outer corners of the eyes is made thicker than on the inner corners, and also rises towards the temples.
  • The created lines are well shaded. On the lower eyelid the contour is thinner.
  • Shadows are applied to the upper eyelid. Shades of a similar color palette are selected so that the transitions from color to color are smoother.
  • The shade of the shadows should match the color of the pencil. The darkest tone is distributed over the upper eyelid, from the outer corner to the inner.

  • Using shadows, the contours of the eyes are emphasized.
  • Shadows are applied to the lower eyelid. In this case, the outer corner of the eye is painted with shadows, and then shaded towards the inner corner.
  • Shadows are distributed light shades, which are applied to the upper eyelid towards the eyebrows. You can use pearl, beige or light gray shadows. The boundaries of color transitions are also shaded.
  • Eyelashes are painted well. The layer of mascara should be thick on the lower and upper eyelashes.

Advice! Coal-black eyeshadow color classic makeup can be replaced with a thick pencil line. Shading is done upward along the moving eyelid. In this case, it is not a brush that is used, but the pads of the fingers.

If you follow the rules of makeup technique, you can create a bright, feminine and mysterious image that will be remembered for a long time

Great solution will be the use of shadows, mascara and pencil with similar shades. To create a real hazy effect, the lower eyelid should be emphasized not with a pencil, but with shadows.

When done correctly, a smokey eye should not leave straight and clear lines.

If you follow the rules of makeup technique, you can create a bright, feminine and mysterious image that will be remembered for a long time.

The dazzling, bewitching gaze of mysterious and alluring eyes... Which woman does not dream of this? Skillful smokey eye makeup can radically transform your appearance, even if nature has not blessed you with expressive eyes. Originating in the 20s of the 20th century, it became a favorite makeup technique for actresses and fashion models and has not lost its position to this day. Today, celebrity secrets are available to everyone.


Application technique

The technique of applying smokey eye makeup is simple, but if you’re not used to it, it can cause difficulties that will disappear after a few practical lessons. Distinctive feature Smokey eyes (translated from English as “smoky eyes”) is smooth transition between shades (from dark to light), as a result of which the eyelids seem to be enveloped in a languid haze.

The particular popularity of this technique is explained by the fact that it is universal and suitable for women of all ages with any eye shape and color. And of course, smokey eye makeup is very beautiful: it emphasizes the contour of the eyes (it can even correct it), enhances the natural shade of the iris, provided that the shadows are chosen correctly. The basic rule of the cosmetic process is accuracy and thoroughness of shading, providing a smoky effect.

This type of makeup is the best option for a formal appearance if you want to give the impression of a “vamp”. And by choosing muted and more natural colors, you can create a casual version.

What you need for make-up

To achieve good result, it is better to prepare in advance all the cosmetics and tools necessary for makeup. This will help you fully concentrate on the makeup process.

So, you need to check the presence of the following items in your cosmetic bag:

  • foundation (concealer, powder, corrector);
  • soft, easy to blend eyeliner;
  • shadows (at least three related or combining shades);
  • mascara for lengthening and volume;
  • cosmetic tools and devices (cotton swabs, brushes of different shapes and sizes, sponges).

Step by step guide

Each stage of smokey eye makeup is very important and determines the success of the entire process. It is recommended that they be performed in this order to ensure accuracy and spectacular look make-up:

  1. Evens out skin color and hides minor imperfections. To do this you will need a foundation and compact powder. They should be applied to clean and moistened day cream face. To disguise dark circles under the eyes, you can use correctors. An eye shadow base will help maintain the durability of your makeup.
  2. We can say that dark eyeliner plays the main role in “smoky” makeup. It provides a rich line of eyeliner that blends and fades into shadow. The pencil should be soft and preferably with a thick shaft to draw a wide strip along the edge of the eyelid near the eyelashes. Sometimes it is better to apply several layers to enhance the color. The lower eyelid is emphasized with a thinner line of pencil or dark pigment applied with a brush. The tail of the arrow can be raised and directed towards the temples. To give the look more drama, apply eyeliner along the inner, mucous edge of the lower and upper eyelids.
  3. After applying the pencil, you need to carefully shade it. On the upper eyelid, movements are carried out upward, on the lower - horizontally.
  4. To create gradual transitions between shadows, you will need at least three of their shades, best related in color scheme or combined with each other (for a more interesting effect). They should be applied in descending order of intensity from eyelashes to eyebrows.
  5. Most dark color shadow covers the area of ​​the shaded eyeliner, continuing it upward. It is rubbed in from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, gradually losing its saturation. The medium shade is distributed over the eyelid up to the crease or slightly above it. The lightest pigment is applied to the eyebrow area. After each stage, it is important not to forget to shade the boundaries of the color transition.
  6. Makeup will not be complete without luxurious, thick and voluminous eyelashes. Mascara can be applied in 2 layers, carefully painting each hair, especially in the outer corners. It is important to avoid the “spider legs” effect.

Advice: To get a rich, neat smokey eye, it is better to apply shadows with a flat brush using patting movements, as if driving in the pigment.

Video: Step-by-step description of smokey eye makeup

Varieties of Smoky Eyes

At the beginning of its existence, Smoky Eyes had only one version, which, by the way, was relevant for black-and-white film actresses. But there will always be experimental people who will try to combine unusual combinations and invent a new vision. Today, there are several varieties of smoky makeup.

Classic version

In the traditional version, smokey eye makeup is a charcoal-black color of the eyeliner and main shadows. The sub-eyebrow area is tinted in contrasting beige, light gray or pearlescent shade. Working with such dark shadows must be especially careful and painstaking. But the result will be simply stunning, especially for light eyes. Of course, this option is only appropriate for evening outings and special events.

Choice for every day

Everyday makeup involves the same application technique as classic, but using more muted or natural shades shadows The most natural of them will look like a beige-brown option. It is appropriate to use a pencil or eyeliner coffee color. This makeup look will look especially attractive on brown eyes. Gray smoky makeup is also suitable for every day.

The darkest shades of shadows can be applied not to the entire moving eyelid, but to half or only to the outer corner.

This is interesting: More recently, in the circles of modern and fashionable makeup artists, such a concept as red smokey ice has appeared. Fiery shadows look too extravagant, but there are probably connoisseurs of this version.

Shadows: color selection

The shade of the shadows should be combined not only with the color of the eyes, but also with the tone of the skin and hair. When choosing, you can rely on the recommendations of color type experts.

The most important criterion for choosing shadows is natural coloring irises. It is this that can be muted or intensified, made brighter with the help of makeup. The shade of cosmetics that matches the eye color will provide a harmonious monochromatic composition. The iris will become less noticeable and muted. You can apply this idea for everyday makeup.

Contrasting makeup allows you to apply a lot interesting compositions colors. Here are the most common eye-shadow combinations:

  • blue - silver, sand, peach (for muted makeup), lilac, gold, blue (for a grand entrance);
  • brown - olive, brown (for dark-skinned people), lilac, violet, blue (for fair-skinned people), dark gray, ash;
  • green – shades of gold, burgundy, dark green, copper, brown, violet;
  • gray - purple, gray, black, blue, emerald.

There are special smokey eye palettes that contain a properly selected set of shadows. All you need to do is buy a pencil the desired shade. It can also be easily replaced with the darkest pigment from the palette, applied with a thin brush along the lash line.

Video: Smokey eye shadow palette review

Smokey eyes for correcting imperfections

Smoky makeup will not only emphasize natural charm feminine look, but will also soften small features of the eyes:

  1. Correction of drooping eyelids in smokey eyes involves highlighting the folds of the moving eyelid with rich shadows. The maximum color intensity should be observed in the outer corner of the eye.
  2. For wide-set eyes, it is better to apply shading towards the temples and darken the inner corner.
  3. Closely spaced eyes can be visually moved apart light colors at the bridge of the nose. In this case, eyeliner is not applied to the lower and upper eyelids in the inner corner.

Video: Everyday Smoky Eyes makeup in brown tones

Possible mistakes and little secrets

With any makeup technique, you can make mistakes that will negate all your efforts and spoil the impression. There are unacceptable errors and the “smoky eye” scheme:

  1. Preference for orange, purple or blue shades may result in tired or sore-looking eyes. Of course, every woman has an individual color type of appearance, so this warning does not apply to everyone. But to avoid any mishaps, it’s better to do a test makeup with different shadows to select the appropriate ones.
  2. A too obvious and thick line of eyeliner, especially on the lower eyelid, can create a “panda” effect, when the look does not look charming, but funny and absurd. In addition, a strongly defined contour visually reduces the size of the eyes. You can easily adjust your eyeliner line using cotton swab and makeup removers.
  3. “Smoky Ice” in its traditional version is considered intense makeup. This means that the main emphasis on the face will be on the eyes. Therefore, it is better to cover your lips with light lipstick of a natural shade or gloss. It is also not recommended to clearly highlight your cheekbones with blush or bronzer. IN as a last resort, you can choose delicate tones.
  4. Beautiful eyebrows of the correct shape will enhance the effect of a charming look, but barely noticeable “strings” do not go well with it.

Smokey eye makeup is a classic makeup look that will always be a success. And now you can try on yourself different tones and methods of applying them, analyzing the results obtained. Over time, the speed of execution of this famous makeup and the ability to apply it to demonstrate that very magical look will appear.

It is customary to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes with the help of skillful makeup. One of the fashion trends regarding the method of performing make-up is the well-known smokey eye. Makeup artists find this style eye makeup is ideal because it allows you to highlight your strengths and disguise your flaws.

Makeup smoky eyes- this is the use of not only shadows of black and ash color. This was the case initially, when the style was gaining popularity. Now it is fashionable to do makeup in a similar genre using the boldest shades of shadows, such as green and purple. When giving preference to a smokey eye, girls are advised to base their look on the color of their own eyes and the tone of the evening dress.

What is smokey eye makeup?

The stylistic direction of both evening and daytime smokey eye makeup implies a targeted emphasis on the eyes. Due to the fact that the emphasis is on the mirror of the soul, makeup artists recommend avoiding the use of lipstick. It is allowed to apply transparent gloss or light lipstick to the lips.

The essence of makeup is high-quality shading of shadows. This is done to achieve smooth shade changes. Initially, only dark shadows were used. As the fashion trend developed, makeup artists began to use bright, rich colors. Instead of liquid eyeliner, which looks unnatural, for smoky eyes, use only eyeliner. It can be traditional black or brown or gray. To perform makeup, shades of shadows that combine with each other are selected. Rarely, but the use of a contrasting palette is acceptable. Due to shading, the eyes visually become larger, more expressive, and more beautiful. The look acquires depth, mystery, and uniqueness. If the makeup is done well, you cannot do without the attention of men in the coming evening.

Just like clothing fashion, the main trends in smokey eye makeup are changing. Photographs of models with this makeup, contained on special “fashion” portals on the Internet, allow you to evaluate and understand the general direction. So, now it’s fashionable to do smokey eye makeup, taking into account the color of the girl’s eyes, skin, and hair.

Let's list the main advantages of makeup design in the smokey eye style:

  1. The ability to visually enlarge the eyes, thereby making them more expressive.
  2. Smokey ice is appropriate to use not only for the evening, but also for the daytime. To achieve naturalness during the day, shades of a pastel palette will help.
  3. The ability to correct and mask existing shortcomings. For example, making the upper eyelid visually less drooping, which will make you look younger.
  4. Ideal for women of all ages.

It is quite possible to paint your eyes in the smokey eye style at home, without the help of a specialist. To do this, just carefully study the step-by-step algorithm of actions and practice a little. The result will exceed expectations.

Variations of make-up in the style of smoky eyes

The most common makeup option involves the use of smoky or dark ash shades of eyeshadow. The chosen method depends on the woman's eye color, the purpose of the makeup (where she is going to go), the color scheme of her clothes, hair color and personal preferences. In order to understand what exactly will suit a particular girl, you will have to conduct a series of experiments. In addition, constant practice will help hone your skills and prevent you from looking ridiculous. Let's consider all known variations in detail.

Regular smoky eye makeup

Smoky smokey eye is considered by makeup artists as the main one due to the fact that when the technique first appeared at the end of the last century, this option was the only one in this style. Therefore, smoky smokey ice is a tradition, a classic. Applying a hazy effect in makeup using dark shadows It’s no coincidence: this method will give depth to the look and mysterious expressiveness to the eyes. It is recommended to start practicing smokey eyes with classic, that is, smoky makeup. Having mastered the technique with the “haze” effect, there will be no problems with other shades. Subsequently, the girl will be able to paint herself in a fashionable style, using different, even very bold, tones.

Is it appropriate to wear a deep smoky eye on your eyes during the day? Hardly. Shadows perfectly highlight the eyes, but smoky smokey eyes are not suitable for daytime makeup. For work, school, or errands, it is recommended to carry out natural makeup using light shadows. Great option: light gray shadows. Tone suitable for girls with any eye color and outfit style. As a contrast it is necessary bright shade, which is used to paint the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye. The shape of the eyes is emphasized with a pencil.

Smoky eyes makeup against a background of bright, rich colors

Bright shadows on the eyes make the makeup catchy and stand out. This makeup option suits the brave young girls. It is appropriate during the heyday of spring, with the arrival of summer and holidays. The explosion of colors in the image during this period is appropriate and relevant. For makeup, choose shadows from a purple, green, pink, and blue palette. It is recommended to practice in advance and choose the most suitable combination of shadows for a particular person.

Features of smoky eye for different eye shades

As in any business, there are several nuances in applying smokey eye. To achieve harmony, when choosing the main shade of makeup, you should focus, first of all, on the color of the owner’s eyes. Skin and hair color also play an important role; general type of girl’s appearance (autumn, winter, etc.). The most saturated shades can afford dark brunettes. Blondes with fair skin are unlikely to suit smokey eyes in a rich black palette.

Smokey eye makeup technique for green eyes

For green-eyed girls, chocolate, golden, purple, and green shades are suitable as the main tone of smokey eye makeup. It is acceptable to combine the listed eyeshadow colors with each other. For example, make-up looks beautiful using a combination of brown, golden, and green shadows. Let's move on to the step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Preparing the skin for make apu: Apply an eyeshadow base to the lower and upper eyelids.
  2. Arrows are carefully drawn along the eyelash growth line using a pencil. Color: black or brown. Eyeliner is carried out both from below and from above.
  3. Next, you need to shade the drawn arrow in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  4. In the middle of the eyelid, apply an intermediate tone of shadow. For example, light brown. Apply a golden, olive or beige tone to the inner corner.
  5. The resulting shades are shaded until a smooth gradient is formed.
  6. Mascara is carefully applied to the eyelashes.

So, your smoky eye makeup is ready.

Smokey eye makeup technique for brown eyes

To achieve smokey eyes for owners brown eyes It is recommended to adhere to some principles. Dark-skinned women with dark color For hair, it is better to choose shades of chocolate and olive shades. Color combinations are allowed. If a brown-eyed girl bright skin and hair, then shades of blue, green, cornflower blue, violet tone. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to use the traditional method, suitable for all types of appearance: apply pearl, silver-colored shadows.

Smokey eyes for blue-eyed girls

Girls with blue eyes are advised to avoid saturated dark tones shadows Turquoise, lilac, blue, light blue, and silver colors are ideal. For daytime make-up choose pastel shades; for evening - darker. Doing makeup on daytime, thick arrows should be avoided.

Step-by-step instructions for creating smoky eyes makeup

It’s easy to learn the technique of the makeup style in question on your own, so as not to resort to the expensive services of masters. Especially if you want to do smokey eyes every day. We suggest using step by step instructions. It should be noted that without practice, experiments, search the desired image It is difficult to get a decent result. It is recommended to be patient. Step-by-step actions on how to create a classic smoky smokey eye:

  • prepare a corrector to disguise imperfections in skin color;
  • powder to make the skin matte;
  • Foundation;
  • a base for the shadows (with its help they lie smoothly, do not form lumps, and do not spread);
  • black pencil;
  • shadows of dark shades (traditionally they are black or gray);
  • shadows of a light palette to create an intermediate tone;
  • black mascara;
  • brush for applying shadows and sponge.

So let's do the smokey eye makeup step by step.

  1. Makeup begins with evening out the structure and tone of the facial skin. The eye area and eyelids are also subject to application of foundation and treatment with a corrector. The corrector helps disguise dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Apply the shadow base over the entire upper eyelid.
  3. Arrows are carefully drawn with a thin line at the top and bottom. They should be located as close as possible to the border of eyelash growth. U external border The eye of the arrow should be slightly raised upward. In the absence of a pencil, they are drawn using dark shadows.
  4. The arrows or shadows begin to be shaded with a brush.
  5. Dark shadows are applied to the area of ​​the arch of the eye socket. The intermediate tone is placed slightly above the main color of the shadows. Light shadows are applied under the eyebrow. Everything is shaded again. You should get the effect of a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  6. Eyelashes are painted using mascara.

Makeup is ready. The technique for performing it is simple and clear.

Before going to a party, wedding, graduation, etc. It is recommended to watch a number of video tutorials on how to perform smokey eye makeup. Different variants Lesson recordings will allow the owner to visually assess whether this or that color scheme will suit her, based on the type of model. After trying and experimenting several times, you can get harmonious and neat evening makeup without visiting an expensive salon. Each video lesson contains detailed instructions for applying makeup.

Learning with the help of video is convenient because, if you wish, you can pause and watch the excerpt again.

Master fashionable techniques and be in trend!