Why pregnant women should not sunbathe in the second trimester. Is the sun friend or foe? Sun protection for the expectant mother. Which cream is best to use for pregnant women?

A modern pregnant woman can only be envied by her pregnant predecessor, who lived 200 - 300 years ago. And all thanks to her activity. After all, for a future woman in labor there are no longer any barriers: she wants to lie down, she wants to sunbathe, although... Is it safe?

It turns out that everything depends on the chosen time, place and tanning products. We will talk about how to choose them correctly in the article “Can pregnant women sunbathe in the sun?”

Whatever one may say, tanning is fashionable. Both young girls and young mothers know about this. The latter can only be restrained by fear for their unborn child. Is it justified? This question can be answered by understanding the mechanisms of tanning.

Tanning is skin pigmentation that occurs as a result of the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, everything is done not for beauty, but to protect the skin. There is a process involving melanin - natural pigment responsible for skin coloring brownish color. Interestingly, skin also becomes colored under the influence of X-rays or radium.

Is tanning healthy? In general, yes. Regular moderate sun exposure helps:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • increasing mental and physical activity;
  • faster absorption of calcium.

Moreover, it is precisely under the influence sunlight the body absorbs fats, proteins, vitamins C, E, D, and microelements more intensively. Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness and the synthesis of serotonin is inhibited - a hormone that is also responsible for the appearance of feelings of melancholy.

It’s hard to believe, but ultraviolet light penetrates the skin by only 1 mm, and this is already enough to:

  • destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • saturate cells with oxygen;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • disperse the blood.

And the sun's rays effectively combat the consequences adolescence, drying the skin, normalizing work sebaceous glands and reducing the appearance of acne.

At the same time, pregnant women feel the harm of tanning, regardless of whether they tan in the first or third trimester. And all because ultraviolet radiation affects hormonal levels, involuntarily increasing the level of estrogen in the body. What follows from this? “Mask of pregnancy” is a phenomenon in which dark spots. By the way, they can stay forever.

Another point is the results of recent research by scientists. It turns out that they experimentally established that the children of expectant mothers who spent a long time in the sun developed congenital pathologies development nervous system. But don't despair! This does not mean at all that a woman should spend her entire pregnancy indoors and not on the beach. She can and should sunbathe, simply, according to the rules.

Ultimately, prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to sunstroke or sunburn, which causes the death of cells in the lower layers of the skin, weakening the immune system. The last argument against - premature aging under the influence of ultraviolet light.

Safe tanning rules

To prevent the worst from happening, you must:

  • WITH open belly, arms, legs and other parts of the body stay in the sun for no longer than 50 minutes at a time during the high season, and not immediately. It is recommended to start with 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time to a safe limit (if the skin is not burned, the next 20 minutes can be added the next day).
  • Sunbathe only before 11.00 am or after 16.00 pm, avoiding lunchtime. This is especially worth keeping an eye on in July and August, as these are the hottest months.
  • When the time for safe tanning is over, it's time to move into the shade. There, the skin also acquires a chocolate tint, but without any harm to health.
  • Sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat, clothing made from natural materialsrequired attributes even on the beach early stages.
  • During rest, you should drink plenty of fluids (water, green tea), and also eat fruits and berries. Drinks prevent dehydration, and similar foods protect against negative impact solar radiation, thanks to antioxidants.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, when there are hormonal changes, toxicosis, and dizziness, it is better to go to the beach only with your family.
  • It is not recommended to go into the sun as soon as you get out of the water. In this case, the drops will act as lenses, focusing ultraviolet radiation on themselves and causing burns.
  • On later There is no need to sunbathe with an open belly, so as not to overheat the fetus or provoke premature birth.
  • While sunbathing, you should use sunscreen, and after leaving the beach, apply moisturizing lotions with vitamin E to your skin.

You need to be careful when choosing a cream, making sure that the product has the optimal SPF (sun protection factor). It provides protection against UVB rays, the same ones that cause redness and burns of the skin in a person exposed to the scorching sun, for the first 6 to 10 minutes, depending on skin type.

Most often on store shelves there are creams labeled “SPF-15”. This indicator suggests that they are able to delay redness of the skin for 90 - 150 minutes. Time is calculated using the formula (6×15=90 and 10×15=150). Is this cream suitable for an expectant mother in the early or late stages?

It turns out that it all depends on her phototype. There are 4 main ones:

1st - It is very easy to recognize such people - they have light, thin, sensitive skin, gray or Blue eyes, redheads or blonde hair. Their frequent companions are freckles. Due to the fact that such people quickly burn in the sun, it makes no sense for them to take a cream below SPF-12.

2nd – Bright skin, blond hair, less often - freckles - this distinctive features such people. Nature rewards them with blue, gray or green eyes. They burn quickly, so they should choose a cream with SPF-12 or higher.

3rd – These are people of the Central European type. How to recognize them? They have ivory skin, fair hair or dark hair, brown or light brown eyes. They tan very quickly, and the tan turns out uniform, beautiful, sometimes bronze. But such people still cannot stay in the sun for long without sunscreen, otherwise burns cannot be avoided. What is the optimal SPF? Minimum SPF-10.

4th – Characterized by the presence of skin olive color, dark or black hair, dark brown or black eyes. Such people tan quickly and rarely get burned. They use sunscreen rather to protect cells from aging, choosing creams with SPF-6 or SPF-8.

5th – Asian type With brown skin and black hair. Such people rarely burn and even less often tan, since they dark skin the tan is practically invisible. Sunscreens are used with low SPF or not used at all.

6th – African type. These are people with dark or black skin, black hair and eyes. They never get burned, because their skin is very protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. They don't need creams.

Doctors recommend that expectant mothers of the third and fourth phototypes choose products with SPF-20, no less. People of the first and second phototypes - with SPF-30, they have burns on open sun may occur within 3 to 5 minutes. Reviews indicate that with the cream, the time on the beach for mothers of the first phototype can be increased up to 2 hours, but you should not be zealous. It all depends on the intensity of solar radiation and individual characteristics.

By the way, when going to the beach in the first trimester, if you have toxicosis, you should avoid products with a pronounced aroma, otherwise your vacation risks turning into torture. In addition, most often any odors are caused by the presence essential oils in the composition, which can cause an allergic reaction and provoke the development of dermatitis.

Well last tip– texture. In addition to creams, manufacturers offer mousses, lotions, gels, and sprays. What's better? Just the last ones. Simply because they absorb faster due to their light texture and prevent sand from sticking. With some of them you can swim without the risk of burning, because they are waterproof.

Where can you swim?

When answering this question, one should take into account the woman’s health status, water quality, beach facilities, and other factors. In general, you should not swim in a body of standing water, be it a lake or a pond. There the risk of infection is very high. You can go to the swimming pools, because the water in them is clean and safe, albeit thanks to chlorine. The latter, by the way, is present in minimum quantities, therefore it does not pose a danger during pregnancy.

You can swim in the river, but only if the water is clear enough and mom is a good swimmer. The main thing is not to go to wild beaches, not to swim to depths, and not to go into water where there is a lot of algae, as this is dangerous. In addition, the water in the river may be cooler, and this is also not very good. Temperatures below 22 degrees increase the risk of developing seizures.

If possible, go to the south, because swimming in the sea is preferable. The high salt content destroys any microorganisms, and sea water itself, like sea air, has a beneficial effect on the body.

When not to sunbathe

You should avoid going to the beach, especially for a woman with a baby bump, if:

  • presence of tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • high temperature and infectious diseases;
  • mental illness.

Taking antibiotics, diuretics, and antidepressants can also cause you to stop tanning, so if you are taking them, consult your doctor.

Take care of yourself and your baby! Sunbathe and shop right!

Can pregnant women sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium? This question worries thousands of expectant mothers who do not want to walk around for the entire 9 months, looking like pale toadstools, figuratively speaking. And the sun's rays seem to have a positive effect on the body.

So, do they bring sunbathing tangible benefits to our body? Yes, of course, because it is the sun's rays that allow vitamin D to be produced. And this is an additional guarantee that the born child will not suffer from rickets. But not all sun rays are equally beneficial. Ultraviolet rays are dangerous to the skin and can cause burns and cancer. How to protect yourself from them and can pregnant women sunbathe? Here are some tips to help you stay safe from UV rays.

1. Do not go out in the sun between 11 and 17 o'clock. It is during this time period that ultraviolet rays are most active. By the way, devices such as beach umbrellas or similar canopies do not protect from ultraviolet rays. And ultraviolet radiation has the ability to penetrate 50 centimeters deep into water, so you can’t hide there either. Indoors only. Don't go outside during the day.

2. Use photoprotective creams. You need to lubricate your skin with them at any time of the day, when the sun is shining, and in cloudy weather too, since clouds are no barrier to ultraviolet rays. You need to choose a cream depending on your skin type. Creams have varying degrees of protection. The highest is SPF 30. Its name has nothing to do with the time of possible safe exposure to the sun. The number 30 only means that this cream protects against harmful sun rays by 97 percent. It is almost impossible for dark-skinned women to tan. But for white-skinned people, such a product will not allow them to get sunburned. But you should not hope that the cream absorbs all ultraviolet rays into dangerous daytime. No. But there are situations when we, beyond our desire, have to go outside, and for such cases the cream comes in handy.

If you are wondering whether a pregnant woman can sunbathe on the beach, then we will answer - yes, but only in safe time(before 11 am and in the evening), in the shade and with cream applied to the skin. Choose SPF depending on your skin type. The darker the skin, the lower the SPF is acceptable. For beach holiday A moisture-resistant cream is ideal, one that will not wash off immediately upon entering the water. After each swim, the photoprotection layer needs to be renewed. Without renewal and bathing, the product will last 1-3 hours, depending on the degree of sweating. By the way, there are not only photoprotective creams, but also sprays and milk - choose according to your taste. It is very important to apply the product approximately half an hour before leaving the house (so that it begins to act by then) and very generously; saving will significantly reduce the degree of protection.

Not all protective equipment is equally safe for pregnant women. Pay attention to the composition indicated on the packaging. If it contains preservatives, dyes, and various fragrances, then it is better to choose another option, since many pregnant women are already prone to allergies.

Can pregnant women sunbathe and swim? We found out about tanning, but the question about swimming remained open. In many women's magazines You can read about the benefits of swimming for expectant mothers. This is a great workout for muscles and practically complete absence health risk. But the absence of risk is only... in the pool, under the supervision of an experienced instructor, but swimming in an open body of water can be dangerous. Why? Firstly, it is dangerous to swim from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. due to possible sunburn. Secondly, it is dangerous to swim if the water temperature is below 20 degrees. The fact is that almost all expectant mothers have increased risk occurrence of cramps in the lower legs. If you swim far and have a cramp, you may not be able to swim... In general, you only need to swim in warm water, without swimming far. Regarding reservoirs with standing water, we also have our own recommendations - the purity of the water there leaves much to be desired, as a rule. Before getting into the water, make sure that swimming is allowed here and that there are no pathogens of dangerous infections in the reservoir.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium? This establishment has gained wide popularity among representatives of both sexes, especially in the northern latitudes of our Motherland. Many works have been written about the benefits and harms of tanning in a solarium, but all recent studies prove that such a tan, as well as relaxing in the sun, sharply increases the risk of skin cancer. The risk category primarily includes those white-skinned pregnant women who have moles, birthmarks or age spots on their bodies. But others also need to be careful. Using a sunscreen cream can help reduce your risk of squamous cell skin cancer. Returning to the topic of solariums, for greater clarity, we present the results of research by scientists from the UK. According to their calculations, every year in their country alone about 100 people die from melanoma caused by visiting a solarium. Moreover, many of them are very young people - under 30 years old. However, exposure to ultraviolet radiation can also have long-term consequences. When thinking about whether pregnant women can sunbathe, you need to remember this point.

While expecting a baby, a woman is obliged to more carefully monitor her health so as not to harm the growing fetus. Tanning, pregnancy - are these concepts compatible or ladies in " interesting position"should avoid exposure to the sun?

Tanning and pregnancy are quite compatible concepts, but women need to remember the necessary precautions. Most modern doctors believe that exposure to the sun while carrying a baby should be kept to a minimum. Of course, this does not mean that expectant mothers need to sit at home throughout their entire gestation period and be afraid to go outside, but they should visit beaches with great caution.

How can ultraviolet rays harm a pregnant woman? To begin with, it is worth noting that during this period the load on all organs increases. If benign tumors have already formed in the body before pregnancy, during pregnancy the risk of their growth and even transformation into a malignant tumor increases. For this reason alone, you should avoid visiting the solarium.

During pregnancy, skin sensitivity increases, and pigment spots may appear on the face and neck. By sunbathing in the sun, women expect to become more attractive, but when freckles and spots appear, the opposite effect can be achieved.

If you stay in the sun for a long time, there is a risk of heatstroke. This can have a very negative impact on your health. expectant mother. With sunstroke, symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, and loss of orientation in space appear. If the heat is too intense, there is a risk of harm to the fetus. IN in this case a child can also get heatstroke and the consequences of this are often very sad.

If a woman still decides to go to the beach, she should take care of protective equipment. It's about O special creams and balm. It is advisable to wear Sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat. If the sun is very active, a pareo or even a light one will come in handy. sheer blouse. It is better to forget about sunbathing in the midday heat. It is much preferable to choose a safer time for this. Experts believe that pregnant women can sunbathe before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Perhaps at this time of day the sun does not heat so much and you get perfect tan It won’t work in a couple of sessions, but sunbathing in the morning and evening is much safer, which is extremely important for expectant mothers.

During pregnancy, the mammary glands increase in size and certain processes occur in them. Sunbathing without the top of a swimsuit is strictly prohibited for women in an “interesting position.” This can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Expectant mothers should remember that their exposure to the open sun should be limited in time. You can stay on the beach for no more than 1-2 hours, provided that it is not midday heat. However, there are no strict recommendations in this case. A pregnant woman should be guided, among other things, by her feelings. If a woman experiences discomfort, she needs to move into the shade as quickly as possible.

Redness of the skin, deterioration of health, shortness of breath, and headache should not be allowed. When choosing a sunscreen, it is better to give preference to a product with a high spf. For pregnant women, products with spf 30 or 50 are suitable. If the expectant mother is fair-skinned, the protection factor should be maximum.

A lot depends on the air temperature. So, for example, in safe hours and on a not too hot day, a woman can stay near the sea for quite a long time. This will only benefit her. In hot and windless weather, sunbathing is not very comfortable.

When deciding whether to stay in the open sun, you should always consult your doctor. The opinion of a specialist in this case may be decisive. If a woman has certain problems with her of cardio-vascular system, or the expectant mother suffers from hypertension, going to the beach on hot days is out of the question. It is better to avoid sunbathing, since during pregnancy the heart experiences a double load and going to the beach and being in stuffy rooms can pose a certain danger.

If an expectant mother wants to visit the beach periodically and cannot deny herself this pleasure, it is better for her to plan such trips not alone, but in the company of friends or her husband. This is necessary for security reasons. If a pregnant woman becomes ill, someone needs to be nearby and be able to provide help. The spring sun is considered the most harmful and radioactive, so expectant mothers should give up the pleasure of basking in the rays of the first sun. When carrying a baby, you need to think about the health of the unborn person, and not just about yourself. During this period, you should not neglect the advice of specialists, especially if there are certain health problems.

Of no small importance, according to most modern experts, is the duration of pregnancy. So, for example, if it is permissible to sunbathe in the first trimester, observing all necessary measures precautions, then in the third trimester this is highly undesirable.

Doctors do not recommend sunbathing during pregnancy, but you should not completely deny yourself visiting the beach. The most safe tanning A tan received before 11 a.m. and after 6 p.m. is considered tanning. At this time of day you can treat yourself to a stay in the sun.

Tanning during pregnancy is allowed, but precautions must be taken. The first thing you need to know is that your tan fades much faster during pregnancy. This occurs due to changes in the hormonal background: estrogen levels increase, because of this, melanin pigment is intensively formed. Thanks to this, the skin acquires a chocolate, tanned hue. Expectant mothers should be careful when sunbathing, as this may have negative consequences.

Tanning during pregnancy and safety rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, relax under a beach umbrella or in the shade of a gazebo. If you are worried that you will leave without a tan, then it is in vain, as the tan will find you here too.
  • Pay special attention to the temperature outside the window. If the thermometer is above + 30 ºС, then it is better not to go to the beach or under the scorching sun. It is better to sunbathe in the morning and evening, but from 11 to 15 it is better to refrain from resting in the sun. So how can you get sunburn and heatstroke.
  • If you are going to relax on a beach with pebbles, then do not forget that the pebbles get very hot under the sun, so take a rug or blanket with you, or best of all, a sun lounger.
  • Don't go to the beach right after lunch or on an empty stomach. This will negatively affect your well-being under the scorching rays of the sun.
  • When going to the beach or relaxing in the sun, wear light, loose clothing that will not restrict movement and will allow air to pass through well. Don't forget about a hat and sunglasses.
  • If you sunbathe or swim, don't forget that ultraviolet radiation is just as active in water as it is on land, so don't overdo it while sunbathing.
  • Drink more water, this will protect your body from dehydration. Use it chapstick, it will prevent your lips from drying out and cracking.

Remember that failure to properly tan during pregnancy can cause many complications. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause uterine bleeding, fainting, heat stroke and cause the appearance of age spots on the body and face of a pregnant woman.

Tanning in early pregnancy

Tanning in the early stages of pregnancy is possible, but, as in the second and third trimester, it requires compliance with the rules of safe tanning.

When tanning in early pregnancy you should:

  1. Gradually begin to sunbathe without overdoing sunbathing. Half an hour is enough, you can gradually increase the time.
  2. In the early stages of pregnancy, you should sunbathe before 11 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
  3. Don't forget about sunscreen, which will protect you and your baby from ultraviolet radiation.

Do not sit too long in the sun, as tanning in early pregnancy can result in heat stroke. If you do experience heatstroke, drinking plenty of fluids will help get rid of the symptoms and not harm your unborn baby. bed rest and be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Instant tan during pregnancy

Many mothers use instant tanning during pregnancy and do not worry about the consequences. But is it possible to use instant tanning during pregnancy or can it harm the health of the unborn baby?

For instant tan use self-tanning cream, which gives the skin a golden glow, tanned, as with a natural, natural tan. The thing is that when using instant tanning cream, you expose your skin to the action of dihydroxyacetone, which, through skin covering penetrates the circulatory system. The use of this cream during pregnancy theoretically exposes the baby to danger, since the placental barrier is not a barrier to penetration harmful substances to the baby through the circulatory system.

There is no exact data on the effect of instant tanning on pregnancy. Since no studies have yet been conducted that would confirm the harm of self-tanning on a growing body. Remember that many doctors discourage the use of instant tanning products during pregnancy. Therefore, think carefully before applying potential danger to the future baby.

Sunscreen during pregnancy

Sunscreen during pregnancy helps protect the body and the unborn baby from harmful effects ultraviolet rays. When heading to the beach, don't forget to choose the right sunscreen. Good cream tanning product should produce a tan, but block harmful solar radiation. For pregnant women, sunscreen should be the most high level protection.

Sunscreen creams are easily washed off with water, so don't forget to apply the product after swimming. By the way, before going to the beach, apply the cream 20 minutes before sunbathing. When choosing and purchasing sunscreen, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the SPF index. SPF is a sun protection factor. The choice of SPF depends on your skin type and the area in which you plan to sunbathe. Remember that SPF shows how many times you can increase your time in the sun by using a spray or sunblock.

Pregnant women should know that they should do a skin test before applying sunscreen. Because of hormonal changes may occur in the body of a pregnant woman allergic reaction even for a product that was well absorbed by the body before pregnancy. Do not forget that after using sunscreen, after prolonged exposure to the sun, you must apply after-sun cream to your skin. The after-sun product will allow you to fix a beautiful chocolate tan on your skin and prevent the appearance of age spots.

Tanning during pregnancy in a solarium

Tanning during pregnancy in a solarium is another opportunity to get tanned skin quickly, using artificial ultraviolet radiation. When tanning in a solarium during pregnancy, you should remember that no research has yet been conducted to prove the harm or benefit of solarium on the body and the unborn baby.

Doctors cannot accurately answer the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy, but they do not recommend this procedure. Artificial tanning is safer than natural tanning, as it prevents the possibility of overheating, but this does not exclude a number of other problems and complications.

Tanning during pregnancy in a solarium has a number of rules:

  • The session should not last longer than 20 minutes.
  • It is strictly forbidden to visit the solarium if, in addition to pregnancy, you have such diseases as diabetes, violations thyroid gland and mastopathy.
  • Do not sunbathe naked, cover sensitive areas of the body.
  • During the session, use special glasses, as tanning in a solarium without them can lead to retinal burns.
  • Before starting a tanning session in a solarium, be sure to wash off your makeup and do not wear perfume, as this can cause allergic reactions.

Tanning during pregnancy in a solarium can cause age spots to appear due to hormonal changes in the body. Also, during pregnancy, it is easy to overheat in a solarium, so control the time you spend in the solarium if you decide to fake tan during pregnancy.

Instant tanning during pregnancy - reviews and comments

Before deciding to get an instant tan during pregnancy, every mother should read the reviews of those who have decided to undergo this procedure.

It is difficult to get an instant tan during pregnancy, as there is a risk of complications and the development of diseases. Tanning can cause termination of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage, provoke bleeding, or pose a threat of premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Instant tanning during pregnancy, reviews from expectant mothers:

Olga, 24 – “Instant tanning, a cool procedure that gives the skin color in a couple of minutes month's holiday on the sea under the sun."

Before pregnancy, I used instant tanning services, went to the solarium and used self-tanning creams. I tried the procedure during pregnancy. The only drawback was that I had to wait 8 hours after the procedure before washing, as the salon warned that the tan might fade.

Irina, 32 – “Instant tanning is the most inappropriate procedure during pregnancy.”

I did not discover the advantages of instant tanning, since immediately after the procedure, all the artificial tan ended up on my clothes. In addition, the tan did not fade evenly. Just imagine, the back is white, and the arms and ankles are tanned. Once again I was convinced that pregnancy is not the time for experiments.

Tatyana, 40 - “I was afraid, but still decided.”

I decided to tan during my third pregnancy, and did not regret it. The tan went on evenly, despite the fact that I have rather capricious skin and a natural tan does not last longer than two to three days on me. I am satisfied with the procedure, the only drawback is that the price is too high.

Alexandra, 19 – “ Safe way to be beautiful during pregnancy.”

As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I decided to take good care of myself. In the second trimester I went to the solarium. I did 4 procedures for 15 minutes each, and in principle I was satisfied with the result. The only drawback is that after the last procedure, the entire result remained on the sheets. The doctor explained this as hormonal imbalances.

Zhenya, 27 – “Artificial tanning during pregnancy is a waste of money”

Girls, future mothers, do not risk your health! Before the New Year, in the fifth month of pregnancy, I decided to become a mulatto, bought a spray tan and really regretted it. A friend who works as a cosmetologist applied the spray. After using self-tanner, a small red rash appeared all over my body, which itched terribly. The result was terribly frightening, because I didn’t know how to treat this allergy, I had to wash my body with chamomile lotions. This helped relieve the itching and the color gradually faded.

Whether you can sunbathe during pregnancy is up to you to decide. But remember that you are not protected from the effects that artificial tanning or sun exposure can cause. Take care of your health and the health of your baby, because you will always have time to sunbathe!

Pregnant women already hear in the early stages that pregnancy is not a disease. But why then are there so many restrictions? And why then are there so many conflicting opinions regarding the fact that for some experts “it’s impossible under no circumstances”, and for others “well, if you really want to, then you can”? Most doctors categorically prohibit sunbathing in solariums and on the beach only because “it is also harmful for non-pregnant women.” Let's figure out together where it is real contraindications, and where you can afford pleasure and not fear adverse consequences.

The benefits and harms of ultraviolet radiation for the expectant mother and her child

When being in the sun or visiting a solarium, the most important thing is to know what is dangerous and what is safe, to be able to navigate according to your well-being, to stop the procedure in time, even if “the sun is in clouds today.”

What changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman during sunbathing, and why this can be harmful.

  • Hormonal changes.

As a result of perestroika hormonal levels Women often develop age spots during pregnancy. This is the “mask of pregnancy”, when pigmentation spreads across the face, and the appearance of dark coloring of the white line of the abdomen. In most cases, pigmentation goes away on its own within a few months after birth, but it can remain permanent.

Ultraviolet radiation is not the direct cause of pigmentation in pregnant women. But one should take into account the fact that under the influence of hormonal levels, skin reactions to damaging influences can be unpredictable.

That is why chemical and physical peelings, most hardware procedures.

  • Reducing the concentration of folic acid in a woman’s body.

A sufficient amount of folic acid provides proper development all structures of the fetal nervous system. If you expose yourself to ultraviolet radiation in the first trimester of pregnancy and do not take additional vitamin complexes With folic acid, you can increase the risk of miscarriage or having a child with developmental abnormalities.

This does not mean that sessions in a solarium or time spent on the beach will necessarily cause harm, but it is still worth limiting the amount of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Imperfect thermoregulation in the fetus.

Pregnant women should remember that their own body in the sun or in a solarium, it receives not only ultraviolet radiation, but also a lot of heat. And while the body of an adult can cope with overheating, the body of a fetus cannot. An increase in fetal body temperature can lead to damage to its brain structures.

Safe tanning rules

Despite all the risks, there is no categorical ban on pregnant women being exposed to the sun or visiting ultraviolet radiation. For example, in the early stages, an employer is obliged to exempt a woman from heavy physical labor, but from work outdoors(if the profession involves performing work outdoors), no one exempts the woman, regardless of the time of year.

Doesn't have special meaning and a ban on open swimsuit. Even if we take into account the fact that the fabric blocks ultraviolet radiation, then the area of ​​exposed skin still remains large, and from heat stroke or overheating one-piece swimsuit won't save.

How to sunbathe pregnant women in a solarium

During pregnancy, it is better to go to the solarium only if absolutely necessary. For example, in autumn or winter, when short cloudy days make you sad.

If you choose between going through your entire pregnancy in depression, and going once or twice a week and spending 3-5 minutes there, then it is better to choose the second.

The same goes for prevention. colds. Ultraviolet rays strengthen the immune system and disinfect the skin. By inhaling ozone, the respiratory tract is cleared of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Also, those who have low hemoglobin and need vitamin D should not deny themselves the pleasure of slightly tanning.

It is important to remember and follow the following simple rules:

  • It is better to use a minimum of cosmetics;
  • You should not try new means at this time; it is better to give preference to proven ones;
  • The time spent in the solarium must be reduced to reasonable limits: 3-5 minutes twice a week will be enough to get the right portion of ultraviolet radiation and not damage the skin.

Things to remember when out in the sun

IN middle lane There is no need for Russia to hide from the sun during pregnancy. If you need to spend several hours in the sun, you can take care of a hat in advance, sunscreen or powder, sufficient quantity drinking water with myself. The situation is different at sea in the immediate vicinity of the equator. The intensity of solar radiation and the amount of ultraviolet radiation there are much greater.

Even the clouds in the sky do not help, since ultraviolet light easily passes through them.Therefore, the resort will have to comply with some restrictions. Namely:

  • Spend most of your time in the shade: there is enough ultraviolet light to tan, and the risk of overheating is much less;
  • from approximately 11 am to 5 pm it is better to stay indoors, since neither shade nor being in water can protect you from overheating;
  • be sure to use sunscreen;
  • You need to take enough water with you.

First of all, sunbathing and visiting a solarium is a pleasure. Therefore, you should not categorically refuse them if there are no contraindications and there is an urgent need. But in everything you should know when to stop.