Time for beauty or when is the best time to do facial peels. Combination skin care and acid peels

When is the best time to do facial peeling? This question is asked by everyone who considers exfoliation as effective method restore youth and beauty to the skin. Each procedure has its own time, or rather the season and age. For example, cleansing the skin with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is only possible in winter, and retinoic or “yellow” peeling is only permissible for women over 30 years old. When and what peeling to choose - we will tell you further.

The importance of the right moment

There is a current debate among cosmetologists about whether facial peeling is a year-round beauty procedure.

Some experts insist that exfoliation is an exclusively seasonal technique: the optimal period for it is from October to April, and course planning should begin at least a month before the first session. Other representatives of the beauty industry are sure that the main thing is not the time of year, but the type of facial peeling. Therefore, some options for skin exfoliation are permissible with caution in late spring and summer months; it is not necessary to wait six months before the onset of cold weather. In any case, both sides agree that it is forbidden to carry out peelings whenever your heart desires. Each procedure must be timely.

To understand why exfoliation is important to be timely, you need to remember its purpose. The main task of all facial skin peels is deep and professional cleansing of the epidermis from a layer of dead cells.

This process, due to the physiological ability of the skin to quickly regenerate, leads to the elimination of its aesthetic defects and noticeable rejuvenation: a network of facial and age wrinkles smoothes out, pigment spots lighten, new collagen and elastin fibers reduce the lumpy and loose appearance of the face after acne, uneven tone disappears, enlarged pores and the appearance of acne are reduced.

Cosmetologists manage to achieve this effect with the help of peeling either thanks to hardware techniques (physical and laser peeling), or using special preparations based on fruit or synthesized acids (chemical peeling). In both cases, the skin is injured: depending on the depth of penetration of the active substance from the epidermal layer to the basal tissue.

Peeling or provoked chemical burn"expose" delicate skin, and the temporary absence of a protective barrier requires a particularly careful attitude towards it. Insulation from increased ultraviolet radiation, sharp drop temperatures, gusty winds and dry air. Therefore, most medium and superficial peels are performed during the season of low solar activity - in autumn. winter period. Then it is easier to protect the skin from external irritants and enhance the effect of the procedure.

Young skin is especially vulnerable to medium and deep peeling techniques. That is why cosmetologists advise young ladies under 25 to refrain from certain types of exfoliation. By independently “prescribing” a prescription for radical peeling, they can only worsen the condition of the skin. In adolescence and young adulthood, serious peelings are prescribed not as an aesthetic procedure, but as a treatment for the consequences of serious dermatological diseases.

Seasonality of peeling

Many visitors to cosmetology clinics and beauty salons are skeptical about offers to do peeling in the warm season, guided by stereotypes that peeling loves the cold. But there are spring procedures designed to prepare the skin for an even tan, and summer procedures, the main goal of which is to restore the skin attractive appearance after a sunny holiday.

The composition of the peeling products and what problems they are intended to solve influences when to peel and when it is better to refrain from exfoliation sessions.

"Winter" peelings

Most medium and deep peels are carried out only from the beginning of winter. The reason for this choice of specialists is the hypersensitivity of the skin renewed after cleansing to aggressive ultraviolet rays. Anti-aging physical and chemical techniques not only damage the upper layer of the epidermis, but cause changes in its internal structures, triggering rejuvenation processes. Therefore, tanning in the sun and in a solarium during such peelings can provoke thermal burn skin of the I or even II degree, which will result in dark pigment spots or painful blisters. And this is already the competence of doctors.

Preparation for serious “winter” peels must be thorough. During a period of decreased general immunity of the body, colds, microcracks, or foci of the herpes virus may appear on the skin of the face. In order for these unpleasant surprises did not interfere with the planned course of exfoliation, it is better to carry out preventive treatment in advance or start taking immunomodulatory drugs.

The course of “winter” peelings and skin rehabilitation after it must be completed before the onset of spring days. Overcast in this case, it will only be beneficial: the skin will be able to recover without stress and the effect of the rejuvenation procedure will be long-lasting.

A good chemical peel for winter is TCA based on trichloroacetic acid. In the warm season it is strictly contraindicated. As well as phenolic, pyruvic, azelaic and glycolic. It is also best to plan exfoliation based on these acids from November to March.

If you decide to try the effects of hardware methods for deep skin cleansing, winter is ideal for signing up for laser peeling, resurfacing or a course of microcrystalline dermabrasion.

All “winter” peelings not only rejuvenate the skin and permanently erase traces of imperfections from the face, they form a reserve nutrients inside the dermis and establish in it metabolic processes. Median and deep procedures are able to “open” skin cells to more effectively perceive vitamins, minerals, oxygen and other trace elements. Serious exfoliation helps solve problems with blood vessels: strengthen their walls and activate internal blood flow. Therefore, it is important to get the maximum benefit from “winter” peels, while protecting the skin from external irritants.

"Autumn" peelings

Autumn is the optimal season for a course of superficial and medium peels. Cosmetologists recommend such beauty procedures to all women after 30 years. “Autumn” exfoliation courses are the best way to tidy up dehydrated and sun-dried skin. To the question of when you can cleanse your skin in the fall, cosmetologists answer unequivocally: with a decrease in solar activity, that is, not earlier than October.

  • superficial fruit or multi-fruit peels;

This chemical method skin cleansing based on tartaric, apple, lemon, glycolic and others natural acids in low concentration (maximum 30%). Procedure fruit peeling can be carried out both in the salon and at home. Its versatility indicates the ease of implementation and safety of the compositions. Proper fruit exfoliation will erase signs of photoaging, pigmentation, unaesthetic redness from the face and return it to a radiant appearance.

  • superficial and medium enzyme peeling;

One of the only acceptable options for sensitive and thin skin. This gentle facial exfoliation helps to cope with the bright network of capillaries, saturate the cells with micronutrients and oxygen.

  • glycolic peeling;

Held in the fall the right way smooth out fine “joy” lines around the eyes and lips. Peeling based glycolic acid also helps to cope with photoaging, refresh and moisturize skin tired from the sun.

  • retinoic peeling;

“Yellow” peeling stimulates the skin to increase its own production of “fibres of youth” - collagen and elastin. This cleansing significantly tones the skin and increases its elasticity.

"Spring" peelings

Peelings in the spring are designed to “awaken” tired skin after winter and restore its radiant appearance. At this time, the face reflects all the signs of vitamin deficiency, lack of micronutrients and a general decrease in body tone. “Spring” peelings nourish and refresh the skin, even out its texture, and also actively prepare the skin for subsequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

For spring, soft and mildly aggressive peelings based on low-concentrated fruit acids, coral peeling, physical techniques (for example, cryotherapy or gas-liquid exfoliation), as well as all methods of skin whitening. The latter, for example, includes proven and effective phytin peeling, which normalizes melanin production by the skin.

  • Most spring care procedures can be performed at home, just find a suitable recipe and purchase the necessary components for the product.

"Summer" peelings

Don’t be surprised, but summer is also a good time for some peelings. Of course, they are in the minority, but they all have a common goal - to prepare the skin for an even tan or, conversely, to rid the face of obvious signs of photoaging. The summer season allows only gentle surface cleaning, mechanical or chemical. Ideal “summer” procedures would be:

  • peeling based on lactic acid;
  • cleansing using mandelic acid;
  • peeling with salicylic acid;
  • ferul peeling, which stimulates the release of toxins from the skin and reduces the thickness of its stratum corneum;
  • enzymatic exfoliation in the absence of acids in the composition of the products.

In summer, more than ever, the period of post-peeling facial care is important. Every time you go outside, do not forget to apply sunscreen lotion to your skin. high degree protection against ultraviolet radiation (SPF mark should be at least 35-50). Drink more water and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face every evening for a week.

Peeling and age

If we consider the question of when is it better to do facial peels from the point of view age restrictions, then experts are unanimous in the opinion that not all exfoliations are universal. For example, before the age of 25, it is generally not recommended to resort to peeling methods for skin renewal. Unless there are direct prescriptions from dermatologists. At this age, only the most gentle and gentle methods of surface cleansing can be relevant: ultrasonic cleaning, scrubbing natural ingredients coffee based fruit seeds or oatmeal, film masks.

Peeling compositions for young skin do not violate the integrity of the skin, but only eliminate atmospheric pollution or the dead layer of the epidermis. Their goal is intensive hydration and food. Therefore, most of these peels can be carried out at home using self-prepared compositions.

After 30-35 years, peelings become relevant. Firstly, how effective way long-term skin rejuvenation, secondly, as an option to get rid of minor aesthetic defects: freckles, dull complexion, acne scars. For women of “Balzac” age, cosmetologists recommend starting self-care with light superficial peels, for example, almond or glycolic, gradually moving on to medium-length methods.

Only people can restore beauty to their face after 40-45 years deep peelings, both mechanical (for example, laser facial resurfacing) and chemical (for example, phenol). The effect of such a radical effect on the skin of the face is comparable to plastic surgery and requires long-term rehabilitation, sometimes in a day hospital.

If you are still wondering when you can do facial peels, take your time. Remember that serious chemical or laser techniques can only harm young skin, causing irreversible consequences. Just like bright rays summer sun can destroy the entire idea of ​​​​the post-peeling attractiveness of the face. Be patient, consult a cosmetologist and your time for beauty will definitely come.

When is the best time to do a facial peel to rejuvenate your skin? healthy color, good texture and eliminate wrinkles, and not provoke the appearance of pigmentation and other side effects?

This question interests many ladies, especially those who are just beginning their acquaintance with professional cosmetology.

Let's find out the period from which you can do facial peeling and for what period, what types are intended for summer and spring, as well as for autumn and winter?

What time of year is best to do it?

Professional experienced cosmetologists are of the opinion that most the right time of the year for cleansing facial skin occurs from October to April.

– cleansing the surface of the face from the stratum corneum dead cells. Depending on age, this cleansing is carried out on different layers of the epidermis (as is known, there are only five of them):

  1. affects the first and second layers.
  2. – second and third layers.
  3. – third and partially fourth layer.

Any impact on the skin (mechanical, chemical or hardware method of cleansing) removes its protective barrier and “exposes” a new delicate layer that requires delicate and careful care.

Protect renewed facial skin from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, dry air and extreme heat, it’s easiest in the cold season.

That's why medium and deep peelings are prescribed strictly late autumn or in winter.

Modern cosmetology is not as conservative as it was 10 and 20 years ago. To date There are many types of peeling, which solve a variety of problems and can be carried out at any time of the year.

Winter period

Peculiarities: It's time for medium and deep peels.

After such procedures, the skin goes through a long rehabilitation period; it recovers from 3 to 6 months, depending on the depth of cleaning.

The entire period after cleansing, the epidermis is very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Even minimal exposure to direct sun rays may cause 1st or 2nd degree burns.

Which will entail either severe pigmentation or the appearance of painful blisters, followed by wounds and burn marks.

Preparation: During the winter period, a decrease in immunity is observed; inflammation, microcracks or foci of the herpes virus often appear on the skin of the face.

Therefore, a month before the proposed cleansing procedure, you need to take immunostimulating drugs.

Types of peeling:


  • Winter cleansing promotes the formation of a reserve of nutrients inside the dermis;
  • Metabolic processes are being established;
  • The production of collagen and elastin is launched (lifting effect);
  • The efficiency of perception of oxygen, vitamins and minerals at the cellular level increases;
  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened and internal blood flow improves.


Features of peeling after the end of summer: most suitable season for middle and superficial procedures.

Cleansing aimed at restoring dehydrated and dry facial skin is especially popular.

Types and effectiveness of facial peels in autumn:

  • – a gentle procedure based on natural acids (tartaric, malic, citric, etc.) of low concentration (up to 30%). Eliminates the first signs of aging, fine wrinkles, pigmentation, moisturizes the skin, evens out the color and structure of the facial surface.
  • – superficial or middle. Suitable for dry, thin and very sensitive skin. Eliminates the visible network of capillaries, saturates cells with oxygen and nutrients, improves complexion.
  • – dry facial cleansing with acid. Effectively smoothes fine wrinkles, refreshes and moisturizes the surface of the face, eliminates visible blemishes (acne marks, small scars and scars) and signs of photoaging.
  • – triggers the production of “fibers of youth” collagen and elastin, perfectly tones the skin, evens out the structure, and makes the facial contour clearer.

Autumn is the time for peelings:


Peculiarities: in spring the skin displays general decline body tone, signs of deficiency of vitamins and microelements: dull color, dryness, peeling.

The most popular spring cleanings include:

All these cleansing methods effectively moisturize the skin, smooth the surface, improve complexion, whiten and normalize melanin production, which well prepares the skin for the effects of ultraviolet radiation.


Peculiarities: During the hot season, peeling is used to prepare the epidermis to obtain an even, uniform tan.

The second option is to rid your face of the first signs of photoaging and eliminate excessive dryness.

The most important thing in summer period– post-peeling care, constantly use sunscreen, apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face daily, avoid dehydration.

Types and effectiveness of peelings for summer:

Peels that can be done in spring and summer:

All-season species

All-season facial cleansing modern cosmetology, a procedure that is gaining popularity.

It is carried out in the upper layer of the epidermis, besides, these peelings contain substances that protect the skin from harmful effects sun, so all risks of pigmentation are minimal.

Year-round cleansing comes in a wide variety of forms; it can be done in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a specialist, or independently at home.

This type of cleansing skin can be divided into:

  1. . Cleaning using abrasive particles of natural or chemical origin.
  2. . They are carried out strictly in beauty salons under the supervision of a specialist.


You can either make your own scrubbing peeling from natural ingredients, or buy ready-made in the store.

Top 5 popular scrubbing peels for the face:

  • Peel MePerfectly– triple action product: cleanses the face, evens out the structure and enhances the natural glow of the skin. It has a whitening effect, cleanses and tightens pores, eliminates flaking and gives the face smoothness.
  • Planeta Organica. Dead Sea salts and natural oils, included in the composition, help not to dry out the skin of the face and at the same time nourish the cells with useful substances.
  • One hundred beauty recipes– apple peeling. Abrasive substances – almond and apricot kernels, fruit malic acid in low concentration and natural oils have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Effectively evens out the complexion, making it fresher, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Vitex. The scrubbing material is synthetic granules. They are completely streamlined and do not injure or scratch the skin. Vitamin E and aloe vera concentrate moisturize, nourish, and also significantly soften the skin.

Facial care


11.12.14 19:42

The spring months are a very difficult transition period for the condition of facial skin. On the one hand, winter has just ended, and fabrics need intensive care and restoration. On the other hand, the epidermis needs to be prepared for roasting. summer season. These are just the main reasons why peeling is necessary in the spring; however, do not forget about care methods aimed at solving specific facial skin problems. Spring is the period when soft combined cleanings. Sessions can be carried out both at home and in a beauty salon.

Indications for spring peelings

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the need for intensive cleaning of the epidermis. But you shouldn’t wait for them to appear; preventive procedures are spring period no less relevant.

Peeling in spring is necessary if the following conditions exist:

  • Increased dryness of tissues, expressed by their sagging, the appearance of cracks, deepening of wrinkles, the formation of areas of peeling and inflammatory processes.
  • Disruption of the functioning of blood vessels, leading to the formation of congestion and infiltrates, the manifestation of the vascular network. The tissues in this condition are different hypersensitivity to mechanical stress. Any pressure on the skin can lead to the formation of small hematomas as a result of fragility of blood vessels.
  • Increased sensitivity and reactivity of the epidermis, inadequate tissue perception of daily skin care products.
  • Reduced sensitivity of the epidermis as a result of significant thickening of the stratum corneum. Dead cells reduce tissue permeability, so applying nourishing, rejuvenating and moisturizing products does not bring the desired result.
  • Signs of vitamin deficiency are the reason why peeling in the spring is recommended for everyone without exception. Unhealthy and uneven complexion, a tendency to the appearance of inflammatory processes, fungal and viral rashes, fragility of blood vessels.
  • A more rapid course of acne. In the spring, acne can become a common occurrence not only for oily skin, but also for dry skin.
  • Deterioration of complexion due to impaired supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
  • Formation of a combined type of epidermis. Dividing the skin into segments with different textures and functionality.
  • The appearance of enlarged pores as a result of stretching of the sebaceous tubules by the skin secretions.
  • Disturbance of the relief of the skin, decreased tissue tone, the formation of a blurry facial contour, the appearance of bags and shadows under the eyes.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to do peeling in the spring for rejuvenating purposes. Experts do not recommend this. Typically, such procedures are performed in the autumn-winter period, which minimizes the risk possible complications. Anti-aging cleansing in the spring months is carried out only for express indications, under strict medical supervision.

Another important point that serves as an indication for peeling in the spring is the need to prepare the relief and texture of facial skin for the upcoming summer season. Specific care has several goals:

  1. Evens out the texture of the skin to achieve a smooth and uniform tan.
  2. Saturation of tissues with vitamins and nutrients.
  3. Increased tissue permeability. If you do not neglect this factor, then in the summer months the skin will be quite susceptible to the action of moisturizing lotions, creams and serums. This will help prevent the tissue from drying out and wrinkles appearing.
  4. Formation of a protective water-lipid layer on the surface of the face, which will prevent accelerated evaporation of moisture and protect cells from harmful effects ultraviolet.

Features of preparing the epidermis for spring cleansing and post-peeling care

In order for peeling in the spring not to lead to the development of complications and to give the maximum positive result, it is necessary not only to strictly follow the instructions on the manipulation technique. No less important role plays proper preparation to cleaning and management of the post-peeling period.

Features of preparation may include the following stages:

If the peeling is not combined, but narrowly targeted, it is necessary to first remove two barriers from the surface of the face. The stratum corneum can be treated with mechanical cleaning, for example, scrubs. The use of chemical components is not recommended due to pronounced solar activity. To remove the fat layer, you can use special degreasing lotions.

  1. Considering the decrease in cellular immunity, before carrying out any aggressive cleansing, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of herpetic and fungal rashes (if the body is aware of this tendency).
  2. A few weeks before cleaning (of any type and depth), it is recommended to avoid visiting the pool and solarium.
  3. A few days before the scheduled procedure, it is recommended to stop using daily nourishing cream; it can lead to the formation of a thin film or plaque on the surface of the face, which will reduce the degree of penetration of the preparations used for cleansing.
  4. If the skin is oily, then within two days before peeling you can apply evening care intensive scrubs or gommages.
  5. In order to prepare problem skin 1-2 weeks before cleaning can be done aspirin peeling or aggressive manipulation based on calcium chloride.

In order to prevent the development of complications, peeling in the spring should be accompanied by special care after the procedure. In addition to gentle and quick recovery, certain manipulations will help preserve the results obtained as a result of cleansing for a long time.

  • Any cosmetic intervention leading to disruption of the integrity of the skin or increased tissue sensitivity should be accompanied by the use of sunscreen. The time of use and strength of the drugs depends on the type of manipulation and lasts up to full recovery epidermis.
  • During recovery period It is necessary to use moisturizing and nutrients that will accelerate tissue restoration and ensure a supply of vital components in the cells.
  • In some cases, parallel drug treatment, which involves the use of antibiotics, antihistamines, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs.
  • To maintain a positive effect, it is recommended to use restorative products for some time. cosmetical tools from the same series as the drug used for peeling or used as a contact medium. Usually these are special serums, lotions or creams.

To ensure that peeling in the spring does not need to be repeated several times, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist, adhere to the listed rules and follow a maintenance regime. It includes mandatory intake of vitamins, proper rest, proper nutrition and enough water.

Spring peelings that neutralize the effects of winter cold

To neutralize the consequences caused by the winter months, it is necessary to choose cleansing, whose action is aimed at increasing tissue permeability, supplying cells with vitamins and moisturizing components, increasing cellular immunity and accelerating the elimination of toxins.

Such specific properties of drugs and manipulations will allow as soon as possible get the following results:

  • The application of care products will begin to produce noticeable results. After an intensive treatment, daily cleansing products will be sufficient to keep your skin in optimal condition.
  • Medicines will easily penetrate into tissues, providing a therapeutic effect and relieving problems such as acne, comedones, inflammation, and fungus.
  • The color and texture of the epidermis will improve by supplying the tissue with vitamins, moisturizers and nutrients.
  • As a result of the removal of toxins, the functioning of blood vessels will be restored, infiltrates will resolve, and congestion will go away.
  • The skin will noticeably refresh, become younger and cleaner, cracks will gradually heal, and areas of peeling will disappear.

Spring peelings as preparation for the summer season

When exfoliation is carried out in the spring to improve skin texture and prepare it for the summer season, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • The action of the drugs should be aimed at leveling the relief of the skin, increasing its protective functions, and establishing a water-lipid layer. This will prevent the formation of uneven pigmentation, drying out of tissues, and the appearance of sunburn.
  • As preparatory manipulations, it is recommended to use homemade natural remedies. They will not only prepare the tissues functionally, but will also provide access to the cells of all substances necessary for normal life.
  • The best way to prepare the skin texture for an even tan is scrubs. They can be professional or homemade. It is only necessary to remember that if after the manipulation there is no feeling of satisfaction from cleaning, this indicates excessive density of the stratum corneum. In this case, you cannot do without more aggressive manipulations, for example, with the use of fruit acids.
  • Home treatments aimed at skin care should not be accompanied by washing with running water. It is better to replace it with herbal decoctions and infusions.

Salon procedures that can be performed in the spring

In general, peeling in the spring, carried out in the salon, must meet only one mandatory requirement - its use should not increase the photosensitizing properties of tissues. Therefore, when answering the question of patients whether it is possible to do peeling in the spring, aimed at a medium or deep effect, experts answer positively. The whole secret is that such intensive cleansing will not give such a therapeutic or rejuvenating effect as, for example, acid peels.

Among the most popular spring hardware procedures are:

  • Oxygen cleaning. Peeling in the spring using a stream of oxygen saturates the tissues with the amount of useful gas that is necessary for normal course biochemical processes. The functioning of blood vessels is improved, a healthy complexion is restored, the tone of the epidermis is increased, and tissue permeability is improved. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is launched, the elimination of toxins is accelerated, the protective forces of the epidermis and cellular immunity are activated.
  • Gas-liquid peeling. With this type of care, liquid is added to oxygen. For simple cleansing procedures this can be water, for therapeutic procedures it can be a special contact medium with healing properties. This effect is used when it is necessary to saturate the tissues with vitamins and nutrients. Already after the first manipulation, the condition of the facial skin improves noticeably. The skin not only becomes cleaner and fresher, but also noticeably tightens, getting rid of some aesthetic defects.
  • Ultrasonic, radio wave, vacuum peeling. In spring, these procedures are carried out with the same goals - to gently cleanse the facial skin of accumulated dirt, restore the functioning of blood vessels, get rid of stagnation and infiltrates.
  • Laser peeling. Peeling in the spring using a hot laser is not recommended; the risk of complications is high. Combined or cold peeling is used to rejuvenate tissues, start metabolism that has slowed down during the winter, get rid of pronounced aesthetic defects, and even out skin texture.
  • Diamond face resurfacing. It is often carried out immediately before the start of the summer season (taking into account the recovery period) to even out the relief of the skin and obtain the most even and uniform tan. In early spring, this method can be useful in getting rid of built-up stratum corneum that cannot be removed with gentle regular procedures.

Chemical salon peels for spring:

  • Enzyme and peptide cleansing. This is the type of procedure that does not lead to disruption of the integrity of the skin, does not increase the sensitivity of tissues to ultraviolet radiation, but at the same time significantly improves the condition of tired epidermis with signs of vitamin deficiency, dehydration and oxygen starvation. It is important to note that cleansing with more intense formulations with the addition of fruit acids is considered a risk group and is performed only when indicated.
  • Cleaning with acids that do not have photosensitizing properties. These can be both rejuvenating and therapeutic sessions. It is important to note that most procedures involve preliminary preparation using low concentration fruit acids. This can also lead to the formation age spots or other unpleasant consequences.
  • Herbal peelings. A separate group of procedures that involve chemical effects on the skin. This is the most soft version care, which is usually carried out using rolling compositions and does not cause discomfort, complications and side effects. The sessions will not help get rid of the expressed problems, but will perfectly restore the functionality of the tissues and the attractiveness of the appearance facial skin.

Mechanical salon cleanings:

  • Brossage. The use of special brushes will help get rid of excess skin secretion and horny cells, will have an effect on the tissue according to the principle of multi-level massage, normalizing some metabolic processes. Typically, such a session is carried out to prepare the epidermis for basic cosmetic procedures.
  • Coral peeling. A unique combined type of effect on fabrics, which is ideal for the spring period. Due to simultaneous mechanical and chemical exposure, the skin is cleansed and the cells are saturated with everything necessary. The only point that you need to pay attention to when using this peeling in the spring is the high content of sea minerals, which leads to drying of the tissues. The procedure is recommended to be carried out only after the water balance in the skin layers has normalized.

Learning about a number of seasonal restrictions, many women wonder whether it is possible to do peeling in the spring at home. It’s not just possible, but necessary! This type of care is considered the most optimal in the spring. It will not only prolong and enhance the effect obtained from salon procedures, but will also bring many benefits in itself.

If we talk about self-prepared peeling compositions, then there are no restrictions on the components. Fruit acids, which are contained in a number of products, are not highly concentrated and will not cause the appearance of age spots (unless, of course, you apply concentrated lemon juice to your face).

As for professional peelings and scrubs, they will show their effectiveness only if they are used correctly and regular use. It is worth remembering that industrially created drugs have a fairly low degree of effect on tissue due to the characteristics of their composition. Products must be selected strictly according to the type of epidermis and its associated problems. Most often, such compositions are used as a daily supplement.

  • Fruit, vegetable and berry peelings. Home peeling in the spring - this unique opportunity achieve several at once positive results, by using one product. The compositions can be single-component or complex, in the form of peelings, scrubs or gommages. Due to the gentle dissolution of intercellular connections and the removal of horny scales, tissue cleansing and increased permeability occurs. The skin is saturated with vitamins, moisture, fiber, acids, minerals and nutrients. Metabolic processes are normalized, tissue tone increases, complexion improves, inflammation and infiltrates are neutralized. Additional mechanical impact has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels. Preparations must be selected in strict accordance with the type of epidermis!
  • Scrubs based on honey, dairy products and herbal infusions. They allow you to restore the protective functions of the skin in the shortest possible time, nourish and moisturize it, eliminate inflammation, areas of peeling, cracks, congestion, and comedones.
  • Scrubs based on coffee grounds. Gently smoothes the relief of the epidermis, preparing it for the summer season. Helps cope with spring pallor, giving the skin a light and natural look golden hue, which does not interfere with exposure to sunlight and obtaining a natural tan.
  • Whitening peeling in spring. The compositions help get rid of redness, age spots and a kind of winter tan that affects only certain parts of the face. The use of the compositions leads to the gradual formation of a porous film on the surface of the face, which does not prevent the penetration of oxygen and nutrients, but slows down the evaporation of moisture.
  • Film masks. Home mechanical type of influence on tissues, which first of all gets rid of everything unnecessary on the surface of the face. These can be keratinized scales, caps of acne and comedones, excess skin secretions, residues decorative cosmetics. Gelatin-based compositions act very gently, do not violate the integrity of the skin, and have stimulating and softening properties.
  • Medicinal compounds. Peeling is often carried out in the spring to get rid of comedones, manifestations or consequences of acne. Cleanings based on calcium chloride, bodyagi, hydrogen peroxide or aspirin are ideal for this. Carrying out procedures requires special care in the spring, because... the skin is different at this time increased reactivity and sensitivity.

The skin after proper peeling is admirable - it is smooth, even, velvety. But maintaining such an ideal condition requires year-round care.
The question arises: is it possible to do peeling in the summer?

More recently, it was believed that skin peeling summer time It is not only impractical to carry out, but also strictly prohibited. But thanks to the evolution in cosmetology, today we say that doing certain types of facial peeling in the summer is not only possible, but also necessary! Moreover, a correctly selected type of peeling eliminates unpleasant consequences.

Peeling is recommended for proper comprehensive care facial regularly, regardless of the time of year, including in the summer; in addition, summer peeling is part of the proper preparation of the skin for a “proper” tan. This is due to several factors: during peeling, pores are cleaned, toxins are removed, the skin is intensively enriched with oxygen and becomes impeccably smooth, which contributes to a quick, even and beautiful tan. Important point! Those with dry skin can exfoliate their face at least every week. But for women with fat type skin, it is not recommended to exfoliate your face frequently, because... from frequent peeling, they are likely to develop a reverse skin reaction due to excessive activation of the sebaceous glands.

Of course, not all types of facial peels are suitable for use in the summer. The category of “summer” peelings differs from “winter” ones in their composition and method of action: face peeling in summer is carried out only by superficial action at the level of the stratum corneum of the skin and contains non-aggressive low-molecular acids.

Peeling in summer can be carried out using low concentration fruit acids - this is almond, ferul or milk peeling. In addition, experts recommend using gluconic, enzyme or finite types of peeling in the summer.

These peelings (soft) help even out skin texture, refresh the appearance and color of the skin, smooth out wrinkles without causing inflammation. These methods of cleansing the skin exfoliate only the stratum corneum and actively fight pigmentation. They do not cause redness or burning sensation and are suitable for any skin type.

The basis of almond peeling consists of hydrolyzed bitter almond extract, it belongs to the category of alpha hydroxy acids and is used in patients with increased allergic sensitivity. Compound milk peeling is obtained from fermented milk and due to the fact that its active is based only on natural natural components, just like almond peel, it can be used as a summer facial peel without risk. Enzyme peeling used to gently exfoliate, moisturize and improve skin color. Enzyme components promote deep cleansing and smoothing of the skin, stimulate cellular renewal without causing irritation. Suitable for any skin type, especially for very sensitive, problematic, acne-prone skin.

“Summer” peeling is indicated for women who have signs of photoaging on the face: hyperkeratosis (flaking), xerosis (dryness), dyschromia (uneven color), elastosis (impaired elasticity). Also, direct indicators for summer peeling are fresh scars after acne, hyperpigmentation and oily seborrhea.

In summer, the sun is in its highest activity, therefore, to avoid negative consequences, necessary Special attention pay attention to both the preparation for peeling and the post-peeling period. Cosmetologists recommend including special products in your facial skin care program ten days before peeling. cosmetic creams with high biological, chemical and physical filters (index not lower than 20). Also a good prevention of negative consequences on the face after summer peeling will be special means, serums that block the intense production of melanin by the skin and increase the sun protection properties of keratinocytes. And despite the fact that facial peeling in summer does not include rehabilitation period, you should still not forget about restoring and moisturizing facial skin care, because... After peeling, any type of skin becomes partially dry and some peeling may be observed on the face.

A summer peeling course consists of at least 4-6 sessions and, depending on the condition of the skin, can reach 10-12 procedures. After prolonged exposure to the sun (tanning), peeling is strictly prohibited. Only after complete neutralization of active processes caused by exposure to sunlight (10-14 days) is this procedure allowed.

A conclusion about whether peeling can be carried out in the summer can only be made by a specialist after studying individual characteristics patient's skin.

Summer peeling is contraindicated if you have:

  • skin irritation
  • viral infection
  • acute skin condition

During the warm, sunny months, be careful with your peeling routine: choose only gentle peeling, be sure to consult a specialist, and then your skin will delight you with a more youthful, well-groomed and healthy appearance.

Chemical peels today are one of the most popular procedures. Their popularity has been proven in practice; they help solve many different problems. Previously, it was believed that the optimal time for peeling was in the autumn-spring period, but now this point of view is outdated.

A harsh winter with an icy, piercing wind is far from best time for peeling. IN winter time even skin that does not have any special problems becomes sensitive and irritated. The peeling procedure carried out on irritated skin gives a deeper effect than expected. The period of rehabilitation and recovery becomes longer. In addition, in winter the skin is slightly lighter than at other times of the year and reacts more strongly to sun exposure.

In winter, all efforts are thrown into protecting the skin from frost, and not from the sun, which shines very little. I don't really want to put it on my skin. sunscreen with a high protective factor. And it is in winter that it is faster and easier to get hyperpigmentation (age spots) of the skin.

Skin photosensitivity

But not all types of peelings are suitable for summer. Acids have different effects on the photosensitivity of the skin (which is genetically programmed): some acids reduce it, while others, on the contrary, can increase it. Recommendations for protecting the skin after peeling depend on the acid used and the phototype. For example, people with fair, non-tanning skin after peeling are recommended to use a cream with a maximum protection factor of 60 or higher for a week. And people with bright eyes, but for skin color closer to olive, it is recommended to use the same cream, but for at least two weeks. How darker color skin, the greater the chance of age spots appearing.

Yellow peeling is dangerous to do in the summer, since its main component, vitamin A, increases sensitivity to UV rays.

Peeling based on mandelic acid is suitable for use in the summer. Mandelic acid reduces skin photosensitivity. After such peeling, it is enough to use a special protective cream for just two weeks.

Two or three glycolic peeling procedures will not reduce the photosensitivity of the skin.

If you are going to the south, then a month before the trip you need to stop all peelings, otherwise there is a chance of getting pigment spots.

Getting rid of stains

On the one side chemical peels can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin, but on the other hand, they are the most effective method for getting rid of age spots. It is enough to carry out a couple of peeling procedures based on glycolic acid with whitening ingredients to get rid of surface pigmentation. After these peels there is no peeling or irritation of the skin. Peels based on mandelic and lactic acid have a similar effect, but the result will be noticeable after 5-7 procedures. During the procedure, lighter areas are not bleached; the whitening components act only on areas with a high melanin content. Pigmentation may appear as a reaction to tanning; in this case, the sun should be excluded at least for the period of peeling.

Problems that peeling solves

A course of superficial peelings will help stop the beginning aging process (remove fine wrinkles, refresh complexion). A huge advantage of these peels is that they are painless, there is no peeling or irritation of the skin after the procedure.