Rules for the care of sensitive scalp. Home treatments. Homemade formulations, after which the sensitive scalp will recover and get rid of increased reactivity

  • Why you need scalp care
  • Proper scalp and hair care
  • 5 rules for hair and scalp care
  • Scalp care tips
  • Overview of funds

Why do you need scalp care

The skin on the head is no less delicate and sensitive than on the face. And needs no less maintenance. Its absence will sooner or later affect the quality of the hair. What other factors affect the health of the scalp and hair?

Hair health depends on the condition of the scalp © IStock


“Stress, tension, emotional instability - all this not only injures our nervous system, but also disrupts tissue trophism, causing fibrosis around hair follicles and hair loss,” explains Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. - Besides, stressful situations provoke changes in the synthesis of sebum. All this is not in the best way affects the health of the scalp and hair.

Unbalanced diet

Rigid diets, unbalanced nutrition, drinking disorders, as well as smoking and alcohol do not benefit the scalp.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements

Substances obtained by the body from food, as well as dietary supplements and vitamin complexes reach the skin and hair last. Just be aware of this if you decide to neglect care, reassuring yourself with the phrase “well, I take vitamins.”

Styling products

On the one hand, styling products are protection against the drying effect of thermal styling devices and negative impact environment. On the other hand, they accumulate on the scalp and, mixing with particles of dirt and sebum, create problems for the growth of healthy hair. Regular exfoliation will help.


cold wind and low temperatures in winter, they supercool the scalp, which leads to a spasm of superficial capillaries, which means it deprives hair follicles nutrition. This leads to a lack of vitamins and, as a result, problems in the form of:

  • dry hair,

    tip sections.

In summer, ultraviolet radiation affects the hair and scalp. It loosens the hair cuticle, and its core becomes dry.

The scalp is sensitive to weather conditions© iStock


“Hair is a marker of the state of the body,” says Elena Eliseeva. - If they fall out, become dry and brittle without visible reasons visit a therapist. Failures in the work of the body lead to a deterioration in the structure of the hair, sebaceous glands cease to perform their functions in full. Possible reasons such a state may be:

    infectious diseases;

    high fever for several days;

    disease internal organs, often these are helminthiases or long-term inflammatory processes;

    taking certain medications - immunomodulators disrupt the functioning of hair follicles, and powerful hormonal preparations sometimes cause hair loss.

Proper scalp and hair care

The basic rules of care are regularity and properly selected cosmetics.

  1. 1

    Wash your hair as it gets dirty. Rules like "wash every day" or, conversely, "once every three days" do not exist.

  2. 2

    Do not use too hot or cold water. The best option is 37–38 ° C.

  3. 3

    Choose a shampoo according to the condition of your hair, type of scalp, existing problems.

  4. 4

    Use a balm it closes the scales of the hair and facilitates combing.

  5. 5

    Make a mask for hair 2-3 times a week.

  6. 6

    Apply to ends leave-in products based on oils and silicones.

Choose your shampoo according to indications © iStock

Each of these products has its own mission.

    Shampoo and peeling agent are used for gentle and deep cleansing.

    The conditioner makes hair smooth.

    Balm and mask are aimed at healing the hair and scalp.

    Leave-in products enhance the effect of other care products, remove static electricity, protect the tips from the thermal effects of a hair dryer, flat iron and curling iron.

5 hair and scalp care tips

If the scalp is healthy, it does not require special care. It is enough to monitor your health in general:

    adhere to the rules of a healthy diet;

    observe drinking regimen(drink pure non-carbonated water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day);

    avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or frost.

But for residents of the metropolis, such a case is a rarity. Therefore, we recommend that you take our advice into service.

1. Moisturize

One of the most common problems people face stone jungle- too dry scalp due to disorders barrier functions skin.

Your actions: use leave-in lotions with a moisturizing effect after cleansing the skin and hair - they will help restore the pH balance. Look for amino acids, oils, wheat proteins in the composition.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is an extremely important and necessary procedure for those who cannot imagine their life without styling products. It is almost impossible to wash off their remnants from the scalp, so it is recommended to peel once or twice a month.

Your actions: use cleansing masks, shampoos, special means for deep cleansing based on AHA acids. Apply the product to the skin, distribute with massaging movements. Massage will help improve blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles.

3. Night care

While we are resting, the scalp restores damaged cells, improves all their life support systems.

Your actions: before going to bed, apply a mask, special night care or oil to your hair and scalp.

4. Massage

Pleasant sensations are a bonus effect of scalp massage, the main tasks of which are:

    relieve tension;

    help improve blood circulation;

    nourish the hair follicles.

Your actions: massage with fingertips or a massage comb. Session time is 10-15 minutes.

5. Hair oil

Oils strengthen, moisturize, restore, smooth hair. Creating an invisible film on the hair, they protect them from aggressive impact environment. But with this tool, the main thing is not to overdo it - apply it in a small amount.

Apply oil to wet hair© iStock

Your actions: oil is applied along the entire length of the hair, without affecting the scalp. If the hair is wet, the oil will nourish it and make it softer, if it is dry, it will add shine. Rub a couple of drops of oil in your palms and distribute along the length of your hair.

Sensitive skin head reacts sharply to any changes - care products, nutrition or climate.

It's time to run to the doctor if the head is constantly itching, and even small sores or crusts have appeared on the skin. This is the stage at which preventive measures (homemade masks and fluid remedies) are already powerless. The trichologist will tell you in detail about the problems of the hairline and scalp (however, you can also contact the district dermatologist). Already after the first examination, the doctor may advise B vitamins or write off the appearance of itching and redness for banal allergic reaction. However, among the most common causes of scalp hypersensitivity are stress, sunburn, hard or chlorinated water, frequent use deep cleansing alkaline shampoo.

Sensitive scalp reacts sharply to any changes - care products, nutrition or climate. The first snow has appeared - we protect our hair and put on a felt hat or a soft French beret. A long trip to Goa - I sincerely envy, but do not forget about wide brim. The doctor says that the reason is dysbacteriosis - we follow the advice and exclude fried, flour and one hundred and fifth tequila from the diet on Friday night. The skin tightens after washing the head - we change our product to pharmacy shampoo from the "colorless and odorless" line (without dyes and flavors) or baby remedy for hair care. Baby shampoos for delicate wash the heads are really a little softer than the "adults", they have fewer alkaline compounds.

Tar shampoos are suitable for those who suffer from oily scalp (it can also be sensitive). Tar helps to slightly reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pay attention to salon mud wraps (dosed ones are suitable for economical pharmacy masks based on mud from the Dead Sea). It is enough to do them once or twice every two weeks. By the way, in SPA-centers in five cases out of five, treatment with concentrated ampoule preparations is waiting. They are more than effective. But only a specialist can appoint them.

The main mistake is that we often choose hair care products, while we should pay attention to creams, tonics and masks specifically for the scalp. At home, use vaunted onion masks I do not advise. Hair has a rare quality to tightly absorb any pungent odors. The juice of even a single bulb really nourishes the scalp, helps to restore the hair structure after dyeing or perm. But the smell will remain for a long time. bed linen, headdresses and the shoulder of a loved one. To care for sensitive scalp, harmless kefir, sour cream and milk masks are suitable. Pamper your scalp with a yeast mask a couple of times a week (a piece of dry yeast, a spoonful of melted sugar, kefir). All the ingredients will have to be mixed and heated a little in a water bath (enough for half an hour). This mask is convenient in that it can be applied not only to the roots of the hair, but also along the entire length. Kefir and nourish the skin, in addition, help stop hair loss. You should avoid homemade masks based on alcohol (for example, cognac) or pepper. Not suitable and all in a row oil masks. Often included in ready-made oil masks includes fragrances and dyes. They are contraindicated for sensitive skin. The active ingredients should soothe, reduce itching, have a softening effect and strengthen the scalp's protective barrier. As part of funds for skin look for zinc, menthol, orange blossom extract, oil tea tree.

Friends on the bath shelf are not at all luxury novelties with a mass of chemical innovations, but absolutely natural products. For example, a natural Coconut oil for hair. It looks more like thick mask. Nourishes and restores hair, helps to soothe the scalp after endless experiments - carving and coloring. I liked to apply this thick white oil before washing my hair, leaving it on my hair for 15-20 minutes. Previously, it seemed to me that the scalp was dry, this was especially noticeable on partings. But regular moisturizing helped. By the way, it is not necessary to ask for souvenirs from the Dominican Republic, coconut oil can be found in any soap shop. From natural proven products, there is a comfortable massage tile for the scalp from Lush. Oils peppermint and tea tree in its composition cleanse the skin of microbes and relieve the uncomfortable feeling of "itchiness".

Problematic hair spoils the appearance, but if the scalp is “naughty”, then this requires increased attention.

strike a balance

The characteristic symptoms characteristic of sensitive skin are not always a manifestation of any disease. If the specialist ruled out its presence, the cause should be sought
in your Everyday life. After all, the increased sensitivity of the scalp is the result of a number of aggressive factors that weaken its natural defenses, primarily stress and environmental conditions. As a result, a film of harmful substances forms on the surface of the scalp. chemical substances. All this leads to increased production of free radicals, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, natural immunity decreases, pathogenic microorganisms actively begin to multiply on the skin. Unbalanced diet, frequent drying and styling with a hair dryer, wearing tight and airtight hats, aggressive lightening and frequent dyeing, ultraviolet radiation, as well as improper daily care have a similar negative impact.
“The scalp requires attention no less than the face,” says Olga Antonova, stylist-technologist at Charm Distribution. - It also needs to be properly cleansed, moisturized, nourished and protected from the effects of any aggressive factors that destroy the natural hydro-lipid barrier, consisting of lipids. They are found directly in the skin itself, as well as in the natural lubricant secreted by the sebaceous ducts of the scalp, providing not only elasticity, but also reliable protection. When it is disturbed, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, as a result, natural immunity decreases, the skin becomes vulnerable to pathogens. Restoring this barrier is much more difficult than breaking it (and breaking happens almost every day). Classic example- frequent washing of the hair, many clients like to abuse it. At the same time, they consider it their duty to wash their hair literally to a squeak, leaving them completely defenseless against the environment. Many shampoos are also aggressive because they contain a large number of sulfates, parabens and surfactants, which together with chlorinated water is a very powerful blow. Remember the main rule: you should wash your hair only as needed, and not following a specific ritual (for example, every morning). Be sure to use a pH-neutral shampoo that is as mild as possible to keep your scalp in optimal condition. For example, Bosley Professional Strenght's Nourishing Shampoo Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair gently cleanses, repairs and rejuvenates hair and scalp without causing irritation. Detoxifies for a healthy hair and scalp environment with LifeXtend™ Complex to improve lipid, collagen and elastin production. Be sure to use a conditioner (imagine that you cleansed your face with a foam or gel and did not use a cream). There are conditioners that are specifically designed to care for sensitive scalp, maintaining its optimal pH balance, so they can be safely applied both along the entire length of the hair and on the scalp. This procedure becomes especially relevant after repeated staining or lightening, as well as after a perm, because the composition of any (even the highest quality) preparations instantly violates the integrity of the hydrolipid film, causes unpleasant itching and burning. For example, Joico K-Pak Intense Moisturizer solves all the problems caused by chemical processing, thermal damage and negative environmental factors, as it is 80 percent moisturizing ingredients, including macadamia and shea butters, nourishing and moisturizing. skin. This drug will relieve unpleasant itching in a matter of minutes, provide maximum comfort to sensitive and irritated skin. Another product, Volumizing Conditioner Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair, can be used daily, immediately after shampooing. Algae extract helps protect against photoaging, frequent washing And mechanical damage as a result of scratching. Contains LifeXtend™ complex to help stimulate keratin protein production in the follicle and strengthen hair structure.

Caring every day

If your daily procedure is washing your hair with a mild shampoo, after which you limit yourself to natural drying and gentle combing, most likely the problems of the scalp will no longer bother you, of course, in the absence of aggressive factors. Those who experiment with styling will have to accept additional measures precautions. First of all, review your arsenal of styling products. Not recommended for sensitive scalp styling products containing alcohol, says Olga Antonova. - This is typical for preparations that are in a container under pressure, for example, dry varnishes, mousses and foams. Consider switching to mechanical pump liquids or liquid hairsprays, such as SexyHair's Spritz and Stay Non-Aerosol Hairspray. Fine spray, even distribution of the varnish through the hair, does not leave white plaque. Alcohol-free, protects hair and skin from negative impact environment, dries quickly, gives intense shine and silkiness.
In the presence of severe itching and feeling of tightness, refuse for a while from using devices for hot styling. These include hair dryers, straighteners, stylers and curling irons. The hot air from these appliances dries out the scalp even more, and the same applies to the water you use to wash your hair. Let her be nice room temperature, or even better - install a special cleaning filter or use drinking water from bottles, especially during an exacerbation. Remember that hair brushes with plastic or metal bristles can also damage sensitive scalps. It is better to use a soft brush with fairly thick natural bristles, it will have a beneficial effect on both hair and skin.
To ensure the normal functioning of the scalp, try to eat a balanced diet. The most important component for maintaining an optimal balance is fatty acids, which come from oily marine fish such as tuna, salmon, herring, sardine or mackerel. Plant foods include seeds, nuts, olives, and avocados. One of the most important fatty acids found in vitamin F, it helps maintain the integrity of the hydrolipidic film. Lots of vitamin F in flaxseed and sunflower oils, soybeans, nuts (especially walnuts and almonds) and seeds, as well as in fish and seafood. Sources of vitamin A are considered fish fat, beef liver, egg yolks, cream, whole milk and dairy products, green and yellow vegetables contain a lot of this vitamin - carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, broccoli, green onion and parsley. Such a “menu” will help you not only maintain a healthy scalp, but also ensure the growth of strong and strong hair.

Tenderness for the head

“The SILICIUM+ Tenderness treatment ritual soothes sensitive scalp, gives a feeling of freshness and gives shine and tone to dull and weakened hair,” says Eduard Shishlov, hair stylist at the Black Swan salon. - At the first stage, we prepare the hair and scalp for subsequent care. Wash your hair with a caring shampoo frequent use then rinse thoroughly and apply daily lotion. Application technique: light rubbing with an initial massage. The master makes sliding pressure with his fingertips from the back of the head to the top of the head. The palm moves the scalp in place. The massage ends with smoothing the hair along the entire length. This phase allows you to stimulate the scalp and prepare the hair for further care. This stage gives a feeling of freshness and calmness, revitalizes and allows you to gently start the care. The "heart" of the treatment - the specialist applies a refreshing treatment and massages the scalp under steam. Makes smoothing drainage massage. Then spray the daily lotion over the entire length of the hair and leave (uncovered) for ten minutes. Washes hair with shampoo according to hair type and rinses gently for five minutes. Finally, apply a detangling spray or smoothing milk (depending on hair type). Styling hair at the request of the client.

Rosemary shampoo (Rosmarin-Shampoo)
Weleda Rosemary Shampoo is extra mild and contains no artificial preservatives. Designed for stressed hair. Horsetail extract, rich in silicic acid, strengthens the structure and shape of the hair. Rosemary oil, in a blend essential oils, revitalizes the scalp, normalizes functions sebaceous glands, creates nutritional base and improves blood circulation in the hair roots, which helps to reduce the formation of dandruff.

This is the first shampoo I bought and I love it. Firstly, it immediately soothed my sensitive scalp, removed all peeling and itching. Secondly, the head needed to be washed much less frequently. Thirdly, it gave incredible volume. I had no idea that I have so much hair). Fourthly, I washed it to a squeak.
The consistency of the shampoo is thick, lathers rather poorly, but this is generally a property of almost everyone. natural shampoos(I'm already used to it, and now it's the other way around, the foam is a little annoying). Not very economical, you need to wash your hair 2 times. The smell of rosemary is characteristic (I love it, but it is very vigorous).
After this shampoo, the hair is very tangled, but I can’t attribute this to the minuses of the shampoo, because. I think that for this there are conditioners and masks. As they say, shampoo should be selected for the scalp, and balm for the hair. That is why I never buy product lines, because. I think shampoo and conditioner work differently.
Well, the packaging ... an iron tube, from which everything always follows and in the end it is not very convenient to use.

Shampoo with chestnut (Kastanien-Shampoo)
Shampoo with chestnut "Weleda" is ideal remedy for intensive yet gentle hair care, promoting their active and healthy growth. The shampoo contains horse chestnut extract and a mixture of natural essential oils. Promotes deep cleansing all types of hair, gives them a delicate aroma. Strengthens the hair structure. Hair acquires a healthy look and shine, becomes obedient.
Despite the fact that the shampoos are very similar in texture, color, and even smell, I liked Chestnut less than Rosemary. It seemed to me that it does not wash the hair so well, and does not give such volume. But still, a very good shampoo.

Rosemary Mint Shampoo
This unique daily shampoo adds volume fine hair, without weight and static electricity. Contains mint to awaken your senses and rosemary to protect against harmful effects environment. Its pure botanical energizes you and stimulates your mind and body.

A clear, jelly-like shampoo with a wonderful minty scent. Perfectly cleanses and refreshes the scalp. Leaves behind a pleasant feeling of coolness. Nice, soft, I love it.

Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo
Healthy hair starts with healthy skin heads. Here is our daily formula for achieving this: cleansing to the roots, removing all impurities, creating ideal basis for healthy hair.

A clear, jelly-like shampoo, but virtually odorless. Washes hair well. Very neutral.
Overall, I'm impressed with this brand, I want to try something else from them.

Anti-dandruff shampoo with juniper oil Specially formulated for tired, dry scalp prone to dandruff. Soft cleansing substances, as well as an innovative complex of phytocomponents, including juniper oil, as well as other exquisite plant extracts, are designed to cleanse and care for scalp that has lost its natural balance.

I don't know why, but I expected more from this shampoo. Jelly-like consistency, smells of rosemary, but not as strong as Weleda. Perhaps this is just a shampoo not for my problem, I want to try something else from them, because. dandruff doesn't bother me that much. Good, but no hype.

4. Lavera

BIO-SHAMPOO "Cornflower"
The purpose of an anti-dandruff shampoo is to rebalance the scalp, reduce irritation and create conditions for the growth of beautiful and strong hair. Valuable highly effective cornflower extract eliminates dandruff, and the extract walnut prevents its occurrence. Refreshing sage, witch hazel and rosemary hydrolates soothe the scalp, while lecithin provides gentle care. Melia and algae extracts help restore microcirculation in the skin and have a mild antibacterial effect preventing the reappearance of dandruff.

This shampoo already has a creamy texture and a more delicate smell. But I did not really like its cleansing properties - towards the end next day hair hanging like icicles. I want to try their Orange Shampoo, they praise it, in order to already have a complete picture.

Italian Organic Suite.
Perhaps this is the most expensive organic shampoo which I have tried. But he's worth it! Magical fragrances 5 lines: chocolate, olive, Ayurveda, wild orange and forest berries. Delicate textures, real SPA in your own bathroom. Enjoyment from use is provided - from esthetic pleasure to effect.

I have the shampoo La Récolte des Fleur d "Oranger (wild orange line)
Natural organic ingredients, essential oils deeply restore, nourish and moisturize weakened hair. Extracts of wild orange, lemon and pomegranate contribute to the long-term preservation of hair color, leaving it soft and shiny. Suitable for daily use.

And I really like him. Unlike most, it foams well, has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. And in general, for all its qualities I like it. I also want to try Ayurveda and a mask, hair oil and body scrub.

Shampoo for colored and chemically treated hair
Gentle shampoo gently cleanses and strengthens color-treated and chemically treated hair. Gives color vitality, shine and intensity.

I did not like it, despite the excellent compositions. When applied to the scalp, it feels like it's not shampoo, but paint - everything stings and burns. Very strange. And after it, the hair is completely dull and lifeless, although this is not typical of my hair at all.

Chocolate Soymilk Shampoo
Soy proteins penetrate deeply and nourish the hair, restore softness, flexibility and shine. Chamomile extract moisturizes and softens the hair, leaving it smooth. Sulfate-free and UV protected to preserve and prevent fading of color-treated hair. A new seductive smell of chocolate milk.

Yes, it's not organic, but professional cosmetics, but this shampoo is without aggressive components that irritate the scalp. Smells like chocolate milk! Pleasant, creamy, it is a pleasure to use it. The only negative is that the hair gets dirty quickly.

Rice proteins and oligoelements", tonic
Korres Toning Shampoo "Rice Proteins and Oligoelements" is designed for thin and fragile hair. Restores the energy of scalp cells, restores fragile hair. Reduces hair loss and cross-section, strengthens the hair shaft and protects them, making them less brittle.

For me, none. I don't even know what to write about him. No smell, no color, no effect. Neither good nor bad.


Anti-dandruff shampoo
A complex of essential oils and herbal BIO extracts of red juniper, tea tree, cedar and eucalyptus, cleanses, restores the normal balance of the skin and soothes the scalp. This natural formula provides very gentle wash hair as often as needed. Your hair becomes healthy, light and shiny.

Took from dandruff for my husband. He copes with this task on 4-. But I do use it sometimes. Good neutral shampoo. It has a strange smell. Despite the absolutely natural composition, for me this shampoo smells like ... bleach)

This is also a professional brand, but the composition does not contain aggressive detergent components, especially since the shampoo did its job 5+.

Cool Orange Shampoo
Effectively and gently cleanses the scalp and hair.
Removes stubborn dirt.
Good refreshing.
Nourishes and moisturizes.
Stimulates the growth of new hair.
Prevents the absorption of foreign odors into the hair.
Protects against UV (SPF 10)

This is one of my all time favorites in my bathroom. Good in all respects. Refreshes, cools, soothes, convenient packaging with a dispenser. Hair retains freshness for a long time, the smell is pleasant ... A miracle, not a shampoo.

Husband Cypress shampoo for sensitive, dry scalp with Japanese cypress oil.
Fights dry dandruff.
Relieves inflammation, irritation and itching.
Fights hair loss.
Recommended for men.
Stimulates cell renewal, normalizing their activity.
Protects against UV (SPF 15).

Also very good.

11. And the absolute outsider of my list Dr. Hauschka

Shampoo "Apricot and Sea Buckthorn" Dr.Hauschka (Aprikose Sanddorn Shampoo) - for dry and damaged hair.

I don't know, maybe I did something wrong, but to wash my hair I had to use just a huge amount of shampoo. He doesn't wash at all! And he doesn't wash his hair. Before washing my hair looked much better than after. And so dim and lifeless hair I've never had. I gave it to my mom, she threw it away. And she told me not to give her any more filth.

12 . I would like to mention one more shampoo, which at one time simply saved me.

Yes, there are many natural ingredients in the composition, but it is unlikely that it is natural. But it really works, unlike its pro and deluxe counterparts for sensitive scalp, which I have tried. Works especially well in combination with fluid from the same series.
This is Rene Furterer line Astera.
With an oily texture, this milky shampoo gently cleanses and soothes irritated scalp, adding shine and volume to limp and brittle hair. The soothing milky shampoo has a neutral acidity that is well tolerated, allowing you to gently wash your hair as often as needed and promote better combing hair.

I hope the information will be useful for someone)

Posted on Feb. 9th, 2011 at 05:28 pm | | | |

One of the common reasons is hormonal changes in organism. In the normal state, estrogen, the female sex hormone, is responsible for the density and health of hair (for example, during pregnancy in women, hair volume can increase several times). Androgens - hormones - are also found in small amounts in the female body, but they do not affect hair growth in any way. Under the influence of stress, both men and women produce androgens. Hormonal imbalance leads to hair loss. Hair loss and scalp sensitivity can be caused by changes in work thyroid gland. In addition, recovery female body after childbirth, it can also be accompanied by temporary physiological hair loss. To overcome hormonal hair loss will help properly selected medications, vitamin intake and a balanced diet.

No less detrimental to hair and scalp improper care behind the hair. Despite the high endurance of hair, chemical or thermal influences, such as bleaching, dyeing, curling, using a flat iron, make them brittle and brittle. Weakened hair will split not only at the ends, but also at the roots. If the cause of baldness is this (for example, chemical agent for a curl has been in contact with the scalp for a long time), you just need to let the skin and hair “rest” until they are completely healed. Naturally, you will have to abandon all aggressive styling manipulations, wash your hair less often and, if possible, use restorative cosmetic procedures: , balms, lamination, glazing, etc.

Vitamin deficiency can become stressful for the body. As a result, the scalp becomes hypersensitivity and hair loss becomes unpleasant side effect beriberi. An unbalanced diet can provoke hair loss, low calorie diets, vegetarianism, etc. It is enough to change the diet, include in the menu fruits, vegetables, foods rich in proteins (lean meat, fish, dairy products), cereals, nuts and vegetable oils and things will change for the better.

The condition of the hair and scalp can be affected by past diseases and taking medical preparations. For example, "flowability" can be the result of an infection. The cause of spring hair loss is most often ARVI transferred in winter. Everything returns to normal after an average of three months - this period is enough to restore damaged roots.

Treatment of weakened hair is not only an effect on the roots and structure of the hair, but also on the scalp. It is important to ensure that not only do not fall out, but also recover and grow actively. The growing strands should be strong and healthy, and the scalp should be less sensitive, not prone to irritation and itching. In order to restore beauty on the head, if the causes of the problem are not clear, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo full course treatment.