How to make your own eyebrow shape with tweezers. Perfect brow shape. How to pluck correctly. The influence of eyebrows on appearance

How to tidy up your eyebrows yourself: different forms of eyebrows and tattoo at home.

trending multiple recent years considered beautiful eyebrows. Even if a woman for some reason lacks makeup and hair, her eyebrows should be on top. But how do you get perfect eyebrows? Having resorted to the services professional beautician, you can easily bring your eyebrows in order.

However, to keep them in good shape, you need to regularly visit beauty salons. Such procedures require a lot of time and money. Therefore, another question arises: “What can be done with eyebrows at home?”. This article will answer this and other questions related to the improvement of female eyebrows at home.

How to make eyebrows with a kink?

In order to give the eyebrows the shape of a break at home, you must first draw the very desired arc. Here you will need a ruler and a pencil. You can do with one pencil. Using a ruler or pencil, you need to find the three main points of the future eyebrow: the beginning, the hill and the end. All this is done very simply:

  1. First, we attach one end of the ruler to the wing of the nose from the side of the eye we need. On the way between the nose and the eyebrow, the ruler should be in contact with the inner corner of the eye. In the place where it meets the arc, and there will be the beginning of the eyebrow
  2. To reveal the place of the bend, rearrange the ruler so that it now passes through the center of the pupil. And the point where it intersects with the eyebrow will be the bend point
  3. Naturally, to determine the end of the arc, we direct the ruler through the outer corner of the eye and put a mark at the place where it intersects with the eyebrow. Thus, all three peaks of the future eyebrow with a bend will be calculated, and it remains only to draw its width. After the arc is drawn, you need to take tweezers and remove all the extra hairs around it.

How to make eyebrows thicker?

  • Following the popular trend for thick eyebrows today, many women are trying to visually increase the width of their arches at home. But along with the question of thickness, another question arises before them: “How to make eyebrows thicker?”
  • In order to make eyebrows thicker and thicker, women with sparse and naturally thin eyebrows will still have to resort to the services of a tattoo artist. No matter how convincing folk craftsmen and manufacturers of various hair growth products are, genetics cannot be deceived
  • True, today another newfangled procedure has appeared - eyebrow extensions. This manipulation is similar to eyelash extensions. As in the case of eyelashes, it is advisable to repeat it once every two weeks. Yes, and it's worth it too.
  • Permanent assistants for young ladies with sparse vegetation remain a cosmetic pencil and eyebrow shadows. With a pencil, carefully outline the eyebrow along the contour, and then shade it with shadows.
  • If a woman has naturally thick eyebrows, but for some reason their density has been lost, it can be returned with the help of traditional medicine. Grandmother's advice is to strengthen the hairs on the superciliary arches every day with vegetable oils (castor, almond, burdock)

high eyebrows

In addition to thick thick eyebrows, today there is a tendency to raise their level. However, dear ladies, before you make your eyebrows higher, consult a professional or make a computer selection. Otherwise, there is a risk of being ridiculous. Sometimes such eyebrows look unnatural, it seems that they are stuck on.

Raising the level of eyebrows at home is unlikely to be possible for those who have them too thin. Here again, only permanent tattoo. But the owners of thick thick eyebrows just need to pluck a couple of rows from the bottom, and the eyebrows will look higher.

How to make straight eyebrows?

The procedure for plucking the eyebrows is a rather unpleasant and responsible manipulation. This is especially true for thin eyebrows - you need to be very careful with them. Before you do thin eyebrows yourself, you need to prepare the tools and treat the skin of the face. Here are some tips for those who are going to pluck their eyebrows at home:

  1. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed, as after it the skin may become irritated.
  2. Good lighting is important
    Attention! For the first procedure for giving the eyebrows an ideal thin and even shape, you cannot use a magnifying mirror - it is better to use a regular one. This is due to the fact that the zooming mirror can slightly distort the image, and it is difficult to compare two eyebrows at the same time in it. With repeated corrections, such a mirror will be more appropriate.
  3. Before you start plucking your eyebrows, remove all cosmetics from your face. For decreasing pain slightly warm the skin above the eyes with cotton pads and warm water
  4. All tools must be treated with alcohol or iodine
  5. After thinning, comb the eyebrows with a special comb and cut off the upper protruding hairs with scissors
  6. In no case do not use a razor in the care of eyebrows. Improper handling of it can lead to a deterioration in shape and accidental removal of the desired sections of the brow.

How to make an eyebrow tattoo yourself?

Permanent make-up or tattooing is preferably carried out in salon conditions. However, if there is a great desire and the necessary equipment, it can, in principle, be done at home. This will require:

  • desired shade of paint
  • tattoo machine
  • disposable needles
  • trimmer
  • antiseptic
  • degreaser
  • makeup brush
  • face cream

Here is an approximate algorithm of actions when performing a tattoo at home:

  1. Before starting work, we remove unnecessary fat from the working areas of the skin using a special tool.
  2. Trimmer to finalize the shape of the eyebrow
  3. We dip the brush into the paint and outline the contour of the eyebrow, after which we shade it
  4. We insert a new needle into the tattoo machine and draw ink with it.
  5. We start to hammer the skin from the thickest part of the eyebrow
  6. Change the needles several times throughout the procedure

This method of tattooing is called shaded. There is also a hair method, but its implementation will require certain knowledge and a full hand.

  • Experts recommend that their clients take their time choosing the final form and do trial makeup. To do this, they can paint the woman the desired shape of the eyebrow with a selected shade of paint and give her time to walk around and look at herself.
  • If, after a certain time, a woman does not get bored and does not stop liking her new image, then it is this pattern that is immortalized on her face. Sometimes photos are used for such purposes. The master takes a picture with preliminary eyebrows, and the client has the opportunity to carefully examine it herself, as well as consult with her relatives
  • Within a week after stuffing the eyebrows, they need to be treated with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointment (levomekol, tetracycline, synthomycin). Place the tattoo before her complete healing do not get wet and exposed to direct sunlight
  • At the site of the tattoo, crusts form, which in no case should be torn off, as this can lead to scarring.
  • Before giving any recommendations for the care of female eyebrows, it is worth finding out what shape is considered ideal. For the third year in a row, the fashion for thick and thick eyebrows has dominated the world's catwalks. When selecting models for the show, designers always give preference to fashion models with “lush vegetation” above the eyes. But this in no way means that the girls of the entire globe should immediately rush to grow it on their faces.
  • In second place in popularity after their thick eyebrows are eyebrows made by tattoo artists. Tattooing has become just a squeak of fashion 2014-2016. Every self-respecting lady ran to the tattoo parlor and “filled” herself with new eyebrows. But this option is a little risky, since fashion is a very changeable lady. Today, women create popular thick eyebrows for themselves, and tomorrow they don’t know what to do with them, as thin eyebrows-threads have returned again.
  • However, the essence is still not in what is popular today and what others choose. The shape of the eyebrows should be selected individually and fit perfectly to the oval of the face, the color of the eyes, hair and skin. Such eyebrows will just be considered flawless.

Using all the listed methods of eyebrow care, you will always look great!

In the article: we learn how to choose the ideal shape of eyebrows, model eyebrows, discover the secrets of proper care.

One of the stages of human evolution is getting rid of extra hair on the body and face. And yet, eyebrows and eyelashes still adorn our faces, which means that their presence is vital for us.

Our eyebrows:

  • protect the eyes from moisture (sweat or rain), thus avoiding many of the dangers associated with temporary partial loss vision
  • are an important factor identification of a person (give character to a person). I wonder how fast you identify famous actress in the second photo below?
  • actively participate in non-verbal communication. Can you imagine surprise without raised eyebrows in surprise?

Are you still sure that eyebrows are "just" eyebrows?

What do beautiful eyebrows look like?

Beauty is a relative concept. European beauty standards of the early 14th century assumed the absence of eyebrows in beautiful ladies. In the XVII-XIX centuries, the Old World conquered the eyebrows "in a thread"

And only in the 21st century beautiful eyebrows are:

  • naturalness
  • grooming
  • accuracy

Fashion trends for eyebrows

1. Have a beautifully curved, naturally shaped arch that matches the shape of the face
2. Natural density and width

Before we delve into the process of creating the perfect shape, let's take a closer look at our eyebrows.

All eyebrows are

  • inside or head
  • middle part - body
  • outer part - ponytail

And only in ideal eyebrows all these parts are in certain proportions:

I. Three base points of beautiful eyebrows are built according to a simple and well-known rule, where
1 - eyebrow start point
2 - bend point (highest point of the eyebrow)
3 - the end of the eyebrow

For a softer bend of the eyebrow, point 2 is built by drawing a conditional line not through the pupil, but tangentially to the iris

II. Extra hairs between the bridge of the nose and point 1 are removed at an angle of 45⁰. From point 1 to point 2, the eyebrow rises in a straight line, and its width remains unchanged. From point 2 to point 3, the eyebrow gradually narrows, and the line forms a slight bend

Important: the width of the eyebrow in this part should be at least 4 mm and not more than 10 mm

To correctly build the line of the outer part of the eyebrow from point 2 to point 3, you should determine its direction, which will be within the inner boundaries of the lines in the figure:

Important: the thickness of the eyebrow at point 3 is in the range from 1 to 4 mm

Extra hairs from point 3 to the temple are to be removed

III. Point 1 and point 3 must be on the same horizontal line tangent to upper eyelid eyes

IV. Distance between point 2 and upper eyelashes is equal to the diameter of the cornea (with the eye open)

V. The distance between the eyebrows should be equal to the width of two fingers or correspond to the width of the palpebral fissure (with the exception of close-set eyes)

VI. Ideal Ratio eyebrow parts looks like this:

The most beautiful types of eyebrows

Beautiful eyebrows are those that match

  • face shape
  • eye shape

To see this, take a look at the photo below:

The face of the model in all the photos is different due to the change in the shape of the eyebrows. And only in one photo this image is perfect (photo in the lower left corner).

So, the ideal shape of the eyebrows depends on the type of face.

  • For an oval face, horizontal eyebrows are suitable, devoid of too high a break and gently rounded in the outer part of the eyebrow. The oval is considered the ideal shape for the face and the task of the eyebrows in this case is to correct minor errors in appearance.

Important: too high a kink can give the face an eternally surprised or angry expression.

  • Do long face absolutely straight eyebrows will help wider. Remember, a high arc visually stretches the face even more.

Important: Be careful with the width of the eyebrows - wide, straight eyebrows give the face a stern, hard and cold expression.

  • Soften the face with a square hard jaw perfectly round shape brows

Important: thinly plucked eyebrows introduce imbalance and focus on the heavy jawline

  • Beautifully arched eyebrow with a high rise and a short outer part - perfect option for those with a round face. This shape of the eyebrow visually lengthens the oval, gives the face an expression of coquetry and mischief.

Important: eyebrows with a perfectly rounded arch or a very sharp break are categorically not suitable for a round face.

How to give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Most importantly, in no case do not remove your natural eyebrows! This is silly!

Step 1: Print your front-facing portrait photo
Step 2. Decide on the type of your face and choose the preferred shape of the eyebrows, taking into account the shape of the face
Step 3. Apply to the photo the lines and dots described at the beginning of the article
Step 4. Using the applied markers, draw your ideal eyebrow shape
Step 5. Carefully examine your reflection in the mirror and the resulting drawing, after combing your eyebrows with a special brush
Step 6. Think about where the eyebrows need to be corrected by depilation (to remove extra hairs), where the hairs can be trimmed slightly, and where you should resort to using a pencil
Step 7: Start Correcting

Important: If there is a need to remove excess hairs, remember that depilation is carried out along the lower line of the eyebrows. Experts do not recommend plucking hairs along the top line

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil?

Exist general rules for visual correction of eyebrows with a pencil

  • The drawn borders must match the natural line of the eyebrows.
  • Only a perfectly sharpened pencil is used for correction. decorative cosmetics, not an underlay
  • The lines must be clear, continuous, with the same pressure.
  • The space inside the boundary line is shaded according to the following rules:
  • the inner part is slightly darker than the middle part
  • outer part is lighter
  • carefully blend the pencil
  • use special wax to fix the result

What does a beautiful eyebrow tattoo look like? What does beautiful permanent eyebrow makeup look like?

Video: Permanent Eyebrow Makeup (Eyebrow Tattoo)

Video: Eyebrow tattoo. My experience

Before deciding on such a procedure, it is worth considering the following:

  • tattoo, even done in good salon skilled craftsman will never be natural
  • unsuccessful Permanent makeup stays on for a long time and can't be washed off
  • the only way to correct the mistakes of the master is to resort to the help of a laser with no guarantee of success
  • eyebrow tattoo makes you look older

Important: the procedure has many medical contraindications

What is the secret to beautiful eyebrows? How to take care of your eyebrows to keep them beautiful?

Eyebrows cannot "live" separately from the face. They are an important part of the overall picture.

Blond straight hair suggests that the eyebrows will not be too wide. Their color:

  • medium gray
  • light brown
  • medium brown

Volumetric hair with curls allows you to "wear" wide natural eyebrows

  • for light-skinned brunettes in dark brown or dark gray
  • for swarthy dark-haired beauties - black

Titian beauties with red curls can afford to play with color for the eyebrows. They will suit

  • all shades of brown
  • golden chestnut
  • dark brick
  • terracotta

Daily eyebrow care should include

Once a week you can do eyebrow masks

Recipe 1:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  • Moisten two cotton sponges with the oil mixture.
  • Put sponges on eyebrows
  • Put compress paper on top of the sponges
  • Mask time 5-10 minutes

Recipe 2:

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp


  • Mix and heat in a water bath to a temperature of 35⁰-36⁰С
  • Apply to eyebrows
  • Mask time 5-10 minutes

Important: Avoid contact with eyes!

How to make beautiful thick eyebrows at home in stages? How to grow beautiful eyebrows?

1. Proper nutrition. The list of products that "love" your eyebrows is below.

2. Nightly oil combing
3. Eyebrow masks
4. Tinctures for eyebrows

Tincture for thick eyebrows could be next


  • petals of several calendula flowers
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. l.

How to do

  • Put calendula petals in a hermetically sealed container and pour vodka
  • Infuse in a dark cool place for 24 hours
  • Dilute 1:1 with water before use
  • Soak 2 cotton pads in diluted tincture
  • Put on eyebrows
  • Put compress paper on top
  • Compress time - 1 hour

Cognac compresses have a good effect on eyebrow growth

For this compress, you should mix cognac with any vegetable oil(ideal: jojoba, burdock, castor, linen). Sponges with the mixture put on the eyebrows for 1-2 hours.

Beautiful natural eyebrows, photo

The 21st century allows you to make a career on beautiful eyebrows.

A striking example of a stellar career: model Cara Delevingne

Wide eyebrows - part of the image of the sisters Olsen

Video: How to grow eyebrows

Video: Perfect eyebrows. How to paint eyebrows with a pencil?

It turns out that it is advantageous to emphasize facial features on your own, without resorting to expensive services of a beautician. To do this, it is enough to know how to make eyebrows beautiful at home, read the photo and step by step instructions for them. correct design. It is not difficult to master such a technique to perfection, despite the fact that at first glance many girls do not think so. The main thing is to be attentive even to the smallest details.

Take the time to study the information presented by us, and you will be able to make your own eyebrows beautiful, even and thick. They draw attention to your face, will make your complete image. In addition, properly shaped eyebrows will help, if necessary, hide existing flaws and less likely to resort to the use of foundation, mascara and blush.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to determine the right one for you. correct form and eyebrow size. This is the most responsible milestone correction, on which the final result will depend. The shape and length of the brow arches must be chosen in accordance with face shape and features, this will emphasize all its advantages and smooth out the shortcomings.

How to determine the correct length and shape of the eyebrows

For this you can use special technique. It will determine the optimal length of the eyebrows taking into account all proportions of the face. To use this method, you will need a cosmetic pencil and mirror. Follow the step by step instructions below:

  1. Come up to the mirror;
  2. Attach a pencil to one of the sinuses so that it is sent to inner corner eyes. In the place where it intersects with the superciliary arch, put a dot on them. This will be the inner border of the eyebrows;
  3. Again bring a cosmetic pencil to the sinus, but this time it should create a line passing through the middle of the pupil. At intersection top edge eyebrows with a pencil also draw a dot. This will be the place of the highest rise of the eyebrow arch;
  4. Determine the outer corner of the eyebrow. To do this, take the same pencil. Attach it in the direction from the sinus to the outer corner of the eye and mark the intersection with the line of the eyebrows;
  5. Continuous neat line connect all three applied markings;
  6. Do the same for sizing. another eyebrow.

Eyebrow shape selection

When the length of the eyebrows is determined, proceed to the selection of the shape. To do this, you need, looking in the mirror, carefully examine the outlines of your face. If its shape is round, then eyebrows with a highly raised line and a thinner bent tip will suit you. Their bend should be noticeable. In addition, they must be wide enough. Remember: on a round face look ugly: rounded, straight and thin eyebrows.

Girls who have oval shape persons are advised to opt for straight thin or wide eyebrows with a slight bend. If their chin, unlike their cheekbones, looks more pronounced, then the eyebrow line should be made a little longer so that it looks more expressive.

To those who have square type face, cosmetologists advise to make highly raised eyebrows with a pronounced bend, triangular - a uniform beautiful bend and a short length.

Tip: If you find it difficult to independently determine the type of your face, make a classic eyebrow shape.

It suits almost everyone and resembles a straight line, slightly raised up and slightly curved towards the end. The widest part of such an eyebrow falls on the inner corner of the eye, and then it gradually thins out. You can also use special stencils that are sold in cosmetics and perfume stores. With their help, you can choose suitable shape eyebrows to any type of face.

Plucking technique

When you decide on the size and shape of the eyebrows, you need to correct them. To do this, you will have to pluck out excess hairs. This procedure is painful, so you need to pre-steam the skin to reduce discomfort. To do this, you can gently hold your face over the steam or make a hot wet compress by applying it to the skin near the eyebrows and eyelids. If you have a low pain threshold, you can anesthetize the treated areas skin using pharmacy products with benzocaine.

You also need to make sure that the lighting in the room where you will carry out the correction procedure is sufficient.

It is best to pluck your eyebrows in natural light, ideally in bright sunlight.

For the correction procedure you will need:

  • Tweezers. It should be comfortable, and its working edge should close tightly so that the hairs are well captured and pulled out by the root, and not broken off. It is better that the tip of the tweezers is also rounded, this will help reduce the risk of scratching the skin;
  • Small sharp scissors;
  • Mirror. It should be large (so that you can not hold it in your hands) and without magnification. A mirror that creates the effect of approximation during correction can do you a disservice and you will not notice how you remove a lot of necessary for beautiful shape eyebrow arches of hairs;
  • Eyebrow brush;
  • Facial cleansing lotion;
  • Cotton pads;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Calming cream.

When everything is ready, you should:

  1. Handle tweezers antiseptic, wash your hands with soap;
  2. Cleanse the face soft cosmetic;
  3. Comb with a special brush or with a clean mascara brush, hairs in the direction of their growth;
  4. one by one pluck the hairs on the nose. In this case, the tweezers must be placed under acute angle to the skin. Each hair should be grabbed not by the tip, but closer to the root and pulled sharply in the direction of its growth;
  5. Pluck out hairs, located far from the brow ridge, and then go to contour correction eyebrows. Important! Hairs should be removed gradually, row by row, so that the eyebrows do not turn out to be too thin;
  6. Trim individual non-standard hairs with nail scissors. By the way, they may not be. This step-by-step instruction will be relevant in the case when there are hairs that are knocked out of shape, but if they are removed, the eyebrow will be damaged;
  7. shake off hairs from the face, apply an antiseptic to a cotton pad and wipe the eyebrows and the skin around them with it;
  8. Lubricate the reddened areas skin with soothing cream.

  • Do not use a razor instead of tweezers. In this case, you risk spoiling the shape of the eyebrows by cutting off the desired hairs;
  • Circle the eyebrows with a white pencil according to their chosen form. Having done this before the plucking procedure, you will clearly understand which hairs you should remove, or, conversely, leave.
  • Eyebrow correction with cosmetics

    This is the final step in eyebrow shaping. He means highlighting and emphasizing their shape. For this purpose, you can use the classic cosmetic producteyebrow pencil. Its shade should be selected in accordance with the color of the curls or natural color hairs on the eyebrows.

    There are two ways to correct eyebrows with a pencil:

    1. He means hair coloring directly. This method is best used by girls whose eyebrows are naturally thick and there are no gaps between the hairs. The task of adjusting with a pencil in this case is to make the eyebrow arches darker;
    2. Not only hairs are dyed, but also skin between them. This method should be adopted by those whose eyebrows are rare and short. At the same time, the pencil should be dry and they need to apply thin strokes so that the brow arches look natural.

    You can make your face more expressive with the help of eyebrows. Thanks to them, you can not only draw attention to the face, but also change its expression, slightly correct the existing shortcomings. There is a certain category of people who use the services of an eyebrow correction master, but the majority of lovely ladies prefer to shape their eyebrows at home in a relaxed atmosphere.


    It is worth saying that the eyebrows still continue to play a decisive role in creating the image. The shape of the eyebrows and their density are constantly changing, therefore, following the influence of fashion, girls either pluck them, making them thin, like threads, or grow them, giving them the most natural shape.

    Currently, natural eyebrows are considered more fashionable. But this does not mean at all that they do not need to be corrected and thinned out. Pull them out both at the bottom and at the top. This is done especially carefully in the upper part - interfering hairs are removed here, trying not to change the shape of the eyebrows.

    To have beautiful eyebrows, you need to properly care for them - they must be regularly plucked with special tweezers, if necessary, tint with a cosmetic pencil or shadows, apply special eyebrow paint or do permanent makeup.

    If not cared for, eyebrows can look messy, which will immediately catch your eye, just like dirty shoes or unwashed hair. Even if the hairs do not require correction, they need to be combed and smoothed.


    Before adjusting or applying makeup, you need to find out what types of eyebrows exist. A beautiful eyebrow should have the right shape. It can be roughly divided into three parts:

    • head, which begins at the bridge of the nose;
    • the body, which is located in the middle part;
    • the tail, which is the narrowest part and is located at the temple.

    To determine the shape of the eyebrows, take a regular ruler or pencil and apply it to the eyebrows, connecting the head with the tail using a straight line. In this case, the connection line can be straight, raised up or lowered.

    With a straight shape, the head with the tail is located at the same level. This type is more suitable for owners an elongated face shape, because thanks to this shape, you can visually make a narrow forehead wider and balance it with the size of the chin.

    With a raised shape, the head will be located slightly higher than the tail. This type of brow may not suit everyone, because if you raise it too high, it can look quite theatrical.

    When lowered, its base will be located lower than the tip. This form is considered quite specific, because many begin to look slightly sad with this type of eyebrows. In addition, they can often add a few extra years.

    To determine the bend of the eyebrows, you can choose another option.

    • A cosmetic pencil is applied to the nostril and the inner corner of the eye. This straight line will indicate where the eyebrow should start. If there is hair growing further than the pencil, then they are removed.
    • To determine the end point, the lower part of the pencil is left at the bridge of the nose, and the upper one is moved, moving towards the outer corner of the eye. Their intersection will be the place where the eyebrow is pumped. Sometimes it can end without reaching the desired point, then it is completed with a pencil.
    • To find out where the bend should be, the pencil should be moved - it should be on a line from the nostril to the center of the pupil. The intersection of the pencil and the eyebrow is the place of the bend.

    The shape of the eyebrows greatly affects the appearance of a woman: their different shape can transform the face and show it in the most favorable light, or, conversely, make it doll-like, sad, or visually add a few years to a person.

    It is rare to see correct and ideal eyebrows from nature - they may not always be symmetrical and even. Just like our face, most often they are not symmetrical. It is important to make the eyebrows as similar as possible so that they look the same. They may have different shape and be:

    • arched;
    • semicircular;
    • short or long;
    • narrow or wide.

    Eyebrows can be even, straight, horizontal or round.


    Those who prefer a straight eyebrow shape need to understand that they:

    • visually narrow the eyes;
    • the face will be expanded as much as possible, which will create the appearance of a perfectly oval face;
    • if they are located close to the eyes, then the image will seem natural;
    • will draw special attention to the appearance;
    • if they are overgrown and thick, they will give a look of severity and add a few extra years to their owner.

    A straight eyebrow shape is not suitable for all girls. They should not be plucked by the owners:

    • small eyes;
    • wide and short face;
    • if the eyes have an unexpressed color;
    • with coarse or large facial features.

    In some countries, it is considered natural to have eyebrows that have grown together at the bridge of the nose. Modern stylists recommend thinning them out and plucking out excess hairs, otherwise the fused straight strip will look strange and untidy.


    The arched type of eyebrows is considered the most versatile, as it can suit ladies with various form faces. This option is considered a classic. The advantage of this type of eyebrow is that there is a lot of space between the eye and the eyebrow, so upper eyelid used for applying makeup.

    Their advantages:

    • able to soften the expression of severity on the face;
    • hide sharp features;
    • it is beneficial to emphasize the contours of the face;
    • emphasize the eyes and make the look more open, expressive.

    Arched eyebrows are ideal for women oriental type- they will hide the excessive sharpness of the face, give it roundness and balance its sharp features.

    Although this option can be called universal, stylists recommend not choosing it:

    • those who are already over 40 years old;
    • owners of a round face, otherwise it may look like a ball;
    • girls with wide eyes.

    Physiognomists believe that people with arched eyebrows will be able to achieve a lot in life and have a good character.

    Kink type

    This type is now considered very popular, because it was not in vain that many domestic and foreign celebrities chose it. The advantage of this option is that the eyebrows can be raised in the middle - in this case, they will look like a "house" - or lifted closer to the temples. Physionomists believe that this type is preferred:

    • people with an imperious character;
    • able to keep everything under their clear control;
    • people with leadership abilities, ready to captivate;
    • with a strong and resolute character.

    Eyebrows with a kink will give the face femininity and expressiveness. With this form, you can:

    • rejuvenate the face;
    • visually increase the shape of the eyes;
    • soften angular facial features;
    • draw special attention to the oval of the face above the nose;
    • visually raise your eyes;
    • to give symmetry and visually reduce the proportions of a diamond-shaped, round or oval face.

    This option should be chosen by owners of sharp facial features, ladies with narrow eyes, as well as with slight asymmetry.

    This option should be avoided:

    • girls with big eyes;
    • those who have problems in the nose or forehead in the form of acne, dark circles and swelling under the eyes.

    With a successful break, the eyebrows look the most advantageous. Especially you should not get carried away and make the kink very sharp, otherwise the face will look unnatural or funny.


    Physionists believe that people with arched eyebrows have the ability to conduct business and conduct financial transactions. They are easy-going, energetic, and at the same time quite self-confident and prudent.

    The main benefit of curved eyebrows is that they:

    • look beautiful and extraordinary;
    • able to give the face of mystery;
    • visually help to make the cheekbones narrower and divert attention from the big nose;
    • wide open eyes.

    This option is more suitable for owners of a triangular or elongated face. Curved eyebrows allow you to visually make small and narrow eyes, hide the excessive width of the cheekbones.

    Curved eyebrows should not be chosen by ladies who have:

    • small nose;
    • rectangular face;
    • with narrow cheekbones;
    • with large and wide-open eyes.

    Every woman wants to look beautiful. The secret of beauty lies in the fact that a woman knows how to show dignity in the most advantageous light and hide flaws. Properly selected type of eyebrows helps to make a woman a real beauty - she will look young, energetic and stylish.

    How to define a form?

    The shape of the eyebrows is different, and although it is given from birth, it can still be changed and adjusted if desired, since it may not always fit certain type faces.

    Of course, it will not be possible to completely reshape the shape of the eyebrows, for example, a straight line cannot be obtained from a curved shape. It is important to assess what shape the eyebrows originally had in order to correct it later.

    To decide on the right option, it is worth considering what shape the face has. For each of its types, there is a specific option that is customary to adhere to. For a round face, eyebrows of a certain shape are more suitable, and for a triangular face, a completely different one.

    If you want to experiment, then you can offer quite a few normal version: must be applied on the eyebrows Foundation which will completely hide them. Armed with a cosmetic pencil, you need to draw the shape of the eyebrows until the most good option. Of course, after each attempt, you will have to completely wash off the makeup and apply it again, but after such an experiment, you can be completely sure that the correct form has been found.

    If these experiments are not to your liking, then you can choose an option that takes into account the shape of the face. In order to find out, you need to comb your hair back and remove the bangs.

    oval face

    For oval facial fit any type of eyebrows - oval-shaped faces are considered ideal. You just need to decide on the place where the beginning of the eyebrow arches will be, their end and the maximum height. You also need to decide on the width of the eyebrows. As for the width, we can only give general recommendations and stick to the option in which the image will be more open.

    Often oval faces may be elongated and appear rough. To mitigate this disadvantage, it is necessary to reduce the bend. If Bottom part the face looks weighted, then it is worth lengthening the ends of the eyebrows.

    round faces

    Girls with round face it is important to visually make the face elongated, so it is better to opt for a shape with a bend. It is not recommended to make round eyebrows, as the face will look even rounder. You can visually make the face less flat by choosing the option of ascending lines.

    When plucking the hairs on the lower part, you need to be careful not to raise your eyebrows too high. Often girls do this, trying to get more open look, - sometimes overzealousness can cause the face to look surprised.

    Heart and triangle shape

    To make such a face look more proportional, it is necessary to visually narrow it. upper part, while the eyebrows should not be long and protrude beyond the temple. For girls with chubby cheeks suitable option round or curved.

    It is worth giving preference to soft lines - facial features in this case will seem less rough. For triangular face a shape without a bend is preferable, due to which it will look visually shorter.

    Face in the form of a square and a rectangle

    Such faces often look heavy, so it is important to smooth out such a moment and make the face become more refined and feminine. For this type, lines without any sharp breaks and bends will be preferred.

    Girls with a square or rectangular face don't color your eyebrows bright colors using shadow, pencil or ink. It is worth shading the eyebrows a little with a cosmetic pencil, which is more suitable in color to the tone of the hair, or choose a tone even lighter.

    For square face it is better to choose eyebrows in the form of arches. If initially their shape is very clear, then it should be smoothed out by removing protruding corners with tweezers.


    At diamond shape face, it is important to narrow its central part - the lines should be soft, smooth. For this type the best option eyebrows will become a classic shape - no need to do clear lines or harsh colors.

    It is important here that the length of the eyebrows is not short. If the length is not enough, then it is painted in such a way that the tip is brought out to the temple.

    Required Tools

    To make the eyebrows look beautiful and well-groomed, you need to take care of special devices.


    First of all, you need to purchase a pencil that will match the tone of your hair. The tone of the pencil should also match the color of the eyebrows or be a tone or two lighter.

    Not much to choose dark shades otherwise the eyebrows will look vulgar.

    You should apply the pencil with light strokes, you do not need to make a straight line - this may look unnatural. After application cosmetic pencil eyebrows are combed with a special brush. This device is useful in any case, even if no correction is carried out. Hair combed with a brush looks more well-groomed.

    It is worth listening to the advice of masters who recommend using such a brush with an already empty tube to store oils used in the care of eyelashes and eyebrows. These brushes are very handy when blending makeup and when applying oil mixtures.

    Instead of brushes, you can take a mini-comb - with its help lay eyelashes and eyebrows. They are convenient because they perfectly comb and style the eyebrows, and also give them direction.

    To give the eyebrows the correct shape, use special tools. Correction is carried out with scissors, tweezers or a trimmer.

    Forceps and tweezers

    These tools are sure to be in every girl's makeup bag. It is better that tweezers and tweezers are made of of stainless steel or hard plastic. Naturally, stainless steel tools will last longer and be easier to disinfect.

    The shape of the tweezers can be different: with pointed or straight edges, as well as a beveled shape or in the form of a needle.

    The tool is chosen taking into account the density and structure of the hairs.

    • Straight or beveled tweezers are best for correcting thick and coarse hairs that are quite difficult to remove.
    • With thick eyebrows that need to be thinned, you should choose a tool with pointed edges. It is easy for them to capture lonely or remove regrown hairs.
    • Needle tweezers are chosen for hair correction at the edges.

    When buying tools for correction, you need to take them in hand and determine how convenient it will be to work with them. In order for tweezers and tweezers to last for a long time, it is worth buying them in specialized stores. Such a product will be convenient and reliable.

    The durability of tools also depends on how carefully they are looked after. They need to be sharpened regularly. Instruments should be kept in a special case or in a case with a special tip. After using the tools, they should be wiped with a disinfectant.


    When natural eyebrows that do not require constant plucking came into fashion, scissors became more in demand. They are used to remove hair at the base. For correction, you can choose the usual version of manicure scissors with sharp edges or purchase a professional tool.

    Just like tweezers, scissors need care and careful storage. The tool needs to be sharpened once every 6 months.


    Most people use an epilator to remove unwanted hair on the body. Such a device was also invented to correct the shape of the eyebrows. Using this small device, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of unwanted hairs, including invisible ones.

    When buying an epilator, it is advisable to find out some of its parameters.

    • The number of revolutions provided in the device, because the duration of the procedure depends on it.
    • Number of speeds. Most often in inexpensive options one speed is provided. With 2 or 3 speeds, the skin will gradually get used to the operation of the device.
    • Professionals recommend opting for a device that runs on batteries - in this case, you will not need to run around looking for an outlet.
    • More expensive options often include additional functions in the form of anesthesia, illumination, as well as peeling and massage.

    Having one or more of the described tools in the arsenal, you can not worry about the beauty and perfect shape eyebrows.

    How to do?

    For eyebrow correction, you can visit the salon, where an experienced master will quickly and confidently carry out such a procedure. But not to waste precious time and money, you can carry out the procedure at home.

    With certain skills, it is not difficult to make a correction for yourself. The procedure can be conditionally divided into three stages:

    • preparatory;
    • basic;
    • finishing.

    To make the procedure less painful, it is better to carry out the first stage in the salon, where the master will tell you how to pull the hairs correctly, or watch a video review on the Internet. It is better to do the procedure step by step, adhering to the recommendations of professionals. For some, a drawn diagram is more convenient - it can be drawn both on paper and drawn with a pencil on the face.

    In the event that it is difficult to make the shape of the eyebrows correct and remove the necessary hairs on your own, then you should contact a professional, otherwise there is a possibility that the eyebrows may either remain groomed or too plucked.

    This advice applies to those who make the correction for the first time, and girls who want to change the image and choose correct type eyebrows. After consulting with the master, it will become much easier to do the procedure yourself.

    DIY correction

    At primary processing It is worth wiping the treated area with a piece of ice. After that alcohol solution handle tools.

    To make the procedure less painful, you can carry it out using small secrets. Before the procedure you need:

    To give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows, they should be grabbed with tweezers at the very root and plucked one hair at a time. It is important to grab it correctly and pull sharply to remove it, and not break it, otherwise regrown hairs will be visible.

    Doing the procedure yourself, it is important not to get carried away and not remove the desired hairline. If this happens, then draw the hairs with a pencil. It is important that the tone of the pencil is not too dark and matches the color of the eyebrows.

    If the skin is oily, then the tweezers can slip off and break the hairs. To solve this problem, you need to powder your eyebrows - this will remove excess fat and the tweezers will grab the hair well.

    In the event that the hair is difficult to remove, it can be cut using nail scissors with sharp ends. Before the procedure, the eyebrows should be combed with a brush.

    To make the shape and size of the eyebrows the same, use a special ruler or stencil. Thanks to such a simple device, you can make symmetrical eyebrows.

    A silicone stencil is considered very convenient, which, when moistened, keeps well on the face. Although it is expensive, it can be used for a very long time, while cheap options are disposable.

    A transparent ruler is used to draw the desired lines. When fixing the ruler on the bridge of the nose, you can quickly draw even, symmetrical eyebrows.

    After the procedure, the inflamed areas of the skin are wiped alcohol lotion and soften with cream. In areas where hairs have been plucked, the skin may become inflamed, but this redness will go away within an hour. Therefore, for those who plan to go out, this procedure must be done in advance so as not to walk with swollen eyelids.

    The procedure should be carried out in a well-lit place so as not to leave uncovered areas. To do this, take a small mirror with a magnifying glass and sit next to the window, since it is more difficult to correct with electric lighting.

    For several seasons in a row, stylists have been preaching a fashion for naturalness, which allows a woman to remain herself. But still, you should not relax, because even natural beauty requires careful care. Eyebrows stop taking on female face too much space, but still attract attention, so they just have to be perfect. And there are many ways to achieve this yourself at home.

    What eyebrows are considered beautiful and ideal

    Beauty is a rather changeable thing, it is rather a concept of the fashion world, which is not suitable for everyone. She not always practical, sometimes even difficult to understand. Eyebrow curves, like the fashion for bends female body changed drastically and unpredictably. Models from the pages of magazines, which were recently considered ideal, today are no longer such and give way to elf girls defiling along the catwalk with bleached and invisible eyebrows. Let's leave them, like the wonderful feather brows, for the most daring experimenters and go through the main trends in shape and color that will allow you to look elegant.

    Beautiful eyebrows - well-groomed, thick, with smooth curves and a clear shape. Eyebrow width in current season slightly decreased from extra wide to moderate. Color and a clear shape should help the eyebrows to be noticeable, but not stand out too much on the face.

    Eyebrows should not only correspond to the proportions of the face, but also to age. Thick, fluffy and enough dark eyebrows more suitable for young girls. Older women tend to pay homage to understated elegance and femininity. Ideal Shape eyebrow is form that creates and maintains harmonious image women any age.

    Moderation and care are the main trends in eyebrow fashion today. Like this combine and make the eyebrows even and beautiful? Let's share some secrets on care and design.

    How to make beautiful eyebrows at home


    Not every woman manages to get beautiful thick eyebrows as a gift from nature. But she is simply obliged to preserve and provide care for them. Moreover, with age hair follicles exhausted, exposed to all sorts of influences from outside and from within the body.

    Careful care should be started without expecting a deterioration in the condition of the eyebrows, and, of course, regardless of fashion. The procedures are simple, but require constant attention on a daily basis. Here are the most necessary ones:

    Building eyebrow architecture

    Simple plucking of hairs has little to do with correction. should be smart and thoughtful. Building an eyebrow line can take you some time, and you are unlikely to succeed in mastering this tricky science the first time. But if you approach the issue comprehensively and consciously, you can cope with the construction of eyebrow architecture on your own.

    Shape Correction

    Outline the future eyebrow with a white pencil or light concealer and remove all unnecessary. Handle the tweezers carefully pull hairs only in the direction of hair growth in compliance with all precautions (disinfection of the skin and instruments before and after the procedure).

    Eyebrow masters recommend pulling out unwanted hairs below the eyebrow growth line; hair growth above the eyebrow line should not be corrected. special pay attention to fluffy hairs on the bridge of the nose- they must be cleaned with great care.


    During the period of growing eyebrows it is better to refuse any chemical procedures. Biotattoo is the only kind permanent coloring which a woman can afford. Henna for such a procedure is sold in specialized stores and is quite convenient for self-carrying out the procedure.

    Any problem areas correct with cosmetics and brow styling products. When your eyebrows have the desired density and volume, you can start coloring with special eyebrow dyes.


    There are actually a lot of eyebrow makeup products. Eyebrow mascaras, shadows, gels and lipsticks came to the aid of pencils. Their can be bought in both ordinary and specialized stores, choose any color and desired texture.

    Makeup saves in any situation. If you are in the process of growing your eyebrows, a pencil and shadows will always help to paint on the missing hairs, make the contour clearer, and the color richer. Too much light eyebrows special mascara will add color and grooming. Well, perfect eyebrows. can always be smoothed with a modeling tool or lipstick.

    Tips on how to make your own eyebrows beautiful

    Women who have decided to take their beauty into their own hands share their successes in finding perfect eyebrows. The specialist will comment on the result and give some tips for the care and correction of eyebrows at home.

    Natalia, 38 years old

    My experiments with eyebrows never stopped. I was constantly thrown into extremes: from eyebrows as wide as shovels, I switched to thin threads, after which I again took up growing. And these swings would probably continue for a long time, until I took up the question thoroughly. I chose a day off when I can not leave the house, and spent several hours determining the shape of my eyebrows. I did the markup with the help of thread and shadows, drew, erased, painted, but in the end I got the perfect shape for me. Now I tint the eyebrows with shadows and I hope that I will continue to refrain from experimenting.