Describe the dress for the autumn ball. Extra-curricular event "competitive program with a presentation of costumes at the autumn ball"

autumn festival and Autumn Ball- two traditional holiday in schools and kindergartens dedicated to the beginning of the most colorful time of the year. As a rule, such festive events not without theatrical concerts and masquerade balls. And on such holidays without themed costume or dresses are indispensable! Especially since original costume it’s not difficult for a boy or girl to sew with their own hands for the Autumn Ball. In this case, you can use absolutely accessible improvised materials, for example, autumn leaves or even garbage bags. Next, you will find a selection of original and interesting workshops with photos of costumes for the Autumn Ball and the Autumn Festival, which are easy to sew at home.

Costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, ideas with photos

As a rule, in kindergartens, the Autumn Ball and the Autumn Festival are the same concert dedicated to the arrival of autumn. It usually takes place in the format of a themed matinee with elements of a masquerade ball. Traditional costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten choose based on the theme of the matinee. As a rule, children's costumes correspond to the images of popular characters and heroes of fairy tales. For example, for a girl, you can sew an Autumn costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten. It can be based on a red or orange dress, which should be sheathed with dry autumn leaves, acorns or other natural materials. In addition to the image of Autumn, thematic decorations should also be made - a crown of leaves and beads of mountain ash. Among the current costumes for the Autumn Ball in a kindergarten for girls, you can also name: a forest fairy, a squirrel, a bird, a mushroom, a flower. As for the costumes for boys, they are also easy to sew with your own hands at home. Great options for this holiday can be: a straw scarecrow, autumn tree, sunflower, bunny, owl. It’s quite easy to sew a suit for a boy with your own hands and autumn fruit or a vegetable. For example, to get a tomato costume, you need to pick up a red jacket and pants. The image should be supplemented with a simple red cap with an imitation of a stalk on top or a cardboard mask in the form of a tomato.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl, ideas with a photo

If we are talking about costumes for the Autumn Ball with their own hands for a girl to school, then interesting options there are also many here. IN primary school for the Autumn Ball, the images that we mentioned in the subheading above will be quite appropriate. But for middle and high school students, you will have to come up with more original versions of the costumes for the Autumn Ball, which will correspond to both the age and the theme of the evening. For example, a very simple, but at the same time original “Leaf Fall” costume can be made with your own hands, armed with an ordinary umbrella, double-sided tape and colored paper. Autumn leaves are cut out of colored paper different sizes and flowers, which are then attached to the umbrella with tape or a stapler. It remains only to complement the image with a bright raincoat and rubber boots. You can also simply make the costume of the "Queen of Autumn" according to next master class: long light dress should be embroidered paper leaves, make a mask of dry autumn leaves and add a rowan embroidered veil.

Unusual costumes for the Autumn Ball with their own hands for girls, master classes

Suitable for the Autumn Ball and options for more unusual costumes for girls. For example, it is quite easy to sew a forest fairy or flower queen costume at home. In both the first and second versions, this will require basic dress light shade and a little improvised material in the form of leaves, cones, dried flowers and leaves, acorns, nuts. Fix such natural decor You can use threads, adhesive tape, a stapler. Be sure to add to the image and thematic details. For example, a forest fairy cannot do without tulle air wings and a magic wand. Interesting costume for a girl, you can also create from ordinary garbage bags of blue color. Such material will be an excellent basis for a cloud costume master class. Packages should be cut into wide strips, after cutting upper part with ties. Then the strips are tightly fixed on a wide elastic band - the cloud skirt is ready. As the top of the suit suitable blue or a blue sweater. You can complement the image with an umbrella with stripes from bags that imitate raindrops.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn ball for a boy, ideas with a photo

It is even easier for a boy to make an original costume for the Autumn Ball with his own hands. All you have to do is choose trousers and a jacket. desired color and complement the image with thematic details. For example, sewing a cardboard beak to the hood of a black hoodie, and a fringe of thread to its sleeves, you can get great option raven costume. Another simple and at the same time original do-it-yourself costume for a boy for the Autumn Ball can be made from ordinary foam. To do this, you need a thick piece of foam, from which you should cut the base for the mushroom cap. Then, inside such a base, a recess is made in diameter, coinciding with the head of the child, an elastic band is attached. It remains only to color the hat, for example, in the color of a fly agaric, and pick up a light T-shirt and pants. Even more interesting ideas do-it-yourself costumes for the Autumn Ball for boys, see our selection of photos.

Evening dresses for the Autumn Ball to school for high school students, photo

I would like to pay special attention to evening dresses for the Autumn Ball to the school for high school girls. It's about about dresses for classical balls and masquerade balls, in which traditional costume at the Autumn Ball does not look quite appropriate. As a rule, high school students for such an Autumn Ball to school choose long evening dresses traditional autumn shades. But as an exception, you can choose more original version. For example, decorate finished dress do-it-yourself autonomous garlands, bright feathers or artificial twigs and leaves. Many girls choose more unusual improvised materials for decoration, for example, the same garbage bags. But such fashionable experiments are best implemented strictly according to step by step master classes with a photo, otherwise the costume for the Autumn Ball can not be decorated, but ruined.

Traditionally, every autumn thematic events dedicated to this golden time are held in schools and kindergartens. This holiday is most often called the autumn ball. An outfit created especially for this event will be original and unique. active mom offers its readers a selection of ideas for creating dresses and costumes for the autumn ball with their own hands.

Do-it-yourself dresses for the autumn ball

tree dress

To create such a dress, you do not need a special pattern, it does not require special sewing skills. Just circle the silhouette of the child on the fabric so that the future dress sits freely on the girl. Use a thick fabric with a pattern that imitates the bark of the trunk (or just a fabric light brown). Sew details: front and back, sleeves; sew the sleeves to the dress, sew the elastic on the collar.

On the dress, you can sew an appliqué made of fabric in the form of a hollow and squirrels with nuts. Decorate the dress with paper cut or dried oak leaves. Complete the costume with a kind of cap - a hoop-"nest" with birds. Pick up tights and shoes to match the outfit.

Dress of Autumn or Autumn Fairy

The basis of the dress is a popular and almost irreplaceable tulle skirt at any thematic celebration. It is very simple to make it - you do not need to be able to sew for this, you will not need a needle and thread or a sewing machine. It is enough to cut the tulle into strips desired length and 10-15 cm wide and tie each strip with a knot on a wide (2-3 cm) elastic band stretched on the back of the chair. This video will tell you more and more clearly about how to sew a tulle skirt:

To create such a dress for the autumn ball, use tulle of the appropriate colors: yellow, brown, orange. The more colors you use, the richer and richer the skirt will look. You can decorate it with bows from the same tulle, dried (or artificial) autumn leaves.

The top for the dress can be arbitrary, it can be knitted or sewn, or you can use a T-shirt or golf as a top. suitable color.

For the image of the autumn Fairy, wings of a suitable color will come in handy (you can buy them separately or create them yourself by pulling nylon on a wire bent in the form of wings - old tights are quite suitable for this) and.

Design a headpiece to match the dress. It could be a hat autumn leaves and rowan fruits, a hoop decorated with leaves or elastic bands for ponytails.

Owl Dress

A variation of a dress with a chiffon skirt can be this Owl outfit:

Do-it-yourself costumes for the autumn ball

tree suit

From inexpensive thick fabric(this can be burlap) cut a "trunk" - a kind of long apron from two sides of the child's body. Sew or draw circles or stripes in a darker color with a marker. Decorate the tree with fabric appliqué and leaves.

Think of a headdress that matches the outfit: a hat with leaves or with empty branches, the leaves of which have almost been blown away by the autumn wind.

And here is a very simple version of the costume of a fruit tree (apple tree). To create it, you need a green sweatshirt and some red balloons. small size. Inflate the balls, tuck them to the "trunk", decorate with leaves made of cardboard or felt.

Scarecrow Costume

Who scares the voracious birds away from autumn harvest in the garden? Of course Scarecrow! A cute and funny outfit for the autumn ball, which is so easy to do with your own hands.

For a girl, it is enough to make a dress from tulle (similar to a skirt, only the length of the tulle strips should be longer) or a skirt from multi-colored fabric strips cut and fixed on an elastic band according to the principle of tulle. Put on a scarecrow hat made of cardboard or fabric on your head. Draw a "patch" on the nose.

A variant of the Scarecrow costume for the boy will be a denim jumpsuit with patches sewn on it, complete with plaid shirt and a straw hat. All this in bright yellow-orange colors.

rain suit

Very simple but very unusual option costume for the autumn ball, which will require only rubber boots and an unusual headdress in the form of a cloud with rain.

How to make such a cloud hat? Hat with wide brim evenly cover with cotton balls. You will need a lot of cotton wool! From the inside, sew strings with cardboard “drops” suspended on them to the fields.

Owl costume

The outfit is a cape, consisting of "wings" and a hood in the form of an owl's head. Of course, to create such a costume, you need to have sewing skills and have sewing machine. But the result will amaze the imagination of others. The costume is suitable for both boys and girls.

acorn costume

If you complement Autumn's dress with an original cap in the form of an acorn cap, you get a new one. unusual outfit! You can make such a hat using paper that has a wood texture, and a papier-mâché hat can become the basis.

Have you already decided what dress or suit you are wearing? the child will go to the autumn ball in the garden or school? Did you use our ideas or come up with something of your own? Share with us in the comments!

The autumn ball is a wonderful tradition popular among students, schoolchildren and toddlers in kindergarten. They prepare for the seasonal holiday in advance, as if for New Year's carnival or graduation party. Among the abundance of troubles and worries, the most important, perhaps, is the selection of outfits. It is especially difficult young fashionistas and fashionistas. A costume for the Autumn Ball made of leaves, bags and other improvised materials should not only be thematic, but also beautiful, stylish, original and unique. And if high school girls can choose autumn dress for the ball on their own, then the preparation of costumes with their own hands for the youngest "madame and monsieur" falls on the shoulders of their mothers.

So, what should be the outfit for the Autumn Ball for boys and girls at school and in kindergarten? How to quickly make it with your own hands in a master class, and then successfully present and protect it? About all these important things let's talk more!

Dresses for the Autumn Ball to school with your own hands from improvised materials

Preparing a dress for the Autumn Ball with your own hands from improvised materials begins with the selection of a successful style. The model should never be too open or short. Such an outfit is unlikely to be adequately appreciated by teachers and guests of the holiday. The best option - lush long dress with a sleeve or wide shoulder straps with generous trimmings and numerous decorative elements. Don't forget the right one color scheme. A do-it-yourself dress for the Autumn Ball to school from improvised materials can be golden, yellow, orange, red, burgundy, terracotta, peach, beige or brown. Any natural shades and colors autumn nature are welcome, while artificial tones will look out of place.

The style and decoration of the dress for the Autumn Ball often depends on the role of the participant. If a girl is going to be a simple guest of a ball or a nominee for the role of a queen, it is better to choose an elegant floor-length evening dress, complemented by autumn attributes. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a ready-made outfit, but it is very possible to purchase a basic dress and decorate it with your own hands! If the outfit is intended for one time, you can safely embroider it with burgundy and golden beads, paste over with velvet maple leaves and rowan clusters, decorate satin ribbons and tulle patches.

If the dress is bought for the purpose of further wearing to other grandiose events, you should not get carried away with decorative elements. It is better to create an autumn look using suitable accessories: fabric bracelets and boutonnieres of spikelets and dried flowers, an elegant crown of autumn leaves or felt, red beads of rubies, amber or other natural materials, large gold-tone earrings and a matching pendant, a small themed hat or handbag.

Girls participating in the competition for the best autumn outfit can not spend at all. If a long-forgotten tasteless dress hangs in the closet, redo it with the help of improvised materials for master classes. Everything that used to interfere with it can come in handy: old yellowed newspapers, garbage bags, plastic tableware, fabric scraps suitable colors, pieces of fur from old fur coats and raincoats, pieces of ribbons, dry leaves and flowers, beads, beads, rhinestones, sequins, buttons, etc. It is enough to successfully combine the materials found and trim them with an old unnecessary dress. The result is a stunning outfit, one and only of its kind!

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn Ball for a girl: pictures

Traditionally, the scenario of the Autumn Ball is filled with all sorts of competitions, skits, performances, choreographic compositions. This means that the costumes of the participants must fully correspond to the role received. Most often, this is one of the seasonal vegetables, a plant from autumn nature, Mrs. Autumn herself, or a fairy-tale forest character.

"Queen Autumn"

Mom can make a costume for the mistress of autumn for a girl at the ball with her own hands. According to most workshops, this will require a base dress, artificial maple leaves (plastic, paper, felt, knitted, etc.), tulle, wire, satin ribbons, an arrangement of dried wild flowers, etc. The collar and hem of the chosen dress, suitable in color and size, must be sheathed with leaves and satin ribbons. Make from tulle and wire light hat and decorate it with ikebana of wildflowers. In addition to the outfit, you can choose bright accents in the form of large beads, bracelets, handbags or umbrellas.

"Forest Fairy"

The handmade production of a forest fairy costume is very similar to the previous one. The only differences are the length of the outfit (the fairy dress is usually shorter - to the knee) and the presence of air wings. To make graceful wings at home, you need to form a frame from a strong wire and cover it with any translucent stretch fabric. Don't forget about magic wand. Reward the fairy with a wonderful attribute - wrap an ordinary pencil with shiny foil and attach a small star made of bright cardboard or plastic to the end.


Just as easy to do it yourself funny costume sunflowers for the Autumn Ball for a girl. To make the outfit match the character and look like lush flower, it is worth using the materials of yellow and brown flowers. A thick elastic band, thin tulle, an old hat and artificial sunflowers will come in handy. From tulle, it is necessary to cut 35 brown and yellow pieces of fabric (1.5 m long and 7 cm wide), sew them alternately to the elastic band, bending them in half, and attach the straps there. To the old felt hat need to be carefully glued artificial flower sunflower. The outfit can be complemented with black round beads and thick plastic bracelets.

Do-it-yourself costume for the Autumn ball for a boy: photo

Traditional male images at the autumn ball - a gnome, a harlequin, a mushroom, a pumpkin, a cone, a tomato, a bear, a wolf, a mouse, a raven, a woodpecker, a beetle, etc. Making such a costume for the Autumn Ball for a boy with your own hands is more difficult, but quite realistic. The main thing is to stock up on fabric and get sewing machine.

"Pumpkin", "Mushroom"

The costume of a mushroom and a pumpkin is sewn almost the same, with the exception of the hat. From thin red or orange satin and linen elastic, it is necessary to sew wide breeches to the knees, using patterns from master classes on the Internet. From material darker and rich color- a blouse or shirt with a vest, a puffy collar and ruffled cuffs. The top and bottom can be decorated with contrasting ribbons and bright stripes. The headdress for the fungus is a cone-shaped foam hat, for the pumpkin - a round orange hat with a ponytail, tied with a cord in the shape of a pumpkin.

"Good Bug"

Unlike previous outfits, the beetle costume does not require a shirt, but a long frock coat in black, dark brown or red. Pants or breeches do not play a special role in the composition, so they can be sewn according to any style you like. The upper part has important role and should resemble the back and wings of a beetle. Most often, a frock coat is trimmed with a golden cord, shiny sequins, large plastic buttons, etc. The character's headdress is a voluminous hat with horns or antennae. It is important that all elements of the image are chosen in the same color scheme: beige-brown, red-orange, gray-black, etc.

Do-it-yourself elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten

Thinking through an elegant costume for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents should check with the teacher about the program upcoming holiday: will there be a costume performance, will there be dances, games, contests. Most often, educators give the kids roles in advance, thereby suggesting which outfit is better to choose. The only rule, valid for all costumes without exception: clothes should not be too massive, heavy, restricting movement.

When creating costumes for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten, parents often make the same mistake - they follow the traditions of Soviet matinees. There is absolutely no need to sew huge baggy outfits and stuff them with cotton wool and foam rubber to depict an ordinary carrot, corn, tomato. Enough to make on hastily bright pants and a blouse, in the color of the selected character, and add a green hat to them, resembling fresh tops. Such a suit will look neat and will not cause discomfort to the child.

The most popular characters at the autumn ball are autumn, Forest Fairy, September, October, November, mushroom, fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear, mouse, pumpkin, tomato, carrot, beetle, forest gnome, etc. For these and others famous characters it is easy to make an elegant costume on your own using master classes from several cuts of fabric and natural materials, or you can rent an outfit for the Autumn Ball in kindergarten.

Presentation and defense of the costume for the Autumn Ball

Do beautiful suit to the Autumn Ball in kindergarten or school - important task but far from the only one. An outfit will fail if the wearer fails to properly present and protect it. In order for the participant of the Autumn Ball to win the competition, the speech made must be bright, colorful, but at the same time concise. For example, protection elegant suit for the Autumn Ball for a girl may sound like this:

All the stunning colors of autumn are intertwined in this marvelous dress. No wonder they say that autumn is the last smile of the year. It is impossible to create an outfit more magnificent! Gold, orange and brown leaves seem to be dancing on a lush hem. The delicate bodice is trimmed with sparkling glass beads. It emphasizes all the elegance of fresh autumn image. Light and airy tulle sleeves look like the last gossamer of Indian summer. The composition is complemented and completed by velvet shoes, in which Mrs. Autumn herself flies around the world, giving us a variety of colors. The headdress is a weightless lace of delicate wildflowers and fading maple leaves. This is a crown worthy of a real autumn queen...

When choosing and creating a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands for a boy or girl to school and kindergarten, do not forget about important things. An outfit for a holiday should be not only beautiful and suitable for the theme of the event, but also comfortable for the child. Think in advance how to make a dress from improvised materials, and then successfully protect it.

Svetlana Byankina
Costume Contest "Autumn Melody"

Scenario costume contest« autumn melody»

Song "My sun"- the teacher sings.

Vedas: Hello, dear guests! Hello dear members competition! Today we welcome you to costume contest« autumn melody»

Music is playing, poetry is being read.

looked in autumn in the garden

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow will sigh into the garden,

And sing - shy.

I'm drawing autumn

yellow leaves

They bring from the forest

Red leaves.

I'll dip in autumn brush your

Autumn is golden, I love you!

Vedas: So let's start our competitive program« autumn melody» . I want to introduce you to our competent jury. These are our parents pupils:

Quiet music plays.

Vedas: In a motley gold dress

Autumn came to us in the hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opens ball!

Mine costume represented by a participant

under No. 1 F.I. "Miss Autumn»

under No. 2 F.I. « autumn charm»

under No. 3 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 4 F.I. « Autumn»

sub No. 5 F.I. « great time, eyes charm "

under No. 6 F.I. "Golden autumn»

under No. 7 F.I. « Autumn» educator 2 ml. gr.

Vedas: While our jury is sharing their impressions of the first participants, children are performing preparatory group with a dramatization of the song

"Wonderful dream"

Quiet music sounds

Vedas: Autumn- a beautiful and rich time of the year. Before us appears all the multicolor colors: green, yellow, red, orange. And how many vegetables, fruits, mushrooms nature gives us!

Introducing the following members of our competition.

under No. 8 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 9 F.I. "Fungus"

under No. 10 F.I. "Watermelon"

under No. 11 F.I. "Amanita"

under No. 12 F.I. "Tomato"

Vedas: While our jury is sharing their impressions, children middle group will show a round dance "We were walking in the forest"

Quiet music sounds

Vedas: Flower and leaf fragrance

Patchwork-colorful outfit

And the aroma and colors of these

IN autumn collected bouquet.

Introducing the following members

under No. 13 F.I. "Forest Fairy"

under No. 14 F.I. "Pock"

under No. 15 F.I. "Flower"

under No. 16 F.I. "Chrysanthemum"

under No. 17 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 18 F.I. "Maple Leaf"

under No. 19 F.I. "Fairy of Roses"

Vedas: On this show costumes finished. While the distinguished jury will determine the winners, we will listen to the performance of our students of the preparatory group with the song

« Autumn leaves»

1. A pupil of the middle group F. I. will read a poem « Autumn»

2. A pupil of the preparatory group F.I. will read a poem "Our garden"

3. And F. I. will read a poem "Forest autumn»

Vedas: And now let's greet our members again. (passage of children in a circle 2 times)

I want to say Thanks a lot to our sponsors, the head of the gas field, F.I., for the sponsorship. (and we want to give him the floor).

For summing up and rewarding, the floor is given to our esteemed jury.

1. Your attention is presented a new autumn collection fashion - 2010.

Our model is called "Seasons"

Pay attention to the organic combination of incompatible items. The T-shirt evokes warm memories of summer. Valenki are primordially Russian shoes that warmed our ancestors, and still serve us. Galosh on the right and felt boots on the left foot for the most practical and health-conscious young guys. After all, you never know which foot will freeze faster or get wet for a year. Whoever but a schoolboy knows that suspenders on trousers are better than a belt, not every parent will guess to resort to him for the purpose of education. Well, of course, our costume cannot do without a cap. After all, it is she who saves the human brain from weathering as much as 70%. An umbrella is necessary both during summer rain and in autumn bad weather. It happens to use an umbrella during the winter thaw. The poet said: I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May ... May is a spring month, it turns out that an umbrella connects all times. Judge for yourself whether or not our model will be included in the collection autumn season -2010.

2. Once our girls

Show decided dancing

But. And dancing without a costume

Kinda boring, not smart.

Our costume is called "Autumn Girlfriends"

In crimson and gold, dressed forests - this is what a classic wrote about mountain ash and birch. Birch and rowan are the most beautiful trees Russia. But they are especially beautiful in autumn. The mountain ash took bright colors into her outfit: she uses red ones. Burgundy. Purple. and birch prefers golden colors.

Where can you go in these costumes? To the disco. On an excursion to the autumn park, and if you cover yourself with an umbrella at this time, then you can go unnoticed in the classroom.

Our bouquet gives you an autumn smile

Last try - hello from autumn!

May it charm the hearts of my friends

Let it bring joy to you all autumn days.



Which vegetable do you think was called the “damn apple?” This is potatoes. Translated from German language"potato" - "Kraft" and "Teufel" means "damn power". The sometimes bizarre shape of its tubers also contributed to the notoriety of the potato. The illiterate population believed that the matter could not have been done without the intervention of the devil. Now, when the potato is our second bread, it is hard to imagine that the potato was once banned by the church. Potatoes are used in the production of pasta, ice cream, artificial honey, cakes, sweets and jams. It is needed as a raw material for fuel, explosives and shoe polish.

Starch, potato flour, glucose are made from potatoes.

  • Potato juice is useful for hypertension. Boiled potato gruel can be used instead of cream. Potato masks are used for dry skin.
  • Fresh potato juice is used to treat eczema, burns, ulcers, calluses and acne.
  • Knives, forks, spoons will become clean and shiny if they are rubbed with a cut raw potato tuber.
  • If you put halves under the movable furniture raw potatoes the furniture can move easily.
  • A decoction of potato peels gives shine to crystal products.
  • Rust from a baking sheet can be quickly cleaned with a raw potato.


Do you know what vegetable is called the "garden lady" - cabbage. Why is cabbage so named? According to legend, the king, offended by the god Dionysus, wept large tears, which, falling to the ground, turned into heads of cabbage, and the people standing next to them shouted in amazement: kaput, kaput, kaput! What did the head mean? This is where the name cabbage comes from. Since ancient times, people believed that cabbage does not allow anything harmful to remain in the body. If before that you had some kind of illness inside, then cabbage will cure everything, drive the pain out of your head and eyes. The Roman troops, going on a campaign, took sauerkraut with them. Traveler Cook wrote that sauerkraut expels diseases from the body, saves the lives of sailors. He saw the reason for his success in the fact that he carried 60 barrels with him on the ship sauerkraut thanks to which his companions were healthy and vigorous.

There are 10 types of cabbage.

  • Cabbage juice strengthens the gums. Helps with hair loss and dandruff. Shredded cabbage leaves are used to make masks for dry skin. Cabbage juice strengthens the muscles of the body and helps the heart work with stomach ulcers.
  • By the end of winter, there are fewer vitamins in food, fatigue and malaise begin to visit people. This is where cabbage comes in handy. Giving a person vivacity, increasing efficiency.


Add two notes to the preposition,
Add a consonant letter.
And we will say the whole for sure
And soft, and red, and juicy.

In Europe, tomatoes were once called "love apples" or "golden apples".

Tomatoes are native to South America. In the language of the Indians sounds "tomate".

Hence the word "tomato". Now it seems incredible that even in their homeland, even before the 19th century, tomatoes were considered deadly poisonous. They were grown as ornamental plants in pots or to decorate arbors.

  • All parts of the tomato, except for the fruit, are really poisonous. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are currently used to control pests.
  • Tomato fruits contain vitamins E, carotene, organic acids.
  • Tomatoes are useful for people with metabolic disorders, heart disease, indigestion. They contain substances that kill microbes, especially a lot of sulfur in them.
  • Tomatoes are used in the treatment varicose veins veins in the legs.
  • A tomato mask is used for oily skin with large pores.


Contains a lot of sugars, proteins, mineral salts. Nutritional main value of radish in in large numbers salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium.

Radish juice is used in the treatment of the liver, gallbladder, heart, bronchi.

Radish masks with sunflower oil used to whiten freckles. Radish gruel with sunflower oil and cream is used for dry skin.

  • With sclerosis, radish is useful in any form.
  • With radiculitis, radish gruel is applied to a sore spot.
  • Most the right remedy against colds - radish with honey.


Another vegetable in the onion family is garlic. What is garlic? individual teeth. The word garlic is translated as “scratching, separating from each other”. Spain has a garlic festival every September. The Spaniards say that garlic can and should be used in all dishes except Easter cake and ice cream. Odes are composed in honor of garlic. The record holder exceeded the size of a man's fist and weighed 1 kg. Garlic is rich in organic matter, mineral salts, it contains as much iron as apples. Medicinal properties garlic have been known for a long time.

  • IN folk medicine garlic is used to improve digestion, to dilate blood vessels, and for rheumatism. Available medical preparations garlic based.
  • Garlic is an original folk remedy for toothache. When toothache felt on right side, then the garlic is tied to the pulse of the left hand, and vice versa.
  • To prevent bugs in the flour, put a few cloves of garlic in a jar or bag.
  • Every housewife knows that not a single preparation for the winter is complete without garlic.