What to do if the child is nervous and naughty? What to do if the child does not obey. The lack of a unified model of education in the family

Every child is just a beginner big world. He is a researcher, he is interested in everything, he has no experience yet. The child cannot know whether the fire is dangerous, that it is easy to fall off from a height, cut or prick with a knife. Best Experience for him - personal, not everything can be tried "by the tooth". However, parents should not get carried away with the word “no”, otherwise, on the question of what to do if the child is nervous and naughty, it will remind vicious circle. More prohibitions - less obedience.

Why is the child nervous and naughty?

Nervous children suffer from increased excitability. They quickly lose their temper, it is difficult for them to communicate with others, he is irritable and impressionable. From the side it seems that he is pleased to piss off his parents, spoil their mood. However, such behavior harms him more, depriving him of many children's joys. Child psychologists say that the reason for the nervousness of children lies in early childhood and the first lessons of education.

Nervous children rarely obey, each remark is like a personal insult, it seems to them that their parents are too strict and do it on purpose to humiliate and offend. Therefore, disobedience often accompanies nervousness. The problem has many causes, consider the most common:

  • The child does not have enough attention, and noticing that misconduct evokes strong emotions from parents, the baby begins first unconsciously, then consciously, to use a dubious method.
  • crushed authoritarian upbringing and tired of many prohibitions, the kid is forced to declare himself, defend his freedom and goes to open conflict without listening.
  • Children's revenge. He can hold a grudge in different occasions- revenge for a divorce, unfulfilled promises (children always remember what they were promised and when), unjustified punishment, inappropriate behavior of one of the parents that hurt the child. What to do if a child is nervous and naughty at 4 years old, if the reason is revenge? Understand the situation, talk to him calmly.
  • The impotence of the baby, he cannot do something, seeing how others are doing. It often manifests itself during games with peers.
  • Nerve diseases, mental disorders.

Yes, most of the reasons for disobedience lie in the family, relationships between people and, most importantly, relationships with the child. However, each is associated with the child's psyche and the impact on it.

How to educate and what to do?

It happens that parents do not try to solve problems with neuroses and disobedience, attributing everything to age features and will pass with time. However, it is difficult to fix a pronounced neurosis without the help of a specialist, a neglected problem will bring complications. If family members show sensitivity and attention to the condition of the child, they will notice in time warning signs, which will help the specialist to understand.

  • Consultation with a psychologist will help identify the causes of the problem, identify what became the catalyst similar condition. They work with children through games and drawings.
  • Also, specialists can recommend fairy tale therapy, art therapy, bodily orientation in order to get rid of the child's stiffness, figure out what torments him and how to help.
  • Often children in the drawings show the situation in the family, attitude towards parents, their relationship with spouses. Therefore, it is important to be present and direct involvement adults in the classroom with a psychologist. It is not easy to understand what to do if a child is nervous and naughty at 3 years old, because perhaps the reason is much more than the whims of the baby.
  • Of course, the specialist will also suggest ways to solve other kinds of problems. When the child's nervousness and disobedience are connected not with mental problems, but with reactions to what is happening, with their unsatisfied desires. Parents try to create a child Better conditions, but often they simply cannot look at the situation through the eyes of the baby himself.
  • If he has little attention, you need to reconsider your schedule, every day for an hour or two to be with the baby.
  • When a growing child wants independence, demands it, showing it in any way, you should not be afraid to give freedom, it is better to quietly follow the process.
  • It is important to remember that you are raising a person, not just a kid who does not understand life. He has his own temperament, his habits and character. With an active choleric, parents need to show the patience and restraint of phlegmatic people, and with a phlegmatic philosopher, mom needs to reincarnate into a rocket in order to slow down the child.
  • Pediatricians are sure that in naughty children of 3-5 years of age, the desire to misbehave appears earlier. Even in diapers, the rebel shows his temperament, so it is important for parents to carefully monitor the behavior of the child and follow the changes.
  • What to do if a child is nervous and naughty at 2 years old is to apply prohibitions with intelligence and stamina when they are really needed for safety and upbringing purposes. Any specific “no” should be a ban forever and with any adult from his environment. If mom forbade, grandmother should not allow and vice versa. Sometimes the child shows a firmer character than the parents. When they can't solve a problem consistently, they're better off going to a specialist.
  • "Difficult" children must necessarily feel the causes and consequences of their actions, what it leads to and how it will affect them later. For example, does not want to eat, remove the plate. Don't try to force feed. Or a kid who is guilty in the morning should not be frightened by evening punishment - deprivation of cartoons or sweets. Otherwise, in the evening no one will remember what happened.

The main thing in the proper upbringing of children is love. Sometimes love is not enough for both the child and the parents. However, it is important not to confuse love with permissiveness. Let the baby know: they always love him, even punishing now or scolding him. And they are punished not because he is bad or ugly, clumsy. Namely, for a specific offense. Then the kid will not count: "They shout at me, they stopped loving and do not love."

On the question of what to do if a child is nervous and naughty at 1.5 years old, it is important to know that sometimes children reflect the behavior of their parents. A nervous and quick-tempered mother, not knowing, becomes an example for the baby. Therefore, it is worth taking care of yourself, remaining even and calm as much as possible.

Whims, disobedience and childhood neuroses - what is primary and what is the consequence? Some mothers consider the noisy tantrums of their children to be a manifestation of a disorder in his nervous system, but it happens the other way around - endless whims and inappropriate behavior lead to the emergence of childhood neuroses.

Nervous child - illness or disobedience

The nervousness of children is associated with deviations in their behavior - increased excitability, tearfulness, sleep disturbance, irritability and impressionability. A nervous child is difficult to communicate, spoils the mood of others, but first of all, the inadequacy of behavior changes his life, depriving him of simple childish joys. Long-term studies prove that the causes of childhood nervousness in most cases are laid in early childhood and are the result of right upbringing.

The nervousness and disobedience of young children are so closely intertwined that it is sometimes difficult to figure out who is to blame - parents or their children. Among the many reasons for disobedience, the main ones can be distinguished:

1. The desire of the child to attract attention to himself - noticing that much more parental emotions are manifested if he commits any misconduct, the baby suffering from a lack of affection unconsciously uses a proven method.

2. A child, limited in independence and tired of numerous prohibitions, defends his freedom and opinion by the method of protest disobedience.

3. Children's revenge. There can be many reasons for it - the divorce of father and mother, failure to fulfill promises, unfair punishment, inappropriate behavior of one of the parents.

4. The child's own impotence, the inability to perform any actions available to others.

5. Diseases of the nervous system of children, mental disorders.

Despite the fact that only in the last paragraph problems with the nervous system are named as the cause of disobedience, each of them convincingly indicates close connection child's behavior with psychological state.

Children's neuroses - causes and signs

The fragile and unformed nervous system of children is extremely susceptible to neuroses and mental disorders, therefore strange behavior the baby, his whims and tantrums should alert attentive parents and encourage them to take immediate action. Constant stress, prohibitions, lack of attention gradually accumulate and develop into disease state- neurosis. Doctors call this term caused by all sorts of stressful situations transient mental disorder. Neurosis can serve as a cause of inappropriate behavior of the child, and may be the result of it.

Most often, neuroses develop by about five or six years, although an attentive mother notices some of its individual signs much earlier. Special attention attention should be paid to the behavior of the child during periods age change psyche - from 2 to 4 years, from 5 to 8 years and in adolescence. The causes of disorders of the nervous system of children can be considered the following:

- traumatic situations - alcoholism of parents, divorce, quarrels with peers, adaptation to children's institution;

- a strong fright as a result of any mental influence;

- excessive severity and rigidity of parents, lack of attention and lack of affection;

- the atmosphere in the family and the relationship between parents;

- the birth of a brother or sister, on which the main attention of mom and dad is switched, and bitter childhood jealousy.

In addition to this, there may be external causes- accident, death or serious illness of loved ones, catastrophe. The first signs that the nervous system of children is not functioning properly are:

- emergence of fears and anxiety state;

- sleep problems - a nervous child has difficulty falling asleep and may wake up in the middle of the night;

- possible occurrence of enuresis and gastrointestinal disorders;

- speech disorders - stuttering;

- nervous coughing;

- unwillingness and inability to communicate with peers.

If parents note aggressiveness in the behavior of their little monster, hyperexcitability or, conversely, excessive isolation, irritability, lack of communication skills, then it is best to discuss the problems that have arisen with the doctor. Letting go of development possible disease and without taking any measures, parents run the risk of raising a timid, indecisive person, unable to cope with emerging problems and contact with others. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if the state of the nervous system of children violates the normal rhythm of life. The presence of stuttering, enuresis or nervous tics requires immediate complex treatment from specialists.

Nervous tics in children - causes and symptoms

Doctors characterize a nervous tic as a short-term inappropriate movement of a certain muscle group, which the baby is simply unable to resist. According to statistics, every fifth child, at least once, experienced such manifestations, and about 10% of children suffer from a chronic illness. This indicates that a huge number of children from 2 to 18 years old have complexes when communicating with their peers, are embarrassed by their obsessive movements, and the existing problem really prevents them from living a full life.

Nervous tics in children can be divided into several main groups:

- motor - biting lips, grimaces, twitching limbs or head, blinking, frowning;

- vocal - coughing, sniffling, hissing, snorting, grunting;

- ritual - scratching or pulling the ear, nose, strands of hair, clenching teeth.

According to the degree of severity, nervous tics in children are divided into local, when only one muscle group is involved, and multiple, manifested simultaneously in several groups. If motor tics are combined with vocal tics, this indicates the presence of a generalized tic called Tourette Syndrome, which is inherited.

It is important to distinguish between primary and secondary nervous tics in children, clinical manifestations which are similar. If the latter develop against the background of other diseases - encephalitis, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, congenital diseases of the nervous system, then the primary causes are:

malnutrition- lack of magnesium and calcium;

- emotional shaking - quarrels with parents and their excessive severity, fear, lack of attention;

- loads on the central nervous system in the form of frequent and increased consumption of coffee, tea, energy drinks;

- overwork - prolonged sitting in front of the TV, computer, reading in low light;

- heredity - probability genetic predisposition is 50%, but under favorable conditions, the risk of tics is minimal.

During sleep, nervous tics do not appear in children, although their effect is observed in the fact that the child falls asleep with difficulty, and his sleep is restless.

Is it possible to cure a nervous tic and when to see a doctor

In no case should you leave nervous tics in children unattended. A visit to a neurologist is necessary if:

- it was not possible to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon within a month;

- tick causes inconvenience to the baby and interferes with his communication with peers;

- there is a strong severity and multiplicity of nervous tics.

Important! A feature of nervous tics in children is that you can get rid of them relatively quickly forever, but you can also stay with the problem for life. The main condition for successful treatment is finding out the causes of the appearance of a tick and timely contacting a doctor.

After certain studies and consultations with other specialists, the doctor prescribes necessary treatment which is carried out in the complex:

- medication;

- measures aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system - individual psychotherapy and psychological correction at group lessons;

- facilities traditional medicine.

Parents are required to ensure a peaceful environment in the family, good nutrition And correct mode days, sufficient stay of the baby for fresh air, sports. Decrease teak decoctions of soothing herbs - motherwort, valerian root, hawthorn, chamomile.

The age of the child has an important influence on the course of the disease. If nervous tics in children occur at the age of 6-8 years, the treatment is likely to be successful, and there is no need to worry about the return of the disease in the future. The age from 3 to 6 years is considered more dangerous, you will have to watch the baby, even if the unpleasant signs disappear, until you are fully grown. But the appearance of nervous tics at the age of up to three years is especially dangerous, they can be messengers of schizophrenia, brain tumors and other extremely dangerous diseases.

Raising and treating a nervous child

Successful overcoming of malfunctions in the work of the nervous system of children depends on two main factors - a complex medical assistance and proper upbringing nervous child. Do not think that the problems will go away with age, without the qualified help of specialists, the treatment of a nervous child is impossible. If the doctor has diagnosed a neurotic disorder, it will be required as drug treatment and classes with a psychologist. Exist special types therapies that help get rid of the tightness of the baby, adjust the ways of communication, restore activity and sociability. Parents can help a lot with this.

Mom and dad should carefully analyze the causes of the child's nervousness and try to eliminate them, create comfortable conditions for your child. In the absence of independence, which your offspring stubbornly seeks, you should give him more freedom, without focusing on controlling his actions. Catastrophically not enough time to communicate with the baby? Think about what is your life priority - career and impeccable cleanliness in the home or psychological health and selfless love and devotion little man.

Raising healthy, mentally balanced children is not only a completely understandable desire of parents, but also their duty. Take care of the unformed and vulnerable psyche of the baby, so that in the future it will not be necessary to treat a nervous child from specialists. Moms and dads are quite capable of creating a stable and balanced microclimate in the family, avoiding unnecessary quarrels and unreasonable prohibitions, giving their child maximum attention and tenderness, and raising a self-confident little man. In no case should you frighten the baby, respond inadequately to his misdeeds, excessively restrict freedom. Following these simple tips experienced psychologists will serve as a reliable prevention of various neurological disorders in your children.

Every child is an individual, independent of external factors. Of course, upbringing plays an important role in the development of a child's personality, but much greater value has a character that was laid down at birth. Often two grow up in one family different child- calm, balanced and nervous, naughty. How can this be, because the upbringing and attitude of parents is identical? What to do in this case - to break the core of the crumbs or give up on him and not pay attention to his antics? Today we will talk about the bad behavior of the child - why children become nervous and naughty, how to establish contact with the child and correct the situation in time.

Why does the child become naughty

With the birth of a child, many mothers and fathers decide to raise the baby in an atmosphere of love and trust, especially if they themselves grew up in strictness in childhood. But often excessive awe, love and indulgence in whims does not bring anything good. The child ceases to feel the limits of what is permitted, he often tests the limit of parental patience. Why does the child behave badly, disobey, get nervous? Here are some common reasons.

There are many more different reasons disobedience, which is somehow connected with the above factors. But what if the cause of disobedience is hyperactivity?

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hyperactive children

Often, disobedience and nervousness do not indicate gaps in education, but attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is not just a characteristic, it is a neurological diagnosis that only a doctor can make. But remember, you can’t attribute a diagnosis to every bully, you need to clearly distinguish between educational problems and disorders in terms of neurology. Hyperactivity usually occurs during prenatal period if the mother was deprived of some vitamins or trace elements, with fetal hypoxia, if the woman was nervous or took potent medical preparations during pregnancy.

Hyperactive children are characterized by restlessness, they quickly change their occupation, clutching at one thing after another. It is hard for such children at school, they cannot sit quietly even for a few minutes. Manifestations of ADHD are already noticeable from infancy - such children sleep poorly and little, constantly tossing and turning. Hyperactive children cannot stand still, they are constantly running, jumping, spinning or jumping. Impatience is their main companion. Such children cannot wait for something or someone, they are very talkative, often interrupting and screaming. Children diagnosed with ADHD react very sharply to criticism, get nervous, and do not listen to adults. If you find in your child similar symptoms You should definitely consult with a neurologist. Understand that your baby is not to blame for the fact that his neural connections work this way, and nothing else. But in order for the child to learn to perceive information and study well at school, the diagnosis must be treated. To do this, the doctor may prescribe medication sedatives that you need to drink in courses. This will not only help you, but also your child. But the most important thing is to work with a psychologist and build an adequate educational process.

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How to raise a nervous and naughty child

If the baby has no neurological health problems, then his behavior is the result of your upbringing or lack of it. Here are a few practical advice to help you fix the situation.

  1. Peace, only peace! Tantrums and various manifestations disobedience is calculated on your reaction. Try to always and in everything remain calm and adequate parents. The kid lay down on the floor and threw a tantrum - do not react, because the child is just waiting for this. Keep calmly going about your business until he calms down. Of course, this can be quite difficult to do on the street, but you can only root out such habits by completely ignoring it.
  2. Talk heart to heart. Make time for your child every day. Listen to his anxieties and experiences, build a confidential conversation and do not scold him for the truth. If you scold your baby today for confessing about a broken vase, tomorrow he simply won’t tell you about it. And in adolescence and completely lose a thin thread of trust. In order for a child to listen to you at 15-20 years old, you need to listen to him in early childhood and not neglect his problems. After all, a lost toy is as important to him as a failed report is to you. Listen to the child, give him advice, experience troubles and joys together. And then the baby will not have unspoken claims and hidden grievances.
  3. Do not Cry! The child screams because he wants you to hear him, often he cannot express his emotions in another way. Do not be like a child, explain everything calmly. If the baby is nervous, tell him that you love him in any way, even when he is angry.
  4. Stick to the established rules. The child should know that there are few prohibitions, but they are unshakable. You can’t play with an outlet, on any day of the week, at any time of the day, neither a child nor an adult can. Be consistent in your decisions. Threatened to give toys to a neighbor if the child does not clean them up? Keep your promise. And then the next time the baby will think a hundred times whether to ignore your request for cleaning. Parents should be soft and hard at the same time.
  5. Do not push, look for compromises. You are an adult who should not follow the principle. The child does not want to eat soup - leave him alone, eat a little later. Daughter refuses to wear Nice dress to visit - let her wear what she likes, not you. Give in to your child too. The kid does not want to collect toys? Offer to do it together or say that after cleaning you will drink cocoa together. The easiest way is to shout and force. But that's not your goal. A child should not be afraid of his parents, he should respect them.
  6. Lead by example. How is a child supposed to follow some rules if you don't follow them yourself? The child should look at you and understand that you need to be respectful to people, brush your teeth twice a day, wash your hands after a walk. How can you demand sports from your child if you yourself constantly lie on the couch in front of the TV? If a child sees how mom and dad respect each other, he is unlikely to allow himself to humiliate someone.
  7. Don't overwhelm the child. Very often, aggression is born at the moment when my mother says - it’s impossible, because I said so. That is, the ban is placed only on the basis of your authority. Under no circumstances should you do this. You need to explain to the baby why this is not possible. When talking with a child, be sure to sit at his level - sit down or take the baby on your knees. Only in the “eye to eye” position can you achieve a confidential conversation.
  8. Take the child. Often disobedience occurs against the background of boredom or idleness, when the baby simply does not know how else to entertain himself. Have your child play with something. Drawing, drawing up applications, modeling has an excellent calming effect. Besides, Team work help you get in touch.

The main thing in educational work is patience. Try not to be angry with your child, put yourself in his place. Do not scold the baby for a wet puddle on the floor - she was just trying to correct her mistake and wipe up the spilled yogurt. Raising a child is a whole philosophy. And if you put understanding, patience, care and love into the baby, the child will answer you the same. And he will become a person who can love, sympathize and understand his neighbor.

Don't take out the negativity on a naughty child, even if it's very difficult to do so. Gather your will into a fist and educate, talk, disassemble, make friends. The formation and upbringing of a child is a daily work, but it depends only on you what the baby will become tomorrow, and how he will relate to different people and situations. support, patience and parental love capable of melting even the most callous children's heart. Treat your child with understanding, and he will certainly answer you the same!

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Disobedient child - common problem that parents face when raising their children. There are many reasons for this behavior, and you should understand them before taking action. Note that it is necessary to distinguish between nervousness and disobedience of children, although these concepts are closely related to each other. In this article, we will analyze the reasons naughty behavior baby at 2-3 years old, consider the symptoms of nervousness in early age and learn how to deal with these problems.

Features of the behavior of a child in 2-3 years

Parents practically do not face the problem of disobedience until the baby is two years old. According to psychologists, after two years of age the personality of the child is formed. The child begins to consciously express dissatisfaction and test his parents for strength.

At the age of three, the restructuring of the relationship of the baby with parents and the outside world begins. Pediatricians and psychologists call this period the “crisis of three years”. The child increasingly says “no” and perceives the suggestions of parents negatively, even if he loves this activity. This stage lasts 3-4 months, and with the proper behavior of mom and dad, it gradually passes, the baby becomes obedient and manageable.

A naughty baby is not a tragedy, and such behavior can be corrected. Pediatricians identify seven reasons for a child's disobedience. Let's look at each and find out what to do if the baby does not obey his parents.

excessive curiosity

This behavior is typical for children at the age of two, but it also occasionally occurs in older babies. At this age, an “internal barrier” is only being formed, the child is only gaining experience. Of course, after a year, the baby already understands the word “no”, but he does not listen to him every time.

The more words the baby knows, the easier it is to explain to him what can and cannot be done. But be prepared that a conversation with a baby at two years old will not be as effective as we would like. Since a child at this age does not always understand what is required of him.

When talking, try not to yell or lash out at the baby. You need to be patient and explain the same thing several times. Shouting will only frighten the baby and will not lead to desired result. Include actions in explanations, turn it into a game. If the baby scattered things and toys, collect the items together in a race.

Lack of attention

Children often cry, act up and misbehave when they want to attract the attention of their parents. For every baby at any age, the attention of mom and dad is important. Try to spend more time with your children. After all, many things can be done together. Eat and walk together, exercise together and watch TV, listen to music together. Read books more often, play and talk with your baby.

Children need attention and communication. Communication with parents is the basis of emotional and psychological development children. It is also important to understand that having missed the upbringing of a baby at 2-3 years old, it will be difficult to establish a relationship between parents and children in the future.

Checking the reaction of parents

Common cause bad behavior in children of any age. At 2-3 years old, a child explores the world and sometimes chooses this path to search suitable way communication with mom and dad. The kid wants to know what will happen if he does not do what his parents ask.

IN this case pediatricians also recommend waiting and enduring this period. React to disobedience calmly. At the same time, it is important not to go on about and not to rush to fulfill every whim. Make it clear that you hear and understand the child, but cannot fulfill the request now. Be consistent and stand your ground! After some time, the baby will get tired of provoking you, he will lose interest in this.

Lack of motivation to meet requirements

It is not enough just to demand something from children, you need to motivate and explain requests. The child must understand why he does something. This does not mean that for every correct action he will receive toys or sweets. It is necessary to clearly explain to the baby why he should behave this way.

It can be difficult to explain to a child why something is being done. To begin with, explain it in an accessible form to yourself. Think about what motivates you to do something. Use words whose meaning is clear and accessible to the baby. Look for what benefit can be derived from this or that act.

For example, the requirement to “clean up the room so that there is order” is incomprehensible to the child. And few people understand at 2-3 years old what the word “order” means. Explain to the child that if he decomposes Stuffed Toys in places, there will be more space in the room for playing dice. Or that if he doesn't scatter clothes, there's no need to waste time cleaning. Instead, you can play or draw.

A large number of bans

Many parents sin by forbidding too much and demanding too much. Even if the child is obedient, quiet and calm, he often hears “no” and “no”. Moreover, some parents limit their children even in creative development. Every person, even such a small one, simply runs out of patience.

Do not suppress the desires and manifestations of children! If the kid wants to play with blocks, do not force him to draw. Do not punish the baby if he wants to wear a green sweater, not a red one. Reconsider the approach to education, forbid less and encourage the baby for the desire to do something, for independence and for the manifestation of positive qualities.

Parents demand what they do not do themselves

The big mistake parents make is that often they themselves do not do what is required of their children. Kids at 2-3 years old repeat after their parents, take an example from mom and dad. And at this age they do it unreasonably. Why should they do what you don't?

Analyze the "sore spots" in the child's behavior with own behavior. If you rarely clean the apartment, you should not demand order in your room and from the baby. If you do not do exercises in the morning, then the children will not.

remember, that personal example- a powerful motivator and educational tool! When you demand something from the baby, use this argument as an explanation. Tell your child if he wants to be like mom or dad, he should do the same.

distrust of parents

Such a reason for bad behavior does not occur at 2-3 years old, it appears after four years. If earlier the kids consider themselves guilty of the reproaches of their parents, then after 4-6 years they begin to understand that their parents are also wrong. For example, if a mother is used to “bringing down” on a child, or a father often punishes unfairly. As a result, children lose trust in their parents, and disobedience becomes purposeful.

In this case, parents need to correct their behavior, revise the methods and forms of education, carefully consider and analyze the current situation, identify and correct mistakes. Suitable option To solve such a problem, an appeal will be made to family psychologist to restore the old trust in parents.

To avoid such a problem, you need to correctly build behavior at an early age of the baby. Try to be fair and calm. Talk to the baby and explain what and how to do it right and do not take out your anger on the children.

What to do if the child does not obey

  • Determine the reason for this behavior. To do this, ask leading questions such as “Why don’t you want to eat this soup?”, “Maybe you will eat porridge instead of soup?”, “This soup is not tasty?” etc.;
  • Suggest Alternative option. If the baby does not want to draw, offer to play, if he does not want to eat soup, offer a second course, etc .;
  • Explain to your child what you want clearly and understandably. Use simple words and phrases. Learn to negotiate with the baby;
  • Speak calmly and do not shout, do not use an overbearing tone and do not show authority, do not try to overwhelm the child with force or authority. It is important that the baby “not close” from the parents;
  • Child psychologists do not recommend punishing children under three years of age, as they do not understand why they are being punished .;
  • Be consistent and keep promises. Introduce several permanent prohibitions that neither parents nor children should violate. For example, do exercises every morning;

  • If you were wrong, unfairly punished the baby or "broke", be sure to apologize !;
  • Do not forget to show your child that you love him, even if he did a bad deed. Explain that you are angry at the act or specific behavior, not at the behavior itself. Do not threaten the baby that you will stop loving him or leave him if he misbehaves !;
  • If you are punishing a child, make sure he understands why. You should not punish the baby in the presence of other children or adults. Explain in private why he is wrong;
  • Sometimes children at 2-3 years old cry and hysteria without apparent reason. This happens if the baby's nervous system is overloaded. Just let him cry;
  • Switch the attention of the baby when he is very naughty or crying. However, this method is only suitable for children under 3-4 years old;
  • Do not forget that you are an example for your children! Make a daily routine and stick to the schedule together;
  • Praise the baby, look for and develop his abilities, say “no” less.

Nervous child: illness or disobedience

Nervous behavior is not always associated with personality formation and disobedience. In rare cases, this indicates nervous disease and disorder. Studies show that the causes of childhood nervousness lie in wrong upbringing baby at an early age. WITH nervous child hard to communicate. Such a disease characterizes inappropriate behavior, irritability and excessive excitability, tearfulness and restless sleep.

The fragile nervous system of babies at 2-3 years old is still being formed, so it is extremely susceptible to neuroses and disorders. Constant stress and prohibitions, lack of attention can cause neurosis. This disease manifests itself by 5-6 years, but some signs are already noticeable at 2-3 years.

The first signs of neurosis in children:

  • Increased excitability or, conversely, excessive isolation;
  • Anxiety and fears;
  • Frequent aggression and irritability;
  • Violation of sleep and appetite;
  • Frequent tantrums and excessive tearfulness;
  • There is no desire for communication and interest in the world around.

The causes of neurosis are situations that injure the fragile psyche of the infant. Alcoholism or divorce of parents, prolonged separation from mom and dad, frequent moves, unhealthy atmosphere in the family, going to kindergarten and difficult adaptation in such institutions. Behavior can be negatively affected by severe fear, lack of attention and cruelty of parents, the birth of a sister or brother. With the appearance of another baby in the family, be sure to pay due attention to older children!

If you observe signs of neurosis, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Without the intervention of an expert, such symptoms often develop into diseases and disorders that interfere full life. The child may experience stuttering, nervous tics, or enuresis.

Capricious children have always given parents a lot of trouble. Daily screaming, throwing toys and unwillingness to collect them, completely ignoring the comments of adults, will infuriate anyone. And to live in such an environment means to cripple not only your nervous system, but also the child's psyche.

The first reaction of most parents to the whims and tantrums of the baby is to give a belt or a tangible slap. Such hasty decisions do not lead to anything good. From assault, the child will not become silk at all. Mistakes in upbringing will come back to haunt parents after many years. Many of them will ask: what to do if your child is very nervous and naughty? How to teach him to be obedient and calm?

What to do with a naughty child?

Before you start applying some methods of raising a capricious, you need to understand the reasons for disobedience. As a rule, there are two types of behavior of a naughty child.

  1. Cyclicity. Despite the constant punishment, the kid commits the same offense day after day. And no exhortations from parents, conversations, and even a corner or slaps do not affect the situation in any way. Psychologists assure that the reason for this behavior of the child is not enough strong psychological and emotional connection with the parents, especially with the mother. This happens in families where the parents work, and the offspring are taken care of only in free time. Before, when my mother was in maternity leave, she completely belonged to the baby. Now the child is acutely experiencing the impossibility of constantly being with his parents. He attracts attention in every possible way, including by incorrect methods, from the point of view of adults. The disobedience of young children is a way to see that parents will react to an antics. If they reacted, then they are real, not mythical. In this case, parents should triple their attention to their baby, hug him more often, tell him that he is loved, desired, be interested in his problems and joys, no matter how insignificant they may seem to adults.
  2. The second type of disobedience has a different reason. The child was quite adequate, obedient, did not deliver to parents special trouble. And suddenly, he began to behave as if he was still small: he is naughty, distorts words, refuses to eat on his own. Often this happens in families where youngest child, and all attention is switched to him, just because he is small. In this case, the older brother or sister needs to be explained that the baby is still growing and growing before him, and he is already big, he can ride roller skates, and he had to buy a bike that he already wanted, but they see that it’s still too early. After all, he is small. Most likely, the whims will immediately stop.

What to do if the child is nervous?

If a child shows disobedience, and it is small harmless pranks, this is one thing. Another thing is when he openly provokes a conflict, aggresses for any reason. It is difficult for such a child to control emotions, he cannot really explain what he wants. Hence the screams, crying, and even the use of fists.

It's hard to deal with this kind of behavior. But psychologists suggest acting according to the following rules:

  1. Learn to ignore your child's provocations.
  2. Be patient, wait until the baby outgrows this period.
  3. To perceive the child as a person, to consult with him, to give independence in some matters.
  4. When talking with the baby, sink to his level, look into his eyes.

Some parents feed the nervous and restless child sedatives often without even consulting a doctor. The maximum that can be given is a decoction of motherwort. And add soothing decoctions with lemon balm, pine needles, valerian to the bathing water.

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