Environmental education of preschool children according to federal state standards. “modern approaches to environmental education of preschool children, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards


Teacher Kochergina N.A.

Preschool age is the optimal stage in development ecological culture personality. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, he develops an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed.

The formation of an environmental culture is the main goal of environmental education, which is understood as the totality of environmental creation, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

The main tasks can be identifiedenvironmental education for preschoolers:

    Formation of a holistic idea of ​​the natural and social environment as an environment for human life.

    Formation of ecological consciousness and thinking, moral and ethical perception of nature.

    Improve educational work through the integration of all types of activities.

    Continuous education in children of a responsible attitude towards the environment and the formation of the foundations healthy image life.

    Promote environmental knowledge, involve parents in the issues of environmental education of children in the family.

Environmental education of preschool children in our kindergarten is implemented on the basis of the program of S.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”, which complements the section “Acquaintance with the natural world” of the main educational program. Environmental education of children is carried out in the system throughout the entire school year in all educational fields, through various forms of work.

An important provision of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the targets, which are defined by the document as “possible achievements of the child” - not mandatory, but possible and desirable achievements in his intellectual and personal development. Achievements in communication with nature are formulated as follows: “The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena... is inclined to observe and experiment. Has basic knowledge about himself, the natural and social world... Has basic understanding of the field of living nature and natural science.” Under these formulations, the system of ecological education is being developed.

In order to treat nature correctly, to consciously interact with it, and not to disturb the natural balance, people must know these simple laws. Basic knowledge of the basics of ecology is a mandatory component of the ecological culture of any person. It has been proven that it is easier to begin the formation of this knowledge in preschool childhood using specific examples of the natural environment closest to the child.


greening subject-developing environment;

Application of the principle integration in all activities of children;

greening various activities of the child in everyday life.

Integrated The teaching method is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. A series of lessons is united by a main problem. the main task teacher's job is to correctly select the content of knowledge for their further integration.

The form of conduct should:

Involve children in solving problem-search tasks formulated on the basis of the child’s personal experience and activate his cognitive skills interests, desire to acquire new knowledge;

Stimulate mental activity (processes of analysis, synthesis, comparisons, generalizations and classifications);

Increase the level of self-control, self-organization and self-esteem.

It can be:

educational and game activities: research, travel, entertainment, which are formed according to the principles of the individual developmental characteristics of the child and his capabilities;

Visual and practical methods: observations, excursions, elementary experiments, game problem situations;

games: didactic, verbal, mobile.

The main task of the teacher is to correctly select the content of knowledge for their further integration. It is important to take into account here that knowledge should expand and enrich the existing ideas of children, be accessible to the child, rely on his personal experience and be related to his everyday life.

When conducting integrated classes, it is necessary to take into account following:

Positive emotional style of relationships between adults and children;

Expressiveness and emotionality of the teacher’s speech;

Age, individual and psychological characteristics group children;

Setting problematic tasks, tasks of increased difficulty;

Mandatory use of clarity;

The constant change of methods and techniques of working with children, forms of their organization;

Inclusion of moments of self-control and self-assessment;

When selecting the content, scientific character and accessibility of concepts are taken into account. At each stage, the initial ideas are deepened, saturated with content, constantly turning into concepts that turn into knowledge.

Forming the Foundationenvironmentalculture in conditions of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to integrateecology in all educational areas, through various forms of work.

Educational areas:

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Speech development

    Physical development

    Cognitive development

    Social and communicative development

"Cognitive Development"

Like all living things on earth, a person breathes, eats, leaves offspring, ages and dies. But man differs from all living beings in that he possesses speech, works and thinks. Man creates machines, builds factories and cities. And man also cuts down forests, extracts minerals. But he can do this only as long as nature is able to make up for what has been lost. And what if forests begin to perish, rivers dry up, animals disappear, there will be nothing to breathe in cities, there will be no more fresh water? In order to preserve life on Earth, man must not rashly change nature.

The main role of environmental education among preschoolers is the formation of an environmental culture, correct attitude to nature. Ecological knowledge - information about the relationship of plants and animals with their environment - is a necessary condition for developing an emotionally effective attitude towards the world around us, expressed in the form of cognitive interest and a caring relationship with nature.

In accordance with the “Young Ecologist” program, preschoolers receive a variety of knowledge from the field of natural science. The first section of the program - “Inanimate nature - the living environment of plants, animals, humans” - is aimed at developing elementary ideas about the universe, about solar system and that planet Earth is unique in its conditions - only plants, animals and humans live on it. Children will learn the properties of water, air, soil and that they are the main factors of life on Earth; gain knowledge about seasonal natural phenomena.

The second section of the program - “Diversity of plants and their connection with the environment” - is information about the plants that surround the child from birth, wherever he lives. Children get acquainted with the variety of indoor plants and those growing on the territory kindergarten and in the immediate environment. They gain an understanding of their external structure (morphology) and the functions of their organs - they learn why plants need roots, leaves, flowers, etc.; how plants are adapted to life in a variety of climatic conditions, how they tolerate the change of seasons.

The third section of the program - “Diversity of animals and their connection with their environment” - is similar to the second: children observe those animals that are in their living space - inhabitants of a corner of nature, domestic animals, birds and insects on the site. They get acquainted with various wild animals from paintings and books, learn about the forms of their adaptation to life in different environments (on land and in soil, in water and air, in forests and deserts, in the Arctic, etc.). Learn how wild animals are adapted to seasonal living conditions.

The fourth section of the program - “Growth and development of plants and animals, their connection with the environment” - is devoted to that unique area that distinguishes all living things from inanimate objects of nature and artificially created objects. children through practical activities and observations will reveal how and under what changing conditions plants grow, developing from seed to seed, how birds raise their chicks and how animals raise their newborns and helpless little ones. Preschoolers receive good basic knowledge, which is important for the development of a careful, kind, truly humane attitude towards living things, towards nature as a whole.

The fifth section of the program - “The life of plants and animals in the community” - aims to show the connections that exist in nature. They learn about the connection between an individual organism and its environment from the previous sections, but now they must understand that in nature all living things do not live individually, but in communities (forest, meadow, etc.). Children will learn about food chains - who eats what and who eats whom, and will understand that there is nothing superfluous in nature. These ideas will help children understand the rules of behavior in nature: you should not, for example, collect bouquets of wild flowering plants in a meadow, since insects feed on their juice, and bees collect nectar and process it into honey; in places where there are a lot of insects, birds, lizards, hedgehogs, frogs, etc.

The sixth section of the program - “Human Interaction with Nature” - reveals three important positions. The first position: a person is a living being, and all the diversity of living and inanimate nature is for him a habitat in which he feels good, does not get sick, and looks beautiful. Children will learn that plants enrich the air with oxygen necessary for health; mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal herbs grow in the forest; people need clean water to drink.

The second position of this section tells that, interacting with nature, man widely uses it in his economy: he builds houses in wood, heats them with wood and coal, extracts oil and minerals from the bowels of the Earth, builds power plants on rivers that generate electricity for all equipment, including home appliances (TV, iron, refrigerator, computer, etc.).

The third position is about nature conservation: people not only use the natural resources of the Earth, but also protect them and restore them. Children will learn that there are “Red Books”, where endangered plants and animals are listed, they will learn about protected reserves, national parks, forestry enterprises, whose task is to monitor the well-being of forest inhabitants, and to grow young trees (for example, spruce) in nurseries.

Thus, through the educational field “COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT” children receive elementary, but very detailed knowledge from the field of natural science, which becomes the basis for a conscious attitude towards natural objects that are part of the living space of preschool children in kindergarten and family.

EXAMPLE. Formation of ideas about domestic animals and their cubs;educationcaring for animals, hard work; necessity of pets for humans.

Didactic games : "Pick a Pair", "What changed", "Wonderful bag", “Let’s help the goat with her kids”, "Find Mom", "Name the animal", "Farm Frenzy", "Help Dunno", “Find what I’ll show you (I'll name)", lotto "Animals".

Word games : “Who is screaming?”, "Find out by description", “It happens or not”, "Guess by the voice".

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Formation sensory standards (shape, color, size).

Didactic games: “Name the highest (low) animal", "Who is bigger?", “Which color is who?”, "Choose by color", "Stencils", "What does it look like", “How many of whom?”, "More less".

Implementation of environmental education of preschool children within the educational field

"Speech development"

Environmental education is closely related to the development of speech, especially in preschoolers. The child learns about the world around him, knowledge is formed, and speech and all its components develop - sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech. All of them are formed in close interrelation, in a complex. Only in the process of communication does a child master speech.

A selection of didactic games and exercises on the topic of ecology helps develop all components of children’s speech and enrich their vocabulary.

Games to develop speech breathing

    Game “Butterfly” (formation of a directed stream of air; enrichment of knowledge about butterflies; consolidation of the verbs “flies”, “flies over”, “sits” in speech).

    Game “Help the bun” (formation of a long exhalation; consolidation of knowledge about wild animals).

    Game “Dandelion” (developing the ability to exhale with a directed stream of air; consolidating knowledge about dandelions)

Game to develop phonemic awareness

"Listen to the sound" -

formation of skills to distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds, to correlate sounds with natural phenomena and sounds made by animals. The child is asked to clap his hands when the sound is heard in the word spoken by the adults, h, f orw.

Games to strengthen sound pronunciation

    Game “Magic Cubes” (developing the ability to lay out syllables and pronounce simple phrases; enriching children’s vocabulary).

    Game “Listen, repeat” (consolidating the pronunciation of vowels and consonants).

    Game “Name the Pictures” (to develop the ability to correctly name images in pictures with a given sound).

It is known that knowledge of the surrounding world is carried out through visual images (paintings, books, TV, theater, excursions) and practical activities. It is also known that all these forms of cognition are accompanied by speech (conversations, discussions, questions and answers, reading, stories), i.e. In parallel with the cognitive one and in complete unity with it, the educational area “Speech development” is being implemented. Exploring nature, children intensively expand their vocabulary through the designation of objects and natural phenomena, their various signs and qualities. For example: a sensory examination of vegetables and fruits, traditional for kindergarten, encourages children not only to remember, but also to actively use in their speech their names and the names of their characteristics (green, elongated, smooth or with pimples, hard, tasty, with the smell of freshness - cucumber ; orange, round, large, soft, heavy, with an orange aroma, etc.).

By looking at pictures depicting domestic or wild animals, children learn storytelling, coherent speech, and practice constructing sentences and using grammatical forms correctly. Children learn to understand a question and answer it accurately, and hear the answers of other children. Great importance For the development of thinking and explanatory speech, there are discussions of facts that reflect the relationships in nature. By answering the questions “why?”, “Why?”, preschoolers establish cause-and-effect relationships and learn to build a logical sequence of natural phenomena and events. For example, while watching birds at a feeder with children during winter feeding, the teacher asks questions: “Who flew to the feeder? Why did the birds come? Why do they need to be fed in winter? Why can birds fly? Why do they need wings? Why the tail? Why are sparrows clearly visible in the snow but hard to see on the ground, in bushes, in dead grass?” Answering such questions, preschoolers look for reasons, make assumptions, and establish the interdependence of phenomena.

The group contains a library of works of art, fairy tales, encyclopedias on environmental education and education of preschool children . Teachers and children read fiction and look at illustrations in books about nature. They have conversations and discuss what they have read. When becoming acquainted with poetry, children are given the opportunity to feel the beauty, uniqueness of nature, its significance in human life more easily and easily, where they learn to compare how the same natural phenomenon is reflected in different poetic lines. This is also popular creation: riddles, proverbs, sayings, legends. Through literature, a child learns to correctly express his opinion and voice his feelings.

Example. Expanding children's vocabulary (animal, farm, food, yard, farmstead, cubs); storytelling training (inventing riddles, retelling); memory development (learning poems, nursery rhymes, songs); familiarity with fiction (reading "Three piglets", listening "Kid" S. Buranbaeva, memorization Kisonka - Murysenka); development of thinking (solving riddles about animals). Strengthen emotional and aesthetic feelings when encountering a book; Encourage children to share their experiences.

Implementation of environmental education for preschool children

within the educational field

“Social and communicative development”

The system of environmental education fits well with the educational field of “Socio-communicative development”. Growing plants, caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature together with adults, children at a specific level assimilate moral and moral values ​​(the value of life, the need for careful, careful handling of any living beings), learn the rules of behavior in nature, learn about work aimed at maintaining living conditions plants and animals, to preserve natural ecosystems. Teamwork on a plot, vegetable garden, flower bed, i.e. in the natural space in which children live, contributes to the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, volitional self-regulation, readiness for joint activities and communication.

Implementation environmental education of children V social and communicativedevelopment:

One of the factors emphasizing the need to develop healthy lifestyle values ​​in preschoolers is the deterioration of the modern environmental situation.

A person is constantly in interaction with the environment, so it is very important to develop in children careful attitude to nature and inhabitants . And environmental games will help with this:

    Game "Auction" (clarification of the rules of behavior in nature).

    Game “Find out and name” (consolidating knowledge about plants and where they grow).

    Game “Earth, Water, Fire, Air” (consolidating knowledge about the inhabitants of land and water; clarifying the rules of safe behavior in nature).

    Game “Take care of nature” (cultivating a caring attitude towards nature).

In the development of environmental education, a special place belongs to play activities. It is here that children develop moral standards and rules of behavior in nature. Pedagogically correctly organized play activities allow children to achieve the most complete self-expression, the activity of their actions, which agree with generally accepted norms and rules of knowledge of the surrounding nature. The didactic game most fully meets the task of developing environmental consciousness. Learning and activation of cognition largely occur in the form of a game. The principle of pairing contributes to the ecologization of didactic games. Its implementation is achieved by selecting such knowledge, which is presented in illustrations, pictures, and in hidden form. When developing environmental games, you also need to be able to make the most of the opportunities creative games children. "The Fox and the Crane"(I suggest you take the pictures with the fallen fragments and return them to their places in the picture - the fox and the crane will make peace if you do everything correctly).

"Teremok", forms in children correct environmental assessments, creating situations of caring, compassion, empathy, responsiveness, as well as the beginnings of environmental O the ideal of Russian folk tales about animals, where good triumphs over evil, the beautiful over the ugly . Correct pedagogical communication teacher with children in labor activity has a particularly deep meaning: preschoolers learn to see what conditions are necessary for this or that living being, learn to determine what it lacks in this moment. They learn to practically perform labor actions and master the tools of labor for the first time. Communication between teachers comes down to friendly explanations, clear demonstrations, and help in every case when a child finds it difficult. And during communication, the teacher must find an opportunity to praise the child, and not just once, but several times throughout the event. To form in children an idea of ​​situations that are dangerous to humans and the natural world around them and ways of behavior in them. Introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them. Give children the idea that everything in nature is interconnected (the same plant can be poisonous for humans and medicinal for animals; insects harmful to humans can be food for amphibians, etc.).

Approximate contentknowledge : on this topic"Meeting Pets" . Educational area : Socialization.

Introducing children to the habitat of domestic animals; ecosystem of town and village (similarities and differences); formation of ideas about the influence of humans on domestic animals (takes care of them, feeds them, treats them);

Didactic games: "Spread the Animals", "Find a house", "Who lives where?", “Who loves what?”, "Feed the Animal", "Build a house", "Choose what you need", "Protect nature", "What's extra", "Find out and name".

Word games: “Alike - not alike”, "Chain", "Word Game", "Not really", "What would happen if...".



Implementation of environmental education of preschool children within the educational field

“Artistic and aesthetic development”

The formation of children’s knowledge in classes in visual arts on ecology and culture of behavior in nature is possible withlooking at reproductions of paintings , Agame exercises help consolidate knowledge about the world around us.

Artistic word affects not only the consciousness, but also the feelings of children, helps the child in creating images in the process of drawing.

Revealing the value of natural objects, enriching them, coloring their perception with an emotionally positive attitude are tasks that are successfully solved by:

    children listening to music;

    performance of songs, musical and rhythmic movements ;

looking at illustrations, paintings, slides

There is no doubt that the educational field of “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” is very important. Children's emotional response to the beauty in the world around them arises, in particular, if they have the opportunity to contemplate the beauty of nature, presented in nature and in works of art. It should be borne in mind that the beauty of living nature is an ecological phenomenon: objects that are in ecologically complete living conditions, in which they feel good, show their adaptability, are beautiful. vitality. Observation of beautiful phenomena and objects of nature encourages children to engage in artistic and creative activities (drawing, modeling, etc.), in which they meaningfully reflect their experiences of beauty.

The system of environmental education in technology for preschool children provides comprehensive activities in which children comprehend the beauty of landscapes presented in reproductions of paintings by famous artists. These events take place at the end of each season - they build on children's experience of the beauty of nature, which is observed monthly in weeks dedicated to observing seasonal phenomena and working with the nature calendar. Thus, artistic and aesthetic development has a deep connection with environmental education - its good production ensures mutually enriched development of the child’s personality.

Artistic and aestheticdevelopment: Thanks to systematic contact with the world of aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, the child discovers nature in a variety of colors, sounds and plastic forms. He receives various kinds of information, accumulates impressions - color, sound, tactile, which represent the foundation on which interest in the harmony of colors, sounds and plasticity of objects arises. Based on interest, the simplest aesthetic selectivity, aesthetic feeling and aesthetic taste appear. Revealing the very value of natural objects, enriching, coloring their perception with an emotional and positive attitude is a task that musical development successfully solves. This can be achieved by influencing the emotional sphere of the child. Environmental education is implemented in listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, and musical creativity. The child responds only to those objects that are included in the field of his emerging values. Listening "lark" M. I. Glinka, works from the musical cycle "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky. Singing the little sparrow's song, autumn leaves or moths, the child perceives himself as part of nature. He recognizes its beauty, and his aesthetic and moral feelings aimed at nature develop.

Ecological knowledge acquired in educational fields is important intellectual information. But when this knowledge is refracted through theatrical activity, which, in essence, is a behavioral experience for the child, when the child lives a specific image of some animal , insect, plant, he begins to realize and feel that his character is afraid. He enjoys something, how he survives, how he develops, how he interacts with people and the world around him. In theatrical activities, roles change, developing the ability to be different and understand another. As an example, I would like to give a fairy tale "Surprise" based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom". The essence of this fairy tales: in a difficult, dangerous situation (V in this case downpour in the forest the behavior and wise relationships of animals and insects with each other and with the outside world are shown. Through the characters, the children specifically experienced this dangerous situation in nature for animals. And as a model of behavior for humans, in this dangerous situation animals do not harm each other.

Implementation of environmental education of preschool children within the educational field

"Physical development"

The greatest value that a person receives from nature is health. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If you’re healthy, everything’s great!” To live a long time without getting sick, maintaining an interest in life and the full power of physical and spiritual strength is the cherished desire of every person.

In this regard, the problem of cultivating the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle becomes especially relevant. Its solution requires an active, meaningful attitude towards your health and strengthening it from childhood.

In preschool childhood, children should be taught value ideas about health, the need to strengthen and preserve it.

Environmental education of a preschooler within the educational field “Physical Education” provides for the coordination of physical and environmental education programs. This could be inclusion in the lesson content:

    complex exercises and outdoor games;

    formation of knowledge that promotes the preservation and promotion of health;

    organizing and conducting hikes, walks – nature excursions;

    sports and environmental holidays and entertainment;

    training in safety rules during walks - excursions and hikes.

Types of children's activities

    Games - meditations (“I am the sun”, “I am the rain”, “I am the wind”, “I am the cloud”)

    Outdoor environmental games

    Musical outdoor games

    Dance games - transformations

Implementation of environmental education of preschool children in the educational process physical development: conducting physical education in preschool educational institutions, combining the physical activity of children with the formation of their initial knowledge and ideas about nature and the education of environmental culture .

Along with the implementation physical exercise, children, led teacher, conduct observations of natural phenomena and seasonal changes. The following are commonly used as physical exercises: varieties: breathing exercises gymnastics: "Dandelion", "Morozko", "Rainbow Hug Me". General development exercises: "leaf fall", "catch a snowflake", "snowdrop", "bell".

Outdoor games: "flight of birds", "ice, wind and frost", "birdhouses",

"flowers and winds".

Relay races: "Harvesting Potatoes", "running streams", "bee race".

One of the most important areas in the activities of a preschool educational institution is life protection and health promotion children. The teaching staff is faced with the task of improving physical education and health activities in the preschool system. The goal of working on a health-saving environment was to increase children’s readiness to accelerate skills and use them to analyze the simplest environmental connections: “I am my behavior - the world around me”. Development of an ecological style of thinking, ability children manage your actions and behavior in the interests of internal health development, environmental environmental safety, economical consumption.

Legs, legs ran along the path, ran through the forest, jumped over the bumps!

“To visit Grandma Malanya!”


IN modern conditions environmental education is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education(FSES DO), according to which one of the forms of environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions is ECO-ENVIRONMENT

Environmental education should be carried out in specially created conditions - in an ecological subject-development environment. Currently, a search is underway for ways to optimally and effectively organize an environmentally-developmental environment, which can be used for educational and health purposes, for developing children’s work skills and communication with nature, for environmental education of preschoolers and promoting environmental knowledge.

Greening the developing natural environment creates conditions for:

    Cognitive and speech development

    Ecological and aesthetic development

    Child recovery

    Formation of moral qualities

    Formation of environmentally correct behavior

    Greening various types of children's activities

We, at the preschool educational institution, have created a unique educational subject-spatial environment that can be used for educational and health purposes, for developing children’s work skills and communication with nature, and for environmental education of preschoolers. The group has created a “Nature Corner” where children can grow, care for and observe plants for a long time. The minimum composition of a corner of nature, regardless of the age of the children, includes indoor plants and a “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.” There is a place for labor, a calendar of observations, and for placing boxes with plantings. The teacher in the corner of nature organizes three types of activities: creation and maintenance necessary conditions for plant life, experimental activities and recording observations of ongoing changes


LEADING EDUCATIONAL AREA OF THE PROGRAM, implemented in various types activities at the “NATURE Center”: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT


    allows you to develop observation skills, develop labor skills and abilities. A well-equipped and well-located corner of wildlife instills aesthetic taste.

Its Components:


Nature calendar

Didactic doll with a set of clothes according to the seasons

Layout "At Grandma's in the Village"

Paintings "Seasons"

Illustrations of animals (domestic, wild animals), birds, insects

Illustrations “Animals and their young”

Illustrations depicting various plants

Indoor plants with large leaves: ficus, begonia

Indoor plants with small leaves: asparagus, balsam

Realistic animals (sets of domestic and wild animals)

Dummy vegetables and fruits

Material for developing labor skills:

Watering can, water basins,

cloths for wiping leaves


Didactic games on natural history


“In the garden or in the vegetable garden”

"Photos and fruits"

"Mom and Baby"

Lotto “Guess the Animals”

Lotto “Funny Animals”

"Bird feeders"


LEADING EDUCATIONAL AREA OF THE PROGRAM, implemented in various types of activities at the “Experimentation Center”: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT



(manuals, materials, equipment)

Sets for experimenting with water, sand:

Pallet table.

containers of different sizes and shapes,

Items - equipment for transfusion and catching:

Scoops, nets, floating and sinking toys and objects (sponges, planks,

Various fish, turtles...

Containers for measuring, pouring, research, storage


Oilcloth aprons and sleeves for a subgroup of children

Photo cards (for making colored ice cubes)

Materials for pouring and pouring (empty plastic bottles, beans, gotoh, pasta

Tubes for blowing and inserting

magic pouch


Small mirrors


Container with a hole in the bottom

Foam sponges of different sizes, colors and shapes



Fine Arts Corner


Demonstration material, landscape, still lifes, art paintings.”

Natural materials for fine art activities (acorns, cones, seeds, tree leaves, etc.).

Various nature coloring pages

Materials for drawing: album, gouache paints, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, water jars, stencils for drawing, rags;

Material for modeling: plasticine, individual oilcloths, napkins.

Material for manual labor: PVA glue, glue brushes, glue sockets, blunt scissors, napkins, colored paper, cardboard, trays for forms and paper scraps.

Samples for appliqué and drawing.


The territory where observations of plants and animals in natural conditions are organized, the importance of agrotechnical measures and adult activities for improving the living conditions of plants and animals is clarified, and skills for caring for them are developed.


    This is a specially equipped route to nature, solving many pedagogical and psychological problems. The objects of the ecological trail include typical and exotic woody plants, a phyto-garden (garden medicinal herbs), a corner of untouched nature, a bird column. The ecological trail is designed with information boards, stands, signs .



They contribute to the development of memory, attention, teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions, and are a means of diagnosing the formation of the ecological culture of a preschooler. Creating models and manuals activates children's activities


It includes a selection of books and magazines of a natural history nature. This selection includes books that help expand the environmental knowledge and horizons of a preschooler.





Based on a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, as well as the results of the work carried out on environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas, the following conclusions can be formulated:

Integrative use – thematic classes, targeted walks, experimentation helps in consolidating, systematizing and forming knowledge with the participation of an adult (direct or indirect).

The variety of activities involved in integrated activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of personal development of a young child.

This also allows us to assert that the synthesis of different types of arts in one lesson will be optimal and effective means mental development and morally - aesthetic education children, and therefore confirms our hypothesis.

Based on the work carried out, a number of recommendations can be formulated for educators:

    Familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature will be more effective if the teacher celebrates all the achievements and independence of the children, praising them for their confidence and initiative.

    Must be used systematically pedagogical practice integrated activities, as a result of which a positive effect will be achieved in the development of all aspects of the cognitive activity of a preschool child.

    Work on environmental education of preschoolers should not take place in isolation from the educational educational work, which is carried out by the preschool educational institution

    Integrated activities should be planned systematically, purposefully and cover all types of activities of preschoolers.

Soway,we can sum it all upwhat was said : integrationeducational areas with ecology, which passes through variety of activities,will accumulate knowledge like small bricks of a huge building calledecological culture.


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2. Egorenkov L.I. Environmental education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. A manual for parents, teachers, educators. M.: ArKTI, 2001.-128 p.

3. Miller T. Life in the environment: Program for universal environmental education. (Ed. G.A. Yagodin. - M., 1993

4. The natural world and the child: methods of environmental education of preschool children (Ed. L.M. Monevtsova, P.G. Samorukova. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

5. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten. –M.: Education, 2001.-208 p.

6. Nikolaeva S.N. By observing, we know. (Preschool education.-1991 1

7. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Story games in environmental education of preschool children. Game learning situations with toys of various types, literary characters. - M., 2003.

8. Pugal N.A., Lavrova V.N., Zverev I.D. Workshop on the course “Fundamentals of Ecology” Methodological recommendations.-M., 2002.

“The relevance of the problem of environmental education of preschool children. Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development”.

Senior teacher at MADOU“Kindergarten No. 145 of a combined type” Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan Biktova A.N.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all the animals inside nature,

Kill only the beasts within you!

E. Yevtushenko

We remember from distant childhood our associations associated with contact with nature. We ran barefoot on the dewy grass, bathed in clean waters rivers, lakes, seas, frolicked in the warm rains, splashing through puddles with delight, collected wild flowers, ate everything that was edible from every bush and tree, rejoiced in the sun and snow. Perhaps this is what helped us to dream, to believe in a brighter future. But our poor children! What irreplaceable riches they are deprived of. Now even in the most remote villages people cannot enjoy the pristine beauty of nature. Everywhere man put his "master's hand."

Radiation rains, fruits covered with toxic chemicals, shallow rivers, ponds that have turned into swamps, seas that are about to explode, animals destroyed as unnecessary, deforested forests, deserted villages and villages - this is our legacy.

In any newspaper, in any magazine we shout about ecology, we urge you to look around and see what we have done, we demand that nature be returned to us pure form! Is it too late? Nature, man, morality are identical concepts. And to the great grief, in our society these concepts are destroyed.

We demand decency, kindness, love, and spiritual understanding from children, but you must admit that we do very little in educating children about environmental culture. In this struggle for the future of humanity, for the environment and for a highly moral person, we, teachers, occupy a huge, or rather, practically the most important place.

The most important aspect in solving the issue of preserving the Earth’s natural resources is education and environmental education of the entire population. Environmental education is officially recognized today as one of the priority areas for improving the activities of educational systems. Ecology is currently the basis for the formation of a new way of life. Preschool childhood can be considered the beginning of the formation of an individual’s ecological orientation, since during this period the foundation of a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality is laid, vivid, emotional impressions are accumulated that remain in a person’s memory for a long time. Psychologists say that the first seven years in a child’s life are a period of rapid growth and intensive development; about 70% of the attitude towards everything around him on a psychological level is formed in preschool childhood, and throughout life the remaining only 30%. At the stage of preschool childhood, the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life, i.e. the fundamental principles of ecological thinking and consciousness are formed in him, and the initial elements of ecological culture are laid. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person beautiful world nature, help to establish relationships with him.

How can we teach children to take care and protect nature, all living things that surround us?

V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered it necessary to introduce the child to the natural world around him so that every day he discovers something new for himself in it, so that he grows up as a researcher, so that his every step is a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennobles the heart and strengthens the will .

The areas of environmental education for preschool children include:

Fostering a humane attitude towards nature (moral education);

Formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);

Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it);

Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

It is very effective when all these areas are integrated into one lesson. Without bringing children closer to nature and its widespread use in the educational work of a kindergarten, it is impossible to solve the problems of the comprehensive development of preschool children - mental, aesthetic, moral, labor and physical.

To do this you need: Shape children have basic knowledge about nature... The system of knowledge about nature includes knowledge about its objects and phenomena (their signs, properties), as well as connections and relationships between them. A caring attitude towards nature cannot be formed only on the basis of knowledge. Labor in nature is a manifestation of active care for it. Develop children have labor skills and abilities. The work of children in nature gives real results. This is what attracts children to him, arouses joy and a desire to care for plants and animals. 15. Educate Children have a love for nature and the need to protect nature - an urgent concern for all humanity. Of particular importance for the formation of a caring attitude towards nature is knowledge about a living organism, the ability to distinguish it from objects of inanimate nature.

Relevance of the topic. Conclusion:

  1. The aggravation of the environmental problem in the country and in the world dictates the need for intensive educational work to develop environmental consciousness and a culture of environmental management in children.
  2. Our children are not environmentally educated, that is, not everyone has a friendly attitude towards living beings, objects of nature, not everyone has a sufficient supply of knowledge about the nature around us, they have a consumerist attitude towards it.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the implementation of the educational field “Cognitive Development”.

Now I propose to contact regulatory documents that we must take into account when working with children on environmental education:

  • Zack He Russian Federation“About Education”
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”
  • GEF DO

According to Federal State Requirements, in accordance with which we worked last years, the educational field that included environmental education for children was called “Cognition.” Now, according to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which came into force on January 1, 2014, instead of 10 educational areas, only five remain:

  • social and communicative development
  • cognitive development

● speech development;

● artistic and aesthetic development;

● physical development

Now we must implement environmental education in the educational field, which is called “Cognitive Development”. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education regulates the educational activities of preschool educational organization(preschool educational institution) and allows us to consider issues of cognitive development of preschool children differently.

According to FGT, the content of this educational area “Cognition” was aimed at the cognitive, intellectual development of children; development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities; formation complete picture peace, broadening one's horizons, etc.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Education sets the goal of the educational field “Cognitive Development”:development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of children, which can be divided into sensory, intellectual-cognitive and intellectual-creative

Objectives: development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc.), about planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world..

In the near future, you will all need to rethink and think through the content of our work in accordance with the new approved Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education. And this means that it will be necessary to adjust the main general education program of preschool education of your preschool educational institution, it will be necessary to change the content of the educational field of Cognitive development, where in a meaningful form it will be necessary to describe the system of work of your teachers in environmental education, already in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, to lay down all the specific Features of children's learning and development: varying time frames for mastering materials, work systems, special approaches, methods and techniques of environmental education aimed at mastering PEP, special conditions for implementation.Possible difficulties in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education will certainly arise, but you, together with your teaching staff, must be optimistic and will make every effort to overcome them. After all, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is a completely new stage in preschool education, a new breakthrough that we hope will change the preschool education system for the benefit of our children

Olga Kovaleva
Innovative technologies and methods of environmental education of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions (from work experience)

Innovative technologies and methods of environmental education of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions.

(From work experience) .

1. Features environmental education of preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions.

Federal State Educational Standard preschool education involves an activity-based approach to determining the content and organization educational process children preschool age. Environmental education for preschoolers can be carried out in all educational areas. For example, the content of the educational field "Social and communicative development" the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society is aimed at; development of emotional responsiveness, empathy, including in relation to natural objects; to form the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

Contents of the educational field "Cognitive Development" aimed at the formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, causes and effects, etc.); about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples; expanding children's horizons

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" involves the formation of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of the natural world; formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world as a whole.

Educational area "Physical development" is aimed at developing the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

primary goal working with preschoolers on environmental education involves: formation in every child of the belief in the need for a careful attitude towards nature; desire for adequate perception of knowledge and development nature conservation skills; joining the world class ecological culture. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to build an integrated system environmental education based on scientific developed principles for creating environmental programs taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Greening developing subject environment in educational institutions should contribute to the implementation of all components of its content: cognitive, moral-value and activity.

So the interaction preschoolers with nature in the process environmental education in the light Federal State Educational Standard has its own specifics age characteristics and is based on an activity approach, since it is activity that develops the child’s psyche, motor activity and makes him physically stronger and healthier

2. Innovative forms and methods of environmental education of preschoolers

Along with traditional forms and methods of environmental education in their teaching activities (conversations, observations, reading literature) I apply and innovative forms and methods. I will give examples of different innovative directions of ecological education of preschoolers.

Ecological games. Ecological the game helps in a more accessible form to convey complex natural phenomena; development of cognitive abilities; clarification, consolidation, expansion of their ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals.

Games can be played with children both collectively and individually, making them more difficult depending on the age of the children. Complication should come through the expansion of ideas and the development of mental operations and actions. Didactic games are carried out during leisure hours, during classes and walks.

Puzzle games, games- experiments, exploration games, meditation games ( "I am the Sun", "I am Rain", "I am a wind", "Sun and Cloud" and others) give new impressions about the life and work of people, about the state of nature and its changes; awaken interest in nature and develop a value-based attitude towards it; form motives and practical skills ecologically expedient activities; provide opportunities for independence, initiative, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make good decisions. In these games, children use their life skills experience and reflect that what interests them, excites them, pleases them.

interesting in work with children, there is such a game technique as receiving letters of complaints from residents of a living area, residents of a forest, garden, or vegetable garden. When children receive such a letter, they think about its contents and discuss various environmental situations, decide how to help this or that living creature, how to protect and protect nature - their region, village, and the entire planet.

A game "Find out from the advertisements" introduces the characteristics of animals and birds ( appearance, behavior, habitat, develops logical thinking. Children listen carefully to the announcement and guess who it is about. (animal or bird). Examples advertisements:

Business game "Good bad" improves children's knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, animals and plants. I offer children different situations, and the children make conclusions, For example: “Is a clear sunny day in autumn good or bad?”, « “It rains every day - is it bad or good?”, “Is snowy winter good or bad?”, “Is all the trees green good or bad?”, “All the birds on earth have disappeared – is that good or bad?” and so on.

Business game “Who is after whom?” Shows children that in nature everything is interconnected. I invite one child to connect with a ribbon all the animals that hunt each other. Other children also help find correct pictures with animals. You can suggest starting the game with a plant, a frog or a mosquito.

Business game "What happens if?" helps to learn what needs to be done in order to protect, preserve and enhance nature, develops the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions. For example: What will happen if one boy throws a lemonade can into the river? How about two? How about three? Are there many boys? What happens if one family brings an armful of primroses from the forest on the weekend? Two families? Five? What happens if one driver's car emits a lot of exhaust gases? Three cars? Half the city's drivers? What happens if you don't put out a fire in the forest?

Business game "Protect nature". On a table or flannelgraph I place pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, the sun, water, etc. I remove one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: we remove the bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants, etc.

I use it in my work and game learning situations (IOS) with fabulous heroes: “Pinocchio talks to children about trees”, "Winnie the Pooh goes to the meadow for honey", "Dunno meets indoor plants» , “Aibolit inspects indoor plants”, « "Cipollino conducts experiments with onions» . Game-based learning situations such as travel also awaken cognitive interest in nature. Travel is the collective name for various kinds of games involving visiting, traveling, and hiking. Visiting interesting places - forests, zoo, museums, farms, children gain new knowledge about nature in a playful way.

I also use dialogues with nature - method, which is aimed at developing the child’s emotional sphere and sensitivity. Dialogues are carried out in various options - “secret” (children communicate one-on-one with nature) or "open" (oral appeals, addressing the Sun, Wind, Tree).Ecological method identification - identifying oneself with some natural object or phenomenon, a gaming technique "transformations" in the images of animals, plants, actions on their behalf. Having been in the role of any object or object of nature, the child begins to treat it with respect. For example, playing out a situation "I am a flower...", "I am a broken branch...", "I am an ant...", "I am the stream" helps the child understand that a plant is a living creature, it suffers when it is in pain.

All these methods and techniques help develop cognitive, communication, artistic and aesthetic skills preschoolers, contributes to the formation ecological ideas, develop the ability to reason, analyze, and draw conclusions.

2.2. Computer technologies and multimedia presentations

IN working with preschoolers very often you are faced with a lack of information and visual material. In his activities with children ecology I found its solution in the use of modern information technologies. One of the most available funds use of computer technologies in teaching preschoolers are multimedia presentations.

Unlike an adult, who only needs to listen to an oral explanation and then use logical thinking to understand the meaning of the information, children are best suited to the saying "Better to see once than hear a hundred times". A child, with his visual-imaginative thinking, understands only what can be simultaneously viewed, heard, acted upon. subject or evaluate the action of an object. That is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers access the channels available to them for obtaining information.

In my practice work acquainting children with nature, I use a variety of material: didactic pictures, reproductions of artistic paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings (recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the noise of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.); in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

I actively use multimedia presentations, either ready-made or I prepare them myself. On the sites http://planetadetstva.net/ - Internet magazine, http://www.moi-detsad.ru/ - Everything for kindergarten, http://dohcolonoc.ru/ - Site for educators kindergarten you can find many ready-made presentations on environmental issues, which I use when conducting classes. Modern digital technologies and the Internet helped me collect rich illustrative and informational material about plants, animals, and natural phenomena. Using a computer helped me significantly change the subject-spatial environment in the group. Presentations prepared "Natural attractions of the Orenburg region", "Red Book of the Orenburg Territory", "Rules of behavior in nature" that are used in the classroom.

In formation ecological concepts, I use interactive resources on ecology for preschoolers. For example: interactive game "We design environmental signs. Features of the forest". Using the materials of the resource, each child can independently create their own layout environmental sign(allowing, forbidding, warning) and further use it in an educational game dedicated to the inhabitants of the forest - animals and birds, forest plants, mushrooms and berries.

Interactive game "What grows where?" where needed correlate various fruits of plants, well known to everyone us: various fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, mushrooms with pictures of where they could grow.

Simulation method. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects, schematic images, signs. The purpose of modeling in environmental education- ensuring successful learning preschoolers knowledge about the characteristics of natural objects, their structure and relationships.

IN environmental education for preschoolers different models: object models - interactive toys depicting animals (barking dogs, meowing cats, pecking hens and chicks, etc.). The most common subject model is the globe. It allows older children to have an elementary geographical idea of ​​the planet. preschool age, which we ourselves made with children from a simple ball and use it to mark different objects on it. Another traditional model in our kindergarten is the fish tank, which mimics a natural body of water and is a model of an ecosystem.

During production and during work with a layout or model, children describe, compare, narrate about various phenomena and objects of nature, reason, thereby replenishing their vocabulary. The method creates favorable conditions for sensory development children: working with layouts, in the manufacture of which materials of different texture, quality, and shape were used that contribute to the development of external senses, activates fine motor skills of the hands.

We also made a model with the children "Natural World". To create a natural model, children are offered a variety of natural materials (cones, twigs, pebbles, leaves, dried flowers, etc., waste material (corks, lids, pieces of fabric, etc., substitute material (ribbons, sticks, grains, etc., this allows the child to independently create a model of the natural world "Water and underwater world", "Forest", "Seasons" and etc.

Cognition preschoolers Natural phenomena or properties of natural objects can also be carried out through practical modeling, i.e. experimentation. Using substitute objects, children draw conclusions about why fish have a streamlined shape, why animals have protective colors, and why predators need claws.

Another type of modeling is graphical, which helps preschoolers trace patterns of changes in growth, in the development of living beings, changes in seasons, and more. For example, the phenological calendars of nature that we keep in the group. It provides a graphical representation of the changes and signs of seasons, temperature changes, precipitation in different times year, etc. In different age groups we fill out a bird watching calendar, a calendar of growth and development of onions and beans.

Modeling (subject, graphic, practical) forms a deep and meaningful knowledge of natural phenomena, helps prepare preschoolers to school and maintain continuity in education in kindergarten and primary school.

Successfully solve problems environmental education and education helps mnemonics methods. Mnemonics - memory development technology, a set of rules and techniques that make memorization easier. An example is the familiar phrase “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits”, which helps you remember the colors of the rainbow. Study mnemonics It’s better with children 4-5 years old, when they have already accumulated a basic vocabulary, using algorithms for the processes of caring for indoor plants, planting seeds, etc. Training is built from simple to complex. Job we start with the simplest mnemonic squares, then move on to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables. A mnemonic table is a graphic or partially graphic representation of natural phenomena, some actions, characters in a fairy tale, that is, you can draw what you see fit. But depict it in such a way that what is drawn is understandable to children. An example would be mnemonic table: "The Journey of a Droplet"

For younger and middle children preschool age, it is advisable to give colored mnemonic tables, since they retain in their memory individual images: the Christmas tree is green, the sun is yellow, the berry is red. Later you can complicate it or replace it with another screensaver - depict the character in graphic form. For example, a fox consists of an orange triangle and a circle, a wolf - a gray triangle, a sun summer - full yellow circle, and in cold weather year - yellow semicircle, the wind is warm in summer, these are red arrows, and in winter - blue arrows, etc. Along with the existing mnemonic tables, I invite the children to draw their own tables, and the children successfully cope with this task.

Design and research activities are also part of my work on environmental education and upbringing of children. Preschoolers born explorers. This is the age when a child wants to know everything, he is interested in natural objects, phenomena, and relationships in nature. Organization of design and research activities preschoolers on environmental material will allow teachers to form key competencies in baby: ability to see a problem, search and find information, work in a group, talk about results, reflect, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, establish causation.

The subject-spatial environment in my group also contains materials for experienced-research activities: containers for experimentation; magnifying glasses for viewing different objects in enlarged form; materials for experimental games with ice, water, snow (paints, salt, sugar, soap, plastic cups); seeds for planting and germination; (beans, peas, corn, etc.); earth, clay, sand.

Spent a series with the children experiments with air: “Catch the air”, “Air moves”, “Air has weight”, “Air is lighter than water”, “Air has no smell”, using laboratory glassware, scales, containers for playing with water of different volumes and shapes; natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, bird feathers, tree leaves, seeds, etc.; medical materials: pipettes, flasks, measuring spoons, other materials: mirrors, Balloons, sieve, candles.

The project is of great interest to children "The Adventures of a Droplet" about the properties of water, during which we became acquainted with the properties of war through simple experiments. Implementing the project "Garden on the windowsill" to bring children to the conclusion about the need for moisture for plant growth, seeds were germinated in two saucers (empty and with damp cotton wool). To lead children to the conclusion that heat is necessary for plant growth, place two identical plants in different conditions: one in a warm place, the other in a cold place and watched their growth.

One of the projects successfully implemented in my group is the project "Let's clean the planet of garbage". Job On the project, we started with cleaning the territory of the kindergarten. All rubbish - plastic bottles, metal cans, paper, pieces of glass, plastic bags - we folded them into a bucket and took them to the trash cans. After talking with the children, we decided to conduct an experiment - bury the found garbage in the ground and see what happens to it after a while. Garbage was buried in prepared pits with specific markings.

The children waited with great interest for the moment when they could dig up the hidden garbage. Before digging the holes a month later, we put forward different hypotheses about what could happen to the buried garbage, then, having dug it up, we compared the coincidence of the hypotheses with what happened in reality.

The guys saw that practically nothing happened to plastic and glass containers. Accordingly, we conclude that such waste cannot be thrown into nature, since it will be stored for a long time and spoil the surrounding nature. Then they made a propaganda poster for relevant theme and drawing competition "Save our nature!".

To carry out experiments A specially equipped laboratory is not always required. Many experiments can be done on a walk. This is how we define purity air: prepare three identical 15x15 cm cardboard squares, coat them thickly with Vaseline on one side. And during the walk, lay it out in the children’s area garden: the first - not far from the roadway, the second - near the walking area, the third - in the depths of the territory, in the green zone. Leave the cardboards for 2-3 days and then compare which one has more dust on it. Children conclude that the air is not equally clean everywhere. Children are very impressed by this experiment.

As a result of the use of such forms and methods of environmental education I can note that children have become more attentive. He learned to think logically, reason, compare, generalize, and identify essential features. objects and objects of nature. Knowledge gained through new innovative forms children can use when conducting experimental research activities. The boys are happy to play « ecologists» , "scientists", "laboratory technicians", understand in practice the dangers of garbage for ecology.

Children began to actively participate in the environmental actions, holidays, consciously understanding the need to protect nature and the Earth from destruction. desire for active environmental protection within the kindergarten and city. Children have rallied with their parents, who are our reliable helpers in environmental education of children.

In our preschool environmental promotions take place throughout the academic year. During the actions preschoolers acquire natural history knowledge and develop skills ecological culture, active life position. Stocks serve well environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of their parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves. Shares sold in the group "Good winter for the birds"(feeding wintering birds, “Christmas tree - green needle”, “Close the tap tight so the ocean doesn’t leak out!”(March 22 is International Water Day, "Let's decorate the planet with flowers"(promotion starts in April, on holiday "Earth Day" when children sow flower seeds).

And most importantly, during environmental actions, children are shown and given the opportunity to improve and correct the consequences themselves. ecologically illiterate actions of people, because the result of any action is productive activity children.

3. Innovative forms of working with parents on environmental education of preschool children

The problem of formation environmental We solve cultures with the help of parents. Parents are invited to attend classes and celebrations environmental content, participate in environmental protection actions, in the creation and replenishment of the subject-spatial environment, in the improvement of areas on the territory of the kindergarten. Parents and children conduct experiments and research, filling out nature calendars, observing the habits of animals, growing plants, and conducting simple experiments with natural materials.

At the present stage environmental education must be carried out together with parents, they are the first educators in a child's life. In order to identify the hobbies of adults and children, the attitude of parents to the problem environmental education, I'm conducting a survey. To help parents, a " Ecological stand", where articles, poems, riddles on the topic, signs, word games are posted for learning and practicing with children at home. A good tradition in work with parents began to participate in competitions, entertainment, exhibitions

Themed ones are available for parents. booklets: “Rules for the safety of children outdoors in summer”. "Everything about proper nutrition children", "Our vitamin friends", "Outdoor games for a walk", “A clean city is our city”, consultations are held "Computer. Benefits and harms for your child", « Ecology of home» , “How to use a computer for the development and education of children?”, « Upbringing safe behavior of children in nature", "Basic rules of behavior in nature", “Protection against ticks. How to remove a tick. Safety rules for children", "On a Summer Walk".


“Organization of classes in basic general education programs of preschool education”

Project passport

By number of participants: Group

(Project participants: students of the group “Solnyshko”,

teachers, parents of students.)

Integration of educational areas. “Artistic and aesthetic development”

"Speech development"

"Cognitive Development"

By duration:short


Children lack understanding

about changes in nature in spring.

They cannot always explain the meaning accurately and completely

familiar words, match to nouns

adjectives and verbs.

Children's stories are not complete enough.

Objective of the project

To consolidate knowledge about spring changes in living and non-living nature:

  • develop the ability to compare different periods spring;
  • to cultivate a joyful, caring attitude of children towards the awakening nature;
  • desire to learn more about the features of nature.

Project objectives


Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature.

Activate children's vocabulary with concepts from the lesson topic.


Develop a desire to communicate with peers during activities.

Expand children's knowledge about the signs of spring, teach them to establish the simplest connections between the conditions of the coming spring.


To cultivate a caring attitude towards the awakening of nature, towards its individual phenomena.

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the answers of peers.

To promote children's interest in nature.

Expected result:

Assimilation by children of the necessary knowledge on the topic: “Living and inanimate nature spring."

Children have a strong interest in nature.

Enriching children's vocabulary.

Successful intellectual and personal development of children.

Development cognitive activity children.

Involvement of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

Preparatory stage

Target:-organize a system of forms of activity

used in the implementation of the project:

  • “What do you know about spring?”
  • Conversation on the topic "Spring", "Seasons"
  • Questioning of parents on the topic "Child
  • and nature"
  • Abstract of GCD

Methodical work:

Selection of methodological literature on this topic;

selection of children's fiction;

selection of board-printed and didactic games.

Providing sets of toys Selection of audio recordings on this topic.

Formulation of goals, objectives, and final product of the project.

Developmental environment

Corner of nature

Card index of experiments

Main stage Speech development

Independent gaming activity

D/i “Make a word”

D / and "What first, what then"

D/i “Make a fairy tale”

D/i Voskobovich

"Letter Constructor"

Ecological development

Natural phenomena


Planting onions

Watering onions

Planting onions

Onion planting scheme

D and "The Fourth Wheel"

D\I “What nature”

Schemes of animate and inanimate nature

Watering flowers

D\I “Plant a ladybug”

D\I "Seated on floors"

Stage 3 of the project Final

Vegetable garden on the window


1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M.A.

Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mo-

Zaika-Sintez, 2014.

2. The upbringing and education of children in the middle group of kindergarten / under

ed. V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2013.

3. Dybina O.B. Classes to get to know the environment

middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

4. Solomennikova O.A. Classes on the formation of elementary eco-

logical representations in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-

Synthesis, 2011.

5. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological

6. Gerbova V.V. Classes for the development of speech with children 4-6 years old. - M.: Pro-

glow, 2014.




Thank you for your attention!!!

The project was prepared by students

groups D.Z 5.3:

Shemidyuk S.A.

Shchelkunova A.N.

Oksana Grigorieva
“Modern approaches to environmental education of preschool children, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”


« Modern approaches to environmental education of preschool children, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education»

The interaction of man with nature is an extremely urgent problem. modernity. Every year its sound becomes stronger; too much damage has been done to living nature.

An important aspect in solving the issue of nature conservation is ecological education of the entire population, starting with the younger generation.

The beginning of the formation environmental personality orientation can rightfully be considered preschool childhood, since during this period the foundation of a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality is laid.

The relevance of our problem is that environmental upbringing and education children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only ecological outlook, environmental the culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which it is now.

Environmental education of preschool children continuous process of child upbringing and development aimed at forming ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the surrounding world, a responsible attitude towards one’s health and the state of the environment, compliance with certain moral standards, and a system of value orientations.


(our preschool educational institution is as follows) Raising from the first years of life a humane, creative personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature and treating it with care.


1. Development of cognitive interest in the natural world.

2. Formation of an idea of ​​the relationship between the components of living and nonliving species.

3. Education ecological consciousness, moral attitude towards the world.

Work system environmental raising children in our preschool educational institution consists of interconnected components, each of which performs its own function in implementation of education

Improving the professional qualifications of teachers

Is one of important factors, influencing the formation of the foundations environmental a child’s worldview is the professional training of teachers.

In our preschool educational institution they have implemented various forms of advanced training employees: advanced training courses, educational training, pedagogical councils, seminars, master classes, exhibitions, competitions.

Competitions: "Vegetable garden on the window", "Our planet", "Gifts of Nature", competition for the best design of group plots, flower beds, competition environmental projects , competition for the best bird feeder and others.

Through consultations, seminars, and workshops, educators receive environmental knowledge, get acquainted with programs, methods environmental education of preschoolers.

Forms of working with children: GCD (simple and complex, play activities, walks, targeted walks, excursions, observations, holidays, entertainment, leisure, quizzes, crosswords, experimental activities, work with parents.

Direct GCD is systematically carried out educational activities by area in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard. In their work, educators constantly use didactic games, theatrical performances, plot - role-playing games With environmental content.

Subject development environment

One of important conditions educational - educational work on environmental education for preschool childrenproper organization developing subject environment in preschool institution.

Wednesday in our preschool institution promotes:

Child cognitive development

ecological- aesthetic development

Improvement of the child's health

Formation of moral qualities

Formation ecologically competent behavior.

The developmental environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its own functional role.

In each age group there is a mini-center for ecology in accordance with the preschool educational institution program and the age of the children.

Collections area - designed to introduce children to natural objects, to teach classification according to various criteria.

Cognitive pyramids: "Nature and us", "Animals". They are made together with children and help consolidate knowledge about natural objects and phenomena.

Center of water and sand. Designed for experimenting with water and sand, to relieve static and emotional tension, and develop hand motor skills.

Vegetable garden on the window - created in each age group to observe the growth of plants.

Variety of activities, integrated teaching approach, contributing not only to the formation environmentally conscious, but also a comprehensively developed person - these are the main aspects of a teacher’s work with children.

Therefore we strive for greening the entire educational process, and this requires close cooperation of the entire team.

For example, a music director develops scripts environmental holidays , picks up musical arrangement For educational activities on ecology, instructor physical culture includes in classes exercises that imitate the habits of various animals and plants, organizes nature trips, participates in the organization of sports - environmental holidays.

Much attention is paid to communication with nature, organization various forms work during walks and excursions. The preschool educational institution has ecological trail, a bird column located on the territory of the kindergarten, a mini weather station, a vegetable garden, walking areas with flower beds, trees and shrubs grow throughout the preschool territory.

Working with parents

It's no secret that to implement environmental education parents have a much harder time than children. However, it is necessary to deal with this issue, since we cannot do without the support of parents.

The main tasks that we have set for our parents preschool educational institution:

Maintain children's interest in nature

Encourage them environmentally conscious actions,

Show interest in the content of kindergarten classes,

And, of course, be an example in everything.

In addition to educational work with parents (consultations, parental meetings on environmental topics, booklets, memos, etc., much attention is paid to joint activities children and adults, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, such an approach promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between parents and children.

We held joint stock: "Let's make our area clean"(garbage removal, snow removal) areas of preschool educational institutions, “Toys are fantasies made from waste material”(crafts made from waste material, "We are friends of nature"(contest environmental poster, Action - plant a tree!, "Birds are our friends" (making feeders, birdhouses, providing food) etc. Parents willingly participate in the life of our kindergarten. Thematic exhibitions are very popular among both children and parents. photos: "My pet", "Family and Nature" and others.

Parents provide assistance in collecting collections, exhibits from natural materials, and in decorating areas preschool,weather stations and a bird post were also made.

Our creativity

Exhibitions are held regularly children's creativity on environmental themes according to temporary changes in nature.

Nature Observation Center

The kindergarten has a relaxation area designed for children to relax and care for indoor plants and aquarium inhabitants.

Monitoring the growth of green onions and legume seeds.

Circle "Florik"

Ecological circle"Florik" works on the program environmental education of preschool children age Nikolaeva S. N. "Young ecologist» .

Flower care

Children in older groups help the teacher care for the plants.

Our vegetable garden

Words by V. A. Sukhomlinsky

I would like to believe that the existing system of work in preschool educational institutions will not stop there, the introduction of new ones is ahead environmental educational technologies , development of teaching aids, improvement of the subject environment, creation of an experimental site for environmental education. Let love to native nature will remain in the hearts of our students for many years and will help them live in harmony with the world around them.

Thank you for your attention!


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