Didactic games. Game "Find differences" for the little ones, in pictures. Didactic color learning games for young children

Tiny peanuts are not only the love and joy of our whole life, but also those who need our constant attention. Paying attention means dealing with kids, developing them and educating them. Children of the first year of life are often offered classes for physical development. As children grow older, they become more and more useful and actual games to the development of thinking, attention and creativity.

What activities to choose for kids who have already celebrated their first big birthday? This one is complicated, but interesting period the baby meets with wide eyes and readiness for new knowledge and discoveries. Finding good and educational games for children aged 1-2 is very easy. Many of the games are passed down from generation to generation and are sometimes felt at the level of intuition.

At 1-2 years old, any bright material, cereals, paints - everything that any mother has at hand can become the object of the game!

Main directions for development

children preschool age It is important to develop the following skills:

Early preschool period can be divided into three main stages: 1-1.5 years, 1.5-2 years and 2-3 years. Each of them has its own characteristics, but it is very important for parents to constantly develop the baby, not letting his upbringing take its course. Let's analyze the basic skills inherent in each individual stage.

1-1.5 years

Children learn:

  • walk and jump (with mother's help);
  • throw the ball;
  • name things;
  • imitate the sounds of animals, objects;
  • distinguish colors;
  • listen, understand and comply with requests;
  • distinguish objects by size;
  • keep count up to 5;
  • manipulate toys (feed the doll, cook dinner, roll the car, rock the bunny, etc.);
  • sing along to simple songs, repeat nursery rhymes, rhymes;
  • study manual labor(glue the cut out parts, paint with a brush on paper).
Trust such a small child small parts not worth it - for now, he is interested in playing with volumes, shapes and colors - a ball, large colored cubes, pyramids

1.5-2 years

Children are learning:

  • to distinguish not only primary colors, but also their shades;
  • understand and fulfill polysyllabic requests (“Take a bear, put it in a stroller and sing a song”);
  • distinguish not only the size, but also the shape of objects;
  • keep score 1-10;
  • call objects with a full word (“spoon” instead of “ka”);
  • imitate the sounds of animals, birds, objects;
  • manipulate with toys (carry sand in the car, feed the bunny with a spoon, build a tower of cubes);
  • throw the ball;
  • sing songs and repeat rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • distinguish between numbers and letters (a small part);
  • engage in manual labor (with the help of an adult, glue the application, use pencils and felt-tip pens, draw with a brush).

More information can be found in the article

A child under two years of age loves building from cubes and a large designer, a plot can already be introduced into games, they have their own characters and stories

2-3 years

It's time to learn:

  • to distinguish between primary colors, their shades, and also be able to mix paints to get the desired color (we recommend reading:);
  • keep count up to 10;
  • to distinguish between the relative size (higher-lower, farther-closer, large-smaller), as well as the shape of objects (triangular, round, square);
  • add and subtract prime numbers using available examples (another girl came to two girls, now there are three girls);
  • describe events in simple sentences;
  • understand the content of the tale and answer questions about what they have read;
  • manipulate with toys (build simple objects from the constructor, play role-playing games);
  • memorize poems and songs;
  • know how letters and numbers are written;
  • engage in manual labor (make applications, sculpt from dough, plasticine, draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, make crafts from natural material).

When the child's age approaches three years, you can actively include creative skills in his development program - drawing, music (xylophones, children's musical instruments), modeling

Lessons per year

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Finger painting

Drawing with children is a new and exciting process that allows you to explore the unusual and develop your imagination. Children are more interested in the process of creativity than the result.

For comfortable work, prepare a working area: cover the table with oilcloth, prepare paints, water, a brush (if desired), napkins. Kids at this age are extremely restless, so you should not plan to color more than one picture at a time. Give your child no more than three colors to choose from.

Before the baby begins to try his hand, show how to properly dip your finger in the paint. Do this with your hand, holding the baby's finger, then start carefully coloring the picture. Encourage and praise the baby for success, so you will stimulate in him the desire to create.

Finger paints are great fun for kids who are kinesthetic by nature, that is, they love to touch and try everything with their hands.

Maybe it's too early to use this material for one-year-old babies? Of course, complex adult crafts are still inaccessible to children of this age, but plasticine is excellent tool for development fine motor skills so you can start now. Modeling opens up a huge scope for creativity in front of the child. Modern plasticine differs from old samples, it is more elastic and does not stick to hands at all. Working with such material is a real pleasure. The child will be interested in adding details to the already finished picture, which you can draw yourself or buy a blank.

At first, sculpt small balls that the baby will have to press with his finger at the selected place in the picture. Drawings should be with simple plots: add sweets to a vase, feed a dog or depict rain from a cloud. Having learned to press on the ball to flatten it, the child can try to smear the plasticine in different sides to get a new interesting picture. You should start with a simple action - pressure. Important Tips:

  • It is recommended to stick balls in advance so that the child does not wait for a “new portion” of work, because it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing for a long time.
  • Do not leave the baby unattended, otherwise he may try to taste the plasticine.
  • After class, remove the plasticine in a place inaccessible to the child.
  • As an alternative to plasticine, take the dough, which you can make yourself from water and flour.

Modeling from plasticine - very interesting activity that can bring together toddlers and older kids. The latter will be happy to show their brother or sister how to mold something beautiful

Reading books

Choose simple and bright books, where there are many beautiful pictures attracting attention. Accompany your reading with games and voice acting. For example, act out the story with your favorite toys, or pretend a frog croaks or a bunny jumps. Children love to read the same book over and over - even though you're already tired of it, read it over and over again as long as it is interesting to the baby.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs" - an excellent didactic complex for the development of children different ages. All sets are divided by age (from birth to the school itself). Each annual complex contains 12 books, where you will find a large number of interesting tasks, which are developed by specialists in child psychology and education, which means they will be useful to your baby.

Games with cubes, pyramids and sorters

After 1 year, children are happy to play with blocks. Offer your child the most simple steps: make a turret of two or three cubes, gradually increasing the number of cubes.

Use developing sorters (cubes with holes different shapes and figures corresponding to the shape of these holes). A seemingly simple task is very difficult for a child, but it develops his brain very well.

Pyramid is one of the most favorite activities for a 1 year old baby. With the help of a pyramid, a child will master such concepts as “more-less” and learn how to make a whole structure from separate parts.

Active games with objects

Such games in 1-2 years are the best solution. For classes, choose large bright objects. Tasks can be simple and active: collect items in a basket, throw a ball, take the doll to kindergarten. Classes can be with a developing bias: mom asks to take and bring any item. All kids love to touch, crush and taste objects - give him the opportunity to realize his desires. Offer your child objects with different textures, surfaces and shapes. When giving the next thing to a child, name its characteristics (big, hard, warm, fluffy, etc.).

Finger games are not only interesting for the child, but also very useful. They are great for developing fine motor skills and imagination.

Continue to develop fine motor skills with simple and interesting movements, accompanied by voice acting. Do not forget - the more you knead the children's fingers, the more likely it is that the child will speak soon. If the child does not want to play such games, you can simply make him useful massage fingers and palms, or offer a spiked rubber ball to play with.

Games with household items: clothes, dishes

A large number of toys in the house does not exclude the craving of small children for everyday things. They tend to repeat adult actions and do everything like a mother. Playing with dishes is a favorite pastime for children. There is a lot of room for imagination here: put trays into each other, hide something in a saucepan, transfer vegetables from a bowl to a saucepan.

Bulk material games

One year olds love this activity. Such exercises stimulate the development of sensory perception. Fingers will become more and more dexterous and obedient. For classes, choose any bulk materials and cereals: rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet. Then mom needs to sleep thin layer on a tray of cereals and show how you can draw with this material. For work, it is advisable to choose a tray with high sides, although it does not guarantee the absence of scattered cereals on the floor. The kid will probably want to first study the cereal - do not interfere with such an acquaintance.

Cereals and legumes can be dyed with hypoallergenic food coloring, especially rice. You can also buy ready-made colored materials for the development of fine motor skills.

Everything new for children under 2 years old is very important. They need to deal with new material, try it by touch and taste, sort out each type of cereal in their palm. Perhaps the kid will be interested in just such actions, and not in the process of drawing - do not rush things, let the baby just get acquainted with unusual material in the first lesson.

Next time you can try to show the implementation of simple drawings (circles, squares). Over and over again, the child will try to draw more and more new drawings (zigzags, waves, stripes). Such activities with cereals are great for developing fine motor skills in babies aged 1,2 and 3 years.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games develop not only the large motor skills of the baby, but in general have a beneficial effect on all body systems. Particular attention should be paid to the speech accompaniment of classes: “on”, “sat down”, “got up”, etc. - this helps to regulate the pace and breathing of the baby and, in general, activates it. Movement exercises can be done both at home and while walking on fresh air, combining them with jumps, squats, running and simple walking. Each game is repeated about 3 times a week. We offer several options.

With toys

We collect balls

  • You will need two types of balls - small and larger, and two boxes of similar sizes. Saying the value, first we help the crumbs: “a big ball is in big box, and a small one into a small one. Then we give the child the opportunity to do it on his own.
  • Starting from 1 year 10 months, you can also start pronouncing the colors of the balls.

Ball sorting is suitable for both one-year-olds and three-year-olds - classes become more difficult with age

Looking for a toy

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution № 244

Didactic games with kids early age

(from 1 to 3 years)


Belonogova Elena Mikhailovna

teacher speech therapist

highest qualification category

Ulyanovsk, 2014


IN methodological development educational didactic games and exercises for young children from 1 to 3 years old are presented.

funny games with soft puzzles develop fine motor skills, speech, attention, thinking, perception in a child, develop sensory feelings. These games are established and supported between mother and child by relatives, trusting relationship, since an adult is directly involved in all the games of children. Games help to establish closer contact with the outside world.

The methodological development contains a description of the games that are copyrighted. The games are made by hand.

Methodological development can be used by parents, kindergarten teachers preschool institutions teachers working with young children.


Subject early development is very relevant and requires the most serious attitude and attention to it from parents and teachers.

Development should start as early as possible. According to B.P. Nikitin, “The first years of life are the most fertile time, when the reasonable care of parents will give the richest fruits that will remain for life and which, with all the desire, cannot be as successfully grown later.”

Young children are inquisitive "researchers", curious and energetic. They learn the world around them "playfully" and are full of enthusiasm about each of their new "discoveries".

The purpose of the methodological development is to reveal the content of didactic games and show their influence on the mental development of the child.

Didactic games are essential and most effective method education and training of young children, in particular in the formation of their higher mental functions, finger motor skills and coordinated hand movements, the development of speech, sensory feelings, curiosity, sustainable interest and strong-willed character traits.

The games presented in the methodological development were tested on young children visiting the Vmeste family play center. These games are fun for kids. They can easily be made by parents, teachers from improvised material.

Games must be carried out under the supervision of adults so that the child cannot harm himself by putting small parts in his nose, mouth, ears.

Games can be used both in individual and group work with young children.

Soft puzzles

The special material from which educational games can be made does not break, does not tear, bends easily, and is safe.

Soft puzzle improves fine motor skills; promotes the development of imagination; stimulates the creative activity of the baby.


Equipment: soft puzzle "grapes" with large and small round holes, small and large round inserts.


Grapes, grapes

Lots of berries in a row

Grew up on a branch

Meals for kids.

Distribute individual material for children to work with their mother.

Pay attention to the children that the holes in the grapes are different, large and small, and the liners (berries) are also large and small.

Large and small berries can close all the holes.

Invite the children to insert the berries (mugs) into the appropriate-sized holes.


Purpose: To teach children to correlate objects in size, improves fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: Soft puzzle "Giraffe" with large and small round holes, liners of the same size and shape, picture of a giraffe.

Draw the children's attention to high growth giraffe and on spots all over the body.

Read the poem.

What is this giant

As tall as a crane?

This is head up

We are greeted by a giraffe

Give the children a soft puzzle "Giraffe" (a lattice and circles separately) and offer to insert the circles (specks) into the corresponding hole.

What a beautiful giraffe turned out and all in spots.


Purpose: To teach children to correlate objects in size, to improve fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: Soft puzzle "Steamboat" with large and small round holes, liners of the same size and shape, a toy boat.

Show the children a toy boat and read the poem, accompanying the text with movements.

The ship sailed on the river

He shot rings into the sky;

Puff - puff, puff - puff

Puff - puff, puff - puff

Our boat is sailing

Rides on the waves.

Up - down, up - down

Rides on the waves.

Give the children a soft puzzle "Ship" to play with.

Pay attention to the windows of the boat (large and small).

Offer to insert circles (windows) into the appropriate size holes.

Gingerbread and cookies

Purpose: To teach children to correlate objects in shape (circle, square), improve fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: Soft puzzle with round and square holes, inserts of the same shape.

Masha invited guests and baked a treat. Invite the kids to lay out the gingerbread (circles) and cookies (squares) on a tray and serve to guests for tea.

apple tree

Purpose: To teach children to correlate objects in size, to develop fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: Soft puzzle "Apple tree" with large and small round holes, liners of the same size, a picture (drawing) of an apple tree with apples.

Apples are big and small, yellow, red and green.

Give the children a game and offer to decorate the apple tree with apples; insert the mugs (apples) into the appropriately shaped holes.

small house

Purpose: To teach children to correlate objects in shape (circle, square); develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: Soft puzzle "House" with round and square holes of different sizes; hole inserts.

Read the poem to the children.

We will build a strong house

Let's live together in it

Log house with windows

It will be warm and light.

Invite the children to complete the house by inserting the circles and squares into the corresponding holes.


The age of a child up to 3 years is the most favorable time for the beginning of the development of any abilities in him. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start working with the child on time.

I hope that the participation of kids in didactic games will facilitate their further education in the classroom in kindergarten and prepare them for the mental work necessary for systematic learning at school.

Play with your baby as often as possible. Play with pleasure!

Improving the sensory systems and mental functions of the baby should begin from an early age. In this, didactic games for the development of fine motor skills, visual, auditory and tactile perception, memory, logical thinking and creative skills.

From the experience of preschool teachers in many countries of the world, it follows that the effectiveness of didactic games is very high. They help the child to master the basic ideas about the world around them, stimulate the formation of intelligence.

Through finger games in younger preschoolers, fine motor skills improve, areas of the brain where a speech skill is formed are stimulated. Speech therapy allows children to learn to speak correctly and clearly.

  • "Mosquitoes Fly"

gift balls,

(Kids clap their hands)

Mosquitoes flew: "Zoo-zu-zu!"

(Children put their fingers on their palms into a pinch and show how a mosquito flies)

Flying, flying

Ringing, spinning

(Rotation of the hands in the wrist joints, movements of the hands in all directions)

Once! In your ear (cheek, leg)

Grabbed! "Z-z-z-z!"

(Light pinch on the ear, cheek, leg or arm).

Visual material is used - a color illustration depicting a large mosquito.

  • "Shoemaker at work"

Hey cobbler, help!

Boots are completely worn out.

You hammer better nails -

After all, we are going to visit in the evening!

(During reading, the children show the movements of the hammer with one hand, and the nails with the other, and imitate the work of a shoemaker).

This is a cognitive didactic game, children master the professions of a shoemaker and other craftsmen in a fun way.

  • "At grandmother Ulyana ..."

Grandma Ulyana

10 daughters, 10 sons.

(Children one by one bend their fingers on their right and left hands)

(Kids spread their fingers on two palms)

All with w-o-o-o-t such eyes,

(Kids point to their eyes, pinch their fingers and straighten them)

All with w-o-o-o-t such ears,

(Waving the hands next to each ear on both sides of the head)

Didn't dance, didn't sing

(Show 2 and 3 fingers of both hands walking on the table, shake their heads)

(Put the 2nd finger of the right hand to the lips)

Everyone was looking at Grandma.

(Touch with 2 fingers of both hands the inner corners of the eyes).

Games for the development of auditory perception

Consider didactic games and exercises that teach to recognize sound in children 2-4 years old.

  • Mobile-developing exercise "Attention!";

The kid follows the teacher's commands, which begin with the word "Attention!" For example: “Attention! Go left!”, “Attention! Take the toy! etc.

  • "Carpenter at work"

The child bangs on the table with a toy hammer loudly if a large nail is to be driven in and softly if the nail is tiny. An adult randomly says: “Big, small ...” The kid learns to distinguish between loud and quiet sounds.

  • "Who says what?"

One of the children is blindfolded. A group of children take turns repeating one or another sound that pets make with their voices. The player's task is to say which of the quadrupeds communicates this way.

  • "Sound Guidance"

The child turns his back to the adult. The teacher taps a pencil on different surfaces (glass, metal, wood, plastic) and asks the kid who heard the sound to guess which object was touched.

  • "Where does the sound come from?"

The game helps to develop auditory orientation in space. The baby stands in the middle of the room, eyes closed. The teacher moves around the room and different places rings the bell. The kid should indicate with his hand from which side he heard the sound.

Consider didactic games for the development of speech, which are closely related to similar exercises for auditory perception.

  • Didactic game "What, what, what"

On the table are small colorful toys. The task of the child is to sort the objects in two ways: first by color, and then depending on the grammatical gender of the word, answering the question of an adult. For example, “Which wheel from a typewriter? Green”, - to the first group, “What ship? Blue”, - to the second group, “What Yula? Red”, - in the third group.

The organization of games for the development of speech often does not require special equipment, it is based on the close interaction of the teacher and children's team. At this time, new lexical topics are studied, children master the grammatical categories of speech. The features of didactic games of this class are their versatility, since such games can be played in any environment.

Color fixing exercises

Board didactic games for knowledge of four base colors(red, blue, yellow, green) help improve color perception. The age of children is from 2 to 4 years. Didactic games and exercises of this group give kids the simplest knowledge of geometry and color analysis.

  • Didactic game "Houses-1"

The child combines the study of primary colors and the simplest geometric shapes. There are multi-colored rectangles - the walls of houses, and triangles - roofs. The task of the kids is to choose a roof of the right color for each house.

  • Didactic game "Houses-2"

After completing the first task, the teacher gives the children mixed sticks different colors. The child needs to sort them out and build fences around the houses of the same color as their walls and roof. After that, the children lay out the pictures according to the same principle, which depict pets of various shades.

  • "Colorful Dominoes"

The characteristics of this exercise are as follows. Rectangle wooden chips are used, the halves of which are painted in any two of the four basic colors. The goals of the players are to continue the row with a chip of the same color as the last half of the chip placed on the table by the previous player.

  • Didactic game "Pick up a clothespin"

A game complex that develops color perception and fine motor skills. Children should attach clothespins of four basic colors, which are mixed into one pile, on 4 multi-colored cardboard circles.

  1. Didactic game "Pick up all the blue objects";
  2. Didactic game "Pick up all the red objects";
  3. Didactic game "Pick up all the yellow objects";
  4. Didactic game "Pick up all the green objects."

Educational Activities for Children 2-3 years old

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

The development of the basics of logical thinking, the assimilation of the concepts of size and shape, the skills of comparing several objects occurs through, which explains simple mathematics. Role-playing games from this section can be used in junior, middle and senior groups kindergarten.

  • Didactic game "Fruits (fruit shop)";

Multi-colored pictures with fruits are used. Children need to pick up only fruits of a certain color or shape for the buyer, or choose a certain amount of fruits from one group. Many different cards make this game useful and fun.

An interesting ecological version of the exercise is to use multi-colored pictures of plants instead of fruits. Then you can invite the kids to play pharmacy. Children memorize the image and name of the plant, remember colors and master counting. At the same time, ecology is studied at an introductory level.

Similar plot-didactic games for kids 2-4 years old:

  • Didactic game "Transport";

Vehicle cards are used. The rules are similar to the above game.

  • Board didactic games "Clothes (Atelier)", "Pet Shop (Zoo)";

The attributes of this exercise are cards depicting wardrobe items, wild and domestic animals. Children learn shape, color, the concept of "one-many".

  • Universal didactic game "More-less"

The teacher asks the child to consider two different groups items. The kid needs to count the number of things in each group, and say which pile has more items. Beads, sticks, chips are used.

Musical education

Early childhood is a great time to start learning music. Musical outdoor games stimulate the development of a sense of rhythm, pitch hearing, improve coordination of movements, teach children to interact with each other. In the form of a game, a lesson is conducted that develops mental functions and perception. Songs learned in music classes can be presented at a holiday by inviting parents to a matinee.

  • "Bunny and Thunderstorm"

The design of the lesson requires the presence of a large and small drums. When you hit the big drum - the sounds of thunder - the children ("hare") hide in a mink (squat down), and when you hit the small drum - the sounds of light rain - they jump on the carpet (run through the forest). A musical instrument may be used.

  • « Autumn weather"

The design of the lesson requires the presence of two tracks - a cheerful active and an anxious-sad melody, as well as big umbrella. When the weather is sunny outside, the teacher turns on a cheerful melody and the children walk in the park - they run around the room. If the weather deteriorates and it starts to rain - sad music sounds, then the teacher opens the umbrella, the children run to the adult and hide under the umbrella.

Games for the development of tactile sensations

To stimulate tactile perception, there are simple board didactic games:

  • "Blind Tracker"

The child plunges his hand into the box, where he must take one object, determine its texture by touch and name it out loud (smooth, rough, with pimples, etc.);

  • "Geometry to the Touch"

The kid immerses his hand in the box and, using tactile perception, must name which geometric figure (rectangle, square, circle, triangle) he took inside.

  • "Everything in pairs"

The box contains a couple of different small things. The task of the child is to immerse two hands in the box, find two identical objects by touch and name them.

Tactile box, pouch

A tactile box (pouch) is a universal tool for preschool children, which is used for games to develop tactile perception. It is made very simply from any small box. The finished bag or box is decorated with corrugated paper and ribbons.

Inside are placed pebbles, beads, small toys made of plastic, wood and metal, keys, glass beads, fabric samples, etc. A typical description of a didactic game using this technique is given in the previous section. The box can be used in group classes, and promote self-education of children under adult supervision.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old in kindergarten, the card file of which is collected here, will help each teacher to properly organize the learning and playing process for boys and girls, awaken their curiosity and improve different types perception.

Games for children 2-3 years old. Mom's school.

Card file

Didactic games

For children from 1.5 to 3 years.

"Guess What It Sounds"

Purpose: To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Stroke: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects belong to different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.


Move: V-l: Listen to the clock ticking: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". In order for them to walk, you need to start them: "three-truck ..."!

Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes and first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times).

Now let's start a small clock, the clock goes and sings softly, the clock strikes very quietly (each time the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voice).

"Cubs eat honey"

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs are very fond of honey. Offers to bring the palm closer to the mouth (with fingers to oneself) and “lick off” the honey - the children stick out their tongue and, without touching the palm, imitate that they eat honey. Then, raising the tip of the tongue, remove it. (Mandatory display of all actions by the educator.)

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Then the teacher says: “The cubs have eaten. They lick upper lip. Stroking the tummies, saying: "Uuu" (2-3 times).

"The Frog and the Frogs"

Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.

Stroke: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. Says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kwa-kva” (children imitate that they swim and croak loudly)

Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs got tired and sat on the sand on the shore. Then the children switch roles and the game is repeated.

"Let's feed the chicks"

Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.

Stroke: (I am a mother bird, and you are my baby chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak: "wee-wee" - and flap their wings. The mother bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly and squeak merrily Mom flew in and began to feed her children (children squat, raise their heads up, chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher makes the children open their mouths wider). The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"At the doctor"

Purpose: To develop articulation apparatus children.

Move: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt.

Q: Show your teeth to the doctor (the teacher with the doll quickly walks around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if your throat hurts. Whoever she approaches will open her mouth wide (children open their mouths wide).

The doctor is pleased: no one has a sore throat.

"Guess What It Sounds"

Goal: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize what different sounds belong to.

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Stroke: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to pronounce how it screams. Closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes toys and speaks for their animals in turn. The other group guesses who yelled.

"Who lives in the house? »

Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.

Stroke: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: "aw-aw". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: "Meow-meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly.

Let the animals go home (pictures are removed by the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly? (Children's answers) That's right, a dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers).

Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly? How did the kitten meow?

Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.

“Who is screaming? »

Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.

Stroke: The mother of the bird had a small chick (puts up pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "chirp - chirp" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (rearranges the picture with the image of the chick away). The bird is calling son. What does she call him? (Children together with the teacher repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he chirp? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

"Call Your Mom"

Stroke: All children have subject pictures with baby animals.

Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chick)

Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken)

Call, chicken, your mother. (Pee-pee-pee)

The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture.


Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.

Stroke: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How does she scream? Who is her baby? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc. Pictures are exposed on a flannelgraph. The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs walk (children leave the tables, pinch the grass, pinch the crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put a picture next to them. The teacher utters the cry of an animal or bird. A child, at which the cub is depicted pronounces sounds and puts the picture on the flannelograph.


Purpose: to focus on the gender of the noun when determining the subject according to its characteristics.

Materials: hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.

Let's tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten.

Runaway bunny, what's in your bag?

Can I see? What is this? (Carrot.)

What carrot? (Long, red.)

I put carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.)

What cucumber? (Similarly, we take out a tomato, an apple, etc.)

Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put its paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you have to guess what the bunny has in its paw.

Listen carefully. It is long and red. What is this? (Carrot.)

It is green and long. What is this? (Cucumber.)

It is round and red. What is this? (Apple.)

It is round and red. What is this? (Tomato.)"

If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun with our voice: “Listen again.

It is round and red. It is round and red.

Now find and put vegetables in the bag.

What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits.

Thank you rabbit for coming to us. Goodbye".


Purpose: we learn to focus on the ending when agreeing words in the gender.

Materials: chest, subject pictures: egg, biscuit, jam, apple, towel and other items indicated by nouns of the middle and female, according to the number of children.

Let's put a chest with pictures on the table. We will invite the children to take out the pictures one at a time, while we will ask questions: “What testicle? What matryoshka? Etc. The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child to correctly determine the gender of the latter.

In the event that 2-3 objects are shown in the pictures, the game will take on a new meaning: the child will be able to practice the formation of the nominative plural of nouns.


Purpose: to focus on the end of the verb in the past tense when agreeing with the noun.

Materials: wooden tower, toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Let's put a teremok on the carpet. We will seat the animals near the teremka. We will tell a fairy tale, encouraging children to take part in the storytelling.

Stands in the field Teremok. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse. (Children suggest, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) “Who lives in a little house?” Nobody here. The mouse began to live in a little house.

Jumped up to the tower ... a frog. And so on. In conclusion, let's summarize:

Listen to how we say: the frog jumped, and the hare jumped; the fox came running, and the wolf came running.


Materials: pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons ( different color and different sizes - long and short), horses, ducklings, Pinocchio, bag.

Pinocchio appears in front of the children with a bag. He says that he brought the children toys. Children are looking at toys. They are called. They put it on the table.

What is this? Matryoshka. Let's see what's inside the matryoshka. Another matryoshka. Put them side by side. Vova, now you get a toy. What is this? (Pyramid.) Is there another pyramid? Etc.

Remember what items are on the table. Here are pyramids, nesting dolls, ducklings. Pinocchio will play with you. He will hide the toys, and you will have to say what toys are gone: nesting dolls, pyramids, ducklings or something else.

Three pairs of objects remain on the table: nesting dolls, pyramids, horses. Children close their eyes. We hide nesting dolls, and put ribbons in their place. (“Who is gone?”) Then we hide the ribbons, and put pyramids in their place. (“What’s gone?”) Etc. Finally, we remove all the toys and ask: “What toys are gone?”


Purpose: to exercise in the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

Children sit on chairs. Let us turn to them, inviting intonation to a joke, a game:

Where are our pens? We don't have pens! (We hide our hands behind our backs. Children do the same.) Here are our pens! (Show hands, play with fingers.)

Where are our legs? We don't have legs! (Children hide their legs under a chair.) Here are our legs! (Stomp feet.)

Where are our pens? What is missing? (Pen.) Here are our pens! - Where are our legs? What is missing? (Legs.) Here are our legs.


Purpose: to exercise in the formation of plural forms of nouns (in the nominative and genitive cases).

Materials: pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka - nesting dolls, bucket - buckets, wheel - wheels, ring - rings, etc.).

We distribute the pictures to the children, leaving the paired ones. Explaining the rules of the game:

This is an attention game. I will show pictures. Each picture has a toy. Anyone who has a picture with the same toys should quickly say so. For example, I have a wheel. And Vera has wheels. Faith should quickly say, "I have wheels" or "I have many wheels." Toys must be named.

The one who hesitates gives his picture to an adult. If the child quickly and correctly names the toy, we give our picture to him.

At the end of the game, the losers (who do not have pictures in their hands) are offered comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, sit down three times, etc. We come up with tasks with the children.


Purpose: to exercise in the formation of the imperative mood of the verbs to jump, ride.

Materials: truck, mouse, bear.

We bring a truck and a mouse with a bear into the room. We turn to children:

Do you want the mouse and teddy bear to ride on the truck? If you want, ask them. It is necessary to say: "Bear, go!" And you can also ask the mouse and the bear to jump: “Mouse, jump!” (Requests are accompanied by actions with toys.)

Oleg, whom do you want to ask, a mouse or a bear? What will you ask for?

The game continues until the children run out of interest in it.


Purpose: to exercise in the formation of the forms of the imperative mood of the verbs to lie, sing.

Materials: teddy bear (voiced toy).

A bear cub comes to visit the children. We say that he knows how to carry out orders.

You can ask the bear cub: "Bear, lie on your side ... lie on your back ... lie on your tummy."

He also knows how to sing, you just need to ask: “Bear, sing!” (The story is accompanied by actions with a toy.)

At the request of the children, the teddy bear performs various tasks.

If the child finds it difficult to formulate the task, we ask leading questions: “Do you want the bear to lie down? On the tummy or on the back?

Let's say together: bear, lie on your tummy.

You can give the bear cub other tasks: go (down the hill), jump, dance, write a letter, etc.

Hide and Seek

Purpose: to correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, under, in front of).

Materials: truck, bear, mouse.

A bear and a mouse are visiting children again. The guests began to play hide and seek.

The bear leads, and the mouse hides. We invite the children to close their eyes. We say:

The mouse hid. Open your eyes.

The bear is looking for: “Where is the mouse? He must be under the car? No.

Where is he guys? (In the cockpit.) There he got to!

Close your eyes again, the mouse will hide again. (We put the mouse on the cab.)

Where is the mouse? Guys, tell the bear!

In a similar way, children, together with the bear, look for a mouse that is hiding under the car, near the car, in front of the car.

Games and exercises with grammar content can be included in scenarios group activities, and can be carried out at the request of children with small subgroups during leisure hours. Games can be organized with children, with the help of which they would learn to correlate the generating and derived words. This is done on the material of nouns denoting animals and their young. The formation of methods of verbal word formation is closely connected with the formation of forms. It is carried out in outdoor games, dramatization games, special didactic games.


Purpose: to correlate the name of the animal with the name of the cub.

Materials: toy house, animals (toys): duck and duckling, chicken and chicken, goat and kid, cow and calf, horse and foal.

Arrange adult animals around the room. Their cubs are on the carpet in the house. Invite the children to find out who lives in the house.

Let's get a look. Quack-quack-quack - who is this? Duck? We get a toy from the house. Is the duck big or small? Small? It's a duck, guys. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find its mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for duck.

The rest of the characters are played in the same way. When all the babies have mothers, adults and cubs are planted together. Let the children look at them, say the words: duck - duck, chicken - chicken, etc. Then the animals leave by car to visit other children.

Purpose: to distinguish adult animals and cubs by onomatopoeia, to correlate the names of an adult animal and its cub.

Materials: toys: mouse and mouse, duck and duckling, frog and frog, cow and calf.

Animals come and visit children. Animals want to play. Children must guess whose voice they heard.

Mu-u-u - who is mooing like that? (Cow.) And who is mooing thinly? (Calf.)

The rest of the toys are played in the same way. After the game, children can play with toys. To get a toy, the child must call it correctly (“Frog, come to me!”, “Duckling, come to me!”).


Purpose: to use the names of baby animals.

Materials: a tray with toys: squirrels, hares, ducklings, mice, etc. - according to the number of children, construction material.

We bring a tray of toys into the room. We say that the children should build houses for the kids. Everyone must first decide for whom he will build a house, and correctly ask an adult: “Please give me a duckling (squirrel)”.

If necessary, you need to suggest the whole word or only its beginning and ask the baby to repeat the name.

We lay out the building material on the carpet. Children build houses for their animals, play.


Purpose: to name the baby animals.

Materials: toys: squirrel and kitten.

Imitate the meow of a cat. We ask the children: “Who is this meowing? Where?" We go out with them into the next room. Guys, we have guests! Look, they are very small. It's not just a squirrel and a pussy. This is a kitten and a squirrel. Animals want to play with you. They can be given orders. If you ask correctly, the squirrel will jump. Squirrel, jump! That's how it jumps! And you can ask a kitten: kitten, sing! This is how a kitten sings! Who do you want to ask? About what?

After the game, the animals say goodbye to the children and leave (leave).


Purpose: to correlate the names of adult animals with the names of their cubs, to activate the names of the cubs of animals in speech.

Materials: squirrel and fox.

Now we will play the game "Friendly guys". Get in pairs. Now line up in two columns. The first column - squirrels, the second - foxes. Here are your houses (we put in different ends room chairs, on which we plant a squirrel and a fox). If you hear dance music, dance and run - frolic on the lawn. At the command "Danger!" run home to your moms. The one who gets together the soonest wins.

Activation of the names of young animals, correlation with the names of adult animals is also facilitated by plastic sketches and exercises. For example, an adult takes on the role of mother chicken, children take on the role of chickens. Hen with chickens walks in the clearing. Everyone is raking grass, looking for worms, drinking water, cleaning feathers. At the command "Danger!" chickens run under the wing to mother chicken.

To activate the names of animal cubs, variants of the games “Hide and seek”, “Where are our pens?”


Goal: Match the words of the poem with their own movements.

The children are standing. An adult reads a poem, and children accompany the reading with rhythmic movements.

All summer swing

Rocked and sang

And we're on the swing

They flew to the sky.

(Children shake their arms back and forth, slightly springing their legs at the knees.)

The autumn days have arrived.

The swing was left alone.

(Reducing the course of the swing, the children spring at the knees and reduce the swing of their arms to a gradual stop.)

Lying on a swing

Two yellow leaves.

And the wind swing shakes slightly.

(V. Danko. Swing.)

(Children perform a slight swaying with their arms extended forward left and right.)


Goal: move according to the word of an adult.

Materials: rattles on the handle (2 for each child); boxes (baskets) for folding rattles.

Children stand in front of an adult holding a box of rattles and saying:

All quickly run to me, Rattles get!

An adult quickly distributes rattles to children. (You can put the rattles on the gymnastic bench, the children will take them themselves.)

The children took the rattles. With them quickly walked!

An adult goes ahead of the children, waving the remaining rattles, recites:

They began to run and jump. Play with rattles!

Children run around, ringing rattles. The adult continues:

We must now all stand in a circle, Show rattles!

Children stand in a circle. As soon as they calm down, the adult joins them, then picks up the rattles with the words:

Raise rattles. And then drop them. Raise and lower! Raise and lower!

Children raise and lower rattles. Then the adult crouches and taps the handles of the rattles on the floor with the words:

Children began to squat, Rattles to knock. Knock - and right! Knock and straight! Knock, knock, knock! And everyone got up.

Children squat, knock rattles on the floor, get up, repeat these movements twice; to the words “knock, knock, knock” they quickly knock three times on the floor with rattles, then rise.

The adult breaks the circle and starts running:

And now we're all running. We rattle with rattles.

Children run after an adult, waving rattles. Turning to calm walking, the adult says:

Quiet, quiet, let's all go. We'll remove the rattles!

Children walk past a box placed in their path and put their rattles into it. (There may be several boxes so that the children put the toys together more quickly.)

If the game is not played for the first time, an adult may not show all the movements: the children will perform them on their own, focusing only on his words. This game is interesting not only for younger preschoolers.


Purpose: to practice pronunciation of onomatopoeia.

From the children they choose a ryabushka chicken, put a hat on her head. At the signal of the driver, a dialogue begins:

Chicken ryabushechka, where are you going?

To the river.

Chicken-ryabushechka, Why are you going?

For water.

Chicken ryabushechka, Why do you need water?

Water the chickens. They want to drink.

They squeak all over the street - Pee-pee-pee!

(Russian folk song.) After the words “They squeak all over the street,” the chicken children run away from the chicken and squeak (pee-pee-pee). Touching the caught child, the hen says: "Go to the well to drink water." Caught children are out of the game. The game is repeated with the choice of a new ryabushechka chicken.


Purpose: to form verbs in a prefixed way.

Before the game begins, the children say in chorus:

Primroses, worms.

The bells rang.

By fresh dew.

In a different lane.

There are cups, nuts,

Honey, sugar, Silence!

(Russian folk song.) After the word "silent" everyone should shut up and freeze. The host (adult) watches the children. If someone laughs, speaks or moves, then he gives the presenter a phantom.

At the end of the game, the children redeem the forfeits by performing actions on command (crawl under the table and crawl back; jump in place twice; leave the room and come back; move the chair back and move it back; look out the window; sit down and stand up; throw the ball; jump over through a rope, etc.).


Purpose: to find the word (verb) that is necessary in meaning.

Materials: Gena doll.

The game begins with a conversation about how children help their parents, what they can do. Next, let's tell the children that Gena came to visit them. He also loves to help his family: grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, brother and sister. And what exactly Gena can do, the children will now have to guess.


I know how to clean the bed (the verb is picked up by children). I know how to floor ... (sweep). I can dust ... (wipe). I can do dishes... (wash, rinse). I know how to make a bed ... (make). I know how to flowers ... (water). I help the table ... (set). I help the plates ... (arrange) I help the forks ... (lay out) I help the crumbs ... (sweep) I help the room ... (clean up) When the game is repeated, the children move from choral statements to individual ones (the verb calls the one to whom Gena will directly address).


PURPOSE: to form the second person singular and plural forms of the verb.

Materials: dolls, invisibility cap, screen, musical instruments (toys), doll furniture.

Invisible comes to visit the children. He says that he has a cap of invisibility. When you put it on, you can be invisible. Shows a hat, puts it on and immediately hides behind a screen. Then the Invisible tells and shows what he loves and knows how to do (dance, sing, recite poetry, run, jump, play on musical instruments sit, stand, walk, etc.).

The Invisible Man puts on his hat, hides behind a screen, and performs one of the actions mentioned. Children guess what Invisible Man is doing by asking him questions: “Are you sleeping?”, “Are you doing exercises?” etc. Wins the one who guesses; he gets the right to be Invisible.

When the game becomes familiar to children, it will be possible to choose two Invisibles, then they will form the plural form of verbs.


Purpose: To form the plural form of verbs.

Materials: Olya doll.

Let's turn to the children with the following words: “Children, Olya's doll came to us with her helpers. I'll show them to you, and you can guess who these helpers are and what they help our Olya do." The doll is walking on the table. We point to her legs: “What is this? These are legs. They are Olya's helpers. What are the legs doing? (Walk, jump, run, jump, dance, etc.)

Then we point to other parts of the body and ask similar questions of the hands - they take, put, dress, draw, cut, stick; teeth - chew, bite, gnaw; eyes - look, close, open, blink, squint; ears - listen).

Olya cheerfully runs to the river along the path,

And for this we need our Olya ... legs.

Olya takes two or three berries,

For this we need our Olya ... pens.

Olya gnaws nucleoli, shells fall,

And for this we need our Olya ... teeth.

Olya looks at the cat. On fairy tale pictures.

And for this we need our Olya ... eyes.

(Karganova. Olya's assistants.)

In conclusion, you can ask the child (children): who are your helpers?


Purpose: Actively use verbs in speech, form various verb forms.

Materials: Pictures: clothes, plane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.

Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures. For example:

what can be said about the plane, what does it do? (Flies, buzzes, takes off, rises, sits down ...);

what can you do with clothes? (Wash, iron, put on, sew up, clean...);

what about rain? (It goes, drizzles, pours, drips, whips, makes noise, knocks on the roof ...);

what about snow? (Walks, falls, spins, flies, lays down, shines, melts, shimmers, creaks...);

what can i do with the doll? (To put to bed, feed, ride in a stroller, treat, take for a walk, dress, dress up, bathe ...);

what does the dog do? (Barks, gnaws bones, wags its tail, bounces, whines, walks, runs, guards...);

what can you say about the sun? (Shines, warms, rises, sets, bakes, rises, falls, shines, smiles, caresses ...).


Purpose: Correlate the actions of people with their profession, form the appropriate verbs (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).

An adult clarifies the children's understanding of the words "profession", "action". Appeals to children:

Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put you to bed ... What do you think is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna, who prepares dinner for us? That's right, she's a chef. What other professions do you know? Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What, for example, does a chef do?

The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables, etc.

What does the doctor do?

The doctor examines the sick, listens, treats, gives medicine, makes injections, operations.

What does a tailor do?

The tailor cuts, basts, smacks, strokes, tries on,


An adult also names the professions of a builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and children name the actions characteristic of these professions.

(The game is held at the end of the year with the appropriate readiness of the children.)

"SOROKA" (Game-dramatization)

Purpose: To correlate the verb with the action that it denotes, and with the subject that performs this action.

Materials: Needles, glasses, soap, bell, brush, iron, brush, broom, toy bird - magpie.

While you were at home, a magpie flew into the kindergarten and collected various things in her bag. Let's see what she took (lays out items).

The game continues in the form of a dialogue between the children and the magpie.

Forty, forty.

Give us soap!

I won't give, I won't give.

I'll take your soap

I'll give my shirt to wash!

Forty, forty.

Give us a needle!

I won't give, I won't give!

I'll take a needle

I will sew a shirt for my shirt.

magpie, magpie,

Give us points!

I won't give, I won't give!

I am without glasses

I can't read a shirt of poems.

magpie, magpie,

Give us a call.

I won't give, I won't give!

I'll take the call

I'll give you a shirt: call me, my son!

You, Magpie, do not rush,

You ask the kids

They will all understand you.

Everything you need will be provided.

(Translated from Tajik by A. Akhundova.)

Leading. What do you want to do, magpie? (Clean, stroke, paint, fly, sweep...)

Leading. Children, what does a magpie need for this? (Children call and bring all the items.)

Magpie thanks and flies away, promising to return everything back.


Materials: Doll's room with a table covered with a tablecloth, chairs; toys: dog, cat, chicken, doll; doll utensils: cup, bowl, saucer, skull (jar, etc.).

Let's turn to the children with these words: "Mashenka came from a walk (we show the doll) and really wants to eat, it's time for her to have lunch." Let's undress the doll and put it at the table.

Dinner time has arrived. Mashenka sat down at the table. (A dog appears.)

Woof woof woof!

Who is this to us?

Woof woof woof!

Who is it there?

It's me.

Your faithful dog.

Your Arapka, black nose.

Day and night

I guarded the house.

Worked out, chill.

Isn't it time for lunch?

Go, Arapka, wash your paws.

(The dog washes its paws and goes to the house.)

Meow meow!

Who is now

Is scratching at our door? (A cat appears.) This is our cat Murka. Murka gray skin.

I guarded your cellar. Moved all mice. The rat was chased out of the basement. Worked out, tired. Isn't it time for lunch? (The cat sits at the entrance.)

Where-where, where-where!

Who else is rushing over here? The chicken came in. (The hen comes.)

I came to you straight from the shed, I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I laid an egg for you. Isn't it time for lunch?

The doors were unlocked

(The doll goes to the door and opens it.)

And so

Masha calls everyone to the table:

Dog Arapka, Cat Scratch. Chicken grouse.

(Toys go into the room and sit at the table.)

No one is denied.

Lunch is served to everyone.

(Adult arranges dishes.)

Doggy - in a bowl,

In a saucer - pussy,

Laying hen

Millet in a skull

And Masha - in a plate,

Deep, not shallow.

Purpose: To form verbs from onomatopoeic words.

Materials: Toys: cat, dog, chicken, cockerel, car.

Toys come to visit children in a car. An adult shows them (one at a time), and the children call them.

Crow! Who is this? (Cockerel.) How does a cockerel crow? (Crow.)

Where-where, where-where! Who is this? (Hen.) How does a hen cackle?

Woof woof woof! Who is this? (Doggy.) How does the dog bark?

Meow meow! Who is this? (Cat.) How does a cat meow?

Crow! Who is this? (Cockerel.) What does the cockerel do? (Crows.)


Goal: Use derived verbs.

Materials: Toys: ladder, rooster, cat, dog, dolls Borya, Tanya and Nina.

An adult reads, accompanying reading with actions with toys. Children in the course of reading are included in it, answer the questions contained in the text.

There is a ladder in the yard.

There are five steps on the ladder.

A rooster jumped up on the top step,

He flapped his wings and sang loudly.

The cat jumped onto the second step. He sits - licks his tongue, purrs. How does she purr?

And the dog jumped on the third step.

His tail taps on the steps.

Growls at the cat. How does he growl guys?

And Boris climbed the fourth step. He sits - looks down, dangles his legs. How does he move his legs?

And Tanya sat down on the bottom step, sang a song: “We are sitting on the ladder and we sing songs.” How does she sing guys?

And suddenly the wind roared. How does he make noise? Often, often rain pounded, How does it knock, guys?

The rooster jumped off, waved its wings, Hid under the porch. And the dog got there.

The cat is deftly: jump-sniff

In an open window.

And Borya and Tanya are sitting, they don’t want to get off the stairs.

They cry. How do they cry?

Nina went out on the porch,

She removed the guys from the ladder and led them.

They stamped their feet on the porch.

How did they stomp, guys?

The children went into the house - the ladder was empty.

(E. Shabad.)


Purpose: To form verbs from the names of musical instruments.

Materials: Toys: hare, drum, balalaika, accordion, spinning top, pipes, bells, tambourines, rattles.

An adult reads a poem, accompanying his speech with actions with toys.

Bunny made from plush.

He has a big ears

And special talent

This bunny is not a know-it-all

This bunny is a musician.

Bunny brought with him a lot of musical instruments, and what they are called, we will now guess.

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Everyone is happy with the game.

But only three strings

She needs music.

Who is she? Guess it. This is our ... (balalaika).

(The one who guessed first gets a toy. This child will play with the bunny in the orchestra.)

Listen to more riddles about musical instruments:

You will take it in your hands.

You stretch, then you squeeze.

loud, elegant,

Russian, two-row.

Will play, just touch. What is her name? (Harmonic.)

He sings very cheerfully

If you blow into it.

Everyone plays it

And guess right away. Doo-doo, doo-doo.

Yes Yes Yes Yes.

This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube,

But what is it? (Pipe.)

The hare brought a musical top. (An adult shows a top, along with a hare, approaches the children with it and launches it.)

musical top

Sings and buzzes.

musical top

Runs in circles.

He's spinning, spinning

Turns smart! ^.

And suddenly for no reason

No matter what - stop.

The top stopped near Serezha. Serezha, do you want to play with the top? And here are some more toys: bells, tambourines, rattles.

Children, what are the bells doing? (They ring.)

Rattles? (Thunder.)

Drum? (Drumming.)

Pipes? (Puffing.)

(Children who answer correctly get toys.)

The orchestra will be big. Play well, children.

(E. Moshkovskaya. What are the gifts.)


Purpose: Match the noun with the verb.

Materials: Pictures (photographs) with images of people of different professions (farmer, baker, pharmacist, tailor, salesman, postman, soldier).

The adult asks questions, the children answer.

Plows, sows, harvests bread, who? (Grain grower.)

Who bakes our bread? (Baker.)

Who dispenses the medicines? (Pharmacist.)

Who sews clothes for us in the cold and heat? (Tailor.)

Who sells it, finally? (Salesman.)

He comes to us with a letter Directly to the house - who is he? (Postman.)

Serves dear Motherland Elder brother. Protects our lives, He ... (Soldier.)

When you become adults, each of you will have some kind of profession. All of them are very important, be it the profession of a grain grower, a baker, a pharmacist, a tailor, a salesman, a postman or a builder. But the main thing, no matter who you become, is to work well and honestly.


Purpose: Match the verb with the noun.

Materials: Olya doll, basket, pipe, cap, candy (chocolate), bird, beetle, fish, dog.

The adult tells the children that Olya's doll has a birthday today. She came with gifts that her friends gave her. (All gifts are in the basket.)

Vova gave a gift that you can blow. What did Ole Vova give?

After the children answer, the pipe is taken out of the basket and placed on the table. Then the game continues based on the poem by E. Moshkovskaya "What are the gifts." Accompanied by activities with toys.

Kolya gave me something to wear. What can you wear?

Petya gave delicious gift which everyone likes. This gift can be eaten, but the gold paper will remain.

Sasha gave me a gift that can fly, sit in a cage and sing.

Within' a gift can crawl.

Tolin gift can swim and row with its fins.

Misha has brought a gift that is ho-dit!

Who wags and barks his tail,

And everyone wants this gift. - Now Olya wants to know what your relatives and friends give you on your birthday, what you do with your gifts.

"AT UNCLE YAKOV" (Russian folk game)

Children walk in a circle and recite:

Uncle Yakov has seven children.

Seven, seven merry sons.

They drank and ate.

Everyone looked at each other

And everyone did it this way.

And like this, and like this.

On the last two lines, the circle stops, and the leader, and then all the players, perform various actions: they blow, drum, trumpet, ring bells, play the guitar, the harmonica, etc.


Purpose: Focusing on the endings of verbs, select words.

Materials: Umeyka doll.

The adult tells that Umeyka wanted to read poetry to the children, but on the way he lost all the last words. Offers to help Umeika. Reads poetry, children finish the right words.

(S. Marshak.)

The bunny drums loudly, He is a serious matter (busy).

(I. Tokmakova.)

The phone is ringing again, From him in the ears (ringing).

(A. Barto.)

Runaways are jumping -

Sunny Bunnies...

Where are the bunnies?


You didn't (find) them anywhere?

(A. Brodsky.)

I sewed a shirt for a bear, I'll sew pants for him. It is necessary to them a pocket (sew) And a handkerchief (put).

(3. Aleksandrova.)


Purpose: To independently form the form of the subjunctive mood of verbs.

An adult reads to children a fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief”. At the end ask questions:

Why did all things run away from Fedora?

What would happen if you scattered all the toys, broke them?

And what would happen if you took care of the toys, treated them well, did not scatter them in the corners, but cleaned them up after playing in their places?

What would happen if you scattered your shoes anywhere?

What would happen if you put the dishes on the windowsill and a strong wind blew.


Purpose: To define an object by its functional and external features.

The adult makes a riddle, the children name the answer.

Have you seen him more than once -

He jumps in two steps

From us: chirp-chirp,


Who is not used to this song?


It purrs, it plays, It runs somewhere, Runs away. And when he comes back. It meows and drinks raw milk from a saucer.


Amazing child! Just got out of diapers - Can quack and dive, Like his own mother.


During the day lies and is silent. Barks and grumbles at night. Who goes to the owner, He gives knowledge.


If you meet - he cackles, he wants to pinch. And I'm going and I'm not afraid. Why be afraid? This...


Where it is sweet, there it circles.

Like a bee.

She stings and buzzes.

Like a bee.

But it doesn't give honey.

Like a bee.


Grey, toothy, Howls in the forest. He roams the field, looking for lambs and calves.


In the dense forest under the fir-trees, Showered with leaves, Lies a ball of needles. Snorting and alive.


I don't buzz when I sit. I don’t buzz when I walk, I don’t buzz when I work, I buzz when I spin.



The children are read a comic letter, which is allegedly written to the boy Kolya by his uncle from the rest home. Children should notice and correct the mistakes contained in the letter.

"Hello Kolya. I am writing you a letter from the rest home. I find it very interesting and fun to live here. I'll tell you a few cases.

I somehow go out into the yard and see that all the vacationers woke up and chewed food with their eyes, looked with their ears, walked with their teeth, listened with their feet, worked with their noses, sniffed with their hands.

Children name mistakes, an adult helps with questions (“What do they do with their eyes?” Etc.).

“Yesterday we had an excursion to the kindergarten. We came there, and there: the crybaby does everything with his left hand, the left-hander cries, the capricious fights, the bully is naughty.

Children answer the question: “What did uncle mix up?”

“And we were in the village. It's very interesting there: goats moo, cows bleat, grasshoppers cackle, geese chirp.

Children correct mistakes again.


Purpose: Use different ways of forming verbs.

With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He sits blindfolded on a chair in the far corner of the room. Then one of the players makes several movements (actions). For example, he moves the table, moves the chair to another place, goes to the door, opens and closes it, takes the key out of the lock and puts it on the table, pours water from the carafe into a glass, etc. The task of the driver is to listen carefully, try to hear the sounds understand and remember everything that happens. When he is allowed to take off his blindfold, he must tell about everything and, if possible, repeat all the actions in the same sequence in which they were performed.

Then you can choose another driver and repeat the game, but the actions of the players should be different.

Game variant. All children close their eyes and listen to what the driver is doing, and then they tell.


Purpose: To orientate in the meanings of verbs.

Materials: Pinocchio doll.

The children are shown Pinocchio and told that this Pinocchio is a traveler. He traveled to many kindergartens. Now Pinocchio will tell about his travels, and they should try to guess where, in which rooms of the kindergarten he visited and when (winter, summer, morning or evening) it was.

Pinocchio went into the room where the children roll up their sleeves, lather their hands, dry themselves...;

unfasten buttons, take off clothes, fold, put on, fasten ...;

yawning, stretching, spreading, filling, calming down, resting, sleeping...,

they dance, sing, listen, invite, stomp, circle, bow...;

marching, crawling, crouching, crawling, bending, unbending, jumping, building ....

Pinocchio was in kindergarten when the children:

come, greet, undress, change shoes, enter the group... (when does this happen?);

lay out, distribute, dine, thank ...;

get dressed, say goodbye, leave...;

bathe, sunbathe, pick berries, go barefoot...;

go skiing, sculpt snowman, sledding, freezing ... .

Then the children show Pinocchio the premises of the kindergarten. Pinocchio asks what they are doing in this or that room.


Goal: Use verbs in connected speech.

From among the players, cuckoos (2-3 children) are chosen, which become in the center of the circle. The rest of the children go in a circle and say:

The cuckoos were flying

Through three huts.

So fussed.

So in a hurry

turned their heads,

Wings flapped

And where did they fly. They didn't say so!

(N. Kolpakova.)

Cuckoo children must perform movements according to the text. Then, the presenter suggests asking the cuckoos where they were in such a hurry. The cuckoo children must come up with the answer themselves. (“We flew to another forest”; “We are looking for our chicks”; “We flew to warmer climes”, etc.) It is important that the answer is invented by the children themselves. The dialogue can be continued with such questions: “When will you return?”; "Why are you flying so far away?" And so on. In this way, conditions are created for an impromptu dialogue.


Purpose: To correlate the meaning of the verb with the action that it denotes

An adult reads a poem, and the children depict the cockerels that it speaks of.

The roosters fluffed up.

But they did not dare to fight.

If you are very cocky.

You can lose your feathers.

If you lose your feathers.

There will be nothing to fuss about.

(V. Berestov. Petushki.)


Purpose: To use single-root words in speech.

Materials: Toys or pictures: goose, goose, goslings.

An adult examines toys (pictures) with children: “This is ... a goose. He is winged, loud-mouthed, he has beautiful flippers. Legs like flippers.

And this is the mother ... gu ... son. The goose and the goose have gosling children. Gu ... syata. One gu ... hay, a lot - goslings.

One who is intimately familiar with goslings.

He knows: goslings walk in single file.

The one who is closely acquainted with the gander,

They will never go barefoot.

(V. Berestov. Geese.)

Show how goslings walk in single file. Their necks are stretched out, they spank with flippers, waddle. Goslings go in single file for mother goose and father goose.

"Naughty DOLL"

Purpose: Clarify the meanings of verbs.

Children listen to V. Berestov's poem "Naughty Doll", then they say that they mixed up the doll, what she did wrong.

To our doll every hour We repeat twenty times: “What kind of upbringing! Just a punishment!

Ask the doll to dance

The doll crawls under the bed.

What an upbringing!

Just a punishment! All play - she lie, All lie - she run.

What an upbringing! Just a punishment!

Instead of soup and meatballs

Give her some candy.

What an upbringing!

Just a punishment! Oh, we suffered with her. It's not like people do. What an upbringing! Just a punishment.


Purpose: To select a rhyme, focusing on the endings of verbs.

An adult reads V. Berestov's poem "Serezha and Nails" twice. When re-reading, the children help him by suggesting words (verbs).

The whole house shakes.

Beats Seryozha with a hammer.

Blushed with anger.

Hammers nails.

The nails are bent. The nails are crumpling

The nails twist.

Above Serezha they

They're just teasing.

They don't crash into the wall. It's good that the hands are intact! No, it's quite another thing to hammer nails into the ground! Here - and the hat is not to be seen. Do not bend. They don't break. They are taken out back. (V. Berestov. Seryozha and nails.)


Purpose: Distinguish between the verbs to put on and put on.

Materials: Doll, clothes for her.

Children are shown a doll. They say that the doll has just woken up. She needs to be dressed up. What to wear? What to put on? Reading a poem.

Mom sang a song.

Dressed my daughter.

Dressed - wore

White shirt.

White shirt.

Thin line. Mom sang a song.

Shoe my daughter. Fastened with an elastic band

For every stocking.

Light stockings On my daughter's legs!

Mom sang the song. Mom dressed the girl.

Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs.

That's how mom pleased -

Dressed up my daughter for May.

That's what mother Golden right!

(Blaginina. That's what a mother is.)

In conclusion, the children answer the questions: who did we dress? what did you wear?


Purpose: Match verbs with the actions they denote.

Children are read a poem by E. Blaginina “Kitten” and are offered to depict what the kitten was like at first and what it became later.

I found a kitten in the garden. He meowed thinly. He meowed and trembled.

Maybe he was beaten. Or they forgot to let him into the house, Or did he run away?

The day was rainy in the morning, I took him home,

Puddles are gray everywhere. Fully fed...

So be it, poor animal. My kitten soon became

I will help your trouble! A glance is simple!

Wool is like velvet

The tail is a pipe.

How good is he!


Purpose: Enrich vocabulary.

Materials: Mirror.

An adult lets in a sunbeam, children try to catch it, laugh, frolic. After the game, they are offered to sit quietly and listen to E. Blaginina's poem "Let's sit in silence."

Mom is sleeping, she is tired. And I said to the beam:

Well, I didn't play. I also want to move.

I do not start a top, I would like a lot:

My toys do not make noise, I would sing a song,

Quiet in an empty room, I could laugh...

And on my mother's pillow Yes, you never know what I want!

The beam is stealing golden. But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,

And then slithered towards me.

"Nothing," he whispered,

Let's sit in silence!"


Purpose: Match the verb with the action it denotes.

The children are read N. Yurkova's poem "Bug", and then they are offered to portray how sad the bug was in the box and how joyfully it flew out of it.

Zhu-zhu! Zhu-zhu!

You hear?


Here I am a bug.

For some reason I was placed

Boys in boxes.

Don't turn around in the box

Don't step on my paws.

You can't spread your wings.

Pinned to the back.

So closely -

I can't even

Move your mouth...

But really


You don't know yourself.

Which is very bad.

I feel bad,

In a closed box

What do I dream

In the dark

About a fresh breeze.

There in the meadow

grass, flowers,

And butterflies in flight.

And I'm so sad

In the box.

Well, how can you not understand?


Purpose: To develop a sense of humor, speech.

Children are read a poem by V. Prikhodko “That's when I become an adult”, expressively, trying to make them understand the humor of this poem.

That's when I become an adult

And I want to swim

I'll get myself into a big bath,

I open both taps.

I rub my stomach and back

And freckles on the nose.

Wrap myself in a sheet

And I'll take you to bed!

Then they are invited to dream up - to tell what they will do when they become adults.


Purpose: Match the verb with the action it denotes.

Children read a poem by V. Prikhodko " Washing machine” and offer to depict the actions that it refers to.

No, don't

Hunch your back

Over the trough

Day after day.

Because the washing machine

Instantly manage

With linen.

roll over,

Will pass,




Wring out...


Nate. Here!


Purpose: To correlate an object with its functions.

Children are invited to listen to V. Prikhodko's poem "Vacuum Cleaner" and say what subject (what) it says.

Fathers, how much dust!

Where were you before?

You completely forgot me...

Okay, okay, don't be scared.

All clear.

Amazingly dirty!

Just great!

For me, this is a joke.

One more minute -

It's already clean.

How about here?

Are you tired of wonder?

No, for how long?

Well, am I not a miracle?

By the way,

I'll look again

Under the bed.

Then I'll walk across the carpet.

On the shelf of the book wipe -

And again I freeze in the corner.


Purpose: Match the word with the action it denotes.

Children read a poem by V. Prikhodko "Wasp". They are asked to characterize the wasp (say what it is); portray a friendly wasp.

When my mother and I cook cherries.

Probably the wasps can hear it.

And wasps fly to our window.

They want our jam.

In the kitchen where the jam is boiling

wasp pandemonium

They need an eye and an eye.

From them we close the pelvis.

And I'll take the jam in a spoon,

A little drop on the palm

And I'll shout: - Here's a landing strip for you, wasp.

Pleasant little sweetie

Try the jam from the palm of your hand.

Clings, and the mustache will bend,

And the red juice will start to suck.

passes long minute,

And for some reason I'm not afraid

After all, the Wasp will not sting without need,

Feeling no enmity?


It tickles my skin.


Say it like you want to

- Befriend me

And never

Don't touch our nest.





Purpose: To develop attention, the ability to highlight the signs of the subject.

A certain group of children is invited to perform some exercise, movement, action. The basis for the allocation of such a group are common signs in clothing or in the appearance of toys belonging to children. For example, an adult says:

- Now I will give commands, but not everyone will carry them out, but only those children about whom I will tell. Be careful. Come to me only children in white socks!

- Jump up, kids with blue flags!

- Spin around, girls with red flags!


Purpose: To form the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features.

We bring to the attention of children 3-4 toys. The children name them. Then we inform that now we will talk about the toy without naming it. Children should listen to the description and say what kind of toy it is.

Initially, you should indicate 1-2 signs, gradually their number is increased to three or four.


Purpose: To name an object.

The game is played according to the type of game "Wonderful bag". The child takes out an object or toy from the bag and calls it, for example: “This is a ball,” and the adult gives a description: “It is round, blue, with a yellow stripe.”


Purpose: To highlight the signs of objects.I

We take out objects from the box and name them, and the children point to any sign, for example:

- It's a ball.

- He's blue. If the child finds it difficult, we help him: “This is a ball. He...



Purpose: To highlight and label parts of an object, its external signs.

We inform the children that today Olya's doll is their guest. She loves being praised, talking about her. Now they will have to say what kind of dress Olya has, what socks, shoes, hair, eyes. For each answer, Olya will give a flag. Colored flags. Whoever collects flags of all colors first will win. We ourselves begin the game with the words "Oli has blond hair." We get a blue flag from the doll. We invite children to continue. In case of difficulty, we remind you of what else you can say, for example: “Tell me about Olya’s eyes, about socks,” etc. During the game, you need to make sure that the children correctly coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number.


Purpose: Find errors in the description and correct them.

Pinocchio comes to visit the children with his friend Duck. Pinocchio wants to show how he learned to tell. He talks about the Duckling, making mistakes and inaccuracies in the description, for example: “The Duckling has a blue beak and small paws. He yells "Meow!" Children should notice all inaccuracies and mistakes and correct them.


Purpose: Identify the beginning and end of the action and correctly name them.

Children are given two pictures each, depicting two consecutive actions (the girl is sleeping and doing exercises; the girl is having dinner and washing the dishes; the girl is washing and hanging clothes to dry). The child must first name the first action and show the first picture, then name the second action and show the second picture.


Purpose: To select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.

Children are called or shown an animal, and they name the actions characteristic of this animal. For example: squirrel - jumps, jumps, gnaws; a cat - meows, purrs, scratches, drinks milk, catches mice, plays with a ball; a dog - barks, guards the house, gnaws bones, growls, wags its tail, runs; bunny - jumps, runs, hides, gnaws a carrot.


Goal: Use verbs in speech.

Children are asked questions. They respond by choosing a verbal semantic series. For example: what can you do in the forest? - walk, pick mushrooms, berries, hunt, listen to birds, relax; what can you do on the river? - swimming, diving, sunbathing, boating, fishing; what do they do in the hospital? -treat, give pills, put mustard plasters, make injections; what do they do in the store? - buy, sell, weigh, pack.

The game is played in the form of a competition.


Purpose: To designate, with a word, actions performed and intended.

Children are shown a picture and asked to first say what the character is doing, then what he will do. For example: a girl feeds a doll; feed and put to sleep.


Purpose: Select verbs denoting the end of actions.

The adult begins the sentence, and the child finishes:

Olya woke up and ... (began to wash).

Kolya got dressed and ... (ran for a walk).

He froze and ... (went home).

The bunny got scared and ... (ran away, hid).

Ira was offended and ... (cried).

Adult intonation shows the incompleteness of the sentence.


Purpose: Determine the sequence of actions, form a verbal semantic series.

There is a doll room on the table: there is a book on the table, Natasha doll is sitting on the sofa. Adult says:

- Today Natasha was left at home alone. First she read a book: like this. What did Natasha do next?

The children name the actions of the doll, the adult shows: Natasha draws, got dressed, took a piece of bread, went outside, began to feed the sparrows.

In conclusion, together with the children, we recall and name in order all the actions of the doll.


Purpose: To highlight the verb series on the basis of which the plot is built.

We tell and show:

- The bear cub decided to go for a drive. He sat down and went. I was driving and driving and suddenly I hear: s-s-s - the wheel went down. The little bear stopped, got out and began to pump up the wheel: ssss. Pumped up and drove on.

After the dramatization, we ask the children to name everything that the bear cub did (decided to ride ... sat down ... drove ... hears ... stopped ... went out ... began to pump up the wheel ... pumped up ... drove).


Purpose: To highlight the object and its main feature in two sentences connected by a chain pronominal connection.

Children take out one toy from the toy box, name and say what it is, for example: “This is a ball. It's round."


Purpose: To build a statement from two sentences related by meaning.

Pinocchio, naming the objects in the pictures, is mistaken. Children correct it, for example: “This is a turnip. She's yellow."


Purpose: To compose an elementary description containing the name of the object and one of its features.

Children have toys in their hands. One child is driving. Each player in turn must call the driver. The driver calls the caller and "says what is in his hands, for example:" This is Dima. Dima has a brown bear.

The game can be played without toys. In this case, the leading child must name any detail or details. appearance who called the child. For example: “This is Sveta. At Sveta pink dress and a red bow.


Goal: Write a description of the toy with an adult or another child..

An adult and a child make up descriptions of different animals. Adult starts.

- I have a duck.

Child names his toy

- A y me chicken.

- The duckling is yellow.

- And a yellow chicken.

- The duck has big red paws.

- A chicken has small paws ... Etc.

First, toys are taken that are similar to each other in appearance, differing in a small number of signs.


Purpose: Compose collective description toys.

A new toy is brought into the room. Children hold hands and form a circle, in the center of which is a toy. The first player (in the beginning it is an adult) calls the toy, for example: "This is a horse." The second begins the description: "She's grey." The third continues the description. After the description is completed, the children dance around the toy.


Goal: Compose a story according to a given scheme with an adult.

The adult begins the phrase, and the children finish it differently each.

Mom bought Alyosha ... She was ... Alyosha wanted to ... Then he came ... They became ...

They grew in a flower bed ... They were ... Tanya took ... and became ...

Sveta fell ill... He came... He... Sveta...

The puppy decided... Then he came... and asks... The puppy answers... Then the kitten said... And they became...


Purpose: To compose a collective narrative.

Children are told that they will be wagons. The trailers should cling to each other, but only the one who carefully listened to what his friend stopped on and correctly continued the story will be able to cling.

Adult. Lived in the forest...

1st child. Cowardly bunny.

2nd child. Once he went for a walk.

3rd child. Suddenly he saw a large snake.

4th child. The rabbit got scared and ran away.

As a help to children, an adult repeats the last word or the whole phrase of the previous child, thereby keeping the attention of the next narrator on the storyline. If in this case the pause is too long, the adult prompts the beginning of the next phrase. The children who made up the story depict a train that rides around the room.


Goal: Finish the story at its beginning.

Materials: flannelgraph and attributes for the fairy tale "A goat with kids", a bunny with a drum.

We ask the children if they remember the fairy tale about the goat and the kids. We briefly recall the beginning of the fairy tale, demonstrating the figures of characters on the flannelgraph.

We invite you to listen to what happened next. We say: “The goat went back into the forest. The goats were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And it was small ... (show the bunny).

- Bunny, - say the children.

- Adult. Bunny says...

- Children - Do not be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.

- Adult - Goats...

- Children. They let the bunny in.

- Adult. They fed him...

- Children. Cabbage, carrots.

- Adult. Then they became...

- Children. Play, have fun. The bunny played the drum, and the kids danced and jumped.


Purpose: Write a description of toys.

Each child chooses for himself a toy in the form of some animal. All the animals come to the house one by one and ask to be let in. The adult takes on the role of the animal that first settled in the tower. He asks the children to describe the animals. The description is a condition for getting into the teremok, for example:

Child. Who lives in a teremochka?

Adult. I am a mouse. And who are you?

Child. I am a frog.

Adult. What are you? Tell about yourself.

Child. I am green. She is small, but her eyes are big. I like to swim, I jump well.

At the beginning of the dramatization, an adult can give an example of a description of the appearance on behalf of his hero: “I am gray, small, with a long tail, I like to gnaw crusts. Who am I? Guess!"

Different animals and beasts can come to the tower, and not just those in the fairy tale.

An adult can offer various situations that are not related to the plot of a fairy tale and play them out with the children. Examples of some plots for dramatization games are given below.

"Word Game"

Task 1. Now I will tell you a few words, and you try to remember them.

ATTENTION! elephant, hare, TV, chicken, closet, mouse, wolf, sofa, armchair, bear.


Task 2. What do you think, is it possible to divide these words into groups, parts. What groups or parts would you break these words into? (The child can name many options. This is good. Let him think. But you need to lead him to the most correct answer. For example: “Remember the animals first, and then list the pieces of furniture ...”).

Task 3. Please list all the words again.

« Autumn leaves»

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

Task: “Look at this sheet. Remember him."

Next, this sheet must be closed and asked the child to find exactly the same among the rest. (As a rule, no one can solve this problem right away, so you can repeat it several times). When the problem is solved, you need to discuss in detail with the child how he remembered. It is necessary to analyze in detail the features of the contour of the leaf, stem, number of veins, etc.

"Walking around the zoo."

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

The child is given 10 pictures with images of different animals and is asked to carefully consider them. Time 3-5 minutes. Then the pictures should be removed. The child is invited to close their eyes and imagine that we are walking around the zoo.

Instruction: "I will name the animals for you, you must remember those whom I did not name."

So, fox, wolf, hedgehog, giraffe, elephant...

Task 1. List the animals that were in the pictures.

Task 2. The child is again given 10 pictures, as at the beginning, and asked to name and show those animals that were at the beginning.

Task 3. Find the animals you named in the pictures.

Task 4. Pictures are removed. The child is asked to recall the animals in the order in which they were named.

Task 5. List all the animals you know.

"Walking in the woods"

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

Instruction: “Imagine that we are already in the forest! I will call you the birds. You must remember those whom I did not name.

So, magpie, cuckoo, thrush, robin, woodpecker.

Task 1. Name all the birds you know. If the child is at a loss, then offer him to use the pictures.

Task 2. Pictures are removed. The child is asked to remember those birds that were named at the beginning of the game.

"Taste and Smell".

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

Task 1. Imagine a lemon.

- What does it taste like?

- Remember how lemon smells. Tell me about it.

Imagine that you are holding a lemon in your hand. What do you feel?

Task 2. Draw a lemon.

Task 3. Imagine an orange.

- What does it taste like?

- Remember how orange smells. Tell me about it.

- What color is an orange?

Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hand. What do you feel?

Task 4. Draw an orange.

Task 5. Tell us the difference between an orange and a lemon. How are they similar?

"Sliced ​​Picture"

Goal: Development of arbitrary memory, observation, logical thinking. Exercise in the ability to determine a group of objects combined by common ground, a foreign object.

Material: a colored postcard (picture) with the image of an object is cut into several parts.

Instruction: “See, the picture is broken. Fix her." If the child does not cope with the task, then a simplified version is offered to him. Next, you should again invite him to collect the first picture - let him try various options, should not rush it.

Task 1. The picture is removed and the child is asked to draw it from memory.

If at least one inconsistency with the original is found during the assignment, then this error must be discussed with the child. You can use the following questions to do this:

- What is shown in the picture?

What shape is your drawing?

What color is your drawing?

In this case, it is necessary to discuss the presence or absence of details, strokes, etc. in a child's drawing.

"Games with verses"

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

Imagine that Donkey gave Piglet a ball. Piglet really liked the gift, and he composed a poem about this ball:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Piglet was very pleased with his poem and decided to turn it into a song. Sing more like Piglet sang.

Winnie the Pooh was very pleased with his performance. One day he decided to sing it to the Hare. The hare could not sing like the bear sang. Think about how the Hare sang this song?

The hare was very kind and decided to give a song to Hedgehog Matryona. The hedgehog did not know how to sing like the Hare, and sang the song in her own way. Think about how the Hare sang this song?

The hare was very kind and decided to give a song to Hedgehog Matryona. The hedgehog did not know how to sing like the Hare, and sang the song in her own way. Think about how Hedgehog Matryona could sing this song.

Exercise. Sing again the song about the ball the way Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, the Hare and the Hedgehog sang it.

Tell me how the versions of this song are similar and how they differ.

In order to make the task easier to complete, we must remember the timbres of the voices and intonations of our heroes.

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

Instruction: “Now I will read you a poem about a beaver. I will only read it once. Listen carefully!"


Look at the beaver

No saw, no ax

He brings down aspen in the forest -

Street in backwater dam!

Strong beaver teeth

Sharper than an axe.

N. Kostarev

Exercise 1.

Tell me what is the beaver doing? Why is he doing this? What helps a beaver build a dam?

After the questions and answers, you can begin to learn the poem. This will turn out to be a fairly simple matter, since the child has already sensed the information. You need to repeat the poem until the child learns it by heart.

Option 2.

Do the same with other poems.


Squirrel dries russula

A paw from a branch tears nuts,

All stocks in the pantry

Suitable for her in the winter.

Z. Alexandrova

"Describe the picture"

The child is invited to carefully consider the picture. After that, remove the picture and invite the child to describe it. If he finds it difficult, you can consider it together. The child must not only name what is depicted, but also describe the shape, quantity, size, spatial arrangement of objects and their details. Then offer to look again at the picture and find what was not named.

"I put in a bag"

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

The adult starts this game and says: "I put apples in the bag." The next player repeats what was said and adds something of his own: “I put apples and bananas in the bag.” The third player repeats the whole phrase and adds something from himself. And so on. You can simply add one word at a time, or you can select words alphabetically: “Growing in my grandmother’s garden ...” (the order is the same).

"Remember the moves."

Children repeat the movements of the arms and legs after the leader (first the leader can be an adult, and then the child). When they remember the sequence of exercises, repeat them in reverse order.

"Ball game "Fish, birds, animals"

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory, observation, logical thinking, auditory memory. Exercise in the ability to determine a group of objects united by a common feature, a foreign object.

The leader throws the ball to the player with the word, for example: "Falcon". The player throws the ball back to the leader and says: “Bird” (i.e. the child must determine which group the falcon should be assigned to). Then the host throws the ball to another player and says a word related to another group, etc.

"Repeat after me"

Purpose: Development of auditory, arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

The host invites one child to slam everything that the host taps with a pencil. The rest of the children listen carefully and evaluate the performance with movements: raise up thumb, if the claps are correct, and lower it down if they are incorrect.

"Identify by touch"

Purpose: Development of tactile, arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

The host invites one of the children to close their eyes and take a vegetable from the box, and, without opening their eyes, by touch, determine which vegetable it is. If the child makes a mistake, he puts the vegetable in its place, in the box, and returns to the other children. And if the answer is correct, then the facilitator asks the children: “What can you tell about this vegetable?”.

"Remember the order."

Purpose: Development of arbitrary memory; attention, observation.

The players line up one after another in random order. The host, looking at the children, should turn away and list who is behind whom. Then another becomes the driver. You can complicate the game by not only listing who is behind whom, but also who is wearing what clothes.

"Listen and Do"

Purpose: Development of motor-auditory memory, arbitrary memory, ability to remember, attention, classification.

The host calls and repeats several different movements 1-2 times without showing them. Children must make movements in the same sequence in which they were named by the leader.

"Magic bag"

Goal: Development of tactile memory.

The child is given a "Magic Bag", in which different cars with baby dolls are stacked, the task is to identify the object by touch and name it. For older children - a complicated option: the child closes his eyes, and you alternately put it in his palm miscellaneous items. The preschooler needs not only to understand what it is, but also, having opened his eyes, list the toys in the same sequence.

« Robot"

Goal: Development of motor memory.

You "program" the child - stand behind him, raise his arm, leg, lower them, etc. Then the baby himself tries to repeat the same movements.

"What's gone?"

Goal: Development of visual memory.

Several items, toys are placed on the table. The child looks at them attentively for one or two minutes, and then turns away. At this point, the adult removes one of the items. The task of the child is to remember what subject is missing (for children of older preschool age, more difficult option- with the disappearance of two or more toys).

"Find the missing toy"

Purpose: the development of a child's memory and attention, the ability to concentrate.

The material for the game is 5-6 toys of the same plan - plastic figures, rubber toys, cars, etc. Toys are lined up on the table in front of the child. The child is offered a few minutes to look at them, and then turn away. When the child has turned away, the adult hides one of the toys, after which he is asked to guess which toy is hidden. If the answer is correct, then the players switch roles.

In the event that it is difficult for a child to remember 5-6 toys at once, then you can start the game with 3-4, gradually increasing their number. If a child easily copes with a task of 10-12 or more toys, you can complicate the task by replacing the toys with pictures of objects.

Another option for complicating the task is to invite the child to remember the order in which toys are placed on the table (which one stands for which). Then, imperceptibly for the child, two toys are interchanged and they are asked to guess which toy is not in its place.

"Remember Your Place"

Purpose: development of motor-auditory memory.

In the hall, each child remembers "his place". For example, for one child this place is a corner, for another - a chair, for a third - a door window, for a fourth - the center of the hall, etc. Then all the children gather in a group near the leader and waiting for commands.At the command of the host "Place!" they run to their places.

Note: The leader's command can be replaced by the inclusion of some rhythmicmusic.

Contents of the file cabinet

"Introduction to sound reality and the development of voluntary hand movements"

  • “Guess what it sounds”, “Clock”, “Cubs eat honey” 2
  • "The Frog and the Frogs", "Let's Feed the Chicks", "At the Doctor's Appointment" 3
  • “Guess what sounds”, “Recognize by voice”, “Who lives in the house” 4
  • “Who is screaming?”, “Call your mom”, “Respond” 5
  • "Wonderful Pouch" 6
  • "Colorful chest", "Teremok" 7
  • “What is gone”, “Where are our pens” 8
  • "Lotto", "Orders" 9
  • "Bear, lie down" 10
  • Hide and Seek 11
  • "Lost" 12
  • "Whose Voice", "House" 13
  • "Instruction", "Friendly guys" 14
  • "Swing" 15
  • "Rattles" 16
  • "Ryabushechka Hen", "Molchanki" 17
  • "Add a word" 18
  • "Invisibles" 19
  • Olya's helpers 20
  • "Who will name more actions" 21
  • "Who will say more about the profession" 22
  • "Forty" 23
  • "Masha has lunch" 24
  • "Whose Voice" 25
  • "Ladder" 26
  • "Orchestra" 27 - 28
  • "Professions" 29
  • "Gifts", "At Uncle Yakov's" 30
  • “Give me a word”, “What would happen if…” 31
  • "Evening of riddles" 32
  • "Joke letter" 33
  • "What did you hear" 34
  • "Pinocchio's Journey" 35
  • "Cuckoos flew", "Petushki" 36
  • "Geese", "Naughty Doll" 37
  • "Seryozha and nails", "That's what kind of mother" 38
  • "Kitten", "Let's sit in silence" 39
  • "Bug" 40
  • "That's When I Become an Adult", Washing Machine" 41
  • "Vacuum cleaner" 42
  • Wasp 43

"Games for the activation of the dictionary and the development of coherent speech"

  • “Execute the command”, “Guess the toy”, “What kind of object”, “Tell me what” 45
  • “Who will see and name more”, “What messed up Pinocchio” 46
  • “Where, what can I do”, “Finish the sentence” 47
  • “What Natasha is doing”, “How the little bear rode in a car” 48
  • “Who called”, “Who has who”, “Stand in a circle” 49
  • "Who knows, let him continue", "Train" 50
  • "Kids and Bunny" 51
  • Teremok 52
  • "Word Game", "Repeat", "Autumn Leaves" 53
  • "Walking in the zoo", "Walking in the forest" 54
  • "Taste and Smell", "Sliced ​​Picture" 55
  • "Games with poems" 56-57
  • “Describe the picture”, “I put it in the bag”, “Remember the movements” 58
  • "Fish, birds, animals", "Repeat after me" 59
  • "Listen and perform", "Magic bag" 60
  • "Find the right toy”, “Remember your place” 61

We develop a child from 1.5 to 2 years old - have you missed anything?

When you are engaged in the development of a baby, the question often arises - what needs to be developed? What else would you like to do? What to play with the child?

To be honest, I have similar questions from time to time. To help other mothers, I decided to make sample list directions of development of a child aged 1.5 to 2 years.

How to develop a child from 1.5 to 2 years:

Development of logic.

1. “Collect only” (learn to select only certain ones from scattered objects - on the instructions of your mother. For example, put only bumps in a box, only red objects, etc.).
2. Learn to sort objects (by shape, by size, by color).
3. Collect the simplest puzzles or pictures cut into pieces (in a year and a half it will be two-piece puzzles, more complex forms, the average child usually learns to add on one's own after two years).
4. Collect from parts - games from soft constructors (carpet, felt) or paper templates, playing with which, the child learns to fold the simplest figures - a house, a mushroom, etc. from 2-3 parts (home-made designers will fit much better, since mom has the opportunity to make a designer based on individual features child):

5. Games with frames-inserts and their paper counterparts:

6. Closer to two years - picking up a pyramid of cubes of different sizes:

7. Fold the cups, build a tower of cups:

8. A task for a complicated classification like “find a big yellow circle”, “find a small blue square” (such tasks are more suitable for children closer to two years old, provided that the child already distinguishes objects well in shape and color and has mastered the simplest sorting) .
9. Games with all kinds of sorters.

The development of attention.

  1. Game "Find a Pair" - with socks, mittens, cards (lotto).
  2. Game "What's in this room?" - on the instructions of the mother, look for "what is red, hard, soft, etc. in this room."
  3. Game "Where in this room"? (find where in this room white bear cub, your favorite doll, etc.).
  4. “Find by sound” - mom hides a playing girl in the room musical toy- the baby must find it by sound.
  5. “Find Mom” - a game of hide and seek (mother hides so that it is very easy to find her, sometimes she prompts - calling the baby to her).
  6. “Find a similar pattern” - a kind of “find a pair” game - find objects (handkerchiefs, mittens, hats) with the same pattern (usually drawn or printed manuals are used for this).

Studying the properties of objects:

  1. Big small.
  2. Names of colors (both blue, red, etc. and light green, pink, etc.).
  3. The study of geometric shapes (circle, square, etc.).
  4. One is many.
  5. Hot Cold.
  6. High Low.
  7. Up down.
  8. Prepositions.
  9. Sad-cheerful.

10. Hard-soft.
11. Dirty-clean.
12. Front-back.
13. Dry-wet.
14. Prickly.
15. Smooth.
16. Rough.
17. Light - heavy.

Lexical topics:

  1. Dishes.
  2. Fish.
  3. Vegetation (trees, bushes, grass, flowers, leaves).
  4. Cars.
  5. Ship.
  6. Houses.
  7. Flowers.
  8. Mushrooms.

9. My home (kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hallway, living room, bedroom, nursery, wardrobes).
10. City (streets, houses, courtyards, roadways, public transport, parks).
11. Vegetables, fruits.
12. Products, food.
13. Domestic animals.
14. Animals are wild.
15. Clothes.
16. Furniture.
17. Birds.
18. Parts of the body, parts of the face.
19. Insects (ant bee, etc.).
20. Sun, clouds, month, moon, stars, rain, snow, puddles.


  1. Drawing: wax crayons, paints, felt-tip pens (it is better to take on water based("washable") - they are well washed). It is usually difficult for children to draw with pencils at this age - you need to make a strong effort to leave a mark on paper, in addition, they quickly break.
  2. Learn to use paints - wash the brush after each color, moisten the brush in water.
  3. Finger painting.
  4. Sponge drawing (with stripes and stamps cut out of a sponge for washing dishes, gouache or finger paints are used for sponge painting).
  5. Drawing silhouettes: a stencil is made from a sheet of paper - a simple silhouette is cut out inside the sheet - for example, a Christmas tree, a house, a mushroom. The stencil is applied to Blank sheet paper, the kid decorates the stencil window (silhouettes of a Christmas tree, mushrooms, etc.). At the end of the work, the stencil is removed and cute children's creativity remains on the bottom sheet of paper.
  6. In a playful way, start learning to draw lines (vertical, horizontal), closer to 2 years - circles. Important- the skills of drawing lines and circles at this age are very individual, someone learns this later, someone earlier, it is necessary to take into account the interest and abilities of the baby.
  7. Closer to two years Can start learning coloring (also very individual - after all, most of the children successfully master this skill somewhere after two). Learn to color better paints- this technique is much easier for the child. You can start learning by coloring the silhouettes of fish, mushrooms, etc. cut out of paper.
  8. Modeling from plasticine, dough - learn to pinch off lumps, attach them to paper (perform compositions “feed the chicken with grains, make a cutlet for the dog”, etc.), make sausages, flat cakes, hide objects in plasticine / dough and find them, cut the dough with a knife, roll out with a rolling pin, leave prints on the dough, cut out figures with special molds (similar to cookie cutters).In the described modeling skills, everything is also individual - a child will easily learn something at 1.5 years old, something will “come” after The two are different for everyone.
  9. Application from paper (of various textures), application from torn paper, application from “crumpled” paper.

10. Application of cereals.
11. Application on the dough (they are laid out on the dough various items(beans, mosaics, acorns, etc. and pressed into the dough - interesting ornaments are obtained).

12. Crafts that combine various techniques(sculpting and modeling, appliqué and modeling, etc.).


  1. Build paths from cubes, constructor, books.
  2. Learn to make applications from 2-3 elements (for example: house(3 elements) - roof, house, window; tree(two elements) - trunk and foliage). Important: first, the child must learn well how to make applications from one element and applications from several objects.
  3. Build houses from the designer (square and triangular roof).
  4. Play Lego blocks (spontaneous simulation).

The development of fine motor skills at 1.5 years.

  1. Develop motor skills by doing creativity - sculpting, drawing, appliqué.
  2. Rip paper.
  3. Unroll "surprises" (items wrapped in foil or several layers of paper).
  4. Sprinkle cereals - with a spoon, hands, cups, look for hidden objects in it, cook soup for dolls.
  5. Game with sorters, insert frames.
  6. Learn to scoop water off the table with a sponge.
  7. Learn to squeeze a sponge.
  8. Games with a pyramid (learn to string).
  9. Learn to string beads (special for children).

10. Games with a large mosaic (closer to two years, individually).
11. Games with sand - learn to make Easter cakes, pies, pour, pour.
12. Games with a Lego-type constructor (connecting parts, separating parts).
13. Games with clothespins.
14. Cubes - build towers, build houses.
15. Learn to open and close all kinds of locks - either play with real ones, or make or buy a special board:

16. Learn to fold nesting dolls.

17. Play with hammers and hammers:

18. Take out small items with a spoon from the dish (first with a tablespoon - it's easier, then with a teaspoon):

19. Catch small objects with a spoon from the water.
20. Carry rounded objects in a spoon around the room.
21. Pour water into glasses (ideally - play in the bath while bathing).
23. Pour water from a children's teapot into a cup.
23. Catch the balls in the water with a small strainer.
24. Beat soap suds with a whisk (a couple of drops of detergent are added to a plate of water).
25. Leave prints on the dough with various figures and molds.
26. Draw with a stick on the ground or sand outside.
27. Draw with your finger on the semolina.
28. Glue stickers.
29. Boxes, jars with lids, bags - learn to open and close.
30. Game "stick the figurine in its place":

31. Small rubber bands - learn to put on fingers, a stick from a pyramid, on small rubber toys:

32. "Piggy bank" - lower various small items (buttons, coins, beans, pasta) into small slots on boxes and jars:

33. Learn to squeak with squeaky toys.
34. Spray with spray bottles in the bathroom.
35. Massage your fingers with a massage ball (for example, accompanied by nursery rhymes).
36. Play with small items(if safety rules are observed) - with buttons, pebbles, beads, etc.

37. Fasten-unfasten Velcro (on shoes, in special toys).

Development of speech and articulation.

Development of musical ear, sense of rhythm.

  1. Logorhythmics - dancing to music (for example, Zheleznov).
  2. Playing children's musical instruments (including).
  3. We get acquainted with the concepts of “loud-quiet” (we play the spoons, the drum loud-quietly).
  4. Let's get acquainted with the concepts of "fast - slow music".
  5. “Listen! (listen to different sounds- how water drips from a tap, birds chirp, trees rustle, a car drives, etc.).
  6. Let's get acquainted with the concepts of "noise - silence".
  7. Listening to classical music in the background.
  8. Active listening to classical music - discussion (“this is fast and cheerful music, it tells us how fast birds fly across the sky, we dance so quickly and cheerfully to it. But sad, calm music, this cat is bored - we are so slow we dance to it” - the child listens to the music, intuitively begins to understand that each music has its own character and features).
  9. Ask the child to fulfill requests in a whisper (develops a hearing - “bring a doll, give me a ball”).

sensory development.

  1. Playing with different materials- pieces of fabric of different textures, balls, brush, etc.
  2. Application from materials different textures(corrugated, velvet, sandpaper, cotton wool, fabric, etc.).
  3. Feeling various objects at home (a soft sofa, a hard floor, a warm cup of tea, cold kefir from the refrigerator, a fluffy cat, a prickly brush, etc.).
  4. Feeling natural materials on the street - the bark of trees is rough, the water is wet, the leaf is smooth, the stalk of yarrow, dandelion, willow - fluffy, the iron bench is hard and cold, etc.)
  5. Play the game "find a pair" with pieces of cloth.

Gymnastics and development of coordination.

  1. Logorhythmics - dances to the music of the Zheleznovs and others.
  2. "Walk around the room without hitting objects" - moving around a room cluttered with various obstacles.
  3. Learn to walk along the path (from books, ribbons, etc.).
  4. Step over obstacles (lifting your legs high).
  5. Roll balls, cars.
  6. Throw balls.
  7. Learn to jump on the spot (you can learn to jump on a fitball or trampoline).
  8. Kick the ball with your foot.
  9. Crawling through a maze (purchased or homemade - from chairs, etc.).

10. Climbing: on the playground (slides, walls, etc.) and at home: at the sports complex, on the sofa - from the sofa, climb onto a chair, etc.

11. Learn to carry various items on a tray.

12. On the street - walk more (but do not force the child to walk if he does not want to). If the child refuses to go, it means he is tired or cannot! By the age of three, the baby will get stronger and will stomp with pleasure over considerable distances (tested by millions of mothers of three-year-old children), if you rush things and “force” the child to walk, this can adversely affect the development of joints and bones.

13. Walk on inclined surfaces - uphill, downhill, along the ramp, up the stairs.

14. Push a cart, a toy stroller.
15. Pull objects on a string.
16. Play catch-up with mom.
17. Fitball games by age.
18. Simple exercise by age, accompanied by nursery rhymes.
19. Walking on massage mats and massaging surfaces (pebbles, chestnuts, sand, grass, etc.).
20. Learn to dance with mom (closer to 2 years).
21. Hang on rings, crossbars, walk on your hands.
23. Learn to roll the car through the “tunnel”.
24. Play different ways of walking (like a bear, arms and legs wide apart; like a bunny, bouncing; like a horse, raising its legs; like a soldier, marching).
25. Catch those released by mom bubble and pop them.

Role-playing games.

  1. Put the doll, bear to sleep (we swing, we sing ah).
  2. Feed, wash the doll.
  3. Chauffeur - take the toy on a typewriter-truck.
  4. Closer to two years - playing with dishes, in the kitchen.
  5. We wash and hang clothes.
  6. Depict other animals (walk like a bear, jump and croak like a frog, etc.).

Developmental exercises in everyday life.

(To perform, based on the abilities of the child, the interest of the baby plays a significant role, if it is not interesting, the child may refuse to complete the tasks).

1. Learn to eat with a spoon (for everyone individually, we focus on the word “learn” - that is, the process is important, not the result, there is no need to force events. The game “pour cereal with a spoon from a bowl into cup").
2. Drink from a straw, from a cup.
3. Learn to keep cleanliness while eating (“learn” - concentrate on the process, not on the result, show that the spilled needs to be wiped up, the spilled must be collected, which is better not to spill on clothes, etc. Do not scold for untidiness, but teach neatness.)
4. Learn to wipe the table.
5. Learn to collect water with a sponge and wring out a sponge.
6. Carry light, but bulky items ("help put the basin in place").
7. Water the flowers (best of all from a watering can in the summer on the street - it's not scary to pour over and pour everything around).
8. Help mom to hang up the laundry (bring clothes, hang clothes and attach with a clothespin).
9. Help mom cook porridge - pour the cereal into the pan, with the help of mom open the tap (valve) and wash the cereal, pour water into the porridge.
10. Take off your hat, mittens (some people can take off their socks and pants).
11. Help mom sort out bags after the store (learn the names of products, remember the places where they are, put them together with mom in their place).

social skills.

All of the recommendations below are very individual, the main criterion for learning social skills at this age is that most actions should be easy, and if there are difficulties, it means that it is not yet time for your baby to master such skills.

  1. Say hello and goodbye (with a pen or voice).
  2. To regret (to take actions at the request of the mother - to stroke, the child will learn to truly empathize with someone else's grief later).
  3. Share and change (do not insist or force. Just teach, show by example). Do not put pressure on the child if he does not want to give the toy - respect his right to play with his toys.
  4. Help mom (for mom it will be comic help, for a child - real) - hang clothes, bring items, etc.
  5. Show your child a puppet show using soft toys, in which small short scenes teach kindness, empathy, friendship, sharing, not fighting, etc.

But this list would be truly incomplete if I did not tell you something else:

I personally knew quite developed children, whose mothers almost never worked with them or did little. The secret of their child's development was simple - mothers loved their children very much with unconditional love, accepted them as they were, talked with them a lot, spent enough time outdoors and in the countryside, provided (voluntarily or involuntarily) a good developing environment (without limiting cognitive interest child, allowed him to actively explore the world around him (touch, twist, play with many objects). And the result was not long in coming!

I will add that all recommendations about when, what and how to develop in children should be applied individually. Here are examples of directions for learning " average» child. For each particular kid, development goes on its own (sometimes in leaps and bounds), so it may happen that it will be more difficult for him to master some skills (but only for now, right at the moment), and some, unlike most of his peers, he catch up jokingly. It is also worth understanding that if the child has just turned one and a half years old, many of the games and activities listed below can be more difficult for him than if he was almost two years old.

Good luck with your developmental endeavors!