How to feed a child if he refuses food. The child does not eat well: how to feed the little one

© Inna Volodina / Photobank Lori

Child nutrition older than a year should already be different from nutrition up to a year. The baby can already chew food with his teeth, the stomach becomes larger, and digestion is better. During this period, the child is actively developing, the needs of the body are changing. Now almost half of the energy coming from food is spent on physical activity. The food will gradually begin to approach the adult, but you do not need to immediately transfer the baby to the common table.

What can I feed my 1 year old baby

If the mother continues to breastfeed, then at this age a decision can be made to stop. Mother's milk can no longer make up children's body necessary nutrients and right now it is easier to wean the baby from the breast.

With the development of chewing skills and the appearance of chewing teeth, it is necessary to introduce more solid food, but the consistency should be such that the child can easily chew it. Porridge-like food still occupies the main position in the diet of the baby.

At this age, the role of dairy products is still important.

Every day in the menu of the child should be present:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • sour cream or cream.

Dairy can be from cow's milk if there is no allergy. But pediatricians are more likely to use goat milk products. It should be remembered that milk must be heat treated before consumption.

Foods rich in animal protein are necessary for a growing and rapidly developing organism.

In the diet one year old baby meat dishes must be present:

  • veal,
  • lean pork,
  • chickens,
  • turkeys,
  • a rabbit.

It is not advisable to give fried meat dishes. Better to steam or boil.

  • Fish. Fish is also very useful for a child, 2 or 3 days a week it is better to replace a meat dish with a fish one.
  • Eggs. If up to a year it was possible to give only the yolk chicken egg, then after a year you can give a whole egg in a day. But if you find an allergy to protein, it is better to exclude it.
  • Kashi. Continue to give your child cereal, buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful.
  • Bread and cereals. Many kids love pasta. But you should not feed your child with them often, there are a lot of carbohydrates and no vitamins. The average daily set of a yearling should include 15-20 grams of cereal, 5 grams pasta and bread no more than 100 grams.
  • Vegetables. A variety of vegetables in any form are very useful. In the summer it is better fresh in the form of salads. Children enjoy eating various purees. It is good to give both stewed and baked vegetables.
  • Fruits. Fruits and berries must be present on children's table. They are the ones who make up required amount minerals and vitamins, as well as sugar. And confectionery is best kept to a minimum. Fruit and vegetable juices can be given industrially, intended for baby food. Carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

Table with sample menu for a child from 1 year old(increased by click):

What to feed a child at 2 years old

At 2 years old, food should still be different from an adult, the baby's stomach is not yet able to digest adult meals. Pediatricians still do not recommend the use of fatty and fried food. Although once a week you can already give fried fish in batter or pancakes. All fast food is banned, and sweets should be limited.

  • Milk and dairy products are important during this period of life, but it is already desirable to reduce the fat content of milk, to give less fat.
  • Cottage cheese best served raw, but can be cooked as a casserole.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be in the diet in large quantities. You can no longer grind them into a puree, but give boiled or stewed pieces. Many children love salads made from fresh vegetables or fruits, seasoned with sour cream. Now dill, parsley can be present in vegetable salads.
  • Meat and fish remain important in the child's menu. If the child refuses to eat meat, prepare a potato casserole with minced meat. Many children love this dish. Omelet with fish has a soft texture and is also liked by little fussy eaters. Pediatricians do not recommend giving sausage and salted fish to a child.
  • In the diet of a two-year-old child, you can enter the liver. It is very useful for blood formation and digestion, and is also rich in easily digestible proteins. Pairs well with vegetables.
  • Kashi may already bother the child, but do not exclude them. It is enough to diversify ordinary porridge by adding fruits and berries to it.
  • Soups vegetable or meat broth should be present at least three times a week. Pediatricians believe that the most useful for children's digestion borsch. Only when cooking do not need to add spices and fried vegetables.
  • Bread in the diet of the child should be present daily, and it is better not to give baking yet. As a light snack, it is better to offer your baby unsweetened cookies.
  • You can enjoy marmalade or marshmallows. Chocolate can be given in limited quantities if you are not allergic to it.

Sample menu in the table, for children from 2 years old(increased by click):

What can you feed a child at 3 years old

Many parents mistakenly believe that from the age of 3 it is time for a child to eat all the dishes from an adult table. But digestion at this age is not yet sufficiently developed and it is necessary to continue to be attentive to nutrition. It must remain balanced and useful.

It is not necessary to wipe the food already, so as not to lead to an incorrect bite. Food should be in pieces, make the chewing muscles work and strengthen. But hard food should not be, the child will not be able to chew it well or completely refuse such food.

  • Liver. Keep giving your baby liver meals. It can be stewed with vegetables or made into pâté. Children willingly eat liver pate with bread.
  • Meat and fish. Variety of meat and fish dishes. Now you can already fry, and not just steam. Sausages are still limited. It is advisable not to give salted fish yet.
  • Cottage cheese can be cooked in the form of cheesecakes or lazy dumplings. So it is more like children, but raw cottage cheese is preferable. It is good to add raisins or chopped dried apricots to it.
  • Milk and kefir should not be excluded from children's diet. Although daily rate milk is already much lower than in the early years.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Vegetables still make up the majority of the diet. Especially in raw form, this is how all vitamins and minerals are preserved. In addition, the child is already able to chew them well. Stewed and baked vegetables and fruits must be present on the children's table. And vegetable broths can be used as the basis for sauces.

Fats in baby food are also important, they help the absorption of some vitamins. But not all fats are created equal. You should not give your child food fried in a large amount of oil, as well as margarine and products where it is present.

I am a young mother. The first child, the first experiences, joys and difficulties. There were no mothers with children in my inner circle, and the opinions of my own mother seemed outdated to me.

The son grew up and with it the first questions arose. When and how to start complementary foods? The doctor and my mother convinced me that it is possible to give juice from 3 months, to introduce broths from 6 months. I searched the Internet for an answer and found only contradictions. Then my husband helped me, who said: “Take the opinion that corresponds to the phrase“ do no harm. ”With this in mind, I decided that there was no need to rush with complementary foods. There are many reviews that early feeding called various problems with children's health. But I did not find reviews from which it would follow that after 6 months. and later, the children suffered from dystrophy or that they lacked something (the exception is when before the introduction of complementary foods there are already such or other diagnoses that require early complementary foods).

Thus, I decided that there was no need to rush with complementary foods, and why? The opinion that it is necessary to give earlier in order to be in time for everything is not justified. Early administration of juices can lead to disease digestive system and allergies, and the introduction fruit puree before vegetables can lead to the fact that the child simply does not like the taste of vegetables.

At first the child tried everything with pleasure, but later, when it was necessary to replace the milk formula with normal food, the son began to refuse to eat.

Poor appetite or even a complete refusal to eat - young mothers often encounter such a problem. And there are no clear cut solutions.

In my case, perhaps from my perseverance or from the characteristics of the child, my son had a gag reflex. And for almost everything. Especially on cereals and new products. Often sat at the table to eat and immediately began to cry. Often they ate while standing on his chair or sitting on their hands. It is beyond words when you understand that you need to feed the child, when you need to give vegetables, introduce meat, and he reacts like that. In the summer, everyone gave the kids berries, and you put mine in your mouth, and he immediately returns without really trying it. And it's pointless to let go. Thinking of ways, looking for various options to feed the baby. And my efforts were not in vain. The child has changed. He began to eat more, began to eat meat, potatoes, etc. What at one time caused refusal and such a strong gag reflex, he began to eat!

Now the child is sitting in a highchair and eating, even trying to eat on his own with a spoon. While pieces are difficult to go, food is poorly chopped or meat, difficulties with the introduction of new products. And I am again looking for new ways for my son to eat this too.

And I understand how much more we have to go to improve nutrition. Having already passed the main stage of complementary feeding, I concluded:

  1. do not force the child;
  2. while he is small, and it is really scary to leave him hungry, you can give something else to eat. Kefir, puree, milk or a mixture - everything that eats, at least something, to calm yourself a little and not leave the child completely hungry;
  3. feed slowly;
  4. try to draw attention to food, show how mom or even a bear eats, but do not distract from food to something else, do not arrange performances in front of him;
  5. perhaps, to put him on his knees, becoming a little older, the baby will climb into the plate supposedly for his mother, but in fact for himself;
  6. give him a spoon so that there is a desire to bring food to himself;
  7. before meals, for example, before dinner, it is good to take a walk without snacks, then the child will have an appetite, and in the evening after water procedures;
  8. be sure to praise and say: “How well you eat, how happy your mother is”, “Oh, how you eat!”, “how delicious”, etc .; smile at the child and show that the mother is happy that he eats well.

And most importantly, keep yourself in control and do not swear, do not shout.

If the child is only being introduced to complementary foods, then there are many reasons why the child refuses to eat - he hasn’t tasted it, he has to give it 10 times, he doesn’t know what to eat, etc. Therefore, there is no need to rush and you need to offer over time again and again.

If the child is older than two years, then you can learn to negotiate, make menus together, etc. That is, use pedagogical techniques in education. Buy a plate with an interesting pattern on the bottom. But to see it, you have to eat everything. Just put at first quite a bit, so that the child can master and see the result. If the child is even older, then do not give food there and between meals, but this is when the child already understands why they do not give it.

The most difficult age is just from one to two, when the child already eats normal food and at the same time it is still impossible to understand and agree with the mother. Mom needs to listen to the child, watch him. Well, a child cannot always be hungry, he eats something. Maybe add a little, maybe soups will go better. Here, my child’s fish didn’t go, but he eats fish soup well. I try to enjoy every bite.

We must remember that we all have something that we do not like to eat, that there may be teeth, or there is no mood, and that there are children who eat poorly and are already at an older age. And in order to avoid the latter, efforts must be made to educate proper nutrition in the child.

We need to look for options, try to approach it differently, and everything will work out for you and for me. I dream that I will cook deliciously for my child, and he will gobble up everything on both cheeks. And I believe that since we have overcome the problems with complementary foods, then everything will work out for us. The most important thing is peace!


I don’t know if this is right, but I give vegetable puree with fruit))) seems to be eating for now))) and, of course, spoons in my hands)))

06/08/2014 15:10:34, IrinaR

Hello. I breastfed my son for up to a year, and I think that this is the most useful for strengthening the health and immunity of a person. but, since we have almost all products with additives, I add fruit puree to the baby’s food, the pediatrician also advised me to give the child Bifiform baby, from my own experience I realized that it does not cause allergies in the child. he also eats semolina porridge, oatmeal, I also cook mashed soups, which I cook myself. I think homemade food is the most useful, I give vegetable puree, I add kefir with bifidobacteria. but this is not enough. We try everything new with care. sometimes he refuses, is naughty, then I give him a banana, he eats it with pleasure. Of course, he doesn’t finish eating, but his mood improves and he sleeps well.

"sour cream, cream and butter" are appetite stimulants, useful zilch there, but harm! most adults could do without these products, so as not to complain about a sick heart later, high pressure and so on. It is better to use vegetable oils.

The article is really very useful and interesting, especially for young mothers who are lost from the variety of advice. Indeed, all children are very individual and each needs its own approach, but there are a lot of children who do not eat well. Even my youngest daughter (4.5 months old) already refuses to eat formula or juice room temperature everything is only warmed up to 40 degrees. And with the eldest (3 years 10 months), they tried everything to feed her and now she does not eat very well. From my experience I can say that the most effective ways eat with everyone (she has soup and a plate for herself, and the more people eat the better), we feed mom and dolls for food. Another way to turn food into a game, for example, is not a spoonful of soup in your mouth, but a car going to the garage. My daughter really likes it. Sometimes we change the car for an airplane or a boat, it all depends on your imagination. You can count the eaten spoons with the bending of the fingers. In general, I repeat once again there are a lot of ways, the main thing is to find one that suits your child and not be afraid to experiment and observe the reaction of the child. And even before the child does not remain hungry, then yes, but if he fills his stomach with bread or even worse with sweets or just water, juice, milk, but refuses tasty and healthy food, in my opinion, for any mother who takes care of her child, this is an occasion for reflection on how to make the child eat this food. And of course the main thing is patience and love.

11/17/2008 03:07:21 PM, svetlana

Maria, maybe you should still heed the doctor’s advice. After all, sour cream, cream and butter contain not only fat, but also other important trace elements. And if you have enough of everything, then what’s the problem!? let the little man eat milk ... or just what he loves.

17.11.2008 14:07:37

I agree that all children are different and need an individual approach. I have a friend whose daughters, 5.5 and 3.5 years old, still eat mostly milk from a bottle and she doesn’t worry about it. Not hungry and well. But I don’t always have enough endurance to calmly persuade me to eat a dish for the preparation of which I spent quite a lot of time and effort, and I smeared it all over the kitchen and even yells like a cut one and wakes up my dad, who yells even more from this. And even more annoying is the grandmother, who is noisy incessantly to shove at least a gram of meat - let's feed the goat, donkey, cat and snow white with all the gnomes in turn, let's feed mom, oh how delicious, let's lift it off the floor, wash it and try everything in the second circle.
I'm counting on magical power imitations. When my eldest went to the nursery, he began to eat there such products that I didn’t even try to offer at home.

11/14/2008 20:03:51, Maria

Sanya's mom, it all depends on how your daughter looks and feels. Maybe she herself is small, like Thumbelina. Mine is a year and 3 months old, with a height of 80 cm, weighs about 10 kg. The doctor also says that we are not getting enough, but so far I do not see anything terrible. I was also recommended to make more high-calorie food, add cream, sour cream, butter, etc. I really didn’t do that, I don’t see a big need, it seems to me that the fat content is also not right. And the child will be a little older, and you and your daughter will be able to make a menu, for example, from the proposed one, she herself will choose what you can cook for her. And it will be more difficult for her to refuse, because she herself chose. Or offer her some kind of reward for eating a portion. Only that it was not a condition or blackmail, but an encouragement.

14.11.2008 20:03:45, Maria

Sanya's mom, it all depends on how your daughter looks and feels. Maybe she herself is small, like Thumbelina. Mine is a year and 3 months old, with a height of 80 cm, weighs about 10 kg. The doctor also says that we are not getting enough, but so far I do not see anything terrible. I was also recommended to make more high-calorie food, add cream, sour cream, butter, etc. I really didn’t do that, I don’t see a big need, it seems to me that the fat content is also not right. And the child will be a little older, and you and your daughter will be able to make a menu, for example, from the proposed one, she herself will choose what you can cook for her. And it will be more difficult for her to refuse, because she herself chose. Or offer her some kind of reward for eating a portion. Only that it was not a condition or blackmail, but an encouragement.

11/14/2008 20:03:33, Maria

I also liked the article, because it looks very much like my daughter ... I already try to arouse interest in food, draw faces on porridge, droplets of honey, jam, etc. ... but, or eat a couple lays down and then with difficulty, or even turns away.
The doctor says that the lack of a good appetite can be hereditary, for example, I had dystrophy in the second grade, my mother practically could not feed ... maybe my daughter is like me ??? I worry a lot, and probably my child feels it, and therefore we don’t have a full / lunch / afternoon snack / dinner so often (that is, when I feel complete satisfaction from “feeding” my baby)
in our 1 year and 10 months, we do not even weigh 11 kg, as you think, this is still very small or normal, according to the principle - there would be bones, but the meat will grow ...
thank you in advance.

11/14/2008 06:28:43 PM, Sanina Mama

Yes, this gag reflex was given to you. It did not arise at all from the efforts of the mother to shove food, but simply because the child was simply not ready to receive rough food. But imagine berries. My son took the berries with a bang (and he is the same age as the hero of the article ), but before that he carefully studied them with his fingers: he crushed, he mulled them - and in his mouth. And how pleasant it is to taste sour after any lure of sweetness. that my baby wraps it on both cheeks.
what about friendly family at the table, this is true. ours has been participating in common meals since 4 months, so now food is not a problem for us. but how funny we show how, for example, dad eats, etc.
and in general, our problems will be forgotten. when the child grows up. he learned to walk. there are no crawling people. there are no people. who do not eat at all ...

14.11.2008 15:30:26 11/14/2008 02:55:00 PM, Author

God, poor child! Well it is necessary to feed him to the gag reflex! Mommy, make up your mind!
I agree with Oksana, the child will not allow himself to die of hunger!
My mother is also shocked that I don’t persuade the baby to eat, I don’t sing songs to him over porridge. Sometimes I forget to feed him. So then he eats everything with such an appetite!
If you don't want to eat, march from the table.
At one time, mothers and grandmothers stuffed us so much. First, they teach us to eat everything with bread and eat it to the end. And then they wonder why a grown child eats dumplings and noodles with bread. I still struggle with the stupid habit of eating everything on my plate and not stopping when I'm full. Indeed, a man eats until he is full, and a woman until she runs out.

11/14/2008 02:31:50 PM, Inna

And I liked the article. The author does not write that it will definitely suit everyone. Just the mother writes to watch her child and there are no unambiguous solutions. hippoyulka, here you have found other ways, it's good. The author described those that approached his child.
Oksana, this is possible with the eldest, but if the child is very small, he will be capricious if he does not eat. And the poor mother will not be able to understand, because the baby still cannot say whether he decided to eat what they offer or not. So I think that with a small and beautiful plate, other methods can also work. Yes, of course, mom feels sorry for the effort, because. the child will still come up to ask for food, and if he categorically refused to try it, but ate it in a beautiful plate. After all, it happens not only because of tasteless food or lack of appetite, but because of the peculiarities of age or character.
In the article, the author writes that the child will not be hungry, but someone may not worry that the baby does not eat, but someone does not. Sometimes children are underweight. Of course, he will not die of hunger, but it is necessary to teach him to eat and respect what is cooked.

11/14/2008 12:51:23 pm, Marina

Comment on the article "The baby does not want to eat, or How to feed a child"

I have never had a problem with feeding my baby. I didn’t run after him around the house with a spoon, shouting: “am am am am, the plane is flying, open your mouth!” I have not heard from the child of tantrums during meals, and he never tried to get out of his high chair. What's the secret? I am not at all an ideal mother, you may not read what I write, but this article contains the experience of generations. And so, I will try to lay down in 10 basic rules. 🍤 The main and first rule: If a child...


It's funny, it's enough to put more emoticons =))), and you can already write all sorts of nasty things about evil aunts from hell, and seem to yourself a good-natured person.

"The experience of generations" - how much pathos. And yes, just in case =))) And more
=))) =))) =)))

A healthy, balanced diet for a child is the basis of his full development. Well, of course, when a child eats everything that his parents give him. But if he refuses to eat healthy foods, you have to come up with: "How can you still feed your child with vitamins." The reasons why a child does not want to eat vitamins are very different. Perhaps this is a simple imitation of parents (who are unconditional idols for the child): “Why does mom make me eat this porridge and an apple ...

Mom asks me how to teach the baby to eat on his own: "Not so long ago, she recalls, he wanted to eat himself, but I took away the spoon so as not to get dirty." And now my mother would be happy to allow, and she gives a spoon, and persuades, but her son flatly refuses. What to do? If a child stubbornly refuses something (which the time has come to learn), it is sure sign that unpleasant associations are associated with this action. Therefore, all corrections should begin with a long pause. Not even a week or two...

Hello! My baby is now 1 year 8 months old. I want to graduate in March. How to do it right? I read a lot that it is better to do it gradually, but my son hangs on the sis around the clock, so "gradually" will not work.


Hello. My youngest is now three and a half years old, I myself am forty-eight. He sucks his breast very intensively, is not going to refuse, the guy is persistent and stubborn - he achieves his goal by any means: op to the whole house, a tragedy with a wrinkled hand, presses on pity "(well, once, well, three times please, I'm three years old ..." )
Even leaving and leaving for someone is also not an option - even after leaving for three to five days I return - and he dissolves the breast again, milk appears again (or maybe it didn’t go anywhere, I’m already so used to it that I don’t feel) .
How to finish?? I'm tired, I can't sleep. Advise who also fed for a long time. Thank you in advance

Hello Irina! I'm happy for your baby, who fed for a long time. Statistically, he was very lucky.
What is the request - this is the answer: if it doesn’t work out “gradually”, then it won’t work out “correctly”, unfortunately, either.
In a word, I can tell you how to curtail breastfeeding without problems for my mother's breasts. But there is no way to finish breastfeeding painlessly for the baby in such short time, especially considering that the baby "hangs on the sis around the clock." This indicates that your baby is not yet ready for weaning, no matter what age he is at. this moment.
So, if you decide that at any cost you want to stop breastfeeding your baby in March, you should stop applying the baby, keep your chest full, but not overfull, pumping it only until relieved. Do not allow discomfort - after all, the breast does not know that the mother has already decided to wean the baby, and for some time she will produce milk according to the previous scheme - about as often as the baby suckled. The mechanism for reducing lactation in this case is due to the fact that in full chest milk comes slowly. You will have to “keep your finger on the pulse” - monitor overflow and discomfort in order to avoid milk stagnation. For some mothers, sage helps to reduce lactation - drink 1 glass of decoction during the day. For some it doesn't help. It is not recommended to drink hot drinks in large portions.
It often happens that a mother loses much more freedom during weaning than she gains.
I advise you to think in advance HOW you will now put your son to bed and whether you are ready to rock your big baby at night instead of breastfeeding and sleeping on.
This article describes very well typical situations in which a mother makes a decision to wean. Often tiring breastfeeding is not the cause, but the consequence of the relationship in the mother-baby pair, and weaning will not change anything in the relationship. Breastfeeding a child older than one and a half years. Psychological and behavioral features
Every mother wants her baby to be happy. Unfortunately, our culture tends to view breastfeeding as a "pampering" thing that should not be indulged. However, the need to suckle is not a bad habit.
about the need for sucking - how long does it last
[link-2] The need to suck is not just for eating. It is also a way to calm down, relax and "digest and assimilate" the impressions of the day. If the baby is deprived of the opportunity to relax in his usual way, he will either have to urgently find a replacement for sucking (and what he will choose is unknown), or impressions and tensions may begin to accumulate, splashing out in the most unexpected way.
To minimize the trauma of weaning for the baby - as much physical contact, hugging as possible - show your son that you still love him, just now it will manifest itself in a different way. Be sure to talk to him, trying to find worthy explanations for weaning, not only for him, but also for yourself. And let's hope that the baby will understand you and be satisfied with what he has.
about learning to fall asleep alone. Research by neurophysiologists
It will still be better if there is a temporary resource to make weaning more smoothly, gradually reducing the number of attachments, leaving sucking only for dreams and in the morning. Then it will be possible to limit the duration of sucking for sleep by some kind of agreement, for example: "let's agree that you suck while I sing a song to you." Then sucking for sleep can be replaced by some kind of ritual that is pleasant for the baby, for example, massage, reading a book, a song, or just lying down side by side.

Imagine a couple in love. Both love each other very much and love kissing very much. She is sure that such an idyll will last forever. But one day, at a meeting, the beloved suddenly begins to dodge her lips, limiting himself to shaking hands and patting on the shoulder. At the same time, he assures that he still loves her, he simply decided that they had already grown out of “calf tenderness”, and “enough is enough”. Will the girl believe her lover that nothing has changed in their relationship?

In a word, for abrupt weaning from the chest must be very good reason.
I wish you to weigh all the arguments and make the most correct decision for yourself about the timing and methods of weaning.

Whole cow's milk can be used in the nutrition of children of the first year of life only for making cereals in a volume of not more than 150 ml, but it is better to "meet" with cow's milk push back after a year! cottage cheese and egg yolk- valuable sources of animal protein and fat, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, etc.), as well as vitamins A, group B. Meat contains complete animal protein, the amount of which is in beef, lean pork, rabbit meat, chickens, chickens, turkeys, the horse comes to...

All parents one way or another face this question: how to put their baby to sleep? Restless toddlers are ready to run and jump around the clock and do not want to go to bed in any way. It is useless to force: screams, tears, tantrums and no effect. When a child is still small, he does not understand this elementary thing: that when you want to sleep, you need to lie in your bed, close your eyes and fall asleep. The kid, on the contrary, begins to frolic, then act up, yawn, rub his eyes, or maybe ...

After the birth of a baby, everyone begins to surround you with care, love and warmth. But it also comes with all sorts of tips. I think that every new mother has experienced it for herself. I did this, says a friend, in our time they did it like this, says my mother, and my grandmother can remember such ancient things that it’s funny to talk about. I do not argue that some of the tips were useful to me, but the newly-made mother is afraid for her baby and in emergency succumbing bad advice maybe just...

Experienced doctors ask mothers who are alarmed by a baby’s reluctance to eat: “Have you ever seen a child with food and loving parents would you die of hunger?" Mothers do not remember such cases and relax a little. At this moment, it’s good to delve into yourself - what is behind your desire to feed, despite refusals, screams, crying? ?rnd=-1219072960 Feeding as a remedy for fear General weight loss became an important topic only a few years ago, and genetic memory is much stronger than fashion...

In addition to all the problems with the first grader, I am racking my brains over how to feed the child before school. Mine is not a small child, but at 7-30 she doesn’t want to eat, which is natural for healthy person. Plus at 9-10 they have breakfast at school.


Anniversary cookies or Mishku-Barni or cheese sandwich + milk.
Porridge and cottage cheese before school cannot be forced to eat.

08/15/2012 04:16:04, ll

I eat cottage cheese. Sometimes an omelet. Sometimes porridge when there is time (it seems to me ideal option). Sometimes tea with a sandwich (with cheese or doctor's sausage). I usually give juice, cookies and marmalade with me. When there are 5 lessons (and we have 2 times a week since the 1st grade) - then sandwiches with a doctorate in a lunch box.
PS: my child is no exception in our class, usually everyone brings something with them.

It was easier to feed yourself than to force yourself to eat. But at 3 years old, the baby should already eat on his own, otherwise you can greatly spoil the child, IMHO. And how can a child be "persuaded" to eat on his own if he doesn't want to?


my 2.3. she knows how to eat to the best of her ability (sheds, wakes up). but I prefer to feed her myself - it’s easier for me than to clean it up later. I’m not worried at all - no one has yet gone to school without knowing how to eat on his own. but I don’t give a damn about this :) and when the husband has a day off and the daughter is on him, she eats herself, because it’s easier for him to feed her, it’s easier to clean up after her (or leave it as it is until I get bored and I clean it up, or until the evening until we won’t put the small one in - then he himself will most likely remove it after eating it :)).

Kostya still eats porridge, for example, only from a spoon. 4.3.

Go from mom's breast to regular nutrition? In ancient times, the child was breastfed until 2 - 3 years. Today, this trend is returning. Before you start weaning your baby from breast milk, you should make sure that he is ready for this. The average readings say that the baby's need for sucking decreases from 9 months to 3.5 years. This process is individual. But if you have already begun to excommunicate the child, then everything must be done gradually. First, you should replace one daily feeding ...

Most recently, you read the statuses of expectant mothers, but time flies so quickly and now your baby has been born and asks to eat. But if you can't feed your baby (you have to go to work or you're passing a session at the university), but you want the baby to be fed with breast milk - then you can express it with a prepared bottle. Expression of milk can be done manually (requires a little skill), or using a breast pump. Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for three to...

Do I understand correctly that a hungry child will not fall asleep at the breast, but will ask for more?! Once a day he sleeps up to three hours, but no more. Popular discussions in 2011. How to feed the wolves and keep the sheep? (very long) the author of this topic.


A child at HS can suck out a different amount of milk during the day, i.e. now 10 grams, an hour later 60 grams, then again 10, then 80. Therefore, weighing after feeding is not indicative. Therefore, they are fed on demand, the child himself determines how much milk he needs at the moment. We had the same situation as you.

you ok. I know, I've created threads like this a few times myself.
To be honest, I give food. But not flour, but an apple, a carrot .. Because so far no words have helped.
There is no luck, as they wrote below.
I have something to compare with, because my eldest will never be fed. She doesn't want to eat, basically.
I plan to go to a psychologist if the problem does not go away within, for example, a year. So I went with the eldest. She didn’t get any better, but now I’m not worried about this)))))
Good luck to you!

15.06.2010 18:19:08, Alinika/

Have you had an endocrinologist?

I feed for 1 and 9 months, I'm terribly tired, I want the child to become more independent, besides, he eats normal food 4 times a day. In a word, breastfeeding on demand is a blessing, until a certain point, do not get carried away ... The baby refuses to breastfeed.

we had such behavior not because of taste :) but because the child wanted to eat LESS. to catch when she almost fell asleep or had not yet woken up and fed - she ate :) then it passed. and it can also be from the fact that the child is not hungry, does not want to eat, just wants to suck ...


The taste of milk deteriorates when physical activity. But what are you dissatisfied with? He takes the breast when he is hungry - why take it when he is full?

we had such behavior not because of taste :) but because the child wanted to eat LESS. And I offered - as usual, quite often. Or just wanted to suck - but not eat. Your age is just right: sucking a fist / fingers at this age is not from hunger :) this is how a child studies himself, in one of the few ways available to him, namely, with his mouth / tongue. later, my legs will go in the course :) my eldest passed this stage "painlessly", but the youngest (1.1), unfortunately, sucks her finger, but now it is much less (tried to replace it with a dummy - it didn’t work out). Is the child otherwise behaving normally? how does he gain weight?

How to feed a child? Nutrition. Other children. Here! Here main question- how to feed? If he does not want to eat what he needs. I'm downloading recipes :) 04/13/2005 5:45:17 pm, pill Yulkina.


Julia, we give Vladka "Cardonat" (manufacturer "Sperko" Ukraine) to increase appetite - this is a complex preparation of vitamins and amino acids. Here is part of the indications for use: it is intended for the normalization of impaired carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, it is used for lagging behind in mental and physical development in children (malnutrition, lack of appetite, growth retardation, asthenia), physical and mental overstrain, etc. (very large list of indications). We take it in courses from 6 months. (now we are 3), appetite appears before our eyes, in addition, the contents of the capsule are given with juice, which is very convenient. Try it, there are no contraindications to it, except for malignant tumors. And the company "Nestlé" has a special nutrition for children different ages(even "pitching" began to drink it to build muscle mass).

If the child is healthy and active, then there is nothing wrong with low weight and height, on the contrary, it is easier for him to move! From the experience of my family, I will say that my sister and I were like that ... Especially, sister. It’s understandable why I didn’t grow up, but when I started “suddenly” eating at the age of 13, I ate twice as much portion of my father’s, and I still wanted to ... I even had to go on a diet, sports didn’t help ... And my sister was under 15 years old she was a real dystrophic ... Transparent, already ... And then she took shape in such a figured girl, thank God! And growth caught up.
So, do not worry, if doctors do not see pathologies, then it is necessary. Nature herself knows what is best. Here, the body will begin to "develop", grow up, "then wait for everything to get better. Both appetite and size. The main thing is not to stress the child now by feeding and feeding by force.

How to feed a child with fruits? The kid is already 2 years old and for all the time he has not eaten a single fresh fruit or vegetable. Doesn't even want to try. In the summer, he was persuaded to eat strawberries, and watermelon - not tasty!


I rub apples, pears and bananas into oatmeal porridge (fortunately, Denis has her favorite). Sometimes we arrange "bites in turn" - "mom will bite, dad will bite - and now Deniska!" It doesn't help much, but nothing better has come up yet.

I don’t even know, we didn’t eat fruit at all for a year, then we got hooked on berries in the country, and since autumn we have been eating. I give sliced ​​\u200b\u200band put in a plate on Coffee table. Usually Nikolai plays, but every 3-5 minutes he scoops up to his bowl and takes a piece. so maybe in 2 hours he will eat a whole pear or banana. Those. I do not make a separate feeding from the fruit, how much I will eat. But we are also more specialists in all sorts of soups and cutlets than fruits and vegetables.

A 2-year-old boy refuses to eat himself, although he knows how to do it very well. At one time we persuaded him, he was very hungry, he worked with a spoon for several days, and then he doesn’t want to again. The child refuses to eat. Feed or understand?


I tried to feed my child myself, did not attach importance to the fact that others had been eating on their own for a long time, and then he himself one fine day told me that now he would eat on his own. So, do not worry, feed him as long as he likes it, otherwise he will feel your interest and will refuse to eat on his own for a longer time, but for now, if possible, show how other children eat (after they went to visit, and the children ate there on their own , he said that he would be big and would eat himself). The same with the pot, she didn’t insist, but when she went down she praised it very much and even made small gifts and the training went faster in a week, she learned, though she still boasts.

02/07/2001 01:41:15, Anna

The menu of a baby who has reached the age of one is significantly different from that to which the baby is accustomed. If earlier his mother had to cook according to all the rules - cook vegetables, cereals and soups in a separate bowl with no salt, then from 1 year old the picture changes. Many parents try to make life easier for themselves and transfer the child to the family diet. According to Yevgeny Komarovsky, this is the right strategy, however, it is important not to forget that the baby's nutrition should still be slightly different from adult meals. So, let's take a closer look at what should be the nutrition of children over 1 year old.

You can make a menu for a child at 1 year old, taking into account the nutrition of adult family members


After a year, it is advisable to feed a baby strictly by the hour. This is necessary for the child to develop conditioned reflex and the food was assimilated as fully as possible. Tolerances in the hours of eating in the region of 15-20 minutes. The number of feedings per day should be at least 4, maximum - 5. If you plan to visit a kindergarten, it is desirable to form the correct regimen, as close as possible to kindergarten. Breakfast is served there around 8-30, lunch - at 12-12.30. Approximate baby food schedule:

  • Breakfast - 8-30. It is desirable that by this time the child has time to brush his teeth, wash, do gymnastics.
  • Lunch - 12.30. In order for the baby to spend energy and want to eat, before dinner you need to arrange a walk for him. It's great if mom goes with him to the playground, where a son or daughter can communicate with other kids.
  • Afternoon snack - 16.30. This time after sleep, as a rule, the baby is not yet hungry, but he needs to hold out until dinner. For an afternoon snack, you can offer crumbs of cottage cheese or a casserole.
  • Dinner - 19-00. This may be the last meal, after which the offspring performs nightly procedures - washing, brushing his teeth, playing a little and going to bed. However, for some babies, it is not enough to eat two hours before bedtime. At night, the child can drink milk or formula.

For a one-year-old baby, milk mixture is enough to give 1-2 times a day

Experts note that breast milk or formula is important product for a one year old baby. However, it should be understood that breastfeeding is equivalent to eating, in this regard, it is not advisable to breastfeed the crumbs between main meals. It is best to feed him milk early in the morning or at night to ease the process of going to bed. Dr. Komarovsky generally believes that milk or a mixture is enough to give crumbs 1 time per day.

Diet plan for a 1 year old baby

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It should be remembered that dishes for feeding a small eater should have a puree-like consistency, or contain lumps. Despite the presence of a certain number of teeth, chewing crumbs is not yet easy. According to the norms, a child from one year to 1.5 years old should eat from 1100 to 1200 ml per day.

The total amount of food should be distributed as follows: for breakfast and dinner, the baby can eat one-quarter of the diet (275-300 ml), for lunch 35% (385-420 ml), afternoon tea - only 15% (165-180 ml). Of course, these calculations are conditional and are needed only so that parents can be guided by them.

In the table below, we have given the approximate volumes of foods that a baby can consume per day. These norms meet the recommendations of children's nutritionists.

The product's nameWeight per day, g
Breast milk / formula and kefir500-600
cottage cheese50
Sour cream10
Fruits (these include juices, purees, compotes)200
Sunflower, other vegetable oil 5
Sugar (or fructose)20-40
  • breakfast: milk porridge or cooked vegetables - 150 g, protein dish (egg, meat or fish) - 50 g, juice or compote - 70 ml;
  • lunch: soup - 50 g, fish or meat - 50 g, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini - 100 g, juice - 70 g;
  • afternoon snack: kefir - 100 ml, cookies or bun - 15 g, banana, apple or pear - 100 g;
  • dinner: porridge, vegetables or cottage cheese - 150 g, compote - 50 g;
  • at night: mixture / breast milk or kefir - up to 200 g.

Making a diet

If you feed a child according to the rules, he will inevitably get tired of getting the same thing for dinner. In this regard, parents should try to diversify the baby's table.

Despite the limited list of allowed dishes, the menu can be quite interesting if you use different recipes. Next, we list the main elements in the nutrition of the crumbs and tell you how best to plan the child's menu.

Dairy and dairy products

Dairy products are one of the most important elements nutrition for a one year old. They contain proteins that are most fully and comfortably absorbed by the child's body, fats, carbohydrates. Fermented milk drinks - kefir, narine, yogurt, contain live bacteria necessary for effective work intestines. Cheese and cottage cheese are a source of calcium. However, due to high fat content cheese and sour cream should fall on the table every two or three days.

Cheese is both delicious and useful product, but due to its high fat content, it can be given every 3-3 days

At the same time, if the child is underweight, dairy products that fall on his table should be of normal fat content, in no case fat-free. We are talking about milk and kefir with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%, yogurt 3.2%, sour cream and cottage cheese - 10% fat. Milk and dairy products included in the child's diet should be 500-600 ml per day. It is also necessary to take into account the dishes in which they are included.

Separately, let's say about children who are diagnosed with intolerance to cow protein. It is better not to give whole milk to such babies until 2-2.5 years. Milk will be replaced by concentrates for children from one to 1.5 years old, which include milk powder, and whey is not added.

Children can be given yogurt, specially designed for babies from a year old, in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. It contains fats and carbohydrates in moderation, there is no sugar.

It is also allowed to offer children's cottage cheese up to 50 g. Sour cream is sometimes used as a dressing for salads or meat dishes (meatballs), but its volume is limited to 10 ml per day. In some cases, sour cream is replaced with yogurt.

Cereal Dishes

Cereals are used to make cereals, which can be quite varied. Cereals are best source carbohydrates, besides, they contain vegetable proteins, minerals and vitamins. Buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most useful for feeding a baby, while semolina is more often recommended to be offered to children with a lack of weight. It does not have many vitamins, besides, it contains gluten, which can cause allergies.

The most useful cereals for a child at the age of 1 year - oatmeal and buckwheat

Rice porridge is great for feeding babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is well absorbed, helps to regulate digestion. There are not many vitamins in rice porridge, so it should not be given to a child daily.

Corn porridge helps to fill the lack of selenium in the body, but it contains a lot of starch. This substance causes fermentation in the intestines, in connection with this, porridge should not be given to children who have stomach problems. Corn porridge is well absorbed, but requires long cooking (we recommend reading:).

Vegetables and fruits

By the age of one, the child, as a rule, is already familiar with many vegetables. They are a source of fiber, contain vitamins, many of them boast protein. In the second year of life, fruits and vegetables are combined with cereals. For example, baked apples and pumpkin are added to rice, oatmeal. Also, apricots, plums, strawberries may already appear in the baby's diet. Some of the fruits are given to the baby in the form of juices and smoothies, others - in raw and baked form.

Strawberries are useful for children in the same way as adults, but you need to be extremely careful when introducing them into your baby's diet.

The vegetable menu is also desirable to gradually expand. In addition to cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, boiled turnips and beets can be used as food for children older than a year.

Separately, we note legumes - lentils, green pea and beans. These foods contain coarse fiber, which often causes bloating and sometimes diarrhea. In this regard, it is recommended to boil and grind them well. Do not offer your child legumes more than once a week.

Fish and meat

Meat and fish dishes are necessary for the full development of the child. A one-year-old baby and older should be offered meatballs, steam cutlets, soup with meatballs. Taking into account the fact that animal protein is more difficult for the body to digest, it is better to feed the child with it in the morning.

In addition to the already familiar rabbit meat, beef, lean pork, offal (tongue, liver) are prepared for the child. Fatty pork, lamb, meat of waterfowl (ducks, goose) are poorly digested, so you should not offer them to the crumbs yet. It is not recommended to give children sausages, sausages, smoked meat.

One-year-olds love meatball soup very much.

It is advisable to limit fish products to low-fat varieties - hake, pollock. It is worth giving fish no more than twice a week, making sure that the baby is not allergic to it. It contains a lot of vitamins, fatty acids.

To diversify the menu of crumbs, it makes sense not only to boil fish, but also to stew, cook cutlets, meatballs, soufflé from fillet. It is better to give caviar in small portions, making sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.


Very often eggs cause allergic reaction in children. If at 7-8 months the baby's cheeks turn red after the yolk, now is the time to try offering him this product again. Eggs contain valuable substances, first of all, easily digestible protein, microelements. If the baby responds well, it is worth striving to ensure that eggs appear in his diet daily in certain dishes. Note, Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is enough for a one-year-old baby to eat only 1.5 eggs per week.

One-year-old children should only be offered boiled eggs or cook an omelette

In addition to boiled eggs, an omelet is prepared for the baby, and they are also added to cheesecakes, casseroles, and other dishes. Do not give your baby raw eggs.

Chicken can be substituted quail eggs. However, it is worth remembering that they have a higher content of protein, fat and cholesterol. However, they can be an alternative to chicken, to which a child may be allergic. Instead of one chicken, it is enough to give 2-3 quail eggs.


Oil is a valuable source of fats and should be included in a child's diet. The main condition for it to be well absorbed and harmed is to give the oil in its natural form, without subjecting it to heat treatment. This applies to both butter and vegetable oils. Creamy can be added to cereals, smeared on bread, vegetable can be used for dressing salads, added to soup.

Sweets and flour

All children love bread: having tasted it for the first time, the child never refuses it afterwards.

It is better to offer white bread to children, as it is well digested. At the same time, confectionery products - chocolate, caramel, cakes - it is advisable not to give little child. From sweets, you can choose what the baby eats with pleasure - jams, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

Refusal to eat in a baby under the age of six months usually indicates a physical ailment - in a healthy baby, instincts work correctly, which make you demand food when you feel hungry and actively saturate, having access to a food source. If a newborn refuses to eat, this is serious occasion contact a pediatrician.

Later, complementary foods are introduced into the diet of the baby. And the more diverse the menu becomes, the more capricious the baby behaves, since food addictions are intensively formed in him, taste buds develop. He begins to be picky about food and refuse what he thought was tasteless or did not like the look.

Eating habits

To avoid a situation where a child has chosen one or two dishes or a product with a bright taste (usually it is sweet and not always healthy), and flatly refuses the rest, it is important to correctly form the eating habits of the baby.

At the stage of introducing complementary foods, do not abuse foods with a pronounced taste - fragrant cereals for babies, which include bananas, berries and fruits, are liked by children with their smell and sweetness. By the time you begin to actively replace breast milk with other products, it is desirable to teach the child to eat "boring" vegetables.

If the baby is used to eating vegetable dishes, he does not compare them with new food and does not refuse in favor of a tastier one, but simply adds new foods to his list of addictions. Having taught the child to sweet cereals, it will be much more difficult for you to arouse the baby's interest in zucchini, cabbage or carrots.

How to feed a child if he refuses

In a healthy child, appetite may temporarily disappear under the influence of external factors, including stress due to moving, new people in the house, etc. But after some time, the body demands its own, and the baby returns to interest in food.

However, in a child with malformed eating habits and addictions may develop a strong dislike for food. Such children are capricious and do not allow themselves to be fed normally, spit out or scatter food, throw dishes on the floor.

To solve the problem with the nutrition of a one-year-old child, you should not follow his lead and give sweets and snacks so that he does not remain hungry. It is better to wait until hunger makes the baby become more accommodating and eat cooked soup, vegetables or porridge.

If a one-time whim develops into a permanent problem, it is necessary to think over a set of measures that will help to establish proper nutrition child. The following tips have proved their worth in practice:

  • Nutrition according to the regimen. If you used to feed the baby on demand, then at the age of one and it's time to get older take care of correct mode. Decide on a meal schedule by observing your baby's behavior over several days.

The child is actively moving and growing, so he needs a regular balanced diet. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner are mandatory. If the baby gets up early, then between breakfast and lunch he can be given light useful a snack, for example, a glass of kefir and fruit, but not sweets that interrupt the appetite. If your child has a need for a light snack between an early dinner and bedtime, also give him something light and healthy. It is better if it is cottage cheese or a sour-milk drink.

Feed your baby according to the regimen so that the body adjusts and develops in right time gastric juice. This stimulates the appetite before meals and normalizes digestion, improves the absorption of food.

  • Choose beautiful and comfortable dishes. You can choose a set of dishes in the store with your child, he will be happy to see his favorite pictures while eating. A cartoon character or just a cute animal painted on the bottom is a great excuse for a baby to eat all the food to “say hello”. In addition to plates and mugs, it is important to choose the right spoon and children's fork. Devices should be safe and comfortable in the hand.
  • Make sure you are comfortable while eating. Ventilate the room, you can put an attractive silicone mat for plates on the table at which the child is sitting. When the dishes do not move around the table, it is more convenient for the baby to eat. You can buy rugs of different colors and each time give the baby to choose the right one for himself.

Do not turn on the TV or music, it is better if the baby gets used to eating in silence without unnecessary irritants. Keep him company - it is interesting for a child to imitate adults. For the same purpose, during the evening meal, put the baby at the common table, using a high chair. When watching relatives who eat various dishes with appetite, the child will form an attitude towards food as a pleasure, and not a terrible procedure for absorbing something tasteless and incomprehensible.

  • Think of a menu. The diet must be balanced. In addition, it is important to give the dishes an appetizing look. Food for a one-year-old child should look attractive. You can find a lot on culinary sites. interesting ideas food design for kids. original design usually does not require much time and the use of complex techniques.

Berries, pieces of fruit, stewed pumpkin are added to the porridge, which gives the dish a sunny hue. Vegetables for a child older than a year are boiled and given in large pieces or whole (carrots, different varieties cabbage, etc.). On mashed potatoes you can draw funny picture, decorate with a sprig of greenery, etc.

  • Stimulate your child's interest in food. You can come up with a fairy tale-journey, where the characters must definitely eat well so that they have the strength for further adventures. Or plant "feed" your favorite soft toy. Everything should be aimed at forming a positive attitude towards the dishes and the very process of the meal.
  • Pay attention to the mood of the baby. Do not put him at the table crying or scandalous. First, the child should be reassured - you need to eat in a good mood.
  • Start with yourself. Children subconsciously imitate their parents. If the mother only outwardly maintains calmness, but everything “boils” inside, the baby will not be able to remain calm - his whims are an unconscious response to mother’s internal tension. This vicious circle because whims fuel mom's irritation. The child in such a situation is completely dependent, so only the mother has the opportunity to find a way to regain a good mood.

How to feed a child with meat

Children need a regular intake of animal protein for normal development. The child can be given lean meat (preferably veal), chicken, white fish.

Until the baby had time to form taste preferences, you can add to its menu meat puree, which is offered by leading manufacturers of baby food. But children older than a year often refuse such canned meat with vegetables - such puree tastes quite specific.

If the baby refused not only canned baby puree, but also meatballscarefully cooked by mom, various tricks are used:

  • minced meat is mixed into vegetable puree;
  • personally prepare dumplings with lean meat for the baby;
  • stuffed pancakes;
  • baked tomatoes stuffed with meat in the oven;
  • decorate meatballs with pieces of vegetables, turning them into "mice" or "hedgehogs".

Some tricks can work if for the first time the reason for refusing meat in a baby was unusual appearance food, its smell or texture. By changing the principle of serving meat, you can change the attitude towards it.

But it happens that a child is very sensitive to the taste of a certain product and categorically refuses to eat it. In this case, any attempts to disguise minced meat among other foods are doomed to failure - the baby will simply refuse the dish. The only way out is to replace meat that is unpleasant for the baby with fish or poultry so that the body does not experience a shortage of animal protein.

As children grow older, their taste preferences change, and yesterday's unloved dish becomes adored. Therefore, from time to time, renew your attempts to add meat to the child's diet, but do not impose it. For example, once apply for a general family table a dish with meatballs, where one of the meatballs is turned into a mouse with the help of ears made of circles of boiled carrots and a spaghetti tail. Perhaps the baby will want to get such a meatball on his own plate.

Such a scheme works not only in the case when children do not want to eat meat dishes. They can refuse both vegetables and cereals. The task of parents is to find an option in which the baby received a complete, balanced diet.

While the child is small, his main food is breast milk or artificial mixture. Take care of food food industry. The first cereals, purees and juices can be freely purchased at a nearby store. But after a year, this is not enough for the baby. The question of how to feed a child is acute for parents.

Nutrition for young children

What to feed a child in a year? The baby should eat 5 times a day. Dairy products remain the basis of the diet (700 grams daily). Kefir and natural cottage cheese are very useful. In the morning, give lean meat in the form steam cutlets or meatballs. Once a week, replace it with lean fish. The baby should receive an egg every other day. Also enter liquid cereals (for breakfast) and vegetables in the menu. Cut fruits into small pieces.

At 2 years old, you can switch to four meals a day. Breakfast is best with thick porridge. Lunch should be the most high-calorie. In the third year of life, you can introduce your baby to legumes and liver. Stew vegetables in pieces, add garlic, onions. Of the sweets, cookies, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, cocoa are acceptable. With sweets, cakes and soda, wait until three years of age. If you are wondering what to feed your child for dinner, give preference to light dishes: cottage cheese, vegetables, yogurt with fruits. Eliminate fried, salty and spicy foods, convenience foods from the diet.

Preschooler nutrition

After three years, your child can eat almost all foods, with the exception of mushrooms and coffee. With them it is better to wait until 6-7 years. Teach your child to eat healthy food, avoid fast food. Include milk, bread, fruits and vegetables, meat, butter, juices in your daily menu. Cheese, eggs, fish, sour cream, pasta, give the baby 2-3 times a week, limit sausages to 1 time. Delicacies, smoked meats can irritate a child's stomach, but on holidays you can eat a piece.

Ideally four meals a day. For breakfast, the easiest way is to cook porridge or scrambled eggs, as well as cottage cheese with fruit. Lunch should be vegetable salad(50 g), soup (200 g), meat or fish dish with garnish (80 g), juice or fruit. For an afternoon snack, offer fruit, a bun, cookies. From drinks, serve milk, compote, juice, kefir or jelly. What to feed the children in the evening so that they sleep soundly? Recommended dishes from cereals, cottage cheese, vegetables 1.5 hours before bedtime.


Not sure what to feed your child for dinner or breakfast? Boil the porridge. Cereals contain a lot useful substances: starch, vitamins B and E, iron, amino acids, vegetable fats. Up to 3 years, cook semi-viscous and viscous cereals for children. In the first case, 4 times more water is taken than cereals. For viscous porridge, the ratio is 3:1, respectively. You can also make puddings and soufflés from cereals.

To do this, take 4 tbsp. l. semolina or rice, cook semi-viscous porridge. Add 4 tsp. melted butter. Let's grind the yolk with 4 tsp. sugar, dilute a little with water and pour into the mixture. Grated carrots, apples, peach or apricot puree will help make the dish tastier. Egg white beat, carefully add to the mass. To obtain a soufflé, the mixture is poured into molds and cooked in a water bath. To make pudding, the mass is baked in the oven.


How can you feed a child to satisfy the body's need for vegetables, meat and water at the same time? Of course, soup. True, modern pediatricians are cautious about meat broth, since extractive substances are released during its cooking. immature digestive tract difficult to grasp them. Therefore, cook vegetarian soups for up to a year and a half. Later, use lean beef, veal, or boneless pork for the broth. Turkey or chicken can be boiled whole. From fish it is best to choose cod, perch or pike perch.

How to cook vegetarian borscht? Rub 50 g of beets and 20 g of sour apple, pour water, add 0.5 tsp. butter and simmer covered for a quarter of an hour. In the meantime, cut 40 g of potatoes, chop a circle of carrots, onions, parsley root. Add them to the bowl and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then pour half a glass of water, add 50 g of chopped cabbage and a quarter of chopped tomato. After 10 minutes, the borscht is ready. For a one-year-old baby, you need to pass it through a blender, add sour cream, herbs and serve.


How to feed a child so that his body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins? The best option is salads made from fresh vegetables. They should be prepared daily and served as a snack. Up to a year and a half, vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater, after - on a coarse grater. If your baby is over 2 years old, the ingredients can be finely chopped. Sour cream, vegetable oil, lemon juice, yogurt are suitable for dressing.

You can prepare the following simple salads:

  • "Green". For him, a cucumber, two or three onion arrows and lettuce are taken.
  • "Beetroot". It is prepared from boiled beets and steamed prunes. As a dressing, use vegetable oil and a drop lemon juice. You can also add sugar.
  • Salad of apples and carrots with sour cream.
  • Cabbage salad with cranberries. Add some green onions there and season with vegetable oil.

Meat dishes

Children are actively growing and need protein. During the week they need 4-5 meat dishes and 2-3 fish. It is preferable to use beef, veal, chicken, rabbit and turkey. Fatty meat (goose, duck) is better to exclude. The same goes for fish. Of offal recommended liver, tongue, brains. Consider a couple of simple recipes. What to feed the children so that they eat meat on both cheeks?

  • Steam cutlets "Mice". Take 50 grams of lean beef. Soak 10 g in milk white bread. Scroll them in a meat grinder twice. Add 2 g butter, salt, make oblong patties. Steam for 25 minutes. Before serving, make ears from circles of carrots, eyes from green peas or peppers, a tail and mustache from parsley. The mouse is ready.
  • Rice with meat. Cut into pieces 150 g of lean meat, boil and scroll twice through a meat grinder. 3 art. l. cook rice in water. Mix everything. Put the dish on a plate, forming the body and head of the lamb. From green onions make legs, from peas - eyes, from a cut red apple - ears and mouth. Children will be happy to eat a cheerful character.

Dairy dishes

Each child should receive at least 500 g of milk and fermented milk products in a day. Cottage cheese and sour cream can be given 3-4 times a week. All this is offered to kids in its natural form, and is also used to make cereals, soups, casseroles and desserts.

How to make cottage cheese casserole? Pour a quarter cup of milk into a bowl, soak 1 tsp in it. decoys. While the mixture swells, mash 1/4 egg with 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix with mango. Add mashed cottage cheese (5 tbsp), a little apple or banana. Put the mass in a mold greased with oil and bake.

On top of the finished dish, you can pour milk sauce. To prepare it, you need half a glass of milk. Initially, take quite a bit of liquid, dilute 1 tsp in it. flour. Stir so that there are no lumps. Boil the rest of the milk and pour into the flour solution. Put 1 tsp. Sahara. Boil exactly 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. butter. Cool and serve with cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes or dumplings.


Instead of sweets and cakes, it is more useful to teach children to fruits. A preschooler should eat them in the amount of 200-300 g per day. Juices are also needed. You should be careful with berries, especially with allergenic strawberries. For a change, you can cook sweets with your own hands.

What to feed a child if he requires something tasty? Let's learn how to make milk jelly. Take 150 g of hot milk, put sugar to taste, lemon zest and a little vanillin into it. While the drink is brewing cold water pour 5 g of gelatin. After an hour, when it swells, pour it into boiling milk. We move, strain and pour into molds for further solidification.

A hearty cocktail is prepared very quickly. For him, you will need berries, including frozen ones, or soft fruits (bananas, peaches, etc.). Put them in a blender. We fall asleep half a glass oatmeal, pour milk, add sugar to taste. Whisk the mixture well and serve.


Bread must be included in the diet of the baby. From sweet baking options, a one-year-old baby can be given baby cookies or crackers. From a year and a half, introduce your child to bagels, dryers, biscuits and oatmeal cookies. Buns, shortcrust pastry, crackers should not be given until 3 years of age. They contain unhealthy fats, a lot of sugar or flavorings. Certainly the most the best option- homemade baking.

What to feed a child loving mother? We offer to bake classic children's cookies. For this, 3 eggs and an incomplete glass are beaten with a mixer. powdered sugar. The volume should increase by 2-3 times. While stirring the mixture, pour in about 160 g of flour. Grease the baking sheet. The dough is squeezed onto it from a pastry syringe in the form long strips. If there is no syringe, you can take a regular plastic bag and make a hole in it in one of the corners. Leave space between the stripes.

Cookies are baked over medium heat until golden brown. The strips are removed with a knife. They can be given any shape: braid a pigtail, bend in any direction. Older children are happy to join this game.

Where do "negochuhs" come from?

Many adults wonder how to feed a small child. Children pick at their plate for a long time, spin in a chair and refuse delicious food. Parents have to act out whole theatrical performances in front of the capricious, turn on cartoons to divert attention and put another spoonful of porridge in their mouths.

Why is this happening? Consider the most common reasons:

  • Disease. The child may refuse to eat if he is not feeling well or is in pain (for example, he is cutting a tooth).
  • Stress. Many babies begin to eat poorly during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, when appearing in the family younger brother, as well as in cases where the dining table becomes a place of "showdown".
  • Individual characteristics. Skinny kids eat less than their fat peers.
  • Wrong mode. If the family leads a sedentary lifestyle, if the baby can always have a snack with candy or cookies, then he simply does not feel hungry.
  • Heat. In summer, both children and adults eat less.

How to solve a problem?

If the child does not have an appetite, proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Go to the doctor, get tested.
  2. Learn nutritional guidelines for children. Perhaps you just think that the child eats little.
  3. Every mother knows how to feed a child if he does not eat anything. Chocolate, ice cream, chips go well, which interrupt the appetite. Therefore, we completely exclude snacks.
  4. The kid should move a lot and walk on the street, then he will have time to get hungry.
  5. Buy attractive dishes, lay on the table a beautiful napkin, decorate the dish in an unusual way.
  6. Apply small portions so that the child is not afraid of a large amount. Let him ask for more.
  7. Children eat better in company. Sit the baby at a common table or put toys on the chairs.
  8. Do not force the baby to eat by force, do not lure him with cartoons. Often the appetite appears when adults stop being nervous and put pressure on the child.

selective appetite

How to feed a child if he refuses healthy vegetables Or delicious soup? The problem of selective appetite lies in the wrong education. The child realized that he could manipulate his parents and demanded only his favorite food.

The best solution if the baby does not want to eat soup with carrots is to calmly send him to play. After 2 hours, offer the same dish. Don't give up after the second or third try, getting the required macaroni and cheese from the bins. Be decisive but kind. This is the only way to defeat the little stubborn.

A good tradition in the family will be the rule to try all new dishes. If the product does not inspire confidence in the child, let him eat at least one spoonful. Explain that we are thanking the person who prepared dinner for us.

Delicious food for a child is a difficult task, but doable. Cook with love for your kids, sit down at the table exclusively in good mood, and nutritional problems will be solved by themselves.