Skin disease peeling. Methods of treatment for dry hands and fingers. Areas of smooth skin

In today's world where everyone more problems associated with ecology, various dermatoses are widespread. Often, their external manifestations do not look quite aesthetically pleasing, and this is what causes inconvenience to a person.

But it happens that a skin reaction is a symptom of a serious illness, in which case it is urgent to identify and “neutralize” the pathogen or eliminate the cause that triggered the skin reaction mechanism. One such skin problem is flaking.

Often the cause of the condition is a lack of sebum production ( physiological feature) or thinning of the natural lipid layer with detergents (excessive hygiene). Such peeling is not a pathology, it is not transmitted to another person, and the treatment consists in adjusting skin care. But there are other cases...


Dry skin can result from exposure to an allergen. Such a substance can be:

  • Foods - chocolate, red vegetables and fruits, milk, eggs, almost any product can cause food allergies
  • Laundry detergents - stain removers, powders, conditioners, rinses
  • Cosmetics - cream, powder, eye shadow, soap, shower gel, hair styling products, etc. (see).
  • Household chemicals - any cleaning products for dishes, sinks, toilets (see)
  • Metals - jewelry, buckles, rivets, buttons, zipper
  • Medications.

Two types of allergic reactions may occur:

  • contact dermatitis - in this case, the reaction from the skin appears after prolonged exposure to an irritating substance (not immediately). First, the skin turns red, itching and peeling appear (the formation of bubbles with liquid is possible). Later, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is covered with a dry crust.
  • - in this case, the reaction occurs immediately after the action of the allergen - immediately there is hyperemia, swelling at the site of exposure, desire scratch.

More often predisposition to allergies is determined at an early age, especially in children whose relatives suffer from hypersensitivity to any substance. At an early age, the most characteristic is the appearance of redness and peeling in the cheeks, buttocks, natural folds (see).

Climate change

Peeling of the skin is often observed in the cold season. This is due not only to changes in the street (frost and strong wind), but also to the inclusion of heating devices in the room (heating radiators, air conditioners). During this period, the humidity of the air decreases significantly, and this affects the condition of the skin.

Application of moisturizers

Moisturizers are excellent means, restoring the water balance of the skin, but only with correct application. They create a “water buffer” on the surface of the skin. Under conditions of normal air humidity, the cream binds moisture from the air and transfers it to the skin, but with a low moisture content in the environment, the reverse process occurs: water from the skin is released into environment and the skin begins to peel off. This feature must be taken into account when using moisturizing cosmetics.

Vitamin deficiency

There are many vitamins and minerals, the lack of which can adversely affect the health of the skin and its appearance. Such substances are needed in minimal quantities, but their contribution to metabolic processes of the whole organism cannot be overestimated. When moisturizing the skin with cosmetics, it does not give any effect. The skin is more often flaky on the face, knees and elbows (from the extensor side). Most often, the skin condition is affected by a lack of the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (with a deficiency, a deterioration in the condition of hair and nails is noted, it is possible, especially at night).
  • Vitamin K (with a lack of increased bleeding, a long period of healing of minor skin lesions).
  • Vitamin C (with a deficiency, wrinkles appear, the skin becomes pale, sleep patterns are disturbed, gums bleed).
  • B vitamins: B 2, B 3, B 7, B 12 (with insufficient intake, sleep disturbances, hair loss, bleeding gums, fatigue, dandruff, depression, nervousness are observed).
  • Vitamin E (deficiency is manifested by the premature appearance of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation of the skin, a long period of healing of skin injuries).

Hypovitaminosis can be caused by malnutrition or disorders in the absorption of foods (see). But it should be borne in mind that an excess of some vitamins is also manifested by a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails and hair (see).


In newborns, peeling of the skin can be caused by dysbacteriosis. In this case, there may be a constant underweight of the baby, weight loss, pallor skin, ( , stool disorders). In adults, skin problems can also be associated with intestinal disorders. Often patients complain of a taste of metal in the mouth, alternating constipation and diarrhea, an insatiable desire to eat, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, bloating, dry mucous membranes, headaches (see).

Lack of bacteria in the intestine leads to disturbances in the process of assimilation of food. Even with a complete diet (sufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), a person is not able to effectively absorb them, the likelihood of developing beriberi increases (see).

Hormonal changes

In the human body, the amount produced directly affects the condition of the skin. This hormone controls the production of sebum, which is a natural moisturizer for the skin. Changes in estrogen content can be observed in diseases of the endocrine system and malfunctions in the functioning of the following organs:

  • Thyroid gland
  • ovaries
  • Adrenal glands (read about), etc.

Hormonal changes lie in wait (about 50 years). At this time, there is a natural decrease in estrogen levels (not associated with diseases of the endocrine system), which leads to aging of the skin, its withering, loss of moisture and dryness. The skin begins to peel off, the feeling of tightness practically does not leave the woman.


As a habitat, the tick often chooses the face of a person, in particular the eyelids, eyebrows, chin area, nasolabial triangle, forehead or ear canals. At the site of introduction, the appearance of peeling (in the form of scales or crusts), swelling, the formation of edematous and reddened areas are noted.

Among the causes of skin peeling can be listed. Enough insidious disease, V initial stages and in a latent flow, it manifests itself only in the form and its dryness. Subsequently, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals appears. Often there is thirst and frequent urination, often there is a deterioration in mood, fatigue, weight disturbance (there can be both a sharp jump in the arrow of the scales up and down), depression.

When the concentration of glucose in the circulating blood is constantly high, the human body tries to reduce it, mainly by excretion in the urine. For these purposes, the lion's share of the free fluid in the human body is used. It is the lack of moisture that leads to dry skin.

Fissured erythema (dry or asteatotic eczema)

The disease has a chronic course, relapses are noted in the cold season. Most often there is a strong peeling of the skin on the arms and legs, but it is possible that the disease affects the entire surface of the body.

Along with peeling, there is general dryness and reddening of the skin, a clear selection of all physiological lines (skin pattern) and the presence of cracked linear areas (escoriations). Often, the process is accompanied by inflammation, which gradually progresses (often, with advanced cracked erythema, weeping and exudate are observed). Affected areas of the body hurt (see).


Peeling areas of the human body with ichthyosis resemble fish scales (have a quadrangular shape), the disease itself is a pathology of skin keratinization and is inherited (manifested in early childhood). Often the scales are pigmented (hyperkeratosis). The disease has several forms.

ichthyosis vulgaris

Ichthyosis vulgaris is the most common form, with the same frequency affects people of different sexes. It manifests itself on the entire surface of the body, except for the flexion surfaces (armpits, neck, groin, articular cavities, etc.). More often, scales are noted on the elbows and knees (from the outer - extensor - surface), they have a different color (from whitish to gray-black). In a child, the disease on the face practically does not manifest itself; in an adult, foci of dryness and peeling on the forehead or cheeks may occur. On the palms and skin of the feet there is a flour-like peeling with a pronounced reticulate pattern; nails are rough, brittle and deformed; there is thinning of hair and their loss; teeth are highly susceptible to caries. In patients with ichthyosis, a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases (nearsightedness) appears, relapses of retinitis and conjunctivitis often occur. Cardiovascular or can be diagnosed.

recessive ichthyosis

It is inherited only by men (on the X chromosome). Scales are shaped like scutes black-brown(reminiscent of crocodile skin), have a fairly dense structure. Often the disease is accompanied by a developmental delay in the child, disorders in the formation of the skeleton, cataracts, epilepsy or hypogonadism (insufficient testicular function).

congenital ichthyosis

The disease begins its development in utero (at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy). In a newborn, scales can reach a centimeter in thickness, have different shape, to be completely smooth or slightly serrated, the skin between them deeply cracked. In infants, there is a deformity of the mouth opening, auricles, eyelid skin and skeleton. There may be jumpers on the fingers and toes, there may be no nail plates. Most babies are stillborn or die a few days after birth.

Epidermolytic ichthyosis

One of the forms of congenital ichthyosis. The skin of the newborn has a bright red color (as with a thermal burn), the areas of the feet and palms are covered with a thick layer of the epidermis white color. The scales are rejected at the slightest touch, hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and skin are possible - such children do not live long. Over time, scaly areas become smaller, but relapses of the disease occur quite often. In the areas of natural skin folds, by the age of 4-5, thick scales are formed that have a dirty gray color. Subsequently, disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems (paralysis, oligophrenia, polyneuropathy, infantilism, etc.) are diagnosed in children.

Lupus erythematosus (SLE)

A systemic disease of an autoimmune course (one's own immunity destroys normal body cells, the decomposition products of which cause general intoxication of the body and multiple damage to internal organs). Women are more often affected.

Peeling of the skin is noted not by all patients with lupus erythematosus. Most often, red papules (rash) appear on the nose and cheeks (resembles a butterfly in shape), hyperemic dry areas may appear on the trunk and arms. Often, symptoms appear in the genital area and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth - there are multiple ulcers. The hair and nails of patients with are prone to brittleness, there are foci of hair loss.

Possible manifestations of the disease from:

  • Joints (their symmetrical deformation occurs, pain syndrome increases).
  • Blood (neutrophilic leukocytes have fragments of nuclei from other cells, anemia).
  • Cardiovascular system (endocarditis, pericarditis, atherosclerotic vascular disease)
  • Kidneys (nephritis, blood and protein are found in the urine, the outflow of fluid from the body is disturbed, edema progresses).
  • Nervous system (, psychosis, peresthesia, cerebrovasculitis).
  • Gastrointestinal tract (stool disorders).

Patients may have a sharp increase in body temperature, fatigue quickly occurs, headache attacks often occur.

pink lichen

With the disease, both itching and peeling are observed at the same time, progression is noted in the autumn or spring months, when the body is weakened by seasonal colds.

The first signs of pink lichen can be confused with symptoms respiratory infection: the temperature rises, there is a general malaise, fatigue, general weakness, lymph nodes increase. Later, peeling is noted on the skin in spots, they have a symmetrical outline, are localized in the area of ​​​​the trunk and thighs. Initially, one large spot appears (up to 4 cm in diameter), its surface slightly rises above the surface of the rest of the skin, the color can vary from bright pink to yellow-pink.

Later, for 2-3 weeks, the formation of small spots is observed, flaky along the edges, their size does not exceed 2 cm. Gradually, the plaques disappear, in their place a pale trace forms, which disappears after a while. rarely causes peeling of the skin on the face. Itching may be absent or have a pronounced character, often aggravated by the patient's neuro-emotional stress.


Simple psoriasis

Inflamed areas of the skin are covered with plaques that rise above the rest of the surface, they are thickened and prone to delamination. The skin becomes thinner, and at the slightest pressure, bleeding occurs. The disease is spreading rapidly. Peeling can be observed on the scalp (its scalp).

Reverse psoriasis

Areas of dry, smooth, inflamed skin appear, which also protrude slightly. They are localized in the flexion zones of the arms and legs, as well as in the natural folds of the skin ( inguinal zone). Often such plaques are injured mechanically (by clothes, for example) and an infection penetrates into the resulting wounds.

Guttate psoriasis

The patient's skin is covered with small areas of inflammation, they resemble dots or drops in shape, vary in color from pale pink to bright purple. The onset of the disease often coincides with viral diseases.

Pustular psoriasis

A lot of pustules (blisters with liquid) appear on the human skin. Often they become infected with bacteria, and the fluid resembles pus. The skin under the foci of inflammation exfoliates, and the blisters themselves merge. Peeling of the skin on the legs, arms and forearms is localized.

Possible summer and winter version of the course of psoriasis. In the first case, under the influence of sunlight, the symptoms worsen, in the second, on the contrary, a long-term remission is achieved.

Scarlet fever

An infectious disease caused by streptococci. The patient has signs of general intoxication, the body temperature rises, chills begin, the head hurts, and aches are felt throughout the body. After some time, the skin becomes covered with a small rash in the form of dots, they have a bright pink color, the skin becomes pink. It is also indicated by a strong difference in the color of the skin on the face: the nasolabial triangle is pale, without a rash, and the cheeks “burn”, become bright red, they have a rash.

Often, the doctor diagnoses a sore throat during the initial examination, the lymph nodes are significantly compacted, their pain is noted on palpation. The tongue is covered with a brownish coating, which gradually disappears on its own. Its mucous membrane becomes bright crimson, shiny papillae are clearly visible.

About a week after the onset of scarlet fever, the rash disappears, leaving no traces and pigmented or depigmented areas. After a couple of weeks, peeling appears, first on the delicate skin of the neck, natural folds, and then all over the body. The skin comes off in layers, starting from the last phalanx of the fingers, gradually spreading to the surface of the hands and soles.

Seborrheic dermatitis

The disease occurs as a result of the active life of microbes in natural secretions person ( sebum). Most often, the disease manifests itself in the scalp, skin of the face, ears, chest, back of the body (see). Dandruff is a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis in a mild form.

Irritation, redness and well-defined dry plaques (peeling) appear on the affected area of ​​the body. The scales themselves are quite oily, formed as a result of the connection of neighboring nodules that have a yellowish tint. With the localization of dermatitis in the area of ​​​​natural folds (the area under the breast, behind the ears, in the groin area), weeping may appear, subsequently the skin cracks, and may fester. The progression of the disease is quite slow, but the involvement of significant areas of the body in the process requires immediate medical care especially in children (if there are additional features: growth retardation, diarrhea).


The disease manifests itself on the skin of the eyelids. The edge of the upper or lower eyelid thickens, turns red, and multiple scales form on it (a mixture of epithelial cells and sebum).

The disease is accompanied by itching of the eyes, the eyelids become much heavier (it is difficult to open the eyes in the morning). With a prolonged load, rapid fatigue is observed, the eye reacts painfully to bright light (photophobia), tearing from the wind is often observed. Eyelashes can grow deformed, fall out profusely, stick together. In some forms of blepharitis, ulcers or ulcers form on the edges of the eyelid.

Secondary syphilis

In secondary syphilis, skin lesions rarely flake, but if this happens, then dryness is noted only at the edges of the rash. They themselves never merge, have a dark red color, are quite dense, rounded in outline, and are on the same level with the skin. Painful sensations or itching patients do not experience. The lesions disappear on their own, leaving no depigmented skin or scars. The formations are distributed over the entire surface of the body, including areas of the feet and palms.

It happens that the rash in secondary syphilis has the form of papules, then it protrudes slightly above the main level of the skin, prone to fusion of nodular areas. There may be damage to the papules of the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, larynx. When they are localized in natural folds, weeping is observed, later erosion is formed, from which liquid is constantly released. A papular and pink rash can be observed simultaneously.

An additional secondary may be baldness. Its foci may be small or large in size. In women, syphilis can provoke the formation of depigmented areas on the skin of the neck, in front of the armpits, décolleté, back, abdomen, or lower back. The areas do not peel off, do not cause discomfort (soreness, itching), are surrounded by hyperpigmented cells. In men, the voice becomes hoarse, this indicates the defeat of the vocal apparatus by the causative agent of syphilis.

Fungal infection of the skin

Fungal infection can also cause skin flaking. On each part of the body, mycosis can manifest itself in different ways.

Feet and palms

In most cases, fungi settle between the fingers or in the plantar and palmar parts of the limbs (see). Peeling is mild, slight inflammation may be observed. Between the fingers, the skin bursts, the cracks are quite painful, they do not heal for a long time. On the plantar and palmar parts, the skin thickens, coarsens, a whitish coating (mucoid peeling) may appear in the grooves. Perhaps the appearance of bubbles on the foot and palm, they tend to merge, subsequently crack and form erosion.

Areas of smooth skin

In such areas, fungi form a focus round shape with slight peeling, the color may vary from whitish to brown. The growth of the spot occurs along the periphery, the entire zone rises slightly above the level of the skin. There is no inflammation.

inguinal zone

Fungi affect skin folds, upper inner thigh, lower abdomen, gluteal region. The lesions are bright pink or red, highly flaky and inflamed. The sharpness of the borders of the spots is observed.

Hairy area of ​​the head

The fungus of the scalp is more often diagnosed in children. The foci have clear outlines, are devoid of hair (at the first stages, their weakening, breaking off and loss are noted). The spot has the form of a tubercle, may acquire yellowish color with scales and crusts (sometimes with the presence of blood).


Often affects surrounding tissues. In this case, the skin is peeling at the edge nail plate, there is a thickening of its stratum corneum.


The area below the lips (chin, neck) is most susceptible to infection by the fungus. The nodes have a bumpy, scaly surface of red or purple hue. When joining bacterial infection pustules become yellowish.

More often dry skin and its peeling is caused by age-related changes, an allergic reaction, or improper care. Low air humidity, application medicines, chlorinated water, a hot bath, a strict diet, vitamin deficiency - can also provoke dryness. In this case, special treatment for skin peeling is not required.


If there is a suspicion of the presence of the disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the doubtful foci. It is important to determine:

  • The nature of the spots (in the form of a tubercle, merge, single, weeping, etc.)
  • Outlines (clear, blurry).
  • Education color (whitish, pink, red, brown, purple, brown, black, etc.)
  • Sensations (itches, hurts, pinches).
  • Concomitant phenomena (general weakness, fever, headache, vomiting, blood in the urine, joint pain, etc.)

To identify and cure the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable. At home, it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis, it is often necessary to pass several tests, study scrapings in the laboratory, some cases require mandatory examination of the material for malignant tumors, an analysis for syphilis. It is necessary to carry out the whole range of studies. Only after that, the doctor will tell you how to get rid of skin peeling forever, and in general, is it possible.

Cause The nature of peeling Place of localization Presence of a rash Additional features
Fissured erytherma smooth, does not protrude above the surface of the skin legs, arms, entire body No there are linear cracking of the skin, pain syndrome
Ichthyosis smooth, shaped like fish scales does not affect the flexion zones (armpits, popliteal region, inner elbow zone, groin) No scales are pigmented, nails and hair are brittle, thin
Systemic lupus erythematosus tubercles are present nose, cheeks, rarely: arms, torso there are signs of damage to the joints, hematopoietic, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs
pink lichen bumpy surface torso, hips No foci of peeling are in the form of spots, the initial spot is up to 4 cm in diameter
Psoriasis areas raised above the surface of the skin natural skin folds, scalp, legs, arms, forearms No the skin itches, tightness is felt, increased bleeding, the formation of pustules with fluid is possible
Scarlet fever skin peeling off in layers whole body yes, in the early stages of the disease there are symptoms of general malaise in the initial stages of the disease
Seborrheic dermatitis plaques have a clear outline, pinkish or yellowish color face, ears, back, scalp No plaques are greasy to the touch
Blepharitis scales have a yellowish tinge eyelid skin No eyelids swell
Secondary syphilis only the edges of the stain are peeling skin and mucous papular or pink (possibly both) papules grow together and are located mainly on the mucous membranes, the pink rash does not grow together.
Fungus peeling in layers or rounded areas of the skin entire surface of the body No predominantly rounded outlines of the fungal lesion
Helminthiasis varied any area of ​​the body may be present digestive disorders, symptoms of intoxication
demodicosis yellow records face (edges of the eyelids, eyebrows, nasolabial triangle, chin) No severe itching, swelling, hyperemia
Allergy varied any area of ​​the body may be present there is hyperemia, itching may be present, blisters form, the reaction occurs after exposure to the allergen
Vitamin deficiency dry skin any area of ​​the body No in parallel, there is a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, increased fatigue, weakness, bleeding gums, the appearance of wrinkles, skin fading
Dysbacteriosis dry skin any area of ​​the body No indigestion, weight loss, hunger
Hormonal changes dry skin any area of ​​the body No coincides with the onset of menopause, estrogen levels decrease, skin tightness is noted
Diabetes dry skin any area of ​​the body No itchy skin, increased urination, symptoms of depression
Climate change dry skin open areas of the body No frequency of appearance coincides with the change of seasons
Use of moisturizers dry skin areas exposed to cosmetics No occurs after the use of a cosmetic product

Replacement of skin cells occurs in every healthy inhabitant of the planet all the time. In some cases - we notice exfoliated scales, but usually - we do not attach much importance to this. Visible peeling is observed in cases where the body is not completely healthy, especially when the disease affects the skin.

Why does the skin peel off?

There are a lot of reasons that can cause skin peeling: diseases, increased insolation or chapping of the skin, irritating action of soaps and shampoos. In a word, everything that can cause accelerated death of skin cells. These common causes of desquamation (detachment of scales) are determined empirically, they can be eliminated without the involvement of specialists.

  • frequent hot baths. Skin adapts to high temperatures, however, pays for this with increased cell wear. At a more physiological temperature, these phenomena disappear completely.
  • constant use of hard washcloths causes mechanical damage to skin cells;
  • household chemicals May cause contact (allergic) dermatitis. In this case, it is necessary to perform skin tests, identify the allergen and replace the provoking agent with an analog that does not contain a component that is aggressive for the skin.
  • low humidity, weathering- cause dryness of the skin, which is also the cause of peeling;
  • unbalanced or insufficient nutrition, beriberi. The skin needs a certain balance of nutrients and vitamins, otherwise the epidermal cells die faster. Peeling is a symptom of beriberi in retinol deficiency (A);
  • age-related changes also lead to accelerated cell death.

Peeling may be a symptom various diseases. With abundant or atypical separation of scales, an urgent consultation with a dermatologist is necessary

Seborrheic dermatitis

It affects mainly the head and face area, causes red scaly spots on the skin, incl. hairy part, dandruff. The disease is caused by the fungus malassezia furfur, more precisely, by reduced host immunity. Fungi of this family live on the skin of everyone, but are activated only in certain cases. Seborrheic dermatitis is similar to a number of more unpleasant conditions, so a consultation with a dermatologist is a must in this case.

Early diagnosis and treatment is a matter of great importance. Left untreated, the lungs are affected. nervous system, kidneys - up to a lethal outcome.

The disease is incurable, but SLE can be transferred to an inactive (dormant) form, which will significantly slow down the destructive process. The main method of treatment is hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, courses of plasmapheresis are carried out during the period of exacerbation. There are stem cell transplantation techniques for the treatment of SLE, but they are quite expensive, and there is little research on the effectiveness of this method. Periodic courses of vitamin therapy are mandatory.

Any form of lichen is manifested by constant peeling

(scaly)- silvery scales forming characteristic plaques. For unknown reasons, some areas of the skin decide to accelerate their development cycle. The peeling and oddly shaped patches, as well as the color of the scales, are caused by the tremendous rate at which skin cells are replaced.

The first foci occur on the rubbing elements of the skin - elbows, knees, on the skin of the buttocks. In the future, psoriatic plaques can appear everywhere, incl. on the scalp and genital skin. Unlike fungal infections or eczema, psoriasis occurs on the outer, rubbing part of the joint. The disease has a seasonality - it worsens in winter, or when provoked by sunburn in summer. Treatment allows you to slow down the development of the process and reduce peeling.

Pityriasis versicolor manifests itself in the form of spots of various colors - from white to brown. The skin in these areas is flaky, slight itching is possible. The spots tend to increase and merge, up to the entire area of ​​the affected part of the body. The disease is caused by a fungus. The easiest (homemade) way to make a diagnosis is to apply a 2% iodine solution to the stain and surrounding skin. If the spots are darker, this is pityriasis versicolor (this is how the fungus reacts to iodine).

It is treated for a long time, under the supervision of a dermatologist. Solariums, beaches, etc. are prohibited.

(flaky roseola)acute illness not prone to chronization. Independently leaves the patient 2 months after the start. It begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque, then numerous rashes form throughout the body. The rash is rarely located on the face - mainly on the chest and limbs. The scales form a sort of collar of scales around the center of the underlying plaque. The color of the elements is mainly pink, with the course of the disease it changes to brown.

Most patients experience itching, peeling. Pink lichen is treated only symptomatically - ointments and creams are prescribed to reduce discomfort.

Herpes zoster (shingles)

It has nothing to do with true deprivation. Called by one of the ones that causes chickenpox in children (Herpes zoster). Rashes in this form are located along the arcs of one of the intercostal nerves.

The disease is accompanied by peeling and intense itching, pain. In addition, after a herpes attack, healing tissues can pinch nerve endings, which causes severe pain. Especially often herpes zoster affects the elderly.

One form of disease prevention is chickenpox (in history). If your child has been ill chickenpox- shingles in old age does not threaten him. Treatment is standard for herpetic infection (antiviral drugs). The disease is prone to recurrence.

Mycosis of the skin (fungal infection)

It is characterized by flaking of the skin with constant itching. There is a local reddening of the skin, usually round or oval. With mycosis, blisters often form in the affected area.

The fungus is prone to spread, so the peeling zones grow. Typical is the attachment of mycosis of the feet and nails, as well as mycosis of the perineum. Mycosis of the scalp is accompanied by severe dandruff.

The probability of curing mycosis increases with timely access to a dermatologist. Chronic mycosis is not only difficult to treat, but also provokes the development of other diseases - genital herpes, psoriasis, etc.

Almost any skin lesion is associated with a disruption in the functioning of the mechanisms of local and general immunity of the body. If you want to get rid of itching, red spots and peeling of the skin for a long time, consult an immunologist.

Violation of skin metabolism due to changes in hormonal status

  • use of hormonal contraceptives often causes dryness and flaking of the skin and is the cause of the addition of a fungal infection. The fact is that the selection of an individual dose of the hormone is a rather delicate process, and the drugs available on the market cannot take into account all the nuances of your body. In these cases, consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist helps. Manufacturers' assurances about the complete safety of this product should not be trusted;
  • beginning of sexual activity, parting with a permanent partner also in some cases cause peeling of the skin, provoke profuse dandruff;

General information

Peeling of the skin of the face is a typical problem for those with dry skin. However, this does not mean that people with oily skin do not face such a problem at all. Peeling brings a lot of trouble, for example, such areas of the skin are very difficult to hide, since various foundation emphasize the problem rather than hide it. Often, peeling of the skin is accompanied by itching, redness, the appearance of mini-cracks and the addition of an infection.


There are many reasons for flaky skin. At the heart of this problem is a violation of the water-fat balance of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis). In most cases, peeling is caused by improper skin care. In the case of flaky oily skin, the main role is played by the use of cosmetics on alcohol based, washing hot water, prolonged exposure to the sun.

Human skin consists of 40% lipid molecules (ceramides), which are responsible for the growth, death and aging of skin cells. A lack of ceramides leads to flaky skin.

The cause of flaky skin can be problems of the gastrointestinal tract (diseases of the intestines, stomach, biliary tract, liver, pancreas).

Peeling may indicate a deficiency of vitamins in the body. For example, a lack of vitamin B12 manifests itself in peeling of the skin on the forehead, nose, and ears. Other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include cracks in the corners of the mouth, on the lips, purple color language. Vitamin B12 is found in liver, eggs, chicken meat, cheese, milk, cottage cheese.

Lack of vitamin A in the body can also cause peeling of the skin, as well as the appearance of abscesses, dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye. With a pronounced deficiency of this vitamin, the so-called "night blindness" develops - vision decreases at dusk. You can increase the concentration of vitamin A in the body by eating chicken eggs, liver, butter, carrots, spinach.

It should be remembered that peeling of the skin can appear on a nervous basis - with the influence of stress on the body. That's why stressful situations better to avoid.

Allergic reactions are also possible reason peeling of the skin. IN this case The most important thing is to identify the allergen and eliminate it. Often the cause of skin irritation and inflammation is a reaction to plant pollen, food, medical preparations and other substances.

Peeling may be due to mechanical damage skin.

A healthy hormonal background is a prerequisite for the health and beauty of the skin. Imbalance of sex hormones, as well as thyroid hormones, significantly reduces the elasticity of the skin. At the same time, they become excessively dry, flaky. Physiological fluctuations hormonal background characteristic of the period of menopause, transitional age, pregnancy, lactation.

Skin diseases (mycoses, dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis) are a common cause of skin flaking. They are often accompanied by redness of the skin, itching, increased oiliness of the skin.

We must not forget about the negative impact of external factors on the skin, such as frost, wind, sun. They can also cause peeling. With the approach of the cold season, one should not forget about too dry air in heated rooms, which also provokes dry skin and peeling.

Someone is faced with this problem exclusively in the winter months, someone is forced to fight constantly. Why does the skin on the face and body dry, how can it be helped, and does the treatment depend on the causes of dryness?

Under strong magnification, such skin resembles a desert cracked by the scorching sun. On the surface there is a whole army of enemies - keratinized scales that interfere with healthy breathing and cell renewal. Hence the complete disappointment in the mirror: a dull, grayish complexion, instead of elasticity and softness - a feeling of a stretched mask, fine wrinkles, and itching.

Dry skin loses its tenderness and natural tone, and the saddest thing is that it ages faster. A grid of thin lines grows on it, which, in the absence of good care, turn into. Usually such lines appear in the forehead, eyes, cheekbones, lips.

Make-up does not save either, because decorative cosmetics do not hold well, clogging up in tiny cracks. The skin needs help. But first you need to figure out why it dries.

The glands are responsible for the natural hydration of the skin. sweat and sebaceous gland secrete a secret that covers the face with the thinnest water-lipid film. Its layer is equal to six microns - the human eye can not see. In fact, it is a natural cream rich in omega-3 fatty acids. When its own water-lipid layer becomes thinner, the skin begins to suffer from a lack of moisture. There are many factors that cause a decrease in the natural fatty film. Some of them are the consequences of external influences. Part due various changes in the work of the body.

Causes of the problem

Usually women rush to stock up on tons of moisturizers without thinking about the sources of the problem. However, without "work on the bugs" all cosmetic tricks will give only a temporary result. If the skin dries, it is necessary first of all to find out the reasons.

Impact of natural factors

  • The main enemy of youth and health - ultraviolet. In medicine, there is even the term "photoaging", which refers to the totality of skin changes under the sun's rays.

Sunbathing and solarium are the most stressful factors for skin, especially prone to dryness. Excessive tanning leads to serious changes in the epidermis, and also affects the deeper layers.

From long stay in the sun, the skin becomes even drier, loses elasticity, vitality, fades quickly. It is no coincidence that those parts of the body that the rays rarely fall on (for example, in the crook of the arms, in the armpit), are distinguished by tenderness, softness and elasticity.

If the face and body are not protected from ultraviolet radiation, then new wrinkles will appear at an alarming rate. All doctors and cosmetologists strongly recommend using a high-quality sunscreen with an SPF filter, as well as limiting time spent in the sun to morning and evening hours. Cosmetology offers alternative options for ultraviolet light - for example, self-tanning.

  • Frost and wind- another external enemy of the skin, depriving it of the necessary moisture. They are dangerous for the skin of the face, as well as for the delicate skin of the lips. Weathered lips do not paint their owner, moreover, small cracks contribute to infection. Negative influence external factors (wind, cold, sun) on the hands is exacerbated by another factor - frequent washing with alkaline soap: skin devoid of natural protection can not only dry out, but also crack and bleed.

In the cold season, it is necessary to apply a special protective cream at least half an hour before going out into the cold. In any season, you need to cover your face from strong winds - with the help of wide-brimmed hats, scarves, hoods, etc., and also use a special balm or hygienic lipstick for lips.

  • Unfavorable ecology affects the entire body. The skin is forced to take the brunt of it - endless car exhausts, harmful emissions from factories, tap water saturated with heavy metals. It is not surprising that its protective mechanism weakens under the constant influence of the negative environmental factors of the metropolis.

Unfortunate consequences are dryness, redness, irritation, peeling. Of course, the ideal solution would be to live in the bosom of nature, but such a radical option for most women is difficult to implement. Cosmetics rich in antioxidants and regular restorative procedures at the cosmetologist will come to the rescue: mesotherapy, plasmolifting, biorevitalization.

  • During the heating season, the main cause of skin problems is dry air. Discomfort is noted even by women with normal and mixed skin types, who at other times of the year do not complain of tightness and peeling. The air is deprived of vital moisture by central heating batteries, heaters, air conditioners. The skin responds to water deficiency with dryness and irritability. The “air” factor is also easy to calculate by the dryness of the mucous membranes. If the use of heaters and air conditioners cannot be abandoned, the problem is solved with the help of a humidifier or "grandmother's" methods in the form of water containers placed around the room, wet sheets, etc.

Wrong skin care

Passion for cosmetics, especially with aggressive chemical components in the composition can lead to dry skin. These are all kinds of soaps, shower gels, scrubs and exfoliating cleansers, peels, alcohol-based lotions that many women have in their arsenal. They thoroughly wash off not only pollution, but also the invisible protective layer of natural lipids.

Some research in the field of cosmetology suggests that normal skin dry moisturizers with glycerin, lanolin and petroleum jelly. In theory, these substances should hold fluid in the skin. But in an overly dry room or arid natural climate, the components draw water from the deep layers of the dermis and contribute to its evaporation. Therefore, the use of such a tool becomes real addiction: you need to apply it again and again. Many women have noted this effect, in particular, with their hand cream.

For dry skin, all care products should be mild, preferably natural, without alcohol, menthol, sulfates, artificial flavors and dyes. The mechanical effect on the skin should be reduced: replace the hard washcloth with soft sponge, scrub with large, hard abrasive particles for a more gentle cleanser. It is also worth limiting the frequency of using cosmetics, especially alkaline soaps.

A mandatory rule is to wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed. Make-up left overnight aggravates dry skin, causing irritation.

  • Doesn't work well on the skin hot water and long baths. It seems that a warm shower and bath is the best thing you can think of in the cold season. Only these procedures actively wash off the thinnest water-lipid layer of the epidermis. The solution is to lower the temperature of the water and reduce the time spent in the bathroom. After water procedures be sure to moisturize your face and body with creams, lotions or oils.

  • Skin on tireless female hands may dry out from use laundry, cleaning, dishwashing and other household chemicals containing high concentrations of surfactants. Regular household gloves will help protect your hands. It is advisable to apply a protective cream under them. If possible, it is worth replacing aggressive “chemistry” with more environmentally friendly detergents and cleaners.
  • Sea water or chlorinated tap water, pool sessions can literally dry out the skin of the entire body. When swimming in the sea or pool, it is better not to immerse your face in water. After swimming, be sure to rinse in the shower and apply a moisturizer to your face and body. On the beach, don't forget about the new portion sunscreen after bathing. If the tap water is of poor quality, it is worth putting filters on the taps if possible.

Internal causes

  • Wrong drinking regimen is an internal problem. Often, women include soups, juices, tea and coffee in the daily norm of liquid, even juicy fruit. This is not true. The body, including the epidermis, needs ordinary water, in the amount of two liters (in the absence of medical contraindications). Dehydration of the body as a result of the uncontrolled use of diuretics or laxatives (commonly used for weight loss) is also fraught with dry skin.
  • leads to an undesirable effect malnutrition: on the one hand - with an excess of salty, spicy and sweet foods, on the other hand - with a deficit beneficial skin substances. Women's beauty especially suffers from a lack of fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E, a number of trace elements in the diet. If the skin is not nourished from the inside, then all external cosmetic methods will not have the desired effect.

Nutrition should be balanced and varied. On dining table the presence of foods rich in fatty acids is mandatory: fatty varieties of sea fish, salads with vegetable oil, walnuts. Buckwheat, legumes, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, green vegetables, vegetable oils, eggs, liver, herbs, nuts and seeds are rich in vitamins A, E and C. Fresh fruits and berries will also help to saturate the whole body with vitamins, and hence the skin.

  • Bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse- will definitely affect the appearance. For women leading unhealthy image life, the skin is not just dry, but also rough, deep wrinkles appear on it much earlier than the age norm.
  • Excessively dry, flaky, irritated skin may signal some kind of illness or hormonal imbalance (for example, during pregnancy or lactation). The symptom will disappear only when the doctor establishes a diagnosis and cures the underlying disease, or the hormonal background improves.

How to help dry skin

Dry skin needs hydration and nutrition, and complex - both from the outside and from the inside.

  • For the beauty and health of the skin, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of pure non-carbonated water daily;
  • Nutrition should be balanced and varied, rich in vitamins and fatty acids.
  • Alcohol and tobacco - banned, coffee, tea, salty and sweet - to limit. This recommendation will help normal blood circulation, maintain water balance and, as a result, eliminate dry skin;
  • Special vitamin-mineral complexes will help restore beauty to the epidermis. Many pharmaceutical companies produce products aimed specifically at improving the skin;

  • It is necessary to moisturize the skin with cosmetics: denser texture, intense - in winter, light and airy - in summer;
  • Replace soap with a more gentle cleanser with moisturizing ingredients in the composition;
  • Wash only with warm water;
  • by all possible ways protect the skin from wind, frost and sun.

Oils for dry skin

Dry skin needs help to rebuild the lost lipid layer. No worse expensive creams This is what vegetable oils do. Since the natural fatty film consists mainly of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, the oil for moisturizing the skin should be rich in them. Ordinary sunflower in this case will not work. You should stock up on linseed, rapeseed or camelina oil - the best cosmetics to combat dryness of the face.

Need to put them on thinnest layer Be sure to remove excess with a soft cloth. After the procedure, the face should look fresh, but not greasy, and in no case should it shine. You can apply the oil to both dry and damp skin daily or less often, as needed.

There are many reasons for dry skin. Sometimes a whole complex of factors acts on the body. But all of them can be effectively dealt with, restoring a beautiful, fresh and healthy look to the face and body.

Peeling of the skin of the body and face is a problem that a person may encounter throughout life due to the development of various diseases, as well as due to the influence of certain factors.

Why does skin peeling appear?

Severe peeling of the skin periodically manifests itself in many people. Itching and peeling of the skin worries a person who has an excess layer of dead epidermis on the surface of the skin. This happens in the process of too strong rejection or keratinization.

If a person has peeling of the skin, then he often feels moderate or severe itching, discomfort. Dryness of the skin is noted. Peeling of the skin can have varying degrees of severity. This can be either a change in the skin that is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, or a pronounced change, due to which the skin becomes similar to bran. If such pathological processes last for years, then periodically they can fade, and then reappear.

In medicine, it is defined natural (physiological) And pathological skin rejection. Physiological processes of rejection of skin cells occur due to the regeneration of the epidermis. vital activity human body occurs in such a way that approximately once a month (after 26-28 days) the top layer of the skin is completely renewed.

Pathological rejection of the skin occurs under the influence of a certain adverse factor or their combination.

It depends on the cause of skin peeling how long and intensively this process will take place, where exactly the peeling will appear. Sometimes the skin peels off for one or two days. But with some diseases, peeling of the epidermis can even last for decades.

In some cases, the question of how to get rid of skin peeling becomes irrelevant after applying moisturizers or nutrients. A properly selected mask for skin peeling is often effective. But if not only dryness and peeling of the skin is noted, but there are other symptoms that disturb a person, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Peeling skin can occur at any age, in both men and women.

Peeling of the skin in newborns is often noted. In infants, as a rule, dryness and peeling of the scalp and face are noted.

Why is there peeling of the skin?

Dryness and severe flaking of the skin of the face and head is a common problem not only in people who have naturally dry skin. Often the reason why a person has peeling of the skin on the face is the wrong water-fat balance in the upper layer of the skin. Very often, people who have redness and peeling of the skin of the face use the wrong care products. For example, if it peels oily skin face, a person uses an alcohol-based peeling agent. As a result, the condition of the skin is aggravated even more. Not always for those who have dry facial skin, a nourishing or moisturizing cream from peeling facial skin helps. Therefore, it is best that masks, creams and other products are recommended by a dermatologist after determining the cause of skin peeling.

Peeling of the skin can be observed in the body due to problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Skin problems can also occur due to a lack of certain vitamins in the human body. So, if there is a deficiency, then the skin may begin to peel off on the ears, on the nose, and peeling of the skin of the eyebrows is also noted. Peeling of the skin between the eyebrows and under the eyebrows occurs due to . This disease often manifests itself against the background of metabolic disorders, improper care of the skin of the face and head, etc.

Peeling of the skin also occurs as a result of experienced stress, that is, on the basis of nervous overstrain. Often this symptom Connected with allergic reactions . If a person has such a reaction, then it is important to determine the allergen that caused severe peeling of the skin. The cause of skin peeling on the human body may be a hereditary tendency to dry skin. Also, any damage to the skin - wounds, cracks, inflammations - often becomes a factor that provokes peeling. Sometimes dry skin is a consequence of prolonged treatment with certain medications.

In order for the skin to be healthy and fresh, it is important to have the right hormonal balance in the human body. Dryness and flaking of the skin can be a consequence of a violation of the production of sex hormones, as well as thyroid hormones. That is why peeling of the skin is often a symptom that accompanies a woman during the menstrual pause.

Listing the causes that affect the manifestation of skin peeling, it should be noted the impact of some external factors. We are talking about wind, sunlight, extreme cold. In addition, during the cold season in the premises, as a rule, the air is dried due to heating.

Only a dermatologist can determine the exact cause that explains the manifestation of peeling of the skin of the hands and feet by conducting a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Redness and peeling of the skin of the legs very often develops under the influence of external causes, with the elimination of which the skin condition gradually returns to normal. For example, if a person wears tight clothing that does not provide normal air circulation, then the skin may begin to peel off between the legs, on the hips, and ankles. mismatched and poor quality shoes often provokes peeling of the skin of the feet, dryness and peeling of the skin on the toes. If peeling is noted between the toes, on the soles of the feet, then fungal diseases should be excluded.

If there is the slightest suspicion that peeling of the skin on the legs is associated with infections, purulent diseases, allergic reactions, you should definitely consult a doctor, since the elimination of external signs does not always indicate a cure for the underlying disease.

Very often, severe redness and peeling of the scalp in a baby worries a young mother. But in most cases, this phenomenon is quite natural, since the skin of the child does not have the necessary protective barrier, and irritating factors from the outside can cause such a reaction. The reasons why the baby develops itching and flaking of the scalp may be associated with improper care, mechanical irritation, and allergic reactions. How to get rid of allergies and how to treat such manifestations, the pediatrician will tell you. But sometimes skin peeling treatment is not required. It is enough just to change clothes, bathe the baby properly, comb out dead skin particles, use properly selected skin care products.

Sometimes peeling of the skin in infants may be associated with manifestations. It is necessary to treat this disease only under the constant supervision of a specialist.

How to get rid of peeling skin?

When peeling the skin of the face and other areas of the body, it is recommended to regularly apply creams and other products that have a moisturizing effect. Such cosmetics should have a fatty base, which is a kind of barrier and does not allow moisture from the epidermis to seep out.

However, after applying cosmetic preparations the desired effect is not always observed. But if peeling on the face and other parts of the body occurs due to the development of diseases, self-treatment in this case is better not to practice. It is necessary to fight skin peeling with the help of various medicines prescribed by the doctor. If peeling of the skin is a symptom of a disease that the doctor diagnosed during the examination, then complex treatment to eliminate the underlying disease.

Peeling zones on the face can be treated with a cream that contains hydrocortisone . This procedure should be carried out for one to two weeks, while the treatment of the face is carried out once a day.

Peeling of the skin on the hands is eliminated by applying aquaphoror - a cream that contains hydrocortisone. The cream is applied in a thick layer on the hands, after which rubber gloves are put on. The cream in this way should be applied at night.

In some cases, the treatment of skin peeling is carried out using drugs with dexpanthenol . It is also possible to carry out a number of procedures that are not intended for recovery. normal state skin. These are mesotherapy, peeling, biorevitalization. The specialist prescribes the procedure depending on the cause of the disease.

Home procedures for moisturizing the skin of the face will be appropriate if the peeling of the skin was provoked external factors. In this case, when peeling the skin of the face, it is better not to use soap for washing, do not wipe the face dry with a towel. Be sure to use a good moisturizer. Before going outside in winter, a protective cream should be applied to the skin. It is important to ensure sufficient humidification of the air in the room in which the person constantly stays.

At home, you can practice the use of masks to moisturize the skin. Beforehand, the skin should be prepared for the application of the mask, using a scrub for this. Suitable as a scrub coffee grounds, slices of green apple, tea brewing. Masks for moisturizing the skin can be prepared from vegetable oils. For this purpose, wheat germ, almond, grape, peach seed oil is mixed in equal proportions with honey.

The mask can also be prepared from a mixture of sour cream or cream with cucumber pulp. These masks should be applied to 20-30 minutes.

To prevent peeling of the skin in a newborn, it is important to purchase special agent for bathing a baby, as ordinary soap dries out delicate skin child.

You should not bathe the baby too often, and after taking a bath, apply a baby moisturizer to the baby's skin. Some babies have an allergic reaction to products with lanolin, so these creams and shampoos are best avoided. The air in the room where a small child lives must be humidified. It is especially important to do this during the heating season.

A nursing mother should carefully monitor her own diet, because some foods can cause allergic reactions in a child, which are expressed by skin peeling and other manifestations.