Master class in the “decoupage” technique on making a New Year’s magnet in the senior group of kindergarten

Yulia Markelova

Subject: « Work in technology« Decoupage» V working with children preschool age »


Introduce teachers to technology« Decoupage»

Assistance in improving the professional competence of pedagogical workers.

Identifying, encouraging and disseminating successful experiences in the field of education and education the younger generation.

Form an idea of ​​the possibilities for developing prerequisites creative activity in children preschool age.

Call on participants master-class interest and desire to develop your creative potential.

Develop the creative activity of the teaching staff.

Increasing the personal level of teaching potential.

The ability to develop creativity in children.


Encourage the child to be creative and improvise. Before starting the game, you can tell an interesting story about the subject with which you will be teaching. While studying children in technology« Decoupage» , we help develop motor skills, thinking, logic, and develop speech. This important point, for subsequent mastery of writing and for the development of speech.


Panels for decoration, three-layer napkins, PVA glue, scissors, sponges, brushes, jars of water, film files, acrylic varnish on water based, ordinary napkins.

Step by step description work, workshop, exchange of ideas.

Let's fantasize a little and imagine that you are children again preschool children. And I'll try to teach you to teach technology« Decoupage»

Hello dear guys!

Today on the way to kindergarten I met the postman Pechkin, he was so cool. I asked him what happened? And he told me that schoolchildren instructed him to deliver a package to a competition "the best children's drawing» . But he got caught in heavy rain and the package got wet and all the drawings were washed away by the rain. And now he doesn’t know how to tell the guys because he doesn’t want to upset them. Guys, let's help Pechkin. Of course, we still don’t know how to draw like schoolchildren, but we’ll try to decorate work beautiful pictures and it will turn out very similar to beautiful drawings. Shall we try?

lies in front of you decorative panel it's already covered acrylic paint in two layers ( acrylic paint It takes a long time to dry, so I did this by sanding the surface in advance. sandpaper)

All necessary materials and the tools are also in front of you.

1. Take a napkin of your choice and cut out the required fragment.

2. Separate the excess layers, leaving only the top layer.

3. Place the cut out picture front side! Per file.

4. The next step is to carefully pour water onto the file, wet the sponge in a container of water and carefully pour it on top until the napkin is completely in a puddle of water.

Pour water so that the napkin not only gets wet, but also floats a little in a puddle.

5. We straighten the napkin due to the fact that it is in the water, the fragment does not tear, and you can calmly straighten it without fear of spreading.


We begin to carefully remove air bubbles, otherwise there will be folds in place of each one.

6. After everything is straightened and lies beautifully, carefully drain the water from the file. And if necessary, then very carefully adjust the napkin so that everything is perfect.

7. After the napkin lies as we would like. Visually try it on to the place of gluing. After the water has been drained, we turn the napkin over together with the file and apply it to the surface previously coated with a thin layer of PVA, then we iron everything, you can use your hands and carefully remove the file by the corner, separating it from the napkin.

With your fingers (if the surface is large, use the palm of your hand), iron it over the file, expelling air and water bubbles.

After the entire motif has been applied and ironed, remove the file.

As a result, you need to coat the napkin with PVA glue.

Despite the length of the description, all this took no more than 5 minutes, maybe less. Now wait until the napkin dries and cover with a layer acrylic varnish. (to speed up the process you can dry it with a hairdryer). AND work is ready.

Guys Pechkin says to you: « thanks a lot Now Pechkin will have time to deliver the parcel on time.

Our master- The class is coming to an end. Dear teachers, thank you for your help, interest in my experience, and interesting crafts.

Publications on the topic:

Master class for teachers and children of senior preschool age. "New Year's toys from waste material using decoupage technique.” This one.

Master class “Kinesiological gymnastics in working with preschool children” GAME “MAGIC CLUB” (aimed at getting to know each other and uniting the group) - Let’s stand in a circle. I have a ball in my hands. It is not simple, but magical.

Master Class " Easter eggs using decoupage technique" First decoupage lessons for kids. Currently, decoupage is a very popular modern art.

Fomina Tatyana Viktorovna teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 136 of the city. Samara This work brings great joy to children, both in the manufacturing process.

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the children decided to make a festive drawing "Victory May" using unconventional technology drawing called.

The one who invented the decoupage technique (and this happened many centuries ago) made a real revolution in design. Indeed, with the help of cut-out images pasted onto furniture or household items and several layers of varnish protecting them, skillful inlay was imitated. Things became several times cheaper, but looked no worse than inlaid ones. These days, this ancient creative technique is back in fashion.

Decoupage is used to create exclusive interior items and accessories. And for productive activities with children too! Check out the original discoveries of teachers using the decoupage technique. This thematic section presents interesting master classes, designed both for activities with children and for adult hobbies.

Decor that breathes new life into ordinary things!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 496.
All sections | Decoupage

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Decoupage technique. What is decoupage, materials for decoupage, how to make decoupage.

In our time handmade, creativity and original exclusive things made or decorated with your own hands are valued more and more. But not everyone has the ability, inclination and patience to engage in, for example, embroidery, knitting, artistic painting, etc.

In this case, decoupage can help out. This is probably one of the simplest and most skill-free ways to make things beautiful and unique, because even children in kindergarten can handle cutting and pasting pictures.

What is decoupage

The word "decoupage" comes from the French word ( decouper- cut out). Decoupage is the art of decorating objects, when with the help of appliqué and its decoration (painting, gilding, aging, covering its parts with voluminous model mass, etc.), the effect of painting is achieved.

A cut-out image is pasted onto the object chosen for decoration, or the object is completely covered with such images, and then decorated (or not decorated), covered with several layers of varnish and sanded so that the borders of the applique are no longer visible, and it itself looks like a painting.

It is believed that decoupage appeared in the Middle Ages - at the end of the 15th century, furniture began to be decorated using this technique.

In the 17th century, furniture decorated with inlays became fashionable in Europe. And decoupage is an inexpensive way to imitate them.

Marie Antoinette, Madame de Pompadour, Beau Brummel were fond of it, and artists Matisse and Picasso used it in their works.

With time and the development of technology, decoupage became an increasingly popular form of creativity.

What can be decorated using decoupage technique

“Decoupage,” as the needlewomen who work in this technique say, can be done in the most various items, the main thing is that they are plain and not dark, because... in this case, the drawing located on thin layer paper or napkins will be see-through and not look very nice.

Objects made of wood, glass, ceramics, metal, cardboard, plaster, leather, textiles, etc. are suitable for decoration using the decoupage technique.

You can decorate boxes, dishes, cutting boards, vases, jars, bottles, vials, flower pots, Christmas decorations, candles, notepads, albums, boxes, drawers and other packaging, frames, mirrors, watches, furniture, bracelets, bags and other accessories, shoes and much more.

What you need for decoupage. Materials

Nowadays, needlewomen most often use special decoupage cards (sheets) as pictures for decoupage thin paper with pictures printed on them) or paper napkins with an image. Therefore, decoupage in some languages ​​is called the napkin technique.

In addition to the selected item for decoration and pictures, you will need scissors, a brush, glue (special glue for decoupage or PVA glue, slightly diluted with water), and varnish.

How to make decoupage

  • Make sure that the surface of the object to be decorated is clean and dry, if necessary, degrease it and dry it. Wooden surfaces need to be treated with sandpaper and, if desired, primed with acrylic paint.
  • It is advisable that the selected picture (or pictures) be printed on an even, thin layer of paper. Cut the picture along the contour, close to the contour, or carefully tear it off with your hands.
  • Attach the picture to the item you are decorating to see how best to arrange it.
  • Lubricate the surface of the object with glue, attach the picture and gently smooth it with a brush with glue, a piece of sponge, etc. from the center to the edges to remove air bubbles and wrinkles.
  • After drying, coat the work with varnish in several layers, drying each layer well and sanding with sandpaper as necessary.

Crafts using decoupage technique

I suggest you look at the crafts my daughter and I made using this technique:

You can also look at articles about other types of creativity, for example, about openwork cutting: .

Happy creativity! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site), from sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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  • Crafts for Easter: master class “Chickens and...

With entertaining handicrafts, life is much more beautiful, You just need to apply patience to it. And skill becomes higher and higher, When you are inspired.

Prepared by: Nozdrina Inna Nikolaevna, teacher, MBU kindergarten No. 20 "Snowball" g.o. Tolyatti

Why do children need decoupage?

Decoupage is a type of applied creativity that is a technique for decorating various surfaces by applying printed pictures with subsequent varnishing of the resulting image to protect it from external influences.

With decoupage you can decorate almost anything that our imagination tells us: flower pots, vases, plates (decorative), glasses, cutting boards (wooden or plastic). You can sew a tablecloth and napkins from simple fabric and arrange them into an exclusive set. You can make a sofa cushion to match our interior. You never know what can be done... The main thing is that all the things will turn out beautiful and useful in the household!

Decoupage appeared in Russia quite recently, and has become a very popular hobby. However, for children this is not just a hobby, but very useful fun. Decoupage will prepare a preschooler's hands for writing and work: by teaching him to work with a brush, scissors, paper and glue, he will develop tactile skills, introducing him to working with various materials and objects such as wood, glass, different kinds paper and plastic.

The decoupage technique develops concentration, attention and perseverance while cutting out designs and motifs, introducing him to ornaments, patterns and developing color perception and imagination. No less important here will be the development logical thinking in the process of thinking about the sequence of actions: cut, paste, varnish.

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers and hands is a strong stimulus for the development of the central nervous system, speeches. Teachers junior classes notice that children with developed motor skills are better prepared for school, learn to write more easily, since the writing technique requires coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the entire arm, as well as a well-developed visual perception And voluntary attention. Lack of preparation for writing underdevelopment fine motor skills, visual perception, may be the cause negative attitude to study. During decoupage classes, the child learns to use scissors, hold a brush, and, accordingly, a pen.

At what age can you start decoupage?

At the very young! (from about a year) after all, this technique has different types of complexity, from a person who cannot draw at all to an experienced professional. The materials used in it are mainly water-based, odorless and non-toxic, which makes it possible to use them when working with children.

The child will be able to do decoupage, decorate blanks for boxes, boxes, trays, plastic objects and plastic decorations, glass plates and glasses (decoupage on glass), ceramic vases and pots, plaster figurines - all this can be decorated with colorful motifs from napkins. The beauty created by the hands of a child will be perfectly protected by varnish and, quite possibly, will become a source of family pride, which in turn will give him confidence in his abilities.

Decoupage for children: project ideas

Can't come up with an idea for a project? The first decoupage for beginners presents many decoration options. Let's consider the most favorable ideas that you can do with your child:

  • Convert an ordinary box into "treasure chest" , where your baby could put souvenirs.
  • Make a gift for grandparents by decoupaging a simple wooden photo frame.
  • Decorate flower pot, adding brightness and colors to it.
  • Prepare a surprise for dad by decoupaging a pen and pencil holder.
  • Start decorating the furniture in the children's room.
  • Turn a simple tin can into a savings piggy bank.

"Children's Academy"

Working programmcreative workshop"Decoupage"

(napkin technology)


Myakotnykh Yu.S.

Explanatory note


Decoupage is quite new and interesting technique. The decoupage technique is one of the types of appliqué. The main and accessible material for decoupage is three-layer paper napkins with drawings, which will allow preschoolers to express almost any artistic idea.

The role of “Decoupage” in the field of education and upbringing is very significant, since it contributes to the development of such qualities as imagination, artistic thinking, attention, and perseverance.

Classes in the studio allow you to develop fine motor skills fingers, develop the creative inclinations of children, show a desire to work individually and in groups, the desire to see the result of their work, develop emotional responsiveness, allows them to develop spatial imagination, follow the teacher’s oral instructions and maintain attention on the subject of work for a long time.

Purpose of the program:

Teach children a special type of applique, with which you can create the illusion of exquisite painting with paints, introduce children to creativity, give them the opportunity to feel like the authors of a work of art.

Program objectives:

Educational. Teach children the decoupage technique, with which they can create real works of art from ordinary things, because with the help of this technique you can transform almost anything beyond recognition: flower pots, vases, decorative plates, glasses, cutting boards, chests of drawers, photo frames and much more.

Developmental. Develop Creative skills taking into account the individual capabilities of each child. Develop the ability to analyze, plan, and develop the ability to act in accordance with the teacher’s verbal instructions. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Create conditions for the development of co-creativity between children and teachers.

Educational. To instill in children of senior preschool age a hard work ethic, to arouse a desire to complete what they have started, and to develop voluntary regulation of activity. Form an aesthetic taste.

Children's age:

The age of children participating in the implementation of this program is 6 years. This is determined by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles of the hands. In decorative classes - applied creativity has a high educational potential. Thus, in the process of classes, the tasks of aesthetic and labor education preschoolers. Types of decorative – applied arts used in work, with high aesthetic qualities, are accessible to children in terms of their artistic and technological characteristics, and the cost of physical effort. However, along with accessibility and feasibility, this knowledge has potential reserves of complexity; each of the tasks performed is carried out according to the didactic principle of teaching high level difficulties, allowing one to more fully reveal spiritual and physical strength preschoolers.

There are 8 children studying in the studio. Four children from the older group and four from preparatory group kindergarten. The group consists of 4 girls and 4 boys. The duration of the program is 1 year.

Form and mode of classes:

Classes are held once a week. 8 people per day. Duration of classes is 25-30 minutes. Conditions are being created for free independent activity: illuminated place, decorative multi-layer napkins with various motifs, scissors, brushes, glue, decorated surfaces. The first classes are diagnostic: practical acquaintance with the technology. Then the work is carried out from simple to complex. The forms of conducting classes are different: reading short literary texts, riddles, listening to children's fairy tales (MP3) during classes, retelling short stories with educational content. There are physical education and game breaks.

Expected results:

After each stage of work, children are expected to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities, and the child to identify his abilities. Formation of communication and collective skills.

Forms for conducting program implementation results:

– exhibitions of children's works in kindergarten;

– days of presentation of children’s works to parents (kids, peers, kindergarten staff);

– decorated works are given to children and parents;

collective work the interior of the group is designed;

– creative report from the studio director.

Non-state preschool educational institution

"Children's Academy"

Forward planning

creative workshop "Decoupage"

(napkin technology)


Myakotnykh Yu.S.

Kostroma, 2015-2016 academic year


Lesson topic

Purpose, content


Practical acquaintance with the decoupage technique

Introduce children to the term “decoupage” and the properties of three-layer napkins.


"Flower Glade"

Teach children to cut thin napkins with scissors along the contour of the design. Arouse interest in creating a composition from cut out parts.


"Cover of a magazine, notebook"

Teach children



Teach children to make a composition of 3–5 colors



"Flowers in the meadow"

Teach children to make a collective composition of many colors. Be able to share work among yourself.

Clay jug in bloom

Create an opportunity to express your imagination and ingenuity. Show techniques for decorating a jug. Arouse interest in decorating a collective jug with flowers.

Baby bucket

Learn how to decorate a children's bucket in a festive and tasteful manner. Be able to share work among yourself.

“Birthday” Panel

Accuracy in work. Ensure that the work is completed in a timely manner technological sequence.


Flower pot


"Hares on the edge"

Coordinate eye and hand movements. Cultivate an interest in learning about nature and a sense of humor. Enrich the experience of cooperation and co-creation when creating a collective composition.

Decanter with painting

Teach children to select napkins with a clear pattern (border) that match each other in color and pattern. Develop combinatorial and compositional skills.

Children's piano

"Fairytale Garden"

Continue teaching children to create fantasy images. Foster independence, confidence, initiative.



"Winter Garden"


"Field of Forget-Me-Nots"

"Merry little engine"

Show the possibility of modifying objects. Develop creative thinking. Cultivate interest in learning the technique and reflecting the received ideas in the decoupage technique.


« New Year»

Accuracy in work. Ensure that the work is completed in technological sequence. Completeness in work.



"Symbol of the New Year"

Coordinate eye and hand movements. Cultivate an interest in learning about nature. Develop creative activity.



Continue mastering the cutting technique of decoupage.

Develop imagination, attention, observation.


"Christmas motives"

Ensure that the work is completed in technological sequence. Completeness in work.


High chair

Create conditions for the development of creativity and co-creation between children and teachers. Develop your imagination.


"World of Books"

Create in children good mood. Develop self-expression skills and teamwork skills


"Defender of the Fatherland Day"


"Sea motives"

Use sandpaper. Review safety rules when working with scissors. Develop coordination in the work of eyes and hands.



Teach children to see beauty around them. Continue teaching children to create fantasy images. Cultivate confidence and initiative.


"Rose Garden"

Teach children to make a composition of 7–9 colors

beautifully combining them in color, shape and size. Repeat the technique of cutting out and then gluing the flower.


"Stained glass with decoupage"

Develop a sense of color. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature. Continue mastering the cutting technique of decoupage.

Plastic toys

Create an opportunity to express your imagination and ingenuity. Reinforce panel design techniques.



"Cosmonautics Day"

Continue to teach children to fantasize. Cultivate an interest in learning about nature. Develop creative activity.

Box “Suitcase”

Learn how to decorate a box in a festive and tasteful manner. Be able to share work among yourself.

Cutting board

"Field Herbs"

Fix your cutting technique rounded shapes from napkins of different thicknesses. Develop a sense of color, shape and composition.

Plates in

oriental style

Develop a sense of color. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature. Continue mastering the cutting technique of decoupage.



"Victory Day"

Show the possibility of modifying objects. Develop creative thinking and imagination.


"Summer Meadow"

Continue to teach children to see beauty. Create an opportunity to express your imagination and ingenuity.


"Sea bottom"

Use sandpaper. Review safety rules when working with scissors. Develop coordination in the work of eyes and hands.



Create an opportunity to express your imagination and ingenuity. Show techniques for designing photo frames. Arouse interest in the upcoming work.