Thrombophilia - what is it? Thrombophilia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Thrombophilia during pregnancy - hereditary and genetic

Pregnant women should take care not only of their health, but also of their unborn baby. To do this, throughout the entire period of gestation she undergoes tests and examinations. Treatment of pregnant women is difficult, since most medications are prohibited, and many methods of therapy are impossible in principle.

Thrombophilia is uncommon, but The disease threatens not only health, but also life. Sometimes it makes itself felt for the first time during pregnancy. What kind of disease is this and how to fight it?

What is thrombophilia?

Thrombophilia is a phenomenon when the human body has a tendency to more intense blood clotting, which leads to circulatory disorders and the formation of blood clots - clots that block blood vessels.

This disease can be hidden and only become apparent when there is a need for surgical intervention, which in such disorders can be extremely dangerous, as it sometimes leads to deep vein thrombosis. Its symptoms are quite nonspecific and are often attributed to overwork or natural signs of pregnancy.

Experts distinguish three types of thrombophilia:

  • Vascular. Quite a common type. This includes atherosclerosis and similar diseases.
  • Hemodynamic. This is the name for secondary thrombophilia, which occurs as a result of circulatory disorders.
  • Hematogenous. Most dangerous look for a pregnant woman, which may lead to severe complications up to and including death.

Since during pregnancy women develop a third, placental circulation and the load on the general circulatory system increases, problems in its functioning may arise more often. Increases blood clotting to prevent birth hemorrhages, which increases the likelihood of blood clots.

Why is thrombophilia dangerous during pregnancy?

Since mother and child have common blood flows, the disease dangerous for both of them. Typically, the first weeks of pregnancy proceed without complications, but at the end of the first trimester, thrombosis of the placental vessels begins.

If there are a lot of blood clots, then this can cause. Women with thrombophilia are also characterized by severe gestosis. Such complications usually occur during later pregnancy that doubly dangerous.

Signs and diagnosis

Although there is a widespread belief that thrombophilia does not manifest itself in any way and goes silently, this is not the case. Even in mild forms symptoms occur, which indicate problems in the functioning of the body and require a thorough examination, which can confirm or deny the presence of this disease. These include:

  • arms and legs;
  • fatigue and lethargy that do not go away even after rest;
  • headache.

Suspect thrombophilia can be determined not only by specific symptoms, but also by a history of missed pregnancies or miscarriages, recurrent miscarriage, and the presence of problems with blood clotting in the woman herself and her close relatives. A blood test will help make a diagnosis and determine the form of thrombophilia.

Since the disease is not only acquired, but is often genetic in nature, desirable consultation and geneticist. Only after this can treatment be prescribed to a pregnant woman.

Treatment of thrombophilia in pregnant women

As soon as the diagnosis is made, the gynecologist, hemologist and geneticist begin therapy, which is individual in each case. The course they developed includes not only taking medications, but also following a certain diet and the necessary lifestyle.

Treatment with anticoagulants, which serve to reduce blood clotting, is prescribed depending on what type of thrombophilia was detected and what the results of the blood test are. There are quite a lot of drugs in this group, harmless to the fetus. In addition to anticoagulants, drugs to improve blood circulation are also often prescribed.

Diet for thrombophilia includes products that, to one degree or another, reduce blood clotting, it should include a large number of seafood and dried fruits, ginger, various berries. should be complete, but do not forget that some foods can negatively affect the child in large quantities. Therefore, observe moderation in everything.

If before the discovery of the disease a woman led a passive lifestyle, then it will have to be replaced with a more active one. As necessary physical activity Swimming, physical exercise for pregnant women and just walks are good fresh air.

Massage is often recommended, which you can do yourself. Prohibited any hard work and overload. Throughout pregnancy, you should be examined at least once every 2 weeks to reduce the risk of worsening the disease.

Childbirth with thrombophilia most often may be premature and begin at approximately 35-37 weeks. In some cases, a decision is made about the need for a caesarean section.

How thrombophilia affects pregnancy - video

In the video, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, academician of RAMT Olga Leontievna Sotskaya will talk about thrombophelia during pregnancy.

Despite increased risk serious complications, with thrombophilia you can give birth healthy child. It is only important to carefully monitor your own condition and follow all the instructions of specialists.

During pregnancy, changes occur in the mother's body that provide normal course pregnancy. An example of such metamorphoses is changes in the parameters of the hemostasiogram (coagulogram) - the blood begins to clot faster.

In a healthy pregnant woman, such changes do not affect her condition and do not pose a threat to the health and life of the expectant mother. If thrombophilia is diagnosed during pregnancy, then both conditions overlap each other, and the risk of thrombotic complications increases several times, which can provoke unwanted complications.

Reasons for increased blood clotting

It is quite difficult to suspect the possibility of thrombophilia before pregnancy or other critical situations. As long as the body is not affected by adverse damaging factors, the blood coagulation system is not activated and coagulation does not increase.

After conception, it appears in the mother's body extra circle blood circulation (placental), which provides the growing fetus with necessary nutrients and removes metabolic products. Activation of the blood coagulation system has a deep physiological meaning - this mechanism protects the mother’s body from excessive blood loss during childbirth and early pregnancy. postpartum period.

Thrombophilia is called pathological condition, in which hypercoagulation occurs in the body and the likelihood of blood clots forming in the vascular bed increases. During pregnancy, such unfavorable changes can affect any of the blood circulation existing in the mother’s body.

Blood clots in the large and small circles threaten the mother’s life, increasing the likelihood of developing:

  • strokes;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • severe forms of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy.

Blood clots in the placental circle impair access to the fetus of necessary nutrients, what causes:

  • developmental disorder;
  • early aging of the placenta;
  • premature detachment of a normally located children's place;
  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • fetal death.

In the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to suspect a pathology before conception, but if serious complications arise during pregnancy, the woman is referred for additional studies. Diagnosis of thrombophilia is also necessary in case of unsuccessful course previous pregnancies, especially if there were two or more such cases.

Types of thrombophilia

The tendency to accelerate blood clotting can be explained both by pathologies that the patient suffers from during her life, and also depend on genetic changes.

Form View Main characteristics
Acquired (secondary)AcquiredActivation of thrombus formation occurs after the action of damaging factors (after injuries, massive surgical interventions.
VascularPathology occurs against the background of vasculitis and atherosclerosis.
HemodynamicThe process of blood clot formation develops against the background of circulatory disorders (acute and chronic).
Congenital (primary)HereditaryIt is inherited, exists from the moment of birth, but is activated only against the background of stressful situations
MutationalIt develops against the background of a random mutation of genes responsible for the hemostasis system.

Hematologists, gynecologists and geneticists consider the most severe variant of the pathology to be a genetically determined form of the disease, in which it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis before thrombosis of various locations occurs. Genetic thrombophilia during pregnancy is a dangerous condition for both the woman and the unborn child. In some cases, this pathology is combined with other disorders associated with chromosomal abnormalities. Be sure to read to the end of this article to find out how it can develop thrombophilia in pregnant women.

The result of the condition may be:

  • toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, which occurs in the form of preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • habitual miscarriage - critical deadline for this pathology, the period from 8 to 13 weeks is considered;
  • antenatal (before the start labor activity) fetal death after 30 weeks;
  • fetal growth retardation (intrauterine);
  • abruption of a normally located placenta, which occurs before the birth of the child (before the beginning of the third stage of labor).

The video in this article talks about thrombophilia and the features of the pathology.


In order to assess the risks of pathology and select correct treatment, it is important to correctly understand what the consequences of hypercoagulation may be for the woman and the fetus.

For a child

Genetic thrombophilia during pregnancy represents serious threat for the fetus - in this condition, blood clots appear in the initially intact vessels of the placenta, disrupting the normal blood flow. Pathological process affects both arteries and veins, which significantly disrupts normal blood flow - what the changes look like is shown in the photo.

The outcome of hypercoagulation is:

  • spontaneous abortion (two or more episodes) - this condition is called recurrent miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • intrauterine hypoxia, manifested by delayed fetal development;
  • inconsistency real time pregnancy results of additional studies - the gestational age is determined incorrectly due to its small size;
  • volume change amniotic fluid- detect both oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios;
  • multiple fetal malformations;
  • placental abruption (retroplacental hematoma);
  • premature onset of labor.

In each case, such pathologies must be assessed individually by the doctor, and a set of examinations is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the influence of other factors that cause these pathologies (STDs, TORCH infections, intrauterine infection fetus).

For woman

Pregnancy with thrombophilia has its own characteristics, because this condition has virtually no effect on conception, but interferes with pregnancy. The pathology most often manifests itself after the 8th week of pregnancy - it is at this period that the formation of the baby’s place and the placental circulation begins.

An imbalance of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems provokes conditions that affect both the course of pregnancy itself and the somatic status of the woman.

The first type of pathology includes gestosis in the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia and eclampsia), manifested by:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • proteinuria - protein excretion in the urine;
  • pronounced swelling of the lower extremities, anterior abdominal wall, and face.

These changes can progress until the onset of labor, during labor, and in the early postpartum period. Symptoms disappear a few days after delivery, and the condition that did not cause serious violations(cerebral hemorrhages, swelling, convulsions) disappear almost without a trace.

The second type of pathologies includes diseases internal organs that arise during pregnancy. These conditions may persist after delivery, requiring patients to continue treatment throughout their lives.

A striking example is thrombophlebitis of the legs during pregnancy, which causes the expectant mother great discomfort due to severe bursting pain and swelling in the legs.

In addition, inflammation of the veins is almost always accompanied by the formation of blood clots, and they can break away from the site of primary localization and migrate through the circulatory system, which can trigger the development of ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction (very rare), pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism), renal embolism, hepatic embolism , mesenteric veins.

And childbirth during pregnancy poses a certain danger for a woman - during childbirth (during contractions), blood clots can break off and be transferred to other blood vessels. If the disease is detected in the late stages of pregnancy, a consultation with a vascular surgeon is necessary, based on the results of which the doctor must recommend the optimal delivery tactics.

In each case, the recommendations will be individual, but one piece of advice remains unchanged - both during vaginal birth and during caesarean section it is mandatory (the limbs are bandaged with elastic bandages. Such preventive measures reduce the risk of thromboembolism many times.

Preparing for pregnancy with a bleeding disorder

Planning pregnancy with thrombophilia requires consultation with a gynecologist, geneticist, hematologist, as well as a whole range of studies aimed at establishing the fact of hypercoagulation and clarifying the cause of this condition.

Tests are required in the following situations:

  • in case of antenatal fetal death;
  • when repeated episodes of preeclampsia and eclampsia are detected in a pregnant woman;
  • on the background recurrent miscarriage, if other causes of this condition are excluded - endocrine pathologies (impaired thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands), intrauterine infections, genetic pathologies, gynecological diseases;
  • when thrombosis is detected in a woman, including those that occurred before pregnancy;
  • for thrombosis that occurred during contraception, for which COCs (combined oral contraceptives) were prescribed;
  • when identifying in a pregnant woman before conception any conditions that are suspicious of hypercoagulation (thrombophlebitis of any localization, arterial and venous thrombosis);
  • if visible manifestations of varicose veins are detected in the patient (during examination during consultation);
  • with an unfavorable family history - the presence of thrombosis, thromboembolism, heart attacks and ischemic strokes, especially in cases where these diseases developed in relatively at a young age(up to 40 years old).

To confirm hypercoagulation, it is recommended to take a coagulogram with the obligatory determination of D-dimer (a product that is formed when a blood clot is destroyed). If changes in indicators are detected in these tests, diagnostics are prescribed aimed at identifying polymorphism of genes of the hemostatic system.

Both studies are carried out in modern laboratories, but if the price of a coagulogram is affordable for all pregnant women, the cost of genetic diagnostics is quite high. Thrombophilia is detected in approximately 10-12% of the population, so such tests are prescribed strictly according to indications.

Before genetic research The doctor may recommend tests to confirm or refute the presence of acquired thrombophilia.

For this purpose the following is prescribed:

  • identification of lupus coagulant - this specific protein is synthesized in the body during autoimmune pathologies;
  • determination of antibodies to antiphospholipids - these proteins damage the inner lining of blood cells and the walls of blood vessels;
  • a quantitative study aimed at clarifying the level of homocysteine ​​- an amino acid, the concentration of which decreases with insufficient intake of B vitamins from food, physical inactivity, and smoking.

Interpretation of the results of genetic studies allows us to determine the type of carriage of the altered gene. In homozygotes, the manifestations of thrombophilia are more pronounced, and treatment requires more effort, while in heterozygotes, half of the genes are normal, so the pathology is easier and the prognosis for pregnancy is better.

To clarify the causes of hypercoagulation, 10 markers are used, the most important of which are considered:

  • genes responsible for folate metabolism;
  • genes responsible for homocysteine ​​metabolism;
  • genes that determine platelet integrin;
  • genes affecting prothrombin mutations;
  • Leiden mutation (factor V of the blood coagulation system).

One patient may have a combination of several altered hemostasiogram factors, which worsens the pregnancy prognosis.

In addition, depending on the result, a thrombophilia treatment program is selected during the period of pregnancy planning and childbearing. Positive tests do not mean mandatory and immediate appointment drug therapy- treatment is necessary if signs of hypercoagulation are detected.

If there are no such changes, then monitoring the coagulogram is necessary - the analysis is repeated at least once a month in the absence of complaints, and immediately if any changes in well-being or signs indicating possible thrombosis appear.

Drug therapy in preparation for pregnancy and during gestation

Reception medicines necessary in the cycle for which conception is planned. If a woman has very high risk thrombosis, then the introduction low molecular weight heparin(Clexane, Fraxiparine) - the instructions will tell you how to administer the drugs correctly.

When the concentration of homocysteine ​​increases, folic acid supplements are recommended in large doses and simultaneous intake of B vitamins.

After confirming the fact of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to select the optimal regimen. further treatment. Antithrombotic therapy should be administered until the due date, which is approaching the date natural birth. The optimal period for its cancellation is three days before the expected date of birth (ED) or planned cesarean section.

Choosing tactics for delivery

During childbirth that is planned to be carried out through the natural birth canal, it is important to monitor the state of hemostasis in the mother (coagulogram) and fetus (fetal cardiotocography, fetal ultrasound with a Doppler sensor) after discontinuation of drugs. If these indicators worsen after three days, the doctor must assess all the risks and again choose the optimal delivery tactics.

In the vast majority of cases, surgical delivery is planned - C-section, despite the ambiguous indications for surgical intervention, can significantly reduce the risk of fetal death by last weeks pregnancy.

Before surgery, it is enough to cancel anticoagulant therapy in a timely manner and after 72 hours all the consequences of such treatment will disappear. The optimal time for delivery is 36-37 weeks of gestation, and such patients should be referred to medical institutions, whose doctors have experience in managing such pregnancies.

Delivery naturally it is permissible if the woman does not have severe hemostasis disorders that do not allow the discontinuation of anticoagulant drugs for such a period, signs of impaired placental circulation, thrombosis in the systemic and pulmonary circulation.

Additional treatment options

Of particular importance for women after establishing an accurate diagnosis is dietary food- changing the diet cannot completely eliminate hypercoagulability, but it helps to reduce the dose of necessary medications.

Features of the diet for thrombophilia:

  1. The expectant mother should receive at least two liters of fluid per day. Correction drinking regime required only for severe preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  2. It is recommended to increase the amount of foods that are rich in the diet folic acid and its metabolites - you need fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, seafood, cabbage, lettuce.
  3. Ginger and dried fruits (dried apricots, dried apples and pears, prunes) help thin the blood - they can be consumed independently or used to make tea, compotes, jelly.
  4. Chocolate of any kind, tea and coffee in any form, grapes are excluded from the diet - these products accelerate the excretion of folates from the body of a pregnant woman.
  5. Limit the consumption of foods that increase the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood serum - eggs in any form, nuts regardless of type, dairy products (fresh milk, cheeses, cottage cheese).

Of course, thrombophilia, regardless of the type of pathology and its severity, significantly aggravates the prognosis of pregnancy. Timely comprehensive diagnosis and implementation of all doctor’s recommendations will help a woman suffering from hemostasis disorders to bear a fetus and give birth healthy baby.

For any pregnant woman, it is important to take care not only of her health, but also of her unborn baby. To do this, doctors send her for various screenings, examinations and tests. But since the baby’s and mother’s bodies are closely connected, treatment must be prescribed with extreme caution. Thrombophilia during pregnancy occurs infrequently, but it is dangerous disease and can threaten the health and life of both.

What is thrombophilia?

Thrombophilia is a condition in which a person's blood clots several times faster than it should. This causes poor circulation and also promotes the formation of blood clots (thrombi).

Highlight the following types thrombophilia:

  • hemodynamic, occurs due to disturbances in the circulatory system;
  • vascular – this is atherosclerosis, vosculitis and other similar diseases;
  • hemotogenic, the most dangerous, caused by disruption of the circulatory system. It is this that can threaten the health and life of the mother and child.

Increased blood clotting is a common reaction of the body aimed at successful conception. This is how the body protects us from death associated with large blood loss during childbirth and prevents the termination of pregnancy (miscarriage or premature birth). But thrombophilia during pregnancy turns against the health of the expectant mother: the vessels are blocked by blood clots, which can cause undesirable consequences. During pregnancy, another circle of blood circulation appears - the placental one. Of course, this increases the load on the body and is the main reason for the development of the disease.

Symptoms of thrombophilia during pregnancy

Symptoms of thrombophilia during pregnancy may not appear immediately or may go unnoticed. In only a few pregnant women, thrombosis (blood clots) cause swelling and redness, and therefore discomfort. IN in this case, we're talking about about deep vein thrombosis, which can be diagnosed using ultrasound, as well as other similar tests. Treatment of blood clots is carried out using anticoagulants (drugs that can thin the blood). These medications can only be prescribed by your doctor.

Thrombophilia during pregnancy can become dangerous if there are prerequisites for the rupture of blood clots. At the moment of rupture, the contents of the blood clot can enter the general bloodstream and affect vital important organs. This condition diagnosed as venous thrombophilia during pregnancy (VTE). A pregnant woman may have difficulty breathing if her blood vessels become clogged with blood clots. There are frequent cases when these symptoms of thrombophilia lead to a stroke or heart attack.

Genetic thrombophilia during pregnancy

The tendency to form blood clots is inherited. Usually the first symptoms can be observed in children. In this case, genetic analysis identifies a gene with a defect that is involved in the homeostasis system. If both parents have defective genes, the probability of passing them on to their children is up to eight percent, while one parent has no more than half a percent.

Hereditary thrombophilia during pregnancy is caused by the following forms of the disease:

  1. genetically determined deficiency of antithrombin III, which is determined by an autosomal dominant type of transmission. If both parents are owners of this gene, then children with a 90% probability will be born dead. This pathology occurs in 0.3% of the population;
  2. Congenital deficiency of proteins C and S, inherited according to a dominant principle. In newborn children, they manifest themselves by the formation of foci of necrosis and ulcers on skin(purples). In homozygous individuals, mortality is 100% of cases;
  3. congenital hyperhomocysteinemia, accompanied by intrauterine defects at birth nervous system in the fetus;
  4. mutation of the prothrombin gene, which is responsible for the development of thrombophilia in young people and the occurrence of thrombosis during pregnancy;
  5. a defect in Leydon factor, which increases the risk of blood clots throughout life, and in pregnant women it always causes miscarriages.

Thrombophilia during pregnancy is the most dangerous condition, since it is through the blood that nutrition and useful material. If the mother's blood circulation is impaired, this means that the pregnancy can proceed with pathologies, and also lead to death for both. Often its consequences are fetoplacental insufficiency, miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, placental abruption, preeclampsia at any stage of gestation. This disease is also dangerous because its symptoms are hidden, or can be interpreted as signs of pregnancy or vegotovascular dystonia. It is generally accepted that thrombophilia occurs after the 10th week, and this is when its negative impact begins to appear.

Hereditary thrombophilia during pregnancy: how to give birth to a healthy child

Naturally, pregnant women who have been diagnosed with thrombophilia are specially registered. In their case, the number of analyzes and studies increases several times. For this purpose, the study of placental blood circulation and ultrasound are used. General recommendation is a three-dimensional echography of blood flow, which must be done in the first semester of pregnancy.

During the second and third semester, doctors monitor the condition of the fetus using cardiotocography, Doppler and fetometry. It is imperative to use therapy aimed at preventing blood clots. With proper treatment, the patient does not have the risk of thrombosis, severe forms of gestosis, placental abruption, fetoplacental insufficiency and there is no risk of miscarriage. All indicators correspond to the normal course of pregnancy in a healthy woman.

Test for thrombophilia during pregnancy

As mentioned above, the symptoms of the disease are very easy to confuse with the special condition of all pregnant women. A woman may complain of heaviness in her legs, swelling, general weakness and malaise. So bring it out dangerous condition Only blood screenings can. They usually take place in 2 stages. First, a blood test is performed, which identifies the part of the blood coagulation system with a disorder. After this, a special analysis is performed aimed at identifying pathology in the pregnant woman.

Diagnosis is complicated primarily by the fact that these tests are expensive and complex, and the disease is not considered common - it affects less than half a percent of women. Therefore, they are sent for research only if there are indications.

These include:

  • discrepancy between the size of the child and the gestational age;
  • habitual failure to carry a pregnancy to term, miscarriages, fading of fetal development;
  • thrombophilia in relatives;
  • if previous pregnancies had severe complications, such as gestosis, placental abruption;
  • if during treatment hormonal drugs the patient experienced blood clots;
  • 2 or more unsuccessful attempts ECO;
  • Children from previous pregnancies had small hemorrhages on the surface of the skin at birth.

Treatment of thrombophilia during pregnancy

Thrombophilia during pregnancy is usually treated not only with medications, but also with lifestyle changes. If before the onset interesting situation, the woman adhered to a passive lifestyle, it should be replaced active pastime. The doctor will advise you to do physical exercises for pregnant women, swimming, gymnastics, yoga, breathing exercises. In addition, try to spend a lot of time in the fresh air: walks and short trips on foot are useful. Massages in specialized institutions or on your own will not be amiss. As with any pregnancy, increased loads, heavy lifting, and labor are prohibited. It is recommended to wear elastic bandages, compression bandages, and visit electromagnetic therapy. You can’t stay in the same position for a long time - it’s better to change your position every 20 minutes. This way you will reduce blood stagnation in the veins, and, therefore, reduce the likelihood of blood clots.

Diet for thrombophilia during pregnancy

A diet for thrombophilia during pregnancy involves reducing the load on the body’s circulatory system and restoring its functioning. Nutrition is based on the following principles:

  1. complete abstinence from harmful foods and alcohol;
  2. fractional meals - more frequent than usual, in small portions;
  3. eating foods rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins.

TO harmful products can be classified as fatty and fried food, semi-finished products, snacks, smoked foods, very salty and spicy foods, canned food, carbonated sweet drinks.

Most important factor is a complete abstinence from alcohol, since the ethanol in its composition has a toxic effect. The load on all organs also increases significantly.

The basis of the diet is the consumption healthy products, capable of influencing blood viscosity and strengthening the entire body. Such products include lean meats and poultry, cereals, vegetables and fruits, herbs, whole grain bread, sea fish, flaxseed and olive oils. It is also necessary to consume complex carbohydrates; they take longer to digest by the body and are therefore completely consumed.

In addition to the recommended foods, it is advisable to consume food quite often - every 3-4 hours. In the first half of the day, eat sweeter and fatty foods. This principle is incorporated into the nutritional system of athletes; it allows them to increase their performance and improve their health.

Planning pregnancy with thrombophilia

Of course, for a successful pregnancy to begin preventive actions necessary before conception. In this case, the chances of good attachment to the wall of the uterus of the embryo and the correct location of the placenta are quite high. If thrombophilia during pregnancy is detected after the 10th week of pregnancy, it is rarely possible to avoid negative consequences for mother and child.

When planning a pregnancy six months before the expected conception, contact a geneticist. It will identify problems that may arise during pregnancy. It is also necessary to visit an ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist, and, if necessary, a hematologist. Refusal is required bad habits– smoking, alcohol, exclusion of a passive lifestyle. All this applies to both partners.

Usually, when planning a pregnancy, doctors advise a woman to follow the following recommendations:

  • constant use of anticoagulants (drugs that reduce high blood clotting) not only during pregnancy, but for some time after childbirth;
  • These drugs should also be used after operations and minimally invasive interventions;
  • monitor inflammatory processes occurring in the body. They usually appear in the mouth or genital area. They are the ones who can provoke the formation of blood clots;
  • use of prophylactic drugs. Doctors usually prescribe heparin, violeic acid, B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, progesterone, and antiplatelet agents.

Thrombophilia disease is dangerous and difficult to treat. Thrombophilia is a tendency of the body to form blood clots in blood vessels. This disease may be acquired or hereditary. The basis of this disease is high blood clotting.

Thrombophilia is dangerous for pregnancy. Full development The baby requires good blood circulation, since it is thanks to the movement of blood that the child receives oxygen and the substances necessary for life. If blood clots begin to form during pregnancy, this leads to pathologies. Thrombophilia poses a danger to both the life of the mother and the life of the baby.

Often, during pregnancy, a woman is unaware of such an illness and learns about the diagnosis after comprehensive examination. Despite this, thrombophilia has a number of symptoms that are ignored by women. These are symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Thrombophilia and pregnancy planning are compatible if the pathology is diagnosed in time and treatment is started correctly.

If a person has undergone any surgery or been injured, acquired thrombophilia may begin to develop. Genetic thrombophilia is passed from parents to children. There are cases when pathology occurs as a result of a mutation. Genetic thrombophilia cannot be detected in the body because there are no symptoms. Certain symptoms begin to appear when fractures, injuries occur, or when a woman becomes pregnant.

Why does pregnancy provoke the development of pathology? As it turns out, circulatory disorders and bearing a child are strongly interconnected.

Blood clotting increases in the body from the moment of conception. This is how the body reacts to pregnancy so that during childbirth the woman does not die from blood loss. However, there is negative side This is nature's idea, because blood clotting is increased, blood vessels become clogged with clots, which in turn can lead to miscarriage or cause premature birth.

Genetic thrombophilia manifests itself most often during pregnancy. From the moment of conception, another circulatory system appears in a woman’s body – the placental. Of course, this creates additional stress on the body. Education new system blood circulation is a prerequisite for the development of genetic thrombophilia.

Congenital thrombophilia

Thrombophilia is not at all dangerous to humans, but changes occur from the moment of pregnancy. If a woman has signs of hereditary thrombophilia, then the likelihood of thrombosis increases significantly. The risk of miscarriage also increases. If a woman has symptoms of thrombophilia during pregnancy, then childbirth is likely to occur ahead of schedule. It should be noted that premature birth is a positive end to pregnancy, since in most cases thrombophilia leads to a frozen pregnancy.

The formation of blood clots in blood vessels leads to oxygen starvation the fetus, and its growth and development is suspended. If the child does not receive vital substances during pregnancy, this can lead to processes such as:

  • placental abruption;
  • development of pathologies in the fetus;
  • death of a child;
  • miscarriage;
  • gestosis;
  • premature birth;
  • preeclampsia.

Consequences of thrombophilia

  1. In the first trimester pregnancy develops without pathologies, but after the tenth week there is a danger to the fetus.
  2. In the second trimester the likelihood of complications is reduced, and pregnancy proceeds smoothly.
  3. A new round begins after the thirtieth week of pregnancy. This period is the most dangerous and a woman may begin to develop gestosis or other pathologies.

Diagnosis of thrombophilia

It is very difficult to determine thrombophilia through examination, despite the fact that a woman may complain of heaviness in her legs or physical exhaustion. Therefore, there is a special expensive diagnosis. According to statistics, thrombophilia is diagnosed in a small percentage of women, so it is irrational to examine every woman. It is for this reason that a woman learns about the presence of complications only after an unsuccessful pregnancy.

There are a number of indicators that indicate the presence of thrombophilia:

  • the presence of genetic thrombophilia in relatives;
  • miscarriages;
  • complications and pathologies in previous pregnancies;
  • hemorrhage into the skin of a newborn baby.

Thrombophilia can be diagnosed by doing a blood test. This analysis takes place in two stages:

  1. The first stage includes blood screening, with the help of which the link in which the disorder occurs is detected.
  2. The second stage includes complete blood count, which helps to identify pathology during pregnancy.

Only through screening will a specialist be able to obtain information about the woman’s condition.

It is necessary to prevent the development of thrombophilia even before conception. Treatment at the pregnancy planning stage will help conception succeed. If you start treatment at a later stage, it will be difficult to carry the child to term without pathologies. To give birth to a healthy child, a woman must follow strict rules:

  • It is necessary to control foci of infection, which are located in the mouth and genital area. If available inflammatory process, then the process of blood clot formation may begin.
  • Taking special medications which lead to inhibition of blood clotting.
  • Treatment with anticoagulants throughout pregnancy, as well as certain time after childbirth.

How to give birth to a healthy baby with thrombophilia?

Planning pregnancy with thrombophilia is only possible if the woman is under the supervision of specialists. During pregnancy itself, doctors pay great attention to the woman’s condition and the development of the fetus. Throughout pregnancy, women should undergo constant ultrasound examinations, as well as monitoring placental circulation. Only with the help of total control is it possible to diagnose the presence of complications in the early stages.

Already in the second and third trimester, doctors monitor the condition of the fetus using methods such as fetometry and cardiotocography. In order to avoid complications, a woman should undergo antithrombotic therapy. Such prevention can be considered successful if the expectant mother does not have a risk of developing pathologies:

  • gestosis with complications;
  • thrombosis;
  • placental abruption;
  • risk of miscarriage.

As a result of therapy, all indicators return to normal and pregnancy proceeds without deviations.

Treatment of thrombophilia

Concepts such as thrombophilia and pregnancy planning, if they are interrelated, require the following treatment:

  • wearing an elastic bandage and compression garments;
  • avoiding prolonged standing or sitting;
  • massage;
  • swimming;
  • phytotherapy;
  • proper nutrition;
  • electromagnetic therapy.

Complications of thrombophilia

Often, during treatment, women experience side effects from taking medications. There is increased formation of blood clots in the vessels. Especially strong side effects have contraceptives that contain estrogen and heparin preparations.

In order to avoid side symptoms, doctors write a prescription for drugs that smooth out side effects. For example, acetylsalicylic acid has such properties. The specialist regularly monitors the woman’s coagulogram in order to avoid the development of early complications during pregnancy

Thrombophilia and pregnancy planning are far from mutually exclusive concepts. Many women often associate this diagnosis with infertility, but this is not the case. If you completely follow the treatment program, which a specialist will help you draw up individually, then giving birth to a healthy child is quite possible.

There is a high probability that a woman who has thrombophilia will give birth prematurely. But modern medicine works wonders and premature babies are not inferior in development to babies born on time. With help modern technologies premature babies quickly reach normal indicators characteristic of children born after 9 months.

How could you note that thrombophilia and pregnancy planning are compatible concepts if future mom will approach pregnancy responsibly and believe only in the best.

Thrombophilia during pregnancy - what is it? A question that pregnant women ask when they see an unfamiliar word in a blood test. How thrombophilia manifests itself during pregnancy, and what it threatens or does not threaten, says doctor Natalya Vlasenko

Thrombophilia and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a fabulous state for a woman. It is during this period that a woman understands that there is a life more valuable than her own.

A pregnant woman is unpredictable. And how unpredictable a pregnant woman with a congenital (genetic) disease will be, one can only guess.

Recently, the diagnosis of hereditary thrombophilia during pregnancy has become fashionable and widespread.

I would like to emphasize: the diagnosis is reliable if there is clinical manifestations, laboratory data and medical history confirming the diagnosis.

In other words, the expectant mother must understand that the doctor’s phrase “hereditary thrombophilia” without documentary evidence should be regarded as a preliminary diagnosis requiring further examination, and nothing more.

What is thrombophilia

Thrombophilia is a predisposition to increased blood clotting; more details about thrombophilia are written

There are three types of thrombophilia:

  • hematogenous, when the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood is disturbed;
  • vascular, when the root cause of thrombus formation is damage to the vessel, for example, atherosclerosis, vasculitis, etc.;
  • hemodynamic, when thrombus formation is associated with stagnation in the circulatory system, that is, the dynamics of blood movement through the vessels is disrupted.

The basic principle is: “Do no harm!”, especially since the health of mother and child is at stake.
What you can do before visiting a doctor is an antithrombotic diet. She is useful to everyone.
The main goal is to eliminate foods that may contribute to the formation of blood clots.

This is all fatty, spicy, smoked (especially pork and lard), liver (liver, kidneys, brains), some dairy products (fat cottage cheese, whole milk), legumes and coffee.

Fruits and berries “with sourness” will be useful: figs, grapes, viburnum, rowan. Dried fruits will have a beneficial effect.

Pregnant women should take a closer look compression hosiery and optimize your physical activity.

Sometimes in life you have to change something. Pregnancy is just such a state when not only your appearance changes, but also your thinking and worldview.
If you have difficulties, but have a great desire to become a mother, it is worth changing your lifestyle for a while.

By the way, having exchanged a stuffy office for regular walks in the park and swimming, and also, having exchanged fast food for fruit, you will probably think that you like this lifestyle more. If you eat right, it’s not scary.