How to whiten your face. We whiten the face with fruit juices, herbs and oils. Kiehl's Clearly corrective dark spot solution brightening serum

flawless skin remains a dream. A variety of factors, from stressful lifestyles to pollution, affect the skin and make it uneven. The best decision- use natural ingredients And safe ways. So you can carry out skin lightening and return to her perfect look. You can say goodbye to pigmentation and acne marks, as well as get rid of harmful bacteria.

It is important to know

Before you start using home remedies, you should consider taking care of your skin. Skin becomes dull due to accumulation dead cells and harm after exposure sun rays and air pollution. Cleanse and exfoliate your skin regularly. After that, you need to think about moisturizing. Always remember about sunscreen so that the skin cells do not suffer.

papaya and honey

Fresh papaya is not only delicious, it is also full of skin benefits. It contains enzymes that can dissolve dead cells and remove impurities, which guarantees the radiance of the skin. In addition, honey has antibacterial properties that protect the skin. Repeat the application of the mask of these components every night before going to bed, it is well suited for oily and normal skin. Watch out for allergies: papaya can cause a reaction in people with sensitive skin.

Orange peel with yogurt

The orange is an easy-to-find fruit that is great for skin whitening and rich in vitamin C. You need the zest and a spoonful of plain yogurt. This mixture will cleanse and whiten your skin well. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Tomatoes, yogurt and oatmeal

The lycopene found in tomatoes not only gives them their characteristic red color, it also helps protect the skin from aging. Tomatoes are high in antioxidants so your skin will glow. According to a study, lycopene may even protect against cancer. Oatmeal gently exfoliates and promotes healthy skin. The mask can be used several times a week, it is not suitable for dry skin.

Milk, lemon juice and honey

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and is great for whitening the skin by reducing the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning. You just need to mix it with honey and milk and apply every other day in the evenings. If you are allergic to lemon juice, this method is not for you.

Whole grain flour and rose water

Whole grain flour has anti-microbial properties, while rose water energizes and hydrates the skin, leaving it fresh look. Can be replaced rose water on yogurt, it is also very good for the skin.

sandalwood powder

Sandalwood whitens and brightens the skin by controlling melanin production. Almond powder and milk complement it perfectly. This mask will make your skin healthy and radiant, just apply it two to three times a week.

pumpkin puree

Pumpkin is high in antioxidants and exfoliating acids. In addition, it contains beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, which helps to improve the appearance. A pumpkin puree mask can be done several times a week.


The acid in lemon and grapefruit cleanses and brightens the skin. In addition, it helps to shrink the pores. Add an egg to boost antibacterial effect. This procedure will help protect the skin from external influence. The mixture should be used three times a week for oily, combination or normal skin.

potato juice

Potato juice contains a lot of vitamin C, in addition, it is an antioxidant. This good way for skin whitening and removal of dead cells. It is enough just to grate or cut a potato and leave it on your face for twenty minutes. Repeat the process three times a week for optimal results. This the remedy is suitable for any skin type.

Rice flour and milk

Rice milk or rice powder has long been used by Asian women for skin health. Studies have shown that rice can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, in addition, it has anti-aging properties. Milk softens the skin and nourishes it. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. If you are allergic to milk, replace it with rose water.


Blueberries have amazing immune-boosting properties and can make your skin glow. Just combine berries with yoghurt without filler! Apply the mask in the evening twice a week. This a good option for all skin types, just beware of allergic reactions.

Aloe and rice flour

Aloe Vera is the perfect solution to all skin related problems. This plant is rich in antioxidants and components that heal, nourish and protect the skin. rough rice flour will remove dead skin cells and all impurities accumulated on the face. Repeat the procedure every other day - and you will quickly notice the effect. This scrub is great for all skin types. Most importantly, remember to rub gently: too much force can damage your skin.

Baking soda

If you gently rub your face baking soda, you will get rid of dead skin cells and destroy the bacteria that are present on the face. The skin will become fresher and brighter. For maximum results, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Just mix baking soda with water and do this scrub every day for a week. This option is suitable for everyone but the owners too sensitive skin.


Milk is natural bleach for the skin, in addition, it nourishes the skin, makes it radiant and healthy. You can add the juice of one lemon or a few tablespoons of honey to it to make a wonderful bath. You can also massage your face with milk using circular motions. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. It's good for all skin types, except for acne-prone ones.

Essential oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils. They are obtained from a variety of plants. Such products have been used since the time of Cleopatra to get flawless and radiant skin. Since the tool is very concentrated, you need to know how to use it correctly. You may have allergic reaction so first apply oil on small plot skin. You can use rose essential oil, this remedy is amazingly pleasant smell which can make the skin very soft. This mask whitens, removes acne and inflammation marks, and smoothes wrinkles. Simply add ten drops of essential oil to a glass of cool milk and apply the mixture all over your skin. Repeat the procedure every day. Orange essential oil stimulates collagen production, which helps fight signs of aging, from wrinkles to age spots. In addition, it protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. As a result, your face will become brighter and more attractive. Mix equal amounts of orange oil and jojoba oil, apply on face and wash off after a couple of minutes. This method can be used daily. Lemon essential oil is versatile, it has antiseptic, antibacterial properties, in addition, it is an antioxidant and rejuvenates the skin. Mix it with water or jojoba oil, you can even apply it daily! The main thing is not to go out with such a mask in the sun, so as not to get burned. Neroli essential oil will help whiten the face of the owners oily skin. Add it to another vegetable oil and apply for twenty minutes. Repeat the procedure daily.

We all know that appearance creates a general impression of a person, well-groomed face, hair, nails. We want to be beautiful and flawless, but sometimes our complexion is not always even and beautiful. Diseases internal organs, bad habits make our face yellow and even grey. Freckles, although they say that they are beautiful, but sometimes you want to get rid of them. Pigmented spots on the skin of the face also cause discomfort.

There are many skin problems that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. How to quickly and most importantly effectively whiten the skin of the face at home, so that the skin is beautiful and even? Today let's look at home remedies that will help us brighten the skin of the face.

How to quickly whiten the skin of the face at home?

I want to say that the means that help us whiten the skin of the face should be used with great care so as not to cause allergies or irritation of the skin of the face.

If you have age spots on your skin, they are characterized by an increased content of melanin in this area of ​​the skin. Therefore, before whitening the skin, it is necessary to remove the "keratinized" layer of cells. On the blog I have an article on how to cleanse the skin with soda, you can make a scrub from soda that will help remove the “keratinized” layer of skin cells, you can read everything in the article ““.

And if you want to use at home medications to whiten the skin of the face, then consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist on this issue.

Vegetables, fruits, herbal decoctions, as well as lactic and fruit acids have whitening effects. Lemon, cucumber, parsley, oils and other products are used at home to whiten the face. About the preparation and use of masks from fresh cucumber I have an article on my blog "". In it you will find a variety of recipes for masks for every taste.

Why do you need to whiten your skin?

If you are quite satisfied with the appearance of the skin, then you can not resort to bleaching. And if you have freckles, age spots on your face and you want to lighten them, then you can already start home procedures.

Whiten the skin if its color is grayish or yellowish. And also if it turned out too dark tan on the face. If there are age spots on the face. Well, anything can happen, as they say.

On the one hand, all this is natural, but it spoils the appearance too much, and here they are thinking about skin whitening. After all, you always want the skin on your face to be beautiful, smooth and look healthy.

Whitening face masks

Berry whitening face masks. Juice from red, black currant, cranberry or viburnum will help to whiten the skin of the face. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from any berry. You can use the berries according to the season, soak gauze in the juice of the berries and apply to your face for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

You can prepare a mask of honey and berry juice. From the berries we take any, viburnum, red currant, cranberries, mix one to one, puree of berries and honey. Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Cucumber whitening face mask. To prepare the mask, peel the cucumber, grate it, we need a spoonful of cucumber pulp and a teaspoon of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of sour cream. We apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with water.

Grated cucumber can be mixed with honey in a ratio of 2: 1, applied to the face for 15 minutes, rinsed with water.

Parsley face mask for whitening. A parsley mask will perfectly whiten your face. To prepare it, we need to take parsley and chop, squeeze the juice from parsley through cheesecloth. Mix a tablespoon of juice with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Soda for brightening the face. Mix a teaspoon of soda with a small amount of water and apply to problem areas of the skin of the face. You can massage these areas and then rinse with water.

Dairy products for face whitening. We all know that dairy products help us brighten the skin of our face. This is kefir, sour cream, whey. Sour cream masks can be prepared by learning their recipes from the article "".

Kefir is mixed with honey in a ratio of 2:1 and applied to the face for 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with water.

How to whiten skin with lemon

We all know that lemon juice is great for skin whitening. To lighten the skin, it is enough to squeeze the juice from a lemon and wipe the face with a cotton pad or use pointwise on the face. Then wash with water.

Whitening mask with lemon and protein. To prepare the mask, we need one egg white and lemon juice, take one tablespoon. Such a mask more suitable for oily skin. Mix protein and lemon juice, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Mask with lemon and sour cream. To prepare the mask, we need a spoonful of thick rustic sour cream and a spoonful of lemon juice, mix everything and apply the mask for 15 minutes on the face, rinse with water.

But, we all know that citrus fruits are known allergens, so before applying lemon juice to your face, check if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

Lemon juice can be mixed with olive oil, sour cream, cucumber and applied to the face as a mask. Usually applied for 15 minutes and washed off with water.

You can moisten gauze in lemon juice and apply it on your face for 15 minutes, wash with water. Such compresses can be done several times a week.

In addition to lemon, grapefruit juice perfectly whitens the skin. To do this, you can squeeze the juice from a grapefruit, pour it into ice molds and wipe your face with cubes of frozen juice. You can also do the same with lemon juice.

What oils whiten the skin of the face

In whitening facial skin, do not forget about essential oils, which also help us whiten our skin. Essential oils can be added to whitening masks in 1-2 drops.

These oils include: grapefruit oil, lemon oil, patchouli oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree, orange oil.

If you use lemon for skin whitening, then you can add a little olive oil or almond butter.

How to whiten the skin of the face with a decoction of herbs

If you want to quickly whiten your skin, then decoctions of herbs will help you with this. Cooking them is very simple, and the result, as they say, "will be on the face."

A decoction of herbs can be applied to the face, as well as to areas of the skin that you need to whiten, or you can lubricate the entire face with the decoction. Also, in a decoction of herbs, gauze can be moistened and applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Parsley decoction for skin whitening. To whiten the skin of the face, prepare a decoction of parsley. One tablespoon of chopped parsley should be poured with a glass of water, put on a slow fire and boil for 5 minutes, leave for about 20 minutes. Strain the broth and wipe the face with it using a cotton pad.

You can freeze a decoction of parsley in ice molds and use it to wipe your face.

According to this principle, we prepare a decoction of dandelion, bearberry, yarrow, licorice. We wipe the face with warm infusion or frozen. That is, after freezing a decoction of herbs in ice molds.

Rice water for skin whitening. To prepare a decoction, rice should be washed, poured with water and boiled until soft. Strain the broth, cool. A decoction of rice can be poured into ice molds and wiped with frozen ice cubes on the face. After the procedure, the face is smeared with cream.

Now you know how to whiten your skin quickly and effectively at home. But, do not forget that all products that whiten the skin cause dry skin, so it will be right to lubricate the face with a nourishing cream after whitening procedures.

It is only in recent decades that we have been overwhelmed by the fashion for tanned skin. Women were ready to visit the solarium every day, buy self-tanning products and bronzing powders, just to get a golden tan like that of Western celebrities. In fact, the noble whiteness of the skin was valued at all times. This was considered a sign of nobility and belonging to an aristocratic circle. And today, light is gradually returning to fashion. porcelain skin. It is she who becomes the basis of many fashion images and inspires stylists, image makers and makeup artists to create them.

How to keep skin white?

Light skin is not just another whim and not a tribute to fashion. First of all, it is the health of the skin and the preservation of its youth. Scientists have long proven that love for tan provokes premature aging and is the main cause of skin cancer. In this regard, it is important not only to whiten, but also to protect the face from sunlight. Let's formulate the basic rules for a bright face:

  • A categorical “no” to tanning. This applies to both sun rays and solariums.
  • In the hot season, if possible, appear on the street as little as possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat
  • Be sure to use creams with an STP of at least 15

Creams and decorative cosmetics with STP should be in your arsenal year-round. In winter, the sun does not heat, but ultraviolet rays continue to damage the skin.

Skin whitening is relevant not only for those who need to get rid of unwanted darkness. This procedure is necessary for owners of freckles, pregnant women suffering from pigmentation during this period, women with the first signs of skin aging and age-related pigmentation, as well as those who want to remove traces of post-acne.

Rules for the use of whitening face masks

For beauty salons and beauty parlors, skin whitening fashion is a serious source of income, so experts in this field work tirelessly, inventing new ones. effective procedures. In fact, all this research is centered around exfoliants, herbal and essential oils, and products with milk or fruit acids. All these components in in large numbers can be found in ordinary products and used to make homemade masks, tonics and other cosmetics.

Skin pigmentation is easier to prevent than to deal with it. Even if you have perfect color and noble whiteness of the face, use mild bleaching products to maintain them.

The whitening mask is best done in the evening. First, the skin may turn a little red; secondly, the sensitivity of the skin increases; thirdly, if you go out into the sun after such a procedure, you can get a burn or hyperpigmentation. As in any business, it is important not to overdo it in bleaching. It is long and gradual process, in which it is not the intensity of the impact that is important, but the consistency and regularity. Before applying the mask, the face must be cleansed of cosmetics and impurities with your usual means. It will not be superfluous to apply a scrub to remove dead skin particles and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water, then wipe with a tonic or lotion and apply a night cream.

Recipes for homemade face masks for skin whitening

Cucumber masks

Cucumber pulp and juice are effective and soft remedies for whitening, which are suitable even for sensitive skin. They are also able to saturate the skin with moisture, saving it from dehydration. By combining cucumber with other products, you can make effective mask for any skin type.

  1. Universal consists of pulp and cucumber juice. Grate a fresh vegetable on a fine grater, fold the gauze in several layers and evenly distribute the cucumber gruel over it. Place the cloth on your face and relax for 15-20 minutes. For an additional anti-inflammatory effect, a few 2-3 drops of tea tree oil can be added to the grated cucumber.
  2. If your skin is dry and suffers from tightness and peeling, make sour cream too. Grate the cucumber, as in the previous recipe, and add a tablespoon of thick fat sour cream to the resulting gruel. Apply the resulting mixture in a generous layer on the face and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. A mixture of grated cucumber and liquid honey will help aging skin. Honey has a powerful anti-aging effect, helps fight wrinkles and sagging, and in tandem with cucumber juice very effective in removing pigmentation.
  4. If your skin is not sensitive and prone to irritation, you can apply a gauze mask moistened with a mixture of cucumber and lemon juice. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse well.

Masks with lemon

Lemon is actively used in cosmetology. The acid contained in its juice acts on the skin in two directions: as a peeling, removing dead skin cells and as a brightening agent. Plus, lemon juice is drying. This property can be used successfully on oily skin, and with great care on dry skin. In no case should you apply masks with lemon if there are acne wounds or irritation. Apart from useful action on the skin essential oils contained in lemon will have a calming effect on the nervous system.

  1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with a teaspoon of liquid honey. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face with a cotton swab, gradually adding as it dries, or add a little crushed oatmeal. If you choose the second option, you will also receive additional skin resurfacing. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes for dry skin and 15-20 for oily.
  2. If your skin is very dry and sensitive, then it can be nourished and whitened at the same time. To do this, lemon juice must be mixed with cream or sour cream. For ease of application, you can add flour or starch. Spread the resulting mixture over the face and leave for up to 20 minutes.
  3. An effective mask that will help to gradually get rid of acne and lighten the marks after them is obtained from finely grated raw and lemon juice with pulp. Apply the gruel to your face or put gauze soaked in the mixture on it. The duration of the mask is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Masks from fermented milk products

Dairy products are perfect option for sensitive skin whitening. They act gently, and, in addition, provide nutrition and hydration.

  1. Rub 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese through a fine sieve and add the yolk to it, if you have protein, if not dry. If the skin needs special, deep nutrition, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mixture. Apply the resulting mask in a thick layer and leave for about 20 minutes.
  2. A mask of mashed cottage cheese and honey will help brighten and refresh skin with signs of aging and pigmentation. A mixture of these components can be applied to the face twice a week, as it is nourishing and gentle.
  3. For mature skin masks are recommended fatty yogurt with addition castor oil. These components will help smooth wrinkles, lighten and remove age-related pigmentation.

The frequency of use of whitening masks depends on the type of skin. Owners combination skin, as well as skin prone to oiliness and inflammation, can do this procedure 2 times a week. If your skin is dry, aging or sensitive, then you should not apply a mask more than once every 7 or 10 days.

Home remedies for face whitening

The arsenal of home remedies for a beautiful and uniform complexion is not limited to masks alone. You can cook yourself and another natural cosmetics, which will fix and enhance the effect of masks. The composition of these funds includes all the same simple components that we have already considered in previous recipes.

  1. A brightening lotion for oily to combination skin can be prepared from cucumber and parsley. It is necessary to grind 4 tablespoons of both, pouring all 100 grams of vodka. Infuse this mixture for a week, then strain and dilute with purified water in a ratio of 2:1. Wipe this lotion on the skin in the morning and in the evening, it will help make the skin cleaner and brighter. You need to store the product in the refrigerator.
  2. Can be done for dry and sensitive skin brightening lotion of cucumber juice with milk by mixing them in equal proportions. For the future, you do not need to stock up on such a tool, it is better to cook fresh every 2-3 days.
  3. Skin toning and brightening tonic, can be prepared from a decoction of mint. To do this, pour a handful of leaves with a cup of boiling water and let them brew. Squeeze 2 lemons into the cooled and filtered broth. The result will be visible already at the end of the first week of application.
  4. Very useful for youthful skin and good color faces rub it every morning with an ice cube. Freeze a decoction of mint, parsley, chamomile, diluted cucumber and lemon juice and pamper your skin with pleasant sensations and natural care.
  5. Fair-skinned residents northern countries know a lot about skin whitening, because they often get freckles. Their recipe is a mixture of crushed blackberries and powdered milk. This gruel should be applied pointwise to those areas that you want to lighten. Keep on the skin no longer than 4-5 minutes daily. Results will be noticeable within 3 days.
  6. Efficient and useful scrub it turns out grated orange peel and honey taken 1 tablespoon. Spread the mixture on the face with patting movements and massage lightly. Such a tool will help to polish and whiten the skin, as well as smooth out fine wrinkles.
  7. Rub the viburnum berries and squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry. Moisten them with gauze and make a compress on the entire face. Such a procedure will not only whiten the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins, which this berry is rich in.
  8. Plain

Beautiful snow-white skin is the dream of every woman. Pimples and age spots often disfigure it. Only a few can effectively take care of the face. Sunburn is not for everyone, and the harm from it is often much more than good. It is possible to lighten the cover by applying cosmetics from sunburn, age spots, traces after acne, using masks.

Snow-white skin does not tolerate ultraviolet rays. To make the tan less intense, you can use professional products. It is better to buy it in a pharmacy. The more the filter is indicated on the tube, the more effective the protection against ultraviolet rays, the lighter the skin after their application.

There are different types of sunscreens:

  • cream;
  • sprays;
  • sunburn milk.

When choosing, in addition to the price, you should be guided by the composition, an indication of what type the product is intended for. Lightening the face is quite realistic only with the right, regular use.

1. The most inexpensive are brand creams sunlight. Sun protection factor or SPF (Sun Protection Factor) ranges from 2 to 100. Most high level provides SPF 100. The skin will not accept a tan with this filter.

2. Nivea enjoys well-deserved popularity. To achieve the effect, the drugs must be repeatedly applied to the face.

3. Ambre Solaire (a French brand made in France and Poland) launches a line of cosmetics with sun protection.

4. The drug manufacturer KRKA also produces a line of Vitaskin cosmetics, which undergoes rigorous testing and earns the well-deserved trust of customers.

Expensive series of cosmetics are represented by brands:

  • Vichy;
  • Bioderma (has a healing effect);
  • Uriage (contains minerals);
  • Lierac (famous French company).

To achieve the optimal effect, sunscreen should be applied every time you go out into the sun, lubricating your face about 30 minutes before the walk. At the beach, reapply after every swim.

Cosmetics for age spots

Skin whitening at home not an easy task. Cosmetics for contains chemicals. Before using it, you need to study the composition. Under the influence of hydroquinone, the skin can be damaged. Products with its content are recommended to be used no more than 2-3 months.

The most famous foreign brands:

  • Danny;
  • Lacrima;
  • Decleor.

Popular Russian brands:

  • Tehkon (Your Lordship's line);
  • Floresan (White linen series).

Biocon cream, face cream and mask are also in great demand Grandmother Agafya's recipes, cream Before and after trademark Twins Tech, Eveline products, Badyaga Forte cream-mask. All of them are great for whitening age spots in a week of use.

Cosmetics for spots after acne

To prevent the occurrence of spots after acne, you never need to squeeze them out. The presence of acne is a consequence endocrine disorders in the body or insufficient hygiene care. The skin is sensitive to temperature fluctuations, changes in air humidity, and air pollution. Treatment of acne should be carried out in stages, comprehensively. It is necessary to regulate nutrition, the work of the intestines, the endocrine system.

There is a mass cosmetics, which will help to quickly whiten the face after acne, lighten the skin at home.

They include ingredients:

  • salicylic and glycolic acids;
  • ichthyol;
  • zinc.

Usually pimples disappear without a trace within a week of treatment.

Simple but very effective recipe to remove spots after acne - this is badyaga and 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prepare a healing composition, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of badyagi with a few drops of peroxide until a mushy mixture is obtained. This remedy is applied to problem areas and kept for 15 minutes, after which the spots quickly peel off.

Contratubex gels (composed of gray onion extract, allantoin and heperin) and Zenerit (erythromycin, zinc) showed themselves well in the fight against hyperpigmentation after acne. They talk about it positive reviews women who used them.

Cheap and effective method getting rid of traces of acne is the use of synthomycin ointment, which is a mixture of castor oil and an antibiotic. Great for treating the rashes themselves, and also helps to effectively whiten acne spots.

Folk remedies

At home, every housewife has products that will help brighten her face. Perfectly whitens dairy and lactic acid products. Remember Cleopatra's famous bath recipe, when the queen bathed in milk and honey.

1. The skin of the face becomes lighter after a mask of sour cream or kefir.

2. Dry yeast and grapefruit mask is easy to prepare at home. Compound:

  • 20 g dry yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice.

The resulting slurry is applied to the pigmented areas and kept for 15-20 minutes.

3. Recipe for a curd-strawberry mask: add a few grated ripe strawberries to the curd. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 30 minutes.

4. The skin of the face is brightened with the regular use of an oatmeal mask. They are diluted in water and kept until swollen for 15-30 minutes. The finished mass is applied to the face. Pimples also disappear under its influence.

5. If you grate 1 cucumber, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and sour cream, you get a wonderful recipe for whitening at home.

You can fantasize a lot to get new types of brightening masks. The main thing is that the components are well tolerated, do not cause irritation.

In addition to cosmetic and folk remedies that help lighten the skin, you need to follow a few simple rules:

1. Be less on open sun. Use sunscreen.

2. Make sure that the diet has a sufficient amount of acids (folic, ascorbic). It has been found that they contribute to a decrease in the production of melanin, a pigment that causes the skin to become dark in color. Folic acid found in large quantities in the green part of plants (onion, parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel, spinach). Ascorbic acid is in abundance sauerkraut, currants, rose hips, apples, gooseberries, other fresh fruits and berries.

3. To achieve more lasting effect you can visit beauty salons that offer professional whitening.

4. Of the means of physiotherapy, microcurrent therapy helps to brighten the face. Due to the action of weak electrical impulses, the work of the lymphatics improves, blood vessels, tanning is reduced. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures. The skin is rejuvenated, radiant after these procedures.

The main thing is to remember that universal recipe to brighten the face, has not yet been invented. Snow-white skin - not so much natural gift how much is the result of daily painstaking care.

How to whiten the skin of the face at home without harm to health? This question is popular with thousands of people on absolutely different reasons. Often unwanted stains uneven tan or a sickly complexion seem like an insoluble problem. But this is not so, and for everyone there is effective method clarification.

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to whiten facial skin at home, it is important to have an accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired result. Each person has their own ideals of beauty, and the reason for lightening can be:

  • ugly tan;
  • dark spots;
  • yellowing of the skin due to smoking;
  • gray skin after or during disease of the internal organs.

For every problem there is good decisions, but, for the most part, skin whitening methods are universal.

For more effective clarification, it is necessary to carry out complete care behind the skin. Regardless of the main goal, you should:

  • thoroughly clean the face before the procedure;
  • use moisturizers immediately after procedures or at night to reduce the risk of dry skin;
  • after skin lightening, do not use decorative cosmetics for several days.

Failure to comply with these elementary rules may slow down or reduce the effect of whitening and may lead to inflammation of the skin, the appearance of acne.

Lightening aids and their uses

achieve desired color faces can be done with different means which can always be found at hand. But each method has its own application features and limitations, therefore, when choosing a skin lightening method, it is important to study all the nuances of the whitening procedure.


The most popular and easiest method to lighten the skin, remove unwanted spots and nourish the skin a little with vitamins is bleaching. Requires a slice of lemon or cotton ball dipped in lemon juice, wipe the face. Wash off the juice not immediately, but after 8-10 minutes.

Attention! Juice should not get into the eyes.

Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening for 3-4 days. If the effect is insufficient, you need to take a break for 1 day and repeat the course.

The method is well suited for whitening the skin after tanning at home, and also helps to make age spots barely noticeable or can even be completely removed.


The softest and most useful whitening method. Cucumber juice not only does not bring any harm, but completely changes the skin in appearance and touch. It easily copes with age spots and helps to brighten the face in cases of painful color. In addition to natural lightening, the product will make the skin supple and incredibly smooth, and soon rubbing with cucumber juice will become a permanent habit.

Juice can be squeezed out by any convenient way, the easiest way is to grate the cucumber on a fine grater, and then gently squeeze the pulp and discard. You need to immerse a cotton pad in the juice, squeeze it a little and wipe your face, the wetter the better. When the juice dries, repeat the procedure.

According to this scheme, you can and should wipe your face as often as possible, ideally at least 8 times a day. This procedure takes about 30 minutes in total and should be done every day for a week until the first visible effect. Then you can reduce the number of rubbing to 2, but you will have to continue the procedure every day until the skin color becomes as necessary. Maintaining results is easy. It is enough to repeat the procedure every 2-3 days (at least 8 wipes).

Interesting! You can mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1, thereby enhancing the effect. But in this case, it is necessary to wash your face after all rubbing. Do not leave lemon juice on the skin for a long time.


An indispensable product that can help in everything. So skin whitening is no exception.

Before using baking soda, you need to lather your face with baby soap and a product with a low concentration of alkali, and then apply a little baking soda to the soap suds, rub and leave for 5-7 minutes. Wash off everything with warm water.

Important! Soda requires mandatory hydration skin after the procedure, it is especially necessary for people with dry skin.


Hydrogen peroxide is in almost any first aid kit, and for good reason. With this tool, you can lighten both the skin and hair. But it is important to remember that excessive use of peroxide can lead to dryness and flaking of the skin of the face. The advantage of this method is that it can be used even if there are abrasions and scratches on the skin, there will be no harm.

Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to a cotton pad and wipe your face thoroughly. You don't need to rinse off the peroxide. If dryness and peeling appear, it is worth using a moisturizer after the procedure. Wipe the face in the morning and evening from 2 to 7 days until a visible effect is achieved. The method does well with tanned skin and quickly eliminates age spots.

Nuance! Peroxide bleaches everything. Therefore, you should be careful when applying peroxide to the eyebrows. But with regular use, this tool will help make the antennae light and invisible.


This tool goes into the top ten of the best and most convenient face and body skin care products. There are a million recipes with clay, but it is not necessary to use it with something. In the case of rapid whitening of the face at home, you can limit yourself to a minimum of components. For clarification suitable white, green or blue clay, the method is universal and suitable for all skin types.

How to whiten your face with clay? Need to breed it in warm water to the consistency of very fatty sour cream (or soft cottage cheese). Then apply a thick layer on the face and leave until complete drying. After washing with warm water and apply on skin light moisturizing cream. In clay paste, you can add a little (1 tablespoon per 50 g of dry clay) olive oil, 2-3 drops of essential oils.

Nuance! The skin under the mask may begin to itch - this is normal reaction on the drying of clay, do not worry.

Clay should be left on the skin until completely dry, but not less than 10 and not more than 25 minutes. Repeat this procedure beauticians advise every other day. Clay helps to restore the natural whiteness of the skin to smokers and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.


Parsley - useful plant, both for internal use and for external use. A decoction based on a plant helps to brighten the face at home quickly and painlessly. It is better to cook it from fresh herbs:

  1. Pour 50 grams of parsley with water (1.5 liters).
  2. After boiling, turn off the heat, close the lid, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain the decoction without branches into a separate container and cool.

You can wipe your face with a ready-made decoction using cotton pad or a ball.

Rinse off is not required. You can repeat the procedure 4 to 10 times a day until you get desired result(on average it takes about a week).

Interesting! Parsley helps to whiten the face after sunburn at home, and also copes with gray and earthy skin tones.

It is not necessary to choose one lightening method, it is quite possible that another will be more effective. Can be alternated various methods and even do several procedures a day. But be sure to give the skin a rest between procedures - at least 1 hour. But it is important to know that skin whitening at home can lead to disastrous results.

Whitening procedures are contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. It is useless to lighten skin that has turned yellow from smoking or has changed color due to illness. In such cases, it is necessary to deal with the root cause of the discoloration.
  2. You can not whiten the face with wounds, abrasions, cuts on it. The exception is hydrogen peroxide, but this should also be used with caution.
  3. At skin diseases do not smear the skin with anything superfluous. IN this case it is best to consult a dermatologist.
  4. Postpone bleaching if less than a month facial peeling was performed back. It is also worth waiting a week after epilation.

Retail also has professional tools to whiten the skin and eliminate age spots, pharmacies also have drugs that can lighten the skin. But the price for them is much higher, and there are more restrictions on the use and subtleties of use.