Snowman from plastic bottles. DIY snowman: the best ideas and options for creating various types of crafts (95 photos)

Snowmen with their own hands. Master class with photo

Author: Mishina Natalia Viktorovna, teacher.
Place of employment: MADOU Malinsky Child Development Center Kindergarten "Ivushka". Malino village, Stupinsky district, Moscow region.

Master class "Fashionable snowmen"

Appointment of the master class. This snowman can become a toy for a child, suitable for a gift, decorate the interior in New Year, This snowman can also be used in educational activities children in preschool, at home. The master class is intended for teachers, children and their parents.
Target: DIY snowman making toys
develop individual Creative skills;
develop artistic ability;
develop imagination and fantasy
learn to use scissors carefully;
we teach braiding;
we train the accuracy of the work.
cultivating a love for creativity
On a walk together with the guys we made a snowman. But the weather was warm, and our snowman began to melt. And we decided to make ourselves a non-melting snowman.
I am a happy snowman
I'm small, I'm big.
Blizzards help me
And snowdrifts sweep,
And then friends, girlfriends,
Forgetting toys at home
Who roll around the yard -
Everyone gets into the game.
Kom one, second and third -
How happy the children are!
Apparently I'm very good -
Looks like a snowman.
Every day to me in the morning
The kid comes running.
They lead a round dance
And this is every year!
Like a tree in the center of me,
And around my friends.
Stand up children, stand in a circle
The snowman is yours best friend!
- yarn of different colors,
- paper sleeves,
- small plastic white bottles,
- scissors,
- acrylic paints or gouache.

Work sequence:
1. The mode of a paper sleeve for rings 2 cm wide, this will be our basis for a cap;

2. Yarn mode into segments of 30 cm. For one hat, we need 35-40 segments;

3. Well, now we thread a thread folded in half into the ring and form a loop. Bring the ends of the thread into a loop and tighten. And so on the perimeter of the ring;

4. Bring all the threads inside the cap.

5. Make a pom-pom at the top of the hat. To do this, take a thread, tie it into a knot, upper part thread. Trim the ends to keep the pom pom the same length.

6. Such a hat can be made from any leftover threads. Very original and most importantly - fast and easy!
1. Yarn mode into segments of 60 cm. For one scarf we take three segments of different colors.
2. Fold each segment in half;

3. From above we tie our segments with a piece of yarn so that we can weave a pigtail;

4. Weave a pigtail, tie the end of the pigtail with a piece of yarn, leaving a small tail.

1. Remove the label from our bottle;

2. We draw a snowman with acrylic paint (it does not erase after drying) eyes, nose and mouth;

3. We put on a hat and tie a scarf.

4. You can make several snowmen with multi-colored hats and use yarn to assemble them into a circle, you get a round dance of snowmen.


is a fairly common New Year's craft, since it can be used both as an interior decor item and as a original addition for a Christmas present.

DIY Bottle Snowman Ideas may be very different. For example, you can make a soft snowman and place it on the New Year's festive table or under the Christmas tree next to Santa Claus. You can also place a beautiful craft on a windowsill decorated Christmas garland from coniferous branches.

In addition, there are variants of snowmen from plastic bottles with which you can decorate country cottage area or area near country house.

To make a choice suitable option can be viewed online do-it-yourself snowman from a bottle in a photo. In this case, in addition to many interesting and original ideas you can also view detailed master classes for the production of one or the other.

Do-it-yourself snowman from a bottle: photo

For work you will need: a transparent bottle of sweet sparkling water with a volume of two to two and a half liters, acrylic paints, thin dark-colored wire, pieces of fabric for mittens and a scarf, baby sock for a hat, cotton wool, a brush, a glue gun and an awl. In addition, prepare rice, peas or small pebbles.

First you need to thoroughly rinse the bottle and clean it of labels. Then at the top of the bottle do two through holes, thread the wire into them and bend it into the shape of handles. To do this, you can wrap both ends of the wire around a pen or pencil so that they become like a spring.

Next, fill the bottle with peas, beans or pebbles to make it more stable, and screw the cap on tightly. After that, paint the plastic with white acrylic paint. To make the color saturated, the paint should be applied in several layers, and apply each subsequent layer when the previous one is completely dry. When White paint dry, you can draw eyes, mouth and cheeks. In order for the cheeks to turn out neat and ruddy, use a cotton ball.

Then you need to cut out gloves from the fabric. To do this, first draw them with a simple pencil and then cut it out. In total, you need to make four identical parts, two for each handle. The sleeves are very easy to put on, you just need to glue them so that the wire is between them. Decorate the snowman's neck with a scarf. If you want to make a scarf with a fringe, just cut the ends of the fabric, and to keep the scarf from falling off, you can glue it on. For a hat, a sock is suitable, from which you need to cut off a part and fix everything with threads. If you want, you can also decorate the hat with a fringe.

Beautiful snowman from a bottle with your own hands

It can be made very quickly, which will especially appeal to children.

To do this, prepare a plastic bottle for baby yogurt (preferably curly), paper napkins of several colors, colored paper, a little PVA glue, a roll of transparent tape, scissors, an awl and a dark marker.

As in the previous master class, the plastic container must first be washed, cleaned of stickers and dried. Then take paper napkin and fold it into a long rectangle. With the resulting rectangle, carefully wrap the neck (you should get something similar to a bucket), and then secure the napkin with tape.

Fold a napkin of a different color in the form of a thin strip, which will be a scarf. Tie the finished scarf around the snowman's neck, and then make cuts in the form of a fringe on both sides. After that, you can draw eyes and mouth with a dark marker, and draw buttons on the body.

To make a nose, you first need to make a hole in the plastic with an awl. Work with an awl must be performed by an adult so that the child does not get hurt.

Insert a napkin or colored paper folded into a cone into the resulting hole, and to keep it securely, the base of the cone can be fixed with glue or tape. If you do it yourself, instead of an awl and colored paper, you can get by with plasticine.

Unusual snowman from a bottle with your own hands can become a real decoration of your cottage or country house. It is done quite simply, but the manufacturing process will take a little time. For such unusual crafts you will need a hard wire, a rope and, of course, a lot of plastic bottles (moreover, the snowman will need not whole containers, but only the bottoms of them). It will be very beautiful if the snowman is of the same color, and the eyes, mouth and buttons on the body are of other colors.

First you need to prepare the frame. To do this, make several balls from a hard wire, which will be the body, and then wrap them with a rope. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you to attach all the details to the wire.

After that, start preparing the parts themselves by cutting right amount plastic bottoms. Do this carefully so that all the blanks are the same. If you have all the bottles of different colors, do not worry. Prepared bottoms can be painted in desired color, and when they dry, string them on a wire frame. Or you can just paint the whole snowman later.

Before stringing the bottoms on the wire, two holes must be made in them, which are located on the same line. It is most convenient to make holes with an awl, which must first be heated.

When the holes are made, simply string the bottoms onto the frame so that they are arranged in rows. After that, tie each row to the frame in several places with a rope to make the craft more durable.

If you plan to paint plastic, you can either do it with acrylics or spray paint, which is much easier and faster. After the paint dries, you can add a scarf and a hat to the snowman, and only then put it on the site and admire the result of your work!

Traditional, figurative new Year decoration yards and gardens - snowmen. But since there is no guarantee that the winter will be so snowy that a snowman can be fashioned from his “native” material, you have to look for something more reliable for the basis of this garden craft. For example, a snowman can be in the form of crafts made from plastic bottles. All the more profitable: it will not melt.

To make a big snowman, you will need a lot of bottles, but the sizes can be varied. IN last resort, no one will forbid the construction of New Year's crafts from plastic bottles, whether it be a snowman or a Christmas tree, on a pedestal (for example, from a box or several). Actually, you will not need whole bottles, but their bottoms, the rest can be used for other garden crafts (perhaps in summer).

How to make a snowman out of plastic bottles

  1. First you have to make a frame of hard wire. Everything is simple here - ordinary balls (large and smaller).
  2. Wrap the wire balls with a rope or twine: this will make it easier to attach the details of the garden craft.
  3. Cut off the bottoms of plastic bottles. Of course, ideally, New Year's crafts of such a plan should be white, but if it was not possible to collect such an amount of white containers, you can successfully paint what is available, no matter what color it is. Of course, it is better to paint not whole bottles, but already prepared bottoms - save paint. Although, you can paint ready product. It will be convenient to do this from a spray can.
  4. In each bottom, make 2 holes with a heated awl - opposite each other.
  5. Connect the bottoms by stringing them on twine, cord. It should be a garland.
  6. It is easy to attach the garland to the frame: just tie the garland with short ropes to the rods from which the balls are made.

You can decorate snowmen, give them "charm" in different ways. Scarves, painted buckets, pots, etc. can be used. The main thing is that the decorations are bright: New Year's crafts should be just like that.

By the way, a wonderful Christmas tree is obtained from plastic bottles, under which snowmen will dance when the clock strikes 12.


A great summer alternative to a snowman is a snowman made of paper, rubber bands or plastic bottles.

The symbols of winter are the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and, of course, the snowman. Snowmen appear immediately after the snow falls, in every yard where there are children. Making a snowman out of snow is quite simple: three snowballs, branch handles, a bucket hat and carrots, which always serve as a nose for snowmen. Children create such snow sculptures with great pleasure, but there are many different ways how to make this character out of paper, fabric, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer and even plastic bottles or glasses. And it is not necessary to wait for winter and snow for this!

A do-it-yourself snowman can be a great gift or Christmas tree decoration, as well as a great addition to your home interior.

Snowman made of threads and balloons

Perhaps the easiest to make will be a snowman made of threads and balloons. It is done very quickly and it does not require almost any material costs, but the result will please you very much.

So, for work you will need:

  • five balloons
  • White thread. It is better if it is mohair, cashmere or another type of yarn that will give finished work slightly "fluffy" look. For a snowman measuring 30 cm, one small skein is enough
  • long needle

Work order

  1. We inflate three balloons of large, medium and smaller sizes and two identical small balloons - these will be the hands.
  2. We take a needle, thread the end of our thread into it, pierce through the bottle of glue and pull the thread through it. As a result, we have a thread that, when pulled through the bubble, will be saturated with glue.
  3. We wrap each ball with a thread until all the gaps disappear and it seems that our balls are balls of threads.
  4. We hang our "balls" in a warm place to dry for about a day.
  5. We connect completely dried blanks. How to make a snowman so that the balls are connected to each other beautifully and neatly? To do this, it is necessary to slightly press the joints inward and glue them together with a glue gun.
  6. The last step is to glue the eyes, nose and mouth. Then draw blush with a brush and attach a scarf and a broom.

What can you make a summer snowman from?

snowman fridge

A snowman symbolizes cold, frost and snow, but such a summer snowman will keep your food even in the hottest weather, and, moreover, will become a highlight of the kitchen interior and a real joy for the child.

For such a decor of a refrigerator or freezer, you will need:

  • self-adhesive tape in different colors;
  • black marker for drawing dashes on a carrot;
  • scissors;
  • round pattern;
  • ruler.

Snowman made of plastic cups

To make a snowman out of plastic cups, you will need:

  • glasses (the number depends on the size of the structure);
  • stapler;
  • some colored paper or fabric for decoration.

After laying the first row-base, we continue to build the next rows, making smooth transitions from the torso to the head by decreasing or increasing the number of glasses.

Snowman from a glass jar

Having shown imagination, a snowman can be made from almost any thing or material. So, for example, an ordinary jar, after simple manipulations, turns into a charming candlestick.

You will need:

  • some artificial snow;
  • PVA glue;
  • two small black buttons (or you can buy ready-made eyes in a special store);
  • mass for modeling, from which you will need to make a nose.

DIY plastic bottle snowman

A snowman that won't melt even in summer can be made from plastic bottles white color. For work, only their bottoms are required, which, in the absence of white bottles, can be painted with a spray gun.

  1. First you need to build two spherical frames, slightly different in size. For this, hard wire and twine are used.
  2. In each bottom, two holes should be made with a red-hot awl so that they can subsequently be strung on a cord according to the garland principle. The quality of the finished product depends on how accurately and evenly the holes are made.
  3. With the help of short ropes, we tie the garlands to the frame so that there are no gaps between them.
  4. We fasten the nose, eyes, buttons, tie a scarf. And from what to make a headdress, fantasy and the availability of items suitable for this on the farm will tell you. It can be a plastic bucket, a sewn cap or hat, and even an unnecessary saucepan. The main thing is that a do-it-yourself snowman made of plastic bottles looks elegant and fun.

Of course, not everyone will have enough bottles to build such a large structure, but you can make a snowman using just one yogurt bottle:

  1. In order to make such a craft, you should remove the packaging, and instead of a cap, build a bucket-shaped headdress.
  2. Next, using a hot awl, we make a hole for a “carrot” made of thick cardboard or plasticine.
  3. We draw eyes with a marker or black paint and tie a scarf.

How to draw a snowman?

It happens that there is a need (especially in the process of preparing for the New Year), to draw a snowman. It can be a drawing on the window, and preparation festive wall newspaper, And homework for a drawing lesson for a child. In such cases, the question arises, how to draw a snowman quickly and beautifully?. Most convenient option in such situations - make a drawing using step-by-step instructions.

Option number 1

  1. First, draw a circle and from below - an oval, which should be approximately twice over size circle.
  2. Now draw a bucket to the circle-head. Immediately erase the auxiliary lines.
  3. Stepping back a short distance from the center of the circle to the left, we depict a nose-carrot, and on the body - hands. One of them should be slightly raised up.
  4. IN right hand draw a broom for the snowman, and tie a scarf around his neck.
  5. We add a pen to the bucket, eyes and mouth in the form of dots on the face, and a button on the body under the scarf. Draw a hand around the broom handle, and at the top we will form the broom itself.
  6. We colorize the finished drawing.

Option number 2

There are a lot of options for drawing a snowman. Each of them may differ in the shape of the hands, the broom, the headdress, the number of circles of the torso. This snowman, at first glance, almost does not differ from the previous one, however, in the process of drawing, you can see that this is not entirely true.

  1. Let's draw three circles of different diameters: the largest of them should be located below, and the smallest - at the top.
  2. On the head we will draw a line for the bucket, on the middle circle-torso - along a small oval-arm, and at the bottom of the lower circle - oval legs. We immediately erase the auxiliary lines with an elastic band. Now, with the help of a ruler, we will lay a segment passing through left hand to the snowman's left leg.
  3. On top of the resulting segment, draw the broom itself in the form of an incorrect bow, and on the face we depict the nose and eyes.
  4. We bring to perfection the carrots, eyes, broom and torso with the help of lines and strokes. Let's make our snowman smile.
  5. Coloring the nose, bucket, eyes and broom.

How to weave a snowman out of rubber bands?

IN Lately among children school age such an occupation as weaving various figures and various cute trinkets from rubber bands has gained great popularity. A snowman can also be created using this fashion technology weaving. If the manufacture simple bracelets and some other items do not require special tools, then for weaving a snowman you need to have a special machine, which is sold along with rubber bands in toy and stationery stores.

The rubber band snowman can be used as a phone or key ring, and it can also be a wonderful souvenir gift for the holidays.

The process of weaving is quite laborious and requires certain efforts, patience and time.

Video master class will help you understand how to weave a snowman from rubber bands

How to make a paper snowman?

Paper is a universal material for creativity. From it you can make an application, figures from papier-mâché or origami.

It will take a lot of time to make a snowman using the modular origami technique, but the result of the work will justify all the efforts spent and will delight with its originality and beauty for a long time. Despite the apparent complexity of such a technique at first glance, any child of school age can cope with it. The main thing here is to learn how to fold correctly paper modules and understand the principle of their connection.

Having made such a triangle according to the scheme several times, the remaining modules will be obtained much faster:

Such blanks will require approximately 1300 pieces. However, if you have doubts about your perseverance and patience, you can make a slightly smaller snowman, which, accordingly, will allow you to get by with fewer modules.

How to make a paper snowman using the modular origami technique is simply and clearly illustrated by the following example of connecting paper blanks:

After the first circle is formed, the modules of the next row should be inserted with corners into the pockets of the modules of the previous row.

Do not worry if the first time it is not possible to form the round outlines of the craft. The peculiarity of the modular structure is that such products are very mobile and desired shape can be easily applied by hand.

After the snowman is ready, glue on the eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows and buttons. Then attach your hands and tie a scarf.

Having mastered the basic principles of a modular structure, you can easily create many other various crafts, which will delight you with their originality, become a source of pride and teach you how to spend your leisure time in an interesting and useful way.

Have you or your children already made a snowman from improvised materials? What was used for this? Tell about it in

The New Year is just around the corner. Absolutely everyone is looking forward to this holiday, especially children! We associate the New Year with snow and all the accompanying winter fun: sledding, skiing, skating and, of course, snowman. As soon as the first snow falls, the children run into the yards to make a snowman.

But what if there is no snow, but the soul needs a snowy friend? Nothing is impossible in the world, especially on the eve of the New Year! You can make a real snowman not only from snow, and in this article we will tell you in detail and even show you how!

paper snowmen

You can make snowmen with your own hands from any materials, even the most unexpected ones, but we will start with a simple one - with paper. Well, firstly, everyone has paper in the house, even those who are completely far from needlework. In any case, there will definitely be a couple of sheets of white paper. And for the snowman we just White paper and needed. And secondly, paper crafts are quite simple and straightforward to manufacture.

#1 Draw a snowman

There you are great idea crafts for kindergarten— snowman in snow globe. You need to cut out two simple blanks from colored paper, by the way, kids can do it on their own, the elements are large and do not require special care. And then in the ball with your fingers draw a snowman and snowfall. Craft snowman in kindergarten is ready!

And here is another craft idea for the little ones. Snowmen in this case are drawn using corks from plastic bottles. Need two plugs different sizes(larger and smaller). Smear with white paint and make an imprint. Finish the face, pens and buttons with felt-tip pens when the paint is completely dry. A hat and scarf can be made from colored tape, colored paper or felt, for example.

#2 Applications

Easy-to-make snowman crafts - using the applique technique. You will need white paper, glue and a little imagination. The simplest option is three circles glued to a sheet of colored or painted paper for contrast. You can additionally decorate the craft with glitter, sequins, stickers, etc.

Here is another version of a simple craft using the applique technique. The snowman does not look straight, but up, which adds magic and reality to the craft.

But a little more difficult option with small decorative elements. You can download the snowman template and decor elements below the picture.

And here is a snowman craft that can be hung on a Christmas tree as a toy or used as a gift tag, indicating to whom the gift is intended and from whom.

And here is a version of a snowman for kindergarten. The kid can quite cope with such a task, and most importantly, he will not have time to lose interest, because almost everything can be done by himself.

Here's a great advent calendar. You can make such a craft with a child, and it will be very convenient for him to count the days until the most important holiday or until the holidays. You can download the template below the photo.

And some more ideas:

See more:

#3 Origami

You can also make a snowman out of paper using the origami technique. There is nothing complicated, you just need to clearly follow the instructions, which are detailed in the picture below.

#4 Volumetric snowmen

You can also make voluminous snowmen out of paper. Here, for example, is a three-dimensional geometric snowman, which you can easily make using ready-made templates, which you can download under the picture. How to fold the workpiece is described in detail in the MK in the picture.

And here is the same snowman, only melted. You can also download the scheme under the master class.

And here is a snowman with a voluminous belly. Draw a blank for the snowman's body and additionally cut out a few circles in size with bottom snowman. Bend the circles in half and glue together, and then glue to the workpiece. Volumetric snowman ha Christmas tree with your own hands is ready!

And some more ideas:

# Vytynanki

If you have never heard of vytynanka, then it's time to get acquainted with this type of needlework. What are these very vytynanki - these are carved paper patterns. Moreover, you can cut out not only abstract patterns, but also entire concrete compositions. Vytynkami often decorate the windows of schools, kindergartens, shops and office buildings. Winter compositions look especially nice. Perhaps that is why it is customary for us to decorate windows with cutouts in new year holidays. Ready templates snowmen you can find below.

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Snowmen from felt

Felt is rightfully considered an excellent material for needlework. From this seemingly unremarkable material, you can create incredible crafts. In this article, you will find more than 30 DIY snowman craft patterns and patterns.

Patterns and patterns:

See more:


If you are a jack of all trades and are great with thread and needle, then you definitely need to do embroidery with a snowman this New Year. Here you will find more than 40 cutest schemes.


snowman treats

Decorate with snowmen New Year's table. Thematic treats for children's holidays are especially relevant. So if you are planning a big children's party, be sure to pay attention to the snowmen in the form of treats.

An unusual delicacy awaits guests from salty rings and white chocolate. You will need: chewing toffee, rings, chocolate (white and dark). Put the toffee on the parchment and put a little melted chocolate in the center. Then put the rings in this place and secure with chocolate again. Fill the rings themselves with chocolate and decorate with chocolate chips (eyes, nose, mouth, buttons). Wait for the chocolate to harden and wrap the scarf with toffee. The treats peel off the parchment very easily. It remains only to put the snowmen on a plate!

And here are the snowmen on a stick. For cooking, you will need sandwich cookies, white chocolate, chocolate chips and red round sweets. Place cookies on a stick and dip in chocolate. Immediately decorate with chocolate chips and red candy and send to dry. Dry can be put on parchment, the chocolate will not stick and will not be erased.

And to prepare such a treat you will need: chocolate (white and dark), bread sticks, marmalade for the nose. First, dip each stick in white chocolate and press firmly against each other for parchment paper. Wait complete drying. After this design, dip in dark chocolate (for a hat), draw eyes, a mouth and put a gummies nose. Wait for it to dry and try!

like this delicious gift can be decorated as a snowman. You will need donuts in powdered sugar, cellophane bag, red ribbon, black paper, marker. You can buy donuts at the store or make your own. Well, then everything is simple: put it in a bag, tie it with a ribbon (like a scarf), stick a hat and draw a muzzle. Great gift for a work colleague!

But a special treat - melted snowmen. Take a cookie, put chewing marshmallows (marshmallows) on it, cover with foil, send it to the oven for a few minutes. The marshmallow will melt a little. Now put on the second marshmallow on top, draw a muzzle and decorate with marmalade or sweets. Use toothpicks as handles.

More desserts for the New Year:

Snowmen Christmas balls

Do-it-yourself snowman can be made from Christmas balls. For such a craft, you will need either a special blank or an old one. christmas ball. Below are a few master classes on making snowmen from Christmas balls with your own hands.

To make such a snowman, you will need a ball blank, old sock, acrylic paint(or gouache), marker. Cut off the sock and put it on the ball. Pour a little paint inside the ball and twist the workpiece so that the paint evenly covers the walls of the ball from the inside. Tie a sock on top and draw the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth. Christmas tree toy snowman is ready!

And here's another simple version Christmas toys in the form of a snowman with their own hands. For manufacturing, you will need a ball blank, foam balls or white beads, a marker. Pour foam or white beads into the blank to the top, close the ball and draw a face. Christmas ball-snowman is ready!

Here is another variation on the theme of foam balls or beads. The only difference between this MK and the previous one is the decor of the ball itself, i.e. snowman. In this craft, the Snowman is additionally decorated with warm headphones. As an option, you can put on a hat, cap, or a more traditional option for us - a bucket.

And here is about the same snowman from a Christmas ball, only artificial snow is poured inside the blank.

And here great option crafts for children. Kids still don’t know how to draw properly, but they will definitely be able to decorate a Christmas ball with snowmen from fingerprints. Detailed MK look at the photo below.

And this one option is suitable for those who do not have a blank, but have an ordinary undecorated Christmas ball.

And some more ideas for inspiration:

More Christmas balls:

Snowmen from improvised materials

It often happens that you want to do creativity, but there is nothing at hand. Someone gets upset and leaves this venture until better times, while someone is looking for other opportunities. And rightly so, you can do crafts with your own hands from a variety of and sometimes unexpected materials that are sure to be found in every home. Now we will talk about such crafts.

#1 Snowmen from cotton pads

It is difficult to find a woman or a girl who would not have cotton pads. And they make wonderful New Year's crafts, especially if we are talking about snowmen. Cotton pad already initially has the correct round shape so you don't have to cut anything.

To create a volume of crafts, you can put a little ordinary cotton wool between the disks. Then the craft will resemble a miniature soft toy.

With kids, you can make applications from cotton pads by framing them like a picture or making, for example, a postcard for grandma or dad.

More crafts from cotton pads:

If there were no cotton pads, they are also suitable for crafts cotton balls. In extreme cases, just tear small pieces of ordinary cotton wool and glue. That will make it even more interesting.

Well, how exactly to stick cotton wool is up to you. Turn on your imagination, and the ice cream snowman is not the limit!

#2 Snowmen from paper plates

Cool crafts can be made from ordinary paper plates. Step by step master class for making a snowman-skier you will find below. The craft will appeal to both kids and older children.

And here is a simpler option: a triangle snowman. Ideal for kindergarten.

Or, for example, another simple do-it-yourself snowman, which can be made with kindergarten-age children. Simple, fast, cute!

And of course, a shiny snowman. We have all seen how snow shimmers in the sun. So that our snowman also shimmers like that, we will cover it with coarse salt. A couple of buttons for the eye, a couple for the blush - and the snowman is ready!

#3 Snowmen from paper cups

From improvised materials for making a snowman, suitable and paper cups. Additionally, for decoration, you will need several strips of felt, pom-pom and fluffy wire. step by step photo see instructions below.

#4 Snowmen from plastic cups

You can make a snowman with your own hands from plastic cups. The statue is huge and better fit for street decor. So if there is no snow, gather the kids from the yard and make a snowman without snow for the whole yard! Snow-snow, and festive mood should be no matter what!

#5 Snowman from plastic bottles

By the way, healthy snowmen are obtained from ordinary plastic bottles. So if you collect garbage separately, it's finally time for plastic bottles. Forward decor! By the way, plastic bottle snowmen can be used as skittles for New Year's bowling! Sign the number of points on each snowman and get the whole family real pleasure from Christmas holidays!

More ideas:

#7 Snowmen from salt dough

If you haven’t found anything suitable for crafts, then it’s time to do crafts from salt dough. Real sculptors definitely have a place to roam here. Well, kids can do crafts using fingerprints.

#8 Snowmen from old light bulbs

As an improvised material for making New Year's snowman crafts, you can use old burnt out light bulbs. A little glue, glitter and an old unnecessary light bulb turns into an original snowman!