Is it normal to move only in the lower abdomen? movements in the lower abdomen during pregnancy - user entry ksyushenka (id1127785) in the community safe pregnancy in the category of movement. Tension in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Your doctor can tell you exactly where your baby is in the womb.

On my own future mother it is not always possible to understand how the baby is located right now. The longer the gestational age, the easier it will be for you to determine the position is not yet born child in a stomach.

You will begin to notice certain signals.

So, you can independently determine the position of the child in the womb by the following signs:

If your your belly and belly button bulge forward and/or you feel jolts under your ribs, most likely the baby lies backwards.

If your stomach looks a bit flat and/or you feel pushing forward, most likely the baby is now in a position where his back is close to your back.

If you feel bump on the top of the abdomen(usually either on one side or the other), press lightly on it. And if:

  • You will feel that child began move everyone little body, most likely he or she is head down, and you pressed on the ass.
  • If tubercle movement was independent, without changing the position of the whole calf inside you, most likely the tubercle was a head that moves independently of the rest of the body.

If you feel baby hiccups in the lower abdomen he lies head down.

If a child hiccups in upper abdomen, baby's head up.

If you feel bumps above the navel, he or lies head down, and this is a very good position for childbirth.

If you feel strong abdominal pain and pain under the ribs and you are already on later dates pregnancy, the baby is most likely head up close to or under your ribs.

If pain absent It looks like the baby is head down.

Using an obstetric stethoscope, your partner can listen to the fetal heartbeat.

If baby's heartbeat below the navel- the child lies head down.

If heartbeat at or above the navel, it is positioned head up.

But the baby keeps turning over.

And don't forget that so far, the baby is not very big size, it is active and spins a lot. Therefore, the chances that, being in a certain position now, he will keep it unchanged in a few hours, are small. As time goes on, activity decreases.

belly map

Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, you can simulate the position of the baby using a map of the location of the baby and the doll drawn on the stomach. This will help you know if your baby is in the best position for birth and, if not, take action, such as special exercises that help the baby to adopt the optimal position for childbirth.

It is best to start drawing after a visit to the gynecologist, when he will tell you exactly where the head and butt of the child are, as well as his heartbeat.

Take non-toxic paints and a doll. Draw vertical and horizontal lines, dividing the stomach into 4 parts.

Now mark the location of the head and buttocks (according to the information of the doctor or own feelings described earlier in this article). Listen for the movements. Feel movement near the pelvis? If they are directed outward, the baby lies facing the stomach. If they are felt deeper in the nutria, then most likely he is facing your back.

It will be felt from the back of the child, which you will feel as an oblong solid part of the baby. If you don't find this firmness, the baby is probably facing outward and you will feel a soft area. These are the limbs and abdomen of the child.

Now take the doll and, based on the drawn location of the head and back, play with the intended positions of the child. Try to determine the place of the legs by jerks.

Please note that they can be both bent and elongated.

Why is it impossible to independently determine the position of the child in the womb?

There is a chance that you will not be able to determine the position of the child. This can happen if the mother has a lot amniotic fluid, the mother is chubby or the placenta is attached to the anterior wall.

The position of the fetus in the womb

Below we consider the main positions that a baby can take in the womb:

  • Front occiput presentation - The optimal position for childbirth is when the baby lies head down facing the back of the mother.
  • Posterior occipital presentation- the baby is head down facing the mother's stomach. Childbirth in this case can be protracted.
  • Breech breech presentation - the head is located at the top of the uterus, and the buttocks are directed to the exit through the birth canal. Depending on a number of factors, the doctor either succeeds in turning the child over or prescribes C-section.
  • Breech foot presentation - the head is located at the top of the uterus, and the legs are at the exit to the birth canal. There is also the possibility of delivery by caesarean section.
  • Oblique and transverse position of the fetus - the baby is located in the uterus horizontally. If childbirth began when the baby is in this position, a caesarean section is likely to be prescribed.

The child moves in the lower abdomen - is it good or bad? Having finally waited for the first movements of the fetus, the pregnant woman enthusiastically surrenders herself to communicating with her offspring. By the nature of the movements, by their activity and duration, much can be learned. Indeed, for a period of more than 20 weeks in the lower abdomen, that is, quite clearly, the movements are usually already well felt, and mothers begin to slowly get acquainted with the features of their little man.

By the way the baby moves, one can assume his temperament. And therefore, where the movements are most felt, they often learn about the location of the fetus in the uterus. Thus, the greatest activity for the lower abdomen may be characteristic of pelvic or transverse position. Of course, if your pregnancy has already exceeded 20-24 weeks. Before that, the baby is still quite able to change positions several times a day. Its size still allows it. At short periods, the child moves very low because both the fetus and the uterus are still small and have not risen higher.

But after 22-25 weeks, the child usually fits head down and waits for his birth. However, even after this period, the possibility of changing the position of the baby still remains. Some even make a big somersault on the eve of childbirth. Babies turn either ass or head to the birth canal. The second, of course, is more desirable. But although breech presentation and classifies childbirth as special, yet their natural outcome is usually positive. What can not be said about the transverse position of the fetus. In this position, the child is located with the ass and head in the lateral parts of the uterus, and the shoulder is facing the exit. In such an arrangement natural childbirth are not possible and a caesarean section is used. not common and found in very low interest women.

Another reason why the child moves in the lower abdomen may be weakness and flabbiness of the muscles of the abdomen and uterus. This is more common in expecting a second and subsequent children. The reason for this to turn around can be a fibroid or fibroma of the uterus. His head simply does not fit next to the neoplasm, and he turns his pelvis towards him.

Excessive freedom of movement and the ability to lie down across gives and polyhydramnios. However, oligohydramnios, which limits movement, can also be a cause. The small size of the fetus, as well as unusually large, in the same way as water, are risk factors. Also because of placenta previa, narrow pelvis the head may not fit into the pelvis.

In short, numerous deviations and anomalies can contribute to the violation normal flow preparation of the fetus for childbirth. But in modern conditions all of this is easy to spot. Appropriate measures are taken and even "transverse" children are born healthy.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is coming. Movements in the lower abdomen finally stand out against the background of other processes occurring in the body. Now they can no longer be confused with a banal rumbling or swelling. Together with the baby, you have already passed half of the path of development, and the most difficult and responsible part of it. This period of pregnancy is characterized by an increasing need for iron. And the most important and interesting thing is what happens to your precious baby, how he grows and develops.

22 weeks - how many months?

The 22nd week of pregnancy continues. Movements in the lower abdomen are not just obvious, the baby is already trying to play with you, and you can guess the time of activity and rest. This is the most calm and cloudless period for the entire pregnancy, the baby is not too big yet, and the mother feels at ease, it is possible to lead a full-fledged, active life. But at the same time, regular movements let you know that life is developing inside you. It is the second week of the sixth month of pregnancy - there is not much time left before maternity leave.

The belly has already increased significantly, now mom needs to buy special clothes in which she will be comfortable. But at the same time, the tummy is not yet so large as to interfere with tying shoelaces or leading habitual image life. It's time to think about special means to moisturize the skin, as constant tension on it can lead to tears.

fruit during this period.

The doctor put a note on the card that the 22nd week of pregnancy had begun. Movements in the lower abdomen at this stage are one of the factors that mark proper development child. If until now you have not felt the slightest movement of the child, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional examination to assess the condition of the fetus. The phase is coming active growth baby and his preparation for life outside the mother's tummy.

The appearance of your crumbs is also transformed. His hair begins to grow, his eyebrows are clearly visible. So far, the hair is colorless, since the melanin has not had time to appear. The baby begins to actively learn the world and himself. He bends the legs and arms, moves them. This is what a mother feels at 22 weeks pregnant. Movements in the lower abdomen are nothing but a manifestation of this activity. Now the baby already knows how to suck his finger, and the development of the brain allows you to make a choice: tilt your head or raise your finger to your mouth. Vision and the baby are actively developing - this will allow him to explore the world after birth.

fetal ultrasound

Second planned ultrasound marks the 22nd week of pregnancy. Movements in the lower abdomen give the doctor information to adjust the period, and the examination will allow you to calculate the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In addition, the uzist examines the fetus for possible malformations. To complete the conclusion, the doctor determines the parameters of the baby's body and the ratio of its parts. This examination usually remembers the 22nd week of pregnancy. A photo of your ultrasound can be placed in a frame until the first picture of the newborn appears there.

Fruit size

Your child is still very small, but every day he will change and grow. It is the 22nd week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus show a real little man with somewhat angular shapes. His height from the crown to the tailbone is about 16 cm, and to the heels - about 25 cm. That is, inside you is a creature the size of a large banana. Only from this moment on can the growth of the child be fully assessed, before that small bent legs were not taken into account. The weight of your crumbs is approximately 300 g. Despite the miniature size, everything the most important organs and the systems are already formed and able to fully function. True, the chances of surviving at birth in this moment he has practically none.

The heartbeat can now be easily heard with a conventional tube through the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman. The first stage is being completed - the formation of the lungs, now the baby begins to take the first episodic breaths. This moment is characterized by the 22nd week of pregnancy. An ultrasound photo can capture the moment when the baby inhales and swallows. This is an excellent workout for the intestines, which is already starting to work. The result will be the original stool, which is called meconium. This is a black viscous mass that will begin to stand out from the intestines in the first days after birth.

Fetal development

If you are 22 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus has already reached its first major stage. The brain is already almost completely formed, its intensive growth slows down, now he reaches a weight of about 100 g. The brain contains a full set of cells, now it's time to improve reflexes. Endocrine glands begin to develop actively, start sweat glands, the size of the heart increases, calcium deposition continues Surprisingly, there is another indicator that characterizes the 22nd week of pregnancy. The size of the fetus is still quite small, but the spine is already fully formed.

woman at 22 weeks

You've already had an ultrasound. According to the results, the doctor confirmed that it was the 22nd week of pregnancy. Fetal development is all mom cares about today. But it is equally important to know what is happening with your own body. You have now reached half way. This is a significant mark, further time will fly even faster, bringing the due date closer every day. Now the top of the uterus is located at the level of the navel, and gradually it will rise even higher. Making sure you're getting enough iron is a must now. This is required by a growing baby, a placenta and a constant increase in the amount of blood. Surely your gynecologist will prescribe you as soon as the 22nd week of pregnancy goes. The development of the fetus occurs by leaps and bounds. Now there are increased requests for women's nutrition. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we will continue to discuss the feelings of the expectant mother.

Changes at 22 weeks

By this time, every woman has accumulated many questions, almost all of them are related to the development of the baby and upcoming birth. Therefore, it is worth enrolling in motherhood courses as soon as the pregnancy reaches 22 weeks. The photo of the fetus still shows the blurry outlines of a little man, but he will grow up very soon, so you should prepare in advance. You still have about 14 weeks to fully meet the birth.

In the meantime, it's getting harder to sleep. This is quite understandable from the point of view of physiology. The first difference is that you started to snore. This is due to hormones, due to which the nasopharynx swells. There can be only one way out - to sleep on your side or half-sitting. There is another violation: as soon as a woman lies down, an attack of heartburn intensifies. The way out is the same again - put more pillows under your head.

Convulsions are another unpleasant symptom, which appears when the pregnancy is 22 weeks. A photo of the fetus is the only thing that can bring moral relief. After all, you are not suffering in vain. The cause of cramps is usually banal - muscle protest against excess weight, which has to be worn. Try rubbing your feet at night with special balms, do warm baths, accept different positions put pillows under your feet. Until the end of the term, you will have to experiment, because so far you are only 22 weeks pregnant. The size of the fetus will only increase, bringing more and more physical discomfort, but also the joy of approaching a meeting with a miracle.

Feelings during this period

Most interesting period- 22 weeks pregnant. What happens to the baby, now you can judge not only by the results of the examination by the doctor. From now on, you constantly feel his movements, he not only warms up, pushing his mother, but also sends her certain signals. So, for example, the activity of the child may mean the requirement to turn down the loud music. But there are more alarm signals. Too frequent and sudden movements of the crumbs can mean a lack of oxygen, and the lack of movement for more than a day is an ominous symptom. So opens the period of communication with the baby 22 weeks of pregnancy. What is happening with your child, now you can feel like never before, because he responds to your touch and invitation to interaction.

If you have reached this period, then most often this indicates that the normal development of pregnancy is underway. Week 22 is the time mom needs to turn close attention on their own health, especially the genitourinary system. Pregnancy most often provokes an exacerbation of diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. This can have very dire consequences, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and give urine. Alarming symptoms are severe swelling, agonizing thirst and insignificant urination.


The doctor will definitely send you for an examination to evaluate (week 22). As usual, it will be necessary to donate blood, according to which doctors will determine the level of sugar, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes. The second line will serve as urine. Especially alarm symptom- this is the presence of protein in it, this can lead to preeclampsia, a formidable complication. To warn him, the doctor regularly weighs, measures the circumference of the abdomen, and checks for edema.


Normally, they do not change throughout pregnancy. It's all the same moderate light discharge with a sour smell. If they drastically change their color and smell, become greenish and bubbly or yellow - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important not to delay with if blood appears in the discharge. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent the situation from worsening.

Sex at 22 weeks

Not a reason for absence intimate life and 22 weeks pregnant. at the moment of closeness of the parents, they usually subside, he seems to freeze, so as not to interfere with mom and dad being alone. Perhaps he is calmed by the rhythmic movements and hormones produced by the mother at this moment. But poses that promote strong compression of the abdomen are not recommended. Don't forget there are three of you now.

woman nutrition

Imposes special restrictions on the diet 22 weeks of pregnancy. How many months will pass before you can afford harmful, but delicious food! After all, there is still a long breast-feeding. But motherhood is worth it, so you have to be patient. Now you need to monitor your weight, which means that nutrition should be extremely healthy and natural. Try to minimize in your diet White bread and pastries, sweets, smoked meats and semi-finished products. You need protein, so you can eat lean meat and fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. Proper nutrition- it's a pledge normal development child. Easy childbirth!

By the end of the twentieth week of pregnancy, its first half will also end - after all, five obstetric months have already passed. This is an important milestone for a pregnant woman - she begins to fully realize all the responsibility for the baby, because now she feels him better.

The baby is also going through an important stage - the formation of its organs is ending, and from now on it will grow and improve. He begins to take control of his body - it is not without reason that it is at this time that mothers first feel the movement of the baby.

Many mothers feel anxiety and fear for the life and well-being of the baby. If you, too, cannot get rid of these emotions - turn to the help of loved ones, meet on the playground with mothers who are at a later date or have even given birth to a baby - their help and advice will help you a lot!

20 weeks pregnant: how many months have passed? The fifth obstetric month of pregnancy ends (in one obstetric month - exactly 4 weeks, or 28 days).

What's happening?

The belly at the 20th week of pregnancy may not yet be visible to others, but you can see how it is rounded. This gestation period is golden - early toxicosis has already ended, mommy has an excellent appetite, practically no health problems, and the baby is already making itself felt.

Very rarely, back pain, heartburn and nausea, varicose veins, constipation and hemorrhoids can disturb anyone in this period. Basically, these problems begin to haunt the pregnant woman only after a couple of weeks, and now you can enjoy your good health and communication with the little one.

The fetus and its development at the 20th week of pregnancy

The fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy is still quite tiny - its weight is 270-300g, and the length from the crown to the toes is no more than 25-27 cm.

The kid is actively growing and developing, he does many things for the first time.

The eyes of the fetus develop - photoreceptors appear on the retina. Now your baby can see the light. If the baby's eyes were closed before the 20th week of pregnancy, now the blink reflex begins to form in him. In addition, facial expressions are being actively improved - the child squints, opens his mouth and makes grimaces.

All layers are formed in the skin, it becomes thicker and reddens. If before that the skin was translucent and smooth, now it becomes denser, wrinkles form on it. In addition, they are actively working sebaceous glands producing a special secret. This secret - the original lubricant - covers the skin of the fetus, protecting it from moisture and other factors. In addition, lanugo begins to form on the skin, a fluff appears in place of hair, eyebrows and cilia. The baby's nails are growing.

The baby's heart is also actively developing - at this time, the fetal heartbeat can not only be seen on ultrasound, but also heard with a stethoscope through the mother's tummy.

The nervous system of the child matures - he begins to actively move, tries to grab his fingers for his body parts, the umbilical cord, sucks his finger.

The lungs are actively formed, but at this stage of development they are not yet able to provide the baby with oxygen. It will take another couple of weeks, and the child will begin to make training breathing movements, preparing for an independent life.

The intestines also begin to work actively - the baby swallows amniotic fluid, due to which meconium is formed in the intestines - the first feces that will leave the baby's intestines after his birth.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below we present to your attention ultrasound pictures on this period.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is one of critical aspects pregnancy - after all, both its deficiency and excess can lead to serious problems. Considering what's happening right now active formation of all systems of the baby, it is vital to provide his body with all the necessary materials.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman at week 20 should be light and varied - these are fresh herbs, lean meat, lean fish, dairy products and cereals. Should be eliminated from the diet simple carbohydrates, which do not carry any benefit for the baby and mother. No need to eat spicy and pickled foods. Drinking alcohol during the formation of the baby's nervous system can be fatal for its further development.

should be adhered to drinking regime- drink a lot clean water, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices, weak tea with milk. It is better to avoid store-bought juices, and the use of sugary and carbonated drinks should be completely abandoned. The total volume of liquid should be at least 2 liters per day.

In order not to increase pressure and edema does not appear, salt intake should be significantly limited. Salt negatively affects the functioning of blood vessels, in addition, it contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

It is also necessary to monitor the number of calories consumed - the weight should increase by no more than 3-5 kg. If you put on too much weight already by the middle of pregnancy, then you will have serious problems for childbirth, and the process of childbirth itself will take place with complications. If you're gaining too much weight, rethink your meal plan, include more fiber in your diet, and limit your carbohydrate intake.

Baby movements at 20 weeks pregnant

The 20th week of pregnancy for primiparous mothers is marked by the first movements of the baby. Of course, you could have felt these gentle touches before: many mothers compare the first movements of the baby with the touch of the wings of a butterfly, while others say it is like a fish swimming in the stomach. If your baby pleased you with his activity before, now you can clearly distinguish his movements from the work of the intestines and other sensations.

Your baby is still very small, so he can move freely in the uterus. Of course, most of the time he rests. But from time to time it can seriously disturb the mother with its activity. Watch how your baby behaves, talk to him and sing songs - this will help him calm down. If you notice that the baby has become too active, does not calm down - this may indicate a lack of oxygen or an uncomfortable position that the mother has taken. Try to change position, walk around, go out into the fresh air.

Mom's Feelings

Mom at the 20th week of pregnancy can experience many new, not always wonderful sensations. Of course, you should not have any special health problems by this time, but a growing tummy can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

Firstly, due to the shift in the center of gravity, pain in the spine may appear. You become more clumsy, although it is not yet so noticeable. If the belly is growing fast enough and it causes you discomfort, it's time to think about wearing a special bandage that will help eliminate discomfort.

Besides, fast growth the tummy causes the skin to stretch, which can cause it to itch. To avoid these unpleasant sensations, apply special products to the skin of the abdomen daily. Proper Care behind the skin will help to avoid stretch marks and stretch marks.

Enlargement of the uterus and squeezing of blood vessels can lead to such unpleasant phenomena as hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Constipation contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids - that is why you need to include more fiber and water in the diet. To prevent varicose veins, you need to wear special elastic underwear for pregnant women.

If the uterus is much smaller than it should be, you do not feel the movements of the fetus - this may be a sign of oligohydramnios or missed pregnancy. Oligohydramnios during pregnancy can also indicate malformations of the fetus. Ultrasound screening, which is carried out in the period of 20-23 weeks, can answer these questions.

Enough common problem in the second trimester of pregnancy, cramps in the calves become - they occur for many reasons: this is weight gain, and an increased volume of circulating blood, and a lack of calcium. If cramps bother you too much, try to get more rest and eat foods rich in calcium. Don't forget to have enough water.

What if twins?

If you have two crumbs in your tummy, then their development corresponds to the timing - they also become very active, which can cause discomfort to your mother. The tummy in the presence of twins grows faster, so the mother can already be tormented by pain in the spine, heartburn and nausea. Mom often runs to the toilet due to bladder compression.

If before the 20th week of pregnancy with twins, the risk of miscarriage was quite high, now it is significantly reduced. Otherwise, twin pregnancy does not differ from the usual one at this time.

Discharge and pain at 20 weeks pregnant

At the 20th week of pregnancy, you may notice an increase in discharge - this is due to the flow of blood to the genitals. The discharge should not be very copious, viscous, clear or milky, with a sour smell.

The appearance of abundant watery discharge can talk about leakage of amniotic fluid, and yellow-green fetid or curdled discharge, accompanied severe itching about infection.

The appearance of scarlet blood is possible with low placentation. If you have a deadline low placentation May present with intermittent bleeding. In this situation, doctors carefully monitor the course of pregnancy and prescribe special treatment.

In case of any deviations from the norm in the nature of the discharge, you should contact your doctor.

Pain at the 20th week of pregnancy should not bother mommy. There may be some discomfort in the spine due to the increased load on it. Pain and cramps in the legs are also possible - for the above reasons.

Also during this period, the appearance of training contractions is possible - this is a painless contraction of the uterus, which disappears after a change in position or walking - this is how the body prepares for childbirth. If you feel severe pain in the abdomen, blood appears in the secretions, or they have acquired Brown color- immediately contact the clinic, these signs indicate the threat of interruption.

Required studies and analyzes

During this period, visits to the antenatal clinic are monthly, before each visit, a urine test is taken. Ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to assess the development of the child, identify abnormalities in the structure of organs, education disorders amniotic fluid. In addition, the blood supply of the baby is studied on ultrasound, the vessels of the umbilical cord are examined.

At the reception in antenatal clinic the doctor will measure the size of the pelvis and the height of the fundus of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and pressure. Often, a chair examination is performed to assess the condition of the cervix.

Other studies are carried out only if there are indications and deviations found during the examination.

Sex at 20 weeks pregnant. Is it possible or not?

Sex at the 20th week of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but also useful for mommy's body and forging family relations. At this stage of pregnancy, dads most often begin to worry about the fact that the wife loves the child more, and now all her time will be given to the baby. Sex will help show that your husband is just as important to you as ever. Show that you still love him, and the child will only add love and affection to your marriage.

During sex, you need to be careful, although the risk of harming the child is minimal - he is reliably protected from environmental influences.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I have the first pregnancy, 20 weeks - leaking water already during the day. How dangerous is this for a child?

Leakage of amniotic fluid at this time indicates a threat of miscarriage or infection of the fetus. At given state mandatory hospitalization in a hospital and treatment aimed at prolonging pregnancy and preventing the spread of infection to the fetus.

Lately I have been suffering from constipation. How dangerous and what does constipation at 20 weeks of gestation indicate?

Constipation during pregnancy is associated with changes in hormonal levels and compression of the intestine by the pregnant uterus. Persistent constipation can lead to hemorrhoids. To prevent constipation, eat plenty of fiber, prunes and other dried fruits, drink more water.

What should be hemoglobin at 20 weeks of gestation? Before pregnancy, the analysis showed 130 g / l, now it is 115 g / l - is it dangerous for the child?

From the 20th week of pregnancy, the blood volume of a pregnant woman begins to actively increase - this is necessary for sufficient provision baby and mother with oxygen and nutrient substrates. Because of this, it is possible to dilute the blood with its liquid components, against this background, the hemoglobin level can drop to 110 g / l - physiological anemia of pregnant women. With lower hemoglobin numbers, the doctor will prescribe you treatment. You also need to eat foods rich in iron - liver, meat, apples.

I recently noticed that droplets of liquid stand out from the nipples. Is it possible that this is produced by colostrum at 20 weeks of gestation?

Not only the uterus is preparing for childbirth, but also the mammary glands of a woman. Colostrum production may begin as early as 16 weeks of gestation - you will notice droplets of a sticky sweet liquid on your nipples. The nipples are as if greased. In no case do not press on the nipples - you can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. Wear special liners, only cotton underwear, carefully observe breast hygiene.

12/18/2014 Answered questions: Evgeny Pogolosov Useful materials:

Baby's first movements

No matter how long a mother has learned about her pregnancy, no matter how long she has been preparing for it, real awareness comes only when, finally, the first movements of the fetus appear. And although this moment is absolutely impossible to describe in words, believe me, these feelings can be considered one of the happiest for a woman during pregnancy.

It doesn’t matter at all whether this is the second pregnancy, or you will have your first birth ahead. This moment and this feeling is unique. Someone describes them, comparing them with butterflies in the stomach. Some call them "bulk". Someone more prosaically selects scientific names for the movement of the fetus during pregnancy. But the fact remains that this is the first time a mother feels her child.

Some numbers

The very first fetal movements appear as early as 8 weeks, but the mother cannot feel them. Over time, the sensations in the lower abdomen become much clearer, the baby grows, his movements become stronger. They are already very difficult to miss even with the first pregnancy.

The first movements in the abdomen, which can be easily felt, occur at 16-24 weeks, this is the norm. If this is your first pregnancy, it is most likely the 20th week, if the second and further - 18. But remember: this is just the norm according to statistics. If you are within the interval, everything is in order.

Starting from this day, it is much easier for doctors to calculate the time of birth. Usually they add 20 weeks of pregnancy if the birth is the first, and 22-23 if the second.

After that, when your baby begins to move, you should carefully monitor his movement schedule. If it suddenly becomes lethargic or inactive, you should immediately inform the doctor about the lack of movement in the lower abdomen. Count daily rate maybe about 10 times. When you count much less perturbations in a day, it is better to consult a doctor.

When there is no movement for more than 12 hours, this is no longer just an occasion to think - this is a very clear hint of the fetus that he has problems. Don't start like this. Very carefully monitor your condition in the lower abdomen, do not forget to count the movements.

What does it depend on?

How active the fetal movement is depends on both the mother and the child. It is difficult to identify any one reason: there is a whole complex of them. When you want to calm the baby, reduce the amount of movement, remember that movements can occur for completely different reasons.

If we consider the fetus itself separately, then we can distinguish several signs that depend only on it:

  1. Character - the more active the fetus in the womb, the more active it will be in life after childbirth. And vice versa.
  2. Well-being. For the fetus of perturbation, this is the only way show the world how it feels. This can be considered a hint that the baby is bored or sad.
  3. State of the art. Perhaps movement is not enough when the fetus has not yet reached the desired level of development. Do not consider this a problem: each child grows differently and begins to move at different times. Yours will catch up later.
  4. Pose. If the baby is uncomfortable, he will shove and push.

There are also signs that depend only on the mother and the environment:

  1. Woman nutrition. Hunger and malnutrition will make the baby move.
  2. Tasty food. When you eat something tasty, for example, sweet, the baby will express his consent and requests for more in this way.
  3. Uncomfortable posture of the mother - directly affects the posture of the fetus.
  4. Psychological condition. Can be considered one of the main factors. If the mother is sad, stressed or panicked, the fetus feels all these emotions. He wants to cheer up his mother, and after stirring you are always happy.
  5. Surrounding smells and sounds, such as a familiar voice. This can be considered a memory: the baby already remembers your voice and will respond to it, showing recognition.

Research methods

When the fetal movement begins, another one will fall on the woman's head. important work- Monitor activity. Indeed, by how often these sensations appear in the lower abdomen, a lot can be said. So, it will be necessary to carefully monitor them, count and write them down. For example, you can create a special table for fetal movements. This information can then be examined in three different ways:

Start the study in the morning before 11 am. It will be necessary to count the movements for the next 12 hours, be prepared for this. Minimize any activity as much as possible. After the last stirring, note the hour. If no movement occurs during this time, after 60 minutes, start provoking activity: walk around the room, eat something tasty.

When the next movement occurs, note the hour again and repeat the procedure. Write everything carefully in a notebook or diary. You can assume that when you reach 10 pieces per day, this is the norm, you can stop the study. If you have stimulated movements several times, be sure to contact your doctor with this information.

In this case, do not stimulate activity in any way. Relax and wait. Just count the number of movements he starts in 12 hours. When the mark exceeds 10, everything is fine, this is the norm. But if the amount is not enough, we can assume that the child is not active enough. Contact your doctor.

Eat well and eat delicious food too. After that, mark for about 2-4 hours and do nothing, relax completely. Wait for the fetus to move. Just write down the number of movements that the baby begins, but do nothing. Ideally, there should be up to 10 due to tasty food. You need to carefully count all the sensations, writing them down in a table, preferably with comments. Show them to your doctor later.

Usually, all these studies during pregnancy are carried out when something is not right. If you have more than 10 movements per day, you can consider this the norm and relax. Do not worry once again, especially if this is the time of the first pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your baby will feel just fine.

Interestingly, until this stage of pregnancy, the movements were not so noticeable. The movements that occur at week 25 become more conscious. Expectant mothers feel movements during this period, similar to the sharp flutter of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish. Gradually, the movements intensify and are more vividly felt. The baby's movements at week 25 can be unpredictable and semi-reflex, but every day there is a normal movement controlled by the baby.

The second time or third pregnancy, the mommy feels her baby 1-3 weeks earlier, which is the only difference. Secondly, such sensitivity is also associated with the uterus, which did not fully return to its original state after the birth of the older child.

Can mothers feel pain during this time?

When Mom Can't Count required amount tremors, it means the baby is feeling unwell. Sadowski's method monitors the baby's reaction to his mother's meals. A pregnant woman should listen to movements within an hour after eating. If you managed to count 4 or more, then everything is fine. Important! A deviation of 1.5 times from the norm in one direction or another indicates problems with the health of the baby. The study lasts about 30 minutes, during which the mother notes all the movements of the child using a special sensor. Important! The baby's heartbeat should not be monotonous.

Moms note that the baby often “moves” when mommy tries to lie down or sleep. Babies in the tummy like a slight swaying while going to the store or doing household chores. At this time, they sleep more often. After birth, this habit persists for quite some time. Also important is the communication of the pope with the little miracle. The touch and voice of the father calms both the baby and the mother after suffering stress or excitement. And vice versa, the baby will want to thank dad for talking and stroking his tummy.

Primiparous mothers simply torment themselves with the question: when can you feel the cherished tremors? Although the sensations of pregnant women are far from unambiguous, all children begin to move actively and orderly from 16-18 weeks. Important! Late stirring is not always a sign of deviations.

My dear guys, I am a doctor and have come across this many times! This is not a child, but a growing stomach. 6.5 months ago there was a caesarean section and appendicitis was excised at 6 months of pregnancy. I gave birth 10 months ago, I'm breastfeeding, I still don't have my period. Every evening I pump the press for a month and today I feel movements in the left side of the abdomen. I think from the fact that the press I shake can really began to exist in the process of digestion. And then he went to the doctor. The diagnosis was disappointing - cancer abdominal cavity. Or maybe you are sick with something, maybe someone left you, and you suffer and come up with nonsense. In general, this increase either needs to be supported or treated in a hospital!

However, I still have regular periods. She asked for an ultrasound, they said to go to a psychotherapist, they say these are problems either with the psyche or with the intestines. Advise how to be? Thank you very much! You can also ask a new question, and our doctors will answer it after a while.

Most are familiar with the feeling when future baby makes itself felt, pushing against the walls of the uterine cavity. The first time the fetus begins to move when it is three to five weeks old. This is due to the fact that the hearts of the unborn baby have already begun to beat.

Unfortunately, at week 20, the baby is small and immature, and will not be able to survive in the event of a dangerous situation. If the stomach hurts a lot at the 20th week of pregnancy, then you should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid a tragedy. He will suture the cervix (to eliminate the threat premature birth) or a special device that will keep it in correct position and help limit movement.

Increased gas formation in the abdomen

This process is known in practice as peristalsis. Activity digestive system depends on the diet, the state of human health, features nervous system. If a person is completely healthy, then peristalsis does not cause any discomfort.

At increased gas formation You can also feel as if something is moving in your stomach. It's pretty delicate issue, which you will not talk about during an evening conversation over tea. Nevertheless, flatulence can cause discomfort.

One of unpleasant reasons the formation of a tumor, which gradually begins to grow, is considered. Adhesions, tumors in the intestines, stomach or liver, polyps are a significant danger to humans.

Exists a large number of diseases that are accompanied by abdominal pain. When a woman experiences discomfort and constant pain, this not only brings her physical suffering, but also directly affects her emotional and psychological condition. I assume that the ovary hurts, every time either in the middle of the cycle, or does not even stop hurting before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes periodic discomfort in the lower lateral parts of the abdomen appear with constipation, which is also common in pregnant women. But, having dropped down, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder - naturally, urination becomes more frequent. Coccyx cracking, convulsions, runny nose, cough, sore throat. Headache. But we are happy! Everything is so new to you. But the first stirring of the child will cause the strongest emotions. My stomach let go, but the baby began to kick hard, especially painfully shoving me into the bladder.

At the ninth week, the baby swallows amniotic water, which in fact is already a rather complicated movement. By the nature and intensity of the movement, mothers and doctors judge the condition of the baby. It is indescribably pleasant to feel the movement of the fetus, especially during the first pregnancy, and even the simplest and most the right way self-diagnosis. By the location of the shocks, the mother can determine the location of the child in the tummy. Myoma or uterine fibroids make their own adjustments to pregnancy, as they interfere with the baby in a tight tummy. Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, on the contrary, hinders movement and the baby may not have time to take the correct position.

At exercise blood circulation normalizes, back pain decreases, general well-being improves. Physical exercise help prepare female body directly to childbirth and strengthen immune system. Do not ignore the slightest changes in the body at this stage of pregnancy. This will be the key to good prevention of complications during childbirth. The information on the physiology of the development of pregnancy obtained in such courses will be the most important.

movements at 19 weeks

hair after sex


We are now 35 weeks. Until yesterday, he was digging all the time only at the bottom, he reached the maximum level of the navel, well, maybe twice a day. last month I felt it higher (lightly so). And yesterday, something big protruded to the left of the navel, by night it had reached the left hypochondrium, and by morning I was sure that it had turned over. On ultrasound at 30 weeks, he lay obliquely, but in head presentation - head down. And I was sure that the fact that he was digging downstairs all the time meant that he was doing it with his hands (a boxer, obviously not a football player), and another sign, he was always hiccuping downstairs. And this morning I woke up from the fact that we hiccup for the first time in our lives from above, and today he beats me more from above, from below there is almost nothing. So I'm in a panic that the term is long, and he turned over. But from the comments written below, for some reason it turns out the other way around, that if all the time at the bottom of the movement, then the head is at the top and that he kicks more with his legs, and not with his arms. I don't understand anything! But I have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I'll find out. felts is the head under my left rib, or the ass (it would be better ass.)

And I also asked my doctor about the exercises, whether I should do them so that I could lie down correctly. She said that it is not necessary, that he is still spinning (then we were 33 weeks old) and how he lies down is not up to us. Although my friend says that thanks to the exercises, her baby turned over correctly at 36 weeks. I think it’s too early for you to exercise, it can still turn over more than once, after 34 weeks you need to determine the position, otherwise you turn it during the day, and it circles around at night - and back. they can do it!

It was the same for me at your term and still the same, swarming only below and on the sides, I also don’t understand how it lies, it seems transverse.

We also run downstairs. At the last appointment, G said that we were sitting on the priest. Hands are apparently busy with other things, but we like to rest our heads on the right ribs. naughty

Now I don’t understand at all where our head is, I can’t even imagine

It’s the same with me, but on an ultrasound at 25 weeks they told me that we generally have a baby across. And I don’t know if she turned over or not, and before the ultrasound, we also have to wait another 4 weeks!

and tell me what kind of exercises, I would do the same.

Thank you. need to try)

We have legs below, and the hairs are still there. How it tickles)))

Deadline 22/3d. I used to feel movements in the navel area, but now for several days I feel below, sometimes it seems that it’s very low. On ultrasound, the baby was in head presentation. I thought it might hurt my legs like that. And now it looks like it's flipped over. Several Yet.

Girls, let me know if anyone knows anything about this. Today is 9DPO (25DPO out of 32), yesterday LA and PJ were sick all evening, then, lying on the bed on my back, I began to feel movements in my lower abdomen (near the navel), and also me.

Tell me if this is normal - my girl is lying on the right head down, the boy was across the top. For the second day I feel active movements in the very bottom of the abdomen in the middle and even slightly on the left. Does the girl reach out with her hands? or.

Hi girls! I have a question for you. Now the 25th week and my friends at this time the baby kicked above the navel already, and it kicks me exclusively down the abdomen, and somewhere in the urinary area.

Many of us are very worried about the movements of the baby. Frequently asked questions here. I am no exception today. In the morning, the baby hardly moves. Today I don’t want to move myself, I didn’t get enough sleep at night. We end up sleeping.

I'm dochu Lately I feel more in the lower abdomen. Of course, it moves everywhere, but in the lower abdomen it is more active. What does it mean? Will it turn head down soon? Or has it turned over already?

After the ultrasound, my feelings became more clear to me. We have a breech presentation, "sit on the priest." So “gurgles” are somewhere inside and below, this is most likely the baby “stomps” on the legs bladder. And the “strong” kicks in the area.

Today I read that, according to the feelings of the mother, it is possible to notice the breech presentation in time. This is explained by the fact that more active movements felt as a result of the movements of the limbs of the fetus. If the presentation is head (normal), then the movements of the fetus are felt in the upper sections.

Good day girls! I went to the doctor on Wednesday and the baby was head down. Today I feel movements mainly in the lower abdomen, which is not very pleasant. Have you ever experienced that the movement is mainly in the lower abdomen?

at each reception at G they say that the child lies correctly (and on last ultrasound it was also a headache), but for some reason my bunny moves more below somewhere and, moreover, exposes something large straight where the pubis, maybe the head. my doctor.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is coming. Movements in the lower abdomen finally stand out against the background of other processes occurring in the body. Now they can no longer be confused with a banal rumbling or swelling. Together with the baby, you have already passed half of the path of development, and the most difficult and responsible part of it. This period of pregnancy is characterized by an increasing need for iron. And the most important and interesting thing is what happens to your precious baby, how he grows and develops.

22 weeks - how many months?

The 22nd week of pregnancy continues. Movements in the lower abdomen are not just obvious, the baby is already trying to play with you, and you can guess the time of activity and rest. This is the most calm and cloudless period for the entire pregnancy, the baby is not too big yet, and the mother feels at ease, there is an opportunity to lead a full, active life. But at the same time, regular movements let you know that life is developing inside you. It is the second week of the sixth month of pregnancy - there is not much time left before maternity leave.

The belly has already increased significantly, now mom needs to buy special clothes in which she will be comfortable. But at the same time, the tummy is not yet so large as to interfere with tying shoelaces or leading a familiar lifestyle. It's time to think about special products for moisturizing the skin, as constant tension on it can lead to tears.

fruit during this period.

The doctor put a note on the card that the 22nd week of pregnancy had begun. Movements in the lower abdomen at this stage are one of the factors that mark the correct development of the child. If until now you have not felt the slightest movement of the child, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional examination to assess the condition of the fetus. The phase of active growth of the baby and its preparation for life outside the mother's tummy begins.

Transformed and appearance your crumbs. His hair begins to grow, his eyebrows are clearly visible. So far, the hair is colorless, since the melanin has not had time to appear. The baby begins to actively learn about the world around him and himself. He bends the legs and arms, moves them. This is what a mother feels at 22 weeks pregnant. Movements in the lower abdomen are nothing but a manifestation of this activity. Now the baby already knows how to suck his finger, and the development of the brain allows you to make a choice: tilt your head or raise your finger to your mouth. Vision and the baby are actively developing - this will allow him to explore the world after birth.

fetal ultrasound

The second planned ultrasound marks the 22nd week of pregnancy. Movements in the lower abdomen give the doctor information to adjust the period, and the examination will allow you to calculate the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In addition, the ultrasound examines the fetus for possible For completeness of the conclusion, the doctor determines the parameters of the baby's body and the ratio of its parts. This examination usually remembers the 22nd week of pregnancy. A photo of your ultrasound can be placed in a frame until the first picture of the newborn appears there.

Fruit size

Your child is still very small, but every day he will change and grow. It is the 22nd week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus show a real little man with somewhat angular shapes. His height from the crown to the tailbone is about 16 cm, and to the heels - about 25 cm. That is, inside you is a creature the size of a large banana. Only from this moment on can the growth of the child be fully assessed, before that small bent legs were not taken into account. The weight of your crumbs is approximately 300 g. Despite the miniature size, all the most important organs and systems have already been formed and are able to fully function. True, at the moment he has practically no chance of surviving at birth.

The heartbeat can now be easily heard with a conventional tube through the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman. The first stage is being completed - the formation of the lungs, now the baby begins to take the first episodic breaths. This moment is characterized by the 22nd week of pregnancy. An ultrasound photo can capture the moment when the baby inhales and swallows. This is an excellent workout for the intestines, which is already starting to work. The result will be the original stool, which is called meconium. This is a black viscous mass that will begin to stand out from the intestines in the first days after birth.

Fetal development

If you are 22 weeks pregnant, the size of the fetus has already reached its first major stage. The brain is already almost fully formed, its intensive growth is slowing down, now it reaches a weight of about 100 g. The brain contains a complete set of cells, now it's time to improve reflexes. Endocrine glands begin to actively develop, sweat glands are launched, the size of the heart increases, calcium deposition continues in Surprisingly, there is another indicator that characterizes the 22nd week of pregnancy. The size of the fetus is still quite small, but the spine is already fully formed.

woman at 22 weeks

You've already had an ultrasound. According to the results, the doctor confirmed that it was the 22nd week of pregnancy. Fetal development is all mom cares about today. But it is equally important to know what is happening with your own body. You have now reached half way. This is a significant mark, further time will fly even faster, bringing the due date closer every day. Now the top of the uterus is located at the level of the navel, and gradually it will rise even higher. Making sure you're getting enough iron is a must now. This is required by a growing baby, a placenta and a constant increase in the amount of blood. Surely your gynecologist will prescribe you as soon as the 22nd week of pregnancy goes. The development of the fetus occurs by leaps and bounds. Now there are increased requests for women's nutrition. We will talk about this a little later, but for now we will continue to discuss the feelings of the expectant mother.

Changes at 22 weeks

By this time, every woman has accumulated many questions, almost all of them are related to the development of the baby and the upcoming birth. Therefore, it is worth enrolling in motherhood courses as soon as the pregnancy reaches 22 weeks. The photo of the fetus still shows the blurry outlines of a little man, but he will grow up very soon, so you should prepare in advance. You still have about 14 weeks to fully meet the birth.

In the meantime, it's getting harder to sleep. This is quite understandable from the point of view of physiology. The first difference is that you started to snore. This is due to hormones, due to which the nasopharynx swells. There can be only one way out - to sleep on your side or half-sitting. There is another violation: as soon as a woman lies down, an attack of heartburn intensifies. The way out is the same again - put more pillows under your head.

Cramping is another unpleasant symptom that appears when the pregnancy is 22 weeks. A photo of the fetus is the only thing that can bring moral relief. After all, you are not suffering in vain. The cause of cramps is usually banal - muscle protest against excess weight to be worn. Try to rub your legs with special balms at night, take warm baths, take different positions, put pillows under your feet. Until the end of the term, you will have to experiment, because so far you are only 22 weeks pregnant. The size of the fetus will only increase, bringing more and more physical discomfort, but also the joy of approaching a meeting with a miracle.

Feelings during this period

The most interesting period is the 22nd week of pregnancy. What happens to the baby, now you can judge not only by the results of the examination by the doctor. From now on, you constantly feel his movements, he not only warms up, pushing his mother, but also sends her certain signals. So, for example, the activity of the child may mean the requirement to turn down the loud music. But there are more worrying signs. Too frequent and sudden movements of the crumbs can mean a lack of oxygen, and the lack of movement for more than a day is an ominous symptom. So opens the period of communication with the baby 22 weeks of pregnancy. What is happening with your child, now you can feel like never before, because he responds to your touch and invitation to interaction.

If you have reached this period, then most often this indicates that the normal development of pregnancy is underway. Week 22 is the time when mom needs to pay close attention to her own health, especially the genitourinary system. Pregnancy most often provokes an exacerbation of diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. This can have very dire consequences, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and give urine. Alarming symptoms are severe swelling, agonizing thirst and insignificant urination.


The doctor will definitely send you for an examination to assess the development of pregnancy (week 22). As usual, it will be necessary to donate blood, according to which doctors will determine the level of sugar, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes. The second line will serve as urine. A particularly alarming symptom is the presence of protein in it, which can lead to preeclampsia, a formidable complication. To warn him, the doctor regularly weighs, measures the circumference of the abdomen, and checks for edema.


Normally, they do not change throughout pregnancy. These are all the same moderate light discharge with a sour smell. If they drastically change their color and smell, become greenish and bubbly or yellow - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important not to delay medical care if there is blood in the discharge. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent the situation from worsening.

Sex at 22 weeks

The 22nd week of pregnancy is not a reason for the lack of intimate life. The movements of the fetus at the moment of proximity of the parents usually subside, it seems to freeze so as not to interfere with mom and dad being alone. Perhaps he is calmed by the rhythmic movements and hormones produced by the mother at this moment. But poses that promote strong compression of the abdomen are not recommended. Don't forget there are three of you now.

woman nutrition

Imposes special restrictions on the diet 22 weeks of pregnancy. How many more months will pass before you can afford unhealthy but delicious foods! After all, there is still a long breastfeeding ahead. But motherhood is worth it, so you have to be patient. Now you need to monitor your weight, which means that nutrition should be extremely healthy and natural. Try to minimize white bread and pastries, sweets, smoked meats and convenience foods in your diet. You need protein, so you can eat lean meat and fish, dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits in unlimited quantities. Proper nutrition is the key to the normal development of the child. Easy childbirth!