The skin's lipid barrier protects against dehydration. How to restore impaired metabolism in the body and lose weight at home

The lipid barrier of the skin is part of the epidermal barrier, which is the first in contact with the environment. This is a unique mechanism that has allowed humans, in the course of evolution, to protect themselves from an often aggressive environment.

The stratum corneum of the epidermis consists of 10-25 layers of cells oriented parallel to the surface of the skin and embedded in a lipid matrix (lipid barrier of the skin). It is the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the lipid matrix that fills the intercellular spaces that provide the barrier functions of the skin, protecting the body from the penetration of bacteria, viruses and other exogenous substances, as well as retaining water and electrolytes.

The lipid matrix of the stratum corneum of the epidermis makes up about 10% of its volume and has a unique structure and chemical composition.

Chemical composition of the skin lipid barrier

Lipids in the epidermal skin barrier mainly consist of:

  • ceramides (50%);
  • cholesterol and its esters (25%);
  • saturated fatty acids (10%).

A balanced ratio of these three categories of lipids is essential to ensure the integrity and protective properties lipid barrier skin.

Ceramides- This is the simplest type of sphingolipids, consisting of sphingosine and a fatty acid (in particular, linoleic acid). Currently, 342 ceramides have been identified in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, belonging to 12 various types. Their list is constantly updated.

Ceramides perform a huge number of biological functions. One of the most important is structuring (ceramides are able to form bilayers).

Cholesterol is one of the most important lipids that form the lipid barrier of the skin. It is mainly synthesized directly in the epidermis. A small amount may enter directly into the bloodstream.

The main function of cholesterol as a component of the epidermal barrier is to impart plasticity to the lipid matrix. Without it, the stratum corneum of the epidermis would be very fragile.

Concerning free fatty acids, then in the stratum corneum of the epidermis saturated fatty acids dominate, with long-chain fatty acids predominating. The bulk of them are synthesized in the body itself. Some acids (for example, linoleic, gamma-linolenic) enter the body only with food.

Free fatty acids also play a structuring role.

Lipids in the intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum are organized in the form of plates assembled from 3 layers (wide - narrow - wide). The wide layer is paired bilayers of ceramides and cholesterol, the narrow layer is one unifying layer of ceramides.

The formation of a ceramide bilayer is due to the fact that they unfold with the nonpolar part towards each other, and the polar part outward. This is a unique quality of ceramides that determines the barrier properties of the epidermis.

By placing themselves in this way, the ceramides essentially “stitch” the layers together. Due to this, in a plane perpendicular to the plates, lipids are organized into a rigid rectangular crystal lattice.

Figuratively, this system of organizing the lipid barrier of the skin can be described as a quilt :) The lipid layers are stitched with ceramide chains. In the same way, lipid layers are “sewn” to the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, ensuring the integrity of the epidermal skin barrier.

For the correct structural organization of the lipid barrier of the skin, the chemical composition of lipids and the ratio of the main components are very important. If this balance is disturbed, the stratum corneum of the skin becomes unable to perform its protective functions.

Why is the lipid barrier of the skin destroyed?

Many factors can provoke the destruction of the lipid barrier of the skin:

  • any mechanical damage skin (wounds, burns, frostbite, cuts, scratches);
  • skin diseases (acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.);
  • impact ultraviolet radiation(see “Photoaging”) and other factors environment(frequent showering, visiting the pool, dry air from heating systems, cold air);
  • exposure to aggressive surfactants in cleansers, shower gels, shampoos, etc.;
  • metabolic diseases with impaired lipid synthesis;
  • decrease in cholesterol synthesis in the epidermis with age;
  • constant contact with chemicals(for example, with chemical detergents);
  • psychological stress (the epidermal barrier is negatively affected by hormones synthesized during stress);
  • oxidative stress - damage to the intercellular structures of the stratum corneum of the epidermis by free radicals (see “Lipid peroxidation”, “Antioxidants and skin”);
  • unbalanced diet (lack of fatty acids).

Such a number of provoking factors in Everyday life leads to the fact that every day we gradually remove its natural protective barrier from the skin.

The skin tries to replenish the content of lipids (they are stored in the skin’s “storehouses” - lamellar bodies), but its possibilities are not limitless. It takes time for the skin to synthesize new lipids. If the protective barrier of the skin is affected by other unfavorable factors during this period, then it is not able to completely restore itself, and as a result, external signs destruction of the lipid barrier of the skin.

How does the destruction of the lipid barrier of the skin manifest itself?

If this structure is violated, the barrier ceases to partially or completely cope with its task - primarily preserving water in the body and protecting against penetration harmful substances and microorganisms.

The first sign of destruction of the skin's lipid barrier is skin dehydration due to increased water evaporation. Dehydrated skin quickly ages, loses firmness and elasticity. Dry skin, peeling, and fine wrinkles appear.

The skin becomes sensitive and vulnerable to the effects external factors. The destruction of the barrier that protects against the penetration of bacteria and viruses leads to irritation, development inflammatory processes in the skin (eg acne), skin diseases.

This situation requires urgent measures to restore the lipid layer of the skin:

  1. cessation of exposure to factors that provoke the destruction of the epidermal barrier;
  2. the use of creams containing physiological lipids (ceramides, free fatty acids and cholesterol) in a balanced combination.

We will talk more about ways to restore the epidermal barrier in the article “Restoring the lipid barrier of the skin.”

is an independent, complex and wise organ. At the very bottom is the hypodermis, which consists of adipose tissue. It is this fabric that retains moisture. Slightly higher and closer to the surface is the dermis, which has special cells for absorbing moisture from adipose tissue. Moisture goes unhindered up to the stratum corneum. This is the last layer before moisture escapes. In other words, the lipid layer of the skin acts as a barrier to moisture escaping.

It is clear that if something happens and it becomes thinner, then moisture freely leaves the skin and evaporates from the surface. Accordingly, very soon we will discover a lack of moisture on our face. When the lipid layer is disrupted, the skin becomes dull and looks unkempt. The first wrinkles appear regardless of age, but due to a violation of the lipid layer.

  • flabbiness,
  • skin dehydration,
  • sagging,
  • dryness,
  • peeling,
  • fine network of wrinkles.

We should also not forget that a damaged lipid barrier can become a channel for various bacteria to penetrate the skin. This causes skin irritation, as well as dermatitis, eczema, and acne.

The lipid layer of the skin can be destroyed for a number of reasons:

  1. Washing your face with poor quality soap and hot water.
  2. Uncontrolled taking ultraviolet baths.
  3. Frequent abrupt change temperature.
  4. Physical stress, psychological experiences.
  5. Mechanical damage to the skin, for example, strong rubbing of the skin with a towel.
  6. Incorrectly selected facial cosmetics.

The lipid barrier of the skin can be restored, and this can be done easily and quickly with the help of a well-designed program cosmetics. A damaged lipid mantle leads to dehydration of the skin and increased sensitivity to negative factors. It is simply necessary to restore the damaged lipid layer. And for this we recommend various fatty products, including some oils.

This is due to the fact that the main components of the lipid layer are: oil, phospholipids, fatty acids, ceramides and cholesterol. Thus, if you choose the right oil of a similar composition, you can quickly restore the lipid layer. Natural oils are rich in phospholipids and fatty acids. Phytosterols in natural oils can replace natural cholesterol in the lipid layer. Besides, natural oils contain antioxidants.

The most suitable oils to restore the lipid layer are burdock, grape seed oil, and flaxseed oil. These products are perfect even for those who have oily skin.

Ideally, the oil should be applied to the skin before bed, and after 5-10 minutes you should blot the skin paper napkin. If in the morning you find that your skin is very oily, then it is permissible to rinse your face with water. room temperature. Remember not to use hot water on your face. The oil should be applied to the skin daily for a month. After two weeks, you will notice how your facial skin has become more elastic and firm. Dryness and dehydration disappeared, replaced by blush and a healthy glow.

In addition to natural oils, you can use ready-made creams and serums for restoring the lipid layer of modern skin famous manufacturers. Many of them deserve the most close attention. When choosing a product, pay attention to the line. It is important that this product is from the line you are using in this moment. Please remember that these products may contain natural oils. Carefully study the composition to prevent the possibility allergic reaction for a rather expensive cosmetic product.

How to cleanse your skin with oil

No need to rinse off oils before using decorative cosmetics. The oil removes makeup perfectly. The whole procedure will take no more than 15 minutes. To do this you will need oil, a towel or cloth.

Oil cleansing goes through several stages.

The oil is perfectly absorbed and nourishes the skin, so no additional creams are required after cleansing with oil. If you don't apply oil to your eyes and lips, add a couple of essential oils to it. It is very useful to add oil tea tree or lavender. Neroli and rose oils are suitable for aging and dry skin.

By regularly cleansing your skin with oil, you will see how inflammation and flaking go away, and your skin becomes fresh and smooth. The only downside to using oils is that it takes a little longer than usual. You will also have to change the towel often, and you should pay attention to the quality of the oils. Good oil It's not cheap.

You will notice the result of restoring the lipid layer very quickly by a clear improvement in the condition of your skin.

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The regulation of lipid metabolism has a huge impact on the functioning and vital activity of the entire human body. Therefore, in cases where lipid metabolism indicators are deviated from the norm, timely treatment is required.

Unfortunately, most of the most common diseases provoke lipid metabolism disorders. To detect such disruptions in the body, the main indicators of lipid metabolism should be taken into account.

In the case when the body's lipid metabolism is disturbed, a person needs to clearly understand all the dangers and complications that this disease can entail. It is also necessary to know exactly the causes of its occurrence and the main symptoms of such a disease. If we talk about the most pronounced factors that provoke the appearance of malfunctions in the functioning of lipids, then these include:

poor nutrition, consisting of foods containing excessive amounts of “harmful” calories and fats; sedentary lifestyle; signs of aging; nephrological and uremic diseases; complications during pregnancy; diabetes; hereditary predisposition to destabilize such exchange; pancreatitis and hepatitis.

The primary symptoms of lipid metabolism disorders include various manifestations and changes in the skin throughout the human body. However, confirmation of a correct and verified diagnosis requires mandatory medical examination and carrying out a number of necessary procedures. The initial step to provide an indicative assessment of the status of lipid metabolism is to determine the blood concentration levels of both triglycerides and cholesterol.

Knowing that an imbalance of fats in the human body and disturbances in the process of their absorption leads to very serious dangerous diseases: atheresclerosis, heart attack, destruction of hormonal levels with the ensuing consequences. WITH scientific point vision course of treatment similar disease has a multifaceted and complex nature. So, according to specialized doctors, the main secret to effectively getting rid of of this disease is during the preventive program carried out.

The basis of the most important measures to maintain the stability of lipid metabolism is considered to be “restructuring” own image life on new principles of life. The initial stage towards establishing a stable lipid metabolism in the human body is a change in the daily diet. IN in this case it is necessary to replace fatty meats, carbonated drinks, excessive sweets, smoked spicy seasonings with more dietary meat dishes, a variety of fruits and vegetables, natural juices and fruit drinks, and of course the use of mineral and purified water.

Giving up such bad habits as smoking, alcoholism and taking various narcotic and psychotropic drugs will also allow you to forget about such a terrible health problem. It is possible to achieve favorable results from the preventive program by performing daily physical activity, even in low intensity (circular rotations of the head, rhythmic movements of the feet, warming up the eyes, as well as tensing the gluteal and calf muscles).

Because the modern life is very full of bustle, disturbing events, moral exhaustion, then every inhabitant of the planet should strive to restore spiritual balance with the help of daily minutes of relaxation and meditation. According to experts, it is the regulation of lipid metabolism that is constantly and completely dependent on the normal functioning of all cells of the human nervous system. Unfortunately, the reception of the wrong medicines, also negatively affects lipid metabolism and the process of fat absorption in the body.

In this regard, attempts at self-medication should be excluded. It should not be denied that at some stages of lipid metabolism disorders, preventive actions may be helpless, in such cases immediate medical intervention is required. TO professional options to eliminate lipid metabolism disorders include:

taking cholesterol-lowering drugs; use of statins: pravastatin, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin and others; use of dietary supplements and nicotinic acid.

However, indications for the use of the above drugs are possible and effective in combination with strict diet therapy. Unfortunately, in critical situations drug treatment may be insufficient, then therapy methods such as apheresis and plasmapheresis, as well as small intestinal bypass, are used.

Today, they have become increasingly popular various ways cures by means traditional medicine. Based on proven results from numerous laboratory research, it has been determined that cholesterol levels increase due to destabilization of the water balance in the human body. In this regard, people with this disease are recommended to drink a glass of purified water before each meal.

In addition, among people who have experienced such disruptions in the body, the use of various herbal infusions and decoctions. However, it is worth remembering that such a course of self-medication is not welcomed by representatives of the medical industry; it also takes a lot of time. long time and can cause harm to the body. Analyzing the above, it can be noted that only timely and A complex approach to the appearance of lipid metabolism disorders will help to avoid a number of complications and other irreversible processes in the human body.

Thus, lipid metabolism, its treatment in particular requires timeliness and professional approach. In turn, stable regulation of lipid metabolism requires the implementation of certain preventive methods.

Metabolism (metabolism) is the totality of all chemical compounds and types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, which ensure its development and vital activity, adaptation to changes in external conditions.

But sometimes metabolism can be disrupted. What is the reason for this failure? How to treat it?

What are the symptoms and treatment of metabolic disorders with folk remedies?

What is metabolism? Causes, symptoms

For the healthy existence of the body, energy is needed. It is taken from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Metabolism is the process of processing the breakdown of these components. It includes:

Assimilation (anabolism). Synthesis of organic substances occurs (energy accumulation). Dissimilation (catabolism). Organic substances decompose and energy is released.

The balance of these two components is an ideal metabolism. If the process of assimilation and dissimilation is disrupted, the metabolic chain is disrupted.

When dissimilation predominates in the body, a person loses weight; if assimilation, he gains weight.

These processes in the body depend on the number of calories consumed per day, calories burned, and genetics. It is difficult to influence genetic characteristics, but reviewing your diet and adjusting its calorie content is much easier.

genetic predisposition; toxic substances in the body; irregular diet, overeating, predominance of high-calorie foods of the same type; stress; sedentary lifestyle; stress on the body with periodic strict diets and breakdowns after them.

Overeating is a discrepancy between energy expenditure and the number of calories consumed per day.. If a person has a sedentary lifestyle and regularly eats buns and chocolates, he will very soon have to change his clothing size.

Nervous disorders can lead to “seizing” of the problem (this often happens in women), which will lead to an imbalance in the processes of assimilation and dissimilation.

Lack of protein or carbohydrate deficiency will also lead to metabolic disorders. Especially with low fluid intake.


Metabolic disorders can be identified by the following signals:

complexion changes, it becomes unhealthy; the condition of the hair worsens, it becomes brittle, dry, and falls out a lot; the weight goes up too quickly; weight loss for no reason or changes in diet; The body's thermoregulation changes; insomnia, restless sleep; rashes, redness appear on the skin, the skin becomes swollen; pain occurs in the joints and muscles.


If a woman or man notices symptoms of a metabolic failure, they make independent attempts to cleanse the body.

It is unacceptable. A doctor's consultation is required here. Such disorders affect processes associated with fat metabolism.

The liver is unable to cope with large volumes of fat, and low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol begin to accumulate in the body, which can settle on the walls of blood vessels and cause various diseases of cardio-vascular system.

For this reason, you should first consult a doctor.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders:

Protein metabolism is disrupted. Protein starvation provokes kwashiorkor (unbalanced deficiency), nutritional dystrophy (balanced deficiency), and intestinal diseases. If protein enters the body in excess, the functioning of the liver and kidneys will be disrupted, neuroses and overexcitation will arise, and urolithiasis disease and gout. Fat metabolism is disrupted. Excess fat causes obesity. If there is not enough fat in the diet, growth will slow down, weight loss will occur, the skin will become dry due to a deficiency of vitamins A, E, cholesterol levels will increase, and bleeding will appear. Carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Often, against the background of such a pathology, diabetes mellitus appears, which occurs when there is a lack of insulin during a period of failure of carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin metabolism is disrupted. An excess of vitamins (hypervitaminosis) has a toxic effect on the body, and their deficiency (hypovitaminosis) leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, decreased appetite. Violated mineral metabolism . A deficiency of minerals leads to a number of pathologies: a lack of iodine provokes thyroid diseases, fluoride - the development of caries, calcium - muscle weakness and deterioration of bones, potassium - arrhythmia, iron - anemia. With an excess of potassium, nephritis can appear, with an excess of iron, kidney disease can occur, and excessive salt consumption leads to a deterioration in the condition of the kidneys, blood vessels, and heart. Gierke's disease. Glycogen accumulates in excess in body tissues. Characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase. It is necessary for the breakdown of glycogen, which, on the contrary, accumulates. This congenital disease is often found in infancy and is manifested by stunted growth, protrusion of the abdomen due to big size liver and decreased blood sugar levels. Diet is the only way out. It is recommended to add glucose to the diet. With age, the child's condition will gradually improve. Gout and gouty arthritis. These are chronic diseases that cause disturbances in the metabolism of endogenous uric acid. Its salts are deposited in cartilage, especially articular cartilage, and in the kidneys, causing inflammation and swelling. The diet prevents the accumulation of salts. Endocrine functions are disrupted. Hormones control many metabolic processes. Dysfunction of the endocrine glands leads to metabolic disorders. Phenylketonuria. Genetic mental retardation, which is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. It converts the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. If phenylalanine accumulates, it will have a toxic effect on brain tissue. It occurs in newborns with a frequency of 1 sick child in 20,000. Gender does not matter, but the pathology is most common among Europeans. Externally, newborns are healthy, but there is a lag in mental development will appear by 3-4 months. Children will develop well physically and further, but not psychologically. Early diagnosis overly important. The disease can be detected even on the first day of life based on the results of a blood or urine test. They treat it with diet. All common protein foods contain phenylalanine. For this reason, you need to eat synthetic foods that are devoid of this amino acid.

How to treat metabolic disorders in the body at home?


Therapy for any pathology begins with eliminating the causes that caused it. It is necessary to adjust the daily diet and diet, reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed.

Patients regulate their rest and wakefulness patterns, try to avoid stress or react calmly to them. Many people start playing sports, which will help increase the body’s energy costs and give it vigor.

These measures will help eliminate metabolic disorders if they are not complicated by genetics or other factors.

If the problem has gone too far, without medical care a person can't get by. If pathological changes have already appeared in the organs, the patient must undergo a course of treatment.

This could be hormonal therapy hormonal imbalance, thyroid medications if thyroid function is impaired, or insulin for diabetes.

At serious pathologies surgery for thyroid or pituitary adenoma.

What to do if you have metabolic disorders?

Healing Fitness

Muscular activity has a significant impact on metabolism. Exercise therapy for metabolic disorders:

increases energy costs body; enhances metabolism; restores motor-visceral reflexes that regulate metabolism; tones the central nervous system; increases the activity of the endocrine glands.

Exercise therapy is prescribed individually for each patient, taking into account the reasons that caused metabolic disorders. First, the patient must adapt to moderately increasing physical activity. Gymnastic exercises, measured walking and self-massage are prescribed.

Then the classes additionally include daily walks, the length of which is gradually increased to 10 km, hiking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing, and other exercises.

Exercise therapy is very effective for obesity. Physiotherapy with such a pathology it should last at least an hour.

Use movements with a large amplitude, wide swings of the limbs, circular movements in large joints, exercises with moderate weights. Tilts, turns, rotations are useful.

Such exercises increase the mobility of the spinal column. We need exercises that will strengthen the abdominal muscles. You should use dumbbells, medicine and inflatable balls, expanders, and gymnastic sticks.

Slow running is switched to as the main form of exercise after the patient has adapted to long walks. Running for 100-200 m is alternated with walking, after which the running segments are increased to 400-600 m.

After 3 months, they switch to long-term continuous running, the time is increased to 20-30 minutes per day, and the speed is increased to 5-7 km/h.


Massage for metabolic disorders is effective for obesity, diabetes mellitus, gout. Massage reduces body fat in certain areas of the body and stimulates lymph and blood circulation.

Massage should be done in the morning after breakfast or before lunch. Impact techniques cannot be performed with weakened abdominal muscles. If the patient's condition worsens during the session, the procedure is stopped. The intensity of the massage is increased gradually. General massage carried out 1-2 times a week. Patients need passive rest before and after the procedure, 15-20 minutes each. The effect increases when performing a massage in a bathhouse or steam room. But first you need to consult your doctor. The effect of the procedure is enhanced after a long diet.

In advanced obesity, when the patient cannot lie on his stomach and suffers from shortness of breath, he lies on his back. A cushion is placed under his head and knees.

First, massage the lower extremities. Then they use stroking, rubbing, vibrations, which alternate with kneading, grasping stroking of the surface of the lower extremities, in the direction from the foot to the pelvis.

How to lose weight and improve metabolism through nutrition?


A diet for metabolic disorders can restore the balance between assimilation and dissimilation. Basic Rules:

Food is consumed frequently. The interval between doses is 2-3 hours. If the intervals are longer, the body will store fat. Only light food normalizes metabolism. Salads, vegetable soup, yogurt, fish, vegetables are easily digestible foods. Dinner should be light. Afterwards you should take a walk. Fish - must-have product in the diet. Contains omega-3 fatty acids. They help produce enzymes that help break down fats and prevent their deposits. Tea, coffee or spicy foods do not affect metabolic rate. Usage rate clean water- two and a half liters per day. You should drink it half an hour before meals and an hour after.

What foods should be excluded from the diet if you have a disease associated with metabolic disorders?

For obesity exclude:

products from wheat flour highest and first grade, butter and puff pastry; dairy, potato, cereal, bean soups, pasta soups; fatty meat, goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, canned food; full-fat cottage cheese, sweet cheeses, cream, sweet yogurt, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty cheeses; scrambled eggs; rice, semolina, oatmeal; sauces, mayonnaise, spices; grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, other very sweet fruits; sugar and products containing a lot of sugar; jam, honey, ice cream, jelly; sweet juices, cocoa; meat and cooking fats.

Refusal of these products will also be a good prevention for many gastrointestinal diseases. The daily calorie intake for consumed foods is 1700-1800 kcal.

Recommendations for avoiding foods for diabetes are generally the same. But the daily calorie content can be increased to 2500 kcal. We allow bread and other flour products, milk and low-fat dairy products, moderately hot sauces.

A person should not consume a lot of fat.

It needs only omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are found in vegetable oils walnuts, flaxseed, rapeseed, marine fish oils.

Olive oil - optimal product, has a neutral effect on metabolism.

You should limit your consumption of omega-6 oils (corn, sunflower) and solid saturated fats. This diet should be followed for many years.

Folk remedies

The following recipes will help you cope with impaired metabolism:

Two teaspoons of leaves walnut pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Strain, take half a glass 4 times a day before meals. 100 g immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds, chamomile flowers, crushed, put in glass jar, close tightly, pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, filter through cheesecloth, and squeeze a little. Drink before bed. In the morning, drink the remaining infusion on an empty stomach with a teaspoon of honey. Take a course once every 5 years. 350 g garlic, grated. 200 g of mass (taken from below, where there is more juice) is poured with 200 ml of alcohol, placed in a dark, cool place. After 10 days, filter and squeeze. They drink the tincture after three days according to the following scheme: increase the dose every day from two drops to 25, the duration of the course is 11 days. Part of verbena, 2 parts each of a string, black elderberry flowers, walnut leaves, burdock leaves and roots, hop cones, birch leaves, strawberry leaves, damask herb, licorice root, pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse. Drink a glass a day between meals and at night.

The use of all the above-described remedies must be agreed with a doctor.

We offer a recipe for a simple and inexpensive cream for restoring a healthy and blooming appearance of the skin after summer holidays, hard and nervous work days, and simply for restoring the beauty of the skin after various types of inflammation.

Our skin is a rather complex and “wise” organ. At its very “bottom” there is the hypodermis, consisting of adipose tissue, which accumulates and retains the moisture contained in the body tissues. A little higher and closer to the surface, the dermis begins, which has special cells that absorb moisture from the hypodermis, like sponges, and this moisture goes unhindered further upward, into the epidermis, right up to the stratum corneum itself. And it is precisely the stratum corneum (corneocytes glued together with fatty lipids) that is the last layer and at the same time a barrier to the further release of moisture to the outside, i.e. its evaporation.

Accordingly, if something happens to the lipid “cement” and it becomes thinner or even destroyed (for example, due to exposure of the skin to alkali in the form of soap), water, which is an integral part of healthy, dense and radiant skin, evaporates through the loose, loose scales stratum corneum, and we have the following visible problems on the face:

Clear skin dehydration
. flabbiness
. decreased skin elasticity (sagging)
. peeling
. dryness
. fine network of wrinkles

And also, through the broken lipid barrier they can penetrate into the skin. various substances(bacteria, toxins, etc.) that can cause irritation, such as:

. dermatitis
. acne

The lipid layer (“cement”) consists of free fatty acids (mainly oleic and linoleic), ceramides (content in the skin up to 50%) and cholesterol.

How can the barrier function of the skin be disrupted?

Yes, very easy.

For example, washing your face frequently with hot water and soap or by special means for washing, with the addition of surfactants.

Or with the help of various aggressive environmental factors that cause peroxidation of these same skin lipids (summer insolation, use of a solarium, immune reactions).

Or due to impaired production of lipids by the body as a result of physical stress.

What is important for us to know?

Lipid barriereasy and very fastrestored from the outside, through well-formulated cosmetics.

Free fatty acidscan be replaced with vegetable triglycerides (scientifically proven), which is extremely important for restoring the damaged lipid barrier in oily and inflamed skin.

And now, we suggest preparing you the following simple and inexpensive cream to restore a healthy and blooming appearance of the skin after summer holidays, hard and nervous work days, and simply to restore the beauty of the skin after various types of inflammation. Has no age restrictions.

We have prepared two recipes: for oily skin (and acne) And for normal to dry skin.

Sources of fatty acids are plant triglycerides and vegetable oils, rich in oleic and linoleic acids, sources of ceramides - "Ceramide Complex", and source of cholesterol - natural lanolin. Plus, each recipe necessarily contains Natural Moisturizing Factor components in order to restore transepidermal moisture loss in the skin.

Revitalizing cream-serum for oily skin and acne-prone skin (50 ml).

Phase 1 (bold)

.Plant triglycerides- 15% (7.5 ml)
.Lanolin - 2% (1 g)
.Cetyl alcohol - 2% (1 g)
.Emulsifier "Basic"- 5% (2.5 g)

Phase 2 (aqueous)

Water - 60% (30 ml)
.Vegetable glycerin- 2% (1 ml)

Phase 3 (active)

.Ceramides complex- 6% (3 ml)
.NUF - 5% (2.5 ml)
.Ac.Net - 2% (3 ml)
.Lactic acid-1% (10 drops)

Regenerating cream-serum for normal and dry skin (50 ml).

Phase 1 (bold)

.Hemp oil - 4 ml
.Cocoa butter - 2 g
.Lanolin - 2 g
.Emulsifier "Basic"- 2.5 g
.Cetyl alcohol - 1 g

Phase 2 (aqueous)

Water - 30 ml
.Vegetable glycerin- 1 ml

Phase 3 (active)

.Ceramides complex- 3 ml
.NUF - 2.5 ml
.GLYCO - REPAIR - 30 drops


In a water bath, in separate refractory cups, heat Phase 1 and Phase 2 until the components of Phase 1 (oils and emulsifiers) completely melt and become a single homogeneous oily liquid.

Mix both phases into one and start beating with a mixer until an emulsion is formed, and continue beating for a short time (5 - 10 minutes).

When the emulsion has cooled slightly, add the components of Phase 3 (actives) to it one by one and continue whisking for a few more minutes. Transfer the emulsion into a cosmetic jar and cool the cream in the refrigerator.

With the help of this cream, you can easily restore the damaged lipid barrier of the skin and replenish moisture losses that were caused by insufficient skin care during the summer holidays. In just a few days it will become noticeable how the skin will become smooth, elastic, perfectly hydrated, and therefore blooming and healthy.

Advice! If desired, you can add to the cream Bulgarian lavender essential oil . This will be an additional moisturizing and soothing asset for the skin, and a pleasant subtle and soothing aroma for your sense of smell and a comfortable state, because essential oils- this is the main healing agent in aromatherapy, and we combine aromatherapy and natural cosmetology with pleasure and great benefit in our recipes for beautiful and youthful skin.

What is fat metabolism and what role does it play in the body? Fat metabolism plays important role while ensuring the vital functions of the body. When fat metabolism is disrupted, this can become a factor in the development various pathologies in organism. Therefore, everyone needs to know what fat metabolism is and how it affects a person.

Typically, many metabolic processes occur in the body. With the help of enzymes, salts, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down. The most important thing in this process is fat metabolism.

Not only the slimness of the body depends on it, but also general state health. With the help of fats, the body replenishes its energy, which it spends on the operation of systems.

When fat metabolism is disrupted, this can cause rapid weight gain. And also cause problems with hormones. The hormone will no longer properly regulate processes in the body, which will lead to the manifestation of various diseases.

Today, lipid metabolism indicators can be diagnosed in the clinic. Using instrumental methods, it is also possible to track how the hormone behaves in the body. Based on testinglipid metabolism, the doctor can accurately diagnose and begin proper therapy.

Hormones are responsible for the metabolism of fats in humans. There is more than one hormone in the human body. They're there a large number of. Each hormone is responsible for a specific metabolic process. Other diagnostic methods can be used to assess the functioning of lipid metabolism. You can view the effectiveness of the system using a lipid profile.

Read about what hormones and fat metabolism are, as well as what role they play in ensuring vital functions in this article below.

Lipid metabolism: what is it? Doctors say that the concept metabolic process fats - prefabricated. A large number of elements take part in this process. When identifying system failures, attention is first paid to the following:

  • Fat intake.
  • Split.
  • Suction.
  • Exchange.
  • Metabolism.
  • Construction.
  • Education.

It is according to the presented scheme that lipid metabolism occurs in humans. Each of these stages has its own norms and meanings. When at least one of them is violated, it negatively affects the health of any person.

Process Features

Each of the above processes contributes its share to the organization of the body’s work. Each hormone also plays an important role here. To an ordinary person It’s not important to know all the nuances and essence of how the system works. But general concept about her work is a must have.

Before doing this, you should know the basic concepts:

  • Lipids. They come with food and can be used to replenish lost energy by a person.
  • Lipoproteins. Consists of protein and fat.
  • Phosphorolipids. A compound of phosphorus and fat. Participate in metabolic processes in cells.
  • Steroids. They belong to the sex hormones and take part in the work of hormones.


Lipids enter the body with food, like other elements. But the peculiarity of fats is that they are difficult to digest. Therefore, when fats enter the gastrointestinal tract, they are initially oxidized. For this, stomach juice and enzymes are used.

When passing through all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, fats are gradually broken down into simpler elements, which allows the body to better absorb them. As a result, fats break down into acids and glycerol.


The duration of this stage can be about 10 hours. When fat is broken down, cholicystokinin, which is a hormone, is involved in this process. It regulates the functioning of the pancreas and bile, as a result of which they release enzymes and bile. These elements from fat release energy and glycerol.

Throughout this process, a person may feel slightly tired and lethargic. If the process is disrupted, the person will have no appetite and may experience intestinal upset. At this time, all energy processes also slow down. With pathology, rapid weight loss may also be observed, since there will be no required quantity calories.

Lipolysis can occur not only then. When fats are broken down. During the period of fasting, it also starts, but at the same time those fats that were stored by the body “in reserve” are broken down.

During lipolysis, fats are broken down into fiber. This allows the body to replenish lost energy and water.


When fats are broken down, the body’s task is to take them from the gastrointestinal tract and use them to replenish energy. Since cells are made of protein, absorption of fats through them takes a long time. But the body found a way out of this situation. It attaches lipoproteins to cells, which accelerate the absorption of fat into the blood.

When a person has a large body weight, this indicates that this process he is impaired. Lipoproteins in this case are able to absorb up to 90% of fats, when the norm is only 70%.

After the absorption process, lipids are carried with the blood throughout the body and supply tissues and cells, which gives them energy and allows them to continue to work at the proper level.


The process happens quickly. Its basis is to deliver lipids to the organs that require them. These are muscles, cells and organs. There, fats undergo modification and begin to release energy.


The creation of substances that the body needs from fat involves many factors. But their essence is the same - to break down fats and give energy. If any disruption in the operation of the system occurs at this stage, this will negatively affect hormonal background. In this case, cell growth will be slowed down. They will also regenerate poorly.


Here the process of fat metabolism begins, which goes to meet the body’s needs. How much fat is required for this depends on the person and his lifestyle.

With a slow metabolism, a person may feel weak during the process. Undigested fat can also be deposited on the tissues. All this becomes the reason that body weight begins to grow rapidly.


When a person has consumed a lot of fat and there is enough of it to meet all the needs of the body, then its remnants begin to be deposited. Sometimes this can happen quite quickly because the person is consuming a lot of calories but not expending a lot of them.

Fat can be deposited both under the skin and on organs. As a result, a person’s weight begins to increase, which becomes the cause of obesity.

Spring fat metabolism

In medicine there is such a term. This exchange can occur for anyone and is associated with the seasons. A person may consume little vitamins and carbohydrates throughout the winter. All this is due to the fact that rarely does anyone eat fresh vegetables and fruits during this period.

More fiber is consumed in winter, and therefore the lipid process slows down. Calories that the body did not use during this time are stored as fat. In the spring, when a person begins to eat fresh foods, metabolism accelerates.

In spring, people move more, which has a positive effect on metabolism. Lightweight clothing also allows you to burn calories faster. Even with heavy weight in a person this period Some weight loss may be observed.

Metabolism in obesity

This disease is common today. Many people on the planet suffer from it. When a person is fat, this indicates that he has a violation of one or more of the processes described above. Therefore, the body receives more fat than it consumes.

Disturbances in the functioning of the lipid process can be determined during diagnosis. The examination must be completed if your body weight is 25-30 kilograms more than normal.

You can also be examined not only when pathology appears, but also for prevention. It is recommended to carry out testing in a special center where there is the necessary equipment and qualified specialists.

Diagnosis and treatment

To evaluate the operation of the system and identify violations in it, diagnostics is necessary. As a result, the doctor will receive a lipid profile, from which he will be able to track deviations in the operation of the system, if any. Standard procedure testing - donating blood to check the amount of cholesterol in it.

It is possible to get rid of pathologies and normalize the process only by carrying out complex treatment. You can also use it without medicinal methods. This is diet and sports.

Therapy begins by initially eliminating all risk factors. During this period, you should give up alcohol and tobacco. Sports therapy will be a great help.

There is also special techniques treatment with drugs. They resort to this method when all other methods have proven ineffective. At acute forms disorders also commonly use medication therapy.

The main classes of drugs that can be used for treatment:

  1. Fibrates.
  2. Statins.
  3. Derivatives of nicotinic acid.
  4. Antioxidants.

The effectiveness of therapy mainly depends on the patient’s health status and the presence of other pathologies in the body. The patient himself can also influence the correction of the process. All you need is his desire for this.

He must change his previous lifestyle, eat right and exercise. It is also worth undergoing constant examination in the clinic.

To maintain normal lipid processes, you should use the following recommendations from doctors:

  • Do not consume more fat per day than normal.
  • Eliminate saturated fats from your diet.
  • Eat more unsaturated fats.
  • Eat fat until 16.00.
  • Give periodic stress to the body.
  • Do yoga.
  • Sufficient time to rest and sleep.
  • Quit alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Doctors recommend paying enough attention to lipid metabolism throughout your life. To do this, you can simply follow the recommendations given above and constantly visit your doctor for examination. This should be done at least twice a year.