Project activity with children of senior preschool age "Your rights, baby.". The project "I have the right to be a child" in the preparatory group for school

Information card project A .

Project type: individual, long-term, practice-oriented.

Direction of activity: moral and social.

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of the foundations of social and legal consciousness.


1. Familiarization of children in an age-appropriate form with the main documents on the protection of the rights of the child.

2. To introduce children to the rights and obligations of a person, to cultivate respect for the rights of another person, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the most important moral qualities(kindness, mercy, compassion, sympathy) and the ability to show them when interacting with people around them.

3. Formation of goodwill and sensitivity to others, respectful attitude to them, drawing the attention of the child to their rights and obligations, the formation of moral norms and rules of conduct (in kindergarten, family, society).

4. Formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, responsibility.

5. Education of respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person, the formation of the foundations of tolerance.

6. Consolidation of acquired knowledge in Everyday life and the gradual accumulation of experience in the observance of rights and obligations.

Brief description of the project.

The process of cognition of legal culture finds expression in various forms own activities children: playful, artistic and playful, dramatization, productive, labor activity. Preschoolers master moral standards through search-experimental, problematic and productive activity. Children are involved in solving simple creative tasks: guess, find, reveal a secret, compose, model, modify, compose.

Work on the development of children's ideas about the foundations of legal consciousness aims at the consistent introduction of the child into the social world. For example, I invited children to observe how close people relate to each other, whether they forgive insults, how their friends treat offenders, what pleases and what upsets friends and relatives. The use of observation teaches children to distinguish themselves from the world around them, interacting with other people through their senses: to determine the color of the eyes, hair of their friend, to feel his warmth, to recreate visual images. This technique contributes to the development of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children, and hence the realization of the right to friendship, attention, and care.

Dramatization technique trains children in the ability to "feel" in another, to enter into his position. Each child has a "theatrical instinct" - the desire through the game to play the role of another, thereby expanding the boundaries of his being. This helps to react more sharply to the behavior of surrounding people and animals. Reflections of children on behalf of natural objects carry a great semantic load.

Children feel the ecological significance of a merciful attitude towards the world of plants and animals, noting the callousness of those people who ruthlessly invade nature and harm it. caress, caress, comfort, distract, say nice words- these are accessible forms of objectively and subjectively directed assistance to those in need. The inclusion of music helps to form a conscious attitude to the spiritual moods of different characters.

All sections of the work are interconnected and complement each other, although each has its own specifics, its own educational goal. Preliminary work and work to consolidate the material is carried out only in everyday joint and independent activity children, which avoids excessive overorganization of children. Classes, games, work in daily activities are organized by small subgroups of children, which contributes to mutual learning and mutual verification, stimulates cognitive communication and interaction of children.

All planned work helps the child to turn from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant. Despite the complexity of the topic, when teaching children, she used a variety of methods and techniques:

good use of scenes famous fairy tales(illustrations, video, audio cassettes, filmstrips);
solving problematic problems, finding solutions on my own behalf or on behalf of the hero: if I were an ugly duckling ... if I caught goldfish... if I suddenly turned into ...;
didactic games: "Whose rights have been violated?", "Name the rights of the heroes", "Choose the right", "Who is more?", "Name it - make no mistake!", "I'll start, and you continue", "Save Chippolino", "How to fix Barmaleya?", "Help Pinocchio", "Find the mistake and correct it", "Choose the right answer", "Pick up the proverbs for the pictures", "What rights did the characters have?"

The form of classes is mobile and changes depending on the tasks. Classes include moral tasks, since any educational situation should carry the moment of education. The main principle in the work is to give the children the opportunity to learn the world on their own experience in concrete deeds.

The activities directly organized by me on the topic "Me and my family" included a series of events: "My right to a name", "My right to a name, patronymic and surname", "I have the right to live and be brought up in a family", "My family", aimed at an elementary acquaintance with the right of the child as a universal value, a condition of life and a regulator public relations. The cycle included directly organized activities, conversation-thinking, travel games, problem-search activities, individual educational activities with kids. The upbringing and educational process took place in the form of game and cognitive situations that contributed to the understanding of the rights of the child by children, the development of their self-esteem, tolerance and respect for all people. Considering age features children, I conducted an introduction to the rights of the child on the example of well-known literary works, picked up fairy tales familiar to children, in which the plot reflects certain social phenomena. Many works meet these requirements, for example, "The Three Little Pigs" - the right to housing, "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" - the right to life, "Pinocchio" - the right to education, "Zayushkina's hut" - the right to the inviolability of the home , "Cinderella" - the right to rest, "Doctor Aibolit" - the right to medical care etc.

Most of the time I devote to practice: role-playing and other creative games, practical matters, various creative competitions, competitions, as well as conversations, stories, disputes, while taking into account emotional perception.

Starting work with the family to study the Convention on the Rights of the Child, I conducted a preliminary survey among parents in order to identify awareness of this legal document. 33 parents of my group were interviewed.

% (12 people) - do not know about the existence of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

20% (16 people) - heard, but did not delve into its content.

15% (5 people) are aware of the existence of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Based on the initial indicators, and the fact that parents are the guarantor of compliance with the Convention, I have outlined the following task: explaining the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a legal document of social, moral and pedagogical significance.

Inviting parents to answer the question: “Through what forms of work would you like to receive information about the Convention”, I found out that parents, first of all, would like to learn theoretical knowledge. Then parents are interested in such forms of work, where they would be directly active participants together with their children. Therefore, the plan of my work includes such events as disputes, conversations - trainings, joint celebrations, exhibition design.

Summing up the results of work with parents, I noted that the most effective forms were joint activities where parents and children were active participants, and where the child acted as a full-fledged, full-fledged personality. Relationships between children and parents gradually changed from authoritarian style to democratic, i.e. to personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child

Number of project participants: 61 people (including 30 children senior group, 1 teacher, 1 teacher assistant, 29 parents).

Form of holding: daily (within the organization pedagogical process in the classroom games, daily life life).


Early legal education of a preschooler contributes to the rapid formation of his personality, humanistically oriented, possessing civic feelings, able to defend his rights, adapt to the conditions of life around him.

Expected results of the project:

1. Raising the level of legal education

2. Skill building moral and patriotic behavior

3. Assimilation of legal concepts: law, law, offense, national relations.

4. Enhance social competence preschoolers.

5. Formation of civic skills: individuality of judgments, openness to dialogue, tolerance, the ability to resolve emerging issues in everyday life conflicts by legal means.

6. Children's understanding of the importance of the family in the life of every person.

7. Showing care and respect for all family members.

8. Create a card index of games of legal content.

Project relevance

Human dignity is a source of rights and freedoms, recognition by society of the social value, originality, uniqueness of each person. From the early childhood each child is a personality with individual character traits, abilities, desires, and any attempt at gross interference in the development of personality is an insult to the very foundations of the breed.

Nowadays, more and more situations arise in our lives abuse with kids. Culture disappears family education, in the 90s, the connection between generations was interrupted in matters of educating the younger generation. Parents are more concerned material well-being families: buy a computer, a car, have an apartment, go abroad, etc., replacing care, emotional comfort in the family with material goods.
Sometimes there is a "distortion" in the upbringing of one's own children - either complete indifference to the child, his experiences, or there is hyper-care in relation to the child in the family. Parents cannot always cope with their own "children", they are confused, do not know what to do, how to behave in a given situation, they use "assault" out of impotence. A convenient position arises: to “give” their children into the hands of specialists, believing that their children will be developed and educated instead of them. Sometimes you can hear such words from parents: “We brought him to you, so bring him up!”, “I want you to make him obedient, friendly, active, etc.”
There is also such a side (if I may say so) of upbringing - a disdainful attitude towards the needs of one's own child. Often children do not receive the attention they would like to receive from their parents, they are powerless to change anything in this situation. Children develop anxiety, aggressiveness, neurosis, the desire for power - in any way to attract the attention of adults.

Knowledge of rights is a shield covering children, their dignity from encroachment by other people and the state. Only the possession of rights gives the child the opportunity to realize himself, to reveal himself as a person.

Protection of rights is a special problem of the state and society as a whole. All rights and freedoms can only be exercised and guaranteed in civil society. A special place in the understanding of human rights is occupied by the rights of the child.

Of great importance is the formation of children's knowledge and ideas about the basic democratic values, their education in the spirit of humanism. Of particular importance is the issue of understanding the value of a person as a person, the education of tolerance, tolerance for the interests of other people. Self-respect and respect for others - that, in my opinion, is what is sorely lacking in both adults and children.

The social significance of the topic is determined by the fact that our children will become citizens of democratic Russia. And I am convinced that by educating (or not educating) the prerequisites for a certain civic position already at preschool age, we are building our future, the future of our country.

Project Implementation Plan

First stage. Accumulation of information base for work on the project.

Creation of conditions for the project.

Drawing up a plan.

Programs have been developed advanced planning classes to familiarize children in an age-appropriate form with the main documents on the protection of the rights of the child. A card index of games on the formation of moral norms and rules of behavior (in kindergarten, family, society) has been developed.

Motivation of parents for cooperation in the project was carried out - consultation for parents in order to get acquainted with the topic, the tasks of the project, the content of the work

The entry of children into the problematic game situation. Acceptance of tasks.

Creating game motivation, accessible to the understanding of children preschool age, based on children's personal experience. Get every child interested.

A cycle of classes with children to familiarize themselves with rights.

A cycle of classes with children on the development of speech and familiarization with fiction.

"Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"The Right to a Name"

"The right to live"

"I have the right to live and be brought up in a family",

"My family",

"The right to know one's parents and the right to be cared for by them"

K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Ch. Perrot "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key"

Story - role-playing games.

Rescuers game

  • Familiarization with the profession of a rescuer and the rules of behavior in extreme situations.
  • Expansion of the thematic vocabulary, improvement of the dialogic form of speech; development auditory perception and logical thinking.
  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance

Game "Friendly family"

Purpose: Call positive emotions in a conversation about the family, develop the ability to express their feelings.


"I love my mommy".

"Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child."

"Introducing preschoolers to the Convention on the Rights of the Child".

"Conversations on the Rights of the Child".

"Children and adults. What is "right".

"Rules of conduct by which we live."

Joint activities of the educator and parents

Making a corner for parents "I am a person and I have the right!"

Encouragement to create a prosperous atmosphere at home based on goodwill and mutual understanding.

Conversations, "The child and his rights", "Seven rules for everyone", "The rights of the child - their observance in the family."

Questionnaire “What kind of parent are you?

Parent meeting "Improving the legal culture of parents"

Co-creation of children and parents (selection of poems, postcards, photographs, replenishment and design of collages on this topic: making " family tree”, exhibitions of drawings “My family”, “The house in which I live”, making folders: “Me and my family”, “My name”).

Contest "What do I know about my child"

"Family Day", during which each family plans and organizes (together with children) - games, contests, quizzes, surprises, joint tea drinking for children and adults.

Second phase. Organizational and practical

Classes of the artistic and creative cycle

A cycle of conversations and activities with children to get acquainted with the world around them.

Drawing "Flowers for your beloved mother",

"Snowdrops in winter (according to the fairy tale "Twelve months")"

Lepka " Beautiful bouquet dear mother"

Application "Ugly duckling",

Topic: Who do you live with?

Topic: "My right to a name, patronymic and surname"

Topic: What is a family?

Topic: "What will please"

Story-didactic games.

Purpose: To encourage children to show interest in the actions of children, to provide all possible assistance to each other, to show a friendly attitude towards peers

“Pick up buttons for a suit, dress, sweater, blouse.

"Friendly family" Family celebration”, “Say by name”, “Polyclinic”, “Save Chippolino”, “How to fix Barmaley?”, “Help Pinocchio”, “Find the mistake and fix it”.

Word games:

While playing, the children learn to establish new connections and relationships with people, organize interaction to achieve the goal.

"Call me affectionately", "Call me full name"," Can - can not "

“Greeting”, “Hands get acquainted, hands quarrel, hands make peace”, “Show”, “My parents name is ...”

Problem situations:

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Grandfather has a crop failure: the turnip has not grown. How to help him?

Means of communication

The elephant's grandmother got sick. We need to call a doctor, but he does not know how.

Children draw

Olya's pencil broke. She grabbed a pencil from Rita's hands. Rita got up and moved to another seat.

Why did Rita leave for another table? How would you do?

Tanya loved to clean up in her doll corner. She moistened a cloth with water, wringed it out and wiped the furniture. Unintentionally, the girl stepped on the basin. Water spilled onto the carpet. The girl looks at the puddle in confusion. Mom comes up to her. What happened next? Describe the situation from different perspectives.


Conversations about legal holidays: "Human Rights Day", "Children's Day", "National Unity Day".

Making a photo album "My most beloved" with drawings and stories of children about their family.

Learning the poem by O. Bundur "Big Family".

Physical Culture:

Outdoor games: "Guide", "Colorful bouquet". Round dance: "Friend, my friend, stand in a circle", "Guess by voice", "I know many names of girls boys."


Organization of a holiday with parents, dedicated to the Day Mothers. Listening and discussion of the song "Mammoth".

Ecological games:

Purpose: To form a holistic view of the relationship of a person with environment, lead to understanding the interconnections of phenomena in nature, careful attitude To her.

"What would happen if they disappeared from the forest ...".

"Protect nature".

List of used literature:

1. Blinova G.M. cognitive development children 5 - 7 years old. Toolkit. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009 (Together with children).
2. Golitsyna N.S., Ogneva L.D. Familiarization of older preschoolers with the Convention on the Rights of the Child - M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2006.
3. Doronova T.N. etc. - Protection of rights and dignity small child: coordinating the efforts of the family and kindergarten: allowance for preschool workers. images. institutions - M .: Education, 2006.
4. Zhukova R.A. legal education. Senior and preparatory group. Lesson development. - Ed. 2nd revised. /Comp. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus".
5. Zelenova N. G., Osipova L. E. I am a child, and I have the right.-M .: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2009-96s
6. Your child's name. - St. Petersburg; Victoria Plus LLC, 2007
7. Names, birthdays, birthdays. - St. Petersburg; Victoria Plus LLC, 2007.
8. Kalinina L.V. Explore law with your favorite characters. - "A child in kindergarten" - No. 3. - 2008 P. 39 - 45.
9. Kopytova N.N. Legal education in the preschool educational institution - M .: TC Sphere, 2007 (Library of the head of the preschool educational institution).
10. Kovaleva G.A. Raising a Little Citizen... Practical guide for employees of preschool educational institutions, - M .: ARKTI, 2003 (Development and education of a preschooler).
11. Convention on the Rights of the Child: United Nations Convention. – M.: RIOR, 2007
12. Constitution Russian Federation. State anthem of the Russian Federation. – M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2008 (Legal Library).
13. Kruglov Yu.G. Russians folk riddles, proverbs, sayings. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
14. Bell No. 39 - 2007 ("Miracle - Autumn", "Lesson of Russia") - an educational and methodical and literary and musical magazine for teachers, educators and parents.
15. Myachina, L.K. St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007.
16. Myachina L.K., Zotova L.M., Danilova O.A. My rights: Workbook the educational and methodological manual "Little children - great rights."
17. Nikolaeva S.O. Classes on the culture of behavior with preschoolers and younger students. Literary and musical-game material: Proc. - method. Benefit. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2003. (Education and further education of children).
18. Solov'eva E.V., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S., Stepina N.M. Introducing the Convention on the Rights of the Child to Preschoolers: A Practical Guide for Preschool Workers educational institutions. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: ARKTI, 2004. (Development and education of a preschooler)
19. Handbook of the senior educator preschool№9 September - 2008
20. Tatarinkova L.Yu. Me and my family - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2007. (Series "Kids about the Motherland")
21. Tatarinkova L.Yu. The rights of a small citizen - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2007. (Series "Kids about the Motherland")
22. Farafonova I.I., Pasyakina L.V., Sukhova E.G., Komova T.M. The rights of the child family projects) - magazine "Child in Kindergarten" .- No. 3.- 2008 P. 39 - 45.
23. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the rights of the child. - Methodological manual for classes with children 5 - 10 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
24. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about health: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008 (together with children).
25. Shipitsyna L.M., Zashchirinskaya O.V., Voronova A.P., Nilova T.A. ABC of communication. Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers. (For children 3-6 years old). - "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2004.

The full version of the work is available.

The goal of the project is to maximize the social adaptation of a child of senior preschool age by forming the foundations of legal knowledge. Project objectives 1. To introduce children to the concepts of "rights" and "duties". 2. To form children's initial legal knowledge based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 3. Contribute to the development of the legal worldview and moral ideas. 4. Raise the level of culture interpersonal interaction children in a group. 5. Creating a favorable background for contacts with children. 6. Design perspective plan work with children and events with parents.

1. Generalize and disseminate the positive experience of family education. 2. Form a model of information and educational work with parents on legal culture. 3. Promote the development in children of self-respect and respect for other people, self-esteem, social activity. 4. Form a model of a single cultural space "Child - Family - Society". 5. Create an organizational model for outreach work on the issue of education and realization of children's rights in MBSOU. EXPECTED RESULT

Project "Great Rights for a Little Citizen"

Dear residents of "Ped-piggy bank", I would like to bring to your attention my experience of working on the rights of the child.

"Along the winding path
Someone's legs were walking around the world.
Looking into the distance with wide eyes
There was a baby to get acquainted with the rights.
Next to me, my mother held tightly by the hand,
She accompanied her smart girl on her way.
Both adults and children should know
About the rights that protect them in the world "
Children's rights today have become a "fashionable" topic, our country has embarked on the path of establishing a rule of law state, and in a civilized society, human rights and interests should be put in the first place. Necessary condition This is the awareness of people, their knowledge of their rights and obligations.
Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed, personal development is carried out. And at the same time, this is a period when the child is completely dependent on the adults around him - parents and teachers.
Starting to work on this topic, I set myself the following
- to study the literature, documents on the topic,
- Introduce parents to legal documents, with the history of the adoption of the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child" and the rights enshrined in it, to give an idea of ​​​​the protection of the rights of the child, thereby increasing the level of legal culture of parents,
- to acquaint children in a form appropriate to their age with the main documents on the protection of human rights and their rights.
All my work was planned in three stages:
1. get acquainted with the documents, study the material.
2. plan work with children.
3. work with parents.
Having studied the literature, documents, I found out for myself that the rights of children are a set of rights fixed in international documents on the rights of children.
The main documents include:
-declaration of the rights of the child
- convention on the rights of the child
- world declaration
A declaration is an official or solemn statement.
A convention is a treaty, an agreement in which the rules forming for the parties are prescribed.
November 20 is considered to be the day of legal knowledge.
And then there is a list of the rights of the child, which are included in the convention.
Then I prepared games, picked up the appropriate literature, and started working with children.

We started with an introductory conversation, looked at the pictures, found out what rights exist, and what rights we, children, have. We outlined what rights we would like to get acquainted with in detail.
When getting acquainted with the “right to a name”, she held conversations: “What does it mean your name”,“ My full name ”, held a competition“ My name ”, where each child, together with their parents, made business card of their own name, played games affectionate name”, “Recognize by voice”, “The name is growing”.

When getting acquainted with the “right to housing”, she held conversations “The house in which you live”, “My house is my fortress”, played games “Name your address”, “Who has the right to live in my house”, read the fairy tale “Three Little Pigs” ”, “”, held a drawing competition “My house”.

Getting acquainted with the “right to live in a family”, we talked about how to take care of your loved ones, how to help them. The children talked about their families, how they relax. Together with the parents, family photo albums were designed. I held a drawing competition "My family". We played the games “Daughters - mothers”, My family”. Homework was to do Family Tree.

We finished all the work with the final quiz “Great rights for a small citizen”, remembered fairy tales, riddles, played games,
When working with parents, the first step was to use visual information. Conducted Parent meeting on this topic. To identify the level of pedagogical culture, she conducted a series of questionnaires - questionnaires: “What kind of parent are you”, “my attitude to punishments”.
Used folders - movers. Parents showed activity, imagination and creativity when doing homework: “family tree”, drawings “my family”, “compilation of a family photo album”.

Summing up, we can say that all this work helps to establish trusting relationship with families of children, parents become full participants educational process, children feel comfortable at home and in the garden.
The main idea of ​​the work on the legal education of preschool children is the recognition of the child as a full-fledged and full-fledged person: free and responsible, knowing his rights. The Convention proclaims the child an independent subject of law, and our task is to convey the Convention to the consciousness of children in an accessible form. And it is better to start such work with children of senior preschool age. Because children aged 5-7 adequately perceive this material, control their behavior. By the end of preschool age, the child becomes an active, self-aware subject of his own activity in relations with adults and peers.
Thank you for your attention.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 in Livny"

303852 Oryol region, Livny, st. Oktyabrskaya, 39 tel.: 7-39-32

"Rights and Duties of Children"

(On the example of fairy tales,
movies and animated films)

students of grades 9, 10 MOU secondary school No. 2
Project Manager:
teacher of history and law Avdeeva N.V.


Initiative group

Lawyers group:
Kotova Kira, Eremin Kirill
Group of sociologists:
Lukyanova Anastasia, Stakhniuk Victoria
Clip maker and graphic design:
Kotova Kristina
Social partners:
director of secondary school No. 2 Kozhukhova T.I.,
social pedagogue Belichenko A.M.

Stages of project implementation

Preparing to work on a project

    1. Choice and urgency of the problem


Anastasia Lukyanova, Victoria Stakhnyuk, Kira Kotova, Kirill Eremin, Kristina Kotova


Collection, study and analysis of information

    Read the Declaration of the Rights of the Child

    Learn the Convention on the Rights of the Child

    study the constitution and Family code, namely articles related to the rights and obligations of the child and their parents

    Conduct a sociological survey among students in grades 1-4 on knowledge of their rights and obligations

    Conduct an analysis of the data bank according to the state dysfunctional families and children of risk groups in MOU secondary school No. 2 (conversation with social educator Belichenko A.M.)

    Hold an exhibition of drawings on the topic: "The rights and obligations of the child in fairy-tale works"

17.10 – 14.11

Anastasia Lukyanova, Victoria Stakhniuk, Kirill Eremin, Kira Kotova



    Processing, analysis of the received information

    The main stages of solving the problem

    Creation of a video illustrating the rights and obligations of children on the example of films and animated films.

    Project design.

    Project Protection

15.11 – 18.01

Kristina Kotova, Anastasia Lukyanova, Victoria Stakhniuk, Kira Kotova, Kirill Eremin

The choice of the problem and its relevance

In our country, the Family Code is in force, which determines that the child has the right to be raised by his parents, to ensure his interests, comprehensive development, respect for his human dignity, protection of his rights and legitimate interests, protection from abuse by parents.

In addition, the child has the right to express his opinion when resolving any issue in the family that affects his interests.

The Russian Federation also has the federal law“On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”. This law states that “the state recognizes childhood milestone human life and proceeds from the principles of the priority of preparing children for full life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the education in them of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship.

Moreover, children's rights are enshrined at the international level in such documents as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

These documents give the child great rights. However, all these laws, declarations, conventions are simply not clear to the main character - the Child, for whom and in the name of whom they were created.

The main reason for this is the complex legal language of writing the document, as well as the lack of legal information adapted to the age characteristics of children.

At law lessons, we got acquainted with the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and we had a question: do younger students know about the existence of these important documents and, in general, about their rights and obligations?

Many questions that arose during the lessons only emphasized the relevance of the problem of legal education and education of schoolchildren. You don't have to be an adult to understand that a legal culture needs to be nurtured from early childhood.

We had an idea to create a project "Rights and Responsibilities of Children" (on the example of fairy tales, films and animated films)

Goals and objectives of the project


    acquaint students with their rights and responsibilities.


    Submit this complex document in plain language for children to understand
    even elementary school age.

    Present information about the rights and obligations of children visually, i.e. in drawings, and then on the example of films and animated films.

    Contribute to the formation of legal culture, universal values

    Foster respect for rights and responsibilities

Problem Research

We conducted a sociological survey among students in grades 1-7 of our school

Analysis of the data bank of disadvantaged
families in MOU secondary school No. 2 for 2011-2012.

    There are 12 families in our school (and this is 17 children), where parents abuse alcohol and do not cope with their duties

    40 children are in the "risk group" - they violate discipline, miss classes, have non-certification at the end of the school year

    14 children are registered within the school, 4 are registered with the PDN

Demand for the project

We analyzed the results of a sociological survey and a data bank on the state of "difficult" children in our school and found out that schoolchildren know their most elementary rights and obligations, but do not know about the existence of international documents on the rights of the child, including the Convention, do not know who protect their rights.
But a junior schoolboy is a person and a citizen who has the right to know legal truths already from the first grade. And we also found out that there are families in which parents do not take care of their children, do not protect, and even more so do not think about legal education, but, on the contrary, infringe their rights with their behavior and attitude.

To implement our project, only time is needed, it is not budget-expensive, which means that it is easily implemented at school. Therefore, we believe that our project is in demand in our school, as it may affect the legal education of students of school No. 2.

Ways to solve the problem

Lawyers and sociologists, having studied the received data and information, determined the plan of our actions.

    Prepare a project "The rights and obligations of children and adolescents" (On the example of fairy tales, films and animated films).

    Conduct a drawing competition among students in grades 1-4 "Rights and obligations in fairy-tale works."

    Conduct a number of extracurricular activities in primary and high school to familiarize students with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Conversation with the director of secondary school No. 2 Kozhukhova T.I. and a proposal to introduce the subject "Jurisprudence" in all classes without exception, starting from the primary link.

    For parents of "difficult" children, conduct a legal educational program, at least once a month.

    In order for children to know more about their rights, parents should talk about it, read with children and explain what can and cannot be done; what is right and what is wrong.

Implementation of the action plan
We have been working on this project since 2009. The very first step in the implementation of the action plan was the organization of an exhibition of drawings by students in grades 1-4 on the topic "Rights and obligations in fairy tales." More than 30 children took part in the exhibition. To implement the next stage of our project, a clip maker joined the work, which, together with sociologists and lawyers, supplemented the dry legally complex language of the official text of the Convention with understandable spectacular plots of children's films and animated films. The task was to create good example reflection of the fundamental rights and responsibilities of children. The initiative group represented by the project participants visited extracurricular activities to educate primary and secondary school students about their basic rights and responsibilities at school and at home, accompanied by a spectacular educational video.

The rights and obligations of the child in pictures

Right to a name

Right to inviolability of the home

Right to freedom of opinion

Right to free education

Right to freedom of movement

The right to free medical care

Right to rest and leisure

The right not to be subjected to ill-treatment

Right to property

The right to protection and love of loved ones

Obligation to complete secondary education

Duty to care for nature

Duty to help your parents

Duty to protect cultural heritage, architectural monuments

The duty to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation

Obligation to be registered with the military and undergo training for military service

The rights and obligations of the child on the example of films and animated films

Bodies for the protection of children's rights.

As a result of our work, we have following products project activities:

    Exhibition of drawings on the theme "The rights and obligations of the child in fairy-tale works"

    Video clip illustrating the rights and obligations of children on the example of movies and animated films

    Conducted cool watch to educate children about their basic rights and responsibilities at school and at home

In perspective.
We would like to create a youth committee in our school to protect the rights of students, which would monitor the condition of children from dysfunctional families and children at risk, and also conduct legal educational programs for parents. The committee is expected to consist of 10 students in grades 9-11 and one adult curator. The committee's powers will include consideration of the problem of the child and assistance in protecting his rights. Interaction with school psychologist and a social pedagogue, conducting trainings and patronage. The receipt of appeals to the committee will be provided through the "Box of appeals" as well as personal appeals to the youth committee for the protection of the rights of students. All committee work will be carried out with the support and supervision of an adult facilitator. Such a committee will allow students to resolve conflicts related to the violation of their rights at school, and this will be convenient for the students themselves, since they understand their peers better than adults. In the event of more serious or dangerous violations of his rights for the child, the committee will assist in transferring the problem to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, the police. It is very important to explain to children their rights and obligations in a language that they understand. Every child is a full-fledged inhabitant of our planet, every child is a unique personality, every child is a person.
Violation of children's rights is a problem that needs to be addressed. The child practically does not know his rights, he lacks sources of information about them.
Fairy tales, although they are actual fiction, still contain legal foundations.
And it’s not in vain that the people have such a concept “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...”, because a fairy tale is just fiction, but it really reflects the rights of children, as soon as a child reads it and explains it to an adult.

Information about project participants

p. / p.

FULL NAME. participant


Date of Birth


Home address

Eremin Kirill Eduardovich

9 "B"



st. Mira, d. 193 apt. 29

Kotova Kira Vadimovna

10 "B"



st. Gaidara, d. 2 apt. 4

Kotova Kristina Vadimovna

10 "B"



st. Gaidara, d. 2 apt. 4

Lukyanova Anastasia Vladimirovna

10 "B"



st. Gaidara, d. 10 apt. 112

Stakhnyuk Victoria Nikolaevna

10 "B"



st. Gaidara, d. 8 apt. 78

State budgetary vocational education

Institution "Pedagogical College" No. 4, St. Petersburg


Item: "Legal support of professional activity"

Completed by: Laznenko N.V.

Checked: __________Korobova Elena Vitalievna

Saint Petersburg


Project name: "Little children - great rights"

Project type: individual, long-term,practice oriented.

Direction of activity: moral and social.

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of the foundations of social and legal consciousness.


1. Familiarization of children in an age-appropriate form with the main documents on the protection of the rights of the child.

2. To introduce children to the rights and duties of a person, to cultivate respect for the rights of another person, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the most important moral qualities (kindness, mercy, compassion, sympathy) and the ability to show them when interacting with people around them.

3. Formation of benevolence and sensitivity to others, respectful attitude towards them, drawing the attention of the child to their rights and obligations, the formation of moral norms and rules of conduct (in kindergarten, family, society).

4. Formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, responsibility.

Brief description of the project.

The process of cognition of legal culture finds expression in various forms of children's own activities: play, art and play, dramatization, productive, labor activity. Preschoolers master moral norms through search-experimental, problematic and productive activities. Children are involved in solving simple creative tasks: guess, find, reveal a secret, compose, model, modify, compose.

Work on the development of children's ideas about the foundations of legal consciousness aims at the consistent introduction of the child into the social world.

Dramatization technique trains children in the ability to "feel" in another, to enter into his position. Each child has a "theatrical instinct" - the desire through the game to play the role of another, thereby expanding the boundaries of his being. This helps to react more sharply to the behavior of surrounding people and animals. Reflections of children on behalf of natural objects carry a great semantic load.

Children feel the ecological significance of a merciful attitude towards the world of plants and animals. Caressing, stroking, comforting, distracting, saying kind words - these are accessible forms of objectively and subjectively directed assistance to those in need. The inclusion of music helps to form a conscious attitude to the spiritual moods of different characters.

All planned work helps the child to turn from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant. Despite the complexity of the topic, when teaching children, she used a variety of methods and techniques: the use of plots from well-known fairy tales (illustrations, videos, audio cassettes, filmstrips);
solving problematic problems, finding solutions on my own behalf or on behalf of the hero: if I were an ugly duckling..., if I caught a goldfish..., if I suddenly turned into...;
didactic games: "Whose rights have been violated?", "Name the rights of the heroes", "Choose the right", "Who is more?", "Name it - make no mistake!", "I will start, and you continue", "Save Chippolino", " How to fix Barmaley?", "Help Pinocchio", "Find the mistake and fix it", "Choose the right answer", "Pick up the proverbs for the pictures", "What rights did the characters have?"

The form of classes is mobile and changes depending on the tasks. Classes include moral tasks, since any educational situation should carry the moment of education. The main principle in the work is to give the children the opportunity to learn about the world around them on their own experience in specific deeds and actions.

Taking into account the age characteristics of children, familiarization with the rights of the child is carried out on the example of well-known literary works, for example, fairy tales familiar to children, in which the plot reflects certain social phenomena. Many works meet these requirements, for example, "The Three Little Pigs" - the right to housing, "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" - the right to life, "Pinocchio" - the right to education, "Zayushkina's hut" - the right to the inviolability of the home , "Cinderella" - the right to rest, "Doctor Aibolit" - the right to medical care, etc.

Most of the time is devoted to practice: role-playing and other creative games, practical cases, various creative competitions, competitions, as well as conversations, stories, disputes, taking into account emotional perception.

Number of project participants:30 people (including 30 children of the senior group, 1 teacher, 1 assistant teacher, 30 parents)

Conduct form:daytime (as part of the organization of the pedagogical process in the classroom, games, everyday life)


Early legal education of a preschooler contributes to the rapid formation of his personality, humanistically oriented, possessing civic feelings, able to defend his rights, adapt to the conditions of life around him.

Expected results of the project:

  1. Raising the level of legal education
  2. Formation of skills of moral and patriotic behavior
  3. Assimilation of legal concepts: law, law, offense, national relations.
  4. Improving the social competence of preschoolers.
  5. Formation of civic skills: individuality of judgments, openness to dialogue, tolerance, the ability to resolve emerging issues in everyday life conflicts by legal means.
  6. Children's understanding of the importance of the family in the life of every person.
  7. Show care and respect for all family members.
  8. Create a card index of games of legal content.

Project relevance

Human dignity is a source of rights and freedoms, recognition by society of the social value, originality, uniqueness of each person. From early childhood, every child is a personality with individual character traits, abilities, desires, and any attempt at gross interference in the development of personality is an insult to the very foundations of the breed.

Nowadays, situations of child abuse occur more and more often in our lives. The culture of family education is disappearing; in the 1990s, communication between generations was interrupted in matters of educating the younger generation. Parents are more concerned about the material well-being of the family: buy a computer, a car, have an apartment, go abroad, etc.
Sometimes there is a "distortion" in the upbringing of one's own children - either complete indifference to the child, his experiences, or there is hyper-care in relation to the child in the family. Parents cannot always cope with their own "children", they are confused, do not know what to do, how to behave in a given situation, they use "assault" out of impotence. A convenient position arises: to “give” their children into the hands of specialists, believing that their children will be developed and educated instead of them. Sometimes you can hear such words from parents: “We brought him to you, so bring him up!”, “I want you to make him obedient, friendly, active, etc.”
There is also such a side (if I may say so) of upbringing - a disdainful attitude towards the needs of one's own child. Often children do not receive the attention they would like to receive from their parents, they are powerless to change anything in this situation. Children develop anxiety, aggressiveness, neurosis, the desire for power - in any way to attract the attention of adults.

Knowledge of rights is a shield covering children, their dignity from encroachment by other people and the state. Only the possession of rights gives the child the opportunity to realize himself, to reveal himself as a person.

Protection of rights is a special problem of the state and society as a whole. All rights and freedoms can only be exercised and guaranteed in civil society. A special place in the understanding of human rights is occupied by the rights of the child.

Of great importance is the formation of children's knowledge and ideas about the basic democratic values, their education in the spirit of humanism. Of particular importance is the issue of understanding the value of a person as a person, the education of tolerance, tolerance for the interests of other people. Self-respect and respect for others - that, in my opinion, is what is sorely lacking in both adults and children.

The social significance of the topic is determined by the fact that our children will become citizens of democratic Russia. And I am convinced that by educating (or not educating) the prerequisites for a certain civic position already at preschool age, we are building our future, the future of our country.

Project Implementation Plan

Entry of children into a problematic game situation. Acceptance of tasks.

The creation of game motivation is available for understanding of preschool children, based on children's personal experience. Get every child interested.

A cycle of classes with children to familiarize themselves with rights.

A cycle of classes with children on the development of speech and familiarization with fiction.

"Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"Right to a Name"

"The right to live"

"I have the right to live and be brought up in a family",

"My family",

"The right to know one's parents and the right to be cared for by them"

K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Ch. Perrot "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella"

A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key"

Story - role-playing games.

Game "Rescuers"


  • Familiarization with the profession of a rescuer and the rules of behavior in extreme situations.
  • Expansion of the thematic vocabulary, improvement of the dialogic form of speech; development of auditory perception and logical thinking.
  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance

Game "Friendly family"

Purpose: To evoke positive emotions in a conversation about the family, to develop the ability to express one's feelings.


"I love my mommy",

"Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child"

"Introducing preschoolers to the Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"Conversations on the Rights of the Child"

" Children and adults. What is "right"; "Rules of conduct by which we live"

Story-didactic games.

Target: Encourage children to show interest in the actions of children, provide each other with all possible assistance, show a friendly attitude towards peers

“Pick up buttons for a suit, dress, sweater, blouse.

“Friendly family”, “Family holiday”, “Call by name”, “Polyclinic”, Save Chippolino”, “How to fix Barmaley?”, “Help Pinocchio”, “Find a mistake and fix it”.

Word games:

While playing, the children learn to establish new connections and relationships with people, organize interaction to achieve the goal.

“Call me affectionately”, “Call me by my full name”, “You can - you can’t”

“Greeting”, “Hands get acquainted, hands quarrel, hands make peace”, “Show”, “My parents name is ...”

Problem situations:

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Grandfather has a crop failure: the turnip has not grown. How to help him?

Means of communication

The elephant's grandmother got sick. We need to call a doctor, but he does not know how.


Talks about Legal Holidays: "Human Rights Day", "Children's Day", "National Unity Day"

Making a photo album "My most beloved" with drawings and stories of children about their family.

Learning the poem by O. Bundur "Big Family"

Physical Culture:

Outdoor games: "Guide", "Colorful bouquet". Round dance: "Friend, my friend, stand in a circle", "Guess by voice", "I know many names of girls boys."


Organization of a joint holiday with parents dedicated to Mother's Day. Listening and discussion of the song "Mammoth".

Ecological games:

Purpose: To form a holistic view of the relationship between a person and the environment, lead to an understanding of the interconnections of phenomena in nature, a careful attitude towards it

“What would happen if they disappeared from the forest…”

"Protect nature"

Third stage. Final.

Theatrical final entertainment on the rights of the child "Little children - great rights"

Target: formation of a legal culture among all participants in the educational process.


  • Develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of others.
  • Draw attention to the rights of the child. Clarification of social norms and rules of conduct.
  • Introduce children to their rights.
  • Contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility.

Declaration on the Rights of the Child(Information leaflet)

The General Assembly proclaims this Declaration on the Rights of the Child with a view to ensuring happy childhood and the enjoyment, for their own good and that of the community, of the rights and freedoms herein provided for, and calls on parents to recognize and endeavor to observe these rights...

Principle 1. The child shall have all the rights set forth in this Declaration. These rights must be recognized for all children, without exception and without distinction or discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status of the child or his family. .

principle 2. The child must be provided with special protection, opportunities and favorable conditions by law and other means. Which would allow him to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and in social relations healthy and normal. In legislating for this purpose, the best interests of the child should be the primary consideration.

Principle 3 . The child should have the right to a name and citizenship at birth.

Principle 4 . The child must enjoy the benefits social security. He should have the right to healthy growth and development. To this end special care and protection must be provided to both him and his mother, including proper prenatal and postpartum care. The child should have the right to adequate food, housing and medical care.

Principle 5. A child who is physically, mentally or socially handicapped must be provided with the special treatment, education and care necessary in view of his special development.

Principle 6. Child for complete and harmonious development his personality needs love and understanding. He should, whenever possible, grow up in the care and responsibility of his parents, and in any case in an atmosphere of love and moral and material security. A minor child shall not, except in exceptional circumstances, be separated from his mother. Society and public authorities should be obliged to take special care of children who do not have a family and children who do not have sufficient means of subsistence. It is desirable that large families provided state or other allowances for the maintenance of children.

Principle 7. The child has the right to education, which must be free and compulsory for at least initial stages. He must be given an education that is in keeping with his general cultural development and by which he might, on the basis of equality of opportunity, develop his faculties and personal judgment, as well as the consciousness of moral and social responsibility, and become a useful member of society.

The best interests of the child should be the guiding principle for those who have the responsibility for his education and training, this responsibility lies primarily with the parents.

The child should be provided with a full opportunity for games and entertainment that would be directed to the goals pursued by education. Society and public authorities must make efforts to promote the implementation of this right.

Principle 8 . The child must be protected from all forms of neglect, cruelty, exploitation. It must not be traded in any form.

Principle 9 . The child must not be employed until the appropriate minimum age has been reached. In no case should he be assigned or allowed to work or engage in work that would be harmful to his health or education or hinder his physical, mental or moral development.

Principle 10. The child must be protected from practices that may encourage racial, religious or any other form of discrimination. He must be brought up in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, peace and universal brotherhood, and also in the full consciousness that his energy and abilities should be devoted to the service of other children.

Memo for parents on protecting the rights and dignity of the child in the family.

1. Accept the child as he is and love him.

2. Hug your child at least 4, and preferably 8 times a day.

3. Express dissatisfaction with individual actions of the child, but not with the child as a whole.

4. Believe in the best that is in the child, and always support him. Praise more often.

5. Parental requirements should not come into direct conflict with the most important needs of the child.

6. Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.

7. When punishing a child, it is better to deprive him of good than to make him bad.

8. If in doubt, to punish or not to punish - do not punish.

9. There can be one punishment at a time. Punished - forgiven.

10. The child should not be afraid of punishment.

11. If the child's behavior causes you negative feelings - tell him about it.

12. Do not demand from the child the impossible or difficult.

13. A positive attitude towards oneself is the basis of psychological survival, and the child constantly seeks and even fights for it.

14. If it is difficult for a child and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him.


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