How to improve brain function, memory and attention with drugs? Drugs for improving memory and concentration of children, adults and the elderly. How to develop memory in teenagers: turning problems into opportunities

Posted by author - - November 18, 2015

Wise people always understood that the source of knowledge is knowledge, and the universal nature of the human mind helps to comprehend and learn everything in the world. Knowledge about the structure of the world is the starting step for inventions and discoveries. The more basic steps, the broader horizons and more opportunities. That is why we strive to develop so much.

In this article, we will deal with following questions:
- why it is necessary to develop memorization skills;
- the main types of memory;
- seven principles that help improve short-term and long-term memory;
- five fun exercises to improve auditory memory;
- seven tips for quickly memorizing texts;
How to relax and enjoy memory training.

Why is it important to develop memorization skills?

Reason number 1. When studying most subjects, constant memorization is necessary:
– languages ​​– vocabulary, spelling, punctuation;
- mathematics - rules, formulas, theorems;
- natural sciences - understanding of phenomena and processes, definitions;
- history - dates, personalities, events.

Reason number 2. Children are quite selfish and cruel, because they do not understand much. Often they tease a child who is somehow different from the majority. And not everyone is friends with such a child, respectively. Therefore, due to memory problems, not only low academic performance follows, but also low self-esteem.

Reason number 3. Children who do not remember information well usually have difficulties in self-organization - they have problems with personal things, get confused with the daily routine and do not have time for everything.

Types of memory - why these differences are important to us

Let's start with the basic concepts. Memory is a form of reproduction of the world around us, which allows us to consolidate, store and increase personal experience. Only babies have a memory Blank sheet. It is impossible to learn anything without memory, it is the basis of any learning and development, including schoolchildren.

There are many types of memory, but we will only look at the main ones that are important for working on improving the memorization process. Figurative memory is divided into several types: visual, auditory, motor and emotional. By observing, an attentive parent will be able to determine the priority type of memory in a child - some perceive information better by ear (when they are read to them), some - visually (when they read it themselves), some prefer to write down or speak information (motor memory), and some remember information that surprised or amazed (emotional memory). Usually, a child has several types of memory that are pronounced, the rest will have to be worked on.

Each age of the child has its own type of memory. Primary schoolchildren have a pronounced involuntary and visual-figurative memory, therefore, for better memorization, it is advisable to use bright pictures and interactive ways. In children of average school age there is a formation of verbal-logical and arbitrary memory - you have to master more and more information, moreover, not always interesting.

Parents are often surprised: “Well, how can this be - all dinosaurs can even be recognized by the tail, but with capital letter forget to write a sentence. It's just that this child has a well-developed long-term memory, which stores important information for him, but short-term memory has not yet formed - it is fragmentary and unreliable, that is, it requires attention. This applies to your child if you notice the following in him:
- when reading, he is poorly aware of what he read;
- has problems with auditory perception - this is important for the speed of turning a word into a mental image;
- becomes restless and inattentive if you have to receive information passively for a long time;
- does not want to go to school, is offended by teachers and classmates, is embarrassed to answer;
- if he loses his thought, then he completely loses the essence of the story;
- not very interested in learning in general and this topic in particular.

Short-term memory is the door to the realm of long-term memory. If some information is not retained in the short term, the brain will not be able to transport it to the storage of long-term memory.

It is foolish to require a child to remember what he is not aware of. Just seeing a line the following evidence, the parent can be sure that the child clearly understood the information:
- reproduced without prompting and in his own words;
- told correctly and briefly, without unnecessary additions.

If you notice that the child does not fully learn the material at school, you do not need to turn a blind eye to the problem, it will not resolve. It is not enough to explain the material, it is necessary to make sure that the information gets into long-term memory, and the child can extract it from there after a period of time. The task of attentive parents is to help children master all types of memory, because without the ability to memorize and remember information, effective study in high school is no longer possible.

Seven principles to help improve short-term and long-term memory.

Principle 1. Repeat accumulating. If you want to help remember something for a long time, you need to add 15 minutes a day to the main time for doing homework. This memorization technique is called cumulative repetition. Identify three topics that require close attention, and repeat desired material every day for five minutes, and then you will achieve a fundamental layering of layers of knowledge. By the way, about five minutes. Even Mrs. Gurchenko, in her famous New Year's song about 5 minutes, tried to determine whether it was a lot or a little. Let's calculate: five minutes a day is half an hour a week or two hours a month - that's a pretty decent amount of time. Naturally, in five minutes you will not have time to repeat the entire educational material on a chosen topic, but by repeating different parts every day, you will soon master a large amount of information. Adhere to this innovation daily, and the memory of the child will begin to please.

principle 2. Overmemorization. The essence of the method is constant repetition until automatism is achieved - the child answers quickly and without prompts. After that, periodically, once a week, you return to repetition - then the material will be assimilated so that the child can easily use it even in stressful situations. The best option for presenting information is a joint visual and kinesthetic, the child must see and do at the same time. You should also take into account the state of the student - when he is rested, in a good mood and he is interested, then his long-term memory stores and retrieves information more efficiently.

Principle 3. Associations. It is clear that we all remember new information better if we can link it to already familiar facts. A bunch of mnemonic techniques and phrases help us in this. For example, "Every hunter wants to know where ..." Well, you see, you know. In this phrase, each initial words helps to remember the color of the rainbow, the word order corresponds to the order of the colors.

Examples of well-known mnemonics:
- determine the number of days in months using the knuckles on the hands;
- memorize exceptions, for example, three adverbs that are written without a soft sign according to the phrase “too unbearable to get married”;
- make it easier to remember the multiplication table for "5", explaining that all answers end in "0" or "5".

Principle 4. Metacognition. This newfangled word is used in the sense of "awareness of one's own consciousness." When we help our children to search, notice, connect facts in a single series, we teach them to think and understand their train of thought. It used to be believed that there are capable students who were given from God, and, let's say loyally, less capable students. The results of numerous studies in the field of neurology refute this opinion. Scientists have proven that our brain is malleable and can learn to learn.

And we can help with this by using a diagnostic prompt when a child makes a mistake. We must help to recognize the error - that is, to find it, think about it and understand the reason. I want to give an example in the study of the multiplication table. If to the question: “How much is three times three”, the child joyfully shouts: “Six”, you should not pull him with phrases such as: “Be careful!”. Try to put the diagnostic clue into practice: “You must have heard three plus three, so you answered six, and that's right. But I asked you to multiply. So, which example should you solve now?” After that, it is worth training your auditory attention, alternating examples of multiplication and addition.

Principle 5. Quickly remember. If the same information is recalled quite often, the brain decides that it is important to us and directs it to long-term memory, from which it is easy to use. Happens in the brain interesting process- when we regularly, even if a short time, we recall certain studied material, then when we try to extract it, the brain tries to make more and more information interconnected and send it to long-term memory.

Principle 6. We remember in different ways. The more various ways memorization you use, the faster this information will get into long-term memory. Various information will be stored in different areas brain, and this helps to reproduce it effectively. I'll give you a specific example. Having learned the historical date, the child will need to answer the question “In what year did the Great Patriotic War? and to the question "What happened in 1945?"

Principle 7. Gradually increase the time interval.

If the child responds perfectly every other day, ask once a week. When he starts to remember this information if the polling interval is weekly, ask once a month for several months. After conquering this stage, the information will be securely sent for lifelong storage in the archive of long-term memory.

Five fun exercises to improve auditory memory.

I want to tell you about the exercises to improve auditory memory, which helped my son and me a lot. My son was happy to play with me, not suspecting that he was doing exercises to train his memory.

Exercise 1. Echo. You can start playing it from the age of three until you get bored. It helps to improve auditory attention, visualization speed, diction and intonation accuracy. Just do not forget that this game should not be played for more than five minutes a day.

Exercise 2. Fly - repetition. Only unfamiliar words should be spoken. The son really liked to repeat comic spells, but he did not refuse to repeat foreign words either. This is how we kill two birds with one stone - rhymed gibberish is funny, and words are useful for general development.

Exercise 3. You tell me a fairy tale, as I tell you. In this game, you can use small literary works. My son likes to do this exercise before going to bed - at first we read him a fairy tale, then he retells what he heard. If he retells well, then we read another fairy tale, which is no longer necessary to retell. Judging by the fact that we play this game already more than a year, the conditions of the son are quite satisfied.

Exercise 4. I am a storyteller. We play with the whole family. Someone says five or six words that are not related in meaning, for example: "Cat, window, branch, bird, jump." The one who remembers shouts: “I am a storyteller!” And he repeats these words in the same order, but already connected logically. For example, yes. “The cat is sitting on the window, looking into the distance. And then suddenly a bird sits on a branch. The cat was about to jump, but the window was closed. Hard domestic cat be a successful hunter. If mistakes are made, or something is forgotten to be mentioned, you can call yourself a “wizard” and make changes.

Exercise 5 Teacher. The child himself comes up with words or sentences, and we repeat them after him. I sometimes try to make mistakes in order to check his attentiveness and please him - it's nice when a boy finds mistakes in adults.

To be honest, I do not know people who like to memorize texts, but I know those who find it easy. Having studied a lot of literature on this topic, I realized that this skill needs to be trained almost from birth.

First you need to choose very light rhymes, consisting of two rhyming lines. After two lines are repeated from the second time, we begin to learn four lines, and so we gradually increase the number of lines and the complexity of the text.

Absolutely not be annoyed or make aggressive comments unsuccessful attempts, because it’s so hard for children to reproduce by ear, and here adults still hurt self-esteem.

Advice1. Before asking the child to repeat the text being studied by heart, read it aloud ten times, slowly with expression.

Advice2. Ask him questions to be sure of understanding the meaning of the text in general and all the words in particular.

Advice3. Now read the text in the same way as at the beginning, only omit the last word in each line, casting expectant glances at the child. Pause, smile and wait for the child to say something. If he correctly named the missing word, show him with a nod of the head that he is well done and you are satisfied. If you made a mistake or is silent, you just say it yourself right word and reads on. When you reach the last word of the next line, you pause again and look at the child, smiling. This learning technique is known as the missing word technique. It helps to avoid the feeling of interrogation by the investigator, the child is relaxed and is not afraid to disappoint you with his ignorance. You need to read the poem until the child can confidently pronounce the last word in the line without prompts and hints. The important point is not to delay the time for training, try to be in time in five minutes.

Advice4. Try now skip two last words in each line, giving the child time to independently recall and name the missing words.

Advice5. Now you suggest only the first two words in the line, then the child tries to remember and tell on his own. Each time he gets it right, show with gestures and a smile that you are happy with the result.

Advice6. As soon as the child himself was able to tell the poem, ask him to repeat it already with intonation, adding facial expressions and gestures and standing in front of the mirror. If it turned out well, call relatives and arrange a public rehearsal.

Advice7. If you think that the memorization process is complete, you will have to upset - no. You also need to repeat it several times so that it gets into the storage of long-term memory. Perfect option if you sometimes repeat previously studied poems, this will help him in acquiring such useful skills as auditory perception information and fast learning by heart.

How to relax and enjoy memory training.

And now 7 fundamental points that will help you cooperate with your child.

Moment 1. Memory training should always be no more than fifteen minutes in duration, even if the child asks: "More, well, at least a little bit."

Moment 2. Always start with easy questions - this will be a warm-up for the brain and warm ego.

Moment 3. Always show joy for correct answers. This can be shown:
- a smile;
- with praise, voicing specific achievements, for example: “You didn’t know this before, but now you answer quickly. All answers are correct!
- a sign of approval, for example, raised up thumb hands.

Moment 4. Rephrase questions more often, for example:
- how much is three times six;
How much is three times six?
- how much will be three times six;
How many do you need to multiply six to get eighteen?
How many do you need to multiply three to get eighteen?

The more options you come up with, the better, at the same time you will train your brains.

Moment 5. Set new fun rules and follow them regularly. I want to give examples of our rules, which the son perceives with enthusiasm:
— on the way to school we solve 10 examples for addition and 10 examples for subtraction;
- on the way from school we learn two new English words;
- when we stand in line at the store or at the bank, we play with words.

Moment 6. If you have difficulty remembering a date or event, help find an association or draw parallels.

Moment 7. Often behind whining, arguing, refusing to do homework hiding anxiety. We can help manage this psychological discomfort by using:
- that is, do not call the child a genius, but specifically say what was done with high quality;
Reciprocal listening is when you support the child by voicing his emotions: “Yes, I understand that you are angry and upset that you did not succeed the first time. But now you will carefully look and find the mistake yourself, and then together we will try to figure out why it happened, okay? This way of talking very effectively calms the children, it disarms them, and then they begin to understand that you are their like-minded person and are just trying to help.

I really hope that the information and tips presented in this article will be useful and find their place in your Everyday life. If you have the opportunity to devote 15 minutes a day to developing your memory skills, then in a month you will be surprised by the results. Teaching the child to game form, you will not only have a pleasant time together, but also help him become more attentive and more in himself and his strength. Good luck and joy of new discoveries!

12 years old is the age when a child's learning abilities are almost at their peak. high level. That is why parents should not stop there: your task is to develop the child intellectually and further. How to do it - read on.

How to develop attention in a child

How to develop mindfulness in a child of 12 years? To do this, you can perform special exercises that train this skill. The complex of attentiveness classes for children 12 years old includes the following exercises:

  1. "Don't get lost." The exercise develops concentration and teaches how to properly distribute it. Let the child count out loud, for example, from 1 to 31, but at the same time do not include the number with the number 3 in the count. Instead, he should say “I won’t go astray.”
  2. "Observation". This exercise helps develop visual memory. The child needs to describe from memory the details of the way to school, the yard near the house, his room or class. In general, any place in which he has to be. The description is done orally.
  3. "Fly". This exercise is also aimed at developing concentration. It is carried out in the form of a game.

To complete it, you need to take a board and draw a field with 3x3 cells on it. You will also need a piece of plasticine. He will play the role of a fly. Now put the board upright, and let the child move the fly around the cells in accordance with the commands that you will give him. For example: "right", "left", "up", "down". The starting position of the fly is the cage in the center of the board.

How to develop mindfulness in a schoolchild is written in specialized literature on child development and popular psychology.

How to improve the memory of a child of 12 years

How to develop memory in a child of 12 years? To do this, you need to focus on several aspects.

If a child of 12 years old has a bad memory, he should read a lot. Do not let children sit at the computer for a long time, it is better to get them interested in a good book, show by example that reading should become an integral part of life for a child.

Effectively train memory development of new skills and abilities. If the child masters the new kind sports or start playing on any musical instruments, this will help him cope with the problem of bad memory. Another option on how to improve the memory and attention of a schoolchild is to give a son or daughter to learn by heart poems and excerpts from prose works. Also be sure to increase lexicon child. This can be done with the help of board games, like Scrabble.
Among other things, remembering numbers is good for the development of memory. Let your child try to remember the dates of birth of all relatives - this will become great way to train his memory.

How to develop logic in a child of 12 years

In order to develop logic in a child, you need to conduct intellectual disputes with him more often, discuss various books, films. Let the child draw conclusions about the viewed or read story and its characters, this also trains logic.
Good way for training logical thinking and attention - Board games. For example, chess and checkers, Monopoly. Also, a child at the age of 12 is already quite capable of solving Sudoku - this is great option to practice logic.
Communicate with your children as equals, build with them trusting relationship, discuss the problems of society, seek advice. All this will help in the development intellectual abilities your child and give him a good incentive for further growth: so he will feel like an adult and independent.

A man without memories is a man without a past. No wonder one of the most powerful moves in the creation of television series is the scene with amnesia - memories play for us huge role, and memory problems can seriously affect the quality of life. The forgotten name of the pills, and as a result wrong treatment, a driver who forgot to carry out a vehicle inspection - it is better not to reach such a state, but once and for all solve the problem for yourself how to improve memory.

We monitor nutrition

People believe that only age and lack of exercise lead to the fact that they have a bad memory. What if, they say, we are all not getting younger?
Nutrition plays a huge role in improving memory and increasing attention.

A varied table with a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish rich in fatty acids, cereals, with the addition of vegetable oils, nuts and seeds to the diet not only helps to normalize weight, but also solves the problem of how to improve memory and attention.

Excessive consumption of animal fats, heavy sauces, fast food, sweets and baked goods at the same time is one of the causes of memory problems.

Three important words with "S"

Memory problems haunt those who devote little time to sleep, work around the clock, not allowing themselves to tear themselves away from the computer screen. After the decline in the overall quality of life, the next problem gradually comes - the inability to remember important information, and now a person begins to suffer from forgetfulness, not only at home, but also at work.

The reasons lie in the so-called triad C - sleep, sports, stress.
Lack of activity or extreme irregularity in sports leads to a deterioration in blood supply internal organs, including the brain. A sedentary lifestyle contributes various diseases the musculoskeletal system, all this is reflected in the nervous system, and as a result, memory problems begin.

Another important point, which should be considered when trying to solve the problem "how to improve memory" - analyze whether you are getting enough sleep. It is chronic lack of sleep that leads to an involuntary decrease in the ability to concentrate. And you need to sleep in comfort, at home, and not in fits and starts in transport.

The third point is the minimization of stress factors. The improvement of our memory directly depends on mental state. Irritation, fatigue, insomnia do not at all contribute to an increase in attentiveness, while an active sleepy person will solve most of the problems thanks to his calm state.

Concentration of attention

Sometimes the problem of our memory is related to the inability to maintain attention, and to solve it, it is enough to increase the ability to concentrate.

To improve memory and attention, the following methods are used:

  1. When reading newspapers or magazines, highlight with a pen or marker the letters combined by common ground, for example, doubled, standing side by side in a word, or the same, but located at a distance from each other;
  2. When you're in a car as a passenger, challenge yourself to notice cars passing by that have something in common: only blue foreign cars, only those with a 6 in their license plates, or only those driven by women.

These exercises will not necessarily solve memory problems, since you will not be tasked with remembering the signs found, but you will get rid of the absent-mindedness that attention deficit is often associated with.

Turning into an ambidexter

How to improve memory and attention for a person who gets enough sleep, goes in for sports and does not get nervous in vain, but still regularly forgets something? Perhaps the whole point is the predominant influence of one of the hemispheres of the brain.

Ambidextrous- a person who owns the same right and left hand, able to write, draw, hold instruments and much more with them.

ambidexterity it can be congenital, when the right and left hemispheres of the brain are initially equally developed in a person, and acquired.
To improve memory, the method of periodic change is used. working hand. This allows you to “turn on” the less used and, therefore, less developed hemisphere of the brain, stimulate its work, which ultimately contributes to a significant improvement in memory.

Methods to simplify memorization

"I'm good at remembering faces, but I keep forgetting names!" - sometimes people complain.
The problem of memory for certain categories of information is very common. Someone works better visual memory, for some - auditory, for some, remembering a phone number is not an easy task.

  • Visual: in order not to forget the name or title, associate these words with some visual images, for example, imagine the Flower Corner company as a soft kitchen corner on which there are vases of flowers.
  • Laying out in places: when going shopping, mentally figure out exactly where you will put each item (a loaf of bread in your right pocket, lemons in your breast pocket, chocolate under your hat). Absurdity will only help to remember the shopping list.
  • Breakdown by associations: remembering digital values, break them into convenient pieces, each associated with a number that cannot be forgotten, for example, code 335311 - 33 (Christ's age), 53 (last digits of mom's date of birth), 11 (drumsticks).

Learning foreign languages

Scientists through a series of experiments proved that the study foreign languages improves memory, because we are forced to constantly keep in mind a lot of new information, rules, memorize exceptions and use the brain's capabilities to the maximum.

Speaking in another language, we do not even notice how much work is going on in our head at this time: we remember the word in mother tongue, then we look for an analogue in a foreign language, and when we hear the answer, we are forced to perform the reverse procedure.

For linguists, memory problems are not problems at all, they are forced to do it all the time, for everyone else, even learning the basics of the language at home will stimulate memory.

Additional "anchors"

Indians North America for memorization important events used this method: as soon as something happened that they wanted to imprint forever in their memory, they took out and uncorked one of the bags with the aromatic mixture. And from that moment on, every time they inhaled this smell, they recalled the event in detail.

How to improve memory if we do not carry such bags with us? Establish an associative connection using other senses: touch, taste, sight. Touch the fabric to remember how it feels under your hands, and this will help you remember the color; put a lemon caramel in your mouth after meeting a person, and you will remember his name, again feeling this taste on your tongue.

  • Repetition is the best exercise
  1. Reread the text a second time immediately after the first reading;
  2. Do it again in half an hour;
  3. The next reading must be repeated after 8 hours;
  4. In a day, read the material again.

It is advisable to repeat such exercises for long-term memory improvement after two weeks, and last time- after two months.

  • The brain remembers what it works on

How to improve memory quickly and without a long investment of time? Perhaps it does not need to be improved, the problem may lie in the habit of thoughtlessly memorizing information instead of understanding it.

The human brain is arranged in such a way that it is difficult for it to solidify a word order that is meaningless from its point of view without understanding what exactly is behind these words. In the case when we understand what the text is about, we just need to understand the essence of the issue, and the rest will pop up in our heads on their own.

The habit of first understanding and then memorizing gives great odds to a significant improvement in memory, increasing attention.

  • speaking out loud

As good exercise to improve memory, you can use the pronunciation method readable material aloud. This allows you to use not only visual, but also auditory memory, which increases the chances of memorization and generally improves memory.

How to quickly improve memory if simple pronunciation does not help? Try to sing what you are trying to remember. Sing the lyrics to the tune of a famous hit or come up with your own melody using the phenomenon of a song that you can't get out of your head.

  • Data recovery

In one of the stories about Sherlock Holmes, the great detective asked the assistant how many steps on the stairs he overcomes every day, and Dr. Watson could not give an answer.

Often we do not notice the most obvious repeated facts and figures, and as another exercise to improve memory, we should use the method of recalling past events.

Did you have a free minute at work? Close your eyes and try to reconstruct the face of the colleague you met yesterday in the hallway. Remember what he was wearing, what he said, what expression he had on his face. This method is great for those who have problems with visual memory, do not keep faces in their heads, although they are not inclined to forget names.

With the help of the same exercise to improve memory, you can learn to remember the sequence of events - a few days after going to the cinema, try to restore in detail how many people were in the hall, what you ate and drank, do the same after visiting a museum or restaurant. And soon you will notice that memory problems began to recede.

Five little things

The main problem of memory is not to capture the picture, but to recreate it, and it is this ability that must be honed.

The problem of "how to quickly improve memory" helps to solve a daily workout called "five little things." It can be repeated at work, at home and even on the road.

  • At the first stage, lay out in front of you on the table five different items, look at them for a couple of seconds, close your eyes and try to remember in detail what exactly lies in front of you, what color, shape it is, etc.
  • In the second step, make it harder for yourself by trying to remember the five items you just saw on a colleague's desk or in a subway car.
  • The third step, which contributes to a significant improvement in memory, is to increase the number of memorized objects and the time elapsed since you stopped looking at them. Remember what exactly and in what order is in the lower right drawer of your desktop, before returning from your lunch break; mentally draw a picture of the contents of the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet on the way home from work.

Puzzles and puzzles

Children's toys can improve our memory!
Collecting puzzles and solving puzzles, we force the brain to strain, work, stimulate to produce new neural connections.
To complicate the task, set a timer and solve logical tasks for a while, and you will notice that the further you go, the faster you find the answer.

The main memory problem often lies not in a person’s inability to memorize, but in the fact that we ourselves bring ourselves to a state where the brain cannot function normally, neural connections are depleted and broken, and in the future it may be necessary to restore the ability to memorize drug treatment. To find the answer to the question “how to improve memory and attention”, you should devote time not only to exercises, but also to self-improvement and improving the quality of your life in general.

It is quite possible that a teenager with great difficulty remembers formulas, dates of events in history, grammar rules or lines of poems, and at the same time knows perfectly well the year and history of the creation of the Led Zeppelin group, the year the first album was released and the composition of The Doors or names all Manchester United players, specifications Lamborghini or memorize the ASCII code table. Is it possible in this case to say that a teenager has a bad memory?

What does "bad memory" mean?

It has long been noticed that after unsuccessful attempts to remember the topic, ending with a deuce at the blackboard, the topic of the lesson suddenly pops up in the student’s memory on its own after just one comforting word and an affectionate look from a pretty classmate. “I know it! I just got lost at the blackboard ... "

So, in fact, does the concept of “bad memory” exist at all? Of course, if this is not due to bad heredity, disease or lack of thyroid hormones ...

Perhaps, here it is appropriate to draw some parallel with the world of computer technology, where there is also the concept of "memory". So, the computer also has memory, and it can be operational (short-term) and permanent. When the computer is running, the necessary data is loaded into RAM from the permanent memory, which is physically located on the hard disk, and then various operations are performed with them.

Access to data in RAM is much faster than the same data stored on a hard disk or external storage devices, and access to disks depends on their speed and the quality of links.

And what happens if the connection between the hard drive and the computer circuit is broken? Access to data on the disk will deteriorate or be completely interrupted.

The same thing happens with the memory of a teenager, which actually stores all the information about everything that happened to him during a certain period. It's just that for some reason, the data from the teenager's "hard drive" does not enter his "RAM" or it is difficult to find them. How to strengthen the "bond"?

Passionate Teaching: The Right Path

So, a teenager who does not remember the formulas and rules, but remembers the names of the players of his favorite football team on the fly, cannot in any way possess bad memory. Just this young man or a young lady is characterized by emotionality, they may have a lyrical and even romantic mindset, so their subconscious simply rejects dry facts.

And, on the contrary, there are many cases from life when three-year-olds became excellent students, when another teacher began to teach a “dry” school subject, leading the lesson emotionally and very interestingly, using interesting facts from the history of the subject and about outstanding figures of science, so much so that the former C student in literature becomes a brilliant philologist.

Emotions - positive and negative

Assimilation of the lesson by "problem" teenagers is much faster and stronger if new information is presented in such a way that the teenager sees that the teacher himself is very passionate about his subject, loves it and is an expert and a good specialist.

It will help assimilation, and, consequently, improve memory, if the teacher celebrates the “small victories” of such a teenager and with satisfaction and joy draws the attention of other children, as well as his parents, to this.

The positive emotions experienced by the student will be a strong motivating factor for successful study. On the contrary, negative emotions (the teacher scolds, parents are dissatisfied, classmates laugh) can cause self-doubt, isolation, unwillingness to learn and bad behavior.

For normal development And good health every child needs vitamins. And especially if we are talking about schoolchildren. Getting enough vitamins, a school-age child easily copes with the academic load, freely concentrates on tasks and quickly learns new material. What kind of vitamins do schoolchildren need and do they need vitamin supplements from a pharmacy at this age?

Vitamin complexes are a real salvation when it is impossible to have a balanced diet.



Vitamins are not given in case of:

  • The development of hypervitaminosis (usually we are talking about an overdose of vitamin D or A).
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Severe illnesses The child has.

Vitamin supplements should only be prescribed by a doctor

Why stimulate the brain and improve memory?

  • Vitamin B1 improves brain nutrition and activated cognitive activity and the child begins to remember the material better. Lack of this vitamin leads to memory problems, irritability and fatigue.
  • With significant mental stress a schoolchild needs more vitamin B2, because it is responsible for generating energy. The lack of this vitamin is manifested by weakness, poor appetite, dizziness.
  • Vitamin B3 is involved in the production of energy in nerve cells, due to which the work of the brain is activated. Without adequate daily intake, a child's memory declines and fatigue gradually builds up.
  • The state of long-term memory depends on vitamin B5. Its deficiency leads to constant fatigue and sleep problems.
  • Vitamin B6 is also very important for the work of the central nervous system. Symptoms of its lack are the appearance of insomnia, memory loss, mental retardation.
  • Sufficient supply folic acid important for the regulation of excitability nervous system, preservation of memory and speed of thinking. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to apathy and problems with both long-term and short-term memory.
  • Vitamin B12 is important for the cognitive function of the brain, as well as changing sleep and wake patterns. With its lack, the child will be constantly drowsy and will begin to complain of dizziness.
  • Vitamin C is also important for memory, because a sufficient supply ascorbic acid required for the absorption of B vitamins.
  • Vitamin E is also important, which has the ability to protect nerve cells. from the action of free radicals and toxic compounds. In addition, its use strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which also improves memory.

Ensuring adequate amounts of vitamins is very important for the full development of the child.

Is it worth it to strengthen the immune system?

It should be noted that the schoolchild's immune system is really under high stress and it should be supported with vitamins. In the diet of a school-age child, there should be enough sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamins E and D. It is these vitamins that play the greatest role in protecting the body from attack by viruses and bacteria.

If it is not possible to ensure the intake of such compounds with food, you can resort to the use of special complex vitamins, for example, give the child VitaMishki Immuno+ or ImmunoKids from Multi-tabs.

Release form

Vitamins for school age are produced in different form- sweet gel or syrup, chewable hard tablets or gummies, coated tablets, capsules, dragees and even injections. At the same time, the most popular vitamin supplements for schoolchildren are chewable.

The choice of vitamins is very wide and allows you to choose suitable option even the pickiest child

What vitamins are better to give: an overview of popular

Most often, students buy such multivitamin supplements:

Name and release form

Application age



Daily dosage

Alphabet Schoolboy

(chewable tablets)

The supplement has all 13 vitamins, supplemented with 10 minerals

When creating the complex, scientific recommendations were taken into account on the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, which affects their absorption.

The additive rarely causes allergies.

The drug helps to increase mental performance, improve tolerance sports loads and strengthen immunity.

There are no synthetic flavors, colors or preservatives in the tablets.

3 tablets

Pikovit Forte 7+

(coated tablets)

11 vitamins

The supplement gives the student a good dose of B vitamins.

The tablets have a pleasant taste of mandarin.

The complex helps poor appetite, seasonal hypovitaminosis or increased loads.

The supplement is often prescribed after antibiotic treatment.

There is no sugar in the preparation.

1 tablet

VitaMishki Multi+

(chewable lozenges)

13 vitamins

2 minerals

Pastilles have an original shape and a pleasant taste of fruit.

Thanks to choline, the drug improves brain function.

The complex has a positive effect on the attention and memory of the student.

The lozenges do not contain synthetic flavors and flavors.

1 lozenge

Vitrum Junior

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

10 minerals

The tablets have a pleasant fruity taste.

High doses of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium will help strengthen the teeth and posture of the student.

The complex has a stimulating effect on mental development.

The supplement is indicated for significant physical and mental stress.

1 tablet

Sana Sol for schoolchildren

(effervescent tablets)

10 vitamins and magnesium

A delicious drink is prepared from the tablets.

Due to the presence of vitamins C and E, the complex increases the resistance of the student's body to external negative factors.

Due to the high doses of B vitamins, the drug has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to absorb new material.

Drink from 1 tablet and 150 ml of water

Multi-tabs Junior

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

The supplement is a tablet with a berry or fruit flavor.

This is a balanced formula for schoolchildren, helping to quickly adapt to a new team and cope with stress.

Due to the high content of iodine, the complex stimulates both immunity and mental development.

1 tablet

Multi-tabs Teen

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

Supplement normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates the development of intelligence.

The drug contains a full dose of iodine.

1 tablet

(chewable tablets)

10 vitamins

Schoolchildren like the shape and taste of this drug.

The complex strengthens immune system and positively affects the metabolism in the body of the child.

1 tablet

Kinder biovital

From the first year of life

10 vitamins

3 minerals

Children love the taste and texture of these vitamins.

Twice a day, 5 g

Centrum Children's

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

5 minerals

The supplement provides the child with the right combination of B vitamins to support the nervous system, activate memory and thinking.

The complex has a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones and the immune system.

Tablets do not contain sugar and dyes.

1 tablet

Many doctors insist on the need to introduce vitamin supplements into a child's diet. As an example, you can watch the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

We insist on a balanced diet and provision of the student necessary quantity vitamins from foods.

Power adjustment as an alternative

If parents want to use vitamins to improve the health of the student, which will help him mental development, you should first review the diet of the child, because we get almost all the vitamins valuable for the brain from food.

With a balanced balanced diet, vitamin supplements from the pharmacy will not be needed. To do this, make sure that the student's menu contains:

  • Dishes from oily fish (pink salmon, salmon, trout). They are a source of iodine and easily digestible proteins.
  • Different vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. Of these, the child will receive vitamin E.
  • Whole grain meals. They are a source of B vitamins.

It is equally important to get enough minerals. For memory and attention, the child needs:

  • Iron. Its source will be veal, rabbit meat, liver, beans, eggs, cabbage.
  • Magnesium. His child will receive from peas, beans, dried apricots, nuts, cereals, sesame seeds.
  • Zinc. To get it, the child needs to eat dried fruits, liver, meat, mushrooms and pumpkin seeds.

Read another article about the correct diet for a student. Learn the principles of a balanced diet and see an example menu for the week.

At balanced diet and the absence of negative symptoms, vitamin complexes will not be needed

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician calls vitamins important substances for a child’s health, but he is sure that an ordinary child vitamin pharmacy complexes are not needed. Komarovsky invites parents to more carefully control the child's diet so that everyone the right vitamins entered children's body with food.

As for improving memory, a popular doctor reminds that this function should be trained through the study of poetry and other activities, and not at all by taking vitamins.

  • Looking after multivitamins for a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to the recommended age of use. Both lower dosages in vitamins for smaller children and high doses in complexes for adults are not suitable for schoolchildren.
  • It is worth buying vitamin supplements in a pharmacy, choosing a complex from the range well-known manufacturer. Then you will be sure of the quality of the vitamins received by the child.
  • Choosing vitamin complex for a schoolchild, they often prefer a supplement in which, in addition to vitamins, there are other nutrients. In such complexes, pay attention to the dosage of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, and omega fats.
  • If you are interested in a complex with a high content of calcium, pay attention to supplements such as Calcinova, Pikovit D and Sana-Sol with calcium and magnesium.
  • If you are interested in vitamin preparations with a high iron content, you should buy Vitrum Circus or Doctor Thais Multivitamol. In these complexes, vitamins are supplemented with a high dose of iron to stimulate hematopoiesis and prevent anemia.
  • So that the child does not experience a lack of iodine (a mineral that is very important for mental development), you can give the student Iodomarin or select multivitamins with a full dose of this element.
  • Doesn't want to study