Educational and methodological material on the topic: long-term plan “development of fine motor skills. Perspective planning of "games for the development of fine motor skills of hands using a non-standard manual for young children with disabilities"

Everyone knows that about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the brain is the projection of the hand. Scientists have proven that the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child. At all stages of a child's life, hand movements play an important role. Most modern children there is a general motor lag (data from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for 2012). Most parents, thinking about how best to prepare their child for school, pay attention, as a rule, to reading and counting. Often a child has a desire to be as adult as mom and dad, but not all parents are ready to accept such a position and forbid him to manipulate household items. When a child tries to act independently with objects, adults show an impatient attitude towards children. This will also slow down the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Twenty years ago, adults and children had to do most of the household chores with their hands: washing and wringing clothes, darning and embroidering, etc. It is now easier and faster to use the appropriate machine to wash, wash, knit, brush, fluff, etc. Instead of shoes with laces, parents buy Velcro shoes, instead of a shirt, a T-shirt, and instead of a jacket with buttons, a jacket with a zipper. In addition, the child joins the computer early, as a result, underdevelopment of the movements of the fingers occurs. The position of the hand on the computer mouse develops limited quantity muscles. As a result, small movements of the fingers of the hand are excluded from the life of the child as much as possible.

Working in the second junior group for several years, she noted how poorly developed the motor skills of the hands of babies are: the fingers bend and unbend synchronously, when one finger is bent, the rest perform a similar action. Most kids do not have self-care skills. And we, teachers, know that the level of development of fine motor skills of the hand is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Thus, this problem of the formation of fine motor skills is a social need of society, and work in this direction is timely and relevant. Therefore, I put target: create conditions for the development of fine motor skills of the hands in young children preschool age in gaming, productive, labor (self-service) activities. To achieve efficiency in the work on this topic, outlined the following tasks:
1. create a developing subject-spatial environment conducive to the development of fine motor skills of the hands;
2. to involve parents in activities for the development of fine motor skills of hands in their babies;
3. arouse children's interest in games that promote the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Expected results:

1. Developing subject - spatial environment enriched with games, aids that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands of younger preschoolers.

2. Parents showed interest in the development of fine motor skills of the hands of their kids, created games at home, assisted in the manufacture of manuals, games.

3. Children have become more independent, work more confidently in productive activities, have shown interest in new manuals and games. The fingers became more mobile, gained flexibility.

Work on solving problems was carried out in stages:

Stage 1 (September-October)

a) the study of pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic;
b) studying the opinion of parents on this issue;

c) creation of the necessary subject-developing environment.

Stage 2, main (October-May)

The work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands of younger preschoolers in a game, productive, labor (self-service) lined up in the following areas:

a) in a specially organized (circle within the framework of the PLO DOW);

b) c joint activities a teacher with children in regime moments;
c) with parents - through consultations, holding a master class, exhibitions joint crafts.

Stage 3 (May)
a) Analysis of the results on this topic, prospects for further work on the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers

At the very beginning of her work, she focused her efforts on creating an information database on the topic, studied the pedagogical and methodical literature, the experience of other educators, observed the children's independence of children. It is known that not a single task in the upbringing and development of children can be solved without the participation of parents. As it turned out, many parents understand the importance of developing fine motor skills of the hand, but they don’t know how to develop it. Questioning parents helped determine the main goal of the work: to increase the interest and desire of parents to participate in the development of fine motor skills of their children's hands. (Appendix No. 1)

The child learns and educates what surrounds him. To achieve the set goal and objectives, the subject-developing environment was updated and expanded. She began her work by selecting and self-study practical material for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of children in their group. Material collected: different kinds papers and textures, games for development for the development of tactile sensations, material for research activities. Games are a very important part in the process of developing fine motor skills of hands. So I choose this game material, which would captivate children, interest, arouse interest and desire to play. I don't want to buy a large number of developing games, I try to do a lot with my own hands. It is important that these game aids are made in front of the children, with the help of their parents. Their advantage is that they do not require any special material. They are easy to make, but at the same time they are beautiful, aesthetic and safe. (Appendix No. 2). All this material is placed in the corner " skillful hands”and is constantly updated taking into account the development of motor skills of the hands. Children use the acquired skills and abilities in productive activities in the drawing corner, which is within walking distance. It is formed by the results of the productive activities of children.

She organized her work with children on the development of fine motor skills of hands through productive, playful and labor (self-service) activities.

GCD in the circle I spend as part of the integration of educational areas (Appendix No. 3). The GCD mug I use napkin application. It has a particularly positive effect on the development of motor skills of the hands. By squeezing pieces paper napkin fingertips, lumps are obtained, which children use to fill the contour, sticking them in certain places. productive activity always interesting to children if they see teamwork, decorated group, there is no limit to children's joy, admiration, pride in their work.

In joint activities with children in regime moments when conducting didactic games, game exercises, I try to use such game techniques, which contribute to the transition of the child to a higher stage of development: playing out situations, surprise moments, receiving the unexpected appearance of toys, fairytale heroes, listening to children's songs on the subject, solving small problems, etc.

IN game form began to improve self-care skills, on walks, during independent activity during dressing and undressing.

The success of the work depends on many factors, namely, on the systematic and regularity, accessibility and consistency, on the knowledge of individual characteristics and on how attractive the material is.

A consultation was held with parents: "On the development of fine motor skills of hands in younger preschoolers." IN parent's corner placed recommendations for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, as well as memos describing game exercises. A master class was held with parents and as a result an exhibition of joint crafts was organized (Appendix No. 4).

Thus, during the year, an attractive subject-developing environment was created that encourages kids to actively play, productive and work (self-service) activities. Parents with great interest took an active part in the production of game aids, in exhibitions, using the recommendations of educators, memos with a description of the games. In her work with children, she concluded that appliqué classes in non-traditional techniques are available younger preschoolers, allow you to quickly reach desired result. Children actively, with interest play didactic games, with game aids made by parents and caregivers. My pupils became more independent when dressing and undressing, more active in choosing games, began to work more confidently in familiar application techniques. Fingers have gained flexibility, become more mobile. In the future, I plan to continue to select new methodological techniques that will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children and expand and update the subject-developing environment with non-standard play equipment.

Used Books:

  1. M. Montessori. Help me do it myself / M. - Kara, 1998
  2. BEHIND. Bogateva. Wonderful paper crafts. M. Enlightenment 1992
  3. O. Zhukova. Hand development: simple, interesting, effective / preschool education No. 11, 2006.
  4. Website materials
  5. M. Ruzina. A country finger games- St. Petersburg, 2000
  6. E. Shepovskikh. Development of fine motor skills // preschool education No. 5

Application No. 1

Questionnaire for parentson the topic "The development of fine motor skills in preschoolers"

Dear parents! Please answer the following questions:
1. Do you know what fine motor skills of a child are?

Difficult to answer

2. At what age should you start developing it?

In infancy

7 years
3. What games do you use to develop hand motor skills?Houses?


4. What non-traditional material do you use in your work?

Groats, natural material

Buttons, beads

Needles, threads

Constructor, mosaic

Cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls
5. Where do you get information about the types of development of fine motor skills?

In kindergarten

In the Internet

Tells your intuition
6. How does the child complete the tasks of the game?


7. How does the child perceive the setting for play?

The first time

Multiple explanation required

An explanation and demonstration of actions is required
8. What form of work with the teacher on this issue is most comfortable for you?

Parent meeting

Master Class

Individual conversation

Parenting advice

Application No. 4

Application No. 2

Application №3

long term plan circle work in the second junior group

1st quarter

  • Learn to alternately touch the fingers of one palm on the other, starting with the thumb, spread your fingers apart and cross, alternately “walk” with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands.
  • Learn to crumple napkins, roll into a ball, stick along the edges of the contour, along the entire contour.
  • Develop fine motor skills, finger flexibility, tactile sensations.

GCD cycle:

  1. Introduction to paper types.
  2. Familiarity with paper properties (tearing, wrinkling, rolling, smoothing)
  3. NOD: finger gymnastics “The sun has friends”, application “Leaflet”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands (sorting, puzzles, lacing).
  4. GCD: finger gymnastics "Hedgehog", application "Hedgehog", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. (sorting, different types of fastening, lacing).
  5. NOD: finger gymnastics “1,2,3,4,5…. the finger came out for a walk”, application “Mushroom”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (lacing, stringing beads, rings).
  6. NOD: finger gymnastics “Let's count fingers”, application “Rowan brush”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands (folding napkins, stringing beads, twisting corks, launching tops).
  7. NOD: finger gymnastics “Let's count fingers”, application “Sheep”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands (clothespins, lacing, pigtail).
  8. NOD: finger gymnastics “Here are my helpers”, application “Light the rays in the sun”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (folding napkins, stringing beads, twisting corks, launching tops)
  9. GCD: finger gymnastics “1,2,3,4,5 ... a finger went out for a walk”, application “Put a fur coat on a bunny”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (sorting, different types of fastening, lacing).
  10. GCD: finger gymnastics "My family", application "Owlet", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands (lacing, clothespins, sorting).
  11. GCD: finger gymnastics “Counting fingers”, application “Snowball”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (different types of fasteners, lacing, sorting).


  • To form the ability to bend and unbend fingers, starting from the little finger, from the thumb.
  • Exercise in the ability to connect the ends of the strip (paper, napkins) into a loop, twist into flagella; stick to a specific place, alternating in color.
  • Develop finger flexibility, switchability of general and small hand movements.
  1. GCD: finger gymnastics "lock", application "snowman", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (different types of lacing, fasteners: buttons, buttons, zippers, straps, Velcro).
  2. NOD: finger gymnastics "family", application "snowflake", development of fine motor skills (folding napkins, stringing beads, opening and closing objects).
  3. GCD: finger gymnastics “Sing along with 10 flock of birds”, application “Christmas tree elegant”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills (different types of lacing, fasteners: buttons, buttons, zipper, straps, Velcro).
  4. GCD: finger gymnastics “fingers play”, manual labor “Loop”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills: (clasps).
  5. NOD: finger gymnastics "Swan", exercises for the development of fine motor skills: fasteners, lacing, sorting.
  6. GCD: finger gymnastics "Fingers and handles", exercises for the development of fine motor skills: different types of fasteners, lacing.
  7. GCD: Finger gymnastics"Sing - ka, sing along - ka 10 flock of birds", manual labor "Flagella from napkins", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: fasteners, lacing.
  8. GCD: finger gymnastics "round dance", manual labor " Frost patterns”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills: different types of fasteners.
  9. GCD: finger gymnastics "Here are my helpers", application "Airplane", exercises in practical life: sorting, folding a napkin, stringing beads, braiding.
  10. GCD: finger gymnastics "Castle", application "Salute", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: fasteners, lacing, clothespins.


  • Exercise in unbending the fingers from the cam, starting with the little finger, squeeze the fingers into the lock, alternately connect the thumb with the rest.
  • Improve the ability to fill in the contour, alternating in color, develop spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, an eye.
  • Develop coordination of fingers, tactile sensations and activate fine motor skills of the hands.


  1. GCD: finger gymnastics "My family", application "Heart", exercises for the development of fine motor skills: different types of fasteners.
  2. GCD: finger gymnastics "Castle", application "Mimosa Branch", exercises for the development of fine motor skills: sorting, lacing, clothespins.
  3. NOD: finger gymnastics "House", application "Beads", an exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (lacing, clothespins).
  4. NOD: finger gymnastics "Rain", application "My palm", exercises for the development of fine motor skills (stringing beads, rings, puzzles).
  5. NOD: finger gymnastics “Here are my helpers”, application “Decorate the dress”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (unscrewing - twisting, opening - closing).
  6. GCD: finger gymnastics "Five fingers", application "Verba", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (different types of fasteners, sorting).
  7. NOD: finger gymnastics "Rain", application "Dandelion", exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (lacing, clothespins, fasteners).
  8. GCD: fingers "Hardworking fingers", application "Golden testicles", exercises for the development of fine motor skills (laces, clasps)
  9. NOD: finger gymnastics “The sun has friends”, application “Salute”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills (folding napkins, weaving braids, spinning tops).
  10. GCD: finger gymnastics “Boat”, application “Wreath”, exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands (puzzles, pyramids, beads, rings, sorting).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 33"

"Development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children through finger games"

Artemovsky 2017


I. Substantiation of the topic……………………………………………………………………4

1.1 Purpose, objectives, expected results………………………………………..4

1.2 Relevance of the selected


1.3 Novelty


II.Practical part………………………………………………………………………………..8

Long-term plan…………………………………………………………….…………………..8



An important factor in the development of the child is fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the flexibility, dexterity of the hands and the accuracy of the movement of the fingers. The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. A variety of hand actions, finger games stimulate the process of speech and mental development child.

Fine motor skills interact with such properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. It follows that the level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of the intellectual readiness of the child. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw, write, and perform a variety of household and educational activities.

The issue of the development of fine motor skills of preschool children is quite relevant. This is repeatedly emphasized by educators, psychologists and other specialists in the field of preschool education. The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. This means that the more a child can, wants and strives to do with his own hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. Therefore, the level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling.

“The hand is the instrument of all instruments,” said Aristotle. “The hand is a kind of external brain,” wrote Kant. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his upbringing novel Emile, wrote about the needs of a small child: “... he wants to touch everything, take everything in his hands. Don't interfere with him, this is an absolutely necessary matter for him. So he learns to distinguish between heat and cold, hardness and softness, heaviness, size and shape of objects. The child learns about the properties of the things around him by comparing what he sees with the sensations that he receives from his hands ... ".

How pleasant it is for a parent when his child has skillful fingers: they deftly hold a pencil. Carefully draw, build from the designer.

This methodical development draws attention to the long-known problem of the development of fine finger movements in children, which is recognized by educators. The main attention is paid to teaching children finger games. Such games are very emotional and exciting for children. In the process of implementing the work, it is planned to involve parents in the process of developing fine motor skills of the hands of babies, to provide them with the opportunity to learn finger games as a means of developing fine motor skills.

Rationale for the topic

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hands in preschool children through finger games.

    develop fine motor skills of children's fingers through finger games, speech abilities, taking into account age and individual characteristics;

    create a card file of finger games;

    encourage parents to be actively involved in educational process and implementation of activities at home.

Expected results:

As a result of the proposed exercises, fine motor skills will develop, the hands acquire mobility and flexibility, the stiffness of movements disappears and, as a result, the speech of children develops.

Children show interest in finger games, use finger gymnastics in everyday life.

Parents become like-minded with the teachers of the preschool educational institution on the development of fine motor skills of children and the use of speech finger games.

List of main events:

The choice of complexes of finger gymnastics and the implementation of these complexes.

Literature study excellence on the development of fine motor skills.

Performers of activities: educators, children and parents.

The relevance of the development of fine motor skills in children is that in children of primary preschool age low level development of fine motor skills. Consequence of underdevelopment general motor skills and hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development.

The problem of the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age is reflected in the "Federal State Standard for Preschool Education", presented in the targets at the stage of completion of preschool education - "The child has developed fine motor skills."

The problem of developing manual skills and fine motor skills of hands is also important for personal development the child himself. Owning a hand, the child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent of an adult, which contributes to the formation of his initiative in different types children's activities.

The modern concept of primary upbringing and education, changing requirements for the content and nature of primary education determine the need to improve the development of a child of preschool age, as a multidimensional holistic process, an important direction of which is holistic development.

Science has proven that one of the indicators of the normal physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of the hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills. According to the skill of children's hands, specialists based on contemporary research make a conclusion about the features of the development of the central nervous system and the brain.

Probably, few of the parents, and even more so of the teachers working with preschoolers, have not heard about the need for the development of fine motor skills in children, about its relationship with the speech of children. What is fine motor skills? Physiologists by this expression mean the movement of the small muscles of the hands. Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands? The motor centers of speech in the human cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to the speech centers, which activates speech. But in fact, the sufficiently developed skills of fine motor skills of the child's hands affect not only his speech, but also his general development, intellectual ability.

At preschool age, the main activity is the game. Significant experience is accumulated by the child in the game. From his play experience, the child draws ideas that he associates with the word. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Without the game there is, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development ... The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.” Based on this, a good remedy for the development of fine motor skills are finger games. These games are very emotional, exciting, captivate children with their improvisation, spontaneity, theatricalization, elements of surprise and suggest a situation of success. Finger games reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During finger games, children repeat the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of their hands, thereby developing dexterity, the ability to control their movements, and concentrate on one type of activity. Modern concepts of preschool education recognize the irreplaceable influence of finger games on the development of fine motor skills of the child, and the problem is also caused by insufficient education of parents in this issue.

The urgency of this problem is obvious today.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that as a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the writing skill and improve the child's speech abilities.

Object: the development of fine motor skills in preschool children.

Subject: to focus the attention of parents on the development of fine motor skills

The novelty of the topic

The federal state educational standard shifts the focus from the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to the education of a general culture, development (of qualities, formation of prerequisites learning activities ensuring social success) of the child not through a system of knowledge, but through effective forms of organization of upbringing and educational work with children of preschool age. The game, as a form of organizing children's activities, is given an important role, this special activity of the child, through which he organically develops, learns a huge layer of human culture of relationships, helps to solve educational problems. Therefore, all the "lessons" of education for preschoolers should take place in the form of a game. One of the options for developing games are finger games. This is a wonderful way to form a child's oral speech and fine motor skills of the hands, a great opportunity to instill cultural and hygienic skills in an interesting game form, correct emotional condition as well as a fun way to spend time with benefit. Through such games, communication skills with other children and adults are developed. The concept of gender is being formed, there is an introduction to the origins folk culture. In the course of the game, horizons expand; children receive elementary representations about the work of adults, the world around. Finger games will help children master counting, spatial concepts. Many games are based on fairy tales, which helps to form interest and the need to perceive the artistic word, develop memory, imagination and speech. With games, you can interesting form organize any regime moment, joint and independent activities of children, build an exciting activity in kindergarten. Also, finger games enable parents to play with children, to please them, at the same time to develop fine motor skills. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between an adult and a child. best result in the development of fine motor skills of a child, a special principle of selecting games can be achieved, which is presented below.

forward planning

finger games


Name of the game

Game words

Children's actions




« Autumn leaves»

One, two, three, four, five, Let's collect the leaves. birch leaves,

Rowan leaves, poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom autumn bouquet we will attribute.

They clench and unclench their fists.

Bend the thumb.

Bend the index finger.

Bend over middle finger.

Bend the ring finger.

Bend the little finger.

They clench and unclench their fists.



3-4 weeks

"Fingers in the Forest"

One two three four five,

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to cut,

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to cook,

And this finger sat down and ate everything,

That's why he got fat!

Fingers in fists, palms up.

thumbs up!



1-2 weeks

"How are you?"

How are you?

Like this!

Do you swim?

Like this!

How do you run?

Like this!

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! Are you following?

Like this! Do you sleep at night?

Like this! (Palms under the head).

Are you kidding?

Like this!

(The thumbs of both hands are up, the rest are gathered into a fist).

(Hands depict the movements of the swimmer).

(Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body).

(Alternately put palms on the forehead).

(Energetic movements of the hands).

(Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks)



3-4 weeks

"Friendly Fingers"

This little finger

The little finger is remote.

Nameless - wears a ring,

Will never leave him.

Well, this one is medium long,

He's right in the middle.

This one is pointing

The finger is wonderful.

Thumb, though not long,

The strongest among the brothers.

Fingers do not quarrel

Together they argue.

The fingers of one hand, clenched into a fist, slowly unbend one at a time, starting with the little finger.

At the end of the game, they again clench into a fist, but the thumb is placed on top.



1-2 weeks


There is a lock on the door

Who could open it? Pulled, twisted, knocked

And - opened!

(rhythmic quick connections of the fingers in the "castle").

(repetition of movements).

(fingers are clasped into a "lock", pull the hands to one, then the other side.) (Movement of the hands with clasped fingers from oneself to oneself).

They knocked (fingers are clasped, the bases of the palms are tapped against each other).

(fingers to disengage, palms to the sides).



3-4 weeks


We shared an orange.

There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for the cat,

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the snail

This slice is for the siskin.

Well, the wolf - peel!

Alternately connect the fingers of both hands: the little finger with the little finger, index with index, etc.

Bend your thumbs.

Bend your index fingers.

Bend your middle fingers.

Bend your ring fingers.

Bend your little fingers.



1-2 weeks

"Merry Dwarf"

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf

with round ears.

he's on the sugar mountain

slept under the gate.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant appeared,

He wanted to eat the mountain, but he choked!

Well, what about a funny gnome?

So he sleeps deeply!

(children show their hands above their heads, depicting a cap) (describe large circles around their ears with their hands)

(elbows on the table, arms straight, palms folded so that a triangle is formed)

(fingers represent the gate)

(arms raised high above head)

(put hands to mouth)

(children laugh)

(children depict a sleeping gnome)



3-4 weeks


Fast from finger to finger

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

Went down, turned around

And came back again.

Finger to finger again

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

Down again and up again

Jumped the bunny above all!

The right hand is a bunny. First for each syllable

index finger jumps 2 times on each

Above all - on the thumb of the left hand.



1-2 weeks


Boys and girls are friends in our group.

We will make friends with you little fingers.

One two three four five!

One two three four five.

(fingers are connected rhythmically into a “lock”).

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name of both

(touching fingers, starting with the little fingers).

(arms down, shake hands).



3-4 weeks

"White snow"

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And quietly falls to the ground

And then, and then

We are sculpting from the snow

Rhythmically, smoothly lower your hands down

Circular movements of the hands

Gently lower your hands down

Simulated snow shoveling

Perform the movement "make pies"

Throw snowball forward



1-2 weeks


There is a house in the meadow

Well, the way to the house is closed.

We open the gate

We invite you to this house.


(palms unfold in parallel each other),



3-4 weeks


Let the fingers go for a walk

And the second to catch up

Third fingers run

And the fourth on foot

Fifth finger jumped

And at the end of the road he fell.

The fingers are clenched into fists, the thumbs are lowered down and, as it were, jumping around the table. Rhythmic movements on the table index fingers. Movement of the middle fingers at a normal pace. slow motion ring fingers on the table. Rhythmic touching of the surface of the table with both little fingers. Clap with fists on the surface of the table.



1-2 weeks


The guests came running to Katya,

Everyone shook hands with each other.

Hello Zhora,

Hello Zhanna,

Happy Seryozha,

Happy Snezhana

Wouldn't you like a pie?

Maybe shortbread

Ile horn

Here's a dragee for you

You take a little

Everyone shook off the crumbs quickly

And they clapped their hands!

(run fingers on the table or on the floor)

(connect thumb and index fingers)

(large and medium)

(big and nameless)

(big and pinky)

(put palms together)

(show 2 open palms)

(2 fists put on top of each other)

(finger poke into open palm)

(we bend our palms into fists several times)



3-4 weeks

"Building a house"

All day - knock and knock,

There is a loud knock.

Hammers are knocking

We are building a house for squirrels.

This house is for squirrels

This house is for bunnies

This house is for girls

This house is for boys.

Here's what good house,

We will live happily in it.

We will sing songs,

Have fun and dance. Clench your hands into fists, thumbs up. Throughout the poem, "the hammer drives in the nails" - first a straight and then a bent thumb moves from top to bottom. At the end, the children show "ready houses" - they stretch their hands forward, clenched into fists.



1-2 weeks


Increased tall flower in the meadow,

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

All petals beauty and nourishment

Together they give underground roots. Put your hands vertically, palms - to each other, round.

Spread your fingers

wiggle your fingers

Palms - down, back to each other, fingers apart.



3-4 weeks


A squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts.


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

Flexion and extension of the fingers of both hands.

Clap your hands according to the text of the poem.


1-2 weeks


I will go through the forest.

I'll find cranberries.

If there is no basket,

I'll take it in my palm.

I'll jump over the puddle

The head will spin.

And lingonberries are in the grass - find them here!

Children walk on the carpet, collecting scattered peas, reading a poem and imitating movements.


3-4 weeks

"Jump Rope"

I'm jumping, I'm spinning

New jump rope.

I want - I'll jump

Galya and Natalka.

Come on, one, come on, two

In the middle of the track

Yes, running, with the breeze,

Yes, on the right leg.

I'm jumping, I'm spinning

New jump rope.

I ride, I teach

Galya and Natalka.

Come on, one, come on, two

Sisters are learning.

Behind the back day by day

Jumping pigtails.

Clench your fingers into fists, palms down. Put your thumbs out to the sides and bring them closer to each other. Rhythmically make circular movements with a large amplitude, first in one direction, then in the other direction.



" Vegetables"

1. Finger gymnastics "Lariska has two radishes"

2. Laying out along the contour (large nuts)

4. Didactic game"Collect peas in a basket" (drawing lines)

5. "Put the vegetables on the tray" (drawing straight lines)

6. Plant vegetables in the beds (laying mosaics, seeds, buttons on a strip of plasticine)

7. Exercise on the sand "Let's plant vegetables"

" Fruits»

1. Finger gymnastics "Compote"

2. Trace stencils (pear, apple, plum, lemon, orange)

3. Wire construction

4. Didactic game "Put fruit in a vase"

5. "Harvest" (the ability to remove fruits (mugs) from a tree (picture)

6. Laying out along the contour.

7. Exercise "Sand rain"

" Mushrooms. Berries"

1. Finger gymnastics "For the berries"

2. Tracing stencils and hatching mushrooms (white, boletus, chanterelle)

3. Construction from cranberry "Caterpillar"

4. Didactic game "Collect mushrooms in a basket" (drawing targeted lines)

5. Didactic game "Collect berries in baskets" (collect berries (mosaic, buttons) of the same color in a basket.

6. "Fungus in the rain" lacing - threading the lace into the hole diagonally.

7. Exercise "Lay out the track"

" Toys"

1. Finger gymnastics "Toys"

2. Assemble the whole from the parts ( split pictures)

3. Spread out geometric shapes("Cheburashka", "Yolochka", "House")

4. "Doll rug" - weaving from strips of paper

5. Outlining stencils and hatching.

6. "Collect the toy" (buttoning)

7. Playing with sand "Find a toy"


" Autumn"

1. Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

2. Tracing stencils and hatching tree leaves

3. Laying out the leaves on the stencil from the stones

4. Didactic game "Leaf fall" (drawing straight lines)

5. "Magic strings" (outline of leaves from threads)

6. "Rain" (drawing vertical straight lines)

7. Sand games "Patterns in the sand"


1. Finger gymnastics "Duck"

2. Trace stencils and hatch

3. "Kings for chickens" (crumpled paper)

4. Lacing "Show the path of the chicken to mom"

5. Laying out of geometric shapes ("Chicken", "Chicken")

6. "Help the duckling swim across the river" (drawing straight lines)

7. Playing with sand "Nests"

" Pets"

1. Finger gymnastics "Hostess"

2. "Bring the dog to the house" (drawing straight lines in the strip)

3. "Treat the animals" (drawing straight lines)

4. "Booth for a dog" (Laying out of sticks, geometric shapes)

5. Laying out along the contour of the bones, buttons of pets.

6. Stroke stencils, hatching.

7. Playing with sand "Who came to us?"

"Winter Birds"

1. Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

2. Stroke stencils of wintering birds

3. The game "Cut pictures"

4. "Put the birds on the feeder" (drawing straight lines)

5. Laying out of the geometric shapes of birds.

6. Breaking "Bird"

7. Playing with sand "Unusual footprints"


" Winter"

1. Finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard"

2. Laying out of the sticks "Snowflake"

3. Construction from crumpled paper "Snowballs"

4. "Assemble the whole from the parts" (from the geometric shapes "Herringbone", "Snowman")

5. Laying out the beans along the contour "Snowdrifts"

6. "Snowflakes are falling" - drawing straight lines

7. Playing with sand "Draw the figure"

" Cloth"

1. Finger gymnastics

2. Stroke stencils

3. Put the parts together

4. "Let's dress the doll for a walk" (fastening buttons, zippers)

5. "Make a pattern on the hat" (geometric shapes)

6. "Lay out along the contour" (bones, buttons)

7. Playing with sand "Pattern in a geometric figure"

" Shoes"

1. Finger gymnastics "Shoes"

2. Stroke the stencil "shoes"

3. Lay out along the contour (beans, buttons)

4. "Magic strings" ("Boot")

5. "Lace up your shoe" - lacing

6. "Assemble the whole from parts" (cut pictures)

7. Playing on the wet sand "Imprints"

« New Year»

1. Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

2. Laying out from the sticks "Herringbone"

3. "Decorate the Christmas tree" (geometric shapes)

4. Combined toy "Herringbone"

5. Stenciling and clipping "Herringbone"

6. Plucking styrofoam to decorate fir branches.

7. Playing with sand "Sand Circle"


" Furniture"

1. Finger gymnastics "A lot of furniture in the apartment"

2. "Connect the dots" (furniture)

3. Laying out of sticks (table, chair, bed)

4. "Assemble the whole from parts" (cut pictures)

5. Draw the missing piece of furniture.

6. Laying out from the geometric shapes of furniture

7. Playing with sand "My room"



1. Finger gymnastics "What the postman brought us"

2. Laying out of sticks (envelope, mailbox)

3. "Write a letter" (drawing wavy lines)

4. Trace along the contour "Airplane"

5. Laying out of geometric shapes "Machine"

6. Laying out along the contour "Scales"

7. Playing with sand "Sand builders"

" Wild animals"

1. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sits on a trolley"

2. Trace Animal Stencils

3. Lacing "Help the bunny find the path"

4. Toys - fasteners (hare, bear)

5. "Traces of a fox in the forest" (drawing a winding line)

6. Laying out along the contour of animals (beans, nuts, buttons)

7. Playing with sand Fairy tale "Three Bears"

" Transport"

1. Finger gymnastics "Rushing train"

2. Stroke transport stencils

3. "Finish the missing parts" (wheels, headlights)

4. Laying out of sticks (airplane, ship)

5. "The car goes to the garage" (drawing straight lines)

6. Assemble the whole from parts (car, train)

7. Sand game "Find the number"

« Houseplants»

1. Finger gymnastics "On the window in pots"

2. Tracing flower stencils (begonia, violet)

3. Laying out a mosaic of flowers

4. Application from crumpled paper "Geranium"

5. Laying out along the contour (buttons)

6. Drawing short sticks "Cactus needles"

7. Playing with sand "Plant flowers"


« Mom's holiday»

1. Finger gymnastics "How big is our family"

2. "Help Dunno to collect a bouquet" (geometric shapes)

3. "Flower for mom" (button flower)

4. "Help mom put patches" (geometric shapes)

5. Laying out along the contour "The sun is radiant"

6. Making a beautiful tablecloth for mom (paper weaving)

7. Playing with sand beautiful patterns»

" Family"

1. Finger gymnastics "Family"

2. Tracing a stencil of a person (with drawing eyes, nose, mouth)

3. Laying out from the sticks "The house in which we live"

4. Decoration of the rug (geometric shapes)

5. Drawing straight short sticks "Fence near the house"

6. "Let's go through the cereal for porridge"

7. Playing with sand "We are going to visit"

" Spring"

1. Finger gymnastics "Cap, cap, cap"

2. Cutting from paper "Droplets"

3. "Spring drops" (drawing jerky lines)

4. "Spring streams" (drawing wavy lines)

5. "The sun is radiant" (clothespins in a circle)

6. Playing on the sand "Sand Circle"

" Migratory birds"

1. Finger gymnastics "Swallow"

2. Trace stencils (starling, rook, swallow)

3. "Birds fly" (drawing wavy lines)

4. Assemble the whole from parts (Bird from geometric shapes)

5. "Testicles in the nest" (paper crumpling)

6. Laying out of geometric shapes "Birdhouse"

7. Playing with sand "Footprints"


" Dishes"

1. Finger gymnastics "Helpers"

2. Tracing stencils (cup, pan)

3. "Assemble from parts" (cut pictures)

4. "Table setting" (drawing straight lines)

5. "Lay out along the contour" (teapot, plate, pan)

6. "Decoration of dishes" (Geometric shapes)

7. Playing with sand "Secret"

« aquarium fish»

1. Finger gymnastics "Rybka"

2. Laying out from geometric shapes

3. Laying out of sticks

4. "Draw to make a fish"

5. Trace fish stencils

6. Drawing wavy lines "The fish swims"

7. Playing with sand "Sand Telegraph"

" Insects"

1. Finger gymnastics "Bee"

2. Trace the stencils

3. Laying out of a mosaic, sticks

4. Stringing large beads "Caterpillar"

5. "Plant a butterfly on a flower" (purposeful lines)

6. Laying out along the contour "Butterfly" (buttons, bones, beans)

7. Playing with sand "Transformation of letters"

"First Spring Flowers"

1. Finger gymnastics "On the lawn in the morning"

2. Trace stencils (snowdrop, coltsfoot)

3. "Mimosa" - crumpled paper appliqué

4. "Plant a butterfly on a flower" (purposeful lines)

5. "Dandelion" (clothespins in a circle)

6. Laying out flowers from mosaics, bones, buttons.

7. Playing with sand "Track of counting sticks"

1. Improving the development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination

- Teaching children to highlight each finger on the hand and name it.

Finger games with speech accompaniment (poems, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters). Exercises for flexion and extension of each finger separately and clenching of fists: “Forty-white-sided”, “Orange”, “Squirrel”;

- Teaching coordinated movements of the palms and fingers of both hands. This is facilitated by finger games "Bud", "Balloon", "Flower", "Cabbage", "Butterfly", "Fish", etc.

- Stimulation of muscle activity of the arm in exercises with a pencil. Use of finger games with a ribbed pencil (pencils different sizes, diameters). The actions of children with their hands are accompanied by verses: “ magic pencil”, “Bridge”, “Umbrella”, etc.

- Teaching winding and unwinding threads on a ball (spool). Games: "Multi-colored balls", "Wrap the threads on the ball", "Unwind the spool", etc.

- Teaching the capture of small or loose materials, pointing type of grasping. Tasks: "Treat the squirrel with nuts", "Lay out a path from a mosaic", "Build a bridge from sticks", etc.

- Laying out objects according to given guidelines from sticks (Christmas tree, house according to a pattern specified on a sheet), into cells on a board, in a slot, along lines, a cord, etc. Didactic games and exercises "Build a fence", "Lay a path", "Make an iron fence" were used.

Way”, etc.

- Learning to perform specific actions with fingers: twisting, stringing, clicks, rotations, etc. Didactic games: "Funny top", "Tighten the nut", "Games with candy wrappers", "Beads for a doll", "Garland on the Christmas tree", "Lanterns ", as well as special small toys: top, pyramids, children's designer, toys - jumpers;

- Formation of the ability to perform actions with water: pouring water from one container to another using a cup, wooden spoon, ladle, funnel. To perform these actions, the children were offered the following games: "Cook", "Away", "Aquarium"

- Teaching how to pour bulk materials (barley, peas, beans) by hand, spoon. Games: "Hide the toy", "Feed the birds", "Baba sowed peas"

2. Development visual perception and visual attention.

- Learning to lay out images of objects on a table from flat sticks. The teacher is taught to work by imitating the actions of an adult, according to a model, then according to a verbal instruction. Game tasks: “Lay out a Christmas tree”, “Build a ladder”, “Make a house”, “Build a fence”, “Lay out a path”, “Build a well”, “Make a gate”.

– Development of a holistic perception of the objective image. Tasks and exercises were used: “Insert windows into the house”, “Pick up patches to the rugs”, “Give the children balls”, 2 lay out a clearing of flowers”, “fold an object from colored stripes”, “Collect a train”, etc.

- Learning to compare paired objects or pictures (choice of 3-4) "Find a similar toy", "Pick up the same picture", "Find a pair" (gloves, socks, boots).

3. Improving orientation on a sheet of paper.

- Learning to lay out images of objects on a table of sticks. According to the speech instruction, game tasks: “Lay out the Christmas tree”, “Build a ladder”, “Make a house”, “Lay out the path”.

- Teaching orientation on a plane (board), formulating the ability to work according to the model. Orientation was formed in children: up-down, left-right, middle. Game tasks: “Lay out the clouds at the top, streams at the bottom”, “Lay out the Christmas tree in the middle, at the bottom of the little animals”, “Spread the sun at the top, the grass at the bottom”.

- Formation of orientation on a sheet of paper. The didactic game “Pinwheel”, “Lay out the toys in place”, “Puppies ran away”, “Kittens with balls” are visual stencils for them, moving in up and down directions (the bird flew off the branch to the ground, the sun sets behind a cloud), “left- to the right ”(the car is moving, the ship is sailing, the plane is flying).

4. Development of auditory attention and auditory motor coordination.

- Learning to perform certain hand movements under speech signals. The children uttered a vowel sound as they exhaled and acted in imitation of the actions of an adult. Game tasks "winding the ball", "unwinding the hose", " balloons».

- Learning to draw a continuous line in a limited space: with chalk on a blackboard (an easel, a sheet of paper) to the sounds being uttered. Game tasks: “The bees are flying into the hive - f-zh-zh”, “ Mosquitoes are flying to the flashlight - z-z-z”, “ The plane is landing - and-and-and”, “ The snake is crawling - sh-sh- sh”, etc.

5. Formation of basic graphic skills.

– Learning to draw various lines-tracks (straight, broken, wavy) in a limited space and in directions: from top to bottom, from left to right. Children to spend various lines in horizontal and vertical directions. Game tasks: "Down the hill", "Waves on the sea", "Serpentine on the Christmas tree", "Bridge over the river", "Fence", "Christmas trees", etc.

Learning to draw lines along a given contour, indicated by dots, stroke dotted line. Assignments 6 "Path to the garage", "Path for the kolobok", "Sleepers for railway”, “Bridge over the river”, “Fence around the house”.

- Learning to stroke lines along the contour and hatching simple geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle), focusing on the arrow pointer. Game tasks: "Snowman", "Clouds", "House", "Tumbler".

- learning to lay out patterns from flat geometric shapes on a table (in a limited space on a wooden board, landscape sheet), followed by a sketch of these patterns. Didactic tasks and exercises: “Fold and draw a pattern”, “Lay out and draw a Christmas tree fungus”, “Fold and draw a hammer (chair, table, Christmas tree, tumbler)”.

September 1st week: Theme "Kindergarten and toys"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Friendship" "On a visit to the big finger" "Ball".
2. "Figures from sticks" (swing).
3. Game with peas or beans (lay out a toy, a ring, a cube).
4. Affectionate game for fingers "Wonderful bag (choose the one you need from 3x toys by touch).
5. "Finish the pattern"
Week 2: Theme "Berries"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Hello" "Grass" "This finger"
2. "Stick figure" (basket for berries).
3. Playing with pebbles (lay out the berries along the contour).
4. Nitkography (clearing).
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Mushrooms"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Basket", "For mushrooms"
2. Figures from sticks (lay out a mushroom and a stump).
3. Game with barley (mushrooms).
4. An affectionate game for fingers "A wonderful bag, find a fungus among other objects."
5. Drawing on the image of light geomes. figures.
6. Draw the pattern.

Week 4: Theme "Vegetables"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Salting cabbage"
2. Figurines from sticks (the car carries the crop from the fields).
3. Game with red beans (put out beets).
4. Playing with a tennis ball, holding between the fingers.
5. Draw the pattern.
October 1 week: Theme "Migratory birds"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Flock of birds" "birdhouse" "Chicks in the nest"
2. Figurines from twigs (flocks of birds)
3. Game with women and peas (with eyes closed sort the women and peas).
4. "Know me!" (connect the dots with one line)
5. Finish the pattern
Week 2: Theme "Poultry"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Ducklings" "Goose"
"Cock" "Hen".
2. Working with gouache [color the chickens with yellow gouache with your fingertips, crumple the paper into small lumps - food]
3. Game with rice: (circle the duck along the contour and
put it in rice)
4. Self-massage with faceted pencils
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Mail"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Guests" "Mailbox 2. Figures from sticks (envelope).
3. Work with gouache (draw with your fingertip
4. Artistic work (envelope)
5. Draw the pattern.
4. week: 1. Finger gymnastics: "Fingers5" Rake "
2. Stick figurines
3. Clipping (the shape of the leaves of various trees)
4. Self-massage with balls.
5. Nitkography (autumn trees).
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 1: Theme "Family"
1. Finger gymnastics: "My family" "Who arrived"
2. Figures from sticks (face, glasses).
3. Working with decoy (draw a cheerful person with your fingertip on the decoy.)
4. Beads as a gift to mom from lumps of paper.
5. Game "Piano".
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme "Our City"
1. Finger gymnastics: "The lawn is dry" "Well"

2. Figures from sticks (tower, house)
3. Figurines from branches (building kindergarten, group plan)
4. Working with stones (road and cars)
5. Self-massage with faceted pencils.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Our Motherland"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Hello" "Warm"
2. Figures from sticks (sun).
3. Work with millet (lay out a drawing along the contour)
4. Game (with the help of a stick with closed eyes, determine the object)
5. Mosaic panel based on Russian folk painting.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 4: Theme "Winter"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Let's get warm" "Ice" "Frost"
2. Game: "Spread the ice into molds"
3. Work with cotton wool ( snowdrifts)
4. Work with thin paper strips(snowflake in the image of a smaller size).
5. Draw the pattern.

December 1st week: Theme "Wintering Birds"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Doves" "Sparrows"
2. Working with small geometric shapes (bird)
3. Breaking off (decorate the bullfinch with small pieces)
4. Nitkography (winter forest)
5. Beading.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme " Winter fun"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Snowball" "Snowman"
2. Figures from sticks (sled)
3. Working with rice (winter landscape)
4. Self-massage with balls. 5. Draw a pattern.
Week 3: Theme "New Year"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Holiday" "Christmas tree"
2. Figurines from sticks (Herringbone)
3. Breaking off (Christmas tree toys)
4. Mosaic of Christmas tree and pine needles.
5. Draw a picture.
Week 4: Theme "Dishes and food"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Naughty" "we washed the dishes"
2. Figures from sticks: (sweets, saucepan, box)
3. Gentle fingers "Wonderful bag"
4. Game with rice (from large dishes to several small ones)
5. Game with peas (lay out any tea utensils)
6. Draw the pattern.
January 1 week: Theme "Clothes and shoes"
1. Finger gymnastics: "mittens, boots, hooks"
2. Working with buttons, hooks, zippers, locks.
3. Work with lacing.
4. Stretching the elastic (holding the ends with your fingers)
5. Working with waste material(decorate clothes, shoes)
6. Weaving a pattern of multi-colored laces.
7. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme "Pets"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Met", "Horses" "Sheep" "Dog" "Cat" "Goat"
2. Stick figurines (pussy)
3. Work with pearl barley (calf along the contour)
4. Working with stamps
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Wild Animals"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Our meadow", "Hedgehog"
2. Figures from sticks (hedgehog)
3. Thread printing.

4. Self-massage with a faceted pencil.
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 1: Topic "Animals of hot countries"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Turtle" "Elephant"
2. Working with pebbles (elephant along the contour)
3. Circle the drawing along the line without lifting the pencil from the paper.
4. Work with waste material (beloved animal)
5. Beading (peacock tail)
6. Finish the pattern and color without leaving the outline
Week 2: Theme "Defenders of the Fatherland"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Soldiers" "Fighters"
2. Figures from sticks (tank, plane).
3. Working with rice (salute on blue cardboard)
4. Competition "Who will tie more knots on a rope"
5. Stamp with a finger (finish the image)

3-4 weeks: Theme "Pisces"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Fish"
2. Figures from sticks (fish, shell).
3. Working with color woolen threads(aquarium)
4. Working with stamps (turning into a fish)
5. Working with semolina (storm)
6. Nitkography (waves)

March 1st week: Theme "Spring"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Spring rain"
2. Work with paper (rolling) "rain lei"
3. Work with stamps (fill the cloud with rain)
4. Nitkography (colors of spring)
5. Draw the pattern and color without leaving the outline.
Week 2: Theme "Mom's holiday"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Mommy, tulip"
2. Figurine from sticks (a flower for mom)
3. Weaving (bow on the box)
4. Beading (beads for mom)
5. Break (plan)
6. Draw the pattern and color without leaving the outline
Week 3: Theme "Construction professions"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Painters, a house on a hill"
2. Stick figures (house and gate)
3. Game (guess riddles, put riddles according to the model)
4. Self-massage with balls.
5. Working with stencils.
6. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the edges
Week 4: Theme "School and library"
1. Finger gymnastics: "We wrote, bell"
2. Figures from sticks (notebook, pencil)
3. Graphic dictation

4. Game (with closed eyes, line up matryoshkas in a row)
5. Lay out letters and numbers with peas.
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
April 1 week: Theme "Space"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Palm play, Comet"
2. Figures from sticks (asterisk, rocket)
3. Lay out riddles with pebbles (rocket, sky)
4. Clipping (stars in a dark blue sky)
5. Working with rice
6. Finish the pattern
Week 2: Theme "Furniture"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Chair, table"
2. Stick figurines
3. Working with rice and peas
4. Exercise with walnuts(rolling between palms)
5. Game (with closed eyes among several soft toys, choose 2 identical ones)
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 3: Topic "Household appliances"
1. Finger gymnastics: "TV, watch, vacuum cleaner"
2. Figures from sticks (gas stove, TV)
3. Game with spinning tops (competition)
4. hit the target (crump up the newspaper, throw into the ring)
5. Winding balls from the center or edge clockwise and against it.
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 4: Topic "Where did the bread come from?"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Bread, baker"
2. Figures from sticks (mill)
3. Nitkography (spikelets)
4. Work with millet (bread)
5. Self-massage with a faceted pencil.
6. Testoplasty (pretzels)
7. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
May 1st week: Theme "Flowers"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Flowers, poppy, chrysanthemums
2. Figures from sticks (cactus, vase)
3. Circle the drawing by dots (tulip)
4. Working with poke (wild flowers)
5. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the edges.
Week 2: Theme "Victory Day"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Salute", "Soldiers"
2. Figures from sticks (tank, flatok)
3. Nitkography (eternal flame)
4. Work with coils (a monument to the fallen soldiers)
5. Draw a picture in mirror image
Week 3: Theme "Insects"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Ladybugs", "Wasps", "spider", "Butterfly", "Centipede".
2. Figures from sticks (butterfly, beetle)
3. Circle the drawing by dots (mosquito)
4. Logic chain with a stamp.
5. Nitkography (butterfly)
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 4: Theme "Vacation"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Funny guys" "Swing" "Fingers rest"
2. Figures from sticks (carousel)
3. Landscape on the semolina (where I will rest)
4. Beading (colors of summer)
5. Finish the pattern in a mirror image