What to eat for constipation during pregnancy. Drug treatment methods. Traditional methods of treatment


Health 03/22/2018

During pregnancy, women often experience changes in the functioning of their digestive system. For example, the expectant mother may change taste preferences, and unexpected combinations of foods will provoke nausea and eating disorders. In other situations, the influence of hormones takes place: because of them, intestinal tone decreases, which often causes constipation, which accompanies a woman almost throughout her pregnancy.

Constipation is systematic or one-time problems with bowel movements. Such a violation in its work manifests itself in stool retention (less often three times per week for adults) and unpleasant consequences(bloating, heaviness, etc.). As a result, this can cause the appearance of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, disruption of the intestinal microflora, inflammatory and putrefactive processes, even problems in bearing a child and premature birth.

The manifestations of such an illness will clearly be reported characteristic symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, mucus in the stool, poor appetite, headache, fatigue, irritability. What should pregnant women do for constipation? The first step is to find out the root cause of the problem.

Main causes of constipation during pregnancy

It is important that the causes of intestinal upset differ depending on the stage of pregnancy. Yes, on early stages Some reasons are more common, while others occur later. However, the remedy for constipation during pregnancy must also be chosen in relation to the underlying cause. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor who can make a diagnosis taking into account all important factors.

So, globally we can distinguish the following causes of constipation in pregnant women: early stages:

  • influence of hormones and changes hormonal levels . Due to active hormonal changes, and especially due to the increasing amount of progesterone, there is a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs. This ultimately leads to slower performance. digestive system, decreased intestinal motility and other consequences.
  • dietary changes. To avoid swelling, pregnant women may want to reduce their intake of liquids and watery foods. But there is another side to this situation: low amounts of fiber and water in the body lead to constipation.
  • taking certain medications. For normal development The fetal gynecologist may prescribe the pregnant woman to take medications containing calcium and iron. But these substances have a fixing effect, so problems with bowel movements are likely.

If we talk about constipation during early pregnancy, then it is worth mentioning the influence physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to blood stagnation and slow metabolism, which means there may also be problems with bowel movements.

Constipation during pregnancy later often occurs for the following reasons:

  • emotional turmoil. When the day of birth approaches, expectant mothers begin to worry more. It is experiences and worries that can lead to stool retention.
  • change in fetal position. When on last weeks During pregnancy, the baby's head drops and puts pressure on the intestines, and constipation is also likely.
  • decreased physical activity. The course of pregnancy latest dates, pain in the spine and other discomfort often force a woman to reduce her physical activity. But it is not The best decision, because it also provokes problems with bowel movements.

There are several types of constipation in pregnant women. Its atonic form is associated with a decrease in muscle tone of the intestinal walls. In this case, movement in the intestine worsens, which means its contents stagnate in the body. The second type is spastic constipation, which differs increased tone muscles when bowel movements slow down due to spasms. The causes of such stagnation may be neurovegetative, endocrine and other diseases, poor nutrition, and the use of potent laxatives. Although this different types constipation, but treatment is common for them.

After identifying the cause of constipation in pregnant women in the early or late stages, the doctor will be able to recommend suitable methods treatment. Often it will be limited to standard recommendations and gentle medications, but each case is individual.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy

Medicine for constipation during pregnancy is not a fad, but the right remedy if the expectant mother has problems with bowel movements. The fact is that this seemingly banal symptom can negatively affect the health of the mother and child. Here are the main dangers of constipation during pregnancy:

  • retention of toxic substances in the body that remain after the breakdown of food;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • increased tension in the abdominal muscles, which can lead to miscarriage;
  • probable development of other diseases (for example, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the rectum, anal fissures, colitis).

It turns out that an annoying problem can lead to serious illness. For this reason, you should not delay visiting a doctor if you start having problems with your stool. In addition, pregnant women should not take all the medications that are on display at the pharmacy. They need soft ways or drugs that do not harm the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is important to choose the most gentle, but effective method how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy.

Diet is the best solution for constipation in pregnant women. This method of dealing with difficult bowel movements will not only relieve a lot of unpleasant symptoms, but will also have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother and baby. A large amount of liquid, foods containing fiber, and a minimum of junk food contribute to the swelling of food in the intestines, an increase in feces and, as a result, natural bowel movements.

When changing your diet and lifestyle is not enough, your doctor may prescribe glycerin suppositories. They have a gentle effect on the receptors of the rectum without reducing the tone of the uterus.

A separate group in treatment consists of folk remedies. Pregnant women often resort to them if they want to know how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy without the use of medications. These methods include: prune decoction, eating raisins, dried apricots, prunes with honey. But not all ways traditional medicine for constipation are allowed during pregnancy, because some of them can pose a danger to the life of the fetus.


You don’t need to decide on your own how to deal with constipation during pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe medication for constipation during pregnancy. It is dangerous to ask a pharmacist or friends for advice because medications can affect the development of the child and even provoke pathologies. Only a qualified doctor is able to select the drug that will provide effective action against constipation for pregnant women and will not harm the baby.

Preventing constipation during pregnancy

If you stick to the basics preventive measures, in 9 cases out of 10 you can avoid disruption of the defecation process. So, to prevent constipation during pregnancy, you need to:

  • drink more fluids. The norm for an adult is 1.5 liters per day. This amount is enough for proper metabolism, but it’s even better to drink 1 glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning 30 minutes before meals. room temperature. The priority is clean water, not tea or juice.
  • eat foods high in fiber. It is the natural dietary fiber in the intestines that helps improve its functioning. They are found in vegetables, fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots and prunes). Ideally, it is good to consume the listed products raw, but in case of intolerance or illness gastrointestinal tract their heat treatment is allowed.
  • give up strong drinks and foods. Strong tea, coffee, cocoa, blueberries, semolina, chocolate, flour products - all this negatively affects digestion. Many people have individual intolerance to certain foods, so it is important to monitor your health and refuse what is harmful.
  • be physically active. It is especially important for a pregnant girl to breathe fresh air, walk and do special exercises. In addition to generally improving the health of mother and child, this is an excellent preventative against constipation during pregnancy.

So it's much better to lead healthy image life, than to suffer with constipation during pregnancy. Of course, these recommendations will not always prevent problems with bowel movements, but they will help to significantly reduce the risk of such an illness.

Exercise regularly and eat enough dietary fiber in your diet. The problem of constipation is due to the fact that the main hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the nearby intestines. This "relaxed" state of the colon is side effect removing the tone of the uterus. In late pregnancy, constipation is also caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on surrounding organs. abdominal cavity. Therefore, every pregnant woman can face the problem of constipation.

To eliminate constipation during pregnancy, it is recommended to use only one group of medications - osmotic laxatives. These osmotic laxatives have a mild and delicate effect, do not provoke an increase in uterine tone, and cause stool, the consistency of which is as close as possible to normal. Under the influence of osmotic laxatives, the colon empties easily, without injury or stretching of the anal sphincter, which is very important for women suffering from hemorrhoids.

Currently, osmotic laxatives are drugs that, as active ingredients contain macrogols (PEGs), lactulose or magnesium sulfate.

Currently, the most effective, gentle and safe osmotic laxatives are the following drugs based on macrogol:

  • Lavacol;

  • Osmogol;

  • Realaxan;

  • Transipeg;

  • Forlax;

  • Forpega;

  • Fortrans.
The above osmotic laxative medications can be taken throughout pregnancy. Moreover, drugs based on macrogols can be taken both regularly for chronic, persistent stool retention, and occasionally for one-time constipation.

In Russia, the most popular osmotic laxatives prescribed to pregnant women to relieve constipation are medicines based on lactulose. Preparations with lactulose are less effective compared to drugs based on macrogol, but can also be used during pregnancy. Lactulose is effective for occasional constipation, but is practically unable to eliminate persistent stool retention. Currently, the most effective and safe osmotic laxatives based on lactulose are the following drugs:

  • Good luck;

  • Lactulose Poly;

  • Lactulose Stad;

  • Livolyuk-PB;

  • Normaze;

  • Portalak;

  • Romphalac.
In addition to drugs based on macrogol and lactulose, magnesium sulfate powder can be used to relieve occasional constipation. For the purpose of a laxative effect, it is necessary to dissolve 20 - 30 g of powder in 100 ml of warm water and take orally.

Constipation in late pregnancy is a fairly common problem that requires immediate treatment. But before we get started The reasons for this condition should be identified, they are as follows:

What can it affect?

Constipation is a rather uncomfortable sensation that different dates pregnancy can affect a woman's condition in different ways.

Danger in the later stages

Constipation on recent months Pregnancies leave a certain mark on the body; moreover, they pose a great danger not only to the expectant mother, but also to the unborn baby.

Due to the fact that it is difficult for a woman to have a bowel movement, her body retains quite a lot of harmful substances formed after the breakdown of food.

They are located in the intestines and are absorbed into the blood through the walls. It is this factor that negatively affects the expectant mother and her baby.

Constipation needs to be treated, since they bring a lot of negative sensations to the pregnant woman. A feeling of pain and heaviness in the abdominal area can constantly accompany a pregnant woman. A similar condition may provoke the development of unnecessary experiences.

Most women are interested in: “Is it possible to push while carrying a child?” Attempts at this time are undesirable.

Frequent constipation can lead not only to hemorrhoids, but even to miscarriage. Based on this, it is not difficult to conclude that treating constipation during pregnancy is simply necessary.


Therapy for constipation, like any other disease, can be done with medications and folk remedies.


Everyone knows that taking medications for a woman during pregnancy is completely undesirable. In this case, how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy?

Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and only when there is an urgent need for it. Self-medication can cause unnecessary problems.

Almost all medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Substances that are part of a particular medicine can only irritate all the receptors of the colon.

Doctors may prescribe glycerin suppositories for constipation in a pregnant woman. They do not in any way affect the tone of the uterus. They won't provide negative influence and such medications, How:

  • Duphalac.
  • Hilak forte.
  • Transipeg.

Folk remedies

Prune decoction will not cause harm to the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

  1. In order to prepare it, you need to take 100 g of well-washed dried fruits, beets and Hercules flakes.
  2. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed together, placed in a saucepan and filled with 2 liters of water.
  3. The composition should remain on low heat for about 1 hour.
  4. After this time, the broth settles, filters and goes into the refrigerator.

You need to take the drug before going to bed, 1 glass.

Preventive actions

And of course, we should never forget about disease prevention.


One of the most important factors that can prevent unwanted constipation during pregnancy is proper diet nutrition of the expectant mother. In order to make the fight against constipation more effective, it is important not only to choose the right food products, but also to create a schedule for eating food.


Physical exercise will be no less effective. If expectant mother has no contraindications for physical exercise, then in this case it will not be superfluous:

Even those done regularly Hiking will benefit the mother and her unborn baby.

Unfortunately, today there is no universal drug in the fight against constipation for a pregnant woman in pharmacology.

However, every expectant mother must do everything possible to avoid its occurrence.

If constipation occurs during pregnancy, then the choice of a laxative must be approached with the utmost seriousness. You cannot be guided in this matter by the popularity or cost of the drug. Approximately three-quarters of the pharmaceutical assortment of drugs can harm the baby or negatively affect the health of the expectant mother. That is why the prevention and elimination of constipation must be carried out in a timely manner and under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Causes of constipation at different stages of pregnancy

Problems with bowel movements are most often caused by hormonal changes in a woman’s body. The hormone progesterone, the active production of which occurs during attachment ovum, and reduces smooth muscle tone. Having an effect on the uterus, it helps the organ prepare for rapid growth and stretching, maintaining pregnancy. An increase in its level has a negative effect on the intestines: it relaxes and interferes with the normal movement of feces.

From about 20 weeks of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, which leads to problems with stool. Having a bowel movement every 2-3 days is practically the norm for the second and third trimesters.

Expectant mothers are recommended to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.
Almost all of them contain calcium, iron and magnesium, which are necessary to maintain the functions of the placenta and good nutrition fetus But due to their strengthening properties, vitamin supplements can cause constipation during pregnancy.

Changing your diet and limiting your fluid intake is another reason for constipation or constipation during pregnancy. To prevent edema, pregnant women often exclude foods with a high fluid content from their diet - fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber. Their absence in the daily menu upsets the functioning of the intestines, leading to a decrease in the volume and retention of feces.

How to cure constipation during pregnancy

Almost all drugs with a laxative effect are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you experience heaviness in the abdomen, pain, increased passage of gases and defecation less than once every 1-2 days, you should seek the advice of a gynecologist. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs that will not provide harmful effects during pregnancy and will not harm the health of the fetus.
You can try to normalize your diet and increase physical activity on your own. These measures are often enough to improve bowel function and alleviate the condition.

The “correct” diet for constipation during pregnancy

The daily menu for a pregnant woman who is prone to constipation should be composed correctly:

  • Adequate consumption of raw water is the first remedy for constipation during pregnancy. Normal stool contains about 70% water, but if its amount decreases to 40%, the stool will become hard: there will be pain during bowel movements, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, and heaviness in the abdomen. Even if you are prone to edema, a pregnant woman needs to drink at least 1-1.5 liters clean water in a day. However, it is not at all necessary to drink everything at once. It is better to drink a glass of water before meals, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it, and a few sips every half hour to an hour.
  • It is important to exclude fixing foods from the diet. These include strong tea and coffee, chocolate, fresh White bread, baked goods and homemade pastries, semolina porridge. You should not eat dry food. It is better to give preference to soups with second meat or vegetable broth, stewed or steamed vegetables, replace dry cereals with viscous ones, and limit the consumption of protein foods.
  • For constipation, foods that cause constipation are also important. increased gas formation in the intestines (grape and apple juices, legumes), light fruits, as well as vegetables high in essential oils(radish, radish, onion, garlic and others).
  • During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat fractionally: eat often and in small portions. Protein foods and sweets can be consumed in the first half of the day; for afternoon snacks and dinner, it is best to eat boiled or stewed vegetables, vegetable soups, and low-fat fermented milk products.
  • The menu can include prunes, dried apricots, figs, dried pears in in the usual form or as decoctions, as well as melon, zucchini, fresh plums and apricots. These products exhibit a mild laxative effect, especially if consumed on an empty stomach.
  • The daily diet should include: Rye bread(preferably yesterday's), fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of fiber, which forms feces and stimulates intestinal function. If you cannot consume these products, you can take dietary supplements with bran. As an option, drink a drink from a glass of unsweetened kefir and a spoon of wheat bran.

You can follow such a diet not only during pregnancy. IN postpartum period You can and even need to eat similarly. These actions will protect you from digestive problems after childbirth, help you recover faster and quickly get used to the peculiarities of the diet of nursing mothers.

Gymnastics instead of laxatives

Quite often, pregnant women deliberately reduce physical exercise: stop visiting sport sections, do gymnastics, do most of the homework. However physical activity important for maintaining muscle tone, normal blood circulation, and getting enough nutrients to the placenta.

In the fight against constipation, moderate, regular physical activity is extremely important. If there is no threat of miscarriage, it is important to walk daily. fresh air and do housework other than heavy lifting. Exercises on an exercise bike, swimming in the pool and open reservoirs, stretching, special gymnastics, exercises and yoga for pregnant women.

Before starting classes, you should consult a gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy to ensure there are no contraindications.

How not to treat constipation during pregnancy

Treat constipation during pregnancy with pharmaceuticals start only if diet and exercise are ineffective. Most often this happens when the expectant mother enters pregnancy with existing digestive problems.

Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for constipation during pregnancy.

This takes into account the undesirable properties of some drugs, for example:

  • Teratogenic effect, increasing the risk of fetal deformities. All sena-based drugs have this property - sena leaf, Senadexin, Senade, Regulax, Fitolax and others.
  • Stimulation of intestinal smooth muscles. Increased intestinal motility often causes a temporary increase in uterine tone and leads to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Chemical irritation of the intestines is caused by compounds based on hay, buckthorn bark, rhubarb root, Castor oil, phenolphthalein, Gutalax, Bisacodyl, Regulax, Dulcolax, as well as other drugs.
  • The need to drink large amounts of fluid. This property is possessed by laxatives with filling properties based on bran, methylcellulose, psyllium seeds, seaweed— Fiberlax, Mukofalk and others. Given the tendency of pregnant women to develop edema, drinking excess fluid is undesirable.
  • Imbalance of water and minerals in the body. This effect can develop as a result of taking salt-based drugs of the osmotic group - magnesia, carl salt, sodium sulfate.

Doctors strongly do not recommend using an enema for constipation for a pregnant woman. The procedure mechanically irritates the intestines and stimulates its spasms, which are transmitted to the uterus and can cause tone and the threat of miscarriage. Colon lavage for constipation is allowed only after the 38th week of pregnancy, when the danger of birth has already passed. premature baby.

Safe medications for constipation during pregnancy

With such a wide list unwanted drugs Women are still concerned about what pregnant women can do for constipation. After all, if a problem with bowel movement appears, it requires immediate action to gently eliminate it.

The following medications may be present in a pregnant woman's medicine cabinet:

  • Glycerin suppositories. It's harmless and effective remedy from constipation during lactation and pregnancy. The components of the drug slightly irritate the intestines and soften the stool, stimulating bowel movements. The medicine acts gently and painlessly, and bowel movement occurs 20-30 minutes after use.
  • Microlax. The drug has the form of a microenema, is approved for use in children over 8 years of age, and is not contraindicated during pregnancy. It is not absorbed into the intestines, acts gently, and causes defecation 5-15 minutes after use.
  • Transipeg. Powder for oral use: approved for children from one year old and not contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers. The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in water and taken on an empty stomach. The laxative effect develops a day or two after application.
  • Forlax. Powder for solution, taken orally. Intended for the symptomatic treatment of constipation in children over 8 years of age and adults; its use is possible during pregnancy and lactation. It acts similarly to Tranzipeg: it retains fluid in the intestines, dilutes solid feces, stimulates peristalsis, and is not absorbed through the intestinal walls. The laxative effect occurs a day after administration.
  • Duphalac. It is used to treat constipation in children from birth, adults, pregnant and lactating women. It is a syrup for oral use. The components of the drug retain water in the rectum, increase the volume of feces and soften them. The drug produces a laxative effect. With prolonged use, the medicine helps normalize the intestinal microflora, but can be addictive.

All of these remedies for constipation during pregnancy do not pose a threat to the baby and the woman. However, if there is a problem, the expectant mother must consult a doctor and choose a safe therapy.

Almost every woman faces such a problem as constipation during pregnancy. This is not surprising, given the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. Solving the problem is not at all as difficult as it might seem, but to do this you need to know the exact causes of its occurrence, as well as respond in a timely manner to the appearance of the first symptoms.

Where does constipation come from during pregnancy?

Timely identification of the causes will help overcome constipation immediately after the problem appears. However, you should know that these very reasons may differ significantly at different times. For example, in the first trimester, difficulties when going to the toilet can be caused by:

  • a sharp decrease in physical activity associated with the need to comply bed rest because of high risk termination of pregnancy;
  • increased concentration of progesterone in the body, which causes atonic constipation during pregnancy. Progesterone relaxes the intestinal muscles, which leads to difficulties in excreting feces;
  • reception vitamin complexes and food products that contain a large number of potassium and iron. These microelements are very useful for a woman during pregnancy, but they complicate the process of defecation.

WITH fourth month pregnancy, new problems are added to the above-mentioned problems. They are mainly associated with fetal growth. It leads to displacement internal organs and increasing pressure on them. At the same time, all existing problems with digestive tract and intestines. If in a normal state they may not show themselves in any way, then under pressure they create serious troubles.

Another reason why constipation occurs during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is lack of water. Whenever severe swelling its quantity is greatly limited, which leads to problems in the digestive system.

Toxicosis, which provokes long breaks between meals, overeating, and non-compliance with diet also lead to negative consequences. But in this case, it is difficult to fight the pathology; you need to wait until the body itself gets used to the changes occurring in it.

Constipation during pregnancy can cause psychological stress. Its causes include a restructuring of the body, fear of the upcoming birth, and any problems in the family. Regardless of why such experiences arise, it is better to protect the expectant mother from them, since stress negatively affects the development of the fetus. Complete calm and positive emotions- these are the main ways to protect against any disease.

Problems caused by constipation during pregnancy

Recognizing constipation during pregnancy in the early stages or in the 2-3 trimester is not so difficult. The occurrence of the disease is indicated not only by problems with going to the toilet, but also by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • constant nausea;
  • decreased ability to work, deterioration of mood, lethargy, apathetic attitude towards everything that happens around;
  • loss of appetite. The expectant mother needs to deal with this symptom first of all, since for the normal development of the fetus it is necessary to eat well;
  • the appearance of pain in the anus, the occurrence of quite painful cracks. Constipation during pregnancy can occur precisely because of such problems.

Also common symptoms include a false urge to defecate and a feeling of fullness in the intestines. All this negatively affects the condition of the pregnant woman and is passed on to the unborn baby, so you should not delay treatment.

Drug Treatment for Constipation: Be Extremely Caution

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? The main rule is not to self-medicate. Some medications for expectant mothers they are generally prohibited, as they can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. For example, medications such as Senadexin or other tablets based on Senna leaves can cause abortion.

It is best to see a doctor who will prescribe one of the following: safe drugs to help relieve constipation during pregnancy:

  • Duphalac syrup. It has a very delicate effect on the body, softens feces and promotes their gentle removal from the body. The presence of a prebiotic in the composition makes it possible to simultaneously restore normal microflora and eliminate the occurrence of problems in the future;
  • Microlax. Another delicate remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used for so-called microenemas. Its main advantage is the high speed of impact. The required laxative effect appears within 10-12 minutes;
  • Glycerin suppositories. Absolutely safe remedy from constipation during pregnancy, which gives great effect. Its components do not penetrate the blood and do not pose a risk to the health of the unborn baby.

Despite the fact that these drugs are safe, treatment for constipation during pregnancy with their use can only be performed after consulting a doctor. Only he can choose a medicine that suits the characteristics of the body.

Folk remedies: using the gifts of nature

You should also consult your doctor before using any natural recipes. Many of them allow you to do without medications and alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. Here's an example:

  • decoction of oatmeal, which are mixed with finely chopped beets and prunes;
  • raisins and dried apricots. 100 grams of each ingredient should be crushed and mixed with honey. Take two teaspoons at night;
  • herbal sedatives. They will help if constipation is accompanied by cramps.

Without fear, you can take a remedy for constipation during pregnancy, which is used by everyone, regardless of age and gender - warm water with honey. It softens the intestines, acts gently and delicately, but the effect should only be expected after a few hours.

Is it possible to avoid constipation during pregnancy: preventive methods

Constipation during pregnancy can be successfully prevented if preventive measures are taken. The most effective of them is following a diet. Nutrition must fully satisfy the body's needs and ensure its protection from a wide variety of diseases.

It's best to go to fractional meals. That is, eat relatively small portions several times a day. With this approach, constipation during pregnancy occurs very rarely and does not have serious consequences. In addition, the following recommendations must be followed:

    • it is advisable to completely remove from the diet coffee and strong black tea, pastries and white bread, bananas, and other foods that “tighten” the stomach, lead to the formation of gases and cause constipation during pregnancy;
    • no fatty or fried, too salty and spicy. However, this requirement helps prevent not only constipation during pregnancy, but also many other diseases;
    • all dishes containing a large amount of protein should be eaten in the morning so that they have time to be properly digested;
    • For dinner it is recommended to eat kefir or other fermented milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Everything else is heavy food, which is best left for the first half of the day;
    • It is very important to drink as much fluid as possible. Minimum – one and a half liters per day. You can drink a glass in the morning warm water With lemon juice which prevents constipation during pregnancy;

You can also include dried fruits in the menu, vegetable oils. For a pregnant woman, any pasta, fatty meat and any fats of animal origin, rice and semolina porridge. In addition, it is very undesirable to consume preserves and canned foods that use spices, marinades, or any chocolate products. This diet is difficult to follow, but it will help prevent or eliminate constipation during pregnancy, and will also help beneficial effect on fetal development.

To avoid feeling hungry while following a diet, you can use fiber, which is sold in every pharmacy. We recommend mixing it with kefir or other fermented milk products– this allows you to make any snack more nutritious and healthy.

To avoid constipation during pregnancy, you need to move as much as possible. Walking, relaxing in nature or by the pool, light morning exercises and evening gymnastics will improve digestion. But before regular walks, it still wouldn’t hurt to consult a doctor so as not to risk the health of your unborn baby. You can massage, but avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach and intestines. The following gymnastics helps a lot:

  • smooth squats. In later stages, it is better to hold on to a chair to reduce the load on the body;
  • exercises from a lying position - “bicycle” and “scissors”;
  • tension and relaxation of the sphincter;
  • pelvic lifts from a supine position.

Each exercise must be performed at least 10 times.

To summarize, we can list several basic preventive measures that can prevent constipation during pregnancy:

  • a diet prepared with the participation of a qualified specialist;
  • physical activity within the limits established for pregnant women;
  • regular consumption of liquids - plain water, decoctions and compotes of dried fruits, fruit drinks, herbal tea;
  • only positive emotions. Constipation during pregnancy can be caused nervous stress and depression that arises for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is best to exclude these reasons in advance, if possible.

Negative consequences of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy can and should be treated. Under no circumstances should you simply ignore the problem, as its consequences can be very unpleasant:

  • deterioration general condition, nausea, migraine;
  • poisoning feces, which are slowly eliminated from the body;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • inflammation of the rectum and other intestinal diseases;
  • deterioration of condition skin. Peeling skin and sagging are not very pleasant problems, which are caused by constipation during pregnancy;
  • negative impact on the growth and development of the fetus.

In addition, medicinal laxatives designed to treat constipation during pregnancy can create a serious risk of miscarriage, so it is very important not to escalate the situation to their use. It is better to use preventive and traditional methods of treatment in advance, which will not cause any harm to the unborn baby.